##VIDEO ID:QOa4XN0uSxM## good afternoon I'd like to call this meeting to order the cranberry Municipal Alliance September 17th 2024 and Scout you'll need the Pledge of Allegiance oh okay we're going we're following suit with the township and so we're going to be doing the pledge of allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of United States of America the stands na indivisible liy and justice for all thank you the adequate notice and roll call all right the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on February 23rd 2024 of this meeting's date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk and we'll move on to a roll call Miss Miss Schulman here miss charwin here miss benov here Dr dler here miss Stanley here Mr Patel is excused Chief Owens here miss Kaplan is excused uh Mr Kumar you and Miss Shetty is absent okay thank you so we'll move on to the minutes we have three minutes to approve the April the May and the June minutes so if you can just turn to the April minutes and in order for um you to approve the minutes you would have U needed to be at the meeting so would anybody um like to are there any changes for the April minutes would like would anybody like to make a motion to approve the April minutes I'll make a motion Ria would anybody like to second the motion I second okay Sasha thank you okay the May minutes are there any changes we need to do roll call on the minutes I'm sorry okay yeah and since we're doing um differently so uh this is for approval of the April 16th minutes Miss Schulman approve Miss charwin yes Miss benov yes Dr dler yes Miss Stanley okay so I abstain yeah okay thanks Mr Patel is uh excused Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan is not here she's excused Mr Kumar I would say yes but I don't know if I was theread on that day or not we'll put exension for you and um machete and then I realized Miss Weinstein you're not on the list do you approve the minutes yes yes thank you all right so that is uh approved with two extensions thank you thank you okay we can turn to the May minutes and there is the attendance in that minutes if you're not sure because it was a long time ago so are there any changes or addition to the May minutes okay would anybody like to make a motion to approve the May minutes I approve thank you Sasha ni second Chief all right onto roll call uh Miss Shulman yes Miss Charan yes Miss benov Dr dler abstain Miss Stanley yes Mr Patel is excused Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan is excused Mr Kumar yes m Shetty is absent and Miss Weinstein yes all right one more to go okay I'd like to refer to the June minutes are there any changes or additions to the minutes would anyone like to make a motion to approve the June minutes I'll make a motion to approve thank you Dr D I'll second it thank you Chief Owens all right the June 11th minutes uh m man yes Miss charwin yes Miss benov yes Dr dler yes Miss Stanley yes Mr Patel is excused Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan is excused Mr Kumar yes Miss Shetty is absent Miss Weinstein yes and the June 11th minutes were also approved unanimously thank you thank you uh before we get on with the agenda I would like to introduce our new secretary Scout Scout will be our new secretary moving forward Scout's been here for a while at the township and she does a fantastic job with with her uh committees and commissions so thank you Scout for taking over we have um a resignation um Angelie is no longer a member of our committee and we have a new member Pon Patel he's not able to make it today but hopefully we'll we'll meet we'll get to meet him next time okay so now we have the student representative report would the students ple like to come up please I know you might not have anything to report but we want you to come up anyway you have a very important job okay you guys can sit down Pull up another chair and press the button if if you want to say anything um so I'd like to introduce our new student representatives for this year they were elected by their peers to serve on this committee we have Arnav Kumar we have Kyle Chen and we have Zach Shore so thank you all very much for being on our committee and attending our meetings I know sometimes you may have sports practices or other obligations but we would understand if you couldn't come and that's why Dr dler thought would be a good idea to have three three members so we can at least have someone here each month can I say yes um welcome it's really great to have you guys representing our school um when you're here you're you have the opportunity to kind of share the happenings that are going on at cranberry school um that pertain to the municipal Alliance and sometimes there'll be opportunity where there might be questions just kind of asking about things one of the things I'm curious have any of you ever attended jam fest yeah so that's because of this these people here this group um so we get a lot of input from our students so there'll be opportunities like that and there'll be other things that you get to bring back and kind of share with student council so we appreciate you being here did you have a good first week of school so far so good thank you guys for being here thank you Dr dler we really appreciate it and I know that the jamfest is coming up on November 22nd and there's another one on February 21st the ipal Alliance has lots of games to contribute to the jam fest we have fball and we have air hockey and we have pingpong and that's all held in a storage container next to the pole barn behind the school so one of the things that we'd like you to report on is any and I know that you're not prepared to do that now but for the next meeting if there's because we'll Pro we'll be meeting before I believe before the jam fest and you can let us know oh yes we will definitely be meeting before the jamfest you can let us know what the theme of the jamfest is and anything that the the student council would request for us to contribute in any way okay so as we go through the meeting today there are a couple things that I'm going to ask you for your input on on throughout the meeting and then you'll be able to come up and you'll be able to comment but before um before you go back to your seats for now is do you have any questions or any comments yes Zach games I don't know this to be to of our budget it might be but I know G FIFA is a pretty