##VIDEO ID:k2ZtZGpJk9Y## all right welcome everybody to the Monday October 21st Conway select board meeting call the meeting to order um if everybody is okay with it I'm going to skip to new business uh since Ron um Ron is here with Raymond yes great um so are you okay with that yeah absolutely all right uh first item on the agenda for new business is discussion and vote on hiring Raymond miscavage as a new CDL driver for the highway department welcome thank you um you already know the town obviously everybody knows you yes um I don't it's a pleasure to me I I have no questions or anything Ron did you want to say anything well I think we're fortunate to find somebody with his knowledge and I was very very happy was and hopefully things go good moving forward and there's only one license you don't currently carry correct that's the 4G yeah but I I could I could I will get it okay matter time I'll put in for it tonight right and Ron that's just a special over the fence mower right so it's oh got it okay it's not something that not need anytime soon that's some yeah so get some sheep yeah yeah awesome welcome thank you I appreciate that I'm elain hi elain Erica Erica nice to meet you um and you know Chris yes and Chris yes and you have like mechanic background as well right a little bit I wouldn't consider myself a mechanic though the basic knowledge and and tree work yes my answer awesome great awesome okay any questions when can you start yeah work right now if you need me awesome well I'll make a motion to hire Raymond Miss cavage is a new commercial driver's licensed driver for the highway department no second all in favor I welcome Raymond appreciate it I apprciate awesome thank you thank you anything else Ron anything else to say his pre-employment physical isn't until November 4th so okay and Jan's got the paperwork ready for you right I got some all right we can't make some bribes to move that up I wish so we have to wait to start so at least a month away month and a half two two weeks November November November got it not December got it okay great then all the paperwork and everything will be done so that's true all that takes time anyway we waited winter coming really oh you're saying it's not all right thank you appreciate it thank you so much okay that's sweet thank you guys thank you thank you nice to meet all right moving to the top of the agenda minutes uh vote to approve the minutes for of September 23rd sept and September 30th and October 7th those all look me second uh all in favor all nanas thank you uh next on the agenda are the warrants which TR look through earlier um nothing unusual as as that's been as it has been lately so I'll make a motion to approve the accounts payable warrant in the amount of $2,429 payroll warrant an amount of $144,500 and the payroll deduction warrant and the amount of $3,735 second all in favor I hi unanimous thank you meetings attended by select board members there go um I had the perog meeting on Thursday I think probably the most um I can avard everyone the the whatever was distributed at that meeting um I think probably the most relevant thing to us is that there's they're looking to um update after next number of years the bhog charter which um will require uh majority vote at the fog executive committee 2third weighted vote of the burot council and then if it passes there two3 majority vote by two3 of all member towns so that's something we should just be prepared for for next annual town meeting um and it's it's really just kind of to update the um just make changes to some language that's obsolete now there's certain functions and and basically they haven't reviewed the charge since it was initially chartered I think so interesting okay the L uh had school committee last week uh the most uh relevant thing to us is that they um we went over Capital planning for the school grammar school um and we probably the next big one will be the boilers um but we're also in discussion about having a using some money to do an overall School wide assessment to see if there might be a more energy saving way to go because the boilers are holding in there right now especially with the work we did already so we have time to really see what's the best choice to move forward okay so almost every class I think every classroom now does have a mini split um so um so we're in discussion about making that happen so really are there such things as like ground Source heat pumps I think there's geal for schools well there's GE so just to piggyback on that um Darius had reached out to us about having the sustainability committee work correct on school energy issues so because Deerfield got a grant yeah for this yeah um so uh like a green energy Grant or something so you would think there' be plenty of I think there'd be plenty of those out there I did ask I forwarded the capital list that we have um so in general we're we're um doing you know we because we put money aside we're you know we are we actually have the $250,000 or whatever it is that we think the two boilers would cost but since they're still going why not be smart and really look at what the options are and look at a grant to look at what the options are so is our sustainability committee is up and rning right absolutely and actually they had just met last week and I had forwarded them the email from Darius requesting that they become engaged in this and um