##VIDEO ID:PAPRQbjjfAI## e okay statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and the home News Tribune on April 9th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice move into roll call and hours uh Kelly lavry probably four hours okay Brandon Hansen's excused deac is excused Omar here two hours uh Katie is not here Adam's not here Sally present three hours and then we've got Fallon two hours okay hope I hear somebody all right um so the minutes of the September 18th meeting were not approved by the chair so they're not on the agenda for approval uh this evening uh we'll move on to Township committee report mik sure um I have not too much to report L people of questions um one of I I did uh relate to the township committee that the plan is that the parks and re commission would prepare two quotes for the um for The Pavilion at Village Park for review at Capital time and they appreciated that um I think the other the other thing I I'm happy to report out I'm also the library of liaison and Ken spoke with the library about putting the chest tables at the library and the the library is amendable to that and very supportive of that um and so goal would be that was the request from this committee um and so the the the idea would be they would not be on the patio they would be off the patio so whatever was required in terms of a path and cement footing inheritage would be the same on that property so they're trying to find a space that works with the flexible um the flexibility of that outdoor space um I don't any questions for me uh yeah we tried to get the chess tables at the library and they didn't want them so we found a place at Heritage Park where we are putting in chess tables and they have the bases have been the tables have been ordered the place has been okayed so this is this has what what you're saying have nothing to do with Parks then they're getting their own chess tables no no the these are these are our chess tables we we had a I had a meeting with uh Denise and we part of our meeting was just to give updates of what was going going on I showed her the um proposal for the path off the path to get to the chest tables she indicated that that was not what was approved by Township committee it was only supposed to be a slab off of the path um then she asked that we maybe look to see check again with this with the um library to see if they were now interested now that they settled in and have their facilities are open and ready to go and so we did and they said yes at their meeting they had um I guess this past week or last week uh last Thursday so now we're moving forward with putting those at the sorry I missed sorry sorry I missed a few steps that update I thought that happened at this committee but yeah it happened it happened no we we were just blindsided on this one Adam we are part parks and wreck not Parks wreck and Library we've amended this plan and pushed it through to put it in our parks and if the path is a problem then we will solve it rather than give up our um chess tables to the library if the library wants chest tables at this point I feel they can purchase their own well so nothing has been settled with this just yet this was I was asked to approach the library I did they I think you know think it would be a nice uh addition if they could get it I don't think anything is settled yet I will go back to the administrator express our desire to keep them at the park however we need to know that the path that we were looking to put in is probably not going to happen it be and because because it has a capital account involved in in this we are not to go over that amount even if we used our own funds we were told that's a no we need to keep it with the original plan than that we that we had with this which was just a p a a concrete pad off of the path that's there great then that's how we should proceed and if the path needs to be built we put it in our budget for next year to as something to add on to but I I feel like just giving away our assets to the library is not a solution for Parks right that then that's not something that you know we necessarily have to do we asked them if if it was something that they may you know because originally from what I understand it was originally proposed to do those at the library and they said no and then that's when we moved it to the park so for future reference what is the specific issue with the path because I I understood the concrete pad was would have the chest tables installed on it somehow anchored into it and the path is just for access over unsteady ground right for handicap accessibility well but no that see the the pad is going to be located right off The Walking path that we we we're building a a path that into like the area beyond the path so we did a path at off the path which is not what was initially uh thought of I think as part of the project oh but I'm saying what's problematic with connecting the concrete pad to the walking Just for future reference I hate having to keep revisiting the same topic is it like it's not permeable or it's ugly we hate putting it overpy there will be a connection uhuh but it won't be it's not going to be to the extent of that kind of path that we were uh proposing so it's not a problem to have the path but but not the path that we I don't know if you if you remember what the path looked like it it went like in between a couple trees and then it branched off into two different sides it that was more than what was originally IND the design of so that I have to yeah it's the design of the path the length of