e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] testing all right perfect reporting in progress let's go ahead and uh get started please um for everybody that's uh watching uh for their for this meeting uh just want to let everybody know that the local channel 77 is down and that the simoc cast is only on YouTube and Via Zoom at this time once again Channel 77 which is a local channel is down and if you want to watch the meeting it would be on YouTube or Zoom thank you um I'd like to go ahead and call the meeting order I'd like to ask everybody to please silence all phones beepers uh if they still have't and so forth uh good evening this board is comprised of seven members four members of the board shall constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of four members shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion if only four members of the board are present an applicant May request and be entitled to a continuance to next regularly scheduled meeting of the board if a matter is continued due to a lack of Quorum the chairperson or Secretary of the board May set a special meeting to consider such matter in the event that four votes are not obtained an applicant except in the case of a comprehensive plan Amendment May request a continuance or allow the application to proceed to the city commission without a recommendation pursuant to resolution number 2021 d118 the City of Coral Gables has returned to traditional inperson meetings however the planning is zoning board has established the ability for public to provide comments virtually for those members of the public who are appearing on zoom and wish to testify you must be visible to the court reporter to be sworn in otherwise if you speak without being sworn in your comments may not have EV evidentiary value lobbyist registration and disclosure any person who acts as a lobbyist must register with the city clerk as required pursuant to the city code as chair I now officially call the city of Cal Gable's Planning and Zoning meeting of June 12 2024 to order the time is 6:02 Jill if you please call the role Robert bear here Julio Gabriel here zalinski here Felix Paro here here J Withers here AB Eisen here um notice regarding expart Communications please be advised that this board is a quazi Judicial board that requires board members to disclose all expart communication and site visits an expar communication is defined as any contact communication conversation correspondence memorandum or other written or verbal communication that takes place outside a public hearing between a member of the public and a member of a quide Judicial board regarding matters to be heard by the board if anyone made any contact with a board member regarding an issue before the board the board member must State on the record the existence of the expar communic ation and the party who originated the communication also if a board member conducted a site visit specifically related to the case before the board the board member must also disclose such visit in either case the board member must State on the record whether the expart communication and or site visit will affect the board member's ability to impartially consider the evidence to be presented regarding the matter the board member should also state that his or her decision will be based on substantial competent evidence and testimony presented on the record today does any member of the board have such communication and or site visit to disclose at this time yes I do yes I yes sir um I was contacted via phone by u a resident I think your mic is not I was contacted uh via phone by a resident um uh because she is out of town and uh was concerned whether um she had received the right notice or not and then and then I I told them to please contact the planning board which uh she did thank you and that was uh today perfect thank you you're welcome swearing in everyone who speaks this evening must complete the the roster on at the podium we ask that you print clearly so the official records of your name and address will be correct now with the exception of attorneys all persons physically in the city commission Chambers who will speak on agenda items before us this evening please rise to be sworn in thank you zoom platform participants I will ask any person wishing to speak on tonight's agenda item to please open their chat and send a direct message to Jill Menendez stating you would like to speak before the board and include your full name Jill will call you when it's your turn I ask you to be concise for the interest of Time phone platform participants after Zoom platform participants are done I will ask phone phone participants to comment on tonight's agenda item I also ask you to be concise for the interest of time first we have the approval of the minutes which would be May 8th 2024 is there a motion motion to appr Second sorry ahead Felix you have a motion to move the second okay second any comments no call the rooll please Gabriel yes zalinski yes fix Paro yes jaier Salon yes jip Withers yes Robert Bear yes AB in St yes the procedure we'll use tonight first we'll have the identification of agenda item by by The Madam City attorney then we'll have the presentation by the applicant or the agent followed by the presentation by staff we'll go ahead and open it for public comment first in chamber followed by zoom and then the phone line platform we'll go ahead and then close a public comment have board discussion and a motion and further discussion if needed and a second motion then we'll have board's final comments and a vote Mr bear you ready yes okay Mr chair I uh I want to recuse myself for item um I guess it's one and two E1 one and E2 um for the reasons that the developer of this project is a client of mine so I want no uh not to have a conflict with that item in addition even though it's been clear before my son is one of the attorneys on the project as well so in an abundant of conscience I want to recuse myself for for those item E1 and E2 okay but you're recusing yourself not because your son is no no I'm recusing myself because this to me is my client um I I know that I spoke to a City attorney and she's in abundant you know mention it but that's something that already did with our previous City attorney it was clear it was not issue but just in case I want to make sure it's transparency that there's you know thank you and you'll be here for the other items I yeah if you make it quick okay Mr chairman yes sir uh before Robert leaves uh the deferral of Riviera Country Club should we U recognize that they've been deferred for the public we did not on this one but there is no it's I received the letter there that was yes that was an attachment to the minutes right because it was presented that day at the last planning and zoning board meeting therefore it was part of the minutes okay it was the applicant requesting that the um item be deferred I thought they had asked for another deferral that's why the attachment okay got it okay yes CH do we want to just go to the Mediterranean bonus so Robert can stay then leave afterwards or that's a that's a great idea I don't know I'm just if everybody if everybody's okay with that I'll go ahead and move it is that okay with the board I'm fine sounds great thank you madam City attorney okay so we be we will begin with E3 E3 is an ordinance of the city Commission of Coral Gables Florida providing for text amendments to the city C Gables official zoning code Article 5 architecture section 5-200 Mediterranean standards article 3 uses section 3-42 restrictions related to location and article 16 definitions to enhance the quality of coral Gable's Mediterranean Design By requiring a conceptual design review removing duplicative criteria relocating and applicable standards supplementing existing criteria including additional Mediterranean building examples providing first cability repeater codification and for an effective date we have our planning official who will present good evening Jer Cent official if I could have the PowerPoint please so we discussed at the last meeting um there haven't been a lot of updates but there's been a few so I want to go through this um just so you feel comfortable um and what's you're looking at today so remember we had discussion and feedback uh with B of architech several times the city commission um as well as with the planning zoning board um and how now we are St on the actual adoption process which starts with Planning and Zoning recommendation and then City commission for two readings so the the intent and the purpose um is being altered a little bit to strengthen um the purpose of the med tranan bonus um just as a reminder there's there are redundant criteria in our zoning code that was copied during the zoning code update from the med bonus criteria to the underlying zoning so that's being strucken through um there's relocation of some certain criteria from the med bonus to more appropriate section our zoning code as part of this as well um and then incorporating a lot of the provisions of the AR arure standards from the Mediterranean Village uh architectural standards which created the plaza um into this um into this proposed uh changes um expanding the list of architectural precedents is also part of this and the new thing is actually including character defining features of Mediterranean Design and I'll get to that in a second so again this these are pages from uh the this noise is quite loud we we're contacting facilities so we can address it right now um so these are pages from our zoning code update um highlight our sections that were pasted from copied and pasted from the current standards of our Mediterranean bonus into the underlying zoning districts and other parts of the zoning code AS landscape um parking and such and then this is um what you're seeing to right now on the screens is um copies um screenshots of the proposed uh changes to the med bonus and how some of these more um maybe not architectural Rel ated uh criteria is moving to more appropriate parts of the code and then these are just uh pages from the Mediterranean Village U pad uh architecture standards and how some of these ideas and and standards are being incorporated into what's proposed today for standards for U mentoring and architecture uh bonus and then these are current uh precedents architecture example buildings basically um we talked about last time about removing San Sebastian Apartments and since then we've had feedback from the public to also remove Granada shops just because we don't have a lot of of good drawings and elevations and plans and really any permit drawings um from Granada shop so it's been proposed to actually eliminate that as an example for um Architects to follow when they're um proposing new buildings we talked about last time um incorporating some new buildings these six buildings are done by what we call founding Architects you'll recognize names like George Fink um J Weaver um phus paste these are our founding Architects that create a lot of these good buildings and and Coral Gables so we've found some of those examples here in South Florida and incorporating that as examples uh for Architects to follow and then what's new are these three new buildings done by Martin Hampton the anela hotel which was um demolished unfortunately um up in North ponds area uh Flora Garden Apartments building which is in Hollywood and the Spanish apartment which is also called The Villa De own um and Tampa um these were local examples we talked about last time that weren't done by our more common architects of 1920s but they're still good examples um for for precedents as well as um some other examples outside of of our city Santa Barbara City Hall and and the Vanetta hotel in Palm Beach and then what's new um this guy was a good example that came up there you are that came up at last meeting yeah you do a little switch I see that um as well as Everglades uh club in Palm Beach uh Palm Beach Town Hall and also General Life Garden which is in Granada Spain were other examples that came up we went through these additional examples we got from the public through Board of Architects and they agree that having these examples would be helpful for architects in the future to to follow during their uh building uh development phase um what's also new is what's called character defined features so um I know this is like very small and hard to read but I'll quickly go through them um so asymmetry projecting and recessed base um articulation um different textures in the facade um ornate entrances Towers uh varied roof types A lot of these features that you see in those precedent buildings are basically being uh kind of dissected and put line by line and so the tent here is that an architect that's not familiar with met tranan architecture who is going to do a met tranan building and Coral Gables will be able to highlight different um character defining features of the proposed building by using this as kind of a start um so the prerequisites uh table has not changed there's been some re reorganization um but hasn't changed the last time we went through it during the last meeting discussion um and again you'd have to fulfill the AR precedence the building examples as well as that prerequisites um table that I just showed you right here and that basically allows you to enter in the med bonus uh criteria to be able to apply for Med bonus the actual get Med bonus you have to get fulfill level one and level two level one again hasn't changed since we spoke about last uh meeting for discussion um and if you're a multif family building it fulfills six of 12 of all these requirements and if you're a mixed use building fulfill eight of the 12 that's standard that's already in our code right now it's not really changing so once you fulfill those requirements of the level one then you are maybe granted by Bo of Architects that additional store additional Med bonus and then level two um hasn't changed that we talked about last meeting as well and that would Grant you the top um highest um level of Med bonus which would be the second level or third level depending what your highrise or high density so again you have to you have to um comply with ar precedence the prerequisites compliance as far the first table we went through um table one U Med bonus and table two Med bonus to be able to fulfill the whole um met bonus requirement that's that's it can you I have a question Mr CH yes can you go back to the bonus level one table this one yeah mhm in order to get the level one if you do Residential you have to get six of 12 yes it's not changing okay but I I see that you're scratching out a lot of those how am I getting the proposed is on the right so vertical hierarchy for example M do we have a more defined way to get there or is that you know because that's to me sounds arbitrary I think that was part of the discussion we had as far as being arit it's not specific you know it's not like well who's who's who's going to say argue yes or no I mean to me and I see the changes but that particular is one that how do we are more defined solution so did you read the language that goes with the vertical hierarchy number three we can go over it I think it's it's here um chairman yes sir yes I I'd like to add something I I understand what Robert is talking about which is U at this particular point at this particular point you you're looking at words but the example the specific example of those elements that have to be added to be able to qualify are not there they're expressed in words that are too loose and not tight enough and the other thing is that um you know we've struggled with this this is supposed to be able able to enhance a specific style the examples are wonderful now they're all over the State of Florida all over the country but the specific elements are not uh qualified in any way shape or form and I think that's what you're you're concerned with and rightfully so and out out of them all of them that was the one that caught my attention how do we how do we determine what is compliance and from from that wording and and the thing is it's it's it it is a um it's a toolbox for the designer but it's also a toolbox you know that the board of Architects understands because if not you know Robert's going to be hitting his head against uh you know the the table there uh every time he comes in because the elements aren't uh specific So when you say vertical hierarchy there's no example you know you're you're you're you're looking at certain things but it's it's too loose obviously in in the hands of someone that's very good at what they do they understand it they could get there but it's it's not made for everyone to understand it's very difficult to interpret right so so this particular one I believe was taken from the um the M Tran Village um uh and not so much for designer but when the board of Architects that's very subjective sure is yeah yes and it's become more subjective with this change there there there's no doubt idea is that this update would be accompanied with some kind of um updated best practice manual and to show diagrams like this that that are basically analyzing some of these precedent examples that we're going through and showing how what the board of arets should be looking for the the other thing is that the appendix that was added to The Code by the previous um planning director which was specifically for the plaza uh they they did a better job there in in explaining what they were doing but that doesn't necessarily apply to everything you mentioned it but it's not necessarily adaptable to this I I think that this will create tremendous confusion and frustration uh between the applicant or the developers the the the board of Architects and then at the end of the day the residents who are going to see something that is either good or not good and and that qualifies or doesn't qualify so you know we we're almost like Reinventing part of the wheel here because when we had the uh Mediterranean committee get together and they were all all Architects and all kicking it around and Robert and and I sat on that board and we were looking at these things we had examples of things that were given Mediterranean bonus before which were not specifically Mediterranean and that was one of the biggest hurdle to get there and and philosophically I I think you have an issue with this I don't I don't see a betterment in in in this particular um proposal and I think it needs more specific work I'm not saying it can't be done I'm just saying it needs more specific work are are you saying that when somebody brings in a project to get approved for Mediterranean bonus you're going to show him you're going to show them that that diagram and say it has to look more like this no so the idea was that a lot of these diagrams from the appendix C would be incorporated into what's now being used as the best practice manual which is on our website um that Architects could use as far as reference but doesn't include all these diagrams I only thing it includes this one so this kind of explain what this text is saying when TOS it about top and middle and bottom and and where to put the emphasis and where to put your entrance it's kind of Illustrated here so the idea is that once this maybe get adopted that this would also include an update to our best practices manual to help Architects be able to illustrate and understand the intent of this language are there definitions or I I'm going to ask the Architects on the board is there a guide or something that can be can be implemented into the code that you have to put in x amount of features not just it has to look like this or this is a a picture of it qualify in in the uh the reference of the best practice um there was an attempt and it was more it was it was it was more of a a graphic interpretation of of you know these are the elements but you know when when you're designing um it it's it's very difficult to look at this and be able to say to yourself well it looks good but on top of that I'm going to get that check off because whole point here is that you know this is all about bonuses and that's that's where I personally have a Phil philosophical issue with that and that is that I I think that that the Mediterranean bonuses have run their course uh I I think that if you if you really look at this and you want to look in certain areas um you know and you're you're trying to promote you know very good design uh there are certain elements that are very different than just based on a specific stock and the other thing is that there are in my opinion there are certain areas where if you wanted to look at a bonus you should be looking at those areas and in my opinion my personal opinion is that I think that the bonuses are discretionary and I think that they've run their course and and one of the difficulties that you're going to get is that you're going to have people that are trying to design really nice projects but the the the safety blanket that we have in the City of Coral Gables is the board of Architects and their and and their commitment to making sure that good quality architecture is approved whether it's modern whether it's Mediterranean whether it is whatever but it's it's all about very good design what do you mean what do you mean by its run its course when uh dating myself when when uh we looked at the Showroom on ponts and we had to tear it down and come up with something so the uh the historic board uh wasn't going to go crazy uh we came up with uh the first Mediterranean Revival commercial building and then the the Mediterranean ordinance was written around to be able to incentivize that because it cost so much more to build that versus you know other types of architect Ure not that other types of architecture were worse but it was giving them um an even playing field and I think over time you know we've seen that U uh some of these buildings that have qualified for the Mediterranean bonus really aren't necessarily Mediterranean or they're not necessarily good some are exceptional but then again some of the architecture is exceptional not being Mediterranean so that's the reason I say that I don't think that it's needed anymore I think it's more of a pressing issue of finding a way to come up with better architecture so what you're saying is so you're advocating that we shouldn't have a Mediterranean bonus in the city or in the code well if if you're going to provide bonuses in my opinion there are certain areas you know in the city uh commercial areas let's say where where maybe you could incentivize it by providing certain things um not mixing apples and oranges for example you know much has been said about well if you provide a park we'll give you another floor you know and and and that's that's an incentive especially in a certain area there are other areas for example uh in in the city that require that you provide Mediterranean architecture with no bonuses so so so that that is and and that is because it's more of a compatibility with the area with the neighborhood and that kind of thing and and and I was I was um I was criticized uh by former Commissioners about the word compatibility we all know what compatibility means does it does it look like it belongs here or not there's no doubt in my mind that that any of the Architects that are sitting in this room today can can do something that looks really really good and it doesn't necessarily have to be that but there may be other reasons to provide an incentive in other parts of the city but not necessarily where it's going to uh absurb uh the surrounding compatibility with the neighborhood so if I understand correctly what you're saying is that Mediterranean bonuses should not give additional height it should be part of the Aesthetics as to the compatibility of the area I I I think that there there already certain areas that are deemed that they must be Mediterranean you can't you can't touch those but but you're saying it shouldn't you shouldn't have additional height uh well what I'm saying is that sometimes it's counterintuitive you know to the the particular style and and you know after a certain height you know you you kind of lose the perspective of of the detailing and and and the style to begin with then should then should that detail maybe be at a lower level so that so that at the height that it's at you don't visibly see it we had we had on the committee we had very healthy discussions about that about providing you know areas that are more pedestrian friendly areas that are more uh conducive to uh um the the scale of the pedestrian there there it's a quality issue there and you could provide certain bonuses for that but in in in my opinion though the reason I said specifically that it's run its course is um there there are so many buildings right now that are being built that that um it's very difficult to justify that that they even come close to that but they're still being given you know the bonuses especially you know the the high bonus but then I would think then you have to look at unfortunately doing again a zoning code right because that's something that you got to correct within the code as opposed to talking about how to arbitrarily or not arbitrarily determine right I I I just think that this um this proposal before us today in in my opinion is doesn't um doesn't get to any place as far as Improvement but that I think that taking a 40,000 foot view of everything you should be looking at you know the possibility of providing in certain in certain areas in the city certain bonuses to be able to provide a certain quality that you normally would not provide but at the same time I think that tagging that that bonus on a style only one style I think is is is wrong I think it should be different that's my personal opinion I mean we have four you know we're fortunate because we have four distinguished Architects that are sitting on this panel and it's good I mean i' like to hear that you Julio what's your thoughts on on that I am not sure if the Mediterranean architectural bonus has resulted on a positive sorry on a positive environment for the city I mean when you look at not all some of the buildings that have been built which are supposedly Mediterranean they're not necessarily the highest quality of architecture so I don't know how we solve that uh and I I think there is also the possibility that you can have very good or great architecture that's not Mediterranean so why are we penalizing the Architects or the clients who want to build a facility that is not Mediterranean but they're being forced to go the Mediterranean route because that's the only way they can get the bonuses so there's a dichotomy there which I have difficulties with okay have what's your what's your feeling on that sorry that's good I understand um the uh the issue with regards to the descriptive words that were using but I think that part of that is answered by the the exhibit that you have up behind you right now where you give specific examples as to what you're talking about with regards to Vertical hierarchy emphasis and whatnot uh so I think that answers a lot of those questions by just citing the examples and the analytical drawings that are provided and again these are analytical dra drawings of examples I don't think that the examples were meant to be a definitive list of examples there are lots of other Mediterranean buildings and honestly the the uh the proportioning and the emphasis and the vertical hierarchy are just as relevant in modern architecture as they are in classic or a Mediterranean Revival or neoclassical or bozarts or whatever you whatever style you want to analyze the same rules apply and then the abstraction of those rules in the more modern language can be some really very beautiful buildings that don't necessarily fall within that line so I I see your point I think what the problem is is that that we defined early on that Mediterranean being the the the the ner of beauty when it isn't necessarily the ner Beauty this is a city which has its history in Mediterranean Revival kind of architecture with the work of Mr pace and Mr Fink and others and the initial development work that was done uh the Pond's building uh the Pond's entrance building um all the uh bits of architecture which were part of the original development of the city but it also included you know the Norman Village the French Village the Chinese village so it all done in in um very respectful but derivative versions of the original styles of the architecture where there were being selected the Chinese village had Chinese architectural elements in them Moon Gates slope curved roof pitches uh and the Norman Villages uh have their small windows and large uh proportion of wall versus window and their detailing with regards to the simplicity of their of their uh Eaves into their into the roofs and you know very very much of evocative and again the word is evocative of the stop because there's no replicant or replicated uh design that that that I don't think the that I think the code is looking for but with regards to Mediterranean bonus we decided early on that it should be Mediterranean was the design sty for the city and the one that we would want to promote and if what we're doing is then promoting a cartoon re rization of that Mediterranean revitalization I think that's what what Julio is talking about and what is is a point of growing objection uh originally was brought out to help bring it pay for the increase in the detailing by awarding greater development rights to a slightly larger building or in some cases a much larger building to be able to compensate for that extra cost and what we're saying is that we're not seeing the value of that extra cost or that extra development being expressed in the in the quality of the work that's being presented as Mediterranean bonus worthy architecture and um so for example sorry um the level and quality of the finishes on the ground floors as they relate to the people when you touch them where the people walk up to them and a classic example is um the bum where we have a a fairly Rich Band of architecture at the low level and on the small scale buildings which surround it but then you have the same classical uh uh architectural problem that Chicago faced uh in the starting of the the high-rises where we develop buildings as almost colonades where the windows become the void spaces between the peers of the column and then we put a a dressed roof on it and and articulated uh EES and whatnot to then tie it all back together and and that's a legitimate way of looking at it but the quality of the of the architecture in some cases is is such that it's reading much more as a Pastiche than it is a real architectural composition and that's really and how do you how do you gauge that how do you how do you qualify that well well the city set up a board specifically of peer Architects to review to be able to challenge the the person presenting to do his best work and in some cases that's a a a very helpful situation um but not always and sometimes it it leads to better architecture but not always and sometimes it just is okay we got to get this thing approved and let's make sure we get the the checks takeoffs rights and we get things built that we then look at and wonder and scratch our head how'd that get built but I'm going to tell you what I'm going to give you an example of the value of the the board of Architects uh during Co there was a couple of projects that went through and didn't go to the board of Architects and I can find them because I can see that the quality of the design was really bad and so that at least you meet a minimum requirement and I think what this Mediterranean bonus and this language is trying to do is to establish what that minimum requirement is and whereas we were dealing with people with different levels of talent and somebody's best is not as good as somebody's mediocre and somebody's mediocre is not as good as somebody else's best uh it's it's a very subjective situation I think that the the the documents that you presented with regards to the examples are fairly clear in their in their analysis and in