##VIDEO ID:5l87ugRK3SA## [Music] [Music] we'll call the order the Planning Commission meeting for Thursday August 15th August 15th 2024 please stand and join us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr PL please call a roll commissioner noblock here commissioner no here commissioner hia here commissioner Casey is absent commissioner schy here commissioner gisler here chair Schwarz here thank you uh first order of business this evening is to adopt our agenda so moved second second motion by gisler second by schoki any corrections or additions hearing none all in favor I I I opposed and the agenda is adopted Ed next is the approval of our minutes from our July 18th 2024 meeting Mr chair Comm I move I move approval of our uh minutes from July 18th 20124 Planning Commission meeting second motion by hia second by noblock any additions Corrections hearing none all in favor I opposed and am minutes are approved our first order of business this evening is planning cases 24-4 and 24-15 a site plan and preliminary plat for September Sun architecture LLC 10701 Butternut Street Northwest Mr platner thank you chair Schwarz uh members of the Planning Commission so um you're all well aware of this item by now but this is uh the um property on the corner of Butternut Street University where a 34 unit Town Home Development was proposed by the applicant um that proposal was dependent on the city council approving the rezoning from office to moderate density residential at the August 5th meeting the city council voted to deny the request to reone property from office to MDR um thus the the Planning Commission are or sorry the city staff are recommending um deny denal of the application um based on the finding that because the property is owned office and town homes are not listed as a permitted use in the office District what's being proposed would not be a permitted use on the subject property this is still a public hearing um that has remained open since previous meetings um but that is all that I have to present on this one thank you thank you Mr plasner commission any questions from Mr plasner all right at this time I will reopen the public hearing for both the preliminary plaid and the site plan anyone wish to speak to this public hearing anyone wish to speak seeing none we'll close the public hearings and limit comments to the commission Mr chair commissioner schoki I'll move um make a motion um in planning case 24-14 um to not approve the proposed site plan based on the findings in our packet as well as can I do 15 at the same time I think so okay 245 as well um I'll make a motion to recommend denial of the preliminary plat based on of the findings as are in our packet I'll second that motion by schoki second by noblock any further discussion hearing none all in favor I I opposed and the cases are not approved and the decision on the site plan is a decision by the Planning Commission can be appealed within 10 business days if someone so chooses the preliminary is a recommendation and will be heard by the city council at their or that their September 3rd meeting all the next case is planning case 24-22 a site plan for Family Promise at 340 95th Avenue Mr platzner thank you Mr chair Commissioners so what I have before you today is a request for um a site plan approval for an 8un apartment building and to use the existing single family home for a total of nine units for Family Promise at 340 94th Avenue um this is located just off Rapids Boulevard on 94th Avenue um between 94th and 95th Avenue um where 94th Avenue connects Holly Street with Flintwood Street um in that triangle over there um it's uh 1.46 total Acres so the main parcel is 1.38 acres and then there's a second parcel that's 0.08 Acres um that the applicant is proposing to put part of the uh storm water retention pond on um it the map shown is a little bit confusing the primary parcel does actually straddle 94th Avenue so that small triangle to the southwest of 94th Avenue is part of parcel one um and parcel 2 is on the Southeast it's the the other triangular-shaped parcel um southeast of the the primary site so this is within the port Evergreen zoning District where multif family residential um uses are permitted use um and the the land use designation is commercial mixed use so the commercial mixed use land use area allows um a residential density of 10 to 50 units per acre throughout the entire um designated area Citywide essentially so what's being proposed is less than the minimum threshold of 10 units per net acre however since it's not would not bring the um designation the designated area Citywide below 10 units an acre um it does meet um that density requirement uh for land use all of the surrounding properties have the same zoning and the same land use except for the park to the north across Highway 610 um which is very distant from what is being proposed and there are commercial uses to the west and southwest and south of the um subject property and single family residential uses to the east um so what's being proposed by Family Promise is a new 8 unit Residential Building uh apartment building um and then they are proposing to continue using the existing single family home uh for an additional unit for a total of nine units and um I believe the applicant is here tonight and they um at the request of the commission may speak a little bit more on the mission of the um organization Family Promise however this is um what's being proposed is a standard apartment unit um but Family Promise does focus on um residents uh who are transitioning out of homelessness essentially and I don't want to speak on behalf of the applicant entirely because they're better at um articulating their their mission than I am but essentially what they provide for families um that are transitioning out of homelessness is a standard apartment um for a medium-term lease and I believe that's usually no more than a year and I'll let the applicant correct me if it's um often different than that but my my understanding is that the the maximum lease for for most of the residents that they house um is one year so what is being proposed is a 10,606 foot apartment building on the site um and this would include several amenities on the outside including front and back patios with seating um sidewalks a children's play area a pet area um and then a 13 stall parking lot and trash enclosure just to the east um the applicant is proposing to use the existing parking across 94th Avenue on the office site um And to clarify the um main offices for Family Promise of inoka County are on the site just to the southwest of this site um and part of that parking lot is on the subject property or on parcel one the section across 94th Avenue but the applicant is proposing to use that existing parking lot across 94th Avenue um for um excess parking for the uh development if need be um and they are proposing also an infiltration Basin on the Southeast corner of the site as far as the building um what the applicant is proposing is a a 30ft tall two-story building so that's 30ft measured to the center of the Gable um 40 ft to the roof Peak which does meet the requirements in the port District um the building they're proposing is um does meet uh according to or as as far as City staff um believe does meet the requirements of the port and River Rapids overlay districts um with varied building materials articulation um and and roof articulation as well what's being proposed are three two bedroom units um with the minimum size of 850 ft and five efficiency units with a minimum size of 528 s feet um both of which are above the minimum unit size allowed for those types of units um and then interior amenities being proposed by the applicant include a community room with a kitchen an indoor play area a laundry room as well as new staff offices or additional staff offices for Family Promise staff um and to be clear the apartments themselves would have all of the amenities standard in a market rate apartment including kitchen um bathrooms everything standard um there would just be additional um laundry room um kitchen kind of um Gathering spaces including the community room in the public areas so this is an image if you see on the presentation of the first floor um floor plan so on the left side there shows mostly communal areas including the kitchen play area Community room and on the right side you have one of the two-bedroom units and one of the efficiency units as well as the new Family Promise offices and the laundry room and then on the second floor you have the other four efficiency units and the two other two bedroom units um and then I can go back to these on request but these are just the elevations that the applicant provided um front and rear and then here are the two side elevations um in terms of lot coverage and open space uh what's being proposed is 32% of the lot being covered by um either Hardscape or structures um which is less than the 80% maximum allowed um the applicant is providing 585 ft of common open space throughout the developed part of the site which is above the 2750 ft that would be required based on the unit makeup um as well as the covered patios mentioned earlier in the children's play area and the pet area um as far as parking um Family proms are proposing part of their parking lot to be across 94th Avenue however um staff do not think that this would be U an issue in general there are 21 spaces required to meet the 2.25 spaces per unit requirement um in the port district for residential uses um and then the parking lot to the South has 10 spaces that are required to meet the office use um requirement which is 200 square ft or one space for 200 ft so it's a 2,000t office building 10 spaces on the parking lot to the South would be required to be set aside for that um 43 spaces are provided in the parking lot to the South um and then the applicant is shown eight proof of parking spaces or an area that can be developed into eight new spaces if necessary which leaves 33 spaces available on the Southwest lot um in addition to the 13 on the subject property you have well above the 2.25 spaces per unit required about 5.1 spaces per unit um one of the conditions that staff are proposing is for this parking lot to the Southwest to be striped because it is not currently striped um as as a condition of approval for this project and I believe the applicant was planning on striping the parking lot anyway um and then staff um also U planning and Engineering staff think that there is no need for the applicant to provided addition additional pedestrian infrastructure