[Music] [Music] recording in progress good evening members of the board we have no chair or vice chair tonight so it would be it's up to you all to decide who you would like to chair this meeting uh the the actual chair is left open for whoever you will decide to to uh can I move you may move I move Mr thank you you're welcome there you go we have a second for that the second can can can we discuss is anybody wanting to defer this I mean I respect their input a great deal on both of these board members and they've been through the first two hearings already with us that I'm just throwing that out I mean they well emotion and the reason we're having this third hearing is because both of them had questions to be brought back here a mo a motion to defer is always in order if that's what you choose to do I know but I don't want to I don't know I I'd like to know from the our our planning head whether there's an urgency to have this item addressed by the commission no so the board prefers to wait until we have more members to continue discussion I I don't think there's any pressing need to um have it now and have you defer it I mean it's up to you the board prefers to I I would agree for one reason that it's not one members two members that are missing and I I think chip is right I'll move to defer sir which I think takes president over may I make a suggestion before you do that there are certain members in the community that came tonight and signed in I don't know if there's obviously an objection from them to defer or they're or they're not well let's put it this way it's up to the board and since we don't have a chair I don't have a chair to address whether you wish to hear from the members have signed in and plan to speak tonight if all only on the issue of deferral so I I would love to have our temporary chairman chair the next meeting as well so I'll certainly throw that in the Hat if we have that's part of the [Laughter] motion so before we do the deferral may I suggest we first appoint a chair and then then you can go we want to do it coach so let's let's do it that I'll hold back on my motion then sir so we have a motion in a second uh all those in favor are there any other nominations for chair tonight hearing we have a motion and a second we can do it as a Voice vote all those in favor hi hi any opposed hearing none you now have the chair literally and figuratively you're supposed to sit there I would dust that off first yeah you know where to been oh my goodness do we have to uh before we entertain any motions I ask the uh City uh attorney if uh we need to open the Mee we should call the role call the role open the meeting go through the regular order of business yes okay there's a little script that has to do with uh opening of a meeting and all the uh well legal where wise and where ofs me I don't have memorized I'm going to rethink this appointment wait but let me let me just say this about the script because this is an unusual meeting in that the only item on your agenda happens to be a legislative item so issues with regard to swearing Witnesses don't apply because it's not a quasi judicial meaning it also uh doesn't apply to the issue of exporte communications because in a legislative Arena it's okay to have uh people come to you on a legislative it item as long as they don't talk to you about a quasi judicial item so most of the remarks that have been would have been made tonight don't uh apply because we're not going to be swearing in Witnesses you're not going to be asking if you've had any uh um Communications and of course there is no site per se for this particular so you're good in not having those legal things that are typically r at the beginning of meeting well thank thank you for that clarification uh having said that uh I'd like to call the meeting to order and could you please take a role yes Robert bear has requested to be excused Julio Gabrielle here Su Kinski here Felix Paro here Javier Salman here chip Withers here AB Asad also requested to be excused all right the first order of business is the uh minutes of the last meeting do I have a motion to approve Joe mve we have a motion and a second second uh Joe would you call the roow please Julio Gabriel yes Su valinski yes Felix parto yes chip Withers yes and I believe Mr Withers had a motion he wanted to make with regards to the legislative item before this board today yes but and and just a question is if we would it be out of order if we listen to who was here that made the trip speak it it would not be out of order I think I need to read the item in though first okay so we can do that so if if if the board is willing to postpone it or table it whatever that but still allow whoever's here to speak since they've already come I'm I'm certainly in favor of that and of course a transcript would be available to anyone that wasn't here so they could uh he their testimony that's fair more than fair so the motion is to well right now we I think what I should do is read you want to read the item into the record yes okay okay so there's only one item on the agenda tonight it's item E1 in ordinance of the city Commission of Coral Gables Florida providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables official zoning code Article 5 architecture section 5-2 0 Mediterranean standards article 3 uses section 3-42 restrictions related to location and article 16 definitions to enhance the quality of caral Gable's Mediterranean Design By requiring a conceptual design review removing duplicative criteria relocating inapplicable standards supplementing existing criteria and including additional Mediterranean bu building examples providing for several ability repealer codification and for an effective date item E1 public hearing so uh we have an active motion made by Mr Withers to defer with uh um the concession to allow anybody who came to go ahead and address those board and record the suggest that we should hear and then entertain the motion at that time after the people that'll be fine so we we're not going to do the presentation or are we going to do the