their presentation and it's a good basis from which to judge and to create because it does give you the toolbox of things that the the board should be looking at and I think that with the the forms and the as they're given I think that we are have made a great stride in helping to define a better architectural model to develop so I'm I think it's fine I don't I don't see it necessarily as a problem Robert I uh I respectfully disagree with some of the uh comments I've here made because in today environment some of the comment that some of the example you gave will not be able to be done today you mentioned the Chinese village and all and you're not going to be able to do that and get the bonus and and by the way example I I I kind of like the diversity that was done at the time it was done I think that Julio and I think that Felix mention it in order to get good architecture a lot of was been mandated to get to discourage an architect to do that um I think we could use some examples um that buildings that have done spent a lot of money beautiful buildings and materials that is being utilized but when you we look at the articulation the massiveness that is of the projects to me are not really the quality of standard that deserve to do that uh and I'm going use one which is on US1 or two in us one okay across from my office well that that project is very massive he got all the little gingerbread details but at the of the day is not a good project look at the mass look at the scale look at everything on that project but if you look at it it probably went on a prescriptive basis what what the what this is is is asking for and I think that's that's the problem when and I don't want I don't get me run I'm not saying that you got to give me more example of exactly what you need to do to get there I think that we are discouraging and I think Julio was probably Ling you know to good better architecture there was a comment by a colleague of ours in the last meeting here that I found it and I didn't make a mention anything last time I found it very Troublesome that we should be trying to duplicate 1920s building okay doesn't mean that our 1920 building is what we should be doing today to me to me that's not the right approach um you know and and and I think we got to look at differ I I I am not in favor I'm I'm a vote to do it because you know this is going in that direction I'm not in favor of [Music] um of the Mediterranean Design amend Improvement that is been proposed um we sat on that uh Blue Ribbon panel and and and and Felix will remember that I was a lot of times trying to to be able to be more have a little bit more uh openness into that you know code or whatever we were doing at the time um I think that we got to be a little bit more clear because to me that one particular item is very subjective I could bring something in that any of the four of us or any of the Architects that we have on and it could be evaluated viewed differently and that's my concern you know what's good for one has to be good for the other cannot be very subjective and that's my concern right um do before we continue do we have any speakers for this item Jill no on either platform I okay so let me go ahead and close her for public comment at this time um chip would you like to uh comment on this well obviously I'm not an architect but I I just have some basic questions to the architex when you say a good building are you saying functionally good or aesthetically good or both ideally both you have to do both okay so when we look at our 12 categories which I have no idea why you chose six as opposed to eight or opposed to nine why six was the number it's because that's what they're in the code right now so right now we have 12 criteria and the level two U so you just split it in half six and no just F I know I'm wondering where that came from though why I haven't researched why six why not eight or five or seven because you got two levels you know I get that you could get you know and and that that that as far as I remember it's it's been like that for I know but are some more important than others are some aesthetic and some fun you don't want the same building that come out every single Med bonus you want to have some flexibility maybe you want to have arcade maybe you don't have an arcade may I get it but are some of those functional elements and were looked at as being functional and some of those were looked at as being aesthetic Mr chairman I can answer that I I there when it happened okay okay so so the the point is that and that's Felix without dating yourself right right well when you talked about the showroom on Pond are kind of dated him I guess yeah so the the the way that this was created was that Unfortunately they try to put a they try to put a point system on right and you know so check check check that kind of thing which is of course you know that's the last thing you want to do when when it comes to trying to use creativity but then you you could only use the the crayons in the box and and then it became obtuse because they started putting in bicycle racks and they started putting in these irrelevant things that simply should be required but through another part of the code has nothing to do whether it's Mediterranean or you know it's not a Mediterranean swin bicycle rack and then uh it it continued being obtuse like that and then you really didn't get into the meat of it until you got to the second level so you basically took the third first level and it was a it was a gimi and then then you had the second level this very very um uh disheartening so and and then just keep in mind that the reason that the Blue Ribbon committee was created was because of what had been built and and the examples of of what had been given bonuses that were not uh were not worthy and so to answer your question it was they started off this way then they started throwing things in there right and and the original one which was much better uh started talking about you know creating things at The Pedestrian level which had to do with fountains and and providing uh plazas and providing these things where good Architects you know would would do that automatically because they they they knew that The Pedestrian was was all important so you know th this has morphed into we keep changing it and changing and changing it and when I see the chronology that we see in that in that bar chart with all the different changes you know it it really is it doesn't look like like anything and then after having the Blue Ribbon committee implementing this now or trying to implement this now is like you know take a couple steps back and really consider what you really want to do as far as the quality of architecture in the city so so so would you rather have a functional building or an aesthetically looking building now I can tell you as an untrained eye on an architect when I look at a building I don't look at theun functionality of it I look at hey this is a really good-look building and I like it well normally you know I mean I think most people do don't you I mean yeah but the but the thing is that none of us here are going to be designing you know just the elevation I know you're going to be looking at the site you're going to be looking at the floor you're going to be looking at at the overall height of of the massing you're going to be looking at all these elements so at the end of the day then you know what it looks like it it it gets to that point and the Board of Architects can recognize it and be able to evaluate and provide opinions that are valuable to the architect before okay so my last comment if if really if compatibility seems to be a driving issue that compatibility is a driving issue chip when you're looking at you know the surroundings right the Aesthetics well it's but it's also the surroundings if you if you have for example uh you have mer Plaza which you know Julio was was a a major uh um designer on this and and if you have now a building next to it you don't necessarily want to replicate what Julio did there right but you would want to then be able to to take certain elements and and add to it where it becomes part of the fabric of that area so it compliments and it compliments it and it's compatible with it okay so and that's both on Form and Function and Aesthetics right I mean that's correct okay so why wouldn't this code then have certain points of bonuses based on compatibility in one section and function in other section compatibility is not addressed in that okay in any way shape or form okay and and that seems like a key ingredient of of course and that and that is when when I personally stood right there and and I was uh you know basically told that well Define compatibility you know it's uh I get it okay thank you you bet well I'm just a resident but I'll tell you from a residence point of view I mean for years you know I've gone to board of Architects meetings you know I mean i' I've gone to a lot of meetings and probably the number one issue that residents have is this idea of a bonus they say what do you mean a bonus for Mediterranean that should be uh up to the board of Architects to decide about compatibility and context I live in a 1950s area in Coral Gables nondescript houses nondescript it's not Mediterranean old Spanish nothing to shoehorn a Mediterranean into that probably probably would be incompatible so why have bonuses to be begin with just like these gentlemen are saying just let's have good architecture but make sure it is compatible with the neighborhood but I I see no reason to keep this bonus thing going as you said it's run its course and I I can tell you that when my neighbors look at the zubie building and say that is Mediterranean so even with guidelines and guard rails even with in the Old Co code who decided that was Mediterranean and passed it so what where are the guard rails here I mean it's just another bunch of suggestions and it's going to be a subjective decision anyway you know it's all about subjectivity here and some of this in the past has been outright abuse taking advantage of certain Architects on that board to get the okays okay so the residents do not trust this Mediterranean bonus as far as you can throw it so my suggestion would be that we have a recommendation as opposed to voting on any of this have a recommendation back to the I guess the commissioner who is suggesting this that maybe the discussion should be at the level of eliminating the Mediterranean bonus alog together just point of order when the subie building was built it was not Mediterranean the way the code was written at that time was Mediterranean inspired architecture and that was eliminated after that building was completed and the idea was that you have the tower and you have the break in the facade and you have the arcade on the ground floor but it was never uh passed as an architectural project it was AR Mediterranean inspired was the word at that time in the code all right well thank you for that Insight but I see no Mediterranean inspiration in that building it was a subjective vote to give them the bonus have to talk to the architect board at that time well I know Glenn Glenn Pratt in fact Glenn Pratt one time said looking at I was at a board of Architects meeting is looking at what was before him as a Mediterranean feature railings that were supposed to be balconies and he said those are past paced up balconies you know I mean even he criticized something like that and that was a whole lot more Mediterranean than what he designed I mean he designed the zuie building there's nothing inspirational Mediterranean in that building at all and if there is please tell me what it is but I mean th this is the point of contention that residents have they look at projects like that whether it be part of a bonus or it's inspired or whatever and there're they're saying this isn't one bit Mediterranean and and you know Robert brought up some uh buildings on us one the Lifetime Building I'm sure you're referring to the Lifetime Building come on you know you know so we residents might not have your credentials but we've got a good set of eyes we can figure it out on our own and what's been passed under a Mediterranean bonus a lot of times has nothing to do with Mediterranean architecture so again I'll reiterate I think this board should recommend to the commissioner who brought this up to have a real serious discussion about eliminating the Mediterranean bonus period um for me I'm I'm here to analyze what was brought before us which is how to look at giving Mediterranean bonuses if there are ideas or wishes of residents or individuals that want to do away with the Mediterranean bonus I think that's a different discussion and that's something that has to be brought up to rewrite the zoning code not a discussion today there could be a recommendation as Sue says if if that comes about from this board you know obviously that's based on a recommendation and a second and a vote to me what I'm looking at is what was presented and is that sufficient or not to change the way Mediterranean bonuses are given and that's why I actually asked the four Architects to comment on it because to me it's very subjective the way it's presented number one number two personally I like the idea of the Mediterranean being more on the ground level as Felix has stated than way up where you don't see it or use it but I don't see the discussion taking place at this point to do away with a Mediterranean bonus and that's not what the city staff is bringing before us um what what is it that you're looking from this board um well again so this was reviewed and kind of U workshopped with the board of Architects they're looking for more um teeth to review these projects right now they have a lot of criteria that's in the metab bonus that's already required underneath the existing zoning so they are looking for more um strengthen their criteria to be able to analyze these buildings and right now they don't have that so they agree there are some bones that are out there that they probably wouldn't have liked to give that bonus du or maybe they weren't on the board at the time and they don't agree that it looks like it's met tranan but they only have much to go with they have what's in the code right now which has bike racks and when when they when the board of Architects looks at the level one is it a full panel that looks at the level one always yes so whether it's level one any new construction is a full panel okay but definitely anytime you're looking at for metab bonus it's always a full panel okay Mr chair I do have to take issue with something that you just said what's that you said well if a resident doesn't want the med bonus let them like no I said do it on their own that's not exactly what I said you know my my understanding this is a quasi judicial board this is where those suggestions should come from this is what we should be doing so just one point clarification this item is not a quasi judicial item because this is a proposed um Amendment to the zoning code so this is a legislative item just for clarification right and I'm just saying it's a quasi judicial board I didn't say it was an item that was qu quasi judicial but if but but if this board has the weight it's supposed to have we should be making these kinds of recommendations not just voting up or down on a project here and there I mean we haven't even addressed issues like uh uh the live local act that we've brought up a number of times that's you know that's my understanding what this board should be doing we have professionals on the board we have amateurs on the board with good sets of eyes we should be bringing this up for suggestions to the to uh the commission not just up or down votes on this project or that project but the real issues that matter to the residents well the way I see it there's seven members and each one has their own opinion so if one member feels a certain way that's why I said if the recommendation wants to be made and then second it and voted upon then that's a vote but that's not what I see that has come before us okay but we are we are allowed to let me ask you a question would you like to make a recommendation I would love to make a recommendation and I I'm assuming this is in the form of a motion yes um I'd like to present a motion uh to make a suggestion to the entire commission uh to eliminate the Mediterranean bonus we have a motion is there a second I'll make a second for for discussion for discussion so you have a second to eliminate Mediterranean bonness and then we'll get into discussion right thank you go ahead Felix proceed okay so I I I think I think you clearly said that what's before us really is this the Mediterranean adjustments to the Mediterranean bonus ordinance so uh I I I think we would do one of two things clearly is to a a defer it with the discussion and the transcripts going to the uh to the commission or or be voted up or down the suggestions that are there that I feel totally uncomfortable with so I what I would what I would like to do is either a defer it or vote it up or down but I I think that the message I think is is clear that that um the the bonuses themselves and what they're given for uh has been a big subject of the discussion this evening understood right now we have a motion and we have a second what I'd like to do first if there's is there any other further discussion before I call for a rooll on it no call the rooll please pinski yes fix Paro yes har Salman no jff Withers no Robert bear no ulio Gan no no no Mr chair has in stat no yes I'm sorry Mr chairman I I I'd like to be able so that motion fails correct to be clear for the record I'd like to make a motion to uh defer this item uh with with the uh uh specific uh in in discussion being referred to the Commissioners so they understand exactly uh what was discussed and why it was discussed uh as far as the Mediterranean uh bonuses Etc but they'll read they read the minutes correct and the transcript either way what you're saying just so I'm clear is that you don't want to have any further discussion or for this item with our board at this point to go forward right the the way defer it with the langu that's correct it would it would I I think it would not be the tools that the board of Architects is looking for I think that the deferral would give staff more time to be able to do something different and better but you don't want to give any recommendation to the board of Architects you don't want to give any further tools that they should consider you just want to go ahead and say it should go directly to the commission based on the discussion no I think it should come back here with a deferral but to the commission first in other words normally we would send this back to the board of Architects am I incorrect in that that what we're doing here is I mean for this item it makes sense because this is the board Architects kind of criteria that they look at every week um that's what little unusual the general process for a text amendment is you all you know it's it's gone through the staff process there's been it's like like Miss Garcia said it's been workshopped with Board of Architects and so now there is a proposed ordinance that you are considering today and generally the commission is would uh or the commissioner who's who's sponsoring this would um want a recommendation from this board so they goes can go to Commission on first reading um with a recommendation from this board so recommendation yes or no if it's deferred as a way deferral means it's going to that you would like it to come back to this board that's what it is correct but for the commission to review our records first is that no no there's a stops here and it goes back to the staff to re-evaluate based on the Comm on the comments we've been giving her okay I which we've given her Plenty few yeah all right no that's what I misunderstood I thought you wanted to defer so it goes straight to the commission no no no no it's to give staff the opportunity to take the comments that were made by the board to be able to refine to redo Etc thank you for clarifying yes and and so just to be clear though if if there is a motion to defer by this board there staff or the a commissioner can request that it still be put on before the commission even without a recommendation from this board um just so that's clear understood let me let me be clear then with the with the motion the motion would be to defer and given give staff the opportunity to provide a much more comprehensive and more specific document to come before back to the planning board understood I'm just saying it's still within the commission's prerogative if a commissioner wants to that have it heard I think this way the motion has teeth to it thank you is there a second I'll second that chip second for discussion any discussion yeah I have discussion yes sir you you stated that um you were concerned that there was nothing having to do with context and with appropriateness with regards to context as one of the criteria is that something you would want to add because this is your time to do it well and I I think it was specific and I think I think that the that the uh the context is is a key element for the board of Architects to review which includes also the massing is what the example massing is in there I'm sorry massing is in there no no the the the massing is in it but it's it's it it it's truly uh breathtaking because the board of Architects really uh has been informed and I have uh I have been a witness to it where they've been informed that you know you you you can't get into the planning you can't get into the massing you can't get into the um uh the compatibility I'm sure you can you and I know that sure you can but but you know when you have when you have someone giving them an opinion you know on a sidebar saying you can't do that and then you you end up with buildings like the one on us one well you can set proportions uh for difference in uh in elevations I I I'm not disagreeing what and that's could be a very simple mathematical form if your neighbor is one story you can't do more than two next to it well I think I think St you know and there's there's lots of ways that we can be very specific as to context and and I if you're an axial point of view of a building within a within a separate context you have to have some sort of compatibility within the context of which you're creating a building within that axi view I feel comfortable there lots of very specific things that we can add into this code with regards to compatibility and I think that what we need to do is give them the information and the tools of what we're going to be looking for for an approval isn't that correct I think this is that's what you want so let's let's give him that that kind of specific direction that we want to have compatibility table there's something called context analysis which came from the board of Architects they're looking for this because they feel like people go and they present their building and they have have no Contex what's around them so that is to propose the massing scale and height to be compatible with adjacent buildings right and um analysis of the context shall be Illustrated to show the compatibility of the proposed building and maintaining the character of existing Shrine area that's not true because when you submit to the board of Arctic you have to present the buildings which surround your building as part of your presentation yes but their concern was that sometimes the images are picking and choosing what's around there and they didn't feel like there was enough analysis being done let me ask let me throw something at you and I'm I'm a if I remember when we sat on the uh Blue Ribbon committee if you you have a site let's say it's adjacent to the Old Republic National Bank building I forget whatever the name of the building today on on the circle which is a very a building that Julio with uh Mitch Al ver had done and you refer to a very good which I personally think is a very beautiful building and that's my opinion and it's Mediterranean inspired is it's not Mediterranean but today when you look at those guidelines mhm we not be able to to to qualify for the inspiration part or or or you know so that's compatibility all the buildings can to be right next to the site and you how do you how do you address that well this this again when you use the word compatibility or or the word of massing you have to provide certain examples and and my problem right now with the way that that what is before us tonight is that the word may be there once or twice you know each one but there isn't a better definition there isn't it's it's not it's not explained in a better way like the example you just gave and and the the issue is also that on the compatibility uh sometimes it also depends on on the on the context of the area and when you're designing it giving that tool to the board of Architects gives them the ability to do a better job what they're looking for but but for phix look for example and you're right and the bo of Architects but that building if you look at it's an office building and that building has large Opening way windows and I'm saying this was so you know so that that is a feature a component of that design that is critical important to make that successful today in order to receive those bonuses the example that I'm seeing wind Windows have to be small windows so how do you that's to me is an oxymore you know and and and again this is what is wrong with the coach today me I would give the bonuses to that building and I would not have given the same bonuses simply because they went overboard on the detailing on the Plaza because the massing is wrong everybody in this room knows that the massing was wrong the same as the building that that that Cube on on US1 the same thing the massing is wrong we all understand that and and that's where the compatibility the contextual all these different things go to and the other thing is when you are next to a historic building the viewport is very important for that historic building where you're not obstructing it or minimizing it or destroying it which is the 2901 building on puns which is a historic building that they couldn't touch but but instead of paying homage to it they basically just ignored it so the this is this is complicated this was part of what the blue ribon committee discussed as you remember we never got to that point we got cut off at a certain point but this doesn't continue or do anything to finish that particular job my opinion we have a motion right now for deferring and a second and a second any other discussion I just have a question to The Architects it it the number that was thrown around to me in order to encourage um Mediterranean was an additional cost of 25 to 30% to build that building originally back in the day back in the day is it any is it anything close to that now or would it with with the new now I don't know I'm I'm sorry Mr chairman if I could answer that I'm just curious back in the day nobody was doing that in fact with most of the times that they were doing was were a lot of glass boxes a lot of this a lot of that and and then uh until for example again Julio uh uh worked on the um uh on the Bank building and then did the beautiful job behind the on the Alley for the colony mhm and then you know it it was different because the scale was different so the cost was there but it wasn't there it was it was less so the smaller the building the more the but over time with technology and and and means and methods today the there's no way you could justify that it's a 35% increase it'll be more but more compared to what and will that what be approved by the board of Architects and that's also a part of the formula any other questions no Jill call the role please before one second Define the motion again to defer to give staff the ability to come back before us so thank you Jill Felix Paro yes have Salman yes jip Withers yes Robert Bear yes Julio Gabriel yes Su valinski no ABS in St yes thank you so you have your direction some sorry I my a lot my only comment not a lot your fault let me let me ask the board should we continue on number four and five so Robert can stay now look I I think I'll I'll go outside I appreciate it but in in in fairness to the applicant I uh I'll sit out for for a little while thank you very much I just wanted to get a consensus thank you he also get to go to the bathroom Madam City attorney if you please read uh uh let the record state that Robert bear has left the dis Elvis has left the bill than Elvis has left the door thank you so E1 is a resolution of the city Commission of cor G Florida approving conditional use review of a site plan pursuant to zoning code article 14 process section 14-23 itional uses for proposed townhouse development referred to as the George on the property legally described as Lots 29-41 block 10 Coral Gables B more section Coral Gables Florida including required conditions providing for repeated Provisions cability clause on an effective date E2 is a resolution of the city Commission of Coral Gables uh approving the tenant of plat entitled The George pursuant to zoning code article 14 process section 14- 210 plating subdivision being a replat of 36,6 34 ft into 13 platted lots for 13 residential tow houses on property assigned multif family for district zoning the property legally described as Lots 29-41 block 10 cor GES bore section cor GES Florida providing for repeated provisions of ability clause and an effective date so E1 and E2 will look together but have separate votes on them correct thank you good evening Mr chair members of the board Mario Garcia SRA with offices at 600 Bickle Avenue here this evening representing the George LLC the applicant and owner of the assemblage of property located at 711 to 741 Valencia Avenue I'm accompanied this evening by alio Tor ala the principal of mg developer the parent company of the Georgia LLC my client as well as Jenny duet and Jose Mata from mg developer and our project Architects Maria de LaGuardia and Keegan Marshall so as I mentioned already the George LLC is a subsidiary of mg developer which is one of uh the city's most successful and recognized developers just in the vicinity of this site as is indicated on the aerial photo they have built four other projects builtmore Park ala row beatric R and builtmore all of these projects have been very well received and recognized for their architecture and sensitive scale the project under review tonight and Keg's going to show you a few more images of each of those projects the project review tonight the George named in honor of our city founder who is literally looking upon us this evening from behind you continues that TR great tradition of those other projects it is a 13 unit thre story town home incorporating the best of corl Gable's architecture and a demonstration of how this developer thinks differently differently even though this prop property has one of the more intense zoning designations in the city which is mf4 the project comes nowhere close to maintaining to realizing or maximizing that development potential where 13 stories is permitted this project is proposing three stories where 50 condo units are permitted this project is proposing 13 town homes where an F of 2.5 is possible this project is at an F of 1.5 through the good work of my client and others this area of the city has indeed transformed itself in a very positive direction and this is the next step in that Evolution this project complies 100% with its existing zoning regulations and we are only requesting site plan review and a replat of the property we had two neighbor meetings one before the plan the board of Architects and one before this planning and zoning board meeting both of them very well attended where we received very positive feedback on the project from the neighbor with that said I'll hand it over to Keegan and Maria now to walk you through the project welcome um good evening Maria deard and Keegan Marshall from dgb Architects and urbanists could you state your address also for the record please uh 224 Valencia