##VIDEO ID:DncNoM4C6Fk## all right this zoning board meeting is being held on September 4th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. statement of adequate notice under the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 18th 2024 of this meeting's date time and location the agenda was mailed to the Cranbury press in Trenton Times posted on the township Bolton board mail to those requesting personal notice and file with the municipal clerk roll call Mr Bon balanta here Mr Diamond here Mr Callen here Mr niss is not able to attend tonight Miss Parker here Mr Schwarz here Mr McGovern here Mr cathari Y and miss meok here thank you we have a quarum chair okay I'll make a motion to accept the minutes as is okay all right roll call for the August 7th minutes Mr Von valant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Miss Parker yes Mr Schwarz yes and Mr McGovern yes thank you motion passed first and second all second second am minutes this the resolution all right roll call for the resolution Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Miss Parker yes Mr Schwarz yes and Mr McGovern yes thank you motion passed okay great hello Miss Miller I'm Martina Bailey I'm the board attorney I'm going to sway you in first of all um which we do with all applicants and and Witnesses and so if you you'll just write raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you shall give will be the truth yes so sworn and just tell us your name please that's m i w l e r is it okay thank you please please go ahead um I do have some an exhibit that will help explain what I do if if you want me to pass that out now yes please do that and we'll mark that A1 um and I let me just say also the the proof of service and publication are in order so the board has jurisdiction thank you so we'll mark this A1 um what what would you like to call this is this a presentation maybe a um presentation of the application it's not oh there oh um I'm looking for approval to open a nail spa in Cranberry in the drill room or the 27A Maplewood and so this is yes that's right it's a D1 talk a little bit about your proposed business that you would like to put there and you know what what would be I guess hours of operation how many employees do they have cars um it's it's just me uh Wednesday through Saturday I do manicare pedicures and waxing I focus on Natural Nails um healing them helping you grow them taking care of your skin I am pretty thorough I'm a certified Master pedicurist uh so all of my products are highgrade nonone um they don't hurt the environment they're nonchemical stuff like that um I believe in in good quality service and I don't think people get that anymore you know I go up to the elbows and up to the knees you know and you get a full leg foot massage arm hand massage I'm very thorough I'm very sanitary I very educated okay and um how many customers do you see at a time about five to eight five to eight a day yeah one at a time one at a time okay and are they appointment or are they walk in appointment okay and do you have a um like a site plan or something that might show do you have parking on the property or you hoping to park on Maplewood Avenue for you and your the owner uh Mr her has agreed to let me park in the back of the building he's got the section the part of the lot he has as a parking area and he said that I can park in the back there and then the client can park up front Okay does everyone understand where she is the the barn the Red Barn well I don't know if it's a barn but it's a yeah well I was I I walked over to the property and uh even if you have even if a person parked on the road I mean one person at a time I mean it's like there's no there's when I was there there was nobody there there's never there's no one even in that area on that side of the street because towards towards 1:30 you have the cemetery uh and so there's nothing really to speak of that could cause any possible conceived traffic congestion are you a tenant in the property or are you paying rent uh I would yes is paying rent okay okay and do you have like a one-year lease or we have not discussed the lease because of the um having to get the approval oh okay okay and um I used to live like two doors down from that I was just over the years I feel like there have been other businesses in that building can you talk do you know anything about that or no but I don't know um it's just I've driven by it for years mhm and I used to work at gentle healing oh okay yeah so when the opportunity came about this summer and I saw that the space was open it just became a real a realism for me when I saw it because I want to recreate what I did there I want the spa environment I want you to come in and relax I want you to have a cup of tea I you know I don't want want you to come in and go all right how you know I gotta go you know I I want you to come in and take that break that you deserve okay you know people don't realize the stress that their hands carry their feet I just am a you know get me going on on my work and I can talk for an hour okay okay that sounds good and have you excuse me I can answer your question many years AG go sue her used to have a sewing Supply oh okay uh store in that uh