striping for crossing 94th Avenue um and the two reasons for this are that 94th Avenue sees minimal traffic it's it's one of the least busy streets in this part of the city um because it only connects Holly Street to Flintwood Street there are um I think there are no driveways onto the street except for the what's being proposed as part of this development and um it doesn't really make any connections that aren't already made by Rapids Boulevard just to the South so you see very little traffic on the street um and as well the applicant does believe that no more than nine spaces would actually be needed as most of the residents that they house either have one vehicle or no vehicles and it's very rare that residents would have more than one vehicle so this is an image showing the parking proposed um on the the Northeast part of the site and then across 94th Avenue the current existing parking on the Southwest part of the site um as well as the eight spaces that could be built out if needed and only 10 of those spaces are required by the city to be set aside for the existing office use um and lastly Landscaping so the applicant is proposing Landscaping that generally meets the city requirements with the exception of um a hedge or burm uh between the proposed parking lot and the single family residential uses to the east this is something that the city requires to screen um parking from any existing single family residential use um and the applicant also is not able to put overstory and evergreen trees along the front of the site along 94th Avenue where they would generally be required to because of existing utilities so they've included trees generally along um the area close to the front of the building without being directly in front of the building which is the best that they were able to do to meet that Landscaping requirement um due to the location of the utilities so staff generally think that substantially that requirement is met um then here's an image of the Landscaping um and I just realized I did not include the most updated Landscaping but what you would see was to the southeast there would be a few more trees three more trees added in front of the storm water pond in order to meet meet the tree requirement along the front of the site um so the applicant is asking for just one flexibility which is a request to um wave the requirement that one parking space per unit be covered the applicant is proposing zero covered parking spaces generally um for residential parking one space is required to be covered um and one and the remaining spaces can be open so either in a garage or or covered by a roof um and the applicant uh has has stated that they they don't believe that covered spaces would be necessary um with some of the reasoning being that many of the family promised residents don't own a vehicle and that the apartment leases are are not longterm so this wouldn't be permanent housing for any of the residents um with that the city staff are recommending approval of the site plan for Family Promise based on the conditions that I have listed I did add an additional condition between submitting the staff report and creating the um presentation so there's an added condition number seven um for Park dedication which was um absent from the um the staff report so if um there is a motion to recommend approval if the Planning Commission could reference the conditions as shown in the presentation as opposed to the staff report um that would be appreciated and then staff are also recommending approval of the dimensional flexibility request and this is a public hearing and that's all I have for uh presentation on this one thank you thank you Mr platner commission any questions from Mr platner Mr Excuse me Mr chair uh Mr P as far as the the three-foot burm along the parking is is I mean typically we've allowed any kind of screaming is there's is that at the request the applicant that we do burm versus off fence versus something else or thank you commissioner G no this can be a burm or or a hedge or any sort of um screening that that appropriately screens the um site from the addition the adjacent single family residential it doesn't have to be a BM okay so we're flexible we're flexible on that okay thank you Mr Sher commissioner n Mr patner um looks on like two of the overheads we saw a bunch of semi- parking in the look like a street that goes between Family Promise and the outlaw that the city owns you just had a couple slides before um I'm assuming that's not allowed there you know as we talk about people going back and forth into the parking lot if semis are coming around and pulling down that road is that are semis allowed there to park overnight or commissioner no I don't believe semis would be allowed to park uh on the street there um that's a good observation generally my and I don't I don't know for sure but generally I think because this road is so seldom used I think it's often considered a safe space to park because it's very unlikely that someone would see the semi parked there and complain about it um but that I don't know this for sure this is just something that I've seen in other um kind of out of the way streets in in the city and others so that's my best guess for why there are semi scen there but I don't believe they would be allowed to park there overnight okay Mr chair commissioner guer uh commissioner no on the latest street view it looks like there's no parking signs along that street now so it could just be a timing between the oh nice the satellite image versus what's there well just you know as I look at it if we're not going to have any additional pedestrian walkways or something across 94th Avenue but if some are coming around we just want to make sure that's not happening so thank you you're welcome any other questions at this time and anything the petitioner would like to add please come to the microphone give your name and address for the record please chair Commissioners uh my name is David fry I'm the executive director for Family Promise uh and also a Rapids resident up in uh on the north end of town um I've been the director for Family Promise for uh almost 9 and a half years and this is uh an exciting project for us an opportunity for to um help serve families in a very dignified way uh families who are struggling in our own Community I do say families because we only serve families with minor children involved so every every family that would be coming in has minor children and we have uh attempted to design this place in a in a way that uh the kids won't even necessarily recognize that their family is part of a homeless program because uh this is an apartment building it is separated from our offices and the space where we we run our uh run our our activities and and pieces like that um we have uh we have recently moved into the area this has been really great for us we are excited to have the opportunity to to expand in this way um with with this property uh this is a new kind of development for for us and uh we we've been studying the different ways to be able to uh offer very um uh dignified and homelike setting for for families and something that would be secure for them knowing that we have minor children many of them very young as part of the families um security uh has always been an important part for us and so to be able to have this uh in a setting that is very homelike um very much matches with the neighborhood uh we are excited for that um I would love to hear if you have any questions for me specifically on uh on the project or how we've gotten to the point that we have um Mr chair commissioner Smoky uh Mr Fry I was just curious It's is there any sort of um benefits or is there a program that helps during that one-ear period to ensure they're successful can move on so you can bring in additional families right that's a great question so um it's not just a come and sit and wait out your turn kind of thing we have uh case management the expectation is that within 90 days our families are to a point that they're ready to be moving into housing of their own um given the housing crunch that we all know exists uh that can take a while from the time that they've hit that moment um but they work really hard with our case managers to uh improve their standing with past landlords um to uh increase their income and ways that they can be sustainable into the future and uh to work with that I I will also say too just uh as a broader piece shelter isn't all that we do in fact um getting this up to uh eight families in this building and the one in the the home that's there those nine families that would still only be about uh a quarter of the families that we serve in a year most of our work is with with prevention keeping people from needing uh shelter in the first place um and that mostly will be taking place in our uh I should say mostly that takes place in our offices on K Rapids Boulevard um that wouldn't be happening uh in this building excellent thank you Mr chair commissioner AA can you uh tell me if there are is a limit to the number of occupants per unit yeah it depends on the size of the unit that's why we have a variable size of the unit so that we can have some for larger families and some for small um our our average family size over the years has been uh from year to year sometime between about uh 3.1 and 3.8 uh people per family um often times a very small did you say that again 3 3.1 to 3.8 uh people per family okay and that's even in the not not 3.8 in in the efficiency right right y so so some amilies that would be larger would be in the bigger units the smaller families would be able to go in the smaller ones could you tell me do you currently run any other properties such as this um we have two houses that we have families in right now the one is on uh the the property in question so the house that's there has a family currently living in it we also have a house that is in uh the city of Ramsey that has a uh family staying there as well too that's in our program but no no multif family buildings no that's true and what are your intentions do you plan on adding additional buildings to the rest of the property in the future or um that is that is definitely a uh long-term option and plan that we have moving forward there are no uh specific plans at this time we'd like to take the learnings that we get from this building um what we learned from that before we would consider a next phase that would be on the Northern end of the property and then could you please give me an idea what is the size of the children's play area and the uh pet