##VIDEO ID:_9ATBoFzyuI## welcome you to the Cook County Board of Commissioners regular meeting today Tuesday September 24th and if we'd please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as we begin to today are there any adjustments to today's agenda any changes or adjustments to the agenda Madame chair I'd like to make a motion to approve the agenda thank you commissioner Mills is there support I'll support that thank you commissioner white we have a motion and support to approve our agenda any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously at this time we have our public comment period it's an opportunity for citizens to appear before the County Board and the public is welcome to address the County Board on any matter of County concern when invited to speak please speak into the microphone we have up front at the table speak for clarity please sign in and state your name and address and the topic you're addressing are there any members of the public that wish to speak today for public comment good morning good morning morning my name is John Mills and no relation but my brother's name is Dave it's a good name it's a good name yes so thank you for allowing me to speak today my family has owned property on Pike Lake since 1934 with the exception of a few years someone has live lived All Summer Long at their cabin from my grandfather who was a school teacher in Minneapolis who came up to up with his family the day after school got out and went back the day before school began to my parents who spent many of their retirement Summers up here and to my wife and I who are now spending our summers here may through October what draws our family to this part of the country is the nature and the outdoors we enjoy Beauty and quiet the stars at night and of course the Aurora Borealis that we've seen a lot of this summer we hike bike paddle board kayak canoe and fish all those activities have minimal impact on others we and many of our neighbors around the and near Pike Lake are deeply concerned about the proposed update to the CJ ramped Trail and the detal impact it will have on both the environment the quietude and those activities that we all enjoy at the August 27th Commissioners meeting where parks and trails proposed a resolution to modify the CJ Ramson master plan a commissioner asked the ATV Club Representatives about noise the answer given was I doubt anyone lives within a mile of the lake or a mile of this Trail I'm sorry this answer is naive and shows a lack of understanding of where the trail actually goes by looking at the Cook County property tax info website and the county mapping site and Google Maps you will find 95 property owners and taxpayers around Avon Lake or I'm sorry I come from Avon Lake around Pike Lake who all are within one mile of the CJ Ramson Trail and I've handed out a a map to everyone of the east side and the west side of Pike Lake and a black line that highlights where the trail is and you can see exactly how close it comes um a couple of the properties on the west side of the lake are within 300 ft of the trail that's a football field that's how close it is to their property we are not aware of any Property Owners or even the Pike Lake Area Association who is contacted by parks and trails to understand the negative impact a change in the trail would have on on our um the residents we hope that DNR will thoroughly assess the environmental impacts some of which have been repeatedly pointed out in letters to the board but what about the impact homeowners and Property Owners these owners pay taxes they invest in the local businesses and participate in local events and Charities there are year round as well as many seasonal residents who call Pike Lake and their surrounding area home although minor compared to overall County taxes we around the lake contribute a quar of a million dollars to the county coffers each year in property taxes significantly more is added to the county economy when our spending is added in such as food fuel Building Maintenance entertainment and other purchases why were the property owners and taxpayers ignored When developing plans that will impact them I understand the parks and trails is pursuing letters of support from other Trail user groups but in their haste to make the resolution happen they and you fail to identify all of the stakeholders these include all of the people living near the trail whether they be at Pike Lake or other residents along the trail in future endeavors I urge you to understand and incorporate homeowners input before you rush rush off and push the resolutions brought before this board and I want to thank you for um allowing me to speak and again the map shows exactly how close people are and how they will have to listen to ATVs running across that trail All Summer Long thank you thank you thank you are there other members of the public that wish to speak this morning okay good morning good morning good morning Arvest Thompson I live on in Colville on County Road 14 I'm here to speak about some of the items on the agenda of today uh the first one is um the artificial intelligence policy can the public expect that at a minimum by adopting this the county staff will have their workload reduced because as you say it will enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions mimicking human behavior including the ability to see understand and translate spoken and written language analyze data make recommendations and more perhaps we can even reduce staff more because of all the work that AI will accomplish I'm not in favor of AI secondly I want to talk about the law enforcement center uh under an item called project understanding Pages 6970 the county will now be hiring a construction manager are we again on the path of another $15,000 year plus full-time employee is this going to be included if the plan is approved in the bonding so there can be an end to this position at the August 27th budget and Facilities meeting a request from both Randy and Liz was made for the current square footage by department and the proposed footage for comparison is this available now or when will it be the county has a fleet of cars in the proposed budget a line item called mileage has a total County department cost of $34 plus th000 how does the use of our Fleet figure into this number how much do we allow the use of personal vehicles is it ever one person one car when riding together should be required is it time to consider back going back to the use of personal vehicles only there are several other expenses that standing alone in the budget may not be significant in your eyes but each warrants looking at consider giving responsibility back to each department to reduce items such as dues and subscriptions a total line item of 53,500 plus dollar is in that item really and when you look at the line items something called other supplies in small equipment the figures are significant but with no detail everything from $3,000 in the sheriff's response budget 9500 in recycling 38,000 in facilities and 40,000 to the Y where's the accountability for that aren't you concerned with $40,000 what it actually covers I'd like $40,000 of other and no accountability for what it's spent on one of the um let's see one of the things that makes me uncomfortable with the numbers in the budget is that the way expenses are labeled or identified it's not consistent so um like in the County Board piece there's an item called suspense dollars of $122,000 what's in suspense Administration has a line item called staff development at $6,000 how does staff development different from training title only one of the things that makes me uncomfortable with all those numbers how can you possibly compare them when you don't have the same titles to what you're looking at I'd like to propose a possibility you want to reduce the budget by 4.8 1% I heard how about giving it back to the Departments they know better than anyone what they can reduce what they really need and begin with the County Commissioners commissioner Mills started down that path in August 20th when he suggested scaling back on Commissioners training demonstrate that it's possible you can still function very effectively Commissioners you can make the tough choices thank you thank you are there other members of the public that wish to speak any other members of the public are there any comments that Commissioners have received or our administrator from the public all right we'll close our public comment period and move on to our consent agenda are there any items commissioner wishes to pull when do the intruction of BR hearing or seeing none is there a motion to approve the consent agenda so move mam chair thank you commissioner Mills is there support support thank you commissioner sterley we have a motion and support any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries before we um move forward to item four which is our resolution regarding tax abatement we have a quick introduction to staff administrator York indeed thank you madam chair and good morning everybody I would like to introduce the board uh to Brook lard our new facilities director Brooke comes to us from Northshore Health um I I said this in a recent radio interview it's it's fre the case that we have to find Talent from our Community Partners and that never feels good but uh we wanted to select the best person for the job and Brook Rose to the top um he's got really great technical skills for this position um he's also I think he's got the the ability to kind of take us in the direction that we need to go in terms of making better use of technology in the way that we manage our buildings um and I'm just really excited that is joining us he he also has been into this community for a while and so he and he has worked with Brian silence so he kind of has an introduction already to to our buildings um he's currently working part-time uh last week and this week but we'll be starting full-time on Monday so Brook welcome and if you'd like to say a few words about yourself and uh sure that'd be great thank you um yeah I guess uh my wife and I bought a property up here 20 years ago we've been a taxpayer of Cook County for TW a little over 20 years now and just kind of always looked for a way to to get up here and the the hospital was a way to get up and and then this position opened and it was exciting to see all the projects and and uh the CIP and everything that moving forward will be a a lot of fun to be a part of and a lot of fun projects to get completed all right well thank you we are just really happy to have you thank you welcome aboard thanks thank you all right with that we will move on to item four which is our tax abatement for the Heights Apartment project and I believe um we have some individuals here who may want to uh speak to the matter so we do have microphones available if you wish to do so M chair I think we have all right thank you I just wanted to make sure there was an opportunity maybe Madam chair if I could um just as a recap we did hold a hearing on this abatement request last February um at that time the board uh supported the the abatement um at the time the request was they they didn't know what the exact terms of the abatement were going to be and so they requested uh an abatement of up to $450,000 for a period up to 15 years um in the intervening time that request has actually come down to 3 $63,000 so um and they have received uh funding assistance from while they have a a request on for the revolving Loan Fund and from some other sources as well um but this this would be an abatement for up to 15 years and the agreement does include as the cover sheet mentions a look back provision so that the performance of the project can actually be assessed after uh the first year or two to see um whether it is reaching St ization and that's defined as 90% occupancy um when that happens There's an opportunity to to look at the finances again and figure out if the if the full abatement is needed or if it can be reduced well I'm really appreciative as I believe all Commissioners are that the numbers have gone down um that we have a term not to exceed 15 years and that we are going to look back um so I think um this is very very promising are there any questions that commissioners have for our team from the heights commissioner uh this is a um devel the development fee uh is it is a 50 it's $50,000 Which is less than this uh industry standard which is 3% what is a development fee who gets that thank you for the question commissioner white in in construction projects it's very common to have a development fee the developer puts in a lot of work and is compensated for that via that fee there on this project and and that fee ranges sometime between three and 5% would be sort of the average on this project it initial the very first part of our financial performance that we created the development fee by the way we are the developer okay um the the development fee was as high as $450,000 um we we decided unilaterally to reduce that 250 um because we want the project to go and we said we don't need this extra $200,000 let's do it for this lower amount then through a complicated uh formula that we have with our partners rocity um they're they're 10 General partners of this of this deal seven of them are local and three of them belong to this rocity organization um we um the locals are doing the vast majority of the work and it basically breaks down to about 200,000 of for that for the locals and $50,000 for rocity the local GPS have have agreed to defer their $200,000 until beginning year 9 because the project doesn't support paying that money upfront or you know upon completion of the project so the answer to your question is that money that that 50,000 goes to our senior partner in the deal rocity and um and they own the majority of the the deal as a matter of fact but they're getting a a small portion of the total development fee and the L of it will go to the local GPS General Partners um many years in the future and then do you nine years into the future then um should the project be thriving then you how does that 200,000 come to you do you get to take it off of rents do you I'm just curious it it would be an expense that would be paid out just like electricity or or snow plowing or anything else and of course it can only be paid out if there is revenue for uh to pay out um we're as an organization we're not going to go borrow more money so we can pay ourselves um so there's there's a risk both in timing and and in and in amount of that so it's kind of a it it's a hypothetical number out there for the future okay that we would hope to get but then then again um again the locals the local GPS want the project to succeed and we do not want to burden the project today with an extra cost of a couple hundred, and GP means general General partner thank you sorry okay all right thank you good question any other questions all right if not I would entertain a motion uh Madam chair I'd like to make a motion um to uh approve the resolution granting the property tax abatement for the Heights Apartment development in Grand marray and an amount not to exceed 363 um ,000 for a term not to exceed 15 years thank you so much is there support supp thank you commissioner Johnson we have a motion and support any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries opposed 4 to one thank you all right we'll move on um we're a little early actually for our public hearing so we're going to have to wait because we do need to wait until 9:00 um any recommendations from the board of an item that you would like to move forward I'm looking at timing got about five minut aitor that might be a great one thank you auditor Powers would you be ready to jump ahead to item 10 sure thank you for your flexibility yeah thank you madam chair so the first item is a revolving loan fund request for Joel St John this is a it's called the Mayu project uh he owns the Mayu building downtown he's proposing uh to build a 30,000 square foot building across from joins he's bought those parking lots and the other empty lots where the uh business is burned a few years ago and uh to build a restaurant retail units an event center and lodging units um we've met on this issue a few times revolving loan a quorum of the committee met on Wednesday uh last uh September 18th and recommended approval for this loan uh the request here is for a $75,000 loan for the project with a 10-year amortization schedule and a one-year balloon payment and the reason for that is that uh all the financing with the bank is not complete at this time and so this would be uh we would call this if things were not uh progressing uh in a year um we don't expect that to happen but um this would be secured then by a personal guarantee of Joel St John and a second mortgage on one of the parking lots and we've looked uh the committee looked at the personal income tax and financial statements and is satisfied that he has a very strong uh personal financial situation uh and so we're satisfied with the personal guarantee for this uh 75 ,000 loan um all this of course would be subject to County attorney uh creating the loan documents personal guarantee and the uh applicant would have to complete the mortgage thank you are there any questions for auditor treasure powers and I I'll mention to that uh the applicant originally was looking for uh 200 ,000 and if all goes as planned uh may be asking for that at a later time the rest of that so just so you know but currently this is U for $775,000 and this is what the committee approves so correct any other questions is there a motion motion to approve the revolving loan to uh Joel St John thank you commissioner Sterly is there support I'll support that thank you commissioner white we have a motion and support any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you Item B keep going okay we still got a couple minutes so this is the second quarter general fund budget report uh so at 50% of the year you would expect revenues and expenditures to be around 50% and at this point we see revenues at 79% expenses at 47% and so the net Levy at the moment is about 18% um this is a modified acral basis meaning you know the expenses early in the year there were actually last year have uh are not included here same with revenues one exception is the bwca payment um if that didn't appear here that everything would be skewed so um so we're including that they pay that so late um we wouldn't see this on our report until the end of the year so I've included it here um so I'll just point out a few of the Departments with let's say exceptional numbers the ' 041 General Finance Administration with 180 five or 158% of Revenue as budgeted and 82% and EXP expenditures the revenue is the continued High interest rates we've seen with the these are based on the high interest rates uh nationally that's going to change but uh We've uh really benefited from that from the last couple of years um on the expense side uh we pay insurance costs that aren't uh allocated to any particular Department in this department and those are paid in January so the expense number is high under elections the revenue and expense there primarily is the presidential uh Primary in March and the reimbursement from the state for that um the sheriff's department the uh revenues are very low right now a big part of their revenue is police amortization Aid that doesn't come until December down in 390 Environmental Health revenues are at 272 that's 143,000 that we received from Lake County for the one Watershed one plan and they were not able to spend all that money so they've allocated it back to Cook County to spend um and then one correction will be coming up later so parks and trails expenses are very low Planning and Zoning expenses are a little high and that's an allocation of the parks and trails um staff that is 50% parks and trails 50% Planning and Zoning that allocation has to be corrected this isn't showing 50% of his expenses in 391 so we'll correct that you'll see that on the next report uh so both of those will be more balanced and uh I think I'm going to leave it at that unless you have any questions other questions for aor not is there a motion to accept our quarter 2 general fund budget report so move Madam chair thank you commissioner Mills is there support support thank you commissioner Johnson we have a motion and support to approve our general fund budget report any further discussion or questions all in favor he I opposed motion carries thank you and uh appreciate your flexibility we'll stop at that point and move back to our um bigger item which is our 9:00 public hearing regarding cannabis so just for um the public and for those of you that are here for the first time today for a public hearing like to give a little background for this um in the state of Minnesota since 2015 medical marijuana has been legal for the treatment of nine different medical conditions and it's considered to be one of the most restrictive medical marijuana bills in the country then few years later in 2022 uh food and beverages that contain THC which is derived from hemp became legal in Minnesota and packages were um designed to limit the THC content to 5050 Mig total and 5 mg per serving these are the projects or the um products that we see in a lot of our local stores um THC beverages gummies things of that nature and there are 13 different locations in Cook County which sell these products cannabis became legal in Minnesota a little over a year ago on August 1st of 2023 and legalized were the use possession and cultivation with some laws taking effect then and a number of other laws taking effect January 1st of 2025 Minnesota law permits adults who are 21 and older to purchase up to 2 pounds of marijuana flour 8 grams of concentrate and 8 milligrams of infused Edibles growing at home is permitted you can have a total of eight plants with no more than four that are flowering at once and they have to be locked and secure ured so it gives you a little bit of background on where we've come over recent years the state of Minnesota is involved in licensing for cannabis and this has been a kind of a confusing piece for many people not only here in Cook County but throughout the state of Minnesota a county doesn't control those licenses the state of Minnesota does what we did is get a cannabis regulation committee together with a large number of individuals participating representing business education um the Community Law Enforcement our County attorney and they made a recommendation initially to the board to come forward and think about 14 different places locals in Cook County that could sell or grow these products after having a couple of town halls couple of public hearings and we have one today um we are looking at a little bit different ordinance we have reduced from 14 to 7 so I want to make sure everyone is clear that the current ordinance that is being recommend recommended is looking at seven locations throughout the county this parallels the number of establishments that sell