##VIDEO ID:spYS6mhDhzo## you guys need a wasle did wasn't good all right I think we're ready to bring the meeting to order and we'll begin with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic thank you it's all right you've only been saying it for just a handful of years just a handful of years over 50 okay we have the statement a statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this invoice let me this notice uh roll call John reinfelder here Josh gut here G here Jason Berg here Teresa varo is not here Dela georgees here and Steven hster here all right we have the minutes from the November meeting before us take a minute to take a look at the minutes and if you have any suggested changes please let us know that's a I make a motion to approve the minutes I'll second okay all in favor approving the minutes say I I opposed extensions greetings alrighty so we're going to start with the reports today uh I could not go to the development Review Committee meeting this month but um hopefully I'll catch up if need be it didn't seem like there was anything of great environmental concern on the agenda but um I think we were okay was there anything from the planning board uh there was but nothing of consequence for any environmental commission just some mechanical additions to a building like to make it sound exciting but it was not all right so then we can go to our other committee leaon beginning with Parks and Recreation and Sally ogrady is here and you can please well that was me it was not planning board uh good evening I am o Grady I am a leison for the parks and recre um Recreation Commission uh and I have three items to talk to you about tonight um one is basic Trail maintenance in the Pin Oaks Trail there are um several trees down uh we mentioned at our last Parks meeting and they were still down as of uh Sunday when I walked through there so two places they're actually blocking the trail and one place it's a Widowmaker over the top so I don't know whether whether you have any more um any more influence on DPW than parks and rack but we asked them uh three weeks ago and nothing's been done okay we that actually we had mentioned that a while back and we will mention that again thank you okay um another one uh that we we would like to see we would like to propose the idea of um Trail maintenance days in um in the township ship in in Cranberry um it seems like a lot of these Trails if you just go through now we know you're not allowed to use any power tools but if you just go through with hand Clippers um and even the bigger Clippers you we could get a lot of stuff off the sides of the trail and we were just wondering you know we have stream cleanup days and we had the idea that maybe we could do Trail maintenance days um and so we wanted your input on that since it's preserves which is EC yeah no I would just uh so yes we have done and we have organized Trail maintenance days John um and I have been out and done some trail maintenance so it's something that we have done it's something that we have talked about doing more of so yes that's definitely something that we can coordinate with you guys with on on doing our idea was to advertise it to the public yeah to to all of us and just say Okay anybody that's interested this is pin o day or this is this day or we could do it all in one day if we had enough volunteers to be at each of the trails I know the um the one off of Plainsboro Road um help me out here that one really Reinhard Reinhard really needs really needs we were we were there when back in We did an October thing I went again well we did a spring thing right in the spr yes we did a spring initial thing which was that was the heavy lifting yeah and then I went back in November and um did more of the smaller stuff that we did do that time there was in the front uh somebody had removed the poison ivy but this is an interesting idea I want to point out that that Del and I also did the um the cranberry Brook preserve Eagle Scout trail with a group of Scouts so we we're doing them it's a little ad hoc but this is an interesting idea and I I like it um advertising and getting community service for high school kids you can offer that as well that I think would be a a big draw um I know my kids would do that obviously I think there's a lot of adults that would be interested too as long as they were encouraged to come out and meet and you know bring your clippers and we're walking on this Trail yeah um is there a time of year where it's more necessary than other times because I know when we went with John there wasn't anything really to do because it had already sort of died back for the winter so is there like a peak season that we should sort of like focus on basically there's a spring time after the spring initial burst and then again like in August which is very hot but it's still I mean I'm particularly thinking of the the Brook Trail that goes behind the firehouse between the um I've done that myself I made that trail but then I've been um yeah but this summer it was just too hot I just I went to the beach instead so that one I did a major overhaul because it had BL as you know and so that is like a whole new thing and it does but it will need everything will need maintenance in the spring um I think it's a good idea I think it's a good idea to do a community another um suggestion that I have is at the Pino Trail the um marks on the trees have either the trees have fallen down or they've gotten faded so in some of the trails like that Brook Preserve Trail they've actually bought the little silver things I'd like to see I got I just recently got the box of those from the former chairman okay so that's something we can do in the winter easily yeah it's a good thing to do in the winter because on the Reinhardt there was a tree down