area and are there any equipment provided for the play area um there would be some equipment for the play area for I I don't know exactly the sizing if there's a dog area that's sorry uh need to come to the microphone so the secretary can pick you up good evening Commissioners uh Andy Madson with lhb the project architect for the for the project so there is a dog dog area and there's also a Tot Lot the Tot Lot will have equipment provided um the rough areas for the Tot Lot I would say is approximately 500 square ft and the dog area is roughly 200 square ft and you just indicated with red circles on one map there at one point could you explain which area is which thank you Mr chair this is uh city planner Max bner um the Tot Lot is the one to the North and the dog area is the one to the South I believe and what kind of surface would the Tot Lot have yeah at this point that's undetermined we haven't gotten that far with the design but I believe it would be likely wood chips or sod or grass and are those areas fenced excuse me the dog area is fenced the Tot Lot is not fenced and then one additional question I have this is a two-story building but I don't see anything about an elevator what kind of ADA Provisions do you have or requirements do you have to meet that is correct that we we are providing two type A Accessible units and those are the two first floor units so the one efficiency and then the one two-bedroom unit those will be type A Accessible so you are correct there is no elevator in the building commission have any other questions for petitioners at this time Mr chair commissioner gon just one general question uh you guys okay with all the conditions that are already listed in the packet you're aware of them and comfortable with them thank you all right we may have more questions for you later thank you all right we do need a public hearing on this matter so at this time I will open a public Hearing in planning case 24-22 a site plan for Family Promise at 340995 Avenue anyone here to speak to this public hearing anyone wish to speak to this public hearing seeing none close public hearing the limit comments to the commission Mr platzner uh we don't have any material samples or anything no material samples chairs and how representative are the colors in the drawings that that have have been provided um I may defer to the applicant to respond to that one Commissioners I would say that the as much as we like the color scheme currently um I don't think that that's completely been determined um but I will say certainly the materials that we're showing there that I would say is solid obviously um the brick um that's flanking the entry it also includes the entry area and then we've got fiber substrate panel and um lap siding a combination of the two and the white and then the lap siding being in the blue and the red colors um yeah I guess I don't if if if we have to commit to the colors now we can but um I think it's it's to be studied as we continue into design uh development so well normally part of the site plan is giving us samples of what the actual colors are so we know the compatibility of the buildings for the area it's pretty hard to uh approve a site plan without knowing what color building is going to be we can commit to the colors shown should we possibly make that an additional condition then Mr pner Mr chair um thank you I'm I'm considering it I don't believe believe that the port District requires um any specific colors but I I do think the Planning Commission can has the discretion to add that to the conditions that the the colors shown um are required to be the the final colors so I I I believe yes this can be added as a condition and commission what what are your thoughts do we want to have a condition on colors Mr chair commissioner gon um I I I'm actually a little ambivalent on the colors considering that it's kind of an end corner with borderline vacant lots to the South and only five single family homes there and a freeway to the north there isn't a whole lot of complimentary areas I do think if we want to make them commit to kind of the Bor and batten brick and lap siding as materials um of complimentary color palette I think that's okay but uh specifically the these exact colors I'm not as hung up on um but I like I like the design of the asphalt shingle Bard bat verticals the the Brick down below it it certainly adds a very nice texture it looks like a really big house not an apartment building um so I think that further further complements the mission and desire so I I I'm okay with the materials locking in the materials and letting the colors be slight variations of that of what availability and all that that chair Schwarz Commission Now is um is it a possibility that uh we put a 11th recommendation in in addition or 11 would be the park dedication but 12 would be um a color pallet to be provided to the Planning Commission for consideration or for final review just so that it's not like well we're making a decision here this evening uh so it wouldn't come back to us that is correct nothing for it to come for us to come back to yeah chair Schwarz my recommendation is just that it would be if certain colors were extremely which wouldn't be the case but if it was considerably abhorent or ridiculous colors then it's something that could throw it the application back to us Mr chair it's just a stop Gap maybe we could just make the the recommendation that um the s that the um applicant will work with the city staff on the coloring I second that that's even better so add condition 12 to that or we could do that if that's what Mr ANUK I think I think that's what you're trying to get us just to make sure if someone's checking the Box yes um so if you want to add a 12 that is something to the effect that the applicant will work with the city staff on a color scheme for the materials Mr Pat seven you're not color yes and yes seven is actually the park dedication so Mr chair commissioner guys I could discuss um the flexibility being requested the parking um with the enclosed space I guess I this is kind of a question back to the applicant again too I'm just thinking if these are families who are moving out of possibly homes and so forth um some of them may have lawnmowers Etc which I realize the circumstances that are bringing them um to this new um to this new home but um I I guess are you concerned at all about where they would store um items or things like that um I I'm not a fan myself of row parking that's enclosed um I think those tend to get pretty beat up and I'm not sure that that's the right answer either so I don't have too much trouble with the outdoor parking but what came to mind for me was items that they might bring along with them and where do they store them bicycles for kids things like this I don't know what that is going to look like commissioner uh that is one of the reasons that we're asking for the uh to to not have the covered parking um some other uh organizations that have done other similar projects across the country that we've researched have found that having garage is is problematic for storage um families in our program are limited to the storage that they can have reasonably within their units there would be checks for that too um so they don't have space outside to do that other than the bike racks uh for bicycles thank you um because uh it has for reason exactly yes okay I I could answer to the other part is that uh it's very rare for us to have a family that is coming out of a home where they would have uh things like lawnmowers and stuff like that as well too um but uh some families do have um any of the as you well know plethora um storage units around the city sure Mr chair uh commissioner hia uh maybe someone can point out to me is there a bike [Applause] racking um I don't know if they uh uh sorry chair uh Commissioners I don't know if they show up on the um specific plan here but there is a back toward the Tot Lot on the the site away from the road there is a set of bike racks by that entrance um that are intended Mr chair commissioner H are you confident that the Tot Lot does not need to be bened the uh the is intent around that two in two ways one is um considering like the my my own yard um on the other side of Rapids is not uh fenced in with the idea of of it feeling a little bit more like home uh the second one is with the intent that uh it can it's it's much easier to um ensure that the parents are present when the kids are in the Tot Lot if it doesn't look like a place that they can close them in and let them go our intent would be that the parents would be out there with them um to do that so that's another one of those uh pieces of learning that we got from studying some other places okay Mr chair commissioner Smokey just a point of clarification I think you mentioned earlier that we're making a decision this evening but I believe this is a recommendation correct well but that's what I'm saying we're making decision recommend I just wanted to make sure thank you I just meant that this was going to be the last time that we would see the sine anyone else with any comments questions Mr chair commission no I just say is we we look at what they're trying to do here is it um lines up with our comprehensive plan um in our comp plan it says we're looking for 240 new homes or places to live that support people that are under 30% of the area median income I got a imagine a lot of those people would fall into that into that category and I think partnering with a group that's established that's got funding that um has a plan would be a great way to help these people get to sustainable housing down the road um because I will say you know if we choose to do nothing people are still there homeless so leave it there commission any anything else Mr chair Comm guys so I I agree with commissioner no I think this is a great amenity for the city and for the county as a whole um I think this is a a benefit that will help everybody in our community so uh in that in planning case 24-22 I move that we recommend a approval uh with the proposed site uh site plan with the conditions listed in the presentation plus a 12th condition of uh the materials will be uh the the applicant will work with the city staff on the material selection let second uh chair Schwarz abiz so can I clarify that item 11 is the park dedication as recommended in the presentation the the seven is that seven seven when he added it yeah number seven says all parking areas on site be lit to one foot candle the presentation was s was the park and then everything else from s was