##VIDEO ID:VXASB2E86zU## ready I'd like to call the meeting to order for October 14th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if you can Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I'm going to move on to the open public meeting statement pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meaning was sent to the cranberry press Trent times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 post on the township website and send to those who requested a copy of this notice we'll move on to roll call Mr fron here Mrs can you barely here Dr Rogers here Mr Scott is abson and may bway here thank you thank you all welcome everybody it feels like we haven't seen each other in a long time so it's good to see everyone um we have any changes to our agenda or additions yes we're going to be adding to the consent agenda resolution number 10-24 d97 and then there'll be an appointment to the Zoning Board of adjustment excellent thank you um we'll pass it when we get to there all right uh I hope everybody has had a chance to look at the township uh committee minutes from September 23rd it's was a long time ago I would like to entertain a motion I'm happy to move the minutes of September 23rd second thank you we're going to move on to roll call Mr fonte well yes Mrs kirstein Dr Rogers yes uh Mr SK absent and mayor viaway yes thank you every thank you very much we are moving nice and fast uh we are up to reports my friends who would like to go first today happy too want to um I have a quick report so I have two committees to report out on planning board and the library um and a couple interconnected bits here so the planning board um first off I'll start with that one because it was the most recent we met on Thursday um the applications are going through swimmingly but the the one thing that became a two-hour discussion was the HPC Amendment and um essentially if you remember the HPC amendment was an amendment to the master plan so the goal was to to originate at the planning board and it included a couple things it included the abolishment of the buffer zone that was that fuzzy 200 foot B border around the the properties and but it it actually got rid of the 200 foot buffer zone and changed to defined properties that make up the zone and the the goal was that it took 85 properties off out of the buffer zone it it moved something like 11 into the Zone but things could still be non-contributing or contributing and I think the the the planning board understood the concept they supported the the removal of the buffer zone they got hung up on the fact that the amendment was approving specific properties and they kept asking questions about for sort of consistency about includ why things were included or not included and they got hung up on that to the point where they couldn't um they didn't feel comfortable approving an amendment that had the specific numbers in there so they acknowledg and that the good work of the HPC but they did want to ask the the expert to come to the next planning board to to testify so I think um between Jennifer and Rob and they'll make sure they come back to the next meeting but I think fundamentally there wasn't much discussed about the amendment the wording of the amendment it was more about the concept and the principles of the amendment um so I think I'm I'm being a little bit more descripted than I would normally because this is going to go back and forth between this this amendment is going to get approved with the planning board and then it triggers a change to our ordinance that would originate in this committee which would then go to the planning board for consistency review and then back here for approval so that's kind of it's a it's sort of a it's seems like it's a five meeting sequence that has to happen and so I think by virtue of missing the October meeting or not being able to make a decision we may have bumped it into next year um we're still working on whether that's the chain of events but it may have bumped into next year but essentially I think they just wanted a little bit more Comfort Comfort on the definitions and reasons for um how things were included I I'll pause there any questions on that no but I just want wanted to add just that piece that I think for us as TC members it's really important for us to get um a little bit more educated on exactly what is going on what's being asked what are the questions that are holding the planning board up um HPC had a nice meeting and we could watch that I think we I found it beneficial to watch it I saw you were there um yeah the planning board would be a very long meeting to watch also but uh at least the HPC meeting would be beneficial hopefully my summary um adequately captured so the concerns yeah I watched it on YouTube so yeah um and I was I was going back and forth between getting frustrated that that that there was sort of questioning another committee's good work but I also acknowledge that they weren't just approving approving the wording of the amendment they were approving specific properties and they felt like if that were the case they really wanted to be comfortable with why I was included or not so um there was I think all the data is available I think it's a little bit of just kind of packaging it up and make and processing it for the members so that they can um get ready for that because I think they hadn't been prepared for that much of a that complicated of a dynamic on that so but good discussion and everybody's trying to do the right thing so before any questions about planning before before I move on um the other the other update is the library board which is at the same time as the planning board so I couldn't could not attend but I got an update and the biggest thing is that um the parks and recs commission you know they have the funding for the chess tables they actually had I don't at the last parks and record meeting I don't know the the Genesis of the discussion but they actually suggested what if the what if the chest tables would go in the open space by the library and so they took the action to reach out to the library the library board disgusted at the at their board meeting they're fully in support of it um they want it to be out in the in the yard I think north of the um north of the building and so they're very supportive it it actually I I think it actually fits better because they have chess sets that you can check out and that sets up a nice you know and also you can go read a book outside on that so there would be the patio it's the movable furniture and then this would be the fixed Furniture somewhere out in the space that would not interfere with any of the uh the passive Recreation so um I think that's kind of going back and forth between the the parks and Rex and library but it seems like both parties are lamentable to that so I have a I have a question on that is that that's Township land or is that that is Township land so would we have to approve it ultimately where it's located