##VIDEO ID:hzTdi4BegYo## [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the Kun Rapid City council meeting for Tuesday October 1st 2024 if you could please rise and join us for the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please call the RO council member groak here council member rayer here council member Novac here council member Geisler here council member Armstrong here council member Carlson here mayor cook here thank you all right why don't we adopt this evening's agenda motion to adopt the agenda Mr Mayor second motion by Carlson second by Novak to adopt the agenda any corrections or discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and the agenda is adopted and we are right up to a very fun item the introduction of the Rapids Police Wellness Dog Captain harmoning are you going to be doing that yes Mr Mayor thank you awesome welcome unless we were going to start with the chief I never know how we're except to you well it's up to him actually just say we're excited to introduce the is known to the city tonight uh we have our handlers here officer ormston and officer geese and then Captain harmoning who's been very involved in bringing this program to the police department is going to talk a little bit about the program and introduce Gizmo thanks Chief yeah want come Mr mayor council members it's my pleasure to be here tonight to introduce our new Wellness Dog Gizmo and his handlers officer is John Orange and Emily geese Gizmo is a three-year-old black lab that started with our department on August 19th 2024 his primary role is to promote Wellness within our Police Department to our officers and staff he was donated by kandu Kines which is an organization located in New Hope Minnesota um in this organization their primary goal is to train assistant and Service Dogs gizmo has had a variety of training programs including living with a whole family being part of the U ofm fetch program where he lived in the dorms with students who were interested in the service animal industry as well as training he received at canand do k9 for this program to be successful it was imperative that the right handlers were chosen the primary Handler is Officer John orston John was hired in 2020 after coming to us from hennipen County he is currently assigned to the community policing and problem solving unit where he works in our multi-housing community so Gizmo lives with John and his family and accompanies John to work daily officer Emily geese was hired in 2012 and is currently assigned to patrol Emily assists John when needed and takes Gizmo when John is unable to or is on extended leave she will also be assisting as we look to um have Gizmo be part more part of the community um in the future just a little background while researching this program I found that other departments with a wellness or therapy dog provided lots of good and positive feedback but there's no way I could have anticipated just what kind of kind of impact that gizmo has already been having on our on our Police Department I've had many people come to me and tell me how much they enjoy seeing him um and that he is very missed when he's not here and John could probably speak a little bit more to how many times people come in and out of his office he struggles to get some work done but he works hard at it um but that being said the PD is not the only Department who's Ben benefiting from Gizmo once the word got out that he was here we've had um folks from Finance HR legal um and Public Works come down just to visit and meet him and John does a really good job of trying to walk him around city hall on occasion uh just to get him um introduced to everybody Gizmo is continuing to work hard on getting acclimated to his new role in his new home and and he's showing his personality off more and more John will be working on getting him into the community as he gets more comfortable and we will also be using him um on our Pure support team as needed we're very fortunate to have Gizmo as part of our staff and we know he will continue to have an enormous impact both within the department and within the community and we would like to thank the Rapids crime prevention Association for donating the startup cost to get this program going so with that Mr Mayor if you would like to come down and welcome our new officer Wellness dog to the PD family I was going to mention gizmo has to learn how to relax a little bit Yeah you s are you can you shake welcome to the crew nice nice [Applause] during the workshop I didn't get to practice that because Gizmo kissed me right on the lips I thought we'll just [Laughter] wait what a beautiful doc thank you thank you if it's okay I'll take a minute just to demonstrate a couple things and tricks tricks that Gizmo does you want the mic or no that's okay I think we'll go without it you want to grab aair pretty ST stand bring your tail sit down down where's my payoff treat here no settle I like roll over treats please Vis it John what was that one visit visit oh that's awesome just head down there Park so yeah that's what I got in there our nice for our officers if they want to relax and enjoy a couple minutes with him you'll stay there for pretty much as long as I ask them to okay that's a few the things he does and everyone gets a kick out of all the all the tricks and stuff that you can do thank you all [Applause] right all right just for a minute I thought you were going to sit down and stay and I thought well that never happens thanks for being here all right we're looking to approve the minutes of the September 17th meeting Mo motion to approve second okay all right we a motion by Carlson and a second by gisler is there any discussion or Corrections hearing none all in favor signifi by saying I I I opposed and those minutes are approved one abstention council member Novak item next item on our agenda we actually have one two three four five six items on our consent agenda this evening the first one is to adopt resolution 24- 91 levying the 2024 delinquent utilities um according to the city code delinquent utility bills uh should be certified to Woka County for collection with real estate taxes and the users have been notified by mail that payments should be made to avoid certification the amount to be certified to the county is as follow followed well I'm sure we have a do we have a different amount again tonight or nope all right um utility cost 1,237 327 and then $40 per parcel admin fee times $2,535 Parcels which that must be about 10% of our Parcels right okay $11,400 in admin fees for a total of 1, 338,000 $727 um that's about uh a couple hundred thousand more than it was last year at this time so we're looking to adopt resolution number 24- 91 um certifying delinquent utilities to taxes um before I move on on that I just want to make sure that everybody knows at any time prior to certification to the division of property records and Taxation the amount may be paid to the city treasurer however such pay payment must be made before November 8th 2024 or interest will be charged from October 1st through December 31st of the of next year okay next item on our consent agenda is to approve waiver of the fireworks display license fee for the Rapids Community