##VIDEO ID:vTyBBdLTmB4## welcome greetings everyone welcome to the September 18th board meeting the Cook County Housing and Redevelopment Authority I first note the uh Quorum Commissioners Olsen Hansen O'Brien and gabler uh so the first item is approval of the agenda I'll move to approve I'll second any discussion if not all in favor say I I I opposed uh how about approval of the August 2024 meeting minutes I'll move approval I will second and seconded any discussion all those in favor say I I I I opposed uh next is opportunity for public comment we have at least one member of the public here I have nothing but he has no comment all right we'll proceed on to new business resolution 2411 all right uh thank you Vice chair um so this is a resolution uh approving development agreement with CCF C County real estate fund uh Highway 61 LSC that's the the name of the project uh site specifically which includes Grant assistance of up to uh 7 875,000 for the purpose of supporting development of the heights multif family housing project all right um so there's one item I think that's uh subor to that that just says subject to final legal description and I'll get into that in just a minute but this is a project everybody is aware of that we've been working on for a long time um this is the sort of uh last there are two things left with the Heights from I from the public approval process aside from building permits this uh development agreement which uh stipulates and outlines the use of the Tri R funds along with the ARA funds that the H is providing uh along with like a Johnson uh funds that they provided for predevelopment and then finally there was an additional $20,000 amount we had uh previously um committed to assisting um so that is the this is the sort of culmination of all of those efforts over the last I don't know how long Gary it's been while seems like a year yeah yeah right hours and hours and of of uh proforma analysis and and conversations Gary didn't have G here at that point no yeah I wasn't gonna say anything chair but um the the last step uh subject to this being approved uh this afternoon is uh I'll be joining uh Gary the development team at uh the county and city next week um at the County board meeting and the city council meeting for uh requesting abatement tax abatement um and so we met with both of those bodies uh earlier this last week uh yesterday I should say with the county and last week with the city council to just provide Q&A and try to help flush out what the tax payment looks like just want to re reiterate and enforce um the H3 of course is not a taxing Authority doesn't have any jurisdiction over tax ab bement and so this is that portion of this project will be between the developer and the city and the developer and the county but the HRA is is provided and trying to provide assistance with getting that uh in front of them and and making sure that that process at least gets before the before the deciding bodies so so any questions about this resolution um nothing should be terribly surprising uh with the development agreement again it's all been talked about for quite some time but happy to entertain any questions so just a question on protocol here um I'm a limited partner and thank you so do I recuse or yes please um anybody inv cling now yes thank you and and you've done some in the past too so anybody who is uh a limited partner any sort of invested partner in this uh please abstain from participating actually they need to not vote at all abstaining is a vote and so you have those conflicts refrain do not vote situation Bill thank you so Bill and I will abstain oh bill and I will not vote refrain refrain from voting recuse yourself from the process yeah is I have a quick question about that as a partner though they could comment is that correct uh it's better practice for them not to say anything okay the best practice is they wouldn't be at the meeting I see during any of this discussion but really that's um you know the important thing is simply not voting yep and obviously disclosing their involvement as well um Gary is here if there are any questions about this Gary lat sorry uh John Q public uh today um if you have any specific questions about the project and again I've been working very closely with Gary for I don't know how long now any comments from Mr lads uh the uh we of course we are in agreement that with the this uh this uh development agreement and all the pieces in it that the HR has put together so um we can only thank you guys for all your work Jason in particular and uh we're ready to go forward with this um we can talk about the project itself you know if you have questions about that or or any of the the elements um there's still a lot of work to do but this is one of the the stages that uh just allow us to keep moving forward forward with everything so um as project manager we're we're my group isn't completely in agreement with what we've got here Jason and I have uh honed you know hammered it out with our our attorneys have looked at it my and and the other members of my executive team as well as um your attorney thanks any questions for Gary is there a motion to approve resolution 2411 I'll so move and I'll second one comment chair uh before yeah yeah before we vote the legal desly yeah I just want to cover that um the the addition there uh and it's in the resolution itself is just that um it's more of a technicality or minor material piece here the the development teams looking at um subdividing the property uh because there's access property that there's a potential second phase of