##VIDEO ID:XxZvhOSi1CE## I would like to call the cranberry Municipal Alliance meeting to order October 1524 yes please let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all righty we'll move on to the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on February 23rd 20124 of this meeting's date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk we're going to go on to roll call Miss Schulman is excused miss charwin here miss benov is excused Dr dler here miss Stanley here Mr Patel here Chief Owens here miss Kaplan here miss Weinstein here Mr Kamar is excused and Miss Shetty is absent thank you okay thank you and I would like to introduce our new member uh Mr Pon Patel welcome to the cranberry Municipal Alliance committee we're very happy to have you here so and if we take a look at the minutes does anybody have any questions or changes to the minutes from last month would anybody like to make a motion to accept the minutes motion to accept the minutes okay second Andrea and Dr dler all right thank you and we're going to move on to roll call for the minutes okay okay yeah uh Miss shman is excused Miss charwin yes Miss benov is excused Dr dler yes Miss Stanley yes Mr Patel yes Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan yes Miss Weinstein yes Mr Kumar is excuse and machete is absent thank you the minutes of September 17th were adopted unanimously by members present thank you Scout okay student representative report would you guys like to come up uh could you press the button so we can hear you okay great well tell us um has the student council discussed anything in regards to the municipal Alliance uh so far the only thing we discussed is the um thing for red driven week and we saw on the book marks and pencils okay so did you get to see them because they were ordered yeah we we saw them yes okay so they decided on the theme of uh the um move life is a film film Dr free yes exactly okay so we ordered pencils bookmarks and stickers and they already came in and I gave them to your advisor Mrs gorillo and she showed them to everybody okay so um any discussion about uh Red Ribbon Week about there's uh not yet not yet okay Red Ribbon Week I think starts next week midweek okay and that's something that the school counselors plann but we'll get to that we'll get to that later okay so um as far as the Jan uh jamfest anything happening about that um I I don't think anything's been happening about that yet but I think I I I I'll need to discuss this with student council but as I said last meeting or the meeting before I think game wise for um jamfest I think so we have Nintendos Nintendo switch is there already but I know some sports games like FIFA Madden and even like the newest NHL games are quite popular which are not available on the Nintendo switch so I see if we were able to get a a PS PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 like an Xbox I think that would be good okay well we have an update on that um Dr dler can help me with that but my understanding is that the new uh person who organizes that for the PTO has been in contact with me we've been in contact with one another and in the past we've had game truck come and Supply that switch and we found out that they no longer are able to do that that they would have to provide a game truck which Dr dizzler can speak about in a few moments but I know that um the person Mrs uaz is looking into um any other gaming companies that can help with maybe a switch or the other games that you talked about well I think if we are to get a console I think we should try for the Xbox or Playstation the Nintendo I guess if none of those are available good um we tried to give some Alternatives some ideas and that's why I wanted you guys to connect to be able to to talk about it um the idea of having the game truck and then physically having to leave the building and go out into the truck just didn't seem all that safe it's evening it's dark and then the Personnel to manage that it just didn't seem like a comfortable solution so looking at other ideas one thing that we said was that we do have box lights so that idea if there are consoles and there's you know a way of getting anything brought borrowed for the evening we can definitely set up and utilize our box light so for example I don't know if you guys like to play it but I know that there's the setup for um the dance what is that called Just Dance Just Dance and um so to be able to have a box light and then set up the Just Dance there's location and place for it so we probably could be creative if there's some consoles that could even be borrowed I think they could be set up on our Smart TVs and we could still kind of have some of that same kind of fun in a way that would work and so maybe using some of those systems that um you guys were talking about but that I would encourage you guys to chat about that and see and I think that that parent would be the one that really would maybe be able to find if there's some devices to to borrow or to use okay thank you would you be able to write down for us some of the games on the back of the agenda there some of the games that you mentioned that you would enjoy having there and I can share that with Mrs uas when um we're in contact with one another here yeah um yeah just on the back and is there anything else that you'd like to share or talk about uh I don't think there's anything else okay all right thank you Zach would you mind um we have to hear from from other people so would you mind going back over to your seats thank you thank you very much okay uh our police report we are uh I'm proud to announce that our police department has joined what's known as the arrive program a r r i ve program for