there was a sign missing but the other place is it's a similar thing the mark the blazes yeah and I went to uh unami woods and there's a part where you can't really see the trail you know it's especially with the leaves down you know um which could use a Blazer too there um but it's an in I like the idea and we just have to find good times and good modes of advertising uh it to the public but um we can you know we can um think about that and and discuss it with it's I'm just thinking out loud but if we could even provide some incentive such as snacks or water bottles to you know to get people there something um you know could put that into one of our budgets but and then one more item that I had is as you may or may not know we have had many requests for dog park a dog park in cranberry and um it has been Parks Commission and Rex that we don't really want a designated dog park because of the fences around it and the maintenance and the garbage and all that stuff however we um have looked at other towns and have considered an idea of what they call an offleash area I been to towns where you enter a park and there's a sign that says from here on it's off leash area that way people without dogs know if you don't want to walk around with dogs off leash don't come here and um people with with dogs know that they take it off off leash at that point and then there's a sign on the back of it that says leash area starts again we feel that this might prevent some of the off leashes in Village Park and Heritage Park and Millstone Park because there's an awful lot of off leashes in that area um so our thought was at the cranberry book preserve that's a huge area back there just possibly at the beginning uh I don't know where we have to see where but um we wanted to know what your thoughts were on that and that's an interesting one because initially we had developed part of that as a as a bird nesting area but um I'd have to think about that a little bit and I also I have to look back and what was the original mandate for that use of that space parenthetically I see dogs off leashes there but that's parenthetic um so I think that's something we would have to think about um or if you had another location possibly pin o but there's not a lot of run for them you know room for them to run around there but yeah that's kind of grown up but our our whole goal for this is one to appease the public and two to make sure that in the other part the dogs are on leash we can say listen you can't have your dog off leash here but you can go here in town I mean were there parts of parks that were considered or suggested or not really for dog park areas well for offleash are that was our only suggestion was the cranberry book preserve because it's the biggest openest area um I I don't know it would really be nice if we could designate a part of that as the offleash area but I don't know how again that you one thing that comes to mind we did try but again I have to look back and what we got support from various entities to establish different areas and one of them was the soil conservation area as um group from the county for there's two open areas and the front open area is possibility although there is a resident there that's pretty nearby and where is that as you first drive in the road the first clearing on the left across from the Red Barn um before the Boy Scout Trail begins Scout then the other area is inside you know there's an internal area otherwise I can't think of other everything else is wooded it's and and that would be okay because where I saw this in um it was in Massachusetts actually it was paved trails that went through a park you know that was a that was a dog off Dog offleash area I mean the other thing there is a a far road that go a far trail that goes in off of the if you go on the grass and continue past the soccer fields there's a a road to the left that goes in um there's actually two yeah I was going to say I think there are a couple roads there I don't know what kind of area did they do these folks need are they looking for what kind of dimensions are they looking for well I see the problem with limiting it to part of that preserve is I don't know that you're going to get people to stay on part of their preserve they're gonna oh I have can have my dog off Le here without a sign at every little cut off they're going to go anywhere and and I mean would it be possible just to make the whole thing you know just from that first open field and then all the way back um I mean I I I can't answer that because I don't I have well it's something for you guys to discuss um if you can come up with any other but it was it was one possible solution that we had to people wanting a dog park all right I did did research I didn't bring it with me but within I think it was seven miles or something and there are like 10 or 15 dog parks so we I don't really see a designated dog park um but an offleash area might be nice all right well we'll find out what The Preserve uh guidelines there are not guidelines but there was a founding uh statement that went with that so permitted usages and things like that so uh intended activities because I would the big thing early on was and you probably remember active Recreation versus passive recre those kinds of things but I'll have to see what what is said there and talk to the township I don't know well I can ask Barbara later but we'll have to see what how that's stated unless there's any other space yeah area I mean another area that might work would be in in front of the pin o Trails all they do mow that a couple times a year when it's not mode I wouldn't I don't have a dog but I wouldn't want a dog off leash there because the weeds get high and there would be ticks and stuff but I mean as someone um with a new dog who is like a