the path the cost of the path okay those are things that are over over the top well you you you do know the reason that we need that is because the chest tables that we're getting have three chairs and one space for a wheelchair and if that wheelchair can't get in there it's we we will have to go back I think we got to go back to the drawing board get a get a figure out a path or the connection to the path correctly at at a at a less of a cost cost than than what we originally had because then we started talking about pavers and all this other you know extra stuff that was not part of the original plan on that Ken what's our budget for this we have $15,000 total toal for the whole thing yes and we I think total for everything with the path that we had was like 17 and change so it was over the got over the budget so we can't take that to ,000 out of our whatever it is I I don't I don't understand why can someone explain that to me it's a capital expense not Capital expense yeah that's a that's different that this is a that's like our operating budget and it's a capital expenditure those are different items and and the township committee set the budget at at 15 so they they want to keep it at that 50 not go over what extra monies are approvable If U a local U business donated to us is that acceptable that I would have to check I don't okay I mean like we're stuck on this it can't be a capital expenditure but there's got to be other ways for us that we can I mean we're talking about 2,000 and change I mean this isn't a great jump here for us to get this done and done how we want it done correctly or you know with this I think access so again I wasn't here when the all this originally was discussed and approved through Township uh committee but I was told that this is not what the township committee approved we have so we may have to go back to the township committee and get their approval for it if we want to change the way this is going to look and if we do that then we might have to get more more money to to do that yeah I just think it helpful to clarify and say it's the design and the budget yes it's the connecting path is not what was in the vision and it's putting us over the $15,000 budget yes so both so then um I don't know how it moved to the library because that seemed to be like a right a different turn but separate if we're going to keep it in the park we have to redo this connecting path so that it's aesthetically pleasing to everyone yes do you do you have the original design and I have I don't in comparison to what is now being rejected because it wasn't approved do you have have two different designs there was no original design we just said we wanted the chess tables and at that time we weren't totally aware that um we needed the path to make it handicap accessible right so the path the Reon the path was is going to be pavers reason being one they're more permeable and two if a route were to go under it it's easier to fix one paper than a whole concrete area so I I think that's another concern is how far back off the path we've we've gone with this because of Maintenance you know who's supposed to maintain the path with the even with the pavers so there's there's let me let me get some more information um from Administration on this and figure out what the next steps will have to be on that okay I heard the chest tables are ordered the chest tables the purchase order has been cut so we are on our way we're further along than we were last time Ken welcome yes sorry can I ask one more clarification question so in the past it sounds like the library was the first choice of either Parks or the township and then it was denied so they a vote was made by the township Committee of where it was going to be put in Heritage it was it was passed by the township I believe that's the case does the township is the township the one that makes the decision where this goes like does it open up a Township committee decision yeah I mean it sounds like it that's where it's going to need to happen go back to yes okay yeah be fair the the library did not solicit this the library was asked this question I think when it was asked last time the back pading wasn't even built yet they hadn't had season of of going outside they've they've had two summers of sort of seeing what the outside looks like they like having open concerts and open space so they definitely didn't want it adjacent to the patio where it would lock something would lock in um but it is Township land so it's not it's not really the library's decision to uh I think they could kind of approve whether they want something on their land outside but it is the township land so it's not really the libraries it's not really Theirs to say yes or no to but I think if they if the library strong strongly objected to it you know the township probably listen to that yeah yeah so we may be the body that gives the recommendation to the township after reviewing both locations yeah yeah absolutely all right you're in charge other questions for me from Township stuff no all right good thank you I SK down the bottom well we kind of cover all right so we're on environmental all right environmental commission was that Brendan usually goes to that and he's not here so okay so put it been in that really cruising uh shade cre shade tree commission is that the same it's not the same we often no I mean is that Brandon too no okay we often have a member of sh Tre come to us or if there are any concerns they contact all right um Parks preserve updates does anybody have Sally I noticed that the um life