plan and Zoning commission meeting June 20th 2024 to order we are ready for roll call here green here chair here [Music] here Mar here pin [Music] all right we are calling for an approval of minutes for March 21st 2024 and April 4 2024 I make a motion for approval the U March 21st minutes you doing both or just one uh actually I'll do both thank you it has been Motion in second all in favor I all those opposed see we are ready to move on to our new business at first do I turn it over to you or do you you can turn it over me to turn over Mr uh getting me everyone uh for record my name is uh Mark KET uh we have uh you see on the screen is item number one but just I want to begin by prefacing that that we have essentially uh five items all associated with the same applicant which is the uh uh Putney County School District board they're the uh owners of the property and so they have two separate Parcels that are dealing with one parcel uh is currently in uh unincorporated but County and so we will have uh three actions Associated uh with that tonight uh Each of which will be making a recommendation to the city commission so for these items uh you will be uh in your role as advisers to the city commission and so then there is a second parcel uh also own by C count school board that parcel is already in the city and there'll be two actions associated with that a compl Amendment and a res so uh I'm going to start off talking about the annexation uh when I get to the uh when I get to the comp amendment in resoning I'm essentially going to describe them and talk about them together you will have to vote separately on each action uh and I'll do the same thing with the parcel that is already incorporated into the city I'll talk about them together you'll have to vote on each of them uh independently but a lot of the description uh for uh both actions the same that makes sense to sort of talk about them uh together but we're going to begin withc me Mark um I have a question um I have comments would you like them at the end of the report or during uh I it it's truly up to you guys how you want to do it I I prefer to give my presentation and then you can and uh sure okay thank you uh so this first item as I said is a annexation it's an annexation of uh a property that is just under uh 40 acres it is addressed as uh 1282 huntingon Road uh this next uh slide shows is is a area location map and it shows the characteristic of the property you can see that it is a large cleared uh piece of property it does have on the uh Souther equ property there is a single family home that was associated with the agricultural you know the family that owned and and operated this uh Farm which I which my understanding was used at the Hayfield until recently live and then they also have some accessory buildings associated with storage of equipment as you typically see uh a farm it is located in the uh Northeast quadrant of uh 301 Huntington Road which is the east south uh I mean East West and Union avue which is uh North South right okay we're talking about annexation so what you're seeing here is the relation of this subject property to the current uh City boundary so everything shown in purple is currently incorporated into the city of Preston City uh and everything that is not shaded is uh unincorporated puton count okay so this is a voluntary annexation and the criteria is largely that associated with the uh the state statute department since landed on the code does not have uh really significant criteria associated with annexation and that's controlled by uh section 1174 the FL statutes um there are a number of requirements in regards to uh how the property is described it has to be annexed in with a meats and Bounds uh legal description uh that's opposed to what you might say is sort of a the the old sort of coordinate plane system where where you may say legal descriptions that are portion of the township and range section and subsections and uh and and the reason for the uh be description of course is is for accuracy and to eliminate disputes between uh cities and counties over what has and hasn't been annexed uh there is a specific notice requirements uh those notice a notice has to be sent to the County Administrator it has to be sent uh 21 days prior to the advertisements that go to the city commission and the city commission has to be advertised twice two weeks beforehand so that's how uh people and the county are put on notice uh for the the annexation in addition uh the state law requires that you can't create an enclave when you ancient property Enclave would be a portion of the county that is entirely surrounded uh by the city uh and then property must be continuous and reasonably compact uh so means that some portion of the property is you know a significant portion of the property is through terminous uh with the city's boundary as you saw substantial portions property is uh contiguous uh I'm not aware where it's ever actually been settled as to what a significant portion of a property has to be to be considered uh continuous I do know that there are court saate cases that it can't be a single point so other than that um it's really largely up to the uh jurisdiction as to what they consider reasonable and then the other requirement is that the property be compact in the sense that it not be something where you're not snaking down a road and you up another road and then grabbing a piece of property that would not be considered a compact this is a uh it's a rectangle fairly compact shape so staff is recommending approval because the property is continuous it is compact it doesn't create enclaves uh what's required here is a majority vote of the members present to recommend approval or denial annexation don't get conditioned you either you either an in or you don't my presentation is concluded I'd be happy to answer any questions about the annexation uh on page one of yourself report you have the um you have some uh neighboring properties and there future land use and then the zoning tation uh you have the Northwest Southwest Etc but you don't have the address no it's not why well first of all what you have in here is just sort of a typical analysis of What's Done in in most places it's not common to identify the specific address of all the surrounding properties what we're looking for is just understanding what the context is around but you did identify uh certain parts these individual Parcels correct I looked at individual Parcels but I I in order when I was pry well let's take North okay PC you know industrial you located a parcel a piece of property you know the address not off the top my head no but you did when you research otherly my point point is my point is that if you're doing the research you obviously have the data it would be helpful if you put it here from my point of view I can't judge whether it's how close it is whether it's within the city limits whether it's in County uh you see my point uh I I understand what you're saying do I think it's it's it's not the surrounding land uses in regards to annexation I'm providing it for context and to give you information that is not the criteria on which your the city is going to make this decision however it is it's important that I have it uh so in the future I'm asking you to provide it since you you're doing the research you've located you have it at one point if you could to add it be very nice I I'll take that under advice can you let me know what your decision is prior to our next meeting uh I'll let you know at our next meeting how about that how about I call you before our next meeting and we can discuss it good for next um and another way of doing is showing it on a map uh so you you do notice that this is one of three different items of course associating this property I read uh it just would I'm an analytical person and it would just it would be helpful for me and uh um anyways so uh going to page two uh we speak about utility services and road maintenance corre so uh it appears uh that the water line is is adjacent to the site but the waist isn't c um whose responsibility is if to cover the cost of bringing it to the site [Music] from Line Street yeah the appli oh great okay off hand do you know the distance it's a quarter of a mile it's about 12200 Fe yeah okay thank you very much and um they're not going to require gas I assume City Gas they were looking into and how close uh is there gas is our gas or gas lines close not close enough they'll have to they have to extend our line yeah so again that's something that they would it would be at their expense that's all iead thank you very much okay I just open Real Qui question uh impact fees do they apply to the good question first of all Impact fees is absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with annexations right in fact he don't apply to the annexation I'm I'm with it yes any more questions well then it would be appropriate for somebody to make a motion one quick question who who wrote the ordinance I thein and then it was is that the procedure I draft the ordinance it goes to the clerk also at the same time at the same time I send it to uh to Mr Pickins and I I don't see it again or touch it again it appears on the City Commissioner's agenda after has been adjusted thank you I just wanted to know what the procedure was great uh I make a a motion uh for uh approval for to Annex this prop I'll second it has been approved in second all in favor I I has been approved for the anation of the school board property there I was going to ask after the schoolk okay all right so now we're looking at uh the the small scale plan Amendment and the resoning and as I said earlier I'm going to kind of blend my discussions together again so we we uh understand the location of the property uh and what we have here is the existing uh future land use map these uh this map does course respond to the uh surrounding uses that you'll see uh in a chart form later [Music] on uh this is the existing zoning so you will notice that while it has a future land use of industrial on the property it has a zoning of agriculture now this is in unincorporated Buton County uh so this the the zoning is would normally be considered inconsistent and usually it is the uh future land use that uh is uh that basically is controlling and what you strive to be consistent with when you make uh uh land changes in all sorts of your approvals but in the specific case uh the puon county does have language in Orlando on codes that tells you that sometimes they will leave uh they will have this type of consistency because they are using the agricultural zoning as essentially a holding category so somebody comes in and uh then you know says they want to do and that's what we see is occurring in this particular case Okay so this is uh the proposed flow which is uh public buildings they want to go from industrial two public buildings and I guess the full formal name is public buildings and grounds uh We've abbreviated as public building now and this is the proposed zoning which is public facilities one the city PR city has two types of uh public facilities the public facilities too is distinguished by the fact that it uh that allow public uses involve the use of head equipment um okay so uh surround property surrounding land uses uh and we can see here to the north of it it's got plam County industrial it has put County a to the West there there is Putney County Agriculture one uh the zoning is PU County residential which is a r1a which is a large uh basically large lot SLE Southwest is putton County a and urban Services again which also allows a residential type G larger Lots uh the zoning destination is uh commercial and agriculture to the South we have Putney County Agriculture and we have zoning designation with P County Agriculture Southeast uh some industrial as well and uh there's a zoning designation of Agriculture on it and to the east prestent City industrial now it's important to understand that this property to the east which has pres City industrial on it and at Future land use level and has it at the zoning designation that is the Eastern portion of the property that is the subject of the next item uh on the agenda and so just sort of generally identify the uh you know what what are the existing uses in the area and to the north east and Southeast uh there are no uh developed lands uh South and Southwest there are existing Agricultural and West we have single family homes so uh natural resources and so there's on this parcel there's really no remaining natural resources we saw a few scatter of trees that were retained around the single family home to the South uh but essentially this is a cleared Disturbed agricultural study and as I said to my knowledge was used for production of head uh soils there's two