##VIDEO ID:OmSYk4R0_lE## good evening everybody I'd like to call a meeting to order as the clock strikes 7 um we'll wait for that to end and then we could rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if you're able to okay please rise if you're able to to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice can we move on to the open public meetings act pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to Cranberry press Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice we're going to move on to roll call Mr frante here Mrs kiram here Dr Rogers here Mr Scott here and Mar betterway here thank you thank you do we have any changes in our agenda today none excellent I hope everybody had a chance to look at the township minutes from October 14th would anybody like to move those minutes I'm happy to move the minutes of October 14th regular meeting second that thank you okay we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs Kum yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott obain and mayor betway yes thank you thank you so we are up to our reports um who would like to report out first today okay okay uh HPC the next meeting is November the 19th uh I think the only thing on the agenda that we need to discuss is the student ex officio HPC member um uh and how do we proceed with that so I've asked that the position the title requirements the application for that all be Rewritten to be specific to Cranberry because right now they're modeling after I hope I'm pronouncing this right asgo Village so I've asked for that just to be completely you know redone and then I think that we had to determine we were wondering if we had to do that through a ordinance if it's going to be a permanent position then yes okay all right so that's that's what the determination is okay all right so what I will do is once I get that all redone and crafted specific to Cranberry I will then fire that out for everybody to look at it and then we'll um get it on a agenda and go from there it'll have to be obviously next year because yeah yeah absolutely second reading absolutely um and then opportunities so if you want to participate if you want to participate um in the wasle but can't get get a ticket then you can volunteer to be at one of the homes and that event again is December 14th from 7:00 to 10: p.m. zoning the next meeting is November 6th and that's all I got any questions thank you Lisa any questions for Lisa okay um there was an environmental commission meeting October 21st um they uh uh we have a discussion about adopt a catch Basin uh initiative uh Gabe and I had attended a zoom meeting with the uh organization that um does the adopt a catch Basin um what I like about what the EC is doing they're they're um they're doing a couple of projects of like citizen science you know getting people involved in storm water management getting people involved in um uh you know native uh plants and initiatives and um it's it's really good I mean there's some really good energy going on there um uh John also talked about uh some of the preserves that uh just need um uh need some upkeep and um he is organizing some boy scouts and Scouts just in general to help with the trail maintenance and um and then they approve the proposed meeting that's about it oh and leave the leaves initiative so um that's Dela George um what that really means is it doesn't mean just leave your leads around and let them get into the the uh storm drains um it uh it means uh that in certain places within your property if you could leave the leav there and help them degrade and use them on your property and also for insects Etc um it's kind of a cool initiative that hopefully the public will get behind once we once they put out something that's about it any questions thank you Barbara um there is still one position vacant right at the EC yes okay um unfortunately my schedule has been such that uh I missed my two meetings but I spoke with the liaison so the the Board of Health um had a meeting on October 7th they have a new chair David Marner I uh commend him for stepping up and taking that role um they have a question which maybe Miss Marbella you can help us with about finding a new town veterinarian um so we have talked about this and we have not been successful in finding one and we were hoping that the Board of Health members might be able to do a little work on that like work okay okay um do you do you mind me interrupting I'm just I know South Brunswick has a a vaccination uh a a rabies clinic coming up too toyi oh okay yeah so people said people can go there yeah if we can't if we can't get it together for RAB Clinic that's here they could right they can go to the other Town yeah dumb question but this is a purely volunteer position correct there's no stien correct okay all right I will get back to them on that um I know the Board of Ed met they don't have anything except they they did put out um an update I don't know if everyone saw it in their email about uh ongoing construction things seem to be going pretty well I don't see any hiccups things are moving along nice L that's all I've got for you thank you Matt so um I attended parks and Rex that was my only update meeting so if you remember at the last meeting I relayed back that um there was there was discussion on where the two chest tables could go I brought at this meeting the idea that um Miss Marabella had talked to and introduced to whether the library was interest having it outside their space um at their board meeting on the 7th of October they they said it was great they love the idea that was actually the Parks and Rec's original first place choice for that um so I I went back to the parks back happy to give that update evidently that was a surprise to most of the members they didn't realize that that was that it had sort of come full circle and that was being offered as an opportunity so there's a little bit of push back from the team on that um but so four people that were here two weeks ago thought the library was a good idea it really it comes down to what this Township