##VIDEO ID:Bkzr8Ud8us4## okay welcome everybody to the Conway select board meeting of Monday September 9th call the meeting to order um typically we move on to our guests that are here but we're still waiting on Jan so we'll just start at the beginning um and first on the agenda would be vote to approve the minutes of August 26 2024 uh motion to approve do look good to me I'll second all in favor I I I next item on the agenda of the warrants uh I went through all the warrants the um the uh payroll deduction warrant included um the new Cruiser the new uh police department Cruiser as well as the highway department loader compact loader that was very surprising to see both of those I was anticipating those to take a little longer so I'm happy to see that um everything else was status quo so I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve the Count's payable warrant w25 07 in the amount of $275 157 the payroll warrant PW 25-7 in the amount of $ 136,137 122 and the payroll deduction warrant in the amount of 29,000 $293.2 second all in favor I I I save you place of honor Jan I had to do this to you right when you're here but so you're not staying here all day sure no absolutely we'll go ahead skip to new business first item on the agenda is discuss and possible discussion and possible vote with Jan on bulky waste pricing and discussion with our transfer station employees who have um graced us with their presence today on the feedback to changes since the modified pisy throw program began in the areas that still need Improvement so um shall we start with the pay I'm sorry the bulky waste whichever however whichever way you want to go sure let's start with bulky way so um I didn't actually bring the uh I don't know if they're kind of final pricing just just the just the estimate just the numbers we put together yeah you have this yeah I have that I put that together so um just as far as background when when I came a little over a year ago or maybe it was two years ago now um to talk about uh to give you an overview of where Conway kind of ranks um compared to area towns or to the county towns in relation to trash tonnage generation B waste tonnage generation you folks were disproportionately high compared to the number of users of here facility right so we so I gave you numbers and I compared um like deeri what deerfield's doing or U maybe it was cold rain and wait I didn't bring that um and so that was kind of the atist for the PTI Bill program and as part of that discussion um in the beginning I also shared with you the tonnage numbers um and I unfortunately I didn't bring those with me but I remember um and Chris you had put together a really nice PowerPoint presentation with them but I remember that um Conway actually had more bulky waste Hunters than Deerfield yeah right Deerfield has I don't know like 600 800 um permits or 1,000 permits um and so you know the it's kind of it's the same story and I think the attendance had had talked about this is contractors come they maybe have a business you know their home is in Conway but they're a small Carpenter and they do work in the community or elsewhere you know maybe they do a job in weightly but they but it's free in Conway but you know so they bring it to Conway so it's a very similar situation as to the trash um and it's been a really great service I mean nobody's complaining about you know um kind of the the pricing or not having to pay for a bunch of items and at the same time the town is you know as your budget becomes tighter for other items this is just a place where you're kind of giving away something that other towns charge for um and you know to be fair the town of row doesn't charge for bulky waste so there is a town um that uh does not charge but most town that ay waste um containers charge and they you know you have the ability to limit I know this is a this is a big issue for the attendants as people come in you you say no construction and demo cushion no CND d um but you know people come in with some and they're like well it's just a little bit or like this isn't really demotion debris you know it's been in my barn or you know people you just have to spend a day at the transfer station and people have really great stories about why they shouldn't why they should be able to put it in the bulky waste container or why they shouldn't have to pay for whatever they have so you know the conversation today and and and whether you want to approve final numbers or you just want to kind of start the conversation um they really looking at what the town is charging um is it enough so so there's a bulky waste container but there's also the electronics um and um you know so are you what do you want to have a fee for and is the car the Cent feeds enough um the Switching gears a little bit to electronics so Electronics way back was about you know 22 cents a pound we use a vendor that's um certified you know they're they're using domestic uh markets for most of their material so there's a higher price because it's not just all going in a shipping cart to China um and many years ago it was about 20 cents a pound so that's $400 a ton um it's currently 37 this is on state contract 37 cents a pound so you're up to you know like 700 change per ton so the heavier things 37 cents for glass like a CRT monitor like an old monitor an old TV um things like flat screens they like laptops but like a flat screen monitor or flat screen TV or 33 cents a pound so it's not free it's it's not even close to free um and I know you folks are charging for some but that I looked at those prices and I think some of especially the heav year it's hard because those old TVs are you know nobody uses them anymore they've been sitting in the basement for years cuz they they don't work with anything um those are the most most costly because the glass is leaded it's Le has leaded glass in it so um you know I had looked at some of the pricing with veronique and going and and gave her some of our pricing instead of the the weights um you know how much does a does a small TV glass class TV weigh how much does a larger TV weigh how much does a flat screen uh 5 foot flat screen weigh so so that you can see what some of those prices were um or could be um and so that's that's a little bit of of the background um you know it's really it's really your your decision and your call on again what you want to charge for and um what you don't want in what you waste and what you um what your prices what you feel are fair prices is I mean we all know and this is always a concern like where's that Tipping Point right between does a town need to cover 100% of their costs or do you you know do you do you cover 100% And then have people say there's no way I'm not paying $45 for a TV um and you know whatever they take it somewhere else or they leave it in the house for a million years or they dump it on the side they dump on the side of thead um or you know do you where is that point where you say okay well well this is a fair like this is a reasonable price and it covers a portion of our it cover it's covering some of our expense so it's not free anymore um but you know to charge 100% um just to give you uh some some numbers on the expense side so these folks are really great at doing mostly tandem Halls um for like bulky waste and recycling or bulky waste and trash if they can so that price per hul is 2 it's about $210 the tip fee July 1st went to $120 a ton so this is like the most we've ever paid um it's more than trash trash is $101 a ton um and so because because the container is not getting right the highway department doesn't swiish it CU there's only like two two tons in there two and a half tons um so you're paying so you're paying about 600 let's just say $600 per buy waste bu off I don't know what your re you know we could probably dig in and see what kind of Revenue because you're charging for some things now right it used to be just mattresses which we don't even take anymore so I don't think there's much that goes in there that gets charged for no nothing right now okay so so you're basically eating and I you know better than I do but it's at least once a month sometimes twice at least twice a month maybe something bulky four times a St yeah it's getting pulled almost every week now because the the bag pram was gone to every other week which used to be every week okay so while we did the switch dumps okay used to be two and one now it's one and two so you know 600 $2,400 a month yeah for reference I bought up the old PowerPoint from the numbers from fiscal year 22 um Conway had 1,030 permits at the time and 91 tons of bulky so that's 177 lbs per user Deerfield had 1285 permits only 66 total tons so 103 pounds per user so Conway had what 70 uh4 pounds per user more yeah yeah so so you