from what I understand they're on board they're willing to they're already work working with Chris Mason who is our local rep for green communities oh cool yeah so they're they're on board and furog is still helping us and as far as I know will continue to help us update our data that keeps us um uh in compliance okay with the green communities program so yeah they're definitely they defin I mean just an example is like there's all the Mini Splits and stuff in the school now but they're not on like a system right that you can like you know right control them all from one thing you know it's like very manualized at this point which ideally you wouldn't have that you have some I forget the term a BMS system what I see that on here what's that stand for oh Lord something is it's not boiler management system is it no building oh building building building management system that's what it is and so basically it's getting everything on as was saying you know an electronic control so that one person can control all your HVAC in other systems yeah cuz that's the second largest item on here and even remotely yep exactly yeah got it so say we had because it's our emergency shelter if we suddenly said oh my God like we're going to need this like later today somebody could get on the system put the heat on and wherever we needed to get it like cranking up for opening up the shelter or something about it so it I think it would be a smart investment yeah there's got to be grants out there I totally agree I mean we can poke at what Deerfield got sure there are grants out there and on top of that um you'll see it later in my ta update but there's a new legislation that was just signed and actually now municipalities can actually get credits for work like this that they do um solar and H and EV and that kind of thing so you know we we've never filed tax terms because we're a municipality but we can now file for tax credits and get rebates on this kind of work that we do going forward so it's literally like brand new so I'm excited about that yeah excellent great so that was my only meeting um I had a Capital Improvements meeting I think yes um and then some not real meetings but uh just discussions with barque and Town Council um moving on public comments everybody on moving on to unfinished business discuss discussion and vote on the senior and Veteran tax workof program parameters barque sent um some examples for the eligibility um so I guess we can just kind of start from the top right the age limit should be um 60 6 I I 62 see I'm like I'm thinking we're going to have a lot of people so I I would personally recommend 65 um we do have a much older community um there's plenty of people that are still working um in their early 60s right now so I guess I was thinking of somebody who might be compromised right at an earlier age that might be able to do some tasks and could use some extra income but you know retired earlyer you know but you know just a thought all but true if just your average person retiring I would 65 would be normal I think the more important uh eligibility Mark that we hit is for income level but yeah um why don't we come back to the then talk about income level y I mean wonder if we could put 65 I mean I think we could start with 65 and see what kind of yeah you know and then if people if we get any and maybe if we only have like five people of five then we can next right yeah I think it's a good starting place okay Erica says 65 it's 65 that's right we have to vote on each one I I would prefer that at the end you just vote confirm by vote that this is your parameters yes okay so I think that yeah age limit 65 okay so income income limit um let's see so ammer used 52 oh gez amest is uh much more um affluent than us so we'll just skip that one um Northampton bases there the Mass state medium Irving bases there on lowincome uh cat of Hud to Franklin County Dalton in 2021 used 25,000 single 33,000 married that was again probably popular three years ago though yeah um and uh wi Winan uh used 4,150 single and 45,900 mared um asset limit exclusive of primary residence and one vehicle oh I see okay that would be the next thing so what is the uh what are the HUD oh here we go yeah thank you okay so very low 50% um would be one person 38350 and I was going to say this is just where we should go with yeah I think so too then it's not do we go a very low extremely low or I I think low is out of the question it should be between extremely to very um extremely as ex go very low yeah same let you think well I mean the census department has different numbers than HUD yeah that's strange um it says uh individual the median income is 30 around 37,000 is that National or is that for Franklin that's just for Franklin County oh this one was specifically for con oh jper okay yeah got it oh okay but it doesn't tell us how many people are within this range no okay okay yeah i' go very low I think that sounds reasonable okay all right we'll stick with the very low parameter set by Franklin County ma HUD so that would be single 38350 family here's what's confusing persons and family one two three like the household size I guess that I mean I would say three right I that's a family yeah yeah yeah the ones and this is this was what one of the things that was difficult about going through all this was because everybody was kind of all over the map with what they were