[Music] [Music] [Music] now good afternoon everyone the meeting of the atanta County Board of Commissioners is called to order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mail to The hamton Gazette and has been posted on the Bolton boards in the county office building in Atlantic City Still Water building in Northfield and the county clerk's office in MA Landy uh prior to uh our opening prayer I would like to ask that we keep commissioner G and her family in our thoughts and prayers on the passing of her father Bill G who's been a lifelong resident of ATA County and our sincere cond condolences to you and your family M May yes also that line same line we certainly like to keep uh the Logan family uh Reverend Logan uh then Logan service was over this weekend we keep the Logan family in our prayers and thoughts and also uh keep the Corbin family uh Reverend Joseph Corbin uh from Atlantic City uh past week just the other night and so we want to keep the families out pray than Comm we'll have a moment in silence thank you okay we'll have the opening prayer God we thank you for the Wonder of your presence each day help us to realize the possibilities in each one of us and be a positive influence on others in all that we say and do and help us remember that all we Face we face with you amen amen please stand for the FL SL to the FL United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all Bas here fortino here Burns here corsey da here G here Parker pres grizley here K here okay uh Commissioners have had uh an opportunity to review the minute from December 19th 2023 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the uh December 19 2023 minutes as presented second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Ballas any uh commissioner comments I'm going to obene thank okay we have a roll call Bas yes bertino yes Burns Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries Commissioners have also had an opportunity to review the minutes from January 2nd 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the January 2nd 2024 minutes as presented so move moveed by commissioner rley second by commissioner Gad any comments okay call Bas yes patino Burns Cory da yes G Parker yes rizley yes turn yes motion carries uh just a little notice that anyone attending in person that would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and you would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak and that's a little different from the way we've been having this on WebEx okay uh on behalf of the board we would like to thank County Executive levenson for taking the time today to share his 2024 budget message with us for the work that he and his administration do each day on behalf of Lana County residents ensuring services are available that our roads and bridges are maintained and for making Atlanta County a great place to live County Executive well thank you very much it is a pleasure to be here by the way in my condition it's a pleasure to be anywhere I used to be security here before I became Fe here thank you sir for all your years of oh this is my pleasure um we have another good budget everybody and uh thanks to hardworking Administration and the the help of the Freeholder board trimming it to where it is very proud of it I'm very proud of you all good afternoon chairwoman Kar and Commissioners I join you today to present the 2024 executive budget message while the state had once again changed its budget instructions and adoption dates which affect our own budget introduction I would like to use this opportunity to provide an overview of the state of the county and how our budget is shaping up by Statute we have to do it now even though we're not going to have this uh completed Atlanta County taxpayers can be assured that County government continues to operate at a high level maintaining our top Tier credit ratings and low debt tax stability and a surplus for unanticipated circumstances our conservative fiscal management and long-term planning remain Hallmarks of Atlanta County government for which we are justly proud but no one should assume that because we are proficient at what we do that is not difficult that it is not difficult work with new challenges each year it would be easy for some to be satisfied with our success and recognition as the finest run county in the state it would be easy for some to be content to rest on their Laurels without taking chances or pursuing new goals but that has never been the mindset of my Administration our goal is to leave Atlantic County better than we found it for the enjoyment and prosperity of our children and grandchildren and as we well know that takes consistent hard work and dedication can I start over for you guys s that's right appreciate just leaving our own meeting one area where we have made great strides is in the development of an aviation and Aeronautics industry to help diversify our regional economy in 2019 we opened the first building at the national Aerospace research and Technology department now is fully occupied with the likes of NASA the FAA General Dynamics Thunderbolt Solutions and more this past October we held a groundbreaking ceremony for the second building at the park with 8 million in funding committed and another 10 million in potential State funding if that doesn't come through we will come through as a county the 40,000 squ ft building will be constructed and maintained by the Atlanta County Improvement Authority now I'd like to take a moment to thank the freeholders that were on the board when we decided we would go ahead with this Aviation part and it wasn't a heavy sell because we knew we had to diversify but when the freeh holders asked me things like who are the tenants we don't have any who are the prospective tenants we don't have any of them either but I believe it'll work and we have to work together everybody to a person was in favor of this and it made it possible anybody that detracted from it would have made it possibly very impossible cuz how do you explain it we don't have them and you know it wasn't a build it and they will come cuz that was a movie and this is real life the Atlanta County Economic Alliance is working with industrial re Reality Group LLC one of the largest industrial real estate developers in the country to promote the development of 400 acres of land at the Atlantic City International Airport for use as an air cargo Hub and aircraft repair and maintenance facility the accea joined Atlanta County and the South Jersey Transportation Authority in a shared service agreement for a transportation infrastructure study to identify what improvements will be needed to support and sustain future Airport cargo development uh Additionally the accea is planning to develop a local aircraft Training Academy this is our future we have Diversified it's not just tourism and gaming this of course in the future people say who was farsighted enough to allow this to occur and we did freeh holders and we're in this together and we can all take credit it's interesting how many people are on board now you know victory has a thousand Fathers as you all know and you know in the beginning it was a it was a heavy lift it was also announced at the October groundbreaking that local developer Leo chauffeur of chauffeur Enterprises intends to build a four-story 111 room Hotel adjacent to the ntp that will include restaurants at 24,000 square foot convention center and two more hotels in later phases it's happening it's reality to further supplement these efforts and meet the demand of a growing industry the Atlanta County Institute of Technology held its own groundbreaking last June for a $53 million $133,000 square ft career Career and Technical building to house and expand Ed Academy of Aviation studies the academy is fully matriculated with Atlantic Cate Community College a uh an a Aviation studies program so students can pursue a pilot certification or associate degree the one thing when we had these studies you know they talked about not coming here because of we didn't have an educated Workforce and this is what we're aiming