presentation don't have to do the presentation if you don't wish to I'm just thinking I'm I'm personally thinking that that when we have the rest of the board here they can all hear it at the same time of course they can always read it from well you're accommodating these people you don't necessarily have to accommodate them fully you don't want to have the the presentation of the uh staff tonight you can certainly wait until uh that time Mr chair can I make a suggestion that you open it up just for the public com comment to accommodate the people that that are here and and therefore uh we have the previous minutes from the last time and then when when the other members are here at the next meeting we could pick up and we've already heard their their comments instead of a a full presentation well that's what exactly I was thinking is to is to you know thank you very much for being here and for having the presentation ready for us uh but we rather I think we'd rather as a board have be more complete to hear it all at once but yet still go ahead and entertain so I'm going to go ahead and open it to a public hearing can I make one comment com Mr chair please go ahead um perhaps they wanted to comment on the presentation which they have not heard I mean they have not heard the presentation so maybe we should ask them if they would prefer to hear it and if they prefer to hear it ask them if they would like to come back next month if not then I mean I think that would be the choice you can come back next month and comment at that point after you've heard the presentation because you don't know what she's going to say right well we need to we need to have you because there's a court reporter present we need you to come up to the mic if you've signed in have have why both both of you yeah you're you're the only two here commenting I think come on up why don't you state your name and address for the record pleas my name is Maria Christina Longo and I live at 16 ficia Avenue I obviously would have loved to have the presentation today and speak to you all today because I prepared and I work a lot of hours and I never know this is always a little bit of a sacrifice just like it's for you but if um there's no presentation and background from Jennifer and then there's only five of you I will come back gladly because it will be more I think it will be more it will be worthwhile for me to do it that way okay okay fair and zulie good evening my name is zulie Paro I reside at 49 campign at court I agree with uh Miss Longo uh we have two members that are not here if we're not going to have a presentation I'd rather speak when everybody's here and we've looked at the presentation so if it's all right with you I will also come back well the purpose was to listen to your desires and try to accommodate them my only concern with that is that I I would like to have everybody present and hear your dis you know and after after speaking here your discussions and so forth I think that's really important and to see the presentation Fair your thoughts so it's it's it's just a matter of deferring then I guess on Chip's motion to defer we still have one more speaker sorry we do Mr B would you like to start I think we should have the chair their well I came today to speak for it um because I believe it in in the whole process that it's gone through with the people that have been involved with it and I think it's it's going to improve what the intent can we get your name and address for the rec Rafael Port one from P Architects so I'm willing to defer uh and you know have the full board um but I'm for the for the Mediterranean bonus excuse me we also have someone on Zoom that would like to speak on this all right can we uh link them in Mr Fidel can you please open your mic [Music] again because this is not quasi judicial we don't need to space and we don't need to SAR me yes can you hear yes yeah I I saw something on the agenda the other day um about um eliminating this Mediterranean bonus I think it's not a good idea but apparently it's not going to be discussed because of a lack of sufficient members on the board today can we get your name and address for the record please my name is Joseph Fidel I live at 905 soroy Avenue Coral Gables 33134 Mr Fidel um the we are uh currently discussing a motion to defer and uh we would like your comments please with regards to that particular motion my comments are all in favor of uh revising the Mediterranean bonus so that it in fact is a Mediterranean Revival style bonus um just a very that's a very short way of putting answering your question and the question was whether or not we defer it today we were planning to vote on it and we're opening at the comment and we've decided not to have a presentation I don't know when you join so I'm just filling you in a little so okay fine I'm in favor of deferring it perfect thank you very much okay I'd like to close the public comments seeing is there anybody there on the phone no one else has indicated okay very good Jo can you take uh do we have we have a motion do we have a second okay we have a second with regard to the motion are we deferring it to uh the I don't know if we are we having an August meeting or are we not having an August we have a here next pzb meeting is August 14th August 14th okay so so we are deferring just for anybody that's listening I don't know are you going to be Reen noticing it or you are going to Ren notice it okay but everyone should know it's August 14th is when this will be heard same time same place same station the only agenda item so I know of yes all right we have a first and a second Joe would you please call the role I'm sorry who's the second Mr parto Mr parto okay uh yes soinski yes Felix Paro yes chip Withers yes willio Gabriel yes have yes all right seeing no further items on the agenda agenda I would like to hear a motion to adjourn Mr has moved it second M kki has second Jill would you please call a roll Felix Paro yeah chip withs y Julio Gabel yes Kinski yes Salman yes and so ends the shortest chairmanship on this board the chair a