##VIDEO ID:Mg9blOG2tYc## our regular commission meeting uh the date is September 12th 2024 uh Karen if you would do a roll call just for everybody to see who is here please commissioner Bon here commission hereo Hiers here off okay I have it written down but I had to anyway Attorney John Holmes and stank would us invation stand BR God we thank you today for your kindness and your mtit of Mery God we Contin to be pray for our Citizen and those that are adjacent and around us and pray for every commissioner that they be strong and help us make the right decisions we ask this in your son Jesus name amen of the United States of America and the stands naisy andice for all thank you everyone for being here this evening it's going to be a a long night big agenda take agenda this is Charles's he said it's his last meeting but it better not be he has one more he has one more on the 26th correct our special meeting on the 26th um for those of you that don't know Charles is um has taken a job in another community and uh we are very sad to see him go you have done a tremendous amount of work in our community and certainly made a difference and uh you've You' set the bar for others to follow and we just thank you on behalf of the commission we thank you and on behalf of the citizens we thank you thank you for my um with that Charles it's been brought to my attention that we have an item that we possibly need to go into a public hearing with we advertised on the trim notice I advertised that the public hearing would be at 6 and so our attorney's recommended if there's anyone in the audience who cannot remain uh to do it as agenda we could go ahead do it now but we do have some items that need to be approved prior to the adoption of the agenda so but if someone can't say um we would hold the the hearing now okay so I'm going to open it up to the public do we have anybody here that um is wants to speak to the budget and canot um stay raise your hand this is your opportunity okay commission um I need from um you that you're okay with this as well and possibly that we will maybe even Charles Don's not here but have a motion that we keep the agenda as as presented that okay I think that would beard that yes commission my question is is there a reason that we can't move forward the budget items that need to be considered just to make sure because I noticed the public hearing followed the presentations the CRA budget and business item I me that if the commission if that's what the commission wants to do Charles are you are you ready we can take the budget up first and then we can go into too well my my issue was the C board typically approves their budget and recommends adoption to the commission right there's several contracts that are budgeted for um want to see if you'll approve them could approve them after the fact say these have been budgeted already main thing was the CRA budget typically the board if you make any changes to that recommend approval to the full commission um but it looks like everyone's willing to say my recommendation we proceed this agend has been I that we continue on the order I'll second motion a second any F discussion all in favor please say I so with that I'm gonna start with some of the presentations and the announcements that we have um first off we've got September is kicking off a lot of events we've got the Women's Club um our Shere is not here to give me her her agenda but they have Bingo next Friday is that correct so Bingo will be next Friday Bunco is still the third Wednesday of every month starting at is it one o'clock one o'clock um they also are going to have a yard sale I believe is it the first weekend in October the second weekend October second week in October and they're looking for um some vendors it's my understanding so if you're interested in that please reach out um we've got this weekend and Angel Duke I'm GNA ask her to speak on that she'll be up in a in just a moment after we continue so I won't talk about that I'll let her talk about her event and then our Farmers Market is starting up and it will be on the 28th which is a Saturday from 9: to 2: and we're excited about that coming back a lot of people have been asking and then the yacht club is doing a rata it's called The Bear Island rata and it's going to be the 28th and 29th and it will be on Lake Crescent starting at 11 o' looks like each day so if you um want any more information on that we have a little bit of information you might want to reach out to them our Main Street um partnership uh the the downtown partnership they're having a volunteer ice cream mix and mingle and I am so sad I can't be there because ice cream is my very favorite thing um matter fact told Steve make sure tonight he bring some ice cream I'm gonna need some um but anyway they're having a volunteer ice cream mix and mingle and that will be right here at the art studio and that's set September 19th at 6:30 p.m. so it's for anyone that's wants to get involved you can be a volunteer no matter where you are you can be a volunteer in your own yard just by um taking pride and working in your own yard you can be a volunteer in the community and this is an opportunity to get involved with a downtown partnership meet people and um contribute to prent city and what's going on here so it's always a good time to go to one of those with that I'm gonna I think that's about itet oh and the historical society is meeting Thursday the 19th and that's at 4 o' and that is at the Women's Club so make sure the speaker um commissioner Lor is gonna be right the FBI inoka um so they said that should be very interesting um and I believe the library is that need the grace is that correct Nancy you said it yesterday oh so well that's good that it's back we're back good that it's back and with that um I'm going to move on to the minutes so Commissioners you have in front of you the approval of the minutes motion okay I make a motion that we approve the necessary Corrections okay second we have a motion in a second do we have any discussion um mayor I have a couple of items that I think need to be additions of questions um and specifically I'm talking about the August 8th meetings um on page five under the lean reduction items um I'm noticing it did not say the amount of the original lean um it seems to me that for what the recommendation for the 5,000 was that's on page five um there were two links and then um after on page six after we looted on the lenss um there was a commission discussion on on um how to handle um those old outstanding Lings we had discussion on that um and then that's if you go back to page five Karen I think we probably should add in there that um the magistrate reduced the lean to 5,000 Plus 25835 administ well he suggested and it had to come back to us so that was his recommendation he recommended the magistrate okay with that that's all you have commissioner um actually in the C minutes for also for August 8 on page two um says on page two at the very top it says historic preservation incentives discussion and it was really the um the federal income tax credit for historic preservation yes that would backs on page seven says very top discussion decided to bring the contract back of commission on December 12th and that was September with that Commissioners um we have a proper Motion in a second to accept the minutes with corrections so all in favor please say I I with that I'm going to go ahead and going to ask if Angel du please come forward and give us information on this weekend's event sure good evening everyone Angel Duke 44 North Lake Street cresc city of course I'm here today to Simply present to you an event that's happening this weekend and a little blur on update on a r as you guys know we have done the unveiling ceremony of a Philip Rand um kiosk uh presented at the last meeting and now we have found a spot to actually installed it uh with the help of our student manager Ando we find an area where you can see the kiosk from coming from basic of every direction and it's very very uh educational and it could be used for other things of course if the city had something they want advertise we would have a problem with them unlocking and putting their information in so we don't we're not going to do tomorrow as planned because of the family story this is taking on a life of its own it's amazing uh how much it's resonated through various communities and people are more aware of her than I thought so we were overwhelmed so we asked permission to do the installation of that signed at a later date probably sometime in uh mid October and for those of you who don't know may I introduce you to miss fny BL P this is the lady to whom we've been speaking about for a couple of months now and that is what the plate is all about tomorrow F new H was involved with the uh women's suff act after that was passed in Europe and finally made its way to new to uh United States but then when were just amazingly ignored about voting yet they were making uniforms for the Army hard laboring work and many of those guys our wies are working their F why can't they vote they're supporting us so word got around and got Tighter and Tighter and Tighter and that's when the when seate I came about and Mrs f l hmer took it to another level to make sure not a particular race of women could vote but all women could vote so that is why she's being recognized has been recognized all over the world and as I was telling the sheriff a few minutes ago and the mayor and a couple other people I was really surprised and pleased that as many men know about Miss hmer as women do for obvious reasons because they were fighting the war they knew what was going on and they knew they wanted to vote so I was pleased when I did announce that she was coming here that we were getting support of both genders and so we decided to bring in women presidents of clubs from all over puam County this is the way that Unity thing comes in again we uniting all the women now in partner County and they they are supporting what we're doing we have meetings every Wednesday and everybody's excited and I'm not going to take up much more space because I know you have a long uh night tonight we wish for you to support this please do come out be a part of it be a part of something larger than yourselves because the vote is one of the most important attributes to us as Citizens in the United States of America we don't find that too many places so thank you so much um it's starting at 2 pm now probably moving to four because the funeral that we all have to honor on Saturday so um the school said that we can not use Friday because they're busy to put our equipment in equipment is coming from all over cameras and you know and so that's going to give us an extra two hours to put back together but do plan to come you will enjoy it kids are free we have an authentic pound cake dessert for free for the adults I'll be in live and Dev so we thank you for your support throughout the years but please support this if you need flyer I have some and in the newspapers Etc yes now you you mentioned uh two and then you mentioned four they're probably gonna have to move it back because we cannot get into the auditorium until on Friday Friday as planned so we cannot have access until 9:00 a.m. on Saturday but people can still come there will be entertainment in the audience U singing and you know all right I just wanted to make sure but you it's my understanding you wanted everything everyone in their seats about 15 minutes before show time is that correct if they could yes now they think it's going to be two but it's okay we have a meaning uh uh of having games and all kinds of things but keep them occupied okay is going be R thank you also happy belated birthday I'm sorry that I you happy birthday happy I I could unfortunately was in yes it was I've never had a surprise like that I don't do birthdays for me I'm always giving birthdays for everybody I was shocked Beyond shocked but birthday it's a big week for you thank you very much bye bye and we can always put that as part of our announcements if people have birthdays um and with that Charles I'm going to turn it over I know we've got the presentation for the um city manager search and Mr Hansen is here do you want yes sir Mr Hansen is here and uh his name are the associate uh you'll introduce them to talk to you about the process of the search and they are seing approval to begin that they start pring materials and so forth okay thank you um you got a great little city here the way really like like the looks of it um I'm here tonight to describe who we the the senior advisers are describe how we can help you with your city manager search to replace Charles um talk about the steps and timelines for getting a new city manager in place uh you're certainly welcome to ask any questions you'd like as I go through this I'll try to may be quick a long agenda and I've been through a lot of those Through The Years uh senior advisers are retired managers with lengthy experience I've had 41 years in business in four different cities but um um retired we want to um be here to help cities we want to step out and sit on the couch uh so we volunteer to help there's usually between eight and 10 of us in Florida at any given time uh we're jointly appointed by the Florida City count maner Association and the International Association of city managers um we are not paid we're volunteers uh we um often will request a mileage reimbursement uh maybe meals that sort of thing cost only uh but uh basically we are volunteers we have several responsibilities particularly one of them is to help smaller cities and counties with their manager search process we don't help the bigger cities we don't help anyone over 10,000 usually we don't get cities anywhere near that uh the reason being is we don't want to compete with executive Search Firs they do a better job than we do there's no question we got a whole office full of staff and and they can do a very very good job um but uh the problem is for smaller cities and counties they all can't afford the 25 $30,000 cost of executive Search fund so um and trying to to make sure that um uh you can have good managers that's really what we're trying to accomplish uh see that good City County managers serving in Florida we offer to help small cities and counties George Forbes will assist uh he sent his apologies he was he's traveling uh this week and could not be here tonight he and I have done many of these together uh but um he's the former city manager of Jacksonville Beach um he's on the board munal Power Authority and power agency of Florida um see Tom harmer in the audience is U has been retired a short while he's also a longtime city manager and now senior I think his last assignment was his manager of Longo key for several years he been County manager and everything else uh and I have been um I'm retired had 40 like I say 41 years in business in Florida and Georgia in Florida I managed atlan Beach for 14 years and orange par for four and a half guess before I retired three and a half before I retired a few years ago now how can we help you hire a city man uh we're volunteers uh we need your staff to help us with this actually we also need you to help us with this uh there's a lot of steps the first one is to determinate what you want the skills uh qualifications um you know experience every city is different where one city may need somebody for example that has a big Financial background because maybe one city may be going bankrupt or may just have hard time keeping up with the books and another city may need an economic development person because maybe their their biggest business just left town uh maybe move somewhere else or whatever uh another city may need a city manager that can help with water and sewer work because their their system is in sad shape um we can't tell that um As It Seems advisor we're not from here that's what you need to tell us um so um this is um a critical step in our process um uh for us to be able to get the right fit we need to know exactly what we're looking for to assist you that's where this attributes questionnaire comes in into play understand you've already all received those if you could fill those out soon the next few days that would be most most appreciated uh what we will'll use that in many steps in this process process I'll outline those as I go through here but it's very very important you'll send them to your clerk she can just scan them and send them to send copies to us um because they are public documents of course as soon as they're done but they're very very important um takes us to step two the first time we're going to use that position attributes question here in preparing a position announcement basically what you put out to advertise for the opening and a position profile profile is a longer document typically um people that are interested in your city want to know more about it so we help to prepare uh a longer document that talks about the needs of the city which would include these uh attributes the the things you're looking for if it's a a finance person or or an economic development person or whatever um so they'll know if they've got those experiences put them down in your in their resume so that we can evaluate how good they are things that you need um the um but that but we'll put that together first um like to highlight um a number of things one thing we'll need to put in there is the salary range that you'll hire at uh we can make a recommendation but I think you're in Fairly good shape right now what I understand what I've seen in the market for this size Community uh you'll need to that and approve it because basically that includes a number of things on your behalf like what the starting salary is going to be uh what the closing date for the applications will be uh that sort of thing so um we ask that you um approve that by the way I understand um you have a special meeting in two weeks uh and that you want to um delay the interviews of candidates until after your election which is a very good choice by the way because a lot of uh candidates that are looking at a city this kind of election b a little bit sish being hired by one group one than another group maybe their bosses in just a couple weeks so that makes a lot of sense I congratulate you on that to get into that time frame and keep you moving quickly I would recommend then um if you use us that you be in a position at that you J on the 26 be very simple for you I'll get it to you beforehand uh and um get you guys to approve that as a document and we can work with your staff to get an advertise that's the next step uh we recommend you to advertise nationally um the ium has a newsletter that comes out to all members there's over 10,000 members in the international City management association the advantage of this one is it comes right to their email inbox and has openings across the country it's the easiest and simplest way to get information out that an open a lot of councils in Florida have asked me well why do we need to look at people from elsewhere other than Florida you know my response is keep your options open um you may find somebody that's really good in Georgia or any other state um a lot of times um learning about Florida law which is peculiar in a lot of ways but you can mostly get a grasp on in a couple of weeks you may have years learning how to operate a prepare and run a municipal budget or water and sewer system or a gas system that you have those sorts of things so um I recommend you keep your options open we can provide that list of places to advertise the IC by the way will cost you about $400 last iocc to advertise that for a month but it's believe it's well worth it many more are free like the Leal cities posting on their site and all that we can provide a list of all of those to your staff and certainly can that that's easy um Next Step um normally in that you you'll um give applicants at least 30 days to look over your city and decide if they want to apply and then send um their resumés and applications in um once they're in uh then this is where we go to work more than anything else one of the things we do is um review the list of candidates um one of the main things we want to review bringing back again what you told us in your questionnaires what are the most important things uh if you want somebody with Finance background and F that's one of the categories we're going to check as we're comparing applications to see which ones are best suited for you normally we'll give you three batches of them uh the one bch that maybe the most qualified people uh if you get five or six there you're in good shape um and we usually um kind of sort them into a second batch people that may meet your qualifications but in our view not quite as strong of candidates and then there's everybody else someone that you know may have run a a fast food restaurant or something that has no experience whatsoever running a city um but it's up to you then you have to make a decisions on who you're going to interview we can't make that decision for you often times uh City councils will choose if you got a local applicant that you want to interview him just because it's a good form that's fine you know but um we recommend you pick probably five or seven candidates at that time to interview realizing in most cases somebody's going to drop out uh so um if you have five ultimately that you wind up interviewing anywhere three to five I think you're in good shape uh if they're good good candidates right um making a decision on who you would U uh would interview of course is up to you um then as soon as you've got that list ready we'd ask your staff to work with the candidates to arrange um uh they're coming to your community um where to stay the schedule all that sort of thing and uh talk about What expenses you would reimburse uh for their for their process um usually that's 30 days you would give them from the time the applications come in you choose do an interview before the you have the interviews um because people that work usually have to give some not you know they have to rearrange their schedule so they can get out they can't just go you know tomorrow Friday next week because they probably got a full calendar uh you you leave out some good candidates if you didn't do that all right when you're ready for the interview process uh we can help you with um uh that also um one thing we do is often help to um um put together a list of questions to ask of each candidate we recommend you ask each candidate the same questions because then you can compare for yourselves how good a candidate a do compare to candidate B on the question about Finance if that's that's an issue um the um so that's um uh we can give you list of proposed questions to reflect all of those items and then other things like General management experience and that sort of thing certainly you're welcome to change that list U but um however you do it the list needs to remain confidential between you uh because obviously if one candidate got the list of questions before the interviews and the others didn't that would be unfair it does become a public document after the interviews but I think under Florida law it's considered like a test and and you don't have to give it out him normally the city would pay the cost for travel for the candidates uh and their spouses people raise their eyebrows about the spouse question um we usually recommend that you do that because that's said no city manager would choose to move to a City