##VIDEO ID:RCxv1MGIhzc## [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the Kun rid city council meeting for Tuesday August 20th 2024 if you could please rise and join us for the pledge I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please call the RO council member kovak here council member Ray rower here council member Novak here council member Geisler here council member Armstrong council member Carlson mayor cook here two absent Armstrong and Carlson thank you all right well why don't we adopt this evening's agenda to get us off started so moved that was F motion we'll call that a second Novak motion by Geisler seconded by Novak to adopt the agenda any corrections hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and the agenda is adopted we're looking at approving the minutes from the August 5th 2024 meeting Mr mayor council member g a motion to approve the minutes of August 5th 2024 it's going to have to be you Jenny okay second with one minor correction that we've already talked to the clerk about it's a um a bags tournament not a golf tournament at San Creek okay we have a motion and a second now um so we have a quorum so as long so three of us can approve it then with two extensions then right because they were yes yeah okay all right just just kind of running that through in my head here okay is there any discussion or Corrections hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I um opposed the motion carries two extensions um rower and Novak okay uh we have only three items on our consent agenda this evening okay the first is to approve a therapeutic massage Enterprise license for massage by Rachel an LC 12685 Riverdale Boulevard uh Miss Turner has submitted an application for massage Enterprise licensing paid the background investigation and license fee provided proof of the required liability insurance and submitted proper educational documentation approval is contingent upon a successful background investigation and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the building inspections department so we're looking to approve the issuance of a therapeutic massage Enterprise license to massage by Rachel Anne LLC located at 12685 Riverdale Boulevard Northwest pending a successful background investigation and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the building inspections department um next item on our consent agenda is to adopt resolution 2477 setting a hearing date for miscellaneous 2024-25 uh the city council must set a public hearing as required by state statutes and at that hearing the city council May refer appellants to the board of adjustment and appeals the board of adjustment and appeals will then give their recommendation for Council consideration the board of adjustment and appeals is expected to conduct this hearing on October 3rd and make a recommendation to the city council at their October 15th meeting staff will incorporate the process in the required mailing to the property owner these assess ments include Services provided to taxpayers in most cases involving code enforcement violations the terms of repayment are determined by the amount being assessed and the proposed assessments are categorized by the number of years to be assessed and the interest rate recommended so we're looking to adopt resolution 2477 miscellaneous assessment declaring the cost to be assessed ordering preparation of the proposed assessment role and ordering the public hearing for September 3rd 3rd 2024 on the proposed assessment role um the next item and the final item on our consent agenda is to approve final payments group three for project 211-6528 fire station number three are outlined on the attached spreadsheet net change orders totaled $8 4,26 57 for soil Corrections irrigation revisions infiltration basins new conduit and Roofing changes all of the dates and amounts are reasonable and accurate to the project file no liquidated damages are recommended staff recommends approval of the change orders and final payments to the contractors listed on the attached spreadsheet that's the full consent agend Mr Mayor counc Ray rower I motion to approve the consent agenda second motion by Ray rower and a second by noac is there any discussion or questions about the consent agenda Mr Mayor I could justak clarification on the the payment for project 2165 it looks like the project was awarded in 2021 but then the work didn't get completed until June 2023 is that am I reading that correctly Mr St mayor council I mean this is with regard to the fire station project so yes it's very likely that we we started that project in 20121 but there's still work continuing into even this year so yes that's very likely okay okay any other questions or discussion on the consent agenda hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and the consent agenda is approved um we're up to item five consider a budget amendment and resolution number 24-18 sub 9 awarding a contract for the East Water Treatment Plant generator improvements and are you are you the Public Works director tonight too default mayor and Council I suppose that I am so I can hit a couple highlights here U Mr himmer who's on vacation this week uh explain this a little bit at last week's work session um but we are looking to award a contract to phaser electric for the replacement of a generator at our East Water Treatment Plant uh currently we have a 60 wat emergency generator there we're looking to upgrade that to 130 kilowatt emergency generator that will also that will fully um Electrify the building and allow for some Water Production there when it's um expanded because it will also U uh work with well 21 and then we'd like to add an a separate generator uh for the East booster and we eight um that'll also allow us to keep Water Production going currently the 60 wat kilowatt generator only will allow a portion of the building to work and it's just more some of the lighting and and minor systems um at that site so uh this upgrade would really allow for uh a much better emergency situation to keep Water Production going the big issue with this was simply that it came in significantly over what was budgeted a year ago about this time when we were looking at our emergency generator program we've been going through a a systematic program over the last year to look at all of our various generators decide which ones need to be replaced these were two that were thought to be the one I should say um kind of critical in terms of replacement and the additional one uh simply to allow us for better production under those circumstances should we lose power so we had three bids phaser came in at 69,7 uh we are recommending that Council approve that agreement and then also adopt the budget amendment um this will all be included in the water fund which