Avenue in Coral Gables um in the tradition of its namesake George Merrick the George emerges as a landmark development on Valencia avenue exemplifying luxury townhouse living while deeply respecting the architectural ethos of Coral Gables this emble of 13 Fe simple luxury tow houses meticulous meticulously planned by mg developer is a homage to the architecture of historic Coral Gables the George's design philosophy and ex ution reflect a conscientious approach to Urban Development prioritizing spacious luxurious living environments within a harmonious Community setting Coral Gables is a city celebrated for its desire for high architectural standard inspired by its beautiful historic architecture in keeping with these standards the George admirably showcases a preference for quality and Community integration over maximizing development potential um and I'm going to repeat some of the numbers that Mario shared with us the decision to construct only 13 fee simple tow houses on a sight zone mf4 is a testament to mg developers commitment to enhancing the residential quality and aesthetic value of builtmore square the Coral Gable zoning code for mf4 district allows 50 units yet 13 are being proposed it allows 2.0 f f yet 1.5 is being proposed it allows 150 ft height yet 42 and2 ft is being proposed it allows a net floor area of 73,000 square ft yet 55,000 is being proposed finally although 26 parking spaces are required the project proposes to double that with 52 parking spaces with a proposed lower floor area ratio and modest Building height the George is poised to blend seamlessly into the existing Urban landscape further enriching the neighborhood's architectural diversity drawing inspiration from Iconic structures such as the Coral Gable City Hall by finus Pace um and James Knox Taylor's historic old Federal Building the George seeks to imbue its design with a sense of historical continuity and Architectural Elegance these influence manifest in the Project's facade weaving the two-story order with the including the domestic third floor with the rusticated base the facade is Grand yet the base presents a relatable scale to The Pedestrian this architectural approach not only pays homage to the city's heritage but also promotes a pedestrian friendly streetcape that enriches the community's public realm the design process for the George involved the thoughtful study of classic townhouse design to strike a balance between the individual character and the collective Harmony This research informed the facade layout and composition drawing cues from the cohesive architectural expressions in the Upper East Side and Boston back Bay and the unified Elegance of the collective whole at the circus in bath England the individual distinction and the architectural continuity coales to form a vibrant Urban tapestry the George introduces a collection of three-story tow houses each with balconies and Terraces in four four bedroom configurations the inclusion of an elevated second floor principal living space reflect a contemporary interpretation of the traditional piano noil concept enhancing resident privacy while fostering engagement with the outdoor environment the individual fourcc car garages are accessible only from the alley thus not not disrupting the street skate this design philosophy extends to the careful selection of materials can we go to the um this design philosophy extends to the careful selection of materials and Architectural details where each element was chosen to evoke the Mediterranean heritage heritage of Coral Gables the building has a first floor cast stone rusticated base with mahogany windows and doors in Arches that March down Valencia the second floor is punctuated by three 9t tall French doors opening to a balcony with finely designed geometric metal railings the second and third floors are finished in stule with pre-cast architectural accents the three-story building is capped with a pre-cast Cornus that has been proportioned to the building height the flat clay tile represents the ballast of of the materials um on the facade moreover the George's contribution to the streets Cape of Valencia Avenue through thoughtful urban planning and Street planning underscores its commitment to community enhancement the proposed 6-ft sidewalk and 12-ft Parkway improvements accompanied by the Strategic placement of the street trees parking and lighting are designed to foster a welcoming and vibrant pedestrian experience in line with the character of adjacent townhouse developments by the same team urbanistic the George is charged with the responsibility of transitioning from multif family high density to single family residents so although we could have built 150 ft in height in 13 stories which is what V Valencia is a block away so we could have done pretty much Villa Valencia on this site um we're proposing 42 ft and three stories and 13 units instead of 50 as this project comes before the Planning and Zoning Board it does so with a commitment of the design and development team renowned for its contribution to award-winning projects within the community the George presents not just a continuity of this Legacy of Excellence but also in not maximizing development an opportunity to contribute a new chapter to the architectural Narrative of Coral Gables with a design that respects its past while representing the needs of modern living the George stands as a beacon of thoughtful Community oriented development ready to enrich the builtmore square for generations to come well thank you very much Maria uh we spent most of the time talking about the site plan we are requesting a replat of the property too if you can maybe show the there you go the tenative plat pretty straightforward basically replatting the the Lots on the site so it's going to be 13 lots a lot corresponding to each town home so they could be conveyed in fee simple there of course will be a master Covenant governing the whole property just uh so so that it's sort of managed in a unified fashion so no association for each each home it's not going to be it's not going to be a condominium it's going to be a property that's subject to a Master Covenant that everybody has to participate in and sort of governs what common how common areas are maintained and party wall issues and stuff like that is there an authority for that what do you mean um I mean is there a group that'll be in charge with the the enforcement of that right can you can you speak into the microphone for the court reporter please um so in these town houses there's a Property Owners Association and the exterior of the building um is heavily um codified in terms of what can be done and what can't be done and then there's typically sort of a manag agement team that takes care of the entire perimeter so everything is is the same and consistent look like a condominium that where it's not a condomini it's not a condominium just an association but you they do collect fees minimal like $200 a month kind of thing do they have do they have the right to site one of the individual owners say he doesn't want to paint his building yeah they usually usually mechanisms in place so that if one person isn't you know doing what they have to do the other ones can pay and lean the one who hasn't paid and and you know be able to ultimately collect sounds like a mess it's it's ends up being an association form of structure but it's not a condominium continue please no I think that's it for our main presentation well what's the width of those lots the width of the Lots the ones you're proposing for the replot so I can't read it from here the internal lots are 246 the end Lots because there's setbacks and the unit is exactly the same name is um 296 the property is not completely rectangular so so there's but basically internal LS are 246 okay that's the extent of our presentation we reserve time for questions of course or Roboto if necessary thank you you want public uh sorry public no staff city is going to make their presentation evening Jennifer Garcia B official so location as you know is on Valencia between carda and Anderson Road it's just to the south of what's known as David Williams Hotel um next to beatric row across the street from uh bmore Park and what's under construction right now is 701 Valencia the land use right now is um multi family high density and the zoning is mf4 the request there's two requests site plan which is required because they're more than 29 square ft and then a plot so um just um uh the existing lot area is more or less 36,000 Square ft um there's no change in zoning no change in land use the f is 1.5 sorry 1.51 the maximum would be 2.0 um the maximum um height is 43.5 3 33 and a half feet um and 13 units they're providing 26.4 um% open space the requirement is 25% um and they're part of over parking the requirement would be 26 spaces um total and they're uh parking 52 which is four units sorry four spaces per unit so the site plan the parking is in the rear access from the alley uh there's an alley on the on the rear as walls on the side all the entrances there's no additional curb Cuts being proposed on the sidewalk these are renderings of what it would look like and a plat is like they said it's 13 individual Lots uh the Lots on the either side or a little bit wider given the setbacks that are required so DRC reviewed this in December it went to Bo of Architects in April and here we are for Planning and Zoning theal City commission for the site plan uh by resolution uh be determined when and final plot would would go to the county and come back um for final plot approved by the city Commission in the coming months so uh there were letters sent out to the property owners and um current occupants um within 1,00 feet of the project three times for two neighborhood meetings and tonight's meeting um as well as a property is posted twice for DRC and PCB uh the website was posted twice as well um newspaper advertisement was once and one email was sent out last week so application does comply with findings of fact it's part of youra report they have before you um and there are conditions of approval um those are located on the last few pages of your staff report but the unique ones are to relocate the six mature live oak trees for them to coordinate with public works on that um to um pay for any loss of on street parking um as well as any additional uh trees would be provided on Valencia buil more Court card and buil more way in the future um based on any funds collected from the can canopy mitigation um payments or funds that would be uh required in the future um and then also um minimizing the construction death there's a concern for a neighbor on the north side of a lot of construction dust during Demolition and during construction so that's also a conditional approval that's it thank you um Jill we have two emails that you circulated to us those are going to be entered for the record yes are there any other comments besides these two that you reive via email no those were the only two okay um as far as speakers in the chambers what do we have anybody sign up no one reply to the comments if speak do we have any do we have any speakers in the chambers no do we have any on Zoom or telephone no okay so at this time I'll go ahead and close it for public comment Julio will you start us please yes you know we spend a lot of time in the previous discussion about what is quality architecture and what is mediterraneum and I think this is a perfect example of what quality architecture is how it reacts to the street to the massing creating a new District actually the developer and the architect should be commended that we have developed a brand new Village uh in in that section of town with all the town houses that have been built uh the scale is right and everything is right um I think this is the best townhouse project that you have done by the way and uh I think it's a great project and I would WP thank you um chip I just want to know how long it took you to come up with a name I mean and seriously did was it discussed and or did it just bang or had it just it's pretty I don't think and we never had the George what comes next you think it should have happened already but uh each of them have history behind them you know I'm curious can tell you ala beatric each of I know it has nothing to do with the application but I'm just curious to know how you came up with that name we named one after um his mother right Alia Alia um and there's there's a series that were named after female names which was sometimes the case in in um in in uh townhous projects in in England and then we just wanted to break with sort of the RO the Roe uh and so we just came up with the George and we coined it really fast as soon as as soon as we came up with I just tried to grab the george.com and it's already been taken so you know there still there's still the chip oo yeah so um I hope they have elevators too but um I just have a question for staff on the on the on the parking are they actually taking more of the sidewalk into the rideway or why no so right now there's no curb Cuts there's no bump outs on that street except for one I think that's next to the alley so part of the requirement of the zoning code is to provide um um Street trees okay so the standard is usually two spaces and a bump out and then two spaces and a bump out and so on so there's paid parking there now right now what do you mean right now there's mean they're paying it said they're paying for the parking spots well that's standard right so um they're they're incorporating a little bit more uh bump outs than we would normally be okay with no no is there is there meters there now there no meters there right now we're going to charge them is if there were meters there no so in the city code you're required to pay 43,000 some change is I'm assuming is that is that because of lost parking Revenue why why why that there's I guess my question is if there's no parking there now so we're not losing Revenue now why are we charging them for Revenue that we're not enjoying right now I'm just curious for the logic behind that the the curb space so the curb space so there's some analysis before I was here that however much you're generating from a parking space and yes it's not metered so technically yes you're not um losing metered space but you are losing that curb space to park more cars therefore put putting more Demand on parking other parts of the of the area are we are we charging there now we are not charging per hour on that spot no so I can park there for free I think it's residential parking right now on that need a park could be wrong can you could I ask you to come up because that way it'll be on the record I'm just trying to figure out the logic behind it that's all and then we'll disc any time you remove a parking spot whether it's metered or not metered the city charges you for it because you're impacting the curb except if you're in a residential neighborhood then we don't charge for parking no you still charge like if you're in North ponds where you have straight parking that you're not paying a meter if you remove parking the city will charge you for removing that parking space residential as far as single family no because it's Swale it's not parking space so so is so I'm not clear are we charging people if they want to park there now no right now any of us could go park there right now and would not have to pay any sort of uh fee it is a uh residential parking zone so i' started times you have to have your decal indicating your your resident or another one that indicates you're a guest of a resident but it there's no it's not being charged now nor has it ever been in our living memory in my living memory at least you can only park there if you have that decal so therefore you only can park if you have a permit with the parking department but is that uh the whole day or only certain times I'm not sure yeah I'm not sure in that area if it they are they developing the curb yes okay if want go to the side plan I can show you no so so so there's no parking charge now they're developing the curb they're actually underbuilding what they can and enhancing the neighborhood and we're charging them as if we could park there is that the logic I think chip is asking why do they have to pay into a fund for parking when there's no parking there there now there's accomodating cars a park there but they don't pay they pay a permit I believe a residential permit I think they don't pay the cars are park there now are not are they going to lose the ability to park I really wish Monica was here for this there will be a loss of parking correct Jennifer there's going to be a loss of parking there there will be triggering the the payment to someone ask my question again are people paying to park there that's my very simple question it's either a yes or a no luckily my client who's there every day advises it's a residential parking Zone 24/7 and you do have to pay to get your permit or DEC count order to okay okay I [Music] thatw just the court reporter is not able to capture that I'll repeat it so and the space on in front of this property as well as across the street so residential parking Zone 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the resident needs to pay for a decal to put on the car which I believe I was told was 50 $50 a year $50 a year a year yep and how many parking spots are there right now there are 15 parking spaces they're providing wait let me do the math here so that's I'm not that sharp just quick okay that's about $750 a year right we're getting in revenue and how much are we charging for the parking so there's a one-time fee that that a developer PID when they're impacting any parking on get it I get or whether it's permit so that number is what 43,000 43 in some chain 42 so 4,200 42,000 oh 42 so we're basically paying them for 200 years of parking so there there is a reduction if if you're losing the parking space because you're putting in a bul out because the street is required is of 21 yeah okay so I I'm in favor of this but I'm I'm against charging them for the parking I'm just telling you that's how I feel I don't have the rest of the board but if I can comment that's a public street that that's public right that's a public Street residents don't own that street I mean a resident I mean we all own that street is that correct I own that street any any taxpayer owns that street that's public property correct it's a RightWay yes it's a RightWay it's public property yes why would we give away my right to park there to a developer so our code requires this this uh parking parking replacement assessment um so that the city can then develop additional public parking elsewhere in the city well what happens to why there $42,000 per space I understand but what happens to the people that are now parking there who all of a sudden are not going to have their public parking spot there are other available parking areas so what I think what's what's important to note is they you're losing parking but you're losing parking so that we can make the street more beautiful you're losing parking so we can create bulb out so we can plant oak trees right now in that stretch in front of the property um there's not a single Street tree it's on the north side of the street so it gets the BL it gets blasted by the sun all day so on the South side at least builtmore Park gives a little bit of shade to the sidewalk but on the North side it just gets blasted blasted blasted so we're losing parking but not because we're it's it's because we want to put trees and actually we've put a lot of effort into studying what would be the best spacing between the trees in order to create a continuous um tree canopy in order to protect The Pedestrian so all of this is not because we're going to going to benefit by eliminating parking all of this it it's it's our chance to really hit it out of the park on Valencia no I look I understand look I love trees I understand what you're saying about trees and Beauty I'm for trees and Beauty but if I have a car and I'm I live on that street and I've been relying on that parking space and it disappears I'm more concerned about where I'm going to park my car yeah but if you if you live on the street you have a park you have four parking spaces um if live in in um in the George you have four parking spaces in your unit if you live in builtmore park across the street you have your internal garage if you live on be in beatric row or builtmore row you have your parking spaces so you have to live maybe one or two blocks away uh to to need that parking space and we it's not like we're eliminating all the parking spaces on the street we you know we're keeping seven to eight parking spes on that street um but most importantly we're beautifying the street we're trying to create a shady canopy so that so that everybody who wants to take a stroll down the sidewalk can can do so in the shade no I I I understand but uh let me let me ask you something these bump outs these bump outs does that count towards the 26.4% open space that you are required is this part of your open space no all the open space has to be accommodated within our property lines within our property all right because that hasn't happened in the past with some projects and trust me okay it hasn't happen with some projects I know for a fact that all our projects we okay so this doesn't account for any the of the required minimum required open space okay no all right so you're saying you're taking seven to eight parking spaces away from the 15 that are currently there did we do any study about I mean are those spaces vacant all the time where can just give away the parking spaces the and So currently there's um how many 17 units so there's currently 17 units on on in four buildings on that site um and those units don't have any garages zero garages so all of those current existing Apartments either park on the street or they park in the alley those basically everything is accommodated on the street in the alley now we're offering 52 spaces uh uh for for the 13 tow houses and that's all internal so that's a car that you're not even seeing that's a car we've we're taking off the road which means um you know that we're not we're not taking up um no I I I I understand but where where's the UPS driver where is the FedEx driver where is the deliveries deliveries now you're taking away these spaces that normally would be taken by potentially somebody that lives on that street or the street over Andor you're taking away any opportunity for those delivery trucks to have a space to par no there there will be space um I don't know if we can pull up the there will be space for the delivery trucks um I'm we're not getting rid of all parking we proposing seven seven parking spaces and but most importantly I mean I think we want to make a beautiful city we want to make a beautiful Valencia Valencia on that side is horrendous the only way to do it is to add trees and add bul bouts and add green because right now it's an asphalt jungle it's all you know I'm with you I'm with you I I totally understand uh but let me let me ask you this um according to U Cheryl Gold who was a resident who notified us there are 91 trees on the property is that true there are 91 trees on the property how many will remain on the property right now we are relocating or or or or cutting Mo most of them okay so you're you want a tree canopy but you're cutting down almost all of the 91 trees that are currently there so that's kind of like a no but uh but the the street trees is not is a tree canopy for The Pedestrian that's what it's going to do it's going to give shade to the sidewalk the trees that are on the property are not sha are not shading the sidewalk right now you can walk there and there's no zero shade on the sidewalk you know can you show the uh the picture please the rendering of the of the not that but keep going The Pedestrian view yeah where where it shows you know it's it's it's a better depiction if you could just move forward with that for the parking no no no no the the frontage the okay keep going uh there was one uh in daylight that was more of a flat front okay right there okay architecturally beautiful but this looks so Stark this looks like a concrete jungle right there that's a concrete jungle so as much as you're saying those bul bulb outs will be providing shade trees where the heck is the shade there I you know honestly um you know these trees get planted a certain size and then they start growing and then they start filling out and we are proposing a tighter uh spacing between trees and and the other thing is that for the rendering if I show a full tree we're not going to see the building and if you well I mean you could at least have one rendering I mean but you don't have one rendering that actually shows that I mean it looks like it looks like a concrete junle it looks like a beautiful structure have you driven around the other tow houses uh you could you have such a hard time seeing the facad of the tow houses because the trees are so are so large okay well we have we have two people here that uh that we have emails from that are very concerned about the fact that trees are going to be cut down lots of trees are going to be cut down and it's going to take forever to get that shade on that street that you're talking about where where are these massive uh Oaks going to okay currently we are in conversation with the city and the staff to see about relocating The Oaks it's quite challenging because of the size of the Oaks and the root balls of the Oaks and the lack of access to any good um receiving site um so they may we may not have any location for them okay paral parallel to that we have proposed to the city and this is a conversation so nothing about this is definitive but we have proposed to the city that we will improve two streets that are very bare right now which are builtmore court and and uh card Street M those two streets don't have much in terms of Street trees and so we're proposing um doing ball bouts and adding Street trees to create more shade taking more Park spaces away well you want trees and you want parking and listen I don't have a flying saucer at this point I've got a car I need to park it somewhere okay and you're taking away parking spaces so so as much as we want to beautify the city we also have to think about people's Transportation needs yeah right are are the trees that you're taking away inside the property itself yes what shade do those trees give to any body that's outside that property anything um they don't give any shade to the sidewalk do they give any shade to anybody El they might give shade because of the angle of the sun they might give shade to the alley okay yeah but not but n okay cuz the way I see it you're giving you're adding to the area where pedestrians walk yes I mean we're listen when you're talking about tree canopy you're not talking about just what hangs over a sidewalk you're talking about when you take an aerial view there's a canopy is this correct or not you're an architect a canopy is a canopy it's not just over a sidewalk it's a canopy and there's 91 trees on that property right now it may not affect the sidewalk at this point in time but there's 91 trees creating a canopy from the air right if you take an aerial view right now there are 91 trees there there's a canopy if you take 91 trees away there's no canopy and there's regulations in place to decide you know what should be removed what should be kept what you should try to relocate you know this city is everything about tree canopy and this developer I'd have to say if you look at the other projects we've shown some on the screen is also about improving streets Scapes preserving trees on The Gables Village side right now they re are relocating you know two significant trees there and so you have to balance all these things you have to balance the right of the developer to be able to design a project that Mak Mak Sense on on this property parking versus trees on the street and and that's what we're trying to to strike you know in cooperation with with your city staff so what we have proposed right now we think it's a good option and we stand by it and staff is recommending approval so so we think we have struck that balance correctly but of course we're we're open to to any input yeah I I just don't like contradictory statements we want to form a tree canopy but we're taking away almost 90 trees that's a contradictory St statement well we're we're trying to enhance we are admittedly reducing tree canopy on the property but in exchange trying to enhance it uh on the street and in the neighborhood uh one more uh one more question I have uh the alley is going to be looked at for a bike ped plan what am I reading in this why would an Alleyway be considered as part of the Coral Gables bike ped plan what are you doing to the L you're making improvements for bike and ped isn't it a 20 foot alley and you have uh incoming outgoing vehicles on 20 ft yes um Can can you speak into the microphone please so yes there's no there's no bike plan for the alley well well well yes if if you if you read and I'm I'm sorry I don't have the exact page but it struck me that you're using the alleyway and considering the Coral Gables bike uh bike ped plan uh to make improvements for bike ped plan in the alleyway it's it's in your description so maybe it's when I talk about the alley so we designed with a flare style curb cut as in like The Pedestrian no look specifically it says bike ped plan Coral Gable's bike ped plan and it mentions the alleyway can you can can you go into the microphones so the court reporter please um so there's two alleys the one in the back that you Ed to turn into the garage and then there's it it's like a te and then there's the alley that comes out to Valencia so I think what it might be referring to is when the sidewalk go crosses over the alley that that sidewalk is part of the of the bicycle do you understand it's more when it yeah I think it's it's a three um subsection e the B pedestrian plan MH right so what it says is alley shall be designed with a flare curb cut which the curb cut is where the the alley meets the um curb of the street with A continuous continuous level sidewalk through the alley to create a pedestrian friendly environment so the the alley coming out to the street is not disrupting the sidewalk it's a sidewalk that's going through the alley okay that's all that means there's no bik l but you're not putting on okay that that that's what I wanted to clarify it was not clear uh from what I read okay all right uh I love the architecture uh you you heard my concerns I think it's going to be a very Stark project for the next 20 years with bul trees only cutting down almost 90 trees and uh if I was a resident that didn't live in that building uh and you are currently using those parking spaces all of a sudden I'm out of luck so I don't like the fact that a public street is being repurposed for a developer that's number one okay and that's what very clearly it is it's being repurposed for developer and I want to make that very clear on the record and again the starkness of the by taking away the trees um I think there's a better solution here and especially if you're saying that the mature Oaks there's no place for them let's face it they're dead trees at this point in time is what you're telling me so just a quick question the people that are living there now where do they Park don't they park on the street in all likelihood they park on the street so you're now taking all those cars off the street and you're tripling the amount of Park parking spots that you have no they're only taking out six parking spaces out of the total 15 and tri 10 is it right and then adding cor internal corre right no well seven to eight parking spaces will be eliminated and right now there are 15 correct right but they're adding 32 but what if those people currently parking there are are not living on that property that this is they're living three blocks away where wherever they living they're using it mhm all right um Javier would you go next okay thank you can