all right this historic preservation Commission meeting is being held on February 20th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice inance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colon 4 hyen 6 were provided on January 22nd 2024 of this meeting's date time and place mail to those requesting personal notice and filed within Municipal roll call Miss setm here thank you and do you have any volunteer hours uh no okay no wait I'm sorry 1 Hour 1 hour thank you wait um between our last meeting a month ago an hour yeah no because I know I'm sorry no it was like three hours okay I was when I was at DPW going through all those signs y Miss Ryan here three hours Mr guy advises he was not attending Mr H here um one and a half hours doing the training that we got from hpl last year and then uh 27 hours doing Toof development you're still doing okay great thank you Miss Marlo you have any volunteer hours okay Mr Sabo advises he was not coming and Miss canum commit Lon is present all right we have a quorum chair okay so um first application we have is HPC 202- 4 for 27 North Main Street for siding um and so I think what we could do is Lori maybe if you'd like to come and just um give us an overview of your project yes if you don't mind and state your address name and address hi for the record Lori cherati 27 North Main um we're looking to finally replace the siding on our house um do you guys have the pictures yes so it's really the really um I think it's aluminum sighting but it's pretty pretty damaged and it had wiring going across the front and the side that we removed five years ago when we did the first remodel um so now I'm um I want to apply to replace the siding on the whole house um I did quote out Hardy Plank and regular vinyl sliding um the Hardy plank being much more um but so so the the one that I'm applying for is the certainty restoration classic smooth comes in triple three or it comes in a four and a half size so there it is I don't know what questions I need to uh um so is the okay I I'll start with just some basic questions um great so I guess the first question is um the is the is your whole home on all sides is it aluminum siding right now or is it different materials different sizes and some of it is worse than others the side between myself and Anita I still want to get that done but it's um it's it's all the same this the the older type of aluminum siding okay um and there's new gutters as well in the back only so in the front somebody did a really nice copper gutter which I would save and put that back but in the back of the home the gutter is um going right down the middle of the house and it causes like this shower effect on my back door I see that yeah so he was GNA put it over to the side and kind of Route it properly um so and it would also be um oh what did they call it you know they were going to wrap everything and it's new Eaves rakes and um um tape around the windows all kind of good stuff so it's kind of yeah um and is the um so the size you mentioned there were two different sizes there two different sizes it's a triple three or just a four and a half okay so I'm open to either okay if if I was to choose I would probably just do the four and a half which is the larger which is the larger one yep okay um does anyone in the committee have any questions um so we have our design guidelines here yes and the pertinent paragraph is in cases where a non-historic artificial sighting has been previously applied to a building which is yours yes restoration of the historic sighting is preferred which is what material would that be I assume party wood wood wood wood is that a Hardy Board no that's that's a a cementitious plank siding okay um synthetic siding is permitted only if all wood architectural trim is restored so um so somebody put in replacement windows that are not wood yeah and I looking at the pictures there is no trim around the wood windows yeah um but somay I'll get around to the windows and there'll be more proper windows but one thing F yeah so I think the trim is kind of uh any historic trim is limited to the the front like a porch cover and such um so there's not much to work with and I assume we don't know what's underneath I'm scared what's underneath so actually in some cases it turns out that the underneath is wood and it's perfectly fine because it's been protected all this time you might consider that if it actually was wood just didn't had it that way yeah um the the person who quoted me was a little afraid because the one side on the right is um tilting to the right so he thought there might be some rot in that side so he was concerned why it was crooked yeah so I didn't know would I have somebody open it up I mean yeah if they do the selective demolition very carefully then you could at least see what conditions you have I don't have High Hopes because when we were modeled inside as well it everything was very not salvageable um so I I don't know even if it turned out that the front was real wood right you might be able to actually frame out the windows and get the shutters hanging and supposed to just right supposed to drill to the front yeah exactly I mean you might have an experiment with that before you make the final decision yeah like um I think for example maybe the um the 1700 um Cottage you know they removed the um that ugly it was like a green um vinyl and I think underneath it they found was it was it was shingles yeah yeah okay so sometimes you they find that it's okay because you don't know why someone decided to put the aluminum on it could be maybe like one little corner was starting to rot and at the time they said let's just put you know aluminum them on top in the day yeah yeah whatever time or they felt like painting the house and said okay maybe instead of doing that we'll just uh put on the I mean it wouldn't be the first task in town where they discovered that right so where would I even start on attempting to see that well if they're going to put new sliding on they're not going to put it on top of what's there no they would remove it and you know you just have toov and see what's and he talked about um he gave a call for the square footage for replacing wood because he said you know you never know what you're going to find under there so um but if it was wood and it was in good shape I would totally want to use that and keep that because you'd find that if this was on top of wood then there would be more Dimension between the signning and the windows right and the frame might expose itself okay words now it's just kind of but you know there's two sections on the back of the house so I don't think they would be as nice of whatever would be on the front so front is the the front concerned about exactly yeah so I would start there and I think it's the front and the one side looks really similar like when you're looking here Dan stud is right here this side right here and the front are more visible so um so the last sentence just in the guidelin says cement Bo slidding such as Hardy plank is preferred over vinyl or aluminum just so you know um but we are dealing with a condition where we have an artificial material right now um I would also uh suggest uh the smaller exposure oh the three and a half inch one the 3 * three sure I think that would be more similar to a a wood clap bir it's called Triple Three okay yeah and it's um they're calling it classic smooth triple sure are we sure I think proportionally it would be better than okay thanks I was looking for I don't know the answer thank you I also um can I ask one one last question so um you know how you had it said the Hardy pank um was quoted um three times as much is that a quote for like the entire house or just the just the front was three times as much this little tiny area so yeah it's a shame because like that's the that's what we care about the most of anything is just the only thing about like if you did that on the front and then you had the Triple Three like the Hardy plank like that they had was like 5.25 inches and I thought that would is like very wide and it would look not nice with the rest of the house so and right now I have mismatch you know sizes and I really you want the size the exposure to match all the way around no matter what the m so if I see under the front that if it is wood I could see what size it was and then that's always like that's what we always try to do is try to bring it back to the way it had been yep yeah I mean if it turns out that it's wood and just a few pieces are damaged or something it might be less expensive toow just to replace oh great yep repair and paint I had a question on the shutters yes there's one part where like they don't fit they but up against each other yeah that oh that's annoying that drives me crazy so what do you recommend for that so I was thinking of two options either the first one just not having shutters on that middle window or making them smaller but I know I read in the guide that they should fit over top like you were going to shut them so I don't know what you recommend in this actually I see that I've seen that condition a lot because houses are like added on to you know and and such and so having to me when I see that I'm like oh that's that's a really old house as opposed to like that's really irritating still it's still really irritating but it is an old yeah I think that would be okay that's what I was thinking too all right so you're going to reuse those shutters then um and what are it's in my budget I will um replace those um with the same loued style if unless you suggest raised panel does it matter no they can stay yeah okay right so what are we telling her well um I guess my my suggestion would be to take off a piece of the side the front to see what's under there okay because you may in the long run save yourself much more money than iing if the wood is maybe maybe there is some section that that's not good condition but repl a couple of good boards yes but the back I need the side no matter what because it's crazy let's say see on the front Okay yeah yeah and if you do have the existing wood underneath let that be your guide for what your size for the rest is it okay to wait until we meet next month again um to come back a month from now can we follow up administratively yeah or we follow up with Robin okay so I have to get the contract back and then just have him remove a piece is that how it works okay for sure he'll be thrilled I know the long they yeah so we gonna carry carry it over or yeah we carry it over until we hear back from you know what we find underneath and you know if we can um you know take action um prior to our next meeting if you hear back sooner so if I hear back can I just email