Middle sex County and what that is it consists of uh several towns from our County that uh participate in a mental in teaming upal mental health professionals with police officers to respond to calls uh where an individual is having a mental health crisis uh we are participating with an officer that will be assigned once a month to a professional health uh person to ride along with that officer but being part of this team also gives us access to uh having this service uh throughout the month uh at any point so if we have to go to a mental health call uh we could call in someone from our surrounding Town let's say South brunwick has an arrived program we could call in the arrive team to come assist with one of our calls uh they found that this program has reduced and let me get to the page so I'll read directly from our attorney general because uh this came out from our attorney general Matt blacken so um arrive is a leading is leading to safer outcomes for our Valu uh our most vulnerable residents having a mental health specialist rather than an officer address behavioral health concerns is keeping residents safe specifically the involvement of arve team leads to fewer arrests fewer uses of force fewer injuries and eliminates racial disparities with respect to the community so uh I'm proud to announce that we're part of that team uh it it like I said it includes a mental health professional arriving with an officer uh who's in a soft uniform it's called so not necessarily wearing a full uniform H but wearing a soft uniform and what they're finding is the program itself has had great success in following up with individuals that have suffered from Mental Health crisis so we the the team might not be active during the day or during the evening so if an officer has a an encounter with an individual who having a mental health crisis the following day he could call the arriv team and they could go out and follow up with that person to make sure that they get the resources that they need I think that's fantastic me too so that we're that program is just starting up and we're proud to be part of that it it's just starting up now correct and um Chief Owens what would you say is roughly the percentage of individuals um that you may receive calls from that are in um a mental health crisis don't I don't have specifics on on that at this point for mental health issues but we do come across them uh quite often okay in VAR in various ways I mean whether it's even just on a motor vehicle stop you know the on it's hard to come up with a specific number for you okay and uh the person that will be assigned through the arrive program does that is that person a police officer who's specially trained or is that a mental health professional it is it's it will be one of our officers who's trained in CIT which is Crisis Intervention training and we have quite a few officers in our department who have the special CIT training does anybody have any questions for you will come upon someone then you call the arrive program they send this other officer over well the officer is paired up with the so let's say uh our day is Tuesday that the mental health professional comes to Cranberry our officer is paired up with that officer or with that mental health professional so that that officer on Tuesday could cover not only our town but South Brunswick East uh East Brunswick that's also involved so if they get a call then our AR team could go and assist them at that and on a Friday you would get one of their teams correct correct yeah they're partner that partner that pair okay any other questions yes how many officers in cranber training in CIT uh I believe six to between six to8 yeah six officers are I think six to eight of us I'll get the full number on that I'm not sure on spe I think that's a a large number yeah a lot a lot of us went through the training I always thought it was important for us to go through the training the County's really pushed the CIT training and I thought it was valuable training so I made sure that anytime that training comes up and our guys are available to send them through that so chances are if you do have a call there will be somebody on staff who has that training who would be available and If not you can call another Township neighboring Township correct okay that's really great an excellent um layer of knowledge and expertise for the police officers yeah in dealing with you know different issues that come up when you have your calls Y and definitely um a person with um in a mental health crisis would need a a special kind of approach when dealing with them so I'm glad that the police officers are being trained yeah and again the followup I think is what's really strong about this program so that if we do have frequent flyers that we go to often the AR team could show up and really you know help them get the assistance that they need okay thank you very much any questions for for Chief Owens okay all right um our liaison is mayor Al badawi who's going to share our report from the township committee good afternoon how is everybody it's a pleasure to be with um with you all today and welcome Pon to this wonderful board you're in great company uh I wanted to start by just sort of thanking you on behalf of the township for starting the budget process I think you are the first board in commission to do so so well done I mean it just it just makes it a lot easier for us to to start early and then and then process every Everybody sort of becomes heavy at the end of the year so you guys are really um ahe of the game here so well done I wanted to share with you that uh with regard to some of the senior interests that are going on in town I had sort of raised um I you know