without their spouse or significant other uh having been there and said yeah I want to live there or they probably plan on going there by themselves so uh do that um we can assist with the interview process um we often recommend the cities consider not just the interviews themselves and standard they all sitting up here and one person down here and everybody gets asking questions um I think it looks better for a city and it's better for for your judging the candidates to have uh a um to Ru the city uh usually done by the staff so they can show the candidates as a group you know here's our here's our fire station here's our Public Works Place here's you know all our facilities and here's here's what's good here's what's bad what needs to be worked on that sort of thing uh it'll help the candidat be better able to answer your questions come to the interview process um also we recommend that you have a public reception for them uh often times the public wants to meet these people too so um that you could have like a tour on a Friday during the day reception Friday night for the candidates and their spouses and members of the public and want to show up uh it's good time for the elected officials to kind of watch the candidates and see how how well they do uh you know low keep public interactions um at any rate um that's all part of the process we would recommend for you uh before you get to the interviews we recommend that you have background checks done we don't do those for you uh you can pay to have them done uh and we can if You' like provide a a list of um um companies that do that or have done that for other cities that we've worked with It's relatively inexpensive but you do need to do a criminal check Financial background and a Google check of articles that may relate to their current or last business or that sort of thing um failure to do that has call for many embarrassment of elected bodies with you know places I've seen so um we can provide that to your staff but obviously we don't do those you know we're volunteers um and that this brings you to the time when you when you make probably the most important decision you're going to make in a long time who do you want to offer the job to um once you make that choice we recommend you have a second level candidate um because uh to fall back on just because negotiations don't always work out with the top candidate it's better to have a second candidate ready so you don't have to have another meeting to to make somebody an offer uh usually a city would choose mayor and the City attorney uh to work on the um employment agreement uh we can provide you with a Word document by the way of a contract that's kind of distilled from some other Florida contracts has been bitted through the lawyers Le cities and others uh so it meets the Florida standards but it's in word format so um it's easy for your attorney can to take it and just amend it however you want it quickly without having to start from scratch and draft one from the um from the from the start so um hopefully that will get you to an excellent fit new city manager um talk about the time frame uh if you approve us ask us to do work tonight and if you do I request that you take a v to do that um we'll prepare the advertisement job profile as soon as we can get your your questioners in hand we proposed to have the approval of that position CL classification and document for your meeting on the 26th that would be a pretty simple task uh that your staff can post the ads I would recommend that they um if we can keep this time frame going they accept applications as late as October 31st I guess would get people about a month to get them in um we'll need a little bit of time to review those uh and compare our notes this is where we uh multiple senior advisor off go through this and U and have a party discussion about who we think the best kind of this which is a public meeting by the way understand from the league of City's perspective their attorneys have said that so we can have that on Zoom or something those requirements um but um um the um see the once those are presented to you then be up to you guys to decide who you want to interview we'd recommend uh if you could do that by November 14th um which I think is your regular meeting uh in November uh then normally we would schedule interviews 30 days out to get people the ability ability to change their calendars that would get you into about the middle of December it's a little bit tight certainly it's after your election but you can't go much later than that because you get into the holidays and you have a hard time getting people to come so um I'd suggest this is a time frame we may want to stay on here unless you want to go well January but uh let say you make a decision um right after those interviews in mid mid December negotiation let's say it's another 15 days to get that negotiated and finalized normally a council will want to meet to approve the contract but um assuming you can do that around the first of the year it's usually about 30 days or so uh that anybody would have to give to their current employer to before leaving and coming to another job so that put you basically around February early February uh to have a new manager in place often seems a little bit longer to people but when you go through the whole sequence you realize there a lot of steps there so um are there any questions and do you want us toiss have any questions did you say my question is going to be you guys volunteers does it cost us anything as far as to the reimbursement of expenses like mileage and you know if we eat supper or something like that if we wind up come into your interview process and need to stay over like Friday night in a local hotel or something but that that would be it okay um thank you very much we helped us before and we appreciate that so with our timing which includes the holidays uh my first question to you is um it is a tight time frame you said you recommend um closing the time for receiving applications at the end of October um is there any advantage would we get be likely to um increase our coverage and get more applicants if we get a little more time or is there a a sweet spot on how much time you advertise well 30 days is the minimum we would recommend going as far as 45 might bring you some more applicants uh in your case that moves it into the holiday season so um but we'll be glad to move it it's up to you well I just you know this is up to the whole commission and I want to give us for me I assume the rest of us do the best chance for getting a good pool of applicants make sure that we're not um you know that we're fully advertised we give it enough chance and then my other question is um every sector is different in the city manager sector um is there a particular time of year that you know people tend to leave their jobs I mean I know this is after an election right this is after an election so um you know that that happens um but you know is it is it a bad thing if we you know push closer to the holidays or have the interviews after the holidays I'm just saying how bad thing would just cause you to have an INT manager longer right but uh if you'd like to extend it I think that's fine it it may bring you a couple more applications to add another two weeks to that process um and that that's that's fine um as for time of year I think um if anything maybe after an election might be a time that of course cities have election different election dates probably nationally the more of them coincide with the with the national election this year in November than others but I don't know that time of year makes that much difference to managers um I guess the other time that would be good would be to do it so that they would start after the end of the school year so if they have kids in school but it's a lot of times they if they if they have that they'll they'll move in and then the spouse and kids will come you know as soon as school's over uh during the summer but but and essentially we could make that decision about our timeline on the 26 yes yes okay just wanted to get that need a motion to um like he said to have him go forward um but commission Banks had another question you done Banks I you mentioned two can you get three sometime I believe in the past we had chosen three to check out it's final three so you know I'd like I'd like you to have five to tell you the truth but a lot of the times when you um like I say you're looking at your top group somebody will drop out maybe two um it depends on how many you want I wouldn't try to do more than five in a day that that gets kind of Tous I think the two was referring to when you make a selection have a backup selection in negotiation breaks you could have a third back up if you necessary three of them you could list in order you're doing great okay I'd like to make a motion to approve uh the search process that will be worked out with Mr Hanson a proper Motion in a second commissioner do we have any further discussion um just we need to get our questionnaires in as soon as possible correct yes okay that's I'm gonna ask you to do aoll commission hi commission hi commissioner Banks hi commission hi hi thank you and thank you for the presentation forward to working with you okay with that we're going to have the presentation um on the the report on the new moon launch yes we have representative from RG Architects Brian your last name Brian Dr Brian Laura from good evening good evening welcome thank you just for any of you that are not aware this is the um what we often are referring to as a Sonic Lodge which is over on Main Street that the city um has acquired now doesn't that's that's correct um when we first started this project uh this is an historic building we had a methodology um we did a preliminary site visit um we did research on archival documents and then we did a digital scan of the building also to bring into our uh Revit program been modeling program which is pretty interesting um and uh and based on the drawings for the Secretary of interior standards and guidelines for architectural engineering uh documentation um we did a survey existing conditions with the structional engineer um they did a report as well and um we have and then we did some photography of the interior and exterior of all the conditions in this report this is just kind of an overview of the methodology so you can get idea before it goes through the slides so this is the Masonic L as is existing and below the images are um there that's the proposed but I I bigger images so you can see them this is just the cover page right so um there's a this is an historic site um it's it was a place for um this the the Civil Rights uh era um it was a catalyst for community and unity uh it was a contributing structure um in Cresent Crescent City the historic district um so this is kind of the macro View and a historic image of that it was a donated structure at the time um and uh so and it was a LOD so it had it was an event space also so it had a lot of birthdays and um uh marriages and weddings and things like that um but it was definitely a hub and an area for activists to kind of commun um so we had uh basically it was a Beacon of Hope and Leadership it was a catalyst for a local Unity like I said at Civic there was a civic identity to it um it was a vacular building so it was balloon framed it was it was vacular in that they used a lot of materials of the site of the local community um it was Wood Construction there's a lot of double hung wind Windows um there's uh a brick masonry Foundation um there and then we did an assessment of those issues which we need 80 the things that we need to bring it up to code we need to have Ingress and egress out of building the Ada accessibility we need to make the uh structure uh stable you know stabilize the structure because there was a a tree that collapsed on the rear of the building um and destroyed part of it so that's that's important keep it make it E accessible stabilize it and make it safe right that's the first phas really that we need to look at um and then also there's environmental study that we we would have to do also because there's lead and possible stresses in the S so the next one um this again this is talks about the uh the vernacular ideas that's a bacular building that it's um it comes out of the culture it's like a um it's a sustainability comes from that uh Community involvement it's got functional uh things because of the balconies on both sides allow you for cross ventilation at the time it was construction it was ventilated and not mechanically because there wasn't any mechanical ventilation at the time it was constructed so um very uh unique building um so this is kind of the macro View of where it's lying in the survey area of Crescent City and then we we zoom into it into Google map image uh more images of Google Map you can see um but there's more images of kind of the macro micro so we start to scale into the site um here's the existing uh elevations you have the the the West the the North see it but basically the all sides of the building as as it exists so from the the bottom left is where the tree collapsed onto that so historically it was it was more of a storage and it was enclosed so I can show you more images once you guys relas so these are existing images you have the front and then the side and then the back where the tree collapsed onto the building and kind of you know destroyed it basically and uh compromise the stability and structure these are uh plans showing points where we took photographs and those tie into the indexical images which are part of the report which are similar to what you do for a grant it's a quarterly reporting where they like the idea of Photography time into all those points so they can get a full narrative and idea of what the structure is and where it is um at this point in time also through the instruction they want quarterly reports so we end up doing those quarterly reports as it ties into the report as well um so it's a good way to kind of visualize what's what's being done and what's existing so just like these images they have each one has an image of the front and then you have an image of the siding which I think there's a speis in that um that we have to do a an environmental study on that um there's the back area there's the masonry Foundation there's the single uh one over one or two over two uh double hung Windows which are historic um there's the balcony the last image right there here are more images of all the indexical areas that we looked at from architectural standpoint um you have the the siding the the rear of the building uh you see more of the rear area of that balcony or that storage area that's kind of been destroyed a little bit but we can always renovate that and restore that back um you'll see that in in the proposed um masry Foundation because there's a balloon frame vanac building that stands on that so what's interesting about the balloon frame is that you have studs that go all the way up to the the underside of the roof which you don't typically construct buildings that way because the SC the fires and it's better to break it but because it's historic we we kind of we like that and we want to celebrate that right so there's uh there's more images and dexco images each each images has little descriptive information which I can't really read from here because it's way too small but it's basically saying you know the condition and explaining what it's at um at this point in time um more images of the Interior so we have points and numbering that show the indexical images of what we're looking at for instance the the bathrooms they need to be renovated they need to be um expanded on uh to make an Ada accessible um the the interior U roof the the U plins need to be tied in Hurricane straps need to be added because that's needed for FL building code FDC um you got some issues with the floors you got the settlement of the foundation through the structural engineer assessment report more images with Interiors uh you have you know just showing what is there right now so you see all the the framing the floor each work so a lot of those a lot of the structure needs work from the foundation up to the roof with hurricane stps to the roof the foundation needs to be looked at and analyzed by structural engineer and needs maybe even needs heal compiles to stabilize it that's what we did for Sunset loung of West Palm Beach interesting project um so here's the assessment report from the structural engineer which goes into more detail that you know in order to bring up the code you hurricane straps you need to fix the the overstressing on the structure the Des settlement of the found Foundation the found right now the settlement is on one side it's actually sinking so we need to repair that um more images from the structural engineers report to tie into that same thing see theu um so um this is the site actually a proposed site plan of the conceptual idea of how we're going to restore it we're going to have the historic building is going to stay as this main primary structure while the addition sets back and becomes the secondary there's always in hisort preservation you want to celebrate the main idea of the structure and anything built to it either needs a contrast or it needs to be Ste back needs become SE secondary to it um so what we have is the addition the addition actually has a ramp that connects to the pathway and goes around the addition and you enter in from the back and then there's Ada restrooms and elevator with the lobby and that connects to the historic that's that yellow part I have a bigger time so I can show it further so um again we we look at the ad8 uh accessible uh entrances uh clear pathway ways and need be minimum of 32 in in certain areas um signage for way finding kind of w finding your way through so you can see on the first plan there's a a ramp that encircles and goes around the Edition and then you enter in um and then there's Ada bathrooms you don't necessarily need two Ada bathrooms you can have one we just for this conceptual plan we we put two in for you know expanded scope of ADA and then there's an elev as well to take you up to the second floor and then the second floor again you have uh the lobby and then it enters into the main space which you have your events and Community uh events and Community Services um also there's stairs in the new addition for um the front side you can enter in and then uh Traverse the stairs up to the second floor uh and then we chose the elevations you can see the uh addition that ties into it we we took the penetration the the two over tws and we incorporated that into the addition to make it more harmonious harmonious with the um historic building so it ties into it um and you can see how it sets back and becomes it's a little smaller but it pays homage to the uh main building um so it uses a lot of the materiality like the siding the the metal roof uh the penetration one with the two over two lights of the windows so it's it's really tying to it but yet becoming secondary to it and I'll show you some renderings um so you have the front view the side view the back here which is um a restored balcony from when it was um destroyed by the tree that fell on it and then you have the other side here so here's the renderings of it you can see it has used the same siding and it plays off of it sets back it gives you a ramp that goes around the addition and you enter in and you have access two 8 bathrooms as well as an elevator to the second floor for the event space um so this is It's a excellent building it's a really beautiful building so once once we add it addition becomes more accessible and then and then we have the the budget for this so once you go through uh there's like three categories there's low medium high and when you do the square footage you actually multiply to low and and then ends up being with with the uh with the site Improvement the landscape Landscaping the uh the overhead for the Contracting contractor's uh scope and um and those elements and then the reports assessments the low would be roughly 1.5 million and the high would be about 2 million so or there's another option where we we we basically we stabilize the building we make it safe and then the second phase we would have a ramp that it's a it's a different design but you would basically have a ramp that accesses the first floor without the new addition it accesses the first floor of it and um you would have Ada accessible to that level um and then you could um wait for additional funding depending on the grants and how you're kind of staging it the funding so the first would be to make it safe structurally safe and then um then you deal with the Interiors in phase two and then and then you can basically you can make it accessible on the first floor and it possibly could be um maybe 700 to a million uh for that budget because you're not you're not have you don't have the addition anymore but you have a ramp that accesses it you stabilize the building to make it safe um and uh and and in and it's renovated and the exterior the envelope and building has been um uh re renovated and preserved um so that's a different scope I don't have it here to show you the breakdown but I spoke with the principal uh Rick Andals the architect of record and he he mentioned uh that it would roughly be 700 to a million um but it would be less than what your low budget is here for the addition so and that's that's all I have to say tonight thank you thank you Commissioners do you have any question we have some questions yes um actually thank you very much I just just want to say one thing and then I have a comment for the rest of the commission thank you for the presentation um I think you all did a great job it's very encouraging um and uh obviously we have to U figure out how to do this um it's for a little town like ours it's a very high price tag but for for your benefit and for the rest of the commission and I'm sure commissioner Lor is familiar with what I'm going to say and so will a lot of people sitting here today president audience um and commissioner Banks um to me one reason this building is so important is not only is it part of our historic district but it is um one of three remaining public buildings there are two churches in the African American former African-American historic area of town um just down the street there's the am Church where a Phil R's father preached it's one of the oldest buildings in town and then um on Cedar Street there's the je Baptist Church which is that might be the oldest church in town pardon it is yes the oldest church in town and the Historical Society has been helping Jeff Baptist with some Renovations there but together those three buildings make a little triangle that really anchors the historic district um and as well um the late architect J sty who really brought attention to this pointed out that this Lodge um originally um and Mr Banks commissioner Banks was a member um they actually got their Charter apparently from England because they could not get a charter from the um the white uh lodges and so it was was just a a very special uh occasion and it's my understanding and commissioner Lor can chime in here that it's significant um I appreciate you bringing out the architecture but as I understand it in the um historic uh District it was noted more for its use than for the actual um features of building it was is that your understanding as well yeah and and if it's and