moved on one in the presentation yeah Mr chair Mr patsner is going to pull those up just so the record's clear chair shorts if I may I I included a new uh condition between the staff report and the presentation but I put it as number seven um because that is the order that the conditions are generally and usually the last few conditions are standard rather than unique to the proposal um so apologies for the confusion there so we had the motion by gisler and second by by no mhm any further discussion now was to Al include the dimensional flexibility Mr chair I will do that on a second motion pass just for clarity all right motion for the site plan all in favor I I opposed that motion carries it's a recommendation by the Planning Commission and you heard by the city council at their September 3rd meeting and then Mr chair Mr G and then in planning case 24-22 I move that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the dimensional flexibility for parking finding that the modifications are necessary to respond to the site conditions result in better integration of uses or additional public amenities and further the intent of the port District second motion by G second by shokei any further discussion hearing none all in favor I I oppos and that also is a recommendation to the city council and will be heard at the September 3rd meeting thank you and good luck thank [Music] you all right our next case planning case 24-23 a site plan for tronson Reserve Palmer Architects limited 13541 121st Avenue Mr plasner thank you Mr chair Commissioners um so I have before you a site plan approval request for Tron reserve on 121st Avenue just east of Hansen Boulevard um a very similar uh site plan for multif family residential in the moderate density residential district meeting the moderate density residential standards um was approved by the Planning Commission back in 2022 um however the applicant never went forward with any building permits and chose to bring forward a somewhat modified version of of a very similar um site plan uh for Planning Commission decision here in 2024 um so I will briefly touch on some of the differences between what was approved in 2022 and and what is being requested now but I'm also just going to go over the site plan as requested um just to um refresh anyone's memories and and also just to touch on every element of the plan um so the site is a 4.56 Acre Site however 1.25 Acres of the site are delineated Wetland leaving 3.31 buildable Acres however when determining residential density um the city does not um net out delineated Wetlands so the entire parcel would be considered um in order to determine whether the proposal meets the requirement of um 5 to nine units of density within the MDR zoning District um and there are single family residences to to the west and south um a a pond and Wetland area to the East and then um multif family um residences to the north across 121st Avenue so this is within the MDR moderate density zoning District as well as guided MDR or moderate density for land use um and uh multif family residential at 5 to n units an acre um Town Homes especially not especially Town Town Homes as well are permitted in this zoning distri District um and what's being proposed is a 35 unit Town Home Development um with nine separate town home buildings that's one 8 unit building one sixun building and seven 3unit buildings and this would uh bring the site to probably didn't include it in the presentation but I believe it it's um eight and some change uh units per acre but it's uh between eight and nine units an acre and I I can look up that exact number at the request of the Planning Commission um as far as amenities as well as the um units themselves the garages and the units and the private patios um provided to each unit are a a children's play area for the entire development as well as uh an open ramata with barbecue grills um walking paths um with benches and bike racks and um additional parking spaces including 19 common or guest parking spaces um the applicant is also proposing a hammerhead fire turnaround on the south side of the site and this is at the um request of the fire department um so the difference between um what was proposed in 2022 and what's being proposed now I'll just go over a couple of the major differences um so what I have here on the presentation was the site plan that was proposed and approved back in 2022 um and this had 30 town home units and one single family unit so five or four four total units um have been added between 2022 and now for a total of 35 units all of which are Town Homes um the truck the fire truck turnaround that was proposed back in 2022 was a culdesac this has been replaced with a hammerhead which gives a little bit more space um or I gu suppose the Hammerhead turnaround takes up less space than the culdesac does um the children's playground has been added and the town home units fronting 121st Avenue um that had an overhang that encroached 2 feet into the front setback um from 121st Avenue um are proposed to be moved back um compared to the 2022 proposed osal um so that the overhang meets that setback requirement as well um as far as the site there are 1.25 Acres of existing Wetland a small part of the development being proposed would be in that Wetland area so 0.05 Acres of wetland would be filled as part of the development and this is um pertaining to or or subject to um approval by the Kon Creek Watershed District as well as meeting all of the um engineering comments provided by our engineer department so 1.2 Acres of the existing Wetland would remain on site and would not be developed um open space being proposed the applicant created um this map showing what they are counting as public and private open space or common and private open space um there's quite a bit of common open space being proposed so what's required um is 550 ft per unit which would be 19,250 ft on this site what's being proposed is over 50,000 ft not including the wetlands and so this is mostly setback area and other area between the parking areas and the buildings themselves uh and then in terms of private open space 350 ft per unit are required um and that is what's being provided by the um applicant including the private patio on the rear of the units as well as space on the other side of the um sidewalk from the units and uh this is is kind of standard for uh multif family residential units to have private open space be kind of separated not necessarily completely contiguous um so City staff are okay with um doing it that way um in terms of parking uh 2.25 spaces per unit are required this would be 88 spaces total um 2.66 spaces per unit are proposed so each unit would have two garage stalls meeting the um parking space per unit requirement um all of which would be covered and the um remaining spaces would be common stalls or um guest stalls which there are 19 common stalls and then an additional four um ADA compliance stalls for a total of 23 stalls Mr plasner yes uh you're heading under says Family Promise oh my goodness thank you commissioner Schwarz and I did it on another one too apologies that was a typo on my part just just to uh explain to the public that uh we're talking about Tron and not Family Promise that's correct thanks for clarifying on that my apologies for the confusion there um so the this this slide I just have the um elevations the proposed elevations shown um showing the roof articulation and the um the articulation of the buildings or of the units themselves where every other unit generally with with some exceptions would be um would have an overhang to It 2 feet out from the rest of the unit so there would be some articulation in the fronts of the units themselves um as well as varied materials um and roof lines and the gar proposed garage would face the internal Street and the the back door um the pedestrian entrance would face the private rear patio um here the applicant has provided the floor plans for their two different unit types so it's it' be two story units um with three bedrooms each one bedroom on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second floor as well as the majority of the living space on the second floor but the garage also on the first floor and then this is um in the presentation here the uh rendering that the applicant provided of what the buildings would look like after construction um in terms of landscaping the applicant has proposed um Landscaping that that meets and exceeds the city requirements um so um generally the only um Landscaping item that would need to be addressed in the conditions if it is not provided um would be the um screening between the the parking area and the single family residential to the west and um staff have added I believe I added a condition in here that that screening that burm fence or hedge be added um if it is not already present there is a change in grade um on the west along the west edge of the proposal that is more than 3 feet thus probably constituting a burm but um staff would likely want to confirm that um before determining that the landscape requirements are entirely met other than that um element the landscape requirements are met um so with that City staff are recommending approval of the site plan similar to The Family Promise item um I did add two conditions into the presentation that were not present in the staff report one being that the final Landscaping must meet the requirements detailed um so that staff um had the ability to require that the the burm and or hedge be added on the west side of the site um that the parking areas on site um be lit to one foot candle there's one area the parking lot that I noticed was not lit to one foot candle which is a requirement um as well as a correction on the park dedication amount I had um calculated Park dedication based on 34 units instead of 35 units so the correct uh amount of Park dedication would be $ 4935 as opposed to what was included in the packet um so that's all I have in terms of a presentation and this would also be a public hearing thank you thank you Mr platner commission any questions for Mr platman Mr chair commissioner no Mr Mr patner are these um intended to be owner occupied with an HOA uh commissioner no no this these will be intended to be rentals and would be um the entire site would not be platted and would be owned um by by the owner of the development okay just follow up um is there you know we've seen a number of rental town home proposals that have come through is there a number that the city's based on our needs set are we looking for in terms of rental