at they can't use that excuse anymore in fact the AIT is a Blue Ribbon School one of the top high schools in the uh in the state of New Jersey the Atlanta County Workforce Development board continues to expand job training programs to meet demands of this and other growing Industries such as health care manufacturing and Technology it also offers programs to benefit area employers that may be struggling with labor shortages or looking to add to their Workforce the Workforce Development board remains focused on providing resources to build careers and businesses throughout Atlanta County in 20 uh 24 it will work with school districts to identify all the available vocational programs and create a pool of Next Generation employees to help transition students into career paths with established local business to help County government attract applicants fill vacancies and strengthen our own Workforce we will hold and participate in job fairs and consider new strategies to Target potential employees last year we began to increase the starting salaries of many positions to remain competitive with other employers at the same time we recognize the need to promote efforts to retain existing employees we were able to negotiate contracts beyond the 2% allowable for local governments uh to raise their budgets so we are beyond that and you know the way inflation is right now and and what's going on it's something that we should do but of course it added to our expenses from what we've been told this increase in salaries has had a positive impact as we move toward uh forward we may also consider hybrid work schedules where feasible and it works these hybrid work schedules these adjustments equate to 3.78% growth in salaries or 3.2 million total based on negotiations with eight of the 23 bargaining units other expenses have increased 8 16.5% for an overall $6.3 million increase money well spent much of our disappointment much to our disappointment an attempt to help lower the cost of health benefits for our employees and ultimately reduced costs for taxpayers was rejected by the state after 8 months of discussion and initial Improvement approval the plan we proposed was the developed by an insurance broker that had already implemented a similar plan in Hunton County three6 Employees agreed to move into the plan that would have saved nearly 750,000 the first year and up to 4.4 million in 5 years and even more if additional employees were to make the switch during the 5-year period we had a meet with seven 17 bargaining units which is what we did like hting cats getting everybody to agree but we assured them this is going to save our employees money we also save the taxpayers money at the 11th Hour the state told us you can't do that and we said why not well we're still waiting for an answer we only learned the state's disapproval in late November and were then forced to return the employees to their original plans we will continue to work with the broker to find a plan that may be acceptable to the state and provide a more affordable health care options for employees which means we got to go back and sit with 17 bargaining units and get them to agree and uh it's it's a it's a tough sell but we got it done and then we got uh you know cut off at the kns by the state but the state needs to do better on January 8 2024 state legislators overwhelmingly passed the bill to increase salaries for themselves and their staffs by 67% we try to cut they increase and when we do cut they won't let us repeat that that's 67% that's not a typo the governor has until today to sign it into law if he does New Jersey will now have the highest paid part-time legislators in the country the sponsors of the legislation said it was needed to keep talented officials in the public sector and remain competitive with the private sector so the quality of government does not suffer does anybody in their wildest imagination think that people that run for the Senate and the assembly you know are doing it because uh they're not going to run because the salary is too low it's an honor to run it's an honor to serve and unfortunately or fortunately depending which side you're on that increase will take place if the governor signs it local governments are facing the same dilemma and our employees are on the front lines providing essential programs and services yet we must adhere to a 2% cap and try to find a balance that satisfy both our employees who want competitive salaries and benefits and our taxpayers who want to contain costs and lower taxes in 2023 local government employees who participated in the state health benefits plan were hit with an unexpected and unprecedented 24% increase in their premium costs now they were hit with a 24% increase in their premium costs while the state of newers Jersey union members saw only a 3% increase in 2024 these same employees will be faced with an additional 7% our employees such exorbitant increases make this balancing act all the more difficult be nice if we all were pulling in the same direction State County Municipal but uh it's a dream that is not yet to fulfill when we find a way to reduce cost for both employees and taxpayers with our proposed health benefit plan it was rejected at the 11th Hour perhaps the state should work as hard as we are to find a cost effective health benefit alternate so the County Government Can more easily retain town and employees remain competitive and not allow the quality of programs and services to suffer after all our state legislators have just demonstrated with their votes how important they think that is the meow viw nursing home and rehabil rehabilitation center has been especially hard hit by the lingering impacts of Co most businesses have found ways to adapt Co to adapt So Co is more of an inconvenience than a catastrophe occurrence but in the case of me viw our nursing home and other long-term care facilities when there are two or more staff or residents with Co it is considered an outbreak and the facility is forced to close to admissions this produces a constant stop and start that hampers our ability to attract new residents a further complication is the Staffing shortage that have required us to contract for mandated nursing positions resulting in a budget increase of approximately 615,000 at me viw how many empty beds we have now Jerry probably about 85 today 85 empty beds and one of the main reasons for it is is Staffing it's a tough job we all know it is and uh you know we want it to work we want it to work well we can't have admissions if someone has Co it's an epidemic and we close down the op the opioid epidemic has caused irreparable damage across our nation the number of people who died from drug overdose in 2021 was over six times the number in 19 99 companies involved in the manufacturing distribution and sale of opioids are now being court ordered to pay for damages that they have inflicted New Jersey has thus far been awarded 641 million doll in settlement funds from opioid uh makers and Distributors that is being shared among 262 State subdivisions Atlanta County received nearly 600,000 in 202 three and establish a committee of Community Partners to identify the best use of these funds these will be dedicated funds with a focus on saving lives and providing treatment initial funding was made available to Aid individuals who seek assistance through an emergency room setting referrals and Transportation uh to addiction specialists and medication services are offered to help stabilize these individuals and Bridge them to recovery in 2024 County staff will be assigned to monitor this bridge program and work with a consultant develop a plan for future programming with additional opioid settlement funding this may include psychiatric Intervention Program for youth made the available with assistance of participating school districts over the past year Atlanta County has seen an increase in the Detention of individuals related to crime in August of 23 the Atlanta County prosecutor's office was recognized as having 48% detention rate more than twice the 18% Statewide average the office