hunting birding type dog that does that part of the training is having off leash moments and then training recall what to kind of help if we when it comes to thinking about what the requirements of a space like this might be um big open area so that you can keep ey line on your dog at all times should they just book it after a bird or a squirrel or other Wildlife um and then also some sort of natural barrier around that so I walk my dog on pin o Trail and it's just too close to the road for me to like let her off because she could just over onto Old Cranberry Road very easily um the initial idea I'm yes I would love that right because any offleash dog quote unquote dog parks that are just off leash like acreages surrounded by wood where you can kind of have like natural barriers to kind of keep your dog around you um they're very far away they're like up in North Jersey and other than that we just have these classic dog parks which are just can be breeding grounds for disne disease and aggression and blah blah blah so like it's not really like the conscientious dog owner does not visit dog parks um but offleash areas you know over large squats of like big open Meadows like those big soccer fields like that kind of look that big Meadow where there the um where the fire pit is is like a natural one because just surrounded like a rectangle by trees so you can kind of keep your dog in your ey line the whole time unless the girl guts are camping unless using it so it's like how do you then you know Reserve that space I want to ask you there because there is some space beyond the soccer fields and the soccer fields I believe under Parks Parks right um there is space beyond the soccer field yeah not too much not too much no not enough for because it goes right to the field to the farmers's field okay so that's private property then after that I think this opens up a whole further debate in terms of so to your point of dogs being being trained to come off leash and recall and come back what's to say that somebody's dog isn't trained in their out at the offleash park so this brings up the whole concept of dog licensing and are people going to do that and then in terms of dog licensing are they going to be able to provide papers that their dogs are trained that way because the first the last thing the township is going to want is a liability if somebody gets hurt in one of these offleash areas it it's it's it's a big big question mark yeah especially for people who like to hike there that do not have dogs yes so yes I could see resistance from a section of that population well those are issues to think about yeah on the other hand is kind of what Sally is saying then people with dogs frequenting our neighborhood parks and then letting their dogs go there where children play and you know people are just not even hiking just walking a paav sidewalk like in a loop right so and there have been several incidents at least in Heritage Park of people getting bitten by dogs and off CU that big Meadow in the center yeah I haven't even visited the parks yet we're not there she's a puppy but um this is a this is I think this is something we definitely can continue to talk about and consider and I know for one I'm would like to see sort of like where we land on it so yeah thank you for bringing it up you're welcome does anybody have anything else for parks and wreck I always forget I'm wreck too thank you Sally actually one thing for parks and wck because I always forget to email you guys um so we are working on this initiative we would love to include the parks um we have um certified the four preserves um and I send you what their requirements are but they're probably all the same like if if we're doing it at The Preserves we're also doing it at the parks um it's basically um a place for wildlife to to take cover to find food to raise young proximity to water um which we have um because of the the millstone and the lake um and then just sustainable um pesticide processes and things like that so I'm not sure what DPW does um I think that's my only question all to do any pesticides anymore yeah would you want the entire park or no it's really just um a sign at the front so um the the whole park the whole space like the address just gets sort of certified as a a wildlife friendly place would a park with playgrounds qualify for that yes because I'm you know I'm thinking of possibly a village I'm thinking maybe the bicycle Trailway in the back or something you're thinking the whole park yeah the whole the whole you think we qualify I think um parks would be amenable to it okay awesome can you show me your sign again so I can yeah sure sure sure you can take a picture I can email it to you as well um and Sally I'm gonna throw this out there as because I know your involvement with the garden clubs as well but this is also done at the residential level we've done this at our house um so just so you know that yes you know we're working on this there's a fee is there not yes it's $20 and then the sign itself I believe is 34 um in May there is a 20% off season um so you can get 20% off your certification cost and the cost of a sign you don't have to have a sign um and the minute you do certify based on your ZIP code you get automatically added to our database for cranberries Community certification of which were're like 45 points out of a 100 um so we're almost there um it's really just like one a one residence counts for a point a park or a preserve counts for three points would would there be any um Financial incentive like from I just think for my own personal I looked at it I was like oh 54 bucks that's a lot of money to put a sign up in my in my yard and and you know maybe I'm very frugal compared to most people but I'm I have a watershed one where from The Watershed I'm