[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what this past weekend you biked 170 mil is and you're still with us he he's going to be a little groggy today so he's still recuperating it's a cancer ride I'm sure he'll be happy to share with you yeah I don't like driving I know I can't imagine I could do 30 miles on my on a bicycle I I can't go that far anymore yeah I'm lucky I can get on the bicycle still [Music] Anders do it in a relay and then my leg the other day was like oh je have to position this iPad how we doing C doesn't show is Peggy coming is Stephanie coming got they're both coming Anna have you heard if if any if the governor zero without any preservation money I think I will do that though we're going back to Jimmy Carter times zero base budgeting that's it all right it's all right just right I don't have a problem being in the corner it's all right oh new guys new guys in the edge new guys at the edges guys on the end yeah new guys at the edges better right okay can I start I'll do with the readings okay let me know want to go recording in progress good afternoon welcome to the regularly scheduled meeting of the city of C Gables historic preservation board we are residents of C Gables and are charged with the preservation and protection of historic or architecturally worthy buildings structures sites neighborhoods and artifacts which impart a distinct historical Heritage of the city the board is comprised of nine members seven of whom are appointed by the commission one by the city manager and the ninth is selected by the board and confirmed by the commission five members of the board constitute a quorum and five affirmative votes are necessary for the adoption of any motion any person who acts as a lobbyist pursuant to the city of car Gable's ordinance number 2006-11 must register with the city clerk prior to engaging in lobbying activities or presentations before City staff boards committees and or the city commission a copy of the ordinance is available in the office of the city clerk failure to register and provide proof of registration shall prohibit your ability to present to the St preservation board and applications under consideration this afternoon lobbyist is defined as an individual Corporation partnership or other legal entity employed or retained whether paid or Not by a principle who seeks to encourage the approval disapproval adoption repeal passage defeat or modifications of a any ordinance resolution action or decision of any City Commissioner B any action decision recommendation of the city manager any City border committee including but not limited to quasi judicial Advisory Board trust Authority or Council or C any action decision or recommendation of City personnel during the time period of the entire decision-making process on the action decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission or a city border committee including but not limited to quasi judicial Advisory Board Trust Authority or councel presentation made to this border subject to the city's false claims ordinance chapter 39 of the city of Carl Gable city code I now officially call the city of Carl GES historic preservation Ford meeting of June 20th 24 to order the time is 4:03 p.m. present today are to my left uh Mr BOS Mr Silva Miss da Mr Maxwell to my right Miss Spain Miss Alvarez Mr Jana and myself Caesar Garcia Pon um at this time let's take a look at actually me take a at this approval of the minutes from the last couple of meetings there were two minutes um provided in the agenda U does anybody wish to make a motion for the approval of the minutes of February 21st 2024 Anna um I do have one change to the March minutes just to make a correction that Mr Gillis was excused and Not absent okay so when we get to Marks we'll March will add that in does any motion for the February 21st minutes move move acceptance of the minutes of February 21st move by Mr Maxwell second second by Mr Silva um and let's do March oh no we need Let's do let's do that one all in any all in favor I opposed I'll abstain I wasn't here Mr BOS okay so approved Mr BOS is abstaining thank you sir no no sorry he he's pered vot right yes I approve thank you um then also how about a motion for the March meeting with the um marking Mr Gillis as excused instead of absent so move of as amended Mr BOS second second Miss D all in favor I I any opposed motion passes eight to nothing um please be advised that this board is a quasi judicial board and the items on the agenda are Quasi judicial in nature which requires board members to disclose all expar Communications and expar communication is defined as any contact communication conversation correspondence memorandum or other written or verbal communication that takes place outside a public hearing between a member of the public and a member of a quasi judicial board regarding matters to be heard by the Quasi judicial board if any if anyone has made any contact with a board member when the issue comes before the board the member must State on the record the existence of the EXP parte communication the party who originated the communication and whether the communication will affect the board members ability to impartially consider the evidence to be presented regarding the matter uh does anybody have any expart Comm iations they wish to express at this time deferrals um Miss panas are there any deferrals are there any items on the agenda to be deferred today there are no items thank you um if uh we're going into swearing in if you wish to speak before the board today if you could um stand up and be sworn in please and if there's anyone on Zoom you must be president on camera thank you thank you very much um okay let's get to the first item on the agenda um a special certificate of appropriateness case File COA sp22 24-12 continued an application for the issuance of a special certificate of appropriateness for the property at 1318 South Greenway Drive a contributing resource within the County Country Club of coral Gable's historic district and the cor Rock residence thematic group legally described as Lots 7 and 8 block 12 corable section e according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 8 at page 13 of the Public Public Records of Miami day County Florida the application requests approval of a variance from section 2-101 d 4 bi I of or one