I'm not sure which side it was on I think I think it was on not the side that you're going on I think it was on the other side but she did have a sewing Supply and people would just go there you know buy different types of stuff for needle work and all other kinds of uh things like that okay and wasn't there I think there was an exercise yoga there was a yo yeah it was a yoga yeah that was a oh okay it was a civil war training facility okay okay and the gentleman that is occupying the other side is an assisted stretch lab right now okay so he again is one client at a time so I don't think there would be any overload congestion wise okay okay and are you um working somewhere else now or I am not you know I uh took on this adventure in June okay okay and for various reasons it's you know I messed up and had to wait another month and now so but here we are okay okay that makes sense it's worth it um I guess I have a question um about it's always the same question does the variance travel with the property or with the owner that's always the same question we have and I always forget the answer you experiances run with the land with the land okay okay and um I guess maybe Liz if you could talk about the zoning a little bit and understanding like what is allowed what isn't allowed why is this coming in sure I'm gonna s you in real quick um do you swear or affirm that the testimony she'll give will be the truth I do so sworn thank you um so I had written a letter I guess it's dat or it is dated August 1st of 2024 um the lot in Parcels in the village Hamlet residential which is sort of uh per permits uses intended to sort of enhance and not detract from the core of the village of cranberry historic district um none of the uses really permitted our commercial uses primarily it's detached single family places of worship um you know bed and breakfast home occupations uh I should just note in 1984 there have been a history of variances on this lot so going back to 1984 um the zoning board at that time allowed half of the building to be used as an office and half of the building to be used for retail craft stores and maybe that was the sewing um store and that was you know Limited to with conditions of certain times and then in 2006 the zoning board again granted a you experience to um permit personal services like such as massage therapy and personal training um subject to certain time constraints and uh in business hours so right now what the applicant has come before you with is to so as she said that the one half is currently being used for those uses that were granted under Ed variants she is coming to to use there's two commercial spaces in the unit in the building one is with the the whatever stretching and the remainer remainder is about a 600 square foot space which she is um wanting to use for as she described the sort of manicure pedicure massage and that is personal service use that is not permitted under the zoning and isn't permitted under the previous use variances because the previous use variances were quite specific about what kind of personal services were the variants permitted um so I think I think that might be I mean that's that's sort of the lay of the land okay okay that makes sense um and those were 1984 86 anything else on that 20 2006 oh so 84 2006 yes okay okay and then nothing since correct okay um okay does anybody from the board have any questions I have a simple question what is the difference between a nail salon and a a nail spot um in my opinion it is is uh atmosphere let me ask the question maybe a different way what makes this a spa instead of a nail salon again okay again um my products are um higher quality I focus more on Natural Nails uh I I don't know I'm not a discount Salon I'm not um I don't know how to say this with I don't want to offend anyone I'm not a chop shop I take great care in service and I get to know each client individually with their needs I customize their services I get to know them it's quiet oh I wouldn't know because I've never been in the nail salon yeah well I do I do men and women manicures pedicures so come on in and see me thank you okay Steve in uh the products that you use uh I'm more accustomed to very more chemical based yes flammable things these are flamable you will see in the packet that I gave you the um the product that I use on clients is LCN and it's Ura based and most of the products that are the ingredients are on this list and they're all herbs and natural plants as for my disinfectant and my cleaning um I use biosurf and bio Sun uh it's it's non-harmful there's not like K plants it won't kill dogs it won't kill people it's you can use you can have you can touch it with your your hands so you don't have to put it in a special storage no no then I do have a question from M Len okay uh the the current 2006 of erings was just for the half and not for the whole is that right I don't I don't think so excuse me I don't think I think it was actually it expanded it amended the original use variants to permit the personal services but limited to massage and and personal training but my understanding um well that's a good question my understanding was it was for the whole building um so you know and there were