alcohol so the parallel is from alcohol to um marijuana at this point I'm going to ask attorney hicken to provide any additional comments that she would like to before we open the hearing um thank you chair Sullivan so I I first want to note there have been some errors in the K County News Herald uh printed about the ordinance so I want to make sure that um everyone including the public who's watching today understands that the um amended ordinance that has been published and um for which the County Board is holding the public hearing today as chair Sullivan said is uh proposes seven a limit of seven registrations of cannabis retail businesses in the county distributed equally between uh the county of gray I'm sorry the city of gray the three townships and then three geographically defined uh unorganized territories um the first version of the front page cannabis article on our cannabis ordinance uh referred to the original 14 that were proposed um without any reference to the fact that the board asked uh for a different version with fewer registrations we asked for a correction to be printed and then the correction that was printed actually wasn't accurate either um that one said that um the board voted to recommend seven per organized territory and two for the city of gr maray so um we're talking about seven total in the entire County distributed evenly among seven Geographic zones um the other thing that I've heard there's confusion out there about um and this comes from the retailers who are currently um selling the lower potency THC and CBD products that chair elvan um talked about uh some of those retailers believe that this cannabis ordinance requires them to register if they're selling those lower potency products to clarify um there is no registration requirement created by this ordinance for those lower potency THC and CBD products uh this ordinance would require those business owners to change their practices a bit as far as where those items are placed and how they're marketed um but it does not require a registration through the county um for this public hearing the board should consider the record to include um the three public hearings that have already occurred in um August were they all in August or one was in uh September but um we've already heard from the public um and of course um the board chair should open for public comment today also um but you've you've heard a lot from the public already on this issue and from uh the committee and you should be entitled to take all of those all of that information into account when you make um your decision today and the record should reflect that um your record for decision making includes all those prior public hearings and board submissions and just so the public is aware information has been collected not only at the Town Halls the public hearings that we've had but we have gotten online submissions on our County website we had a um voicemail set up to gather comments that people could leave in that fashion and of course as Commissioners we've all um gotten a lot of information and feedback and had many discussions with our constituents so given that I'd like to open our public comment or a public hearing I should say regarding the proposed C Canabis ordinance are there any members of the public that wish to speak this morning at our public hearing if you could come to the microphone so we can have that as our record thank you harvest Thompson Co bill um I'm wondering what decisions can the county make regarding the licensing um I believe I read in there that in the draft that it says the county shall approve it doesn't seem to indicate that the county has any control over who is coming in requesting those retail licenses um and I haven't as I read the the materials I I don't see where there's an awful lot of choice uh once you decide the number of retail stores that you want that the county has so I do you know what kind of choices you have uh regarding the retailers and who comes in and where they are and um if they're a Cook County resident or not a Cook County resident uh I just pose that question for you cuz I've asked and I don't remember seeing a response thank you are there other members of the public that wish to speak this morning at our public hearing regarding cannabis any other members of the public all right we'll close our public hearing at this time and begin our discussion commissioner white well to that question that our um Community person posed I had been thinking about that and and as you had said we can always increase the numbers as as it goes along so we start start at 7 but again it's who decide it will be the state that makes the decision and we cannot say we really don't want we have no control over that I'm understanding that that is correct so and in one respect I really doubt that there will be seven people that want to come and open a business in Cook County you know it seems like we don't have the population on a steady basis um to support their initial investment so I at this point like okay so we can change this and we can make it be more why don't we start with just one or two if if if we if I knew that our local businesses or someone who who had a our local business who who have been here or want to start a business here truly and live here um would have the opportunity to be the retailers for cannabis if we had seven okay but since the state is going to tell us who's coming in that makes me very nervous it it just really does other questions or comments I think for the public one of the important things to um think back about with the input that we've had we originally started with 14 and we brought that number down to seven um not only because we thought one in each of these Geographic zones would be adequate and it would parallel alcohol but we also wanted to make sure that we're being mindful of the fact that we would have to um have staff from phhs going to each of these and cond conducting um age checks and things of that nature um what we can control is the number that we have and the time place and manner that's what's in in the legislation um which we you know have in this particular ordinance but again the number was brought down not only to parallel alcohol to but to make it reasonable for Public Health and Human Services to do the work that they would be required other comments do we have an estimate and then for law enforcement um is this similar to checking for tobacco consumption that is correct and alcohol correct and so how much time do we have an idea how much time is required from not only our staff but law enforcement to do these scheduled or random checks can I ask I have not seen any numbers um I don't believe that that information was presented to the committee but maybe attorney hickin you can better address that so uh chair Sullivan and commissioner white we do have Chief Deputy Leaf Lundy here and he may wish to comment my understanding from our discussions uh at with the regulation committee which included the sheriff is that um compliance checks haven't been done for many years because of I I the reason that was given is because of turnover and lack of um lack of Staff um and which is I think one one reason why Public Health stepped up and said we'd like to do the compliance checks um because we believe we're adequately staffed for now and we can handle that additional burden I'll try to respond to your uh question and forther my name is Lee ly I'm the chief deputy sheriff at the sheriff's office we have never done marijuana compliance purchases obviously is it so recent we have done tobacco and alcohol um how long does it take that's a difficult question to answer because the answer involves is how thorough do you want to be you know do you want to Simply do one attempted purchase at each business or you want to do two do you want to do them on different days but to answer your question when we would do alcohol and tobacco compliance it would typically take a few days to do the businesses that currently exist in C County so I would estimate if there were seven if there were seven marijuana sales facilities in Kone I would estimate that that would take approximately two days 2 8 hour days to do you have to bring the people here you have to there's certain processes you have to go through with the people who are purchasing um agreements there's reports that have to be drafted afterward I would estimate it would take two days okay thank you for that information appreciate it and could we assume that that might be the same amount of time that would our Public Health would need to invest in the same sort of compliance that I am not certain of I I would my opinion would be that might be the case but we do have grager here who could come forward to a microphone and potentially respond to that question question good morning Grace hi I would I would agree we um we've done um store audits for tobacco and that seems like a very reasonable estimate given what that time is a part of it a big part of it also travel time because you're traveling to all the different retail locations throughout the county I haven't done compliance checks before but I think the work itself is similar um and so that seems like a very reasonable estimate in my opinion thank you any other questions commissioner storle yes well I think we've discussed in length about the numbers the seven seems to be reasonable spread out over the area I did have one question um Can a liquor store well we don't know this can a liquor store uh owner also have cannabis in his shop can you have the combination and that's up to the state but you know I didn't know what to say so I just said we'll look into it um I don't think that's prohibited I do know that the law specifically says that uh Municipal liquor stores can also hold a license to sell uh cannabis so I I don't see the legislature making a a different or more restrictive rule for um private retailers I think the biggest issue for business owners who are consider considering this whether it's a liquor store that is in existence now or a new business is the cost of security um they're huge costs and um you know it'll it'll be up to every individual business owner as to whether they can absorb that cost commissioner Sullivan and again our local business people have no they have they have no way to get their name pulled in the lottery correct right y that is a state function that's out of our control any other questions or discussion well as commissioner Mills and I were at thec and presentation over there on cannabis it changes every day the state will give new directions change a few things tweak a few things but um in regards to uh forming of our committee and what we have done we are m ahead of many many counties in Minnesota and I'm very pleased about that because anybody that put a moratorium on till the end of the year they got a lot of pedaling to do because they need to we need to be ready for this so I'm very pleased that we are we are uh where we are I would agree I would agree commissioner yeah and just kind of going off of um commissioner stol's comments about the AMC conference too um and it ties in with commissioner White's con concerns and all of our concerns just about the local businesses versus outside businesses and um I haven't seen anything official but the talk that that I was hearing at the conference was around this issue was that when there are multiple applicants vying for limited um licenses I I was getting the impression that the state is going to be leaning on localities for guidance on that selection um but again there's nothing written um I haven't seen it but that was kind of what I was picking up which is I think great but until we see it it's talk right so and that might have been last week in today's Yeah Tuesday absolutely absolutely and and I had um done some research on this and I indeed Cook County needs to be commended for the proactive uh research and discussions that have have taken place uh in Li of a moratorium because the primary reason the mor moratorium they said that they hadn't done anything so they they so they couldn't make decisions yet and I thought yeah way to go they're waiting to use our stuff yeah so for all those people in our County who spent the spent the time on the uh um coming up with this proposal they did a lot of work I'm aware of that and appreciate it absolutely other questions or comments if not I'd entertain a motion uh Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to enact County ordinance [Music] 66 thank you commission or or do we first need to close something or is everything in order we had close the public hearing that's is there a support sure I'll support but I believe attorney hickin wanted us to add that we also conducted three public meetings in the resolution okay so we would add to that so amended thank you so we have a motion and support anything additional all in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you very much appreciate all the input and all the hard work for those people that have contributed to the committee and all those citizens that provided input as well thank you all right we will move on to item six which is our master plan for the Cook County courthouse and commun commun Center administrator York thank you madam chair um so a few words about the the process uh that we undertook over the last uh three months or so um I guess backing up a little bit earlier in the year uh the board directed staff to um contract with with bkv group to do a master planning process for the law enforcement center and the the uh courts to try to address Safety and Security issues and also come up with uh additional space because we are really crowded here at the courthouse um out of that process came a a plan that included um the addition to the law enforcement center which is the next agenda item and also a proposed judicial Center which the board decided uh it did not want to move forward on after that we explored some other options and there started to be some momentum around the idea of looking at the Community Center site as a place for uh adding office space one of the key drivers behind that decision by the board is that that building is already on our dedicated fiber Loop so we have a dedicated fiber that serves our key buildings including the courthouse uh the community center YMCA Highway campus and law enforcement center and the advantage of proposing uh construction of a new facility uh adjacent to one of those buildings is that the technology problem is a lot easier to solve and so after after the board decided not to move forward on the judicial Center uh we started having conversations about the possibility of expanding renovating the community center and adding some space up there and so the board directed me to get a proposal from bkv to uh undertake another Master planning process looking at the community center and also looking at what would be come of the courthouse um once that new space were available and so that that was the process that we conducted over the last three months um I should mention the stakeholders that were involved in these discussions included um department heads County staff we had commissioner white who was part of that process as well um and then we also involved Soil and Water because they're one of the uh one of the agencies they're not a County department but they are certainly a county partner and they are currently officed here in the courthouse so we wanted to make sure that they were part of that discussion as well and so over the last 3 months we undertook a master planning process to look at possibilities for adding space and address addressing some of the Safety and Security concerns in our current Court facilities and that's what you're going to hear about today and I I just want to know for the Public's uh information that a master plan is not an architectural drawing it is a very PR minary concept of how these space needs could be addressed um the other thing is that the board today is not being asked to uh approve investment in any the proposed project it's really just to accept the report from bkv group and acknowledge that they have completed their scope of work and I'll just say I've said this before but I'll say it again um they have been really great to work with they've been responsive they've listened to to all of us um they've asked good questions and they have de veloped plans that really reflect the conversations that we've had so I just want to say thank you to um both bkv group and architecture Advantage out of duth who've done some really excellent work for the county I appreciate that a lot and with that I guess I will stop and turn it over to Henry pitner from bkv and Shane n from uh architecture Advantage great thank you all right showing up on your screens yes it is all right we're in good good shape here so uh James just took care of my whole introduction to all of it so sorry Henry we'll move no this is good we we'll move right on to it so part part of it was our scope of of work uh that uh you had approved for us to look at so uh we did an initial building assessment of the community center to be sure that your investment in the the roofing uh was a good investment um and uh we had determined and sent you a letter saying that yes it would be uh issues we had found at that point were the the north wall of the community center and the water issues there but uh there are solutions to that that we've developed uh with these Concepts uh as we went through there and of course uh looking at the space needs uh that are required for now in the future as we come through developing the master plan for uh that building and then kind of the project and uh uh schedule and cost piece so those those are all consistent as you look at the other one then for for Public Health and Human Services then the same thing space needs um we did assess uh their current location and the amount of staff that you have where it might go in the future as we go forth with that uh we we did find that they are um two to three people to an office right now in their current locations which is not not suitable and uh uh for their operations overall and then thoughts of how it might grow in the future potentially um and then again kind of looking our task was to look not just at the community center but to look at this building to see if it was viable to put an addition on this building uh to expand out you know their operations out that way and then uh for this building uh we really started with the idea of uh Courthouse security overall um and looking at what items would need to change appropriately to meet the state standards for security for cour houses uh and then all the components within the courthouse uh with that and then as James had mentioned um if Public Health moved out of the building uh how would you in fill that area and uh um we used the first study that we had done uh that had the judicial Center um program so all those spaces um telegraphed into this building um so we knew you the size and and everything was was appropriate for that then of course we have to develop the the cost and everything with all of that so that's kind of an explanation of what our our goals were for for the study so we put it into two projects um and to get it done in this time frame uh Shane and I kind of split uh uh kind of the work as as we put it together so uh the first project would be looking at the uh the community center remodeling along with uh adding an addition to the building for public uh Health and Human Services so uh Shane will start us off there we go okay you can go the next slide U so what you're seeing here is just a just a high level uh square footage analysis of the design that we put together for this master plan you'll see we kind of broke it out with the community center portion which is that renovation area and then as well as the Public Health and Human Services which is going to be mainly the new building that would be attached to the community center and there is some rooms as well like some the community rooms which you'll see in the plan that also are in the new edition but serve the community center um needs and then we mentioned the soils and water conservation and veteran services those are two pieces that are in the courthouse now but need to be relocated because of some of the planning that's happening in this building so we carved out some areas for those two departments so what you'll see here is so the first one is the overall site plan and Main level floor plan so this is showing potential um ideas of ways we can accommodate parking for the community center side as well as public and staff for the Public Health and Human Services uh what we're showing here is a community center and where that link occurs um and then when we get into the second floor there's actually two two stories to the addition portion so what you'll see here is the community center office area uh one of the major um issues within that building was just some of the circulation and how things were boxed away and there's not really good public presence so that was one thing we really looked at when we went through with the Departments of how many staff you need now um and like James mentioned how many Staffing need in the future because we want to make sure that if we're going to do a renovation in a in a large addition that we're not just planning for today but we're planning for future years to accommodate that because it's always a lot more efficient to build larger Now versus is continually adding on later so building that infrastructure so here we have the community center office so supervisor support intern future and then we move the veteran services there as well there's a strong link between the community center and the veteran services during the programming phase and then you'll see to the north we have uh originally right now there's just one large open area which makes it very difficult for uh either private meetings or group meetings um and some of that noise privacy just has not really happened so we ended up breaking up the l in viewing Gathering area into its own piece and then also some Community rooms that could be broken into one large room or split into two and then a a corridor between the two and then in the non- curling Seasons this space could also be used for uh community events you can move north it's okay they get a little touchy when we're zoomed in there we go oops come on one more try that's okay there we go perfect um so as I discussed there's some Community spaces Community uh center spaces that are in the new edition because there's just not enough square footage allowed in the existing building so you'll see here in the yellow that kind of highlights the community rooms so we're showing um a large dance area Community room space that would have a potential wood floor kind of like the The Log Cabin to the South um and then also another community group room with in there and then the kitchen as well we have expanded the size of that from the original one uh they want I know there's a