has sufficient Capital to pay for this project okay very good any uh questions for public works yeah Tim does a better job I should say Mr mayor council member Geisler I will make a motion to approve resolution 2478 amending the Water Utility Fund and adopt resolution 24-18 sub 9 awarding a contract to phaser electric company for East Water Treatment Plant generator improvements in the amount of $69,700 second motion by Geisler and a second by Novak is there a discussion on this Mr mayor council gak just because it is considerably over uh what we anticipated um we don't have to have a lot of discussion tonight but just want everyone to know that we talked about this with our public works with our departments in a work session just last week and the big thing with this is we really need to have a back up generator at the East Water Treatment Plant for the well that's right there on on site so without emergency generator really don't we're not pumping water out of the ground into the East reservoirs over there so this makes sense to make this investment today or now Mr Mayor I concur with council member gusak it's you know as our our teams do a great job looking at redundancies in our systems and making sure that you know we can provide the those core Services um for our citizens and right now there's a a slight risk with that East water treatment plant that you know if there's a major failure we can keep some of the things on but can we effectively pump all of the water that our city would need and if there was something else a fire that you know the city becomes at risk so our the right thing to do is to make sure that we've got that ability to keep water flowing in our city I think back to that storm we had in September of' 05 Riverview was out without electricity for over a week you know so I think and mayor and Council I me that's a good point because it's not to say we couldn't deliver water if power went out in the short run store a lot of waters that's what water towers are for however if you had a prolonged outage this is really where the benefit would come in and it's possible that's happened yeah yeah your honor C Novak a lot of my constituents are coming to me talking about much money uh Council was spending over the last couple of years and how expensive things are getting but in this one yeah it came in overbid and that is not something that we want to have happen all the time but things are getting more expensive and we were taking these bids last year if I'm not mistaken is when we had this budgeted mayor and council member Novak uh this was in the 2024 budget we estimated about this time last year for this project um so you know why exactly it was that amount under I guess is a little bit unknown to me at this time other than you know uh we do know that we got three beds they're all fairly grouped closely grouped together so we feel good about the competitiveness it's just the um I know there's a lot of challenge still with generators in terms of supply chain and demand we learned that lesson as part of our Fire Station 3 project that we just talked about especially as it relates to transfer switches um which is a really major component there's long lead time and they're becoming very expensive so I think it's just that you know a year a year and a half later after the planning was done for it that um was a big part of it and I just want to be very clear that city council is very much aware of the amount of money that we're spending and we don't do it Fly this one something that we do very much need and unfortunately it's just more expensive than we thought it would be because of inflation okay any other discussion we have a motion and a second on this hearing none all in favor signif by saying I I I oppose and that motion carries and we're on item six to consider contracts for the soccer complex field lighting installation and electrical control cabinet replacement Mr stemell are you taking this one too sure mayor and Council uh as council is aware we under process to upgrade the lighting at the Kun rapid Soccer Complex several months ago Council was asked to approve the basically the equipment purchase portion of that because they are a long lead time for many of those components we wanted to get that done and um per the advice of a consultant we've been working with um thought it was better to sort of separate some of the packages related to this project anyway so that um has been approved by Council those orders have been made um this next two contracts really relate to the installation um we went out to bid on these uh recently here we had three bids Kil electric came in as a low bed at 10,800 there was a separate package put together for the actual electrical cabinet um and that we are recommending to award to MUSC electric um in the amount of $110,000 again given some of the lead times on things like the cabinet we want to order that as soon as we can uh but then these two contracts in addition to the equipment purchase uh that we've made here this summer uh will be the end of the contracts we need to award work would begin on this um late this year into 2020 five um and we expect it will be done um next year and uh that's it if there are any questions I'll very good attempt to do that any questions for Mr stem on this I think this was on our last Workshop I think this was yeah Mr hmer also um discussed this one as well the good news with this I should mention is um overall the project is coming in under budget or what we expected um so that is some good news nice Mr Mayor burer I make a motion to award a contract to Kilmer Electric Company Incorporated for Soccer Complex field lighting installation in the amount of $19,800 and authorized staff to execute a letter of Engagement with Musa electric company not to exceed $110,000 for electrical control cabinet replacement second motion by Ray rower a second by Geisler is there any further discussion on this hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries and Zippity dudah we are right up to open mic is anybody here to address Council for Open Mic this evening yes sir come on up to the uh microphone over there and Open Mic provides an opportunity for the public to address the city council on subjects that are not part of the regular meeting agenda the public is invited to express any concerns they may have which are relevant to the Affairs policies or practices of the city of Rapids remarks will be limited to 3 minutes please approach the podium you're already there and state your name and address before addressing the council yes sir uh thank you Mr Mayor and honorable Council uh my name is Doug Sturgill s r g i l l and I live at 11617 Ren Street Northwest I'm just around the corner from Theon Rapids High School I think I'm on Ward one I think I