we had talked about through the mayor's Wellness campaign as well as I think we've touched upon in the municipal Alliance and just within the township about how the number of seniors in town certainly are at a at a value now that it Wars a little bit more in-depth look and so uh we are going to be donana from the township is going to be taking on a little bit more of those responsibilities and we're very excited because I also was able to share with her some of the resources that came out of your meetings here at the municipal Alliance uh the Wellspring um programming so she's going to take a look at some of those and um I think that if you do come up with resources that are uh you know beneficial for the senior community and you're willing and happy to share that I think Donna would be the person to share that with or you know even through me and I'm happy to to send that offer or actually Scout would be able to as well right um but I it's it's wonderful how research that you do here actually has impact in other aspect so thank you for that um and I was going to go over some of the the information from the wellness van or should I wait for that I see that on your agenda yes we're going to be talking about okay so I'll I'll wait and I'll let you go over that one but we were very happy with the um with the results and the outcome and the participation and I Maria is not here so is it okay then to mention that the Teen Mental Health uh the date for that Teen Mental Health program that the school the PHS is going to be doing it's going to be March 10th 2025 and I did um and apologies uh I wanted to send that to you earlier but I did just forward that message to you so you could see exactly how they've laid it out um as a program and I just also wanted to thank Chief Owens for you know information about this arrive program but also for being a leader in the community to take part in something as Innovative and really supportive of a community um that is sometimes you know in distress but not the distress kind that that a police needs to be involved and distress in another way so really kudos to our Police Department for always being Innovative and ahead of the game so that's it for me any questions yes now you had mentioned that Donna is going to take on more responsibility as far as the um our senior residents are concerned yes now um is that in regards to just collecting and disseminating information no not only um I think she's going to take a little bit more of a director role help with programming um you know we're scratching the surface of what is required and she has sort of raised her hand to say I can help okay and so I think we are going to create what that help looks like moving forward um yeah okay great I know one of the things that we had talked about you and I and then through the mayor's Wellness was the the area of communication the way to communicate the information there are programs out there and through the mayor's Wellness committee we did do a senior happenings flyer but just the way to disseminate the information because not everyone is has access to uh email or social media that'll be a very important piece uh of the discussion because doesn't matter what you offer if you can't get that information to someone then it's not very useful so yes that'll be a very big part of the discussion okay yeah well I'm really glad that you had the session at the township committee and that things are moving forward as far as you know having somebody to be aasan or just collecting and hopefully disseminating information to the seniors since we do have that as a growing population in Cranberry oh for sure for sure yeah and thank you for the work that you do here that like I said has impact in other areas of the town so thank you uh one more question yes have you heard anything about the grant for the Teen Mental Health First Aid we will hear about that at the league of municipalities meeting so I believe I am registered to attend that and Barbara rogers's attend is a registered to attend that so when we are at that session the mayor's Wellness campaign session we will hear about who has received the grants and who hasn't okay yeah thank you absolutely any questions okay great thank you okay so our budget um as uh mayor alawe mentioned um we talked about our bu our budget last month and we decided not to make any changes so I created a operating budget proposed 2025 worksheet to pass along to scout if you need that via email let me know and I'll be happy to do that so we had um we have four different categories we have student education and Outreach and we're requesting the same as last year 4875 we have mental health support we requested 8,000 and that pays for the Teen Mental Health First Aid and let me just backtrack a little bit the student education and Outreach that covers the jam fest the presentations for the speakers and the freshman orientation picnic then the third area is the parent Outreach and that category provides for professional programming for parents and the community and we're requesting the same amount 2713 and then the community outreach and that's our largest item because many things fall within that area we request we requested 10,000 the same as last year and that includes the National Night Out health and wellness Fair expenditures for fall programs cranberry day world mental health day Red Ribbon Week Halloween additional community events that may be included during the year and any supplemental costs or overflow from other categories so this was all um written out and explained what we want U moving forward okay and so a couple other budget items it says review upcoming expenditures I am submitting all of my receipts for National