a number of restrictions and condition conditions placed on that use but excuse me but that was my understanding so the applicants ask is really in compliance other than the use itself yes because really typically something such as this would be under personal services in that you know retail so like a you know hair salon that sort of a barber Taylor but because it was a used ference in 2006 the board at the time just was very strict about saying okay this is what you want to do so we're going to permit just what you want to do yeah so it it's sort of under the same umbrella of personal services but it's just an a subset of personal services that wasn't explicitly permitted in 2006 that's thank you okay any other questions on this side okay um how will you get your supplies to the to the location will you be bringing it in your car or will you have a delivery uh well I usually get all my deliveries to my home uh most of the Distributors that I deal with I they have my home address everywhere I've worked uh previously I pretty much have supplied my own stuff anyway because I'm spoiled and I'm a little bit of a snob uh so yeah I pretty much get everything delivered to my home and if I do get a UPS you know might be the Fall colors but you know it's a box like you know but nothing major um I had a question I foret what it was though oh go ahead Joe I was wondering um with the one sink and one bathroom is that enough in there for your operation I have a water uh a pipeless pedicure chair so I have a tub that I fill and Mr her and I are going to um adjust the sink in the bathroom so that it'll be able to fill my tub and it's perfect and again my products do not harm or affect the environment in any way so there's nothing that I'd be dumping or okay okay that sounds good um can you describe I guess who your neighbors are you on the left or the right is it are you up against um like Anna Drago's house or I'm sorry well I don't know if you know her um are you on the left or the right it if you're looking at it it'll be the right oh you'd be on the right okay and are you you're up against a single family house yes they're driv it's an empty okay space it's a a I think it's the the the uh driveway okay and is that the driveway that you use to go back to your there's a walkway that goes around the side of the building that goes to the back okay okay okay um I wondered if anybody from the public was here to comment on this application well I have all my supporters you have your your uh I'm going to sway you in which we do with everyone who um would like to comment just come up to the table and use a microphone and I'll do you swear or affirm that the testimony she'll give will be the truth I do thank you and and please tell us your name and spell it Mary Kim Clark c l a r k thank you I was just wondering have to every everything it's recorded it's being recorded I was wondering how many nail salons there are currently in um in the Cranberry one traces oh right right right Galleria is it a salon type where um you get special treatment you go that's the difference most of us and she does do more Richard he's a problem you don't want [Laughter] him okay anyway um I actually don't have any other questions I don't know if anybody else does oh sorry oh I apologize come on up to the mic introduce yourself do you just raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony she'll give will be the truth I do thank you and please give us your name thank you I just want to yeah what what is your address sorry ma'am panch Pine Bridge Ro thank you I just want to say a couple words on Julia's character and I've known her for 20 years more than 20 years our children went to cpns together and I known I know her to be a very hard working woman and that's all thank you thank you thank you thank you oh there's one more supporter over here it's nice to have support do you swear or affirm that the testimony you shall give will be the truth yes thank you and what is your name please my name is Suzanne Savage spelled funny sa a v i d g e g e and what is what is your address mayor um 388 n warington lanee Monroe Township thank you as a retired uh physical not quite physical education teacher the benefits of of that wasn't what I meant to say the benefits to having um comfortable feet not having uh I don't need to get graphic if you have any of those then then that's uh is very instrumental to to having a calm day a good day whether um it's from playing pickle ball or whatever so you look very serious oh I was wondering if there was another question um yes so I find that foot care is is T out to having a smile on your face he's got bad shoes your Fe he needs some massage over here okay there's Peter Miller Peter Miller thank you sir love I feel ashamed a little bit I'm her husband and I'm here to say that part of the community we're members of the cranberry Presbyterian Church you know all people in Town Georgia to diner to D you know so it's not like we're strangers here um she is and she asked the difference what's between Spa and Salon n salon's total atmosphere it's really atmosphere it's perspective where you come from you know you can go down and get the nails done and these ladies know just where