##VIDEO ID:xD4V11Ac3Ck## all right I call the September 16th meeting of the cranbery environmental commission to order and first order of business is the Pledge of Allegiance so shall rise I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the repic for stands God indivisible liy and justice for all all right and we'll have our statement pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and the home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and send to those who requested a copy of this notice we move into roll call John R Felder here Josh goood is excused Gabe leaderman presid Becky Ms Jason milenberg excuse traca viaro here Alpa georgees here and Stephen helstern here all right we have the minutes from August 19th meeting if folks want to take a minute to glance at those and let us know if there are any suggested changes before we call the question on them all right there no comments do we have a motion to approve the minutes I make a motion to approve the minutes all right anyone second I can second it okay great yes you were here all in favor approving the minutes say I I any opposed exensions otherwise the minutes carry forward and I just want to mentioned I mean I mention it later but John krating has uh with resigned from the from the commission he's taking on new responsibilities at work so we are now in need of everyone gets a promotion so that's good news but we're in need of the second alternate member if anyone comes to mind you can suggest that over the next month or so all right the there was no DRC or planning board as far as I know it wasn't or but our certainly our rep is not here any me I might not have been there but there was no the DRC did not meet and the stuff that I saw go by was about ex um modifying an area of parking Lots I think it was the same in both cases to install trash compactors essentially um so the environmental impact is not so clear or huge so wasn't really much to review there and there were no other major you know like new developments going on all right right we don't have parks and Township Representatives uh on the old business we're going to talk about the catch Bas Basin initiative sustainable and the sustainable Jersey a little bit and um under new business we have a a recent entry of some items from from Dela I'm wondering is it okay if I just jump to the cranberry day okay oh we had a great cranberry we had a great cranberry day Gabe and I were there massive numbers of people it's funny because you're there at 9:30 and you're like oh my gosh nobody's coming to Cranberry day and then at 10 a.m. you can't see across the street it's just so funny I heard Best Best Booth of the day with our invertebrate macro invertebrate display from cranberry Brook was a big hit it was a big hit so that was H kind of a you know I went out on a little bit of a limb but it was worth it it was so worth it so much fun and we had the dam fly larve dragonfly larvey we had only one crayfish and I went three times and I only got one crayfish the small one don't know what that means good or bad but lots of other things and I had my little microscope and the kids could get up there you know and see it and it's funny because they can you can see these with your eye you know but to see it in the microscope and there you know some people they finally get it into view and they they jum because Suddenly It's this big monster and I just love that I just love that effect you know Gabe was asking me you know can they see it can they see it and then all of a sudden whoa that's a yes that's a so we had a great time and I have to say though we had this the easel with the big map of all the trails and that is amazing because it just does its own business you don't have nobody has to be there people just coming up constantly examining it and taking the maps all of the maps are gone they took all of the trail maps that we had out every they took all of them which was which is cool yes yes so we had a fun time I probably didn't emphasize enough that we were representing the environmental commission but we did have a big banner up behind us so hopefully the observant picked it up but it's a great I mean it was it was fun I I had a blast and I hope Gabe did too he was such a trooper helping me out but anyway that was fun and hopefully um we can we can do that again next year or something like it because I think it's a good one oh also everything was from cranberry Brook behind Firehouse you know I went to Cranberry Brook I I didn't know that was going to work so I was you know do I have to go to Millstone or somewhere else but I got a good variety of of stuff and I forgot your bucket apologies oh it's in my shed that bucket you might have noticed is not the great the lid is a little bit you know return it or not it's up to you um yeah because we had to have water so we had to keep this stuff cool and air rated they have this whole thing and you put you put you know ice um blocks in there cold packs in there and everything was returned to Cranberry return at the end of cranberry was returned to Cranberry Brook that there was a a freshwater muscle we have freshwater muscles lots of snails I mean tons of snails those I mostly got a little further down um and uh it was great I did have two fish I couldn't help it I put two little minnows in there I said those are not invertebrates we're focusing on the invertebrates but the biggest question was what kind of fish are they it was what kind of fish