was also successful and obtaining 19 guilty verdicts on 19 homicide cases we know from Newton that every action has an equal and opposite reaction so as we're arresting these bad guys well we have to house them we have to feed them we have to secure them we have to medicate them and in many cases educate them it's expensive so you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't but uh I know we all sleep a little more soundly knowing a lot of these bad guys are uh being incarcerated we applo we applaud efforts to enforce the law and remove criminals from our streets and neighborhoods but we also recognize their imp impa on increasing costs associated with the prosecutor's office youth detention and our Justice Facility uh an additional 3 million will be required in the 2024 budget to house youth in detention facilities it's 3 million what do you do can't change people to the wall and we don't wish them we want to rehabilitate them at the same time but it is a costly proposition the office of Youth Services exploring community-based programs to help high-risk youth avoid detention we will also explore opportunities for a regional jail as part of a state funded study there is pending legislation to create an authority to administer jail services for any County that becomes part of a regional rehab and re-entry Center the study finds fiscal efficiency and administrative Effectiveness with a Regional Jail concept we will discuss how to move forward I uh from what I've read uh Commissioners it seems to me like the way to go they share the costs and uh know because right now it is out of hand here in Atlanta County and if we don't expand our own facilities and that's going to be costly and uh believe me as soon as you have an open bed it's going to be full so maybe a regional approach is the way to go at least that's what I'm thinking about maybe put that in the back of your minds because you're all going to have to agree Atlanta County will also award a contract for a feasibility study of centralized fire emergency services and a 9911 call center as a shared service agreement this past year the county worked with a Harvard Township and the Board of Ed to obtain 400,000 and shared service grants funding for the installation of lighting at the High School field another 400,000 for Atlantic City to purchase a pothole repair vehicle that will be available for the use of multiple municipalities uh yeah freeholders we're going to do another study for 9/11 consolidation I know some of you must be thinking am I glutton for punishment the way the last one uh turned out but uh you know if we don't consolidate we don't do more with less uh don't complain when the response time in many areas is uh unacceptable New Jersey currently has the third highest unemployment rate in the nation Atlanta County remains one of the poorest counties in the state as a result the number of residents who receive economic assistance and benefits continues to climb there are approximately 35,000 residents receiving food stamps 52,500 on Medicaid 1,500 on temporary assistance that's tan we call welfare now and a thousand receiving general assistance in addition to other programs that support welfare despite its own Staffing shortages the Department of Family and Community Development remains committed to meeting the growing demand and processing cases in a timely manner our planning and Engineering staff will continue to work to improve County roads and bridges that will include the reconfiguration of the Brigantine Circle reconstruction of lakes Creek Bridge in a harbard Township and the raising of a portion of Shore Road in abin from Ohio to Illinois Avenue that continuously floods as everybody knows we will also begin work on the installation of a cfer dam at Lake leny in MA Landing approximately $750,000 for Public Work supplies will be included in 2024 budget to help maintain County roads and bridges we have 375 miles of County roads here in Atlanta County that we are responsible for not just Municipal and uh and and federal and state this is what we are responsible 375 this is necessary as Motor Vehicles find from Municipal Court cases have diminished providing the less funding to the county for this purpose to help reduce cost at the municipal at Central municipal court for the 10 participating towns the county was able to successfully negotiate a decrease in the cost of security lowering the expense from 1.2 million uh to 625,000 and if passed new legislation will require All State cases to be heard in the municipality of origin rather than being heard in a central Municipal Court this will drastically reduce case loads and further reduce cost and efficiency the municipal court is working regardless what you may have heard it would work a lot better if the towns that are not in didn't send us all of their their State uh uh problems we have it all and we didn't reckon for that and that's a shame that that is occurring we're waiting for legislation to correct this in other words in Hamington or in the which is not part of the Municipal Court they get a state case they don't have it we have it and for those of you that feel that this Municipal Court is also doing Social Services in your local courts you don't have social services in that Court we do so when these people come in they're alcoholics they're drug Afflicted they're mental cases in many cases we can serve them right there right at the source hey you want help come on with us and that's what this Municipal Court means so hopefully more towns will look at this as a benefit of course you won't be able to hire your own judge your own prosecutor your own administrative C staff so that would be the downside the division of facilities management will be involved in several projects this year which include the construction of a new 10,000 ft Warehouse the existing Warehouse was provided to the superintendent of Elections for storage of our new voting machines and Pole books facilities management will also install a new water flow system at the county jail complete roof Replacements at 4 facilities repaved several parking lots and replace drainage at the gway library branch a new Energy savings program will address air conditioning and heating systems at the Civil courthouse and the county jail and provide LED lighting Replacements companies that want to do business with the county are able to register access information and bid specifications through the new online purchasing portal staff will focus on greater Outreach to businesses in 2024 to promote participation and increased response to bids and requests for proposals the division of Information Technology continues to make upgrades to enhance the County's network security employees also receive cyber security training to help them identify suspicious activity and prevent threats to our system under direction of the public information officer and the County Web Master the county has been working to create a new County website using a Content management system platform that provides enhanced security ADA compliance opportunities for increased input from County employees and greater citizen engagement the site is expected to launch in the next two to three months at this time last year I mentioned that the lawsuit between the county and the state regarding the casino pilot funding was at a standstill with no movement towards resolution sadly not much has changed over the last 12 months I've been giving you the same story every time every year they're not budging all we're asking them to do is at least talk to us they've ignored us how many how many cases have we won so far Chim we won three times repeat that we've won three times the state continues to appeal they owe us 14 million so imagine what we'd be talking about right now if they met their obligations why should you all be paying taxes for the casinos pilot program it's not what we bargain for it's not what our taxpayers bargain for and you know in the state of New Jersey if you WI a case you have a right to appeal now after the first appeal most of us would run out of money but since the