lot of needs for a larger space in there and a more efficient kitchen so that will work to serve the curling club any parties weddings whatever whatever happens in that space it's an adequately sized kitchen for that um and then as we work our way North we start to get into this sort of Common Core that we call it and and this is just really helps with space efficiency and and plumbing costs where this large block of um uh gender neutral adult changing station bathroom men's women's and then the public Wellness room which is a mother's room is all within this Center core which can be used by the public it can also be used by the employees but we also have some private bathrooms and private Wellness rooms on the secure side for the for the community um or for the uh uh faculty and and staff so that just helps could be because between um the regular existing building and the new addition we would share all new Plumbing in that space and uh it's just because the community center one right now is just in a very um odd spot and to open up that space in the existing building it helped to move things to a newer location to the north so you can see soils and water has their own private entry off of the entry vestibule so that they don't not have to go through to the admin and fiscal area in the in the public health area so they can have their own door right off the front and then as you walk into the waiting Lobby you're greeted by the Admin and fiscal reception and we have interview intake rooms off this Common Core which has private entry from the secure side and also public entry from The Waiting Lobby side which is a very efficient way to do this uh for security reasons also just as well as square footage reasons um so admin and fiscal is the the main department down here in the northwest corner this shows private offices and one big theme that we've always talked about in this whole project is daylight Equity so you'll see in all the different program spaces we always have um if we can't get all the offices and all the support staff cubicles daylight what we'll see in some of these other schemes upstairs is that we will actually have the offices shifted in the cubes on the outside and that allows everyone to get daylight into their spaces if you just want to move to the right a little bit some of these gray spaces like the conference rooms work area printing storage and break room one big thing that we always have been doing here is a lot of shared spaces and flexible spaces so these can be shared by all the different departments it's not just for the community center it's not just for a certain um Department within phhs so that allows us to have a lot of flexibility with space a lot of efficiencies with that as well because we want to make sure that all rooms are being used at the fullest potential um and then the break room allows for inter departmental communication and and and all that and then public health is downstairs um and one big thing there is we show the large storage from the north there's a lot of um uh large storage needs for car seats strollers um things that are being sent out to the public so that was a nice location to have it right off the weather type V wheel to the north for easy loading in and out um and then you'll note there is the um current ouse to the right of this building because we are bringing new Plumbing utilities into this new building we was a good opportunity to also budget money for adding Plumbing in a sewer connection and and heating and for that building Madam chair um could we ask questions along the way whatever you'd like yeah I'm trying to visualize this so we were talking about a new rough I guess we wouldn't be doing that if we're going to go up on the second floor that's what you're saying there'll be an addition on the top of the original no so the if you scroll down I'll I'll show you kind of the Highlight where the existing building ends and the new building starts um so basically right along well Henry kind of show his Mouse there so right where the it existing room there is and it comes across that's the existing um uh gable roof that is to the North and then right along this wall line all the way across the community center that's where the existing roof is and that will be replaced in full and our addition will be to the north of that and and above so it will not be yeah that's a better view of everything so to the South is the existing building and to the north is the new two-story Edition okay behind it behind it so then envisioning this goes over where the Community Gardens are also or is it just this side of it or do we take the gardens out it it doesn't it doesn't actually encroach on the community garden area but it does it does go where the current uh old search and rescue building is so that building would be taken out okay yeah if you look to the north here we'll show you where the gardens are in relative space um currently to the to the Northeast there so there is a portion of the Community Gardens that it remains and then to add some more parking we're just suggesting locating a portion of the Community Gardens to the South so we basically just reorientate the same amount of square Footers that exists just in a different orientation okay part of what we looked at is the overall parking um by bringing Public Health and Human Services here there's about 40 employees as we're projecting uh forward um plus there could be another 10 somewhere down the line depending how things happen um but also bringing in uh the soils uh and water people and um veterans so all of a sudden we have a whole group of people that uh we didn't have out here before um so we we needed to have some space there it it works as a dual function obviously with the ball fields uh not just north of us and then the extension of that kind of nice because it it hits the warming uh building uh pretty nicely um overall with that so I think Master planwise it uh you know we're showing a lot more than what we've priced overall um you know in terms of walkways and other things between all these functions but it's part of the master planning uh that that we did with it so um yeah lot lot of stuff going on here so what I'm thinking is will have to be the decision of how many um groups from the public health would be going over there which would then create like if the veteran service go over there we have a little office space here now so what you do over there will create more spaces here and how do we juggle all that so that's a future consideration yes it is yeah and when you add the addition on above the present Community Center at the uh curling level so so um are they going to have uh windows on the street side or how does that work for them to work in an enclosed area so nothing on top of the existing Community Center so that'll be good but we will have Windows above and as Shane was mentioning the daylight Equity uh we are definitely concentrated on that so uh the people on the south end will have uh we'll get to see a little bit of roof but they do have equity and light coming from the East and the West also so uh the quality of the light is is important overall and has an impact on this building too as looked at right the uh Equity term is used quite liberally isn't it these days it is including windows and you'll notice a lot of the core services like storage and mechanical Are In Those portions where people would not have daylight so that's part of the strategy as well right um would you explain how um this is been Public Health and Human Services can be is its own defined space that if you are in the community center you do not have access to go into the other part of the I mean there's a it's a security issue because of the because of uh the IRS and what that department deals with correct yep yeah so those departments back there are all secured but the public Lobby going into the waiting Lobby that area is open for the restrooms and communication between the two but as far as where the employees are there is no Public Access so as as I mentioned one of my meetings I I try to get up my initials in the building somewhere as I designed this thing so there's a big H here for Henry and uh that big H is the on is the private side uh circulation for public health and human services so all they're in completely interconnected uh this floor and the floor above um connected by at the employee entry uh that comes from the north uh there's a stair and an elevator at that point but you can see all of these components internally including the intake interview rooms uh that are situated there all kind of work all the way down to Public Health so that they're connected appropriately internally but they do have a public face to it those occasions that they they need to have people come in so uh maintaining security uh you know we've done it in this building and you'll see that as the next piece overall we've taken the same basic concepts uh that of security and applied it here so they'll be operating differently than they do now if you can imagine uh Public Health and Human Services bring their clients uh to their offices inside so um in this case every every interaction with the public um will be done in the interview uh intake rooms so there's a level of security you can't pass the inside door to security without having the card access uh being there for example so it limits you know with your response times uh here being a little more difficult um uh you want to you want to make everybody kind of be in one area and uh make sure that uh you know where it's happening so duress alarms and all the other things that you would expect still occur uh as they do now but um it's uh it's really controlled where we do that and so our control point is really here at this uh this one community room so at night this can shut down you still have access from the community center in into that community room for example but all these other doors here that go back to the H are all locked up and uh and taken care of so there's a clear distinction uh U between that and then upstairs is only for staff and uh we'll show you that next okay thank you I see there's a dedicated dance room whoa so one of one of the um pieces uh go ahead yeah so we we did have a lot of discussion about the ex existing log cabin and whether that would be um either just kind of relocated on the site to add some more um parking or whether it was going to be staying there or being moved and what was going to happen so what we wanted to do is provide as much square footage as we can to we could to a designated dance room which would you know be that wood floor um type of room so we did our best to show as much space as possible to accommodate one large area but it's also flexible to do other functions as well yeah and then each each of the community rooms are set up so that Public Health and Human Services can use it for after hours or group activities so there's the Synergy of sharing spaces is really important uh overall and uh and the same the same goes with the veterans uh uh office and uh getting them as close as we possibly could to an entrance uh I've I've done a few of these and uh you know they all are about my age or older uh so uh from that you know standpoint you want to be close to the handicap accessible parking uh that's there and um kind of make all that go and there's there's a real Synergy uh that we understand at least with the mity center sorry to interrupt just to avoid any confusion the dance area is not for use by the public health and human services employees right that's because what you're saying is that is space that potentially might replace um the space at the Log Cabin which is rented by the YMCA and used for Community programs like the youth dance program right correct but if there if there was a need for that room and that size of space it's you anybody in the county U can use any of these spaces as as you would uh rent them out or uh cuz we also rent out the uh the center for weddings private events exactly so being being able to have multiple venues uh is was really important as as part of uh uh being able to maximize revenues um the sizes made a big difference also and how uh we looked at it and oriented and uh the kitchen kind of plays a central piece uh within all of this because it's it's accessible to the community rooms it's Community it's directly accessible to the um the viewing area for the curling um piece but it also has a back door that allows it for weddings and things and other venues to bring the food out and ride onto the floor uh with with a you know a ramp and all of that CU there is an elevation uh change there so it's it's uh it's kind of the Hub of of AD activity overall which is is kind of nice um yeah sorry I keep running all three I think that's good we go to the second floor I did want to mention one other thing we do have this Corridor on the outside of the existing um uh Arena portion um if if you've been back there it's it's a big hole there and they've extended the uh very cleverly uh to get rid of some of the water the the uh the down spouts kind of stand out um but there is a big hole there so we're essentially creating a a corridor to be able to uh make that water tight um and uh not have to deal with the water and then you know as it comes out we'll we'll deal with it appropriately also make changes to the water that floods the uh skating ring in and all of that too so that's more appropriately set up uh than what it is right now so there's a lot of there's there's a lot of square footage there but it also serves as the access point um to the kitchen and the supplies coming in and then we uh we didn't mention that we have a coat in or not a coat a uh a table and chair um area here uh if you've been out there they you know it's not in a great spot right now and then in the summer as they're using spaces they're you know they're moving that out to another building so uh having having a dedicated room that would allow situp of the arena or any of these other spaces in multiple configurations for flexibility uh super important overall and the last thing about this floor is the updating of the curling rink HVAC system so we're proposing putting a new um Central hub for mechanical in the new building because it's a lot more efficient to do new there and then tie into the existing that way so all the underground stuff is good what we understand is you're constantly replacing those units that are in there so uh um to make that appropriate for all the uses we're we're looking at uh we uh understood that to be an important aspect of it um and then uh the other thing to note on the site itself is uh the basic configuration of the parking lot uh it's not really striped um so you don't really know how much space you really have so we we using the same basic uh configuration that you have without changing it um we're able to put angled parking in that would be uh accessible from the west and coming in and then turning it around uh park again or from the uh the southeast Corner in that entry so um it uh it kind of defines it for the first time in a long time so we thought that was important uh but it also provided uh an opportunity here at the skate park um to change the entrance just a little bit and and kind of turn it it's really just taking pavement away to create an area um so that the parents can park uh their big trucks and get the bikes out and all of that good stuff so you can see there's a little space behind it cuz uh some of those trucks just have them sitting in the back so uh it it helps uh helps them get to the park appropriately and separates your parking uh appropriately with um access um we we've discussed uh potential of a security gate back here um and then uh trash and recycling and all that that that would happen back there so uh um not fully developed yet but you know the idea and the thoughts of how uh some of that might happen in the future we important overall so me slide over yeah and then the the upper level like we discussed has the remaining departments for Public Health and Human Services this is a completely private level the only way you can get up here is through the stairwells and the elevator to the north um and that is all from the secured axis on the lower level so up here we have Behavioral Health Services Children and Family Services economic assistance and adult and home Community Based Services so you'll see here we have a lot of pink circulation and this was one thing we discussed during design is there's a few ways you could do it you could put um blocks of cubicles sort of around the perimeter and offices on the inside and that would allow all that day Equity we discussed or the idea of pulling things back allowing for future expansion and just gives you some breathing room for flexibility in in future um as well as just you know Wellness in in the workplace being able to walk around to different departments and have all this great daylight filling in the spaces which can help with energy costs as well um and then you same kind of thing like downstairs we have that Center core which has the private um unisex restrooms uh Wellness mother's room and then we have a storage assembly area cuz some of the Departments discussed right now they have a really poor storage and assembly space and they're sort of in these tuck back dark rooms putting together um kits and packets for people so now they can have this Central Storage but have this nice daylit area where they can um interact with others as well um so basically what happens here on the south is we talked about where that roof line comes in so we purposely put the conference rooms in these Flex spaces and huddle and work room spaces that are not someone sitting there for 8 hours hours a day it's just kind of people coming in intermittently and it's strategically placed by economic assistance because they have a lot of sensitive information which they describe that they would want um more more uh private spaces for all that so that space kind of is where the the roof line comes in where the daylight is blocked but because of the southeast and Southwest you are still going to get lots of daylight protruding through to these spaces so basically we have the sort of the the cubicles around the perimeter and the opposite more around the internal side but everyone still gets daylight and and good flow and access for their departments and you'll see on the northeast side we have a lot of flexibility here where it can be a very large conference room it can be future buildout space we know that departments um especially Behavioral Health Services has said that they are constantly expanding um their employees so there's a lot of flexibility in this plan departments could be moved which way or the other it could be done a million different ways but the idea is that the core of the daylight Equity the circulation and the flexibility is all there no matter how you grow or expand or change and evolve in the future so commissioner Mouse oh so um if you had the rooms around the perimeter how many rooms would not how many offices would not have daylight because it's it's well as it as it stands it seems like the supervisors are on the interior correct and there's daylight kind of everywhere but there's got to be less daylight in the interior ior than the very exterior somewhat um and just kind of trying to visualize if all this was spread out around the perimeter it almost seems like there would be windows for everyone but is that not how it works out it uh so the idea of dayat equity is a a maximum of 30 ft to a uh for an interior office uh internationally uh nationally uh those are the standards that provide uh Equity um it also in in our case also helps uh with the supervisory uh components to it um so um we're everything we we're showing is within that within that 30 foot most of it's about 24 somewhere in that range um I think the other thing to note uh is the operations um is different in our planning than what is current you have non-stop Offices here and then multiple people in offices so um to give you the ultimate flexibility having a core that's solid and having uh the exterior that's open will allow you to do whatever you need to do 20 30 40 years down the line um and still provides really um uh excellent um uh it uh for example down the you know on the cores of uh these areas um so could we have gotten them all in we we showed a scheme that had had a majority of that happening some of the conference rooms and things like that uh would not have had it um but you know we were all over the place too early on as we looked at it but came up with this idea um a lot of people ask about you know why do we have a buffer to the windows for example uh it does increase the um uh the efficiency factor of the floor but uh the uh the thermal comfort and again more flexibility for the future um makes that uh a really good uh situation to have overall so um so yeah I think I you know it it still could be rearranged too right it's not a final document it's uh just the planning concept so if that was a Direction you all wanted to take we'd be happy to uh to make those changes so not not a problem so so there is a world or there is a there is a schematic where it may work to have at this stage maybe not future flexibility but it could work where all rooms had Windows correct yeah and and I I think our our decision you know with with all the stakeholders in discussing it was what gives you the most flexibility in the future to make changes MH this would this is the solution we came up with but you if you put offices along the walls like you you know do in a lot of buildings you lose you lose a lot of flexibility and uh um and that's you know but we decided air on the other side so there's a little bit more area um to accommodate that but it it's I we think it's worth the effort later uh so if you if you add another 3% building to it comparatively it's you know it's not that big it's it's still a lot of money as you look at it we understand that and so all of these offices are like permanent right like they're built yeah it's not movable walls or the you're talking about the interior spaces because the because the outside units are those are all cubicles and and so that is that is open space and and that was really an important part of the discussion because as you know upstairs everything is stud walls and it really limits what you can do with the space exactly y well I can see that now there's the double wall for the stud walls and then there's the single for the thank everything that says 8 by8 is a is a cubicle uh thank but to support the new method of of working you have huddle rooms and uh Flex rooms so that they can when they need to have a a private phone call uh with a client uh then they can do that uh appropriately but generally you know lot a lot of these people are in and out also so there's uh there'd be white noise that would be uh supplied in these open areas uh and uh I I recently toured a uh a big Courthouse facility uh and uh the white noise was we tested it we had a a