you go back to the site plan just real quick [Music] please so within your bounded Frontage you're going to have 1 2 3 4 5 6 and a third trees because you're there's a bulb out just outside the limit of your property is that part of your project yes okay I mean we would do it it's outside but we no my answer my question is is it part of your project is that part of the Public Works portion of the project okay so we're getting one two 3 four five six seven trees are any of the um existing mature Oaks yes being relocated to some of these bouts that was our initial intention was to move them into the bulb outs and then we discovered that there was a 20in um water transmission line that could not be moved and it was 4 feet below below below grade so we were not able to move any of the spe ments out to the bul bouts because of that 20in transmission line that is running exactly below those parking spaces but you're moving them somewhere else maybe yes that's that's what we we're working with the city right now um but you're committed to moving those trees it's part of it's going to be part of your approval today the intent is to relocate those trees now the what it's going to take the mechanics of reloc those trees we're still working on in part we're waiting on the demolition of the existing structures to see what the root span is of the of the existing trees and so forth to figure out how we can move them and where okay a clear path yeah they're big you have to go through underneath street lights and you need a clear path to be able to move something that large down the street I understood got it and I mention other trees so okay all right so right now it's going to be cuz some of those Oaks are pretty big I think there's three of them or four of them that are there that are really big and there's a lot of garbage trees you know you got a lot of Brazilian Peppers that are going wild and and uh chaas and all sorts of Just Junk stuff that people threw out their window and started growing and it became a tree which is some of them are invasive I've discovered um in similar projects in the area okay uh is assuming that the trees aren't removed and relocated because becomes impossible to do so which is seeming become more and more likely is there an equivalent tree canopy uh replacement that that would be uh then used to mitigate those trees yes so we've met multiple times with um vice mayor Anderson um and talking about brainstorming as to what what what else we could do in order to to mitigate the trees and one of her big concerns were those two two streets card Street and builtmore Court which are very which don't have street trees they don't have bul outs and so she wanted to create more canopy on that and so we presented an idea of adding Street trees and c and you know Street trees and bulb outs on those two streets and that's that's a conversation and they don't have the water mate they don't have a they they it's not just a water mate it's a 20 I understand what it is transmission transmiss no no it's a transmission line going regional transmiss right okay um seems reasonable to me I like the project I like the very subtle changes in the frontage to give some relief to the to the building and I think I can see where where you saw the the Royal Crescent and bath and the development of the design or and um um I think it's a admirable project thank you Javier Felix so I have a few questions um in one of the letters uh that we were given just reading from the the tree canopy component because obviously this is tell just tell me if it's wrong the proposed elimination of 91 trees on the property while only 12 were identified by the arborist as in poor condition and recommended for removal is that true or not I'll ask our arborus to come up here and uh address it Jeff if you can yep and is he also the landscape architect or he's just you're only the arborist on this project corre my name is Jeff shimansky and I'm a Consulting arborist I am not a landscape architect could you state your address for the record please 7330 Southwest 55 Avenue Miami the reason I asked that is because the second question really has to do with the uh the landscape architect now I did look at the the landscape drawings in detail um and the second question is the code requires 24 shade trees on the property zero are being provided so I I don't know if you could address it also that no I can address what's on the property and I can discuss tree relocation and I can discuss horiculture but I didn't do the design is is there a mitigation loss because it says mitigating the loss of contributing approximately $100,000 to the tree fund does little to offset the loss of benefits of mature trees and does not provide the replacement in the neighborhood let me let me correct because um that is not totally correct so um to mitigate the trees that are being re removed would be $350,000 not $1,000 that would be $350,000 to mitigate the trees that are being removed um and although we are not providing 2 for large tree specimens we are providing 46 medium to small trees which is really what you can do on townhouse sites I mean that I'm sorry on this site you have 46 trees that you're providing on the site yes so besides the bump outs uh are those trees from the edge of the sidewalk to the face of the building so okay there's um they you know they're pretty much around the property and then there's some Terraces on the second floor of I saw that on the on the rear elevation each one of those Terraces has uh a pair of uh Native Simpson Stoppers right so right there um 13 * 2 26 and so if you add all the others it's 46 but it's 46 small to medium trees it's very difficult to incorporate a large tree which is what we can incorporate in the project so if you were mitigating everything it' be $300,000 but you're mitigating approximately 100,000 because that's the balance of what you can't complete no no I think the mitigation right now right um so what we're taking out minus what we are re what we are re adding new would be the 350,000 it might end up less if we do end up doing the two um streets canopy Improvement projects on card and builtmore because obviously that money the 350,000 would go towards um introducing Street trees on cardan and builtmore are is there but that's not final yet that that idea is not final it's conversation more or less it's a conversation so so if you were stroking a check to the city for their tree fund is there an amount that you've been kicking around so far number the $350,000 is potentially what the what the maximum payment would be in tree mitigation okay so also uh this person wrote transplanting the Live Oaks into bump outs is misguided obviously you can't do it because of the water transmission line so that's off the that's off the table and and the other thing that has been brought up over and over and over and I know that there have been discussions and that is that you know planting uh new Live Oaks um compared to other trees because it it it seems like not only do you have an issue with the water line but it seems like you know we keep putting all of our eggs in one basket in other words all one species instead of others and the arborist can tell you that you know you you get one one plague of any type and you knock out most of your trees the The Ficus is is that a native is that an aurelus Ficus you mean the Fus on on site 361 right that's a tree that Miami D County Durham wants you to remove when you develop a site that's a ficus benjamina okay that's a large tree uh actually actually U but it's not a native if it's it's from Malaysia it's not a native and it's moderate Condition it's not a good tree for relocation as a matter of fact in the long term if that tree was kept it would have to be cut down substantially because there's so much decay in the trunk right and then and then the U because if it was an Aurelius then you're were talking about a native tree and you would try to to save it if it was in good shape if it was in good condition I I would recommend it we also need to remember that there are many invasive species on this site and most of the trees are Palms number wise right1 right not 91 hardwood trees and what are most of the trees that you're planting between the back of the sidewalk and the face of the the building um on one we have okay it's not just a bunch of soliers or something like that okay you you've clar you've clarified that thank you um so the the next issue is there in this in this uh letter about the endangered species Florida bonneted back um I know that that created a lot of heartburn for the developers next to the zoo and I know that this is a fairly new law uh where uh they're looking at it very very carefully at durm and I I um wanted to know if if have you done any analysis on that yet because it's going to be obviously required for your tree permit and for your demolition of the building to my knowledge we haven't done that assessment we will have to do it though as part of the durm review of building permit I think that's you know a heads up for the developer because that could be become a real headache for you um and I know that there are bats because I see them when I run in you know early in the morning um and as far as the residential parking um the the largest impact of of course of the residents and you know wellknown visitors to them where they would be allowed to park in the in the in the back um your trash pickup Etc is around the back alley so they would pull the containers out and they would be picked up by uh waste management or or whomever why did you leave the green buffer that you left with the building that's under construction to your East okay a 10-ft strip or something like that I couldn't see the dimension okay and that's where you have some of your Landscaping also can you talk into the microphone for the reporter thank you sorry it is where we're planning on hiding a lot of the things that we don't like to see from the sidewalk so meaning you know the um backflow preventers and um and the and the FP Transformer on to towards the alley side so we're using that 10 foot to take care also we will be using that um sort of uh for drainage 10 foot we'll we but you'll probably have to put a well or something in there exactly and and then um and and these are fee simple you said okay with the homeowners association Just Master homeowners association not Homeowners Association for the project right but not a condo right so okay and then the last question uh for our City attorney is I'm I'm a little confused um I thought that part of the issue that occurred on the the properties north of builtmore compared to the properties south of builtmore guaranteed that there would be no more than a certain height south of bmore am I mistake I think that's a different issue that was this is this one's um I think planing official can explain the the the difference there right I know they're under the height but I just want to make sure because it's a little confusing you know since it started as a mistake and then it was fixed and uh but the thing is that you know you kept saying well you know we're allowed 150 ft I I know you're well below anything you're allowed but I wanted to make sure that it was right right so anything south of builtmore way that is zoned mf4 doesn't have the allowance to do additional height or additional F and density um for uh met bonus so the height was allowed but not the intensity height intensity and density those three things are not allowed um as far as a bonus south of bore way so what is the allowable height 150 okay and what what is the allowable height north of that 190 190.5 okay so that that is the the difference the difference is the med bonus yes correct okay and in this area it must be med without any bonuses yes I believe so yes yeah this whole area am I mistaken that was definitely the case with the mfsa zoning you remember that when it was adopted to sort of address remember y uh I'm pretty sure it was it was continued under mf4 but you know I'll check that to to make sure okay thank you those are on my question thank you um I want to compliment the architect and the entire team on a design very well done in my opinion I'm not an architect but I think it's a very well done design um I see that we have responsible developers in this project with a lot of experience developing within our city um this building to me incorporates the feel of Coral Gables and it I think the name is fitting for the George because I think it actually incorporates a vision that I see that he has um I don't have any other any issues um I am in favor of the project is there Mr chair I'd like to make a motion that we approve we have a motion to we're going to need two separate motions so on the first item on the first my item E1 I would like to make a motion to approve the project as presented and as Rec recommended by staff with the staff recommended conditions second we have a first we have a second any discussion um I I I'll support the motion but I do not support staff's recommendation on charging for parking so if you don't support St I'm going to support it I I I'm going to support it but I just want to voice my opinion okay yes and I have a reservation I mean I would vote for this but I have a strong reservation against using public property for a Developers purposes and also uh the notion of this is uh going to increase a t uh a tree canopy is just not the case thank you sir any other comments no call the rooll on E1 please jaier Salon yes chip Withers yes Julio Gabriel yes s Kinski yes Felix Paro yes ABS in stad yes do we have a motion on E2 Mr chair I'd like to make a motion on uh item E2 that we approve the uh s recommendation and the project as presented as presented do we have a second Julio is the second any discussion no call the RO please chip withs yes Julio Gabriel yes Su valinski yes Felix Paro yes a Salman yes ABS in St yes than very much wish everybody a good night and a safe drive back home safe and drve drive home uh let's take a 5 minute uh recess and then we'll continue recording stopped [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we need Jill are we are we back on though I think someone told them it was over we just need her to start the recording everything maybe could do it herei can you run the computer till Joel gets back can you press record record yeah it's in new it's on Jane Street New York City oh okay right in downtown oh the Jane okay got it h kitchen exactly that's she's there that's where I was born recording in progress all right um let's go ahead and uh come back into session the next item is E4 Madam City attorney E4 is in ordinance of the city Commission of Coral Gables Florida providing for text amendments to the City of Coral gaes official zoning code Article 15 notices section 15-12 notice to require mail notice of board of Architects meetings to consider granting Mediterranean style bonus providing for repeater Provisions cability clause cloudification and providing for an effective date than good evening J Garcia planing official I have one slide for this that shows the different mailing uh noticing uh requirements if I could have the slide please um no that's fine um so uh right now there's no Perfect all right so if you look at the top row of process that's for um a conditional use site plan uh review for sites that are more than 20,000 Square ft that's the threshold and the bottom one is I'm showing um uh smaller Parcels that are just kind of Coral Gables by right that would just go through um Board of Architects to uh building permits so um the mailing um noticing processes get a little more um stringent as you go through the process so uh DRC for example is our first um I guess public meeting that you have and that's required to post the property and it's required mail notice for RightWay vacation um then it proceeds to board of Architects Board of Architects just posting the property no matter if it's just preliminary revew or if it's Med bonus um granting Med bonus by Architects after that depending on what the process is it goes to planning zoning which has a full-fledge you know posting the property mail notice email legal ad um and into to City commission for those same requirements so what's proposed uh before you today is to required a mail notice for those Med bonus applications before the board of Architects this will be required not only for those properties that are greater than 20 20,000 ft they'll be required to go to City commission for approval but also the ones that are smaller that go straight to building permit after they get their um approval from the from the boards so that's the change thank you Jill do we have uh anybody in Chambers for this item no Chambers are empty sorry on Zoom no on zoom and on phone platform um I'll go ahead and close it for public comment um Sue um you know like I said at the last meeting the more we can notify residents of what's happening in their neighborhoods the better so I'm good with this okay chip no no I'm good Felix wow Robert let me tell you an experience I'm going through right now I'm ready to submit to the board of Architects a project and we've been waiting almost 6 weeks to try to get the neighborhood to to to do a meeting and we cannot get consensus from the neighborhood when they would like to meet and we cannot submit to the boa Because unless you meet with the residents you can submit and we've been going out it five six weeks and I I think you know the the uh 760 pounds project yes and I can't get a consensus to meet with the residents so you cannot submit until you meet with them and that could go on [Music] for months but does that have anything to do with this well because this has notices and the further you put the notices this go went from what was the original um um diameter that you had to notify a th000 that's not changing yet it's staying 1,000 for this this is staying but I I read I thought I read 1500 no no, 1500 if that's right in the code right now, 1500 if it's change of land use um like you're changing the plan fure land use map which is what it is right now this is only requiring mail notice for Board of Architects there's no change in the radius um no change in the timing um no additional media means it's just in addition to posting the property if someone is requesting met training bonus they would also do mail notice which is goes to the point that I'm you know the the the problem I'm going now is that for the board of Architects you got to get the residents more notices and if you cannot I don't have a problem sending notices I have a problem is like you know until you meet with them you cannot submit so the more notice you're going to send the more difficult becomes but I don't I don't I I just disagree with that uh I I just think that's a separate issue but you know I do have one caveat to this there there's uh written in here that uh the board doesn't want any public comment during the meetings I totally disagree with that uh because just like we have emailed we we got emails here no one actually reads them into the record and and I'm not so sure that other board members don't actually read the emails either so I think it has to be either there you can allow public comment or the emails that are submitted have to be read in public during that meeting look if if residents are upset enough and they show up they should be heard so so I do have that to caveat to uh this uh yes that's not was proposed today that was the recommendation from the board of Architects proposed today is normal and there is a there is a public comment period during the board of Architects meeting so yes there would be public comment okay but it the way it's written there it says only email comments email or E comments are allowed that wasn't staff uh proposal or that's not the proposal that's before you today it's that was a a comment or or feedback from the board of Architects okay so that's not part of this resolution no it's not correct okay aier you have a question small one what's the cost implication to the applicant oh I forgot to bring that I think it was two or 3,000 average including um all the postage and all the work to be done and that would be added not to applicant well it would be the applicant through increase of the med bonus fee okay CU staff is going to be the one for the commissioner staff is going to be the one doing the mailing okay that was my question thank you any other comments I I I'm fine with the notice just Madam City attorney I'm I'm just curious and it does not have to do with what we're looking at as Sue said but if Robert for example or an architect is trying to set up a meeting and for some reason he can't get that meeting what's the what's the procedure so I I'm I'm not aware I haven't heard before of having this issue of you know cord of trouble coordinating the meeting these meetings I believe are coordinated by the developer right Jennifer yes and so I you know I think that they have to just set a date in a location that's within proximity of of their proposed project and then they mail out the notice so perhaps I don't know his particular case but perhaps there's a unique situation or some particularly vocal residents that are not available I'm not sure but it's it's a matter of scheduling a date choosing a date within the time frames and and providing the mail notice Robert up in that area a lot of is City of Miami well and that's the other thing you you got to notify the city of Miami and you got to notify the not only cor GA because it say if you buing another municipality you got to 500 feet that to right I think it's 500 feet in my in my case yes you're absolutely right we got to notify C of Miami all right so anybody like to make a motion on the item before us right now on e4 I'd like to move it we have a Felix we have chip on a second any comments just it's a motion to recommend right sorry no comments call the rooll please Robert beart no jul Gabriel yes zalinski yes Felix Paro yes a Salman yes chip Withers yes abs and St yes uh Robert all right the last item on the agenda uh Miss Madam City attorney uh E5 so E5 is a nance of the city commission providing for a text Amendment to the city of CG's official zoning code amending section 14- 202.5 building site determination to facilitate building site determination applications providing for cability repeater codification and for an effective date commercials good evening AR soning administrator the last item for tonight so the proposed item before you tonight is regarding building site determination uh section 14 to6 of the zoning code so as you may all know can I please okay as can I please have the presentation okay as you may all know building site determination is required for single family dwelling and duplex building uh to go through uh building site determination that is required prior to building issuance uh permit issuance now that is to ensure that there is a buildable site so the process is that an applicant an applicant would submit uh an application for building s determination and then that would be reviewed by the drro in this case the drro is me I am the one who reviewed and processed this application if the drro uh determines that the site is buildable a letter will be issued to the applicant and then they can go through the building permit process if the Dr denies the application because it does not meet those criterias the applicant may have the option to submit for a conditional use process asking the city commission eventually so there's like uh if they if should they move forward with what they're proposing uh they go through the DRC they go to the board of Architects before you for recommendation and then ultimately to the um City Commission Now with that when you are recommending an approval when you're considering this there's criteria and this criteria the applic must satisfy three of the four criteria below which is that the building created would be would have a street Frontage equal or larger than the majority of the building site within a th000 ft uh radius of the subject property now the building site separated or established would not result in any nonconformities and the third one is that there's no restrictive covenants uh encroachments easements Unity of title and all that and that the building site created has been owned by the current owner for at least 10 years now what we are proposing here is to eliminate C because this is already addressed in other areas of the code it's C uh kind of like a redundant so with this to streamline that and we recognize that there is that redundancy what we're proposing is to eliminate C and instead of satisfying three of four will be satisfying two of three and with that this went to the City Commissioner first reading here for you and going back to the secret City commission so staff is hopefully hoping for your recommendation thank you um Jill do do we have anybody in any of the platforms no let's go ahead and close it for public comment um chip you know this the letter used to be given by the building department correct yes yes it still go through the development servic Department okay I I'm not sure with the city's or chart so is it is your Department inside the building department yes yes Planning and Zoning is under development services and you report to to development services okay okay and so let me get this straight so if I own a piece of property and I want to and I get a building site determination letter because I want to build on it I would write you a letter and you would say that that letter good for how long as long as one year one year one year one year and then after one year after one year you have one year to submit uh a building permit essentially and then then that letter is revoked and they have to start the process all over again if within one if within one year uh they have to go back to us and then we either extend the letter or do an analysis again if there's anything that uh changes if there's nothing changes then that letter could be extended or uh we will issue another letter okay and so the other question I have is about an existing structure that would be a fence a tennis court septic tank a wall or even part of the the the main structure or even part of the existing or structure it could be any driveway yes all of those is considered but typically this building site determination process only happens when uh uh the site is more than uh one lot like one two three right where it's tied together we're doing it separate and then the last question I have is the requirement About Properties within 1,000 ft if the property is smaller say it's 49 ft instead of 50 feet 40 the minimum Street Frontage is 50 ft I know but let's they need to meet it okay if let's say it comes up at 49 ft is there is there an appeal process to they would have to analyze all those properties within 1,000 ft typically they would give us a the table uh all the streets all the houses in that street in that lot within 1,000 ft and then we'll average it uh typically all the sites should meet the minimum lot which is 50100 okay okay I'm good thanks you know for me chip I mean going on what you asked about encroachments and Covenants I've s I've served on on the finance zoning board for many many years on and off um one of the tabos that I've always seen is if you have anything that crosses the property line right whether it's a wall a fence I haven't heard of a septic tank that's built you can't undo that Covenant right and I have seen as of late a lot of covenants being undone on people that say we have four Lots or two lots and now we want to build two homes and I've always been in the POS of the position that if you have something that crosses that property line you shouldn't be able to undo it um so for me I have an issue when you're going to take away I understand it's redundant but if you're going to go ahead and take strike that out completely just you know I'm just piggybacking on what you said to me I have an issue can um can I perhaps just clarify a little bit here so this isn't um this doesn't change the requirements for when it's a building side side determination that's made by the the drro yes so these are there are criterias when when uh I'm analyzing as a drro when the first step right there are criterias so so the first is that there's no more than one building site one of those criteria actually is that uh there there are no encroachments including fences walls and other Associated improvements with that building site which typically traveles with unity of title yes it's already in there and if there's if the if if there's a Unity of title on the site that me as a drro would automatically deny that and it will go through the motion of going for a conditional so this this is making changes to the process that would allow someone to go to the through the process that comes to planning and zoning board and the city commission this is not changing the way it's done administratively by staff now I understand so so this these um this is just would allow perhaps additional um properties to be able to go through this conditional use process that comes through to the public hearing process here and at commission and the the the the the rationale is that a restrictive covenant cannot be released by staff anyway only the city commission can release a restrictive Covenant so if the encroachment no longer exists right it has to and it can not have been demolished within the prior 10 years um so it no longer exists and then they want to go through this building site determination process through the conditional use process and go to commission they can do that and then because ultimately it would be up to the commission whether to release that Covenant um they have the authority to release the Covenant so if the commission is um is willing to grant them that conditional use then they can necessarily um uh provide for release of the C but if if C was still there then could they not go they would beud they would be precluded from even going through the process have to go through a lot split or something like is what how do you deal with the easement I'm sorry hold on I'm sorry my my question was my concern is there's been a bunch of properties that have come before this board for a lot split that technically her Department would have had to say you can't correct but it's come by through this board anyways and that would that's still going to happen this doesn't change that this just allows perhaps additional properties that would have been told you can't even you don't meet the threshold to even go to commission um to then come through the process you're talking about the barbecue in yeah that's that's one of the incidents well there was one property that we saw clearly was stated as two properties but there's actually another property which I'm talking about but we had one recently yeah since I since we were here at 20 when I first started 2017 there were only two buildings at determination request that came before the board which is the sunset one and and some more can can I ask a a question so was this brought up by a commissioner was this brought up by an individual was this brought up only by staff This was um from as instructed by the city commission and that's why we're bringing it here but I mean is it like a specific commissioner or or is it the commission and whole they said we want you guys to take a look at this staff and the sponsor the sponsor of item this already went for first reading in fact yes it was it was sponsored by commissioner Castro okay but the commission approved on first reading yes I me I I'm in full agreement with the chairman I I think you know redundancy I think is is um Aviation check check double check you miss it things get clouded you know in in over the years um my biggest concern and you say you know you've seen these I've seen them I've seen also big public hearings where they've been denied uh where where people said well you know I could easily have two Big Lots but listen that's not the way it was me my biggest concern in the preservation of the City of Coral Gables as we have known it in the past is site specific zoning