##VIDEO ID:GxQJ-DnmMwk## [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the Rapid City council meeting for Tuesday October 15 2024 if you could please rise and join us for the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all just call the rooll council member kovak here council member Ray rower here council member Novak council member Geisler here council member Armstrong here council member Carlson here mayor cook here one absent Novak thank you why don't uh why don't we adopt this evening's agenda motion to adopt the agenda motion by Carlson second by Geisler to adopt the agenda any corrections or discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and the agenda is adopted the very first item on that agenda is to Proclaim October domestic violence awareness month to that end we have a proclamation here domestic violence Awareness Month October 2024 whereas the community problem of domestic violence has become a critical public health and wealth concern I'm sorry Health and Welfare concerned in inoka county and whereas domestic violence is a crime the commission of which will not be tolerated in Anoka County and perpetrators of said crime are subject to prosecution and conviction in accordance with the law and whereas over thousands of women men and children have have and will continue to access assistance from Alexandra House Incorporated a domestic violence service provider and whereas domestic violence will be eliminated through Community Partnerships of concerned individuals and organizations working together to prevent abuse while at the same time affecting social and legal change and whereas October is National Domestic Violence awareness month and whereas during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Anoka County organizations will inform area residents about domestic violence its prevalence consequences and what we as a concerned Community can do to eliminate its existence now therefore I Jerry Cook mayor of the city of Rapids on behalf of the city council and citizens of our city officially Proclaim October to be domestic violence Awareness Month in the city of Rapids proclaimed this 15th day of October 2024 and chief we're still all lit up with purple for domestic violence Awareness Month aren't we sir we are sir thanks for dragging that out a little bit all right here we go I feel like I I addressed it prematurely last time all right fine yeah all right item two um approve the minutes from the October 1st 2024 agenda Mr mayor council member rower I make a motion to approve the minutes of October 1st 2024 second motion by Ray rower and a second by grisak is there any discussion or Corrections hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and those uh minutes adopted um we have four items on our consent agenda and the first of which is to uh it's now a regular thing for our meetings receive a schedule of electronic payments um staff has prepared the attached list of electronic payments processed since the last council meeting and so we're looking to receive the schedule of electronic payments from September 26 2024 to October 9th 2024 the next item on our consent agenda is um to approve final payment to Minnesota Mechanical Solutions Incorporated for project 23-7 2023 well rehabilitation program um there were uh the change orders were for changes to release to release valves column pipe sizes and repairs at booster pump number two as well as quantity adjustments from the original bid so we're looking to approve of change orders and final payment to Minnesota Mechanical Solutions Incorporated in the amount of $ 36,24120 7 well rehabilitation program the next item on our consent agenda is to adopt resolution 24- 95 approving Parks and Recreation Commission appointments Julie rolson and Kylie umac each applied for the Parks and Recreation Commission after discussion with the applicants and both attending recent meetings the Parks and Recreation Commission supports their appointments to fill vacancies with a term ending in 2026 I'll do a blanket apology first if I mispronouncing it I am sorry staff recommends I'm sorry we're looking to adopt resolution 24- 95 appointing Julie rolson and Kylie umok to the Parks and Recreation Commission and the fourth and final item on our consent agenda is to accept an easement agreement for project 24-22 fully monopole planning case 24-18 as part of the city's planed Water Tower decommissioning and subsequent monopole construction at 11316 Foley Boulevard staff has negotiated the attached easement agreement for the temporary use of portions of the adjacent property staff has worked with the property owner to discuss how the city's proposed improvements may impact their property and negotiated in good faith to arrive at fair and reasonable compensation to efficiently complete the city's planned project uh so we're looking to accept the temporary easement with Jeffrey Smith and authorize the execution of the agreement and that's our consent agenda Mr mayor council member Ray rower I'd like to give a warm welcome to juliia and Kylie and thank you for joining our Parks and Recreation Commission and we greatly appreciate all of our commissioners that helped do the work of the city um we couldn't do it without your support and with that I will make a motion to approve the consent agenda second motion by Ray rower and a second by Geisler if you were courageous you would have tried those last last name gifted is there any discussion or questions about the consent agenda hearing none we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and that is adopted our next item is item seven and this will require a public hearing on establishing a housing Improvement area for Village Manor Condominium Association um Mr Brody is there any then from here sure yeah go ahead your honor and