something happening in the northwest corner so we left the uh uh the exhibit B or what whichever one it is blank with regard to the legal description because we don't want to record this on the existing legal description and have to go back remove it and then re-record it on the future one so this won't be in effect or uh or executable as the resolution says until we get that final version of the legal description whatever that is if they don't subdivide it will use the the existing one if they do we'll take the new uh recorded legal description and put that in the document but does it would it then need to come back to us or is this a final enough action subject to their legal description to I I me Pro the board could decide otherwise from my perspective it's not a necessarily material change we're we're acknowledging where that everybody knows what the site is the parcel ID is there the address is there we're just uh acknowledging that the the project won't it doesn't impact the project as we've agreed upon in any way um it's just whether or not it's defined legally as X or Y um but if the board has a wants to do a followup and do a final approval after the legal description that's totally your discretion I trust you yeah I don't think that's needed right now so uh any further discussion or questions otherwise uh calling the question all those in favor say I I I opposed thank you under resolution 2412 thank you Gary uh resolution authorizing a First Amendment to the development agreement with c's Trail development company LLC related to The Temperance Trail Housing Development uh so everybody's well familiar with this project um we were at the Planning Commission on the 11th um just to really quick remind folks U part of the process with this particular project has one been a very much a learning experience from the developer side of things and also the property keeps sharing new gifts um uh throughout this process uh and that of course has an impact on site design and on the development and number of homes Etc so the resolution is pretty lengthy I apologize for that but it's difficult to explain without writing it all out what what happened um and I'll just hit the highlights really quickly the this resolution is making amendments to the development agreement to essentially extend uh the construction start date and closing date formally um to make adjustments to the uh to the def finished of entry level um because the developer uh agreed to they didn't have to but they agreed to that their intent with those entry level homes is to sell to uh Folks at entry-level price plan um so we've done this with some of the other agreements we have uh and so they've restricted the sale to households at 115% Mii or less um and then uh the other thing is the this original agreement that we had with the development agreement was uh entered into prior to uh the triple award so if we recall we had reached this agreement at the end of 2023 gosh I'm TR to get my date straight now uh and and then subsequent to that of course it did some more metaphorical digging and boring samples um and realized wow this is there's a lot of rock in Cook County um and other things and so when I you know had informed them that there was the ITR opportunity they said well let's let's apply for maybe some assistance and see if they would be willing to do so obviously they were awarded $100,000 with the infrastructure piece of this project um and so I was waiting to bring an amendment until we got to this point where all of those other things were together uh and so now now that's we we basically want to attach the ITR agreement and pass on those obligations to the developer so that's another function of this amended uh development agreement the final thing I'll say is that we um the the things like the B the billboard I think I mentioned that to the board previously uh still working with the township on that and we've reached an agreement and they're happy with the arrangement uh that's addressed in this as well which basically says you know once they close on the property they are able to use those Billboards for advertising for the development for two years which makes sense after that point regardless of the status of the sales the township is going to enter into an agreement long-term lease with them for a dollar or something for use of that billboard because the developer agrees they would love to use it for marketing and then after that they have no purpose to use it in the township there wasn't an effective lease in place so all the parties agreed that that's a workable solution and finally the again with the wetlands and the um overhead power lines uh the requirement for backup septic systems you need to have a space in in uh C County for a backup system where you would put a another one all and finally the uh Camp the sort of student um education area the H actually established an easement and a record against the property so that took up probably half or 3/4 of an acre when you draw kind of property boundaries around it and so they had to move the site and redesign everything to try to accommodate that so it went to Planning Commission on the 11th we knew that there would be some issues that they still had resolve I was pushing them to get it on the agenda for the 11th one to adhere to our former extension and two frankly because I just wanted to push them to get things wrapped up and so what I have conveyed to them uh they are anticipating fully anticipating having the all of the things that the uh land use uh Our Land Services Department have sort of the leftover items