and I don't know and I didn't know so I was like we I don't know I only know the invertebrates that was my excuse and I'm not sure it would be easy to figure it out necess necessarily because they were so small but and transparent and transparent you know yeah I mean I could find somebody who knows that it's it is possible yeah so I should I should have done that but I was so focused on the inverts I was focused on the inverts and those sh next year next year there's always next year well that's a great thing because you can always you know tweak it um but it was good I had a few stickers I gave out I the the tattoos didn't arrive in time so now I have bug tattoos need to stabilize the microscope a little bit and stabilize oh that was funny because you know people just like to grab that microscope and then the kids don't realize they're putting their whole weight on it you know and going this way or that way or this way so I was like you know Gabe saw me just like holding that thing um didn't have any problem with that all right sorry I just felt like we need to clear that out I think that was basically it and um it it dripped a little rain at the end but almost nothing almost nothing it was really a nice day it was kind of a warm day actually okay so we can go on to the adopted catch Basin and and Gabe actually has something to show us I think I do yes um andj hosted a webinar last week on the 10th on Tuesday um about the national adopted catch Basin program um and how it is National yes which I didn't know either um so they they um I'll just do that then anyway so essentially what they did um they have a website dedicated to each individual state that has established an adopted catch Basin program New Jersey has established one and there's a website that they have that you can go to um I did go to the website um I did look for some more information um and what I did find was that when I put in my address here um it told me that no results were found um because you have to actually what I learned you have to participate in this program um and there's a fee associated with that um and that fee relates back to whether or not you have your storm inlets mapped or put in a GIS system um and if they are it's obviously a lot less money um because that is one of the requirements of this program so I think that what you guys have done and are continuing to do Will Roll nicely right into this um which is really cool because then they take all that dat and they upload all that data to their website so when people go in they put in their addresses they see all the catch basins that are the closest to them and they can adopt a catch Basin um it's very interesting um and then they have a whole thing on how you clear your storm drain um what to do best practices not to pick up the great obviously um if there's things that are too big for you reach out to your local public works and and things along those lines um and one of the communities that they brought in was Berkeley Heights and Berkeley height started their adoped catch Basin program in 2021 um because they found that it is a community outreach program for their ms4 permit so they got points for their ms4 permitting by implementing this as a community outreach program so there's another kind of thing that I know that we can look forward to exactly yes exactly um and then what they do is every year they put out they published a report it was a three-page report basically this is what we did this is how we did it and this is what we started with so in 2021 here's what they started with they started with 82 participants and collected 669 pound of trash over almost 11 hours in in the first year of implementation um after that 2022 and 2023 you can see that they gained seven new participants in 2022 and then 11 new participants and in 2023 and collected almost 1,200 pounds of trash which is pretty cool um and this is all people reaching out and adopting and catch Basin through this program and they have ways that you can report it what you're collecting it's one of the requirements to stay a member of the program so that New Jersey adopted catch Basin website there's a tracking um thing where you go in and you put in you know once a month how much trash you collected you know you collect a five gallon bucket it weighs 10 pounds you collected 10 pounds of debris what do you do with the debris right um most people say they took bottles and hands and put them in their recycling bin and took it went out with their recycling um leaves and sticks and twigs like we're fortunate enough where our Public Works comes around and does that for us they collect our brush you know the starting the second Wednesday or third Wednesday of the month they come around they do all the leaves so separate piles for that stuff on you know the opposite side of where the catch Basin is or down up you know Downstream of where the catch Basin is so the flow doesn't carry it to the catch basin um you know they they provide all these little tips and tricks and the other thing that they learned was that this actually led to uh a little bit of relief on the public works department um because if you took the number of catch basins that Berkeley Heights had and you m divided that by the number of Public Works employees that they had there was possibly no way in one year that they could get out and clean all of the catch basins the way that they needed to be cleaned even though they were on a regular cleaning