##VIDEO ID:EBwM-eQyeCE## p.m. on September 25th 2024 we are here due to Hurricane H with that commissioner Banks if you would please if you'll lead us an invitation please stand if you're able father once again we come before you to thank you thank you for you protect we that your us and keep us in your arm bless our community and bless everybody in our community act this in your son Jesus name amen to flag of the United States of America and to the stands indivisible andice all clerk we have all Commissioners here except for commissioner Burton and she have to be excused we also have um we have everybody here today wow thank you all for coming out today for this emergency meeting and we're going to um open it up with seeking approval for local state of emergency resolution you want to read any of that for your very last time need to read the resolution resolution of city of City Florida declaring a Cate of local emergency effected 3 p.m. on Wednesday September 25th 2024 I make a motion that accept the resolution 2024 second that have a proper Motion in a second do we have any discussion um I have a couple things that I think we might need to change or add okay please go okay so on page one um down towards the bottom of the page in bold where it says now therefore be it resolved and declared by Mich Meers of the city of Crescent City my question is since this is a resolution not a proclamation is it supposed to say the mayor or is this supposed to be adopted by the whole commission we can put um you can put by Michelle Myers's mayor and the city commission but isn't that or you could put the city commission however think Karen umv by I did change it okay you did she did cuz this is the no I thought I did change it okay so we'll change that to the city commission everybody if you'll note that what's your other change commissioner okay I want to make sure I I printed mine out from um see that's the only reason that's the only thing I'm asking is do do I need to be specific because I'm also the one that um Can terminate it so um will extend it or terminate it what but that's that's a different issue but we were told first this was printed up as a proclamation and then I think very properly because the charter says emergencies are by resolution should be so then so resolutions are as commissioner or said they're adopted by the whole commission but then when it gets into the other part we're giving you I think the other part's okay because we're as a group we're adopting something we're giving you the authority but um another change I have is on page two in section four and that relates to our special circumstances where unfortunately we're bidding our current city manager to buy and the inter manager does not come in until Monday but so see in the third line where it says says um the suspension of the city regulations shall be at the direction and discretion of the city manager Andor the mayor um I think after city manager we should add or the whatever it is we've designated David Frank as the second in command and Charles tells me he is referred to as the what is assistant administrative supervisor right so David so we would add manager comma or the assistant administrative supervisor or the interim city manager because during this time period either Charles will be here Mr Frank may be in charge or there there's potentially three people who will be in charge over that period of time wouldn't it be EAS his designated agent well because if he's no longer the city manager he can't designate anyone we have to say who they are but also the suspension shall be at the direction discretion of city manager and or the mayor well right but then that would put even there will be a staff person here I think we should be specific and give the authority to the staff people just list everybody Karen if you'll just list everybody I'm not sure where she's actually section four fourth line down at the beginning where it says city manager okay and then or assisted assistant administrative supervisor or city manager and I guess I would say after inter city manager as applicable you know because depending of Charles is here Charles would take care of it if David Frank is the person here he would take care of it and then when Mr brart comes on board he would be or Mr Frank um not mayor that I think you're going to go and paintt the city um what is that color blue Aqua sorry about that okay so um that was that was what I okay um and this would just be the suspension so doesn't give me any authority to pay anything I don't know you I would find I maybe I could find blue pole I don't know you never know okay do you have any other changes um to Wood no just well I mean hopefully this is done I don't know if it's in our administrative procedures but all at the end of section four um I would add actions taken under this section um should be documented and but I guess people things have to be documented any so that's that's kind of given okay all right so that's all I have um okay do we have anything else any anybody else have any other comments I'm fine with it I believe commission are you fine with it commissioner Banks okay so what we need to section city manager section designated agent is authorized to take all action necessary so just go ahead and if you would substitute all that information up there yes okay except for all those Chang the gas system bab just do it on Saturday and Sunday my 30 seconds of Glory Mr R is joking for the record for the rec we need to left this time um okay got that so I need to we need to amend our motion changes the second necessary Chang okay everybody's good with that okay Karen do a roll call do we