strength Foundation the community strength Foundation has submitted an application to conduct a fireworks display as part of the holiday Tree Lighting Event being held at Boulevard Park on December 14th 2024 the foundation has requested this in Prior years for other events and the council has granted the waiver so we're looking to approve a waiver of $120 license fee for fireworks display as part of the holiday Tree Lighting Event being held at Boulevard Park on December 14th 2024 next item on our consent agenda which is actually item five tonight is to approve an on sale wine 3.2% maltt strong beer and Sunday liquor licensing for TB James Incorporated Tyler James um he just told me too Bon b b buron by getting close I have no idea um as an application for onsale wine 3.2% maltt strong beer and Sunday liquor licensing for T TB James in Incorporated doing business as Pizza Flame 2016 105th Avenue Northwest a Certificate of Insurance evidencing liquor liability and workers compensation coverage has been received the license and investig investigation fees have been paid the police department is conducting a comprehensive background investigation on the owner of the business and approval of the license would be conditioned upon a successful background investigation and issuance of a certificate of o occupancy from the building inspections department so we're looking to approve issuance of on sale wine 3.2% maltt strong beer and Sunday liquor licensing for TB James Incorporated doing business as Pizza Flame 2016 105th Avenue Northwest contingent upon a successful background investigation and obtaining a certificate of occupancy hey Tyler would you make your way up to the microphone here we get three more to get through but then I'm going to have you introduce yourself um the next item on our consent agenda is item six and that's to adopt resolution 24- 92 accepting donations and business sponsorships Mr stem we have a kind of a sheet full of them should I read them do you think uh mayor council no I don't think that's necessary we're just part of our new practice to bring these forward on a quarterly basis to the city council and so if folks are interested they can go out and see who's donating to both City programs and other things going on yeah great list of sponsorships here for our many events for the safety Camp night toight City events pet fair Senior Services senior transportation and we really appreciate all of them um so we would like to thank all of the donors and businesses at supported events and programs and the city council has asked no I'm sorry and we are going to adopt resolution 24- 92 to accept contributions made to the city between July 1st and September 30th 2024 [Music] and next item on our consent agenda is item seven that's to receive schedule of electronic payments um staff has prepared the attached list of electronic payments process since the last council meeting it's really a lot to go through um and we are just ex we're just receiving the schedule of electronic payments from September 12th 2024 to September 25th 2024 and the next and final item on our consent agenda is to approve the final payment to clam Mechanical Contractors Incorporated for project 2165 fire station number three all of the dates and amounts are reasonable and accurate according to the project file no liquidated damages are recommended staff recommends approval of the change orders and final payment in the amount of 53,8 $53.99 to clam Contractors Incorporated for project 2165 and that's our full consent agenda your honor council member Novak move to approve the consent agenda second we have a motion by Novak and we have a second by Ray rower and before we go to discussion it almost seems Tyler like the Earth is kind of pivoted a little bit here Pizza Flame who it's been here since what 19 1977 just changed ownership you are the new owner yes all right well welcome um there you go now the camera's on you why don't you just introduce yourself and uh and just reassure everybody that we're still going to be looking forward to the same grade pizzas yeah uh my name is Tyler beroy um I took over Pizza Flame back in March um I haven't changed any of our recipes everything's staying the same um just trying to you know make it a little nicer again uh more friendly looking and just get it back the way it was maybe even get a few lights out in the parking lot for after dark yeah that'd be awesome yeah um the previous owner did fix our front signs now it is a little bit lit up but I do want more lighting out there okay awesome all right any questions for Tyler while he's up here at the mic Mr May Council M Carlson thank you Tyler for continuing the longtime tradition of pizza filing thank you for continuing that tradition that uh that uh business is very important to our city it just goes way back I don't know how many people hadn't been there for a Friday night football game back in the day and uh it's just a great business and it's so so pleased that you're continuing the tradition thank it's the it's the typical fair for my mom's birthday we host it at our house and it's always Pizza Flame because that's a pizza she likes so I appreciate that she's 104 now and she's that's still her Pizza so Tyler thank you very much oh there another one uh yeah Tyler I moved into my house near Mississippi Elementary School in 1976 the first pizza I remember ever getting delivered to my house was a pizza flame pizza and it became the staple in my household so thank you very much for continuing this tradition and I can't wait to come by and see all the new changes that you're doing thank you all right thank you very much thank you now let's see if we can actually get this approved because we have a motion in a second now do we have discussion or questions on this hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and the motion carries and thank you um we are up to item nine to consider adoption of ordinance 2314 amending city code section 5-500 prohibited practices for solicitors um and just to remind folks we are adding to this ordinance um two items or two numbers right seven and eight number seven um create a public nuisance as that term is defined by state or local law these are all prohibited practices correct so no creating a public nuisance and another the other prohibited practice we're adding is to sell merchandise or Services by means of statements which the person making them knows or should know are false or misleading all right is anybody have any questions of Miss lensme on this Mr mayor council member Geisler I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 2314 amending city code section 5-500 as it relates to prohibited practices for solicitors transient Merchants pedlers Etc second motion by Geisler I'm going to give the TI to Novak um is there any dis discussion Mr mayor council member Geer I would just reiterate to anybody watching at home if you've got somebody knocking on your door they should have a lanyard with a license from the city um if they do not they're not a legal person coming door to door the exception is for canvassers or people doing you know political campaigning at at right now but look for that license and if they don't have one you