schedule they couldn't just physically Manpower hours physically get to them so this was a way that helped with Public Works to you know alleviate some of that um what they found was that it reduced flooding and some of the more flood PR prone areas um and not to mention what sits around the drain but when that stuff does get into the drain and sits at the bottom of those pipes you're essentially closing off those storm water pipes and restricting the flow out um and that causes backups upstream and downstream so there's a lot of positive impact that they had um and I have spoken a little bit to Barbara Rogers about this and about what you guys were doing and she really feels that it ties well together um and I know that she said that they were discussing like how we can possibly do this um Berkeley Heights went to sustainable Jersey and got a grant for $2,000 from sustainable Jersey to start this program um because they had all their mapping and all their stuff done it cost them $800 to join the program which I didn't really seem like was a big ask um and they got resources from a national level they got put into this map um some of the other money that Berkeley Heights uh got was used for like uh you know when the first batch of residents would join they would give them a a little kit that had you know gloves and trash bags and things like that um community outreach they put things on their website they put things on their Flyers they had uh you know at their Community Day events they had information about it there um so it was really uh a public Outreach initiative as well as you know finding out the resources that were available to do it um Berkeley Heights was the one example that they used um I do know personally of a few other municipalities that have implemented this and have had great success um there are sample ordinances that we can use that I have seen um and have them to share so at this point I think that you know we have good feedback from you know I I guess everybody involved and you know this would be the next step is to see where your data can tie into this and see how we can maybe try and work together to put these two initiatives together into one because I really feel like your work shouldn't be wasted just to say hey it was done let's put that to good use for the town and say hey we have all this data this is what we're going to do with it and this is how you guys can help you know um and just like anything I'm sure they'll be pushed back but you know it's it's um something that I think benefits the town from uh a health standpoint standpoint from an environmental standpoint um well it's voluntary and it is voluntary and you don't have to do it so if you don't want to do it then you know exactly um if it don't apply Let it Fly Right um you know so so yes absolutely it's it's a totally 100% voluntary thing you can sign up you can unsign up you know you don't have to do it for you know you commit for a year is what you do um Berkeley Heights had some other things they had like a name your drain competition um you know where people came up with like names for their drain um you know um they they had like painting their drains Perth Amboy did that like they painted their drains to try and combat the gra graffiti problems that they were having so there was a lot of other initiatives that they put behind it to get the public behind them so um you know I think that it's something that we can continue to investigate but I think at this point I think it's something that if we knew what we needed from a Township level to put something together we would be able to put that all together and have a deliverable for for them so um that would probably be the next step in my opinion and that's what I got for now so it sounds like the town joins and then it's opened up to individuals to sign up correct okay correct and then the gis coordinates I mean I guess we would I don't know just submit the coordinates so yeah so those get submitted to the adop yeah to the storm drain program and then those coordinates are when you pull up the map and you search for your address based on your address it'll pull up that storm drain that's the closest coordinate to your address so that you can find one to adopt okay so in I guess in our application we submit I guess an electronic file with those or it's it's they ask for it they ask for they ask for it and and whether you have it or not and then that's part of the application process and then once you so we say yes we say yes we have it and then and then later once we get enrollment process and getting yes getting our database set up and all that other stuff then we present it and I believe you guys were almost done at this point okay yeah I mean that's good yeah at this point we were given a list of Municipal inlets and those are done but I did notice that the development um of town homes that was on the old Nursery property that's not on the map so I don't think that and I'm not sure that the two developments on 130 are technically mapped so there was no place to put inlets so beyond that we are done with the municipal now it'll be interesting to know whether or not we add in this program the count and the state the county and the state or the county and other state well along 130 they would be State inlets along 130 yeah along 130 would be State inlets that was part of the debate as to that and they said no we weren't going to get involved at the county or the state