Council the purpose of tonight's public hearing is to allow for specifically residents of the proposed housing Improvement area to come in and and speak about the project or the housing Improvement area um if after that public hearing is closed we' ask that you to introduce the ordinance that would establish the housing Improvement area which is essentially this particular Association the work they're looking to have done is roof replacement with some sofits and Ms so related to that so the very first step or I guess this is the second step is to um introduce this ordinance uh we would potentially adopt it at the next meeting and that sort of begins the process then for getting or I think we have estimates but for further establishing what's going to be done them bringing in their financial plans and what their plans are for the future to avoid having to do this in the future and there's a few more steps before this project actually will take place if it if it goes through fully so tonight we just ass it you open that public hearing and conduct that and then introduce the ordinance to establish the housing Improvement area okay and this is for the eight units down in 109th Lane that are known as The Village Manor Condominium Association and this is certainly not the first time we've done this in town we've done this no this is one of the smaller ones that we've done which is all right uh Council have any questions of Mr Brody before I open the public hearing hearing none open the public hearing is any anybody here to address Council for the public hearing for the Home Improvement the housing Improvement area for Village man or Condominiums please sir by the old Target yes okay um I was just wondering oh no come on up to the mic sir and introduce yourself and now's your time my name is Jim Hutchinson and I was just coming to see what was going on I didn't realize this was going to happen I live down the hill from there oh and it's very very tight when you come over that Hill people coming down the middle of the road are you going to be blocking that road up I mean if they're going to if they're going to do this they got to stay the hell out of the way because that's that's a skinny area to begin with I'm I'm not sure what we're talking about Sir this this is those eight units of condominiums on 109th in Flora Street and we're going to be oh Flora okay no I thought this was the big one the five story oh the you talking river river river North Apartments yeah oh no there's no work on nothing there that we know of all right I'm and then I'm sorry I I I just it's it's so hard when you come up that hill I mean wow something something should be done you know to I don't put a barrier or something there to keep those people on one side of the road when I when I grew up there was a barricade there and that was a dead end you know I I remember when they burn those houses down in the Target and all that just to build those damn things all right right thank you words of Rosanna Rosanna Dana never mind is anybody here to address Council for the uh housing Improvement area for Village man or Condominiums Association all right then we are going to close that public hearing Mr Mayor I think we're just just introduc it's just an introduction but I have a go ahead so just so anybody who's looking at this this is a standard process that we will do to help out groups um that are looking at certain financing it's not something that the city is paying for we're just fa helping to facilitate this process um for them so I just want to make sure that if anybody has any questions that if that they think the city is paying for this we are not no it's it's a really valuable tool if an association needs to have a lot of work done the ones near us and Robinson Drive they did sighting garage doors aprons I mean they did a lot of work and uh it's just a nice way for them to all of a sudden get caught up again yes all right any other questions on this hearing none we will consider an ordinance establishing a housing Improvement area for Village Manor Condominium Association located at 34 I'm sorry 3048 109th Lane and 3060 109th Lane introduced item8 is to consider resolution 24-16 sub n awarding a contract for the 2024 lift station Rehabilitation project 24-16 Mr hmer thank you Mr Mayor councel um I'm here to make a recommendation for you tonight to award a the station Rehabilitation and minger construction uh while I would have liked to have a few more bids on this we did get competitive bids we are under what the proposed budget was um there are two bid alternates on this project it's bypass pumping we're not sure we'll need to do that until we get into U evaluating it so we're going to um look to award the contract with the two alternatives to minger for $498,000 and I am happy to answer any questions you may have and if we have to do the exercise the alternate and do the bypass pumping we're not going to be crossing any roads or anything if we do have to Cross Roads sometimes you will have to do um either some ramping over a driveway that might be adjacent to it or we may have to do a subcut underneath it but um okay the runs aren't that long so it shouldn't be that uh that drastic nothing like 99th Avenue and erret there correct shorter much much shorter all right Council any questions of Mr himmer Mr mayor council member rovak I have a question for Mr himmer is this similar to The Well Rehabilitation where the engineers estimate on this is for a worst case scenario to fix all that stuff or have all of the necess Neary uh repairs and work been identified and these uh three contractors bid on just that work yeah council member gak uh last year we did an evaluation of a lot of our lift stations so we identified specific needs and we prioritize those so these are all needed there