predominantly uh two soil types uh to land it's inary but the most important thing to know and understand about those things agricultural soils are usually really good soils well- drained and they make good soils for uh community Urban Development and uh this is uh outside the 100 plan x uh so uh high dry flat sight well suited for the uh development of school and presumably that had a lot to do with it selection uh of this site Okay so so uh consistency with the comence of plan so uh there are many many different policies and issues associated with the Congress plan they go through identified goal goal one this is preserve and protect the city's natural resources and quality Life by establishing a pattern of development harmonious with the Ci's natural environment provides a desirable LIF off resident uh this proposed amendment if fers that in that it uh this property is as I noted it's a disturbed site it's you know well drained it uh choosing this site uh which has already been imp packet has saved other potential greenvill sites that could have uh presumably been uh developed for the school uh objective a11 City shop coordinate future land uses with appropriate tography adjacent land uses soil conditions the availity public facilities and as we've already sort of touched on uh good topography the soils are good uh there are the uh there are uh facilities and service in place it's well served by roads there's warant sewer available uh okay now there is policy there policy [Music] A1 uh 11.1 which talk talks about compatibility comence plan this is actually taken out of section that deals with school sighting uh and this is something that is in our comprensive plan it's also a similar policy in the county comp plan and I'm assuming uh that one was uh essentially copied from the other this policy says the site site for elementary school high school private or public shall not abut lands designated industrial on the future land you have so uh that uh creates an issue uh the applicant has come forward and they have proposed a site specific policy which is something that can be done many communities do this throughout the state was actually language in State Statute that allows you to do it so typically uh text amendments to the uh comp plan are treated as large scale and later in your agenda is a large scale Amendment on we're going to talk about the war Supply plan that is a large scale Amendment to the comp plan it is not site specific uh so it's treated like a large scale this is a uh this essentially companies the companion map Amendment and it sets specific policy for a specific piece of property and so this is a mechanism uh as I've already said that that is commonly used throughout the same so basically what this uh policy says it identifies the property uh by partial number just describes its size gives its General location uh and then the language that I want to specifically call your attention starts with the the phrase not withstanding the provisions of flu policy c a11b a public school will be allowed use on the property to ensure compatibility to mitigate any negative effects that may result from future adjacent industrial uses the school will be developed with 20 foot landscape uppers and we've identified again this is a proposal from uh School Board themselves four canopy trees two under story trees and uh 16 sh shrubs for every uh 100 linear feet of buffer that would be a long any portion so uh what they're indicating here is that they want to provide this to help mitigate obviously they're not concerned they're the they're the owners and developers of schools uh uh throughout the county they have uh selected the site they are not concerned about the adjacent uh industrial use uh they've con fored with this policy uh I do agree that it is appropriate that we move forward and that we do do this this piece of property is already indicated uh is certainly Well Suited uh for their intended use uh it will be a economical place for them to develop the industrial uses around them uh are not developed to to some extent uh the phrase I think that that Charles coin which I think is true that essentially the industrial in this location is uh is aspirational in the sense that at one point uh when the comp plans were developed at the county and with the city because you saw that there were a mix of industrial uses uh on on some of the the sites that talk about tonight and surrounding it but none of those have developed our industrial use so they're they're uh so we OB say Young know how it'll be developed in the future my own uh opinion experience once you put an elementary school on location the new schools good schools but particularly new schools are you know do Drive uh uh property values they can be in certain categories of homes the the the strongest driver of property values the Pres of good school and certainly people do uh they do tend to attract residential around them so that might be something that could occur uh in the future so they have brought forward uh this policy and would basically follows that map Amendment and applies to this parel um the other key decision makers and Main compl decision is urban sprawl uh which is the there are many definitions of it what I includ here is Le CR development premature development development that that does not make efficient use of services this piece of property is is on the edge of an urban area but it is not uh it's not leap frogging out on into a portion of the county that is uh that's a green field site uh in addition as you already know there are there is a place so I so I don't believe that this development is an indicator OFA kind infrastructure impact so we've talked about already touched on this 's an existing uh 6 in line there is an 8 in line at Lim Street and hington road that will be extended uh looking at traffic impacts we we at comp level we we really just kind of touch base with this issue traffic impacts are addressed uh when you're going associated with the development order so you do detailed analysis of that uh when you do uh site plan approval and when you're uh uh when you trip uh certain thresholds so one of the things we looked at we've looked at the curent the and this is just sort of how it's done uh and this is the way uh the Department of Commerce uh which is when we do large scales and we transmit them to the state or if somebody were to challenge this and we were discuss this this is is the type of anal you do so you compare the theoretical maximum of that Industrial Development and the way the Industrial Development works out there it does allow a uh very large amount of industrial development could be built on that property which is uh when you do math it comes out to about 1.7 million square feet and that would generate a you know a large number of uh 8,432 uh daily trips we do know that the uh the pro School uh will be much less just just under 150,000 Square fet uh which generates 100 1,68 trips so there is a net decrease the other thing to take into account there is an existing School uh the uh to the east uh Milton Journey that school is going to go out of service so whatever its demands are on water and sewer and traffic those essentially are going to uh be eliminated from uh the infrastructure demands and they'll be added to it this school this school will will have slightly more increase just understand that all those trips are going to go away from from the network uh and there in terms of the water and uh waste water facilities the towns PL do have sufficient capacity okay so told you was so a lot of we've been talking about been the future land use uh there's also uh zoning analysis most all this background that I've just given to you is appliable to the zoning as well so uh in your staff report I uh went through all those uh criteria and uh you know listed them you know as their you know as they are up here you know summarize all this stuff so uh and I'll just go over this in its summary form so need justification s the site has been selected for elementary school it is a suitable location it uh it's well suited uh for the intended use uh effect on property and sign properties uh first of all this is a disturbed site there are not you know any natural resources placing a school on this site will not have a negative impact on the site uh and uh certainly has the pro the potential to improve property value in the area uh amount of undeveloped Land There is basically what this criteria gets at is there other uh similar zoning that's undeveloped in area where where this could presumably go if you're going to rezone this property you know why look at some other vacant similarly where this is a a public type use public zoning this isn't this isn't the kind of zoning that you that this community or other communities typically have an access usually it's you know applied to uh when somebody wants to do a public use uh consisting with Comprehensive plan uh we've gone over that issue uh I indicate that is compatible with with the uh the companion applied for public building ground there is that companion site specific uh policy that they are applying to the property uh so I recommend you that that the property at this request is consistent with line uh adequate service and Facilities again uh as we talked about earlier existing infrastructure does exist the elimination of the other school is going to obviously add capacity that this uh property that this development site take advantage of uh impacts on natural environment there will be no negative be no impact it's Disturbed agricultural site and and then there's just this other criteria which is grab bag and I just noted that it will have a positive economic impact uh while this property uh of itself you know doesn't get taxed the whole idea of seeing a developed surrounding properties will gain value in addition you've already made a recommendation on annexation but this will allow further extension of this city as well so I've talked about both of these together uh both my you know both my my both reports are submitted to be part of the record be happy to answer any questions uh you guys uh need to uh consider each of these uh separately there two separate actions uh and you can decide how you want to you know you can take public comment separately or you can take public comment on all this together I think it's probably the best idea people will tend to talk about them all together but again you guys have to vote separately thank you questions from Comm I have a couple questions when is this building going to be constructed when is it going to be constructed uh as soon as I need to know the year two years three years soon well they're going to pay Construction this year I I think you you you know now that I'm done you when you're done asking new questions you should uh bring the applicant up first before you turn it over to the public and their best situated I know that they're in an extreme hurry to get this under construction they have had all the conversations you know with people that are going to be doing that work and they can probably tell you you know you know what month they'd like it to be yeah and then I have two questions regarding especially water and waste I know the city's not going to run water supply out there there is water out there already so so they will be connect no there's City there's City waterline in so that's why this is a very advantageous site and why it makes sense so you know when they talked about not being neut prod development and this being infill that that's that's I'm talking about now it is important to know and we're now getting into I'm just writing this for context this is this is not at all relevant uh to to making this type of decision but uh you guys should be aware of it so while they they're going to be connecting to a to the city waterline they're going to have to have a tank infrastructure on site that will allow them to deliver sufficient fire flow so that a fire can be fall that you won't on a building of this size connected to that 6 in line they won't simply be able to connect to a hydrant and you know fight you know any large fire on that site so and I have another question um once you connect to the water system will that cause our water company I you um how we adequately design now to deliver the water that you're going to need on that property or is there going to be correct and if you look I didn't go into detail but in the staff report there is information on what their actual water demand will be there ex capacity the other thing to understand though is that the Milton Bernie Elementary School scho will be going off this is a replacement school it's not an additional school so that school will eventually while there might be some activities retained there it's essentially going