state's using our money they're going to appeal for a second time and they lose a second time and what do they do they appeal for a third time we win all the time if you call that winning because we have to pay for court calls we have to pay for attorneys and hopefully we be able to uh recruit this man but tell you you again it's 14.1 million they owe us oh well so we do however plan to use 16 million of surplus or approximately 50% of the available funding this is what we've done every year we take 50% of the Surplus we keep 50% so for those that don't understand budgets and I'm not being condescending you need that Surplus if if you use it what happens next year and God forbid if there is an emergency so this is what we've been doing year after year it's good budgeting with what we know now the county tax levy would be 178 17854 there are still discussions about the County's equalized value but the general purpose tax rate would be 43 cents and it's down less than set but it's down once the municipal values are submitted to the board of Taxation the final rate will be determined it will be made available within the next few months when we formally introduce our 2024 budget as I mentioned earlier in this message the preparation of our annual budget is extensive and requires a cooperation and contributions of many people throughout County government our fiscal teams do a tremendous this job year round this year in particular we have had more new Personnel who have stepped up to challenge to the challenge under the direction of County Administrator Jerry do raso Deputy County Administrator Diana rala Treasurer Bonnie Lindell controller Todd ritell administrative services department head Tommy Robbins and budget manager Julie shy every year I put Linda Gilmore in here and every year Linda Gilmore takes her name out but she is an integral part of this Administration I am also appreciative to the control continued support and input from the Board of Commissioners by the way with this talented staff that I just mentioned we also have a budget committee made up of Commissioners who uh I believe uh could uh uh could show every County how to put a budget together along with our professionals they've worked hard and it's paid off they take pride in their work and do their due diligence to help us provide a coste effective and efficient government without ever sacrificing the quality of our services I look forward to working with you once again and know that our shared commitment to serve the best interests of our residents will continue to take us far thank you all and God bless you [Applause] thank you County Executive Lon uh and now we have the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr Community Spirit Award presented by Atlanta County Executive Dennis levenson you know if one more person asks me incredulously that's Cory's wife he married up like I did and uh I know my wife is the wind beneath my wings and I know that Leslie is for Earnest you know we were looking for someone to honor and Lind the Gilmore mentioned how about Leslie corsy and I said uh sure show me the resume well you know if the spirit of Dr King besides civil rights has been with education and what he's pushed nobody has dedicated themselves more to the educate educating our young people than Leslie Cory and this is an award that I guess long overdue so on behalf of a very grateful Community thank you Leslie for all you've done for our [Music] community ER you want to ruin the picture [Music] I don't want my to be good evening everyone wow this is such an honor Linda I did not know that you did this but thank you um I won't mention which commissioner told me to be brief so I wrote wrote a little quick speech and I hope that you enjoy it um first thank you to Mr levenson for selecting me to receive this award it is such an honor and I am humbled I would also like to thank all of the County Commissioners and especially my husband who exemplifies so much of Dr King's message my family friends and colleagues present thank you so much for being here the three of you will four of you I have four in my section I appreciate you coming out I didn't expect any of you so this is extra special I want to thank also my children Dwayne and Ethan they are the reasons I became an educator in the first place so they're not here but I'm thankful for them and all of my former and current colleagues throughout the state I have been an educator for over 20 years so I have so many colleagues that I've worked with and have support me in the past and finally um I'd like to thank Mr Del raso I've been working with him so closely on the opioid committee and and wish to continue thank you for all of your support everything that you've done to help me um in this position when I came to Atlantic County and finally to all of the Atlantic County superintendents who I partner with every day to educate our 41,000 students in this County they're all very special to me and all of the superintendents work very hard to make sure they have a fair and Equitable education the work is not easy as you know education is just it's not easy right now but it is rewarding extremely rewarding when we see the Student Success Dr King said life's most persistent question is what are you doing for others and I answer that question I plan to continue serving as an educator role model and advocate for students and families in this County and throughout the state thank you [Applause] everyone I would like to congratulate ly white Cory on your award and thank you for all that you do to improve the lives of other very well deserved thank you I know you have a lot of supporters here and and I just not putting anybody on spot but the B they want to say a few words feel free to come up except for thank you thank you thank you any com Reserve she's a an asset to Elena County taxpayers for years um she's done a fantastic job in the education Community um we're very fortunate to have her her commitment to um students first is without questions and it's it's an honor to I to receive this but thank you for being here in Atlanta County and making us a better place to live for our children our families thank you thank you thank you uh any other commission comments I'd like to um congratulate you as well and I've had the opportunity I've had the how about that I've had my microphone is not working so I've had the opportunity of working with I was going to mess with Coursey but I won I had the opportunity of and pleasure of working with you not only um from the Commissioners and in the county but also in education being a teacher in Atlantic City so coming from that background and so my family and yours has worked in education and similar um areas you know 15 I've been in 15 years and so 20 years for you so 15 years now so I well deserved and I appreciate all that you do and all assistance I know sometimes and chair of education schools committee from so so those who don't know it was Leslie who forced him to give it to Ernie Ernie didn't want to give up that chair position so thank you for that and so working with you from the education school's chair has been a pleasure and I know sometimes I send over emails and questions and things that aren't exactly um your purview of your department and you always help me to know where to go and who to call so that I can get the information that I need so keep doing what you're doing and uh very proud thank you thank you thank you Comm I don't how you put up with that guy I'm sure she gets out of other commissioner comments let me just take this opportunity to thank the county executive and certainly to Linda for recognizing my wife for our saying a job that she does in Atlanta County but what she failed to tell yall was is that she oversees not only Atlantic County but K County straight that Salem County uh she is acting uh commissioner uh superintendent in Salem County as well uh she came from Clin County to Atlanta County um she thought she was getting away from being home so they kind of shifted her back here but right now she has a very difficult task to not only do Atlanta County