can send them on their way you could you know call the police department we want to make sure that all of our vendors who are coming to your doors are vetted and trusted and um we know who they are so they should have that license Mr mayor council member Novak just a piggyback on that um I've had so many constituents contact me on this one and they always say the people coming to the door oh yeah I'm sorry I just left that over there or I forgot it no don't believe that send them on their way absolutely get them off your property and if they give you any problems just like council member gar said call the police department what they're doing is illegal Mr Mayor okay council member Carlson our LIC our licensing process is to protect residents from strangers coming up to the door and um boy there's been yeah it's been a big year for unscrew scrupulous you know unscrupulous solicitors and had a lot of complaints and and just some real serious infractions and so yeah don't be afraid to uh to call 911 because they are violating the law and plus these folks are unsolicited and they could be coming from anywhere and um we really you know need to uh you know make sure if anything to help ourselves but also kind of to help your neighbor out by calling the police and and getting them to get out of your neighborhood and some of them are very persistent just just short of getting their foot in the door you know Mr Mayor counc Ray rower adding these two um additions to this which is the public nuisance and um the sell of merchandise or Services by means of statements which the person making them knows are false or should know that they're false or misleading those are both things that are going to be great in um protecting our residents from these detrimental practices and just want to remind folks too that soliciting is when there is an exchange of money so when you're talking about um an individual selling something or fundraising for money um so uh political uh reasons is not included thank you well neither are like high school students selling fundraiser things fundis okay all right okay wanted to make sure that that was listed as an exception okay all right all right oh I see one other thing real quick yeah Mr Mayor um to anyone out there watching don't be afraid to call 911 even if it's not an emergency that's another question I get a lot I should be calling 911 for that yeah you should just 911 State immediately this is not an emergency but and then State your situation so very simple all right any other discussion on this we have a motion in a second all in favor signifi by saying I opposed and that motion carries next item on our agenda is item 10 and that is to consider resolution 24- 94 accepting a DWI Grant from the state of Minnesota Chief Steiner you want to hit the highlights on this one absolutely thank you mayor and Council uh we've been notified again this year by the Minnesota office of traffic safety that we're going to receive the DWI officer Grant those are federal funds from the National Highway Traffic traffic safety administration uh they have to be used specifically for DWI related enforcement the total of the funds is $146,600 $146,600 this has been ongoing now since 2015 uh with the exception of one year where we weren't awarded the grant uh we typically get awarded the grant because we are typically amongst the highest performers in the state we had uh both Sergeant Sinclair and officer Carlson we're recognized at a Twins game this September for being DWI Allstars and that's pretty common place for us we're we're a very high producers in that area um so we are asking we've been doing it for years we like like to continue doing it great work's being done and we're asking that uh we approve the resolution 24- 94 authorizing the 2024 2025 agreement with the Minnesota office of traffic safety and accept the grant to fund the full-time DWI officer again okay good any questions of Chief Steiner okay you want to council member Carlson you got it there make a motion to approve uh resolution 24- 94 authorizing the 2024 2025 agreement with the Minnesota office of traffic safety accepting a grant to fund a full-time officer through September 30th 2025 second motion by Carlson and a second by Armstrong is there a discussion on this hearing none all in favor sing div by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries thank you Chief item 11 is to consider introduction of an ordinance authorizing the sale of real estate 110 XX Mississippi Boulevard Mr Brown yes good evening we talked about this at a work session a few weeks ago so this uh relates to the three and a quarter or so acre parcel south of the new Fire Station 3 which is part of the old cook Arena site we talked earlier this summer about some pieces of city and H uh property that maybe make sense to sell this was a a fairly straightforward one to do so over the summer we conducted a a solicitation of offers process to identify uh a potential buyer we received one proposal that is from Sentra homes which is based here in Rapids we have been looking at more a town home type density project Sentra is proposing uh a basically a 16 unit small lot single family subdivision so they'd be narrower 40 foot wide Lots they'd be similar to uh the port Riverwalk development that Sentra recently completed just a few miles from here um so it's a little bit less dense of a project than we have been envisioning although staff believes it's still something that would fit in nicely with the surrounding area and would would make a lot of sense at this location so uh because it is the city that is selling the property it must be done by ordinance so you're asked tonight to introduce the ordinance provided the ordinance is introduced we would come back in a couple weeks uh with a purchase agreement for you to consider we have been uh negotiating purchase agreement with Sentra a draft of that is is attached uh to the council packet wanted to just hit on some of the highlights um answer any questions and certainly if there any concerns or revisions we can consider uh those as we continue to negotiate the purchase agreement basically in terms of sale price originally uh Sentra and its proposal proposed a sale price of $355,000 that though would assume that all of the houses would have vinyl siding as opposed to cement board or uh engineered wood in the port zoning district and a lot of other zoning districts um the City Zoning code generally prohibits vinyl siding it's okay for just straight single family zoning but um but not for uh th those areas in special zoning districts so um basically that 355,000 sale price assumes vinyl siding on all sides uh if we were to require uh engineered wood or fiber cement siding uh Centras asking for a reduction in the sale price of about $10 to 12,000 per unit which staff believes corresponds to the actual cost of of that siding uh just because they feel that their buyers don't um or aren't willing to pay for the upgraded uh upgraded siding so wanted to bring that to your attention at the staff level we're comfortable uh with that tradeoff but certainly wanted the council to be aware of that so uh if fiber cement or uh engineered wood siding is required the sale price would