to be decommissioned and you know its impact on water and waste water will be substantially reduced so thank you for motion of approv for each one and then bringing up the representative or would you like us to bring them up first you can do it either way you can make a motion and then you then you can bring the applicant up and then you can bring the public up or you can bring the public up and you can bring and then you know okay it's up to you um the applicant if you are ready to come forward make you to come up to the podium good evening Madam chair and Commissioners name is Richard NOS 1967 Comm plane Tallahassee Florida um I'm with Georg Associates for the Civil engine firm on the project I'm grg Kelly I'm the architect with Clemens Ro for associate Architects 2027 Thomasville Road tallah entertain any questions so Ju Just to I heard a couple of questions and just to Mark did a good job of presenting everything uh so as far as infrastructure needs Water and Sewer uh Mark is absolutely correct the the the impact to the city system itself is going to be minor because school however the uh the analysis of the water flow a storage tank with high flow water pumps which will greatly in uh influence the city's water system and so the city's water water system itself will be improved so the water tank is not just for the school the water tank is to improve the city's water system so that means the entire 6 inch line that runs for the two miles of un Avenue all the way down to Crescent City High School so the the the that will improve the flow and the pressure of that water line all the way down to the high school uh as far as uh adequate zonings and everything uh Mark was absolutely correct in everything that they said there's uh as as far as the buffer uh it was of our opinion to try to put a vegetative buffering uh the county has stated other things about the properties that they're about but I can't really speak for the county on on that situation um essentially the the industrial areas that are there right now are in a high source recharge area and so you can't develop industrial land on on high offer start re charge areas so that industrial zoning will most likely have to go away in the future anyway um other than that if you have any questions for me I'll be happy to when if we can get this approved contract and we'll go to the work in August and and how long do you think construction it will probably take two two two two years to 30 months 24 to 30 months I I have a question on the uh the Water Reserve is is it going to be a ground system of sister or will it be an elevated water com it will not be elevated it will be a ground level uh and and if I remember it's it's just over 100,000 gallons it's under it's this system is about 91,000 Gall 91 thank you I have F questions thank you thank you Mr C um I would like to make a motion um that for the comp plan res zone no you can't oh I'm [Music] sorry ask for oh I can ask for ask for a motion thank you for the comp plan I'll make a motion that we uh amend the small scale future land use map in the Platinum County industrial future land use designation to the Pres City public buildings and grounds future land use destination this question and obviously you're incorporating into that site specific policy yes the that is correct my so I'm gonna ask for you do that one more time so we we are Mr went over together theing together so we have to vote on each one of those separ you got to v on each you also have to public hearing so to ask if the if there any and you can do that once the motion's in place so they know what you you guys are thinking you can then open it it up yes that's what I'm going to okay CU we had only one public comment and they didn't know yet which SE what area they want to question they just but I don't know yet so I'm going to address that so again it has been motion and second for the to accept the comp plan resoning all in favor you have ask I'm sorry well are there any public comments we have Diane sites yes okay Dian City Florida we've heard all the advantages obviously because you're proposing this so you would um give us the advantages what are the disadvantages to having a school on this site and U like what what's going to be the increase in our taxes to support the building of a new school does anyone know what the impact Financial impa impact is going to be on the city residents first of all the school board is uh proposing this I I simply provide my professional opinion in reaction to this no I do not know what your uh the individual impact be it's not necess social SCH from what I understand there has been a countywide a bond issue right so that bond issue is funding improvements to schools countywide so this is a part of that and I from what I understand it's one of the first schools so so uh while there there have been increased costs to the taxpayers uh associated with this I think you've already experienced it in in your tax bills and I am unfortunately this is not my expertise and I can't tell you how much you are in fact you know paying it individually and I'll just say it depends upon your individual situation okay so um I guess my other question is what's wrong with the current school is it I don't know anything about the school as far as its physical condition or or its ability to to support the growth that that we potentially have here in the community does anybody that's not my area of expertise but just from some of the um meetings that I've had an opportunity to um attend most of our schools are old are not up to prob like 21st century and so I think that was one of the things that they considered in determining whether or not they wanted to um the need to build new schools I mean that we have our uh superintendent here so I don't know if he would like to come up and speak on that Mr ke Rick C super of schools and I thank you for the question and I think the issue is right now about Zone and we've had the conversations about the conditions of the schools and that type thing in previous discussion so I think this committee needs to just consider the zoning or the resoning and again U we've uh and obviously the cost to the taxpayer they can go on their tax bill under Debt Service and they can find that individually for themselves we have Mr Kelly here I think I I I was going to say the school's old it was caled which means we did an analysis through doe verifying they they recommended to build a new school over trying to remodel and renovate that one it's landlocked uh it's busting it seems right now there's nowhere else to expand uh technology all the new technology and everything we can't do that there so with Do's guance it was decided to build a this scho anything else thank you are there any more public comments Now we move for approval I'm um I'm asking for a motion for all those in favor forgive me for your patience um uh all those in favor of approving the comp plan resoning I I I all those opposed it has been approved it has been motioned and approved for the comp plan res zoning we need a motion for the resoning approval of the VIS I make another motion uh I move that we amend pres City's official zoning map to apply the pf-1 public buildings and ground zoning plation to this par it has been Motion in second or approval of the resoning moving forward Mr the current to the school board city property I'm sorry are there any public comments on the reson portion of the presentation see none all those in favor say I I I all opposed all right it has been a motion and second and approve for the resoning and we will continue to move forward with the section two School Board city property okay so uh these are two items again I'm going to talk about them together have to address them uh separately so this is a property uh that is a 19448 parcel it is uh about, 1300 ft east of the intersection of Union Avenue and uh Huntington uh so it's just east of uh 1282 Huntington Road and you can see uh in the a that have up it's uh continuation of the uh pill property much of it uh is uh been Disturbed uh there is a portion of it that does still have some natural vitation on it it does have some wetlands [Music] again here is the uh where we're now looking at the existing Flume you now see uh this is the part that we just voted on this is the part is currently in the city and it has industrial designation on and uh this is the zoning it is zoned Industrial uh we talked about we just talked about the agriculture to the West so the post FL is the exact same as the previous item public buildings and crowns and the proposed zoning is pf1 again so this is all going to be used as one uh continuous site uh just you know this portion of the site is my understanding is going to be primarily developed with strong water facility for so um mostly intense development will occur on the western portion uh of the property uh and again we have uh the surrounding land uses uh many of which are the same so I'm not going to read this list to you but uh just sort of going back you you know what sort of additional that was looked at previously are some agricultural uh zoning to the East and uh there is to the south of this uh uh industrial zoning that was talked about when we talked about what was identified as the Sou us okay so this site uh has uh no Open Access you know in the front there is uh some flattered unopen roads to West but this uh this site is going to be accessed through the property that was the subject of the uh last three actions that you took uh and so the soil system of the site are very similar to it uhar so that's a well- drained soil well suited for development but there are some Han soils on it which are identified uh as uh poorly drained which you would expect I identified earlier that that there some Wetlands up in in that Fringe so those are poorly drained uh soils and most of the site is outside the 100-year flood plane with no remaining natural resources uh there are up in that northeast range there is some weapons already noted uh and there's te azone so that's a property that has a 1% chance of flooding in any calendar year they're going to avoid any impacts to the area their their proposed uh to uh so consistency uh we talked about uh this uh goal so I'm not going to go into that it's all in your staff report we talked about earlier it's part of the record uh but we are relying on uh you know essentially the uh same uh policy uh guidance as previous ly and there's that same issue of uh the uh of the uh being adjacent to Industrial that has to be addressed and so they have developed the very similar site specific language this of course references this particular piece of property uh but in all other aspects it's identical to policy that I a portion of policy i r you in full last time so I'm not going to do that again but again that is in the staff cour which is part of the recor and uh the zoning analysis uh again the full analysis is in in your staff report it's summarized here I am not going to go through each of them because I'm relying on the same reasoning uh for this site as I did the prior site uh we we but we do have notice that the criteria they talked about you know I think previously I said there'll be uh you know no impacts than natural resources that will still be the case with the development of this site those resources are are uh are there there are wetlands there is FL plan be avoiding it iated to you earlier that portion site is going to be used for the storm water so it's very easy to design ponds that are not going to be impacted this is a site that will allow them to expand the future without any need to uh impact those resources uh so uh recommend approval based on uh uh consist C plan the availability of urban services and lack of urban world making a recommendation and your approval modification be happy to answer any questions thank you at this time rather time for public comments if if you guys have no questions you can have the applicant back up if you desire to do that and yes you can either open to the public or you could do you do the public comments you know associate your motions is up to you as long as you give the public an opportunity to thank you are there any questions I have no questions open it up for any public comments see none we need a motion to approve the comp plan amendment I make a motion to approve the plan amendment I second it has the motion in second all those in favor say I I I all those opposed moving forward well it has been motion approve the the comp plan amendment has been approved moving forward we need a um a motion for approval of the resoning I make a motion to approve the resing set forward in this application second it is a motion in second all those in favor say I I I I all those oppos it has been approved the resoning and