ring is still missing from the Millstone Park um rack that holds it and either the lifing has to be added or the rack should be taken down because that's a liability H knowing that there should be one there and it's not uh we did mention that at the last meeting um DPW went into Heritage Park and trimmed the bushes All Along The Walking path which was very nice of them so thank DPW for that some of the bushes were encroaching on it that's all I noticed this month when we purchased life Rings there was extra ones purchased last time that has anybody reached out to Jerry to see if he has them in the compound tucked away somewhere no this was mentioned at the last meeting and there's been I don't know I don't know who's who's who does what by when whose followup it was well we'll take care of it we'll ask so we'll put that as Ken I mean if there's one already purchased and available that should be an easy fix if not we can buy some more and get them replaced um it's been brought to me that there's might be uh large Hornets in our volleyball court um as anybody else been made aware of this no okay uh I I I just heard this so I haven't verified it um can you go and shake the no I did not go shake the sand um but um their thing yeah apparently they yeah apparently it's a thing that you know I I don't know if you know the veracity of this statement but it was brought to me uh that um I don't know something that if it needs if is simple as you know reg raking this on a regular basis so they don't build you know a nest in it then um I don't I don't know what the solution would be or if it's even really a problem other than maybe they were hor that one day right right I it was told to me that there was large Hornets living in the sand so so those are those those ground hornets those don't don't really bother humans but they will have nest in there and they're big and they're gone now they're only around for like a month okay they're gone okay so but that's something if they come back we we need to okay probably address all right yeah I'm I'm just mentioning it because it was brought up to me okay never heard of that at that thanks any other updates all right K it's back to you okay back to me so I mean the Department of Public Works list we're we're still working on it I mean we've actually knocked some of the things off from original from the original list um I haven't got any update that anything else has been completed um I did meet with Sally over at Heritage to get and I to locate where the water bottle or drinking fountain will go uh I've asked Jerry for contacts for the plumbers that he has used and I am reaching out to them to get a price to do the install for that um chest tables we talked about that they had the purchase order has been cut so they're going to be ordered um and the field and park use signs are in and uh just need Jerry to uh install those for me um I do also have the uh the trust fund report that I left everybody I can go over that quickly with you if you would like um and then answer any questions that you have so the First Column of this is the township budget that we receive for um you know support of the programs uh so we do get you know $1,000 doll for a movie or concert in the park cranberry day we we we take in we get money for for the um different senior programs and the food pantry if you look for the program subsidies on the bottom right hand side that describes what those are um we have office supplies senior programs and lunches and and we get Mone money for the day camp um you'll see that this year the day camp did very well financially and it helps it really does help support the the budget for the rest of of the year um the senior programs um have it's about it's almost spent for the their budget for the year and they still have about what three more to go so um we do get money for the pavilion rental and for the field rental but if you see if you combine the two of those and look at the expenditures it pretty much breaks even the expenditures include um like field lining paint um seed for the fields uh that Public Works purchases um we also do pay for the Porton rental at um at the West property for the year um we do have um so cranberry day we we purchased the inflatable ride that was there We R rented that for them uh and they put that I believe over by the um library and we do have that senior Tai Chi uh that is constantly going on um and people register they do pay for that and they register through our online system for that uh we have offered Taekwondo lessons only got one registration um over the last couple times that we've tried to do that program but all in all for the year right now we are a little bit ahead we do pay salary wages out of there so I anticipate us being a little bit less a little bit under for the remainder of the year but you could see that our balance is um in the mid 90s that'll probably be where it'll be at the end of the year as well you guys have any questions I know this is like a lot to throw at just the people on the recite have seen this reported in the past um Ken yes the uh fuel rental how many individual rental times do we do this like what makes we we have a soccer league that uses um the fields both in the spring and the fall and runs a summer tournament that is probably the majority of that money uh they're the travel soccer team youth teams pay to use the fields as well but they only pay per season per team and it's there's only a couple teams uh we do have another group that uses the softball field for uh a League that they play in too so those are