##VIDEO ID:UkK_XfYlauo## all righty this is the January 6 2025 Board of Health meeting um we're going to start off with the call to order uh and we're going to go into the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I PL allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all now we're going to do the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open Public's meeting act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 3rd 2025 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice we're going to move on to roll call Miss Estes present Dr greywall here Mr Markham here durit here Mr Marner here and thank you and now we are going to move on to the reorganization do I have a nomination for chair for the Board of Health David do I have a second I'll second that all right and we're going to move on to roll call for that Miss esz yeah yes Dr greywall yes Mr markam yes Mr mcder yay Mr marshner yes all right thank you that is unanimous and we are going to move on to uh the nomination for vice chair I'd like to nominate Wes for vice vice chair i' like the second all right we're going to move on to roll call Miss Estes yes Dr greywall yes Mr Markham yes Mr mcdermit yeah Mr Marner yes thank you that's unanimous and I'm going to turn it over to Mr Marner now okay great thank you Scout so if we um have already completed the statement of notice in the first two parts as well as the reorganization I want to talk through the adoption of two different resolutions that were approved uh the first one is resolution 20251 Uh Kevin Van heis Esquire was appointed as our Board of Health attorney however there is still a vacancy for the township physician and veterinarian resolution 20252 the board's 2025 meeting dates were approved and adopted by the township committee so those are the two resolutions um in terms of the minutes I see Scott's provideed everyone a chance to the minute give everyone just a moment to review them and what as well okay just a quick check for any further discussion any more time to review or any edits to the minutes nope right very good so uh motion to approve motion to approve second I'll second all right we're going to move on to roll call Miss esz yes Dr greywall yes Mr Markham yes Mr mcdermit Y and Mr Marner yes thank you the minutes of December 2nd 2024 were adopted unanimously right fantastic we'll move over to Taylor for the health officers report for retail food inspections in the month of of November um the following establishments were rated satisfactory on 1113 wsie Cafe on 1114 Italian Touch the following recreational bathing facilities were R satisfactory on 11:19 the Regency at cranberry both the outdoor main pool and the outdoor Spa we had a few complaints on 1118 the Gateway at cranberry there was a complaint that there was excessive bird seed I spoke with the HOA and there was no cause for action on the 19th 5 Hamilton Drive there was a mosquito complaint so I did an a bait check also on the 19th 43 Hamilton Drive there was a road in harborage complaint so I also did an abatement check I think maybe the two residents were going back and forth then on on the 20th I went back out and conducted an investigation and there was no cause for action for meetings and activities on 11:4 we had the Board of Health meeting here at cranberry on 11:22 I had a middlex county staff meeting and then on 11:26 I did a plan review for a new restaurant coming to town called Indo Pac Fresh Market and it was rejected anyone have any questions so just to clarify of the five Hamilton and mosquito you said there was a check was there any action no act required no so and also that that time and there wouldn't be mosquitoes it's not breeding season so what does rodent harborage mean basically that there's holes like Burrows in someone's house outside or on the ground they were saying it was being caused from the bird seed so that the neighbor was feeding the birds and okay yes do you recall why the market was rejected why the pl were re yes so in the plan review so it's going to be a Halal butcher so a lot of raw meat and everything so they had um stainless aluminum rather for their surfaces which isn't a cleanable surface it needs to be stainless steel so that had to get switched and they didn't have enough um hot holding or cold holding units so we had to go back to the architect and they redrew the plans and it was later approved in in December any other questions no okay environmental report yes so there was one plan review done on 117 it was a septic plan and it was reviewed and approved for two Brickyard Ro Ro and then on 1113 there were two surface samples collected at Bernard Lake for eoli which both came back within the limits and blow good so nothing to worry about there any questions the enir thank you thank you too all right with that we'll move on to Old business and a review of the rabes clinic for 2025 I think as discussed and again thank you to Gan for helping coordinate this with I think it's Dr mzy is that correct um the rabies clinic has it's been posted will be on January 25th 2025 weather permitting between 1 and 2 p.m. it will be at the firehouse Cranbury station number two South Main Street it is for dogs for those who are watching or listening it is for dogs not cats um and pre-registration is required and likewise can be found on the website thank you Scout uh if there is cancellation due to weather it will likewise also be announced on the township website and calendar a question we do need board representation at the event on January 25th do we have any board members who today know they can participate oh Jean has noted Kathy thank you fantastic so we already have two board members that will go I likewise will check to see if I'm able to attend and we plan to as well if possible but thank you G and thank you Kathy um that's old business any other old business to review or discuss a question um did Dr manay say anything about um the being the township veterinarian Scout do you know of did he say anything about that I didn't speak with him directly and I didn't ask him it's for the board to ask him and reach out to him that way okay is he expecting for instance I a formal well request outside of I think it would be a formal request it's a pro bono position yeah um he gets a just to you know receive the publicity for his Veterinarian Service outside of the township but um do you want since he is participating do you want to ask him to um be named as the township veterinarian do we feel that do we feel comfortable with that is there any other veterinarian that anybody wants to recommend to do this I do not have anyone yeah I have no one else I don't know him at all but I don't have anyone else either um so I don't know if he's doing the thing in January maybe we you know get to meet him there and we can see how it goes and all right talk to him and see if he wants to if he's interested and if we're interested then maybe we can make it happen I don't know does that sound reasonable agree so Dr mzy if you're watching yeah we will be speaking to you on January you Jean so Jean you will say you had at least a preliminary inquiry to him if he'd be interested and we'll follow up