level because it's different jurisdictions and and it's probably on more dangerous roads most like like Station Road would be considered a county road right Station Road to County Road you have inlets along there um so you know there's there's County Roads that run through town oh yes definitely um I think there were if I had to guess there were over 900 inlets probably 300 are are County or state okay and over 600 are municipal yeah so you and that's what you guys are doing the is the town and that's done and that's done that's done wow except for the pieces that I think are not on the map oh those developments devel so we just have to make sure that the map is up to date so we I guess through our engineer we update that okay okay so we I'm gonna send them I I thought barbar was GNA send it out but I haven't seen something to buy so I'll send something tomorrow yeah we just finished okay so Municipal so it's really about the municipal so we have we have over 600 that can be traed taken care of tender loving care I brushed a lot of of leaves away and it was very hard to walk away from there was not a lot of trash I have to say there were only mostly sticks and leaves and things yeah but the couple of bottles that I did have to leave were heartbreaking I didn't bring my bag with me but okay so what do you see as the next steps or how do we I mean do we we're still waiting to for this to finish up a little bit what next steps at this point um I I did have a conversation with the mayor this morning and she thought that it might be a good idea to maybe present to the TC uh about what we're looking to do so I believe that that would most probably be the next step is to maybe get a sit down with you maybe get together and talk about next steps on how we might want to maybe make a presentation to TC on what you've done and how it falls back into this and how we can convinc the TC that this might be something we should do so I think that might be the The Next Step yeah that makes sense and coordinate with Barbara of course yeah yeah great cool definely excellent well that's great I mean and we also got an update on the Storm mapping so anything else you need to add to I mean that sounds pretty good that's amazing so just waiting for those last two developments I mean they if I remember oh three three that's right the one on um the corner here on the you know Old Trenton Road and Main Street they created a little um Pond also so I don't know how that interfaces with the larger Plumbing I know usually usually they fill up and then they spill into the plumbing that's but usually things flow into that to fill it up so the account What flows into that or the account only that's what I don't know I mean I have a feeling those are very local well our job was to pin the location of each Inlet and then my understanding is that Tom the town engineer is going to link them up together um there are a lot of basons already on the map but not all right and I think my other question would be um I know I have a drain in the back of my yard but it's not municipal it's not County it's not State I think it's the developments so do we add that in there that might be something else to kind of figure out yeah and we were not we were just told to map to pin the location of the municipal ones on public roads basically yeah I think that's good I mean although I would I mean the great connects some it all has to tie in it all ties in and I'm thinking of the behind the light gey there's a thing like that uh behind behind Four Seasons there's a big DET detention Basin that that fills up and then there's a plumbing that goes probably to the millstone I'm assuming because it's closer to the millstone right but you know so I don't know how eventually but those are their data needs to be yeah I mean we can I don't I'm assuming there are should talk to somebody about whether or not to include the non yeah ones that are in yards backyards that's really weird I don't know I didn't know they would be like I guess like an HOA or something would would own that right and then the HOA would have to have a storm water permit on their own to be able to discharge that to the greater Municipal storm water system wow or they would yeah or they would have to have their own discharge permit if they're discharging their storm water directly to like their groundwater or other water bot okay so that would be the other thing so whatever HOA is the HOA should have a storm waterer permit for that Basin yeah okay so I mean that just might we might I don't know well that's be investigated in parallel I guess that's to be I mean I because there's certainly enough to just go with and as long as we get a chunk of them I think right it's the right this is sort of just an interesting thing to follow up on and see where it leads but I don't think that's necessary exactly for what we're doing here exactly okay but just to be on the radar that there might be yeah it might come up pieces yeah and pieces that affect the whole system we can Crush that drainage when we get to it sorry I didn't know how quite sorry didn't mean to make a bad joke but uh okay great so I think that's good and to be continued along those lines and see how it how it grows and develops yeah the only thing from sustainable jerseys um that happened last month um and I mentioned it to you John that cranberry school was um or earned the silver recertification for sustainable Jersey oh I don't know if I think that's