you and then you can let me know that I have to wait for the next meeting depends on what you find like yeah and what you want like the path you want to take okay um and then what we do is we'll just follow up um through email and then worst case scenario we reconvene next month yeah sounds great thank you so much I appreciate so before you step away if if we do meet again next month um to would you possibly be able to bring a sample of what the material looks like since he's coming at asking to get the Triple Three sample yeah thank you great be great thank you great idea okay great um so now the big reveal uh we're going to do a conceptual review of uh 6163 North Main [Music] Street hi good to see you again hello everyone helloo what my son I was doing this so really I have to go to soccer now forewing I don't know for the for the folks at home which way should I be pointing they can look at the application okay great got like a gazillion questions I'm so happy you guys are presenting this looking at it on my [Music] phone I had so much trouble following everything based on these in the folder nice to see everyone like to see you um so I'm uh Steven golisano I'm the architect for the clients I'm Juliana Leo I'm just managing member here to represent so uh yes the intent today is to give a brief overview and description of uh conceptual planning for uh the site so this uh currently mostly referred to as the cranberry Pizza building old cranberry Pizza building is really uh uh 63 uh and 61 North mry uh is they're they're two Parcels that are uh joining uh because they're they ownership is uh is adjacent and um we won't really get into many zoning issues today but I wanted I provided a lot of um historical mapping to kind of show the history of the site and how many changes have happened in that location over the years um uh it's really been carved up a lot some of the really interesting things of the um the OB bottling Factory and uh the American Mills spice uh Mill which was there um and so the other interesting thing going through this property is that West Park Place didn't exist in the past uh so it is something that in the 1950s 1960s was um was cut through and buildings were removed from Main Street in order for that to happen and for the post office to be built um and for rear access for loading Bo um so that is something that the the site struggles with now is that the there is loading that still happens directly behind it and it's still visible from Parkplace of the loading docks um uh I've been skipping through these the slides here and there but just giving you kind of a the overview one of the interesting views in the presentation would be on page seven is the um old The View without the post office there that was from the Main Street looking towards Ward the second parsonage building uh on page seven so that is uh that is an interesting one because it actually shows some buildings that existed on the site previously at that time um and we not 100% sure of what those buildings were but you can kind of get a sense of the scale and size of what those what those are on that site uh towards the rear of the build of the of the property I don't think they necessarily line up with the buildings that exist now and that kind of goes along with um the report that was created for the resource survey report um they're not uh those rear accessory buildings are not noted as being contributing um they we we think that they were something that was rebuilt on or near uh the exist the existing uh buildings so this presentation we're trying show is showing them trying to be working exactly with them but there may be some latitude or we're hoping there be some latitude there to make modifications to those rear accessory buildings uh as we're uh working through the project so um one of the major goals is to um obviously improve the Main Street streetcape which is the most obvious one of the with the new building uh to replace the the fire damage building but the other major goal of this is to improve the streetcape of West Park Place because uh that has always been uh a side yard rear yard backyard feeli that that is not uh no longer appropriate for the amount of traffic that would be going down that road for the library usage exactly um we see this as an opportunity to really increase uh the the appropriateness of the streetscape and carry the Main Street field through and down West Park Place um buffer some of the views of the loading dock area of the post office think you know uh through through the views and and um I've shown a series of photo series of views here to probably more than you need but to to show kind of multiple different angles of how how that may feel um so to talk about uh an overview of the site uh quickly the um page 10 uh which is not up on the on the uh presentation but page 10 in in the packet uh really goes into the and shows how the new buildings and what buildings would be affected the concept is to uh build a new bu building where the current uh fire damaged building is uh um that will have some increase height but trying to get uh we'll talk about the feel and uh a view of it in a minute um the building on the corner which is the Victorian building uh will um have modifications made to it to impr improve the exterior but uh not um really that building will hopefully remain as is is that is a contributing building um the then kind of carrying around the site there will be a we hope to have a shared patio space share outdoor Gathering area for Community usage and usage in in for the uh shops that may be in the mixed use buildings um and then the relocated parking area to the middle of the site would uh help to um keep the views of the the parked cars kind of a little more hidden than they are right now they're currently uh right out on the corner of the turn into the post office so parking is very exposed and just right on the on the on the uh outside of the cha property really um this will keep it a little more condensed and um maintain the number of parking spots it also make the handicap parking spots closer to the the new buildings more ACC more accessible yeah um then the the two rear accessory buildings I'm kind of showing the concept of if they we're working with exactly as they are now but um you can see how the the intent is to put a a new face on the farthest the rear most accessory building to uh create a new uh Street Frontage and uh very very character building not nothing um too ornate but a simple uh simple vernacular building um and then the uh other the building the currently the Brown building that's in the middle there would uh either be reworked to be bring up to codes but also have an addition for the back of the rear of it so that it extends further back into the site and what we we hope to get with this is a rhythm down the street of of Street of building fronts rather than a series of the side views of accessory buildings that uh were were there previously um so uh to talk about the the main building that I'll go briefly into that and then I'd love to hear you know questions and everything and I think that's going to be the biggest part of the discussion but um with the forms chosen for the main building at 63 North Main uh the intent was to choose the retail style building from the design guidelines of uh Gable front facing the street so as a standalone retail building it follows uh that pattern of the the town's guidelines um the example of that in the guidelines is a more ornate building and I didn't we didn't feel that uh when you that the scale of the building it would look inappropriate to have uh try to copy and mimic so closely the forms of a historic building but we want to keep the forms simple and uh clean clean lines but also um uh fit into the character of the town massing and and from different views so major views of the building would be from the the post office uh side the intent there is to create more of a wrapped Courtyard feel from that side uh with the uh views to and out from the um building um and then uh so as we walk around the the front of the building we have that Gable front end with a covered front porch which also is noted in the guid lines as appropriate to have um you'll notice that the building is still elevated up off of the sidewalk in order to keep with the feel of town uh when we didn't didn't want to have it's something storefront feel down on the ground level because it really wouldn't fit in but uh by taking advantage of the alleyway to uh use as an ADA ramp to access the building um it it almost very subtly changes the grade into the building and allows actually for Ada access into the new building and also into the Victorian in the future so both of those will be able to get Ada access uh without having um to have anything in the front of the buildings um and then as we kind of go around the back of the building in this view here you'll notice the Victorian has the rear uh porch that's currently there removed and that may become some sort of a service window or just windows out to the the shared patio space because the new entryway would be in the alleyway uh just off into that same building so that would allow for um a better more more cohesive open space uh some sort of covered um Garden uh perola or exterior elements that kind of tie in uh and feel make this place feel a little bit more um uh capped off a little bit more seclude secluded but not uh closed off to the point where there's any unsaved views or or things like that uh so low low walls low vegetation but uh in a way where uh it's buffering The Hardscape we don't want to have like a it view to too much too much Hardscape but it will um this will break that up we doing a varied um varied series of materials which would essentially uh mimic and uh align with the streetcape project that was done by the town as far as the material usage goes with brick and um and blue stone but uh the one thing that we would do is underneath the parking area where the new curb cut is um uh and some of the other patio areas is to do a rainwater collection system that uh you don't have to get into too much uh detail on tonight but um the intent is to collect collect rain water from the site um the so then also the good thing to show is that the the low trees would buffer the parking area also from views of from Main Street so when you start to look from views like that one up up in the top corner here you can see how you actually don't see those cars because the vegetation is blocking those views but you do see the outdoor sitting area and the fact that uh you want to be pulled in that direction down West Park Place now from Main Street so that uh that walk to the library is you know that much