##VIDEO ID:skuYmHAzGmY## everyone I'd like to welcome you to the Cook County Board of Commissioners annual organizational meeting and if we'd please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so as we begin this this morning first item on our agenda is Oaths of office and we have Kim Shepard here from our court administration to provide those Oaths so we have District 2 commissioner Gary gamble myself for District 4 and our County attorney Jean Peterson all stand and your right and repeat after me I do swear and affirm I do swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota the constition of the state of Minnesota and that I will be be diligent faithful and impartial and that I will be diligent faithful and impartial in the performance of the duties of the office in the performance of the duties of the office to which I have been appointed or elected which I have been appointed or elected for the count count of cook for the County of Cook in the state of Minnesota in the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and and ability to the best of my judgment and ability in accordance with the law in accordance with the law congratulations thank you right and then surely feel any different my wear English shoes Je have so that now we have concluded our Oaths of office the public might want to know what happens with those and we do uh sign those as uh officers and then they are housed in our administrative office so that's where they will go following this meeting so the next item on our agenda is election of our 2025 Cook County Board chair and um we all have new handbooks youve received that either electronically or a copy in print and in that handbook it talks a little bit about the roles and responsibilities of the leadership group both the board chair and vice chair and one of the things um just so that the public knows is that we always make sure we're prepared for every meeting uh we have our handbook which we'll have electronically on our laptops as well as our hard copies we have Robert's Rules of order which we always keep in case we need to refer to that during our meeting a list of all our committees and I want to thank Janna um for making hard copies for us so that today as we do our work it will make it much easier and then we have our printed agenda and um a little bit of a guide for public comment so that is something that's always up here for leadership to refer to as we get started um first of all same question I asked last year and the year before and the year before um is there someone who would be interested in serving as our Cook County Board chair this year Madam chair I do think that it's good to have rotation and in visiting with other Commissioners over the years some do it very uh Statin like district one down to five and so forth um um we haven't done that here but maybe I could start District 5 I represent so I would be willing to chair for this year thank you are there other Commissioners that are interested in serving as chair well I would make a nomination then to recommend that uh Jenny Starley be elected as our Cook County Board chair for 2025 support thank you we have support any further discussion all in favor I I I opposed motion carries congratulations commissioner Starley and Madam chair so we will let you come over here and I just stay here you want to stay here for today okay for the year oh for the year yes ma'am thank you um we might want to discuss that just in terms of um some emergency procedures and things like that it might be important for you to be in this location we'll talk about it okay all right thank you much all right we'll let you take it from there okay so then we're going to move on to the election of um 2025 uh board Vice chair nominations or anyone interested I'll I'll step up okay or or stay as as I am now I guess thank you commissioner Mills well um no not me you would our new commissioner be interested but I do have you been Vice chair before yes I have okay I mean I I would be interested I realize I'm stepping into the position uh you know in in this term but um have served in the position before and given that experience in previous experience and positions I would be open to it okay and um I'd be willing to do it as well but um you know I I real frankly have done this for three years and was vice chair prior to that so um I guess my thought is and I Gary I appreciate your um experience but I would like you to maybe be with us for a year um prior to being in that role so I guess I would nominate for commissioner Mills to continue in the role as board chair okay is there a support So are there any other nominations okay so we will um accept um commission we need a second for that motion I don't believe we have we need seconds when it comes to making decisions on these positions okay we have is a nomination and then it goes to the vote thank you just reiterate that commissioner Mills is willing to step up for this year so that would be thank you for doing that and um we will take a vote on that all in favor I hold the same sign thank you so now we're good to go here so are there any additions or adjustments to the agenda right now I don't okay motion to approve the agenda as written so moved support any comments or questions on that otherwise um all in favor I I oppose same sign we have a public comment period right now and U an opportunity for citizens to appear before the board I see none so um have any of us received any comments or emails okay so we have before us now the um meeting schedule for the Board of Commissioners and all of you have had a chance to look this over I assume you have to okay and so I guess we would just start with um going over each district to start with if there's any um um changes or you've had time to think about different committees and groups that maybe aren't moving along as you think they are and or to make some adjustments I know that it's um it's been the um past that we try to equalize everything that we can but it's pretty hard because of all the things that we've been involved in for a period of