committee wants to do it is the parks is advisory they've done great leg work on getting these things these tables are very nice um and this committee should just decide where where the right place in town is for those um it's all Township funds it doesn't impact it's it's the funds will still be the funds um it's just sort of where the the place would be used I think just as a little bit of History it was offered to the library two years ago the library was Brandy Brandy new and the idea the library was like let's not put anything permanent at the beginning till we know how the space is going to be used they have since bought patio furniture for the back patio but they use that for concerts since they sort of like it as a Band Shell so they don't want anything kind of in the in the Vista of the Band Shell but the proposed location would be kind of around the corner um like any location in Heritage Parks it would need a it would need a a paved or a maadam path to get it to make it ADA Compliant um the I think the attractive part of the about the library is the library has chess sets that you can check out so that fits well with the marked chest table with that um the library was not aware that the parks had any push back and they were insistent that they they're comfortable however they would want to do it they weren't they weren't pushing for it they were just happy to accept it and have it there so I like this this body to sort of give a strw poll on sort of where whether we think we want to go with the recommendations from this committee's meeting two weeks ago to put in the space behind the library or whether we want to try to find again another uh Heritage Park location I I have a question um do they do they have a spot I mean if we say yes if we all decide the library is a good location would they be able to put it in tomorrow if the table showed up or do they need to figure out where it's going to go the tables have been ordered yeah so they're on they're on order I think the the idea if you if you just a picture the library when you come up the driveway there's a walkway to the front of the building there's a a walkway to the to the one of the exit buildings there's a patio out back and there's kind of green in between and I think the idea would be sort of pretty close to off the corner of that of that plot somewhere where it would not interfere with sort of concerts but would also be sort of adjacent to that space that's the rough thinking on that but and and in terms of the walkway that's it sounds like it's a relatively long walkway that would be required from there it's probably depending which way you want to connect it from if you want to connect it from the patio it's probably 20 or 30 feet if you want to connect it from the sidewalk on the other side it's probably maybe a little bit more so it's it's um it's no more than I mean I think if if we're making an ADA Compliant chest table it's going to need some kind of a walkway no matter where it goes so when are the chest tables supposed to be in ordered but in I mean as I know it's going to be 81 degrees on Halloween but with the weather getting colder would we have a shot at getting this walkway done I think it'd be a spring thing spring yeah so I mean regardless of where it is because they need cement pads under it so if the ground starts to get too cold they won't be able to do the cement pads whether it's Heritage cork or the library so probably would have to be spring was that path in the original budget or would this not for Heritage Park no either location was the path no are we sure it needs a B at the library or can they go through the library to get to it come out onto the patio I think either way there still would be some something that would need to be bridged to the pad I don't think anything would be adjacent right to the patio or on the back I think it would need a path wherever it goes small path but yeah I think like for for me I kind of really can't visualize because I really haven't been back in that section I've been in the library but I don't you know for the eclipse I was back there but I don't really recall it because I was looking up um the um the um I just my concern is it's an open space fabulous open space where's the chest tables going to be like like is it g to be out in the middle like I just kind of even I would think no more than 20 feet from the uh from the building because Vistas in our master plan are hugely important and that Vista is so beautiful you know I wouldn't want I I think nobody wants to put it out in the middle I think goal would be fairly to tuck it in to tuck somewhere within the the sort of where you would normally walk around the side of the building would be sort of the way path there well the there already is a path so there's the sidewalk that goes up to the building there is also there's already a cement path that goes up to an exit door off the side so so that's and you wouldn't know that because it's an emergency exit only so there somewhere you could access it from the patio and back or that cement and and someplace and maybe it's a it's a single path with two tables but would it be in the back like would you see it from the parking lot or it from the parking lot the building would block it it would be behind the building okay so it's behind so behind the building yeah the um the uh oh my God you you from the park the rain Garden the rain Garden between the rain garden and the building yeah you you from the from the chest tables you would probably see you'd probably be looking into that meeting room number three you'd probably be able to turn and see the patio and the and the bio retention Bas kind of that corner of the building so it's it's truly on the north side of the property the north and west Corner yep West that that's sort of that corner where there's that conference room would be somewhere in that in that radius right there that's the entrance right there and that kind of keeps it tucked in it's tucked in it's not like thrown to the side of the no I mean obviously we want to