they need to address they are anticipating and working on having those all addressed by the end of the month so that they can get on the agenda this fall and get approval and close in time if they do not if they are not able to get the preliminary plat approval which frankly from my perspective is pretty good indication like we're ready to go mhm uh usually between preliminary and final plat approval there aren't many changes of any um then I think we're safe to proceed and close if they do not do that then U my recommendation is we say thank you for all of your work on this we're going to move on to to another party and they they know I've made that very clear to them and they agree they don't want to continue to to work on it and spend time and money if they can't proceed so there's a lot but that's what's going on with this particular agreement and I guess I should disclose again that I have sort of a distant connection to the billboard oh that I still have you're the one current uh lesie or verbal agreement occupier of the billboard is my ex- business which I still have a financial interest in but so I'm just disclosing that I don't think gain any advantage from it one way or the other and have no opinion but that I should disclose I just have a question um I noted that the affordability uh criteria includes both 15% of annual median income and a specific price of a Target price of $290,000 corre am I so I'm interpreting that correctly those are both correct the 290,000 commissioner was already agreed to but what we're trying to do is make it clear we're not trying to Pro you know the entry level homes are not intended for folks buying second homes right um and it's very uncommon for folks who are at or below 115% Ami to buy second homes frankly so there's a sort of natural limitation that happens at that price point um so they just agreed we're going to keep it at 290 and then also add this 1 15 there's no no provision for indexing that if it for sales that take longer than a year might that not at this point of course if they run into some significant challenge in that department we could they could come back and we could discuss that good um yeah good question is there a motion for resolution 2412 I'll move to approve it second any second any further discussion if not all those in favor resolution 2412 say I I I opposed under to the bukberg development agreement yes uh so the the at the last meeting we were in sort of in limbo um I'm trying to remember it was August 21st I think was our last meeting before before the city's final meeting precisely yes we had had the initial meeting at the city council where they uh did not formally decline but did not approve the Pud request uh and then on the 28th they formally denyed the PD reest so uh I'm sure folks are aware of that situation this um subsequent to that and obviously I continue to talk with the developer um and that's going to be on my director report a question for you folks but they have submitted a request to terminate the development agreement and part of part of that was my encouraging them to do that because the the project is to a more surface and and we have timelines even with the ITR funding and we want to respect that and I'm not sure how long it would and and the other thing I should mention is the arpa funds that we received also have a clock on them and so uh we committed those for this project because obviously we thought it would be approved and go forward we have till the end of the year to commit them now I already have of course ideas and where we can recommit those funds but that was another impetus for me to encourage hey if we can't do this in a meaningfully similar way and in coordination with it then we should terminate this agreement and if they come up with another plan uh we can revisit that at that time so I just wanted to they requested and I just wanted to give the board the opportunity to motion to formally terminate that agreement will someone move to terminate the bureau development agreement I'll move the second second regrettably any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed other business okay uh so we already discussed tax abatements at the heights that's what I had on my uh list here to update the board on um if if you would like to show up in support of that project for solidarity you are more than welcome uh we're at the next week on the 23rd of the County Board I believe the the board meeting starts earlier but I don't know where we are in the agenda but I think around 9:00 Commissioners does that seem really reasonable haven't seen an agenda I have not seen the finalized agenda will get finalized tomorrow okay so I would suggest if people are there at 8:45 that might be a better bet okay 8:45 if you want to come and the city what's that and the city and the city is on the 24th at 6:30 6 same room okay uh so that leads to the second item that I just referenced uh with the borberg um they that developer is trying to uh figure out a way to what can be built on the site without special approval so the zoning ordinance allows what's called byright development um which stipulates if you follow these parameters with setbacks and access Etc you can build this thing you just need you still need to build a permit you can't just go build whatever you want of course but uh with regard to zoning uh there there's no special permission needed so they're trying to explore what is still a good use of that site what's still a good project that they want to do and they're proud of Etc ET um I suspect that the city will still have some issues uh when