that's good because you can apply for grants that speak to that yes you so so anyway mayor thank you I just want to flush out a little bit more about thank you how this sits commissioner B I think this building is very important and I think the problem that I have is I'm not exactly sure how the city can get started I mean a $2 million price stag big um but I also know that there's there are grants out there and um and there's quite a few grants if we start to to look at them so so how can we start to initiate uh we can't just plump Down 2 million we don't have that kind of dope so so how how can we start the process I I can speak to that so we have application for a small matching Grant from to the state for $50,000 The Next Step you don't have to take any action tonight next step is to complete the construction documents which we do have a proposal from RG we need another $60,000 so we've applied for a $50,000 Grant and then with better place you could make up the other $10,000 which would give us a set of documents for this project construction documents which will make it shovel ready in a sense so then you can apply special category grants which can be uh a big chunk of this maybe up to half U I just saw the list today there's commun hting apply for a million dollars foron so we can apply for a huge amount in the special category Grant and and begin to work on it that way so a phase one could potentially be funded and you you may need to utilize better place funds going forward as a match all of in kind and so forth but those are the steps so the next step is to get get the construction documents so it gives you a better shot of Grant you're ready to go and you apply for construction dollars on the um the small matching Grant are we not that's I just got an email today I'm about the ranking thatat this month I thought so it's the special category grants we'll get an email that'll sit in on the webinar and and answer questions and get and then you wait and see where the governor how much he funds uh and so we'll know next June if we got the 50,000 we through that last year yes I remember we were Hing lights at that time I think weinar was going on over into the time yeah we R it would just take me happy to be alive once we go through the process and looking like that oh yeah I know it it will mean so much so much because right now I was sitting up there thinking I'm sitting up there thinking a too many of us that originally was members of that L is here I think about two three and I'm whatever my brother down in uh long station one minut one more I can't think his name but it really would make us happy so I hope we don't just throw it in the rug you know keep it going keep going we going be here hopefully but just keep it going keep keep the Tor rolling and I I hope I be here when the dedic like that cut the ribbon yeah cut this would be similar I think when if we did the first phase or option yeah that you gave similar to the building we were in today in FL I don't believe they had elev to the floor the old Angeles yeah I did a beautiful job and they've done a really nice job with that building in restoration the visitors access the second floor on that project space yeah was an event um I do have a question um for our present I'm sorry I forgot your name Brian Brian thank Brian so you mentioned um some of the structural problems and as you were aware grants take time M um is there any particular thing like the foundation or whatever that there is a particular urgency for do we do you have a time frame for us that we need to do some of these things I I would I would imagine the sooner the better because there a tree that collapsed on it and it's in disrepair I mean really it's in not it's not I've been the building I've seen it I'm talking about technically you know we would not get the small matching Grant until when Charles the funds will be available a year from next month so words in the 2026 budget year correct they'll announce the award in June and then the funds are this sign a contract in October right and so it seems to me um we're talking about the state grants commissioner Burton has observed that there are other grants that seems to me two things um just throwing this out to the rest of the commission I know we're on our time but I'll go two things number one um after we adopt the budget um the city manager has indicated that we may have additional funds uh to do a budget amendment later on the year um we might want to think about using any additional funds if they are available for a grant writer to look for private grants that might come a little faster um and also um what the point was but um maybe it's all hands on Deb for nonprofits and others in town that have an interest in in this to try to find that thank you um and I just want to say to those residents that um that really fought hard for saving this building um thank you we hope that one day it will be restored to that um that's it's it really we thank you for just making sure that your heritage is is protected and um Commissioners thank y'all for doing this as well um I do want to say that as we move forward um one thing is is we all say there's grants we know there's grants grants take a lot of time people don't realize grants if you get them you know that's that's awesome but they do take a lot of time Charles as we move forward for whoever the inter room is going to be and then ask them to carry forward I think that that we the city need to um make sure that that building um is taken care of I know Mr Evans um you go in and you you take care of that a lot and we greatly appreciate that but just from you know our Public Works just making sure and if we need to govern some pressure washing and clean it up and just let it show a little bit more pry um I would like to see that you see PR washing in front I'm afraid if you hit pressure washer but just just to you know we could just make sure that public works and you'll hand that over to the next city manager that that that is something that we need to make sure we take care of and may I could one more thanks um when the city first was given ownership of that building you know was experiencing vandalism um I contacted the sheriff's office and they were extremely helpful in quick I think Charles had just come on board um very helpful and quick and helped the city um put a stop to that vandalism that was so destructive they were really great about that we we have a debt to come to I know that keeps that control pretty closely people still do like to they jumped in thank you all thank you thank you for the presentation you're welcome the vision that you've given us thank you you're welcome okay with that I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to open it up to comments there so you have your presentation commission that you have your presentation thank you and commissioner you have the report in front of you um I would have it earlier but we actually met yesterday and all these issues kind of came up with want to deal with um you know the BRC has been meeting every two weeks we're now meeting every week um we wanted to try and get as much time in before we lose Charles so um we've been kind of speeding up trying to to meet more often um several things that joh like mention before that we had the tours of the of the site went around we've also um barbol has been working as a review of the appraisal that was presided To Us by the P School District um and interestingly she also the this review that she had shows a considerable difference in the valuation of the property versus what the school district has apprised it at so that's something that we're exporing further um quite quite a difference um um we also have been looking at the operational cost and that kind of thing so we can prepare that um one of the big things I was working on and tried to work on this establishing the title of the deed history um that's something that's been is incredbly complicated some of this land was donated um back in 1903 um and then and successive decades later um was purchased or acquired by the school district um so that's one of those things that we just trying to figure all that out um I as far as I can from you know as far as I can go as a amateur and um the B orc has disussed it and included that it's necessary to engage a professional Title Company um because I'm free and I can't do anymore the um uh another thing that we've discussed and that BRC unanimously voted in favor of was engaging RG Architects with the proposal that we actually have on in the in our meeting packets there for the um historic resource report um we feel that that's probably one of the number one priorities and over it'll give us some costs and some a real evaluation of the feasibility of these buildings and what take to you know get them into shape and how much you know just a fall part for that um one of the other things men is that you know according to the VC Charter we were going to conclude by September 30th um at this's meeting we decided of course that we're not we're not done yet we're still wai into the have a lot of work to do and that they would like me to request an extension through the end of the calendar year um another Point uh unfortunately ver green who is our fifth member has been unable to participate um and we have I asked the cl to U put on the website that we are looking for more for indal member um you we they discussed having some was with Finance or business experience so that position is open and we're accepting applications and if we do get when we get applications I'll bring them to you to appoint a fifth member um so really in sumary there's four things I need or that the commission needs to do right now um one was to approve the purchasing of a property abstract um from what I can gather the would be somewhere between $2 $3,000 possibly but um I can't get an exact number Barb show called me right at 5:00 today to try give me and she was not sure but she said it shouldn't be any more than the $3,000 that I put on here um to to approve the r Architects which we can talk about that to the AR grant grant part um three the extended deadline for BRC to continue work till December 31st and then for um if we can remove that fifth membering just so we have the position open that's what I would ask as Le on for the BRC question question yeah I do have a question um you're asking for stuff here and I noticed with our consideration of the remaining arund we have a complete complete the visibility study for the Middle School acquisition what really does that include I mean does it include anything that you just said yes one of his the feasibility study which would be the five main buildings they actually asking for the 170 which would include the classrooms to the north on the one story classrooms yeah my recommendation would be the 120 consider it the five primary buildings that we most interested in would provide a report very similar to what you just saw with Mas on they analyze structure do um we would have to have aestus and lead testing done which would be purchased separately but be part of at the end of the day we know to to renovate these buildings it will be x million so you you'll have you'll have some accept to to make other decisions on and now and you also said that you got an appraisal that's been done uh there was an appraisal that the school board did School District did several years ago that's with it's like4 half millionar price I know that we s that another one done barers has asked a colleague of hers to review that and come up with some alternative numbers and then is considerably less it's considerably less and um see one thing I'm having trouble with is I I would like to go forward with the school I would like to get the school you know I think the idea of of having a center uh you know located where it is and everything is just a phenomenal idea but I I kind of have to pause and wonder if the city itself everyone in the city has that same and and I guess what I'm saying because we know or we should know I think that it's going to be a considerable cost to everyone here in the city to to acquire that school in to say that we're not necessarily talking about paying a lot of money for the school that's really one of the things that the BRC is trying to work on is to work with the school district to figure out how we can get it as partnership and not just pay money for it to start out at millions of dollars in the whole but but again you know once you acquire the school there's there's a lot of things that now you know you've got a lot of things to maintain take care of there's a lot to it it's not just getting the school it's big um mayor can I jump in here because I something to add to that that might clarify things um okay so um I think part of the charter for the BRC includes um a reference to looking for partners um I think when I was interested in going forward with this um it was not my idea that the city forever and ever would have the complete control use of the entire site um I think people in the community have referred to it um as a multi-use um property um with a number of uses so this project reminds me and I will um share with the rest of the commission but it reminds me of a project that um got an award from the league of cities and her presentation on over in canel County um it was acquisition of very expensive um property and it involved a community effort and partners by different organizations and multiple funding this property is a little bit different it would wind up being a multi-use property um but I think that's how it becomes peaceful well and I think I understand that okay yet to I mean right now we're already starting to put money out for this piece of property and um I haven't heard of anys kind of you know coming in and wanting to to join hands with us or anything like that I guess all I'm saying is I went school and I was the one that thought I had a uh you know a grant for this school and uh didn't you know easy Thum easy go I suppose but but uh right now I'm just saying Okay so $120,000 $3,000 for a title search um and somebody just help me understand make me understand why I wanted it to begin with I guess I I I know that might sound sound r i mean I understand when I have I have a picture of what I see down that can happen with that whole area but yet you know I also had a picture where I didn't want speed either so so I just want to make sure that my what I'm kind of seeing as the the end of of the project where we had the school uh we're utilizing it in a city hall we have uh the auditorium we have the gym we have all this stuff going on down there is as a real civil you know kind of Center uh we also have acquired uh you know the lake front for events uh in in front of the lake when we do fireworks and stuff uh people will have a place to actually sit um okay so I just want to make sure that my vision is going to get there I guess I I share your vision that's one of the reasons we formed the BRC is to put this Vision together and try and put a price tag on it and actually and I I'm sorry I neglected John this year as the vice chairman so actually also speak start Mr would you like to bring some clarity all right I am John new and I'm on the Blue Ribbon committee uh commissioner Lor is the L between the commission and the committee he and I met with superintendency sery Mr bowling and the head of the maintenance area recent and we we talked extensively about a possible partnership between the city and the school board and even talk about maybe a long-term lease and the discussion turned to they thought the best solution was that we own the property and DJ told them talk about the city budget it was not an infinite thing it was very limited and we talk about a price down the road and they said well but we also emphasize that much of the property that's there was given to the school board by the city and s of the buildings that were given at the time and we saw no reason for this city to buy back what was given to them so that led to a title search that's they told us what you need to do is go before the school board with a story that is viable understandable and something that they can buy into now the first step to do that is to do a title search there's a lot of speculation about what was given when was given and all that but that means nothing but a title search will nail all of that down and that'll be the beginning of the story that we'll take before the school board so we're asking if the city would and mother SCH told her right we asked her what would title search cost she said it'll be $2,000 or so so we're asking the city if they would donate $2,000 to the Blue Ribbon committee and get this title search done so we can get this going uh Mr bowling superintendent Cy want this to happen they want the the city to own that property they said the last thing we want is to sit it see it there and just the it's not good for us it's not good for the city so and and Mr superintendent C is very sincere about that and he said he'll do whatever he can to help us make this happen so that's what we're asking for tonight so it sounds to me like right now before we before we do anything and before you really can can go much further you really need a title search to know what you're to know what you're working like yes to know what you're working I think that that's probably um Charles we could find that well the later in agenda I'll ask you to pay for that out of the AR so so do we need a motion need a motion um I have a motion I wrote it down um to basically um procedurally um commissioner War has asked us to do two things to extend the um life of the Blue Ribbon Commission is a commissioner committee um until the end of calendar year correct and to also declare a vacancy um because um architect Bureau green is not able to attend so I would I would make that motion and request a motion in the second commission do we have any further discussion um I just have one comment um I understand I share commissioner Burton's vision and I think that um I think we have very qualified and Brilliant committee group I think they're on the right track and I think that what we're doing is the Preparatory work you're it's going to be very difficult to get partners and to get the right Partners until you know what you're dealing with these assessments are going to make it possible um to do the partnership Outreach and and attract the partners so I I think we're on a good track okay I currently have a proper Motion in a second um do we have any further discussion if not I'm going to go ahead and aoll call for me commission buron hi commissions hi commission hi commission Hiers I so approved and then we'll take up the rest as we go into the budget all right thank you thank [Music] you superintendent Cy today and he was very appreciative um of the meetings that that you've had with yeah so with that at this time I'm gonna go ahead if it's okay I'm gonna open it up for public comment um I've got Mr Lloyd be you would come forward please state your name and your address if you if you will and um minut right my name is Lloyd Reeves I own the property 831 Huntington Road known as on a positive note I'm impressed with the over $6 Million worth of Grants you guys have collected last four years but tonight I'd like to talk about small cities that hire engineering firms to supply part-time City planers these city planners often require fully engineered site plans at a cost of 20 to $35,000 upfront before any bending or approvals if your project is rejected You're simply out at those costs this does Drive business to engineering firms and makes for very little work by the C planners under contract it also discourage development in those towns by small Mom and Pops not willing to gamble their saing when you ask if fully engineered site plants upfront is a norm they're happy to mention lots of towns where this is a requirement however when you look up those towns you will discover most of them have city planners supplied by engineering firms about seven years ago when I first thought to open H's Landing we had a local survey or do our site plan the city manager at the time who also acted as city planner explained our examined our first draft and pointed out a couple errors and sitbs had us redo a second draft the second draft had one last correction and the third draft went through the whole approval process with no engineering when it came time to build each contractor had to present their engineering and order to pull the permit total cost to the surveyor for the site plan and Corrections of $2,000 total time spent by the acting city planner was less than 3 hours I decided to see what other towns are requiring for pre-approval of site plans generally the towns using engineering firms to supply city planners require fully engineered site plans UPF front again driving more business C industry towns that have a inhouse city planner usually have a pre-approval process so that is not wasted by their citizens for these cities once a site plan or project is approved engineering must be submitted before any permits can be issued my favorite my personal favorite is a c as they L surveyors as one of their four sources for final site plans just like Crescent City needs to De my request for the city council is to hire a city planner with no ties to engineering firms that actually can help you with a pre-approval site process or better yet after listening to Mr Hansen why not add City Planning experience to your search for a new city manager thank you thank you thank you appreciate that okay the next one that I have um Mr n has left we have Mr O cig o you come forward please state your name and your address if you [Music] go I'm going to speak very clear about this tonight I'm going to start with saying my name is Craig o at 601 lmon Avenue um a little upset I'll get to that in a minute U something to do even with this council with this Commission so I'll start with saying that I served honorably for our country I've already had Public Service under in my Bel um I have three grown children who are all very successful in their own ways I have a grown daughter and my grandkids who live here in the 32112 um there was something posted on a Facebook page called 32112 politics that a few of our or at least a couple of of our commissioners um are supporting it and advocate for that group well yesterday on 911 something was done uh bad to a veteran again that veteran was me so I had friends calling me and texted me and messaged me every different way you could reach somebody saying you're not going to believe with on 32112 politics well I never heard of them first off never heard of them but they posted lies about Craig oats the lie was that well they're lying about everybody they're lying about Chris Coleman they're lying about jamad bats and they're trying to keep the commission the way it is and that's fine if you tell the truth when you lie you become liable liable So when you say that Craig goat spent time in prison then you can be liable for that because C has never spent time in prison anybody with any common sense that knows Florida law would know that you couldn't even run for mayor had you been in prison so with a minute 19 seconds left let's go back four decades I was pulled over on a traffic stop and brought down to the local station and they took my picture I was a young guy Wish I Still looked like that but they gave me a misdemeanor and said go and send no more and here it is four decades later know anything no nothing