water free whatever River friendly that one was free and that didn't cost a thing yeah so um could I mean possibly like at um at cranberry day or at some point or could you put out that you would you'd be willing to pay like 10 of the $20 for each person that gets it or something um I'm just I'm just throwing that out that's a great idea depends on our budget this is my first year on EC but I love that idea um I mean we we did did so at the EC we we did budget for the um for The Preserves to get signs their signs um I don't know how that works we wouldd have to look at that and could possibly can ask for money and then ask for money and then and and then just let's say you asked for $200 the first 20 families that applied would get that and you could do that each year or something um just as an incentive yeah incentive program maybe try and see if we can work with them to have like um like a a coupon code like for like they go they sign up and they put in like a coupon code like a cranberry resid a cranberry 20 get and it gets you like $20 off your toal yeah that's where that money goes to the money is basically just to support the wildlife program um which is like one of the original ones in America it's like one of the most prestigious and it sort of adds to the cache of the town I'm the way I sort of sell it to people is you know it's just like property value it just makes cranberry more desirable place to live that's one angle yes yeah yeah it's like it's like the community quilt is the sort of the the visual that they give like knitting each property together so that Wildlife has like a place to go during like migratory patterns and then overwintering as well I feel like most people get the ecological standpoint I think you know then there's the dayto day of like I have to I have a budget you know and where does my discretionary spending going so I feel like that's a really great point and if there's something I can do with our local contact who's like our mentor to maybe create some sort of promo code I think that's a great idea thank you Sally thank you all right so we can move on to the township liazon Barbara I sorry I was in the peanut gallery just um um so we were talking about uh your signs um did you make a list we had talked about that have you sent that to DPW I have not who is the contact at DPW and then do I just tell them it's the four preserves these are the four signs it's better just to kind of send it to John and then he could with Denise CC got it and then what information am I including just that it's so the the it's for The Preserves these are the signs should I give any indication of where it should go or sort of leave it up to them to like well I will I will instruct where they got it okay get it don't leave it up then part part of it is we have a lot of signs and if there is already a post yeah it could just go on that post yeah like on pin OES I realized that there is a post behind the main sign there's a post that has like a map of the trail so I feel like um with each location it's a little different kind of where it would go so I you we make suggestions but I think W will end up putting where wherever it works best where it works best got it I would think I'm not going to speak for them but that's how it it has happened in the past so yeah well thank you for that initiative um yeah and I just you know as I just said any little piece of land and and just getting raising that awareness is is terrific um um um so was I G talk about oh um I'm just going to speak to just what um Sally was talking about um and you were wondering there is I think I believe there's an ordinance for dogs on leash so in order to have that off leash area I'm on public property I think it's more than just we want this area you know and we want it off leash so I think there's going to be a lot of steps you'd have to look at every place and you know have a particular plan of a this is the best second third if you go down that route and as Gabe had mentioned how do we know how well behaved these dogs are and also the environmental impact of you know John had mentioned nesting animals you know then flushing them out at at the inappropriate time I'm also talking about flushing you know there's the other side of the waste potentially getting in places that are not appropriate like in the water or wherever you know so there's a lot to think about in that so you know um it's an interesting idea it's just is the are The Preserves the place where you want to do that um uh so um John and I we're going to talk about it in new business um it's exciting we got a grant for Community energy plan so um you know we this year we'll be looking at that and so John's gonna introduce that idea um and um I don't think U I'm gonna ask to be liaison again next year so um and the end of the year and see what happens there's a shuffling of the board so to speak of the township commit so what happens is we get a new mayor and then the mayor will assign you to different things and if there's continuity and I continue if not it's been fun well thank you Barbara but we still have you on speed di all right so this moves us on to Old business and um we have a couple items yeah so um I was um we passed a resolution for a climate resiliency technical assistance and uh we were going to do that um I was going to uh apply for that but we have a lot of vacancies going on on the EC and so this is a new element of the master plan where we have to look at our town to identify areas that like we have flooding on Petty Road or you know we have different things um but I I think we're going to hold off on that until next year since there's so many vacancies and stuff so anyway just wanted to let you know what so maybe next year the town passed an ordinance what what did they no a resolution