group of 20 of us on the tour so I had five people in a cube and I was three cubes away and we couldn't hear each other so you know speaking uh it was that that good so uh and we typically use it in courtrooms things like that too which uh um so we think we think this will work well and uh all the stakeholders um um yeah kind of went along with it so and they had reference the Virginia GSC and the duth GSC and then these those buildings and those Renovations have all been modeled after this sort of concept as well so yeah thank you okay then um that's it for the plan yeah so then uh we were obligated because our our contract uh suggested before we move on actually um can we talk a little bit about that uh section on the west labeled new roof yes um so there is building below it correct and not above it correct um and just thinking future thoughts is is that worth Roofing that small section or is it worth building out to the end of the wall and should we build for potentially doing that in the future and all those thought yeah and I I think again it's a diagram so if if you decided to do this project uh we would work with you to to get the most uh bang for the buck uh overall the the area here uh really is what we need for the future uh expansion whether it's a uh you know as we're showing it as a um a conference room or whether it is cubicle space or nothing for now um you know the the biggest thing we heard with uh with uh Public Health and Human Services team is that uh they're required to do certain things they have loc they have Partners uh throughout the county with with you um and in the past as you know some of those Partners have uh uh kind of ceased operations and the department had to then take up those areas so that's what we were planning for there so um so we just we just felt let's give you a decent area let's plan for those you know I think we plan for 10 yeah about 10 yeah so we have we have room for 10 more people basically uh happening in this Zone if anything happened to any of these other um uh Partners so with that we thought it's a little much it's a you know we call it space left over in plan slope uh so uh it uh it was a little bit too much SL slope for us there so um that that's why we were showing it that way thank you might be more fun on the other side cuz you overlook the the skating rink and stuff but uh unfortunately the uh you got to connect to the stering the elevator so other questions about this particular uh I don't believe so very um we'll move on then to uh the next piece then um we uh we did look at this site to see if it was possible to get this much square footage um and if you think about it we're the the current location Public Health and Human Services it's we're about three times the size and it makes sense when you're stacking up two or three people in a 10x1 12 office currently uh or smaller in some cases so uh the square footage makes sense so our first look was to the north um I would have to go right up to the property line to get the semblance of even getting uh this to work um and then uh I'd have to move the historic Jail uh your access to the um uh propane uh is is in this upper right corner here and hey all your electrical services and everything are there so this would would be not only not feasible because of the size but the additional costs in relocating uh pieces um would be U very expensive uh we did look uh at taking over the parking area but you can imagine that's you know every time I'm here it's full so um uh so and then you have the parking across but that wouldn't be enough to accommodate uh your teams and and the the public coming in so uh even though you could connect it it it' be a little bit awkward having you know probably accessible parking and a turnaround or something there um not really a suitable solution there uh on the south uh that's a protected area for the historic um courthouse uh that's the part that um the State Historical uh group is uh all excited about uh and then the East Side uh there's just no space uh the street so uh we debunked the idea that uh you could build a an appropriate addition for Public Health and Human Services here uh rather quickly without actually doing a whole lot of drawings so um um so overall um it's a lot of uh there's a lot going on uh cost-wise um just like we did in the first study uh when we looked at things um we divided it into the three buckets basically the construction cost which included the uh Construction contingency of 10% uh and then in this case uh there's a timeline of how projects have to work uh overall and we we um looked at you typically look at construction to the midpoint of the construction period which in this case as we've identified about 2 years so there's money attached to that um so that gives you a total construction cost of somewhere between you know almost 17 and $21 million and then you add the soft costs which are all the professional service fees and um insurance and things like that uh that that we estimated at about 15% so overall uh to build this project about uh 19 to 23 and a half million roughly uh overall but uh you're getting a lot of building and a lot of uh lot of stuff and I know it's big number so uh um grab your heart again and uh but this this is part of the master planning uh Concepts right so we did divide it um to uh so you could see the detail of that and uh the actual Square footages uh that tied to that um and we did have uh amp construction work with us on putting the numbers together so it's it's not just an architect's you know kind of put your thumb in the air and figure it out uh we we actually uh they know the area fairly well and uh they did the estimate for us there but if you look at the ranges um of cost it's it's a you know quite a bit less than uh the judicial Center and and the law enforcement center uh there's less work and the construction type is different um so uh when you go back and compare it uh you'll you'll see a difference there uh overall um so uh that's kind of how that was put together and then um and then the site work is always interesting up here so uh uh we weren't too sure that we have to do a whole lot of blasting to get you know the foundations in and things like that um so we didn't apply any of that but site preparation and the parking and the addition obviously so whatever whatever is needed there um some temporary utilities uh just as a placeholder for some of this um and uh and then um kind of the new north parking lot uh for this area and what that cost would be and these are all consistent what we showed uh uh you a couple of months ago for the uh law enforcement center judicial Center uh components so uh again soft costs and all of that so it's a a pretty you know it uh site site work is all pretty good chunk of money uh you know wherever you go so um so that's kind of our story for uh this portion of the work uh questions uh thoughts on this before I move on to the next piece any questions all right second project here we go um so we did uh as I mentioned uh in the intro we did uh initially do all of this work up here as part of our last study so we carried it over uh since you'd approved that piece and made sense to the stakeholders there um and so um it's a little bit different when you apply to an existing building versus a new structure that you're putting together uh there are compromises generally because if you want to keep all your walls on the outside of the building you got to fit it all in right so um that that was the premise we worked under so some of the spaces um you know we measured them some of them are bigger some of them are smaller depending on the configuration I'll show you some of those differences as we walk through but essentially at the end of the day um the new measured piece of the the new diagram uh is within a couple of hundred square feet of what the need is um for the future so we felt pretty good about that we did have to add um to this uh um the infill space uh with Public Health and Human Services out so County Administration Human Resources um county assessor office and we'll show you why we had to add that as a a line item and then um we added a County Commissioner's Office Suite which is uh where James is right now with uh um in that office area so we um so anyway all of that's kind of figured in then uh the um there's a lot more background here and I I tried to be semi vague in some of this since this is all public information I uh um you know security is security so um we but you should know that we did did follow the uh state of Minnesota court security manual uh that was set up for courth house security overall um and three chapters in particular um I do want to note that I did not do a risk assessment uh or a threat analysis uh piece that that's usually done independently of the architect so uh but you know we've heard um you know the various incidences that have occurred through the years um but uh that was the basis of our work so uh uh some of the bigger issues uh that they would like the state would like us to cover in these areas is the standoff Zone uh and where parking exists um everything you see in the hatched area is um the 50ft um standoff Zone that uh the state um would like to have it's physically not a requirement overall um so East Side North Side Southside all are in in uh compliance overall West Side uh your drive aisle doesn't quite fit so what uh some of the thoughts also are in parking parking is outside of the Zone which is good uh but people are are driving kind of through it a little bit um but how people access the building in a drive up uh situation uh a runup actually not a drive up but uh ramming into the building for example is a big issue in a lot of locations so um having some ballards perhaps in the front or Planters or something that would kind of stop movement uh through your main entrance on the West Side uh uh technically you could do it up the uh up up in this area here somebody could hop on the sidewalk and uh and uh kind of work their way up the ramp uh it' be pretty pretty extreme but technically it could be done we're not recommending anything there at this point uh and similarly on the east side so um uh technically uh the state would prefer staff parking for the courts to be outside of all the zones in a protected area with a fence and Gates and all kinds of stuff uh we have not uh again these are suggestions as part of what they write down uh not uh an absolute requirement so we're not making that recommendation either I I think uh it's proven uh uh particularly in in communities of your size that that's fairly extreme to do that you haven't had from any of the risks that I've heard of any incidences there so uh from my standpoint I'd rather have people parking wherever they Park uh so that there isn't a set area you think think of an area that's fenced in uh I know who's in there and I'll just wait till you come out or I'll shoot you on the way in so I'd rather have people parking in different areas and you know you'd have to really know you know who you're looking for so that that's um so that was kind of part of the decision making there too what's the reasonable what incidences have you had um and so um uh the other part uh really important part is uh limiting the amount of entrance points for the public uh you do a pretty decent job with that uh most everybody comes in from the West um but other doors can be opened on occasion um so uh We've identified what those openings are around um and ideally the uh the South entrance uh you know ought to be locked all always uh that's just you know there's really no parking except on the street and stuff and it's it's historic and all that but the access is coming from the main Corridor um and then your your entrances uh into the lower level those uh should be strictly uh exit only and they should be alarmed so you know something is going on uh when people go out um and and your employee entrances uh from the north and from the west and from the East uh those should all be card accessed and some of them were recommending a vestibule so it's hard to tailgate in for example um but all with card AIS uh so that only the employees are coming in uh as you'd like them and and or going out the corridor as an emergency uh access point uh in custody movement was the other piece of when you're talking movement um not a good situation the way it is currently I think you all know enough about that but our recommendation is to add a vehicle sally port uh to this location you kind of see that here on the right uh in the uh this yellow area and um connecting to your existing elevator uh we'll show you upstairs how we're going to do some holding for you up there that's real real holding um instead of a room you know kind of off of a corridor um and um with that uh the veterans uh Services office is uh getting impacted Emergency Management is getting impacted uh but you can see we're saying the veterans should go to the other building Emergency Management will go to the new law enforcement uh Center Edition um so those are covered uh from that standpoint um so a lot of lot of U building points uh the other really main tenant of uh of an absolute you have to do uh is separate the traffic uh to the courtroom so that there is uh it's really five it's five zones total but it it's really four into the courtroom um one is uh you can see kind of in the green so coming from an elevator to a public hall uh to the attorney client conference rooms uh which which you don't have any anymore cuz you've been using up all the spaces um um and and then right into the seating area so that there's a direct pathway there a separate access point for uh the uh those in custody uh into the courtroom so that they never cross public or staff um and then uh the private side uh with its elevators uh you know an access uh to um uh the team U and um and jury deliberation things like that so that there's this is an absolute uh in the standards uh they don't they uh there's there's ways to compromise it but uh this is really what they're looking for uh in that area um and then uh we did look at security within the court room and um I have a lot more notes uh that are really hard to read uh but uh the basic uh the basic things that are really not in compliance in your existing courtroom is is um having a a bullet resistant front face to the judge's um bench and the same for the uh the clerk uh you know law clerk area there that's a requirement um you don't have that it might be easy to in looking at it it looks like we can accommodate that without changing the mill work uh for example there and then uh the other really big issue is uh your spectator area kind of sits in this Zone here uh this is the door coming into the courtroom currently and they are right up against the uh the jury box and uh that's uh not allowed um you can't you have to have a separation uh physically of 7 ft between the closest seat and the to the juror um and otherwise there's intimidation and other things going on so those are the big issues within the uh the court room itself um soot lot of other things to read but um but those those are the things we looked at for security and then um and then um you can kind of read through uh each of the zones not just for the court room itself but for all the agency spaces uh that are associated we have notes on how security should work and and the the main main feature is we have a public uh area in front that uh what would doesn't matter what agency it is they'd come to the to that area to meet with the the public uh so again we're limiting them from coming all the way through the office we're putting the bullet resistant materials in the front um because of other other things that have happened in the past um so that's a consistent theme throughout this building uh um as we come through there's some exceptions uh um but we'll um you know you you you'll see some of that if if if if you do get a chance to read that uh um but it pretty comprehensive from that standpoint um and then um so your building is on the national register so um I made a call over to the shipo uh State historic um preservation office uh talk with uh uh the leader there um they can't really advise us because it's not a project for them yet um so but they kind of you know talked with them about uh the potential but uh what was noted in the submission back in the 80s was uh it was about uh the notable sighting of the building and that whole South elevation and that you know the view and all of that that was kind of the you know why the building was put on the register there was nothing in a distinguishing features on the inside uh for example although shipo would like to maintain whatever was original when possible um and that the character of the spaces represent um so we did look at that um and uh we did find some pictures from the Cook County Historical Society Museum that they had on online um showing the the original uh views uh the the courtroom itself is way different than it is now so we're in the clear there uh the only thing that kind of maintained uh it appears that the uh The Spectator seating was original um and we've reused all of that um and of course you got a couple benches right outside of this room for example too so uh we've been able to maintain that and the other thing is really the uh paneling uh the Wayne Scott concept I don't know if the panels were the original ones or not but it appears that the they maintain when they did the renovations in the N late '90s that they maintained the height of the Wayne scotting and and the bands that go horizontally around the room everything else got kind of so you can see in these pictures the lights and uh you know really beautiful things but uh all of that changed so we're not in any problems there as long as we don't change the window configurations things like that that's what's important overall um and so um U I did ask them specifically about the vehicle sallyport and they were very happy that we've placed it as far away as we can it made you know it was perfect place for us so I'll um kind of run through uh start with that pie so um this is the uh the uh the new vehicle sally port um like the law enforcement center we wanted to be sure we had ambulance access into it so it's a little longer than uh um you would uh think and you can kind of see the uh the front of an ambulance here versus a uh police vehicle uh there's a pretty big grade difference there um so to make up that difference we have uh a handicap lift uh make that work otherwise uh we can come up stairs to get to uh the the floor level that we are standing on right now um which is an important thing um there there is an outdoor door to it in case the the door doesn't work so there's still always access for the sheriff and and their teams to come in and out uh we are using that circular drive as the entrance to this but because on the south end of of it it starts spping down fast we can't we can't have it as a drive-thru it has to be a pull in pull back and get out um so we did look at how that would work stay overall so you kind of see my my diagram here I haven't changed the curb cut or anything like that uh I did add a little bit of uh pavement uh right here in the back uh so that we could appropriately get a vehicle out without a whole bunch of gymnastic um so not a whole lot there we we would remill that area and make it work um and um so with that you kind of see the stairs that are here and all of that so uh whenever you see uh yellow this case uh it designates a security uh component of the project so when you come in the vehicle sally port um you get up to the main level we're bypassing the stair and things that are just to the north of it um CU it needs to be accessible uh and then as I mentioned we're cutting away from uh the offices that are sitting back there the idea was to get to the existing elevator and utilize reutilize that as the A detention only elevator to get up to the main up up to the court floor um so I I can't double use it unfortun fortunately just doesn't make sense even though you don't have court that often uh comparatively but to make it work we've added a new public elevator and uh if you go out into the Hall here and you can see and you can look up into the two areas we're using the area closest to us right now um in this room we're using that area to put the elevator in so it fits pretty nicely in that package and you know to build some build a little bit of floor around that um and so if you can picture kind of where the entrance to the restrooms are um we're pretty close to the front face of that uh the back end of it uh we've taken the vending machines that are behind the stairs currently back here and added one more and just kind of put it in there for General use so it gives purpose but what he gives you down here is a so a little bit as far as it's going to go it gives you kind of a bigger Zone here so um that I think that should work fairly well from that standpoint the big change is how security Works coming into the building um and so we've created a security screening room this is why the uh County assessor's office and soils and water have got to change uh from what what you currently have um so we've had to extend your vestibule a little bit it didn't meet uh accessibility standards it it was under 7 feet from door to door and you got to have 7 ft and it's like 6'5 or something so we extended it a little bit we're changing how people would come in during a court day when Court's going um these inside doors would be locked they would be exit only um these outside doors you could come in uh either door uh but you would then to get into the building and and this would be anybody during the day when Court's on they'd have to come through security so whether they were coming to one of the agencies government agencies or whether they're coming to courts they're coming through security so having all your other doors shut down uh to the public is really important here um so we have some queuing space we have uh uh a magnetometer uh to walk through uh we have the package X-ray and the tables that work with that and the sheriff's team would be uh behind uh that area so just like you would in an airport or any other you know major courthouse uh we would provide security Electronics uh it work and as we work with the IT team on that and integrate all the other cameras and things and alarms that you have so when there is an incident uh that Deputy will know what going on and be able to assess what needs to be done what help needs to come for all of that um it also then has a glass in area and some doors as you come out of the secure area and into this larger area um and the reason is right now people can mess with that equipment that's there uh it should not be accessible to anybody uh they have to calibrate and do other things to it uh and uh you know it's just not appropriate overall so um this is the solution to make that all work and then on days like today when there isn't Court uh these doors are wide open these these doors here are shut