Night Out the health and wellness fair and I just we have to tweak one thing the um red rib Red Ribbon Week we approved $400 for supply um gifts for the students and the actual cost was $265 54 for Halloween for the smarties with the drug-free message about what to do instead of drugs we approved 125 and with shipping costs and it actually cost more when I went online to pay for it it cost $163 and20 cents so I just wanted to see if um our committee would be willing to approve that that expenditure that is higher than it was before so the cost is $163 120 um do we need to have a roll call vote for that if it's money yes we really should okay yes uh do we have a motion and second would anybody like to make a motion for um I motion to second okay and I'll second the motion am I allowed to okay something all right um Miss Schulman is excused Miss charwin yes Miss benof is excused Dr dler yes Miss Stanley yes Mr Patel yes Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan yes Miss Weinstein yes Mr Kumar is excused and Miss Shetty is absent that's unanimous thank you okay thank you and here are a copy of the actual receipts for all the expenditures okay and one more budget item we have the invoice from penm Princeton Health that we can start to do the purchase order process for it's for $88,000 and although the program is going to take place in March we use this year's funds because they will actually do their introduction in December so they need to be paid by the end of this uh fiscal year okay can I email you what the line item is to charge yes the line item is um I'll show you one here is the mental health pandemic support okay all right thank okay thank you okay any questions about the budget okay thank you and old business Teen Mental Health per Aid um we just mentioned that the introduction will be in December and thank you for giving us the date Iman which will begin on March 10th 2025 and any questions about that I do is that like how many days of the week is that or is that just one day it's a six session program and they they have they can't do it on consecutive days they have to break it up they have to have at least a few days in between so I think they do it on a weekly basis okay great because I was just looking at my calendar based on the date and I just booked a trip last night so I'll be away on that first date because I had off to help out with the ESL right kits so that's good then I can help out the rest of the talk okay yes Diane speaks as bilingual and offer to help out as an interpreter for for students that need of course when you said the the date I was like ah so that's just one day of many so thank you thanks okay any other questions about the budget okay so let's move on to uh fall respect week speakers we had our speakers in earlier this month we had Dr Kelly Moore for the parents and we had Robert hackinson for the students and Dr dler was there and um Diane Stanley were there for Dr Moore's presentation for the parents would you like to share your thoughts about how the program went uh for the evening program um you know while it wasn't a huge audience um the audience that was there I think it was they were very well informed she was definitely approachable knowledgeable and um everybody was able to ask some questions and you know we we thought that the presentation was great we would love to see her again she's local um she really connected with our community and I thought that um it it was really um a great um thought to have her so what a great find that um that you had Joanne and um yeah I we we were really pleased um same with during the day uh our students got to see Mr hackinson and I was at the middle school one and what I noticed I don't know if you guys noticed this but he kind of personalized to our cranberry I got to talk to him a little bit before he presented and just told him a little bit about our town and I could see him making those connections and kind of saying the things especially like our size and that they're going to a high school that isn't cranberry and that that it's bigger and just making those connections I thought it just made it more personal and um uh you know better for our students I thought both programs were awesome and thank you to the municipal Alliance for the funding for it um did you guys learn something from Mr hackinson he was funny and informative do you remember it yeah remember I think it was good but I think it's almost a sa message after year yeah right it's a good message to say you're in and you're out so don't forget it yeah so thank you very much Diane did you want to share anything yeah no I thought that the presenter the evening presenter was excellent as well um she was approachable her topics were really good and I think the audience was very responsive the only wish that I have and we talked about that afterwards is maybe to get better involved maybe we would Zoom it as well as or just brainstorm possible ways to get more parent involvement but because it was excellent and they just kind of missed a good presentation and I think she um she personally would have been open to that after we discussed it after the program you know maybe to do a virtual and in-person event right because it was I thought she was very relatable she had children in in different age categories herself so she definitely was able to to to share her knowledge her expertise and her experience and it was really important topic about helping kids deal with anxiety and helping kids to make decisions even tiny decisions the younger they are um are very important steps that you can take in helping your child navigate more difficult decisions as they get older so I thought she was great and one of the other