have any comments from okay you'll do a roll call for us please commission Banks uh commission Lor I commisso I I so thank you very much may the next item we put on the agenda because the deadline for the Grant application was 30th which is Monday and with the meeting tomorrow being moved to Monday night we missed the deadline I have since found out they're extending the deadline into October however I want to get this wrapped up before Friday and so this is just a resolution authorizing uh us to apply for uh we're going to apply for a $200,000 her that Frank to make improvements to C and we already have hearing for this right the public hearing so it's not like we're rushing this or something oh no we've done everything they were ready to go actually was ready to go Yeah just they brought this resolution what resolution so so this is a resolution author authorizing submission of an application for the Florida Recreation development assistance program for de to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for State of Florida fiscal year 2025 26 okay I Mo that we accept resolution 20241 second we have a proper Motion in a second do we have any discussion any comments um my only question was what was it that we decided that we're actually going to put in the park um the main thing was the bathrooms the two side two stall bathroom um and then also a playground set one of those build down in order to get more points for the grant we put in there we would put mulch areas around the existing playground material we mulch a path around the perimeter we put lighting safety lighting um on the on the building and so we add to the 30 points necessary for the application so those are the main improvements for the bathroom and and a large play structure so then we can get rid of that Port yeah correct my understanding is initially we were talking about just doing one bathroom there but the public hearing and input they decided and that makes this is a very funds par not next fisal year but year after that when we' actually okay spend these funds people on charity Street c hous yeah ex yeah okay do we yes commissioner so um I have a question for city manager um so is there a limit to how many forap grants we can apply for at one time like this is our this is our would be our application for 2024 right correct I believe we can have two fap Grants open at one time so we could still make an application um in 2025 yes okay and what was the turnout for the the public hearing was actually on the 12th before our um Commission meeting yes okay I saw that in the rear and I guess how many people came to that we had about five or six people there okay you also met with um concern separately they had at one of their meetings they went and made a presentation to them at one of their um weekly month meetings Okay so from my perspective I this is a lot of money for a grant and um I don't have not seen what we're actually applying for these details are the first you know that I'm becoming informed of it so my preference will be um to wait and this come up on the agenda very quickly to wait until September 30th and let us at least see the underlying document or have just a brief description of what it is because I think it can be Timely submitted right even if we um decide it on the 30th because Tass is extending the deadline correct well the last I spoke with Fred Fox they intended to submit this weekend so my intention is to get in everything by Friday so they can go ahead and submit and we've had discussion about this for for some time um you know and and the history with this part and and what it means to the that you know to the community um well but we have not I I just don't feel comfortable I I don't see the specifics um I don't I don't have the specifics of it so I'm not comfortable voting on it right now okay um well I currently have a I currently have a proper Motion in a second um and do you have anything else did you want to add to it um no just that I think we should wait until we can look at Grant application it seems to me like we could timely submit it a could wait until the 30th and then you know we would have an opportunity for public comment so that's just my that's my feel um and just because we put in for the grant we don't have to accept the grant correct if we decide not to so if we do get if we do if we are presented with this grant that doesn't mean we have to accept the grant we'll have plenty of time I believe at that time to also tweak it and work on it that's my that's my that's my understanding that's my understanding is ready to go for it that's why we hire so with that Ken if you'll do a roll call commission Deo nission hi commission Bank and I do trust I I do I do trust FR that yeah he very good and maybe we get maybe it'll be wait for get back after after this okay we have um I know we're going to have the meeting on the 30th everything's been properly noted it will be on Saturday Saturday's paper yeah unfortunately because the timelines in order to get to the paper and then I running three times a week but um in talking to do it was sufficient and they've gone over the language for the advertisement um we've had to do ITA has had to do it and I believe kimona has had to do it also because we all were scheduled for tomorrow night to do that and just can I make a comment that so I think 12 minutes before we received an email from our city manager letting us know that the meeting was being postponed to Monday I had written to him saying um can all of these items that are on the initial part of the agenda are public hearings and if we're under a state of emergency and there's potentially hazardous