it sounds like yeah that's right all right very good yeah and do we need to to to do anything else I mean is he bringing the vacines or that that'll come from the county so do we need to do anything to get those it'll be delivered anyway without us doing anything okay perfect only probably without the board imagining yeah without me without us I gu do the only thing that I would need is for whoever is volunteering that day to come the day before to pick up the vacines from town hall our hours are 8:00 am to 4m um so Friday the 24th as well as pick up all of the um registrations anyone who has registered so far their uh their application pre-registration cards or something yeah and we'll have the blank registration forms as well so we can fill them out for the people have't pre-registered I believe it's pre-registration pre-registration only okay that simplifies things yeah what about like the syringes and all of that and the needles uh I have in writing with cranberry Animal Hospital that they are providing their own syringes and needles but the vaccine itself is coming from the county great thanks so related to this perhaps it's also new business but is there uh any signage available in the town to place last I heard Laura had signs I don't know if anyone has been in contact with her the previous chair okay I believe we had a like a general sign made for um like vaccine clinic right we have one it was like a big banner that we used to put across Main Street we just have to figure out where it is if Laura has it or or if somewhere else but but yeah we made it generic so that it was it didn't say like flu vaccine or ravies vaccine was like vaccine clinic or something and we used our budget like the previous year to make it or something so we should do that again we could put it out on the day of and Jerry might have it we're not sure is that possible yeah yeah yeah it's possible so do we have a followup to clarify if we have that sign available I can reach out to Jerry um but if someone else from the board would like to reach out to Laura I can I don't you have her yeah and then uh we have already been advertising it on our Township calendar and in our e newss blast weekly blast yes thank you again for that Scott let me ask you um how many pre-registrations do we have as of today we have eight okay any further old business to discuss no no perhaps I just have a question so we used to have a lot of walk-ins so what will happen if somebody does walk into the to the clinic yeah so I can't talk thanks I don't know I would um so if we pre-registered eight the average run was 10 to 15 how many have we estimated were walk-ins I don't know in the previous years you guys used to have 40 right some people 40 people would walk in I'm just saying the last time I was there was maybe like 15 or something toal so for the past many many years there have been many more than that more than eight or 15 or whatever yeah so and the pre-registration is relatively new yeah so I guess we could either hold firm on the pre-reg I mean if this is Dr mad's request that he only wants pre-registrations then we should probably just do only do that or if that's if that's us this was uh through the previous board chair and higher ups that we made it a pre-registration I believe it changed in end of 2022 around that time period um and the timing is within 15 minute increments too so we're stacking staggering dogs yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so for clarity since this makes the signage even more important to clarify pre-registration is required on that signage anyone's going to be seeing it I was going to say I think the um all the emails that have been going out have said pre-register or like the advertisings or something that I've seen so Scout is there a cut off date for the pre-registration I would say by 3:30 p.m. on or or I would on Friday no I don't know I just I I would need just enough time to get it for you guys so I would say by the end of the day that when okay so the best time to Pi up the um the materials would be towards the end of the day on Friday yeah okay so just talking that through if we need to pick it up between 8 and four on the 24th we would ideally want you to know it by the end of the 23rd if not early afternoon of the 24th yes okay so perhaps Scout if we could include that in when pre-registration will close if it's not already identified sounds like that might be a good ad to any additional communication okay we'll move on to new business then uh so I do have an update related to animal licensing so as of today we have already received 47 dog licenses and 10 cat licenses as a reminder all dogs and cats and cranberry must be licensed by the end of this month so January 31st to avoid any late fees the rabies vaccination must be therefore valid through October 31st of 2025 and that should be included with your application also you can participate in the upcoming dog vaccination program um the 2025 dog and cat applications are available on the township website and also available at Town Hall the new online registration and payment process is available online you can visit the website I guess I'll try reading it if that helps but I know this will be posted in the minutes via the sdl portal.com signup if paying online an online payment link will be sent to you via email after the application submission and approval and your license is not issued until after payment is received if you no longer have your pet please notify the township council at SB ye R so Scott Byer pronounce that correctly at cranberry.com for the system to be amended and to avoid receiving any further summons for an unlicensed pet thank you again for scout for clarifying uh any other new business or Clarity for that yes Scout do you have a date for the full rabies clinic and and what pets is it going to deal with the cats or the dogs the rabies clinic is set by the Board of Health okay um I believe we need to if we have a second half of the Arab Clinic though and I'm sure Taylor can confirm it but we need to have it cut off by June 1st or something for the vaccines um yeah for the form that needs to go to the state so we would have to know the date by June 1st um so maybe after this one we could discuss a fall one well I can also ask Dr mansy um what dates he would be available in the fall to do a clinic and if he had a preference for dogs or cats so um we can get him on board early for the selection of the day from the clerk's licensing portion though it is a state law in which rabies have to be valid through October 31st so if we have anything before October 31st that kind of nulls that third year if they get a three-year vaccine you know what I mean like if we have it say September 25th as an example I they'd have to early vaccinate their dog in order for the rabies to be good so it would have to be no three year back year or even one year okay yeah so it would have to be November December or January like what we're doing okay right okay any other new business if not make it open for public comment I see no one present for public comment motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second that all those in favor I I okay