popular game so there's a way get maybe a PlayStation 4 or two or maybe three you get then maybe get little TVs stations or anything where they can play Playstation games including games like FIFA or Madden and know those sports games are pretty popular okay I know GameStop comes and they set something up do you know anything about that Dr dler I know that there are some did you do any of the video gaming that's been there in the past is it different than what you're describing got it so that idea of FIFA or Madden being able to do those kinds of games and that's through what system um either the PlayStation 4 five or Xbox One or okay we'll take that into consideration see what we can do appreciate that thank you for the suggestion and that's really what we want from our uh representatives to be able to offer some suggestions on how to make things better for the students and for you to also take information back okay any other questions or comments okay thank you all very much if you guys today you're fine sitting in the back but in the future you might want to sit up front because you'll get called up to talk a little bit here and there okay okay thank you police report Chief our guys had a busy summer uh we've been out issuing tons of summonses enforcing Motor Vehicle Laws within our town our guys are doing a great job we hired a couple new guys that are uh been very active for our department and they're doing a fantastic job that's all I have thank you thank you and our liaison report good afternoon how is everybody um it's so nice to be back in the seat uh I want to start by saying thank you for everybody for being here and um for continuing the great work that the municipal Alliance does and I think Joanne you had a wedding in your family so congratulations thank you yeah um I wanted to share a little on topic but off topic there was a a motor vehicle accident a little while ago that had to do with unfortunately a student that was under the influence and it hit home for a couple of our um residents here because they were friends with um one of the students that ended up passing away it was a real wakeup call you know like what you do here is very relevant that constant reminder is necessary unfortunately um being that we really haven't met over the summer there's not too much to talk about but I will share with you that uh I received an email from the quality Institute the New Jersey healthc Care Quality Institute and that is kind of the organization that does a lot uh of the uh work that we do with the mayor's Wellness campaign and they reached out to us with a possible grant that we could apply for and initially when I looked at that date I thought oh there's no way and you know I like I really don't know what we're you know what we are doing I didn't think about the work here on the municipal lines like the wording of it didn't look like it pertained to anything when I took a deeper dive uh I was like oh you know I wonder if something that we do here could actually qualify for this and so I I fed with it a little bit and I did end up applying and see whether we get it or not but let me um so in partnership with the New Jersey League of municipalities and funded by Walmart the quality institute's May Wellness campaign is issuing a request for pro proposals focused on addressing Community Mental Health needs um programs can address mental health substance use intimate partner violence and stigma and so I remembered looking through the minutes that were so meticulously written out thank you um that we have this wonderful initiative through pen medicine that has to do with the mental health needs of the teens at school and so uh Miss charwin was really good to respond to my messages even though she was out of town and I put that together very quickly and I sent it off and I did receive response from them saying hey you can strengthen your ask by doing two more things and I did those things and then they responded back saying we have received it and we will let you know at the league of municipality meeting so um it during that meeting I know that Dr Rogers from the TC will be in attendance and so will I that's my intention and so they will be announcing it then uh they had sort of set amounts you could ask for 10,000 15,000 25,000 and 125 127,000 So based on the numbers you gave me I fit us within that first category and we'll see where it goes okay is this an ongoing Grant do you know or it's a one-year Grant um I think this is like a onetime amount and I don't know that theyve done this so it was rolled out and it had like a turnaround time of 8 Days 10 days so I was really panicked when I when I finally noticed that we could do something it was a panic um well thank you for getting that out so quickly yeah no my my pleasure I just I hope it's fruitful okay yeah uh and that's really it for me I also just wanted to um just thank you all for the amount of work enormous amount of work that you did as a group to partner with with the National Night Out And although the weather was not Cooperative uh your effort was certainly seen and hopefully it creates the template and the blueprint for the following events and I know like the hardest part is to set that plan and to establish all those relationships with those vendors and organizations and um so thank you for doing all of that it was our pleasure any questions for me excellent thank you thank you mayor elada okay so the next item is the budget but I'm going to skip the budget and just go to National Night Out I know Dr dler you have an appointment so this is something that I want you to be a part of the discussion so and um our mayor alwi did mention that the National Night Out There everybody has a copy of an article in your packet I did reach out to the reporter Andrew Harrison and I told him about the partnership with the municipal Alliance and the police the cranberry police and he was actually going to come and cover the event but even though it was cancelled he still did and I just want to read this uh two short paragraphs the fourth paragraph down the municipal Alliance was going to be sponsoring a health and wellness Pavilion Joan shwin chair of the cranberry Municipal allian said the purpose of the health and wellness Pavilion was to provide resources to the community regarding mental health Substance Abuse Prevention and options for healthy ways of living some of the presenters