of the cor Gables zoning code for the minimum s set back for the carport thank you have the PowerPoint please so location map you guys have seen this property two times now and probably within this year um the latest being in April of this past year um this is I thought there was a photo in here but I don't think I put it in just kidding okay so we'll go straight to the survey so uh this house was constructed in 1922 predating the incorporation of the city it was later issued permit 336 there are no original drawings to date however the structures on site are original to the site including the carport um in April of this year uh the applicant came back to you with a revised plan to extend the carport the initial plan was to demolish the carport they AR not doing that they're going to extend the car port so you all gave them approval in April along with some modifications uh to add to the accessory building in the rear um in order to accomplish what you all approved they do need a variance so we had thought maybe since they were not demolishing the carport and rebuilding it was they're just extending it they need a variance to do so because it's non-conforming so uh just to refresh you your memory um um the carport is there on the left hand side they're just extending it to the rear keeping the existing setback not changing anything from what you all saw um we are in support of the variance because you know you all approved it and we are we're okay with it and we were okay with it then so um it's just to clean up y'all's COA from last time thank you Miss Scouts is anybody else the owner wish to speak are we ready to go any questions for the city just to show you all in case you want to you know public wants to see it so thank you Miss counts any questions or comments for staff from the board just the neighbor doesn't have any objection to sorry the the The Neighbor Next Door doesn't have any objection to exension we' initially advertised the variants um back with the first COA when they wanted to demolish and rebuild it CU they needed the same variance so we got no responses from the advertisement from from this advertisement from that one so there's been no comment Mr Silva no Mr Maxwell yes Cara this is on the east side right and it's uh what about it's a variance uh supposed to be a 5ft setback correct and it's and and given the existing structure it's a 2 10 correct okay thank you so they're maintaining the 2ot 10 thank you um no let's open it for public comment does anybody from the public wish to speak in favor or against this case okay thank you closing public comment bringing it back to the board is there any further discussion or would somebody like to make a motion and I would like to say U Miss Rolando has joined us all right so I would like to make a motion for approval of the application request uh for the variance of section 2- 102d uh for the extension of the cport uh with the uh you know outside of the minimum setback side Set uh setback required by the by the code motion by Mr BOS is there a second second second by Mr Maxwell any additional discussion let's call the RO Miss Alvarez yes Mr dananana yes Miss da yes Mr Silva yes Miss Rando I'm abstaining uh because I did not hear the full presentation okay Miss Spain yes Mr Banos yes Mr Maxwell yes Mr Garcia puns yes motions approved uh 8 to Zer with one abstention thank you so much thank you uh next case 24 or case File CP 224-18 an application for the issuance of a special certificate of appro witness for the property at 1115 Obispo Avenue a contributing resource within the Obispo Avenue historic district legally described as lot 16 Block 17 Carl Gable section c according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 8 at page 26 of the public records of mday County Florida the application requests design approval for additions and alterations to the residents an auxiliary structure and site work could we have have the presentation please uh the property at 1115 obiso Avenue is considered a contributing resource within the Obispo historic district the home was designed by architect George um H George Fink in 1924 for owners Sutcliffe and fox although alterations to the property have occurred the overall historic Integrity of the home has been maintained um the property was also designated at Coral Gable's Cottage in 1997 uh two one-story additions are proposed to the existing residents the first takes place at the northwest corner of the residence and to the rear the second at the northeast corner of the residence and to the east both the Northwest and Northeast corners of the home are later infill editions that squared off the rear of the home both later editions will be removed and reconstructed again squaring off the rear of the home a shed roofed covered Terrace is proposed to span almost the length of the rear of the existing residence and the second addition is proposed to the east of the residence north of the original carport it is under a flat roof with a parit extending almost the north the length of the northeast corner of the home the interior of the home will be reconfigured in alterations to the exterior of the home including the restoration of several and missing removed features will be um discussed Below in analysis at the auxiliary structure allowed to be a living space for the crow Gables Cottage designation a small addition at the southeast side fills in an existing void and gives the building build a rectangular footprint window windows and doors will be modified and interior layout will be reconfigured the east of the of the structure is depicted as being new construction this needs to be clarified for permitting and the auxiliary structure and in addition the auxiliary structure is not visible from the public rideway um site work includes new paer driveway swimming pool relocation of the generator and removal of the front walkway um staff recommends approval with the conditions as noted um the proposed modifications are compatible with the character of the property than you good afternoon my name is Rebecca carbio I'm with PCO architecture and I'm the architect of record for this remodeling this is a rendering of how we are restoring most of the original architectural features that were present in the home including uh to the right there is the kind of bell tower shaped structure which had