right I did get a something on that so we the school cranberry school school re recertified at Silver level for sustainable Jersey for schools that's pretty good it was a lot of work was it okay how often you have to three years every three years yeah okay let me just make that note alrighty I did you know I won't go into the preserves in detail unless people have specific things they want me to but I have notes about pin OES and this this other trail that we're still investigating between between the access road behind the firehouse and the unami woods there's actually a trail called The Brook Trail so I didn't know that was an official Trail so we'll keep looking into that and find out what what's going on there um because pins yeah so I we I walked pin o yesterday and um you know I will I will go back back in the in the coming week or two with with clippers and stuff it was just Clipper things some Thorns bushes gotten in there um in the very beginning of the foresty part you know again it's these low grasses and some boys and Ivy uh you know coming in on your your shins and ankles um that but you know so those kinds of things we can do I don't that part they don't I don't think the town does anything on that part I was going to ask we talked about poison ivy last month when we were over at Reinhardt preserve and I know we were gonna ask that question about the township controlling poison ivy right so we need to continue to ask that question uh they were they got the list of things to cut there both there and in pin O The Cutting as far as I know has not yet happened it's still on the thing but I need to investigate this idea of what do we do with poison ivy again right at the entrance of Pino oh so you know exactly okay and again I never enter at the entr I always go the ending that more of a wide open the wide the grassy part the grassy part it's just easier that one they they mow that so that's a nice pass we really have to do much there there were some low branches you know I might bring my loppers nothing serious whereas there was one tree down and with two trees down one down and one like here where you're worried it's going to hit you in the head so but those are on the list of the town to cut them uh but there are other small things but poison ivy I guess I just need to determine are we allowed to use an herbicide we are this the town going to use an you know are those things allowed in addition to grabbing it for the Brave and the Bold but uh Becky's not having it I know I'm I'm not touching it either but so we just need to find out how it needs to be dealt with it's also just right there River we've been our property is just like more pin oaks and so we've had to sort of deal with a lot of as well the children and stuff and we just manually remove it right but yeah manual manual removing is fine I mean that's fine you can always manual remove it if if you have that that's fine we can do that so you know but going in with I I just have to clarify if we are allowed limited spraying of anything um probably are but I just don't know but maybe okay so that was interesting that was organized by pen medicine and they they coordinated with the library and advertised it and da we had no IDE I had no idea it was happening I had no idea and until the couple days before and uh they said you know Reinhardt not good for that crowd because it was a senior crowd so I contacted the person at the library who contacted the person at pen medicine I didn't know it was pen medicine thing and they moved it to the cranberry Brook preserve now Paul did go on that walk and he said he was glad they moved it because of the the people who went on it um subsequently now so that morning sat I can't remember gay was it Saturday or whatever we busted out there and because yeah the walk was going to be on a Tuesday or something we went out there Saturday morning yeah something like that so we busted out there and Gabe and I and his daughter Commando cut as much as we could that we thought was reasonable because it's a big trail it's a long many trails and it it was basically just the very first part of the left turn and really wasn't that bad um but for the crowd he wasn't sure they could even get over there's a little Brook that goes through there so it was good they didn't you choose that one for that event and then that's when we saw the tree down and at least one tree down I have to move a a blaze a trail Blaze and things like that but um the event so apparently it was good there was a naturalist but I I did ask the librarian I said you know probably should C you know let us know because we can tell you what's appropriate for what audience and so forth and what the conditions are I don't know if that's you know resonate or whatever but I think it's a good idea um so that's what happened I don't know does that sort of yeah yeah I saw your name on it I didn't know there something that we could organize we hadn't we hadn't but it was a good it's a great event great idea and you know I'm I think for different levels Reinhardt is really great I mean it's interesting because there's Forest succession going on in the in the interior where there was a Vernal pool and now the the trees are coming in you know and so you can really see the active Forest change going on in addition to the trees are quite big there now compared to pins anyway uh The Preserves have a lot of issues you know little specificy things labeling and signs there's no