stating in the staff report moving forward next on the agenda is McDonald's okay so um changing Pace this item is uh for cycl approval uh the this is request uh by Craig McDonald with corporate Property Services services on behalf of McDonald's Corporation they're asking for approval of a site plan for this approximately one and a half acre site it's located at 89 898 North summit which is uh at North summit and Grove uh they plan to to uh construct a uh 3800 square foot fast food restaurant uh with a drive through uh and let's see I don't know this is so showing the location you know right now it's a heavily wed site I think they surveyor did uh cutline from the property so so uh that's the only impact that that I'm aware of and so this is just one representation s and obviously you guys have a voluminous uh package uh and that you've had a chance to I'm assuming to at least peruse uh it's you know certainly not Our intention that you will have scrutinized everything in this uh this is been uh reviewed multiple times by members of your staff um we take a divide and coner approach so been reviewed by Engineers it's reviewed by landcape Architects it's been reviewed by the uity department been reviewed by two different fire reviewers uh and we've also uh looked at the uh architecture in uh detail uh but you know let's just talk about the site plan fairly quickly so it's corner site this is it's got access on us7 it's got access on Avenue uh it's a dual uh drivethru you know fairly standard development for uh regularly shap property like this kind of you know race track design uh building in the middle parking and then your green space landscaping and your storm water uh surrounding it storm water will be the Western portion of the site uh I do want to mention while it's not shown on on the site plan there was a there is and it's in your packet there's a traffic study uh that has been uh reviewed uh by myself and your engineers in addition though it has been reviewed in detail by fdot uh this project did recommend a the applicants did recommend a uh southbound left turn lane into the site it is not shown on the plan because uh FD has not uh is not indicated at this point exactly how they wish it to be designed they obviously have standard details for how all these things get designed but when you look at a very specific Road uh they then have to adjust those details and we be indicate they want there'll be some discussion so they will have to get an F Perman and so as part of that permit process the actual details of that turn lane uh will be identified uh and this uh shows uh the architecture we're looking at uh uh the front and the non drivethru side so uh this is a facade uh they've uh made extor efforts to comply with the standards of our uh design standards which were adopted in 2018 I don't think there's been a whole bunch of development that has gone through and uh uh been compared to these standards but uh this one uh certainly has and so you can see it has a you know it's not designed like the most modern corporate uh McDonald's it does feature that red brick uh they have vared the roof line and can really see it that well but uh the uh the roof itself is St and so they this is the drive-thru side and a typical McDonald's the drivethru side is a very plain treatment they have not done so in their case uh so there's equal treatment for the drive-thru side the other side uh of the building uh again um brick uh Step Building very roof line so uh in your staff report we've indicated uh just write you some basically some basic statistics about the project I'm not going to go through those in detail uh the out here they can questions but I'll be happy to uh answer your questions as well staff is recommend approval uh they will be required to obtain a number of Outside Agency permits uh not only for the road but also uh for their water and waste water so that all get R by City staff but also go through have questions regarding this is McDonald's representative here yes sir fantastic fantastic good evening I have a brief presentation want to see it but Mark's done a real good job I can answer questions you guys tell me what you prefer I I looked over these you know I think he done a great job especially on the Landscaping PA there um what I want to say is uh one of the things that I would like not to see in this community is what Wendy said well word of that right but when the store is set back off the road and there's no huge 10 foot by 10 foot 20 foot tall Illuminating sign on the street side okay so one of my questions is what I couldn't find it looking at the drawings what is the setback of the building and I set back through the yellow line in the middle of the road [Music] I that's as yeah the setback largely you know I mean with find this type of use you need to get sufficient stacking distance for your For Your drivethru Right stacking dist the number of vehicles that are lined up right and so there are corporate standard association with this the city in and of itself doesn't have standards and it's that is something that we looking at okay and then my next my next issue is um a little thing that says project review Pap but they talk about the parking Landscaping traffic and then they talk about building design okay I think this is an attractive building okay but I I question this statement here it says the building will be predominantly brick exterior with specific architectural details complimenting the city's historic charm this is a big brick square with Illuminating signs on I don't I don't see where I don't see any shape or form here where it's worth uh going along with the city's charm unless I'm completely we had a lot of different material first Craig McDonald with corpor Property Services on behalf of McDonald's Corporation we had a lot of different elements on this building that really didn't comply with your code we came up with one primary primary uh basically they want a single theme on that's where you're getting the break in here we do have some combined branding elements obviously McDonald's wants to ensure that people know certain Elements by the entrances and uh some of the metal um seem or or pre prevalent so that people would know it's McDonald's but this is certainly not the corporate P cutter McDonald's that you would normally see we work real hard with Mark and Charles to get to where we're at right now it's it's a colonial red brick Schoolhouse red building with some some additional brand elements on it I like build I think the build doesn't I think you should have left this out of your was that that I put that phrase let me ask this what do you exactly mean by I we did look at a lot of uh other buildings you know in the city and there's a significant number along Central Avenue that's Center Street and elsewhere that that use brick and uh we went back and forth quite a bit because the first version of this you know didn't show any of those historic firsts of this was traditional corporate architecture and you know you know came from one of their current uh uh prototypes where they typically you know and you may notice of McDonald's because they've sort of gone away from you know the midcentury modern stuff and have created a lot of the newer McDonald's they they're they're trying to make them look like coffee shops you know like and all borrowing from the aesthetic that you see with Starbucks and what was first presented to us looked a lot like that it was you know large expanses of uh you know colored concrete I can see you know I do like the building but I think if you're going to be using this historic charm statement in any of your literature that you pass out you need a definition of that that's just a throwa away statement it's it's meaningless it's a throwaway statement so I know you're not very committed to making statement but can we get some kind of consensus on what this historical charm is I mean there must be a standard there's a standard in your design Cent and actually you get a number of different choices right so there there's uh and we can go through them I don't know where this but I don't think right now is necessar time to do so if you want to if You' like a future meeting to kind of review through these design centers so you know what the historics uh we can do that okay that sounds good let's move on to the other thing I I adject is this great big huge 30 foot tall 10x10 sign it doesn't on the side doesn't say where you going to put that you put that on it's over in the corner corner can you show me a it's in the corner prob there corner you can see it I don't want that they've presented these signs to you sign this FYI you're not actually approving the signage tonight when you approve the site plan where sign is going to be placed this yes the the the locations of signage are identified but but what will happen is and also when you look in that sign package there are things that actually don't get considered signs once the C is approved they will make and they've already sub me this package to us and it's been good VI we'll actually review it against the code and you know there's all sorts of sign criteria sizes so this process I have no issue with all the other sign put as much you want on the building light it up car I just had opposition to this one great big huge sign being on the street but tonight we are to approve the sign point is what he's saying you're not approving you're not approving the sign you're just a location he is bringing up yeah concern that that should probably be reviewed it is a road sign it's got to be seen from Summit that's the whole purpose put well you the main traffic's running along not Gro cly what's that that's your personal opinion no the traffic's not coming from Gro that's not my opinion there's nothing on grow Hardy except residential and the fishing camp to us so that's not what the traffic but but yeah it's not it's an allow location as a matter of fact we made them pull this sign back when it was originally so so it has been pulled back to the it's as close to that corner as the code legally allows because we push the side back so how far back did you push it push it outside the site triangle so there's a site triangle that gets created you go down the property how many I don't remember off top my head but it's outside of the site triangle and so and and we comment about it multiple times because you know and that's just something that happen so for example when they corrected the site plan they got the site plan corrected and move the sign back the landscape plan still showed the site the sign you know forward and of course you design landscaping around it so I justly need assist so we look at that and you know this does meet the code minum so you guys if you would like toine that you don't like the code minimum you can do so but there's absolutely nothing to do with your decision tonight and it is not a basis for voting you know not to approve so you have question yeah okay yeah I'm just curious will your restaurant have a generator no and um I I tried to look at the plan but it's buried within the plans and I don't want to take the time what large trees are do you have planed for the site I looked at it but I forgot there's quite quite a few it's actually we do have a statement about it show there's uh so in the staff report it says H shrubs areed 47 trees consisting American Hol magolia Oaks and Bal Cyprus there are 270 buffer shrubs 205 got so um Magnus don't they take a lot of water my background is planning and how not water so um I I I think in in um today's environment you know saving water it might be considered the other question I have reconsidered I think the other selections are fine but the minorities have concerns about um the other is the turning lane yes and obviously I understand that if you don't have the details you're not showing in at site but right at this point we are you committed to putting in the ter L we are and I've got a little more detailed than Mark had for you because we've had some calls in the past week you've got yeah we're going to be putting in a 290 foot uh southbound left turn lane um it's called skip striping across it'll go across Gro Avenue to go into our site where we're send us back we've traded emails back and forth we're going to put a design together and go back to them the next 3 weeks have another conference call with them so that prior to us sub minute we have it all pretty much worked out there'll be 12 foot Lanes I 11 or 12T Lanes wide for for the turn line and then the surrounding lanes and what's your time frame if everything goes well I mean well we certainly like to be under construction by September I mean obviously you can see the site's got a lot of trees on us we pull clearing grubbing tree removal permit which probably the