they bring that forward um because what they're going to be asking for instead of a PUD which again is like the design of the whole site they're not asking for that um instead they would be asking for what's a the city calls a developer agreement which is basically outlines the interplay between public and private Utility Systems and it stipulates what work they'll be doing in the public RightWay and where that will connect to private utilities and authorizing them to do that work uh the developer and City's attorneys have been talking and of course I'm still housing is still whether or not we're providing funding I'm trying to be a resource for any housing project because that's what we should do um and so I'm trying to help them uh with this potential second option and I wanted to make sure that you're comfortable with me continuing to support generally that this is an infill project um and you know the supports them getting access to utilities you know they're paying for it and they reach an agreement with the city um but we're not we're not involved uh in in agreement anymore of any fashion I just want to make sure that that's that's comfortable for folks to me support would there be a future possibility that we would be yeah so so one of the things that I've worked with on the developer is honestly um it it's this is sad but to some extent it's easier for them to not get do something more special obviously and get and not have to uh figure out the political win so to speak and get approvals that they need Baseline approvals after they put the infrastructure and they are still interested in what does it look like to for us to maybe bring some resources or help them bring some resources that reduce costs for a number of units whether that's the homes themselves they've also contemplated like you know zoning code right now allows for things like uh an Adu in a backyard if it meets setbacks if they want to offer an Adu opportunity in one of those single family lots and we can help reduce the cost of that or they do a rent restriction for 15 years or something like that so they're open to some creative options but at this stage the encouragement is let's see if um the city will be supportive of the utility request uh and then we can work on the details so I just wanted to get sort of a knot of it's your comfort with me continuing to support the the infill piece even though we're not technically involved anymore aside from a technical assistance perspect effective comfortable has there been any follow-up discussion with the city about planning about a strategy for developing Third Street to a point where it would support higher density inel development yes I think it was in the last council meeting um they talked specifically about uh administrator Roth requested um specific information about to get a bit about the cost to improve Third Street so they are now talking about what that looks like and of course it's sort of a can of worms if you're looking at one Street then you ask why are we looking at this street are there other streets that are more priority for other future development and then you get to this large sort of meta conversation streets yes there and it turns out there are a few third streets uh in garray and so you know that's part of a larger conversation about um setting the table for intentional development in the future of gr Ray where does the city want to invest in infrastructure utilities roadways Etc to uh enable projects like this where's the most appropriate to spend that money that's a longer conversation and so what is challenging here is if we if there's somebody who wants to do a project and help you know tackle some of the problem uh getting that project bogged down in a larger you know multiple month maybe year-long conversation is a challenge so my intent is to just um to if and when the developer agreement goes before coun to Simply encourage them to um uh support housing construction where it's appropriate and to be continually thoughtful about you know we can do I from my perspective both and support projects that are ready to do something and then also be really thoughtful about how you want to see things shape in the future so you don't run into situations like this that's the spirit of it anyway question have they done their was it a working session um Council had one um uh I think it was in response to that um cost request like they initially just had to get a what a bid for how much it would cost to to do the study to see what it would cost to improve the street uh and then they're supposed to be having one um later this month or early October I believe a larger one um that talks about the larger development picture um so I'm waiting to hear back on when that's supposed to be I was invited to attend that that's all good I think that's a discussion we need you know follow pretty closely to assist us in the future as well so any other questions about that I just want to put that I me put a button on that and I don't there's not much else right now discuss okay uh the next item is uh Harbor viw and ITR funds I just wanted to bring us back to you know I had met with the county a couple weeks ago now I believe at a community the whole meeting I'm sorry they're all blending together it was yesterday as a community the whole meeting this is the one before before that um talking about uh uh requesting to increase the um line item in the H budget specifically for funds to help ensure that Harbor View stay our agreement with Harbor stays valid and we carry that out um and that is in response to uh the funding