sign on the on the you know The Farmstead Way entrance to pin oaks you know on the other end you can walk all the way to Shadow Oaks and that's a wonderful place to enter there's no real sign of as to what it is there is a map on a tree once you get in but there's like a a parking thing and then a a post with nothing on it so maybe a Boy Scout project maybe just an our project you know pin like on the other entrance there this is the Pino Trails I think we need a sign there anyway so to be continued I think we'll have a lot more discussion at the next meeting in October the fall is just blowing by quickly it's still summer though still summer let's Relish in that okay so I did want to give Dela some time to speak to her issues yes um just very quickly do I need to do that that's really loud yes I'm oh you have to otherwise we won't pick up it won't pick up online but push all right officially I'm on um I just wanted to run through um some things that I had um been working on and wanted to update you guys on and then also ire about the operating budget I'm new to all of this so I'm not sure how things are allocated but um for the National Wildlife Federation Garden for wildlife certification we um have all of our administrative points are taken care of now um so we're really just focusing on habitat registrations um we have 33 habitat points um out of a 100 and we are at One calendar year since we registered and they say that on average um municipalities take like two years to kind of do it right so the first year they're kind of doing all the paperwork the press releases the community outrage and then after that it's just really kind of house by house um resident by Resident kind of working towards that goal and I think we're really really close um one project that could get us five so one address like one person's home there backyard counts for one point um so something that could earn us five points would be a um outdoor space at the school which is already in the works um all of last year um Teresa and I worked on this um in conjunction with the school administrators the teachers um the curriculum supervisor we had um Rucker Cooperative Extension and multiple Master Gardeners come in and consult and then I ended up designing a kind of master plan for the space that included some play some Outdoor Classroom elements and then some Garden Native Garden elements and including things that would qualify for certification like making sure there was water places to raise young that native plants that kind of thing um so now that project is has been approved by everyone that needs you know to give it a thumbs up and we're really just looking for the financing for it and Barbara Rogers um suggested that um I bring this to the environmental Commission because there may or may not be some bucks for that um before we go into the whole grant writing process or pounding the pavement for like corporate sponsors type of thing we wanted to sort of look internally within the township budgets if there was anything that we could allocate toward that um I have a presentation which is basically just a general master plan that I had shown to everyone that shows the different zones and we were sort of thinking of doing it not being overwhelmed by having to have a completely built out space from the very beginning but maybe even doing it in zones um if you wanted to sponsor a zone or an area that had like an importance or a meaning um to the business or to the town um to have their name you know sort of tied to that particular element of the space um we could do it that way right um so yeah and there's like a um like just like a a budget that I put together that just is from internet research just kind of like winging it and kind of guesstimating what things might cost um sourcing um some of the larger Furniture type pieces um so yeah so that's something that could earn us five points and then I wanted to sort of explore um where some of that money could come from if you guys had any ideas um one another thing was the leave the leaves month is October the month of October and it kind of jumped out to me that you were removing leaves from the basins and I feel like that might be like sort of like a contradiction with leave the leaves because if you leave them then they might blow in but um I the National Wildlife Federation does have a lot of like resources and videos and documentation and flyers and things that we can use in community outreach about the concept of why it would be beneficial to leave the leaves so I wanted to bring that up well I think the leaving the leaves is like on your lawn as mulch and stuff like that the leaves I was moving were on the street okay and we don't I mean we don't really want them on the street yeah clogging the the yeah yeah exactly exactly exactly yeah and that that's the whole concept of it is the streets but yes I agree with like leave the leaves for October absolutely but this is where in the street where they're just it okay okay um so yeah and then I I'm bringing that up only if with the idea of uh sort of like event planning kind of like the walk and the talk that I gave about about the certification process um kind of making it maybe even like a seasonal thing like once every three months we as the environmental commission like present some sort of talk or topic for the community to come and discuss and like share like just do community outreach maybe it's at the library maybe it's like what