first thing we do go ah and pull our lift station permit and then the vertical construction will hopefully come out in sometime in August and they want to open this before the end the year yeah the driveway may we talked to Mark already about this driveway may need to be phased based upon us putting that turn lane in so maybe on Summit there wouldn't be access when we first open up while we're working to complete that turn line it should be under construction by that time it just takes a little while to work it out with the OT and we're trying to do that homework up front so that we can move the deping process a little bit cleaner any question I just want to say thanks for coming down presentation yes sir questions thank thank you you mentioned you had a presentation did you touch on everything that you I think we did the turn lane was one Mark touched on everything else I was going to bring up to you guys we do have cross access to the parts of the South that we'll putting in one other piece that we didn't touch on there um and then we're installing sidewalks as you can see all along Summit Grove Avenue we have Ada connections from the building out there out to the street as are there any Heritage trees on the site um you know not not not really yeah I think the property I when I went and looked at it it looked like the property have been timbered sometimes oh in the past yeah because it was you know when the trees are in ear earily straight lines you know you think it was clearcut I I think at some point in the past it was because the trees are like planted yeah we're also working with St John's uh on the surface water permit here with the retention l in the back as well yes yeah we're already in that permit I think they're out of the site today just walk it's amazing how important those Retention Ponds are and what uh how large they need to be yeah it's amazing right want the site flooding really dictates what you can do to the site many ways yes sir I have more questions thank you I know this has been in the plan phas for longer than some of us have been on the plan zon commission so it's you know finally coming to FR so thank you for um hopefully EXC McDonald's excited to construct this restaurant and get it open thank you I have one question if we go ahead and improve is tonight the are we approving the placement of that sign the one you're approving the location of the sign because it meets the code minimum yeah it's actually set that Mark almost 35 40 ft from from the edge of pavement it set back almost 15 ft I 10 10 to 15 ft from our property line but it need to set but it's still going to look like a when you walk down when you drive down the street right I don't think it's look like a it be attractive attrac it's not going to be nearly the size of Wendy sign forend we be all code requirements and it is back you got that that PO sale area out there that's right away to set back as well right any further questions thank you are there any public [Music] comments right have uh Cave person 936 L arenta Drive ceson City Florida dear members of the ceson City Planning and Zoning commission thank you for the opportunity to be here to speak with you tonight I'm I'm really just here because unfortunately McDonald's has been turned into a political tool by recall Cynthia Burton and so if you go back to February 2024 this is when that political agenda became very obvious on Facebook and so I've got some information here is it okay if I hand it out to you it's from the St John's Water Management District can you pause the timer [Music] please thank [Music] you can I have a cop it's public record all right I want to say before I start getting into some of my main points I absolutely support McDonald's right to come here in Crescent City and I think they would be a welcome addition to Crescent City I do not support the manner in which this has been presented and especially the fact that McDonald's has been used as a political tool so the site plan that you have presented in front of you today does not conform with the Crescent City Land Development code in numerous areas and as well the letter that I've provided to you dated May 31st was not included in your packet and I think there's very important information in there that I'd just like to touch upon briefly so if you go to Land Development code section 2.2.2 section 5.2.2 7 unfortunately I don't have the time to go over it I believe those sections are not met under the site plan and then if you go and look at that r AI letter that I just presented to you there are numerous issues right now with this site plan so paragraph two calculations provided have not met requirements for new construction with greater than 50% impervious area section paragraph three the applicant has failed to address project site drainage towards Crescent Lake this is key I was involved in the biosolids and opposing that and there was a lot of money that went into stoping that I would hate to see Crescent Lake be affected by it so paragraph three says the applicant has failed to address the drainage site which is already impaired referring to Crescent Lake which is already impaired for nutrients and if you go look at the Florida Department of Health just today they put out a notice there's a algae bloom it's toxic don't swim don't let your pets go in there so this is a real concern that has not been addressed paragraph 4 no satisfactory updated environment assessment has been provided and the site visit was done yesterday from the St John's River Management District but they have not released their results yet so I've got 20 seconds left I want to say I fully support McDonald's is right to come to Crescent City and I hope that they will do so in the future but I think right now we need to do things the responsible way the correct way and that is right now to hold off and wait on issuing this approval for the site plan until all the permits have been done that's that's what the zbaa does in puam county and I hope thank you for your time so if I may um this will all be addressed in permanently cor right correct this is just uh R AI it would be as if you know taking one of our their RIS and reading it it had a whole list of issues that we had uh problems with we're not going to get the permit if they don't address that's correct I was going to say that's that's our that's our initial submitt we've been working towards those corrections I stated to you we're working with St John's and she actually made issues today but we're going to work through that without not getting the permit to build any any rage on site without it so typically these projects will have a back and forth several times we'll go through probably two two to three rounds of Corrections so these issues still there are pending issues with st with St John's now we we give a zoning letter to after this approval and when we have when all the Outside Agency permits are in hand we give a zoning letter to the county that says the building permit can be you know yes we collect all these right but my my question which you answered yesk any further questions from the public so just to clarify today we [Music] are our task is to um approve the side approval and um since there are no further questions I would like to have we need a motion on whether or not we will approve the S plan uh I'll make a motion I say that we uh recommend the site plan to be approved you're the final decision makers in regards this not a recommendation you're approving okay make a recommendation we approve the S we approve it does it go to the city commission so wor okay thank you can I ask a question yes yeah so you're saying that um all these issues that the gentleman just brought up and to us that'll all be handled through per it'll be hand they will have to present to the city as St John's permit right and when they do that when they have all their outside for example they're going to have to go to D and get clearances on their water system as well that's not true County for the list station right so what happens is that applicate all that application gets endorsed by your uh Public Works director they can't even submit it till he gives uh that endorsement it then goes to D because there's a leg station it's going to be a private station it'll be there we'll maintain it right but it's going to be connected to the city's system that gets approved by FD FD wants our signature on that document first before before the so so these issues will be brought up yeah they will not get a permit from St John's till they send why right and let's assume there were some item this is a pretty standard R but you know if they weren't to do so they end up having little Board hearing in Paca you know and there you know there and it will all get addressed publicly as well there's notices of those things so okay our team is working towards addressing each and every one of those in that letter we're not getting a permit without it so it has been motioned in approve in second all those in favor say all those opposed thank you the side plan for McDonald's has been approved moving forward to the St John's Recovery Place connection or did the batter stop one size battery okay so yeah we'll do this Ste fing [Music] away oh wait now the computer's locked up I think the computer's locked up hold on uh so we're now looking at St John's Recovery Place this is a PUD resoning uh the uh so so associated with the resoning of this property there is a development agreement that's attached to it and part of the development agreement is an overall development plan that overall development plan is not the site plan for this piece property is a conceptual plan they the applicant will still have to come back uh with a a detailed site plan so while a number of issues are looked at and addressed with this uh [Music] okay got oh okay so uh I just so so so members of public understand so there's an entity called uh 111 North Summit Street LLC they're the owners of the property they're requesting this amend to the zoning map they want to apply the plan unit development zoning classification of this property and uh this property is 7 and half acres and uh you know as name implies it's located at uh 11:25 North summit now uh and I'll get into a little bit more details but this is very technical thing I talk about we're resoning this from PD to PD that is actually the proper form and which we're doing it from you know a common sense Layman's perspective uh it doesn't make sense if you you know when you look the ordinance title for example it says we're resing from PD to PD and I'll talk about that a little bit more uh later but uh what we have here is uh the site it's currently developed and so you can see there's a an existing mean building on the site and it currently houses their existing use which we'll talk about in a second so this is all this is on the Eastern portion of the property and it is set back about 150 ft and the Western portion of this property is essentially uh and uh open field uh and so as I talked about we have a map here that's existing and proposed zoning uh both of which are exactly the same D and this is existing flum just showing you that it's got a commercial future land use designation on it and here are the surrounding U Future land destination okay so St John's refer Place uh it's an existing inpatient residential drug treatment facility it has been in existence since 2018 and has you know operated continuously since then that existing building that they moved into is a 21,500 foot building it has uh 45 uh residential beds in it when they came forward uh to be approved by the city back in uh 2017 they approved for 60 beds so they're not up to with the maximum number that number was designed you know to to make sure that they you know had had add rro and would have to come back uh to add beds uh and as I already said the buildings situated in the East there is interestingly enough an existing hellad on the property uh the facility is gated it is heavily landscaped screwed from the public you you you know if you drive past the use you wouldn't you know know what uh happens there so uh it's kept very quiet and secluded uh about the helipad uh they have absolutely no use for it it is used to address this in staff cour is used quite frequently by uh Public Safety agencies uh throughout the county but it is a uh public benefit they providing which is a no benefit to themselves uh they plan to expand they want to add uh three buildings to uh the Western portion of the site uh it'll be uh an office building uh that office will be approximately uh uh 45 uh 100 square fet and then they will have have two uh residential uh units men's and women each will be about 40 beds they'll each be in separate buildings men's and women will not be mixed and so those will