choing so and a lot of just said singled and and married and I'm assuming that they didn't put it in their documents but if they based it on there's two some system that then you could just go with your church so if we have a household people we can just go to the five person and as long as we know we're losing the very low limits okay that's totally fine uh and then the exclusions uh for the asset limit on uh primary residents in one vehicle uh 40,000 single or 55,000 married is recommended and to be honest that was just because that was one of the older ones that I saw that had an asset limit although they did talk about it some of the others but this is the only one that I saw that where they spelled out what it was and it kind of makes sense that you can be asset rich and still income poor so it's up to the living in this town if you don't everybody have a car like but this is excluding your house and one vehicle oh okay that's assets above that oh okay yeah yeah yeah so if you have two cars you wouldn't qualify more no your your asset your assets um I'm good with sticking with that recommendation I yeah I think so one of the things that I wanted to mention about um the next process you're going to look at is how they're going to be chosen is that in all honesty I think there'll have to be some consideration to there's only a certain number of jobs that are available we're going to have to somehow match up the applicants with those jobs so what I wanted to propose was that when we get the applications back all the ones who qualify according to the structure we also then look at matching because there'll be a form for them to fill out what skills they have yeah so then it would be a lottery of those that match the positions and meet the income yeah I agree requirements that makes sense well it's not a lottery because would be well the lottery means that you're just pulling from a hat right we would be choosing people that could be put that put that could do the services that are available saying if we have too many are qualified oh God it so we're put oh we have no I mean that's I I think so because suppose like every single person person who applies the only thing they're able to do is stuff Transportation back stickers and we don't need five people to do that you know right so right so my guess is that you know hopefully we found enough different kinds of jobs that will be able to broaden it as much as possible but it wouldn't make sense if somebody couldn't do any of the jobs that we have listed was in the pool right so totally agree but that's not the parameters we're going to vote on today right it's just these the income age right that that would be part of it because I would need the director from the board to be able to say that when to go through the applications that if they don't match one of these jobs they don't go into the pool for the selection okay yeah I think that makes if you can't do any of these things yeah and like I said there is a fair amount of different things there to be able to do a lot of it's clerical obviously but um okay Gardener anybody want to Garden that's in there weeding is one of That's great so what else would you need would you need the timeline that's being shown as well or no the timeline is just I you know that was you know just to give you an idea of what we're hoping to do obviously this year is behind the eightball but next year I want to have the planning meeting in July and have all this done but this is the this is the hardest year to get the parameters set so we would just have a vote okay probably in July or August where you reaffirm your parameters for the next year okay sounds so how about I make a motion yeah uh I'll make a motion for the senior veterans ta tax workof program parameters to be set as follows the age limit to be 65 the income to be that of the Frankin County m a HUD metro area recommendation for very low income limits single is 38350 and then the fames based on the um number of members second uh one more sorry uh the um recommended in uh exclusions would be the asset limit um exclusion of a primary residence and one vehicle so those would be excluded so the asset limit with those exclusions would be 40,000 for single or 55,000 for married and then the method of choosing and then the method would be through a lottery system and we would also qualified of qualified applicants for the jobs posted great I will second that all in favor I I unanimous thank you awesome all right now that we have um Janet here let's move on to uh new business at the bottom discussion with Janet and possible vote on big low Meadow Mowing and management plans and invasives management on town properties not not weed so much not weed yeah well welcome thank you all for joining and uh we make sure the minutes or whatever this is for the open space committee you know I'm speaking for the open space Oh okay we're we're a little rough on minutes tonight yes I yeah I can see so but whatever you know me individually it's on beh of the committee and I'll reintroduce you to Julia hi Julia jul who is our latest member of the committee and helped enormously did anybody see the open space display at the festival of the hills you can be honest we can share some information I did not but I walked by the the Bigalow field all the time oh good yeah I love the sign oh good sign we a sign well at the festival we had a big