nicer um so really uh there's probably a lot probably a lot of other questions I wanted to give you a brief a brief overview but uh if you I'd like to open up to you and anything else you have uh love to hear um I can start I um so there's I see something um it's like a little mini new one story building out back yes I didn't mention that you're right that would it would be the trash and recycle enclosure so that would mimic some sort of small out building small shed uh with a a c pitch roof varied material so that it would seem like its own building think of right now I'm showing like a shake uh siding on it and um and then that would be uh in line with some sort of outdoor element so that it would kind of be hidden a little bit we we'd um uh we this is actually something that was modified from the we' gone in front of the DRC to discuss uh the initial concept last year and one of the feedback Fe pieces of feedback we got was to rethink the way that looked and we we think that this will blend in a lot better with the with the other buildings um the other question I had is um are you are you adding so like the four um there's um I see a handicap two handicap spots and then another spot and then you know I guess four and five are also parking yes so are you adding five new parking spots or had they been somewhere else on this property yes so uh by looking on page nine you can actually see where those spots currently are um and there are there are three spots that are on the corner of the turn to the post office in the very very back corner and they're numbered one two three and from the from bottom up and then four and five are behind the other trash uh behind the current Brown building um and the they're actually not in a configuration that is get yeah it's difficult to drive to them not very safe for the buildings to have someone driving through like that but that's the only way that's the way they're set up now and by consolidating them uh we're not the intent is to not remove any parking but it's to relocate existing par parking on the site to uh stay within the the different zoning codes uh and the township ordinance for parking within a mixed use development in Village commercial District the um the only other question I had was um there's okay when I look at um this picture here I think that the light green is that or that's grass in this picture here sorry what page page page 10 the light green is grass the dark green is is also grass the dark green yeah some sort of a planter area strawberry okay um and then but then I was thrown off when I was looking at that because that's white oh yeah it's just a that it's just a a shading effect when it gets the Sun hits it at a certain angle in the program that's all that is okay so that white area is uh the the that grass area okay that's I guess my question this is really probably anal but like um how much grass how many square inches or feet of grass had been on the site and now with the new buildings um are we losing how much grass are we losing um so yeah so that's a big that's a big part of the consolidation to make it more of a streetcape um we we want to in the past this site has been um brought up to be used as open open space and shared space uh for um different events but actually it's you can't in order to use it as a some sort of an event space or not that it would be a total event space but it would basically be damaging and trampling the grass that's there so the intent is to make a varied and um interesting Hardscape that would be buffered with enough vegetation to kind of off set the feel of that and then uh there's just also a certain amount of permeability that's with the grass for runoff it would actually just allow more water to run off it than a system that we actually put in to collect water okay uh so as far as permeability standpoint uh we'll probably be uh increasing this like permeability uh for uh from you know the the future usage but uh right now the the area between the um back to accessory buildings yeah are is is really all gravel and that whole entire area up to the side of the ground building is either either gravel or concrete that's say like I don't ever like I see those trees there and and you mentioning like an event space I can't ever I've never as I walked by there I've never thought of anyone doing anything there no I know and that there was the previous uh previous tenants of the building had tried had had gone in for some usage for that space uh for their business and but that was green and grass it looks better in that picture than it actually is is what yeah it's it's nothing there really uh be big big Improvement to the to the yard to uh really shift that grass towards the back two buildings and in between and around those back two buildings so that it's uh a little bit of a re consolidation okay I have questions I'm done I'll go next um so this morning I read an article in the New York Times where they're talking and it's this project um it's a talking about developments the example was in downtown Los Angeles and a neighborhood where they had um basically uh reused several uh Cottages around a central green and uh it was mostly I think restaurants of varying types and the the courtyard was meant as for like communal dining and such so very very evocative of what you're thinking of doing so I can really imagine that here you know we're already started with piece of chocolate and whatever else you know you envision moving into the other buildings so check it out um look for that the other thing I I can you explain page 19 and what the what the thinking is sure yes so page page 19 is showing the front and rear elevations of the building and also describing the look and feel for those front windows that form the storefront uh of the of the retail space on the first floor so that would be uh if possible the side the side windows but Al also mainly the the front windows but hopefully the side windows also uh there is a a company that makes a double hung looking window uh uh U actually um in uh unable to even see the difference between a double hung window and this window when it's down but the uh the ability for this is to actually have fold up to the ceiling of the of the of the first floor when uh if it when it's open so it has the ability to um to have the really pull the inside to to the outside and the outside side the inside and and open up the the building to the street and that's on the North elevation facing the post office and the East uh facing and then a little bit of the uh of the uh uh uh south facing just on the corner so there there may be a a Vari of they may not all be able to open there there's some overlap that has to happen at the corners how they open so uh that they usually what happens is the don't always have one open fully or you have only the front not the side that kind of thing so uh the concept is to use a window like this it it uh you know wanted to get that just as a as a concept to see how that would look the the great thing about them is that it really does appear of a as to look like a double hung window when closed yeah um have you uh gotten the concept far long enough that it's going to be uh let's see ground floor retail in the Main Street buildings and then the what I'll call the piece of chocolate building um and then uh is it multifam residential elsewhere or office or what what are you thinking oh that's right there's the and the other new building that's in between yeah so there's there's new um there there will still be some decisions to be made on how the buildings are broken up and and we're going to probably get more into that with the the zoning reviews um but there will be mixed uh mix use components on site the middle building that's brown has has been retail before so it's not yeah it was like a garden store right it was was it a garden store Florest Florest yeah yeah all all of the buildings on the site actually have the status when when you look at their they all have mixu status currently so um that believe that's that's the the records we were able to find for them uh so that's but yeah that's whether we're still evaluating how the whole thing will come together though so okay um and my last comment was the only real question I had coming into this was about that two-story addition on the uh Western most side but with the explanation of improving the streetscape you know uh for you know the access the path to the library makes total sense to me so yeah and the hope is too that it would it would work along with the um you know tightening the view into the uh Park the loading area for the Post Office it would help help buffer that really most mostly and and also it just generally help streetcape okay that was it for me so having been working a lot with the property reports in the phases one through three I believe so 61 North Main the Victorian I believe was intended to be surveyed in phase one but what was wasn't part of the report as delivered to us have you found any property report for that yes 61 is I believe missed noted and just not included I I I think the first one was done before I was on the board if I remember right or previous my previous life uh on the commission um so but uh but yeah so that one appeared the records that I I couldn't find it either when I looked through it um that is the Victorian building on the corner and I so there will be uh a process done for this this whole site too I I believe which will be a um kind of a clarification of numbering for all the buildings because they're they're also not really numbered appropriately currently um and and the the records are not totally squared away so I think that's going to be part of this project is to be to uh to um make that a little bit tighter uh yeah and and that there will be some legal aspects going through some site consolidation or Endor yeah it's going to be uh a matter of that's going to all come up the zoning and and planning the it was surveyed in 1989 but very briefly doesn't make any mention of the covered uh entrance in the back do you know the history of that piece of it when it might have been added on of 61 of the 61 one in the corner here yeah the Victorian um I I don't exactly know it's it wouldn't be necessarily uncharacteristic to have a rear the rear entrance in that location with some sort of a covered porch but I don't uh I I don't know um you know that it's not necessarily shown on the old drawings that I've I've been able to find um actually you can even look that first one but it's uh yeah I think it may be shown on the sandborn map but the um yeah the intent with that removal would be uh to really open up the views from inside to out there's currently it's not just a covered