that were expected to be at the Pavilion during National Night Out the Elks drug prevention program penm Princeton Health Community Wellness National Alliance on Mental Health Nami American Foundation For Suicide Prevention Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas nutrition program middle sex County Health Services and environmental health Lions Club Helen Cody Foundation yoga and massage Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and seeing eye dogs so we um we did order the large tent 30 by 40 tent it was really very big and some of the presenters were going to set up tables other tables Diane her husband and I were getting from the church to bring over and up in the entrance to the tent we were going to have balloons and on one side we we were going to have the yoga and the massage therapist and on the other side we were going to have a henna artist to do little henna designs and all of that was for free oh and it's not on here but I did have a contact through alcoholics anonimous and they uh their representative was going to come with the book of all of the the local meetings in the areas at the different churches and and give out those books to anybody who is interested so there would have been a lot of really great resources I'm sorry it didn't happen but we have you know all the information to put it in place for next year and I just want to refer to our Banner we had a banner contest and that's what this is right here I don't think it's might be hooked up so we had we had um three students who won the contest the we had three students who won the battern design contest and we had the students artwork put on the banner so that everyone can view their great work and we were very excited and proud of that so I'll turn this around hopefully that um everyone who's watching can can see it so we were excited about that do you know how to shut that and the students also each one got a t-shirt each one will get a t-shirt we weren't able to give them their shirts or they weren't able to see the banner because we didn't have the event so Dr dler I was wondering if there's a place to hang up the banner at the school maybe in the cafeteria or a place of your choice and if you can give out the shirts to the students and make some kind of an announcement that they won now the banner that Banner is removable from the frame so that frame can be used every year and just the banner can be taken off and we'll give it to the school so it would be nice for the students to see positive messages about drug prevention we're very thankful I think it's very kind to include the school um on this day and have a special part and I'll be excited to to um have the their announcement I know that there's communication to Dr casaza over the summer in regards to student name so we can make an announcement uh this week okay great thank you and I want to say that it was really a pleasure to work with the police department especially officer Glennon you know he was with us every step of the way Diane and Sasha and I worked with him very closely and we were very excited about having this opportunity to partner with the police I think was really um a great great opportunity for the municipal Alliance I know uh John worked uh officer Glennon worked hard on on this program and and certainly when it came time to make the decision based on weather we were all kind of Hope heartbroken because uh we definitely wanted to get it going uh the lightning strikes in the area and the weather was just it was not safe but yeah John did did a great job thank you well I appreciate all of his help and the support of the cranberry police department does anybody have any questions about the National Night Out we were also going to have some games that we rented and we still had to pay for the games in the tent because they were delivered the tent was put up the day before and we still had to you know um pay for for those Services I I actually have a question from pen medicine um was there any talk about it um rescheduling it or was that just off the table um I guess that's a chief Owen's question there was no talk uh from the union at this time for rescheduling uh at the time when it happened either so not at this time okay so before it rained the tent was up I brought all of the materials for the tables and all of the games and I put it under the tent and I put a tarp over the tent and then I went over the church to meet Diane and her husband and the skies just opened up it was pouring and thundering and lightning and Diane and I are sitting there and her husband Jim and and we were thinking we don't want we're not moving those daes in this weather and then I was able to get in touch with officer Glennon and he said it's cancelled and then I went back to pick up my materials and we had actually had to move off the grass we weren't really we weren't permitted to set in the set up in the grass the tent had to be set off on the side because they they didn't want the grass people driving on the grass and ruining the grass because there was rain in the forecast so we were setting up the tent and the event down by the lake dirt mountain and the picnic Pavilion so when I went to pick everything up in the when it was pouring rain because I didn't want it to get too wet there was already maybe 3 4 Ines of of water under the tent so even though if it rained it wouldn't have dried and stopped it wouldn't have dried up it was really it really was a mess so Diane and Sasha would you like to share anything about National night I would like to say actually I was really excited having been to the National Night Out the you know last year and I thought it was a really great match so and I I thought also that we worked really well with officer Glennon and and we had a good program set so hopefully like the mayor said will have something in structure for next year um but I was actually really disappointed too yeah so okay and I did get messages from you know members of our committee Dr dler and other members Erica um just and other members just saying that you know they they know that we worked really hard on it and they were sorry to see that it didn't happen but hopefully it will happen again in the future right so thank you and I'm just going to skip around um because I want to get to one other thing before Dr dler leaves we have um respect week speakers coming up we have Dr Kelly Moore