display board showing all the different activities that we've done which are Myriad um you know walks and talks and and some Meadow renovation uh and we have maybe Elaine doesn't know maybe from your past a huge agenda in the open space and Recreation plan which lasts for seven years and it's big okay so um this big L Town owned uh uh has been on the radar and the agenda for improvement for many years because B it's just been mowed and with today's climate and with the invasives just mowing a meadow is not depending on the meadow uh what's happened over there is that the knotweed has become matted and more and so to inovate it is is a big project is takes time I mean there are different methods for dealing with it so on and so forth luckily we had Owen wormser who uh volunteered his expertise and we are following his guidance now which is uh and we're also going slow and steady in the past we had a uh a pollinator plan that furog helped us did and a lot of people participated in you know one thing to to create the pollinator Meadow for some Town own property I mean we have have the South River Meadow but there's more and this is this was the main one but um so we've had it's been I ided and and preliminary plans but we're going really slow because the neighbors don't want anything changed and and we're also taking a slow approach in terms of tackling the invasives with more careful Mowing and uh probably you know that we had Nick Potter mow it last year he's got different mowing equipment and uh rather than just the brush hog that Ron used and they can go around more carefully and it's works with him to identify like the good plants from the bad plants anyway that cost us $1900 um and what we've been relying all right well first we'll just go back to I I think late in the afternoon I sent I sent an email one of the and we've been in touch with the neighbors throughout this and invited them we've had walks and come look and so forth and and most of them are pretty supportive except don't get near my backyard and I don't want anybody looking in my backyard for you know the houses that are right at spot we understand that um but uh one neighbor in particular the insists on Fall mowing complete fall Mowing and um Owen and the committee feel that this is a better approach is the spring mowing long term because you're not killing as many pollinators and you're letting things winter over and over time it will look better so isn't sometimes spring and fall indicated yes I mean it depends on what you've got there and and what's you know the bad stuff you want to get before they go to Seas there was a lot bunch of hand pulling and some very selective mowing of some of the bitter Suite this year so that there less seeds but the amount I mean everywhere the amount of Bittersweet seeds just uh luckily that place doesn't have any nwe yeah it doesn't um so it just to you know ask for your support for this Approach at least you know for this year for this season you know it doesn't have to be mowed every fall and there was some selected Mowing and there was a complete mowing of late last late last last year so so there's currently no plan to mow this fall because that my understanding and if if you did have Nick Potter do some select mowing that that would be rather expensive oh yes I mean what what what Owen says in the email that you got sent uh late today is for a spring mowing um I'm sure you've thought of this but any chance of would uh having a grazed be help I I was waiting for goats goats cheap cheap actually really uh you know if you want to manage it or pay for it you know we're all ears I just is that a good is that a suggested it hasn't come up from from Owen this time around um my understanding is that it just takes know they're going to be loose on the street hey your goat's here you know I mean you you pay these people to come and right I don't know if there are any in the area anymore there used to be some in the area I've been trying to get my hands on some I know if a long time yeah sheep are better well sheeper than I mean we could offer it to our farmer sheep are not as bright no I not so what's the concern with the neighbors like Critters bows whatever being around I I think it's it's an aesthetic oh that's it yeah I mean we've explained this before you know and invited them and look at the literature and so on and so forth but it's just kind of we want things done the way they've always been done that's what I think and it and it's it's just one in particular so we might just to just to be clear this land is actually technically owned by the Conservation Commission it was will it's to the town well it's to the town but what I was going to say is that we're really fortunate that open space is willing to come in and do this management right because otherwise it would just be sitting there with the coner you know what else would be happening it's really we're really lucky that they're which is willing to manage it's been for comeing years it just can't be developed so it say one thing all abouts agreed on is that we would like to see the field mode yearly in the fall sounds like the abutters agreed upon that but there the town neither the town nor the open space committee ever made a commitment that we were right right and and there was I mean there was no meeting where all the butters you know said this and voted and sign I mean there was no