weather are we really having a public hearing so the object of postponing it till Monday is to make sure that it's really a public hearing right I'm saying but I'm I'm saying this for the benefit just to get it on the record um it's not for our own convenience but it's to make sure that there's really a public hearing and that people are not deterred or unable of putting themselves in danger um because of the weather it's very awkward because it's the budget um but as you pointed out other municipalities are in the same position they are and he and I had that discussion multiple times yesterday and early this morning after the 8:30 meeting that you know to make sure that the public is protected and that it is in the public interest and if they have any input we want to make sure that they did not feel unsafe coming out to it we also need to not that these um you always in September we always had two scheduled meetings it's part of the budget process we do the county did theirs yesterday um and they finalized theirs yesterday I believe finalized theirs Monday walk was Monday as well and then the rest of us were well because we can't have on the same day right so this just unfortunate and right we're at the end of the week and that's when the storm is going to affect us I just feel fortunate we're not the position of cities and counties that are having to completely evacuate their area I mean but we we still are potentially going have an impact so here we go we will um thankfully at the 130 do you want to talk a little bit about that it has moved a little more Westerly more yeah and look like the that whole Panama appacha Pama City area Tallahasse but the span on this is they said 200 something I think it's 61 his original one was 41 and then um I haven't looked today to see what he you know St Joe I Liv up in the Panhandle and right in that area and we'll just pass P City Beach and it's a beautiful area but St Joe got hit and they still haven't recovered they come right Meto Beach got hit they just were wiped out and they still haven't recovered and that was there's nothing between years and me going be that long all we going just come in and pass it right take you do that leave car rning Monday's a few of them have few we have to do on Monday so turn the car off come on we'll have you a cup of coffee I'll have you a cup of coffee ready um another thing that i' mentioned to Charles and I I think this is how we did with um looking back um when Michael gets here on Mond we'll talk about this Monday evening but that last time when we had an interim we did not give him signing Authority and so Commissioners think about that as we go into Monday that we want to go forward with that and and do it I know Phil very we did not get him signing Authority that does put a little bit more of a burden on us that we're going to have to be available to sign checks but I think to a on the side of caution I wanted to um bring up something on on those same lines um I would would like us to also consider making the assistant administrative supervisor assignment that would be David Frank um and then um I I think it's very positive development that Mr realart is coming that he seems very capable and experienced um I got Charles you emailed me today because we have not formally received the results of the background check correct we got email saying he's clear we get yeah they don't give us his history and all of that my understanding if they don't give they don't give a breakdown of any of that that they just well um it would be helpful to me to know what the time period is and what the scope like what areas do they check was it Florida was it nationwide how far do they go back um you know to me this isn't positive thing that we're going to have an experienced person um unfortunately in social media there is circulating um information of news stories um about something negative in the background and I would like to at least know what the scope of the background check is is in terms of what databases do they check and how far back do they go and also say that walk out with bags of cash I mean so we have to be careful what we listen to and the things that are said on social media and Let's ignore those no well um it's not just social media there are people have also spoken to you about it no there are um competent journalistic reports of issues that have occurred and Mr brart was considered at some um Florida jurisdictions and not hired because of a past issue so the sheriff's office is saying it's okay but there are no it's the it's the actual journalism so you so you read the articles do you have those I don't have them no because that's can you share them us can you share them with us so that we have them simply because I'm not I don't go on that social media um other than what's told to me and I understand anything I'm not talking about social media I'm talking about journalism things that quote Mr brart it's not anything that necessarily bothers me um and I certainly like I said I don't mean this in a negative way as to him but certainly if there is information in established credential journalism um that causes people concern then to me it's better to be transparent have it up front um so that people so that we know what we're doing and people don't say well you know you're just ignoring facts that you should take account of um sure well I'll be happy to because it's not really my job to do betting we've not really had specifics on what kind of betting is being done um if if I knew that and thought there was a gap I would have made what's the what's the time period that you on that do you do you recall I don't I don't even it's