porch it actually has a solid two solid walls that are on the North side and the uh West Side so those solid walls actually uh decrease visibility to the site and by H by opening that up to the uh Alleyway I feel like it would be a little more inviting and uh kind of guide you to where the Ada entrance would be so okay thanks yeah perfect than cool any other questions Bobby now um just for curiosity what what kind of building materials are you planning on using for the the building that's going to be replaced um the main building there so I was uh pretty General in the application submission here for but the intent would be to use um paint have all painted surfaces for for the look so the uh would be not to use um synthetic materials that we visible at the end so the compos anything that would be composite would be um underneath um the paint layers so that it would be appear to be a wood look uh structure would would fit in well with the the characteristic of a a painted buildings in town uh we do show an asphalt you know be like an asphalt roof I don't we're not going to uh do anything too crazy up there that the by having it be a little bit taller in the one area it is actually less visible from the street so uh we do our uh do our best to consolidate any uh exhausts or venting uh in a way that it's not visible from the street if you do notice on the uh page 10 also uh there is actually a rooftop uh rooftop um parit that's formed by the this rear Gable it would actually be a false uh Dormer in the back here and that would actually allow for rooftop equipment to be up off the site and hidden uh from view there's only one very small angle that you can actually see that I believe it's from the back loading area of the post office um and that may actually not be visible after work's done on the other building so uh by keeping that and and also uh doing underground utilities we would really stress with uh utility companies that uh utility meter rooms be placed in the basement of this building when constructed so that there wouldn't need to be meters on the side or outside of the building they have remote breeders that are possible from the streets so uh that would be our our stress for that for for them when that's done so underground utilities and hopefully eliminate some of the wires that are in the middle of the site too um yeah so we do want to just double check with you about the how you feel about the the back two buildings the accessory buildings for as as far as their non-conforming status as far as we wanted to get a sense from you that if those could be modified and and how how much we feel like they were buildings that were built in the 1950s that were may have been on top of the old foundations or or but they are new abilities in order to bring them up to code it would be um uh better for the kind of the that finish look of the of the streetscape to be able to make modifications to them but that's something that we want to run by you the possibility with rebuilding yeah go ahead so the the Brown building um it the addition as shown is to the north right so corre the street elevation would be relatively the same or improved as necessary or what would the plan be yeah we're we're still assessing exactly what needs to happen with it and uh currently in the drawings that is shown as uh working off the existing sizing exactly of what the other building is um it is you know it's not an incredibly well built building but um in order to bring it up to some of the insulation codes and some of other things that'll be in uh access codes it would be a little bit difficult but uh the hope is that we'd be able to modify that even if we had to rebuild it it could be very similar building uh and but you know come into make some of those improvements to be it could be uh kind of more uh energy efficient more more uh um and really have a better streetcape when we're done as far as the overall look at it so I think if the massing from the street you know view stays similar I think that would be acceptable and even though they're non-conforming it can't be completely removed and rebuilt I don't know like if that became an option later down the road is what we're trying to are they considered non-contributing to the district yeah they are yeah they they we think that the we we show some of the old Maps where their footprint may have been there but what happens is when you when you look at the photos that we also found they were they appear to be totally different buildings that were there even when the photos were taken so uh they are they're really I mean they really accessory buildings of the the main structure so that was something that you wanted to make sure how how it could get how it could get modified or totally rebuilt okay so they they 70 something years old maybe right right right 1950s yeah okay um I mean we just went through this whole uh you know upgrade of our uh historic property surveys right phas 1 through three and they were buildings from the 20s that were not included because they were too too young right so um yeah I mean I've never when I walk down this street I don't ever really I don't ever like look at those buildings as a historian and say I think there would be much more of an argument to keep keep them if you could look at them and say wow that's what the spice Mill used to look like or you know what that area you know very to be very evocative of what used to be there and besides you know the little sign that says the spice smell used to be there that's in the parking lot so and to accomplish something like that if the building needed to become like if we needed to take the building out completely that would be something that's not out of the realm of possibilities not out of the realm of possibility is what I would say when you said 1950s was that like with confidence we know when they were built from the survey that was done September 12th 2017 that's what there yeah so even as they age and get older they're not within the period of significance they'll never be within the period of significance so they'll never be contributing to the district even in another hundred years um so if there's changes that can be made to improve the district overall then I feel like in terms of the district that would outweigh preserving something that could never be contributing to the district thanks yeah in my opinion I think you're improving this you're really kind of expanding our our downtown area in this you're like almost like you're like building a little mini Town um and I feel like that's um better for our historic district versus I mean what we have right now are just like some very randomly positioned buildings not very disjointed exactly like and with no real like historical like again I don't look at the any moldings don't look at any details I don't think of oh this happened here so you know especially now it's the pathway to the library yeah meansa yeah I appreciate that recognition because as a small business owner in town I can't wait to be able to have an area for more people to come and you know come together so at this point um do we oh do we wait in on this or what I would like to say uh just for as far as what we're hoping for tonight uh would be uh for for we will be going in front of uh zoning and planning in the future for those reviews for um you know for going in front for different variances or approvals and things like that so uh based on the the presentation that we've given today we would be seeking some sort of a letter of of not approval but of some sort of support uh for the goals that we're trying to achieve with the Improvement of the streetcape and the concept that we've shown of this of the streetscape uh uh and with obviously with a review that'll be coming later for the final uh final lookover of everything but uh you know it's kind of a um an initial review uh um support letter our due diligence yeah for for zoning and planning so that we're so that they know we're in line with uh uh the town guidelines and the the feel of the district so can I one one quick question before we do that talk about it the in this is this is probably way like ahead of time but like in the pictures on page 19 the way you draw the shutters and there's like these it's like I don't know what the name of this architectural element is it's like a little like boxy thing on the bottom oh yes yeah that could you tell me like what went into the thinking about that like were you inspired by something or uh is the raised panel below Windows talking panel below the windows yeah so and the shutters on the back side as well sure so the raise panel below the windows is actually something it's a variation of something that's right in the the town guidelines uh for storefronts and how storefront should look um it it in the example it's slightly lower uh and squat uh but in I I didn't want to go for a straight copy of the the guideline I wanted to have a slight variation it's it actually creates a uh some some sort somewhat of a privacy or modesty panel as some often refer to referred to as when someone is sitting within the the building maybe along a table or uh they can sit right up to it and feel comfortable with like rail height at at their sitting area uh with the window open and not have any kind of a fall condition or anything like that um to the to the exterior and then uh um it would mimic a shutter look which would also be some sort of a painted shutter uh so raised panel shutter going to carry around um right now I'm pretty showing them all around the entire building I I think that it would stay like that just for uniformity was one of the things that the DRC brought up as far as um the look and feel of the building uh in the front being more continuous around the uh the the whole building so uh that is something that was changed since the DRC review and um yeah so the the panels the other panels are the the back were you asking about yeah these here the three with this is no the shutters in the back oh the shutters in the back um this is the rear elevation on page 19 West yeah exactly okay so yeah so that's the shutters for the other windows so um the the larger doors are the would be the rear entrance with a covered porch there also for um the that covering also would would hide a uh basement stair access for loading and um unloading from the from the parking area so that um that there's actually a staircase that would show down uh below this overhang from the back an entrance there so that's not exposed uh and and uh that's the for that so it's concealed within a mass massing element of the building to uh not only protect it from the elements but also provide some security for uh the usage ask one last quick