petition it's just a suggestion yeah and particularly from the letter writer there yeah ecologically speaking as Owen recommends it's better just to do it in the spr okay okay uh somewhat entwined with this is this situation of funding for this um in 2016 after the most of the some of the work on the South River Meadow was done and various folks who cared about it we're trying to tackle the knotweed and now what do we do it sort of was a low terms of the development options there and Tom Hutchinson came to us in the open space committee um saying that he wanted wanted us to do the same thing for the Bigalow Meadow take that on with suggestions recommendations and pursue uh getting the edges of the South meow cleaned up and he said he had a special pot of money oh okay uh and it was the small Ci's grant for creating and implementing the open space plan really really we do and at the time it was $51,000 that the town got in the 1990s some spending had done before been done before um but uh uh really that meant that we could pay for the Lorie Sanders Natural History assessment that gave a plan for what we should do it's still up on our website and it's a beautiful marks out all the zones and basically it's what we've been following we took that we had like a public hearing open meeting with the planning board and there would have been a part commission before and so on so forth anyway we got this plan and then we started implementing um and this money was also used for uh a matching fund for invasive management at the South River State Forest two of this the two State Forest in town was an incentive so those were approved by by the board of Selectmen you know and uh and then executed well this not too long ago reque decides what's this money where's this coming from and she and uh uh the current Town accountant uh can't find any record that this is appropriate this appropriate use because there aren't any records right if it wasn't that I decided you had come and asked to pay some bills with this and Mike questioned it okay it was so because we have no records of what this money is to be used for so Mike is doing some research now because we're really not sure how the town got this money to begin with and Jance right it was about $51,000 back then we have no record of Tom's information or a vote changing this because normally small cities are cdbg funds so Mike once he gets done with his year end we'll be researching that for open space to see if this is an allowable expense is there still that $51,000 42 42 43,000 um but we had sort of undertaken some more projects um like is spending money on the meadow and we have a lot of other similar related and including perhaps spending or leveraging some of it for other invasive cleanup around um I mean there's basically no end of invas good good use good good use you know I mean we do we do the invasives to make way for the natives um and education so uh I mean I'm hoping we'll get some clarity do do you guys have any other money to access no I mean we have like 3,100 in our our operating budget we have a couple of um uh Community preservation earmarked funds okay ones for sign and and one for invasives at the South River Meadow which we've been using for many years and is going to be gone soon so we don't have any other um you know fund be think we'll figure this out by the end of the year I I honestly don't know but um you unfortunately it takes because it's one of the special Revenue funds it would take a timoto town meeting it could be what could happen especially because we like to clean out our special Revenue funds and make sure we know what they're supposed to be used for so if you know in Mike's research he can't find it and if we come to the conclusion well there's money that we need to allocate we could certainly take it to town meeting and say could you please reallocate this to the open space plan so that you know yeah I mean that's but unfortunately it would it would have to be done at town meeting too to clear that any any potential for a a special town meeting we don't have one of the books at the moment you never know they that's why they come up is because something comes up and then all of a sudden you have to have one yeah so I can definitely put that down on on my list but I have to wait for Mike to do his research right right well I just hope it doesn't get returned well I have a couple things to add I'm not trying to extend you know all I like to be very efficient in these meetings but one if we have funds that haven't been used since the '90s imagine if that was put in a high yield savings account how much we would have right now so now I'm wondering how many other funds are out there sitting with the town why wouldn't they have been invested also that's what I'm wondering they would have been okay would have I'm just making sure this like that would be wasted money right there but like the community preservation fund that's earned a lot of interest right based on the Balan okay no J Jan is very much on top of okay good yeah that would have been such a waste um the other thing was you know we're talking about invasives you know it'd be great to have funding to help Town property there's also residents that are having extreme issues so I'm wondering if there could be reading material just even online not printed out but online to show reading material reading material to show hey this