no nothing so what you got to make sure you do according to my attorney who is an ex prosecutor in Central Florida who's about to put some people on notice is you have to just tell the truth when you say something then you're not held liable so I'll give you examples I could legally and legitimately say that Magnolia Z has had problems in her past who made that posting by the way where she basically uh bullied children and she did other than that and she was reprimanded for that she U unwanted touching I think is what it was we have a commissioner who sir in her past we have a commissioner my time is start my time back over we have a commissioner that in her past she has physical and mental violence against an ex-girlfriend and Mia is your girlfriend she's that made the POS you'll be put on notice you'll be put on notice thank you very much C thank you thank you it's unfortunate that anybody would have lies shared about them on face and you know I'm one person that has quite a few so anyway let's move on you got know you see at your house sir okay with that do we have anybody else that would like to come forward at this time um yes sir I know I don't I've run out of J 400 hey I just wan to thank Mr Charles for excellent job and he's done for the city since he's been here this is a really good time to walk out it's getting too deep it boy whoa boy and so you want to boy you want me I'm be long bet too so anyway uh I want to thank Mr Charles for the excellent job he done for the city uh the best I've seen since I've been living in C City for city manager and and that's that's real talk I don't give people a whole lot of Praises for nothing but he's done an excellent job and I want to let everybody know that he's been doing a great job I appreciate it I appreciate the work that he's been doing for the new moon L to rate that and get that straight out too I hope that the council whatever the next manager that you get in here that you make sure that he uh on board and can continue to work and Mr Charles is doing for the new moon L because we need that in that area to bring that whole area up and I think it's going to lift the whole Community up over there so thank youall thank you so very much thank you thank you for all like I said he set the standard Mr EV does not he does not you get a compliment from Mr Evans he has he has high standards he has very high standards and um you know you live up to that so you need to write that in your book somewhere take that with you to Tarpon and tell them back here Mr re he believes in do we have any other speakers at this time that have any yes sir if you come forward please state your name and your um address if you will Glen swager 608 Rony Lane here in CEST City Florida me my wife my autistic daughter we moved here 5 years ago love the little town can't say nothing bad about sheriff's department they do a great job but there's a couple things around this town that excuse me needs to be addressed because it's becoming to the point it's ridiculous and I know I'm not the only one that has problems with four-wheelers terrorizing Town ripping up and down the roads three weeks ago my daughter come a half an inch from getting hit by on somebody with a four-wheeler that needs addressed another thing that needs addressed is the homeless people that live out here behind the bank they're trashing our city they are stealing stuff from residents they are stealing stuff from behind the thrift store they're destroying city property tearing up the bathrooms and everything else this is something that I feel needs to be addressed both of these matters and something needs to be done about and I would appreciate if the council and everybody could come up with a solution where we can not have a problem with the four-wheelers and we don't have the homeless people I'm sorry they're homeless but something needs to be done the only other thing I got to say is if something isn't done citizens are going to start taking stuff into their own hands especially when you have one of them meeting on your door at 3:00 in the morning drunk wanting to sleep in your backyard that becomes a problem so again I'm asking for the commission the mayor and the counsel come together with a sheriff's department let's find a solution to fix this part that is messed up in CEST City Mr schager let me ask you um let me ask you a question you said somebody knock on your door yes did you make a report was there a report made no okay that's important that that is very important and Captain usri will probably talk to you about that something like that happens I know they had to come through your gate through your sense um you you definitely need to to call the Sheriff's Office and and Report rep that everybody does um that's because they don't know um unless it's unless it's reported so that's so important everything is on video surveillance also okay that's good to know that's good to know thank you and um the one couple has been moved they are no longer behind TD Bank um and I think that just went to the magistrate didn't it as far as my my understanding about cleaning TV bank up and so they've got a certain amount of days and then they'll start assessing but speaking of to TV mik I personally will volunteer my time and materials if there's somebody else that wants to volunteer and help I have no problem they can contact me and I will more than gladly donate my time and my equipment to help get that cleaned up for christas city thank you thank you for all I know that you you're you're you're a great advocate for your neighborhood and and so we appreciate that too thank you thank you okay do we have anybody else that has any public comment okay see nobody come forward I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to close out public comment um Captain uh Captain us is going to give his report then we are going to take a a short recess and then we have a zoom call at 8 o' I don't know if anybody has been made aware but um Mr Edwards um unfortunately has decided he does not want to serve as our interim city manager and so we have a an interview at 8:00 so we actually had a good month this month I'm sorry good evening everyone we actually had a very interesting month very low report crime reported month so I'll talk about this first one this one here is pretty significant this is a vehicle Pursuit that led from cresant City into the East blacket area um basically we get a call from Prospect someone calls in and says that they see a vehicle full of people with mask one was armed with a assault rifle they entered a vehicle and said something about going to Paca so luckily the wrong stop they made they been back and forth between Belushi County and pu and city of Paca most of these individuals that was in this vehicle vehicle were associated with Paca other than one that was from the Fruitland area they have no association that I can find in the city of pres City but they did make a stop for one reason reason what reason that was I don't know because it was the worst mistake they made as they left the U as the report came in just as the lady gets off the phone we intercept the vehicle coming out of the parking lot and we attempted a traffic stop and a vehicle Pursuit was on uh we reached speeds of over 140 milph during this Pursuit uh we deployed stop sticks at the area of the dun Creek Bridge it includ it involved obviously a lot of deputies I can't remember how many total it was I know it was at least eight um a successful stop stick at the the dun Creek Bridge I'm sorry and ended up vehicle end up coming to rest in the East Paca area right there near the where they sell the mobile homes and whatnot we did recover the rifle um we identified everybody that was in the vehicle they in fact did have mask cover their face they were obviously going to do some type of possible violent crime uh we we recovered the U the a the the the assault style rifle and arrested two people out of the vehicle one was the driver her name was Deanna King she was from frand and another Ashante frier from P she was in the passenger seat she had a warant for her arrest unrelated to this actual incident the fireman recovered we obviously placed it into evidence there were several vehicle people that were in the vehicle who were had convi convictions for felonies and we sent that off for some residual DNA to see if we can maybe link that to someone in the vehicle other than that do you have any questions on this one did good job it wasn't me it wasn't me I was home asleep just one very important comment the mayor was saying if there's a problem please make a call thank goodness someone made that call that's and did wait for something violence and just like we had our incident today no matter how small it is um and I was explaining my concerns to this individual today we had some dogs that were out we found up under some some a neighbor's yard and until you see what damage a a animal can do to a person you need to call no matter how how ridiculous you think it is just make the call the guys are here in the presy they're looking for stuff to do as you'll hear see here in just a second they have very minimal calls for service so they're itching for something to do so please make that call here's our traffic crash data uh one was another uh vehicle Pursuit the other was a crash there at burning in Grand Rondo vehicle was traveling East on Grand Rond swer miss an animal hit the curb ran off into the grass and overturn it the second was another vehicle Pursuit C City where Mr John mon lost control of his car and crashed into a power he was arrested for fleing attemp to and I think uh driving the license any questions in a lot of lots of chases sorry Captain yes is there a way in the future you could put the times that this cuz I'm just trying to think you know are they Day times or night times [Music] I also gave commissioner deito some information as far as I can find here uh looks like at that intersection of Vernon and Grand Rondo over the last how many years was it three years how there was nine accidents there nine total that's the one that we brought to the county as far as that being that issue I know yall met with the county and talk to them about doing something right there here's the Mee potatoes 175 calls for service further 42 those traffic stops two of those were traffic accidents 12 total reports the arrest can be skewed I told I told you mayor that there's three actually in C City and it's hard for me to search if there's a there's a resident in presentent city that takes Refuge somewhere else and they have a warrant for their arrest they're going to make the arrest at the actual location where they made the arrest that's hard for me to say just be here in the city like we had talked about three more of it happened here in in City three and additional three were present City related because they were here than somewhere else when we when we actually call that was just on those two incidents that were here there's really no way for me to check for warrants and stuff that would be way too time time intensive that's your crimes that we we monitor the robbery burgy vehicle theft theft assault and your total for the month was zero so we took a 300% decrease phenomenal good job guys other than that that's all I have I know we mentioned about the homeless people and I expressed my concerns about that I've actually talked a lot about that lately we're very limited on resources for homeless people a lot of the people that I've encountered in C City are not homeless they have a place to go they don't want to abide by the rules they would rather live on the street the the the product of that is they're causing damage they're causing inconveniences to people and it looks bad so if I can get cooperation with property owners business owners and I have done that I have got some of these individuals that can't step foot off the roadway and they step onto a trespass warning so there is a there is an end result very challenging for us and again lack of resources and when we have that person who is truly homeless I'm going to do everything in my power to help so other than that that's really all I have I know you had the one um and I know everybody's posted it where they took the donation and I asked you about that at the Parker House and so that's been taken care of yes he wanted he wanted them trespass from that they are last I know they were living there off of Cedar Street and they last time I seen them they were laying up under some plastic so they back over there okay I'm not sure if they're back there now but that was where they were they like I said that's that's family members will take those in they just don't want to break up they can't be together they've got a toxic relationship both families will will welcome back welcome them back in with with open arms they just and there's some of there's some of our issues right there I mean there's some of the vandalism that we've had and and it's just the usage that they're taking so but we've had some great successes we've had some great successes Captain what about the state law the governor pass about homeless go to if I'm getting it right I think that pass October public everybody that's basically that's basically what it is you can't sleep in and it's mainly targeted toward just that and we see chenge that and I do want to say today I know with the dogs um that happens we all know we've all had a dog a dog gets loose um you we were able to make contact with her and she called me later on this afternoon and and she just was so complimentary uh of you and the way you handled that and um she of course was very she was upset she was embarrassed that that happened um she's new to the community and she just that was one of her first uh really her first challenges here and she was just so appreciative of how that went down as she said from where she was from that would not have people would not have been as pleasant as they were and she was very apologetic and so thank you for the way you handled that and the professionalism you showed well just like before when I told you where I was started naming every resident around there and tell me a phone number within five minutes that was very helpful well it's it's it takes a village it takes a village and thankfully we have a great Village here so anyway any other questions of of Captain Captain thank you thank you with that I'm GNA go ahead and we're g to take a a 10 minute [Music] recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e session so you can see commissioner Deo up tiny VI for the tiny people okay can't Mr realart welcome to presentent City VI Zoom yes good evening would you like to Charles do you want to to kind of give us an overview sure well as you mentioned earlier uh the selection you made have withdrew his candidacy um for the position so we went back through to the applicants and um Mr brart was was available and interested in in interviewing for the position so we made arrangements to do that tonight so um you want to have the same format we had before we kind of introduces himself it us a brief summary and then you can ask questions okay Mr would you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your background and your interest in Cresent City yes thank you good evening I'm glad that I have an opportunity to speak with you this evening my name is Michael brart uh my background is actually in the area of City and County government management um my my background uh is includes this working in the State of Florida for for two counties including pelis and St Lucy counties um and I had a a company in Orlando whereby I was I had a planning uh Department in engineering firm for six years uh from there I've worked in in county and city government in the state of Massachusetts North Carolina Ohio where I'm uh where I've worked over the past uh seven years um and I enjoy uh local government tremendously um my skills and my experience are in that area um I applied for this particular position because I'm I'm familiar with the pitam County area um I've Got Friends in Okala Palatka uh St Augustine I've got colleagues that I've worked with in Daytona Beach so to me it's a it's it's kind of like coming home again and so to be able to serve as an interim City uh manager for your community is something that I'm very much interested in thank you um I'm GNA start with Commissioners let's let's see if we have any questions do you have Mr book um commissioner de I'll start with on your end I apologize I'm not hearing very well make sure we speak into our microphon well can you hear us now I can yes okay um mayor if somebody else has a question um I think Mr realart and you together answered most of what they wanted to ask him I don't have a question at this very moment anybody else gotton I'll start don't I'm having a little trouble finding hang deciding first the question do you have any questions let me ask you this uh would you uh after we go through this process would you be concerning about being had per are you interested in the long-term position um that would be something that I would very much like to look into um at this point in time um I'm interested in the itum because I have the capability right now um uh in the work that I'm doing to be able to to expedite uh movement to that community on an effective basis but while I'm there I can I can talk with each uh Commission on a one-on-one basis and determine what you are actually looking for in your long-term manager so I I would be in a better position to be able to give you an answer over the next couple of months okay thank you commissioner Lori do you have a question no I'd like to say answer though I do have question yes so um Mr Bart I'm not really sure where to look I can I guess I'll look at the computer screen um although you're larger on the other screen so um could you just share with us um when could you start and would you be able to stay um until we hire a permanent manager assuming I mean even if you don't want the job or whatever you don't apply for the job could you stay until we complete the hiring process yes um a little bit of background I've actually served as a County Manager on an interim basis a County Administrator on an interim basis and two city managers on an interim basis um the the minimum was 6 months the maximum was almost 3 years so so I understand what it means to serve as an interim public manager um I could be there within 7 to 10 days um after a decision has been made by the this commission and I could be there as short or as long as needed but my estimation is any anywhere between four and six months or longer so I want to be able to give you that level of security and confidence thank you that's good that's important because um as we spoke to our senior advisor this evening it looks like we probably are going to go into the new year so my question would be left here in 2013 Florida what's screening is you want to come I guess back to Florida it looks like is that your ultimate I mean with your fiveyear goal so where are you in your fiveyear goal I would be back into Florida yes I'm a member of the Florida retirement system okay and in each year that I keep adding on is is a blessing to me okay now we are not um and I'm sure you're aware of that as an internet but we are not under the F FRS so I I actually was not but it but it doesn't hinder uh my ability okay that's that's that's just important have any other questions um yes I do um Mr ver you have a lot of experience I think that's one reason we don't have too many questions for you because um your resume is very complete you gave great explanation of why you're applying um but just um I'm sure you've looked into the size of our city and the fact that we're um as a city Administration we have a small staff um and and hopefully you'll be comfortable with the small staff have you talked to Mr red about um the the size of the administrative offices here yes I did have a question um so I'm estimating that most or a lot of your public services are are through an agreement with the county uh just our building department we kind we they the county handles that and we do contract for law enforcement from the sheriff's office and we contract out um it planning and zoning and uh legal okay Fire EMS is that there District uh we have a we have a part-time uh Fire Chief and a volunteer fire department which we partner very closely with the county for fire we we serve the the region for fire okay understood and did you tell about we do have the Enterprises the Enterprise yeah three Enterprise funds water Wastewater and natural gas okay natural gas who's the uh the source provider for the gas Florida gas utility fgu and we have a a head of the gas department that's yeah we have a director uh our gas par been with the city for about 42 years okay so you've got a staff member that does what I would call utility billing and collection yes yes so we have that um let me ask you a question um we also are a designated Main Street Florida Main Street Community downtown partnership tell me what's your thoughts are on Main Street well I actually love Main Street um I've been at Main Street director as in in local government I've consulted to about three or four main street programs one one or two in Florida a couple um in the state of Illinois one in Ohio in the greater Cincinnati area so I love the opportunity to to look at a a Main Street uh revitalization program looking at looking at how working with the both the business owner and developer on revitalizing uh looking at the tax increment capabilities to be able to find uh incremental dollars to to bond or loan out uh funds for sidewalk facade improvements utility improvements so I my experience has been it's really a phenomenal program and I would encourage as many to participate as possible great thank you very much if nobody else has any other questions um how are you with heights yeah I just want to know how he is being in a and do you know how to hang Christmas light I'm pretty good I've seen a few okay well good we good so Charles what do you want us to do at this point well similar that is you know if you want to approve him and uh what I'd look for is authorization for you to sign the contract which I would I would send for him to him for his review uh basically it would be the contract you have in your packet minus the red uh that was Mr Edwards additions it's the same contract that Mr lery had when he was here um and the um the compensation you saw in your U packet was uh I believe it was 7,700 a month uh and I'm recommending $2,000 a month for uh housing he's going to have to rent a place here 7500 for salary 75 plus 2,000 so 9500 um have you have you looked into housing here I mean do you have is that something that you've had an opportunity because we do know that time is of the essence because we would like for you whoever steps in to spend as much time as possible with Charles so he can get you we do have a potential place for him to stay I just didn't know if he had okay that's great okay I have not but I but I would certainly be open to any suggestion okay terrific thank you okay you want to make somebody wants to make a motion I make a motion that we [Music] background check back Che background check and also at the salary recommended by background Che and authorize the city manager to sign the contract the mayor I okay mayor yeah the mayor okay so with that we have a proper motion a long motion do we have a second I'll second that we have a motion in a second um Commissioners we can