we got from the state that has had coming through a different pathway than we expected so uh as I understand it every Community who has had that pathway is trying to figure the similar things out um and and so now I just wanted to bring up that um I have a number of outstanding questions for I about how those funds can be used what the process needs to be um I have not heard back in about a month uh and so I'm just putting it on radar uh I don't the owner has not said um has not given a definitive like this needs to be figured out and fixed by X date um but I'm also very cognizant that uh the way that we our agreement is structured uh this the fund requirements from the AR from the 250,000 was not contemplated in our agreement for reasons we already talked about we didn't know so I wanted to bring an offered as a discussion item to say you know I can I still in good contact with the owner and they want to try to figure this out but there are this this owner Builder has done a number of prevailing wage and uh PLA and various types of like Union projects in duth and that twin in the Twin ports area and so they know in other words how these types of projects and processes are usually done and so they have a series of questions about what is and is not allowed this particular process and we just don't have any answers and so what I don't want is the clock to continue to tick and we don't actually you know aren't able to use like one example of one of the questions we have which I think is a creative way to use the funds is can we do a public bid request CU keep in mind the public bid request is another huge challenge even apart from the prevailing wage bids exactly and they didn't have defined specific scopes of work that they were planning on bidding they have their own Crews that they were going to do everything with um so one of the questions was well what if we did a public bid request for all of the windows and doors for the whole building what if it was a what if it was a a materials request instead of a work request because we know we need to replace all of them that might help solve the problem and and the costs are pretty fixed like you know the door is a door I should say there are some really expensive beautiful doors but I don't so with what they're going to put in the building a door is a door and likewise with the window so those are the types of things we're trying to figure out hey can we do that because then maybe we can still bring those costs down to a relatively reasonable place and I just have not had any I don't have any direction so um I I'm have another call with I on Friday uh in part about this but I wanted to put keep it on your radar to say if if we just don't have any way to know how we can use these my recommendation priorities I don't want to lose our har review agreement to keep these units and if it means the from my from the meeting we had with the County Board they were amendable to that increase that we requested for this project and I would way rather air on the side of let's just use the funds we already had allocated and those extra funds to get this done um I don't want to turn back the money that we received from the state and so I've communicated with our uh legislature that there's a a legislator who helped us with this hos that there is a little bit of a bump and we're trying to work that out um but at the end of the day my priority isn't using specific money it's saving the units so um I just want to keep that conversation going I guess good idea about the windows and doors it would be useful well I I hope this might be a learning opportunity for everybody who's going to be involved in future it are um grants for this type of purpose up here uh it's just a different environment than Deluth or Twin Cities or St Cloud or wherever in terms of just getting people that can actually would bid and uh and P what are prevailing wages is another issue but anyway keep at it because we need to know this what I might do if the board if it's okay with folks is um I might reach out to the the owner and just say hey what what is your deadline for needing to know um so that I can sort of use that as a impetus for more data if you will and if we can't meet that deadline then I'm obviously my guess my recommendation is we use the funding we can get and we have to make this work um as unfortunate as that would be so lots of fun stuff on on in my work today um this is more of a process question which leads to a couple of things you all received the next one sorry um officer term expirations you all received my notice that chair mayy sness is resigned from the board unfortunately uh received with u regret uh and lots of gratitude and so um if if folks are okay with it I just drafted resolution of um basically U thanks for uh for her service and I was just going to read that for the record if that's okay with folks please uh resolution 2413 resolution honoring the service and Leadership of HRA board chair Mary snus whereas H board chair Mary sness Mary was instrumental in the establishment of the Cook County HRA and the hiring of its first executive director and whereas Mary has diligently served the H board since November 2021 providing steadfast leadership and acting as a champion for the h and its efforts since that time and whereas due to unforeseen circumstances Mary has regrettably submitted her resignation from the at board and whereas the executive director and at board Commissioners would like to publicly thank and honor Mary for her leadership and service now there therefore be it resolved that the housing Redevelopment