and locked so nobody has access into that area so it solves a couple of problems there and and creates security within the building that uh uh you currently do not have um and so um that affected obviously the county assessor uh they were majority of this space here and then soils and Water Conservation after five weeks I think I finally got it right I could never remember had a mind block in my brain but I finally got that right um but the one of the things we we uh what what I noticed at least uh particularly in the assessor's office is right now the axis is from the hall and when somebody comes in and talks about their current situation you hear everything and we were we were sitting in the ITV room waiting for our meeting to begin and I know all about this person's financials and everything else and uh so what we've created is kind of off the corridor here a little public uh vestibule so they can talk to the staff appropriately if they want to have a real meeting when they want to talk about the financials and things like that um the Assessor can come out meet with them appropriately in a conference room um still not bringing them back into their office uh area but kind of that you know that's the the idea of the security here there be the rest alarms and other things uh if everything gets heated but it's uh attached so much like uh Shane was showing on the uh the intake Center rooms you'd have that kind of security where this would be uh you'd have to have your badge to get through uh this store um both sides uh this one would be open um so anyway uh so that's important we're adding a vestibule here for security uh so that people don't tailgate in um while we were at it we um thought it' be uh interesting to look at um how we deal with your restrooms right now they're not overly private um there's just enough but having a a vestule into that uh would make some sense um and then it would also allow us to have the accessible um walls that are required uh by a water fountain uh right now if you were blind uh you would walk right into it because there's nothing to stop your cane from hitting it appropriately so uh in order to make those things work properly you have to change those swings and all of that so you know you're spending enough money uh if you do this work that you'd have to do some of that kind of remedial accessibility uh upgrades um for the most part your building's you know pretty well done uh from that uh standpoint and then you're you know again showing the vestibule and and suggesting that these should just only be locked and if it's an emergency situation uh fire alarm would automatically open them but if somebody does go through there um that's a problem and uh security needs to know about it uh so it's always after fact though um so that is kind of the first floor reconfiguration for uh security with the exception of U County administrator's office which is currently here um we have a space uh for for that team upstairs um as you'll see shortly um but we thought uh this group doesn't have a Place uh for for your business uh that you do with the county I'm sure several of you come in and uh need a space and need to print and get your mail and those kinds of things so we had no other use set up uh everybody else had a spot within the building or we've moved them uh appropriately um so we thought we'd repurpose that office uh to allow two cubicles so only two of you you know with the open meetings act uh can be in there at the same time right um mail slots uh so that you can take your of business that way get in and out and then um uh individual storage for whatever you need uh for that area some coffee cuz we all well I drink iced tea but most everybody drinks coffee um and then um kind of using uh the office Zone back here for private conversations that you might need to have uh yes um there was a room yes where the Emergen on the side of where the uh veterans offices yes behind that yes for seven years I was the only one okay that went in there okay I had access to a printer I had access to a phone yes me was the only one because we kept track of how many things we printed so I'm not sure about this anyway that's that's my thought just for the rest of you yeah that's the idea of the master plan right let's let's see what you want to do and U and that that space where the veterans and the uh the um emergency manager are currently we haven't done anything with those spaces except cut through them right now so if that's a better location and a better size uh to accommodate what you would like um we can do that all day and uh I'm sure we'll figure out something for this space whether it becomes a an all building conference room or other things uh that could happen there um uh it could be looked at we haven't looked at any of the other agencies in that area to see what what other needs they may have so uh I I don't know that they have any but uh um yet to be discovered there but as a as a use that was our our thought there so I do appreciate the input though um because we didn't we didn't interview you on that so as a group so um I commissioner Johnson has a comment yes can you talk about that red rectangle at the top of the oh yeah so I was going to cover that when I go upstairs okay all right because right now you you your entrance is on the second level up there with the ramp we're going to get rid of the ramp okay put a stare in so that there's real access up there uh we'll extend the braid a little bit so you can get out um but it it's um at that point it's really more you know the grade comes way down at that point so I need a foundation for that part of the stair um to make that all kind of work properly so that's what that is uh on the top upstairs oops Henry yes I'm sorry madam chair go um I was just going to know too I mean I frequently do see Commissioners working out in the atrium outside the auditor's office um which is not a great setup and if you have to make like constituent calls or something like that it's really not set up for for that kind of activity so I I realize there may be times where it's that space wouldn't be used but when you need it you need it and I think that you know where I worked previously Commissioners had their own offices that was a much larger jurisdiction I'm not suggesting we should have that here but I think having a shared workspace where when you guys are on site and you need to conduct business you got a private space to do that all right and I I had made a note to contact commissioner starle because one of the things I do is I frequently use the courthouse and I'm looking for spaces and oftentimes can't find them and so I'm using Java moous and um you know a variety of places um in Grand marray which aren't private and it makes it very challenging so I like the fact that there is a smaller space that's available and flexible to use sure great uh and again it's it's a master plan so whatever however you want this thing to work we'll we'll make it work appropriately but it uh this at least gives you an idea and then and everything I've been talking about is within the uh the price that we're will'll show you today on this so upstairs um since we came in from the vehicle sallyport um we'll show you um move it over a little bit so here's the roof of the uh the new sally port um and what that Corridor you can kind of picture it going right through here and it comes uh and ends up uh here at that existing elevator and so what we've we've done is created uh two holding spaces um for that so you could separate male female or juvenile male whatever whatever the mixes that day depending on what the judge is seeing um so there's a separation point there to uh you get them in you can take them into the main uh holding which is accessible it's with the little dots and arrows are and things like that this is um all done in a concrete block so it's durable it's appropriate security wise um and uh and the fixtures are all stainless steel like you would expect uh in a holding area like that so um uh similarly a smaller hold uh over here it's not like like you're got 30 people coming to to court generally um so but at least having two separations is a is is a good practice and then the other component to this is um a non- contct visitation so you know the in the movies you always see somebody putting their hand on the you know on the glass and talking to the other person on the other side that's that's just kind of a situation except it's attorney uh client um um visitation uh you would not have anybody uh from the public coming into this uh area strictly for attorneys to talk to their clients and it's flexible enough that they could meet with them prior to um to court uh as long as the deputies available to move them in in and around um and then um it's also flexible enough with the doors that we were putting in to allow them if they want to make a deal during the court session they can come right out to move them appropriately they can speak there it's not recorded or anything in that area um so it's it's very private you'd still have uh cameras there for security reasons but nothing you know nothing uh too crazy there so uh we now have a direct access in to the courtroom uh this red area here is the existing door that does that from the hallway now that comes from that holding area that's in the corner um so this is um this meets the standard very well from that point I move the door over um to allow right now we have two work stations uh next to the judge um you're in about five foot of space so not a whole lot of space I think these tables are six maybe um so if you can imagine if the law um Clerk and the uh uh the reporter are both in the courtroom but at the same time there's there's no physical space so uh everything you see in this uh kind of burnt orange uh it's a little darker than uh what I shows on my screen but uh a lot easier to see on but anything that you see in that is is a lower height wall it's not a full height wall there so we would add onto the mill work there and then um them the appropriate space and uh it does need to be uh accessible also um it's they're they don't have to be able-bodied to uh to work in the courts so everything uh for the staff should be accessible overall um and then um uh with that uh really the rest of the mill work remains we we are showing uh the addition of the the bullet resistant materials to the front your witness stand remains that actually was compliant um your uh jury box um needs some modifications to make it compliant uh it's close but uh not quite there so there needs to be more room from the step up to the front you need a 48 in um by 30 um area for the wheelchair to be able to back into that area I don't have that so I have to extend that a little bit to get in um and then similarly on the uh the west side of the Box um uh they require that all the seating is um uh fixed uh currently you can move your chairs around um it becomes a weapon and it also doesn't provide equal access for the jurors um so uh the the minimum spacing that works is about 2 fo6 chair to chair and and the reason is if you think about it is if you're sitting in this position uh way over here and you're looking at the witness your chair is going to turn like this so I can see you directly and that's just how it works for a jur so that distance and everybody starts turning similarly Works uh within that configuration so there's a real reason to to make that work um so it extends it about almost 2 ft out um but the rest of it actually work pretty well um because you have a uh your heating fin tube down on the floor these these seats are in a pretty good position to turn appropriately um uh We've kept the two desks you have uh uh there those uh technically work um I don't have a whole lot of room uh in the width of the room to make uh anything more but what we did was um this wall right here this is the litigation ril that separates the spectator area from the courtroom uh that is your current wall of the courtroom right now and uh so to get the spectators away from the jury box um and uh another piece is when you have a jury trial the table the front of the table that that uh the attorneys are sitting on has to be uh no closer than the front here so you can imagine a line going right across here that's as close as those tables technically can come to by standards so that's why there's that distance there so and because the courtroom configuration is not original I can make changes like this so we probably um we don't have structural drawings but we're anticipating having to to uh put a column in to clear span this um so that we can um get the spectators in uh I'm showing all the seating that you currently have uh that is uncolored uh the two that have color would be two new ones to add to that so you'd have the exact same capacity plus four more people technically uh with that and maintaining the the historic value of those uh those seat unfortunately the ones you have out here are are much larger so I can't doesn't fit but the the idea of a a courtroom is you have two different parties generally coming in so to separate them is important right now the way your six is very dangerous and uh and people tend to sit closest to the door so they can't get all the way back anyway so it's a it's a big problem overall so what it impacts is the county attorney's office um it can no longer be there um and when if you if you look at where what the historic pictures that looked like it was the chambers actually back in the day cuz the um uh the judg his position was right here with the witness uh in this location um so um so with that we have a a sound lock mesu we have an attorney client room that also been used for victim witness as they move them over there some public waiting uh another attorney client room so now we have two attorney client rooms which is uh what the standard asks for um with that um going to maintain the door that's here because when the court is not session nobody should be back there and we don't unless you have appropriate access to this pair of doors here to get into an attorney client room that you know if you're going to have different kind of a meeting uh that's not Court related uh you need to have the right access uh we don't want the public back there at all uh to maintain security uh overall we don't want the deputies to have to come in and sweep that area all the time when they're not in in court uh they will dur in court days obviously but uh that's just a part of the security so to make the exiting work uh we've had to do that uh the other big change is the chambers area right now the judge sits kind of in this quadrant uh or half of uh this and then the uh court reporter and law Clerk and uh and then all of the uh Court Administrator all the other people uh that come in uh uh they're all hanging out over here um your your uh jury deliberation is woefully inadequate sizewise configuration wise the whole bit so that has to change um you do have a ramp that kind of works its way up to the judge's position so we have to obviously get the accessibility there so our solution was to create a uh a larger uh judges uh chamber uh more appropriate to the state's standards it's a little bit bigger but uh again these are the compromises you got to make when you're working uh uh existing uh buildings but you know there is an existing wall already that exists here and these are all windows so this just makes sense from that standpoint you have the two offices uh that are needed for uh uh the suite um a little closet area for evidence uh as uh it moves around a little coffee area uh technology currently sits underne the judge's bench and it really limits what's going on there so we would move that and then we would add um a staff toilet uh for this team here um steps up for the judge to get to her uh uh to get into that position and then uh I don't have enough ramp room here so we need to add another lift uh to make this situation work and then the jury uh deliberation room uh accommodates uh 16 people um and then it has uh areas for coffee and uh supplies that are needed for them uh they're with 16 people you need two restrooms uh that are tied to it and acoustically you want to separate that from anything else around it uh as you would the courtroom and the Chamber uh itself so um they have kind of a sound lock vestibule privacy you know obviously a good thing here too so uh a lot of that happens and there is an existing door here where staff are coming in and out currently that would be on card access only so jurors can't slip out or do other things there and then if the judge needed to meet or the reporter or the law clerk needed to meet with somebody uh and they weren't in session uh there'd be an access point here for them it's also a second way out of uh you can get out through the court more through there uh but that would be a uh you would hit a uh intercom camera come on you'd see who it is Judge can then decide uh or or any of any one of the three can decide what's going on it's also the access point for uh uh the jury if if you have a longer jury deliberation and going out to lunch or coming back the next day or whatever the case is so it's all really flexible from that standpoint uh I'm trying to talk as fast as I can I know it's there's a lot to go through here so I do apologize uh so that kind of fits everything here that's Court related okay well we still have court administration to deal with and now we've got to move the County Attorney um and so as we looked at the other side which is all Public Health and Human Services related they are no longer with us so um how I you know when I when I started looking at it I thought yeah we're not going to use all that space SP there's going to be plenty of room for other things I was wrong it was you know as we had programmed it before and and I haven't changed it in fact some of the spaces may have gotten a little bit smaller to accommodate um Court Administration then we've we've put uh we wanted Court Administration and probation to have the access from the main lobby because that's where the Public's going to be and then anything else like the County Attorney we wanted to put that further back because there's not that much access happening there so um you can see the public entry point to the self-help center uh Law Library component that's sitting in the hallway right now with a couple carols uh the um the kiosks printer and all those things they're accessible through a window uh this wall here would be bullet resistant uh just like all the other security pieces uh they get daylight uh here so the administrative assistants that are there um have that they have have uh their coffee copy work Zone uh they have all their files that are downstairs in this building right now um they would come up uh appropriately so that there's even though they're archives they do uh they do go down there um then uh the supervisor manager uh would have uh an office currently that's a shared uh office along with the core administrator uh and shared leadership team that comes here um so there's it's pretty chaotic when they're all here um so they have uh a space Also and then for security reasons uh again uh you want to have them be self-contained so they would have their own restroom uh in their location uh typically when you attach this to judge's Chambers and all that they would share with the staff but in this case uh we can't get them in that close proximity um so that kind of works uh good news is I'm not changing the data room and the connections and uh um so it was really uh really thankful for that um and then they the staff can enter either from the back door here depending where they're parking uh or they can come in the front door and they would have access this way or uh We've created a another access point from the stair so uh they can come from the stair up they can come from uh from any of these other locations so there's some flexibility for them on the other side probation uh now would have an actual waiting Zone um they're going to be doing a your analysis uh in their office not in the public restrooms that's why you have those locks on the things which is not not good um so uh uh the probationer can then come right in the probation agent can come back in uh and uh take care of business their supplies are there there would be a separate interview room they will not be uh bringing them back to their office so again another layer of security uh and duress uh office reception area behind the glass and uh bullet resistant then there the two agents I'm showing all of these offices that are in green uh these are all existing offices um some of them we're going to have to change for AC iCal privacy um like between groups for example uh so we'll be tearing tearing off some drywall putting insulation and making sure the above areas are covered appropriately so the numbers kind of figure this more as a gut rehab then uh you know we we haven't investigated fully but that's the idea um and so they're going to share a staff area for restrooms and um kind of a shared conference room that anybody in the building can use um I put the restrooms here because it's right on the plumbing chase the uh Ur analysis uh toilet room off of that so we're minimizing the plumbing changes that would have to be made uh so facil was uh fairly happy with me there um it also shares that restroom area with um keep wanting to go up there we go not a sweet spot for it yet here we go um so you can kind of see that shared area um is accessible to the County Attorney office also um and this is again to keep restrooms separate for both of those agencies you don't want them sharing public restrooms uh because their clients or their adversaries are on the other side right so um so to make that more compact uh we were able to do that all the offices of the the County Attorney kind of an open area in the middle um a a dedicated conference room so that they can do investigations and other activities uh that they need to have private and confidential it's in the core so nobody's seeing it from the outside anything like that it's lockable uh uh the Vault uh requirement is there and uh and then that entry interview area for the public anybody that uh the County Attorney is receiving they can come to the front uh counter figure out what's going on if uh you need to meet with them uh that can be done here but again it's in the back of the situation because of the traffic flow is going on uh human resources which currently is at the top of the stair down here um we'll move out and have a um location back here uh again these offices exist currently um so uh you have a full-time director you have a uh think a part-time position and then you have a new uh full-time position coming or I may have those backwards but uh you'll have three positions uh available uh at that point uh in talking uh with them uh they did not want the same security uh component to be that formal um but because they have the part-time person they could utilize this front room in that same capacity if they didn't