minimize the amount of pathway so it should be far away from the building where they're not looking in the conference room but not that it interferes with any of the four remaining 14 acres of open space but um so I I like the idea because that was the original idea and of course the library was new so it's hard to imagine where it was going to be put so and and I like that the chest table the chest pieces are there you know I mean I think the the the to me the nice part about it is just that there's nothing outside to sit in anywhere in that space there's no benches there's nothing there and in some ways that was nice but I think something like a A breing or a chest table would be seems like a nice addition extension they're very supportive of that again but they they did not want the parks to think that they were pushing for to vine for but they were willing to accept it and they were um supportive of that it's funny I'm getting used to it being parks and wreck because in my mind I'm like well the library is on a park right but then I have to remind myself oh but this is Recreation so yeah exactly got yeah and I mean I I I I I really appreciate the parks doing the research on this and I think it in when you step back a little bit holistically and think it's all for Township use it's all for Township residents it's all about using you know using residents using all of our spaces in a flexible way and it can be used even when the library is closed absolutely just like heritage part you absolutely okay so then then back to the budget question then no matter what if the library is closed then you want to get to use the chest tables and you bring your own chest set you want to get to it you need to to be ada8 compliant we don't have this in the budget it's over and above what was approved by the TC already so when we go to 2025 budget we have to factor this in as an additional expense we would have to find out how much path we're talking about if it needs more concrete had then Heritage parked it or less so someone would have to the engineer would have to look into that and then determine that space um right now what we gave them was not enough for them to put it in Heritage Park with a pathway it was over budget so it could potentially be over budgeted the library too I don't really know because that was like a pathway connected to the existing pathway in Heritage Park and from what I remember that spot we're not talking 20 30 feet in Heritage Park so this is is quite a big distance more did they go through the RFQ process just for that little section of paved pathway when they did it I don't believe it was going where they are putting it now in Heritage Park I feel like it was more off the parking lot which then they would have just gone from the parking lot onto the concrete pads but now we're talking about ADA where it is and that was never quoted okay just the concrete pads and the tables were from what I understand okay I mean so if you want to take a straw man I mean I'm in favor of going to the library but not not saying formally yes until we have an idea of what that what that's going to cost because we know what the walkway and Village cost 20 to 30 feet of a concrete path is not a small expense that's fair okay first what was the cost I don't know off the top of my head what the cost was but we gave them 15,000 for the chest tables and concrete paths I have a question how do we get this far without knowing we needed a pathway I don't know well I I mentioned it I I mentioned it at a at a Parks meeting um and I I told him that this project isn't necessarily the most complete yet because and I can go back to exactly the moments that we had that meeting and I told them that we're looking at a table and then we're going to want a walking path and then we may grow from there it may become that we need chairs and benches and it may be that we need garbage can and so I made the comment at the time that this project didn't look complete um and that's kind of where we're at here like we're we're it's we're realizing that we need to build a little bit more for its utility to be completely met um I was not a fan of the location in Heritage Park for the reasons of the preservation of the green spaces there and I think I made it clear at that meeting um and I'm very encouraging of this project I love this project and the initial location was always I think U the library location was always I think the one that many of us agreed to um because of the fact that the library has a chess club its vicinity to the school it's um possession of the chess pieces but I think that Lisa's point is is very correct if we don't know exactly what that dollar amount is I don't know that we should vote to accept this new location uh finitely but if we can share I think with each other today whether we support this Lo this going back to the original location of the library just so we can give Michael a little bit um uh to share with the with the parks and rec committee about how we feel and it seems like uh and you guys correct me it seems like we are more in favor of the location at the library but we would like to learn what the dollar amount is going to be for the walking path is that a correct statement yeah I U it's it's hard I think we all agree it's hard sight unseen I can't visualize where it would be my other concern too is that there there's no shade and you're kind of exposed to the weather on that side on a nice tempered day that might be fine but if it's 85 degrees and bling sun no one's going to use it so I just would like to see maybe a a more fleshed out plan and and the dollar amount for a walkway if it's going to be spring to put them in where do these go when they do come in like do we have a place to store them or think they'll sit at the DPW Yard yeah is DPW that I don't know how big they are they ordered them because they wanted to move forward with the project but they really should have wait to order them until this was all lushed out well we're we're here and we believe in this project the bottom line is we believe