benefits were that the adults were talking about how they found it helpful for them in their own anxiety and I just heard on the news today that Americans are reporting 71% are reporting high anxiety these days so that's really high for everybody yes that is I'm not surprised thank you for sharing that that's a very large percentage and Robert hackinson we had the three programs the K to2 the 3 to5 the 6 to8 and uh the the younger programs were promoting kindness and bullying and I thought he did a great job at giving the students some strategies he had audience participation and and he did magic tricks and and the students were very excited about you know having him there and the alcohol and drug awareness again there was a lot of great participation from students and interspersed magic tricks as well and I think it grabbed the students attention and really that message is so important and even though they have to hear it multiple times it's an important message to hear okay so World mental health day in conjunction with the live life well van uh would you like to join us and do I'm mayor Eli and tell us about that event um so uh it was really nice you attended with me Sasha Sasha was there did we have someone else was with us Ria came yes that's right that's right she came that's right so it was it was really nice it was well attended the interesting thing is when we started when the when the van pulled up there were people in their cars already waiting and they had put it on their agenda and this is where they wanted to get their flu shot and their A1C screenings and their um so it was good then people sort of said yeah I'm really happy to be able to get this done here we had members from town hall um get their screenings and their um vaccines over at the van and some members at school just even community members so do do you have the final numbers for what do we so the the um the final numbers ended up being 18 flu shots and 15 screenings and about 25 individuals so that was definitely up from last year so they were very happy with the turnout as um as were we now whether this can be done next year or not depends on whether they receive the same Grant from the government so the the cost of the van the cost of these vaccines and all of the stuff is offset by the Grant from the government so they asked us to call back I think March of next year to see if we could schedule another van if we if we see it beneficial and I did ask them about why they didn't do the covid shots this year because they did it last year and they said they just they didn't have the the grant money for it so you know it is important to get that grant money in order to have them to come out to theu community yes for sure and you know we can also think about uh different locations right like this could be positioned in front of the Elms this could be positioned in front of I mean let's think of something else like maybe the Four Seasons like if if we want to capture a different resident audience that may be you know uh mobile mobile challenged uh we can we can consider different locations for this okay yeah and the cranberry Municipal Alliance set up a table Sasha and I were there and U Maria uh Ria benov came and she she stayed for a while and she dropped off information we had um advertised at the table health and wellness programs through the library through penm Med we had Mental Health Resources we had information about 988 hotline and information about the medication drop off so people did come by to the table and talked a little bit and received some resources so Sasha did you want to share anything about your experience that day um no it was actually really nice for me too because I got to meet some um newer you know members of cranberry uh residents so that was very nice to just you know meet different people that I I would never like cross path with so it was a very nice pleasant day for me too it was good good for my mental health yes I think it was it was great um does anybody have have any questions okay do you know if they would um take insurance to offset some of the grant money so maybe if they couldn't get the covid shots but maybe if you had your insurance card or something then that would maybe be available it's just a thought I don't know we can ask I think it's worth asking because it might you know maybe more people would come because honestly I was going to go for my flu shot but then our school offered them within the next day or so so for me it was easier just to walk down the hallway than across the parking lot but um if they take insurance it might be another draw for you know we can ask for sure I just um I mean from the township perspective I just think this is another beautiful collaborative piece where we had a couple of boards and commissions that came together to facilitate really a service to the community so thank you okay thank [Music] you okay the next item on the agenda is Red Ribbon Week which starts next week and um Erica on our committee uh forwarded information to me about what the school will be doing they the the students the teachers will be sharing a mindfulness coloring activity from the national Red Ribbon website with teacher will teachers to include in their weekly lesson plans for a fun mindfulness break and then the students will be getting the Red Ribbon we gifts any questions Okay so so the next item is Halloween and anelie Yosi who was a member of our committee will be giving out the smarties and the messages about what to do instead of drugs we have 500 of those I received them and I'll be bringing them over to angelie's house to give out during Halloween and the next item on the agenda is the learning series webinars and I just wanted to