is American Bittersweet you don't want to touch American bitter Suite here's what you should do with weed especially if it's near a water source M uh cuz people don't know so right I'm I'm wondering if like if we took just the invasives that we know are a real problem here in Conway which are those those are the two it's Autumn Olive Bittersweet knotweed what's the garlic one Flor Rose mustard mustard right a tree of heaven was even found on my property yeah and then what is it called million of Mile oh minutes those either you know that's really an excellent idea we were uh after the festival we thought we should really brainstorm I mean do some brainstorming about how we can get this word out more and get people yeah uh more involved yeah and there there I know there's already links out there even with um Smith college has some good ones oh there's lots of there there's a ton of online it would just be nice to have something on our website to say here residents for invasive species here's what you can do here's what you can do yeah talk to Janet yeah yeah that's my strategy I want to have a Bittersweet pulling competition yeah yeah right next year Festival the hills well we're going to teach the kids I mean this is ongoing it's got to be taught at the grammar school chairman especially with the knotweed with the floods the knotweed is double ter terrible it's terrible the floods yeah and when it was when it was blooming you could really see it yeah it's it's wild how much there is and and remember all the critters that need that space can't live there y um so uh if we go to Spring if there's going to be like a spring mowing that um that we would have roaring book do special spring mowing we would have to assess whether we could pay for that this year and it gets a little tricky at the end of the year because we pay for Andrew too that metal also so it'll be a balancing act but we'll carefully pay okay good um so I guess is there any need for you to maybe reaffirm that that you want to stick with this plan for for I mean Owen literally wrote books about this right yes so I sounds like a good plan right he sounds like a subject matter expert to me so I I'm of the mind to go after what he is uh recommending I would second that I just I wonder if is it something that we actually have to vote on or is this like it's not bad just to you don't have to yeah but it's not bad to have the record of it so coming back in five years you can say well Bo did vote this is your I mean well L say follow expert do it you know she's going to come you know right so preemptively we'll save the town follow the experts man yeah you know at least for this season or so you know until I run out of money and then do it whatever um so I'll um make a motion to vote to um for the big low Meadow uh maintenance for mowing to be done during the Spring just according to the according to the subject matter expert yes I will second that all in favor I thanks for all the work on this thank you yeah yeah thank you super important thanks for your support yeah and we and and and we'll maybe we'll include you if we get to when we do our uh invasive uh brainstorming yeah great I I do think it'd be great to have a source available to the one of the issues that we I'm sort of always aware of is how to draw other people in and how to get the average person to to care pay attention plant naweed in their yard I actually don't think it's a bad idea to have the grammar school have a competition in it but you know I mean is there any you know I just I think that I can yeah well little tiny KN weed I mean a little tiny Bittersweet can be pulled and it's it's quite satisfying and it's really small and you can recognize the roots and so for some ages if you have anybody doing nature education um you know it doesn't take long to idea parent somebody has to teach them what poison ivy looks like right so just go along with it right yeah and we could find some and it's so warm now with a you know it's we still do it but awesome Julia's had a lot of experience yeah so my background is National Park management but my training and many years of experience was Environmental Education after education so we can put together a little unit and you know yeah yeah a couple worksheet look fun like fun sheets to like Bingo invasive species Bingo or something did you have a contest at the bigo meadow and have them come up and actually so the sixth grade taught by my natives uh Jamie RoR and Emily holy so Emily's the classroom assistant and Jamie's the is that the year they do Outdoor Ed I'm not sure when they do Outdoor Ed but they they're sixth graders you know about they be great age be a great age to do some education also for education to share with their parents and and Emily's from a farm family so you know probably get behind this it's a great idea yeah all right I will bring that to them okay well thank you to for coming in for being on the committee oh my pleasure having fun and learning from Jan I okay so we're back still in new business um next on the agenda is discussion and vote to sign the contract with a street light study with rt e Energy Solutions this would only require um a signature from me thanks J just so you all are aware um in the contract it didn't wasn't really stipulating what we wanted the scope of work to really um the scope of work outline uh he did I just want to read what he did