in this project this is going to be an asset to the community it's just a matter of where and we we have I think the five of us are reasonably content with the library location in fact it has maybe more utility in that location but it would be nice to complete the the the image of this project before we move forward finally so we have the tables they will be installed somewhere and if things work out it'll be the library good all right cool thank you so what are next steps are we gonna get a dollar amount I'm GNA reach out to Ken and let him know and he may need to speak with Tom Decker and let them know that we need to get a call B now for that location getting the chest tables a concrete pad and a pathway to get to it I hate to ask is would the library be interested in chipping in no okay um I mean it's well well and if you think about the sort of the the general parameters of the agreement where the library is covering the building and the municipal covers the outside so that's sort of yeah yeah um so good so uh one more update I have sort of um wearing my other hat the Scout uh was marable in the Scout Troop uh cranberry tro 52 is on track to have like 11 or 12 Eagle Scouts this year which I think is a record so once a week we've been having Eagle Boards of review and the last one was a um stevenh sensey came and presented his spoted Lantern fly project and he actually had an interesting intersection with a president in town Jessica wear who works at the Museum of Natural History and he brought some of his collected sponsor spotted Lantern flies and they're actually working on doing DNA extraction of the spot Lantern FES that he collected to do uh sort of have actually publish a paper about sort of the sources of the DNA of the spotted Lantern fly that converged on his location so kind of a really cool extension it's not stopping him he got his Eagle Scout but Dr wear like proposes this idea and had this sort of other connection so an eagle scout could become a scientific uh paper so kind of a neat intersection and that's all I have to report I just have a quick question that is a really great thing was his were his uh traps removed I believe they were and he he said he collected over 3,500 spoted Lantern flies that's great so we thought we were sort of over the peak um and turns out we were not um or maybe we're over the peak but it still was a problem so I think over 3,500 um uh Lantern flies yeah wow and I'm glad he caught them all that's perfect well done any other questions for Michael Michael just one question to go back to the to the chess tables is the library open to a different location at the library I think the library was generally open they thought it was a good mix good fit with the programming and and the goals of the library I don't think they had given probably as much thought to the location as we have even here tonight so so if um if with a new set of eyes maybe Tom Decker you know if if they see that a location may be a little more optimal will create less of a walkway and all that do you think they'd be open to exploring it I think I mean I think we when that building was built everybody in town was like pouncing to say we want this there we want that there and we were sort of I think as a Township committee and as a library board were saying hold off let them use the space for a little bit see how it's used so it's now been two years and I think one thing that's really turned out nice is the way the back of the building is sort of shaped it really does it has a almost like a ball field shaped um patio and it lends itself to a very nice kind of Bandshell for concerts so I think even with their offers of trees to be planted and they don't want anything in the first 50 feet of that so I think that's that's probably the hard and fast kind of the only goal so far is sort of preserving that that Arc and that Vista and then of course the overall um Vista and view not to put things so far out that space is meant for Passive the the balance of that 14 acre space is meant for Passive Recreation so though putting a chest table out in the middle of a field wouldn't wouldn't be ideal and it would be permanent so the goal would be kind of a little bit more tucked into the building okay so perfect thank you um okay I have a little bit of a longer report today um October is mental health awareness month and I just wanted to share with everybody the 988 number it's a free confidential 247 helpline that connects people in Mental Health crisis with trained counselors um we sent this number out as um as a mailer not last year but the year before uh we have members of our community celebrating a holiday called diali it is the Hol the holiday where they celebrate the Triumph of good against evil and we have bless you members of our community also celebrating bii Chas it's the Festival of Liberation freedom and Justice so congratulations to those communities and happy holidays I did some reading Matt the cranberry School received a silver award from sustainable Jersey did you know about this Barbara yeah well done were you part of the reason why they got the silver Teresa via will we have to and Dr dler right of course and the committee at the school no congratulations to them very well done uh the school has a wonderful initiative called cran Pals and for those that don't know what it is it's members of our senior community they um volunteer to go to Cranberry school to read to the kindergarten classes and the school is looking for volunteers so we would like to encourage our senior community to sign up to be cran Pals for the cranberry kindergarten classes uh since our last meeting I conducted two weddings and it was very cute because one of them was for a resident in town and the other one was for a couple from Robinsville who happened to have driven through cranberry and just fell in love with cranberry and saw the municipal building and thought it was beautiful so they wanted to get married here it was very cute um wish them both very well both couples you're smiling because no fair when I was married