know we know I mean anything people people will find always say you know with trash like the my book title is going to be the path and East resistance because people will figure out like why should they pay why should they pay in another town if they can bring it here for free right like that's not rocket science that's what most people are concerned about is how can I save money um so you know there's definitely yeah so you're paying and I should have brought the latest bill because I just sent the bills out last week um but yeah you can estimate probably 2,000 to 2400 a month for that bulky waste doter so than that's my that's my kind of intro I know you have some you have a so if it's crushed down doesn't doesn't have to be removed as much but it it's not by weight it's just by no it is by weight so but you would save on the hauling yeah so you'd save you know the hall was about 200 it's $28.50 so so about 210 so you'd save you know 400 at least $400 a month went to twice it's a lot well but it's I mean like still $5,000 a year which is not insignificant that on other things that we could you know amate the a invoice was $1,147 66 yeah yeah I don't think it I don't think it went out for maybe it maybe it maybe they didn't so sometimes Waste Management much to my displeasure especially towards the end of the month they they will pick up a box but bring it to their yard and not tip it so you may have had four halls in August but we only got builds for three because there's still a there was a container in September sitting in their yard no we're not saying it gets picked up Wednesday to Wednesday it may get picked up dropped off on Wednesday may not get picked up to that following Friday so it's almost a week and a half right okay but I thought you said four a for a month it's aaging four a month even though it'll come in on a Wednesday and gets pulled by the end of the week but I'm just based on $1,100 Bill I'm guessing that's probably three times three week three week well that would that would indicate why because they they sit yeah right now I have a question about that now are they weighing them as they come in before they make them sit or are they parking them out in the rain and then weighing them with an extra 300 lb of water on them I can see them doing that probably the ladder yeah they probably just sitting new yard tell them once they come in the yard they need to be weighed they do whatever they want after that they play when they come in yeah that's a good point yeah cuz we have a lot of cardboard thr in there cat L box styrofoam win coming lot of stuff is water Hol Street couches chairs snow's coming yep no for sure so the way you guys see it is we solved one problem and exasperated another yeah yeah who knows yeah yeah there's no no we don't know where it comes from it's out of hand I mean the kind of goal that I was going towards and I know you weren't here when I did the presentation last is I I mean every anybody speak up but I I don't think that we should taxpayer dollars should be used to pay for the trash for the for the payroll sure for upgrades sure but I wanted to try to find a way where we could be like absolvent with the with the amount of money that comes in to pay for all the actual dumping of the trash close a lot of stuff that should be going in in the trash Compact and up in the bulky don't want to break it down and put it in a trash bag right that way they have to pay for it right with the sticker right so they throw it in the bulky even though it's not supposed to be in bulk so the only way to solve that is to have the price per per item bulky I how much does it take to CR C the Box the people who have a sticker also have I mean you have like the permit to like Drive yeah onto the transport station and dump whatever you want in the bulk you been those people also have like the stickers then that they could back this is why everybody's saying they got plenty of stickers left over because people are not okay they don't want to break things down and crush them to fit them into bags so they're just it's possible yeah they don't want they don't want to have to deal with like breaking up a cal box so do you think that is is there a Corr like boxes beer boxes but our so but like our um I mean so just like like like the trash that gets hauled away the people bag they put in the comp Factor my understanding is those prices have gone down for us correct yes well the halls used that's what this chart that's what the color chart is the trash but do you feel like conversely now we're paying more for okay because we're okay all right cuz instead of throwing it in the in the trash it's just easier for people to just like dump it into bulky B I mean soda boxes beer cases all that stuff cannot go in and recycle people could put it yeah so so instead of them throwing it in a trash bag they throw it in the b or they leave are we we have a bag you know Barrel sitting by the each dumpster so just like they're stuff them in there so we have to come up with bags and then we have to throw them bags away I mean it's hard to to to you don't want to you know I can imagine some older people have trouble breaking stuff down or it's hard to you want to um hold accountable the people who are just too lazy to do it versus the people who really aren't able to do it yeah's not you know and I don't know how to do that the same with the bulky like if you're a contractor and you're dumping more than your share in the bulky you should have to own more of your share I feel like if you're a contractor you shouldn't be dping anything yeah you should I saw a guy when I was there D this weekend had big sheets of styr something like this thingi that should have been broken down and put into bags and put into the garbage but was stuffing these big sheets styrofoam into buling so I mean styrofoam is the ongoing the ongoing is yeah so and you know I apologize I wouldn't it it would have been helpful for me to go back and do this I've been doing this chart over the course of the last year but it would have been helpful for me to do a bulky waist comparison and I can I can certainly do that you know tomorrow I I have a question for you though or maybe someone if you could give us some advice what's crazy is our numbers that at least on the um pays you throw on the regular trash are almost exactly what we thought they would be based on other towns we can solve some of the issue with the bulky waste by doing price per item but what about what we're talking about here the loose because we don't have a a scale up there right yeah um sometimes just do a minimum so it's a minimum five bucks or minimum you know to dump anything in the book event yeah or minimum 10 bucks I mean styrofoam is bulky but it doesn't weigh anything right so like that stuff takes up a lot of air space and it's not being I me I think even a minimum $5 would be a somewhat of a det in order to slow speed this process up I should say we need to just set a some kind of price for the bulk if you compare to other towns that you said earlier they're coming here to dump it because it's free where they're charging something we start charging something we they'll start thinking about it right and they'll try to come up with ways to get around it eventually but in the meantime we can start hitting with something to offset and and and try to take that at least one poll a month out of that four away save $200 and then take in another 200 and then we paid for another poll so I mean and Ronnie's going to go up the crush Mar which it'll hold more but but then you guys are also dealing with a lot more cash transactions yeah I know I'd love to put a debit machine up there cuz everybody's got a C let's put a Mach right through right the treasure the damn thing record Ashi just did that they put a a POS point of sale machine and you know there were fees like you folks probably know their fees associated with it but and is is it best just that we don't have like internet there's no internet but there is AT&T cell service so there's still a possibility of being able to do that yeah so you know I mean not jumping to the trash tonnage but you know the number so far you 67 tons have disappeared in 11 months and you know when I came here I said I was 90% certain or 99% certain that that was not Conway cage right that's like what's been coming in um because there was no you're you were the only ones that wen't charging so I think as they're saying it's going to be a similar situation with the bulky so whether it's a $5 or $10 minimum charge you're going to discourage people from giving their bulky waste to their friends and family to bring here we're going to have to start paying for it in Conway or or Ry or coming to our collection work for Adam but they can go down and