town homes in the city thank you commissioner know there is not a number specific to rentals that I'm aware of usually it's about residential density regardless of whether it's owner occupied or rental and so there is um a a essentially based on the 2040 comprehensive plan um a a density and a number of residents that is projected that the city um is is intending to meet but it does not clarify whether those are owner occupied or or rental housing units okay chair Schwarz commissioner naog I have a question for planner patner um I don't I didn't see any pictures on especially on the town homes with the private balcony facing 121st can I have an explanation or um a picture of will the private balcony or the area in the back will it be enclosed will it be like what will the the design or look of it be thank you commissioner noblock I believe they would be enclosed and I can have the applicant speak to it on the elevations here it does show a fence about 4 feet up along the rear um it's a little it's showing it's shown transparent showing the the door through that fence so I may have the applicant clarify but I do believe that a 4ot wall or fence is being proposed along the rear of those private patio areas uh planner P followup is that for all of the 35 units correct all right thank you and Mr plasner could you uh point out on the site where the children's play area is yes I can thank you commissioner Schwarz it is and I didn't Circle it and that's my fault I don't know if you can see my mouse here but um on the east side there's the three unit building that's north south oriented um it's one of only two three unit buildings that are north south oriented just to the south of that um kind of in the very very center of the site on the east side of the road is where the children's play area would be and just to the south of that would be the open Rada with the barbecue grills thank you yeah thanks Cher Schwarz commissioner no another question for a planner plater um these are all going to be rental units my concern is the biking path and the parking on 12 21st Street um is has there been any consideration you just need I know there's uh 19 extra parking places for guests but you have one and a half parties and that entire Street will be full so I'm just my concern is the impact of on street parking if these are all going to be uh rental units uh I understand that there's two parking spaces in each unit internally but any function any activity and that I was just is there any consideration to potential impact on parking on the street thank you commissioner noblock the 2.25 parking spaces per unit requirement was designed to take into account something like functions parties um anything any um unusual or uncommon event where um there would be a lot more cars parked on the site than usual um and so the goal with that 2.25 space is would be that even with you know Fourth of July parties Labor Day parties whatever is happening that there would not be a need for parking beyond that 2.5 spaces per unit um and the applicant is showing more than 2.25 spaces per unit um thus staff are are satisfied with the amount of parking on site and and don't think that there will be an issue commission any other questions for Mr platzner all right thank you petitioner anything they would like to add please come to the microphone give you a name and address for the record I'm Mary chesal 11800 Exon Boulevard Rapids so we were here before with a slightly different plan and um as you know interest rates have gone up went to the bank um the real reason is simply that for rents we could get 71,000 but the mortgage payment was going to be 69,000 it was not economically feasible so we looked at a way that we would not impact Wetlands we went to the um Watershed and we haven't impacted any more Wetlands we haven't impacted the water flow by eliminating the family house and adding um a few more town houses and I met with my bank today and we're confident I don't like we but confident that the basis points might go down 75 basis points in the next couple months and we think that this will economically work but other words uh everything the Pao out in front um our use of hot water heat all of those things that we presented to you before are still there we just needed to get more Revenue the city was really helpful we had a meeting and said should we go up three stories yep that's permissible um we could add a few units yes that's permissible but we did not want to um negate the Integrity of the site with all the wonderful wetlands and things like that and so I think we did a pretty good job of adding a few more units with keeping the development pretty much intact to what it was when we were here last time thank you commission any questions for petitioner do you have any material samples and or color samples the um printout that was submitted is basically what we're going to do with the brick and the siding board which probably will look more like stuckle but we cannot use stuckle um um but if we want if you want we certainly can provide samples to the the um the city before they issue the building permits that's an easy task for us all right thank you all right we need a public Hearing in this matter so at this time I'll open a public Hearing in planning case 24-23 a site plan for Tron Reserve Palmer Architects Limited 1354 1221st Avenue anyone here to speak to this public hearing please come to the microphone and give your name and address for the record limit your comments to 3 minutes please my name is John Schmick I'm at 12162 Bluebird Circle across the street from this project uh I commend the developer for fixing the uh setback requirements and removing the single family house it's good improvements there there is a rather significant issue that has not been addressed and that is ordinance 8-1 1216 steep slopes and that ordinance says anything beyond 18% slope cannot be disturbed or removed it's Disturbed or developed there is a section on this PR on this property that uh I don't know if you can see unit 15 in Building G that there is a slope that I've measured at 20 to 22% that goes into the retaining wall the side walk the bathroom and the garage of that unit and under your ordinance that cannot be disturbed now you've changed the the city has changed the Zoning for medium density that now you have to have a minimum three units per structure that wasn't in place when this project was first develop first proposed to you in 2022 but now that it's in place that slope eliminates unit 15 and because that reduces that structure to two units now you've got a problem with allowing the whole structure so it's a pretty straightforward ordinance 8-12 one6 18% slope cannot be disturbed and this is a health and safety issue so I'm not sure you can even give a variance on it now beyond that as you go to the uh private space in front of this structure there's a retaining wall at the corner it's 5 ft now if your private space is beyond the sidewalk and beyond that retaining wall how do you make that functional that little bit of private space that's 5 ft below your retaining wall and slopes down into the Wetland there's a number of reasons why that structure should not be built now the other issue is that this entire project in my opinion is not compatible with the neighborhood in 2022 when it was first proposed I did a survey of townhouse developments in the immediate area and found that the average density per unit of Upland usable land was about 5 five and a quarter what you're proposing here is over nine units per usable land area that is a substantial deviation from the average in this neighborhood even the most dense proper uh developments in this neighborhood are probably six and a half I think there's one at seven and you're substantially higher than that I mean you've got so much stuff crammed into this usable area I don't know if you're aware the driveways on these buildings are only 8 ft long a standard Toyota Corolla is 15 ft you can't even park a car in the driveway this is a really really dense development and so I will open it to questions on the slope ordinance or anything else you want to ask about thank you nothing it's not a question and answer time sir all right anyone else speak public hearing yeah we live on 1401 12th in circle your name too please my name is Terry pic we've lived here 40 years and this is going to be in my backyard all these tow houses we've got deer we've got turkeys we got beautiful trees there's an old Pig fence that the trees grew up in the trees are that big around who are they going to go down now or what's going on I don't want to look at that at my backyard I I don't know I don't know that's about all I got to say but I don't approve of it all right thank you good evening good evening Jean ler 12115 Bluebird Circle across the street from where this this development is going to take place I I'm concerned about our Wildlife our turkeys our geese our deer that goes through that area which isn't going to happen anymore another thing and I'm not a a planner but there's no parking in that area I don't know how wide them streets are but where there's a garage across the street from another garage I think if you put two four-wheel drive she'd be pickups that are 20 20 ft long from one to the other you'd never get through the street now I might be wrong but I'm just looking at the blueprint that I had to look at and it's kind of hard reading them okay and I just think there's not enough parking for 35 units and if they're going to be rented or sold what is it going to be rented now you're not looking at families necessarily I came to the cities 50 years ago three of us four of us moved into a house and you get single people two cars you can go down many streets in Rapids with three bedroomroom homes and how many cars are sitting out in the driveway more than more than what we have there in that development what are they going to do in the snow when you get 60 or 80 Ines of snow in the winter time where are they going to plow the snow I don't know if any of this has been looked at I realize that the the architect is from Phoenix Arizona well they don't have snow there you know but we do here and I don't know if I I am not saying that he didn't think about that but well I wonder if he did and uh fighter there's one one entrance door to the unit I believe if there's a fire downstairs how do they get out of upstairs CL go through the windows the only doors going in and out of the place is the garage door and one entrance door and if the power goes out the garage door don't go up now I realize