question I'm sorry I just I know it's their one time to have them the two buildings are they flush in this against each other the the blue building and the Victorian are they both jutting out in align with each other or is the blue building further out the Victorian building the blue the blue building the newer BL building is is basically in line with the uh the front Bay uh the bay that sticks out of the uh Victorian so it is a little farther out AG 18 see yeah relationship that's yeah I was trying to so you can kind of get a sense it doesn't stick farther out than the existing porch that's on the Victorian the V porch on the Victorian sticks out even farther face of this building but there's a little bit of a staggering effect that happens there and the intent uh would be that you can actually get good views to this building from the I kind of showed as you're walking here you can kind of see through the porch to that front area too so you actually get uh views of the windows from the side and that's really where those windows kind of cut off um and then um part of this project would also be cleaning up the the mass of wires that are on the Victorian building uh that's going to be part of part of that they all come in at that one spot and it's a big jumble right now so that would be a big Improvement to that Victoria at the same time did you ever think about having but I mean you can't building it so it's so they're flush against each other and in terms of I'm just trying I'm just trying to understand like the the what goes into that sure currently the current building comes out to that building line that showing yeah so so so you're trying to mimic what we had before yeah you can kind of see this that view too how comes up farther so we're trying to stay within the existing footprint of the building um as we can um and uh so so make uh best use of those views and also uh treat a exposed element viewable element as it should be as as such because doesn't really have um this a side wall feel to that spot it still has a frontage feel to it that is visible good thank you um so so maybe we could go back to um your ask about whether you know how we feel as a committee if we you know have like a you how we feel about this for the other committees yeah I think we can write a letter yeah I I I'll start if like I mean I would just say that I think this is um I'm really happy that this is happening I think this is something that is going to be great for our town that's going to sort of revitalize this corner that's right now like very much an an isore um and it's such an important uh intersection I think it's going to be great and it's going to extend the town um a little bit in a good way and I you know I asked questions initially about the amount of grass you know losing grass and stuff but I think you are making efforts try to retain as much grass as possible and I like the whole idea of the um the patio out back um and I like the pergola as well I think that's really nice um and I also think that the look and feel of the new building it's um it's not modern um but it's not like you're trying to look old as a new building so I think it's a nice contemporary look but it's also sort of classic and traditional so you know I think it will um fit in nice with the town but also not look like we're trying to make an old building that's new so thank you yeah does you have any other comments well said and I would specifically add that uh what you're proposing to do on Parkplace West bring the massing closer to the street um I think addresses just kind of an artifact of this didn't used to be a street and now it's a street and the way that the buildings aren't oriented now doesn't really make sense for it being on the street so I think that's an improvement as well thank you I also appreciate that you're addressing the north side facing the post office and that that will be a much improved Edge to that yard for the post office as well thank you all right okay so I think we feel good to go all right well thank you very much for coming in and we'll follow up uh with Robin for uh some of the boing in the future or you get in touch with us when when ready for that thank you good thank you thank you okay um so next um we have old business and we have the CLG Grant or other words search Certificate of Eligibility project thank you guys thank you she sorry um okay so for the certificate of um eligibility working to get that for the Hamlet I think the latest update we had was that um Lori was not is not available to help us at all on that correct project um so we're kind of in a place where um we can't use a seal LG grant to get a to get um the Certificate of Eligibility application filled out so the only other option would be if we were to we could do a few things we could budget try to get town to give us money for next year to do it to hire someone to do it next year we could try to do it ourselves um or we could try to see if there's another grant that we would apply for um um that's not CG Grant but something else to try to get someone to do it um and so I don't know if you guys have I have a thought but I'm curious to know what you guys think like I think with the grants they haven't tend to become expensive and so you almost use up all the money you get AED I pay for having somebody do it I'm sorry so grants are usually expensive I mean the requirements just to get that done are cost then you end up you know it's an ex number of dollars Grand money and then you spent most of it very time cons time cons so so are you tracking with me that it's probably just better for us to just do it ourselves if possible I mean if if Lor's not she's not available she may be able to give us some advice about what to do what she would have done and I agree she likes to she this is one of the boards that she's willing to help so I don't see her denying any help like that I agree I think that would be a good idea so what I what I was going to suggest like I know we talked last time about like kind of forming a few little subcommittees to tackle our goals and like I know Bobby like I had you were you know you're sort of like Revolution New Jersey you know I'm street signs um and I'm what I'm thinking is that maybe we um we have like a person kind of take point on putting it all together but then maybe all of us as a group kind of divide and conquer it out um and you know so see I'm looking it used to I what do you think I am willing to be the appoint person okay okay I think and I'll help I'll I've done grants and stuff and I don't mind doing these types of paperwork but um and John kilber just sent me some sort of Dropbox I don't know if it's a virus or or a Spam or something yeah out of the blue so I have to look and figure out what it is I'm almost afraid to open it I don't know if he he got infected or something um but you know maybe he has some information he still he's still interested yeah I haven't heard from him in a while remember he he was sick so you know so maybe okay all right so I have a question about how this ended up kind of on like on as a thing to do um so the what I've been able to figure out from earlier years was that the homeowners here wanted the local designation and was pushing to make that happen is this state and then eventually maybe federal recognition also coming at the behest of the homeowners what what what brought this to the Forefront the homeowners were the initial people yeah want the federal want to be on the federal do they want the national register nomination I don't recall that they I think they want whatever recog as much as get because it protects them some just everything over build around V visibility I think so the challeng is is there's so many steps are well are they how can they help since they're most familiar with their properties and the area around them and some of them are more familiar than others because they've live there longer but and I think the issue too is what was pointed out by shipo was that we needed to expand Beyond Cranbury and include Monroe and include the depot the comp the complication is is that the Township Line runs right down the middle of the road and so you've got Monroe on one side and cranberry on the other side and Monroe doesn't have as strong a commiss as we do meing that they're individually they're interested but they haven't been able to get as much um support from the township yeah I think we should just try to use our existing like find existing language that we've used from you know what we have already and then try to fill in the gaps and like Sue I don't mind working with you I yeah I think one area where we could work together is kind of amassing all the information we do have because I know during the whole local designation process you know you and Stephen were compiling a lot of a lot of things and so if we just can like maybe locate it on one drop or figure out where it all is so we know you know we're able to look through and see what we have then we need to know what more we need okay okay all right so I think that's a good step is that you know we'll sort of form a little subcommittee and then what we'll do is we'll take a look and see what we have what we don't have and then we can kind of try to maybe divide and conquer um amongst our committees just so like you know you know if everybody has one or two questions to answer or you know put some language together yeah okay good all right so the next item on the agenda will we kind of covered the Hamlet District um the Richard grubin associate survey presentation which I heard went really well um and that there was a lot of great feedback um and then I heard that we didn't we accidentally didn't record it but then we got a new recording yes so that's awesome I posted that online and it's already posted excellent are we allowed to put it on like YouTube or something or does it have to be on our SharePoint server well it was originally going to be on the township YouTube channel right so I don't know the answer to that well she would have to do it here or he would have to do it on you know at the library again I don't we couldn't upload the video you think to YouTube YouTube account from a different I don't know you're more technically Advanced yeah I think in terms of what YouTube would allow us to do I think we'd be able to in terms of what our rules are for like I don't know copyrights or government so that possible to do that Tech technically it should be totally fine to upload a video that wasn't recorded Live Well do we only have audio yeah what is it that we got the video has her speaking over the slides right correct oh yeah so then I think we should we should definitely like ask yeah put it see if