be $179,000 Sentra is eager to uh move forward with this project so uh if the purchase agreement is approved they would be looking to go through the uh land use approval process yet this fall and winter and would be looking uh for a closing honor before March 31st so I can answer any questions obviously uh the council will have some additional opportunities to weigh in on this project but um I'm here to answer any questions we also have a representative of Sentra here M Mr Brown the 136 homes or whatever it was they built in Port Riverwalk were any of those with vinyl sighting or those are all cement board right no those all had uh either Hardy or LP siding and that that was something we had discussed with them very early on in the process so when that project was first conceived certainly Construction costs have just continued to go up so there's just more sensitivity to that in the marketplace okay and and the and the consideration is because it's about an $1,000 upgrade to do the cement board that we that the buyers would not be willing to pay a nickel of that and we're really and so we just need to con give that all as a concession that's that's what Sentra has indicated okay Mr mayor council M Geer um so I this is just an introduction and obviously as when you're saying that you have to obtain all the land use that would be the site plan and all of those approvals not just zoning or whatnot because we may have to you know do some rezoning if we want to put it inside the port all of those kinds of things would have to happen as well um do you envision that the purchase price is going to be set or if there are things that happen within the site plan process potentially maybe we allow some vinyl sighting or maybe we allow some other flexibility with um building materials or flexibility in that site plan would that then potentially allow us to renegotiate the sale price yes it would so in the draft purchase agreement we have right now we have that range of sale prices that's tied to what type of siding is required so if if that is something the council wants to continue to consider we can leave that language in there well I'm considering that there could be other flexibilities that may impact that sale price as well I just want to know if when we're looking at this is it going to be you know basically 179 or 355 depending on if we say vinyl yes or no know in the site plan but if there's other things that we require within the site plan is there going to be anything that could raise or lower that purchase cost I I would say that the sale price would be pretty well established by the purchase agreement but that said if something came up through that land use approval process that was really fundamentally changing the project we could always assuming both parties were in agreement we could could always do uh an amendment to the purchase agreement that would change the sale price okay to me that's the the critical piece that as um you're working through the site plan you know that's going to probably happen come January February I won't be here but um that as you do that there may be other things that factor in to what the price of each home that they're building you know if somebody says well no we don't want 16 we want 15 or hey we can fit in 18 all of those different factors and as long as your the purchase agreement has the flexibility to say that you know we have the right both s parties to potentially say we want a different purchase price based on criteria put on the site plan um just give yourself that flexibility yeah is is something I would recommend and as long as that's there and people are aware that there could be an amendment by the time it actually gets done um you're going to be better off Mr mayor council B rer so I'm just taking a look at the purchase agreement here and just for the audience and Folks at home it says 355,000 sale if foursided vinyl sighting is approved 307,000 if fiber board is only required on the front but Vinyl Sign siding allowed on the side and the rear and then 179,000 if fiber board is required on all sides and no vinyl sighting um I'm just wondering uh the next step on this will this be something that um the council will be deciding before the purchase agreement as far as um the allowance of the different type of sighting or is that um Planning Commission Etc if you could help me out with that that'd be great yes so so we would uh ask you to consider the purchase agreement first just couple weeks um only because in order for I guess Sentra or any developer to have enough certainty that the project is going to go forward they need to have some type of site control so normally that would be a purchase agreement but that said um it would this project most likely we will uh rezone the property to the port designation in which case both the plat and a site plan would go to both Planning Commission and Council so the council would have an opportunity to weigh in on kind of the final elements of the design of the project uh through the land use process just one more question sure well we have an opportunity to discuss the different options at like a work session then between now and approving the purchase agreement mayor and Council not necessarily because I think we have to go through the the planning process we have to go through the zoning process to sort of establish what that will be as a part of that process however you know if council's open to allowing for more flexibility on the type of sighting then would otherwise be allowed in the port District that would increase the theoretically increase the sale price of of the property to council member gisler's point there may be other things that come up at which point okay we could uh do an amendment to the agreement but I think for now this sort of sets out the the basic parameters of what the the sale of the property might look like contingent upon some of the other plan steps that we need to go through over the next several months thank you and tonight is it is just an introduction so if we have more questions we can come back to it um I just just a quick question so in the in the the plan that you gave us is is that a standard Street size that you've got put in there so we're not doing like a narrow Street or a small called the sack or anything like that right this would be a a regular public city street and it uh you know you know obviously the details of the project have yet to be worked out but what what is shown is generally in conformance with what city standards are for uh City street okay okay Mr mayor council member groak a question maybe some comments just for us but um the first one would be um well there's not a whole lot of undeveloped land and Rapids left and this is a fairly sizable partiel at 3.5 Acres it 179 seems like it's kind of a low price and I'm feeling that maybe we're not getting the best value for our residents this is really the resident piece of property um so with that in mind just a couple questions one of them would be what did we Market it for was there a market price it be getting one bid in itself doesn't feel competitive to me but maybe it is is uh what's the current tax value on this piece of property today as it sits vacant at