be situated towards the rear of the property and kind of keeping the the interior of the property uh landscaped uh and beautified uh they do intend to to uh aluminate the helipad as part of that proposal it is of no uh benefit to them uh you'll notice that you know I suggested or or asking that they uh retain it obviously they were do so that they might want to enter into some negotiations there there might be got liability associated with that none of which has been accounted for in the past my understanding from talking to the engineers maybe the site was a small hosel at one time in the past and so that just kind of you know rolled over and was used but now they're going to be doing construction on that site so uh so they are in intending to uh make that change okay uh I'm just going to talk a little bit about the agreement itself so an agreement that is in your your report this agreement covers the entire property uh if you uh read through saport you you will notice that in uh 2017 a uh resoning was done a resoning ordinance was adopted by the Town Council City commission it identified uh some performance standards but it provided uh that they would come back with a uh overall development plan and that they would come back with a development agreement and they had one year to do so that requirement uh was never enforced uh by the city at the time so when they first came forward we had time attempting to try to find what we thought were the uh the agreement in that plan uh as we subsequently [Music] learned it just wasn't done and so they because of was this building they were allowed to proceed directly to obtaining building uh uh permits and approvals rehab did T rehab and opened their site so that is why we have an agreement normally the way this would be done with the existing agreement and this would come forward as an amendment to that agreement and so we'd be seeing uh an amend a PUD that amends an existing Line This is basically a brand new PUD and so we've established uses and setbacks you know for the entire property and so we're essentially doing you know what what that sta that hadn't been done uh with it so what you have forward you have is uh an draft agreement in your staff report and it looks like this and so uh much of it is uh just you know is establishing you know who the you who the agreement is what it's called between the city and the land owner and essentially what this does is it creates custom Zoning for the property so a lot of these parameters that you see in here would be what you see in a zoning category so there's you know things like building Heights and setbacks and all that those are the setbacks that will apply to this property and they're being uh especially apply that property uh with the uh land uh development uh agreement um and so those are things that you would typically see in any agreement but then there are uh performance standards that are uh site specific to this property so uh I now so most of that stuff which is just the standard kind of development criteria is uh on page two it's seeing it again Heights setbacks buffers and again this sort of continue with a theme that we've already seen with property they're going to these screen you know the screen is going to be opaque you they're creating a sense of you know privacy uh and when people uh come to visit there uh they they won't be leaving until their treatment is they're not they're not going off site they're not visiting uh you know local shops visiting little restaurants this is going to be a self-contained screen piece of property and again they're going to keep the theme the same in the sense that from the outside you you know wouldn't know what it was unless you you have you know reason to uh and so uh and then there is some langu that that's you know specific to this use you know it's very controlled access there'll be one access point it'll be the access point on Summit that's what people will go in and out and access the property uh you know it's just what he say areas where patients will be will be screened from uh public view uh and uh we address things like out sight lining and then there are uh operating conditions as well uh so there there's and this carried over from the previous ordinance but didn't end up in any agreement but talks about how uh that they will provide uh an annual report uh and that'll be within 30 days domain of City again talks about how I already touched on this once people are admitted they're they're going to be restricted to the site uh they they're not going to have access to they're there for treatment they they don't bring their own vehicle they dropped off uh and uh and once uh they're done you know they're not just released outside the gate they're they're brought to uh transportation and they go they go home or they they go where they're going to end up uh uh living next uh and so the that performance criteria is uh built within the agreement and so now I'm going to jump to page five permitted uses so uh and so like any zoning District this zoning category identifies the per uses property and the only per uses property are those that are listed or what would naturally be uh customer uses so uh the the prior ordinance had a 60 bed facility this indicates it'll be a 125 that facility uh the use is defined as a uh residential substance used to S treatment facility it's all uh impatient in the case it will be sub cute uh services and then we go go on to list the specific uh type of licenses and the number of beds that will be Associated uh with each one uh and then we go in to uh a standard uh language that'll be a most agreement dealing with the provision of utilities again they will be coming back with a site plan all the utilities will have to be coordinated uh in the same way you saw with the school board you know and McDonald's at that time talks about the architecture uh and and how that be uh shown there is I don't have a slide for it but there's in your packet there it does show the buildings are going to be screened they're they're not unpleasant they're also not particularly detailed buildings but they're not going to be visible you know from a public street that 20,000 Square 20,000 building you see on site you can you know you actually see very little these buildings are actually going to be uh lower than that but there are standards in terms of that talks about sign they have no signage they have no need uh for signage at this time but there is in here that in the event uh that they uh sometimes in the future they decide they come back Amendment it talks about how they're going to have they're allowed on sign and it'll be requirements the LDC and uh then the rest of this is essentially just is theages talk about how we're gon how it gets them into in the future uh talks about the fact that we're we're when we enter into these types of agreements we're not waving you know our police powers to enforce stuff the rest of our LDC applies it indicates that you know this is complete agreement it's like what you see with any standard contract you know anything that we might say verbally to them you know it doesn't count it's you know uh what's in the arena and uh what's in the LBC so uh this is a it's treated as a standard uh resoning so the same resoning criteria that that we saw earlier applies have gone going through it uh for you I'll go through it briefly in summary form and more detailed criteria is in your sta report sta report is part of the record Being just case uh this resoning is necessary because the existing and plan use of property is not allowed anywhere else in City this is the only place uh where this type of facility is uh permitted and uh obviously uh we're now putting in place the agreement that that uh should have been done uh back in 20 like 20 by 2018 effect on the property and Str properties this site's already developed so it's not going to have a negative effect on this property as you as you can see it's been a fairly quiet use uh the applicant actually owns some land to the north of this that is uh designated for residential use the West are some homes across the street out in the county to the South is uh some undeveloped residential lands but again this is going to be Well Screen quiet use uh don't think it's going to have any uh any negative effect onic properties consistency with the compens plan the site has tutur L designation commercial that commercial designation was applied for back in 2017 when they went through the PD zoning they also went through a comp and at that time the entire property designated commercial and a property is consistent with that this is infill development of an existing property is it's currently served by utilities uh and they like any other use they'll have to you know if they have to make you know they to do something similar for carflow they'll be required to go through that on uh and then an impact on natural environment again develop site they cleared it there is some uh on the fringes of it there are some properties that uh there there are some trees they intend to preserve as much of that as possible to keep that screen but there is also language on that planet indicated if they can't get that o screen they they will fill it in with vegetation and then again there's that sort of C all other criteria and you know we don't think there will be any netive this year we Happ to answer your question but process same question to me from the applican can hear from the I have some questions okay okay um Mark um any other development on the helipad putting it elsewhere in the in our community any thoughts on that well I I do know that obviously the the fire chief is aware of it you know he is hoping that there can be sort of an if if the do ultimately decide that a they don't want to work you know they want to create some agreement that you know that that might take care of some of their liability issues and they decide to take it away take away then uh they just want the much knows possible L it first of all it's really unusual for a community of this size to have that so it is a significant of the benefit it's used I see it's used multiple times per month yeah so there's a need so it would be nice if they continue but really it's up to them so I would hope that are we looking other Alternatives just in case this falls through not wait to see oh you're hoping for this but then you'll take yeah I understand that but you may be wise looking now just in case yeah again most of the agencies that use are actually counting you know people here benefit of course it's the Sheriff's Office oh I understand that sure yeah so there's budgets that have to be considered no budget is a big issue Lo and and location yes yes well there probably could be a better location okay um we have representative from St John yes I'll continue my question um so I'm the one who's there I'm the CEO for St John's Michelle Smith um and we are keeping the helipad we need the helipad you know the owner he's not there he doesn't know how often it's used he doesn't know what the process is for it it's very important for clue and the fire department to have that um and it doesn't impede anything that we need to do uh it's not going to be in the way of anything that needs to happen there and and we have an arrangement with them that if they just call us and inform us that they're coming to use it um we can get everybody out of the way make sure everybody's in the building and then the helicopter can land without problem I had this discussion yesterday with the owner that it that's a wonderful update well not having a hospital here yeah exactly that's my that's with us I mean we have to transport sometimes people in the building right away and you know yeah um I I just have a few other questions for you uh so uh it states here that you are a drug treatment center does that include alcohol yes sir yeah so you c a variety of everything of addictions yes yeah okay um the um the s report says 7.55 acres and the the uh land resoning application says 8.3 so that that was done with the application was done without benefit of the detail service so that's just going to be updated it's going to be corrected it'll be corrected in the agreement if it's SW the agreement the the initial I mean let me ask this question which is correct s 7.55 okay great all right thank you and so you have you currently have 45 bets we do and you're you're you're adding 80 and that brings you to a total 125 right thank you that's the end of my question uh I just have a quick question excuse me I just have a quick question um you're going to remain impatient only correct we are impatient only um it's it's just a continuation of care it's the next step down from the detox residential then you go to What's called the PHP program there the insurances