there's some discrepancy in the valves themselves I didn't want to go down and start to operate these valves without knowing I have the backup stuff ready to go so that's why we looked at the alternates for the bypass but these are all needed improvements okay gotcha we you know we probably won't see something coming in $170,000 under contracted amount like we saw with the with a well Rehabilitation no if if anything will forgo those um alternates or we'll look at a different solution to try to you know it might be a low flow and we could get by with something less and we'll just process a change order at that time but no we're not going to look at any real significant cost savings or overages on this unless something goes drastically bad drastic you know that doesn't work it's worth a try okay just wanted to clarify that thanks so Mr Mayor CC gisler um make a motion to adopt resolution 24-16 sub n awarding a contract to minger construction companies in the total of $498,000 for various Rehabilitation measures associated with sanitary sewer lift stations 5 six and 10 second motion by Geisler and a second by Carlson Is there further discussion on this hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries item nine looks like we're going to sell some real estate consider adoption of ordinance 2315 authorizing the sale of real estate 12258 Crooked Lake Boulevard Mr Brown we've talked about this so much I don't recall if you talked about it at the council meeting or not does do people yes we talked about it a little bit uh two weeks ago when this ordinance was introduced okay okay oh that's oh we introduced it now we're adopting it thank you I'm up to speed it's concerning when I'm not isn't it all right um all right does anybody have any questions about the sale of that property Mr mayor council member gr I think I know the answer but I'll ask anyway because this is a city council meeting and not an h meeting but the the proceeds of this fund where did they land Mr Brown yeah and we we established that in in the ordinance as well but uh the sale proceeds would go into the revolving construction fund since the property was originally acquired for transportation purposes and is that where is that where we took funds out of that to acquire the property do you know it is not 100% clear just because that transaction occurred back uh almost 25 years ago uh but but likely I think resolving uh revolving construction fund is a good spot for to land and we can use it there I'll just mention you know as we're sort of anticipating over the next year to two both the sale of property and the potential purchase a property we do foresee paying for any new property uh that U particular the site near the K Rapids Ice Center that if we purchase it it would come out revolving construction fund so we're trying to put some dollars there to sort of supplement um dollars going out in the future perfect Mak sense all right any other questions on this all right Mr mayor council member Carlson make a motion to adopt ordinance 2315 authorize conveyance of the property at 12258 Crooked Lake Boulevard to 246 home Capital Incorporated and to approve the purchase and Redevelopment agreement with 246 home Capital Incorporated to authorize mayor and city manager to execute a deed and to authorize staff to execute other closing documents as necessary to effectuate the closing second motion by Carlson and a second by Armstrong Is there further discussion on this Mr Mayor CC member Carlson I just want to say how pleased I'll be to actually see people in that house yeah really nice it'll be nice to see people in that house again that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say about that okay all right any other discussion hearing that all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries item 10 is to consider an introduction of an ordinance establishing fees for 2025 um Miss Hansen I know you went over this in great detail with us in the workshop is there any highlights you want to hit thank you Mr Mayor um for those at home so we have a attached to the agenda item a Redline version of our proposed 25 fee schedule noting any changes um for most fees uh we used an increased um by in a 4% adjustment Factor um some of the fees to highlight just that we do include um proposed changes to the water and sewer user fees um those are highlighted um in the document as well so be a for the for water it be a base fee increase of $2 80 cents for the residential and Commercial properties and then a 10 uh 10 cent increase for the tiers for sewer would be a $4 increase to the base fee for residential and a 10 cent per thousand gallon um for residential on the usage and 15 cent per thousand gallon on the non-residential um overall the for the average residential user they would see about a $20.40 per year increase for water and a $20.80 per year for sewer um additionally there were some adjustments to alcohol beverage licenses that require a public hearing um so in addition to asking for the ordinance introduction we're asking to set a public hearing for the November 6 2024 council meeting um for increases to those fees outlined in the agenda item all right thank you anybody have any questions on this Mr Mayor coun G scovia gisler the G in there council member Geisler yeah I I think you know just kudos to staff and what we're one of the other things that we're trying to do is make this easier for the public so in the past if you would be looking at well where's this fee or that fee you might have found them in three or four different spots now working to consolidate so all of our fees are going to be in one place we're going to be reviewing those on an annual basis you know and so it just makes it easier for people to find so if if you're interested in looking at whatever fees there