at this time if wants to do a call just before we do that now we we have decided on the uh how much we're paying and all that kind of stuff the 75 plus the for housing allowance um and and he has told us that he understands that this could be upwards of six months correct yes is he off no he's no didn't realize you asking a question okay yes M we um you understand that it could be upwards of six month or more I do yes okay okay great thank you okay okay do we have any other discussion Commissioners okay Karen I'm going to ask you to do a roll call please commissioner D hi commissioner Lori hi commissioner B hi commissioner bton hi Myers hi so thank you you have been unanimously approved and we welcome you to Cresent City uh Charles you and and Mr holes will be working out the details correct yes I will um I'll email you a draft contract preview and this will also be pending the do a background check obviously but we'll we'll talk again tomorrow okay sounds great thank you okay thank you thank you okay so Charles with that we're gonna tell us when you're ready I'm looking for more well mayor I hate to say this we've done it so quickly but you said subject to a background check but as well I noticed um his resume has referen List have we yet checked any reference I believe did didn't I have to ask her I think she went through all six candidates references but I'll check with her should I asked her Bight yeah I can always get an email to you tomorrow you can always call it you gave me a piece of paper earlier tonight and the motion I know this is going to surprise you you lost it I didn't lose it it's just [Music] of maybe that's my Cofe might be my Cofe okay with that let's go on to our um I'm gonna close this meeting uh recess this meeting and we're GNA open up our C May the first item on the agenda is approval of a memorandum of understanding with the quest City downtown partnership uh if you've seen this in the workshop we've gone over over it modified it to begin in January so we reduced the budget amount um accordingly the first quarter but this is the uh Arrangement where they contracted to essentially to manage and and implement the Main Street foro approach for the community and St approval okay so I will make a motion to approve uh the memorandum of understanding with CT DP that's the City downtown partnership second we have a motion in a second commissioner do we have any um discussion yes commissioner de so I have a question for the city manager um and then just to comment about this so the funds that we're providing that would be to enable um the partnership to both continue higher Staff and also um to lease addition space instead of using the free space from the city uh mostly it's to hire staff I think they used 100% of it for staff they are looking for space at leas and they do have the budget to take care of that on their owns okay so essentially currently we're providing um a halftime position for them right through our um C manager she she devotes half her time more than half it's effectively we provided a full-time position for them okay because the requirement was for halim but then she also provides CRA Services yes she do and often times overlap I know but um so you feel like she's spending more than the half time on the downtown partnership yes um and we why is it not Fe the I guess my concern is and this is for the rest of the commission um obviously Main Street is a good program um there a lot of volunteers they're doing um very time consuming work this is their we have they have not finished the third year as an apprentice program correct correct um you know we are doing a roll back rate budget this here um and you know my concern is that we're going to be putting this amount of money um towards someone who's going to work only for Main Street and it looks to me like our CRA budget is going to be very strapped to hire our own C manager there plent there's plenty yeah I know but like one the question that I asked the city manager was so the amount of money that we would have to um to hire our own C manager would be not really still a competitive position I mean in terms of the amount of salary that we can offer it's the it's the current Sal well the 50,000 we started with is not competitive our our survey indicated you need to pay more and that's where current s manager is she with with the next review she'll in her her pay range based on the salary survey satary study that we adopted so if she leaves I wouldn't start over my recommendation you don't start over at 50,000 again stick within the the pay range we've adopted go 56 starting P okay and that is a competitive rate according to the study for a city of our size okay and then our grant I don't know I just I feel like our our CRA is spread thin and to me this is not necessarily the time to be splitting the Personnel FS that we have between the down a Main Street person and our own C person well I view this as leveraging our dollars so we've got limited dollars as you say and I think the best way we one of the best things we can do and something I've done throughout my career and will continue to do is support a mry program you get this ripple effect of that investment of this whole program of volunteers and things going on for much left we had to do all that in house just the fund for that so it's a great investment I I'm sorry so the other concern I have is that um me I looked at the fourpoint approach I understand they're supposed to do the fourpoint approach um to me it seems um that the activities are weighted in the area of event that we we don't in our Main Street program have um specific downtown residents or businesses on the board um and so far they have not really conducted historic preservation activities and that's supposed to be part of the fourpoint plan the whole point is to preserve the history of the area and they're not focusing on that so I'm hoping that as the work plan that's developed it will actually address historic preservation because so far we just we ar um it seems to me reaching that objective and I understand your point and they certainly could add some things on important thing to remember with Main Street is it's an approach and so I think of it was checking the boxes so for instance in a community where there are already groups doing special events I came from Newport Richie there are a lot of events so that Main program puts on very few events that box is checked you need have special events in your downtown so and there's and then you do marketing well the city has a marketing position that box is checked in our case we have a very robust store preservation Society so we felt in in many ways that box is checked we don't want to step on the toes we certainly can partner as you mentioned in previous meetings we need to provide materials to property owners for tax credits and so forth so there's always more we can do but um we we're very fortunate to have a very active Historical Society in many ways checks that box um well there's always more we can do I was just going to say I think I've raised this before commission Lori and I are very active members of the historical society and I think um you know as in all groups we're small and um from what I see we need more partnership with I think this is just my opinion I will not speak for commissioner ly um but I think there needs to be more activity by the downtown partnership in the area of historic preservation because we really aren't looking at those buildings and I I think it's going to take us operating together so I'm gonna I'm gonna step in here for for just for just a minute um I think that the in this short time they have done an outstanding job and we should be very very proud of a volunteer it is it is a a volunteer board and some of those members um work on it full-time and it's just something that they have contributed to our community I encourage all of us M Vito as well to get involved and become a volunteer with the downtown partnership and bring that aspect of the um his historical um portion that you're asking of them take a lead take a lead role in that that's I will share with you and I've shared with you before I work almost full-time as a volunteer and I have done some very heavy lifting for historic preservation I can't do any more I say I need we need partnership we need a focus for the Main Street effort on the buildings I so as an advisor I would say help help them with that and not only that you realize that someone from the um historical society that they have a a a seat at the board they have a seat at yeah I understand that and I don't see anything going forward and I've made calls and I've sent multiple pieces of information over two years and I don't get any response so I'm just sometimes you have to I'm gonna I gonna okay I'll let it I'll let it go sometimes you have to be a player and and get in there and help um and and work with them and so that's what I'm saying be a volunteer help them they're not they don't have that historical right okay there are several organizations that are part of Main Street I'm part of those organizations and I am up to my volunteer masap as an individual I complemented the downtown partnership I have spent 30 years of my work life working and volunteering and now that I am retired I am volunteering quite a bit to the point that it is affecting my health so I'm working very hard and we don't want it to affect your health right I'm saying they will pick and because I let's let's go forward it's also important to know you organization you don't have volunteers interested in doing those things they don't happen so we want to attract some people that say if you have some input then that's what we should be doing is because you don't have that you don't have that Backbone in in this organization and I just want to say one thing I know we're talking specifically Main Street but our Main Street CRA manager at this moment Christina has worked very hard to incorporate and get people interest the the building in particular um I know that she has worked very very hard uh the C program that we have to um uh rejuvenate Central Avenue okay shows that and to try and preserve some of the um historic buildings that we have left uh so I I think the the attempt is there and I quite frankly I think they've done a fairly decent job with what little they've had and um and they deserve credit for all of that so um it's been a combination of Main Street CRA and I think they've done very very well I have to agree I mean and just this building down here the the um bu building I mean yes Christina has has has been on all those owners these couple of years and they finally started to do something with it and they're turning that building around it takes money and it takes and it takes individual people that own these properties and and that really want to get involved as well and sometimes that's difficult because of theost okay so we don't have a motion okay okay with that Ken I'm gonna ask you to do a roll call please commission Burton hi commissioner L hi commissioner Deo hi May Mars hi Okay C May the next item is approval of the CR budget and recommendation to the commission for adoption um I do want to acknowledge Lor s me very nice upgrades on our graphs unfortunately with the projector it's still blurry you can't read the numbers you do have them in your packet um Central CRA we have $75,000 for Grant programs uh 37,500 Professional Services that's the the contract for the partnership uh $116,000 for improvement projects and then um we have $22,100 that's for materials it kind of our overhead cost and so forth the big shift in this in this is um is Shifting the payroll cost out of this which allows more money for Grant programs and we've started a housing program in this budget as well which is which will be new in the north CR the same thing we also started housing and we have a lot more money there we've been carrying forward um so we have $110,000 proposing for the total Grant programs and then this is where we put the bulk of the uh Personnel costs um for the CRA manager position um as well as some improvement project money in 23,000 so that's where you do projects in our right way or so forth those funds and then South CR which is which is still very tiny uh very little Revenue comes in we did manage to pull together $19,000 for Grants uh did not recommending a a a housing program in that CRA there are almost no houses in the South CRA um but we do have 16,000 Improvement projects and then we put a little bit of personnel cost in both the Central and South because the CRA manager will be working in all those districts so that's the um this is the roll back uh c b I'll call it this is utilizing the rollback rate uh which we recommending um and so our request is for a motion to approve budget and to recommend to the city commission for adoption okay can I get a motion I I move that we approve the budget and recommend it to the city commission for adoption proper Motion in the second Commissioners do we have any um comments I would just like to add that Charles I appreciate and Steve this it's been a fun bunch of year I really appreciate the work you guys put in first five when we said do Rob Back R you went in and you made it work and I really think that um I'm impressed everything looks great it was not easy I know um it really and I think the citizens should realize that for the first time in 10 years we're changing you know going with throwback so it doesn't make the biggest difference to everybody but it is not you know is taxes so that's a big thing that's a hard thing to do so you guys make it happen we're just the ones voted on it so thank you yeah thank you very much any other comments um I I did just a final comment um I'm voting to approve the budget but I do think um that we're not necessarily allocating funds in the most efficient way um we've talked about historic preservation and the need for expertise that can't all come from volunteers um I think we're missing an opportunity at this point to put some money to a grant writer um and also to well this would have to be the main budget to fund some expertise in economic development but I think we have a big need for someone with knowledge of the preservation grants to help us write those grants and potentially that could come from the CRA well we've asked for we we we're under contract with two firms yeah we under contract with two firms and we've asked for that for and we we finally did do that and do you feel that that they're not sufficient well we haven't really talked about that for a while it has um I understand that they do some for free and some not for free but um you rais a good point um um I think we need to talk about how we are utilizing our their unpaid contracted gr bits correct we don't pay them unless we ask them to do a grant you know I don't know any grant writers to paid I mean somehow or another they get paid right within the I'm talking about up front they do there are certain categories of Grants anyway they're not on aain my my bottom line is I think we need to direct some attention to the issue of getting help with grants and that expertise thank you we have any other comments I'm I'm G to ask for um public comment if we have any public comment at this time we have any public comment anybody would like to come forward and speak seeing no one come forward I'm going to close the public comment um Karen I'm going to ask you to do a roll call please commissioner hi commissioner hi commissioner Banks hi commissioner B Hiers hi and that I'm going to close out our and reg sched meeting let's go to business items the first business item for you is the uh approval of the contract for law enforcement Services we we talked about this last month there were some discussions some changes sent those out to you and stff appr contract I'm going to go ahead and ask for the approval of contract for law enforcement Services as written I second a motion in a second Commissioners we have any discussion um yeah it's my understanding um that colon Wells is not here tonight um that basically what they sent is um what expect us to pass so there was based on the discussion we had last meeting right but they they made a change they said that um paragraph five was needed um I I don't really understand that I think I think the contract could be a little tighter I was not expecting them to bring it back with paragraph five um back in it and as well um I noticed that you know I mean this is basically to me kind of a handshake contract um we had talked before about the issue of parking it's not clear to me and there's no one here to answer a question it's not clear to me whether we're providing office space for just the deputies that serve the city or the whole substation and we don't really specify anything as to parking but um I'm assuming we'll work that out we talked we talked about that and that's going to be the Sheriff substation for and it will be a law enforcement substation just like the other one is so that if you've got high Patrol right you got F WC if you've got anybody in here they will be working out of that out of that building parking we talked about that before there's ample parking in the back um and and that's probably um that was my understanding they might have a car or two in the front but the the parking in the back the biggest concern I have is that the but um and I think that's something that I don't know if we'll get to it tonight but we need to address it is that Mr dullet it's on the agenda well it's not on the agenda it's in his report but um we the commission I feel we're at that point where we need to say you know it's time to cut Bay that we we've asked about this and we've asked about this they've known that we've wanted that space and I they've been great ten I'm not taking that away from them but they're also not getting it at market value either so to say that they're going to extend this out you know another nine months um that that's just I was really I was really surprised I Wasing we'll put that on the agenda thank ask um either on the 26th or in October because um it goes almost three4 of the way through the year we're telling the sheriff that we're going to give them space and then my only other comment is um we currently we get great reports from the sheriff about the law enforcement activities um and it's not really in the contract but um it would be helpful if they would share with us when we do and do not have the fifth Deputy on duty how often you know we're supposed to have four ships and then the fifth Deputy they're supposed to deploy as they see right but for transparency purposes and to let us and the public be assured um that everything is being done that was said it would be nice if they could give us a report on that as well thank you yes I think we discussed actually last time that we're not law enforcement we don't know how to run a law enforcement agency that's up to them the point is they are law enforcement agents let them do their job okay we don't need to talk about who's there need if you don't trust them then I don't know I just think it's a little necessary and also talking about parking space and stuff like that this is you know this is necessary we need our law enforcement taken care of we don't have another way if that was sufficient enough I think this has been a great partnership in fact it's more than partnership they give a ton to the city and I have no reason to ever doubt that they're going to do their jobs the way they're supposed to do it I feel much safer in this town now that we have the sheriff's office working in fact just like what we were talking about the the other day or earlier about the car that was seen and G up if our not to disparage anyone but if the police department had had still been here and someone called they would have never been able to stop that car and they would have never gotten there they would have never sto those people so that's already better than what we had before and I this is I just would like to go ahead and vote on it and with I'm not saying we shouldn't have the sheriff's contract I'm not saying they don't do a good job um whatever commissioner ly spoke to was not what I was addressing what I was addressing is we are making the payments I think it is reasonable and appropriate for them to let us know that the people were paying for on a retr respective basis have actually been the job do we need that many people sure then they can tell us about it has nothing to do with us directing when or where the sheriff deploy these people they do a very fine job that no I think it's the the way you present it it sounds as if we don't trust that they actually are providing and I know I'm gonna call the question okay we're done thank you I'll go forward here if you'll do a roll call okay commissioner Burton hi commissioner Bank hi commissioner Lor hi I commission I Myers I so approv let's move on to um May the next item as you recall um I think I notified you last month we're required to not just earmark but to actually obligate contractually all the funds by the end of December so we don't have to make this decision tonight but the sooner we can make a decision we can get the contracts drafted and we've can sign um and I I provided you a list of recommendations things that are before us uh the feasibility study for um moving into the school I think it's important is going show us what we're getting ourselves into when I've talked to other colleagues city managers about if you L of school the first thing ask me is did you do a feasibility study so you know what you're getting into uh also as you know we were I believe we were awarded the grants for the prospect in North and South Main Street because we had shovel ready products we designed them with our funds we could design uh we have a North water Improvement uh on our project list uh that design would be $88,700 we have the Grove Lake arenta Second Avenue watermain design improvements that would be $31,100 and we also are planning to provide a sewer extension um for Cherry Street you're going to hear later tonight um we could do that design and potentially uh which could include repaving that street which is needed that's a $43,000 $300 design so we don't have enough to do all those the balance of that sub design could come out of the SE expansion fund which is for that purpose so we can also add on hle work which would just be a couple thousand dollars um to do as well so I put these in order uh for you to consider we can consider whatever you like uh you could you could pick some of these tonight and then um at the next meeting or in October you could obligate the rest of them U but this is this is something important to do uh because we have to get it all done by the end of December we have another year to actually spend them let me ask you a question so with this 120 um you know the one thing about it with the art I know we did have a workshop at the very beginning correct yes we had a workshop on this and we've had this on the agenda several times as to how we were going to reallocate that and something didn't come forward um first and foremost I think our our our fire hydrants um are are very Neary they're very necessary there was just one thankfully they finally got the one I believe that's completed I know it's completed now over the three bananas and they've been very nervous that that whole neighborhood's been nervous so those are things that have benefited the entire Community yes and I think that as we look at this this 120 