you guys did for cranberry day um maybe it's leading a walk right like what had happened or any other ideas but just sort of kind of having that as like a onar brainstorming list as like a theme to explore because I feel like um we do there are resources for and it wouldn't be too hard to find something to say on that topic um also the signs I registered um the pinoke oh no cranberry Brook Trail the Reinhard preserve Village Park and Heritage Park all qualified to be certified spaces so I have four signs for those I probably need to check with parks for the two parks like if if they even want to show it they don't have to but I have some for them um the only thing is that they're metal signs and like I they didn't come with like a post or anything so I don't know if that's something we would to purchase or if DPW just like has a bunch around or can recycle something or if there's an existing place for it but I have them and I can give them to whoever or I can try to figure out how to put them up but yes in some cases there might be an existing something yeah did you do pin outs I don't I didn't it's you could do is it a is it like a park does it count I felt like it was a trail and I didn't know if I could do that one well it's really a preserve um okay it's supposed to be a native tree Forest okay obviously it had a background of Agriculture and then planted trees that are native trees but you know are what they are and they're doing pretty well I mean some of the Oaks and some of the some of the pin oaks are doing really well we have actual pin oaks there yeah some of the White Oaks look good some of the was the other one anyway a few of the maples um I might have to check my notes but the soil is uneven because there was some fill in one area so it's not the best soil in one area in other areas you can see the trees are growing cute but think about I think that would qualify because it is wild space it's intended to be natural space yeah desite that trail down the middle does that have an address I think I had had trouble doing that one because it comes up as my house and they're like your house is already like certified but I'm like no it's that are you number one I'm 34 oh you're 34 yeah and if I just this is 35 it's and if I just do like yeah and if I just do old Cranberry Road you're on the across the street I'm literally across the street from it so this has got to be another you know what the house on pin O's lane or pin O's drive you know Pino's drive right that tiny little road that's essentially a private driveway now but that was a road that used to go all the way through but that is a drive there's a house there that's the last house so there's there's four seasons and then there's this house oh oh yes yes yes yes that's the very edge of the gravel and and then there's the preserve so it's it's the next should I just use slot over but I think we can get you like a lot number or something okay off of a Township map you know like a lot lock yeah I might have to just call I'm sure if I talked to someone there they I can explain the situation but I can try for pin so that one and then unami ah I don't I didn't DOI again it was like I wasn't sure if it was just like a trail or like a wood are those five pointers those are three those are three so they get that those two would be six more that would bring us almost 40 does it from of the 30 points that we have does it give you a breakdown yeah so how many residents do we have I would say uh we have the the 4 * 3 12 minus so like 20 20 something yeah not bad that's the hard thing is to get the individuals yes yes we have the sign in front of the house and every time somebody comes walking past they always notice the sign so I tell people about it all the time yay y yay I'm trying to think of like how the next sort of like marketing push sort of look like we we are in in uh June there is the the garden tour the um the Garden Club what is it it's the oh no the the historic walking tour no no no no not that there it is the um uh I forget the name of but there's a Garden Club and they do garden tours in cranberry and heightstown and they alternate every year is it the Women's Club yeah it's it's no it's it's actually it's called a Garden Club I forget what it what the actual something Garden Club okay um and they host a garden tour every other year in Cranberry so it alternates between cranberry and heightstown and when we had porch fested our house somebody was talking about it and I was like oh wow great motivator to do some stuff in the house so it's June 14th and and it's they're opening up a few people in town their Gardens for people to walk through and it's supposed to be like a um you know bringing back native plants and like things like that so I don't know exactly who's in town is going to be participating in but that would be something where those people I'm sure would be people who would be interested but like to talk to clubs like that I think might be a place to go in terms of you know finding people in town that might want to participate yeah absolutely absolutely thanks um it does seem easier of a topic to present sort of in like the spring right when people are thinking of like planting things and stuff um which is why I was kind of trying to think of like fall themed items um hence leave leaves there are others but um yeah and I think that was it I have to now does the EC web website have a link for people to get the brochure I I feel like