regulations they are under constant attack and and for me the board of adjustment has always been a very important board which is now almost shriveled up to nothing as far as the cases that go before the bo the board of adjustment does not review this no no I understand I'm just giving an an example you know as far as you know the the bending of certain things setbacks and things like that and one of the things that makes Coral Gable special is that when you go before the board of adjustments it's got to be a hard it has to be a hardship not a self-imposed hardship not many people ever do that and and that's what makes or supposedly makes us stricter but then all of a sudden you get into pads and things like that and you know you could kind of you know it as well as anyone you could push this or you could push that and and and all of a sudden it's it's just different and I have a huge concern with the site specific zoning regulations because we have in our code in appendix a 57 pages of restrictions of properties throughout the city and I've seen where they've been they could be altered by the Commission in a majority but they don't make it to commission sometimes and and I have a real concern with that the same as I have real concern with this I I am of the opinion is that if it ain't broke don't fix it so this is this is not a sight specific zoning regulation specific this is simply a modification to the process I know it's not a site specific I'm I'm I'm saying these are relatively U similar issues and and it's the same thing as because the stricter I think the stricter you make certain elements the more you're preserving the quality of life of why people live in this city but but Felix not necessarily because and maybe maybe I'm if you have one site that you could say you know I could I could uh maybe build a larger home versus if there's a determination you could have two lots you could do two smaller homes which is maybe the flip side I don't know if that if that has to do with it because i' rather personally if I live in an area I have two smaller homes and one larger home well I'll tell you a story my the property next door to my property we have a 10,000 ft devil lot and most of the houses there are either 100t wide 125 ft wide some are 75 very few just the way the math worked out when they were building at the at a time there was a par that had there was an issue right about an inch and there was a you know some type of story going back to a card game or whatever the point was that eventually they got it cleared and they put this smaller house two-story house they have no rear yard because we're on septic tank so they had to push that slam it all the way to the back they've got maybe six seven feet in the back almost unusable they've got a barbecue out there great people great neighbors but the pro problem is is that then it gets to the point that you got two grown-up children you have two adults you have four cars it's not the same you you alter the compatibility of the neighborhood they do have in here right now which has existed forever about the percentages of lots and the widths and that kind of thing so I'm I'm for looking at this very carefully because you know they're just taking out Covenants encroachments easements and and these words mean something I mean and and you could stretch it to another place I know that we're being told it's in other parts of the code but I'd like to see it on the front the first chapter so if I can clarify it's not that it's that the only the city commission can release those covenants so if this process is this is just addressing the process by which someone who's making this request can get to City commiss so if the city commission is considering it anyway the city commission has the ability to decide whether to release the Covenant which it would necessarily have to do if it were to approve this it it it to me with all due respect it it just seems like you know when when you're you're putting yourself in the hands of the development director which could be an engineer and not a person that's qualified in planning and or zoning and and all of a sudden they are the ones that can make a determination like this I have a real problem with that pardon me but back in the day we had people that were extremely qualified and their first priority was maintaining the consistency of these neighborhoods throughout the City of Coral Gables I have a real issue with that because this is like the last place where you could protect the quality of life of our residents where they live where their largest investment is in many cases in most cases I I have a real problem with this when I saw it it was you know there's there's no reason to change this to make it more expeditious to be able to go through a lot change you it's not more expeditious it's not more expeditious it's just simply facilitating certain properties that otherwise would not be able to do it so that it is doing it is facilitating it or stream or not streamlining facilitating for certain properties that would not currently qualify for me for me I I'll tell you what facilitating is for the for the residents my neighbor across the street took them three and A2 years to get a building permit for his swimming pool took him three and a half years Robert is complaining about you know people not not returning the thing because of a process issue in this particular case I just want to have more protection for the residents I I have I have an issue with it I I I just don't see the advantage of of anything that we're that we're discussing where it's going to protect you know that that neighbor from a lot split uh and and if the commission wants a split a lot they can split a lot anywhere no they cannot if if if this there's some properties that do not qualify with this requirement so that the commission doesn't get to see those is is so that's the purpose of this which one doesn't qualify there's certain properties that would have a um they do not meet three out of these four criterias oh no that's fine so the commission doesn't get to decide to do that I they don't get to the the applicant doesn't get there they they don't qualify to even get to commission so this would certainly um facilitate additional properties being able to go through that process okay I I I just don't I I I just don't think it's a good idea that's all I have thank you the the the I just want to clarify that during staff's review my review as the I also have to check those I have to consider I have to check if there's any Unity of title and if there is then that's one of the criteria for it to be denied and then it gets to the city commission yeah uh I personally am for this because it does allow more properties to go through the process you always have the commission as the stop Gap right so I'm actually for it jaier I don't have any problem with it will anybody like to make a motion make a motion to deny this uh you have legislative action to deny is there a second a second so we can vote on it we have a second to deny any any comments call Ro please Julio Gabriel no zalinski no Felix Paro yes Javier Salman no chip Withers yes Robert bear he's confused he's confused yes ABS in sta yes I'll move approval of the motion so just just to be clear the motion to deny passed the motion to deny passed correct that's it would you like to make a motion to adjourn CH I'll make a motion to second we are coming to um if I might to the if I might to the chair we're coming to the end of a period where we only need to do our reporting our financial statements so July one July 1st which will probably happen before our next meeting so I think this would be a good time just remind anybody who's still needs to do it to get it in electronically now electronically now yes yes you all should have received an email right several several several yes I have Jill is very especially different multiple municipalities yes exactly um we have a motion and we have a second everybody in favor to adjourn say I I I I thank you very much [Music] everybody to get great for --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for for for for [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr clerk Mr Mr clerk ready to start tell me when you're ready looking for yes sir good morning good morning good morning I hope I hope everybody's well uh first off if everybody was so kind just to give me a few few moments um first off thank you for being here to all the employees that are here thank you for your hard work uh leading up to the budget season uh your input your guidance is critical for our success so I just want to say thank you for for always doing an incredible job um I'd like to thank all the residents Business Leaders or anyone who is uh listening today and is engaging in the capital Workshop we welcome we welcome your guidance through email today we will not have public input but if you have a question or uh you know any guidance we welcome it you can send it to the clerk uh via email or send it to the commission and we look forward to hearing from you Madame director good morning good morning Paula Rodriguez assistant Finance director for management budget and compliance um to reiterate the um the mayor's sentiments first of all thank you so much for all of you um and your participation in this process as well of all of our department directors and staff that spend hours and days responding to uh budgets request to get their requests in and to work through the various details of each of these projects um so um and my staff the budget staff who also work tiously and work on the detail and keep me straight I always say they're better than me so um I appreciate everybody's assistance in this process um so today is our capital budget Workshop um as you know uh the week of May 13th we met with each of you or around the week of May 13th we met with each of you oneon-one to review the various projects that were submitted through the um through Department requests through um input from the community through input um from this dis um and from staff's uh knowledge of what is needed for maintenance and repairs and new projects in the city um and so today's Workshop um is your time to be able to um to talk in the open in the sunshine about these projects and prioritize the funding um to be able to establish this 5-year Capital uh program and just to give a little bit of uh a little bit of what what's next right so today's June 12th we have our Capital Workshop um we will have on July 1st we will have our property values our final property values and our budget office will produce our preliminary budget estimate on July 1st on July 10th we will come back to you to set the tenative millage um and present the um the changes from last year's budget to next year's budget and so with that um I'm going to present to you that same worksheet that you have in front of you the worksheet of very small numbers um but before we get into that I want to um explain how we got here so at the end of so typically we close out our prior fiscal year um some sometimes time in June and so now the end of fiscal year 23 um after we set aside any reserves um segregated any restricted funds we have an available one-time fund balance um from fiscal year 23 for the general fund um of $2.5 million that we set aside for new needs um in the operating budget for this budget planning process and 5.1 um just on $5.2 million of available one-time funds that we set aside or we sent to C to the capital fund which has been our typical process um so a total of$ 7.69 4 million 7 just under $7.7 million of onetime available funds that um that resulted from the year end of fiscal year 23 in the general fund and so why am I presenting that to you because typically as we me as I mentioned we set aside an amount to be used for Capital we could always shift that but that has been our usual process and so that is part of the culmination of the amount that I'm going to give you today um so in addition to that we have estimated our revenues for next fiscal year and so as you know our June 1 property values came in sorry I should have had that paper here I June 1 property values came in at $25.5 billion which results in an increased property tax revenue of $9.8 million an estimated increase right so we'll have the final values on July 1 but those are the preliminary values that we received could you repeat that number please yes so our June 1 property values is 24 million I'm sorry 24 billion 500 million is the preliminary estimate based on our current millage our property tax revenue would be 129 M 385,000 I'm just going to round it there doar which is an increased revenue of $9.8 million okay so in estimating our revenues for fiscal year 25 we also estimate a onetime um interest Capital that we anticipate receiving of about $2 million that we can use towards onetime items in the capital budget and I'm going to kind of sum this up on on screen in a minute for you as well and we have recurring a recurring Revenue that we were able to transfer to the capital preliminarily of $1.5 million and so I'm going to go ahead and share this spreadsheet cuz I'll kind of read re iterate where we got to somebody can me okay so I'm going to go very quickly to so just for context for the those of you who are not familiar with the process or those who are watching um online or on TV um so as we we have several funds within our city um so the primary source of Revenue that we have that funds our capital projects is our general fund and so first I'm focusing on the amount of money that we have in our general fund um many of the projects that are proposed are funded from our general Capital fund uh which comes from our general funds okay so I'm just going to flip over here real quickly so all of the numbers that I uh provided to you now result in an available $21.6 million for Capital on our initial estimate of our operating Revenue so I'm going to show you real quickly just how that breakout is and let me know if you can see that um so talking about I can make it a little was that fast enough answer zoom in a little bit more yeah give me a moment this um and just for future reference the gray doesn't work well doesn't work well more contrast needed yeah older the eyes get the more contrast we need they say you also need more light to be so this um this spreadsheet is always fun to go through at these meetings so we'll zoom in and zoom out as we need to to get the information okay is that easier to view no one more there on Zoom it looks great so if you guys want to join on Zoom no part of the problem is we have these we we have these stage lights up here so I've got this brightness shining on the glasses so that's fine I'm going to read it out to you so that it'll make it easier okay so and my mouse has moved but the mouse on the screen has not no no that that does present a bit of a problem I know you're trying to hide the money yeah no no no it just doesn't want to go okay um so what's being blocked by that Mouse signal there is what totals the $21.6 million that we are uh providing to you as available funding for the general Capital uh funding of the our capital projects so it's made up of the 5.1 almost 5.2 million of one-time funding available from FIS School 23 year end for onetime Capital that I just mentioned we have um we've brought over about 179,000 I know this little mouse thing doesn't want to go away let me see maybe maybe if you drag the whole sheet it'll it'll stay where it's supposed to be or is there we go there you go all right we you see it takes a village it does all right so but now you can't see the 2.1 the two it's okay do one thing at a okay there we go so 5.94 million that we've brought over from fiscal year 23 available fund balance to capital of the um available 2.5 million for new needs we uh were a we assigned those to we assigned most of that to operating and we have 179,000 just under 180,000 that we've brought over to Capital we have another 2.1 million that we've estimated of additional interest income to be used in capital as a one-time funding and then we have another 3.3 million in the general fund that is not in the capital fund of interest income that we have brought in to be used for Capital and then based with the increase of $9.8 million in property taxes and after we've uh balanced our budget with operating increases we have 11. 5 million that we've brought from the general fund that we're proposing to bring from the general fund to Capital um to equal that $21.6 million in available funding for Capital then you're going to see on the bottom that I'm subtracting out $817,000 um that is for funding that we would propose to use for country club projects which um doesn't quite fund its own Capital yet the goal is that it would generate enough Revenue that eventually it would but right now we're subsidizing the country club with the general fund so any projects that we propose or fund would come from those same funds okay any questions on that so I'm going to hide this note so you're going to see that we have several funds that we use towards funding capital projects and I'll just go through them very quickly so fund 310 is our general capital fund so as we go through this spreadsheet you have some understanding of what I'm refer referencing and within fund 310 we also bring in funds from AI from art in public places which is restricted for Arts use where do you have fund 310 on the street um it starts off on my sheet as fund 320 3 the first few columns right no the first one is 310 second page second page page one no no it's there top right above the 21 million 1 320 oh okay okay I have my notes there yeah the first few the first few minutes we all get acquainted with the worksheet yes um so in fun 310 we're going to talk about the general Capital funding that we brought in art in public places and we H and we also bring grants that we may uh receive or know that we're going to receive into this um funding then we have a fund um neighborhood Renaissance program where we have a small fund balance as a program that's now gone away but we have a small uh balance of funding in there so $892,000 fund 350 is our roadway fund and so this includes um funding that has come in from the estimated recurring Revenue that we'll receive um this estimate will likely increase because we will get new estimates from the um from the state during the summer but this includes about 1.22 million in recurring revenue and about $230,000 of one funds that we have available from uh fiscal year 23 then we have impact fees so you're all familiar with the various impact fees and so um we have various impact fees where we have available funds um many of those impact those impact fees are restricted to certain uses so we've only identified those projects that can be funded with impact fees um to be funded and so although there is more funding available than what's reflected here we've only proposed at this point just under $1.2 million and as we go through the process if there's any other pro project that can be funded with fees that we have we will continue to do that fund 400 is our storm water fund and so we have $6.5 million uh 1.6 of of the 1.7 of it is onetime funding the remainder of it is recurring Revenue we have potential grants in here um so we'll get to those as we get through the projects then 410 is our sanitary sewer similar to storm water restricted to those types of projects and then the country club fund which we already talked about this is funding that's being brought over from the general fund parking fund is uh funded by their recurring revenues and some one-time uh funding of 4.4 million that is in their fund balance primarily because we've been reserving for um um liability liability in that fund that now we've been able to release some of that after they Clos the books in 23 um so about $4.4 million in onetime funding and thanks to that you'll see that we're able to fund many of the projects that are needed in parking um and then Fleet Management which is uh essentially an internal service fund and gets charged back to the other departments whe in in each of the funds and so this is primarily for the replacement program of $3.6 million okay so this spreadsheet um you've all seen it before without the funding portion of it um we have we also pulled in um at commissioner Fernandez's request the amount that we funded for each for any of these projects in 24 just for reference you have your um prior year available funding and any open purchase orders um this is updated as of last month so it's possible that something has been um paid or spent since then but as but this is as of last month's information the next column that you have is the 25 request so this is the Department's request for new funding for fiscal year 25 towards any of these projects and then the total is the toal total of Prior year any open purchase orders and any new requests and then since the capital budget is a five-year plan we also provide to you what um planning F planning for funding for future years right so 26 27 28 and 29 for a total 5-year project cost um for the purpose of this meeting unless we get into a project that has multi year cost I'm going to hide these columns just to make it easier to view but if we need to highlight any specific project I'll expand the columns quick question uh just for clarity the the open po column yes um is that factored into the prior year available or is in addition to in addition to the prior year available yeah so the prior year available would be any unspent unencumbered unheld money at this time okay so like I said I'm going to go ahead and I am going to hide the uh future year funding and the total year funding columns I'm sorry let's see if I can do this easily okay and let's see um I'm going to also hide the total just for now um uh maybe not let's see you could also make the project name a little smaller there's a lot of space let's see if um M the column the project name there are some projects that are longer but we'll yeah but I think we can figure it out yeah or you can just click on that column that that okay I'll be scrolling across the page as we go through so like I said this is um always an interesting exercise as we go through this program um so as you know this worksheet is um divided up into different categories than how your actual capital budget book um proposed uh capital budget book is formatted for the purpose of this conversation and so the first section that we um that we have is the capital matrices and so these are these are recurring projects that we have been establishing over the years to um to fund the renewal and replacement of existing equipment um and and um and components of facilities okay so Network infrastructure Matrix um is essentially the support of all of RIT systems so it's all of the servers all of the maintenance the replacement of light laptops um and so these amounts are based on the cyclical cost of replacement whether the equipment is scheduled for a three-year or fiveyear replacement schedule and that and that's how it comes up with the the estimate um so Network infrastructure Matrix the department is asking $2.25 million we are proposing funding just under uh 95% of that for 2.45 um the reality is is that we really do not try to impact the funding to these programs but in order for us to fund as many of the requests in in any given year we many times have to work with the Department to see what is the worst case scenario how much funding can we give you without interrupting operation and so in our discussions with it they would prefer the full funding but they can work with the 95% of their request do you know if I may ask do you know what the 5% that you shaved off is so I just shaved off 5% ramundo and his staff will have to figure out how to work within those kind confines um so we don't know at this moment what that 5% shave will affect if it will potentially address issues of of um redundancy or if it's issues in regards to um software updates or if it's an issue of um ensuring our software and our systems are hardened from ever increasing uh attacks from malware from foreign entities um good morning mayor commission or is it or is it a new project or is it finishing an existing project of innovation and technology that 95% will cover all the critical equipment that ends uh that reaches the end of life including cyber security and Hardware that 5% reduction what we would do is H some recent upgrades that have been done for critical systems like erps we will have one grace period of one year that we will defer the savings for the next upgrade because those systems were recently upgraded so those are the ones that we will um not include in that 95% ask you a question how critical is that 5% for you to conduct business our we prefer always to fund it 100% because that way we save uh in the accounts for the life cycle of the system so we calculate the life cycles based on industry and Manufacturing and something that is called meantime between failure so we uh for software we have more flexibility for Enterprises like earps so we can extend a little bit the life cycle and say okay instead of 10 years let's put 11 years that will not be as critical like a switch or a server Hardware we don't extend the life cycle because we know that Hardware H has a high probability of failing after the when they reach that end of year with software especially the software that is hosted in the cloud that's the one that will be in that 5% uh that that we will extend a little bit without compromising business continuity and criticality so that's our calculation that we did before with with the with that Matrix so to to answer your question 95% will fund all critical systems cyber security network Hardware servers everything that guarantees a business continuity of services the one thing that's important I think to highlight I'm sorry if you goad is that they can absorb these decreases in any given year but when the when the request is decreased year after year then that is what begins to really impact their ability to provide the service and secure did we we uh reduce their request last year yes so last year we um I believe we um funded 92% I think is how much we reduce well how about the year before I believe we also I think every year since Co at a minimum we have not fully refunded what I'm going to do is I'm going to prepare a memo for my office as we go through these items of items that I believe are critical that should not be reded used and again I think as an Ever evolving World in regards to technology I think shaving 5% after we've shaved them two years in a row I think in my opinion is something that I'm going to do further research but I think that maybe is not in the best interest of the city so I'm going to I'm going to put certain things that I think are are critical in my opinion the last thing you want to do is is um potentially um jeopardize jeopardize anything that has to do with our Network systems especially when we're talking talking about uh going going Wireless in the downtown providing Wi-Fi uh all the all the new infrastructure that we have we're bringing in a new fourth fire station uh there's a lot of there's a lot of things that are going on right now that that um as technology continues to evolve this would be a third year in a row and taking your advice you don't want to make that a habit and this is the so I know it's a big hit 5% on 2.5 million two almost $2.6 million but so um I tend to agree with that generally for all of our matrices um it is difficult to prioritize the funding that we have and um and many times the operating even though this is in capital it's the operating of the Departments do um do get impacted to fund other needs or wants in the city and so um as we work through this process in July hopefully we will have additional revenue and we will be able to maybe um increase the funding to some of these projects where maybe um we don't necessarily feel the funding is suffice but this is exactly what this exercise is for right so I'm going to highlight this because this will be a project that in the event that we get more funding potentially we um either increase the funding or maybe shift the funding from this conversation today thank you excuse me one qu one question is it possible to get another column where you tell us where you show the difference of what has been requested and what the difference between what's requested and what is uh in this proposal I didn't get all the way past by spreadsheet so thank you for pointing that out so the last two columns in the worksheet okay is the amount that we funded and the variance um or we refer refer to it as shortfall um but it's what we did not fund from that from that particular request and to the mayor's question is it possible for you to include maybe you can send this test after what was requested 2024 and what was appropriated 2024 so that we can see where we cut last year year over year yeah year over-ear uh and maybe as the mayor was asking prior years as well so we kind of have an idea where we've been falling short year-over-year and seeing where we need to start catching up okay I can do that just keep in mind and as we go through this worksheet it's the same um it's the same idea some of these estimates of many of these projects are estimates and proposals and the estim um we don't typically update the request throughout the process unless unless in discussions with a department the project changed in scope and then we increase or decrease the request but typically what so what I will pull in to that request is the request I'm sorry the I'm going to say request a lot of times the fiscal 24 ask at the same time last year so the project may have changed in scope and the need may have changed but it'll at least give you that perspective that you're looking for right now I guess realistically if the request is what it is today it would have covered whatever the shortcoming was the prior year in order to make up for it according to the director of the department in the matrices the numbers will hold true but in some of the other projects it might they might have shifted because of scope so I'm going to interrupt you while while we're interrupting um looking at the column for parking um we have $2.1 million of Revenue there is that an Enterprise fund yes parking is an Enterprise fund their revenue is based on the parking fees and leases um as well as some other um small revenues that they get but generally from parking fees um and so their revenue covers their operating and then anything else would be used for Capital and we also bring in um parking Revenue into the general fund to offset the cost of the general fund as well so I'm going to throw you a hypothetical yes lawyers like to do that um say for instance the cost goes down for whatever is on the sheet and I haven't gotten into the weeds yet of each sheet uh because we decide to use bring in a private company to carry some of the costs like for instance if the jolt Chargers or something that we want to entertain and it brings down that number there's a certain amount of it that goes into parking yes could that could that arguably help supplement what IP it has been uh reduced it could um we so when we balance the revenue over the expenditure in parking um is as well as any transfers or Debt Service are set aside for Debt Service that we're planning for Mobility Hub then we calculate what the amount that can be brought into the general fund is so anything that gets reduced in the parking fund would potentially come into the general fund and could offset any of these costs so we could plan to use any reduction into its's request all right um going forward or any new Revenue so we calculate the revenue now we'll calculate the revenue again in the summer so if their revenue new shows even more of an increase for next year than we'll have a we'll have a surplus that we can then transfer to the general fund and I can make a note if that's the commission's direction to use that towards any IT projects as available thank you okay okay so project number two public art restoration Matrix and so this is a matrix for