we're talking about where you can go over to where Imagine The Gentle healing Wellness father that has run for years across the road over there in R that we had looked into purchasing at one time this is kind of her step she saw this opportunity to kind of Branch out and do what she loves do and she's didn't give herself credit for the education she goes all the time to school she look at her book but that's just I'm standing up for her the things she didn't say so that's why I'm here thanks I'm sorry what was your first name Peter thank you sorry can I just clarify was it the The Spar or the salon Spar is what you're proposing yes and that's what what what you described as the atmosphere that you want to create propos okay quiet I have wraps for your neck I do hot towels but the biggest difference I don't know how to explain the biggest difference is it's personal and it's it's my passion to make you you could come in and be the grumpiest person have the worst day and by the end of the night I take pride in taking that away releasing that and Steve is not offended at all but you know you come in and you can be grumpy and and by the end of it you're like okay have a great night you know it it it's just there's a difference I have friends that say they've stopped going because it's just a chore it's not an enjoyment anymore they go in all right pick your color sit down all right you're done see you and they do just this and you're done I also do reflexology so I I do way more I want to give you as close to a spa day in an hour and a half or two hours as I can and I use amazing products um I just love it and I see when I look through that window I've never been able to make a vision board I looked through the window and I saw a vision board and that's why I I have put through for three months this process and I'm not giving up and it it it is it's it's the perfect spot for me perfect size okay I have a question um so this is going to be one customer at a time right do you have any plans on hiring an employee not at the moment now that would be oh gosh three five years later no I I don't you know that would all depend later but no not right now it's just me okay I can't find anyone that does anything that I do so I'd have to train them okay so um a concern though is you know since this runs with the land the variance runs with the land that at some point in the future someone else moves into that space um I'd be concerned about opening a Salon that can take five or six people no I know you you I understand but uh I I think that might be a good thing to I think the 2000 I think this is really a request to expand the scope of the 2006 variant I think the 2006 VAR conditions limits two employes oh okay you can check that no it does it does but I think I think that's we just have to make sure it's it's um I would say per youth because because they're two separate you know I'm assuming the other side has employees as well I don't believe so I don't know about that but my impression was we are just requested to expand the existing variance I think you should look at the conditions that were placed on the 2006 and see if anything needs to be amended per right but we want to carry that forward yes do we have those conditions yes they're in my letter so um yeah so it's it's item nine on my letter for example the hours of operation I think um you testify because currently it's limited to Monday through Saturday 6: am to 8:00 pm I think you indicated that you would be able to my hours will be uh Wednesday and Friday 9 to 56 Thursday 1 to 7 and Saturday 9: to 4 okay and so the next one is the personal services she employ a maximum of two employees per use so it's two employees per use then I'm assuming that's two for the other spice and two for you um and that's something that you would be able to I don't intend on hiring anyone else at this time and this the signage that um I think you indicated in your what you handed out that whatever sign you have it'll be conforming with the zoning ordinance I um I'm waiting to hear back from the gentleman but it's going to be um a 2 feet by 8 in and it's just going to have the name on it gentle healing nail spa and my brother has my name for Christmas so I asked him to build me a sign a wooden sign so that's my intent pardon me no I'm more natural and I'm I'm not in I I like my bling don't get me wrong but it'll so we're expanding the hours no they're current which she is saying that she can operate within the hours within the hours that were stipulated in 2006 so the two employees are per side per use yes right no group classes I yeah I mean look the one question I have is maybe you already said this were you do you do people can people walk in or is it by reservation only reservation only okay and so that's critical I think because if she is successful which we hope she will be you don't want 10 people all showing up at the same time because then the parking will become an isue do 10 people at the same time people people might be willing to wait you never know so I you know that that's something that you might want to stipulate and that's another thing I want to avoid I don't like going in and you have to be told pick a color sit down and and we'll