time and then when new Commissioners come on board they take over what's already listed so um and I think we've done a pretty good job in in uh working that through as best we can for the um boards and commissions so I feel that we should start with um district one and just start with commissioner white and she can um advise us if there's anything that she feels needs to be changed um I would like like to not be i' I'd rather be the alternate on the AMC Indian Affairs task force and I mean switch with Anne Sullivan on that one and and I'm comfortable with that I'm always there anyway so yeah yeah um okay I would like to be the primary on the highway advisory committee I had been the alternate that had been in District Two um and so the alternate for the highway advisory committee um you have in mind who that might be I care not whomever would um have an interest in it and other than that it looks oh um Northeast Minesota no that looks good but I'm I'm willing to change things if people as we go along oh wait um the um nor Northern County's land use um I am I have spoken with with our new commissioner and I um he is giving up the primary position that commissioner Hawk Johnson's had on the highway um committee and uh he had expressed an interest in the northern County's land use board because he had been there before he has established relationships and that is very good with me so I would be the at this moment you're the alternate dve okay y I'm fine with that okay you would be the primary then on Northern counties I would you would be yes okay anything else no okay [Applause] and then moving on to District Two thank Madam chair um I'm comfortable assuming commissioner Johnson's uh assignments with the exception of the change that was made with commissioner white uh that I would defer the highway advisory committee to her and then assume the primary role with en Club Northern counties otherwise everything else I'm I'm comfortable with there was some discussion about the um HRA position that uh commissioner Johnson was primary on uh whether that would be a conflict of interest or not for me however uh that is a non- voting position and I have over 15 years of experience in in the housing area and have attended a number of workshops both regionally and locally so I think that that perspective would uh lend itself on that particular mhm board so just to reiterate I I'm comfortable assuming the positions that commissioner Johnson served in on assignments with that one change with commissioner white and commissioner gamble did you want to be the alternate for the highway Advisory board or um would you be willing to give that up um whatever I felt that in the discussion with commissioner white that given the number of of miles of Road in that District compared to District 2 yeah that uh it would be beneficial to have her voice represent her District in that regard so for me it's just a matter of how things align I'm I'm willing but uh whatever I would be very interested in serving as the alternate um District 4 has a lot of Miles Road and there's a lot of construction there this year and I think that I think that makes sense that we have representation we have so many miles of roads in those particular districts so all right thank you all right I'll be willing to serve as alterntive okay with the HRA um I guess um attorney Peterson do you have any recommendations um I don't have a recommendation I guess I just would say that with it being a nonvoting position um you know under the statute the conflict is actually broader than just voting so that any um any attempt to influence is prohibited where there is a potential conflict so with that understanding I think that you can make that call appreciate that okay thank you on that so that takes care of your committees and Boards yes okay thank you commissioner Mills Madam chair um whereas I appreciate commissioner Gamble's um experience with with housing and the workshops um um I believe commissioner selvin's been the alternate there um since its formation um and so I'm just worried about uh the state of the hi currently um as well as just the projects going forward in continuity there um I can say um I'm currently involved in the interviews for the h director um we're in that process and interviewing this week and we've gathered that I I don't know if that makes a significant difference um to this group or not but we recognized there would be transition time when we'd be evaluating the applications and so been working on is and so is housing something you've been advocating for or I just haven't heard or um I'm not aware I I have been I've participated in housing things like I say both regionally prior to my first term as a commissioner and since that time and have attended a number of workshops and have been involved with the agencies that are involved with housing uh so like I say I think that that perspective over 15 years has value absolutely yeah I'm just concerned like I said about the continuity and um very willing to forgive and not forget um when I was on the city council I remember the first um housing project was voted against by yourself and so I just have concerns about the need and the advocacy for housing the first housing project was voted against by me I believe so is that what you were saying I have no recollection at all of that okay relative to the housing issue addressing housing issues was making housing affordable and in our discussions that we had uh locally at loten with multiple players uh the the initial Focus was on profitability opportunities and I said that seems to be in conflict with affordable housing looking for opportunities to make money which there's a reasonable amount of money that can be made but certainly we need to look at it not initially from a profitability opportunity but from an opportunity of serving an existing in need so I would have never have been against housing knowing that 99% of the calls that I get relative to housing are people that just can't find housing up here it is a problem but it needs to be addressed in a way that