three and a half acres let's start there yeah it it is because it is currently tax exempt it doesn't have a a value attached to it uh how however um and I I will say too when we did Market the property we did not attach a sale price to it in part because we envision it could be quite a range of different uh types of projects that would be uh proposed um generally for single family you know somewhere around $30,000 per unit or per per lot would be a somewhat of a rule of thumb for uh for land value okay and I understand these are smaller than normal Lots so that kind of makes sense and you know we definitely want Quality Construction in Rapids so we really don't want to trade off to anything less than than high quality but uh in my opinion the the the purchase price seems low so I just wanted to point that out that's that's what I'm thinking Mr mayor council M Carlson at the at the work session I I was in support of the project and I guess I'm still in support of the project itself but I you know since then I've thought about the uh the HOA discussion that we had I know that's not a part of this but it's a part of my decision- making so I kind of cooled on a little bit with the lack of HOA after realizing that there are other similar properties around the city that that do have an away um but this kind of yeah I'm with council member groak on this I think 179,000 is just too low for his 3.25 Acres I know it's just an introduction Mr Mayor but how many how many acres was a parcel that we just had the value on from the county or from the the college you remember how many acres that parcel was it's almost contiguous with this I think it is contiguous with this um mayor council I think that was AA is at 1.2 million does that sound accurate Matt you're talking about the wooded lot in between the Ice Center remember how many acres that was um do you recall man believe it's about four okay about four acres yeah the one significant difference with that piece of property is it's zoned high density residential and so there there is some value driven from that yeah yeah of course Mr Mayor Cil mber Armstrong I may I may have missed it somewhere along the line but have we actually done project uh project like this before in the past I mean as far as Mr Brown have we done a project like this this not not at this scale you know obviously the product type is kind of similar to the port Riverwalk project but of course that was much larger since it uh covers about 35 or 40 acres so we we haven't done Mo most of the projects that have been City initiated on Parcels closer to this size have been more multif family type projects as opposed to more traditional uh residential subdivision what did they end up with for lot sizes down at Port Riverwalk were those 40 foot lots too I believe most of those are 50 foot wide foot wide Lots yeah these These are deeper just because of the shape of the site Mr mayor council member Novak um forget my name from minut it we I was just thinking um Port Riverwalk is actually in my ward and and the people who live there love it they love everything that's been done with it I grew up in this area just about two blocks away and I'm very familiar with this area getting residential in that area to me is extremely beneficial to the city and so um I can't speak to the price range that's not my area of expertise at all but um I would certainly be willing to bend over backwards to get this project done so I'm I'm 100% for it so Mr Mayor mler yeah I I think my whole point is that it's it's a parcel that uh doing you know small family single family homes right thing to do Sentra is a great partner we've had them in the city you know good partner my concern is a little bit on the price and and only looking at the exterior sighing as the driver for the cost I'm I've been through so many site plans with 16 years on planning to know that there's a lot of other things that can come up in the conversations and I just want us to be prepared that well we all I think want to have this property developed that we want to do the right thing that and you're not really going to figure out what the actual sale price is until you get through through the site planning process and that's going to take a while and as long as everybody understands that it might go a little higher it might go a little lower it might be whatever because the goal is to get the right product in the right place with the right Builder and have a quality housing for our residents you know and get it at at the reasonable price for what is that value of that land to be able to bring um those additional units into our city which will be driving you know Revenue because right now it's not generating any taxes these new homes will generate taxes you know so I think introduction is fine but everybody know that what's here is probably just the framework and until we get through the end of the site plan will you actually know what all of the details are and what that price actually will end up being yeah and I I think that for for me the challenges it's it's a 16 unit small lot single family development and that just seems too much you know i' like that you know and and that's where the site plan you may end up going and it needs to be 12 and and if if that's what it is then you know the either the price of the lot land has to change or you know we decide that we agree to disagree and walk away but I I think it's you've got to get through that site plan process to to know that everybody's going into it with good faith that we want to make um the right kind of solution and bring more res presential into this neighborhood with a good quality Builder um but do it in the right way okay well to be clear what we're introducing is a 16 lot single family subdivision yep so that doesn't get changed in the site plan that's that's the ordinance well it can so right if we don't pass the ordinance in a couple weeks sure but but it's also contingent on all of the approvals and if those don't get approved this is moot well now you're talking about the purchase agement this is the ordinance this the ordinance is what we're introducing now that will'll be picking up in two weeks Mr Mayor yeah Council M the point of information isn't this ordinance authorizing the sale the property it's not the site plan or approving anything else it's approving to sell this property for in those ranges right yes yeah hey Mr bone what do you think throw it throw it to the legal you weren't just going to be pretty here all night we're going to Mr mayor council um it's right in the Preamble there what's being approved and you all have read the packet um so I'm not going to read it to you but it's it's authorizing this body to sell the property or the city you and mayor and Council it should be noted that in within the ordinance it does sort of anticipate that range of potential sale price so no right I've got got the sale price but it's still 16 units small a 16 lot single family subdivision correct so that doesn't seem that am ambiguous that seems pretty it says approximately 16 units okay no I'm willing to introduce it I just I just have problems with it yet is there any other discussion on this tonight all right if there's no other