um where else could we could We Gather that 120 from if we didn't use it from arpit and we used that for I know but Lake Street we've got large water replacement which is Lake Street that would be probably in the $120,000 range for that design I think Prospect which is much longer was about $157,000 uh design project so I imagine Lake Street would be less than that street it's [Music] from Lake Street Central all North Lake I think so if we if we were to allocate it to that um there's also another project which would be the South Tower loop it's called which goes Lake Cyprus part it's a small project um I think convered like a 10 in main 10 to 12 he's not sure so we didn't price that one for you but um we could do more water project we have have a list of water and that would kind of catch up our water [Music] system which is we go with legisl or we go for any of these grants to show that it's Shuffle ready it just it pums us up a little bit position to I know we do some of it for some economic development um that's what we had allocated it for just a little just a little bit okay including the new Moon Lodge was the biggest piece of that 81,000 so um at Park enhancement I mean I'm just wondering if that's with that 120 so I think it would be my recommendation Commissioners that we maybe talk about this a little bit and and think about where you would want this money truly think about where you feel that this would benefit the community um the community M that's my recommendation so I'll make a motion to table this to time certain the 26 or October or and I'll second that motion in a second um all in favor please say i n so and commissioner Burton um Mr momes if she is not going to be present and she has I guess she can send to um Charles any recommendations she might have that he could at least share with the commission her thoughts oh certainly she could convey that to him there'd be no nothing inappropriate about that okay U no proxy or anything she could definitely convey to to the city manager her comments to be be voiced to the commission would be a violation of sunshine or anything of that than you okay thank you very much okay let's move on to the adoption of the annual tree plan and Commissioners I just want to say that we've got um a lot to get through we might even have to extend and I hope that everybody will be an agreement to do so so we can get this work done tonight so we can take up the annual tree plan or we can table it once again um I move to table this to October okay have a second plan yes I second okay we have a motion in a second we have any discussion you why why why are I mean it's I'm just asking I'm just asking as long um I'm just surprised I thought that it was pretty much done from last year so yeah so we have a motion currently we have a motion in a second to table it um so I'm gonna go ahead and that if there seems to be will of the commission go ahead and vote on it don't feel they any questions I'll withraw my motion to the table and I'll move to approve the annual comence of tree plan for fiscal year 20242 second that commissioner Banks would you withraw your second I second okay do we have any further discussion um do we have anybody from the audience that would like to speak on this one come forward one yes I did I I think I submitted it to the clerk um the appendix a part I just did some math and instead of having the circum of the trees I put in the diameter breast height that's actually what we use to determine their status as a champion tree or speciman tree so I just had fun with math the other day so that might want to be put in there someone can rewrite it a lot we can come back to them your time yes um actually the standard and our tree ordinance and the way these things are done um they're done in diameter and circumference there's a table so that converts one to the other so it's it doesn't it doesn't make a lot of difference although I know commissioner ory is very good at math um but check that off if you want no thank okay um but it's in ordinance you can do it in D circumference and whatever I would like to the only thing I have is that um we go back and forth they say Crescent Lake should be Lake Crescent make sure okay everybody goes back um and then it says each year on aror day and S them um I would say that easier in recognition of Arbor Day City officials because we don't do do it on Arbor Day and a lot of other City officials don't do it on Arbor Day so that would be that would be the only change that I would that I would suggest commissioner D would you accept that change in your motion certainly okay okay any other discussion um everyone here do a call please commission hi hi commission Bank hi commission B hi I it's so approved mayor the next item you recall our our CIP Workshop we had two trucks in in next year's CIP and what we're asking to do is move them and to go ahead and buy them now and we' in the CIP you got in your packet we reduced the carry forward by that amount um so rather than buy them next month or the month after we want to go and get them we have we're fully staffed now and we're having to hit a ride with people and trying to work out our transportation need so okay ENT a [Music] motion everybody gas I make a motion that we go ahead and get the TR okay I'll second okay so we have a motion and a second commissioner do we have any discussion I just wanted to clarify this is under a contract like this is something that the price is office contract Sheriff's Office contract and this is for Public Works one's for public works and one's for gas when to his guys so we have any other discussion um yes mayor I think um it does not say in the memo this money is coming from what fund better place better place okay so the motion should indicate better place okay any other discussion okay you do aoll calliss banks iiss I I so approve I think as we go forward everyone we need to um figure out a way to do this because often times we just lost out on a grapple truck correct what did a grapple yes ma'am we lost out on that for $330,000 because we don't have the spending Authority so when we know we're in need of something I think we need to if we've set that money aside we need to somehow or another give the spending Authority up to because that they've got it for 30,000 and that's what a $90,000 truck $100,000 truck over a 100 over 100 so those are just things that we go forward to to for us to to think about we've done that before when there was a need and mayor I want to apologize to the city manager I think my eyes are blazing over his memo did say I apologize it said that thank you for correcting that okay next item uh is actually to come out of the water expansion fund this is approval of a generator for our water plant we have a a relatively new generator there which we can save and use at the fire station when we expand that facility uh and I have ke here to talk to about the need but I guess it's not adequate when we're P up uh to it doesn't draw cre enough voltage so has a better explanation you can make a motion I that we go with the Black Creek electrical services to purchase a new generator for the water plants paid for the water and repair we have a motion in a second and then has been here alling would to anything thank you does anybody any questions of question and then you're going to utilize this this could be utilized if we were to do over the ambulance yes ma'am it can we can use it at the fire station depending on how long it's going to take to get the new Fire Station built it might be later on down the road if it gets too long we should we might should Surplus it and because it will not work nowhere else um I want to say we got it 20 16 or 17 that old doesn't it don't have a lot of hours on it what is happening is when gener builds their generators they build them for a certain thing all right I based it off of kilowatts which was my fault generators based off of KV keyo volt amperage and what is happening is our generator will run at 480 our plant runs at 480 but we got 50 horsepower pumps when they come to kick on it pulls the generator down 50 volts and it will not run the plant and it's uh it's one of them things that we really need to fix because it's not a good thing not to have it okay so we have a current Motion in a second Karen if you do a roll call thank thank you ketho hi commission hi hi hi hi so approve thank you mayor the next item is request for the annual data dead theed Festival to the third annual event in park and St be back for I will make I don't know what doing he might be doing EV somewh else I'll entertain a motion I approve alol second we have a proper Motion in a second do we have any um discussion I just wanted to say I do not vote for selling alcohol and parks in the business district yes Parks no thank you um and I will say that this is our third and they have been very responsible with this event and it has gone off without incident and that's something to be to be proud of so thank you okay with that we have any comments from the um audience Karen if you would a roll call on this one commissioner B hi hi okay so I we need to the meeting next actually came about commission asking about restriping the speed in the city and one of the things been on my list since I got here was um there are almost no stop bars in the city unless it's a county or State Road there's not a Stop Bar so had bids for the striping and they're actually vastly different call some State pavement they understand so I recommend they would do 115 stop bars in the city and 11 speed HS with reflective pain I'm approve bid with Sunstate Pavements for restart against speeds and stock pars okay have a proper Motion in a second commissioner so we have any discussion I just want to say that thank you this is very important especially since you can't see some of those hums and they look like the and you hit the um my only question would be Keith would this Sun State have have we ever worked with them no ma'am okay that my concern is um and I didn't send this question to the city manager but the sunate bid is barely even 25% of the highest bid I mean it the high bid is quite High the middle bid is for $110,000 that's less than half of the highest bid um but do we have any concern about the 3974 from the low bid that they would possibly not do an adequate job there's a guarantee for a year you know in some respects you know I have to I thought maybe was one Ste look at when you look at their contract that they had their proposal they were the most professional of the proposals so they obviously know what they're doing I don't know if they've got a job up here that they will be doing in relation to that you also have to to understand that often times and I know we've all went into this in construction that when somebody doesn't want to do the job you know they um sometimes that bid it's like okay well if you really need it then this time just GNA cost you well this is not my area of expertise um but I just want to make sure that staff is confident that that is a reasonable bit and that you have confidence that they can do the job for and Keith was the one speaking to them so Mr Harris would you like to um Mr Harris would you like to how do you feel um I sing the walk out I'm actually not even which bid did you go first su su which one was that how much was it 3,974 I mean I'm questioning it I don't know I've never dealt with them so I mean it will be a contract so he has to abide by the contract I you can get Dawn homes and young to look at the contract to make sure it's legit he's not using water paint water that's I mean because he come in way cheap and me and Charles talked about it did you ever he said it legit so if we I mean the only other thing I think is that um that if we were to do just a reference just one reference if he was to provide a reference do they ever provide a reference no ma'am many is he doing for that that doing 115 stop bars and 11 speed HS many expensive 35009 how long what is the time estimate to do this two days you gave me a price a long time ago about $25 a bar well this is $31 a bar you go so it's in the ball okay I what you get here it's not as much you know mobilization cost come here and just two days I mean I search for them online they they get five stars and several other places they have a profession website there's nothing that makes it seem like they're fly by9 and they have a warrant thank you weer motion a second on Grand R build somebody took it up oh no somebody pulling a trailer ripped it up oh okay and we haven't put it back yet cuz we got to pull the nails out of the ground and I just yeah somebody put on the trailer okay that got reported to me and I spent an evening hour questioning everybody and I even sent Charles pictures and I said Charles whoever did it did a professional job turns out it was rnie okay um okay so I'm GNA go ahead Karen if you'll do a roll call commisso hi commission L hi commission Banks hi B Hiers hi so approve are you already and with this we're going to go into our public hearing open our public hearing the first item up is the uh fut land use Amendment for the Char this is the project where the develop going to put in uh houses first need to do resoning and fut land change Marks here to make that [Music] presentation ready okay this is first reading of ordinance 20241 adopting a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment an ordinance of the city of ceson City Florida adopting a small scale comprehensive plan amendment in accordance with Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes amending the future land use map designation for a property totaling approximately 3.38 acres plus or minus located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Huntington Road SLC County Road 308 and Cherry Street providing for a change in the future landage map designation from commercial and agricultural to residential Das low density providing for implementing administrative action repealing all conflicting ordinances providing for separability providing for non codification and providing for and effective day thank you Mr well um good evening I'll be very brief uh on screen you see a location mind to remind you of where the site is near our photograph you can see that this is Cherry Street this is a property that has a future land use that is currently split commercial on the North uh agriculture on the south the applicant uh is a uh firsttime developer but very experienced home builder and so they are making an application to amend the lane use so that go a Lo inity residential which allows up to four unit breaker the next item is companion zoning uh be happy to answer any questions with the staff report that provided puts in the record extensive information in regards to the Future my change commission I will entertain motion at this time I move that we approve ordinance 20241 second we have a proper Motion in a second so do we have any discussion any questions with Mr corette how many put homes There Is So the plan will be to come forward next time is zoning and so once the the use is approved they will come forward uh with an application to uh subdivide the land that they'll be required to hire both surveyor and a professional engineer uh to design a subdivision uh and there has been some discussion about cooperation on utilities utilities are all in are in place or in close proximity to so the extension should be relatively [Music] easy the applicant is here you some questions about their future so it does not have to go to the state it be taken correct okay want to clarify that yes commissioner I I have a couple questions one a couple for um Mr car and then a couple correct sorry and then for our city manager um or maybe both Mr coret so I'm looking at the proposed future land use map uh in our packet and then right after it it's the proposed zoning map um for 600 Cherry Street so the proposed future land use map shows um we're changing the section of the Agricultural zoning and the commercial zoning we're changing that to residential one correct the the zoning map sorry the future land use map yeah the future land use map shows we're going to low density residential the zoning map which is also report so so you understand what's planned right but that's actually the next time that's okay but what is what I'm not getting is on the proposed future land use map um the the property that we're talking about is basically a a long rectangle right and so on the South Side um it shows that it's adjacent to property that is agricultural then okay there yeah so okay I understand what you're saying there's an inconsistency in your future landage map this this is a particular this is we're not talking about this piece of property the property adjacent to it there is an inconsistency the town the city has applied sr1 zoning to property that is in fact designated uh agriculture in the future in future language that is that is a problem for ajacent property it has nothing to do with this I know but it has something to do with I know basically Cherry Street runs parallel to a portion of West Grand Wando West Grand Wando the point that I'm getting at um is single family residential um that's the only part so and it is but this doesn't run adjacent to Grandma okay but it's it's parallel to it it's I it's a close track so what I'm see is on okay and so you've explained something to me the city's current zoning map shows the property um that we're discussing to back up to an area that is zoned sr1 and is occupied some of it on West Grand rjo by single family residences there's just a little problem with the future land map cor okay that's all I just want to understand the maps that I'm looking at and what's been done um but yes and you point out in your report um there are single family homes in the area and then the other thing is um so there utilities nearby but for what are the plans for um the sewer like the city managers proposing that we fund the Cherry Street Extension that would apply to these properties it would be for this uh we would fund the design we've offering to share the cost with the developer for the superfection installation of sewer line right but so um doesn't that do we have the money for it doesn't that take quite a bit of time are they planning to hold off on the construction of the homes until sewer is provided we do have the funds for for both U we potentially have the ARA funds for the design but we have uh our sewer expansion fund has the funds to share and the cost of this sewer expansion okay we ran into this with another sewer extension that we funded my question is are the developer plans maybe they'll want to speak to this are they planning to put in septic tanks or are they planning to wait for sewer the idea is they they won't put in septic tanks SE we have sewer lines running down to the property there sewer lines the land would allow I'm sorry I couldn't hear what Mr C said the land code wouldn't allow you to do that with adjacent available they're close enough to the Sewer on the county road things there either they don't ciz water qure Lots don't have room for septic sewer lot I mean septic and and that's a future discussion I mean it obviously is related and of interest and relevant in terms of this L use decision this discussion is more prly start talking about the subdivision line so we have any other discussion if not I'm G to open it up for um public comment we have any public comment okay seeing no one come forward um Karen I'm going to give it to you or you'll do a roll call please commissioner B hi commissioner hi hi commission hi hi so appr um Mr marker 83 Investments what is your name Austin Austin yes ma'am okay first off thank you for being here tonight and for enduring this um and and second all thank you for the investment you're making in Cent City and and also okay so let's go on to 204-12 First reading of ordinance 202 24-12 amending the official zoning map and ordinance of the city of ceson City Florida amending the official zoning map for property toing 3.38 plus or minus Acres located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Huntington Road cr38 and Cherry Street from The gc-1 General commercial and the AG agricultural zoning districts to the sr-1 single family Zing District providing for implementing administrative actions repealing off conflicting ordinances providing for separability providing for non- codification and providing for an effective date have questions you have I'll entertain a motion um I move that we approve on first reading ordinance 2024 -12 second okay we have a proper motion and second Commissioners do we have any questions or discussion I'm sure Mr Starling wants to come up and just [Music] talk okay with that um I'm gonna open it up for public comment we have any public comment at this time seeing no one run forward ahead and close I'm G to close public comment here if you'll just go ahead and do roll call for us please hi hi hi hi hi okay so approved I'll move on to Second reading and we'll hear this on the 26 both of these okay mayor the next item is the first reading Gordon 20244 adopting the new Land Development code um he did have a hard copy um to submit um I think more than dozen recommended changes uh I email them out to you this was yesterday my recommendation is um you go and adopt it as presented Mark does have a brief very brief presentation and you can always revisit and make any other changes um again once you adopt it it's not set in stone you can revisit and revise any portion of you wish okay you want the red first or you want the presentation first go do the presentation thank thank you so much thank you uh can SP more than a dozen I think it was about 456 items we had to look at and uh um made some changes uh all of which are uh in the redline version at your Workshop you had a number of different changes where we've included a list that that should be in your packet so we've made those changes thank you I went through those thank uh commiss Lori did have a couple items that uh weren't typos error Corrections uh or or uh kind of follow-ups to the uh the workshop so uh so those poliy matters are brought before you and they were discussed in in the staff report uh the first uh relates to uh the historic preservation question about uh an approach think back to the item that you saw earlier uh this evening uh where uh RG uh Architects presented uh their images of a addition to a historic building so there is a standard in the National Park Service standards that talks about how if you're adding to an historic structure you have to differentiate the new to the old and there's different ways of doing that and you saw one approach that was presented earlier this evening so you saw that you know he you reduced the scale there's different things you can do what what's current in the landed on the code and this is this is just an aesthetic approach in choice what what's in the proposed blend on the code basically saying you you should not attempt to blend the old and new you should make the new you know very clear so that people who are who are not in any way attuned to Aesthetics will know here's the historic building here's a brand new uh addition to it there's a number of different choices you're requireed to differentiate it's a policy decision that that may understand it completely I I did not understand when I was read through what that actually meant but today was very for just so that's taking care my okay so we can back number two has to do bamboo and suggested that that we do not have