is is financially viable and meets real need while being fiscally responsible I'm wondering if it still would be uh appable for commissioner Solomon to continue with working with um the area that you have been until the hiring is um taken care of yeah that was that was the plan yeah okay well I'm comfortable being an alternate and and Gary just so you know I always go to those meetings um commissioner Johnson and I were always there as a team I appreciate that thank you all right great because there's some uh committees and boards that two of us are uh at attending it so that's not unusual yeah yeah okay very good in my understanding Madam chair just to clarify in previous term was that uh any board member is U provided the opportunity to attend any of the assignments just with the understanding that the primary is is the one that when it comes to pum or anything else and expenses that that's been agreed to as the compensation however participation is encouraged but with that understanding correct and the one thing we do um have to be careful Madam chair and uh commissioner gamble is that three um sometimes when we've had City Council meetings um we've we've had some awkward moments we like who leaves and so we just need to be very cognizant and I think communication between all of us is really critical and yes just uh also I believe in our bylaws it's uh three or four meetings that an alternate can claim uh PRM for doubling up on um of course they're always will um allowed and and encouraged to attend but um there is an opportunity for some compensation just if if uh the situation arises there there's one meeting on the County Extension that two of us are on uh commissioner Johnson and myself so you would be then with that sure committee that's the only one that I know of right now that's always had to and I was on that previous as well yeah yeah that's the only one right now same with AMC I believe oh yes yeah AMC there's lots with AMC yeah okay so that takes care of you thank you okay thank you we'll move on then to District three thank you madam chair um couple scheduling changes the library board now meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 5:00 benefits and wellness meets the second Thursday of the month I believe that's at 10 or is it 10:30 sorry 10:30 yeah oh I'm sorry 10 o' my mistake um and um there are some uh some other ones that are in flux for instance the parks and trails um had been monthly it's gone down to every other month it's also gone to quarter and so I'm not sure where where things are going to be at um there um but that is still the the day I believe um um so commissioner Mills who would be your alternate then uh I'm not aware uh that I guess that' be commissioner gamble I think commissioner Johnson was the was the alternate um and then uh let's see here the Children's Justice initiative um I believe we've met a total of two times um I'm not sure if if the intention is is quarterly or or um or maybe just as needed but um just wanted to report on that and I believe that's all the SK oh and then the Northwoods food project um also is is having a scheduling change there um and I don't know if it's been voted on yet by them um go ahead here it looks like uh 2 Wednesday at 300 p.m. is the new time I think that's I think that's all the changes that takes care of your changes then I believe so okay thank you things are always in flux yeah as we know as we know over the years okay then moving on to District Four commissioner Sullivan um so for AMC Indian Affairs task force I would change from alternate to primary as discussed with commissioner white um everything else would stay the same except I would add Highway advisory as an alternate and all the times as of this point are accurate and dates um knowing sometimes those do change in January so we may towards the end of the month want to put this on an agenda just to review um and I would encourage any Commissioners who are um leaving a position and um switching with another commissioner to make sure to inform that group so so that the new person um accepting those primary responsibilities will get the emails the notifications and I know that commissioner Hawkins or commissioner Johnson was very good with doing that prior to her departure all right that should do it for me commission sterley um I forgot but um I would like to be on the Personnel committee it even as the alternate I see here that an is on the Personnel committee and there's not an alternate listed commissioner Hawkin it's that has two Commissioners so oh I see y so and commissioner gamble would be on that yeah okay and I I served on that committee before which I feel is a very important committee okay all right okay so that takes care of you all right then we will move on to my district which is five um starting off with the aquatic invasive species advisory um because I have a little bit of a conflict with that then I'm wondering um because you are on the U the Committees for the Lakes Association i' be happy to take that if you could do that and then um commissioner white would still be the alternate okay um chair yes one thing I would like to bring up is um in your role as chair um make sure that you have budget facilities advisory um that is something that comes with a chair position and also the security committee um that's noted on our sheet but just so you're aware and everyone else is aware so that would be the only change that I would have I still do the townships because they're the only ones in the county and they're still there and they're still there right yes and they're always very interesting to say the least okay okay so chair stle we have a couple of emails that we've received about um other committees um first of all from commissioner Johnson if you'll recall back in November um she indicated that there's a rotating commissioner seat with The Arc and um it appears that this year we are to have a second commissioner on that board who is eligible to vote Arrowhead Regional counties so is there a commissioner that would be interested in that I I would be