for the parent Academy on October second and her the title of her program is decisionmaking and anxiety how to recognize early signs and symptoms and help children successfully navigate and that program is at 6:30 and Dr dler shared with me a flyer Dr would you like to say something about that yeah I was just going to say that we'll be sending out in we've already sent out um to our families the brochure for the whole year of our parenty this week we'll send specifically um more information just on this speaker and our first one of the year um there will be a registration and uh we're holding it in our auxiliary gym at 6:30 p.m. we're excited and I can report out to this group next month how it goes but you're welcome to um join us I'll forward you have the flyer but if you want to forward to everybody um the registration that goes out this week I can have it forwarded to you all as well as a member of this community you want to see it in action okay we're excited and thank you thank you it's a nice way to kick off it's a nice way to kick off the year I think it's a really important topic and I look forward to hearing what the rest of your topics are thank you and I know that you have to head out I appre appreciate you being here today thank you and and Robert hackinson is going to be speaking for um the students on the same day there are three assemblies a kat2 assembly promoting kindness and bullying prevention um and three to five let's talk about respect promoting kindness and bullying Provo and preventing bullying and six to8 assembly is alcohol and drug awareness in middle school and how to make safe decisions in tough situations thank you for supporting that sponsoring them do you want me to take those shirts now yes and I'll drop the banner off to um to the front office okay thank you very much and I just thought of something Sasha can you help me um this was going to go on the The Pavilion um on the front of the tent I know and you didn't see the banner either thank you okay so let's go back on the agenda to the budget you have two budgets in front of you if we can just refer to the budget that has in the upper leftand corner August 28th it's a one-page budget and I just want to review what our upcoming expenditures are so far we we have different categories we have student education and Outreach we have the municipal um mental health pandemic support we have parent the parent category parent Outreach and we have the the community community outreach and so in addition to the expenses that are here we still have the jamfest game truck which is $180 we have Robert hackinson um hackinson who's the student speaker for cranberry school and that balance is $5,495 we have the Teen Mental Health First Aid that we're going to be paying $88,000 and we have some gifts for Red Ribbon Week and possibly Halloween so those are some added expenditures that we have coming up and if we can look at the the budget with the letter every year we have to decide what we want to do with our budget for the following year and if we just take a look at this we have the second page the areas where we have our funding breaks down into student education and Outreach mental health supports parent Outreach and ipal Alliance community outreach so in the student education Outreach uh this this year we have 4,875 for the parent uh for the mental health support we have 8,000 and that's the Teen Mental Health first aid for the parent Outreach we have 2713 and that's for parent programs and then community outreach is different things that we pay for the health and wellness Fair different programs that we do so I do not foresee that we're going to need any additional money for next year if we have the same funding if we have the same programs moving forward and we have to decide whether or not we want to request additional funding so it is my recommendation since we have to discuss this and I had the choice to discuss it either this month or next next month it's my recommendation that um we just keep the budget the way it is and we do not request any additional money at this time and then I'll open that up to discussion I know Dr elbadawi is working on a grant for us I don't know what that would mean in terms of our budget but it may impact our budget as far as not needing 8,000 next year but then the following year you know if we lost that I don't know if we'd be able to get it back so I don't know how that would impact the budget so any discussion or questions about the budget for next year just if if I agree with you there's no need to raise it if everything you had this year worked and and we plan on kind of continuing with the mission next year with the same ideas and keep it the same I see any reason though well we did have enough money actually we have a little extra because we did not use all the funding that um we allotted for the health and wellness Fair since there were other things we were going to contribute so we did not use all the money that we had and that was one of the reasons why okay any other questions would anybody like to make a motion I know that we have to do a roll call vote but do we still do a motion okay would anybody like to see you know your stuff Scout you're so good would anybody like to make a motion to um approve the budget next year to be the same as it is this year I'll make a motion would anybody like to second the motion second the motion Diane all in favor you should roll all in favor roll call when it has to deal with money we should keep it clean do roll call absolutely all right um Miss Schulman yes Miss charwin yes Miss benov yes Dr dler is excused Miss Stanley yes Mr Patel is excused Chief Owens yes Miss Kaplan is excused Mr Kumar yes missett is absent and Miss Weinstein yes all right that's unanimous thank you okay thank you so the budget will be the same for next year as it is this year thank you everyone okay I want to go pop back to all business the PHS picnic was a success Sasha and I went we um had we brought over 35 platters from Mr subs and the cost was $1,820 and I have some pictures that I'll pass around the students really enjoyed the sandwiches they were very hungry after their morning of hard work at their orientation Sasha would you like to share anything um and I mean you know it was fun to you know feed the kids and not kids teenagers and yeah they look so excited and it was very it was a lot of fun yeah and