what the field rental Fe fees are and our pavilion rental fees are so small it's like a $100 I think so you know we do get quite a few um Pavilion Rentals does cranberry um soccer um program pay for their rentals as well yeah okay I saw a soccer team I guess practicing over by the library and that hope field by the library today I didn't I didn't know what that was but I heard a bunch of screaming uh when I went over to look at the library to see where if if anywhere we would put these you know chest tables and I was like what is that noise I went around the side and they had a a group of kids practicing over there but they were little kids so they're probably pal pal team that plays over an East Windsor I guess but anywhere there's grass you can you can do that so um yeah that's the that's where we are on the report any other questions no thank you all right so that is all for Ken right that's end of recreation all right old Business subcommittees Circle procurement Village Park we have not met again um again our uh wish is was is putting in an open Pavilion thing there that was our first choice um we did when we mentioned that at the meeting last month we did hear some people that wanted something else so um I mean the the cost of that is is minimal compared to a sculpture or a tree would just take forever to grow um so that that was our first and we haven't met again all right so we're just waiting on you guys to meet further discussion unless people say they are okay with the Pavilion I think we were going to come up with pictures for you okay and Christine is not here so okay I was I missed the last meeting and then we didn't get the minute so I'm still kind of trying to catch up all right um senior interest where where was did we believe that last time I think it was part of that big report that was circulated and probably have to wait till brandan comes back to like discuss it in more detail but I don't know if you got a copy of that it was like a packet um all right and I'm pretty sure Kelly weren't you on that with me and then we added Fallon to that there but we had we yeah so like and that's the reason why we had you guys on it was because you had already met you missed last meeting too so there's a packet that they can at least show you oh no we we we already like drafted all the senior part of the packet from our our prior meetings and it's all in there I mean deac did the most work so in case he's watching in case he's watching exactly but I I feel very familiar he definitely did I feel very familiar with the packet though I don't have the hard copy last week which I'd love to get to so do we need to meet then our our little subcommittee do we need to meet if it's already in there probably not okay well can we so then we don't have anything to report it's all already in the packet here yeah everyone can just read and and discuss and and we did go to the website um today and we updated the senior information we put this current schedule up through the end right now it's scheduled through the end of the year so that's that's been taken care of okay great that's huge oh the town's website yeah the town's website yeah and all the old stuff that that's tricky you could search on but if you don't if you're not clicking on things you should do a search we she me sure we got that stuff wiped out too so that's great it should be up to date thanks all right all right so then moving long 2024 historic baseball event which was two weeks ago three weeks ago it just happened um was October 5th yes I know that date because it's Sally's birthday oh it's my brother's birthday too my goodness I was there there on my birthday I was out of town so unfortunately I missed it but I did hear that it was very successful well who won that's what I wanted um I have pictures Adam wanted pictures it um was not as well it was a beautiful day it was not as well populated with Township residents as I would have liked to have seen not as much as the year before most of the um visitors or most of the people that were watching what people were spectators were um members of the team their families um but the old the oldfashioned baseball team beat the parents of literally I think it was 22 to five wow yeah they 22 to no it wasn't that much but it was wild but it but it was great and um everything went well as far as Adam had asked me to open up the the shed everything was organized there you guys had everything ready for them and then that other lady that was there actually closed the shed after not that she put the the bases of the Little League field in the Little League shed and close that one because apparently it's the same combination so she did that so so it was a great day it was a it was a beautiful event I just don't know how we can get more local Spectators and Adam I have the pictures I'm going to send them to you now so is this something we would do again you're saying well how much did it cost us it wasn't that much right didn't we give a contribution we didn't even give them a contribution two years in a row I've run into to um resistance so I didn't even bring it up this year so but no they uh they they usually um you know they got free field rentals because we covered the uh cost of you know the permits or whatever um but yeah I'm I'm not sure what their status is they make their schedules year to year so I mean I could always reach out to them see if they'd like to continue to do it but and two years ago there were two oldfashioned teams and they played against each other and that worked out well because they both knew the rules