the restoration of Art in the city and so this is funded from art and public places art and public places has a health fund balance because that that funding is restricted to be used for certain purposes and so this will be funded from the art and public places fund Citywide roof replacement Matrix um so the ask is for $1.6 million we are fund we are proposing to fund $1.4 million that will cover the roof replacement at Miracle theater and it'll um also bring in about a half a million dollars into the m to be used for the future replacement of roofs again we are not fully funding the ask to to fund that future replacement portion um but this is our recommendation at the time good question my understanding was brought to my attention yesterday that we have a standing line item in the budget every year for for miracle theater of $50,000 is that correct yes for like minor repairs and and those kind of things so that 50,000 plus that 1.45 million uh 50,000 and about 950,000 for the roof is the estimate are you using that 50,000 into that 1.45 million or is that Standalone no that 50,000 is in our general Services Department's operating budget and that's for smaller repairs and maintenance that's done in the facility okay um did we use that all last year did we spend all the 50,000 do we know I will have to get back to you on that that is intended I believe is specifically for plumbing electrical and and things of that nature can you can you through can you through the manager send the commission and email in regards to that because if we're looking for pennies last year we yesterday in the commission we approved the almost $42,000 maybe we can use that line item of 50,000 to pay for that 42,000 or at least a Delta well we can we whatever there is look for some of that money and see if we can potenti to use it um for that $42,000 if we're we're looking for money for different line items here that's a big number cuz I know that there's a lot of other there's a lot of other and correct me if I'm wrong you would know that there's a lot of other roof repair needs throughout the city correct correct yes so we're going to dedicate 1.45 million to Miracle Theater which is an incredible asset it's a cities I understand it um you know that's a lot of money that we're dedicating in that one line and um I'd like to make sure that we can at least we can save $50,000 $440,000 we'll provide it with that information yeah we can even apply it to if it's already going to the miracle theater we can apply it to something else thank you the miracle theater funds that were allocated yesterday came from Ada funds that the city has in this year's budget right so um and we'll get down to that item we have an ADA project that we've been funding um for several years I think it has about a half a million dollars we'll see it in in in a page ask ask you a question in regards to that since the commissioner brings that up yes we have extensive 8 needs throughout the city correct yes so we can use that money for another 88 need certainly I was I was just going to mention that there's so many areas where we don't curb cut if we haven't used a 50,000 in the miracle theater and we have a Delta and it's left over that money goes back into a general fund take that portion try to fund the portion of the $42,000 for the ramp and and and try to you know see if we can plug holes that way just an idea you know yeah yeah because we have doctor's offices here with even curve cut from near the parking Madam City attorney as far as art in public places are we able to use those funds for this roof repair since it is a an art facility and are or are we able to amend the art and public places legislation to expand the use for Cultural Arts no it is not it is limited um there's a definition for what it can be used for we can't just use it for maintenance or or repairs to our facilities we cannot do that but we can't expand legislatively what the uses can be we'd have to look at that I think that there's there's I would be concerned about doing that um because it is very limited the purpose for which that that fund is um is collected I'd like to sit down after and and try to see what other places we can use the funds if they're just sitting in an account Madam City attorney if you would be so kind send to the commission what what is the legislation from the county that is a county piece of legislation it's not a City of Coral Gable legislation that dictates art and pet places and how those funds can be used it's basically pre emption from the county it has to be used for certain things uh that are only art related correct so the the county um the County ordinance that applies to municipal government uh municipal buildings um is is limited it can only be used for the for the public art if if we were to say sell an art piece that the city currently owns that has increased in value what happens to those funds do they have to go back to art in public places so I don't I don't know that we've had to deal with that before or that we've done that before I would have to research that and I can do that okay cuz like for example the the flower fountains out here the residents have been wanting to get rid of for years would we be able to use that fund if we're able to sell them so that's a very complicated matter as you recall that came up several years ago and there is an agreement um that dictat certain things so there there's no easy answer that I could give you right now on that um but um generally I I think the funds that are collected for that purpose have to stay in the program so that would be my my answer right now that it has to all stay in the program all right I've met with the city attorney I don't know how many times regarding thisal times yeah this same subject and I've kept on going around and around trying to like find any loophole and I haven't had luck yeah yeah so so for for you I know I know you weren't around when I first started what I did do is I took um maintenance money that was being paid from the general fund and I do have it I did do an amendment to require to be paid from the art public places so the taxpayers are not paying for maintenance of this extraordinary maintenance of the artwork so that freed up the general fund money a little bit so and that took some months to do because I had to go to the committee and you know came back around and it was distilled and then we we finalized it on extraordinary maintenance not regular maintenance because regular pressy cleaning is not something that we could take from the AR public places fund so uh that's a a short course on many months of haggling I have a quick question um how many dollars are left in the Ada fund okay so as of the other day uh we had 56,800 in Prior year available for the Ada fund uh for that reason we are actually not proposing funding the ask this year um and so that would be before we reduce the 42,000 or so but as of now it's half a around half a million it's about half a million okay question the 50,000 that allocated as Hermes said for Electrical Plumbing if those funds were to be used for something else what happens this upcoming fiscal year if there is an electrical Plumbing problem and the funds aren't there so we're about half we're uh we're just over halfway through the fiscal year so I'm just saying yes if there's supposed to be $50,000 for Electrical Plumbing and come January there's a pipes burst or whatever happens and there was no money in that particular fund for that kind of work what do we do so so that funding my recollection it was created by a resolution passed by commission that assigned $50,000 is to be used as needed for those very specific and I think it was electrical ping I will have to have the top of my head to date uh will you check that I think we spent about 1,500 bucks right uh on that fund today now that is really part of our uh operational budget for facilities so let's say at the end of the year we don't spell the whole 50 because some of that money uh doesn't get uh there's no need for there's no enough Electrical Plumbing issues then that's just part of what uh then that fund drops fund balance and becomes avable future if it just so happens that we have something that's very mayor and he excess at 50,000 since that is our responsibility we have to find it within our budget and if we're going to find it within our budget then they will have to you you have to come back to us uh can I give you can I give you a recommendation maybe the commission will consider MH um if you have an aging building MH like all historic buildings and you already have a line item budget right that's giving you $50,000 a year right why not why not put together a piece of legislation I don't have a problem sponsoring it that ensures that $50,000 does not roll back into the general fund I know it's tough I know it takes away money that we can use for other things at the end of the year for example you said you've only used $1,500 so far but let me no no no no no let me just let me just finish I know let's just say you use 30,000 just say use 20 whatever the number is but if you want to build if you want to build something that for example you could say in 10 years if we only used you know 10% of the half a million dollars that you would be able to roll you know you would have a good amount of money there saved up to potentially replace a portion of the roof or to stuck with the exterior of the building and it wouldn't be such a hard pressing hit for example right now to the roof to the roof of to the roofing line item where you're going to spend 1.45 million which by the way I think it's a pretty heavy number for for the uh for the miracle theater to spend $1.5 million on that roof a roof I know I'm sorry the hip I know it's a hip roof a hip Ro are you replacing just just the the 3090 paper or you replacing even like infrastructure parit the whole nine yards no no it's just the hi roof and anything they find underneath you know that there's always something a budget that's a budget number right that is a budget number yeah know because I know that we replace a roof at the Coral Gables Country Club M the number was I can't remember but it was pretty significant we kept finding things that we kept removing it a little bit hopefully it's a little bit of a cushion there in case we find and that's fine and I understand this just a budgetary number but I think that if you have a $50,000 line that's dedicated already through legislation I don't think that money should right now I don't think that money should go back into the general fund keep it there so you can use it for that facility in the near future maybe you have to change the windows maybe that you have to do something there that that on the exterior and that money can be always allocated to that facility cu it's only going it's only going to need more and more attention as it gets older so we can certainly um so last year of the 50,000 47,000 of it was spent okay so we can certainly though in accounting as part of our process we can make sure that any uh fund balance of that 50,000 gets I'm not going to say restricted because it won't be but we can make sure that it gets assigned back to capital for the miracle theater going forward and that way we'll have we can begin to so it would be $3,000 last year but maybe it's 10,000 this year and so little by little we can certainly make sure to funnel that back into the theater so I'm going to go back to the Ada mediation um line um this city was sued by the Department of Justice I don't know the year quite some time ago the way a city and a municipality can resolve their suits is to have a transition plan so if you have a transition plan and you're making making progress on it you're doing things about it and you're funding it then you're in compliance but when you're not funding it and um you're saying you're not going to put money into it and we have the needs are high and you're not putting money into it it doesn't look like you're executing your transition plan this is a dangerous area to to step into number of cities have been sued by private actors and a Department of Justice over lack of compliance uh with 88 mediation we have a very long list of of remediation to take care of I've taken a look at it and that is not even complete you know there's a lot of stuff on there that's not complete and I know that you've always been an advocate of this particular project and so um the only reason we don't we don't need penalties we don't need to get sued again we don't need an enforcement action taken against us we need to step it up the only reason that we're comfortable at all even not recommending funding this this year is because one of the things that we've do is that so this funding is to address Ada issues and Facilities but with many of our facilities going through significant Renovations we take care of those ada8 issues during that renovation and as part of the project which is why we have this significant amount available because we haven't had to tap into these funds for for most of those projects and so like the Venetian pool is a large project all of those Ada you know will be ADA Compliant when we I'm looking up Public Works will be ada8 compliant when they do the the renovation of of the Venetian pool and that's the expectation that some of these larger projects like City Hall the Venetian pool that those 88 issues will be addressed in the in those projects I know but on a budgeting aspect here uh you may want to split this out to be able to show how it's allocated into a new project okay uh every new project must be you know meet the 2010 guidelines there's you know no wiggle room there this is for remediation money this is for existing facilities where we're lacking compliance which includes our parking areas along our streets where we lack you know sufficient um signage where we lack sufficient uh slope or curb Cuts you know that we haven't been taken care of because even some of our existing Ada parking on the streets is not correct you know you have a mailbox in the way of the accessible path or a pole so that the whole thing needs to be moved so it's something that needs to not look like we're not taking action on the existing facilities so for the purpose of today I'm going to highlight that and come back to it because we'll get through um now going back to the roof number because it's been thrown around that 1.45 is going to Miracle theater it is not 950 is the estimate for the for the roof and then 500 000 would go into the general Matrix for um other projects that are um forthcoming yeah I've got the 950 number here um we uh the request from the Department was 700,000 73,000 for HVAC Replacements we're proposing 550,000 Citywide elevators their request is 266,000 and so similar to the other matrices they're requesting 150 for a elevator at the Public Works facility um and the remainder they're requesting to go into the replacement Matrix at this time we're recommending that we replace the Public Works um the one needed at the Public Works facility and not funding the difference um entrances and fountains replacement Matrix and so this is a fund that they use when it's needed um and so currently they have about ,000 in in Prior year available we're proposing funding about $50,000 of their $150,000 ask they don't have a specific project but this would be money in the case where they need to repair or replace an entrance Fountain if it's not covered by Insurance because of you know people crash into those things all the time motor vehicle replacement this is the replacement schedule for the vehicles that are um due to be end of life in the next fiscal year and so $3.6 million is the request we are recommending funding the full $3.6 million and that will come from the fleet funding which will get passed on to the general fund that's already contemplated in our estimate which gives you um the remaining balance of 21 million so we're proposing funding the full replacement plan um many of you know the history of this city we had not been diligent with renewing and replacement our veh with our vehicles and um probably 10 years ago we had vehicles in very bad condition we finally gotten to a point where for the most part all of our vehicles are in good condition and so we recommend maintaining that improvements to City parking lots and garages so the ask is 2.1 million and we are proposing funding that full 2.1 million that will come from the parking fund Parks replacement Matrix so I might not be allowed to go to Parks after this but we're uh proposing funding the park replacement Matrix request of 1.9 million at 75% one just under 1.5 million of that this Matrix it um includes a couple of things um it includes the replacement and renewal of parks equipment um and some of the uh items at facilities equipment at facilities it is also funding some of the so the prior year funding is dedicated funding within some of the parks projects so when we fund a Parks project if there's any equipment that's going to be replac that's not new equipment we would fund it through the Matrix and so they um while they have $5.7 million of available funding now that funding is essentially dedicated to to replacement schedules um and then many times in certain parks that are going to be renovated can you go back to line item 14 motor motor vehicle replacement yes so they're asking for 3.6 and we are funding the full 3.6 I just can't my eyesight is catching it from one it to the next quick question on that does that include the trolleys that includes the trolleys the four trolleys right or how many trolley next that is a one trolle One Trolley okay right and troles over four years okay and county law requires us to replace them after yes a certain period of time there is have we have have we looked at have we looked at I know I I brought it here a two occasions one of the reasons why we didn't consider was because it was Chinese but have we looked at any opportunities and has the technology advaned for having electrified trolley to see if we can lower some of our um we've done a lot of research I just wanted to see if there has been anything new in regards to that the electric trolleys yeah yes we're looking at some grants me me and Matt well we've talked about it we we even brought it we even brought one here two years ago and we we did a test run on it but at the end of the day it was the company that owns it is a subsidiary of a Chinese company so obviously I wouldn't move forward with that so mayor there's two vendors that uh that we've been looking at uh Hometown is the one that we've been working with for a number of years a number of our current trolley our hometown we've been working with them they are still going through testing as far as on their battery on the electric side we have also been in conversations and gathering information from gillig who can make a trolley similar to a bus and then they can re repurpose it kind of as a uh as a trolley so we've gotten quotes from them and we did submit a grant uh to the FTA and we're waiting word on that for four electric trolleys um so we're should be hearing next couple months sorry for interrupting let me ask you a question also why not do like what other municipalities are do where they don't maintain they don't buy the trolleys Outsource a company bring a bring a bring a company to you know manage all the trolleys uh do that will we save money or would it be you know would it be something that again would cost us more money in the long I'm trying to explore options I I haven't that is the way it was previously before I got here and uh I think it was presented by Steve Riley 12 years ago that it was a a big uh cost savings to do it ourselves okay so I'm was a Longo mayor I have um you all update some of the other things we've been looking at uh and there was the green hydrogen trolleys yeah and Matt you've been looking at the numbers I don't know the numbers you just made a comment to me that one of the prices looked like it was good um can you fill us in where we're at on that we're still researching um I I have been getting information from that one vendor that you've been speaking with uh but we're still re researching really for a fleet of our size you know we have a relatively smaller uh Transit Fleet so a fleet from our size we still are kind of researching the economics and I'm working with Alberto on that as well right I mean it's just it's it's another opportunity to do a comparison and the maintenance um on on something like a hydrogen fuel would be less than Diesel and it' be less than probably the batteries because you don't have the uh decreasing charging value on the batteries that to be concerned with so to the question whether we should own the fleet or get into a contract with somebody that does have the fleet um the issue when you hire somebody that or contract with somebody that owns the fleet your hands are tight as far as your ability to flex to a different company is the service provided is not good because then you will have to go and acquire a fleet in order to get out of that contract um there are other possibilities which is that you basically have a lease on the trolley there are companies out there Nationwide they will lease you the vehicle and that allows you to a more frequent exchange and you reduce the cost because they benefit from the depreciation we as a governmental entity could not benefit for depreciation of equipment and they could do it uh as a private entity but I I think that the best uh scenarios that we have right now is for us to own the vehicles um because that give us flexibility if the service provided to the public is is bad you could just say you know here's your time to cure 60 days so whatever and if not you get into a different country um as far as the technology they explain it very well one of the issues is that really we're looking for that company specializes in trolleys or small buses that could do the electric vehicle the way that we need it for the public uh and also the the uh hydrogen technology that which is we look for I think that we have a very good Fleet in the sense that we have probably one of the few fleets out there of our size they have low floor buses which is extremely important for the elderly population press and the people that that is a big big gain in the trolley business so but we continue to try to to enhance our Fleet thank you question regarding um Fleet in general um because you you brought up the point of us having a small Fleet so we don't benefit perhaps from the discounted price that other larger entities do do we have the ability to piggy back off of somebody else's uh purchase orders and maybe add ourselves to them in order to benefit from their pricing we're currently our new try purchase we're GNA uh pick you back on the Georgia contract to their pricing um that saves us a lot of time and and going off for estimates and procurement okay does that work for all of our Fleet police vehicles okay we pick your back off of any contract we can make sure perfect so we have like a a most favorite Nations Claus in all of our contracts correct but we can just apply apply that across the board and we and we look see which is the best available for us okay thank you you're welcome okay so um we already jumped to the Improvement of City parking lots and garage matrices this is going to be funded from The Parking Department fund and this will address improvements in certain parking lots in their request Parks replacement Matrix I spoke to already we are proposing funding 75 % of that while Fred is probably giving me a side eye um we've discussed it and we will um any additional funding that we identify over the summer we will try to increase the funding to this line um and continue to work with parks to make sure they have what they need um radio system Matrix um and so you see my job is very dangerous I am um only proposing for funding at this time 600,000 of the 969 $9,000 request this is a matrix that funds the replacement of the radios um as they come um to end of life it also supports the radio system and so while I you I always say that anything that we don't fund it's not because it's not a priority um it's just the competing priorities and so I've spoken with the uh police chief who's online um and he understands the the funding at this point and so he has available funding now and we'll continue to work with them to make sure that they have what they need to replace radios and um and Equipment as necessary so it's funded like 70% there yeah you you have it noted as being from the general fund uh do are hia funds uh 62% 62 are hia funds uh funds that can be used for the radios so typically the funds that they receive from faf and other funds uh can only be used for new programming so potentially like for new officers or for a new task force that it's the first time but the but any ongoing cost uh typically those programs don't fund for them so Haida would not be able to that funding could not go to Radio replacement no police rifle replacement so uh we're fund we're fully funding their ass of 13,000 for the police rifle replacement um Fire Equipment replacement so similar um similarly to other matrices their request is $1.2 million um which is a bit higher than prior year request because they're adding some new equipment to their replacement Matrix um and so in working with the fire chief we've been able to agree that about 90% of this request can be funded for now and any new funding that we might identify will try and increase that request but that he'll work with his replacement schedule within that funding okay now Chief this does not affect I know that currently getting fire apparatus is very difficult and it requires a large lead time the the the difference here will not affect your ability to seek out new equipment that is necessary to get it on time this line item covers uh all our Capital items not our fire trucks or our rescue trucks that is under the fleet's budget and there that is under the scheduled replacement plan for the vehicles that Paula just St okay there's actually a fire rescue that we made sure to fund and uh put in a letter of intent to get in advance to not lose the opportunity to buy that now thank you sir thank you chief okay so we're on the second section uh priority projects funded in fiscal year 23 and so we've talked a bit about we've talked um we typically talk about this in each of our budget presentations this is a five-year plan that was put in place in fiscal year 23 when we received the um when we received a significant increase in our property values we um the commission and the budget director at the time came up with a plan to identify certain facilities that could be funded in this plan and um using those funds and putting them into Capital rather than putting them into operating since we didn't know how how long we were going to receive those benefits of increased tax values and so um the the projects that have been identified were City Hall complex the gondola building the ventian facility Alahambra water tower Pon Circle Park Philips Park and the development of firehouse 4 and so we're now in fiscal year 24 and going into fiscal year 25 and I think the good news is is that we've been able through one mechanism or another to fund to significantly fund or fully fund each of those projects that was um identified at the time as priorities I see there's funding for Pon Circle Park I thought we had already so the requests that are in here I didn't want to change anything that we had seen previously but this request um came into the dep from the Departments prior to those final discussions with the developer so you'll see that we're not planning any funding for that we know that that will be handled by the developer and those details will be worked out um so going back to the tops um last year we um were able to fully fund the Gonda Building or in Prior years we were able to fund the the gondola building we funded the Venetian pool um and this and with the resolution that was passed yesterday we've now identified the uh tdrs to go to the Venetian pool so you'll see that one thing that did change is we no longer have a request for the Venetian pool because with the resolution of yesterday we fully funded the Venetian pool in this fiscal year with the tdrs the same is true for the Alahambra water tower the Alahambra water tower had a request of over a million dollars and with the and with the funding of the tdrs at yesterday's meeting um we have now fully funded the need for the alah Hamra Water Tower project if I could make a suggestion going forward why don't we add a column here funded with tdrs so that we we reflect all of it on here we can and we'll we'll show that in another place but yes we can do that um it's a little difficult because this is now prior year funding and the other column is new funding so yes we could do that um pwn Circle Park we just spoke about um so although there was a need I identified when we put this plan together um we now know that there's discussions with the developer to to handle that Park and so that's not something we're funding and I'm going to skip over Phillips Park and City Hall for a minute and go to Firehouse 4 which was also fully funded in last fiscal year many of these projects um were also received the benefit of the um Appropriations from last year's um efforts at um at the state level since we're already on it what's the status of firehouse for how are we doing on the construction timeline wise we continue to have uh the weekly progress meetings uh right now they are working on what we consider the second floor which is just past the mezzanine so they're basically elevating the third floor or doing the structure to pour the third floor and then cap it off uh we were doing great as long as we were on a drought this week obviously is going to put us behind for that week so we're on schedule we're on schedule so far yeah so when is the um projected the projected if we have no storms Etc the projected completion date is May of 2025 okay um as you know you should probably add 90 to 120 days to that date but as of now according to the contractor and the meetings that we're having we're on schedule okay perfect thank you is that any better thank you so since you mentioned Appropriations based on this year's Appropriations what are what projects will not be funded um so correct me so there is the um anticipation of a Golden Gate I'm not as familiar sanary drainage program um and so we have not gotten confirmation we have been told that we are receiving that appropriation but we have not fully received the approval for that and so you'll see in the storm water programming we have 900,000 programmed that includes 500,000 from the Grant and 400,000 for the match if that does not come through over the summer then the project will not be funded that would talking about State Appropriations from the state I don't other than the than that and the San and a sanitary sewer project do you have that information yeah you're opening something up by way sorry yeah that's okay oh there was an aark I I request I made through uh the federal yes that's separate that's separate and aart I worked on I don't have that information with it's in an email I'll have to pull it out but I can look and see what the state Appropriations are because you mention you mentioned obviously the firehouse which is which is 1.5 million came from those came from last years and those was addressed by representative Mooney from from the keys but this year we're not getting Appropriations right so uh at the end of the day I wanted to I wanted to get a better understanding of of what what is missing funding you know any pending projects that we were going after that maybe we would have to match obviously with State funding I can get an update from them it's fine you can give it to me whenever you like problem okay so on the PRI on the priority projects funding we began this program in fiscal year 23 where we put about $5 million into this program to fund the various facilities and we had a plan to fund these facilities we're now kind of at the last leg of this uh of this plan um