we a really stuck on that I'm stuck on that and and our mayor is very accommodating too so sometimes people are willing to do that well congratulations to them yeah it's very very sweet I attended a devali celebration at the governor's mansion this week I mean that was quite impressive um what else have we done the municipal Alliance met October 15th they went over the speakers that they have for the parent Academy in collaboration with the cranberry school as well as activities that are coming up including a jam fest and they also discussed their meeting dates for 2025 um we had a meeting with the fire department uh Denise myself and Debbie to hear how about how the current model of the rescue service is not viable for the future and they provided proposals on Alternatives and they will come to the TC to share this as a work session at our next meeting speaking of fire department they have uh new roofs installed did anybody notice that beautiful yeah yeah but it's very nice to see I mean it's s such a big difference yeah looking good um we have been given our sort of numbers for the affordable housing obligation and that number stands at 265 at this moment we are still calculating I mean that'll be the maximum number we are still calculating a couple of credits uh that we see may be looming here and there and I just want people to understand that although that's a significant number uh we have been prepared and preparing for this since January of this year we have met our deadlines and we will continue to meet our deadlines and we are in the process of looking for properties that will um meet the needs of this obligation and I if we haven't noticed we have a little bit of curbing work that was done in town and I just wanted if it's okay with you Denise if you could just share with us a little bit on some of that work that was done sure we um had our local Road Improvement project which we discussed at Capital time so we went out to bid and that project was awarded and they've been working on Wesley Westminster Sims Barkley um The Village Park connector and a small section of Cedarbrook um there were some sidewalks replaced due to ADA compliance so meaning on corners or if we had to remove a tree in order to do the mill and pave of the Road and the sidewalk was damaged Then That Sidewalk was replaced as well so uh that started last week and it should be done fairly quickly thank you I that brings me to the end of my report any questions excellent seeing none we will continue on our agenda and I believe today we have a department head chief Chief ens is here to join us welcome good evening M mayor members of the township committee M marabello Miss Ruben members of the public good evening I know you all received a copy of my report dated dated September 2024 does anyone have any questions regarding that report that I sent out that was sent out uh today well two quick observations overtime has decreased significantly decreased decreased yeah I don't have a specific reason for the decrease uh for this month I mean well does it reflect the the the new members we have brought on uh often times it will but it depends on many factors for uh overtimes throughout the month okay okay um and just the the uptic in crashes is like wow yeah our our our guys have been busy yeah thank you no problem Chief I it was I noticed in the report continued uptick over last year on number of stops and citations which is great I did have a question um on Station Road there is now this nice flashing 25 M hour Zone and I just was curious feedback on it any from residents I mean I know we residents were really asking us anything we could do so we really appreciate that as an effort for the residents of Station Road but curious feedback on the sign if you notice any difference and are there any plans to expand that feature or that offering elsewhere we do have uh plans to ex extend those blinking 25 M hour signs different areas throughout town I don't have any specific feedback to share at this point nor do I have any data one way or the other on the effectiveness of those anything anecdotal from your from your team uh none that I can mention off hand okay not at this time but I I'll certainly uh ask around and find out if if they have any feedback or if they see any changes within that within that speed zone it's certainly noticeable yeah specifically at night I'm I'm surprised we haven't received any complaints from the residents about the flashing windows but yeah thank you sure that's coming uh I want to briefly touch upon our Halloween safety overview coming up uh for event overview Halloween will take place on Thursday as we all know we're expecting sunny weather with near record high temperatures and then we're anticipating this event to be well attended as usual safety I put this out on a Facebook uh message post this evening so these are all just uh reiterating some of the points I mentioned within that note uh safety reminder for pedestrians use sidewalks crosswalks and and cross at more crosswalks look both ways before Crossing parents should accompany young children right costumes flashlights Clow sticks recommended for high visibility safety reminders for drivers were put out to Drive slowly especially in neighborhoods uh remain vigilant for trick-or-treaters especially at intersections and guidelines for homeowners keep uh porch lights on or walkways clear of debris secure your pets to avoid incidences and our Police Department preparedness some of the things that we've been doing we've had our officers educating young students on pedestrian Halloween safety we had uh our off our our safety officer in the school uh with coloring books and programs and things like that find that goes a long way uh we're going to increase we're going to have increased patrols planned for the evening including foot and visit and vehicle presence uh school crossing guards are going to be deployed at busy intersections for safety our message board will be up to remind drivers to proceed with caution we're going to have portable light towers up to Bright