this year the the um dads Little League dads they were very um informed right away no gloves no metal bats you have to use basically sticks and it was an out if you catch it on one bounce so one bounce and it's an out so the rules were different and it and also there was the other team did so much stealing I mean they just like stole every plate and it took it took about seven innings for the dads to figure out they could do that too but it was fun and I I think the dads had a good time and not just dads there were some females out there too the the parents had a good time I I would recommend it again it would be nice to have the two different teams and to somehow or another advertise it more I don't I don't know it might be just something that is taking momentum to to build up if it's cheap and there's really no reason to not continue but I do recommend that we give them the teams a donation I gave them free water last year the Girl Scouts we were selling things there and I gave them free water it was 200 degrees it I know I circulated this when I shared my thoughts on both the historic baseball event and the the movie and I thought both of them were really nice and fun and well attended but a bunch of people did say that they didn't know about it and I know that we had put it on the website and I think that the school had sent it out in an email but I I'm just sharing that people said like why didn't you have it on them on a poster or something poster and Teddy's or something yeah maybe for next time it might impact well we yeah for the movie too we did a flyer through the schools yes to like every every kid so right and they they're pretty good in in this town at least they have been on getting it out and getting at home so you know we could we could we could do AA the A-frame signs we could take this you know the um stuff for the summer camp off and put a put a different one on there um we could do that for sure and put them up in a couple different areas but you know we did I did email blast to every person who registered for Camp you know over anybody that's in our system actually so I mean we and we did the email blast through the website and so we did you know we we did hit our usual channels and it's a busy time of year yeah that's beginning the school year I always love to ask the people who say they didn't know about it say well where'd you look or did you look or how do I get it to you how's that you know because so much comes home in those folders the beginning of the school year join Boy Scouts join Girl Scouts here school picture day that's you get inundated it can just get kind of things at the beginning of the school year can get lost in the shuffle yeah so and the previous year we had a lot of the seniors from that Applewood or whatever it is over there come over and I remember they were Thanking us for the path because it was also the ribbon cutting of the New Path and they were and they came over in their walkers and Wheelchairs and they appreciated it so you know a poster in their building might be nice okay sorry uh 2024 townwide event so the so we had the movie uh the night before so that was the fourth um I actually came and walked around the park too a little bit beforehand to check out the path and see where the water Filling Station was and how that was all set up I was kind of asking Sally of some questions about that she goes well it's over there I said okay I'll go take a look did you find yes I did I did I found it the there's a water Filling Station Village it's over between the Pavilion and like the tennis courts um yeah see unless you unless you walked out there and and look you're not on the path it's not on the path it's where the old water fountain used to be we put in the same place the same as at Millstone Park the water filling station is it's brand well it's the year old now but it's where the old water fountain used to be the easiest to install that's why Heritage is taking so long because they're hasn't been one there before right and it's a long it's a long ways from the Water Source it really is so that's why I think we really do need to get somebody to do that who's you know better equipped to do that than than public works but um I I I was there for the start of the movie I could not stay for the entire thing the um movie uh the company that does the movie I opened up the shed and made it put a dummy lock on there and said just go over there and put the movie in the shed and I then I asked Sally to pick up the movie which she did and bring it over on Monday to town hall so we can ship it back because we you have to you don't have to but I find it's best when you do a movie to get the movie from the house that it gives you the copyright um license to get it from them because then they know it you know it works right so you get one from somebody somebody's house and who knows if fingerprints and cuts and whatever so he did a nice job they did a real nice job I I can't believe he set that he sets that up by himself he had his like 12y old son there with him too but he put that thing up very quickly and um I took some pictures of of the screen going up and of the people that were there then there were some gentleman who just thought he would bring his popcorn maker out and give out popcorn and I I pulled up I go excuse me I go are you selling this he goes no you know my kids are coming and I thought it would be nice thing and I used to have a company that did this and I have this stuff at home so I thought you wereing like that no I did not it was delicious yeah oh believe me I love