but to do Salem County because of the shortage uh of employees across the state of New Jersey but she does outstanding job not because she's my wife because she is uh as Danny would say now if that's is that that coury's wife the answer is yes I've been very fortunate and blessed um to uh be a to be married uh almost 30 know 26 years in County uh to lesie but I'd be remiss uh Madam chair if I didn't recognize Les's Aunt Aunt Tracy uh is here today and bridet white who happen to be a trustee of Atlantic c community college but them two started uh together at Pleasant chared Tech uh over there in Pleasantville and so so um education's been a long time coming and um she enjoys her job but more importantly when I got the call that she was being H it I said to Linda this ain't no setup is it in terms we were joking around but I thank the county executive for thanking that not robbery uh to certainly honor uh my wife and certainly we thank the Commissioners uh as well for your remarks uh but she has a lot of work to do uh Jerry knows uh she's on the phone with Jerry and Jerry has answered the call when there been a problem over there Jerry I didn't tell you this but I'll tell you in public uh to you and the county executive uh I am told that they're looking for new office space they might be going over maybe they can find room at the new building you build out new airport look at his face look at his face she she PA me to that she going to talk this long I may consider never even than you thank you thank you so very much thank you uh right now if there's no other comments we will now take a brief recess uh to reset the road we are now back on ice and that brings us to our resolutions and we're going to start with resolution number 13 amending resolution number 513 adopted on September 19th 2023 a grant from the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services for the older Americans Act 2023 area plan contract net increase $5,784 okay by uh commissioner corsey second by commissioner G any um comments from the the Commissioners anything from the public okay well roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes corsey yes da sh yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion Carri resolution please Grant application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Family development for the 2024 Social Services for the homeless Grant amount not to exceed $66,000 move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments hearing none any comments from the public okay we have roll call Bas yes bertino Burns Forsey yes B yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution number 15 please C an application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General for the state fiscal year 2024 Law Enforcement Officers Training and Equipment fund Grant amount not to exceed 9,322 59 move second like commissioner B second inv by uh commissioner days and commissioner comment see none anything from the he we'll have a roll call Bas yes bertino yes Burns yes Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries that brings us into our professional service agreements with resolution 16 please Professional Services agreement with Adcom engineering limited liability company to conduct a feasibility study for the centralized call center and Dispatch Center for fire and EMS amount not to exceed $137,200 move by commissioner Wiley second by commissioner bino any commissioner comments yes chair like say a couple I want to thank all those who participated in interviewing and scoring the the applications uh very important this is a topic that's uh been around for quite a while as we know and uh we get a lot of questions I particularly get a lot of questions about this from uh the western part of the county and other parts the county as well so this is an important issue and I'm glad to see it's moving thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we have a roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes Cory da yes G Parker grizzley yes K yes motion carries uh we're now resolution 17 Professional Services agreement with beer Oaks EAP services with the liability company for the provision of an employee assistance program and now to receive $27,000 move move like commissioner rley seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public hey Woll call Bas fortino Burns corsey da yes G Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries that brings us to competitive contracts with resolution 18 for competitive contract with Monarch housing Associates Incorporated for the provision of homeless consultant Services amount not to exceed $53,000 motion second I think we have moved by commissioner Martino seconded by uh commissioner G any commissioner comment M yes yeah to Jerry um for this $53,000 I mean we already know there is a homeless problem in Atlanta County what are they going to do for the 53,000 what they do is they they conduct all the meetings and then they help us write the grant or we we get uh probably 3/4 of a million now we used to be by 500,000 so they they've done you know a lot then they conduct all the meetings there are probably uh 25 to 30 agencies that meet monthly and then whatever comes out of those meetings they follow up with everybody to if there were like action items then they take the action items and make sure that they get done so they they do a lot of work for us I mean it used to be a staff person that did that and the staff person couldn't do their own job I mean so that was the issue we either take a St person and do this or we we take this company now this company's been doing this for a while and we're we're required in order to get um the thing called the continue of care for the homers in in order for you to be eligible for those dollars we you've got to we've all got to sign off on that in other words the county ex got agree that we that we would do this and we bring the the monies you you you don't see the actual Grant what you see is is the work that they do Monitor and that that's really what you're saying is they they physically have on on hand they go to all of the the individuals they help monitor the work that they do so there there are probably 12 entities that get money through this what they call conium of care and they actually monitor them and then if they do not meet the requirements of the grant they come back to what we call the Continuum of Care we have an executive board they then bring those issues back to the executive board executive board then have to take you know has to take action on on whether or not they get the continuance of the money for the for the next cycle they're constantly busy right I know they have a lot of meetings and they've been around a long time right but are we are we getting anywhere well we are we we expand as you said about $250,000 and and I mean I don't know if everybody know I mean there they've been working with the state on uh looking at a potential shelter in this area so that's moving [Music] forward about thank you have said something so yes and so they're they're working on on the shelter we we we work on getting beds uh other than what's at the rescue mission so they they worked on on that we received money from the state for code blue and they worked with uh forest and his staff for us Gilmore family Community Development to uh get a contractor to help us with code blow please okay good so the administration is happy with that yes perfect sorry thank you commissioner thank thank you Mr D also for the explanation any other commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public roll call alas yes rotino Burns Cory yes G Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries that brings us resolution 19 pleas renew competitive contracts with various vendors for the provision of Home Care Services Under the Homemaker Division of Welfare and Statewide respit care Grant programs amount not exceed $45,000 move than move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public hey we'll have a roll call Alice yes bertino yes Burns Cory da yes G yes Parker yes rizzly yes Kar yes