based on my recommendations here so um I'm sorry with the exception of City Hall which what we know is a multi-year project and we'll continue to need funding um to to completion so this year's recommendation last year we put about $6 million into this program this year's recommendation because we were able to um replace some of that need with TDR funds is to fund the 1 million doll needed for City Hall which would um complete the need for the windows right so last year we put $2.5 million into the city hall project to address the windows um there's an estim there's an increase estimate for that and another and another portion to address um just other assessments of the building um in order to continue on with that project so we're recommending the million dollars be put into that project this for fiscal year 25 and then last year the compromise was to move money out of Phillips Park to fund City Hall and some other portions of projects and so the discussion was to fully fund the need for Phillips Park and so you notice that the Philips Park need is 4.7 million I have 4.4 million coming from General Capital but don't be scared I put another 300,000 to come from in Parks impact fees that we can that we have collected and that this park is eligible to receive so that's on that that's on that blend on the impact fees for 65% uh you know 65% of the money gets spent for acquisition 35% gets spent yes so there is um you can see my little formula here there's about there's a million 80,000 available in that Park impact fee right now so I'm proposing to use 300,000 of it towards Philip Park and I going to just scroll down I'm going to skip this one for a minute and 600,000 to go towards the William Cooper Park that also needs funding to finish that phase of of the Cooper section of that Park so I'm proposing you're keeping you you have money in that account obviously for for acquiring Parks correct for what I'm sorry you have money in that account for acquiring Parks correct so the uh so the purchase of land in pack fee we have 110,000 coming in available right now for for purchase of land and so may or I this is your project and since we're on it we'll talk about it um so typically it's not it's not that it's my project I did write I did something that you've advocated I I did write the legislation but it's when you're able to use that money to be able to buy to buy private land and make it into a park I mean it benefits everybody so and so the the prior year available the good part about it if just to make sure everybody's aware I don't think many people are watching but I think that the purpose of that legislation is it doesn't come from General funds it comes from from Impact fees so it doesn't come from taxpayer dollars and that's a that's those are the type of vehicles you need to be able to do real good without having to address issues of taxes it creates a mechanism in order for us to be able to purchase land and not always have to look to the general fund the 500,000 for purchase of land comes from Impact fees is that what you're trying to say um so no so in the past we have proposed funding about a half a million for the purchase of land in some years we with a combination of funds and so there are um so we have we receive Park impact fees um with permits that come in for for developments and so um not just um not just big developments but any um any developments over a certain size and so um each year for the purchase of land we have proposed funding that purchase of land at an amount of 500,000 that the impact fees that come in there's a portion that goes specifically for purchase of land and there's a portion that goes specifically to be used for um Park enhancements significant enhancements to parks and so um when the funding is available to fund this project with the impact fees we have in some years it's been a split of general fund money and impact fee money and some years it hasn't and so last year we only funded um 245,000 and it was all from Impact Teck fee money we didn't fund anything from the general fund and so this year I am proposing that we only fund 110,000 which is the available amount of Park impact fees if anything else comes available over the summer we can add to to that number um and not fund any portion from the general fund that would increase the 3.8 Million by that 100,000 so the 500 is a combination of the impact fees and general fund and okay in Prior years it's been a combination um depending on the availability of funding last for example last year last year there was no there was no $500,000 from the general fund because it was used for Burger Bobs right it was the 250 was moved to Burger Bobs and 245 was funded from the impact fees and correct me if I'm wrong but U the this year it's it appears to be total total impact fees I'm sorry this year it appears to be total impact fees am I so the funding for the purchase of land I am only proposing at this time funding 110,000 from the impact fees from Impact fees which is the total amount available at this time for purchase of land impact fees okay so we diverted a little bit from the um priority projects so um where we began that conversation was in the priority projects we talked about funding uh the needan city hall and funding the Phillips Park at a total of 4.7 million 4.4 almost 4.5 coming from General capital and 320 coming from the impact fees with the other available impact fees for Parks going to William Cooper Park further down the the um the sheet okay and so that concludes the section on the priority projects um and so I'm going to go into our next section which we call critical projects these are projects that Administration has identified as critical and I think we all agree that these are essentially Life Safety projects and so emergency generator installations um the request is for 651 th000 and we are uh suggesting funding the 651 th000 uh recertification of City facilities as we've discussed in the past the request last year was to fund $2.4 million towards the recertification of facilities we were able to work out splitting that in half and funding 1.2 last year um you see that available balance now but by the end of this year they will have used all of that money they are in the they are finalizing assessments of buildings and identifying the repairs that are needed and so that 1.3 million available will be diminished by the end of this fiscal year or at least most of it and they will need that 1.2 million for the actual repairs needed to address the recertification of our facilities um you're all aware of the changes and requirements of buildings and so um we feel that that's critical sidewalk repair and replacement program and so um we've discuss this um at length um I think we all agree that sidewalk repairs is a critical project and so the ask is 1.5 but again I ask you not to um fear I'm suggesting half a million dollars from the general capital and the other million dollars being funded from roadway okay and so Bridges and Bridge repairs and improvements the request is for 352,000 we recommend funding the full 352,000 okay the next section is a little bit easier so sanitary sewer and storm water fees um and revenue is restricted to be used in the system and so all of the projects that are proposed here will be funded from those funds and from those fees and so I'll go quickly unless you have any specific questions the funding for these is in the latter column so it's either going to come out of fund 400 if it's storm water or 410 if it's sanitary sewer and the good news is is that we have sufficient funding to fund um I think we funded the entire program yes um okay so you'll see the projects that were requested here so the sanitary sewer infrastructure Matrix similar to many of our other matrixes this is funding that we um that we put aside and use each year for the replacement repairs needed um within that sanitary sewer system Forest main replacement program similarly this is to fund the um the replacement of force Mains Citywide inflow and infiltration abatement I am not well vered on some of these but I think it's the title speaks for itself it's the inflow and infiltration of the system Pump Station replacement Matrix and so we um we also fund that and I'm just going to scroll down some of these are specific projects that have been funded in Prior years the replacement or renewal um of certain pump stations throughout the city then we get down to sanitary sewer electronic Atlas update and modal calibration sewer pip cameras Citywide septic to sewer conversion assessment so we funded an assessment in Prior Years and we're working on that storm water system Improvement program Citywide Granada Basin drainage improvements downtown drainage improvements Golden Gate drainage Improvement we spoke about a bit we have that appropriation that we're waiting to hear confirmation of so quick question I'm going to go back up to line 44 page 156 the 422 is that the um 422,000 is that the the item that we uh have requested an earmark on I to the SE is is that the the one that we talked to the representative about Forest main replacement program yeah looking yes that that is the the bond is that the one that we requested that mark on from um Sal office well the the ear Mark it's part of that program um there was this one project down on Campana robino I think it is which we requested on E mark So if we get that money we only have to provide the matching for it so how much did we request the ear mark on do you more or less give us a ballpark I know you you you like to be exact there's so many of them that percentage of it okay okay I just didn't know how much the match was on that and and if this would help relieve some of the pressure um on the 422 there so so I I can tell you that without this grant it will probably be another two three years before I can do that project because you know this is this this goes in Matrix so we start putting money away money and money away until we have enough money to do it so so absolutely the grant will definitely provide a significant relief I just the top of my head I I know no I know I I know that that one's one that we're concerned about because it's so close to the Bay sorry we can I know that that's we're going have to get back to you on that one but yes that is right next to the bay and and absolutely um that that's one project that will definitely be accelerated if we do get that Grant all right thank you so we were down to the storm drainage master plan conne okay um so we were down by the Golden Gate Dage drainage improvements sorry my book we have the cross connection removal cocoa plum drainage improvements and then sea level rise mitigation program so the sea level rise mitigation program is legislation that was written it's part it's a specific part of the fee that's charged in our storm water fees and it's dedicated to be used towards building up a fund for sea level rise mitigation um the recommendation and the intent of this funding is is that it would be used towards a significant Pro program um to mitigate sea level rise not just for the storm water system and so um this particular project has significant prior year available funding but this is really to once we identify a program for that then we would propose to use this funding but it's not something that we are using now maybe something in the conversations that we had have had in the flood mitigations and that larger um this was that that um that was started five years ago correct five or six years ago yes about might have been longer but the goal the goal there is to to hopefully get to $100 million by 2024 yeah Coral Gables Waterway maintenance you'll see the fund request here so for a total funding of $10.6 million between the two funds and we were able to fully cover that request so there's two more sections um and they're broken up by recurring projects and um onetime multi-year projects um you're going to see that when we get through this section right so we kind of have this prioritized um already as you know the the priorities of the city and so you're going to see less and less funding being allocated to each of these programs as we go through this list um and we can talk about them as you need or um I can go through them so it's about 10:30 now we still have a long list to go so just let me know if I'll keep going and then let me know if you have a question on a specific one so LPR trailer so the request is for 100,000 I believe this gets us two lprs nobody's looking at me okay uh waterproofing of historic facilities we have been trying to create a matrix for historic facilities um and for waterproofing of both historic and non-historic Facilities but the funding has not allowed us to do so so once again this year we're proposing not funding those Ada remediation we spoke to a bit at the beginning of the meeting so um each year we try to fund um this particular program we're not recommending funding at this time not because it's not a priority but just because of the availability of funding optimize energy and water efficiency at City facilities and so this has been a program that has um paid off it has resulted in Savings in electrical and water usage um we currently in this fiscal year we funded a specific project The Replacements of the lights at Salvador is that right thank you um and so we are not recommending funding for next year we don't have a specific project identified um but we always try to fund something and identify a project but because of the constraints um we're not recommending funding this year Citywide environmental remediation you're all familiar with the site next to our Public Works um facility that um that needs to be remediated and so this is a proposal to remediate that site we are not currently um recommending funding based on the availability of funding installation of multispace pay stations um and the Miracle Mile geralda Street skate paver maintenance are both projects that are funded from parking and we are recommending fully funding those projects with parking money may ask you a quick question yes does that also include the removal of existing parking meters I know that we've been doing them Kevin would always tell us that we were trying to get as many uh removed year after year after year I believe that it does and I believe that we are well that we are almost complete in the city there is just a small amount that are still due corre yes purchase of land we spoke about uh we typically try to fund 500,000 we are proposing the 110 from the impact fees this year Coral Gables Country Club improvements and so the request is for 1.3 almost $1.4 million um for various um improvements throughout the facility um although the funding is in the Country Club column that funding comes from the same general Capital funding at the moment so we are recommending of that almost 1.4 million funding $657,000 um it's two amounts that will address the pool improvements and some structural improvements at the facility do you know how long we're going to stay negative with the country club like what's the production Parks will speak to that good morning um projection wise we just recently presented to the uh budget Advisory Board operations we are not in the negative of our expenditures so we're expending conservatively based on our needs of the country club just like any other Enterprise would um so we have not been in the negative however as discussion with capital it is not funding future Capital Improvements as of right now okay so the money that's going into there is is not for operations it's for improvements correct this particular funding is for improvements and so while the country club um so I'm going to give just round numbers just for ease so while the country club let's say we are budgeting a million dollar in revenue and a and a million dollar in expenses they are only spending as they have available revenues however as you're going to see in my budget development over the next couple of weeks I still have to budget the full amount that they need so you may see in the operating budget that we will also be subsidizing their operation budget but as the year goes along they are only spending based on their available funds they're not over they're not spend because it's based on events right so um so as I prepare the budget it's one perspective but in actuals and their actual expenditure it's another but this particular amount is only for capital thank you thank you welcome how are we doing as far as events how are we doing as far as Event Rental we this last month in may we did very very well to the point where we had you know two weddings going on at the same time so that shows you that you can do that we have the four spaces um so we've been very successful this is now down season so obviously June July is always the slow season for events but we've done very well um we can give a separate update if you want for the country club as a whole but um one thing that you know happens with events is often those are paid in advance so that's not Revenue earned until the event takes place and the service is rendered so we're collecting the funds but it won't hit the budget as earned Revenue until the event takes place so so future events that are being booked for January of next year we're already collecting on those but they're not going into the earned revenues until the the event takes place thank you so much you wel okay so moving down the list um so we have Granada Golf Course improvements of about 160,000 again that's being funded in that Country Club fund and um we're recommending the full funding of those Park AED camera surveillance installation so in this fiscal year we funded $200,000 for a pilot program at two parks um and so I know that the discussions are underway um for those and so so the discussion initially administratively and maybe even at commission was that we would try to fund about a half a million dollars of aeds each year um we're recommending funding another 200,000 next year and identifying what the next locations are um that's just our recommendation at at this point and that was Phillips and the Salvador Salvador and rotary rotary okay I I have a question on that um I'm not sure we ever got an answer do we have an AED in every police vehicle in the city we do okay yes so not the unmarked got it so just for the for purpose of the record so there is an AED in marked cars but not in unmarked cars but detectives will take it from car to car with them that's correct thank you Chief you're welcome the heavens opened up God Citywide alley Paving improvements and so um the request is for 200,000 we're currently not recommending funding for Citywide allei Paving improvements new sidewalk installations so the request for new sidewalk installations is 825,000 we're currently recommending 500,000 be funded so I'm going to just ask duvail a couple questions because I know we're working on some Grant requests here yeah is this the amount that's um takes into account the grants that we're requesting or we won't know that until November 1st so the $825,000 request includes a list of new sidewalks at for the full amount of planning and design um if if we had funded if we had propos the 825,000 and we received the grant then we would only need to to fund the matching portion because it did include the full cost of planning and design for those locations um the 500,000 however is reduced from that full ask and so if we receive a grant we will have to find the difference if we don't receive a grant we will have to prioritize what projects can be done within the 500,000 that we're proposing yeah I mean because the grant requests that are being worked on now are just for the planning and design money yes so perhaps you can give us a a better breakdown later so if we move forward with the $500,000 funding then Public Works can and work out what would what would be their proposal within that 500,000 okay okay sidewalk extensions and crosswalks um and so this is um an area that we've also tried to fund um throughout the years and so we have a a bit in uh prior year available which will probably be gone by the end of the year um but we're only proposing funding about 118,000 of 250,000 ask and you'll see that I just as money became available I tried to add at hermes's behest I tried to add to this project um Citywide Street resurfacing program we are proposing funding the full um half a million dollar request Citywide traffic calming program so the request is for $1.4 million and we are proposing funding that from various sources at 9 90% of the request so $881,000 for General Capital the $892 available from the NRP fund and the remain and the remaining of the 90% of 436,000 from the roadway fund for a total of 1.3 million of that $1. almost $5 million ask now I have a question on that cuz this is in addition to the speed tables that we talked about yesterday which would add up to about a million dollars correct correct so so we have several traffic circles which are significantly more expensive and and take longer to be designed and and as I mentioned before a few of the ones that we put forth on the early faces uh usually due to trade relationship people have said we don't want them moving forward we don't know what the well not every location is going to have a tree problem so we don't know moving forward how that's going to get worked out or or what alternatives will come up out of that so so that's that's the big question mark there but but yes that is in addition to that and the big money is the circles thank and you'll notice that this Pro this project typically has a prior year available fund balance because they're working through that Community process and getting those um those locations uh approved built more Street built more way streetscape Improvement um the request is for 150,000 so this year they have funding for some Landscaping improvements um the request of a and um and during the budget process we included funding for community outreach for initial community outreach on this project the 150,000 is for planning money um to to start planning for that next phase of this of this project yeah and the the number was originally higher sat down with staff and was able to determine that because what they want is just trees put in on the existing sidewalk we were able to reduce that number yes yes and so that was um taken into account in the current year funding and what the project for the Landscaping has come out to be right Citywide landscaping and ation improvements I know Dena is giving me the side eye online and so the request is for 800,000 and we are proposing 500,000 um of that ask Residential Waste pit restoration so previously we were funding this through we've gone back and forth we used to fund it in operating we funded it in capital we're going to fund this in operating again and so we're going to try a different route to addressing uh filling the waste pit so even though it's not being funded here it's going to be in their operating budget to deal with it there okay but it's not going away good tree succession plan so again uh the ask is for 250,000 we're proposing 100,000 funding for that there is available funds in the tree trust fund that they have as well so they tap into that I know that they've used a lot of that in the recent year um but at this point we're uh proposing 50,000 mang Grove trimming along the Waterway um the department asked for $200,000 to begin addressing that we're proposing a 100,000 and I've spoken to Hermes he'll work on what he can address with those funds okay I have a question on something I don't see here okay um our street markers um where does that funding come from I think I know a few years back we did an entire cleaning repainting of our street markers and ideally as we head to our Centennial next year be nice to have those Street markers fixed and repainted um so that you know our city looks good going into our Centennial so that was about 7 years ago and um over the last few years um we we tried to put a request to create almost like a matrix um where we get those Street markers uh on a scheduled like where every 5 years they'll get redone um I believe there's some funding there's a right so there's a request in the operating budget um there's two or three requests actually in the operating budget one of them is for the molds and the other one is for some maintenance and so we have in the in this number we have already contemplated funding um his the Public Works request for funding to address um the maintenance of the street markers not not just to the the funding that we requested was not to do all of them it was to do about a quarter or a fifth of them and just do in a regular basis we also do some of them in house but obviously it is folks that are doing several things so it's just you know if if they idea is to do them all in one chunk it will definitely have to be through a contractor what's the cost I'm sorry s years ago no what's the cost I think it's 80 it's just under 880,000 72,000 for the so so so to do to do them um we estimated about $150 pair to do them I think we may have gotten um some kind of a solicit The Proposal recently by the people who do it La who did it last time it was a light slightly less than that um we have almost 2500 of them of the city so so if we do to do all of them in one shot um I guess can we just put this on the next agenda to discuss and then we can talk about it next uh commission meeting and see how we can yeah so I think the the ask for the portion uh that he said for the phase that he said it was about 70,000 like I I want to say it's 72 my staff is double checking and that's for a fifth what you're saying that was based on our estimate so we're looking at about $250 to $300,000 to do all of them one shot yes um but like I said we recently got an own solicit estimate from a company out of the blue uh who well a company who had done it before and and the price was a little bit less than our estimate so we can come back to you and say okay if you want to do them all this is what it will take Mr clerk can we placee that on the next agenda sir thank you me while we're doing that on can we also get an update on the city hall Windows yeah for the next agenda see where we're at I know that it takes three months to build them and then you know historic has to do their their um review of them but I just want to get uh an update where we're at because it's been a couple months since we spoke about it mhm at a separate meeting so okay okay um so we're in the last section but the last section is like two pages Citywide lit receptacles we don't have any new funding requests so I'm just going to go to the ones that have new funding requests and thus there's a specific one that you want me to highlight Wi-Fi Capital Improvement project so this is a project that's uh done through a reimbursable grant so we're um we have that fully funded through the grant um then you have several requests from the public works facility which we have not funded in years past and we are not proposing funding at this moment so the reprogramming of their interior offices at Public Works uh Citywide facility impact glass installation um we have not funded but again similar to Ada any renovation of buildings we would we would address any impact glass at at those facilities at that time metal canopy structure at the Public Works fuel station we're not proposing funding for Public Works facility exterior painting we are proposing funding that it is important to maintain the envelope of that building and so we're proposing fully funding that request um new parking lot request and a new Warehouse request at the Public Works facility we are not proposing funding for at this point skipping down to the warehouse one um this is where some of equipment is stored and it does need some um work to the floor I believe but we're not currently proposing funding that request mer house repairs and improvements so this number may change slightly based on the change that we did yesterday so we assigned 150,000 in tdrs to the mer house this 30,000 was intended for an assessment um so Anna's staff is going to just very verify the need for the for the funding for the assessment and this number may go down um we'll just reshift that to projects that we've talked about like the matrices um in in earlier in this meeting so I see there is already 173,000 in there so we have now yesterday we're you got this list this morning because we made the changes that came through commission yesterday yes so that does reflect the changes that ref reflects the change right this whole document reflects the changes of the tdrs that were yesterday okay say again yeah I'm just squinting to see which line you're on that's line 102 mer house line 35 yeah because we don't have the yeah I'm going to scroll down to the Centennial public art program and so to the conversation of AI we do work to make sure that we try and fund as much from AI or any restricted funds that we can um so um the Centennial public art programming will be funded from the art and public places um funding that's why it's not an orange I'm sorry that's why it's not orange anything orange was marked to kind of highlight projects that generally come from General funds okay builtmore Hotel renovation and so uh this is part of our Revenue sharing with the builtmore Hotel this is the last amount that is due to the builtmore hotel with this 215,000 will have completed the requirement of that agreement um and it's a much lower amount than in Prior years you can see that last year was 800,000 and so then uh the full Revenue we'll will benefit from the full Revenue that we receive from that property Girl Scout house restoration we're not proposing funding at this time Miracle theater restoration and so the ask okay this is a different project um the ask is600 ,000 we're not funding this request at this we're not proposing funding for this request at this time the museum repairs and so again this reflects the 500,000 that came in from tdrs um whether they get the Grant and we match it or we use it for um for other for the needs of the facility um and there's a remaining ask of about 25,000 that we're not proposing at this time maintenance of historic facility so this project came out of the resolution uh adopted not at this last commission meeting but the prior one so the funding of 50,000 um closed circuit television security we are not currently um I'm sorry this comes from parking and we are currently recommending the full funding from the parking fund and you'll see that down this way the same is true for the rooftop solar photo Vol voltaic canopy at Minorca garage thank you for that um and so that's $50,00 ,000 and that'll come from the parking fund okay and so now we get into parks and so Parks um submits to us all of the various requests that they get from the community from discussions with Commissioners from all of the Avenues that people approach them about enhancements in parks and we know that for every neighborhood their park is a priority and so when we don't propose funding for these Parks it's not because we don't believe it's a priority it's just because we are prioritizing the funding available to us um and so uh Betsy Adams Park enhancements were currently not proposing funding Catalonia Park enhancements Durango Park enhancements hammock Oak Park hammock Oaks Park um neither um and then we get to the William Cooper and Nelly Moore Park and so um we funded a portion of that work um this fiscal year and they um they are asking for an additional 600,000 to address additional needs that came out of the meetings with the community and so that we are proposing to fund from those same park impact fees that we have talked about so that would fully fund the need at the Cooper section of the park I'm sure they'll be coming to you next year with the Nelly Moore section of the park needs okay and so moving down the line to the youth center pickle ball and the city-wide pickle ball and so I just want to preface by saying that again these estimates are done a couple of months ago and so the estimates come out of the discussions at commission or discussions in other areas