and the darkened areas again in our town and our commitment to community safety as usual is uh cranberry police officers are dedicated to the safety of residents and visitors Halloween is recognized as a cherished event for our community and our police presence aims to ensure a safe enjoyable night for all especially the children we anticipate a safe and successful Halloween event any questions regarding our Halloween safety ideas I just have a quick question um so H how how do the cars do in General on the other arteries during that day I mean like you know like they have to and do kids typically go outside of Main Street nowadays because I know my kids used to patrol all areas of the community during Halloween uh we do see you know a shortened commuter day a lot of people rush to get home to make sure that their kids are out and about so we take that all into consideration during the Halloween traffic event so people like you know we have to be concerned of other roads besides Main Street during that time of yeah yeah thank you you're welcome thanks for your thanks for doing what you guys do you all do not just guys some additional uh points I wanted to point out we restarted our hiring process for replacement one of our for one of our officers who left uh for another town uh we posted again on we didn't find any good candidates on the first uh go around any successful candidates I should say so we reposted again on police app.com uh because our first search only for only certified officers did not yield any successful candidates for that position uh so we're we lowered some of the standards to see we could get some more potential applicants applying um our officers are continuing with their investigation our serious crash on Old Trent in South Main our our thoughts go out to those who were injured in that crash and we're hoping for a fast recovery for the victims and since the crash is still under investigation I can't provide any additional information at this time and as shown by our numbers our officers are continuing to enforce Motor Vehicle Laws throughout the township and are doing a great job proud of their work and as usual they continue to serve with Integrity professionalism and courage every day that concludes my report unless anyone has any questions hearing n thank you so much thank you very much appreciate it we'll see you out on Halloween you will have a good evening thank absolutely you too excellent do we have any follow-up items today I didn't pick up any either we have one vacancy today to announce and that's the environmental commission member expiring 12 3124 so we're looking for one volunteer for the environmental Commission we have a work session today and who will be conducting that work session I guess I will that's what it says so we're just going over meeting dates our meetings are typically second and fourth Monday looking at the calendar for 2025 our reorg will be on January 2nd which is Thursday due to New Year's Day being a holiday and we're closed and um there's two changes is May 27th a Tuesday due to Memorial Day of the 26th we're closed and then Russia Shana is on the 4th Monday in September which is 22nd so we've changed it to the 29th um we leave our second meetings in July and August and December optional any questions July uh July August and then the second meeting in December that' be J July 28th yes is optional August 25th optional and December 22nd yes gotcha Deber 22nd optional okay did anybody have uh questions or comments about any of the other dates I had highlighted that some of the dates were actually going to be during spring break but the point was made that we have never really had a quum issue during those um those dates so um I'll have to P it's okay yeah because it's a whole week we can't change it from a Monday to a Tuesday and then to change the actual Monday our meetings would be a week apart we wouldn't really be able to conduct any business if we had ordinances yeah yeah right yeah yeah okay okay good we're good no yep approved thank you excellent that was really quick work session uh we have one ordinance up for first reading today wait I'm sorry just looking at this what is October 13th it says federal holiday that actual holiday what is that it's probably October 13th my guess would be it's columus day and we are not even closed for that day we don't observe it we are or we are we are not okay nope they're trying yes please let's continue with the ordinance okay so we have one ordinance on for first reading this evening which is Cranberry Township ordinance number 10-24 4-14 and ordinance of the township of cranberry memorializing its acceptance of the dedication of Cedarbrook Drive Clark Drive con drive and Duncan Drive as public roadways with a second reading November 25th 2024 I could have a motion to introduce I'm happy to introduce 10-4-14 second 10-4-14 thank you we're going to move on to roll call for this roll call Mr fante yes Mrs Kum yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott yes mayor bedway yes thank you it's unanimous thank you moving on to our resolutions we've got consent resolutions a b c and d would anybody like to uh any of those pulled out separately um I'd like to move items 12 a through D on the consent resolution agenda second thank you we'll move on to roll call uh Mr fronte yes Mrs ker yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott yes Mo bway yes thank you it's unanimous thank you so we are at this point up to our public comment and we've have wonderful public members with us today I'd like to remind you all that um when you come up to speak please push the button until you see the red light talk right into the microphone so that you will be recording recorded and you have 3 minutes to speak and it is truly your time to speak and our time to listen so thank you welcome everybody if you could just also sign your name in when you come up public comment is open yes please good evening everyone uh Mark brassi North Main Street I'm going to come up a second time hopefully I can be heard for two three