motion carries resolution 20 please competitive contract with Jewish Family Services to provide a head step down program amount not to exceed $12,000 move by commissioner uh Ballas seconded by move by commissioner Ball seconded by commissioner G any comments from our commissioners seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we have a w call bis yes bertino yes Burns yes Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes Kar yes motion carries now we go to our bid contracts with resolution 21 please B contract with Alan Corman and Son Incorporated for a helicopter rental and M for I'm sorry for mosquito surveillance amount not to exceed $143,500 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner days any commissioner comments mam chair yes I'm going to support the resolution through through you to Jerry we as only client that's I remember there used to be a small amount but now these numbers are getting bigger and bigger and bigger so what they do 3,000 four times a year for us now it's about 70 hours 70 hours 70 hours yes he I think he went through that Doug went mqu director went through with the budget subcommittee yesterday it's I'm I'm just I remember it used to be 40,000 right spr by drone I'm sorry maybe someday we'll be able to spray by drone matter of fact we might even send you up we we have a drone by the way we do use the Drone out there this this is a Mr Abdel he can probably tell you he went for the training went for the training got certified whatever we and we bought his drone so they do they do use that any other commissioner comments same heing none anything from the public hey we have a roll call Bas yes fortino Burns yes Forsey yes da yes G yes Barker yes grizle yes K yes motion carries that BR resolution 22 for no bid contract with golf car Specialties for the leasing of 65 electric and or gas powered golf carts one beverage C and up to two utility vehicles for use at Green Tree Golf Course amount not to exceed $4,940 moved by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments same hearing not anything from the public okay we have a roll call Bas yes Martino Burns corsey da yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries bring this to resolution number 23 please change order number one a contract with Rich fire protection for the installation of a clean agent fire suppression system at the sheriff's office that increased $440,000 second moved by commissioner G seconded by commissioner d uh any commissioner comments same hearing none anything from the public okay we have a roll call alas yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries under our miscellaneous resolutions we start with resolution 24 commodity resale agreement with the city of estl Manor for the resale of Road saw and or Brian no cost second move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public okay we have a roll call Bas yes fortino FS yes fory da yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes Carri resolution 25 Keystone purchasing Network National Cooperative contract with modular genius Incorporated to furnish deliver and install modular buildings at Harbor Fields Attention Center amount not to exceed $387,500 by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments yes Madam chair like to say that I want to commend Administration for the number 25 and number 26 which are coupled together and getting that Grant of $300,000 and moving so quickly on this it's so it's so needed so with that I say thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments St hearing none anything from the public he roll call Bas Martino Burns Cory da yes G Parker Grizzly yes K yes motion carries resolution 26 please shared services agreement with the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission for the purchase of trailers for educational services at Harbor Fields Attention Center amount not to exceed $300,000 so okay move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any comments from the Commissioners seeing hearing none anything from the public hey roll call Bas yes fortino Burns corsey g g Parker Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries us resolution 27 please alternate method contract with South Jersey Consultants limited liability company to provide administrative Andor special project support to Administration amount not to exceed $85,000 move by commissioner fory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we have roll call Bas rotino Burns corsey da G Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries resolution 28 please interent local agreement with Ruckers of State University of New Jersey to be used for the 2023 salaries of Cooperative Extension services staff members m not to exceed 265 $69 move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any comments from our commissioners comma yes one thank you madam chair uh these two uh resolutions we're doing two of them we went over this in the finance committee one was the salaries from uh Ruckers that was paid by Atlantic County as you know we partner with Ruckers College to provide extension service employees and stuff that we use throughout the land County through our farming communities these guys provideing valuable information across the board and I know this board's always been very vocal about its support and doing whatever the farmers need so I thank the board for that the second resolution you're going to see 29 today is Ruckers just finally come through with replacing someone that's left a little while ago and uh the Count's matching their salaries there was a little bit of an increase I think the counties had to pick up and I thank Administration and the Commissioners again for the support to do that this this will replace a couple of people people have been out for three or four or five years uh there's one more position you're going to hear me coming back to you guys on which is an IPM one uh for Pest Management the Ruckers has uh now replaced this guy since 2008 uh one of the things like we and I'm arguing with the Rucker board a little bit that that's really needed because for Pest Management if you want to do away with pesticide use and do alternative means for Farmers to utilize and treat their crops this guy's position is really valuable Ruckers likes to have us have him doing 18 jobs at the same time not just the job is uh you know The Pest Management but he could be utilized in this County in the actually in the in Cape main County as well so I just want to thank the board and bringing up the speed I know you guys we've been talking about this the last couple years when we have the ad committee meetings which will be coming up again I think the ACT night will be was just mentioned so I want to thank the commissioner for you guys support and doing this in the past thank you commissioner any other comments from our commissioners see hearing none anything from the public he call bastino Burns Cory B yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 29 please and our local agreement with Ruckers of State University of New Jersey to be used for the 2024 salaries of Cooperative Extension Service staff members amount not to exceed 30424 move second motion made by uh commissioner rley and second commissioner G any comments from our commissioners seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we'll have a roll call bis fortino Burns Cory da yes G Parker grizzley yes K yes motion carries raes to resolution 30 please agreement with the city of epan and the New Jersey Department of Transportation concerning the installation and operation of emergency preemption equipment to expedite the movement of emergency vehicles at the intersections in the city of EPA okay move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public okay we'll have a roll call Ballas yes bertino yes Burns yes Cory yes B yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution 31 please alternate method contract with Center ja's international corporation to provide maintenance services for The Advocate and admin AP software for the Department of Family Community Development am