a resolution yeah to support us applying for a climate resiliency technical assistance through sustainable Jersey yeah yeah um it's an element it's a new element when we do our master plan for um when we update our master plan the next time which is in a few years only um so um it feels like we just did it like every 10 years um but that's a new element and it would be really great to get ahead of it because climate resiliency is now it's not in four or five years so just there's only so many hours and so many volunteer people Barbara that's a resolution to apply for technical assistance current yes we had passed that this year okay and we've received the grant uh we just to apply for it so but I'm pulling it back I was just saying like in the future like next year I'm hoping that we can apply for that okay we're going to do 2025 yeah 2025 apply for the grant yeah I think I had mentioned get is it a competitive Grant or is it you apply and they show up with right uh well yeah like like if there 3 pounds that do it and only 10 can get that covered it's not a grant it's a technical assistance where they help you and then we pay for planner and we pay we pay for the planner to help identify Lo locations that may flood yeah I think I know what you're talking yeah okay yeah thank you it's just I'm trying to plant the seeds in people's minds that next year we'll do this so something to look forward to it doesn't have a deadline it's a resolution it's a resolution yes it does there you go thank you will eventually apply right that's why you're the chair okay than um all right so any updates on adopted catch Basin yes I have uh I did reach out nothing new in terms of feedback but I just found some more um agencies that do the adopted catch Basin program um so that we do have some options to work with moving forward next year um the Jersey Waterworks Association they have an adopted catch Basin program in collaboration with New Jersey future and The Nature Conservancy has an adopted catch Basin program but theirs is based up in Patterson and I'm waiting to see if they do anything down our way about that um so that's on the the um organizational front and I did get confirmation from one corporate sponsor who would be willing to supply us with like startup kits and stuff like that should we be allowed to proceed with this is it a old castle preast it might be okay thank you uh is there more now we had a discussion of the community wildlife habitat feel like we're pretty good on that front um leaving the leaves hope hopefully people left the leaves um so I think that that is a seasonal issue um any updates on the Outdoor Classroom initiative so I did apply for two grants through kids gardening um I should find out about the first one in January and the next one in March it was like a common app that kind of applied for both that they had available at the time um I also have my eye on one through and um if I were to tailor the native garden section Zone toward pollinators we could um qualify as a pollinator garden and then receive potentially apply to receive money through that um all of them are around $500 um the first two that I applied for had a lot of questions about what were the the needs of the community and they already sort of pre sort of told gave me like a response that you don't quite meet the need um so there your priority level might be lower we're not going to say you can't apply for it but the chances are there might be others that fit what we're looking to support more so it's not looking great um so I was just wondering as I'm new to the EC when do we find out about the budget is that something that like submitted and approved and how do we know well I don't know if it's been approved for next year okay um but we did put in placeholders to support part of this yes you know yes uh the I I basically added up a few items for the corner yes that we discussed last time yeah but um I don't anticipate any difficulty with that but it was a small part of the total yeah as you know yeah yeah and um I there isn't sort of any sort of rush to complete all of it all at once it can sort of happen in stages um I also spoke with the vice president of the cranberry education fund um and shared the material with her and she presented it to them at the meeting just this week or last week yeah mid last week so I sort of hoping to hear from her when things calm down a little bit right um it the total cost did it she did in bad an eye because they deal with such large sums and such large donations they just um or are planning to donate like a a sizable sort of like science Wing something or other to the school so they might not have that much left over but I'm sort of open to her feedback and if that's something maybe they could do in the future exactly I mean that's what's going to take is sort of uh talk to all potential yes stakeholders donors Etc and you know get the ball rolling but it takes time as you know it takes time yes okay okay thank you very good so then uh preserve management we did touch on that a little bit I think I mentioned um yeah I did I I went to unami woods and I went to Reinhardt Reinhardt was really bad the front was basically closed in like remember African queen where it just the boat just got swallowed um it was kind of like that so I did my best um but it's G to come back it's going to come back in the spring so we will revisit that in the spring anything else on preserve management at this time urgently okay I think we're good on that uh for new business and I think I had a I had notes from last time I I I really need for the stream cleanup I just need to submit our dates to the Watershed Association uh and hopefully that they're still available for them to help us so I will do that the dates are in April April Saturday April 