been very busy three weeks for me and as you know I don't leave that online anymore but I will I will find it um I've asked Sheila to tell me find on the scope of the search okay so um but like I say the sheriff says it's okay um I I take that you know as a positive sign I feel very positive about it but um just and for Mr fart's benefit you know I think we should be make sure that we receive him you know openly and that we not do anything that would continue to Foster gossip I want I want to kind of you know nip it in the bed so to speak yeah we well we will need to do that in fact that's um it's just unfortunate I guess I'm just it's just unfortunate that anybody that tries to come in that um people just are constantly trying to find something wrong and and and I understand we need to be cautious absolutely I'm not saying that at all um I just find it very disheartening that um you know this man is making a major move in his life to come to come you know and and we're giving him an opportunity too it looks like he wants to come back to Florida exactly and um we are giving him an opportunity and you know you would hope that our community would would Embrace that and hopefully that they will I I hope that they will right but on the flip side when we when we do our due diligence and we do a background check I would rather that we get everything out in the open like when we hired the um when we hired the consultant that's one thing that they do and then you know if something looks bad but it's really not then all that's put to rest and have a benefit I think In fairness to Mr goart um Charles you're going to be speaking to him that um you know he he he needs to be able to at least share possibly and defend himself that he needs to be made aware because obviously this is going to something that's going to come up and I don't want to be blindsided by this but to me I um how I put this I don't want him to feel that he has to defend himself because I think we've made him the offer subject to the background check background check came back issues so I guess I mean conf I'm just confused because I was getting from you what I was getting from you is that well you needed more information on that if the Sheriff's Office didn't get that the only way we're going to get that is really from Mr grillart well I guess what I'm saying I'm willing to do Google Search and share with my fellow Commissioners um I don't I would hate to give Mr brart the message he has to defend himself because frankly I want to welcome him well that's what I would like yes I would like to welcome him so I think we can just leave it at that um but I would like us to be prepared to speak to anything that members of the community may bring up given that we're having a public meeting on Monday right Monday yeah I mean I just I just want to be prepared so if you guys do you have just looking up the story it appears that it um it was in 2003 that D Court was trying to hire him and it was between him and another candidate and they were talking about 19y old charges in 2003 or 14y old charges it was AO contest County so that now 21 years after that so it's 35 years ago and it's you know a felony no contest C so to me that is nothing that was 34 years ago well and in particular what I read and I think I'll just Google it I'll send it to the clerk um what I read did not as I said before it did not cause me concern because it seemed to be a health related oneoff issue okay that does not seem to be a problem so I just think that you know we should be aware so that we can support our as opposed to having um inuendo etc etc and have it I think it's being is the issue me a person in C City 35 years ago did something in all of us that we you know that we would to even discuss now why do you want to go back and dig something 35 40 years ago I was 10 um well I understand and obviously he's been employed byali right and and commissioner I I I hate to share this with you but I don't think no matter what no matter what is put out there um it's not going to stop it's not going to stop the misinformation but it's good that at least we we here feel very comfortable so thank you for bringing that to our attention and that is my intent so that we can welcome him and we can feel secure and um make as many people as possible feel secure you cannot um not everybody is going to accept our point of you but I think it will go a long way that we feel secure and supporting Mr br yeah at the end of this does say that it was linked to his type one diabetes and he planed to discuss the matter with council members if he was actually hir so I'm sure Mr BR can f we have any concerns see that's just so unfortunate that they take something like that and they blow it up and they try to hurt somebody's reputation and and you know that just I don't understand that but hey it's it's way it seems like it's the way of the world today you know it's find the bad and people not the good in city do we have anything any anything else I would just like to state that even though back on the hurricane most impending thing is even though we've had a few NE misses recently and this does keep moving to the West this is still going to be a very large storm people that are in the line areas need to be aware that eight you know 5 to 8 inches of rain if you have standing Waters if you flood this is going to be a lot of rain and it is going to be windier than normal according to the forecast so just please everybody be careful take it seriously I know we get tired of this it's hurricane fatigue but we still need to do everything that we normally do and I know the city and everyone's prepared and we'll have water