discussion on this then we will consider the an ordinance authorizing the sale of real estate at 110 XX Mississippi Boulevard will consider that introduced item 12 is to consider an introduction of an ordinance authorizing the sale of real estate 12258 Crooked Lake Boulevard I was I will admit I was surprised in the sale price of this one too but I do like all of the work you're requiring them to do so Mr Brown all right so another sale this is a residential property on Crooked Lake Boulevard uh you might remember the city had actually acquired this a while ago going back to almost 25 years ago when Crooked Lake Boulevard was realigned the city had uh acquired some other properties along that stretch of roadway this one the owner wasn't particular particularly interested in selling at that time um but was willing to enter into a Life Estate Deed uh with the city so that she could continue to live there for a while when she decided to move on uh the city would take ownership of the property which finally happened about four years ago uh since that time we've continued planning for the third lane project on Highway 10 uh that's going to be happening in the next couple years as plans have been developed for that it's we've concluded that this property isn't needed for noise walls those will be on the other side of Crooked Lake Boulevard um or really any other Transportation purposes so we talked about this at a work session recently as well Council concluded it probably made sense to uh just sell the house to someone who would rehab it rather than simply tear it down and kind of incorporate it into the city owned Green Space nearby so we did list the property for sale uh I will note the house is currently built as a duplex uh an up down duplex so there's a walkout basement um that has access to the exterior but there is no stairway uh inside the house uh so as a condition of the sale we absolutely want someone to convert it back to single family so that it's conforming with the ldr2 zoning District uh well it is is a nice house it does have some other maintenance uh needs including it has the original boiler uh which have been drained so it's the h back system is going to need to be completely replaced um and there are some other pretty significant maintenance needs there so that is the reason for the fairly low sale price we really looked at you know what is the maximum a house might sell for at that location how much work does it need uh in in our best estimate and then ba based on that we uh arrived at a at a list price so we actually received eight offers for this property there were close to 80 showings I think people were uh especially intrigued by the fair fairly low sale price uh the one so we we came up with a scoring system uh and determined the highest scoring offer was submitted by 246 home Capital which is based locally here they've uh rehabbed a number of houses in inoka County so their financial capacity is there they are a licensed contractor so we feel pretty confident that they'll be able to make the renovations that the house really needs in in a pretty reasonable time frame so their proposed sale price is 160,000 um once again we attached a draft of a purchase agreement here we are going to uh basically Cloud the title until the work is done it is important to us that uh the the house is completely rehabed and then sold to uh someone who would buy it and and be an owner occupant uh they are interested in moving on this project fairly quickly here they're willing to close as soon as late October uh and complete the renovation by spring so I can answer any questions but basically once again you're asked to introduce the ordinance we'll be back with a a full purchase agreement in a couple weeks and Mr Brown you just touched on that but when they finished this extens of remodeling and this rehabbing when they sell it they they have to sell it to an owner occupant that's that's what we are asking it it is a little bit challenging to fully uh to to fully require that but wondering we are okay because that because that is attractive you know because we want people to own we want we want people to have an investment here okay any questions on this Mr mayor council gak couple quick questions on this was uh first of all access the hous is on Crooked Lake Boulevard is there going to remain in Access on Crooked Lake Boulevard is I checked it out and I don't know how people would want to back in and out right onto Crooked Lake Boulevard so that's my first question yes and the house does have an attached garage that really faces Crooked Lake Boulevard so it would be kind of challenging and the the house is actually sit situated not all that far from the street so it would be challenging to have no access on Crooked Lake Boulevard um currently there are actually three different curb Cuts as part of this work scope we're asking them to remove the large expanse of payment pavement that's on the north side of the house um off of 123rd uh but they would keep access onto Crooked Lake and from our standpoint it would be tough to to not have that okay and uh the other question I had is is um 25 years ago when we entered into the life deed or whatever it was what did we pay to acquire the property we paid I believe 135,000 okay so our it's a profit deal a profit maker boy um and then I did have another question and when the property was Opera you said it's set up as a duplex was it operated with a duplex with some type of uh I don't know an exception going on in the past or we we could not really figure that out there was never a rental license for the property no nor and the tax classification was single family um we believe there were a couple of different extended family members who are living in the house and it it was just operated that way for many many years okay and then just one more thing uh it it seems like it is a relatively low purchase price it is but there's a lot of work that needs to be done or requiring it to be done was there any thought of maybe partnering with like Habitat for Humanity to get it up to a a standard there and maybe there could be some more benefit for the community if we did that route did did they make a bid or anybody they they did not we we didn't specifically approach them I and we the city has worked with Habitat for Humanity in the past I do think that if uh they were to well if if they were even interested in it the city would effectively be the developer and you know kind of be uh we probably be more Hands-On or take more risk okay and probably not something we really want to do I suppose not not at this point particularly when it's gone through this process sure right all right so all right any other questions of Mr Brown on this hearing none we will consider the order authorizing the sale of real estate at 12258 Crooked Lake Boulevard introduced and we are on to item 13 consider resolution 24- 93 accepting a safe road Zone Grant and approve a grant agreement with the state of Minnesota Mr Hammer yes Mr Mayor councel uh this is kind of phase two of a previous grant that the police uh received earlier this year they did the enforcement component of it so they get to uh improve safety along Northdale Boulevard between