I think so yeah we have approved I mean we've we've approved this body approved the location in Heritage Park so we would need to just approve a a change to that so will we be told where it's being located before we approve it we can we certainly can I'd like that requested thank you yeah yeah it's just like open space and open space is so precious that we don't want to be sticking it anywhere yeah I think goal is not to make it too close to the patio behind the library but to tuck it somewhere between either the the rain Garden or out the north side of the property but it's not to be way out in the open space I'm just curious yeah how the Escape you know the overall opencape would look yeah absolutely okay thanks good um and just the the last thing is sort of the library is still pursuing solar panels um their goal was to go to a state approved vendor and not have to go out for bid no state approved vendor has gotten back to them so um Aaron has advised them that there's a new batch coming in 2025 and so they're going to look at the new batch see if anybody is interested in 2025 if not they will then go out to a bid process so it's you know I wouldn't normally think the vendor list changes much but I think with solar there's a lot changing so perhaps there will be new vendors that'll be anxious to to do a state project early in the first quarter and they do change and we have the same situation with at the firehouse how many years have we been trying to get that done we couldn't get quotes from the state vendors we finally did they were grossly overpriced um we were going to actually do a bid spec and I said to Aaron let's just look one more time on the state it'll just be so much easier and there was a whole new round of vendors and we found one and they're within you know the amount of money we have so it does happen so maybe it will with the solar for next year so so it sounds like we've slipped outside of the window where um we'll be able to do that this year so um so that's it any questions for me I do with the parks and Rex Wednesday that's the only other update I have good I'm just really excited uh that we have boards and commissions entities in town sort of collaborating collaborating and understanding what the goal of a project is and then taking a different look at it and the chess tables is exactly a perfect um example of that and I don't know if you guys remember but I've always been a fan of it going the location being by the library they have a chess club they have pieces um just makes a lot of sense so thank you for that yep um any questions for Michael anybody else like to Sure mine's mine's fast mine's oh mine's quick uh none of my boards and commissions Matt um um I'm looking forward to the mayor's walk tomorrow with the school um mayor's walk to school uh is tomorrow and um that's it okay oh and the EC meeting is next Monday the 21st excellent thank you go ahead Lisa questions have fun walking okay okay um I attended the special meeting of October 1st that uh the mayor is referring to uh for the HBC it was a public hearing on the removal of the district buffer which if anyone needs a copy I have the map and the proposal here um I wanted to say a special thank you to chair sumeer on Fielding a lot of questions from residents and creating a great presentation we heard from a lot of residents on their questions and their opinions of the change specifically if you're a non-contributing home there was a lot of discussion around that and I just want to remind everyone that all of our committees and boards are made up of generous volunteer committee so when making public comment just remember to be kind um HBC sent their recommendations as um Michael said to the planning board for consideration we encourage those same residents to attend the planning board meeting if they needed further Clarity on a topic on October 10th um where this topic was on the agenda uh and I watched via YouTube and the HBC October 15th meeting is cancelled uh chips so much going on um The Tavern tidbits on the 21st of September at the Cranberry Inn as well as a historic Tour on September 28th went off without a hitch I had a few friends homes that were on the tour and some residents that um attended the tour uh it was a great day besides the rain so again a special thank you to the homeowners for opening their homes and some muddy shoes uh into their homes so thank you to them upcoming events the cranber museum has a new exhibit um which is recognizing Albert Einstein and his contributions to um end uh racism so that's a really cool thing happening again they're open from uh Sundays one it's at 1:30 on October 20th is this first one um historic family board game night is going to be held at the library and that's on November 21st from 5: to 8 um and then the date change for the wasle instead of the 7th it's going to be the 14th of December there's four homes in the Shadow Oaks area I have already purchased my ticket and they're selling super fast there's only 20 left I think and that was this afternoon so uh all of this information can be found on cranberry his.org and then October zoning October 9th Z zoning meeting just saw a resolution for a new nail spa on Maplewood Avenue the Red Barn was approved and went through and then I would just like to thank the committee for their well wishes for um the passing of my mother-in-law as well as I really want to thank the parks and wreck committee for stepping up in Adam's absence on the game The Day of the historic baseball game everybody on that committee we just are very grateful and everybody pitched in in a very last minute effort to make that I heard it was awesome we were getting pictures sent all day so I'm really glad that that event uh happened and that's all I got any questions I just think that the historic um preservation committee is just really important to people to realize that um you know it's a volunteer and people can become members of that too so I just want to put an all yeah fundraising yeah exactly okay thanks thank you and thank you for making it here despite having such challenges as well yeah know very very very much appreciated um I will share any questions for Lisa or can I go excellent okay so I just wanted to start out today with uh recognizing that the southern part of our country is undergoing ridiculously you know tragic floods and um our hearts go out to the people um I really hope the weather takes a turn and that things improve on that end but yes North Carolina Florida I have family there as well it's just it's really really ugly um I wanted to share a greeting for those that uh were obser observing rashishana and yam kipur very recently um we today a lot of people either took a half day or took a day off or like we did not do either we are certainly here National indigenous people day today and I wanted um to share that it's also fire prevention month as well as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this year we had the brownies help