disappeared um some time throughout the past years and we're bringing it back as well as a cast stone ornamentation above the windows um we're also redesigning the front entry steps and the stoop and um essentially trying to make it to what George fank wanted it to look like back in the 20s beautiful um this is the location of the property and obes bow the neighboring context these are the pictures of the house as I found it um see where it was a lot of the beautiful features had been removed and even the windows on the right had been modified so we are wanting to bring it back to the one large arched window that it was this was the the addition that um was done in the rear it was a laundry room so the interior spaces are kind of very divorced from the backyard so the goal of the remodeling was to create a covered Terrace so the owners can you know en enjoy the rear of the property and there is also the side there which is the other area where we're doing a master bathroom addition and laundry just to give the home a little bit more of the Comforts of today this is the other side where the we wanted to bring back two windows that were missing in the living room they were removed so we wanted to put those back there to bring more light into the space this is the rear uh Cottage structure which was originally a garage and sometime then converted into a living space um so the client wants to use it as a man cave so we're basically um you know creating an area for him to work out and you know and work and we wanted to he wanted to really maximize the space so we did feel it was necessary to bring in that area that is um that area here that is okay at the screen sorry this here we wanted to bring that out and make it flush so um and also add more windows and doors to this facade as well which was very blank um and the Landscaping in the pool so all of that those miscellane you know those kind of kind of messy looking trees will be removed and made to look a little bit more formal if you will this is the original original images of the home for some reason the the bell tower I don't know if it was ever built but it was on the drawings and I thought it was quite beautiful so we found a way to bring it back this is the original floor plan of the home um is that it the original oops sorry they just may be big files oh so be patient okay no problem see I don't know it's not working can we go to the previous slide it yeah okay I love the window okay well I guess okay let me find where I was okay so this these were the original um side elevation and elevation there we are um we are going to use raised Ms for the Windows go to my elevations some images of the original home this is a the floor plan of the original home and this is our proposal site plan where you have the carport I mean the carport is still in the same location we're preserving that this is the master bathroom and closet Edition um this is the covered Terrace Edition um we're also doing an addition here we do have to rebuild this wall because it's in very poor condition I believe that was one of the comment so upon my visit with my structural engineer he recommended that we rebuild it um and that's the reason for that but it's in the same location and the same height as well here have calculations let's see is that repeating okay here we go so I do have a question just on the previous um presentation that you did I did not request for a variance for this structure it is lining up with the okay okay there's no request for a variance in the application yeah there's no I guess I I'm fine okay I'm fine just want to make sure I don't need to request for any variances the property is designated as a cottage which relaxes the setbacks uh they can go up to 2 and 1/2 ft by code so you are considered a cottage so anything up to 2 and 1/2 ft you're allowed without a variance yeah it wasn't a comment I I don't think we're encroaching actually another property sorry so okay um but essentially this is the addition and we kept a flat roof with a parit in that area as well the entire house with the same Barrel tile um ornamentation around the top of the parit which you'll see in our elevations so this is the existing and the new we are removing this detail that really I didn't feel it was doing anything uh for the home and then trying to you know bringing back this um this Arch large arch window as opposed to the two small Arch Windows bringing back the Square Windows on on this side um and then adding a little bit of a different type entry canopy in the front and also adding the cast um decorative detail around the door that was also original one of the other uh comments was the height of the windows so in the original microfilm I did see that the original Windows here were 30 in from the finished floor FL when I measured the house they were 24 in and so the windows that I'm proposing are are using that same height that's existing today so I'm not sure um how to address that I guess Miss carbo address the board okay just want to make sure that she understands it's okay that was one of the comments of her conditions for approval so I think we should clarify uh what is desired um this is a side elevation we are um keeping these vent details that are also out of the barrel uh tile and then these are the new windows for the kitchen and the the living room and the family room and this is the structure that's a very simple structure with um wood made to look very modest um and in in line with the aesthetic of the home this is the rear elevation the new rear elevation with the covered tears here and the side elevation the new side elevation where the addition this is the addition right here all this area the cottage structure again the cottage structure these are just cross-sections showing the parit parit design some more cross-sections don't want to bore you but I think you get the this is you know our presentation and our proposal for your approval thank you m gbo any questions for the architect um while she's here with her drawings in front of her just please so the original drawings on the house on where the the side window is by the way I I I love that you kept the tower very nice uh but the original drawings had a had an eress door going through that that front uh side room right which is what you have here as a uh essentially as either a studio