e oh all right all right so we're here um I'm going to call the meeting to order this is the July 2024 meeting of Board of Health um so we we want to do the Pledge of Allegiance I think is the first uh order of business so let's do that I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God liy justice for all all right maybe Scout will read the statement of adequate notice okay the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice we'll move on to R roll call Miss Estes miss greywall or Dr greywall I'm sorry Mr Markham here Mr mcdermit here all right all right so um the first order of business is a a reorganization which we tabled at the last meeting um as I said I'm happy to serve as as Vice chair uh and and run the meetings until we have a a full-fledged new board chair um Jean I didn't uh see any sort of uh enthusiasm about being board chair from from you so I won't nominate you and and and maybe the same on this side so um unless we have a nomination we'll just table it again for the next uh next meeting until we can um perhaps uh perhaps find another member and we can we can all discuss again does that make sense okay do we need to vote on tabling this or we can just table it and then I think rup did you want to mention something about maybe potentially finding a candidate that might want to join the board um yes I without any details but yeah I have spoken with somebody who's interested who is going to apply on the town on the township website today so hopefully that'll come through which I think is terrific and I'd like to say thank you to rup for for helping find somebody I had been in contact with our Township liaison who had been unsuccessful thus far in finding us a new candidate so um so he he asked if we could um make some efforts on our own and and has has done that which is terrific um so that's great uh minutes from the last meeting the June meeting um I looked at the minutes um already has everybody had a chance to look at the minutes or or want to take a minute to to look at the minutes why don't I give everybody like a you know 30 seconds and then we can yeah right right right all right any comments or questions about last meeting's minutes no okay seeing none does anyone want to make a motion to approve the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes great thanks Jean and anybody want to second the motion second thank you Kathy perfect um so we all in favor of approving the minute minut I I I okay so we're good with the minutes thank you and thanks for preparing them um Health officers report Natalie thank you a Board of Health report for June 20124 the following food uh retail food establishments are rated satisfactory on the 20th uh the pro and teapot hot doll cart was rated satisfactory um some highlights on the 24th I followed up with food vendors on requirements for the July 21st Car Show event and then on the 25th I followed up with love your dog daycare for their delinquent license which they have since obtained their license for 2024 uh meaning in seminars I had a webinar in regarding food labeling and then and I had a meeting regarding our electronic inspection program training at our middle SE County Office of Health Services main office and BC anybody have any questions great thanks any questions from anybody else and I will ask a question because I'm interested what's um what's the deal with the the hot dog cart where is that located and it's it's new or it was a one day oh just a one day just for one day got it got it it was right outside of that um that little Boutique just on okay yeah perfect okay and then what's the July 21st car show of it is that is that on is that in town somewhere too it's at the Hampton in okay sounds good and they were going to have a bunch of food vendors there and so they had to figure out what the requirements were yeah I just followed up with them and explained to them what what was required for the event it's just two vendors for right now great could be more but as of right now just two great terrific anybody else all right no more questions thanks Natalie you're welcome all right we move on to the environmental reports um I think everybody has take a minute to take a look at them looks like there's only one entry anybody has questions we can discuss any questions about the septic report no all right no questions about that so we'll move on to uh old business um licensing update Scout any any news on that front we are at 100% for cats and dogs oh that's terrific Natalie did you have to harass anybody to get them to comply or this year was okay yeah was okay all right good 100% comp thank you you Scout for that that uh positive update oh good oh that's terrific glad to hear yeah I know sometimes it can be you know PE people don't get the notices or they fall off and they don't have the dog any or cat anymore so so I know it's a lot of back and forth and it's a lot of work so I appreciate it um that's terrific all right Wellness campaign nature walk with cat KY Easton I must admit I didn't go to the naturewalk so I'm not sure how that went anybody have any indication of how that went okay uh so if we have no commentary on that we'll move on to new business um middle sex County flu Clinic 2024 so um so I've been told essentially that um we're going to host a or Town's going to host a flu Clinic through the wellness Campaign which is what we typically do I think with with flu clinics so we not plan to participate in the flu Clinic offered by middle sex County I think they had a deadline and a variety of things we needed to request or submit you know to to to make that happen but I think we're the mayor's Wellness campaign is going to take the lead on the flu clinic this year um it's the information I've got so that's that and then the rabies clinic in September 2024 um we we can I'm I'm I'm I've learned that we do not have a Township veterinarian currently um Laura has has resigned from that position and um there's also some challenges in getting the vaccine I think uh given the deadlines that that that may have passed already so um I'm happy to take take thoughts but um I think we have to make a decision about what to do with the with the uh rabies clinic for September in this meeting because we don't meet next month in August so we would have to uh we don't want to give people the wrong impression if we're not going to hold it right we don't want to just so so does anyone feel like um we should try to uh you know push forward and and overcome the obstacles to hold the rabies clinic in September or maybe um punt this one and then and then once we have the township vet lined up um then uh then try to hold hold it after that at some point any any thoughts Jean or Kathy yeah are there any other clinics being held uh this year in Middle sex County that uh that's a good question yeah thanks Natalie I don't know off the top of my head but on the middle sex County website they do list rabies clinics that are held in different townships I don't know the dates off the top of my head it'll be an opportunity for both the residents of our town and other towns to participate in those I don't know the date so I don't I don't want to say that I'd have to look on the website and see it'd be great if I haven't looked on the website either thank you Natalie I it would be great if there were others in Middle sex County so we don't have to kind of be carrying the water for for everybody um my inclination is not to try to hold a clinic when we don't have a vet or the vaccines but um R what do you think I agree I mean I think if we had a vet we could push to try to see if we could get the vaccine but I think it might be challenging at this point and we need to let people know but I bet there are I mean we can look on the county and I'm sure they're gonna have other options yeah yeah yeah what I was gonna say is when I get I'm I'm out tomorrow but once I get back into my office on Wednesday I can go on the website and email it to you that would be great just we have it yeah and maybe if we get those um maybe if we get like the other middle sex County or or or like a link to the website where it lists where where they are and stuff we could put that up on the town on on our website instead of where we normally advertise the our clinic or or you know we could just put a link like hey we can't hold the clinic here in September but here's other options in Middle sex County just so people can kind of understand um the that there's options for them okay like I said when I come back in on Wednesday I'll thanks Natalie okay so I I don't know if we need to I don't think we need to vote on that right or do we should I vote on it um how when you guys uh scheduled the initial rabies clinic was there a vote on that or did you just come up with we just kind of there was no vote we just kind of said yeah let's hold it hold I would do like an all those in favor to postpone it yeah all those in favor to postpone the rabies clinic until we can get this the township vet worked out I I okay that's everybody I as well okay perfect um any oh no no members of the public here I should ask is there any other new business that want people want to talk about while we're here today or no okay um no public here for public comment um so if there 's no other business can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion to adjourn thanks r r thanks Jean for the second all in favor I okay sounds good thanks everybody