will allow them to stay longer than just the 28 days and considering the type of modalities of therapies that we do there it does benefit our clients to you know get receive the treatment longer so that's what we're trying to do is just be able to step them down have them there longer so they can receive the treatment longer and then also help them job applications and things like that to kind of make that transition back into you know going home doing what they need to do okay uh another quick question uh does this I what what is the I guess the percentage of the population that serves like locally I mean do you have I don't know if you know that number do you get a lot of people from County County U yes and we work a lot with the court systems there too the drug courts so of them are sent over to us uhuh they they're sent over to us to come for treatment um even marchment Acts were able to get them transitioned over to St John's and they they're marchment acted to us so which is you the court tells them where they have to go for treatment so we're actually seeing the benefits in the community absolutely thank [Music] you all my questions thank you okay thank you are there any public comments oh we do have a public comment from Pamela Taylor I received the um speaker card for Pamela Taylor even I'm Taylor 128 Haron Avenue I live directly behind this facility and I think you should approve whatever they ask thank you thank you thanks man any other public comments just a couple of questions um if the facility failed to come forward with a plan initially what's to guarantee that there'll be a plan this time what's the consequence if there's not one um and also just to make everyone aware when the facility was first open C City had their own police department has this been discussed at all with the Sheriff's Department people choose to leave um if they walk out um is the sheriff in any way going to be advised of the situation and have what be hand that's just my question thank you um yes absolutely so first of all nobody very few walk out if they demand to walk out and don't want us to transport them anywhere because we are a voluntary program we cannot stop them if they do choose to do that I make a phone call to the colonel and I tell him that somebody has left and you know they're Pro probably out in Dixie because there's really nowhere else to go and usually we wind up bringing them back in because they have nowhere else to go and they don't want to walk around in the dark um but I do call him and let him know that somebody has left the property just so that he is aware in case there's any problems we to date have not had a problem so you have a direct on sh I do good good to thank you as far as the plan concerned add well I mean oh I'm sorry yes my name is Alan Taylor and I live right behind the facility and I've never noticed any problems with anyone trying to leave any excessive noise any type of thing that would uh make me think that it wasn't a good facility to be there we supported it from the beginning we're the closest residential property to the facility and uh we've seen it as a real benefit and we've seen nothing like anyone trying to come outside the property or any loud noise or any type of destructive Behavior it's very quiet very well contained and I see it as a benefit to the community and so that we have a birds eye view if you will of the facility it seems to operate on a very good uh perspective to us so I think it's a good facility that's run quietly and efficiently thank you thank you for your time and just on my understand if I can comment when I read over it and I highlighted you know about them having given the N the 12 months to come up with the plan so that's my question when I went through initially but then this is the plan that they're proposing in addition to them trying to um expand there there's two things first of all we are ageing forward the agreement at the same time I never actually in this long time I've never actually seen a property get re the PD and then you say we're going to do an agreement a year a year you I've never seen that more in my career so I I think that you know that was just an error in how to do it and I also think you know one of the things you know that obviously you know made it allowed this to happen last time most most of what that plan would have been would have been associated with you know what they made is they made interior Renovations so I I have a feeling you know at the time whoever was making the decision just deciding well you know let them go get building permits that's not the case in this particular instance they're going to be constructing new buildings so there is a whole component of s so you will see so once this goes all the way to the city Mission they you're going to see this again you're going to site plan for you guys to approve uh and at that time you know we'll come forward and we will be as we do with the RV Resort we'll be here's what s plan is here's what the agreement says here's where we think it matches up now obviously all sorts of things in development code that aren't menion agreement but in terms of what happened to them well they thought they were just going to be able to come in and do a simple Amendment they you know we basically spent months and months going through this with them doing what they were supposed to have done and like I said I you know from my perspective you know s side I don't blame the applicant at all my question is you know what was happening on this side of Pap because at any time if you read that ordinance you know we were we could have invoked the fact that they so so it's I don't think it's yes it would have been really nice if they you know it's almost the equivalent of you know the teacher for getting to assign homework and somebody raising their hand saying teacher you know you know obviously they they signed off on all the interior renovation permits the city did that you know the former staff did that so and and and these guys have startingly paid for it because we've gone back and forth for quite a number of months any F question oh I'm sorry yes I apologize good evening Li Miss 19 sin Street about a year ago I uh I've been here two years and a year ago like at midnight I have this man crashing in my porch and he was loving my cat and saying I love you I love you he freaked me I had to call the police and I see the problems that we have in some of our neighborhoods you know with drinking and alcohol so I think we're going in the right direction because I Googled it and I said I need to see how the town can be you know help and one of the things that they recommended on the top 10 was opening facilities like this where you can mentor these people help them they going to come in the community and work and maybe at the same time help your own people you know with grants whatever thank you very much thank you and for the comments all right um we need a motion to amend the p I'll make a motion to append the Pug Zoning for the St Jones Recovery Place second it has the motion in second all in favor I I all [Music] opposed right it has been approved to am p z and we will move on to number five on the agenda Wist okay so this is uh cyquest by Will gonna get the name Med on behalf of CSL for systems to approve a site plan for a 0.25 Acre Site located at 898 Grand Ronda uh the site plan depicts nine parking spaces so uh this is a here's here's the location U so it's right to the corner of grand Rondo uh Center and I think Cyprus uh this is a piece of property that uh the owner of the property cleared and uh put some and started parking their vehicles on of course that doesn't comply uh coach are not allowed to do that parking lots require cycl approval so they hired an engineer and he has developed uh a set of plans uh that uh have been uh reviewed by your staff uh this is essentially nine parking spaces that are all this is not public parking this is uh associated with their their work Vehicles W stream is company that under that uh installed I think fiber optic associated with the telecomunication industry apparently this site has been associated with telecommunication industry for many many years it former uh Mell site goes that far back uh and so while what I have up here is s landscape plan so they've done uh they're showing the they're going to create it's going to be surrounded by parking they're adding stor water uh this is uh there is shell or part that have that shell to be 15 feet back so they'll have you know aprons that will uh support their work vehicles and will protect the paved edges of the road and keep the you know any debris off streets uh they're installing uh sidewalks because a code requirement along Cyprus and Grand Londo uh they are uh one issue of import is that there is a city uh gas M that is not within the city right away is in fact our property uh so they're going to give us an easement uh for that that uh is already that is already in works it's been going through uh the city attorney's office so in addition to completing that and obtaining their outside permanence they do have a stor water Pond that has to get permited through St John's there is some language in there that they brought forward a cycline that meets the requirements of the land so they have a buffer that is immediately adjacent to that uh easement um and I'm just letting you guys know there the the gas department may have some difficulties with those with what are those code requirements so there might be some adjustments to that buer to make sure that those gas lines are not DED so uh plantings may be modify and maybe in some cases maybe not quite as much as it's currently in there if if uh they are concerned that the root systems W line so when I do make you aware of that recomend any questions I have a question um is this does this site plan cover is this one part they're uh it's been they're required to go through a uh a lot combination they've already done that okay they present us we signed off to just understand that a parking lot is not a primary permitted use and City's land it has to be an accessory to an existing developed use and so uh We've required them to find Parcels so that they can't be sold off in so does that mean that the site plan uh since the lots of been uh combined would cover the entire property or are we just doing half a site plan well no there's an existing building this just this just covers just a project area Okay so there's so this this is what I went and looked at the site so what I see is I see there's the dumpster down there it doesn't have an enclosure there's uh there's no buffer there's no buffer down there at all now on the on the existing building that's down there there's a tree on one side so what I'm saying is that part of the parcel doesn't doesn't if you're going to if you're going to do a site plan and you're going to it should I I think it should Encompass the whole entire and I think if your land code required that you certainly wouldn't uh so it doesn't yeah it doesn't require you to bring the whole well but that's what we review you know you know certainly it would be nice to make these guys be able to go back and you know landcape we didn't see any way to do that under question isn't that located isn't that building located in our historic area the building yeah the building itself building yeah I believe it is it is our originally pered to and I'm sure they commercial for that business but when I look at that business that that's industrial there's no Commerce going on in there U you look at the building it's kind of a grab white building surrounded by a chain link fence with barbed wire on top of it um I I wonder how that exists in our historic you know zoning um and the zoning the present zoning is commercial right yes okay but it's it's being run as an industrial you know storage oh the other question I has what what is going to be in the tra is that your storage for equipment well you know most of the work uh involves you know work that's done offsite and it's underground so right the applicants represented here and they can what's be in the they can we have an applicant representa engineering I I can't speak to exactly what would be in the trailers but you see these vans on the side of the road with big schools and wire that they're putting on ground running fiber optic I can only imagine that's what what it's what's going to be part there so essentially warehouses on whe the what is it infinite bands you see running around you see but it's a storage facility it's a parking lot to uh parking lot for benefit the existing facility they they did at one point discuss with us wanting to use it basically as outdoor storage for stock we indicated that that was not per so like concern is that uh you know it's it's complicated