prepay down there come up with a thing till we get the thing and they pay a $510 thing they give us the card they throw the stuff in have a nice day so Northfield I mean there are different different ways to do it Northfield doesn't handle any cash but you have to pay they on the town website or you know but but they don't have it's hard because they don't have bulky waste but for like Electronics or appliances um bulky waste is really hard and these folks know because somebody comes in with you know a piece of a table it's like well how much does this Char cost and so that's why I recommend instead of having I mean I think there's common things like chairs and dresser dressers and you know whatever um uh toilets and sinks but you know to have a minimum that is not going to pay for you know a pickup truck full of bricks but just something that says okay well I also don't want it dumped on the side of the road you know I don't want it dumped in the field I don't want it dumped on on my Station Road always the response though I don't want dumped out there somebody's doing that again with Roofing she yeah I mean that's always the response and well that's a pretty real response I mean we see when you hike all over the place I found oil dumped in the woods I found all sorts of things totally so but I like we didn't there wasn't like a rash of like abandoned mattresses when suddenly we started charging for mattresses like that was the fear and yeah you know there no more mattresses than we ever saw before I think our main problem or issue is that it's just not it's not ideal setup up there yeah what is there any possibility of getting a scale is that just C prohibited yeah yeah and the pro yeah I mean like it's you saw in like Buckland everything was right there the the the attendant could see everything we don't have the same set there so if the attendant are helping somebody either with the regular or with recycling knows who's going and dumping stuff in the bulky right so that's just the setup is not ideal right so terrible I mean I think if you start with a minimum fee you're going to deter some yeah so what if in order to dump anything in the bulky bin you had to buy buy a bul sticker for Buy right and you could buy like you know 25 at a time or I mean I don't know how many like I don't use the bul bin very often maybe once or twice a year but you know and but would that be like too much work for you guys two three times a week to use that well right but yeah but but if but if they had to pay for that I mean like would that be an additional burden on you all to make sure they already prepay or something just collecting something and then watching them put it on that's fine but we're going to sit there and wait and do you have to come up some program for them to pre right so that but but just to make sure that like is that too much work for you all to coordin off the bulky bin and like nothing goes in here unless I don't think we get more or less work what we're doing already our pass or whatever we got watch we should get that thing out of there and put it somewhere else where you can keep an eye on it you turn your back they're throwing stuff in there oh I'm sure yeah it's not just a a cat box they're throwing the humidifiers in there yeah a lot of times they're not open that's you got to just rest the cameras to more yeah even not you get 10 10 pallets in there you just wasted that whole dumster yeah and they're doing that you've seen pallets easily bustable they don't want they don't want to bother but if if someone had to you know have a bulky permit in order to put anything in there do you have enough manpower to like basically you know police the bulky band and make sure that people don't put you know only pets in there when it would be a work in progress we'd have to figure out something as as as it becomes available and see what happens I I mean we have to monitor anyways I mean there's we know the people that pull in behind it you see the guys pull behind and that's stuff put up over the back and then they drive off like the hell is that you know you go up look ID a fire or something bags of stuff guy he broke up his construction stuff put in bags and threw it in the bu why don't you put stickers on you have to bag you yeah P them out put down there right took the time to do it yeah so so there are different I mean you brought up a good point there there are different scenarios and I'm and we can kind of go back and come up with some different models one is you know a straight fee so you have a price list that just says the toilet is 10 bucks and the whatever dresser is five bucks um and then and then a minimum fee for like everything weird like you know a chair or something um or you could come up with something that so they're not handling as much cash where Sim or but then it puts the burden on your administrative staff where people have to come in buy sticker and that's what happens in Northfield they get a receipt email to them that shows what they paid for so they just show the receipt so they could pay online so they pay online right they can go into town hall receip or they can pay online and they get a receipt and then um they can bring their you know compliance up to the transfer or their TV up to the transfer station on Saturday and Sunday yeah that's the problem there were oh yeah no I mean you have to right they have have to prepay well I that's an idea too is just to restrict bulky waste to yeah you're it does shouldn't be all three days of the week right I mean do other towns do that do they restrict no but it's a great idea that is a good idea yeah yeah but if you close it on a weekend I mean how many people are working Monday through Friday but we can close it on Sunday right you have it open two days a week and you can't dump anything in there without a a bulky sticker and then maybe you realize that receip right or you know the guys are going to have to tarp it then though because otherwise people are going to still they just throw it over the top we'll tarp it don't yeah we could I could ask Jan to see if because the way it works right now you can purchase your um vehicle decals online and you get a receipt I can see how much we could set up where it could be prepaid through the unipay system and then they'd have the receipt and they just take it to and hand it to the attendance I mean I think like either way what whatever like if we do put some something in place like that's like people are going to be upset obviously so I think there seems a lot of change in a short time right but but I'm but but and I don't want that all to fall on you so I feel like if we do some kind of like a major shift like this we should you know like do some education but but like I mean I'm willing to go up there and you know like we'll just be an extra set of hands so if people are giving you a hard time we can be like hey this is like remember if you do it through unipay every one of those transactions is getting hit with a $250 free so for them to pay for $5 sticker and then charge 250 that's going to cost right so I mean what about just using the stickers we already have right so how much are those stickers worth $5 would it be three stickers five so five five stickers let's you know use what we already have so you want us to collect the stickers instead of money no I'm saying it's it's a suggestion do you do you guys think that might work and then that way once they run out of stickers they still have to go back and buy more stickers right I mean it would yeah that would be relying upon somebody standing there and being like okay I have your five stickers and like you know making sure that no one's tossing stuff in as they drive you have to talk to an attendant before you dump anything in bulky waste right if it's loose just whatever random here five stickers it says that signs up they still do it anyway there's always going to be outliers right but I'm just thinking like instead of us using a system a new system let's just use the stickers we already have would it work for you all if somebody came in with it's a $5 Bureau and they put five stickers so that you could see it was five stickers on the bureau itself and then just break that's what they're saying you should break it up yeah we want to broken up yeah but I think realistically people are not going to be breaking up their bureaus I don't think most people have streng capability or yeah yeah but rather than hand I meant rather than handing you five stickers I don't know which would be easier for you all to just have them pre stuck or just have them hand them to you well if they hand them to you then you can give them back to the office so when they come to come that's a good idea is good idea seems kind of I don't know it's