want to bring them back for some reason or if it was a bigger group but otherwise uh the uh the director and the assistant HR office uh will accommodate staff coming in good news is they're coming your staff could be coming in from uh our new stair over here um L that ramp um so they could come back here without being really seen by a lot of people a lot of you know a lot of issues that way and uh because there's not a whole lot of public back there also it's uh I think it's a really appropriate uh space and then um the County Administrator and his team uh will have uh the new spaces back here in this corner we're using uh existing office areas storage area if you've been back there it's just all over the the The Columns and fun spaces back there so uh and then we you also have a new public information uh officer so there's an office for that uh position so they have direct access for the public to come in or anybody else that's coming from any of the other departments uh overall kind of working there both human resources and accounting administrator offices uh uh do not have their own separate restroom so they're going to share the uh the shared staff area there weren't as many concerns about going into the public space and because it's less private back there uh they'll come in through this store here and then anybody in the building that has a need for a bigger space so let's say HR wanted to get together with another department they could assemble in this conference room here um so that U you know that's one of the criticisms of the building right as it sits now you have this room and you the ITR uh room so this gives a little bit more flexibility overall um the other uh piece then is the uh existing HR office not a great location uh right now for them um but with Public Health and Human Services moving out they have all you know a lot of the same clients that the courts will have during a court day so they need an outpost if they're moving out of here so that's uh uh dedicated to them on court days but again could be utilized for others uh at any other time that there isn't court so now you have two more flexible uh spaces for your teams here in the in the uh the building to use at uh at any time Beyond uh well this one beyond the court but uh so we um we think overall um we've met the needs of court court security and we've accommodated in by with both buildings um all of the growth that we understand could possibly happen uh and uh and actually getting people in appropriate spaces instead of sharing multiple offices and things like that so uh so that's kind of the the outcome of the study the um the budget here um just excuse I I just have another question oh yeah pleas in regards to the elevation situation here yes how will you make a Stairway uh handicap accessible um so that does not require to be accessible because we you only need really one physical uh point to physically roll out if you're in a wheelchair um there would be in the landing you would be safe because it's a fire enclosure there so you could be rescued from that uh you're only you know you're less than a half of level up uh depending how we lay that out so uh um but that uh by the accessibility uh standards here in the state um it's allowable to do that it's similar like you're going out to the uh on the east side of the building that's not accessible but you can be in the vestule and be rescued from that area so you would have a landing place with stairs coming up to it that's correct yes okay good question other questions sorry for forgot to ask for questions so that's I know it's a ton to to uh to understand and see so uh um hopefully uh hopefully that all works so the budget summary um it's it's all in the other thing I forgot to mention is there's a a huge mechanical issues with this building where we wasn't part of my initial thinking but because of the amount of work we're doing uh we've discussed um making significant changes to the mechanical systems here so that they operate properly they're they're functionally you know at the end of their useful life so both this level and the next level would have significant changes uh um probably not as much in distribution but uh the equipment that's a there that needs changing so that the air flows are properly and then to balance everything uh particularly with some of the areas that have New Uses compared to the other uses that they had so it hasn't been fully studied but we do have money in for that think when you think about that even in a room like this you'd start moving some of the tiles and you know to get up into those spaces to work so understand that you know we have a significant number a attached to removing tiles and getting up there and changing out equipment and yet to be determined exactly what we're going to do but uh we'll uh that you know if you if you decide to do this we will do more investigation with that but we do have a a plugin number for that right now that we think is fairly conservative uh from that chair if I could if I could just add to that temperature control in the addition has always been initial for my understanding it's been an issue since this building was built in '98 and so for the Public's knowledge um there are times where you know it may like the other day it was freezing cold in the ITV room yeah and then in some of the upstairs offices it would be so hot that they couldn't be in those spaces and so it's just that's a long-standing issue and you're right I mean this building this Edition was built in '98 so the equipment that was part of that build is definitely at the end of its life yeah most most of that equipment has a 20-year life expectancy so we're we're over that period of time and you know your team's obviously done a good job in maintaining a lot of things but uh you know the Band-Aids on top of the Band-Aids eventually won't hold for you so uh if we're doing all this work let's you know let's finish it off properly um so what you'll see for the overall cost about 9 and2 to 115 million uh all in with the soft costs and all that um as you kind of look at all of that and then like uh we were showing in the other piece uh there is detail to it so here you'll see some of the square footages um I do want to note the cost of the elevator is there's money involved in some of the remodeling costs I uh I questioned them when they gave me that I thought well only $100,000 for an elevator it doesn't sound right but they have all the the other things tied to some of the remodeling numbers to it cuz you got a fix the floor and other things so that's under the uh what you'll see is heavy remodel um in in that number so uh they you assure me that it's it's real from that they just wanted to be sure that those costs were there separately um so we've divided this by new construction um the elevator itself the uh and remodeling and the renovation and so there's various levels of heavy which would be a gut rehab basically uh starting over with walls and ceilings and lights and all of that good stuff uh medium which is you know some of the court room remodeling uh components uh within that and you know taking a wall out and things like that kind of fit that and then uh light remodeling uh where we're not changing a whole lot um uh more more of the assessor office some of those you know moving a couple of walls things like that but still fairly light overall uh no Plumbing things like that so that's kind of your you'll see that within all of that and then you'll see the uh renovate Mech mechanical and uh CLG ceilings um uh and uh in the Square footages so it's it's basically this addition uh uh not the public spaces per se but uh the office areas for sure but most of the equipment's in that from what we know uh so those numbers are are all there for your uh review and uh certainly as you look at it further uh we're happy to answer any questions so you may have regarding that we have a little bit longer escalation period to two and a half years to uh um and I'll show you in a second uh why uh we're kind of looking at that questions about the and and then site costs I forgot that too so questions about this I'm exhausted too so I can't imagine how you're feeling about it uh so the last piece is a project implementation schedule so assuming the next uh agenda item uh starts uh when you authorize us to move with the law enforcement center um we're anticipating uh so I've kind of combined to three projects into a schedule just an overall schedule to give you an idea of how uh we could do this the fastest way possible and of course it all depends on funding and other things that you're going to do right so I've just made an assumption that you want to keep going and doing it all at the same time and and um you know that obviously can move and be adjusted however you want it to do but do know that you know once we begin the law enforcement Center that that gets moves Emergency Management over there it also releases a burden from the community center right cuz right now you're using the EOC you know that big area is your EOC there um so that's a really you know that's a good start for how this might work um but you have to really to make the plan master plan work the way we've got it laid out you have to build the addition for Public Health and Human Services uh to be able to get them out of this building and do the changes into this building so it sequentially has to be ideally the law enforcement center the community center with the public health uh addition and then finalizing all the work here so there's a period of time you have to figure out financing figure out timing things like that and how you want to approach it uh overall um so what we've divided the schedule uh is kind of by the design phases so we would be done these are obviously in quarters as you look at it um so after the first quarter of next year um you know we should be done with the drawings um to be ready to go out to bid um and then start construction so ideally you know about mid year uh next year we should be uh doing the law enforcement uh Construction um and then uh hopefully you know they're anticipating 78 months maybe construction period of time so we'll see um and again you know helped us with this piece so uh you know by the end of the first quarter of 26 uh that should be fully occupiable and so what we thought would be um uh an easy look at least and and a reason to do these things is when we when we finish the drawing in the biddings of the law enforcement center ideally we would start the drawings for the community center uh and public health and the Human Services Edition assuming you still like us at that point and everything's working out well right um uh but we you know it's basically the same amount of time that it takes to construct uh that addition and then you know you bid it and all of that and then um similarly uh we would do the same with Courthouse security you could do all of the drawings all at the same time if you wanted to or you know however you want to do it at the end of the day um again depending what you want to do and uh and but if you if you this is the fastest I think you could possibly do it um uh unless you have a a whole chunk of money somewhere that I'm not aware of and uh you want to do all the projects at the same time but uh to do it in this sequence uh you would be done at the end of 2 seven uh with these three major projects uh over there and I I know that's a lot to uh consider so uh good news is all you got to do is say yes to what we've done and uh then you can figure it out later right so uh you're just accepting uh the study uh conclusion today at least so uh that is all uh we have for you well that's a lot that you provided for us a great deal of information for us to absorb and um take in but I can tell you I'm really impressed with um the work you've done the thoughtfulness and the response to questions that we've had and our staff has had and all of the input um commissioner white you have been involved in this process and i' I'd love to hear from you well I have nothing different to say than I've said in the past is that they're not orb management they are thoughtful I don't know they're humble but they're not arrogant they listen well they they answer questions if they don't have the answer they will find it it's it's they're good communicators and um and Henry seems they make a good team though Sean's far better with managing displ but they uh needed to know what the regulations are and things like that however um um I trust them what they have to say I don't believe they have HD hidden agenda they have an agenda but it's not hidden yes and uh I I would find them to be um Dependable for our County I mean a real difference in and in comparison to a a past U firm that did work for the school it's the same situation for dependability and communication skills we appreciate your characterization of our work thank you other other questions thank you madam chair I just wanted to know one of the big questions after we completed the master plan for the law enforcement center and judicial Center was whether would even be possible to retrofit this courthouse in a way that would address all the Safety and Security issues and I was very skeptical about that because I thought that with the uh historic preservation requirements that we would be running into um I didn't know if the space could be modified in a way that would address all those concerns and really pleased that bkv has worked through those issues and they've come up with a plan to to make that work so we now have the answer commissioner Johnson I do have one question about the plan in the um sally port here at the courthouse uh-huh is that a requirement or is that suggested it's it's a requirement because of the three primary separations you need into the uh to the courtroom area so having that connection is uh is vital to that separation right now you know your access point is uh not desirable in in terms of um uh other people being able to get to uh the person in custody uh so having a separate pathway not just the pathway but from the vehicle into the pathway is uh a tenant of the uh of the standard it is a okay that's what I want to know yeah thank you other questions well I think um we've had a very thorough presentation and um I'm just really impressed with the work that that you and your team have have provided for us and with that is there a motion to accept the master plan uh mam chair I make the motion to accept the master plan thank you commissioner Mills is there support support thank you commissioner stle we have a motion and support any further discussion commissioner white uh in accepting the master plan does that commit us to absolutely going forward or it's just that it does not we are accepting their report for the listening audience good point commissioner Johnson so then what is the next step when will we have a discussion to talk about this and what our options might be I would certainly like the board's feedback on that question okay that's what I'm wondering are we is this next Committee of the whole or how are we going to go out about talking about this Madam chair if I could I mean so you guys have just received a lot of information and so I think what would be appropriate would be for for you to have some time to digest the information um I I do think I think a committee of the whole meeting would be a really good venue for a future discussion on this um you know we I guess a couple of things number one we have not added any major new space to County buildings since 1998 and I know that we're you know on the verge potentially of accepting a proposal to to ad space to the LEC that doesn't solve some of the problems that we have here um so the other thing is we you know these space needs that we've talked about we had a capital Improvement plan back in 2017 that got derailed because I you know my understanding is the proposed jail Edition was hugely controversial um there was a lot of questioning about the need for that project and that kind of derailed that plan and then we had the pandemic right after that so that that whole thing got shelved um we're now back with you know we have a new CIP um we've got some good preliminary recommendations from bkb um and I do think that you know we we've kind of kicked the can down the road through a variety of circumstances and I do think we need to have a pretty serious ious and and you know conversation soon about what the next steps are going to be and so I guess two things want to balance your need to have time to process the information but then also continue the conversation without undue delay so that we can bring this into focus and understand what the board's desires are to move forward I would agree with that a committee of the whole would be very appropriate Comm and then we are committed to going forward with the law enforcement addition if you accept the architectural proposal today yes yes I mean that's we yeah right commissioner St thank you mam chair so bringing this um as a study before uh committee the whole is good let's have our budget let's have our money let's decide what can we do obviously we're not doing all three I don't think unless some money has comeing into Brady's office that we don't know about so I want to have or I would encourage the money lay it out what do we have and then we look then we look at all this and and discern what we can do thank you administrator thank you madam chair um so regarding the um the update of financial management plan to reflect the addition to the LC that is part of your board packet today so that that piece is in there but yes we would have to uh update the plan to reflect these additional costs and I'll just repeat we can't do we can't do the community center Project without doing the revisions of or the renovation of the courthouse they're parts of a whole so so when Public Health and Human Services would move out of here into that new space we would have vacated space that would have to be uh tailored to fit our needs here and the I mean the court Safety and Security features that's you know that's in my view it's not negotiable we we need to do that to make our facility safer for all the people who use the courts so you kind of got to have both together so the law enforcement center would stand by itself that is that's a standalone project yes correct other discussion commissioner Mills um yeah and I I appreciate the interconnectedness and I'm trying to think of strategy limited resources bang for buck and it in my mind um the courthouse Renovations um will have a a greater impact on our overall um function um and that can't happen until the the community center Renovations happen um um those are not dependent on the law enforcement center correct um and so certainly it's a greater cost with the community center Renovations but the impact is I see that as a greater bottleneck than than the law enforcement center what I like about the law enforcement center is that it's here right now and we can we can vote on that um but in my mind um that larger impact would happen with with the community center um and it's just a matter of having the law enforcement ready more further along in the process ready to go and um and and and I think we should we should act on that um but as far as what impacts it's going to have on our daily operations it's going to have huge impacts for for law enforcement but beyond law enforcement it's not as not as far-reaching so um just trying to m over just timing of everything and I'm not looking to delay anything by any means um but just trying to better understand our financial management plan and where those pinch points are going to be U want to make sure we don't shoot ourselves in the foot there's there's no question that the logistics of getting a project like this done are going to be enormous right I mean it's going to be disruptive there's no there's no way to get around that like what what is our plan for conducting Court proceedings when this project is going on I mean that's that's a big question that we're going to have to answer um but it in terms of today's discussion we're just talking about is this even feasible to to do something like this um from a from a physical space perspective and I mean I think the answer is yes it is operationally how does it all work I don't know we we're going to have to have a lot of conversations about that but uh you know I think this represents a really wellth thought out plan and and reflects the feedback that um numerous stakeholders have have given bkb commissioner white and once this is approved I would like and understand till we find the money the second the second two components I mean there's huge but I believe the public needs to be able to chime in on this they've heard us they have this information but I want to hear from them I want them to talk I want them to complain I want them to ring their hands I want anyone who wants to clap and to be joyful about it I want they need to be part of this they absolutely need to be part of this because this is we are not the only taxing Authority in this County the school is asking for money the the uh public not Public Health the the hospital is has a tentative about a 10% Levy coming up and this is huge huge we have 5600 people population in in this County so um we need to Pace ourselves all right well I just want to add on to that I'm glad you mentioned the public engagement element of this because this is the community center it is our most heavily used building everybody uses the community center at some point and so yes that is a vitally important part of the process moving forward we you know that wasn't part of the master planning process because again that exercise was just about can we make it work from a space perspective if the board wants to move forward with this I see very intensive public engagement ahead of us to make sure that this plan does reflect the desires of the community that it serves all the purposes that it's going to need to serve and we can only do that if we if we involve the public in these conversations any further discussion or questions we have a motion and a second all right all in favor accepting the master plan for the Cook County courthouse and Community Center i i i i opposed motion carries unanimously thank you very much thank you very much um we have spent about three hours um and so we're going to take a short break and then we will be back to consider the proposal for architectural services for our law enforcement center great thank you for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I learned something new today well I'd like to welcome everyone back to our Cook County Board of Commissioners regular meeting we're returning after a short break and uh right now we are on item seven uh to consider under a proposal to provide architectural services for our law enforcement center addition and um administrator yorie would you like to introduce this item yes thank you madam chair so um as I mentioned earlier after we completed the law enforcement center