bamboo in the shrubs list again we we'll tell you that the the bamboo including there are two types of bamboo there's clumping bamboo and there's running bamboo our reference is the plumbing bamboo and this would be used as an accent plant it's not really a it's not really going to be used as a shrub by Landscape Architects we describe it as an access plant an an accent plant it's in the list if you guys would like to take it out of the list take it out of the list I would take a banana shrub out before I take a bamboo shrub before I take a bamboo one out just simply because of if we're looking at it for how it looks but I'm fine with the bamboo especially I understand bamboo and if you don't um if you don't maintain it that one species will spread it's an invasive species um if the other one the clumping a lot of people do use that for um hedging for different are it doesn't specify it just bamboo species that's okay I'm sorry just could we just amend this to specify that clumping bamboo only is permissible the scientific I mean I it's covered by the scientific name that we referenced but yes we could call it clumping it's it's bamboo and there's a scientific name no it say bamboo STP which means bamboo species so it could be any bamboo yeah so that that needs to be specified so yeah call looked at this thing for so long I don't want to look at it anymore how you feel about that as as that be fine we'll add would that be is that going to create a problem R for anybody that no I and the reason I say that is because sometimes you go to a nursery and they say it's a clumping just kind of like sometimes you buy you know what you think a full blooded animal I mean you know what I'm talking so I'm just saying that you know is that gon is that GNA cause us any issues down the road that somebody thinks they're buying a clumping bamboo and in fact they they did not buying bamboo okay I'm just asking I mean it could cause an issue where we'd have to address that with somebody if it you end up spreading but designers are gonna know you have to go in the backyard and see it well [Music] nobody's everyone's in in in agreement with that then we need to um to amend our um motion so I move I'll start over I move to did I [Music] have do it we'll go ahead and Mr holes if you'll read for us please absolutely without reference to cling bamboo as compared to First reading of ordinance 20244 adopting the Land Development code and ordinance of the city of Chen City Florida adopting a new Land Development code providing for implementing administrative actions providing for severability providing for conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective dat okay Commissioners I will entertain a motion now I move that we approve ordinance 20244 adop Motion in a second do we have any further discussion um um the city manager mentioned that I have um changes to propose um I think we we've spent a good five minutes discussing clumping bamboo when we look at this um the section on trees 4.4 and I asked um Mr cor questions when we had the workshop um this is a very complex subject and when Mr KET said oh well your your existing tree ordinance is just going to be repealed um this I realized this is not a good thing um I went back and I looked at it very carefully and there are three things um and I had a discussion with Mr CR yesterday he was very helpful um there are three things that I think we need to do to accomplish the goals that we said we wanted two years ago and we had the diagnostic report that diagnostic report um identified a number of issues including histor preservation and one of them was and this was listed urgent that we wanted to improve our tree ordinance to protect strengthen our tree canopy and to protect our heritage trees I don't know how this got Lost in Translation um but that is not what this ordinance does in some part there are parts of it that are very technical that deal with the approval process and the replacement of trees on developed property but what is not good is um number one um and we just I asked about this in the workshop um the Land Development code unless we I think make a clarification it will be very unclear as to whether this applies to just maintenance of landscape in people's homes that do not involve a development permit um I think the current tree ordinance that we have 18.5 works very well for properties that do not involve a construction or development permit of some kind and I think we should make clear that outside of development permit activities that 18.55 is preserved that's important now I'll tell you why my understanding before you do is that we were I was not the understanding that it was going to repeal that one that was that would they would py back on each other correct only the portions that are in direct conflict in Conflict get repealed that was my that was my understanding not the entire tree but the wording is not clear and I think we should specify that outside of development activities we are preserving the existing tree orance because otherwise okay so until until uni code finishes with this which will take quite a long time um I think there will be some uncertainty okay commission commissioner dito if that's just the language can language be placed in here we've had working on this for two years and at the last hour significant changes that we have had multiple workshops on and we've had an opportunity to go over this okay mayor I'm just asking their language that we could segregate it in in the way that commissioner Vito is suggesting assuming we get that direction for you guys if you guys want us do that we can segate it so the land on code will will only touch new development or Redevelopment of existing science but existing homes and people who are dealing with true removal on existing property or pruning an existing tree can be handled under the existing chapter chapter 18 have you ever done that in one code in one of these code updates done we've done similar to no excuse me I'm not making it unnecessarily complicated and it easy let's call the question no we're not call question I still have to go to public comment we need to get this taken care of okay so I'm sorry I need to I understand where you are on this yes well no I I don't because we gave specific direction that we wanted to improve protection of our tree canopy this in some ways um creates confusion and doesn't do that and I asked in the workshop specifically what is being repealed we were told nothing I said how does this fit with our existing ordinance oh don't worry about it we're giving you a good code so it really wasn't until Mr KET came kette sorry and did answer some questions I was not expecting to get an ordinance um that would not be a substantial Improvement and we have actually our tree ordinance for the purposes that I said is a good ordinance Our Land Development code as a whole needs some help so hang on just a second um commission wrap we need to wrap this up okay well this is very important and I will remind you in our strategic plan it says number one a goal was to improve protection of our tree canopy this is not doing it um as well um in 4.4.4 paragraph um e historic tree protection paragraph e um this ordinance um is not as protective as our existing or and development okay fine so instead of our current standard is to protect trees 30 in uh in diameter dbh of all species okay this this ordinance um increases by 20% the requirement for a tree to be protected so it would no longer protect 30 in trees it will protect 36 inch trees that's is this is this actual is this factual it it does te technically yes there is a change between the 30 and 36 there's a a use of a term that that you guys typically talk about which is a Heritage tree when I think of Heritage trees to me Heritage trees are divided into uh two classifications of trees historics and specimen trees and in our ordinance we provided uh a level protection for historic trees and a level of protection for specimen trees so there are protections for for Heritage trees it is a little different it does take a different approach uh it would be a very simple matter if you wanted to change the historic number from 36 to 30 okay and that would advice for you commissioner de if they change that from 36 to 30 um yes I'm preferably it would apply to all trees although in point of fact most of the right because they only name two kinds of and there's more than one it's very important okay okay fine so you only there's nothing wrong with protecting all trees 36 30 in or larger it's what we currently wrong with protecting all trees that have a certain diameter there are invas trees that should not be protected well actually and there's a list of them for and we are never okay okay wait a second we are never going to agree on trees everybody has their opinion on trees what I want to make sure that as we go forward and I think what I'm hearing from the commission is we want to make sure that we have ample protection where needed and reasonable protection where needed I think you uh ample protection I think it's reasonable I I have no objection to changing the the 36 to 30 Commissioners do we have any objection to um we currently have a a motion in a second do we have any objection to asking um that that be included that we change this from 36 to 30 DH measur there's quite a bit of much better protection in this for the trees because after we got this email back I spent an hour reading through everything I after several emails from several people in public that you know commissioner dito had emailed to tell us all the email or to email all of us um I read through all of it and spent several hours today looking at it and in fact this is a much better deal than what we had before because obviously our 18 does not really have any sort of penalties if you clear a lot and don't get your hands what happen I'm not speak I'm not speaking and so who gave who who gave the motion commissioner Lori so commissioner Lori would you like to change your motion to include the change for the from the 36 to the 30 yes would you would you do that may so well I'm ask in and to separate out the development issues from the maintenance of just the regular Landscaping trees that do not the protection of trees for pruning or removal that are not included within permitted activities I honestly before we do that I feel like that's something that maybe we need to revisit down I I personally okay well there's a problem with that because very important Point um it's very important and you are you are bringing open season on your trees because this ordinance does not require a permit for pruning of a Heritage oak or other very large tree that is a very Advanced thing that our current ordinance contains and requiring a permit for printing it's recommended by Mr Lippy in advanced tree care it's in the okay you're you're causing potential harm to our current Heritage trees that are not involved in development activities because they will henceforth no longer be required to have an ordinance for pruning commissioner Lori is correct there are some aspects of this ordinance particularly for the development processes that are better but this ordinance is not good for our oak tree either our city trees the trees in our Parks the trees that have nothing to do with development activities but people may want to remove or PR them they will no longer be protected from improper printing because if you read it very carefully Mr okay finished I got your point I got your point talk about bamboo but you don't want to talk about talked about for a few minutes so I'm asking Mr mret at this time with what she's saying on the routine maintenance do you feel that our current ordinance is going to be a problem to us and to the trees that there is not ample protection when you say the current or you mean what's currently on the books or what it's currently being proposed the currently on the books if we say in if it's not repealing everything it's only how it applies Mr homes how can we how can we I I speak some it'll still be there'll still be there they're not in Conflict course they're not in conflict and I can go into the land on code and make sure I remove any references to things that would make it confusing so so it would allow the the portion that's not dealing with new Land Development to to make it clear that we're not reping by taking out those ref is to uh so approve this that and do that on the second reading and make sure that we have to make sure that when this comes to us there's no changing in the second reading so whatever we get there's no Chang commissioner L was saying I think as yall were talking that we could make the changes in second reading but it's my understanding CH to make changes between now and second long enough that once it gets here at second going forward okay okay you're set okay so we're set um at this time I'm going to open it up for public you have a motion on floor by commissioner L to make the change regarding the 36 to 30 diameter I don't think there was ever a second to that have second commissioner B second she did were you a maor I really wish I could make my waste go down 3 30 like that but I will second this thank you with that I'm gonna open it up for public comment do we have any public comment at this time okay see no one come forward I'm going close public comment Karen would you please do a roll call commissioner Burton hi commissioner Banks commissioner laoren I commission de I may Mars I okay so approve to get a second meeting thank you thank you thank you Mark for being here this evening long driving Street Mayor the next item is the annual adoption of the schedule of fees you didn't make the changes that you previously approved in the water and uh SE rates and in our Workshop where we talked about some increases to our gas fees we made those [Music] changes col as well yes I I that approve first reading of ordinance 20 24-15 amending the schedule of Thieves and ordinance of the city of Preston City Florida amending the schedule of theves to be charged by the city of C City for noise natural gas General reproduction Services business tax R seats Planning and Zoning special events Parks Cod enforcement water Wastewater providing for repeal of prty ordinances and resolutions in conflict severability and an effective dat the mayor I neglected to mention uh Lor pointed out that somewhere in the last couple years we missed U increasing the outside City Water charges so we not longer keeping up with the water study we adopted so a recommendation would be um for up to 5,000 gallons instead of $344 it would be $3.75 I think we gave should do a copy of this um 5,000 9,000 would be $468 9,000 to 15,000 be $562 15,000 to 20,000 be $658 and 20,000 or more $7 and that's for the outside okay I will entertain a motion appr 2024 15 the additional changes to the outside water I second okay we have a motion and a second commissioner do we have any discussion on this um I do want to say that just for clarification for everyone that with these fees these are these are not taxes so that's just very important for people to realize these are kind of goods and services but they're not um they are not taxes and and many of these we have to do in order to keep our funds um the Water waste water we had because it previously proved it was 15% each year until that that 5% for the next and that was based on the study that was done with I went through the same thing they're under the same constraints that we are I think maybe even so anyway with that um do we have we have no discussion I'm G to open it up for public comment do we have any public comment on this see a public comment um commissioner Laur you did mention that this is going to be an increase in our waste gr services and so I think if we go forward that's something that we need to take into consideration we currently have um service twice a week and I know there has been some some talk about um that many people wanted to keep that so I think that if we see that there's some concern as these um that increase takes place that we might want to visit that as to whether or not the citizens feel that they still need that service so with that here I'm going to ask you to um do a roll call commission D hi commissioner Lorie hi commission hi commissioner hi hi so a second mayor the next item is the resolution mayor I wanted to respond to your comment that you made about the twice a week service um people have always been very supportive of the twice a week service I appreciate the twice a week service I think it keeps garbage from piling up and things from getting very nasty um um I did not say that I was for or against I just said that something that we go forward we might need to we might need to take into consideration it's a way to lower the cost it's a way to lower the cost and that that that would simply be just way to lower the cost but we got ourselves into this situation about other choices that we made so um I don't know I guess we could discuss it EXA adoption of resolution 2024 before adopting the mill rate okay is that the numbers yeah so we we've given you uh the adopting resolution to adopt the current M rate and then we given you the language for adopting the r back rate which would be 0% I do have very specific language for the motion May did you find your no I did not I think so the uh I just read it you need a motion to pass to adopt resolution um 20244 yes uh the fiscal year 2025 20 2425 PR City operating millage rate of 85914 Ms which represents I'm sorry 84340 Ms which represents a 0% increase over the 8434 roll back M rate that's if you adopt a roll back the current the current um millage is represent a 1.87% increase over the RO back rate and So for anybody that's wanting to know um what that means is that you want sure the roll back rate is the rate where the revenue coming in RoR taxes excluding new construction would be the same for the city so it's a lower millage rate in this case some years even though your property value has increased we'll keep it at last year we keep our income the same which represents uh by rolling back zero increase to the city first time we've been a at least a DEC also I need to remind you that you have to state which one you're going to adop motion you want that langage [Music] so I don't know who wants to make the motion so you will be doing this one this it's a surprise make the motion back down there I'm good I'm gonna make motion to pass the resolution top of the P rate for fiscal year 20242 um for that's not what it says I know which one it is it says but that's what it says and then it something different but for fiscal year 2025 2425 pres to the operating millage rate of 84340 Mills which represents a 0% increase over the 8.44 robot rate all that make sense so we have a motion and we have a second commissioner do we have any discussion I'm very happy with this I originally brought it up in one of the workshops so I think it's good and I think it's particularly good since unfortunately the cost of living um keeps making us have to increase our rates so this is um somewhat of an offset so just to remind everyone in attendance this is a public hearing publicar hearing hearing this there are there are very specific regulations concerning adoption of the military it is important that should be recognized as a public hearing and that the anybody in the public be invited to come forward and offer any comment they have about the millage rate I was going to open it up to public comment I I apologize um and we're still in our public hearing so we'd open up our public hearing portion of the meeting so we don't have any other discussion no other discussion I want to say okay so it is the staff did a good job of working on this making it happen um we we directed it and we kind of made some decisions on some Cuts but to make it on balance is not easy thank don't give him credit he's leaving and with that I'm gonna go ahead at this time for this public hearing um and open it up for public comment do we have anybody that would like to speak if so please come forward state your name and your address if you will seeing no one come forward I'm going to close public comment and there's no further discussion Karen if you would do a roll call commissioner Burton hi commissioner hi commissioner Lor hi commissioner hi May hi next item is the first reading 24 proving and fixing the budget um read and and I would also note that advertisement for the item uh fixing the millage was included within the trim notice that was set to all taxpayers it fixed the date and time of the meeting which is this supposed to be heard at a public hearing so in furtherance of that first reading of ordinance 20243 approving and fixing the budget and ordinance providing for approving and fixing the bug budget setting the village Levy at 85914 allowing for for General operations of the city and its various departments approving and fixing budgets for special funds and Debt Service for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 3025 so mayor I'm not going to put the Power Point up there again because it's blurry um I just want to mention uh I know when we did the midyear adjud adjustment this year some folks came up and said the budget should be set in stone you should never D from the budget and that's certainly a way to look at a budget my view of the budget is a tool for us you know we we try to predict our revenue and we predict our expenses and we plan for some expenses and we put them in the budget and it's a tool to guide us into the year so as you know with that midyear adjustment when the year we close out this current year our revenues exceeded expenditures and right now we anticipate that'll be several hundred, we don't know till we close it out formally so there will be a budget adjustment where we'll look like wow we we were did great last year we need to put that money years past we stored it away that's why we have a million dollars that we don't touch so in the coming months you'll have an opportunity to go in look at how things were going and then Guided by this budget off and make those changes put money in for the tree canopy project or put money in beautification or equipment those kinds of things we talk about gr r or whatever it is you choose but again to me this budget is is a guide it'll get us and get you started into the year and uh get a good sense we we budget to zero Revenue equal expense we don't count on those leftover funds so we add those in you add those in later and can make the changes you see are necessary halfway into the year you Didu put employes we did keep that increase um but where where we chopped was beautification trees um and some Street supplies and and some small uh small equipment repair those lines went in just kept cutting things um did cut the U fire department has a u incentive line cut it down to what they've typically been spending but it's less than he asked for so was okay with that he said just I remind you can come ask for more we get into the budget year and you see that concerned that volunteers will drop off those funds AR available so we make those changes Steve knows where all these places are yes they're high yellow motion do I have to read that thing again no this is there's a second motion on there is there a second motion the second Mo yes but remember there's a change that we in that coordinates because we have to accept the4 yeah so you need to adopt this move that we adopt the fiscal year 2024 25 budget um with the operating Mage rate of 8.43 4 Ms