that pop fact that a volunteer came to death that's amazing he said he grew up I didn't catch his name he said he grew up in in h cranberry I don't even think he lives in Cranberry anymore but he pulled his car he pulled his truck right up by the Gazebo and I'm like then I started then I was thinking man I was like you know I almost rented the popcorn machine did I do that I don't know and I'm like looking at the the um contract and I go no I didn't and then that he had he had popcorn he was just making it and handing it out so well there is a popcorn machine in that shed yes that is probably really nasty inside because that thing has been in there for about five years years probably it was in there it's been in there since the before the pandemic because I was the last one to use it and I put it back in that um Barn so it needs a a deep cleaning I can tell you that I'm sure the mice have gone crazy in there but anyway we're always gonna have donated top an i no we're gonna get that one up and up and running again so uh but I I would think I I counted we got close to 100 I think we were at probably about 70 when I left um and I'm sure some more people um came in they were walking in uh From the Path I had we had people we had people parking and going through the um playground area and then people parked down by the lake too so that was good what would you say was the cost for everything if you had the ballpark um about $1,000 yeah the movie was like 375 to to get the license and it was probably seven a little over 700 for the rental of the equipment so yeah so it was good so is that something for a townwide event we would want to consider as doing as the annual townwide event like always keeping it as an out well we could do we could do a movie you know this time of year September is a great time to do it one the sunsets earlier because otherwise you're not doing the movie until 8:30 9 o' if you do it in the summertime um so then the kid the younger kids can come to the to the movie and stay the whole time um but that's that's an easy one to do for sure you know um you actually answered my question partly because I was goingon to say could we do it more than once a year if it was so well attended and people really liked it but the getting point is a fair one we we do we have that equipment in West Windsor ourselves we bought it um but how often do you guys do it there we we do about three of them and then in the in September we do a Bollywood movie okay which are very long they're at least three hours long so we wait to do those until September so at least we can show this thing and get out of there you know before midnight okay do you rent your equipment to neighboring towns no because my Public Works guys are the ones that but um the other thing is that the um line dance was popular too so um you know I I think a movie a year is good and possibly even another event I mean we had the Art in the Park one year that's what I was that's what I was going to suggest is to maybe try to do one thing in the in the summer and then do something you know again in the fall ear like early fall if you want to do something in the um outside and the baseball event is really a townwide event too I mean that should really be under the same category in my opinionated opinion and what's budgeted for townwide events a thousand can we increase that so that it includes a donation for the baseball team or so that it's more than one event more than one event because it sounds like it paid for just the movie in the par just well see now that that's an operating expense right okay I'm going to be very hardpressed especially when our when we have you know the money that we do in the trust fund to ask for more money from Township committee for something like that that's certainly something that we could be spending that the trust fund money on understood yeah all right all right uh new business stakeholder age group subcommittee reports and discussion I am not sure what this is referring to and I don't know if this is something that was brought up a little bit last week or something I yeah so I missed last week's meeting too but I think in there we broke out some of the proposed sort of goals and um constituents within town by age group so I totally missed last week's meeting but I think the goal is that you know potentially there would be subcommittees for each of those age groups and I think some of its soliciting interest seeing where people want to spend time and what they feel passionate about um but maybe we need to wait until next meeting regardless for bigger discussion well I do know I was on the pets I can report a little bit on that is it on pets yeah they they one the groups mostly dogs but we're open to everyone dog parks did you get my email all right do you want to tell us what you have just briefly we all right lat on we have not uh officially met but we met by email and um one thing that that under pets it's at the very end um Katie is um they wanted dog park in interest in a dog park in town and I did some homework and I found out that um within 10 miles there are eight dog parks eight different dog parks um and so our thinking is and I know that it's a there's an expense involved there's a a lot of maintenance involved there's um between the fence and the garbage can cleanup and all that stuff that um my suggestion and I've made this before is that we have an off leash area in town and they have this in other towns I've seen it in Massachusetts they have it a lot you enter a park and there's a sign that says this is a dog off leash area