12th or April 26th were what I saw available on their website um so I will put those in and hopefully get one of them which is [Music] oh okay that thank you that's that could be the town yard sale okay we go for the 12 yes the date yeah last year we did we did it quite late but I'll do it more proactively I wasn't in office so so to speak okay um we we have board you know terms expiring we have we're going to have three openings we're going to be saying farewell to Professor Josh cohut sat you go even though you live around the corner I'll see a lot excellent job um and we have openings I have one lead on on somebody who's interested and I think will join um but if you can think of people if you know people keep it on your radar let me know and uh basically they just you know apply there's an online application uh they will be approved most likely barring severe uh problems with the person I think we'll be fine it's a bad way to say that right difficulties no I don't know all right so I did want to get to we had this extensive meeting this morning with with a representative from sustainable Jersey about the community energy plan for which we have received a grant to plan and create this energy plan so I want to summarize what the plan includes and it includes an introduction which is a summary of how the plan was created and the adoption process essentially which is the usual introduction for this kind of report part two is a community overview which has a little bit on demographics but mainly data on energy use and energy infrastructure and community and Municipal greenhouse gas emissions now they supplied us with a lot of this data already they they gave us a PowerPoint we have a lot of the data the dates though the data is not completely up to date so we can think about that but it's probably hasn't changed that much but you know we have pretty much to is pretty much done the big thing that we have to consider and figure out how to do is three part three is called the work plan which basically is the plans what do you what does the town want to do over the next I said five to 10 years there's no timeline prescribed I just put that in I made up a number um so we have to identify what they're calling initiatives from a list and off a list which I will explain at the end of things we want to do plans that we want to do in the next 5 to 10 years to reduce our energy use hopefully uh hopefully reduce our greenhouse gases along the way upgrade infrastructure if appropriate whatever it is uh plans things that we would like to do um how do we do that you started the end you always start at the deadline this is an old technique when is it due I need due dates October 31st so Halloween next year this thing gets submitted not to sustainable Jersey to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities so it has to be finished has to be in good shape final report submitted how do we get there I don't know but I'm proposing notice it says proposed process uh this is a process I've proposed but let me know and we can change okay so January we identify initiatives to be included in the work plan that doesn't mean it's it's the final ones but it's the ones that we propose then we get public comment on those somehow invite them to a meeting or have a separate meeting outside in the library or something that's in February March the modified list of initiatives is given to a point person which could be outside or not uh to create a draft report that part three April we review the draft report and the time you know I'm just putting months here working backwards uh we review the draft report and we get uh input from sustainable Jersey we submit the draft they say okay this is you know good bad Andi uh May June uh we solicit public comment again because we revised it and then August we submit the draft report to the township for their review and adoption the town has to adopt this thing before it goes to the BPU it's official um you know you're saying John we have to Halloween why August because it's the town okay and it and you know there may be back and forth I don't know so I built in a little buffer zone but um still you know it takes a bit of work now the initiatives you state what the initiative is but you also have to State you know how you're going to do it and possible sources if it requires funding it doesn't require funding in-house out house you know what is needed out house to be done we all absolutely um so it takes some thought so that I you know I think we really need to if we put our minds together between now in January and then February I think we can really you know get it almost where it needs to be and then it's you know adding you know coloring it filling in the details and fleshing out you know the text of the report but it still would take some some work um the outside or inside person I mean that is something we can discuss um in January but it may become apparent what direction we need to go you know between now and then so but think about that also okay so do your homework do January 21st no homework for you Josh you got lucky you can still if you have a like wow I have this great idea send it to us um and you know whatever you can do but this is what I suggest and I sent you an email everybody got an email check your New Jersey email today I sent you the detail long list which is too big to fit on PowerPoint and they have many many suggestions like seven to 12 suggestions under every category they call them what do they call them sub I forget anyway categories they should call them categories but they use a funny word strategies they call them strategies I like categories but they call Str uh Identify two to three relatively easy to implement initiatives easy things low hanging fruit simple low cost low time we could do it yesterday