now to exceed $4,225 60 mooved by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public okay we have a roll call bastino Burns Cory da yes G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 32 alternate me a contract with computer Square Incorporated to provide annual software maintenance service for infoshare records management used by the prosecutor's office amount not to exceed $57,000 okay move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we have roll call bis yes fortino Burns Cory St yes G Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 33 please amending resolution number 709 adopted on December 19th 2023 a competitive contract with CFG Health Systems limited liability company for the provision of medical and Healthcare Services to inmates of the Atlanta County Justice Facility and harborfield juvenile detention center that increased $ 26,834 move by commissioner and secondly by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we'll have a roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes fory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolutions number 34 and 35 appointments move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing none anything from the public okay roll call Cino Burns Cory face G Parker grizley yes K yes carries that concludes the written portion of our agenda uh we're going to go into written Communications and petitions uh we have received copies of written communication petitions and commissioner comments chair Mr thank you um I think for each of us as commission has recently have receiv received some correspondence I relating to from our state senator and from our County Executive uh relating to some thoughts and concerns about the uh insurance commission um being one of the original members that was here when we started the insurance commission and why we did it its purpose was set forth was really pretty clear it was to by combining insurances and risk management um we were trying to save people of a County money with insurance uh because of settling claims uh those that remember a few years ago when the dam and um I believe we had in the Hamilton town I think dick Squire might have been here at the time uh when there was a rupture there a lot of the damage that was done the uh people of Atlanta County the residents B the cost for um for the repairs and stuff through higher insurance cost now being U that as it may I I I think in if it's see how the board feels I think this might be an opportunity for us to review uh the commission to make sure that it's original intent which is really spelled out in its bylaws and rules that it operates under is that it's there to save taxpayers money that the original intent is being followed um as it was devised and developed years ago so um it's okay I think for us as Commissioners to occasionally review commissions and committees that we put in place we put them in place that's a benefit to County residents and I'm sure there's um and I fool with insurance in my my par my job my career so I deal with insurance and all the time um there's opportunities for savings and I'm sure Atlanta County's taking advantage of that uh because it is U when you're doing premiums uh you don't want to be you're you're measuring risk against the um you know management of it and preventive uh preventive measures but um I think we should just review that as part of one of the the Committees we have um just my thoughts on it I'd be happy to you know participate in it we do have some committees that are available that can probably handle the purview of it but I think it's good to go through this again make sure it's doing as it was in Incorporated and we're getting the information uh as it should be I don't see anything off the cuff wrong but that's why you look at stuff so yeah exactly so it looks like um we could put that under the county code Review Committee and uh we'll give that to the chairperson I think uh commissioner days so if anybody wants to you know give up their position on that for anybody else it feels like that they would really like to be a part of it it can go through commissioner okay okay yes I wasn't going to say anything but I'm not going to miss this opportunity so I'm not disagreeing with with Vice chair and his assessment I think all of us most of will not say this publicly I am so glad that one for one I think we all glad and we've all heard and seen in the paper and on the radios the show that went on regarding the Comm sh commission board Etc uh what a embarrassment uh to county of Atlantic period no no elected official should take that kind of fight uh to the Airways and to the paper the way they did right whether we agreed or disagree I take exceptions to the fact that where he said the Commissioners freeholders had no clue far from the truth we voted it we created it and um you know to put out misinformation if you disagree with the process that's one thing to say that we knew nothing about it it basically had people in in the public saying you knew nothing about it you voted oh yeah we know about because we we voted for it over the last couple years as recently as last year a it again years every 3 years and so um the inside joke is said whether you're Democrat Republican or independent at the end of the day the taxpayers don't want to hear you Hing out your dirty laundry because you got a problem with whoever may get the contract I am so glad that the the board voted last week that's behind us but we got to move on and I I kind of agree with your assessment of going forward not that anything that I know have been done wrong or illegal um however don't put us in the middle of your political fight and so at the end of the day again I'll say what y'all not going to say um and I don't have a problem with that because at the end of the day there were people thinking this board those of us who have been around who voted to create it and who voted to renew it had no idea what we were talking about or didn't even realize we voted for far from the truth and so um I hope that chapter is behind us we move forward and that uh everybody need to be held accountable and so your suggestion couldn't have come at a better time thank you and he P me to say that but part of the purview that we have here and we're Commissioners we take our jobs very seriously corre you guys got a ton of experience here um um commissions are set up and they're put in place and we give them the authority to do that we need to periodically check not there's anything wrong but let's review the process and make sure this times are different today maybe there's some tweaking that needs to be done insurance industry changes all the time there may be some opportunities to make some adjustments or not we'll see on that committee uh in its review and stuff I think we'll be able to bring anything to light that should be brought to light in case of any changes need to be made check thank you any other commissioner comments and we as we also discussed and mentioned there may be other boards or commissions that you want to look at just you know take CER review we could do that part of the code review if there's some other ones that um that meet some of that criteria and we'll take a look at it yeah and if any commissioner knows of anything that they would like that committee to look at bring it to that committee as well thank you commiss no other comments on that does anybody else have any written communication or petitions that they would like to share at this time see here none any reports of special Committees of the board um Madam chair yeah I just want to give a update on a discussion we had in uh budget subcommittee at toward the end of last year um commissioner ppatrick was also at that point um we had discussed some um changes to salaries within the commissioner office um following the uh salary ordinance upgrade we did or update we did did um in the fall of last year I think it was um forgive me my mind very fuzzy these days um uh and I know that our recommendation was reviewed with Administration I think we made a couple of tweaks so I just just