right back after we voiced our concerns on this we will certainly incl include as an important objective identifying lights that can be safely decommissioned okay U because that was part of the study large um the the numbers that they were giving back to us were about replacing lights on every single street light so barque and I came back and said no that's not what we're looking for um we're the main focus is to see what street lights are necessary and what can be de decomission um ever would be the ones to decommission any lights that we don't want um and they would adjust the buyback cost according um the you emailed the agreement correct this IEM that everybody yeah oh wait this is from Adam here it is here I mean it's uh Donna looked over this this is what we were discussing earlier last week um this looks like the last one yeah I don't think I did there were a couple things that were changed between their legal counsel and ours okay um mostly to do with liability limits and indemnification so yeah and although it's not in this contract about scope of work he does state it in the email which I think is fine yes totally yeah so okay I move to sign the contract with RTE for um street light I will second that all in favor all right all right when do they think this will happen um well if we're to take shelburn as an example it's probably going to be a while oh okay bummer well this is the first stage yeah so after they give us come back to us with the study we'll probably have to have you know a public forum and stuff with the results and because there'll be talking about right where do we decommission these so like next spring or we hope and then what we're hoping is that when we as soon as we have that we can have thank you we can have the um the sustainability committee will be working on the green communities grants right to fund The Next Step yeah in this so yeah great now that we have this I can I can say oh by the way what get us on your calendar yeah awesome I would assume there' be some push back on some lights if both for and against exactly exactly yeah yeah um next on the new business the discussion and vote to sign a letter of support for the Conway swimming pool Grant application to T-Mobile Hometown Grant initiative so this was a request that came in from the Conway swimming pool to sign a letter of support they're applying to T-Mobile and it's like a Community enhancement Grant and what they're hoping to use the funds for is first to um refurbish the uh platform yeah in the middle and then if they have extra funds there's a couple of things that they want to work on awesome um I didn't get it all in time to draft the letters today but I you know they wanted me to draft one and also to have one from the select board so if you all approve me doing that then I'll together put it out for your signature I will make a motion we uh write a letter to support the Conway s full Grant second all favor hi hi um Chris you can come as one of our guest if you want if you haven't swam at the comic it's awesome it's awesome it's really awesome let's say refreshing is word yes and the dive that we're talking about it's like a what 12 foot yeah yes at least 12 to write up passage for every kid in town uh next on the agenda items not anticipated 40 hours in advance nothing uh ta updates I'm happy to go through any of this if I mean I looked I don't really have any questions good thank you though good thanks it was a very well outlined um sheet that you gave thank you uh select board member comments or concerns aside from our concern for our uh our Our Town administrator assistant yeah uh I hope he's okay yes I I the the only concern that I want to bring up is the fact that i' I've heard that the treasurer and Secretary of the Festival of the hills committee have resigned oh so there are currently only two people on the festival committee oh no already yeah oh no our newest committee isn't that our newest committee well well it's yet to right I mean there're still it's not a town committe so the special legislation I I think we wrote a a letter in favor of that bill last week or the week before so it should be before them now so as soon as we find out then the select board can you know we can put forth you know new for new because we'll have to reorganize everything yeah is Hazel she and she's she's now the chair yeah oh my God about fast rising her first year on the committee became the chair and is now like one of only two people left and she's happy to keep doing it but um she got to get some of her young friends on the committee yeah and I think I mean yeah everyone loves the festival but I just think that it's going to be in coming upon us we should do an event at like the in to talk about this recruit to recruit some younger people in I agree as soon as as soon as we get back the legislation I think we should go for it and yeah put it out there absolutely so I'll also ask Seth who I had on the capital Improvement committee for a while he had a lot going on his baby is now a little older it's not as intense as capital Improvement so maybe he'll join in because heart Farm was there oh oh for the F for the festival Festival um but yeah maybe we do something in the end yeah and I think if we just make people aware that like this Festival might not happen next year right right right like I think people just don't realize yeah you know it's important