recycling put that down on the town clerk's agenda I put that on the town attorney right well those are all good ideas and I think you know I'm willing to to work with CHR and barque and just and I can I can put something out in the M recycle list and ask I can ask what other the state not just in western Mass but we can just put something on the be helpful especially for towns that don't have scale yeah you know how do they do it or Wi-Fi or yeah right but I think maybe we should really like really consider like I mean because the camera issue too I mean like I think we really need to figure out a way to get reliable Wi-Fi would be there how expensive it'll be well let's find out I know how much yes Christ yes it'll be 700 for the camera itself to for one and then you have to pay for the service so it's probably 30 bucks a month right but I mean in terms of doing like because we were also talking potentially about um being able to do a card swipe up there oh well that would but just as long as we had like reliable internet up there so that we had cameras I mean I like the sticker idea but we should just write up some a couple of options well I just want I mean whatever whatever we do I think has to make sense to all of you who are there totally would it work to extend that to electronics say I just I don't I'm just asking people they can too many stickers you could be 20 stickers on one TV and then they're not going to know which is which and they'd have to check with us anyways what size it's an ongoing so what about electronics recycling companies do is there any kind of relationship that I mean cuz I know like la like the copper the like the minerals that are in there I mean I have a lot of stuff that I would love to get rid of but I don't want to throw it in the bulk event you know I just have like stacks of stuff that I just you know and there's like electronic recycling programs places well so the company we use as an Electronics recycler mettech and they're in ansfield um they're in Massachusetts and so we they will take absolutely anything but because the price because because they're doing the process the way they're doing it the you know they're they're at they have a price that goes along with that which is 33 to 37 cents a pound so what we've trained these folks on I when we tell towns is really what's banned from the trash are screens so any screen has to go into the uh electronic shed um so that includes like a scanner or a printer that has has a glass top or you know laptops flat screen monitors um glass TVs things like um inkjet printers you can pay you can you can put those in the electronics but we tell we put them in the bulky waste because there's really not a lot in there there's a there's a small circuit board but it's mostly plastic um so depending on what you have like mice keyboards FY waste we just we just throw them out but even that kind of stuff would I mean people could also just put it contractor bag and put it in a regular compactor well but we're really because it's $700 a pound a ton we're really sending them what we have to send them and what's you know like the material that's worth paying not even worth I mean I wouldn't pay $700 is just beyond me but that's that's what their charges so um yeah so I don't know I don't know what you're holding on to but you know things that are like plastic can we also check or would you also check with other towns on scene on how they do payment because I I don't know if towns can have their own PayPal or venmo where it doesn't cost be you know to set that up um just curious on how other towns do it yeah it's true but you also have to think of the most challenged in your town you know an elder uh you know you you uh somebody with a disability that can't like you have to factor their ability yes to to navigate these systems too before we you know it's navigating stickers was already a challenge enough for some people so true you know I just think we have to keep that in mind I don't think we have to stop but I think we have to you know not everybody is as functional we coming some of us here we're coming up on the one year anniversary of our so I think it's gone relatively smooth except for that 5% of people that are still digging their heels in but St that it's gone pretty smoothly it has I'm just also a little concerned about too many changes too fast although this is the second year we've done stickers so maybe this is the time we start facing and I do think we have to do something about ban we knew bokei would but that was our goal like do the stickers first right and then tackle B but I think we need to write up some baby steps the the options you know like look into payment plans look into I mean and I can I can you know survey towns I mean we definitely need to get there I'm not saying we don't need to get there but I think we need to yeah yeah I love the sticker idea and then passing them back in we can use them again I mean I'm like here oh you're too yeah with all trash discussions this is going to be probably ongoing we're definitely not ready for right um so so just because I know we can talk about trash all night um just to go over the reason what so I I do this for towns that switch to pay you throw system is I I spend a year I look at I look at your previous tonnage you know month-to month so I've been putting this together and um sending it to barque every month when I get the bills so you know you you literally dropped 67 tons um just the tip fee savings is almost $77,000 uh and then I added the hauling cost column which is kind of right in the middle of this um table because the the trash compactor was going out weekly but with the reduction in trash what I was seeing is your tonnage numbers were really low I mean that that compactor can hold there was there was a hul of 15 Tons and it it had been going out it was getting to like four tons or you know five tons and because it was on automatic so switching to you can see starting in June um so it had been five five or four depending on how many weeks in the month you know every week it went out um now it's going out two to three times a month and so you're saving a considerable amount of money on halls and that that's packed I me you guys are doing a great job like it's it's a full box you know 12 tons 13 tons I think there was one recently with N9 tons but that's still a lot better than the five that had been going out so so you're you know that will eventually add up this fiscal year um to you know year-over-year savings as well you six $700 $800 to $400 it's like half because it's half you're doing half the Halls so um and those for those folks who are listening or here um the reduction the trash reduction percentage wise is is about 22% and I think we had said that in the beginning that towns see an average of 20 to 25% so um yeah so good job everyone I mean that's pretty amazing job guys yeah you know for for everybody who's been on the receiving end like the attendants and the and the homeowners who have either you know recycled more or put their stuff in the bulky wayist but yeah it's not going in the trash comea next tackle the next thing so so that's been great awesome yeah it is it's really you know it's it's hard to as you all know I mean we had Public public meetings it's hard to make this switch but then when people start seeing it it's like wow that's a lot of trash you pay the town taxes were paying for a lot of trash that you know didn't have to um didn't have to be paid for so that's great well the attendance had to implement it so good job yeah they right they were on the receiving end and datam selling selling tickets on Saturday that's it for me I'll um I'll spend some time uh and get on another agenda but I'll spend some time kind of surveying um other communities and in the region and the state and then you know come back look at your bulky waste year to year so you can see really what it's been like um excellent thank you yeah you're welcome thank you okay you're so welcome I know if we don't if we don't stop really trash just there's there's so much to say yes thanks so much all right care thanks thanks Tim do you want to be the voice box uh yeah I'll just I just bullet point if before you get them out there cuz you got it written down there we can discuss it off meeting here at the same time uh okay cover with the py styrofoam was in that uh Tri brought up the fact the winterers coming the rear parking lot is unsafe for the lighting situation that it gets darker and there's no lights back there whatsoever it's icy slippery we need to get like a pole back there or some electricity out there shed by the like like the back of the pr tab went out over there over the balk stuff CU that last two three hours is a black I did just so you know I did