that warns people that if you don't want dogs off leash you don't go here and people are allowed to have their dogs off leash in this area and then coming out it says there's another sign on the back of it that says leaving dog leash area put your dogs back on the leash again um and um again my S my suggestion for that would be at the cranberry Brook preserve because um there aren't as many children playing back there as are at Village Park or Millstone Park or Heritage Park we really don't want it in one of those Parks um so that's a place where there's um wide open areas that the dogs can run in that field where the scouts sometimes camp and there's also the path that can run on um and that that was my suggestion Kelly and and Christina didn't really vote on that yet but so any questions on that so with that there's no fencing at all no fencing at all Theon dog is is safe to be off leash that it is okay to have a dog off leash here and and one of my um my hopes would be that if you see somebody with dogs off leash then in one the more used parks where there are a lot of children around you can say we have a dog off off leash area don't let your dog off leash here go to the dog off leash area because there's so many people that have dogs off leash in the Parks and it's it's dangerous and it's messy we do have an ordinance that states dogs have to be leash so we' have to figure out how to make sure an ordinance carved out that as an exception if we decide to go that way it's it's a suggestion because I know um people with dogs have really wanted a place for their dogs to to run although there are how many ever I told you within 10 miles so I think a lot of people have their dogs off Le back there anyway now that they do they do I I think that that we did discuss this before and the biggest problem was whether EC was going to approve this because it is a preserve and are the dogs going to ruin the growth of the things if they're running anywhere they want to go and then obviously the picking up after them the dogs but I think I think that that would hopefully eliminate the offleash problem of dogs in Heritage Millstone and Village okay thank you um anybody else for a different age or I don't know any other comments on the dog thing though I mean your thoughts on that I like the initial thoughts I we're not voting on it or anything right so I'm I'm down with a offleash dog area I think people like want it and they already do it so might as well direct them productively to a specific spot I'm reporting on the um the youngest age group yes a a private um group was formed for stroller did you see that yes within the community so where there's a void the public is filling it in themselves I know yes I know so I think the cranberry moms group for young kids was a good idea because that's two people now that have been posting and all about CR crary that are looking for for that specific group I know I got a lot of so that's good PS about it yes right mstone Park Memorial so that's the Horseshoe area at Millstone Park that the Lion's Club had planted many years ago and the plants all died and DPW took them all out and told us they were going to put new ones in and they haven't yet so this is just a followup so maybe if Ken can follow up with DPW and um Shay Tre may also need to get involved as as to what kind of plantings they want there I mean we don't want trees but they also do shrubs and stuff shade trees so if Ken could follow up with DPW on that and remind them that we had asked for this several years ago it's just a no just a dirt area now and it's it should be replac planted or else put grass in but I think there's a lion Memorial there that so okay all right Trail cleanup proposal so I proposed that last month and Brendan was supposed to bring that to EC so unless we hear um anything I'm not sure whether Brendan went to EC or not so if we could just keep that on the agenda I know that I don't know outside of New Jersey but I I know friends of mine that um live in other states and they get volunteers all the time to help with Trail cleanup and um it's as simple as signing a waiver before they begin any work um so if that's the one thing that's keeping us from getting volunteers that want to help and maintain these Trails then we should look into some sort of liability waiver that we can have so we can utilize the town that wants to help us maintain these Trails this could be one of our townwide events actually you know make it a trail trail cleanup day with one of us or a Boy Scout or somebody at each of the trails and certain people go just very similar to The Stream cleanup our Trails seem pretty uh simple I'm going to say compared to some of the ones that I know that my friends work on in Montana and Arkansas and elsewhere and and uh yeah and they go for miles into the Wilderness as well ours is you know contained within the preserves itself um so if you know a simple signature liability isn't um satisfactory um I've also seen where people take a uh photo uh of everybody before they begin and then they sign their name like it adds a layer to make sure that like okay when this guy showed up he was uninjured right there was nothing wrong with him you know like figures exactly right so like I'm just saying like it seems to be a lot of push back on well we can't have people use equipment because of liability or whatever but there's ways around this that other other towns have figured out that it's as simple as just doing the research and getting the right waiver approved by our our lawyers and if everybody needs to sign one