want to report out on that um so that will include um some slight C salary increases for um our staff from the Tara um our solicitor and that it will include increases for the commissioners um that was heavily discussed uh you know it's it's a it's a weird subject to talk about but um the commissioner board has not seen an increase uh since the '90s as I understand it and uh additionally uh at that time part of the compensation was health insurance and when that was taken away um there was never like an add to compensation there so um so overall uh we also have that open uh position in our office that we have opted not to fill and kind of piled on the responsibilities to our our three existing ladies um so the net budget change is uh just around $33,000 um so not a not a huge ad to the budget but just wanted to give an update there and anybody any questions on so I I I I certainly concur with our my colleague here you've been kicking this around one thing about Earnest I don't hi Absol abely nothing a couple years ago I say to be corrected we voted in the budget to raise salaries for our office for the count for the elected officials Etc and it never have taken effect and so as Amy indicated they took the health benefits under the mcdevit and administration at the time and the and the Commissioners was still at $20,000 never um rais their salaries in exchange if I was been here then I would say if you're taking the health benefit increase the salary a little bit it's not much money it's not a whole bunch of money that that you're talking about however we're not the assembly and the Senate that's going from 49 to 80 something right and we all have a responsibility and yes we take our job very seriously and at the end of the day um we don't need to hide behind it we voted on if you go back and look at the vote the public to look at the vote we made it very clear in the budget process in public hearing uh where the raises were going to go and who was going to be getting a race so it wasn't like we were hiding anything we just never implemented it um and I think it's high time that we go ahead and Implement and Amy's absolutely right we have three young ladies in the office and they do outstanding job they don't only just work for the nine of us they work for the county yeah believe it or not they get calls for everybody and for everything and you get what you pay for and I don't want to put anybody on the spot but I can almost rest assure that we probably pay the lowest to our staff than anybody uh when the county executive a few moments ago talked about the contracts and how we were able to move salaries up and move people up that was a good move that was the right thing to do right we've been stuck in this old age talk about no raes here since 1990 employees come in at an entry level for the county they leave CU they trying to make you know make ends meet for families right and so what happens is now we see it and we got employees now are happy that I had the best contract they've had in a long time they have opportunities now to move up and see increases as they go up and it wasn't easy getting there even during that whole budget process we talked about it we we met we had all kind of meeting every last one of us got um calls from unions and I don't know if any one Union does not have happy with the contract now that's right not one did all that complaint and it was some give and takes and at the end of the day we did the right thing and again that's a testimony to the administration and certainly to this board and so what we talked about Amy in our committee it's the right thing to do it's not a whole lot right um and we move forward and and I think that um it's healthy to have these conversations and because people think elected officials always hiding something they got nothing to hide uh um and again it's the right thing to do I just wanted to wait back in on that comment you thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments any other uh Commissioners any reports of special committees from any other Commissioners commissioner chair yeah I just want to mention that um South Jersey Economic Development district U had their reorganization meeting recently and I'm again the chair for this year yeah um and we reviewed the finances of the district and reviewed the audit report and we have the unmodified opinion which is the highest rating you can get opinions and audit reports uh the district is in excellent Financial shape the issue that we have is getting a new director it's been an extremely frustrating situation uh I've traveled to violand for many many times afternoons evenings being involved with interviews of potential people and it's been a a number of false starts we've had people in second interview and they declined for one reason or the other so it's uh been a very frustrating process but we're going to continue try to refine the right fit quite frankly for the district so with that U we uh we also have a new um office we only pay like $200 a month at rent on the Dy dag Island um we normally have our meetings at The Authority building in milville so that's that's what we normally have our meetings but U we will continue on and seeking a a new director L Joyce is the current director he's expressed to the board that he wishes to retire and it's important for us to get the right person into that position before Lou you know pulls the plug which he's told us he's not going to do until we find the right person it's important to have that smooth transition so thank you thank you commissioner are there any other commissioner reports of special committees what what seems to be the issues at the salary because now you can talk about this for a while I know I know extremely frustrating it's an 80 to 100 hour position a month that's what it is and the person that we're looking for needs to do a certain amount of administrative work but also has to be the right person to seek out projects and grants and work with the four counties to get these projects going and while we you know have interviewed number of people uh from all backgrounds uh it's been frustrating because many of them got to the second interview that we've done and for one reason or another they've pulled plug so uh we're you know it's a $65,000 position it's 80 to 100 hours a month it's certainly reasonable and that's where we'd like to stay in that particular position that particular box so we'll continue to look if you have any names we certainly pass them on to us thank you any other uh commissioner any other reports special see none any unfinished business see none uh any new business okay that brings us to public comment anyone attending in person that would like to speak now at public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside if you're attending virtually and you would like to make a public comment please raise your hand I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to three minutes to speak we have any comments we do we have a a gentleman Keith who has a question on yes can you hear me yes we can hear you terrific my name is Keith Fernandez I'm in bua Township in New Jersey I'm with automated lawn services we're a fully electric lawn care company we're primarily operating in Cherry Hill with some private schools there but this year we're looking to expanding atantic County we'll be deploying a fully Economist lawn mowing unit with gra lawn mowing um we're looking just to work with golf courses maybe some of these 370 M of Road you guys have we can also help you with maintenance thereare um if not us you guys would look in the Grays um they'll also be demoing their product with the Airfield autonomy initiative through Atlantic City Airport your Aviation Park and the Air Force Base um just looking to let you guys know that we exist thanks for your talk thank you very much Mr Hernandez uh is there anybody else from the public no see hearing none uh any comments for the good of the order the commissioner see hearing none I'll entertain a motion to adjourn May second all those in favor you're now [Music] adjourn [Music] [Music]