minute sessions the first is for cranberry housing Associates uh and this is a letter I will be be presenting to everyone for your records uh again it's to Mayor and Township committee ladies and gentlemen regarding the round for affordable housing obligations as you may know the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has recently published the round four affordable housing obligations for each M municipality in the state cranberry now has a prospective need for the 10-year period starting 2025 through 2035 cranbery housing Associates cha stands ready to assist the Township in meeting these requirements for about both rounds one and two cha was a developer for all of the housing and continues to maintain those projects we assisted in reviewing the requirements and assisted in developing the approved plans we met and exceeded the requirements and got bonus credits for our efforts for round three the first part of requirements we did the same for the balance of the requirements the township committee at that time used the services of an outside for-profit developer without asking cha if we could provide that balance of the required housing to avoid a similar scenario for round four we offer our assistance in helping to prepare a plan to meet the round four requirements the Township's affordable housing consultant Mary Beth loner is excellent professional in this field and we have worked with her in the past in meeting cranberry's needs I've presented the history of affordable housing in Cranberry to you and Township residents before and if you would like to hear it again as a refresher or for new members I would be happy to do so please let us know if cha can help you in the next steps to meet our round four obligations thank you thank you and thank you for that offer of course good evening I'll do it again thank you welcome back uh for this uh letter I am representing cranbery historical and preservation Society again member and uh members of attachment committee the cranber historical and preservation Society chips is concerned about the potential demolition or demolition by neglect of the historic house located on PLS Bor Road commonly called the dancer house the Circa 1860 Farmhouse is located on a parcel known as block 25 lot 121 the township purpose purchased this property to preserve the land and building and then resold it to a purchaser including a very strong historic preservation easement of the house in perpetuity chips has addressed other properties in Cran that had similar possible destructive Fates with the help of Prior Township committees and its Representatives the buildings were saved demolition by neglect is as serious as regular demolition other than this form of demolition takes place over time and is not readily noticeable until it's too late without the Township's Vigilant oversight this can easily happen at the time the property house were sold with a historic historic preservation easement the house was reviewed and it was determined to be structurally sound with only cosmetic repairs required the deed included the historic preservation easan as follows I'm quoting from that which you'll get a copy of grantee shall not demolish remove or raise the facade or the building without the express consent of the township Committee of the township of Cranbury acting in consultation with the Township's historic preservation commission which consent shall be granted only in exceptional circumstances such as in the event of extensive structural damage to or partial or total Destruction of the building and upon such reasonable terms and conditions as a tantrum committee May deem advisable for the purposes of this historic preservation easement financial hardship shall not constitute an exceptional circumstance a complete copy of the deed restriction is attached for your reference we respectfully request that you as the township committee do not consider any request to demolish this building this historic building we also request that you notify agencies within the township such as a zoning officer and construction code official of this restriction so that it cannot be demolished in error lastly we request that the appropriate Township officials I.E the construction code official HPC inspect the building to confirm that proper maintenance is being performed so as not to allow demolition by neglect with your assistance we can continue to preserve the historic buildings in Cranbury thank you we thank you for your consideration and the deed uh copy of the deed is attached with all the details thank you kindly thank you the only thing I wanted to add is we have both representatives of CHA and Historical Society here I think to provide welcome they're more than welcome to speak this is your time we're here to listen would anybody else like to share their thoughts make a suggestion seeing none I will close public for this evening heading back to our agenda do we have any action items captured for tonight um I think I'll work with Miss marabello and Ken and Tom to work out the logistics and pricing for next steps on that that would be perfect thank you uh any other action items I didn't pick up any TOS we will review the letters absolutely yeah we appreciate the public comment um it's nice it's so nice to see the seats filled because many evening we go by and we are we're here by ourselves and I appreciate the spirit the spirit which that's right we we we have our we have our solid attendant absolutely but it's one seat that you fill not all of them so um and and I appreciate the spirit with which uh the comments were made today uh it's offers of assistance and um highlighting the desire to maintain some of our historic structures and I appreciate that very much we will certainly look at the documentation that was shared with us this evening and um you know we thank you all for coming not only to support us here but to support you know your your colleague um with his suggestion so thank you all I would like to entertain a motion to adjourn this evening I'll move second all in favor I I thank you