point out that these are webinars that are about an hour long and it's through the um partnership for a drug free New Jersey and that's where I found Dr Moore Dr Abu Bacher by watching those programs we can find potential speakers for the future so the links if we can keep those links for previous programs and future programs in the minutes and if anybody sees a topic that you're interested in checking out we have two um topics coming up November 14th is building resiliency among Health Care profession professionals and then for December 12th is the opioid crisis where we stand as 2024 concludes so they usually have about three different speakers 20 minutes each for for their programs and they're usually experts in their well they are experts in their field and they really pass on very good information so I would encourage anybody to view those webinars if you're interested and any questions about any old business okay so new business jamfest we talked about that and Zach you wrote up the list of games that you're interested yes if you bring that up I will definitely pass it on to the new coordinator the new parent coordinator oh excellent um you gave us a lot of really great a great list here hopefully something could be worked out and I'm glad that you have the the technology at the school where you canvs smart TVs that will hook up to the technology so got to find the systems okay yeah okay so that we we'll see how that works out but thank you for the conses well that's great no now that's really great that you know the specific names of all those consoles so there's a list um one two 11 um different consoles which is great um and games there are um some ideas for games about three games here is the one oh the NFL game okay great so okay okay and these games would have to be approved I don't know how they would go about getting approved but I know they would okay sports games Okay thank you very much okay I'll pass that information on okay so one other thing that I communicated with um Amanda uas was she wanted to know if we have any type of budget as far as decorations are concerned the theme that they want to go with for this jam fest is a a glow party theme and we have not provided any money in the past for decorations but we have spent um in the mid 400s for the game truck so I don't know how everybody feels about maybe contributing money towards decorations we weren't specifically asked yet we do have another meeting before the jam fest and I know that Amanda was going to be meeting with Penny who used to be the coordinator last year to see if there are any leftover supplies so um any thoughts about the possibility of putting money towards decorations if they needed or any other ways that we can contribute a really huge thing that we do is the the games the pingpong the Foosball the air hockey getting the storage container that was really a huge thing last year so we don't have to pay ongoing storage but any thoughts about uh the jam fest as we're moving forward um I thought we pay for the uh the the truck that comes that has all the game consoles that's the game that's the game truck but they no longer can come into the school and bring the switch it was some kind of switch that they brought in and then they had a person there to run it they no longer go into the building they they'll just do it um on the outside truck and it really wouldn't be um you know best for the students to be going in and out of the school during the night we're not going to be able to do that no so we're not going to be able to do that but maybe that maybe if um somehow the consoles can be um acquired from cranberry family members uh they can be set up and the students will be able to play games that way so we won't be spending the money on the game truck unless there is another type of gaming service that can come in and provide some kind of games I was going to say two things one I would probably suggest waiting until the next meeting only because maybe they will come up with some kind of alternative that instead of funding the truck who might be able to fund instead um so maybe wait the other thing I just wanted to to say about the decorations while it sounds maybe trivial it's really a big part of the night it's a it's it's an event where I would say like 99% of the middle school goes to and what it looks like and how it feels when they walk in is a big part of that draw to go to it um their other dances aren't in that same way if this is a big deal they know that there's a theme that goes with jamfest so I definitely say there's a draw to it but I would suggest waiting to just see because maybe they'll come up with some something else that's out there that could be done instead that um could be donated towards that instead of saying yes to decorations just yet okay all right that makes sense that does that makes that makes sense thank you okay any anything else about the jamfest okay and then the next item on the agenda is the meeting dates for 2025 Scout put this together and the um Scout adjusted it for certain dates for the fourth Tuesday of the month um as school is closed for spring bre break so Scout went ahead and she looked at the school calendar thank you Scout and so a different date was chosen for spring break and what month is that uh it's the April 22nd okay so April so the April date was changed normally we the 3 Tuesday of the month so that that month will be um the fourth Tuesday and then um Scout adjusted June so it doesn't conflict with the the ending of school and that will be the 16th the second Tuesday instead of the third Tuesday and then December is optional and we'll talk about December next month when we're together to see if if we feel that we need