we can put it on YouTube and then maybe we could do is blast this too in the um mayor's email so that if anyone missed the presentation they can um watch it the new one was already distributed amongst the TC memb so I don't see any reason why we just don't add a link and send it out on next Tuesdays there are definitely homeowners who weren't able to come to this who like to see it yeah I counted I counted 28 attendees in person which I thought was just some of the people who have houses that are involved weren't able to make them yeah okay like a larger oh you thought so yeah I came late chair off the and yeah very popular well um you know even so like maybe you know people want to like you know rewatch it you yeah Saturday night um and we could so so so Brendon are you gonna or Robin are you able to follow up on putting it onto the YouTube that would be helpful okay and then I would definitely need Brendan's assistance if you don't mind see and I'll let them know that it's possible okay so we could have like a communication between all of us about that sure and then once we think we can get it on to the YouTube we can send a note over to to Lisa and ask if um Lisa could ask the folks at mayor's email Debbie you need to be announced like in in the link in iman's email the weekly the monthly mayor's email other week so one mayor's update and then the week after that is a Township announcement we get that mayor's update so it rotates so either I think is fine right yeah but I think that there's a form that needs to be filled out and trying to be diligent about it so if you want to be included in an update um you just need to kind of fill out that form and then provide any links or anything like that okay um that you want included at this point I believe the next weeks will be a mayor's update versus a Township update so that would be great okay so there's a form that we get from Debbie and we fill it out and then with the last meeting we that link that so that everybody knows okay it's just try to keep it organized so that they're not overwhelmed yeah and it's not last minute great got it in in the next 48 hours I think easily be included in next tues it's okay yeah I mean it's not an urgent rush but I think no but I think a lot of people are asking hon I gave my update dur the DC meeting Michael was in attendance there was a bunch of people that you know have all been there we were all commenting about it so okay I think people that couldn't attend they want to they want to be on they want to see it okay sounds good so we'll follow tomorrow yeah we should look at it tomorrow because uploading to YouTube would generate a new URL and so we'd want to have that URL in place as soon to put in the form yeah if you can't get it on YouTube the next best scenario is to have it on under on the yeah which we which it's already there it's already scenar YouTube Just say Hey as a reminder those of you who missed it or want to view it again great okay I tried clicking the link on our section and it was saying it didn't have permissions and I don't think it was I think probably anyone who's not logged in maybe doesn't have permissions to view that did it advise you to request permission yes it did so I did get one where it requested it and I said yes and they were able to access it I told him to call you okay or I can see what I can do to yeah if we're going to update the yeah let but before let's see if we can get it on YouTube because then that way all that issue yeah cool um all right great so crry Township signage um we um we checked everything um at DPW and I sent a note to Jerry um um asking him to save the signs and to that he can start you know replacing everything um I haven't seen any activity yet but it did snow it's kind of cold out so I don't think that um we need to really like pressure right now um but maybe once um we get out of snow season you know we can check in with him and see if he has any questions but they all the screws were there everything was was all good to go um so yeah so hopefully those will start getting installed um soon um and then regarding the Gateway signs I know we talked about last time we're not going to really request funding but we're going to kind of wait and see we'll see what happens in the town budget meeting next weekend um and you know work on things for and maybe next year um and that was kind of aligned with the bike plan discussion uh next would be Comm training already on so I oh when was was it I thought it was oh I'm getting confused it was January 27th yeah Oh I thought it was February 27th and I'm like oh okay that's covered through like our our as Denise indicated that's already covered in the budget like separately as far as like Gateway so there's nothing that you need to do and I think she indicated that um but it was included in in the budget presentation you can go back and look at that okay um and you can like kind of see where HPC was in the agenda the minutes um if you want to kind of fast forward did it get did anything did they make any decisions to do gateways for next year the whole idea is just to reduce redundancy make sure aesthetically that it's um consistent um and just make sure that anything that is County Le let the county leave it because if anything we're just going to make things take long so yeah was there was there any did anyone unveil anything about um like who the budget that got assigned who's going to be kind of in charge of implementing upon that budget DPW DPW yeah so go back you can watch the whole budget meeting I'll try to narrow in for you and I'll text you or email you around one minute okay that' be great discussed okay perfect that sounds great then um I again all respect to Jerry and his crew they're doing a phenomenal job and we know with snow and weather and everything like that I think the TC is actually looking for a kind of a plan and a Cadence to what's going to happen and how the signs are going to go up so um it doesn't have to be like on this day this happens but just a general plan of you're going to start with Main Street you're going to side with the side streets you're going to do this or that I think there just needs to be some agreement with with Jerry so push him I'm just saying yeah hey can you give us a rough idea of what your plan is I still think it's at his discretion but there still needs to be app I'm pretty sure I put that in the email to him like to ask like if you could let me know what your plan is um but he hasn't gotten back to me and but so what I'll do though is um I'll just let me give a couple weeks let's make sure it doesn't snow again and then once it um doesn't snow I'll follow with him asked it it's great that the inventory came in and thanks for putting in those hours to make sure all the screws on oh my God was like opening up like these huge heavy boxes it's on a huge pet like yeah so if you need any help with that I I'll be more than happy to help out with Denise or but just a little bit of a c so that we know yeah you know we'll kind of start here and whether permitting we'd expect to be completed by X day so you think every two weeks you're going to get asked like roughly think again like if we can just get a general idea based on the inventory based on the signage started and said we're going to put up three a week we permitting that would bring us out to X date and you can expect this project plus or minus to be complete around State okay that's it just a yeah yeah I have a question about the existing signs that kind of started this whole signage initiative the existing signs that need repair where did we end up with that is that well there was those are kind of like it was interesting is that those there's the spots where those are right now there's like stars I think for the bike plan to do gateways and so I think the gate the bike plan is going to probably dictate what they do so it's I don't know if it's really our decision really so much no the other thing I knew is that um there's a gentleman who had um um who comes to the meetings and he mentioned he spoke and said that he you know he put those in years ago and that they are um very special um so but those you mean what's that you say put those in put the two signs in that are um the aluminums the aluminums yeah and that they're very like special um so quite frankly I don't know quite what to do about that because um they are starting to get some wear um and i' sent those like a list of those plus a lot of the other ones that needed like repairs to Denise like a couple years ago and there hasn't been any appetite to do anything with it um so I don't know there's not much more we can really do I think I mean I think what's going to happen is eventually they are going to get so worned that you can't read them and then we're going to have to take action and do something unless the bike plan gives us an opportunity to kind of revisit whether we just have like a regular Gateway there and remove the other ones um I don't think that would be popular I think I would get someone would show up with a baseball bat after me if we did that so don't have the print out of the bike plan here but I think I remember seeing the northernmost sign would be further north up North Main Street than where the ACC current aluminum sign is really does that fit I can take a look again and see um I think so this where where the aluminum sign is is um where the houses start on the West Side um but I think the Gateway sign might have been further north proposed Gateway sign I'll take a look at um and we can revisit it I mean [Music] I don't know what to do these so okay yeah I mean do you have any opinions about what we should do or or really my impression was there was a different there were different ownerships right like some had been Historical Society installed some were Township jurisdiction had all that um laid out yeah so it was pretty complicated curious okay yep take the on your current get it completed and then yeah I think you're right yeah and then show yeah that's true once everybody sees everything's nice and new then maybe people have more appetite I love it okay great um Commission training uh any updates on training I haven't heard anything lately Brendon mentioned he did you did the okay so I'll put that in last year okay um HBC library book inventory I think we can close that um that topic we don't need to talk about that next week what about shelf oh the Shelf issue the Shelf ISS did anyone happen to walk by and see the Shelf when we had the thing no I I deposited I handed over my my Heights toown House's book to them and they were like wow but they didn't seem to really know what to do with it I will follow up um because I like to go there anyway