that you can pull the handle and lift it up but still then I I think it's a bad plan I just do and I I wanted to come up and speak my pece thank you uh Cindy Mills 1408 121st Avenue um the elevation where my kitchen window would look out at this property I would not I'd be looking at roofs you know the steep grade between the top of their everything that's being built no matter how high it is there is a slope that goes down to that piece of property from mine I have two stories I look at my second off my back excuse me off my back balcony to see the woods to see all the wildlife every morning I enjoy it to have this approved and to go through and to be built would be a tragedy it would take away from such beauty that is there it'd be devastating thank you thank you anyone else wish to speak hi I'm Anette cler we live at 1414 120th Lane Northwest we have lived there for 32 years um I also agree with the nature that we have living back there on a daily basis all the animals that everybody has stated they are there um concerns that I have um what about lighting what type of lighting are they thinking of using and how is that going to impact the neighborhood homes around that um the access to 121st if you're going eastbound on 121st you're coming over a hill where's that driveway access planned to be and how is that going to impact the flow on 121st um with the size of the units three bedrooms you know we reach a point where we have four adults they're all going to have be licensed drivers with vehicle where are these vehicles going to go I can tell you almost every home in our neighborhood that now sells there seems to be three to four adults that come in and there are numerous cars in the driveway and or on the street at night I mean it's just I I don't comprehend what what they see in this um if it's going to be rental who's going to be the association owner you know what what information are we going to have to be able to find out how they maintain their properties and is there going to be any uh soil brought in and how is that going to change the elevation in regards to the wetline that we have thank you for listening thank you anyone else wish to speak yeah my name is CL hel I live at 12170 bluebirds Circle and you've probably heard that Circle quite a bit already this evening I moved there about two years ago and one of the main reasons that I purchased my place because I felt it was more of a home type of situation and not that I'm not afraid for people that need a home but that's why I purchased my house in that area and and I just think by putting that in it just going to CH it'll I I don't know but I think it's going to Lo and I don't want to make this my top most of my stuff I agree with everything that's been said but I think it's going to lower my property value because people come in they're going to see all those vehicles coming out that's a 40 m hour Street there and at in the morning when cars are going to be coming out also it's a major there's a lot of bikes that's a major bike route you go there going over to Bunker I think there's going to be a lot more accidents in that area because of that situation and the lighting the burm but uh like I said it's it's it's not something that I think that we should put into that unit because what everybody else has really stated thank you anyone else wish to speak to the public hearing anyone else wish to speak last call we'll close the public hearing limit comments to the commission commission thoughts concerns Mr chair commissioner schoki I guess I'll just um I'll start just by complimenting the applicant in terms of the um you recalling the um original um design application the S plan from 2022 there was a lot of dialogue that took place um during that U that time and um I can see from um the changes that are being proposed here that the applicant took great care um and consideration for those comments the pl ground things like this um were Incorporated in the setback is Incorporated in um so the things that we did address and we asked um you know I think they've done a nice job um responding to that um I I think it's a it's it's a really un nice um you know a nice site plan I think that um this space just from the the renderings um appears that um you know it it would be a compliment to that area especially um you know knowing um this this person's um you know kind of background with other properties in the in this area as well um I think that that it would be a a nice um you know a nice development I don't know enough about I don't I was going to ask about the some of the more specific concerns about the driveway length and just I guess addressing that um that um uh the elevation question things like that I I have to presume that those things are looked at by our engineers and by the designers and so forth so um I'll leave that maybe to have our um um maybe respond to those items but I think the work that's gone into this I I would be in support of it Mr chair Mr gu um I guess does the city have a comment specifically to the section 8-8 and how that gets administered by the city Mr chair Mr buer con count on the lawyer to look at the ordinances right um so I looked up the ordinance reference by the gentleman and he's correct about it not allowing some slope there first of all it doesn't Define slope and or how it should be measured um but we can accept a commonly used definition for that the bigger piece is there's actually an exemption right at the beginning of that chapter that says the chapter doesn't apply if the watershed management District signs off on it within the previous 6 months I'm not the engineer or the Watershed District but I know that's a standard part of our process and in fact U much of what was raised regarding specificity and things like that that's not really site plan sort of detail that's engineering detail and building code detail um we will ensure that every project is up to code both as a rental unit and uh anything that's what we do that's that's kind of our job and then Mr chair if I may continue commiss commissioner G and Mr pater just speaking to the density commentary um so this site is zoned moderate correct and then the site to the north is moderate on Bluebird cir that Bluebird circle is moderate correct and then to the South is moderate correct and to the east is moderate correct across the Wetland there across the W yeah and then the only the only low density is to the West there cor okay thank you uh and then I had one question for the applicant if they would um at the previous he you had spoken to the amenities within the site as far as the construction of the sustainability Focus um there's many things in our packet as well citing sustainability items I was wondering if you would mind talking about the amenities that are going into those um that are making these a little higher end um or a little more uh modern Town Home Designs yeah one of the things we're trying to do is really to take a look at how to conserve energy and how to conserve um people's utility bills and so we're looking at um our garages are actually heated within the walls um so that we can have this heat pump um which saves a lot of water also in terms of the walls and the sidings and the insulation so everything we've done is really to try to make these very energy efficient um I do think that we have a lot of land I I'm addressing another issue now um we have a number of rental units in this city and I think if you were to drive by them you will see that Sand Creek and Caroline and unity are really kept up really well and we have a lot of space around them and so while these units are in a a space all that Wetland where yes I agree we have deer who walk through the Chamilia Rose property all the time we have um a fox we have wild turkeys like dozens of wild turkeys so we're always about saving the land we bought conservation land across the creek um so I hear people's concern but in terms of this is probably walking distance really from our campus we've done a I think we've done a really a good job of having open land for animals to continue for people to walk walking paths are along all of our properties um we're actually the first ones to have the path and so I'm very proud of that um so the whole idea was how do you do an energy conservation that takes in the environment takes in the the wildlife that's there um we do not do construction to sell that's just not the business we're in so if the city was to say these are only for sale we would walk away we're basically a rental we take care of people they're a part of our community so I'd like to defend the rental business because I think you can have a really good rental site you can take good care of it they can be a community as much as a owner occupied I think it's the way you manage the way you treat people thank you so uh I have a couple of questions for you as well uh is there a dimension on the size of the garages how deep are they um there's a picture back up to the microphone please yeah there's there's a back to the microphone please sor there is a site plan in the packet which would then give the the fact that two cars fit in there and it would give the dimension of the garage I don't see anything you know I don't see anything that has um measurements for Dimensions uh you're right uh no but I can find that out if you would like we can make a call and find it out right now and then a second question question is what is the length of the driveway from outside of the garage to the roadway okay make that call last time we had uh our architect visually on call but the system doesn't uh allow that or it doesn't work that way so we'll give him a quick call and get those Dimensions thank you and question for for staff uh possibly Mr buone is there anything in the ordinance and requires a particular length or depth for a driveway to allow a vehicle to be parked outside of the garage I can appreciate the question Mr chair and I love that you thought I would know that they're a better bet than I am though thank you Cher Schwarz um these driveways would not be for parking um essentially the um whether there's a a required length I believe it is um 20 ft um it it is something that I would have to look up and I don't know off the top of my head um but the the driveways were not counted by staff as as parking areas um and the um if if the Planning Commission should choose to add that condition it could be um something that the applicant would add into leases that the driveways um are no parking areas essentially they're only to access the garages and not to park vehicles