or an extra bedroom that used to be an open space am I understanding that properly when I visited the home uh it was a it was the first bedroom to the right let me let me take you back to the floor plan so this area here mhm uh was a kind of a library and it didn't it didn't have a door I don't I'm just looking at the original Plants here from from the micro fish that you have so it so it looked like I'm from the original pictures that that that was like a sun room or something maybe at some point in time I'm possibly in the beginning it looked like this was some type of maybe porch because the original elevation showed a screen a large that large arched opening had a screen and through the years it was enclosed and when I visited the home it was a study a library right um we are adding the access door here which is into the Hall kind of to the question that I have is just just to thinking of the functionality of that room it's it possible maybe maybe somebody in the board that knows better than me but can it be a situation where that front window can actually act as almost like a door so that if you wanted to make it a studio like a painter Studio or something like that consistent with sort of the original view of the house or the original concept of the house is an open space that'll be something that they could use in in in that vein as opposed to just an extra bedroom in the house can they I'm sorry thank you Mr BOS it's clear but please into the microphone I apologize I I'll be I'll be a little better okay so you know I'm an novice at this so I just want to make sure that I'm not overstepping the uh the ideas behind it but I like the idea that it was originally conceived of the house as an open space and if if it could be modified Al could be modified to preserve the existing house but also give that a space at Duality if somebody wish to ever have that possibility so it's difficult to see and I'm curious for my board members but if you look at the drawings it was always a balconied enclosed space and not meant to be a door for front door it was a sleeping porch most probably um so if the intention is to go back to its original state I don't know if that would be the best way to handle that approach anybody anybody else has a comment I think in addition it doesn't have um steps or anything to it so you would have to alter that front Terrace in order to get that there accommodated and that would really change a front facade so I would have an issue with that and also on to the side is a carport which would eliminate the ability to park a car cuz it's very tight cuz you you wouldn't be able to to be able to eress that room in any way other than through those windows right yeah the windows on the side are casement windows which will be erress windows but not be it wouldn't be a door to it all right so that that was that was my only question she's going to use it as um like an art studio she paints so I don't know I she didn't she never requested uh that you know need to have have that as a as a space that could exit from the outside it's also right next to the front door so I think it's I think it works but I love the that you kept the uh the idea of the of the uh of the Tower and everything else very well done yeah thank you Mr B any other questions Miss Al I have a question hi oh thank you the project looks great um so I was looking at the original elevations um the F drawings and it seems like in the front there are three pairs of two Leaf windows that have four lights um so I'm wondering and if you had considered um you know reproducing that instead of single pain um casements that only have you know three and three lights stacked very good point yeah it it it changes the scale um significantly if you zoom in if you want on the left here on the lower left it's also one of our conditions right so Anna if you can speak in to the mic please some people are having some Anna you could speak into the bank next time it's people are hard to hear Mr Silva did you want to no I just wanted to to to bring up that that that is one of staff's conditions right to to revisit the windows and try to get back to the original configuration um yeah I and if if you're if you're going to have some questions as well oh no just um also on the staff report was um how you plan to do that detail surround on the door because it's you know it's obviously these drawings are very schematic so how would yeah we have a a cast detail for that uh going back to the window so just to clarify so you're you're referring to that this is a casement this is a casement and it looks like there're three pairs and then that that window unit repeats elsewhere in the house and they function as two Leaf Pairs and they have four U lights versus four okay because the windows are open in the in the yes I saw that in the picture correct okay what is this okay so let me go to my elevation and I know with the new impact products is it's hard to get things exact but um is there an opportunity to do a front door similar um to what was there are you are you working with um um with a custom door manufacturer or is it yes the general contractor that we're working with also has aot several other historic homes that he's remodeling in The Gables so he's putting me in contact with the same vendors so that um um go to the elevation here okay so I think the the primary reason is because we were trying to make a relationship with this the two sides and this was you know it's a very large window so when you add a lot of Ms it could become a little bit overwhelming and I felt it was important to relate the size you know the the side the amount of Lights I have here and here and for that reason it's almost almost like this is what kind of dictated this side originally this had um it was a screen so it had a a a railing and it was a little bit of a different proportion the amount that would be glass and the amount that was a railing so my only concern is that if I add more Ms here how that will kind of seem a little bit more you know more busy with the right side oh I see what you're saying okay um so I guess in in new construction I think that would be a consideration but I feel like so the opening on the right side is now not meant right now it's not reproducing the the original condition and it's not M but I I think the the windows that that