authority of cook Kenny Board of Commissioners hereby accepts with great great uh regret Mary's resignation acknowledges and sincerely thanks her for her leadership dedication and service on behalf of the Cook County community and expresses its best wishes for Mary in the future perfect is there a motion to 2413 I'll move to accept I'll second that any discussion if not all those in favor say I I opposed thanks Jason thank you well thanks Mary be Miss thanks to Mary yes yes I will share her with her the certified version of the resolution when we're done um so uh that of course leads to a vacancy on the board I have notified the county uh of that and they're posting that V cancy this week I believe um what district is it District specific we try so we have tried historically we've tried to be District specific um to represent the whole County uh I think we are so far still four different districts mhm so she was District two three three thank you so if we can find someone in District 3 we could continue that Spirit of that it's not required per se in the bylaws but it's something that we trying to continue I have somebody in mind District three a few wait wait you talk with me I think you just said yes um so uh yeah the the other piece of this is um election of officers uh I was going to put on the October agenda but we you know it's really by motion as well so we can we can do that now um the bylaws state that uh these various roles chair Vice chair secretary have a clock on them uh and it's three years and we will hit that clock in November so um that was the first meeting I believe that was uh up record for the HRI in 2021 so uh I would ask uh folks have nominations for officers for chair Vice chair and secretary and and also the reason this matters is because um Vice chair the original set right um the bylaws state that you can't be the same role after one term of serving in that capacity so effective in November would you know for example you could elect uh commissioner Gable to be secretary but he couldn't be Vice chair again and so on well I would propose a slate uh based on seniority on the board which would make Bill be the the new chair commissioner O'Brien would be the vice chair and sort of by process of elimination no no think that be me okay I'd be willing I'd be willing to be secretary if I can propose my own nomination but if you want to no I agree so generous this board yeah at least until the new member comes on and then we can renegotiate okay so there that makes sense to me people with the most experience proposed nomination is for commissioner gaer to be chair for commissioner obrien to be Vice chair and for commissioner Hansen be secretary any uh disputing fisty cuffs over the I hear a train coming down a track What I Hear here but does that require a motion uh please that was a motion I second that any discussion of the motion all those in favor say I opposed thanks guys congratulations yeah your salary is doubl uh thank you okay um only a few more notes to make uh one is that um the 2024 fall all ITR applications are open for housing grants um and we have three potential projects that would be interested in applying for that um and I am waiting to hear back from all three of them uh for the information I need to make a compelling application um I will say I've been talking with nor scogan which we're all familiar with um like every project ever uh they've run into another Hiccup and so uh they are trying to to sort out some access and easement challenges that arose um off of I think it's I think it's Highway 7 technically is where they the side of the property they have a long driveway and there's some discussion about whether or not to consider that driveway a street or a driveway and so interestingly that changes how wide it needs to be and the approach and so on so uh that that is one um a potential phase two uh uh at the at the heights is another option um and I won't go into too much detail there because that's still pretty preliminary suffice it to say that there's a party that's interested in working with the existing development to make that happen and it could be a really cool opportunity and then the third is a for the Cedar Grove U partial the southern one that the it has an option to purchase uh but again that's all uh subject to getting all of the things we need to make an application compelling uh may be the case uh that we do in the spring for some of these so just want to keep keep you updated on that in case you see me get an application or resolutions in for the next month to do that um something good news uh envelope energy Improvement program I mentioned this I think briefly last meeting but the first project was completed uh with the first applicant um the residents in hovland they're very appreciative they have some beautiful new windows whereas they had old leaky and rotting windows in the past and it's doing exactly what uh we intended it to do the second project has been approved which will be spray foam insulation for a home in town for an applicant uh to improve the envelope and and energy usage of that home as well and there are two more uh that are approved uh and we just connected with them this week to re encourage them to find the impossible contractors so so I just wanted to provide that update that it's um things are slowly but surely happening in that department uh financials do you have those attached are there any questions uh from the financials that were included there aren't a lot of transactions recently um as long as we got more money in the bank than expenditures coming