before they get work then let's let's utilize these free volunteers for sure because we sign a waiver before the stream clean up so um they know about that's right we did that online days beforehand I love an online waiver yeah just if you guys need someone to draft it you know oh I forgot we had legal i' say the insurance company probably wants to provide it but yeah well they they'll have to take a look at it for sure it can't be that hard get the old on over all right proposed 2025 meeting dates oh my gosh it's that time of year already so one thing to consider you know I was I was told by somebody that we were the only committee that that met in that was scheduled to meet June July and August every month um so it's something to think about uh we didn't meet if you remember um what in August I believe so uh we should we should consider that and also take a look at the dates for um you know November because it does get close to you know Thanksgiving and and December as well because it's close to the well I'm in favor of us meeting June July and August because those are some the busiest months for the parks and the recreation areas so I mean if we need to cut something out you're always if you don't have Quorum you can cancel or if there's no action items but we could say what was the term that you opt optional yeah but I mean you can keep keep them on the agenda and just so just so you know next month the meeting is scheduled during the league of municipalities conference which I will be attending so I will not be here on that Wednesday oh is that the one in AC yeah November yeah sorry well we used to be the fourth Wednesday of the month and that was not in conflict with that conference but now now it is didn't it us to be Thursdays oh Thursday right wasn't it Thursdays it was it was Thursday at one time too yeah yes you're right shook things up but yeah so I can't I will not be here have to so you got to take a vote on this uh on on these proposed a motion to approve the proposed uh 2025 meeting dates thank you a [Music] second got all right uh bren's not here de's not here Omar yes Katie yes Adam Marty did Sally yes I'm still looking at the dates let see yes all right and Chris is not here all right through okay oh I had um one other thing Brendon had asked me to um there was a person interested in a Bend in one of our parks and I met with I um spoke with her and uh her request was a memorial bench in the park for someone who didn't live in Cranberry but always walked in the park and um at the last monthly meeting we approved it we said that was fine so I spoke with the woman and I talked about um locations and she mentioned Heritage that's where her her relative always walked but I said that we really needed more in village and she was okay with that so I sent her the map with the red bees on it where the benches could be and um it's in her hands now she didn't fill out the application yet so um she need to F fill she needs to fill out the application and to tell us where she wants it if she does go through with it but I did my part all right action items I don't well each of us should meet with our subcommittees on that um subcommittee reports um you said we don't need to meet as senior because that's done I don't I don't know that we need to meet as pets anymore Kelly do you think we need to okay so then I I don't have that as an action but some of you we can we can if we want to be social some of you who haven't met in your subcommittees yet you should put that on your list of things to do and do you have the review of who's in what subcommittee no that's I was just going to ask about so you may I gonna say because I missed the last meeting I don't know if everybody else was here or not but I'm happy to we appointed you well no they well you were already on the senior we me in August and I was here September I feel like it's yeah it's been but I'm happy to do senior if thats so just a quick quick review the kids 13 and under was um what's that Brendan deac and Kelly then the youth 13 to 21 was Brendan deepok and Adam adults 21 plus was Omar Adam and ctie seniors 55 and over were Kelly Sally and Fallon and then pets was Kelly Sally and Christina okay that's what we have so and I have uh I will check on the life preserver at the at the Village to see what's going on if we can and if we need to order a new one we will it's at Memorial Park a memorial I'm sorry and then Hornets in the sand at the volleyball we'll check that out they're probably if they're most likely those types of hornets are not going to be there right now but we'll check it out and the Lions Club horseshoe at Millstone I'll find out what's going on with that okay and continue follow up on the water bottle Filling Station Heritage yeah I'm going to get yes I'm going to get a price from a few different um plumbers to do do that I don't see Pavilion roof on here did we make a decision about the Pavilion we're going to we got did you uh were you able to get the quotes Okay so what we decided was we were going to get two different quotes and then present those to the toia committee to really decide on whether which one they wanted us to go with but we may want to add that to the agenda for next time just so it's not forgotten okay all right all right public comment but I don't see anybody please don't around the corner um can I make a motion to adjourn the meeting there yes you may I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting yes a second I'll second all right hey J you want to hit it all right there you go yes look at that not even 8 o' really