interested in that as said on that previously yeah and so you would um move so rather than an alternate you would be a second primary right okay and then another email that we had was From Grace grenager With Public Health and Human Services they are forming a food access Council and they do not have a regular meeting date determined um but my question question would be is um commissioner Mills because you have been on the um let's see it's Northshore food the Northwoods food project Northwoods food project if that is something that you would find um interesting or appealing and it might fit with that other group um yeah uh certainly the interest um probably depends and I think it would it would I think it probably would fit well um but yeah the scheduling um scheduling could be an issue also um my understanding the differences there is the food production versus the food access and so when I think food access I often also think of the food shelf um and um and the workings there um I don't know if that has any overlap with the Hub or if it's just shared no I think it's you should take the okay absolutely well when the schedule is determined I think on that we tentatively have you for the food access Council yes um and I'm sorry my understanding is uh commissioner Johnson was talking about Arc not ardc and so um and so commissioner Johnson was not the alternate for Arc uh so commissioner Gamble would be serving uh in in commissioner Johnson's stad on Arc already so we need a second commissioner to to join commissioner gamble or we don't need this is our opportunity to to have a second voting member there and so that is the third Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in duth [Applause] as it stated here right now commissioner white is the alternate yeah yep and when when is that the third Friday Friday in duth is that something you'd be able to do sure great [Music] and then one other um additional um piece that um we got from AMC is the solid waste committee um that's going to be a very significant legislative um initiative this year and because of our transfer station and the remote location it's very important that we be involved um I know commissioner Mills has applied for that through AMC I have applied as well um we won't know till later this week um when the applications are reviewed if um one of us or both of us might be on that but I would just bring that up as something that we would want to discuss in the future once we hear back from AMC as an additional committee commissioner Mills Madam chair knowing that um commissioner Sullivan applied um I might ask AMC to withdraw my name um I just wanted to make sure we had representation if if possible but I can talk with them about that and just see what they what they think of that too okay you don't know what the schedule is and so forth if there's remote and or you have to you know go to St Paul or what I imagine there will be some um work in St Paul related to this and I know I um spoke with um administrator Watkins and also with um Tim Nelson just about um what they felt in terms of the value of being part of that very supportive so I think it's something we may want to add to our list at a later date thank you for doing that fruition for either one of us so anything else before we move on Madam chair I would just I I would highly recommend and maybe the board has done this previous um but uh that we set aside some time to evaluate commissioner assignments given all these boards I can look at this and compare it to my first term as commissioner and the number of you know uh uh different appointments that were made and we've got significantly more there are some that have not met and and I think if if we step back and we take a look at at the the intent and what our hope for results are in participating in things um it might help discipline some of our approach as to the benefit we receive and how best to do that so that it doesn't add additional cost and take additional resource of of time but uh it's always healthy to evaluate in the context of benefit and I know in my first term I sat on the board and after a while it became apparent that the leadership in that board uh was questionable and uh what was driving the board wasn't in the best interest of our County and so I made a recommendation to the board may or may not recall that we withdraw from participation in that and so if we have some criteria that defines what it is in our objective in participation participating in these things it will help us to uh evaluate that in a way I think that'll BR bring some Integrity to what we do when when we add these responsibilities additionally to Commissioners so I would just make a recommendation that we would we would set set aside some time to be able to do that that's a good idea I think that over the years with um commissioner Sullivan being chair um we've really wined this down quite a bit and so there's no uh problem as far as doing it again maybe in 3 four months look at it again um I would say in my situation I've added a lot of um situations to my boards and commissions but um so far I've been able to carry them out so I think that it's always an ongoing well this really has not met so we can scratch that any time of the year yeah and Madam chair we did U have a request from citizens that wanted to participate wanted to know if they could receive a pum or travel expenses if they attended boards that that we were not part of and um so I established a document that established the criteria under which we as a board would either confirm or not confirm that participation and it's all based upon what our objective is and the benefit back to the county for that participation so that's what I'm saying it'd be helpful to do that sure thank you commissioner Sullivan yes um one thing I'd like to bring up is that I believe um we all remember that commissioner Johnson brought up a number of months ago concern about the hospital board that that might be one of those boards that we want to re-evaluate so I think um that would be an example of one that we would