get some someone soon so so that might potenti be something you know that it would have to be reservation only or something just because right now she's uh has testified that the parking will be on Maplewood um there is parking in the rear but you know I guess you'd prefer parking on Maplewood um so that's just again you don't want a bunch of cars all of a sudden parking on Maplewood okay or the board might not want I shouldn't say right and then the signs um the size and all that I guess you know the ordinances for the sign size do Liz do you have a I don't have it on me but I I think it's 2 feet by 8 2 feet wide by 8 inches high I don't know what the ordinance is but show you'll have to go through to um the zoning officer and and can work with the zoning officer to make sure that it's compliant okay and then the last um resolution was the dumpster must conform with the requirements plan for removal right and it's a little complicated because essentially you know this is somebody who's leasing a space and we're asking them to make Capital Improvements to a a landlord's property right so um you know it sounds like it the current situation does not fully comply with it being in a trash enclosure the way we would stipulate typically MH um but I think maybe uh you know the testimony was that um you know it was like a daily you know yeah like a kitchen garbage bag a day or every other day and that it do you know how often it gets picked up um trash gets picked up I believe on Wednesdays is it a is it a roll it's a dumpster is it the rolling dumpster that everyone the residential dumpster or is it aump it's Don hers dumpster commercial dumpster okay um once a week so you know that's what I'm saying it would in my opinion be kind of a honorous to put on a you know oh you need to build a trash enclosure yeah um but but I think you know maybe there's something the board could consider um you know limiting trash in some regard you know just so it it doesn't become an issue but I you know I'm not sure with this applicant it doesn't seem like it's going to be necessary but it's just something you could think about and is that dumpster visible from the street it's not isn't it's in the back Right Wesley yeah you can see it back there but oh oh so you actually carry it across that little parking lot oh oh I know exactly where that is okay yeah I don't think we have to do anything about that yeah I don't okay and there there other things in my letter that I think are are more uh landlord problem a landlord issue than a a tenant okay you know things with like striping the parking things like that okay and and she's not even going to use the parking for her customer so it's not really an issue here okay um okay does anybody have any other questions or comments okay so a motion to approve the application I'll make a motion to approve the application okay second I'll second the motion all right roll call Mr Bon balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Miss Parker yes Mr Schwarz yes and Mr McGovern yes right motion passed oh miss m co I apologize yes thank you okay good congratulations you you passed thank you thank you um I have um one question though about opening I understand that I have to wait for October for a resolution for this meeting is there any way I could do like a soft opening you know just kind of let people know I'm there I don't know the the resolution would have to be adopted by the board okay unfortunately that's I just thought I'd ask but what I'll do is I'll I'll draft the resolution I'll send you the draft before the the October meeting um you can look it over if you have comments Etc um you can let me know I have your your email address on your application Al Alberta Rose is that a 29 29 okay loveely yeah yeah um that's what the little flyer was for um you know I didn't know I haven't been able to get with Mr her but I thought you know if I could move some of my stuff in and and just be there but I don't know if that's going to work because it is what it is and I can still put flyers around I'm coming you know no reason why you can't move stuff into the space that's between you and your landlord you just can't open and have have people coming and sort of patronizing the space right right no okay that's that's perfect that's perfect I did want to mention also I apologize so I'm the HPC administrative officer and I did consult with HPC and they saw no issue with this use you know she's not doing anything to the exterior so they weren't concerned but they don't they didn't have any issue with this use as well I apologize forgot to mention that okay thank you very sounds good good luck with your business um you want these back we don't want them I'll hold on to mine I'm let's see I'll give you this back there you go good husband okay thanks okay sounds good here here's an extra here's oh wa um does anybody have any discussion any other discussions before we close up any yeah public comment hey guys any discussions or public comments any discussion on anything else before we close the meeting okay um so a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn okay and second I'll second okay sounds good all in favor say I have a good night everybody I'm sorry