us recognize uh Breast Cancer Awareness Month by tying the pink ribbons on the trees I don't know if you noticed them coming out of town hall and um through portion of Main Street so thank you to Dela George and her brownies they made a really nice day out of that event so well done um Can can I wanted to share some of the voting information because Debbie was so good to to make that very um clear for us October 15 is the deadline for voter registration and that marks 21 days prior to the election yes that is tomorrow and but you'd be surprised how many people Michael up until the last minute um especially some of the younger kids who decide suddenly that they want to be able to to vote um and the early voting period is October 26th to November 3rd there is no early voting to be held in Cranberry the location that we seem to be sharing is the Monroe library for the early voting am I correct um we have the list on there middle sex either there or South Brunswick or the nearest okay okay so the details will be on um on your page on the township website so just one like you have to do it within the county yes okay one of the location anywhere yep there should be 10 I believe there's 10 locations throughout the county that people could go yes just clarify that same with mail name ballot should only be brought to um any uh ballot drop boxes within the county the county great thank you I will say too the early voting feels very much like going to the basement here you walk in you register you go to a machine just like you would here but you get it done a week you get it done a week in advance so yeah it's usually smoother evidently yeah but we are holding in person voting here as well despite the parking and the construction all of that will be managed and uh we look forward to a a smooth voting season um yes uh Michael thank you for the report on the planning board I really don't have anything else to add to that um I did wanted I would like people to sort of beef up some of their knowledge on what went on because it that that will be a decision that lies that comes back to us and Barbara was so good to mention the mayor's walk October 15th and that is through keep middle sex moving correct and they're going to be doing a presentation at the school later on that day so I hope to see a bunch of students with us tomorrow anybody here able to join us tomorrow morning time 8 we typically we typically meet at the firehouse at 8:00 a.m. and we walk to school in a group excellent uh any questions for me I really didn't have much to report the only just mentioned that keep middle sex moving um does these School uh what are they called um presentations and it's on um pedestrian and uh biking safety yes which is really terrific for the Next Generation fabulous moving right along we have no subcommittees department heads we have our Chief Financial Officer today with our best practices thank you Denise sure uh best practices is done every year it's mandatory by the state um there's multiple questions it grows every year a majority of the questions are unscored meaning they're survey questions and they're on topics that the state is trying to gather information from all the different municipalities and since this is mandatory that's their way of getting it um the questions that are scored determine what percentage of our energy receipts tax that we get we get 100% every year um because our score always exceeds what's necessary um in order to get 100% you need a 35 plus we got a 44 most of the topics um of our yes answers are core competency and those are things that include um whether you submit your financial documents on time whether you're keeping financial documents and whether they're um you know software based or believe it or not some people still do manual which is crazy um uh whether you are bonding your employees whether you're updating your personnel manual every two years which I do every two years um and then transparency of minutes and agendas making sure that they're online in a timely manner these are all important things um for transparency and for financial reporting and we score yes on all of them so happy to let you know that we will be getting 100% of our energy receipts tax again this year thank sure yeah really thank you I just want I know you always do this quickly you do this every year but I think it's it's really heartwarming just to look at that list and know that you've got the stuff covered and that the stuff that the state cares about is what they put in this survey and what they put in this best practice checklist and and you you make sure we nail everything and I know that's that's a a one on the on a score sheet but that's a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure that we're sort of being transparent and accountable and the whole process works well so thank you well it's our goal every year obviously and every day that we're here Debbie and my entire staff it's our goal to make sure that we keep Cranbury running smoothly and that you know when the state has a new regulation in place we're following it and we're up to date on everything and we do a really good job I have to say all of us yes you do yes you do so thank you I've just got a really quick question on the Personnel manual is that the one that the volunteers have to look at too or yes and then I remember that they're always updated too yes right and they're always like surprised who yes they have to sign a sheet saying that they received it as well because it's for all um supervisors department heads staff and then board volunteers yes what's that they do they continue that every reappointment so every every time they're reappointed it's not like a oneand done okay look at it I'm surprised every two years it's amazing yeah thank you any other questions for Denise or comments Denise anything else you wanted to share well thank you very much very very much um any followup items seeing none excellent we are up to our boards and commissions we have um um no appoint we have a vacancy with the environmental commission membership expiring 12312 so that is the only vacancy we have right now uh because we'll be filling one one of the vacancies tonight with this resolution that we will pass later on um no ordinances for first reading or for second reading so moving right along to the resolutions we've got a and we added item C would anybody like to move I'm happy to move consent resolution items a b and c I'll second thank you move on to roll call Mr fron yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is absent and mayor bway yes thank you it's unanimous thank you very much and that brings us up to public comment I would like to open the this portion for public comment and seeing none we will close public comment any action items for us tonight I actually didn't capture any but I do hope to see some of us at the walk tomorrow if it works out with our schedule um I'd like to move to a journ yes sir I'll second all in favor I you're