speak with Peter Martin about this like three or four months ago I need to follow up with him because I thought he was planning to take care of that Force which one's Peter Martin the older one the one that said last year that that's too big of a job you can't do it no that's that other guy the Peter Peter's a fulltime rri right no he's retired oh he's retired but he told me he was going to work on it so I'll he told us that it was just job one who took over e Martin huh that over he's the one that did the two outlet boxes in the shed okay so we got to connect with him again right so I'll double check and see cuz I mean if he told you that he didn't tell me that several electricians yeah or or get another electrician to do the work all right and just on top of what the electricity is the park the holes I guess we're going to cover that in the spring you said will take care of that uh the catwalk uh we got to do something soon it's it's actually it's bucking it's it's it's a hazard somebody's going to get hurt I'm telling you right now it should be closed I'll talk to uh uh French again okay um I almost felt the band step came up and I was walking up I would s for that much but someone else would so that was the idea is to have oesco go up and measure and fabricate one for us um a steel one um so we don't have this issue again right but it's bad right making you aware somebody's going to get hurt sure I got to get with rust yeah uh you're going to cover the cameras something you're going to do about that yeah they're they're very similar cameras except it's not um it's not like a a photo camera it's video yeah but it's it has to connect to the AT&T service up there so um I have one that I'm looking into um I think we'll just probably purchase try it out and if it doesn't work send it back but we can at least try it out uh well hit jam with this one but the main gate the the the breaking lock to get in Waste Management they're not only breaking they're banging inang the gates there drag the gate up but so on that by Jan uh the shed the repairs ongoing upgrades that's tabled a lot uh the shed be sit in with no no the oh the attendance shed which was originally going to get done I thought through Randy but now it's retired so we have to figure something else out to get it fixed I the other questions like I I'll run this by Jan L but uh uh Freddy wants to get a jump P up someone break down and needed a jump the other day and if they've been sitting in the main spot we' been screwed for the next two hours till a tripa got there Jan the the mattresses from the couch yeah I'll I'll send her an email there's a bunch of other stuff is you I didn't want to do it here um EP pen B season's over we like to get EP pens next year for B season that's problem uh we're getting a CD DVD box from the book people to take donations there to recycle those uh we want to go over well when we have problems with an authority up there we have a log book to take down incidents that's about all we're doing right now and is there anything else in the transmission miss one thing what bathroom bathroom what bathroom well there's a porta potty there right but what happens in the winter the Porta you you know you're sitting there all dress winter gear you can't use that thing I mean it's it's okay I tell everyone go home and use their own bathrooms because I like the wash my hands when I'm done instead of washing with snow yeah yeah there's no way to get running water know yeah but a little you can at least kind of maneuver in there so do are we renting that or yeah we pay for a month y that United States Services is it but I don't know that they make bigger ones that are actually portable like that don't they make any for handicap hand I guess yeah okay but I I mean it's just you can't you know you get in there you got long jobs youve got you know two pairs of man sweat sh coats soap version even if you got to just you know do do you could strip in the parking lot down to your long J and then go in but Town res Town residents use that bathroom use that bathroom all fav tro house the bathroom do yes they do e well the one at the pond is large it's very large there like five children at one time so but it's a handicap size yeah then you got all the CRS the floor is nothing but holes you got trying to get warm PS well the floor is not we got all that sign people drop off yeah those are any big topics I missed on those the little things all the Super Jam transmission yeah definitely mattresses futons the the futons and it's just um that's a it would be nice to have something saying that if you drop and make stuff up that the attends need to be notified I mean like he's saying they they park behind and and when they leave we walk up there and we got chemicals sitting there and P pdes and oil and taint and then we've got the shed is filling up it's like where' you guys take this why did you take it I get the phone call what the hell are you doing up there there be some turnning my back for a second to reposition for us to and you know I'm sure he'll tell me if the idea doesn't work but when people come in to go through everything that's in their car and just I I just mean to I I know I know what you're saying but yeah kind of head that up I mean I know it's a lot of work cuz I but the way some of these people pack them cars you can't even see you can't even see them there only two of you too many people in there I mean that's why we wanted to try to go one lane so we could and we still have people that that call us Copo and and you know Hitler and and if you try to explain it to him you're being mean to him uh why are you always singling me out uh and it's like you know what kind to educate you we're not singling you out but wow you did that to me last week or you put the same stuff in last week education is not working with you maybe a sledgehammer you know you've been there you know what they're like absolutely I wondering if because I do have the how do you load your car and the list of items in the transfer station pretty much done you're presuming someone's going to Reign we've got well what I was going to say is you could use that as an introduction to hi this is how we'd like you to load your car like passive aggressive pamphlet that's what that is we we got residents to take 45 minutes to an hour to to empty their car well they park with their hazards right in the middle of par they go around once then they go around again well so again I mean like would it be helpful maybe just occasionally to have like on a regular basis for you know at some point to have someone from the select board there you know on particularly busy I don't know if it's worse on the weekend so but just to have you know someone there so that you're not the only ones you know when people are I think we should really figure out how to like tarp or what I know if even if you have a tarp throw stuff on it but just Sunday just cut Sunday for they'll put it behind the dumpsters they put it behind the book box right they'll put it behind the pain just next to it yeah and then what do you tell people who only the only day they can come up is Sunday come up on Saturday yeah no but I mean some people work on Saturday no understand some people are working but it it seems like one of the ongoing issues is compliance and if there's a and and people feeling like they're single you know like like you're being mean if they're not complaining so if there's any way that the select board can help by like you know being there to like you know enforce the rules you know because human nature to be lazy well but yes but I'm just saying like if that's I understand what you're saying but I don't see it going to work either way whether but it won't be you it'll be them especially in interim as we're you know trying to develop new policies and everything just so that like you all are not always taking the brunt of like what goes on in the transfer station because you're just enforcing the rules that we make maybe it should be like soccer you want you get yellow card we we try we try to tell people you know to put stuff in the back of the gun stuff and they sit there and say yes and then we turn around and and we watch and they put it right at the entrance big stuff right at the entrance so we just said something to you or I I can't lift that why you say something to us I do think people who are repeatedly not making an effort should be brought to whether it's our attention or somebody's attention that you know to have a conversation like this is not this is you guys are doing your jobs you don't deserve I mean no one should be giving you all a hard time for doing your jobs and if they are then one of us right that should be your hand our email addresses right seriously like justy here