that's the goal so far yes uh newly elect to chair we we do um the I had one last thing that I added under other topics that I wanted the board to uh the board's approval or not so um of course as you know uh I am serving as the interim Eda director I had the pleasure of being here yesterday at about the same time uh for their board meeting uh I am also involved with their hiring process trying to replace uh the rule um and there was uh in the initial I think it was approximately four weeks was their initial posting which has expired I've updated the job description updated some elements of the job and we're getting ready to repost that um but uh they had initially asked if I'd be interested staying on as well as long as possible of course uh and I told them if you're okay with it I am okay with agreeing to October 11th is the last day that I would help um I'm just trying to be realistic uh which basically gives them two more weeks and it's not going to solve their problem um but I do want to continue to try to help them but especially if these uh other applications come in it's already I can tell you it's already quite busy uh so I just want to be realistic about capacity issue ising challenges um so they approved that uh if if you're okay with October 11th end date um for my helping them in that capacity you need a motion on that or just that yeah please yeah just a question on that if they is the scope of involvement both administrative and then you know this kind of hiring committee role those one and the same or what will be the sounds like where it would be advantageous to have you engaged with the in in that reviewing the applicants as they're coming in given that that'll be you know something you'll be partnering with um how how what what percentage of the total responsibility that guess is that is that hiring process compared to the other administrative stuff that you're involved with uh what percentage is of the total Eda workload it will be of the hiring process difficult to say honestly um we at the meeting yesterday the Ed without going too deep in the weeds the Eda had um thought they had hired a consultant to do the hiring process sort of red large uh that consultant provided Services initially like the exit interview with director baa and then provided um the posting post the initial posting which every post you have to you pay for a posting and it lasts a certain amount of time um what wasn't known until I contacted this person is that was the extent of their agreement uh and so the Eda board thought that this person was going to be continuing to coordinate interviews and uh in coordinate candidates and do screening and all of that and they weren't uh and no one knew um but I found out that that was the case uh so yesterday for example we had uh interviewed uh one person uh the only applicant who had submitted so far uh and because of the lack of response I sort of I offered to rewrite the job description get a little more involved with trying to um uh attract people but having said that um the board uh and Pat capano agreed to have her do the sort of coordinating of the administrative piece of this so Fielding applications and that sort of thing but I'm still on the hiring committee to help interview folks um but other duties is assigned uh there's a lot of moving parts so maybe to ask the question in a different way if if October 11th comes and goes and they haven't hired anybody yet will you continue sort of as a volunteer on the hiring Committee just to just to have your hand in there are you or do you terminate that at that time too that's a great question commissioner we haven't talked about that explicitly um I think some of that will be subject to the responses we do or don't get so I mean incredibly October 11th is not that far away no uh and they're cognizant of that and I think in in part it's not only for my own you know mental health and capacity to to put an X date on it uh but also to encourage them that they need to figure out what they want to do uh and so I I suspect you you know at after October 11th um I'm willing to and would have otherwise been happy to participate in the interviewing process if I can help with that person and with that role that would be the extent of yeah what I would do yeah that's good that's what I'm driving at the question sorry wasn't tracking I apologize I think that really ought to be made clear I was you know we had originally a deadline at the end of September and um you know due to circumstances not in your control but misunderstandings of roles of you know and that kind of thing um I just don't want to see that lingering on I don't mind the idea of the hiring you know process and interviewing people but beyond that U they really need to come to grips with their situation and and find an alternative one of the things is Ellers their Financial Consultant also you know has Ellers put that out in their network of as a job possibility for um you know people that might be interested because they I would think they would know a wide range of potential applicants I but I just want to make sure they're it's funny to ask that actually chair so I talked to Ellers today about this because I was asked to go speak uh next week in theth at an economic development course U that Ellers is hosting that e Edam is The Economic Development Association of Minnesota they put these courses on for economic developers to keep up with certifications to learn Etc uh and a colleague of mine uh in duth and a developer I've worked with before in the Metro asked hey do you want to join our team here we'll