which represents 0% increase the 8 the back rate okay good that or do I need to put the amount is it the the actual Levy that I'm saying instead of the Rob back for all funds one say all funds back okay for all funds for with a total Levy of 9,138 710 is that enough is that sufficient do you want me to start over I can I read somebody got under record do you do you have that motion I I'll have it you might do it again I'm doing it again she just keeps moving the sheet of paper away adopt what is the ordinance summer here 243 ordinance 20243 um to adop the fiscal year 2024 25 budget for All funds with a total Levy at the roll back rate of 8434 Ms and a total Levy of 9,1 38710 second so we have a motion and a second commissioner do we have any discussion I have a question okay so we have a Crescent City capital Improvement plan so are we adopting this yes it is part of the the budget that's part of the budget and the CRA budget as well so all funds okay that's what I thought so um I don't um it's not clear to me under better place plan fund for 2025 there are two lines one says 4 I'm on page one of the capital Improvement plan that Charles gave us oh okay I was waiting until people found I'm looking at Capital Improvement PL there's in the column better place plan funds for 2025 um the it looks like it adds up to 430 434,000 and then there's a a line below it in the column that says 441 350 um that's the only column for which there are two figures that bottom figure is is the total of what I believe will be available to make sure that the total of column didn't exceed the fund that we anticipated so we would be funding all that $99,000 spending spend yes spending all that $9,000 okay and so just calling to your attention um we have a lot of very expensive things that need to be done I'm noticing okay we have Cherry Street sewer extension on there you have oh that's Wastewater expansion okay got it got it got it um why exactly is it that we need to spend $20,000 on a monument sign for e park I'm not sure that just put that in the budget so it'll come to you we need a monument sign there just that's that's that's the maximum that's what he's budgeted for it doesn't mean that's how much it's going to cost or that you even do it or it will even do it I don't remember that we ever voted for it I remember the city manager said we don't have a sign for e park um but just the i p personally I think $65,000 for signs when we have other um unfunded issues that are based on the discussion we had earlier very high priorities commissioner you realize that just because it's there that does not mean that's how much we will spend so if we don't come in with that um if we don't come in if we come in much lower then we have a savings and then that money can go into somewhere else when we do a bud and what I okay what I'm saying is because I don't want to be yeah so I know I'm watching that because we've got to extend the meeting so right now I currently have a motion in a second can I set that aside for this budget that we extend for half an hour all in favor please say I I okay thank you okay so what um May I finish what I was saying thank you thank you very much Mr holes um so what I'm saying is I think we have other priorities we've talked about um historic preservation um we talked about the new Moon Lodge being one of those items um it occurs to me that $65,000 um would fund the architectural study that we need for the newer Lodge and and I think I think we should consider shifting some of these funds to things that are Urgent and priorities um and not necessarily dedicating um that significant amount of money to signs that are not going to revitalize a very a very important part of town okay um okay we did a workshop just this is what we came out with you can change this you'll have to approve these expenditures one by one and we need signs it's embarrassing you drive to other communities and we need signs entrance signs to from the city now I feel like we could probably do it for a lot less but um at least we have that buffer in there if we need it and later on when we do a a a budget adjustment then we can move that and like he said this is not set in stone right saying and bringing to our attention something that we might want to address in the near future thank you and then um there are two items in the general fund budget that we brought up earlier that have not been corrected um one of them is in the city commission budget um I ask for a clarification there's a line item that says retirement I don't know what page it's on now that should indic indate um retirement payments for previously serving Commissioners and there's no well I think I think we brought that up too right because that will that will start at the end at the end of the year anyway just to clarify that this is not retirement money for the majority of the currently serving Commissioners and as well um we can mention right and okay and as well um the footnote is correct but under um the legal section um it's line 111 other Legal Services um the footnote is correct that explains what the differences between other legal services and outside Council but I think the money is still not in the right place it um what's in outside legal council um the expenditures for commissioner legal fees needs to be moved to blindness as other legal services and that for what was paid in 2024 and um because that was already done so that that's in the7 it should be on the it should be the 37,000 should remain with outside legal council the um 3,000 my understanding what you're saying it should go up into Legal Services correct no reverse the 37,000 needs to move up into other Legal Services even though that was for Council outside coun Nots the foot corrected but the 37,000 is still not in the right spot for the fit okay do we have any any other comments seeing no other comments I'm going to open it up this um for public here for a public comment if anybody has any public comments please come forward and and share state your name and your address this is your opportunity see no come for and I'm going to go ahead and close public comment at this time there's no further discussion here I'm going to ask you to do a roll call on the first reading of ordinance 20243 with a proper Motion in a second commisso hi commission L hi Banks hi I okay so approved to Mo to Second reading good job and with that let's go into our um city manager report I'll just not a couple items um for future the go issue which you talk about um also we've been looking into providing cameras in the Parks I I spelled out the the cost we're looking at for subscription basically and then the cameras are another Subscription Service as well so that's something go forward if you want to is that the NOLA Project yeah the on I sh with you that shared with us subscription service cameras we we don't have power at all of our parts does not have power the others do have power so we have to these cost plus we have to install a was it a stainless steel box stainless steel box to house and protect the router the router yeah so provide a signal to the park public could use it and our cameras work and what cars you're not paying for the camera they pay for this is like a 122,000 $15,000 camera something like that you P for the service you pay for the service and they actually cover it's a nonprofit that covers the cost of those so it's incredible too would we extend a tall pole somewhere to protect it how would we protect it probably on the roof ofeo the sitting there and priority that's okay so I have one question about that great that we have the figures um that it occurred to me isn't most of the vandalism and the problems occurring inside the restrooms um a significant amount is so we'd be able to see who's going in and out yeah can't obviously inside I know that but what occurs to me is um we won't know the time of day that the vandalism I mean I'm saying it's a good figure interesting proposal but it's still not going to tell us necessarily what time of day the vandalism occurred and quite frankly it's my understanding that par Personnel are pretty aware um some people are living in the bathrooms um I mean having cameras doesn't really solve that so I don't know we know when they're going in it will show that they're going in right and it will show when they're coming back out so if they're there all night long and they don't come out so we're having some issues with them not opening them up till 10 o'clock in the morning because they're still in there it's a deterrent says you on video and quite honestly any Community you go to and you see see it I mean you see it on TV the things that they pick up by having cameras I me it's just it's amazing right it's amazing what how that how useful that can be in so many different ways um so but will it deter um actually in the bathroom no so well I mean obviously it's not on the agenda I I have I have one item I would like to ask the city manager um and maybe we should have talked about this during the budget process but um with the city manager search um Mr Hansen mentioned a number of costs and expenses that we would have um I think we're going to need a budget for that to know what kind of money we're going to come up with and especially with the roll back rate how we're going to fund that in the budget because um for the interviews the plane fairs you know with the hotel that adds up to quite a bit of money and he mentioned also um the cost of the background checks and I just think we should besides their expens I think we should have an idea um of what those costs are going to be so we can figure out where we're going to pull them from well we're also going to have cost datings as long as we have an interim because it's less it's less it's contractual so we'll have some savings there as well within that line item we'll be able to look at I think she's just asking to someone to put a bud together like a total amount maybe just so we can estimate I don't know how you estimate Act is perh Mr Hans can do that help us with that even even Gap if you're paying people a rate that can that can be quite expensive you can probably Lo cut down on that sum by holding your your screening interviews by Zoom or something and then only bring top three or something down but we did [Laughter] that I I appreciate that recommendation from Mr Holmes but based on our past experience to me I think the more oneon-one we spend with our potential candidates and um letting them letting the ones that we think are good that we're serious about know um I think that's that's a good thing but I I do think we just need to have an estimate of how much it's going to cost I think be the one to help proceed that on that is there anything else um Charles that youve okay the fire department um we're still working on the plans for that um yes with the the we schedule a meeting with him um to talk about the cost and so forth he's saying we'll go over that million dollars likely and so we've had some debate on what kind of materials's planning into the building see AES I actually probably just a few more weeks yes um very important um the subject I brought up with you last week there are specific protections for the trees that are written into the documents you know I've talked about this since last Friday um there the fencing the orange fencing is supposed to protect to the full drip line of the tree that is not done some of the fencing over on Prospect Street is just dragging it's not really effective and as well it's not clear to me um you said that they're not cutting tree roots the documents say that they're supposed to get specific permission from the city manager and you've told me that they've not asked you for permission well I don't think the protections were actually to the drip line because that wouldn't be possible huge and some the drip line we don't we don't have an answer and the documents say that the fencing is supposed to cover the full drip line of the tree so does well but we need to clarify that but you're saying the engineer you reached out to him for a response and he has respon I mentioned he they have a a big project they're getting out by Tuesday right the the contractors are implementing the approved protections they're doing what they can but there's no way they could not work in the drip line about the drip line of those trees somewh overlap so an entire block didn't put in any water man there a drip line so it's just not it's not possible to not work in a drip line well could we get some clarification as to whether they are following the protections that are in the contract yes I did forward them your concerns and um waiting for a response I I don't understand what they agreed to those I believe they I believe they followed what they agreed they have been very I out there walking and I'm photographing you know I mean they have been very very responsible and it worked hard I mean they really I've been very impressed with with the job that they've done it's it's very neat they the all the work side is very neat um but I think we need to make sure that they're following everything they said they were going to do all the directional Bing I know it's expensive um because root damage kills trees so and I must say um when the orange fencing first went up um and people didn't know what it was for by the way there's supposed to be signs that go with orange fencing that say it's a protective area and there are no signs there have not been signs but I will say when the orange fencing went up the people didn't know what it was for and some people thought the trees were going to be taken down there was quite a bit of public outcry on social media from people who both live here and don't live here so um I think it's a topic that's important to people and I would hope those that knew would have responded and told them what that was for so we can't on social media not about City Water Project the city manager so I think somebody did um block side block side their way to resubmit their site plan yes okaying on the design compl I fish those catfishes got in the park they need some help it's on the list to refinish let the cat [Music] die m um yes the RV I had not heard back from Ryan I wrote to him letting know I'm leaving and there'll be new contact so I mean realistically where do you feel we're at with that well his last communication was he had received all his approvals that was two months ago a month ago maybe a month ago but his contractor was tied up with another job need to wait for his contractor finish up that work we can get that's my understanding I do want to say that and I know this is you probably will persecute me later for this um as we go forward and with the new city manager media need to be a priority um so I I would hope that they that something commission we can give some direction we can't deal with we can't direct public work but we can direct our city manager to work at Public Works to make sure that they realize that that's that's Pride that we're taking in our community and um and our meetings I know that we've been short staffed and um conditions have not been so good but I'm glad to see they're out there we've got two um two new people and they are seem really hard workers yeah I one time though last meeting maybe not last meeting we'd asked you to go out and and see if you could contract that out did you ever do any of that or just decided now no actually I did ask for that to be to look into I don't have anything back yet okay because I know that oh I just wanted you know last time I talked to at theot which was a few years back you know we get a stien of about $1,000 I don't know the exact number but 177,000 something that never goes up which it should but it doesn't um and it's specifically take care of of the mede and um I don't know what we do with that money uh I guess it just wraps into whatever but you know if that's what they're giving that money to us to do um that's a starting point for possibly you know getting another company to come into a course I just I just you jump started that with for us with the medians and thank you and and they do look beautiful we're very proud of them when we drive through the city and just share that as the new city manager comes in in the inter how important that that is to all of us as it's it's represent representative of all of us I thank you for for starting that kickstarting that and carrying it Forward um and you know all in all commission I think we could be very proud right now we have a budget roll back first time in 10 years and it's a balanced budget we also have uh a million dollars in reserve for emergency issues and so I think all in all that we are I congratulate each and every one of you and Steve thank you for coming on board and for the job that you've that you've done in such a short period of time um really to the ball I would encourage you uh with your midyear adjustment to look at the options of fixing the Enterprise funds F and for all they owe the general fund a lot of money and so they're never going to catch up at that rate uh so you might be able to do some repair work there and give them chance to get on their own two feet uh with that mid your adjustment depending on the size of it I think it be good thing to do really solidify it we're in great shape we have a million dollars but our our Enterprise funds owe money to we owe ourselves money it's kind of odd thing um but we still need to I Reon you do whatever it takes to fix that um and get them a fresh start and then those Enterprise I think will support them thank you great recommendation Mr report yes I've been asked to report upon litigation that is not being handled by me but is being handled uh by Council that I guess was furnished you through your insurance company to leave and that litigation is U Peterson versus Michelle Meyers and city of press City Florida um Miss Susan erley who is the lead attorney handling that uh case on behalf of the city and Miss Myers um did contact being sent me an email and indicating that an order was entered yesterday and provided me a copy of the order essentially without attempting to go too deep in the weeds that order notes that there were originally 16 counts in the complaint that were P that was pending before the court previously four counts had been uh dismissed those four counts according to the order was against the sheriff or were against the sheriff excuse me then of the remaining counts uh the court in this order granted dismissal as to an additional five counts uh leaving uh a total of seven counts still pending so out of the original 16 there are seven counts still pending the court also uh directed uh basically that a settlement conference be held of Court's Direction and at some point I'm going to be asking direction from the commission as to who to whether you want me to attend the settlement of conference in addition to anyone from the commission um or specifically Miss Myers and uh maybe in her capacity but for right now I'll simply report that that order was entered yesterday and U and I had a conversation tonight with u Miss erley regarding same we had a hearing on Tuesday the defamation um against me was um dismissed all defamation counts were all defamations were dismissed now it's just those first counts and he ordered that we go into that and I think she was going to talk to the leag and get their advice as to how they want to proceed he he he didn't give us he didn't give us an option no he he said we're ordering youall to go into a settlement conference and settlement conference does not mean that is not a proceeding in which anyone requires settlement or mandates a result it's basically a court directed uh settlement discussion which may be fruitful and may not be fruitful but uh but the court directed it so so mayor I have a question yes so where are we in terms of if the city is liable for anything that I assume if the settlement conference doesn't work out then there will be further proceedings but what does our liability insurance pay are we are they going to potentially pay all would we be liable for some well of course obviously I don't know whether you'd be liable for anything anyway but there are as I said the court allowed seven counts remain pending um and uh so your Insurance assuming that um you're making a lot I would be making a lot of assumptions to to even uh assume that you're going to be found liable for anything that the city's going be found liable for anything but if it is found liable for something then depending upon the amount of Damages that would be awarded you know depending upon and the limits of your policy that would determine whether or not Insurance can pay it off okay because we've never had information about where our policy provides you know etc etc we has never been presented to the commission well sovereign immunity applies to negligence claim so this they may sovereign immunity may not apply to limit the liability of this I don't know I mean I don't I I've not been of course directly involved in this case in any way I have of course uh a fairly long history with Miss erley I think she's a fine attorney um and that history had to do with my representation of of other municipalities it's not Crescent City um but uh you know I I think like I said she's a final attorney and um and so I can I can obtain whatever information you like um or I say within reason I can obtain whatever information you'd like to have you provideed I can but and there's not been a date set for this settlement conference part of what she asked was are you going to attend and I I really don't know looking at October I think that he said that it would be sometime he wants it some been the month of October and it's not with the chief judge it's um another a magistrate yeah right I think Federal I think it be M Markdale actually I believe is is the person that would be with but yeah so that's what I have to report right now thank you and then I guess Charles or some can tell me whether you want me to attend or you don't or whatever or whomever if Charles insists on trying to go play with sponges or whatever they yeah wait till we see him the next time been hit the B there we have anything else thank you thank you for reporting on that that was um thank you she seems to have a strong handle on us so in two weeks we'll have second raing of the uh ordinances you saw tonight the 26 26 plus the um process approvals for the city manager search I look back we we table something else I think tree plan Maybe there was um the um AR funds obligation of AR funds um and then mayor if I could do at the last meeting we talked or Workshop whatever last time we were together you mentioned that you have a linky list of things that are in progress and you said you would share that with the commission um if you could do that before the meeting on the 26th which is going to be your last meeting then if we had questions so I'm refining a little bit it's actually 1 Pages even if it's being refined maybe you should just send us the 13 pages so we can start absorbing it that's a lot thank you um I just want to recognize both commissioner Lori and commissioner Deo for their gold certificate of excellence for their certificate program for elected Municipal officers I did I was want like in October and very quickly yes I just got 30 points too I was just only I can only imagine what you would like in elementary [Laughter] school but congratulations to both of you and um if I can get a motion to motion second all in favor please [Laughter] I was