or in two weeks something like that or in two months uh not a big burden those are going to I think going to be the bulk of what we suggest but maybe not I could be totally wrong on this identify an initiative that may be uh a moderate external cost in time and money something that's a little bit more involved and one aspirational initiative with significant external cost in time and money and I just suggest two to 311 whatever you maybe you just want to do number b or number B you want to do B and just focus on that that's fine but if you could give us if we could bring in January with a bunch of those to lay out and collect are we coming up with new ideas or can we just the ones from their list you can go to their list which I sent everybody and pick one out of their list these are the seven now these are the six notice there's no five very weird numbering five why do they do this I don't know five is for State changes to to state infrastructure this comes from the BP this is a higher up thing energ State energy their goals so I think as you said number number five number number five not letter five number B if you have to do state activities so there there are these six and within those you'll see there are many many many suggestions of specific things and you can zero and on one you can take it and modify it a little bit or you can come some something off the board something off the board is I think acceptable and and probably there will be some things off the board so look at those strategies that I sent you and if we can come up with a a a longest a longish short list in January we can pair it down at the end of the day we might be like we want to do these two initiatives or no we have nine initiatives right I don't know what that number is going to be it won be it [Applause] won't thank you thank you commissioner go um no but the number like if you want to do a lot if we want to do a lot it depends on what we come up with and what's reasonable now we do this plan why do we do all this plan of course ultimate ultimate goal you know energy greenhouse gases da d da but to get there we will enable access to funds from entities including the board um for to help us do these initiatives so that's something to think about you know we might not know all the funding mechanisms but it might be you know in that section you know funding will be sought from these these these and other entities as they become aail that kind of thing so this is our task we have a grant so we have some funds to help with the the public part of this and to help with the the point person we can reimburse the point person uh for their time so I think that that is good and um we can we can move this forward but it's something that's going to be front of mind for the for the first half of next year really so we we need to uh come to January the meeting in January is then the 21st which is a Tuesday um because Martin Luther King days on a Monday um so that will be the day we'll bring all our ideas questions comments and concerns Stephen you look concerned [Applause] NOP okay I I have a question yeah so if we were to uh have a consultant on board do we have to go through the township Committee in order to contract with that person I don't know but probably I mean request for proposal so cons so we have to put that out and then somebody has to I was gonna say I mean that takes time yeah so that's if if that is at all something that we're interested in doing in March I think we got to together an RFP and put it out in January otherwise you're not going to have somebody in March it'll have it in June that's a good or would that be something that our current in-house engineer could do as part of their add-on services and Bill us for it and we can use that money as part of that if if we have a grant there's a budget with that Grant correct 10,000 okay and is that the is that the funds that would cover that consultant but it would be have to be spent for this purpose correct developing this plan yeah we by the way we have to submit this they didn't she didn't mention this we have to submit a budget for how we're going to spend this money in February I think anyway uh I wrote back and asked you know what would what if we need need to make a change you know in in June I haven't heard back yet but so we have to have a plan for how to spend the money pretty quickly um so it yeah it's a little tight it's a little tight but the advertising thing is the problem I don't know how to get around that hopefully we can expedite it cranberry does some of them so that's the exciting part I think so um and how can we amplify the things that are being done already like we do community solar someone told me that they just saved $165 because they were part of their Community solar um you know project um just this past month so how do we amplify that so some of the that loow hanging fruit is the stuff that we're doing already and how do we amplify it so that's also something to kind of keep in your mind um and like we already have the municipal energy audit how like right now it's on hold like we have a project for $440,000 um it's a direct install but there's it's being held up you know um for something but so there are things that are in the pipes that just have to be Amplified too so it sounded like from just from today that the things already underway are in the background section and then that we we can't put them in the plan but you're saying we can put them in but they're already in like I'm pointing the strategies up there um the but they're they're they're listed in like strateg like one of those categories or strategies and yeah ongoing activities are are included yeah like I think one of them was the municipal ener like an audit of the municip buildings and we already have that so you can