don't follow the original um light configuration is is um is unfortunate because I think it it really really changes the scale of the house when the when the lights are too big um I think that o that arched opening on the right would be I don't have the answer but it it's just a separate design exercise than yeah yeah I mean it would be a it's still a condition of our of our approval that they go back to match the original configuration and and one of the conditions that for the larger opening I think boa members that were reviewing it they did want it to be differentiated so I think it'll help to have the different pattern um I don't I think you're worri that it'll compete but I think it'll kind of help differentiate the new and the old opening and that's something that they had kind of recommended for that larger opening to have a less spaced out um configuration thank you Miss Alvarez any any further no So currently it's a condition to change if you want to I mean I'd rather not change it cuz I don't I prefer I prefer a less busy facade um I think you know if it were a screen opening with a railing and it was the original than I agree but since it's changed um I'd rather those lines line up a little bit more so I don't know my opinion I think we we understand we have many different opinions I know that many of us are going to say go back to the sure same ones I I may not be one of those but um we'll see what the motion is when it comes up any other go ahead I have a question though are we so we're talking going back to the original would be the rectangular ones on the left it would be the four panel and the arch um got it so but the arch we would we would match the the same style or we would differentiate there's no original cuz it was screen yeah correct so it would be coordinated with st well I'm saying match the ones to the left I'm saying you don't we don't okay that wasn't a requirement I think they said the board of Architects asked that maybe it be slightly differentiated you would prefer it or you wouldn't prefer to I prefer not to also I I just prefer not to add more mtons um just because the all around the house has a consistent language um I think we're differentiating the old with the new with the stucco the old is going to have a more rough textured stule the new is still going to have some ulation in the stule but uh be differentiated so um so I think there's you know other things that we're using to differentiate um so you also asked about the the ornamentation see if I yeah oh what happened I think it said you're done okay yeah I think so well it's at the end it was at the end um was yeah so we we basically I mean we tried to mimic exactly what was there we you know as bad as an original microfilm is we stared at it for some time and really tried to come up with um something very similar uh and it's going to be just a smooth smooth cast applied onto the facade and then the door my client was very selective with the door she actually spent a lot of time um researching front doors and she wanted something with glass so this was kind of a one of those where we just uh were negotiating with the client to see the best solution for the for the facade and thought you know doing similar Ms and a wood a wood looking door for the front entrance I have hold on Mr Maxwell yeah I mean do you absolutely need to restco the building it's um well we do you absolutely need okay thank you Mr Dan uh question maybe you you answer this but I I might missed it the tower the bell tower you're going to add how does historic do they want us to do differentiate that in stuckle or is it going to be matching the stuckle because technically it was part of the original right like so yeah so just a question I have a general question just for me personally just we do all of this will have the same I think it should match right rough stle cuz all of this is the original the additions are in the side and the rear so that's I think it would look weird if it's yeah no definitely and I think the rough the rough stuckle will help to camouflage you know any Mount at some point the house was restuck it's smooth now so there I'm sorry the house was restuck outed it's smooth now so they're restoring the appropriate texture back to the house as opposed to stucking over good TT thank you're welome are you okay with the bell tower being the same stuck op or does that technically have to be different it's it's an it's the restoring original feature back and so I'm fine with it being the same and so if you look at the pictures of it now it's very smooth and they're putting it back while you're up I have a question I apologize was this Ellen's house yes okay thank you Mr Silva thank you um I I I agree with with Anna on the comments about the window I think we should try and get back to the to the original as closely as possible um and where there so this is kind of a weird situation because you're measuring something that's there now and that may or may not be the original construction right so we correct in this house in particular because that Bell Tower when was that picture that that first picture that we have the earliest the' 40s so I I I assumed that Bell Tower was there at some point but we don't know right so there could have been deviations from the drawings but if we're being Guided by the drawings I think we should be guided by the drawings and be consistent in that sense and if we're bringing back that Bell Tower I think we should kind of bring back those openings as they were which includes the window configuration and the muton configuration um and I think the the the studio room to decide what was the old sleeping porch um I think makes sense to treat that as a separate thing with larger openings I think the your rendering actually shows it almost like like a porch right you those those Mion are really strong and the muttons are less strong I would like to see more of that less milons and and more kind of getting back to the original screen configuration um and sorry one last question for staff as well um uh condition number six uh said to keep you guys were asking for the same size openings except where they're restoring um on the side elevation I am I'm a little conf confused about what was what we're calling original and what is Right some had already been enclosed or partially enclosed for like