here's the select board here's veronique you know yeah hey you know we tell them yeah well it's we tell them our boss very unique if you have a problem go and see her right I mean that's what you should be doing that's what we do yeah and but they don't want to go down and get into it with her CU they may lose right probably with us they can just say wow you know you're just singling me out so sounds needs to be at the transfers it's a well it's a different environment sitting in the town administrator's office and having a conversation compared to standing in the middle of a transfer station holding holding people up and all that little bag of trash and you should have seen him he just was so mean to me he wouldn't he wouldn't throw it in there for me we can do not what we talk to you about we can do like the Conway in and have a shame wall we don't have a wall big enough I all I was saying was all right enough enough move it track uh do you guys have anything else otherwise thank you so much for coming in we need a hit list of attacking these things appreciate it um are we getting a clothing allowance this year you have one every year yeah you do yeah so we can UT you need to run it by me before you do all right hey Jeff you look good yeah you need to let me know because I have to give permission for you to go up so just let me know what you need and I'll let him know really well basically everybody's jacket is is trash so people just need to let me know they have black and blue and and just black with with no really they black with the the black with the stripes have fun all right thank you everybody so um Don yes we're going to jump in yes we're GNA uh next meeting or item on the new business agenda is discussion and vote on hiring Maxwell G tell me gon gon it's not gag G Anon for traffic control officer welcome Max thank you would you like to work with the transfer station we need security he worked there last week see the black ey all right yeah so just um I wouldn't mind adding another TCO just because it seems like we're short people I've got jobs that they were called from other towns so not knowing and these guys want to work probably some of them need to work so we shipped them to other towns and all of a sudden this morning we got a call saying we need two guys for 10hour details up on 116 for Tuesday Wednesday Thursday all right I was like yeah that's just not going to happen like I can't you can't call me heads up might be good and I've had many conversations but these contractors they don't know especially the ones that work for the state they could be kicked off of one place and they're like all right we'll go to Conway now you know let's get that fixed up so there will be some flaggers up there so just go slow when you're on that side of Conway um have have some patience so um I've known Max for years and years now um knew his dad know his that really well and he approached me and he's like hey what do I need to do to become a traffic control officer so I told him the steps that are going to need be needed and within 3 days he sent me the certificate saying all right I finished that now what I'm like holy crap I didn't think it was going to be that fast um so I reached out to barque just uh get the process going and here we go great Max you have any questions for us I don't think so all right Max Works um for the South Deerfield fire district I believe yeah as a volunteer firefighter down there he's also Works Highland ambulance as an EMT basic up in Goan where you live yeah we're always for more fire department uh Personnel here just to let you know all right great so we need a motion we need to vote yep okay I'll make a motion to hire Max as a DC traic control all in favor I hi awesome congrats Max appreciate you having you on don't be on your phone on detail oh that's a conversation we're going to be having on the way home trust me driv me nuts yep it's fine if Nobody's around but if you're good job getting that Cruiser quickly I saw it in the paper here so and our pay for it doesn't mean it's going to be delivered I actually delivered it from the dealership to the upter to get up yeah so it should be in process now I just emailed the guy because I got to figure out if he does the radio or if I have to do the radio up here he's going to reach out to you Ken I think we can call a guy locally that can do the radio so but maybe they can run the wires ahead of time since they're going to have it stripped up open so I have that email into now I'm hoping by next week it'll be ready maybe the week after so it can drive through the cemetery next to me if you or you could call us in a duly time let's wait 4 days of a weird vehicle parked in the cemetery oh we have it for the festival not paranoid you won't have it by the festival will you I'm hoping oh so you can like you can decorate that and drive in the parade decorate it you want put Halloween pumpkin flowers bills that's ry's vehicle not a cast well you have anything else we'll go from Chief to Chief here right thank you very much welcome aboard thank you all right next all right next on our new business agenda item is discussion and vote on accepting the Public Safety Office building bid by Maple row Farm amen there's three scenes over here hello gentlemen good evening maybe we can move forward back yes I'm assuming this was the low bit yes yes it was by substantially I don't know if you had a chance to review the bids I I did not I I was wondering how are these bids like vetted like how do we know that the person who's bidding knows what they're bidding on and the cost is not going to increase once they start the work did you them they are they are bound to that price oh they're bound to it oh yeah and how do we know their quality yeah what's their track record well I can tell you the you're talking about the low bidder in this one well the yeah the one that fits they um I don't know if you've heard of Dole Brothers yes up been shurn yes well both Bucky and George died within the last four years oh jeez well Maple Ro Farm used to do a lot of the dirt work for them MH so he took on his crew so they're the same people okay so they have plenty of experience with doing huge buildings yeah so that's why we felt pretty comfortable when they said they want to so it's basically them under a different name yeah a new name okay all right it's it's the same same guys the same Carpenters that makes me feel better a different name right internet I was like who are these people done work for like town of shelburn put a building up up there that they're super happy with the work that they yeah they did like a Timber Bridge recently too from what I saw um anyway I've seen their work before okay so yeah there was U they came at $419,000 the next lowest bid was $536,000 712 it's a big difference 419 for the saf it's good no that's crazy yeah it's a it's a pretty tiny building anything yeah but that's I mean that's quite reasonable so but it's a big difference in a huge difference yeah and they're local Yep they're local um I did speak with Ben just recently once we went through this and I said are you comfortable with your number he says he say we've gone through over it dozens of times with his lead guys okay and timing of them doing it they are comfortable to start whenever we're ready wow the good thing is they're close fire that's cool and they're doing work right in this Corridor they're down at Productions doing work they're up in asheld doing work nice so and I told him I said you got to understand that I working with all mechanic and electrical with the Frank County tech school so you know you can't just say we're going to start this date we're going to be ready for you know concrete we're going to be ready for slab pour we're going to be ready for walls it's not going to happen as quick as you would normally have he says that's fine because we've got projects going all up and down the 116 Corridor so we can say Okay can move guys we'll be gone for 2 weeks we'll go to this job that's really school gets done with a days they can come back and do something so I met with sorry that's sweet music time for bed I almost put me to sleep time for bed a um I met with one of the uh Plumbing instructors last Thursday night at a meeting and just to get an idea what their schedule was they don't have a lot of projects lined up right now they've got a house project but that's it and this the course it's just started the school year has just started but I'm meeting tomorrow night I've got a meeting with the other instructor as well so hopefully we'll get a get the green light and no that would be great be ready to move and I understand that all the other problems that we have with the fuel tanks have been ironed out I do have a question about that CU