put that in and then we can say how we plan on continuing it plan to continue okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so that could help a lot yeah if we have a a portfolio of those already right and then we add a few yeah that makes it a lot easier I mean what's what's good about this is it's a plan as you said you know like you know it's a plan it's have to implement these things and some of it could be aspirational you know and yeah that's what I think is really great about these sustainable Jersey projects and grants and technical assistance you get plans but that's important if you could send me a a rough list as you can recall it of things that we're doing already right that would be great that we can use in January in case you're not here in January right um if you could just brainstorm over the next day or two you know it might not be comprehensive in January or in January brainstorm yeah so that we can start with that yeah that'd be great I didn't realize that that's great yeah great thank you thanks for all your work guys one J thank than you for your service and all the years that you've been on here showing up thanks um one last quick question thinking about 2025 and like what the EC is planning to work on what is the timeline for um the mailer when does that go out and like when should we design something or are we waiting to hear back about the budget if we have money to even mail something out to the community about initiatives we're working on on I know we had briefly mentioned that and I just didn't know where that fell in on like our task list for 2025 I know we had discussed that but I'm not sure we came to a final yeah uh determination of that I feel like um we thought it was a good idea and wanted to do it I don't know then what physical M like a physical mailer yeah like a just like maybe even a sheet of paper folded like a little trifold in an envelope um the ladies in town hall might be able to tell you how much that costs to mail I feel like they've and then like where the lab I don't know if they stuffed the envelopes or if that's something we could help with um but I think one thing to think about would be like cost and like when during the year to send it I know that there is a yearly Sanitation something no um there's something that goes out every year oh there's a Township um trifold yeah it happens to have the recycling dates yes on it or a little but it has other information yes yes um I don't know when that goes out with the tax bill that's what it was there's a tax bill that then the edak piggybacked on to send that Community trifold and I didn't know if that was on purpose to not have to pay the extra postage edak didn't have a budget um an envelope but if we have our own budget we maybe could send it at a time of year that makes most sense for our initiatives to let people know about what's going on um yeah well I think that's something we should certainly discuss in January as we put together the you know the a list of priorities for the year can you find out a little bit about how to mail things or can we find out yes I don't know how to mail things sure y on it what's that oh stamps okay haven't done that in a while like I'm doing all right John I had one quick thing yes um uh I'm on the science Advisory board for the Watershed Institute and they have been working really hard over the last six months even longer to get all of their data for the different parts of the Watershed accessible and they're doing a lot of training with different audiences and who might find that useful and at the last meeting I suggest that municipalities might find it useful and um so they're working on some they've even had some like online and inperson workshops to say like here's the data we have it's a ton of data I don't know how much of it is local to Cranberry I think a chunk of it is um so I just want to make the EC know that this is out there and they're trying to make it way more accessible it might help with some of the different things that either we're doing for sustainable Jersey or other school groups or whatever are doing um I will commit to keep in touch with you as I hear more that uh advisor board meets like twice a year I think um but they send more frequent updates so just to raise awareness but on the Watershed Institute page there's a lot of information about some of these new data initiatives that they're undertaking but they're trying to take Decades of data and make it more accessible and the work the workshops will be like online events or they had one recently in um I think it was in Trenton and I can't remember the audience they told us and I forgot oh like Live Events they're Live Events where they take the day and say hey here's what the data looks like here's what you can do with it and here's some examples they have not engaged with municipalities or ECS of municipalities yet that was something I suggested at the last meeting and they were pretty eager to try and think about how to do that so um there's a chance cranberry could be a guinea pig for that if we want um so I will just I just want to make it known but but keep I'll commit to keep great idea have them yeah have data yeah there's there's a lot a lot of it is a lot of it is aquatic chemistry which no one really likes John no one likes aquatic chemistry but um that's what I think uh but yeah there's there's a lot of data in and around the crur Brook and I think places like that again I don't know the closest I think this was data that we used when we were looking at the dredge project for the link but um they're they're going to work to make it more accessible all right yeah that's a good idea any other issues from the public or the commission do I have a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor say I I POS right