and judicial Center Master planning process in April um the board agreed that it was interested in moving forward on further exploration of uh an addition to the law enforcement center and uh requested uh that I seek a proposal from bkv to quantify the cost of um providing the full range of architectural services and construction Administration necessary to complete that project and so they uh over the last few months have been working to refine cost estimates for the project pardon me and uh have uh developed the proposal that is in your board packet today and I guess I'll stop there because last time I stole Henry's Thunder and I don't want to do that again so uh Henry I don't know if there's anything that you'd like to say about kind of how those cost estimates were generated and kind of the refinement process and sure yeah yeah so uh typically when you look at a uh a contract like this it's based on the cost of construction um and uh and then you set a a percentage fee and so the way we develop it uh is is a couple of ways we we kind of do a top down and a bottom up look at it to be sure uh particularly when we're you know we're traveling and and and you know understand uh my my travel from Chicago is not never charged to you uh it's uh that's just a courtesy of of having the expertise I have and uh so we don't charge for that in any office that we do um but um um so we kind of uh there are National nationally published rates uh for whatever the cost of the construction is is to what an architectural fee is for example a lot of different states have uh you know numbers but they're all pretty similar I've got I think uh 12 of them right now that I I look at and compare so that's the top down to look at that um and the way those work is the more expensive the project is the lower the fee percentages so you still get more money because there's more work if the Project's bigger but not in a a fixed proportion right so um and then we look at it internally uh from how we're dividing the work uh with each of the disciplines structural and all of that to see what what's needed and the civil engineer gives us a fee and um things like that so uh we work it from the bottom up to see if the top down number was good or if we need to adjust it a little way so and then we we look at the marketplace to see what other people have been charging to be sure we're in the range um so that's how we develop that uh what you should know is between bkv and Shane's firm um we are uh kind of meshing our work uh I will be involved throughout uh as I always am as as the partner in charge of a project uh in this case because of uh their Pro proximity in duth to you compared to my proximity even from Minneapolis u in our office there um we're going to share the work um pretty close to a 5050 uh you'll get more of my impact early as we're starting to develop the plans and my expertise in in that area in my firms all right and then uh but Shane will be riding shotgun the whole time with me and by the time we get to about the Midway point that split will change where they'll be more in control of the final documents I'll be reviewing them and making sure that they comply with you know and meet with the Department of Corrections and everybody else that may want to talk about adding on to that building um so that we have all that working together um we'll stamp and seal the drawings uh as bkv group um and then um they're going to take uh control of the construction period of time because of the proximity again and they know most of the contractors locally um you know what you'd consider locally in this area so their familiarity with those teams we'll we'll have about a 15% stake in that part of it so when there's expertise that's needed and uh and uh that kind of stuff we'll be looking at that and we'll be looking at the shop drawings things like that but there'll be you know that's kind of how we've split our work we think to your benefit and to our benefit uh both uh we we'd have to charge more if we were coming from Minneapolis uh you know for construction let's say so uh and the Partnerships been working great uh together as you you know you've been able to witness uh on two studies now so um um so we think uh you know we're giving you as much as we can uh you know to help uh you know with a proximity issue and uh getting the expertise overall and uh and with this thing not being a humongous piece for either of our firms uh to accomplish uh we we just want to get right to it and that that's the advantage of how we plan uh in the master plan it's even though it's a diagram it's it's a pretty close diagram to what we think it it should be so um we haven't had that long of a time since we did the work so sometimes it's a couple of years later and you start and you got to kind of look at it again so I think with the sheriff and and uh his team we uh we're we're probably still very solid and making the changes uh that we need to do and uh so anyway that's kind of the long the long way of telling you we've we've done our research we're trying to give you a very competitive price and uh we really appreciate the opportunity to continue to be in service of uh Cook County and uh and uh the work you're you're planning to do right well thank you um one of the things um in particular for the public um to note is that the master plan concept has um space that's been added onto the sheriff's office or a law enforcement center and also has remodeling that is being done um in those spaces and so Deputy offices evidence processing and storage so we get it off the lunchroom table um is a change that um is included here in our plan there's an office for investigator and um storage and that type of thing and then um an important feature of this project is the sally port so that we aren't losing and having escapees from our sally port that our ambulances our larger trucks all our vehicles can easily fit in there the door can close um just some things that we've been missing for a long period of time um since that facility was um originally designed some of the changes that are included in the master plan concept on um us the upper level are moving our Emergency Operations Center um and having a training facility up there and um so that is going to be a really really nice addition and certainly very needed I'm sure for um auditor Powers it's very awkward to have our Emergency Management director in his space or adjacent to a space it makes it a little challenging um so this might give an opportunity for some changes there and um certainly you've outlined that in the plan that we saw previously what would happen to those spaces um are there other questions or comments Commissioners would like to make uh just that by moving the emergency management to law enforcement that means when we have we have power outages we have snow we have fire that they don't have to take over the community center and move everything we don't have to take Mis to set up uh emergency uh station down at the community center it is there it's One-Stop shopping everybody is together in that space that needs to be there that's correct any other comments ments or questions the Commissioners would like to make Shane anything you'd like to add from your perspective uh no Henry outlined it pretty well um we've done that with other firms on other projects just like that where we have a programming expert in more the local so we have a lot of familiarity with that so we went back and forth with the numbers of Henry so we felt they Justified where things were based off of the local fees we've had on projects of similar scale and construction Ty so right thank you would there be a way to put this up on the screen for the people that are going to YouTube this it's in the packet it's in the packet and if not now maybe somewhere down the line so yeah if somebody they'd have to wellever agendas and packets are online yeah yeah so but they but I do know that there are people that will watch YouTube of our meetings but they don't go in to look at the package at all okay although for this they might I would have to log into I compass on that I will leave okay there's also some people that look at pack and not the YouTube that's true I I think we're okay you don't have to do it now I mean that's take me a few minutes to figure it out okay and we can always make it an attachment to the minutes so that people can see that okay with the minutes as well and they can go into log in and see the packet um any questions or discussion I guess I'm just Comfort I'm just curious where Commissioners are at with the project like do you have hesitations do you have doubts uh we have uh LEF here if he wants to give any input and other other members who have sat in but I mean I feel like we've kind of round and round and round and and and and so we just got to do it but I do want to know if there are some concerns or like no okay no and speaking of Chief Deputy Lundy I just want to thank him for being here all morning I didn't realize that our discussions were going to take this long but but it was important for somebody from the Sheriff's Office to be here to talk about any operational questions that might have come up so thank you for being here very welcome any comments that you'd like to share with our group uh my instructions were to be here and answer your questions if you had any so okay that's my thought all right thanks do you think this is a good idea there you go that's your question do you want this what's that do you think this whole plan is a good idea um my duties do not have not had a lot of involvement in this plan I'm relying on Sheriff Eliason for this so to be honest with you I'm not familiar with what you're looking at I'm simply here to answer your questions okay well I'm feeling um comfortable I so appreciate that we've gone through a very lengthy process from a point in time where we were looking at a Judicial Center we looked at so much information those costs came back and we were uncomfortable with that and we've taken a new approach and these are needs in our community that have been put off for a long period of time time um I'm very supportive of making these changes to our law enforcement center and in terms of constituents who has spoken to me um over a long period of time there is support in the community for this it's very different from the way it was a number of years ago other comments I guess I just share my one of my the thoughts I have is okay so this is you know um 7 million $7.6 million-ish um and um and that's a lot of money um I think about um Carlton C's 87580 million project so it's not that kind of money it's certainly not that kind of scale either we don't have the same uh Dynamics in our in our community as as uh they do in Carlton County I do think also when we're putting this kind of money forward is this accomplishing what we need to accomplish for the for the near future or or the distant future even and so um past Capital Improvement plans have really stuttered and stalled and died on um the ad addition of jail space and having cells that can hold for longer and there's a whole another level of programming with that and in the past my understanding is we really needed to do that just because of Transport costs and uh both the dollars as well as the Staffing with that um and and I carried that assumption um until I think it was when our past judge judge kuzo kind of informed me like actually the way the laws have changed since Co is you don't need that now I was like oh okay well then let's make make sure we're doing the best we can with what we need to do and hopefully those laws don't change back and uh and we'll get stuck but everything that bkv has has brought forward I think is is really well thought out and um and I appreciate the the flexibility and um and working with staff to to get things dialed in um and going back to the drwing board multiple times it's just really appreciated so I think um I think we're in a good place to move forward and I think in corporating this into our financial management plan is is another important part that that has been done and seeing how things fit and um and then we can take take things step by step uh moving forward too other comments commissioner story when I go to or when we go to Association Minnesota counties for a big meeting usually we'll have a quite an array of vendors who are there and one of them is from the state um talking about jails in the future if the state would ever say to us you no longer need or will transport out 72 hours you'll become a standing jail the encouragement is oh well when would this happen he doesn't know but that could be in the books we're very there's very few counties that have the situation that we have with transporting out within a few hours that would be the only consideration for looking at the jail cells men and women and it would be quite complicated but we don't know that so I mean this has been a conversation since time Immortal 2015 when I came on board so I think we have the info we have the uh drawings and I think we'll this point need to consider uh moving forward and discussing it is that a motion you can take that as a motion all right we have a motion is there support I'll support that thank you commissioner right we have a motion and support any further discussion can you clarify the motion one more time okay so the motion is to um accept the bkv group's architectural services for the law enforcement center addition any further discussion oh yeah I guess just just to that if that does change I think there is room on the plan to then do whatever jail things we need to do and that's really not the focus of this plan right now this is more of for our our law enforcement officers and for Emergency Management um and just those operational things but if those laws change because I had the same exact hesitancy thought like are we doing what we need to and right now we are and they can change laws and then we can adjust um there would be room for that doesn't they're not mutually exclusive is what I'm trying to say so it's good I I I appreciate that thinking that by administrator here thank you madam chair um it makes me nervous when we start talking even using the word jail when we're talking about this proposal because I just want to make really clear for anybody listening this proposed addition does not include any new jail space got to be really really clear about that it's addressing other needs that I think there's really strong agreement among the board and among residents this is space that we need to add to make that facility safer and and operate more efficiently it does not include jail cells no jail that's glad we have that clarification any other comments or questions no but I bet they're sitting there wondering what the story is behind that and we're never [Music] telling kind like same bomb in the airport yeah all right all in favor I I opposed motion carries unanimously thank you thank you so much for your work and thanks for all the time you spent with us not only this morning but throughout the last few months well you're going to see a little more of us and uh we'll we're happy to help in your next process for the other part of the study uh and we'll uh we'll quickly develop our schedule here to get this thing going right away and uh we uh we appreciate all the uh all the the the work with you so thank you thank you so much I'm going to leave so I can catch my plane there you go all right thanks much thanks have a good day all right we're going to um move forward with item number eight which is our Highway Department Matt is here with with this is it's still morning we got four more minutes last thing before lunch here there you go uh good morning Commissioners um yeah I hope I'm the right person sitting here uh the reason I say that is because some of this process had already happened before I um join the highway department and that is uh Chrissa funds C rsaa the covid response and relief supplemental Appropriations act uh of 2020 some of that money has already been spent in different projects some of it was saved uh because uh engineer H was able to actually um get other funding sources so this is sort of the remaining uh piece of funding that we have available to us um our accountant let me know that that this was available let's say 6 months ago maybe not quite four to 6 months uh and in that intervening time we've been able to you know uh do some needs assessment within within our department and determine okay what what could this money be spent on uh in a way that's uh really productive and one of the things that's come up is um just how difficult it is to change uh tandem tires um and how much of that we do and how much it kind of uh cost the staff both just in bodily harm um but also I'm you know I think about it as retention you know so how can we make our the our environment uh one that somebody wants to work in like let's say our mechanic you know he's got the right tools to do the job uh can we keep him or her longer um in that job so I think of this both as like just tools we can use going forward but then also uh staff retention um so that's that's how we came to the tire changer as being a good use of this funding it's not in our current inventory it's not in our replacement schedule this is something new that's why I feel like uh funding like a one-time funding source like this is a good way of of um making that kind of change for our our staff and our department um there is some remaining funding available uh we want to put that towards uh some uh some other projects that might otherwise impact the levy um being that salt sand shed that we've discussed at length um that funding to fix that is actually applicable just has to be spent before September 30th which is the federal fiscal year end um and then as well as uh we had a project that we were able to pull off yet this fall uh in in the form of um grinding up the first th000 ft of County Road 60 which was in very bad shape U and we've heard a lot from the public about um how that would impact them so that's anyway long story short that's what we could use that other funding for um and this is the remaining piece that that um you know I'd love to to order yet even this afternoon if possible so I'd entertain any questions any questions for Matt Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to approve the purchase of a tire changer with the chrop funds thank you commissioner mels is there support I'll support any further discussion oh so so now we'll put this in the equipment schedule yes and I would anticipate a 20 to 25 year replacement there you go all right any further discussion or questions if not I'll in favor I he opposed motion carries you have work to do this afternoon something to order click thank you thanks mat all right we'll move on to Mis our management information system and Rowan Watkins is here with us this afternoon it just turned noon good morning everyone Hi everyone Hi there Madam chair members of the board today we have three requests for you uh the first is the purchase of a Dell power Edge server and this is a new requirement from the FBI through their criminal justice Information Services or sieges uh per the sees security policy 5.95 agencies that access sieges data which we do our Sheriff's Office and attorney's office do that regularly uh must now have audit and event logging capabilities there's a 471 page document that includes all these details that I did not include in the board packet respect for the rest of the board packet thank you happy to provide that if you'd like to uh do some light reading but it is to meet these requirements we now need dedicated software and hardware and so the logging software has been added to the Mis 2025 budget request and this request is for the hardware that will run that logging software and store the logs as required by the FBI sieges security policy and so for to put into context for the cost here for the last several years uh the Mis department has been working on what we're we've called server consolidation um by leveraging cloud storage and So currently the Mis Department capital budget request includes funding to replace two storage area network servers or Sands and those run at about $15,000 per unit on a five-year replacement schedule and we have five host servers at 5800 per unit again on a 5-year replacement schedule the 2026 Mis Capital request uh will see a reduction in $99,500 in budgeted equipment as we move to three hosts so from five to three hosts at a different rate of 6,000 per unit one sand for 15,000 and another sand sand smaller sand because of the amount of less amount of data that we store here locally at a price of 6,500 per unit as a result of This Server consolidation and leveraging cloud storage the Dell power Edge server request in this agenda item will add an increase of $20,200 in budgeted equipment to the Mis Capital request request in 2026 all of this equipment they're all servers they all are on on a 5-year replacement schedule and so just to try to keep it Apples to Apples and why I referen that is because I had intended to submit in our 2026 budget narrative a decrease in our Capital request of 19,500 but this would be a mandate from the state and federal agencies to allow us to access this to purchase this um so with all that said the result for our 2026 capital budget request will be a net increase of $700 so instead of me getting to come and say look at how much money we saved and what a good job we did uh it's a wash and so we still save the money yes yeah uh our budget won't go down though yeah unfortunately so that's uh the summary that I have I would stand for any questions on the requirement or the hardware or the software details that I can provide to help any questions that Commissioners have commissioner so so they won't allow for cloud storage for the sieges they don't it's great question and it was actually something we really went over for a long time um trying to get a good answer out of the the BCA and our our representatives there um the short of it is is that unless it's kind of your business model like you're an axon or a PB K or or one of these companies that really specializes in serving those agencies this is more of a general purpose company and it's just not worth the expense to them to jump through the Hoops to meet that requirement uh it's a lot of physical requirements a great example we got uh from the BCA actually was uh an anti virus or an endpoint detection company crowd strike uh they had to background uh 1,400 employees just and regularly just to do that just to be able to meet some of that requirement and so a lot of other companies just aren't willing to Y to do that so interesting we wanted it to be but we uh we have to buy the server and keep it here okay thank you any other questions or comments uh Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to approve the request to purchase Del power Edge r660 EXs server at the cost of 20,160 $184 thank you commissioner Mills is there support support thank you commissioner