are they're now all in one place and that's what will be coming for us before us in the 6th of November very good all right any other questions if there are no other questions then we will consider an ordinance establishing fees for 2025 introduced um item 11 is to consider a budget amendment for an easement agreement and memorandum of understanding in for project 19-26 US1 improvements Mr Hammer thank you Mr mayor council uh this is a second EAS Min agreement on the agenda tonight uh you may remember in work session we have some water main that's in mind dos RightWay and with the third lane coming up uh we've got a noise wall that will be constructed in substantially the same place so we looked at different ways to move that water M and what we found is the best solution would be to get it out of mind out right away once and for all it's going to be easier for us to maintain and we never have to worry about it again with any future projects so uh staff approached Metro Storage they were the ones that um built the pond on this property uh it's it's part of their storm water feature and we negotiated with them working with the city attorney and the City of appraiser uh arriving at a cost per square foot and then some attorney fees for their review of the document so uh what's before you tonight is an agreement uh both an easement agreement as well as a memo of understanding standing for that easement to relocate that water main uh budgeting for this is included in the 2025 budget but because we need to get this out of the ground and they're talking about letting that us10 project here in January or February uh we need to get out of the way in advance so um I'm happy to stand for any questions all right any questions Mr Hammer Mr Mayor very excited to hear that this is going to be starting soon um and so with that I I make a motion to accept the permanent easement andou with N5 Rapids LLC and to authorized execution of the agreements and adopt resolution 24-96 amending the water budget the water fund budget for the purchase of the permanent easement second motion by Ray rower and a second by Carlson is there a further discussion on this Mr Mayor counc M gak just looking at the map Mr himmer does I mean you've obviously looked at this pretty in depth but the entire water main has to be moved it looks like just's just a couple sections of the water M that are going to be in the way of the sound wall is uh what's the reasoning to move the entire water main line instead of just connecting portions council member gak if we were to leave that in the ground we would basically have a water main under a noise wall we could look at sleeving it Construction in the future and maintenance of that thing in the future uh would become problematic so as opposed to just trying to piece little piece bits and pieces of it together not to mention it's it's kind of an older water main so it's going to serve some dual purposes to improve our maintenance as well as have it out of the way for history okay I I would think that that water man is not that old because of the slip ramp and things that were done uh I don't know within the last 20 years or so we bought the house 25 years ago 25 years ago so it's at least 25 but it just looks like only uh a little two sections of the uh current water main will be under the current in the alignment of the sound wall so just uh looking at our as builts it was installed in 1982 and um while we may not be directly under that noise wall you have to excavate down to get to that so you've got an excavation that's anywh from 10 ft wide so we'd be boxing it would just change your construction methods and increase your cost to do that well that makes sense with the the width of the uh sound wall construction area that we would be running up against that so just looking at the map that just had a question that popped up so y all right um any other discussion on this we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and and that motion carries we are to the open mic public comments anybody here to address Council for Open Mic this evening we have any open mic concerns all right close that I don't have any reports on previous open mics and we're up to other business and the very first thing I'd like to cover on other business is we're very fortunate we have Mr Anderson with us tonight our golf director of golf out at uh Bunker Hills Golf Course in Kendall's Tavern and Chop House and uh maybe you can tell us what's going on there's a lot of exciting changes this fall Isen there mayor council it it's always an exciting time at Bunker Hills of course I'm biased um let's get that out the way right away it's it's easy for any golf manager to be in a fantastic mood in in Minnesota in 2024 when you have a season start on January 30th Outdoors that's a pretty fantastic thing and um I'd just like to thank first everyone who's come out this year so far we have a great forecast so I say so far outside I've never heard so many comments any any year U previous that I've been there um positive comments about the golf course conditions uh certainly Mother Nature plays a big role in that but the green superintendent Brad H and the entire grounds team has done a fantastic job again this year and and a lot of those folks that are are drive up to Bunker Hills because of how good that Golf Course is but you know there's so many things that are happening at Bunker Hills behind beyond the outdoor season you know once we move indoors um there are improvements to the facility being made there's been some sighting improvements on the building that will continue into next year there will be some improvements small projects on the golf course as well but as we move in whenever snow arrives if it ever arrives we have an indoor golf facility that we welcome folks to