I might I feel like I emailed it I'm not sure that it made it up there can I can follow check our website to see if it's there let me know and then we'll try to put something there to because I think you know people need to see that and have an easy way to get the little brochure yeah that they need to do so and I guess they can just fill it online right you have to do paper right no no no no it's it's really simple um and it's Scouts Honor no one's going to come and check your house and uh it's 20 bucks so that's the thing the $20 gotta get over that 20 buck so but I think having it that's one place it's one website but you know started there and then we'll think about other places on the leaves you know I really I think the mulching is a is a critical piece to it because they do blow I mean We Gather our leaves and we either compost them you know specifically compost them in a separate place where they don't blow back or across the street to our neighbors who are not happy um the some in the front we do have them collect them but I do try to mulch as many as I can that I can't compost um because otherwise they can end up back in the drains and I do worry about that especially on my street where it just flows there's like we call it we call it Prospect Street like it just forms right in front of our house and then it right into the storm drain well even on sidewalks they get a little slippery so we try and keep the leaves off the sidewalks oh yeah yeah yeah that's yeah for safety yeah definitely yeah don't want to put them yeah anyway but I guess we can think about how to yeah that's a different idea yeah yeah I mean there are definitely tactics of like you know like the mol like the like shredding them was sort of like something things that people would do but then you're also like shredding all of the like larvae and like Pupa that like over winter um so one sort of thing that you do is to like you can collect them and then sort of kind of like those kind of compost not bins but like three-sided little fences or if you use like logs or other things to sort of block the wind so they don't blow away making like a leaf pile that's exact so that it stays things can hibernate still and not get shredded up but then don't blow away so they're Critters yeah so it's so actually the majority the majority of New Jersey butterflies do not migrate they stay with us through the winter and we're like inadvertently just like massacring them by like shredding up all of the leav going into the soil no they're in the leaves they're in the leaves yeah all right that's T I mean we I I try to fill up as much as I can but it's I get more than I can handle yeah yeah but I feel like every little bit that's why we have so many butterflies probably yeah that's exactly why the rocky Brook Garden Club Rocky Brook Garden Rocky Brook yes they started in 1958 and they are members of The Garden Club of New Jersey and the National Garden Club Inc I believe that's the stream that flows through hewn that forms the Little Pond there yeah that's the rocky brought okay cool 1958 all right well I think to be continued now I mean the funding I think maybe you need to Le on with the school and figure out the costs and maybe we could partner with you on the 25 budget you know yeah if we can get a number to me because I have to I have to put in approximate numbers got it for the next year if you can give me an approximate number sure that would help okay yeah absolutely but I think that's great I love I love the layout of that with the with the tree stumps for the kids sitting on the tree it's really cool yeah so I think that would be a great and they've been talking about that for a long time to uze it's one of those Courtyards it's one of it's one of the courtyards all of the courtyards have had various lives various iterations um so this one is just an attempt to sort of make it more like polished and intentional in that way but it's always sort of had that use oh yeah yeah yeah and those things they kind of need renewal anyway yeah you know periodically all right that's all great stuff so as I said I I just got now the budget preparation worksheet for 2025 I have never done one of these so I have to look at it hopefully you can have me later I don't know what I'm doing um so but I'll there are instructions hopefully I can understand them um public comment not much to say I think we're I have one more one more thing I want to just T back to anj real quick I just forgot to say next Friday the 27th they're having the 51st environmental Congress at Rowan University so there's a registration online I won't be able to go unfortunately I have to be in my office yay um and then in the spring they didn't announce the dates yet but there is the um boot camp for environmental commission members which is a training uh for environmental commission members so that might be something that maybe we want to look into and that's it when is that one that's in the spring oh in the spring oh it's in the okay okay so then we have some time uh yes the the an Do's got a little bit delayed shall we say um so I'm trying to catch up with that and prepare for 2025 and uh we should be in good shape any other business that anyone would like to bring up I think we're in good shape otherwise I would entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make the motion right to adjourn second second all right all in favor say I I I think the eyes have it we'll see you in a month