I I talked to uh Chief Baker about this too cuz there needed to be some change to the fuel tank at the uh highway department but why do we need two two diesel fuel tanks that's out of my that's above my pay rate I the answer a state requirement no it's twofold one so they don't have to travel all the way down to the garage to get fuel right but the other thing is the tornado was a good example yeah we didn't have act if we had fuel tank down there we would had access to our fuel it just makes sense we already that tank is was replaced 5 years ago yeah so it's a new tank and to get rid of it doesn't make any sense okay does it still have the same crazy requirements we went over with that actually probably a lot of them requirements that you heard that day aren't true okay so well okay we'll talk there yes all right got it yes a lot of things got said that they we could get this done that's awesome Let's Do It um so I'm sorry the the AR of funding has to be spent September by when December 31st December 31st of 2066 yeah at the end of 2026 I'm not I don't have a concern with that okay sorry Donnie you ain't getting your police station until 27 wow I thought it was we had to be obligated December 31st of this year spend so we will obviously take from that first for everything but yeah I haven't talked to Peter Martin to see if he was going to do the oversight on the electrical if he's not willing to not an issue we've got another local electrician in town who said he would be happy to do oversight send him up to the transfer station yeah yeah so I'll take care of the Mechanicals he can take care of the electrical and we should be do excellent let's do it and we start Excavating I think Monday W all so so this company are they tomorrow don't we have to award the bid first they have that's what I'm giving you the option to do so did they already are they already um um oh my gosh every contractor has to go through the town for um a license are they already licensed in Conway when you licensed is that just for cont a decam certification okay I'm just thinking general contract I'm sorry and so when we when we reviewed the bids um Andrea woods and I up at the fub they came in that was part of her checklist did they have a current DeCamp got it yeah and it squeaked through within about I think it was certified 5 days earlier or something it was very yeah so for two for two of two of them yeah well it's good to know that it's basically just do brothers doing it business is another name got it okay great all right can I make a motion sure can I'll make a motion we approve the lowest bid by Road Farms second all in favor I hi thank you all so much for your this is exciting going to happen this project so just so you know the next step will be I'll let Andrea know and she'll draw a contract for you all be good I'll stop in before the next me there no hurry excuse I thought they were coming Monday right get thank you sign it whenever you thank you thank you so much good night now too thanks Welter thanks k okay going back to the top of the agenda right anybody else waiting that's it all our guests are done unless you're here for something specific no all right uh meetings attended by select board members Erica uh non our last meeting all right lane none school is starting up this week so no I don't think I had any but I have been talking with the Bakers about the ongoing yeah un like you had the Bakers um public comments doesn't appear we have anybody on we'll go ahead get past that unfinished business none to be wait I'm sorry do we have UNF finished business no unanticipated unanticipated that's what it is all right speaking of items not anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting did you want to talk about the northern chair railroad thing first or oh did I totally skip that I'm sorry okay back to new business discussion and vote drafting a letter to support the northern teal railroad line so I've got to pull that back up again oh go ahead yeah well all I was going to say was that it um and I should back to [Music] uh ohine yeah it was the last so this was something that came in from representative bla um um an email that said take action to support the North and tier rail they're actually so it has the report online and it's the public comment period on this draft final report um and so it says that will your will you work with your community to submit a public comment just click here and then will you work with your community to sign on to a support letter you can sign on here so it's in the body of the email that I think I forwarded to everybody so if you all are agreeable and want me to do that I can just go in and click here sign up yes um yeah it's all in the body there's no attachment right yeah yeah I did read through it before I don't have any input on that aside from saying sure I mean I was reading about it it sounded like they're digging into it if it's viable so rail should be should have been the pass and it should be the future so um I'll go ahead and make a motion uh to draft a letter of support for the northern teal railroad line I will second with that all in favor I all right so so just to be clear I'm going to be clicking here I said drafting but'll just I'll put it in first yeah I know it's funny cuz when I went to college all those years ago the train went right to Northampton and I shut it down for all those years and now it's back and it's just kind of funny absolutely yep you need something like the verer it goes east to west and not just north to south I feel like it goes east to west it's going to be so slow would be nice if it was fast I have no idea's moving on to items not anticipated 48 hours in Advance uh vote to sign uh Hank's property sale right so the reason this came up as unanticipated was because um Town Council was on vacation and then they have this a date set for the closing for this now this has G on for over a year because this was yeah done through town meeting quite a while back um but everybody's all the lawyers have finally gotten everything together but the closing date September 19th and that's before your next meting oh my goodness so I was like okay I guess so there's a couple people pieces of paperwork here for you to sign that she just gave me today and they they have a checklist of things they need for you all to be able to sell the property one of them was a vote of the board saying um that you uh execute execute the deed so do you have that language right there I do okay great um I'll make a motion that the select board execute a deed to Henry W horsemen for the sale of zero as Field Road and the amount of $651 as as authorized by our town second all in favor I I great thank you and just so you aware there will be some taxes added on to that was like 82 something dollars that Jan has to add on it that yeah so now it's not in there but I will put it in you thank you very [Music] much okay moving on to town at administrator updates they're neat so it was a busy week that week for we had for me the first RFP and the first ifp invitation for bid so the assessor tax assessment Services RFP um only one bidder came in and it was Regional Resource Group which happens to be the they're using right now on a month-to-month basis and Stephen Casey is the person who's through rrg so the assessors will be meeting and then um deciding whether they want to recommend to the select board to sign the contract with them which would begin October 1st and run through 2027 June 30 of 2027 so there's a there's a little bit of an escalator each year in the contract so so um hopefully we'll be having assessors get back to us and have that on the agenda for the 23rd um I just wanted to bring your attention to community preservation committee we need to drum drum up some people to be on that committee the commission it's ex exceedingly important because the only people who can sign off on any articles that go to town meeting is the community preservation committee it can't come from anybody else to be using CPA funds right now there's no chair and they're down two members now in looking through the bylaw on it it seems to me that the two positions that are were missing are one the representative from the concom because Britney has resigned from the concom so I have an email in to see if there's somebody from the concom willing to be that otherwise that's a vacant concom seat and the other one in reading it it looks like Parks and Recreation they had a bunch of different variables which I put it all up in the website so that people can see what the B law is but it seems like if you don't have a park commission the next thing was Parks and Recreation so I've talked to Jan about whether or not they want to put somebody forward from Parks and recck such as Jan so I don't