think bradam and your ward so uh on the night of July the 11th 11th or 12th it's on the Saturday night we had a really bad storm in our neighborhood and uh and one one tree in my front yard was blown over it was blocking part of my driveway I I was out of town it was on a Saturday night and I was out of town and and I couldn't get up in my driveway without driving on the neighbors the next to neighbor's yard and my next next door neighbor is a pretty good dude but I wouldn't want to wouldn't want to drive over his lawn you know repeatedly so couple of days later three young men came and knocked on my door and they wanted to to REM to remove the tree and I I'm I'm sure you've all had the experience after a hill storm you got people that are knocking on your door wanting to put a roof on your house and well that happens to you if if you have a tree you know uprooted so I got a couple other estimates one was $1,000 and one was $595 and but the three young men that came and wanted to do it they did it for $350 now I want a discussion here on the city's responsibility to remove and pay for the removal of a Boulevard tree my tree was about 4T from the curb from the road from the street from from Ren street so uh I paid for it because I wanted to get my driveway clear and also the tree was up against the mailboxes and you know you got the post office complaining about that if you don't clear that you know so I paid for it now how do I go about getting reimbursed okay so is there anything else because because what's going to happen is staff is going to staff is going to address this and we'll respond to you with a letter we don't do a question and answer thing yeah but but as long as they've got your name and address they'll let you know what if there's anything we can do okay well thank you so much thank you very much thank you you Mr Sturgill if you could maybe uh leave uh your name in a phone number we can reach you at and then we'll follow up yeah is there anybody else to address Council for Open Mic this evening can please come up to the up to the microphone is it okay if I hand something um sure okay okay fancy and I know I don't have much time so be quick to the point yep you'll have you'll have three minutes once you start how's that thank you sounds this is my first time doing this yep nope and that and that's fine and and and tonight what you're going to do is you're just going to present and so bottom line and I've handed out the information I'm sorry uh my name is Susan Stein and I live at 12185 Lily Street Northwest I believe I'm also in Brad's Ward um so my husband and I bought our house in 2019 we love the area love the home love the neighborhood um we have a discrepancy with some compliance issues with how City officials are handling a a fence and wall ordinance per what the ordinance and city code states are the compliance requirements for fencing and what our neighbor is being told as acceptable does not fall within those requirements so I'm asking for help from the city council to um understand we've we've um asked for additional information from the city officials many times and have not gotten the uh response with the request information around the compliance that they're saying that this fence is in compliance to as far as codes and ordinances because everything I found shows that it's not within compliance so we have discrepancies in What the residents are being told as compliant versus what the document and procedures are within the city ordinances so I would just like some help and clarification from the city as to um what is and is not acceptable and um have the officials held accountable that are not giving proper information to the residents and or adjust and revise the city codes as needed okay any questions this is very detailed oh s like I said I just kind of thought well I'll approach it like I would a meeting yeah so we we have it and what's going to happen is Staff will review this and they'll they'll come back to you and they'll let us know what's going on as well perfect thank you okay and then you're always always welcome back you don't have to bring such fancy stuff though thank you thank you thank you is there anybody else else here to address uh to address Council for Open Mic this evening anybody else here for Open Mic all right then we will close that portion of the meeting and we have um an open mic response for somebody that was here last month um uh Mr Butler appeared at open Mike and also shared a letter with the council regarding rental properties that he owns and um the properties are relatively large single family homes they contain as many as eight bedrooms um they all have valid City rental licenses um the thing was he would like to do more than six individuals and the city does not allow more than six unrelated individuals in a home and so we've let him know that and I think that's that's where we're at with that um all right and we are at other business Mr mayor council member Geer you know looking at the calendar with the the things that are coming up we every Wednesday at least for the next few Wednesdays into September we have our Farmers Market at the ice arena so that's right by Boulevard Park and Kunz Boulevard and that is Wednesdays from 3: to 6 so great thing to take and look at um and then otherwise I know that the photo contest is being run by our Arts commission so if you have great pictures of the city that you want to share and put those in check out the website and then probably the only next thing before our next meeting is it's going to be coming up on Labor Day and offices are closed on Labor Day it's crazy to think that we're at towards the end of the summer already so those are the big things that I saw all right um I was trying to find the uh there we go um so a couple quick things um coming up next Tuesday August 27th is the Rapids business council meeting at 7:30 in the morning up at Kendall um and then uh the oh boy where's the date on it um the Ry of the Rapids is coming up down in NOA Ramsey Community College on I think it's Thursday September 12th all I can get is just the the title I can't find the information uh but it's GB Leighton playing down in the riverbank and it's just $10 a ticket they're going to have food trucks and it should be a real nice evening so um and if you just do an internet search for rhythm of the Rapids um you should come up with it for noamy Community College September 12th sep SE 12th there it is okay so at least one more meeting between now and then so we'll remind them yep yep but we'd like they'd like to sell some tickets early though so that's true okay all right any other business come before Council move to a jurn second motion by Ray row second by Novak to adjourn all in favor signifi by saying I I I we're adjourned [Music]