to also work with the other parents from the PTO PHS PTO that was a lot of fun it's a good time and on a personal level for me I got to see a lot of the students um and that was really nice and I was so happy to see them and they were so so sweet and so nice and happy to see me too so that was a really great thing okay so uh Teen Mental Health First Aid Ria is our contact person for that okay um so over in June I sent an email to those involved we had a we had a meeting to follow up on what we did um which we we taught it last spring it was pretty intense but it worked out I think we did a great job I think we had a lot of good feedback so we met um with those involved some of the administration and uh they wanted to have us back for this year so um I'm still trying to schedule it because I sent an email in June and of course everybody was gone by then or going and leaving and then I I reached out back in August as well so I know I had to let the first couple of weeks go by and I'll I'll send I'll reach out again to try to just get a schedule together because it's pretty I I think they're supposed to change their scheduling this year I don't know if you guys know anything about that but um it would we have to teach the class every you can't teach it two consecutive days it has to be like 45 30 to 45 minutes per class and you have to do six classes per per six sessions per group of kids so I think there were 14 or 16 groups of children students classes and that we had to go back so think about it 16 time six um and that's fine for us we were able to do it with we have four five staff members that just rotated um so hopefully this year it'll it'll be streamlined because we had to fit it in with their fizzed class or something or health class so I'll let youall keep you posted as to when that will be scheduled we would love to have it beginning of the year because at that time the time of the year that we did it the kids are just like done already but we did get some comments some comments were that you know they've they would have liked to hear this when they were younger so this was 10th grade but that's the first year it begins right well no we can we can teach it in 8th grade oh yeah the same the same thing you can teach in E grade oh was under the impression that it it was developmentally appropriate for 10th grade and up well no we could teach it in earlier grades it's just that that's what I mean you had done that last I mean that the school had done it with 10th graders but previously right um but that you know that speaks we got some comment so that speaks to what you know they're going through they've already they've already listened to the bullying stuff so that part that was fine but some of the other stuff like kids are already doing drugs and at that age so right so we did talk about that in the debrief and we they I think we talked about doing like an assembly like a one- day talk to to the grade whether it's ninth or eth um just to go through some like maybe an overview of what we we do end up teaching I think that would be a great idea to do if there's some way to do maybe a mini program in the th grade as as a a prep before they get it the full program in the 10th grade and then also an introduction in the eth grade yeah yeah we would love to do that and to the parents as well we offer the the F Mental Health First Aid to to the community in several places uh we could even offer maybe in the parent Academy I was thinking that could be an overview because the full class is like a full day like eight seven hours or something yeah okay I think we should put this on a future agenda sure so we can hash out how we can how we can Implement that I think that would be a great thing to do sure now one of the things I I was wondering about I know the first year that we did it there were students absent because of um last period if there was a class they had to leave early for sports and then the makeups um didn't necessarily always coincide with students Avail availability yeah we talked about that we also talked about um a there was a language barrier we don't we didn't have translators we did have um there were some Spanish speaking students so we did have the forms they had to fill out in Spanish um so we talked about how to navigate through that and one of the recommendations was through the N ESL class to give it to to that class but as far as the absentee uh with that you know the ABS absenteeism you know we we brainstormed about it there's just it's a really hard thing because you can't because one child might be absent for class two and another might be absent for class four it's very different material I don't know how to get around that but we do review so for every class we review what we've done and then at the end it's sort of like just the culmination of everything and we ask questions so okay I think it's a build built in that way just in case there are kids absent I'm really proud of that program I'm I'm so happy that you're doing it and it's being done by you your director the assistant director I I mean we're very fortunate that we have such qualified you know wonderful people who really care about kids delivering the information well thank you yeah it's one of the ones that are you know near and dear to our hearts really yes so thank you question your speaker oh sorry can you just clarify what you meant by doing it through the ESL program so some of the students um they go to a special ESL class right so for this class it was I think their health or fizzed I think it was fizzed so everybody's together and on those classes so instead for some of those those kids we provide it through their they they meet I guess at at an ESL class so we give it during that time okay they that's what the the administration was talking about we I mean I wasn't too familiar with how they those kids meet okay and actually I don't know if this is completely out of term but I'm bilingual Spanish and would be more than happy to I'm not a a professional licensed translator but I'd be more than happy to serve as a translator for that program you needed I would really enjoy that actually so and I'm a licensed social worker so I oh wow should be able to okay put it all together all right I'll note that definitely be comfortable with the material and would be able to be a translator it would be fun that would be what I've done most of my career so oh