think she's GNA do it l one of the things that I did notice and I just want to bring it to everybody's attention is that there's only two at large seats which means everybody else on that committee is already committed to another committee committee in town which I think makes it probably problematic to get people to just step up to be a chair right yeah because they're already working yeah so yeah but I I think that's also like heavy heavily like loaded on people who are already in town service like it would be great to broaden that representation yeah so I just wanted to Food For Thought in case you know we decide I I'm not even really sure what to do if we don't get a couple of people I I do want to put something in the currents for October for this yeah definitely pleas do but right now is you know when people are starting to think about things that are going to be on the warrant in June and you know it's a long process do we have any former members we could cry on their shoulder and recruit I can try let's look at some former members yeah yeah I just met somebody yesterday who's a new Conway resident that came from Williamsburg um what was her name she just moved to New Guinea Road um it's way out there I know I know of some young people I'm going to reach out to I do too in fact I just hit one of them up to the offense viewer they were not that excited about that particular position but they swore up and down that they were going to volunteer for the Festival of the hills so um yeah I got some people in M great okay so and then we had um our newest Highway person started last week and Cory is starting up again this week so I think Ron's feeling like he can have a little breathing room again finally um we're still looking for more people um and I did um thank you Erica for having brought up about the coverage for prospective employees which are no I'm really thrilled you did and they're not covered so their recommendation was that you do the skills testing but after they've been hired and just make sure that that's very clear in your probationary period do we have that in the Personnel policy like a I don't know well we do have a probationary period but the skills test isn't in there so you all would still have to vote that you're going to do that kind of skills testing but it would be after the point of hire right it would have to be at unless I mean it's Maya was saying well it depends on how much risk the town wants to take on I'm like yeah I don't I think we want to take that on between both the equipment and and personal injury yeah um no so and I can talk with Ron more about I've asked him to come up with what his checklist would be um in terms of the actual skills testing but even even if that person does successfully do all those things there's still other parts of the job that might do the probationary period make it so that he's like yeah no this isn't really a great candidate that's true so yeah so in other words that wouldn't be the only test and they do own a professional license already like yes right but maybe there's something in the personel policy that says skills testing will be done within the first I don't know period of time could be any could be anytime yeah but up to so I think and you know I don't know how much we want to rush this it might be best for us to the Personnel committee's meeting soon we can discuss that with them and then come back to you and you know thanks for sing us from legal I yes yeah drama there I felt bad I was like oh damn we can't do that see don't feel bad that okay all um help so our it working group met um and there's some vendors and it was funny because two of the ones that were recommended it turns out had both been bought out by another company in the meantime so so we're but I put together a an initial spreadsheet of all the different Services you want to be sure that you have and I've sent it to the group so I'm going to get their feedback and then we'll start calling the companies and kind of filling out the chart for each of them so we have something Apples to Apples to compare there used to be one right down on 116 was it but they moved to East Hampton they seem like they're huge now what the heck were their name we're looking at um com Computing entree technology suzor it um source source pass I think is the one that that um that bought out site 3 and integrated Business Systems so now it's S I think it's Source pass it's called then there's novas and then there's there's Northeast it and then what was the last one suzor it yeah okay yep and then I did get that that um scanner and I took one of my you know my messy handwriting one of my books and just opened it up and scanned it and went in and sure enough it flattened out the book for me and it took out my fingers where they were I found out you can't put them in the corners but if you just hold it down like that you know it's still good to hold it as flat as you can but and it WR your handwriting it well no it scanned my handwriting and then I had a free I have 10 free tries of pen to print and so I put it through that and it actually I mean I think it was 95% accurate I couldn't believe it I really couldn't so my thought was we could you know get the um oh and Stephen and I are working um Wednesday on the senior tax workof and Veterans tax workof so I was thinking if we get you know somebody who can just run that scanner and start getting things in there once everything's already scanned then we can just pay for the pen to print and you know it's a great use for that the other thing that came up though when I mentioned this to a couple of other Town administrators was the idea of getting all these records codified and so that might be something that I could put in for a grant as well to to do so I'm trying to find vendors right now to do that because that would be so huge if we could get this all scanned done and then it's already codified and then we could just put it on the website you know that be cool yeah yeah yeah finding discontinued roads oh and I forgot to mention that well Lee just came in today and she has the map now for Avery Road in the um Conway State Forest so she's going to try to find whatever she can on the background of that road and whether it's discontinued or not she's I think fairly certain at DCR that owns it as well but you know so still trying to get to the botom good detective work yes yes great and that's that thank younie going to get busy fast um let's move on to mail before we do comments and concerns dear Deerfield River Wild in Scenic right so this is something that the select board already sent a letter of support for and now all they're asking is for the repres a representative to be appointed to attend these I think it's nine monthly meetings and they start up in October so they're looking for we would ask that you seek to identify representative that is interested in and knowledgeable about the river and who can represent your community's interests in the river this could be someone for open space or the concom or an interested citizen so if anybody so the okay the the Committees were having a hard time getting people to join um yeah I I I can't think of anybody or maybe somebody from Friends of the South River too yeah yeah I mean I know Janet Shay has got a lot on her plate that's what I she' be ideal if she were willing maybe we just ask yeah give her some chocolates you want me to ask her yeah sure sure yeah yeah and if she if she's unable to she'd probably also be the best person to recommend somebody she can't do it okay all right right I mean barique never has to ask twice though ask Adam yeah I'll ask her great thank you did you get that one just rolling out thank you all right great that's great thanks all right thanks Elaine for peting with Janet um moving on to the next item select board member comments or concerns any here either no announcements next meeting is going to be September 23rd unless there's anything else oh sorry yes oh yes so here we go yes yes yes no it's the um are you all able to all be here for the remarks and refreshments on 16th yes yes so I should have US post that as your next select board meeting okay because I will not be here on the 23rd or the 24th which is fine I don't think that's okay I mean if you guys want to go ahead the 16th Monday are you sure you'll be here on the 23rd I will be here on the 20 third that's yes Monday okay I will be here on the 16th I will not be here on the 23rd so yes so it's next Monday night here from 5:30 to 7: okay okay and they're going to take care of bringing in refreshments and stuff but but if all of you are coming I wanted to be sure to post it as a SEL meeting okay great thank you very all right I'll make a a motion to adjourn second all in favor all right thank you