and do work I think I know the shelf so there's there's a reference section there's a desk and there's the shelves behind it and that's where our design guidelines are that's where the surveys are that's where some books about historic homes are is that the Shelf is it behind the where the libran it's accessible to the public um it's the LI there is a librarian's desk the Standalone desk like a couple feet in front of it so you just walk behind his desk and it's the back of the Shelf is there's like a conference room behind it I'll go take a I'm gonna go by I'll take a picture so we can all kind of see it and maybe we could even do a public Outreach and let people know Che out our shelf that's a good idea okay take a good picture we could post it on yeah I'm going to go over there I like to go over there and work in front I don't if exclusively hours though there's there's just general history of cranberry stuff okay don't still we can uh okay public Outreach okay awesome um okay identifying historic sites um so that project um and I know Dave is not here I think we could maybe pause on this unless anyone has any um I do have two things about that um and our last meeting uh we had a question as to whether the the D house was part of that and um I believe so so she she referred to it as the Hess um yeah farm and the best I could find was the cranberry press in 1987 the hes Farmstead will be saved and and the property described in this article fits one of the properties on that list so I believe we can say conf that yes that is that particular property is on the list okay and then the other I guess I stopped by the cranberry History Center and was talking to them and the question they had was when we're looking at these outlining properties will we also be looking at the 1713 East Jersey Cottage and that wouldn't have been on the master plan right it's it's only recently even moved over there but um should it I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be included uh my impression is that there was a lot of research that was done for the house already so it's pretty well documented um so we could add it to the list but I don't know that there's a lot that we need to do right I think it's I think it should be on the list though yeah still in the works I mean there's a lot more to be done on the yeah yeah okay um so so I was going to suggest that we create another subcommittee and again I think we can wait till Dave is back but um I guess you know if anyone has an interest I know Dave has been working kind of owning that but maybe another Committee Member too to kind of work on just you know um putting it all together putting it into help yes you have been do you want to continue working with Dave okay all right Bobby and Dave um awesome okay great um public Outreach um so any does anyone have any updates I did see um I think we were trying to figure out if there was going to be a colonial Fair uh last month and I did hear that there is going to be no Colonial Fair this year um um I can't remember that's true yeah so quite sure why because I thought it was very successful I know I know I think it was just getting the Historic Society and the business there's there's too many things that need to be done in the way of permits and whatever that are kind of up in the air and everybody's quite ready to take it all on you again so I have something go ahead please so um uh last month I mentioned that I'm going to be represent presenting the HPC at the State history and historic preservation conference so we had our first meeting of the uh panel that's going to be presenting and we have uh members from uh Burlington City and from uh Mount Clair so we'll be representing the the farm town out of those three um but it was very interesting and it was it was funny because you know the the meeting just went on and on and on because we had so much to talk about but um so what I'll be what I want to do is you know uh we'll have another meeting I think before our next HPC meeting I want to get everyone's kind of input on how you think we are doing Outreach so I talked about the local um the local designation for the Hamlet you know based upon the request of the residents um and I talked about our uh presentation of the uh historic resource survey and you know putting it on the web and doing it in public things like that um and our you know our plan to like you know rock cranberry day with our fantastic Booth uh things like that um we talked about a lot of different things there are a couple things I wanted to bring up I mentioned um membership and uh you know that vacancies are appointed by the TC we talked about conditions I mentioned the um the high school student who was um added to the commission and Burlington City actually added an additional seat to their commission specifically for students and I thought that was a really interesting idea that we might I don't know how difficult it would be to actually make that change but he's no longer good no he in college you went to what the Naval Academy something Air Force Academy Air Force Academy yeah so um but that is how they handle it so it um they work with the high schools to uh get suggestions for students who would be have that interest you know it fulfills their community service requirements Historic Society has talked about getting students more involved yeah history that would really fit nicely into that right so so I was invited to the um Bo Scouts 52 BNG to talk about like local government volunteerism like how and why you get involved in things and I it like the presentation went off the rails in like a really good way because they asked such amazing and thoughtful interesting questions but one of the reoccurring themes was how to get almost many all of us involved in cranberry and so is there a junior HPC member that you could had even at a younger age um not necessarily High School um that they could build up to that position but that you would give them a seat here they would be a junior HPC and they would be the only member of the committee that's something and it's not just HBC it's all different committees depending on interest but they were super psyched to get involved and how did they get involved and so I think it's worth having a discussion I brought that feedback back to the TC after that meeting um but I think this particular committee um just because it's so interesting would be a really great first effort to try to fill that kind of Junior uh interest awesome yeah I definitely support it because like even though he um shr was only he you know he had busy schedule and he joined kind of late when he was here he like brought up like really great ideas like Hightech stuff yeah yeah he brought up like high tech you know the website Stu like the stuff that we ended up doing like he had those ideas and everything so I think it's great to have um I mean and so especially if we know now that other towns are doing it that's something you can share with them yeah so so that was a great idea um yes so uh and another thing they mentioned was the um Monclair um their HPC created a flyer like a trifold um that they place they said they put it in uh real in realtor offices and in hardware stores I don't how many those we have um but uh that uh talk about the historic district and um you know identify the properties that are within the district as a way of the notification that we've kind of struggled with I'm sure the local businesses would be more than happy to so I thought that was a a great idea too to like you know kind of old school right it's not putting it on a website but like having that hard copy that someone can just pick up and and look at know there is a brochure about the cottage not the 1713 Cottage there is and where can I find that no but I like the idea like maybe even doing like a cheat cheet one pager about our committee um like we you know we have a homeowner letter take the content of that and turn it into like an easy to read flyer History Center okay yeah but for us I think it could be helpful and we need we're going to need to have something at our table for cranberry day there you go there's a reason to do it I think we could create hand out yeah um and the last thing that um Burlington City mentioned was H the the award program so um that was something that was something that uh Lindsay had mentioned to us uh last year and uh so I was going of kind of spy on the Burlington City program and see what they do exactly so that we would know you know what what we could do yeah I think that'd be awesome I think if we research and see like how other people do their rewards let's not recreate the wheel like or take the best of what other people have been doing and try to do one ourselves yeah so so it was very interesting um I think it'll be a great session just because there's so many different ideas floating around um okay that was it um with regards of Outreach I think probably the software that I've been working on falls into that and last month I had mentioned that I was trying to kind of separate out these um mobile interface and a more expansive interface to take advantage of larger screens and I wrapped up that work um I could bring my laptop next month and guys if you want to review it so are you saying that you have like kind of like the the handheld version versus the Y and so yeah if you're you get a CU you can you can show more information at a time on the desktop right but um I would think someone who's on the street and wants to learn more about the house they're standing in in front of still wants to be able to pull that out they could look it up right there be so cool that's great do we have a name for what it is that I've been well the way I've labeled the site is historic cranberry property reports um so it's just you know hi hicker I'm trying to think the acronym hicker just um I guess we could call it the property reports viewer or property reports software something along those lines it's yeah I just needed historic cranberry in there in terms of H someone ends up on the the site that way they at least know what town they're looking at Great HPR if we go HP historic property HPR it's got to have an acronym it's not anything if it doesn't have an acronym okay um okay cool that's exciting yeah let's do that next week or next month okay um because that'll be fun we can add that for our Outreach um great any other comments about Outreach um I just have cranberry day like we we are going to want to start trying to plan for that and um you know um we we do we budget money we yeah so I think one thing and I can take point on that is like looking at our money and trying to figure out the plan I'll maybe draft something up for us to work