it's fun it's a lot of fun another concern that people I've just and it's a little awkward because they're new neighbors of mine so but I've had many concerns raised in a few phone calls about there is what people are calling an Adu uh next door right across from the cemetery M and I know I I I know the uh planning board is aware of this and I know the building inspector has already been out um but it's operational oh yeah uh now the b i this is all word of mouth I don't know that this is accurate but the the building inspector said since it has wheels oh yeah there's no yeah if it has wheels then there's absolutely nothing you can do but they have it um um but we have a thing against trailers in town I thought they're grandfathers the only the mobile hones I'd have to look that up but if it's a mo if it's on Wheels then it's not considered an actual part of the property so they took a bunch of trees out they have you know gray water setup electricity you know and the neighbors not me because there not in my but have raised a lot of concerns um we might want to take that up with um uh George and the yeah planning planning board this also reminds me that um some of the surrounding Town Town administrators had been thinking of asking the Ferg Cog to maybe get a full-time zoning enforcement officer because their the building inspector's department is so overwhelmed with everything they have to do with the fur Cog that so if the board agrees I will definitely send along our support for a new position for zoning enforcement because it's it's everybody doesn't know what to do with it you know but um it just uh um and don't doesn't the law change isn't there something going into effect Inus well the planning board's already on top of that working with Town Council on on a bylaw change for us because you know one of the things that comes up is you have an Adu you got a shared Drive way all of a sudden the number that are allowed on the shared driveway has to be able to double because you could have an Adu for each house that's allowed on the you know so there's complications like that but there are other things where the planning board and the town will just want to be sort of on top of what limitations there are that being said a large part of the limitations is going to be our own septic systems because the septic is going to have to be able to accept yeah either tie it into the existing and make it or build a new SE which is not cheap so I had actually asked the planning board last year to do a bylaw for adus and then Jeff Lacy let me know this was coming down the pipe so it's already already here well it's going to be here soon yeah I right and I think we really have to be ahead of it because it could be crazy like if this I mean I I'm I go back and forth on the current situation of they know exactly what they're doing and managing and they have no idea like and I have no idea which it is you know what I mean but this is if you drive by it is looks much more like an Adu than like a mobile camper or something right it looks like it was built for but it's on Wheels it does have wheels so it's house on Wheels and but then that you know but then like you said if we had some you know guidelines around mobile homes then does that make it I don't know what those are off hand yeah so I just know that the ones the few that are in town I had heard were grandfathered and there are no more allowed like that structure living like you can't come dump a mobile home somewhere and and what technically makes it a mobile home I mean because it sounds like an Adu on Wheels that's what it sounds like a mobile home to me I think it's going to get really crazy with all the split and hairs about this but I mean to me you know like also I mean this is going to have to have a heat Source you know like a camper yeah doesn't does it have a heat Source usually usually they do have either solar on top or they'll have yeah little mini splits and they use um propane tanks and I don't know if it's a a complicating Factor at all but it's basically there's it's an office mhm so think it's interesting I was going to say with the grade water issue that's kind of a sticking in my head too because you think they would need if they're going to have a toilet on the office they definitely got to have septic hookup so yeah yeah maybe the playing the borderers uba can Board of Health would be also yeah gry water isue composting toilet so who will tell the board of help um I mean that's cat isn't it yeah so we can tell her okay yeah I mean if it's fine and they're following the rules that's fine I just want to you know yeah make sure no and that I mean that happened right after that legislation so I think it's probably this is not going to be the first I don't think so either that's why I think we have to be and they're you know really nice people but you know I'm just like for those I me just heard you know I just got an ear full pickle ball from yeah another neighbor who is isn't a butter and he like what is going on and F I'm here to play pickle ball not on the clock that's right well oh those are two big things all right Festival of hills and na use yeah um mail I got a lot of mail before do we say we we going to no yeah no no no no mail no today no announcements next meeting is going to be November 4th unless anyone has anything else I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you