bathrooms and I think she was trying to create like a more regular rhythm so we just wanted to make sure there was a caveat that any of the original openings that hadn't been al already altered were remaining I think and the SS were also remaining I think her configuration makes sense but I well make sure you weren't objecting to that config no no no I think that's right we're just making sure that the ones that are there are stay there thank you thank you any additional questions for the architect or staff I have one question SP on the fun facade hung up on the font facade um on what used to be the screened porch that larger opening that you're now bringing back which is great um there's no reason really that you have to have a m pattern on that I mean you could you could you shouldn't be too concerned about trying to match up and make it you know compatible because that was screen right I mean could do something on the bottom as if it was the the original pickets and and very minimal um and I'm sure staff would work with you on that which I would prefer other than a mutton pattern Miss G can you zoom into the where you were showing before because the original drawing show the sort of tripartite screen I think that's what Mr Silva was saying also right it does have you see that had so we kind of tried to create the same I see that aesthetic but with the the heavier moons and then the lighter mtons to also create a hierarchy it's a very large window I have seene uh today I was just driving and I saw a big picture window with no Ms and I thought it looked very beautiful as well um I I don't know we this was actually a topic of conversation with the board of Architects as well and we all agreed and we're happy with the end result so I don't know if I would have to go back if I change that no okay you on so I think so for thank you for for the board the current condition reads sorry I want to get it right all existing window open openings are to be maintained unless where openings are being restored all existing window sills are to remain windows on the new additions may be different other one but it's was provided no um there was one that said staff condition five thank you very much window configurations are to match the original work with staff to restudy the window units and M patterns if whoever makes a motion likes that condition great and if you want to be more specific make sure to amend that motion or that condition um so any other questions for the architecture staff before I take it to public comment thank you Miss Cabo thank you um let me open up the the uh item for public comment does anybody wish to speak in favor or in opposition of this case you can step away from yes thank you sure no problem uh okay hearing none BR bring out to the board is there any discussion from the board members on this item I really appreciate the robust question and answer no I I actually I I wanted to ask Miss saying gu she she um you you give me a little better sense of what you were saying about how to modify that that larger window so that it's more consistent with the original look of the uh of the well actually it's just you're suggesting I know I I understand I mean honestly I would love to see the the rail the pickets come back and and put the glass behind it so it actually looks like it was originally uh a porch so I'm probably not the right person to ask my home that's what I would do I mean I'm hung up the same issue I I really would like for it to be consistent in that way and I I liked your suggestion that that'll be some you know the they'll the the railings will come back that because in my sense it is supposed to be a porch so I want to take I don't want to take away from the homeowner the ability to have the enclosed space that they require for a bedroom which I think for the usability of the property given the fact that the property is already small property they going to go to a second story it's a cottage house right so has a whole bunch of things that we want to be able to give him the room uh but I would like it to look like it looked originally and uh and maybe that doesn't have any M because it used to be a um a screen right and I love the fact that they're taking away the existing look of the house which is not consistent with they look but I would like it to look more like it looked originally so I don't sure if why the proper compromise would be there to make it I think they should work with staff I I have total faith that staff will come up with something that's appropriate so you're good with um as stated condition five work with staff and configurations continue to match the original yeah I think I think that's the best PR and honestly I think the homeowner has been pretty generous in bringing this house back to where a lot of people would have just remodeled the inside and not done anything to the outside and got out of here so the fact they're putting a bell tower which is extremely expensive I can't imagine what that's going to cost you know and all that stuff so I think you know I'm okay with them working with staff to kind of find a middle ground yeah it's very beautiful what they're doing yeah it's beautiful looks great I mean I I love the change it's it's especially the bell tower so it's a really good job becoming excellent since Mr buo has asked for an opinion I'm going to give one um on page two of the staff report the top image shows the the original drawings and there are there are a couple of major lines and if if the intention of the ballustrades is too much which in in my opinion may be if the two vertical ones are the ones that come through and then the railing comes through and if you can split it up into those pieces I think that'll give the proportions that I think I would like to see but I also agree that you can work that out with staff um I would also add that that in in the four-part muttons that adds up I mean those align that way but with the three-part it's very difficult to do it but mainly because of the lower part of of the arch and how much it drops down thank you any other uh any further comment any discussion do anybody wish to make a motion I'll make a motion Miss Bane I to make a motion to approve with the condition noted in the staff report the design proposal for the addition and alterations to the residence and auxiliary structure