in um and that's something that the owner of the property would be able to enforce so there's nothing in our ordinance requiring parking space available in a driveway there's nothing in the ordinance requiring that that the driveway accessing the garage be space that is also somewhere that you could park your vehicle correct Mr chair commissioner gisler uh Mr patzer so typically we would you we would see that because the a developers are trying to use the driveway to meet the parking minimums but in this case this application has met the parking minimums without driveway parking is that essentially why we're not seeing it commissioner guys that is correct okay so but but to the to the extent that uh I know You' stated it but I want to be clear this does meet the the parking minimums as written in code right now that is correct thank you Mr chair commissioner hia I'm wondering is uh 24hour parking allowed on the 121st M no would wouldn't be in the winter time huh' be no parking in the winter time no but I mean other time the garage itself is about 16 ft by 22 ft 22 ft and the space outside the garage is 16 by1 so the 16 is the width so it's 10 ft from the door to the to the roadway yeah mhm so you wouldn't be able to fit even a smart car into that no I think uh we weren't planning to use the garages space outside of it as parking to meet our our you know our the ratio that the city wants we wanted parking spaces to meet that ratio because other words it's just like one of the things we looked at was even um I called the city and asked about these double garages you know where you park in front of each other they're getting much more popular now but it means the that you have to be moving cars all the time so our parking ratio meant that we had parking spaces not counting the the the space behind the garage the garage should be for those two cars and we shouldn't be counting the spaces behind the garage is my feeling that's why we have the additional spaces and I think we're a little bit overcode but but I mean I agree with people are making comments there's there's homes with like six S8 cars um but our job is to to meet code is to meet city code Mr chair commissioner Smokey Mr buone is it something we can add another another provision that would request um the applicant to make those no parking spaces is that something we can do or I I know that's why I asked the question do we allow them to just go ahead and enforce as needed is I and I'm trying to just answer both the Public's questions and sorry Mr chair and M commissioner Smoky are you talking about the driveway the driveway area yeah exactly I hate to be the lawyer but may maybe I don't know for certain um it would be have to be something that they' put into the lease with their their tenants and is it something we add again just to respond you the answer can be not don't recommend it I'm okay with that but is it um is it something we can say we'll consider a No Parking you know CL in the lease agreements or something like that just to acknowledge addressing that it seems to be a concern so that that due to because the parking spaces available comply right with the requirements right a consideration though for making those nonp parking spaces is that something we can do I am comfortable with a condition if the commission were so inclined that says require tenants to only Park in designated parking areas when we start getting to specific spots and telling them where that's not something I'm comfortable with this body doing I like that thank you Mr chair commissioner guer Mr brone as far as we have a a handful of puds that also have private drives in other spaces do we do parking enforcement on those any anywhere else in the city or are we or is that up to whoever owns that private Drive Mr chair may I have 10 seconds here yes sir Mr chair and commission as I understand it this development street is a a private street so uh they would control the parking within the site they would not control however anything on a public road nearby uh so the winter parking ban that we all know about uh and I deal within my other role quite frequently that would apply here uh but onsite that's under their control so the entirety of the parking and the private drives and all that is up to the property owner to maintain for fire access emergency access anything else through that site yes and in fact I'd say it's their obligation and quite often often when rental properties come up for Renewal we reexamine uh the parking requirements and the minimums to make sure they're Meeting those so that would in that case that would be no different than a private drive in any other apartment that we're doing elsewhere where they would be managing it themselves already yeah look at it more as I look at the parking situation much like the uh uh a a multi-tenant building that's that's the way you should really look at the parking here there's minimums they have to meet them and we will make sure they're doing that and they're not making a giant mess thank you commission any other questions comments do we have anything such as uh bike racks sure yeah I think it's somewhere located to the microphone please Mr chair around the circle there's some bike racks indicated by that building uh between the building and the and the circle to the South um it's on the really zoomed in they're very small yeah yep Southeast there there there's one indic some indicated there thank you Mr chair commissioner schoki um I don't eventually before we go to make a motion I'm just going to ask if Mr pner could put the um the yeah the conditions back up on the monitor so we could review those again appreciate it thank you Mr chair commissioner gon Mr pater the item five up there meets your requirements or desire for the three-foot burm correct thank you and Mr pleas number six a what is thank you Mr chair that's a typo that should say all thank you thanks Mr chair I'll make a I'm ready to make a motion commissioner schi uh in planning case 24-23 I'll make a motion to to approve the proposed site plan with the following conditions which I'll State because of some of the um the changes so all engineering comments be addressed all sustain sustainability comments be considered the applicant enter into a site security agreement with the city park dedication in the amount of $ 49,3 which is equivalent to 14 excuse me $1,410 times 35 Town town home units be paid prior to issuance of building permit final Landscaping must meet requirements detailed in city of Rapids Landscaping uh standard document per city code section 11- 6042 um 11 um all parking areas on site to be lit to one foot candle all signage is subject to separate sign permits compliance with Title 11 of city code and an additional um condition um that tenants will be required to park in designated spaces second motion by schoki second by gisler any further discussion Mr chair commissioner agree with uh commissioner schy I compliment the petitioner for coming back and reworking and and doing the due diligence that I think I think it shows and I think it's a good plan and and I would vote to approve it all right before we take the vote I just want to thank everyone that came to the meeting here tonight and got up and spoke gave us your thoughts you need to understand that all property in Rapids is owned by someone and is available to them to be developed it's nice to have it as Wildlife property but at some time your property was wild and controlled or inhabited by numerous animals the city looks at all the requirements such as the slope issue and is handled by the engineering department prior to the building permits being issued and I again just want to thank everyone for coming and speaking tonight thank you with that we have the motion in second any further discussion hearing none all in favor I I I opposed and the motion carries this is a decision by the Planning Commission and can be appealed to the city council within 10 business days if someone so chooses otherwise thank you and good luck thank you uh you have to talk with staff after the meeting all right our next case is planning case 24-24 conditional use permit for Alloy wheel repair at 2423 Rapids Boulevard Northwest JK Beetle Holdings LLC Mr baring thank you Mr chair commissioner members have today before you a um request for a conditional use permit so this is at the um Building located at 232 2423 excuse me Co Rapids Boulevard um approximately 1.09 acre lot um we're looking at just the northern unit of the existing building just under 10,000 square ft um formerly the home of a dance studio um now vacant um but has been purchased by the applicant um and Anytime Fitness is just to the south of this unit and shares a wall with the um unit in question Zoning for the site um we we are in the The General commercial and River Rapids overlay District um surrounded here by high and low density residential as well as office and jenal Commercial and our comp plan guides this property for commercial mixed use so what's being proposed is a cup for a new automobile repair major business the building um would include spaces for storage staging production offices and um a room the the site currently has 26 existing parking spaces and that meets our code and all business activities would be contained within the building so some more specifics here about the business operations um alloy wheel repair cleans straightens welds paints powder coats polishes and and polishes damaged Wheels they have nine employees um can expect 25 to 50 customers per week um they operate Monday through Friday 8: AM to 6: PM have two delivery vans that um come and go throughout the day um on average they're they're processing and and repairing about 150 Wheels per week and there is a um difference in in Powder Coating vers versus painting a large majority of these wheels are powder coated and for those who aren't familiar um powder coating uses um static charge to attract the the material to the object object um so it's quite different than than spray painting um they on an average week powder coat 100 to 120 Wheels versus spray painting um just 30 to 50 Wheels per week and a little more about the spray painting um they said that they use about 1 oce of of paint per wheel I put this in comparison to um painting an entire car that would require 1.5 gallons so um way less paint is needed here and far fewer numbers of wheels are are spray painted um they also made note in the application that no clear um liquid clear coats are are used which can often be a lot more hazardous than than spray paint so staff found um no