Johnson we have a motion in support any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you uh next item security camera policy uh so in the agenda packet the draft policy was created in partnership with c County stakeholders including the Cook County Sheriff's Office county attorney Emergency Management admin as well as the County Board representation to the security committee uh as well as stakeholders from uh the court so the security committee uh also with representation from Cook County and the courts has approved this draft draft policy um and the need to update the policy originated from technical changes following the repl placement and consolidation of multiple systems so that's our our Access Control our duress buttons our our cameras have all turned into one system now um it also provided an opportunity to update the policy to reflect best practices uh including minimal required access separate approval processes for access to live and recorded video from both judicial and non-judicial areas um um and overall just better support the purpose of the system which is to help ensure security and safety of employees the public uh County property while respecting privacy rights and I can say just from being a part of that process on the security committee um great discussion everything that was discussed is included here in the draft that you see before you any other questions or comments uh Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to approve adopt the Cook County security camera policy thank you commissioner Mills is there support support any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries one more item thank you last one uh so this is our artificial intelligence policy um so as the use of of artificial intelligence tools uh such as open AI your chat GPT Microsoft co-pilot Google Gemini become more commonplace we want to provide education and guidance regarding the appropriate use of these tools uh in for employees and their work duties and really at the heart of the issue is how the majority of these tools collect um the information that users put into them and how they use it and so by contrast I mentioned um other government Cloud tools that we leverage uh such as axon or pbk also stored in the cloud um but they have really strict rules around how that data can be used and these generative AI large language models don't have those rules in fact it's the opposite what they say they do and what they do is collect everything that you put into them analyze it and essentially regurgitate it back out to other people and so the the heart of it is private and sensitive data protected data cannot be put into these tools uh and then the other issue is accuracy uh so unless you have the subject matter expert to validate that what is coming out of these is accurate it's um you run the risk of spreading misinformation and so at the core of this policy it it provides definitions on what all those are and it's really about following existing data practice laws right we can't share people's Hippa information we can't share people's criminal justice information those all exist this is just a policy that kind of explains how these AI tools work and tries to educate staff on where it is and isn't appropriate to use them as well as the piece about about accuracy and so my favorite part or I think the core of this policy is on page four and there's a a flowchart a decision and useem flowchart and it just kind of asked people to go through a thought process of you know is this tool something that you're familiar with and has it been approved can you um is this data acceptable for sharing in a public way if it's not you know it says no if it if it is then do you have the subject expert matter uh subject matter expertise to say whether accurate or not if not don't and and just guides people through the process and that's because it's being used more and more we we got a a couple requests and questions from staff already using these tools uh we felt it was appropriate to put something in place and and then also of course Mis is there to answer any questions staff might have I know as as board members we've had um staff members who have talked about the U use of AI and have have dabbled in it and think it's important for us to have a policy so we have guard rails I also think it's um very important that all of us get educated and have um significant training in um appropriate use of AI and I know the association of Minnesota counties has provided opportunities and I'm hopeful that we'll have opportunities here for our staff as well other comments questions do you ran do you know if there is there anything in statute uh requiring someone to uh let you know whether AI is used in when you say you know like in a software product I'm assuming yeah not existing yet um I I think at this point a lot of that is being captured under the um the privacy rules for software the kind of the fine print that you click accept I agree at the end pages and pages of things like that um but I don't know that there's a statute currently that says they have to say that it is AI and then I mean they have to say how they're using your data Chris it's there's a form of AI that's been out for I mean it's kind of evolved into something called AI now I mean we've seen aspects of it different I mean artificial intelligence there's a definition in the policy um I think the one that we're focusing on and the one that gets a lot of attention is referred to as large language models and that's where it's really collecting everything it can find on the internet also collecting anything that you put into it and then it works as um almost a really fancy um autocorrect or or where have you seen where you're typing and it tries to guess your next word it's it's like that but really extended right so you type in a prompt what is this what is uh how many people are on the Cook County Board of Commissioners well it just scores the internet and finds and puts out what it thinks is the right answer there's a lot of good and bad information that gets used um they have a lot of people that try to work on it and correct it but that's part of you know needing to have the subject matter experts to validate what comes out with it and because they use it that way they take it and then push it back out when somebody else asks a prompt that's the concern with sharing private or protected data any other questions or discussion Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to adopt the Cook County artificial intelligence policy thank you commissioner Mills is their support I support thank you commissioner Starley we have a motion and support any additional questions or discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries unanimously thank you very much all right we'll return now to auditor Powers um item 10 we've dealt with items A and B but we have item C which is the purchase of an esns ds450 high throughput scanner and tabulator thank you madam chair so you dealt with this two weeks ago and I'm bringing it back because um some misinformation we' uh not as a result of AI right no no AI involved no just a there was a revision in the contract that the person I dealt with at MNC wasn't aware of and I was sent the old contract the revised contract um discovered this through multiple emails with esns MN and MN C so anyway it's it's a significant enough different costs that I wanted to come back and uh see if you were to prove it again at a higher cost uh the total cost now is 61,500 so it will still be covered by all of the sources that I described I had some leeway in those sources including the the 20,000 left in the security grants the balance that we carry over in our election fund the 5,000 in our capital budget and the new voting operation technology resources account in 23 and 24 we have about 20,000 there so uh that more than covered uh what I presented to you two weeks ago and it will barely cover this so but I'm glad it covers it yeah so they they describe the I mean the changes were the supply chain problems that every manufacturer ran into after covid so the revision came in 2022 when those uh prices hit I was very happy when I saw that first price it was a little surprised but it wasn't true all right well any further discussion or questions not I'd entertain a motion uh I'll make a motion to purchase the esns ds450 high through putut scanner and tabulator is there support I'll support that thank you commissioner white we have a motion and support any other discussion or questions all in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you thank you item number 11 administrator yorie thank you madam chair uh so item 11a is the approval of the community energy transition Grant um this application was submitted by Teresa ba the former director of the Eda uh before she left us and I just want to take the a moment to to thank Teresa for her work on this um and her work in general for the Eda she in the short time that she was here did an excellent job for us and uh this is one of the results of her work um it's a million-dollar Grant $800,000 of which will be allocated toward the development of the transfer station that will be operated by Northshore waste um that is a public private partnership the county is um going to be the official owner of that that facility um as a result of the Public Funding that we've secured from the state um but the other the other $200,000 of this grant will go to the development of a strategic plan uh for the Redevelopment of tanite Harbor um a lot of work that needs to go on there and a lot of opportunities to redevelop that in a way that uh will be productive for the county and and hopefully contribute to the County's economy so uh thank you Teresa for your work on this and the uh request today is for the board to approve the receipt of this funding commissioner storley thank you madam chair when this news first came out and I didn't really get the drift of it but I had some concerns citizens asking me how come your putting the waste center down at tacken Harbor so it did not come out and the northern waste so I just want to clarify that no we're not putting the waist down there attacking in Harbor I believe it was reported that way on TV okay so that's what people were concerned about what are you doing thanks for that clarification yeah all right anything else I would entertain a motion to accept these funds y mam chair make a motion to approve the community energy transition Grant contract with deed thank you commissioner Mills is there support I support thank you commissioner Starley we have a motion and support any further questions or discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously and again thank you to Teresa B I'm very much looking forward to meeting her successor sooner rather than later thank you to Brady for stepping in as our as our authorized person for this Grant and that will be temporary if we hope all right other updates okay other updates I'm going to make it brief um as you met earlier Brooke lard is on board he's working part-time this week but we transition full-time next week and I've already started kind of orienting him to the multitude of tasks that uh he's going to have to take on so um not just related to buildings but um also our Fleet um there's as I think I've mentioned before in these meetings we've uh we have not really bought any new we may have acquired one new vehicle in the time that I've been here which is four years um but we have reached a point where vehicle utilization has becoming uh heavy enough that we are now uh realizing that we probably need to acquire more Vehicles however we don't really have the data to to illustrate for you what that need is and so that's going to be one of the first things that I'm asking Brooke to to get on is to try to straighten out our recordkeeping on vehicles so that we can uh demonstrate what the need is and if if necessary to move forward with vehicle purchases I should mention too that the budget does have um north of $100,000 in it for vehicle acquisition uh when we need to take that step but I want to be able to to demonstrate the need before I recommend that to the board um other things The Ripping projects are ongoing the community center is almost done um and I did talk to Mike leerer about doing the cville town hall he's ready to do that he has another job that he has to do in the interim so it's going to get into October before he gets to that but um you know again it's really great that we're using a local contractor to do that work from what I've seen his the quality of his work is very good and so that's money that's staying in the community um and then also the uh roof on the museum uh is going to be starting very quickly I've not uh had a chance to connect with with Rhino Roofing but they're going to be the contractor on that job so um that in a nutshell that's it I I guess I should mention too we have a follow-up meeting negotiation meeting with Cook County employees Association tomorrow we do have two of our three labor contracts ratified already um and are hoping to nail down the details of the uh ccea contract um tomorrow so that we can bring all three contracts to the board for approval those are going to be two-year labor agreements um so that's there's a lot of other stuff I could talk about but it's getting late so all right thank you thank you we'll move on to um commissioner updates and start with commissioner Johnson um no I guess I don't have anything one Highway meeting that I was at to discuss about that tire changer and the need for it of course I push back a little bit but okay all right thank you uh I've just been hanging out with the Architects and um the ne negotiation groups that's about it you commissioner M um um so so um I asked so the the Teresa B's exit interview was um very powerful and um I asked her if I could share it and of course it's personal without permission um and um and she asked for for some redactions um which were pretty minimal but but I respected them absolutely and and sent it back to her with those redactions asking for permission to share and so I got that permission I sent it to um James this morning um to hopefully distribute to you all uh as well as to um Jason hail who is the current interim Eda director as well as the HRA director and um and I guess there are some themes in it that um are similar to some other the other exit interview um or interviews with the with the Eda director in the past which I'm not as familiar with but but I'm trusting um board members who have been there longer that there's there's some themes and um what it brings to my mind is just the independent solo Silo working and and just the benefits of working on a team and um you know this board um not too long ago um voted down the merger of the Eda both the Eda board unanimously and the H board unanimously approved the merger but then there was concerns at this board level and I'm hoping that with the sharing of this information that there's going to be an openness to revisiting that um I can't bring that forward I voted for um uh merging and that vote was um lost but the winning vote um is able to bring that issue back forward and so as the the interview gets shared and um there's time to digest it I I hope that that's um under consideration by by everyone because I think it it really is important for the the health and benefit of our community both on the housing front because we have just one person doing all that work as well as on the economic front because we have had and currently don't have any really doing that work and so just that team Dynamic that Synergy that support uh uh all all of it I think is is just really important and needed but um otherwise AMC has has um um taken a fairm on my headspace and and um and and that's great um interesting I was able to sit in on a meeting that um that the district one um chairs hold um as a substitute and um just really interesting hearing about what the other chairs are dealing with whether it's lawsuits or jails or um which we don't have or um uh or Levy increases um I guess cucha Ching counties is 25% increase and the the read of the room was that's not a typical this year for all the different needs um throughout the state so I'm really curious to hear more about what other other no one else gave any numbers out so um but I'm really curious to see where that where that lands with with all the other counties and and particularly in our district just to to get a read on that but um a lot of it has to do with just the the staff wages and retention uh turnover and um and then some of those Capital needs too so nothing that's just like way out there it's it's stuff we can relate to and are also dealing with but in a more uh in a smoother way in my opinion so um I feel like we're we're trying to get ahead and stay ahead of of those of those jumps and I think we're doing pretty good there so uh of course there's always you can always do better and that's what we're trying to do but um really really appreciate the perspective from from the other Cy leaderships so um also kind of what commissioner white was saying about the Cannabis ordinance stuff other counties aren't quite in that position so it's just interesting hearing about what other counties are thinking and and I think we'll hear more about that at the district one meeting just where people are at um but otherwise it's you know the levy housing and child care it's kind of regular things for um for the other other counties in our district and and actually Carlton County was hoping to talk talk more about the land transfer um to to the bands um and it Carlton County may be the the have the biggest impact with that but but it's something I'm not as familiar with and the rest of the group didn't have um as much feedback there but it might get brought up at our district meeting we'll we'll see where that goes they're going to dig in a little bit so perfect thank you commissioner stle thank you well over the last two weeks I've had a lot of meetings and a lot of miles so I'll just bring up two um meetings to inform you one of them is I remember Christy Kane came here as the interim director and we're halfway there of approving her the bo the executive board approved her last week and now we take it to the general Commission so I don't think there'll be any problems so I'm really happy about that um and by invite and maybe all of you received that to to go to uh Giants Ridge and attend the ITR uh report on their progress and what they've done over the years and since I was passing by on my way to Virginia I said okay I'll just swing up in there and attend that meeting last Thursday was Thursday yeah and um it was a great event lots of you know people there and um good report from their staff however unfortunately and when I sometime have a chance to communicate with AA the uh board was not introduced and I felt like they're there in the front row but I don't know who they are so that was one thing I was disappointed in but we had several folks get up and talk about I Tri are and what they've done and what they're going to do and Ida gave a very stimulating report about her progress as the first lady chair of ITR and then our phones went off and we thought it was an amber alert and it was actually a tornado heading up uh 53 which I had passed just an hour before but anyway it second uh phone rang and then it was okay we're all right cuz we were ready to take cover we didn't know yeah you know but a couple of the fellas said no according to my phone it's not going to reach um this area so we were good about that so the next day after my meeting in Virginia I stopped at ITR and they sent some gifts so back there by the coffee pot are some glasses and some uh information from them I just asked for a couple pamphlets and that's what they sent so help yourself on that it was a great report and I did want to personally thank AA and the board if I had met them about working with us on the architectural plans for the waste so she was very happy that they could work together on that for us absolutely great well thank you um I had an opportunity to um be at the Cook County Planning Commission meeting um just to give an update the preliminary plat for phase one of temperance trails and tofy was approved and um phase one is the first 10 units so just to kind of keep that housing piece in mind um C County Coalition of lakes and bis Clark provided a wonderful um history of the work that that group has done over the decade so that was really a a very nice event our HRA um and commissioner um Johnson was there as well met and talked a little bit about the progress on the Gunflint view which everybody is seeing as they go by day after day um and the board voted to uh allow Jason hail to continue and his interm responsibilities with the Eda until October 11th so that is the date um allowed or [Music] compelled he will continue in his work till October 11th um and then we are in search of a District 3 representative um with Mary snes's reg resignation from the HRA and uh so commissioner Mills if you know of people that are in that District who are interested please make sure to get them to fill out applications on our County website uh Cook County Historical Society met and they're in the throws of um finalizing job descriptions for the executive director position Katie Clark resigned um a couple weeks ago and so they are busy working on filling that position airport um update um they've done a a significant amount of brushing I had a tour along the runways and um just many many acres of brush that have been clear to um keep it safe and um improve visibility for pilots and then uh as a reminder to all of you their annual flying breakfast sponsored by the arrowhead Eagles will be this Saturday 7:30 a.m. until 11 at the airport and um OD day which is uh company that is working with the airport will be out this week to look at their fuel station the mpca had some concerns about the fuel station and so oday is coming this week I believe it's tomorrow that they will be here to look at that and last update is from our Safety Committee um Jan worked very hard on this I want to uh give her some recognition for setting up some virtual ergonomics training for our staff um very valuable that was held recently believe we had 15 staff members that participated and then we have our active shoter training coming up this Thursday the courthouse will be closing early a reminder to the public that the courthouse will close on that day at 3:00 p.m. from 3: to 4: and um also as part of the Safety Committee we talked a little bit about a vaccine clinic that's going to be offered and that will be coming up in October and with that that is all of my reports um we have our sales tax comparison through July and with that is there a motion to adjourn I move thank you commissioner Starley is there support support thank you commissioner Johnson we have a motion of support all in favor I opposed we are adjourned thank you all very much ask you a question yes one first okay conf view just