ruffley Hansen and University we got some parks we got some schools um so they were successful in getting phase one earlier this year uh we finally caught up on phase two so this will include some Dynamic display signs additional um speed limit signs some education component through our Communications Department so we're working jointly with uh police we start with some enforcement then we add the enhancements we do the education and then additional enforcement and we'll see how that turns out for us so uh phase two for us there's a $5,000 local match we do have funds available uh within the streets or the construction fund and um we're we're happy to move this forward and I'm happy to stand for any questions the timing couldn't be better with all that brand new smooth asphalt over there Mr mayor council member Ray rower um I I'm excited to see this come through in door knocking in that area along Northdale Boulevard it's definitely something that um the residents brought up to me uh repeatedly and so excited that this is going to be looked at that we have this um award coming in to do that work and so with that I will make a motion to approve resolution 24- 93 authorizing the acceptance of the safe road Zone Grant and authorized staff to execute the grant agreement with the state of Minnesota second motion by Ray and a second by Geisler Is there further discussion on this Mr mayor council member grisak on this one I I think I think it's great I mean to make that road safer is a is a great thing we got Parks we got schools we got tons of residential and I know people speed on northd all the time it drives me crazy it has I lived over there for a long time so I'm in favor of this I'm glad we're getting the grant good job to the police department and public works for getting everything put together just one question uh it it sounds like a little bit well some of the terminology in here safe road design things like that are we going to be bringing any elements to this stretch like what we did on the 121st because some of the council had some concerns with you know what actually transpired over there Council M movia Council um that was more related to pedestrian movements while certainly we have this here I will also remind you this is an inoka County Road so we have to work with inoka County who signed off gave us a letter support on this so um anything we do is going to have to meet with their approvals as well okay right so and Mr himmer it's it's specifically installing two pairs of dynamic speed display signs and additional speed limit signs execute a concurrent social media Pro campaign and design or distribute educational print materials correct that is correct so that is the scope okay so everything that's written in the packet is the scope okay Mr Mayor C Carlson any idea where those Dynamic speed signs would go I know somebody would love to have one to be determined Mr Mayor tell us remember Armstrong I need to weigh in here too because a big section of that is in my ward and my constituents will be very very happy that this is taking place yeah there's they they they love to to take that stretch from the railroad tracks by the Park all the way through at a high rate of speed until a red light tells them they have to stop so this will be greatly appreciated all right we have a motion in a second is there any further discussion hearing none I'll in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries and item 14 is to consider an consider the appointment of election judges approve the salaries and set canvas date for General election M lensme mayor and councel as you may have heard there's an election coming up on November 5th so the item before you tonight is a request to have Council appoint the election judges that were provided the list that's provided in your packet to authorize the city clerk to appoint and assign election judges during the 25 days preceding the election if substitutions are necessary to approve hourly salary for election judges at $12 per hour assistant head judges at 133 per hour head judges at 15 per hour student judges at $12 per hour and a request to schedule a special meeting to Canvas the results of the general election for Tuesday November 12th at 6:30 I'll answer any questions you may have your honor R rower just want to say thank you to our city clerk Joan lensme for doing a fabulous job um you know organizing and setting up these elections and getting these election judges in place you do um it's very fair and um run very smoothly and uh appreciate that and thank you to all of our election judges who come and do that work we appreciate you we need more than we ever have before as we continue to expand voting hours and so with that I will make a motion to approve appointment of election judges as outlined on the attached list authorize the city clerk to appoint and assign election judges during the 25 days preceding the election if substitutions are necessary approve hourly salary for election judges at $12 per hour assistant head judges at $13 per hour head judges at $15 per hour and student judges at $12 per hour and schedule a special meeting to Canvas the results of the general election for Tuesday November 12th 2024 at 6:30 pm second motion by Ray rower and Brian was that you yep second by Armstrong is there discussion on this Mr mayor council member Geisler yeah I just want to thank everybody who signed up to do election judge it's you know not necessarily um a high-paying job for the day but it it gets you engaged in in the the election process um they're very very long days these people work very very hard um if you look at the lists you know I think our city team does a great job you know well why are there more judges at one Precinct than at another and and it's how we end up diving up the precincts of where we have places for people to vote you know if there's more people who could vote in that place you know we have more election judges and more materials there so we can always strive to make sure that the voting process is quick and smooth and easy for all of the people in every Precinct um so and if you haven't signed up yet and you are interested I'm sure miss lensme would take your information you know that we're always looking at people because never fails it somebody gets sick or somebody can't make the whole day those kinds of things so having alternates would be helpful so um that would be great anything to add to that Mr mayor council member guor thank you yes it is a long day we appreciate everybody who comes out and you're exactly right you'll notice on the list that the um voter registration numbers are slightly different and different precincts so we'll have more judges where we've got a larger voter count just makes the day go smoother and then Mr mayor council member kaer and I probably can bring it up now that there is in-person absentee voting and we have election judges working currently doing that inperson absentee here at City Hall um it's right now what Monday through Friday 8 to 4:30 Mr mayor council member gisler that's correct we are open here at City Hall Monday through Friday 8 to 4:30 for inperson absentee right now we're in What's called the envelope process which means you