great thank you thank you Diane I have one more question now in order for us to use our funding from this year for the team Mental Health First Aid we have to have the introduction in December yes so or prior to or prior yes yes that's one of the things that we talked about as well okay so we were going to do that again in late November or December okay excellent so they've had some staffing changes so or additions I think they have a new assistant uh principal so they've been added to the email that I sent them to try to just get a date it's hard to get all those people together for just to talk right um but yeah we're aware that we have to have that prior prior to next year okay okay last year Sasha you helped with the connecting piece between penm and Princeton High School is um would it help if you had a liazon who knows the well some of the staff um I mean I'm more than happy to help um but I think you already now have an you know close relationship with them yeah I mean we still with Brian ran is really just the key person yeah so I you know I reach out to him and he um and then there's a whole bunch of other people on that I guess they just need to come to an agreement of when to offer the class that's the hardest and to schedule it that was but they were really good I mean they gave us parking passes badges so we didn't have to stop in every single time we had the same instructors um but it was nice it was the same room every time we went in we had it set up because we have PowerPoint that was really easy they said they might not be able to do that again if we change the time because wrestling was in that bat room where we were so it's it's logistical challenge right for them but we're ready to come whenever so okay so well now that school started you know they'll all be together in the same building so hopefully they can get together and talk about it and get back to you and put something on this schedule yeah I was glad we were able to meet in person before they they left and so we have a whole list of things that we were going to address for this year okay great thank you so much Ria okay just one other thing um we already talked about the fall respect week speakers but I have a question for you Scout I put in all the paperwork needed for um for these presenters to get paid would I be able to have a check to present to them on the day of the program I have a Dr Moore's check already locked in the filing cabinet and um I believe the hackinson one is on this upcoming bills list so once I have it I believe the next TC meeting is this upcoming Monday so I'll have it on Tuesday okay perfect I'll come by and pick it up because I'm planning on going to those programs thank you okay so we will go to world um mental health day and that is Wednesday well actually it is October the 10th that's National World mental health day and we had talked about having it at the same time that the mayor's Wellness committee has their live life well van at the library and that's on September 25th from 10 to 1 and what they do with the live life well van is they'll have flu vaccines blood pressure checks blood sugar and nutrition information and I thought since it's at the library and there's already going to be an audience I would like to set up some Mental Health Resources we did that last year and Diane was our representative to display some of that information so I'd like we talked about that and we thought that it would be a good idea to do that so would anybody like to volunteer with with me on Wednesday September 25th to I know that the teachers the school people and and our our people who work are not available but is there anybody else available who might want to volunteer to come from 10 to one or part of the time to sit at our mental health table what day is it again it's Wednesday September 25th so it's next Wednesday sure I could help um maybe a couple of hours okay okay thank you all right so I'll put you down Sasha that would be great and I have all the materials okay so any yes can I just say oh is pen Med going to them well that day we have um at the library we have a nutritionist um speaking on brain health nutrition for brain health at one o' oh isn't that perfect one to two oh you can direct everybody to go to that is there a flyer yeah is there a flyer that I can give give out at the table I think the library may have a flyer I can ask okay so let me ask about that and are there any uh resources that that you would want to share or do you want to have a representative there year we did have someone it it was just not that well attended for us so yeah so I don't don't know if we'll be able to do that again this year okay but I can at least give out the we can have our flyers for our Mental Health First State classes okay that's and our self-defense classes which yes you have a self-defense class coming up I wanted to do that but we have it coming up on October 5th it starts at the library and I think it's four four weeks okay and that actually only has three people enrolled if we don't get 10 people it may be canc you have to attend all of them right yes okay yes okay so what's that every Saturday yeah it's Saturdays from uh I think it's 10 10 to one it's a great class Sasha you took it right yeah I did I did it with my daughter it really is very worthwhile it's a great class and there's ahead it's 10 to one 10 to one okay excellent and then there's also chair yoga class coming up at the library we have our free uh free yoga week coming actually it's this week what am I saying when is it tomorrow um no you're teaching the class right I'm teaching it yes so I see I say I think because I had a a little paper for yes it's um Thursday 10:30 okay I I don't know how many people registered so if you're available on Thursday 10:30 Ria is teaching a chair yoga class yeah and I attended your class last year and it was wonderful thanks do you have a prep then Erica okay thank you so red ribbon we're going to move on anything else about um the world mental health day mayor elwi did you want to say anything about the live life well van okay good okay great yes because it's part of it was organized by the mayor's Wellness committee okay excellent okay Red Ribbon Week Red Ribbon Week and this is where my reps are going to be involved our Red Ribbon Week is October 23rd to the 31st and every year there's a different theme and this year the theme is life