want to you know take some time to discuss what's the purpose what's the role and the fact that we have an invitation to them to attend our phhs yeah and Madam chair I think that those things are good I think it's just healthy to step back and and take a look at it uh there's some boards that I sat on that are still existing boards that I'd be sitting on that I always wondered why why as a representative of Cook County am I here in other words what is the return uh in that participation other than another voice to contribute to the discussions does it have a benefit that reciprocates to the county and and I think that's our primary and and when you look at resources of both money and time I think it's important that you focus on those things that have the greatest degree of benefit so you know one of the things um commissioner White brought up last year was the um I'm trying to remember the name of the group met in Grand Portage um and they were doing wolf and moose research I did not attend that but they were yes that was uh I had a conflict on I was there with the uh uh Beach there was a big Beach Conference there I remember I mean and that was was very enlightening and helpful but no I didn't go to the wolf one okay all right so anyway there there certainly are things that we should continually evaluate for maybe taking them off the list or not having somebody assigned to them but then adding things were appropriate where it might be beneficial to our County to have representation in that particular event was it like a one time was it heart of the continent I don't recall the title of that but like let's just say like with the beach and then there was another one I can't don't recall what they called it but it's not an ongoing it was justor it was a temporary it was an opportunity to hear varied speakers from different reservations and from different uh governmental agencies on the topic and so uh water is a huge issue that has been focused on in Grant portage so uh it's just an opportunity to go and learn is what it really is and there has always been an expressed the first time they actually Billy Blackwell said and we want to thank our commissioner so would you please stand up it's like but I was just there eating and learning things so but it's appreciated that we attend and to know what's going on as much as we can that's um reminds me of an example where I was in duth for meetings then going up to Virginia for a meeting but on the way I had stopped off to it RB for their first um Gathering and um you know that was just a sidebar I didn't charge anything for per DM or anything like that so these things come up and and um we acknowledge them in the best way we can so that's uh that's these examples will come along and and we will handle it or ask a question what do you think should we you know as in Child Care Solutions I um came forward to work on that committee uh cannabis and so forth and they were like in the middle of the year but the appointment was there and so that's part of my my duties to attend those meetings and be a part of that um board and commission so anything else on our that you have commissioner Sullivan nothing else that I have I will go through with my formula and um update to make sure these are as balanced as possible and we'll bring this to our first business meeting so that everyone can take a look at it or I can email it to you before then I'll probably finish it today sure whatever works out between you and and Jan okay so before we move on to um the other um areas just to go through to see who's on the Committees and so forth I just would like to welcome attorney Peterson to our board this year and we look forward to working with you and hopefully it won't be too heavy a year for you but I know with your experience and background you'll be you'll be here for us when we need you too thank you m and to commissioner uh Gamble joining us now for this year welcome am on on the board um things have changed since uh we were together a few years ago one of the biggest changes of course is um Co and uh many of our meetings now are um you know remote which is really nice um that we can um stay home in our office or kitchen or wherever we meet and uh and have those meetings so that um that I would say that's the biggest change other than that we've moved along I think in uh great uh steps with housing and um um making sure that we're um updating our buildings and uh so forth so there'll be a lot of uh same old but there'll be a lot of new things that we'll be discussing so I welcome you aboard thank you madam chair I just comment relative to uh the effects of Co and uh meetings a lot of them going in video conferencing it'd be interested uh and knowing I did talk to Brady yesterday and asked him if he could give me uh a cost relative to our assignments when it comes to PMs and travel and lodging and uh for 2024 I believe the figure that you'd given me was approximately around 60,000 it was 59,000 900 and some dollars 60,000 it'd be interesting to look preco to see what those costs were uh because when you're comparing figures from year to year you'll find that there's other things that affect that because it's not comparing Apples to Apples and certainly Co affected that so we see the video conferencing and how that has affected especially our travel side of things it would be interesting to look at that and and in the evaluation of assignments any area that you have significant expenditure that certainly influences some of your decision making it's it's something you want to look at but I was actually surprised that the 60,000 figure was what it was because I would have anticipated it being more but again I think that the video conferencing has reduced a lot of that cost so and that included conferences as well which conference registration and housing there has significant so and I also like to welcome back our interim administrator uh Rowan Watkins and um he's been giving us updates as to the applications that are coming in it all looks um interesting to say the least with numbers and um I