on and look at so we can start planning how we're gonna have an amazing history Booth um at cranberry day um so yeah and I think I think that'll be a great first step great win for us this year um the next thing was um Revolution New Jersey um and there was an email that went out um about Sue that wasn't it um or no Robin you were gonna share that there was yeah an email about wanting to have tours and this is the thing that they were publicizing oh so on their website okay so that's not revolutionary New Jersey but um preservation New Jersey it was preservation New Jersey so I was reading their newsletter and they're like April 20th come one come all come to the tours tours of historic cranberry and I'm like what is this so um I I asked Jennifer like has there been any talk with the historical societ they all we don't know and they're all like can we call them and but um I actually work with one of the Board of Trustees for preservation New Jersey so I asked him about it and he told me who was in charge and we just got an email what today yesterday from one of the Kelly Kelly um saying we're happy to work with you because apparently they had no plan whatsoever they just advertised it so um but it's a great opportunity right April 20th and one of the things that she said I think in her email was that you know the mayor gave a gave a little you know introductory talk you know to the group and such and I I don't know if anyone's ever taken any of their their tours I did one for Frenchtown because I'd never been there and it was actually it was it was really lovely they you know they had a couple people come and talk about different things and then we walked and talked about the district and you know sponsors this preservation New Jersey so they're like the nonprofit somebody to do the tour I guess that's what we're we've been trying to figure out is like they're advertising it but who's actually I was wondering would they like use like Kristen herck because she did all our surveys or talking somebody must have familiarity with the town to want to have done it but there's been like no planning whatsoever and it's now less than two months away yeah so um it's like what's the overall objective right is it architecture is it history of the town is it um the email did it says our tour focus on historic districts um creative placemaking architectural history and Redevelopment projects as topics um in Freehold for example they highlighted local businesses the mayor and other members of the histore commission and downtown Alliance took part in speaking and highlighting their work um so and they say our tours see about 40 to 60 people and so they're looking to do Saturday April 20th from 10 to 2 with ending at a local restaurant Pub or business to have a networking reception tours obviously of the cranberry in of so you know that's a lot of time uh four hours yes especially like weather permitting there's not going to be a lot of indoor activity you could probably burn well it says that minutes at the end like giving a tour of what it was and how it's evolved and but I would reach out to the Arnold to see if he's interested in that and I don't know what they mean by reception and then there said they said that this Mark this guy Mark non is in touch with Partners about the meeting and programs with cranberry yeah I don't I can talking I know Mark so I can reach out to him and kind of ask and we should just just have like a webinar with her or a zoom with her to just understand the planning process could do that so I mean I would assume the historical society would want to be involved in some way right and I think so yeah so um because they they could bring people they I mean they probably could show would want people to go to the museum the History Center even I mean it's just even to get some information about the houses they talking they they're talking about the houses do they they have to have some sort of contact think I would think but apparently not um so my experience in French town was that the tour lasted about an hour and then they all convened to the local hotel and had drinks and snacks so it's not that complicated um who who paid for the hotel drinks so it it costs money it costs like 40 50 bucks to take the tour cover yeah so I think that covered the uh the The Refreshments okay free that was the one I did was in Frenchtown but they've done summer Somerville free hold so the so U and there was a a similar old like Stage Coach hotel in um Frenchtown as well so uh yeah cranber and's kind of a Natural Choice especially to that size yes okay so as far as next steps go um so we'll reach out we can um send a note to Kelly ask to schedule um a webinar um and that we can understand where they are in their planning process what they need from us yeah sooner than later right yeah okay um okay so I I'm sorry I got us off track because we were I got confused between revolution New Jersey and preservation New Jersey which are two very different and very distinct things um so for revolution New Jersey um do we have any has anyone heard any updates there is there is a committee and they've met twice and right I think basically they've just in the very early stages of you know deciding how they're going to publicize the event in cran gr and get banners or you know just just identifying the town to people and letting maybe letting people know that this that they will be involved but I hasn't gone beyond that yet okay well thank you for the updat such as it was um okay lastly is a new homeowner letters yes so I sent a new homeowner letter to five North Main Street which is on the corner over here by the West properties I sent a new homeowner letter to 33 North Main Street which is that comic store and nine Park Place East which is on the corner of Parkplace East in the Maplewood Avenue area um minutes um we had um two minutes that went out one minutes from January 24th and one from 25th did anyone have any comments on the minutes so for the 25th I was told that Lisa wasn't there so I'll revise that that Lisa was there okay I had one comment on from the minutes um I'll show you where it was on page five it says cheriff setm advised that members they must make themselves available for cranberry day and I just I sound really scary I I'm like I you will be there so yeah if you could just change it to say like chair set Meer asked if members could make themselves available for crme every day yeah it's an ask thank you I never make comments on the minutes ever they're usually so they're all great so um okay so um let's see do we have to do one at a time we have to make a motion on the oh yes let's a motion on approving the minutes do we have a motion for minutes on January 24th I move to approve the minutes for January 24th we have a second all right roll call Miss sumeer yes Miss Ryan yes Mr H yes and Miss Marlo yes thank you motion passed I make a motion to approve the minutes for January 25th 2024 I'll second thank you our right roll call Miss Ryan yes Mr H yes and Miss Marlo yes thank you motion passed great okay public discussion discussion I have one item for discussion I heard the other day that uh Lindsay thever has moved on from being our CLG contact at the state and uh in her absence uh as for right now they're filling in with um former CLG contacts which would be Kenny Clark and Andrea tingi okay okay which is great we know those names and they certainly know what they're doing so until uh there's a permanent replacement we'll be working with them okay any other points discussion I want to mention I don't know if you guys are aware but e is taking a Hiatus for 202 uh it was decided that we were going to kind of put a pause on VC uh they're going to present the resident and business surveys that they had done the latter part of 23 and then I think we're just going to kind of reevaluate edak its Mission what the TC actually wants to be advised on from that so I'm only mentioning that because there was an e component of the phase two phase three signage program right now they would not be involved in that so we just have to maybe regroup on that a little bit but that's why mention all right that's good and again they were an advisory committee they weren't any formal board so we were able to vote on that on the TC to just kind of you know to pause on the are they have they assigned is are they or is there going to be someone on TC who kind of represents businesses in Cranberry that's you yeah on quarterly basis and Juliana loo I'll meet with her primary buiness Association same thing quarterly basis have a cup of coffee and touch Bas see what's going on see if I can make them rethink the colonial Fair those things you know again I my two sents on the colonial fair if you're not going to be able to repeat it this year then maybe just establish it it's every other year yeah but don't lose sight of it because I thought the attendance was great it was fun I thought you had a lot to talk about the 1713 house is still going to continue to evolve and and you know the inside hasn't even been touched yet so there's enough reason to pull that out especially with Revolution New Jersey I think that there's a big tie in there they want to take a break like e for 2024 great but don't lose sight of something like a colonial fair for the town I think it can only get in better better better so that's why I'll stay in touch with both of those business heads and how about the Chamber of covers what the Chamber of coms was was last time yeah that's the reason for a cup of coffee here in there just to see what's going on with them and make sure that that we know what's happening cool sounds good um any other discussion points did you Susan did you mention that you want to present to the TC for the annual report you want to do that in March oh my gosh um yeah typically that happens in March that we present our yearend report um so we'll need a date I guess uh to get on the on the roster I think is G be proposing March 11 okay um it's only about 14 slides just kind of rock and roll through the survey if you didn't want to maybe compete that night for time then I would suggest March 25th okay thank you we're not asking the TC for any action around the edex survey it's more informative so if there's something around your annual report that requires action by the TC then I would flipflop those and we eat that with go to 20 bit if it's anything urgent that you wanted to present be more than happy to do I don't think we're requesting action it's just a report cool um public comment okay all right closing public comment so shall I make a motion to adjourn I make a motion I second all right all in favor say I I I Perfect all right so we're done thank you night