no evidence that the business would would uh cause harm to the public health safety or general welfare um the business won't be hazardous to surrounding land uses um wheels are the only Auto part that will be repaired so so we won't see any any crashed or disabled long-term storage of vehicles on site um any vehicles that require Wheels to be removed will be done inside of the building um their machines and um the equipment that they use is all self-contained units that use um highly Advanced filtering systems um that eliminate exhaust of particulates and fume so we won't have any um paint smell outside of the building nor will we have um much noise little to no noise heard outside of the building um during operations and finally um they use a eco-friendly product called uh green solve and this is used to clean the wheels um it's a product that's that's safe to go down the drain and and be processed by water treatment plants so with that staff is is recommending approval of this conditional use permit um with these these following conditions and I I will read through these they are all very specific to this use um one the business will only work on Wheels and not expand to other automobile parts or um evolve into a body shop that provides General Repair rebuilding or conditioning of engines Motor Vehicles or trailers including Bodywork framework and major painting service number two no paint smells detected in the attached unit which is currently Anytime Fitness or outside of the building number three little to know noise is heard in the attached unit which is currently Anytime Fitness or outside of the building number four all business operations including storage are to be contained within the building number five this cup is specifically tied to the 2423 unit of the existing building on the subject property if the wheel repair business wishes to expand into the other units of the building or if the building is expanded demolished or rebuilt an amendment to this c will be required number six all signage is subject to separate sign permits number seven compliance with Title 11 of the city code and finally number eight to ensure the condition use is not detrimental to public health safety and general welfare um the use shall meet all applicable building and fire codes to ensure criteria is met for the building inspection division to issue a certificate of occupancy and um a correction from our agenda this is a a public hearing item and that's all I have for you thank you Mr bearinger commission any questions for Mr barer Mr chair commissioner gisler just a minor clarification if if building's demolished doesn't the cup go away because the building isn't there or does it stay with the property um commissioner the the cup does run with the land okay so um yes okay thank you Mr Binger I have a question in the report that we received M uh one sentence caught my eye any vehicle that requires the wheels to be taken off would be done inside the building but I don't see any doors that would allow for vehicles to be pulled inside the building you're talking about like a a garage door some kind to to allow for that um may I ask the applicant to to address that question for me there's could you come up turn yes yeah uh my name is Jason with Allway wheel repair specialist um currently we're at uh 1025 Tomlin Avenue in Shore View um yeah there is there's one garage door in the building currently could you point out on the uh it's right there I don't know how to yep so so the applicant here is is pointing to the the entrance in the would be the northeast corner of the building at the top of the the site there West West Northwest Northwest excuse me thank you all right commission any other questions for Mr Binger at this time all right anything the petitioner would like to add uh we just uh you know we're um obviously we're moving uh we we currently are in Shore View right now we've outgrown the space we have in Shor view um we're you know really excited about moving into Rapids uh we have the ability to uh spread out a little bit more in the in in the building so um you know we're just really excited to to hopefully be a part of Rapids so thank you Mr chair Mr G question for the applicant there um so typically with welding there's usually a little bit of clean up grinding or polishing at times it where will that be happening in here you kind of it looks like you've got your powder finishing towards the share wall it whereabouts would you be doing any of that so in the plan so the prep room there's a bunch of downdraft uh benches that are meant for grinding and sanding and stuff so they would all be brought over there to to do any clean up okay and do you believe that that separation is enough to keep the noise down from the adjacent property yeah okay thank you Mr chair commissioner H uh excuse my ignorance with this uh but can you this is a service that I've I'm not familiar with at all is this like high-end vehicles or special I mean yeah we're kind of we're kind of a rare breed right they're not a lot of us around um it's we fix all wheels on all vehicles you know whether it's a Chevy or a Rolls-Royce um you know so it's it today if you look at the cost of replacement Wheels we're talking about like a factory wheel on a vehicle the average price nowadays is $750 to replace a wheel if you were to buy it from the dealership uh we a lot of times are fixing wheels for customers for under $200 a piece so um a lot of people are happy to walk through our door when they don't have to spend $700 to replace the wheel so sure okay thanks MH any other questions at this time all right we may have more later yes sir thank you all right we need a public Hearing in this matter so at this time I will open a public Hearing in planning case 24-24 a conditional use permit for Alloy wheel repair at 2423 Rapids Boulevard Northwest JK Beetle Holdings LLC anyone wish to speak to this public hearing anyone wish to speak see none close public hearing limit comments to the commission Mr chair commissioner G uh I'll make a motion that in planning case 24-24 we approve the conditional use permit for a new automotive repair business with the listed conditions in our packet second motion by Geisler second by no any further discussion hearing none all in favor I I opposed and the motion carries this is a decision by the Planning Commission and can be appealed to the city council within 10 business days if someone so chooses otherwise good luck thank you welcome thank you okay moving on to other business Mr plater thank you Mr chair Commissioners I'll just briefly go over what we have on the agenda for the September meeting I don't want to get anyone too excited but we may end up not having a meeting in September because we we don't currently have any applications in however there is a housekeeping item that does need to be done soon that City that would be a city initiated item which would be a uh comprehensive plan Amendment um to reduce the floor of the low density residential land use as ation from 3 to 2.25 and the purpose for this would be um that there are are some constrained infill Lots some infill Lots in the city that have not been developed that are zoned low density residential and guided low density residential um that would be essentially impossible to um develop at three units um because of some difficulties on the Lots such as Wetlands the shape of the lot Etc the Met Council would not um issue sewer permits for any new development that is below the floor of our low density residential land use designation we do have space um in the um overall density of the city to reduce that floor and still meet the density required of us by the Met Council and so we would be able to reduce it to 2.25 and still meet that density requirement and this would open up several smaller Lots in the city for um development that uh that otherwise would just be undevelopable and this is something that would need to go through the Planning Commission first and have a public hearing this may be something that we bring forward in September in which case it would be the only item it's May it may be something that we would bring forward in October in which case if there are no applications outside of the city application it may also be the only item so it depends on a couple of external factors whether this ends up being brought forward in September or October um but I will hopefully find out next week and be able to let you guys know whether or not the meeting in September is planned to be canceled um other than that we have no external applications for the September meeting so that's all I have for you thanks thank you commission have any anything under other business Mr chair commission Mr P have you seen that uh the Imagine 25 Regional development guide is now open for public comment from the Met Council commissioner gisler I have not seen this you be able to tell us about it uh for for what it's worth uh met Council imagine 2050 is the next comprehensive plan it is currently open for public comment you can search that online and find it at your leisure you can sign up and provide public comment uh it's open for everyone uh that covers everything from land use and housing but as well as Transportation water and parks and wreck so uh there's lots of areas to go in but it is open for public comment so please take a look thank you approve to Mr platner I would like to reiterate my request estest to strongly recommend that petitioners have material and color samples I'll when they bring in their site plans all right thank you we've gotten away from that and it's makes it really difficult for us to know what we're approving Mr chair commission schi do we know what other communities are doing do they require or get lot of samples um at the Planning Commission meetings um commissioner schoki I can only speak to other communities that I've worked for been to um meetings for and it's it's a mixed bag I think some communities um require it of their applicants and some don't and there are some applicants that will bring them to any community that they're applying in regardless of whether it's required um so I think you see both um but I I'm not able to speak on whether it's more common or less common because I just don't know the general trend this is definitely something that staff will um request of of applicants going forward and and make sure that they know that that's something that the Planning Commission will be expecting thank you okay Mr hi move to Journey second motion by hiel is second by nabl all in favor hi hi meeting's adjourned [Music]