I know that and you guys will make sure everybody is safe but and I thank you that for that and your hair got a good haircut all of you yeah you did noticed that earlier his ha Middleton burning will open up at 8:00 U anybody that needs shelter they will be open through tomorrow and then um sandbag itself s serve Street um if you have tets Aqua aquala Aqua I I can never yeah Aqua um anyway that's that's where the shelter is for those that need to take their pets with them oh where is it you can take aqu element aqu Elementary it's inor the way away AQ no it's OC we had we were trying to we were going back and forth with the spelling on it he had an a I had an o w give me a w give me a you um uh anyway so they're um expecting it right now now I think we'll probably see it more towards the noon time hours when we we start so everyone just you know take he be sa yes commission oh and school will be closed both Thursday and Friday right de so two things um one um so we're we're not going to have an overlap because Charles's last day is Friday correct so who specifically will be here to welcome our inter city manager is that um mayor are you going to be here I'm going to be here she will be here I'm going to me in here at 8:00 in the morning okaying to everybody okay because I would like to come by during the morning as well yeah just to make sure it go well you'll just stop in I'm introduce him to everybody and I'll drive him around um probably in the golf par I'll try to C it this weekend with my workart Charles is a little was a little embarrassed by it earlier today I think um plunger in the back I think that's um but um yeah so I'll be here I'll meet him and and make sure that he he's introduced to all the staff okay and thank you and ter will be here to help Karen will be here also and just getting you know situated um yeah okay and then um this is our last meeting I I don't want the meeting so we've got Charles your Commissioners we've got a few little things for you this is our this is our tears tears appropriate everything is that a little bit of this how they open things on TV you have to read it Difference Maker someone who can make a difference a big difference in the world with just a few words or actions an enthusiastic person who is dedicated to improving the lives of others and has the power to inspire and rally others to bring about positive change thank you for your new desk with a metal straw forget your awesome so this is your reminder awesome thank you very much a straw and a cleaner cleane well thank you very much it's been a wonderful three years and uh I'm going to keep tabs on pres City and for encourag you you have a different phone number us he's gonna have a different number yes I do hope that we have direct line kind of like Batman as we need it as we need it too much personal it's it's been um it's been great opportunity and you know I was on the commission the whole time you were city manager but I've been here and been involved in everything since your first day and I always told you this and I mean it you did the hard stuff you know you were not just taking the easy route you were taking some of the hard things on first your head on that had not been talked about or done for years and it makes difference it made a big difference and you know the employees love you and we love you and I know that you're going to be great in Tarpon um I actually talked to my brother yesterday he was there with this girlfriend walking to Sunset I'm like what are you doing in Tarpon Springs I'm like that's where Charles is going you can't go there just to be there I coincidence but well you know Preston City you took a chance on me you know my first city manager job and so I appreciate that it's difficult to make that transition from a director to a city manager and so I appreciate that I'll always be grateful for that and I'm enjoying the time here and hope I made a difference at last set the barl you have the I never seen a manager work hard you put GR I out of all my years I ain't seen another man oh it's it's an honor it's an honor this is this is a great Community um it is um it's I know for me and I can see it and Charles he has loved on this community and um you know all of us have loved on this community this is a hard job people don't realize what we do here is is this is a hard job we have to make some really hard decisions and um and they're not always the popular decisions but all of us are here because we we love this community and so Charles thank you for spreading that love around for these last three years and for leading the charge and getting us through it we have a lot of stuff to we through that needed to be done and so now it's all going to just be a piece of cake it's going to be a cake walk for us now by um but we just wish you just blessings Gore and we know that you know carpon is excited about you coming and and that's kind of what I was leading to is that you know as we get new a new a new face here someone new that's going to take a chance on us that I'd like to welcome them in the same open arms that you're getting down there where people are just excited to have you and what you and so I know I get the opportunity to get family down there so I work forward to stopping in you can also some of that here this way they have they have a post office there you're welcome to send it uh I think it's 26,000 good how many over 360 oh Lord you get5 million I just I want to say best wishes best wishes I hope I hope you really enjoy it and just are happy in this that you chose to do the best question and thank you thank you very Mo that we ADN I have a motion in a second in say power