and so um the youth center pickleball court installation came out of the initial discussions at Commission of an option at the youth center which doesn't seem to be moving forward in that fashion at this moment so at that time there was an estimate of $1.7 million for the two areas um we're not recommending funding that portion and then the Citywide pickle ball court installation is the estimates that Parks had previously provided which encompasses various facilities like kurg Park um I think builtmore uh tennis center and so that would be to do all of those projects in the fashion that they estimated it um we are proposing that we fund maybe a half a million dollar towards pickle balls po pickle ball not pickle balls um and allow the commission to come up with the appropriate plan for a phasing in of pickle ball programming um this is just our initial recommendation but um some of the discussions have been along that line so so so 500 for for this budget so what are we looking for in the future how long is this pickle ball facility going to really take well I think this was this was more about installation of pickle ball courts wherever and correct me if I'm wrong wherever we would be able to fit them in in our current uh Park system uh it wasn't for the actual creation of the of a facility uh the facility conversation we've had and I think we're still looking for a location to do it so we wouldn't even know what the the cost would be I think the the rough estimate we got was close to a million dollar uh to do something on top of a parking garage um so but until I think we have a concrete plan we may have more to talk about as we get closer to budget um I don't think we're we're there yet to to budget for a project one of the things I I've talked to the manager and staff throughout this process is I think we should prioritize our funding for Capital on projects that are shovel ready just to make sure we're not just putting money into an account when we have projects that can get done and accomplished in the next year um so I think if we start budgeting you know $1.5 million towards a facility that may take a couple years to get there uh I think we're cutting residents short on other projects that we could be allocating funding to yeah no no I I would agree with you uh there's another uh potential opportunity and uh I asked Caroline investor to to look at the numbers we can review the numbers um how much basketball is being played every day of the week we make may be able to split these courts out and you know provide a pressure relief there um glancing at the sign-in sheets it appears to be 1/3 2/3 versus uh residents versus not um there's another source of Revenue there that we can tap into with um you know just a even if it's a a small fee to to pay it helps pay for the staff it helps defr some of these costs there's a lot of needs uh I know at the youth center with the HVAC systems Etc that we're you know we can't we just can't make everything free necessarily we'll have to charge something I just want to in in reference to the youth center and the basketball courts and the pickle ball courts um I'm I'm comfortable you know through the manager's office and the community recreation team finding um when basketball when pickle ball make those adjustments but uh every time I go by there besides the pickle ball days and pickle ball nights the basketball courts are used and I see dads you know with their 9-year-old kid playing and and just I remember growing up and being at those courts myself and that's part of that Community experience that I never want to see go away so I think we can work on the hours and the days but to eliminate the basketball courts I now have been focusing more and I realize that it's a way for people to sort of be themselves and disconnect from the world so I just want to make sure that my position is basketball court should stay but when and how and that's something obviously to discuss I know I I agree basketball courts are going to stay I'm just saying that um I don't see the compl complete four baskets being used all the time okay so there's periods of time where people are actually coming in with their own purchase portable pickle ball nets and setting them up on part of the basketball court and no one has any conflict there they're happy with that so it may present an opportunity once we look at the numbers but the numbers got to be crunched on the actual usage for a while um because we do have two basketball courts that are indoor there are games going on they are competition games because we have a scoreboard going so I've been you know I do have a couple dogs I walk through there on a daily basis so I get a pretty frequent uh observation except for when it's raining no one's out there so when we decide when we we find the the place where this project can happen pickle ball is it going to be easy if it's already budgeted for to find the money to do this so depending on what's decided by the commission right now we're assigning the general fund the general Capital money that we have available to us um so that is this exercise so so like the commissioner said it's difficult for me to propose putting aside more than a half a million for pickle ball at this time because of where we're at with location and facility but it will be difficult then to right we will have to figure out where we will have to shift funding because it's not necessarily that there will be more funding there make there will be more Revenue over the summer there typically is but whether it will fund a one .5 million facility probably not um we may find more cost over the summer too so um this you know in our discussions and our exercise with the manager and the assistant city manager and the department this felt like a reasonable amount but no it won't address the funding needed for a future larger project I think the I think you're doing the right thing number one we've had this discussion multiple times 500,000 will cover more than cover should be leftover money to address all Design Elements once a location is picked I received two other two other uh you know opportunities from residents in the neighborhood over the last week of other areas that could be potentially looked at I'll be sending a memo to my colleagues on the commission for consideration but $500,000 as a line item well we want to address the issue and the outcry for pickleball I get it but this is an opportunity to at least put funding put money into design once a place has been chosen once it's been vetted by the community and everybody's addressed the issues we move on there's a lot of things that I see here on on um on our Workshop spreadsheet which need to be addressed radios Adas Network infrastructure Matrix traffic calming pickle Ball's important not saying it's not but putting $500,000 is is a major First Step moving forward to make sure that we address design can't go anywhere without addressing issues of design that's the first thing you need to do so uh these projects are done over multi-year phasing no project is done within one year especially when you're talking about a multi-million dollar project depending on the location and the size of the project so I think 500,000 is a very very very strong move forward and and makes a statement in regards to the city's commitment to addressing pickle ball I I think it's like the conversation we had yesterday on on sidewalks you got to have design money you have to have the essentially the equivalent of architectural drawings it has anything shovel ready once we have it shovel ready then you know we can go out and seek grant money for something so let me give you an example blue Road Blue Road sidewalks you have two bridges on Blue road that do not have sidewalks that people are walking up a up a bridge on wheelchairs mhm to cross the bridge if they want to walk in that neighborhood we've been working on that I've been working on that with Hermes and his team and Melissa for I don't know two years now we've been working on that funding it planning County you know looking for ways to put it into the budget and it's just taken it's taken a multi-year process so I think this is a very very strong and positive step forward I I agree with that I think you know right now we have no funding for pickle ball in this year's budget so $500,000 will go a long way into next year's budget I don't think that a facility can be built in 3 months anyway it's not something that's going to be done quickly um so this would definitely cover design and possibly the beginning of construction and we can possibly finish the funding for uh whatever we we finally decide to do uh in the following Year's uh budget uh but I think even the folks in the pickle ball Community understand they want to make sure it's done right and it's done you know not just throwing some lines and you know throwing some concrete and having a place to play but making sure that we have a place that they can play long term and that it makes sense and it fits the the needs of the community um so I'm I'm you know is one of my priorities and I think this definitely puts us in the right place but it doesn't be become a shortcoming for other projects that are also important I think it's important that they understand that it's a multi-year project right cuz the urgency when they've came in here I don't know how many times it's almost like they need something now right so their comprehension of it's going to take years to accomplish this I think is important and I think we're doing a few things to to alleviate that opening up Sundays for for pick a ball at the at the youth center um Philips Park is going to be a huge uh impact once that comes online as well with the addition of pickle ball there um we are taking steps underline is already under construction those pickle ball courts will become available probably around the same time our facility would U but there are things that are being done to start moving the needle forward I wish we could say from one day to the next let's do 20 pickle ball courts and create a facility but we're not we don't have that kind of uh space you don't have a Mary poppin bag you can just I wish well clearly the fact that we haven't quite identified the location has is has is in a pickle um thank you I appreciate that you want some Applause on that one I I I've been preparing um we have legislation that the commission approved unanimously a year or two ago having to do with sponsorships Fred and Carolina um and could that legislation where we have private entities be sponsors for events is that something that either the language allows us to have private Partners sponsor whatever we do with pickle ball or you know if we need to tweak that legislation I'll be more than happy to bring it back because I'm looking at possibilities that exist that perhaps we can get private dollars to sort of make make ends meet well I'm while you're talking about the private dollar there was also an offer from someone on the soccer field for Philips Park I mean I think that's a comprehensive discussion we need to have yeah so we've started so in terms of the private money it depends on what we're talking about are we talking about private money for um funding facility projects and and and and you know infrastructure of course we can I think like anything that you we'd have to have a a deal that works for obviously not only for the city has to work for for the sponsor and then that would come to commission to for approval cuz we you know do we have the legislative framework in place to be able to do that because I remember some years ago not now but going way back and you were still around they were talking about right uh getting private um sponsors for the use Center gym and stuff like that but there was at that time within City Hall in the community there's a lot of push back times have changed a lot well the you're still going to have some of that because the push back like for instance when I was there when we when we were talking with um the youth center the youth center discussions were with like the soft drink vendors right that wanted then you were going to have Pepsi Cola use Center and and the big signs and there wasn't there wasn't an appetite for the commission when we when we presented it Pepsi gave us a pretty good amount at the time which now you know 20 years later it's not that much but um we didn't want to have Pepsi Cola signs on our scoreboards we didn't want to have the you Center on the front so like I said if it works for the city and the and that's always been the problem because that we really haven't had an appetite to kind of you know stadium name brand and pop pop names on our fac I know the you there there's some legal limitations as to what can be named or what can't be named because of the deed but and just in general broader idea in terms of finding or creating a state-of-the-art or top of the line pickle ball Courts Facility whatever you call it it might be an opportunity for corporate partners that want to invest in the community and if we have the framework and I think we have agreements that we've used in the past to do something like that and there's other there's also possibilities for you know TurnKey type situations where someone comes in and builds it and operates it if we're if the city is okay with them operating it with a certain uh Revenue split and so I know that there's opportunities out there as well you know you know there's there's there's been some discussions where people have said maybe you look at that so that's something we can look at in the future um and Beyond the revenu I'm talking branding you know uh whatever you want to call it you know whatever company is that something your department or Economic Development or obviously the elected officials would be doing their part uh how would we go about letting the private sector know that there's an perhaps an opportunity to be part of this a partnership with regards to pickle ball the answer to that is I think it's all the above I think we we'd reach out and we'd work with economic development they they have a little bit more of the corporate and business contacts and we would but yeah that's what we would have to do we'd have to work with them absolutely to me if if if my colleagues feel that that's something worth exploring perhaps we can ask the manager through the manager to have his staff look into it and see what what we can find out and what kind of interest there is it's a another option on the table and maybe it at the end of the day works out maybe it doesn't but I think it's worth looking into absolutely think we had a perfect example with uh the pickle bow uh Clinic that we did during the farmers market yep uh it was sponsored by Publix and by poppy yep uh and they brought their own Court set it up in our parking lot and we were able to offer it at no cost to to our city and to our residents so you know I mean I think anything that we can do to consider Revenue stream that the city can use to provide services is great I me I've even heard our commission meetings have higher ratings maybe we can have them sponsored so um I just want to again I appreciate the idea but I oppose the idea um I think that we need to we need to protect our Brands what's what has set us apart from other cities is number one we don't have bus benches with advertisement we don't have again it's a great Revenue Source you can make a ton of money obviously we don't have Billboards throughout the city we could do that also and get a bunch of money um we don't allow exterior exterior um signage or advertising for example on our trolleys we've talked about potentially allowing it inside the trolley when you're inside we've talked about that years ago um I just think that we have to be very careful uh in regards to how we would brand something I think it's great if you want to have a pop-up scenario like publ when they want to they want to invest in in uh in doing something one day one week um and they want to provide over a weekend they want to be uh sponsor of an event and they want to have their billboard up and they want to have uh you know a sign they want to have you know something that says very clear that public is engaged with the city and that they're for example a partner with the city I have no issues with that zero zero issues I have no issues with a small little plaque on a on a bus bench if they want to make the investment of of of that or or for example in a park we want to dedicate the park to a certain you know entity in our city but when you start putting up big signs and you know it says Coca-Cola Pepsi Publix you know of Corporations I just think it it it takes away from our brand it cheapens our brand and it's something that again if you look at our trajectory over the last decades the last 100 years it it has set us apart because we have maintained our brand we haven't we haven't gone looking for those revenue streams which again are very tantalizing but look what's happened when we've chased revenue streams for example with Miami day County we've taken grants and money from Miami County which has handcuffed Us in regards to what we can do in parks in ter that we can't allow for pickle ball for example in in in certain parks to be only for residents we have to allow the entire County correct I've even asked you a few years ago can we return the money and you said we can't we took the money we can't return it um because at that time it looked like a lot of money when you thought about a million dollars it did and now you look at yourself and you see when you as you go down this worksheet you see what a million dollars gets you not much it doesn't even get you uh a small Park in in the Golden Gate area we're still short yeah and that's a playground that's some Landscaping uh that's some Hardscape and it's nothing real crazy in regards to infrastructure significant so my opinion is I think it's a great idea but I I would I'm going to pass on that because I don't want to open up that door because it's a slippery slope in my opinion for clarification when I said branding I didn't at no point did I mention big signage I said something that the rec the community recognized that we have private Partners people companies that are interested in enhancing the experience for our community uh I'm sure at the fireworks I think we've had perhaps or events like that we've had Partnerships uh even if it's a chamber of commerce it's Partnerships Chamber of Commerce is known as to be a great partner of the City of Coral a coral GES Community Foundation a great partner uh for the cinema I have the Anthony Abraham Foundation that came in they want to be a partner because they want to give back so when I said branding I didn't mean a billboard but I meant um communication the community that they're engaged and they're here to enhance our experience that's what I meant I didn't mean I didn't mean a billboard or a big sign so that was pickle ball um so going down the line we're almost done so nobody thought it could be done in a couple of hours but here we are Salvador take a break I guess I spoke too soon right okay uh Salvador Park and improvements so this request is for improvements at the tennis pro shop and the tennis facility we are not recommending funding this at this time we think that this is probably a futuree project can we go step just I missed I had to step outside of take a call the the Rotary Park enhancements where are we on that want to make sure there was no funding there's no re from what I remember from what I remember we had talked a little bit about some landscaping and a few different things that we could potentially yes we had talked about a safety thank you mayor uh there there is there's some money here but there's also money within the Matrix that already has money for Rotary Park so we're going to look at doing um cuz we've done two side visits there you know in regards to landscaping and they also they also wanted one of those one of those um we're going to do the light poles the light poles and they also wanted one of those safety safety buttons what was it called right right the light poll that's got all that but also it's time to replace that playground so we're trying to do all of it at once and you know there's been some regulation changes on the fencing so we have to change the fencing the height is now bigger um according to playground guidelines so we got to do all that so that's in there it's in our Matrix plus this money so we I think we're up to like $700,000 to work on rotary and get that done and we're already starting and if you remember when we met with the residents there they just wanted just a real simple yeah something passive they wanted cameras obviously they were having some issues there with with some transient uh situation there and uh just making it as simple as possible passive park with maybe a little playground area for the kids yeah it's it's we're not looking I mean we're going to make it maybe a little nicer but it's not going to be an expansive playground it's going to be the same kind of thing a one unit um small area with a couple of small ground things the same that they have there now okay we're not looking to expand it much more thank you very much so while you're up there the youth center improve improvements were those more maintenance or for those and you know so that is the larger that is the larger project for the Youth Center so this year we put funding in for um for simple design and conceptual design and maybe some community outreach and so the idea would be to fund the larger project the larger renovation and so the 1 million for this year was really a carryover from prior discussions but I think we all know that we're not at a point yet to move forward with funding the youth center renovation um and so I had said the you uh the Salvador Park improvements is improvements at the tennis pro shop facility and the tennis facility and so we're also not recommending funding that in this fiscal year um it's probably something that's a little bit further out um but I I I will say that you talked about it we are going to do the lighting that was part of that that you discuss so at least we're going to handle the lighting in the tennis center which is very important and we're doing that through that fun this request is more for the the building uh you know we did it at buildmore when which you know was a resounding success and So eventually we'll have to get to the building at at Salvador so I question for commissioner Mendez about cor Gable Senior High Park yes is there I haven't heard that the discussions with the school board have borne any fruit uh I spoke to the residents that uh reached out to to the school board and the response back that the school board is not opposed to us moving forward with this aspect this part of conceptual design so uh we're got a green light to move forward can we get that in writing because there's a track record there that doesn't always work with school boards we need something in writing no issue okay yeah from the school board I understand okay just just want them to acknowledge because I you know people have you know different people come in the memories the good thing is this isn't something new that's been around for a while and no I know I I know but you know I've yeah promoted the other folks that they are 501c3 and I sent them off to deal with the school board they need to get something writing absolutely no no issue whatsoever I'll reach back to the residents and we'll take care of that right and so uh as the commissioner mentioned that's a proposed $50,000 for conceptual design of a park at that Coral Gable Senior High location um the mayor spoke a little bit to this project the blue Road open space improvements and so uh the request is for $150,000 to finish um to finish that project and so we are proposing funding that from Impact fees police body warn cameras and so this is part of the programming of that Qui question just on the road and I think this maybe more towards Hermes um Mr Diaz that area we've talked about the connectivity of the sidewalks two separate things all together I know I know I know but I just want to make sure that we're spending money to attract people to use this park I want to make sure that they can get there because it's very close to the bridge and there's nowhere to park there that's a it's a it's a neighborhood park so people are going to be walking there the the the plants are done where actually working with a contractor to get a executed Po and we're also working with the county there's some trees that are invasive that need to be removed and you know we're we're going to be doing we need to do that ahead of the the actual but that that's that project is going to start this year probably with the next I would say with the next couple of month more or less I just say that because as as you as you make that Park attractive and people start realizing that it's not an empty green space that belongs to the neighbor or belongs to somebody who hasn't built their home there yet know people in the neighbor are going to start using that property they're going to want us they going to want to use the park and there's really no way to get to that property unless you walk there and there's no sidewalks there that sidewalk will be done before the park opens and the issue there and the that's great and the issue there is that the location of the blue Road open space it's on a circle correct so on the circle makes it even more you can't park there no you can't you can't park there so you there's like that's I the that's a positive that the residents are happy about in the neighborhood that you it's only for residents of the neighborhood so once that gets done I would love to see the sidewalk coming all the way from University going over you know going on Blue road going around the circle in blue Road and then maybe you know if it if it comes to an end of the park or the neighbor maybe we can convince a neighbor who we just cut who we just uh you know we made that deal with we made that deal with yester's commission meting maybe we can say listen can we put the sidewalk all the way up to your all the way to the front of your house I think that would be something at least you You' get away from the circle right get away you would have people people would have at least a home you know to be able to walk in front of to get to the to get to the uh the par sure no no it makes sense like I said the SWA will be done before the park is done thank you I appreciate it thank you for the update so moving down to police body warn cameras so this program started with funding from Grants and from the asset forfeiture funds and so um now we need to complete that project uh this year funding 732 ,000 uh closed circuit television security system request for $250,000 um we're proposing funding that that full amount uh Police mobile command unit Camp canopy so the police department is requesting a canopy at Public Works to cover the UN um the unit that's getting hit by the sun we're currently not proposing funding that in this fiscal year Granada and Columbus Plaza transp Transportation improvements a request of 186,000 we're not proposing funding for this fiscal year installation of bike infrastructure we are currently not proposing funding the ask of 200,000 um Old Cutler Road entry feature we are currently not proposing funding Milling resurfacing and restriping we are currently not proposing funding the ask of 200,000 can I ask you I apologize on 118 Granada and Columbus can we can we for next year have a line item or at least a discussion about the Landscaping on 37th Avenue the entrance featur in 37th Avenue in front of right on that median where the fountain is you know you know what I'm talking about understanding who's responsible for that median the median on 37th Avenue in front of the hotel where the fountain is of the H uh the high the high okay there you go the highest in front of it correct are they in charge of the median that's our understanding yes and can we get clarity on that we do because I'll tell you why first off the entrance feature right on right on 37th Avenue is in very poor shape it needs to be pressure cleaned the Landscaping is so overgrown that you can when you're making a leftand turn or you're making a U-turn is very dangerous and the landscape probably hasn't been replaced in 25 30 years I'm not talking about the palm trees I'm talking about the shrubs and all that kind of stuff similar to what we've done in our downtown how we refreshed the downtown with new trees new shrubs and after so many years on the medians um I think it it just look it looks really shabby it's a main main entrance point to the city I think it could look so much nicer and I don't think it would cost that much money we we'll get clarification on that yeah if you could do me that favor to the manager's office send me send me an email to see who's responsible for that so I know so may if it's if it's our responsibility maybe we can include some money to budget some new Landscaping in that area for for for uh for next year thank you um so we were down to million resurfacing Channel markers upgrade and maintenance program this is for the replacement of Channel markers sometimes they get blown away by storms currently we have fund balance um so we're not recommending funding that request caha Circle landscape improvements we're currently not recommending funding that request doodo Fountain traffic circle so we have a Grant application for this particular item and so we believe that we have a good chance of receiving that Grant we should hear soon and so we're recommending funding it based on the fact that we have grant funding that would um supplement that geralda Avenue tree grate installation we're currently not recommending funding this item constant on Boulevard streetscape improvements phase three we are recommending funding the request of 250,000 to to complete that project okay um pellan Park improvements 100,000 were currently not recommending funding and so going down to the last item this estimate came out of discussions that happened um a couple of months ago about the FPL lights and how to address the replacement and so we know that subsequent discussions this is not something that we're pursuing but at the time that the department came up with an estimate and so we've included it here we're not recommending funding that and so in total we are recommending funding the 2,635 th411 out of General Capital towards the projects that we've reviewed a mil 16,450 out of AI are in public places we have logged here 130,000 in Grants and that will come into the general Capital that we are anticipating the $892 out of the neighborhood Renaissance program fund the roadway fund which is a programmed for um just over $1.4 million and then just under $1.2 million in Impact fees to the items that we discussed funding the storm water and sanitary sewer request with $6.5 million and $2.4 million respectively the country club items for a total of $17,616.63 6 million for a total recommended funding for our Capital Improvement plan of $43 million not funding almost $21 million in requests that we've gone through and so you see that prioritizing these projects based on the funding that's available to us is certainly a task and we have to really look to um what we can what we can accomplish in any given year and prioritizing life safety and Community um Community asks and so this is kind of where we land So based on this discussion and any input that comes from here these are the projects that you will see funded in your July 1 budget estimate and will be part of the budget that we present um on July 10th as part of the proposal for the uh for the millage all right um anything further Madame director anything further from the commission no thank you for your time and we will uh address any questions that we're asked at this meeting will follow up and thank you to uh to staff as always thank you for all your hard work your input and your guidance and we look forward to uh ratifying the budget thank you very much take care thank you e e e for