will vote your ballot slip it in an envelope and then slip it in another one we'll seal it and keep it in the vault for you when we get to October 18th we do the direct balloting where you can place your ballot right in the machine so we will have some additional hours we're open on Saturday October 26th from 9:00 to 3 Saturday November 2 from 9: to 3 Sunday November 3 from 9 to 3 and Monday the day before um the 4th we're open until 5: and then there's all day on Election Day so awesome if you have any questions give us a call on the hotline so excellent thank you thank you very much Mr Mayor counc counc Carlson how you doing just want just want to uh just kind of reiterate what a great bunch of hardworking folks we have for election judges and and they're paid but it's really more of a service because boy do they do they put a lot of work in those in those couple months a year you know you couldn't go career in it you know once every couple years but boy they pour a lot of uh lot of time into it a lot of hard work and long days and uh um it's a great service to the community and uh thanks to those who are there and absolutely if anybody's interested sign up we'll take you all right we have a motion in a second do we have um all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries um we are to the open mic portion of the meeting is anybody here to address Council for Open Mic this evening all right I don't have any reports on previous open mics and we are to other business Miss Hansen you just had a social media post cautioning some of our residents that their water bills might be a little off is that true correct Mr Mayor um so we did uh make an announcement on our social media just so with our latest Utility Billing batch here um impacts about 8,000 of our residents as we bill in three different Cycles um that there was a printing error so if you received your bill by um paperless or online those bills are correct it just had to do with a file format coming from our new um billing software we've identified the error and it will be corrected going forward so if you have received the um um bill in the last couple days in the mail you can disregard that we've got new ones that were um processed and mailed out today so those should be arriving within the next few days very good all right thank you for that other business Mr Mayor Geer you know we'll make sure that Mr iren in the back is is ready with all of our fun little events that we're we're talking about as always we have our Farmers Market there are only two Wednesdays left left for our farmers market so it's um by the ice arena um as it says on the screen here 3 to 6 PM lots of great things so stop by and get your fresh produce and then Saturday the 12th we have the Fire Station 3 open house that's the new fire station on Mississippi Boulevard across from the community college um if you haven't been there it's a fabulous facility go check it out um and take the tour and you know all of the the fun people will be there the fire trucks the kids can look at all the trucks and emergency vehicles and Sparky the Fire Dog um maybe Gizmo will be there as well um and then the next Saturday everybody loves Rocky's pumpkin patch and where kids can come and get a pumpkin and there's candy and prizes and the police are there the fire trucks are there the Public Works trucks are there um all the kids are dressed up in their great costumes and it's a really really fun event um at Sand Creek Park and that's from 10: to 1 on Saturday the 19th lots of fun events coming up excellent and I know you have another one well yeah yeah so it's even earlier than those events and Mr Mr Erikson doesn't have this one but he told me to hold it up and it's the yeah see not near oh get it straight in here yeah uh it's Thursday October 3rd this Thursday night uh the kunon rabbit's rotary sampler will be over at Bunker Hills event center which is connected to Kendall's Tavern and Shop house and we've got seven vendors I think it is like Lupin and alloy and I shouldn't have started but five more um and all kinds of great food and it's kind of the event where everybody plans on getting together for that night to be a lot of fun things silent Raffles or silent auctions Raffles heads and tails G Mr stem what am I missing yeah mayor I think you've you've hit most of the highlights it is really a nice event 3 hours 6 to9 as you mentioned this Thursday uh the primary reason the Rotary Club hosts this is to raise funds for K Rapids High School's respect Retreat which is all of their incoming freshmen go through a program that's really valuable and we're this year kind of trying to step up our game and um do some additional funding for the bio biomedical Sciences program as I think they've lost some funding recently so those are the two primary fundraising efforts we're making and um you know so far we think we're doing pretty well but certainly there's room for additional attendees if anybody's interested you best way to buy tickets is either to go to event eventbrite.com and search for the Rapids rotary uh sampler you can go to our Facebook page Rapids rotary club or you can just roll in on Thursday night with $40 a person which will get you in then all as you mentioned all of the food sampling the beverage sampling the music um and then uh there are additional games in Raffles that are additional cost so yeah a lot of fun though tons of fun please show up Mr mayor council member Carlson it's a great funny event it just the the room is just packed usually and it's just everybody's having a great time it's just just a lot of fun and festivity and and just a lot of the people you see around town are there and it's just a it's just a good time so if you if you haven't been there yet encourage you to come check it out I think it was a particularly good time for the lovely Mrs Carlson last year didn't she win one of the heads and tails games yes she did I don't remember Mr Mar if you were calling that because no I don't think you're calling it so nobody could cry foul on that yeah oh all right any other business to come before Council this evening Chief Steiner Mr Mayor just a couple of quick things you probably noticed or you may notice I'm wearing a pink badge today and the officers that were here introducing Gizmo also did yeah October's breast cancer awareness month and uh our officers are given the opportunity they purchase these badges at their own expense and uh are authorized to wear them in the month of October and they're asked to make a donation uh to a relevant charity um and then second uh I didn't get a chance to see if it was done before because it was light out but October is also a domestic violence awareness month and um as part of uh the purple lights campaign um the city hall will be lit in purple like I said I'm not sure it's done I think it is is it good all right um and that's just to draw attention to and awareness to victims of domestic assault so just a couple of unique things about October I wanted to bring up excellent excellent great support any other business to come before Council motion to adjourn second motion by Carlson second by Geisler to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I we're adjourned