provisions of Sunshine Law by adop prior January 10th This Year resolution time location reg commission this of January to file the reports tax and there is not a municipal Amy Henderson Riley is here this evening to do that for us Amy thank you for running this day number one to get this group together but go right ahead excellent thank you everyone my name is here from the library and we're here on of the col advisory for health so we're here to report results from the um resent survey that we help so we'll just give a quick summary of those results so as you know mayor and Commissioners formally established advis Heth in April in 2023 and we're an advisory repard which means we give advice we advise and we give recommen recommendations on public health matters that are important to col so in order to do so we deploy short five minute survey that was live for several months this spring we promoted this on the bur's Facebook page at Town prior as well as at the public library that have copies and we wrote the questions together and had the response options to better understand what residents needs and priorities are uh we had 178 respondents who answered um here in the report that it just passed out are more of their demographics most importantly respondents asked to name what the top five priorities were for themselves and their families here in Collingwood the number one priority for residents in Collingwood public and road safety which was named by nearly half of respondents second mental health named by 43.3% of respondents food security and hunger named by around onethird of respondents racism and discrimination named by more than a quarter of respondents and older homes in the bur and their up also named by around quarter of respondents so this is very important for us to understand what respondents needs are and what some proposed Solutions are um we had multiple respondents who asked for more information for example about The Advisory Board and how we might go about as a town tackling some of these issues so as a board we came up with four recommendations for the mayor and Commissioners number one we think we need to introduce the public health Advisory Board to the bu uh via this meeting but also via bur channels for example social media posts or piece in the town prior second we'd like to recommend the B consider options to address pressing Public Safety and road safety concerns namely pedestrian safety of the B and to bigy back on that a lot of that is already being done but maybe we're not promoting that people our third of four recommendations to increase communication regarding Current public health efforts such as crosswalk and sidewalk improvements to be AA accessible Dei trainings that are happening in The Bu infrastructure improvements Etc and finally possible we'd like to recommend that The Bu allocate even some small funding for Fusion public health programs and evaluation so we help to alleviate some of so that is our report and we welcome question comments thank you very much I I think there's some things can do on the communications especially in terms of newspaper space we put it into social media right and and and well the weet is where I wrote down like you know other other events to try to highlight that you exist number one right and then also just highlight some of the work that but appreciate you do you going through it yeah I say not only this is great to kind of give us a sense of what our community sees support but also sort of gives us a mandate in many ways something to work on so people can understand that even if a particular individual I don't really see but your neighbors and often times you look at things in The Silo of our own life and it doesn't always capture community so I appreciate the advisor work you did I think it's important part and um look forward to finding ways to imp so thank you to both you the entire thank you okay second reading of public hearing of ordinance 1787 amending chapter 163 227 and 237 of the Cod B coun so this is simply making a couple language changes basically the word certificate of occupancy in our ordinance have been generically used in in ways in which a TR certificate of occupancy so we've changed those things to tenant certificates make them more appropriate and more specifically identifiable to what they being issues um this is a public hearing on this anyone like to be heard on this ordinance okay may yes yes yes public comment on the resolutions so this is any public comment on what the remainder of the agenda item items are if you have any questions or comments about any of those items Mr clingerman I don't want to single out but okay no we have none go ahead okay uh appointing full-time police officer to the College of police department John Kirkby Andy so these are uh these officers are about to start the academy um where they're being appointed so they go start the academy swearing in the one Pap process yes yes appointing Derek Mohler as volunteer member of the col fire department yes all shared service agreement with Cy County for street sweeping of County grads yes yes aliz shared service agreement with Cy County for municipal Alliance yes yes authoriz change order number one for South to sou St for the Harrison Avenue uity project yes yes of a property located at the at block 113 lot one more commonly known as 300 p as a condemnation area we need Redevelopment so this is what was formerly the engim service station right that's what this one service okay it's the engine service station down on grounding Road it's a gas station that has been empty for many moves now uh has a lot of environmental contamination we've made it now a r Development Area the next resolution talks about authorizing moving forward with acquisition um if necessary to the property taken the purpose being we want we tried to work tried to work with the owners that uh that the B will have a greater ability to get funding to help clean this up um and to try to get it back into a productive use so that's what this is about and the next resolution as well yes yes and authoriz the acquisitions [Music] on ta I have I have to jump back skip over authorizing uh the purchase of a for F-150 Lightning four-wheel drive National a group to the National Source well Source well contract yes yes and just second I just want to point out for those that don't know that's an ed so that's $75,000 to get vehicle we've been looking this is I don't know what our third or fourth vehicle that we have now that's uh Lector charged and just sort of little steps that we can take so excited about yes off right the disposal of Bor equipment yes yes as ear for the plan board confli matters yes yes so Jeffrey what was it tell us what it was that was a it's a resolution to authorize to accept $75,000 of grant funding for the DCA to purchase personal protective equipment and deamidation equipment for our yeah so it's a resolution added to accept some free money from the state for firefighter yes and approving the painon look out for the fireworks weather permitting on Wednesday wed we always get the fourth when Thursday's the fourth and I just want to thank everybody for all their hard work for the um Pride event that we had and for our June te celebration they both went off without a hch and Tes a lot of FKS that happen all right open up the floor Mr anything oh I'm sorry this it's uh oh tomorrow tomorrow all day at the um the Scottish right is a blood drive going on WE Mark right cross the blood drive we stop out and support summertime's always always around time for blood um okay we're a jerked