is a movie is a movie film is life is a movie film drug and Red Ribbon Week is bringing out awareness in schools all all throughout the country about the importance of Substance Abuse Prevention and the school counsellors plan a buddy class activity for students and they talk about different things they've done in the past other things you can do instead of drugs and uh different activities so whatever they decide to do but we have contributed gifts to the students and I just wanted to propose some gifts that we may consider to give out to the students um during that week so since the theme is life is a movie film drug free last year we gave out we gave out bookmarks and on the back of the bookmark there was a pledge to remain drug free where you sign your name and you write the date then there is a Red Ribbon Week life is a movie film drug free sticker and then there's a pencil with the same theme so we can go with the same thing that we did last year or if you'd like to switch it up this year we can get a bracelet a silicone bracelet which says life is a movie film drug free so those are the two options and I'm going to ask you since you have a student council meeting this week to ask the students which they would prefer but I guess I'm I'm jumping ahead I have to see if the committee would um approve these expenditures before we decide whether we want to go ahead and offer that to the students the cost would be uh for those it it varies depending on whe whether we get the bracelet as one short choice or the bookmark pencil and sticker as another Choice it would cost for all of the students in the school to receive this between $350 and $400 so I just wanted to put it out there I know we have to have a roll call vote but what does everybody think about providing these gifts to the students with a drug-free message for Red Ribbon Week I like that idea something useful like a pencil you know um I mean they'll just keep it they're not you know have it around for a while maybe you know I feel like once to know I still run into a pencil that my kids got in Granary school and something drug free message and they don't go bad it's like seven eight years old they just don't go bad okay guys guys you want to come up press the speaker and we'll get your input or does anybody else have any um any okay so what do you think about the idea of these gifts since it's being something there something that's sponsored by the cranberry Municipal Alliance do you think the students would like pencils bookmark stickers or a bracelet I think that they probably like the pencil and bookmark sticker more because I guess a pencil and a bookmark people might use more than a bracelet people typically don't really wear those that much some people do but most people don't so I think it'll be more useful if we got the pencil and bookmark and sticker because people might use that more okay thank you Zach and arav and Kyle what do you think uh I kind of agree with that but I we would also have to take it into the meeting on Thursday okay Kyle what do you think uh I I agree with both of them but we also have yeah um take it to the meeting okay ask them okay so you like the idea of getting a gift for the students you all are in agreement about Which choice that you like the pencil sticker and bookmark versus the bracelet and so let me put it out there the cost would be let's say up to $400 so would anybody like to make a motion to approve $400 for the gifts for Red Ribbon Week I'll make a motion Erica second I'll second it Ria roll call vote all right Miss shman yes Miss charwin yes Miss benov yes Dr dler Excuse miss Stanley yes Mr patella's Excuse Chief Owens yes Miss Kathleen's excuse Mr Kamar yes missett is absent and Miss Weinstein yes all right that's unanimous thank you okay thank you now the theme is as I mentioned life is a movie film drug free I personally uh think that that uh that's a nice slogan but it's a little vague to me um we can go with a different slogan and another choice is better things to do than drugs so I'm going to ask you to talk about two things at your minici at your student council meeting on Thursday the choice of the type of gift and the slogan that you like best okay so I have I wrote that out the two the two things to talk about and the pictures of all the items so I'm going to give that to you guys I'll also email your advisor to let her know to please put that on the agenda okay all right any other discussion about gifts okay now while you're up there um I am going to to talk about Halloween now last year at Halloween we did give out a a a gift to students trick-or-treating and it was a package of sorties three sorties in a package and it said sorties choose to Be Drug Free and on the other side of the card it said 25 things to do instead of drugs and it's how much is it it's 20 for a package of 100 it's 2339 and um Angelie Joshy lives on Main Street she's no longer on our committee but she would be willing to give out these um drug free message items on Halloween so I wanted to throw that out to the committee would you like to see it first of all what do you think of this our student Representatives Arnav Kyle and Zach what do you think about this um I think this could be a good thing um I guess I could probably get the message across you know people like candy though I guess again with most things would have to take it to student council first probably okay well this we can probably decide among our committee here but I wanted to get your opinion about it I guess might be good to get the student opinion too okay yes definitely get the student opinion because I don't have to order that right away I could I do have to order the other items so I need to know on Thursday from your advisor which gift you choose and which theme you choose but this you can well you can she can also email me that about the students opinion okay so uh let me ask the committee what do you think about the candy and the message about 25 things to do instead of drugs sorry we did we did this last year Joy yes we did and who hands it out to teachers or no Angelie on Main Street I don't remember how many are you ordered maybe a hundred but do you guys remember getting them last year they they're we I don't know if they were trick-or-treating on Main Street but main hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of children especially in the Village area oh okay