do some talking and I said what a great opportunity to share that there's a job for so I sent allers the job posting said please include this in the materials and I printed some off and I will be presenting the material of course and then also sharing job uh so seemed like a good opportunity that's why I anyway would like to have you continue to be involved for number of reasons but that's maybe I'll try to revise motion move to approve a hard stop date October 11 on on the UH responsibilities as interim director of the Eda and leave it to your discretion after October 11th as to whether to remain engaged with the U their hiring process I can support that I can second that been moved in second and any further discussion if not all in favor say I I opposed thank you uh board and now I can tell them with a straight face my board said I can go up to a October 11th and that's as far as I can go take it up with them uh that's all I have mental health check yes we'll be right along no that was a question I was an avoid this I know I know recording I say I'm very grateful I have a therapist for a wife yes I'll uh I'll move that we adjourn uh there is any commissioner items before we adjourn including the County Commissioners here and I appreciate the presence of both of our County Commissioners the all the delegate and the alternates so thank you I would like to um just share one thing I know that Jason talked about the en open energy Improvement program I had an opportunity to speak with that resident in hoveland who has um had Windows put in and is very willing to have some kind of um either article written about the project and the process so that we can advertise it a little bit talk about it as a success um and it could be something on social media it could be in the Cook County News Herald but there is that willingness so I want to make sure everybody is aware of that um so that we I have a volunte consider that I have a volunteer in mind who's who's explicitly volunteered to write articles of that type so you might pitch it to wtip too I'm sure they'd be happy to cover yeah that just actually raised a question in my mind of um I know that the county and the hospital share a um information officer or whatever is there a chance that that person might be helpful to us as an agency under the County's aspect of the proposal I I you know it sounds like commissioner O'Brien's got a good suggestion for this but it took another I've seen some of the work that that uh person does and I'll disclose he's almost my next door neighbor but uh he does a really nice job of really setting forth a whole you know subject and and explanation of it so absolutely we can explore that okay I would caution us though we you know we can't say yes he's only a part-time halftime here halftime for the hospital and it would be very easy for the Eda the HRA some of the other organizations to say oh look it we want him to help us with this so I'll just caution that that might not be the best Avenue and commissioner O'Brien should out to his his contacts one other quick note on the timing of that I met with the team yesterday Monday whatever sorry uh about the um the participants willingness which is wonderful uh the consensus was we'd like to get at least one more project done and then look if there's a lead for additional funding that we can use that sort of testimonial as an opportunity uh what we're cognizant of is you know all the money that the the $220,000 at the at had allocated for that program is already spoken for and so we're uh just leery of publicizing like look at this wonderful program then we'll get inundated with requests say well we don't have any money but we just want to you know tell you that it's really great you missed it yeah I I like that approach using it as a tool for additional funding yeah is that a potential use of the art money before the end of the year commission that is on my mind as one of the options yes um now it's just figuring out yeah yes and I know there was also concern about having challenges getting someone to do the work in particular replacement windows and so I did forward to Jason a contact that I've gotten and hopefully that will be of that has been shared with their current uh applicants too great in case they can't find folks any other commissioner's comments I just noted that there's a um Factory building on the Caribou trail that was once a housing Factory it is on the market you going to buy it commissioner no talking about the M building uh yeah Ron Krueger bought it built houses out of there for few years yeah I think doesn't doesn't Judy match back I believe she does yeah yeah that's been on the market for a long time well be a good it's be good for something houses would be great it would be great yeah I did see just my comment is I saw baby blue truck coming down the gun front the other day that said Northshore concrete on it oh yes so I think that's a new a new business in town or a new a revamped old business I think someone bought Thorson and they're now making concrete and have some trucks W which is great news doesn't have to come from duth then we do enough Trucking of materials from here to duth it turns out that it would be great to including waste and concrete and everything El so it be great to locally source that y that was good news yeah thank you that's a good product too any other thoughts if not there was a motion on the floor to adjourn is there a second second all those in favor say I I thank you and if you haven't gotten up to view make sure you take a look incredible progress I escorted Eric tor