and site work the property located at um 11:15 obiso Avenue is there a second I would like to second that second by Mr any discussion Mr chair just to clarify the motion does it also include the issuance of the special certificate of appropriateness well I was going to ask you if I could yes at the same time and approve the issuance of a special certificate of appropriateness with the conditions un noted in the staff report m d yes I would like to second that okay second by Miss D both of them any discussion on the items are we clear that we're voting on both of them yes let's call the rooll okay Mr Banos I Miss Alvarez yes Mr dananana yes Mr Silva yes Miss Rolando yes a Miss da yes Mr Maxwell yes Miss Spain yes and Mr Garcia Pon yes motion passes 9 to Z thank you uh next case case File CP 224-0208 1021 Audia Avenue a local Historic Landmark legally described as lot 17 block 7 Carl Gable section c according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 8 at page 26 of the public records of M County Florida the application requests design approval for additions and alterations to the residents and site work I am playing clean up today so um location of the property on atoria this was permit number 117 in the city very early the architect is unknown uh it was designated as a local Historic Landmark in October of 2012 um they then did some remedial work to the house and it was designated as a cottage uh shortly after that work was done to get to the to the 12 criteria in July of 2021 a special COA was issued for um this exact same scope of work um as you all know the coas are good for a 2-year until they expire unless a permit has been issued and a permit was not issued they are now in permitting didn't realize that the permit has now expired so um we're coming back for um a new sua to be issued so that they can um continue with their permitting process so I will tell you that there are have been no changes to the previous application that was approved with conditions by this board no variances are being requested um the exact same conditions of approval are the ones that were noted as before and we are of course um recommending approval so that they can move forward there is a presentation the owner is here if you would like to see his presentation it is entirely up to you let's uh thank you Miss counts let's hold off and does the board wish to see a presentation of this extension no why why it would be a horrible thing for us to change our minds well it it doesn't matter it's just I mean I don't want to see it again either because I think it's fine to go ahead but if I'm happy anyway let's do proc I don't think it's necessary okay Mr maxw would like to have a presentation so if we can have a brief presentation please yes uh yours should be right after one of my favorite there you go and just just again you all know the house is a cottage they are keeping it at one story so there are some relaxations to the setbacks and things so again we're in favor Sorry's wrong oh that's okay forward is forward is forward okay um yes um like har said we are if you could state your name for the record please State my name I'm David Brit I'm um one of the owners of the house thank you dude um as uh was previously stated we are reapplying for approval um due to my slow uh progress we expired so um the project really hasn't changed um the photos on the right are the his or on the left are the historical ones the um we did some remedial work to the uh building we opened up the porch put on um reestablished the barrel tile roof to make it look like the original um this is the current plan our proposal is to um remove this um sitting room in the back which was a70s Edition um and then this is our proposed uh alteration um the addition in the back incorporates a library area some storage a master suite uh with on Suite bathroom and an on Suite for one of the existing bedrooms um on the east side we are utilizing the setback the existing setback a little bit uh for the main volume of the master bedroom um otherwise that other than that I believe we're in compliance with all the rest of the setback backs um these are the elevations uh the front SL South elevation um does not indicate really any um of the new addition except for there's a little bit of the uh gable roof uh which you most likely will not see from the street um the rear elevation um we are removing the 7s Edition we're going to take off all the security grills um replace all the windows with um uh windows that match the existing which were um casements mostly double casements I believe but um some single casements um and then this is the west elevation um you can see the addition to the north um keep en casements um we're going to try to delineate the new addition from the existing house the existing house has that really rough stucco uh we're proposing for the new addition to have a smooth stucco um another differentiation is we are um having a little bit of an overhang to um differenti the differentiate between the two um on the East we are proposing to enclose an existing egress door and shifting it uh a little bit to the north uh we're going to provide a um overhang with Barrel tail roof over that um other than that that's pretty much it to the existing structure um this is the East Elevation um um we are again removing the security grills uh re reinstating the casement windows and then um trying to uh keep that uh look the new addition I believe that's it no good thank you Mr Brit any questions for the homeowner staff thank you so much um opening up the public comment does anybody wish to speak in favor or in opposition to this case hearing none closing public comment bring it back to the board any discussion or happy to entertain a motion I'll make a motion Miss Spain like to make a motion to approve with conditions noted in the staff report the design proposal for the addition and alterations to the residents at 1021 esta Avenue and approve the issuance of a special certificate of appropriate winess thank you Miss main is there a second second second by Mr Maxwell any discussion on the motion let's call the roll okay Miss Alvarez yes Mr danana yes Miss Den yes Mr Silva yes M Rando yes Mr Banos yes Miss Spain yes Mr Maxwell yes Mr Garcia PMS yes motion passes 90 thank you very much thank you um miss panas any board items City