to have the meeting for December so um is there anything else that anybody would like to discuss um it's is yeah I do um I'm not I was I don't really remember where I got this thank you but it says here is from the cranberry Municipal Alliance and I'm not even sure if the up um our mission is even updated I think it's an older one but could you explain what the pamphlet is yes the pamphlet says Get the facts they are sobering parents who host lose the most and it's just facts about New Jersey laws about hosting um I mean serving alcohol to miners in their homes and the reason why this came up was you know we heard about um the 18y olds who you know got into drunk driving in West wisor and one of the friend um died so um it's a small you know when you're in a community like this you hear eventually and the um 18-year-old um who who you know who survived he was a driver so he's going to be charged with involuntary manslaughter and then um I was thinking like what about the other family who hosted the Gathering were their parents hosting a party well I think you know it was just kids getting together before they go to college and but it was at somebody's house okay but I I don't even remember where I got this but I was like oh wow there are like a lot of legal things that could happen to the to the house that hosted this Gathering I think that has to be checked to see if if it's correct who puts that brochure out is there it says us I just want to make sure it's accurate but it's telling you all these things that could happen if you host and um a minor gets into drunk driving accident and if there's even ual assault at the party Gathering you as a parent could be liable um Chief Owens do you I'll pass this over to you to take a look at it do you know how um we can go about factchecking that information the reason why I bring that up is is it's important for um families and parents and caregivers to know these laws because I think um you know we have gotten very careless as parents and caregivers and I've been just reading in the last several months of all these 18y olds getting into car accidents and being caught D drinking and driving whether it's in Monroe or South Brunswick it's just you know because I get local news of central New Jersey and I just been reading it constantly like throughout the last few months and I realized the parents were getting careless and even I did I don't I I didn't know these laws well I guess there are two things involved here one making sure this information is correct and the second thing is once it we know it's correct or updated if needed how to get the message to parents yes any thoughts about that well check this right off the bat I just see it's only looking up these two laws that they cite here and in our Municipal uh ordinances so I mean there's not much to fact check except maybe the statistics that they quote here I'm not sure who put this that that's been um it's an old one that's an old one that's been around a really long time Sasha is not sure where she had it perhaps in you know literature from you know previous meetings I think I had um I had seen it here at the Township in the past I had seen it at the police department in the past so um it it would be important to just make sure that it's you know accurate information okay oh okay thank you no I mean what I'm just looking for anybody ideas about how to proceed with it but thank you for [Laughter] volunteering so you don't remember who put it together because it has Alliance theme on it yes I know no I think who was the president I've been um who was the president before well um Jane Holland um Kevin I forget Kevin's last name um yeah maybe that came from um well definitely before my time as president um but I know that it's been around for a while okay I will piggy back on Sasha because when I used to live in Cranford there were there was an accident and someone died on the Parkway and all but as part of the Town Newspaper the laws and everything were written up because even then parents were held responsible for holding the party but I don't know because I'm old now if there's really a town there's not really a cranberry Town Newspaper right that's going out so there's not one source of media that that's really being addressed at so actually a flyer like this would really be a good piece of information because a lot of parents a lot of young parents like you said don't know that they are responsible if they host a party like you're in for it yeah and I wasn't even aware that uh the homeowner could be liable if there was a sexual assault I had no idea that's good to know you know that is I don't um I guess first of all we have to see if it's it's um accurate and then I guess a follow-up discussion would be how to get the information out to to the parents yes okay it's good for kids yes yes you're right about that okay um any any other um discussion okay public comment we don't have anybody here for public comment I just want to remind um anybody who is watching the meeting or reading the minutes that we do have a national hotline 988 mental health and substance abuse hotline if anybody needs assistance in that area and off okay so we have to officially approve the meeting dates for 2025 so would anybody like to make a motion to accept these dates Diane okay anybody want to second that second Andrea okay do we have to all those in favor for that one everybody in favor say I I okay all right so um would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn motion to Second just kidding motion to adjourn okay would anybody like to second that motion okay Andrea okay thank you everybody for being here have a great day and thank you chief for following up on that yeah