believe we had till the 15th posting until the 15th yeah so that's next Tuesday yeah okay Wednesday yeah so that will that'll be another step that um a lot of our work kind of is still us helping administer Ruan to do the work and then to then the next big step is to look over the applicants that DDA sends us and then work with them and so forth with um the actual um folks who they feel would be appropriate for uh background and so forth experience to uh work in our County so that's uh in one way it's really exciting and it's still a lot of work though to um to come up because we have um we have um important tasks for the administrator to do and to work with them in um conjunction with uh living here in the county and um being a part of our community too so that's that will we'll hear more from you on that I'm sure so um the um list that we have with the advisory uh active living do you want to go through that again and and look it over or how do you feel about that everybody have a chance to look at it for any changes it's good that we have who's on the advisory committees and who's on the boards and all that are there any questions about that or everybody's fine with that then we'll move on good thank you for printing all that off too appreciate it Madam chair are you talking about the second document the um the board management report yeah there's a little bit on there that might be worth I'd rather not I'd rather not go line by line necessarily but as I was scrolling through I did notice that my name is listed on the Cook County Historical Society which is you're an alternate okay but that's the only name listed there um and so there's there's some updating we we could do there but I think um that whole list can be you know created via our assign list so I don't I don't feel that need I didn't see any changes there also okay other than just knowing who's on and quite a few of the vacancies too was kind of interesting to observe where it is actually all over our community too isn't it vacancies for folks to step up okay if there aren't any other questions about that we'll move on thank you madam chair uh the next item is the approval of newspaper for legal Publications we're required to have a newspaper for our legal Publications and we asked for responses to our bid proposal and we got one response from the Cook County News Herald in your packet so no change in the in the price from last year it's $9 a column inch for legals and then you see some other uh uh rates for other types of advertising that we do um that aren't legals and all of those are the same as last year also so someone like to make a motion and approve that Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to approve the bid for publication of legal notices by the Cook County News Aral any questions or comments I support that all in favor I oppos same sign okay and Madam chair I think um I think we need a motion and I'll make such motion to uh approve the commissioner assignments for 20125 and I'll second that motion okay all in favor I oppose same sign thank you thank you thanks n and we are also required to designate uh a depository a primary depository for our funds and I'm asking you to uh approve Grand marray State Bank actually I have by policy the you've given me previous boards have given me the authority to name that so i' but I'd still like um I'd like your concurrence a res a motion yes okay mad CH okay Madam chair I'd like to make a motion to approve by resolution Grand maray State Bank as our primary depository for 2025 is there support support white thank you um all in favor I oppose same sign oh Madam chair another um I believe we also need to motion and I'll make such motion to approve the regular schedule for our board for 2025 I'm working backwards I'm sorry I I was wondering I'll second that motion Madam chair okay all in favor oppose same sign thank you and the the last item I have is just a resolution approving our non-county levies this is uh just to formalize this process of all the levies that other entities have approved and that we approved to spread those on the tax roles collect them and send them back to them any questions or comments I'll hear a motion on this so move mam chair is there a second support okay thank you all in favor hi I pull same sign and moving on to item 10 interim administrator thank you madam chair uh as you mentioned our search for County Administrator continues we at this point uh have 26 applicants varied backgrounds including governmental and private sector experience and DDA who we're working with for the search uh says it's normal for this to see an influx of applicants in the last two weeks which we are just now entering into so um I would expect us to have a pretty good pool of applicants numbers-wise to to look at um other updates briefly our our capital projects the LEC project uh continues to to move forward with our design team um tentatively looking to have a schematic design to come before the board towards the end of February um based on the timeline that we've been given from bkb uh remodel for the basement to address some immediate space needs uh is moving forward and we hope to hear from Northshore waste uh later this month on uh some information they have about our uh transfer station project there as well that's all I have I stand for questions if there are any okay any questions comments only comment is I appreciate your stepping up and taking the responsibility on behalf of the people of this County to fill that position you're a good man for that position and uh I just want to acknowledge that it's another thing to add to your place but we appreciate it thank you thank you we all work together to support each other in this situation and appreciate you also um administrator inm Watkins for what you've been doing and and keeping us posted with what's happening too appreciate all that any other business I will hear a motion to adjourn so moved support all in favor hi thanks everyone thank you do we have a photographer coming Todd was here coming back he was here coming back okay