so um Mr Patel Mr Kumar idea and I support you support that okay uh any other comments about that okay so if we how many would we want to get they come in a pack of 100 for 2339 hundreds and hundreds of students trick or treat on Main Street yeah I mean we should definitely get it and maybe we could ask Angelie like did she ran out last year she did oh so and you only got two packs I'm not sure exactly how much we got at least one a pack of a 100 oh more than that then it's only 2339 cheap how many packs three four four say five five packs five okay so that is what um 500 well for five packs it would be more like 125 okay okay would anybody like to make a motion I I motion okay would anybody like to Second it I second it okay roll call vote for five packages of Smarties all right uh Miss Schulman yes Miss charwin yes Miss benov yes Dr dler excused Miss Stanley yes Mr Pella is excused Chief Owens yes Miss kathin is excused Mr Kumar yes Miss shett is absent and Miss Weinstein yes thank you that's unanimous okay thank you and we we we want to hear the opinion of the students as well okay and also find out if any students got them on Main Street during Halloween okay thank you and since you're up here uh there's one more thing last year the student reps participated in a middle school PSA contest a public service contest and they created a 30- second public service announcement video with a message about the dangers of substance use and misuse and it um they decided to do it among the three of them and it could also be open to anybody in the fifth through eth grade and if you win you can win $1,000 for your school and the deadline is not until like March so I wanted you to also discuss this with the student council if the student if the people if we if cr r were to win would the students who made the video get anything for themselves a lot of recognition and other thing $1,000 for the school here you go here you go this is one for each of you to discuss with the student council okay thank you very much okay so we'll we'll move on I can find my [Applause] agenda thank you Arnav Kyle and Zach you had a lot to do today for your first meeting right okay so moving on we talked about Red Ribbon Week we talked about Halloween uh learning service webinars knockout opioid abuse partnership for a drug-free New Jersey there are programs every month and the uh P programs are always available and Scout could we put the the website in the minutes in case anybody wants to look at any past programs I do look at the um watch some of the programs and there was one this summer called empowering parents in prevention and recover recing in prevention and recovery and it's a really good program and some key takeaway points from that program is drug use and overdose is prevalent in the ad adolescent population in fact it's the third largest it's the third leing leading cause of death under 19 drug use and overdose you um they they talked about the importance of screening by the pr pediatrician every year or the primary care provider and how to encourage parents to talk to their children how to talk to their children to be alert for war warning signs that was one part of the program and the second part of the program was the importance of securing medications especially when you have visitors coming over for grandparents and just in general how to secure your medications so um that was in the summer and you can still view that even though it's a past program so I would encourage anybody who wants to watch that it's I think it's valuable and then two coming up and we'll have the website for that as well building resiliency among healthc Care Professionals on November 14th and the opioid crisis where we stand as 2024 concludes and that was December 12th and then our new business we have the third grade a coloring and activity booklets that are available to be ordered and Erica used them and the health teachers used them last year Erica said she's not a third grade health teacher this year but it was okay to order them and have them sent to you so you can ask the health teachers if they'd like to give them out okay and the we used there used to be a fourth grade folder contest now it's different it's a bookmark contest I guess maybe these were too expensive because they sent these out to you know schools all throughout the state so there's a bookmark contest and I just wanted to ask everybody what you thought about the possibility of this um School participating yes the school participating in the bookmar contest the deadline is December 13th last year Stacy cranage the health teacher the art teacher she did have the students participate in the folder contest and she submitted a bunch of them so do you think we should go ahead and ask if the school would be interested in doing the bookmar contest what are your thoughts about that um I think that's a great idea I think our kids love competition they love getting involved um and I know the folders were really well received with the kids um and so this is just like a new thing for them and I think that they would enjoy it okay now if they give out folders from the winners last year or bookmarks is it okay if I send those to you and you can give them out to the fourth grade yeah definitely okay thank you all right so I'm just going to pass this along to you would you be able to give this to Stacy and I'll also send her an email thank you Stacy's the or teacher okay I think that we talked about everything on the agenda does anybody see if I missed anything any discussion anything else we need to discuss any ideas okay I I just wanted to say I'd like to try to say this um oh um before I say that uh public comment no there's no one for public comment okay then I'd like to say at the end of every meeting about the 988 number if anybody has a mental health concern or uh um substance abuse concern you can call the 988 hotline Okay so I would um like to thank all of our wonderful members Mish Erica Ria Chief Owens Scout Sasha Diane our wonderful student members arnab Kyle and Zach for all of you being here today and contributing your thoughts to this meeting and now I would like to make a motion to adjourn would anybody like to make that motion motion to adjourn the meeting Ria Ria thank you would anybody like to second the motion second second the motion okay that our meeting is adjourned thank you everybody oh do we need a roll call