commission or city projects updates we have a new member thank Mr BOS um and that means we have a full board so we will be organizing a orientation now uh so I I'll maybe schedule a few dates get PLL the board to pick some time before and we'll try to do it before the next meeting if not the next month or so thank you um that's it for me great uh any discussion items from the board but I do have something so you made a point last meeting okay talking about what could the board do whenever the the items go to appeal to the commission to sort of give him a better understanding of the board's position okay uh because and I found this serving on the board of adjustments we have a very detailed quite sincere open discussion about every single item and as attorney sent you doing I'm one of those people okay when you get to the to the commission there's one item out of 27 that they have to deal that day they have a small window to deal with it h and you know as the smartest lawyers do they focus on the one weakness the case had and then pound that in and then all the three-hour discussion that the board had is lost so the possibility I thought and I've seen this done in other cities in which the same advocacy that is brought in by the by the applicant is also brought in by the city meaning that there is a either City attorney or somewhat of that who actually makes a presentation or maybe as an alternative whoever is in the myor any board member who's in the majority uh for for the decision as to the preservation of that of that house should be should be the one also being there as a witness making a presentation to the commission so I I thought as as an idea it's something for discussion I would like uh to see for whatever reason what the legality of that is what the process is but maybe something that we can put in the agenda for the next uh for the next board meeting and then eventually for that to go as a form of ordinance or modification to the commission yeah thank you so much I don't know if the city trainy wants to mention something now we're talk about at the next meeting um I'm happy to discuss at the next meeting but generally that's something we have been discussing internally as well and looking at um I don't know that it would require an ordinance change necessary necessarily but it's something um we are working closely with staff on and with the city manager and City attorney so um thank you for bringing it up but yes it's something that we're aware of and have looked at and um we have had City attorneys in sort of split roles in that way before so um it's something that we're going to look at closely thank you I'd also be curious if we could leave it as a standing item for next board Comm meeting so that it's something that we get a report on every single meeting until we have an understanding because what I would hate to happen is for all the effort that is happen that happens in this board to necessarily go to waste but to be somewhat undermined uh when it goes to the commission yeah I don't know if I want to make a standing item I do want it as an item on the next agenda for sure yeah um I would also like if there's you what other similar quasi judicial boards do like I don't want to make sure it's something that is hopefully consistent with City practice this is the only quasa judicial board I'm aware of that has had items appealed to the city Commission in recent history um so I don't know that there's other past practices to look at but it's certainly something we will evaluate what other cities do what other um pellet procedures are in other cities CU believe it or not you guys are the only ones who are regularly appearing before the city commission Planning and Zoning is a recommending board a board of adjustment doesn't have many appeals so um like I said something we can look at closely thank you just briefly um educate us Mr n can you speak into the microphone please trying could you briefly educate us on um the basics of of what happens during these appeals I've attended some of them and it seems like there's very um robust presentations so if you could maybe explain that to Madam City attorney can we do this at the next meeting certainly I'm happy to come bring a presentation on those appella procedures generally they're based on the record below is my um very short answer to you Miss dun but um I can certainly provide some um additional information about what that process is and what should and should not be considered by the city Commission in those appeals and also what uh staff's role is at an appeal certainly thank you Mr BOS Mr Silva yeah thank you um I just had a quick question I don't want to step on Mr Maxwell's toes but the the the two items we discussed at the last meeting I think it was at the last meeting the lighting and the the roundabout on Granada um I know that that Public Works had pledged to kind of keep us in the loop and keep you in the loop um is there has there been any progress made there and have they been keeping you in the loop yeah so for the application for Granada that right now got approval from City commission at the last meeting and that was just to submit an application for the grant then they'll go through the process and that Grant will then allow them to go through the process of um redesigning and taking into consideration the comments that you all made but also including staff in that proposal because the designs that they had there were dated is the way else St and and they know that they need improvements and they want to take into consideration the historic photos that we provided them and all of that so we'll see how it all gets want to make sure that we're that that you're in yeah they're just in that first layer we're I'm going to try to we we do have staff meetings after every commission hearing so we do talk frequently um and then for the uh street lights I did um request an update and so there waiting from a letter from FPL as like a response to the resolution and the manager's office was then going to see where we go from there having an internal meeting or having one that maybe members of two boards can attend thank you Mr Silva any other discussion items old business new business I'll leave it for next meeting thank you Mr BOS all right um now let's uh join the meeting thank you so much you this is micro e e e e e