with four golf simulators the day we close outside is when we open inside I'm very happy to also announce uh if you haven't heard that the dinner uh season's dinner theater has returned to Bunker Hills after a Hiatus um this year's production is called o crud it's Christmas and there are still some um some room for uh bookings for that that will be in December and information can be found at Bunker Hills golf.com or at the Bunker Hills Event Center website um beyond that um you know holiday parties abound and soon we'll be decorating the inside of the facility to welcome all those folks to the facility as well I think the dinner theater has been gone for almost 15 years and the McCarthy just do such a great job and it's so exciting to have them back with their full production and I know everybody is really excited that it's back in Rapids again o crud I know the only thing I know for sure it'll be good and it'll be funny Mr Mayor um Council Geisler so we've got other things going on so Saturday um Rocky's pumpkin patch it's going to be great fun time it's Saturday um at the Sand Creek Park from 10:00 a.m. to 1: so your kids can come have them all dressed up and ready to go trick-or treating there's Bingo musical chairs a BCE house face painting you know a photo booth and prizes and giveaways and candy and you know we always have our police officers there with the police vehicles and a fir truck and you know usually there's some sort of a public works vehicle there and so lots of fun um for the kids so come out to San Creek Park on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 100 p.m. lots of fun did you mention they would all get a pumpkin I don't know if I said that but yes there will be thousands of pump there thousands of pumpkins so your kid can go home with a pumpkin and and and at home I have thousands of pieces of candy so there's like 16 vendors that will be giving out candy various streets for the kids and uh you know you want to come and say hi to the mayor I'll be over at the rber rotary one and and I'm I'm sure Rocky will be there as well yeah um and then this past Saturday just to just to make sure you get it in your calendar for next year we had a very successful um Fire Department open house it was really well attended the tours went on just all morning um they were trying to cut them off at noon and they they were still holding on holding on to them um just a great event and next year you really want to make sure you come out I'm pretty sure we're going to do it at Fire Station 3 again it was so successful the LifeLink helicopter came in and everybody's all excited about that and lots of stuff going on um and then the other thing because I'll bring up since we won't have another meeting before then um on Sunday October 27th is going to be spooky skate so if you want to go to the ice arena um that's from 5:30 to 7:30 um and go skate at the ice arena there are there is um a charge for $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and children um anybody over five that uh another fun time and fun event that you can do at the corid ice arena all right and then my next one I'll I'll go to miss lensme um because we ongoing with um absentee voting at City Hall and big event starting on Friday with direct balloting if you want to take us through all of the fun fun of voting Mr mayor council member Geisler yes we are open for in-person absentee voting here at City Hall Monday through Friday 8 to 4:30 and Friday the 18th we move into the direct balloting process where you come in and request a ballot and you vote it you could place it in the machine yourself so we expect to be busy but we'll be staffed up and ready to go we also have a couple of extra Saturdays in there if your schedule doesn't allow you to come during the weekday Saturday the 26th we're here from 9:00 to 3 and November 2nd Saturday we are here from 9:00 to 3 will also be open on a Sunday November 3rd from 9:00 to 3 so lots of opportunities come out and vote if you have questions give a call to the hotline or check our website or you can visit mnvotes.org for more awesome thank you and I I think your ability to register online just closed today um so but you still can register to vote if you aren't currently registered you can do that in person um at the Civic Center if you're voting early or on Election Day at your Precinct that's correct all right that's all the fun stuff I had oh no I had one other question I was gonna ask Mr St just do we know when our new flags are coming because we still have the old flag out in front of the the building and I just wondering if we've got them on order when they're showing up so we can at least people at the buildings where we've got the Minnesota flag up we at least put the right one up any other business to come before c even no I just do we have an answer or yeah I mean mayor council we you know there probably should be a council work session discussion about what you know what flags we want to present at City Hall buildings we aren't required by State Statute or otherwise to apply any particular flags and I know I had some questions about that a couple of months ago when this first came up so um if it's right with Council I would suggest that at our next work session we we save a few minutes just to talk about what the the future of that looks like well to me it's pretty basic you put the right flag up or you don't have the state flag up I mean if we don't have to have it up and people don't want the new flag up that's a different question but to keep the old flag up I think is not a good idea is there any other business to come before Council this evening okay we'll look forward to a workshop on that motion to Jordan second motion by Carlson second by grisco act to adjourn all in favor sanctify by saying I hi hi [Music]