because it is in the it's at the end of our commercial Zone and then to the north is a residential area the beginning of residential area and then AC course across the street uh we have the boat ramp the lake uh in that area that um with the uh Conservation Area and um so forth um unfortunately s of your building sticks out like a s thumb um he's an engineer hired by them yeah I understand that I understand that um but U uh so to get to the point um I appreciate what you're' done but I'm a little concerned particularly uh the uh the property line to the North and the U to the abing neighbor uh and and also on ra uh Grand so provide we're providing extensive buffer along both sides that you speak of um we have a a continuous HED line with a 6ot op fence along North B with three o trees to be planted yeah just you don't have to go through the whole thing for me okay so and then on the east side he spoke about the gas M we we showed the uh offer requirements Within our landscap area however we will look got three three live HS they add and then on the east side you have two lios and then long PES and then Magnolia again um Grand so anyways um I um and I will say it's an improvement what's there now but I guess I'd like to hear if uh any of the neighbors would like toh speak and get there I question is this a Cod compliance case you said it was clear to uh I know they were a approached by code enforcement but they have been working diligently to resolve the problem so this resultes so if they obtain cyon approval put in the improvements you know and work at this continuous which they have then they won't end going so this results are there any public comments hipr city um I guess mine is more a concern with uh big trucks being parked right there so close to the lake uh my concern would be is there any mechanism that's put been put in place in the event that those trucks leak fluids you know gas or oil since that is right there the lake um that would be my concern what's going to be done to mitigate that situation so uh the intended vehicles are much like f they're not going to be large trucks but much like any other parking lot or McDonald's that we just saw the storm water is designed to retain and attenuate a certain water quality volume that's based on the first one inch rainfall across the site and so our retention fond essentially would catch any first FL of those oils or metal shavings from the brake pads just like any other parking lot and that's where the SCH Sy thank are you parking Vehicles there now yeah I can't speak to that at all G 19 C Street and I know sir that you are not wiing but um maybe you can tell them this when you see them but I am your neighbor and I don't know what's going on with the Heritage Tree on the north um on my side is a beautiful tree it's full of life on your side uh it needs some repairs so I'm part of the tree and garden board I would suggest that the city ask you to bring an arborous finding uh this tree is like 200 years old you know and is very important for shade and for even for your own employees if you can make something underneath like a picnic mental health is such a big thing in town that we are trying to conserve this historical trees and and the charm of the city and I congratulate you that I have a business next to me that is growing growth is the future of the town but also we have to uh be with the in the Yang of nature around here thank you very much I have a question for Liz Liz is the Heritage f is it on your property no property it's their property somebody came and knock on my door and said that they were going to do this next door it was a retention Pond all the rain when it storm went in the middle so they filled it up but I was there one afternoon and the guy had um some kind of instrument to cut this huge tree and he said I have to go back on Monday and I'm like wait a minute do you have a permit to cut this tree and talk to the city but he could not do it that day so I don't know if the tree is asking for Redemption and for somebody to do a test and see if he's still alive he looks alive on my side wealthy and healthy and I already thank him if we have to get rid of him but in his place a big tree like that will windream plant some other trees not bushes but trees yes thank you the side plant shows a 52 in Live Oak that's is that the one yeah it's the tree in the northwest corner we sto the sidewalk short of it we're required to put the sidewalk in but we stopped short of it so we don't affect that tree we're we're not planning to touch the tree thank you and said they the Landscaping will improve 13 trees and 30 shrubs are you satisfied with this plan Liz um I like the idea but I didn't hear about what's going on with the Heritage tree they're saving it they're not they're not okay so so can I come to the Podi um maybe somebody needs to go and look at the tree maybe the tree in Garden boore because the tree is right now love ited so on my side it needs to be trim and on their side you need to get rid of all that dead stuff you just cannot leave the tree like that he's been handy like that for the last seven years all LM but he's very healthy he just needs to be trim and I give them permission to come in my uh property and trim it is for their benefit and my benefit in case of a hurricane or stor or whatever is the tree in so that's what I was I was going to city city oh thank you question yeah you know I I have a question you know since it's in our historic it's kind of a business that's slipped under the wire um and it's actually operating in in defiance of of the present code when you have an industrial uh business operating a commercial property and we allow this to continue and do we allow by to continue do we allow a president to be set that sure anybody any property that has you know own commercial can be turned into to Industrial so wave stream is an internet service provider and you know if you have issues at your house the van shows up and fix it right that a lot of that is what is going to park here and U I'm sure there will be some material container Vehicles parked there if they have an extensive line to install locally but typically it's the tech that shows up at your house parking his van for the night at the site so it's it's it's an internet service provider not an industrial use I would argue I'd to get a legal I assume that activity going on decades that's my understanding like I said this has been going on for decades therefore it's more less grandfather well I mean this particular use has been going on I don't think I I would not classify it as an industrial use uh but I think you know and this is something that you have to look at you know with your your CRA and I don't want to step on Charles's toes at all but I mean you you give grants to businesses to beautify and like that so I mean that that would be the vehicle which you would you know try to seek to Inc this you know this is a Cy approval okay one one other thing you know the chaining fence with the black wire is that going to be extend around the entire property uh I I think we showed it to be that way to continue what was there I don't know that it's required or that win stream wants it there but but we were matching existing and that's not very attractive you know essentially that's a l front property when you sit in that little CBO over there and walk my dogs over there on that big concrete path spr and you can sit in that CBO and you can look out of the lake but if you turn around look back at the building in question it's it's not very attractive and it doesn't improve again sure that doesn't improve the charm of the community we have question um just to share a little historical perspective with you because I think some people probably don't know the story behind this um Telephone Service in this community was originally provided by what was known as North Florida telephone company their original business office was in the back corner of this building when it was back they built that building down there so that they could move their business office thing and it's evolved from May into what amounts to um so originally it was a very attractive well landscape building with big trees around um time was not kind of trees and the building is looking a little aged but um it's not as so something was allowed to be built there like you see today because it was a totally different structure but that that been there 70 75 years thank you thank you well I I would say just as a comment is that the site plan from what I saw down there what the S plan showing it's going to be a he of it Improv for that that side there uh I've had windream for 20 years um and uh I I wouldn't I wouldn't been able to connect to the internet for the last 15 and wasn't for wi stream and uh it's been a business down there for a long time the Bill's been there forever I like what you said about approaching if there's going to be any kind of beautification to the C so that back half gets done through the site plan front half gets done through C quite frankly the value of the property may rise enough where they may it may be beneficial to sell it with like View and move their operation out make great [Music] restaurant all right just one more second yes just regarding that chaining we didn't get a clear answer on the chaining fence other than well maybe we'll just extend what we already have we're we're fing the entire thing there's there's gate it's a gated so the whole thing chain L Bar wire there'll be Opa slots in the on the Northern side as part of the bu is there vegetation as well vegetation and the six chain defense this is not the landscape plan I copies of land plan you may have some there too but we're we're providing a continuous head across the Northbound with a six fence that hasat and then have an eastern boundary and western boundary buffer trees and shrs as well and the purpose of the fence is just to for the protection of vehicles it's security for them I can't answer the reason why they think they need bar wire but we we just match the existing I can I can speak to I don't think motion please I uh I'd like to make a motion for a site plan approval for windream as presented for you vote I just want to make sure that that conditioned upon please ands yes of course thank [Music] you second has been Motion in second all in favor I I'll yes I'm I'd like to see further to see a little further information so this is this is Ping well well you based on they still the issue with the gas line it's approved but staff will obviously will make sure they get their perm and we'll make sure they complete these men otherwise we we won't authorize them to do any additional work and code enforcement will work forward I'm ask the recommendation is approval is [Music] condition you want a roll call okay I can do aoll call um Ro chair yes Doge yes rord green yes can we had a hi yes thank you sir thank you all right the side plan um for Windstream has been approved conditioned on finalization of the easement through the C attorney's office can you just briefly explain what this is what this next yeah just briefly don't feel to all detail pleas I'm about to give your presentation and I will go into whole detail you don't have to you can do a summary a brief yeah yeah I I I will okay uh this is a large scale Amendment to the comprehensive plan because it is a text Amendment of the complim and it does not apply to one specific property and so therefore gets true as a large scale so what that means is it will you guys will make your recommendation it will go to City commission the city commission will uh if they approve it on first reading it is transmitt the Department of Commerce Department of Commerce will make comments on it along with agencies then it will come back and get adopted that's the difference between large scale and small scale small scale all happens locally large scale goes to the state and you don't necessarily know what you what questions you will be dealing with uh this is a required Amendment so uh so at the shortest level the town really has absolutely no discretion so I'm recommending approval to you and I certainly hope you recommend approval because we're required to do this by Florida statute and what they want to do is they want to make sure that the region water supply plans and all the local water supply plans are coordinated so uh when the St John's Water Management District uh updates their water supply plan you have 18 months to uh amend the local uh comp plan to be consistent with it and if you don't you're in trouble with the state and there are some penalties that they can impose upon you uh but so that's what's going on here so they amended the water supply plan we've updated our plan basically what we've done is we've changed a bunch of date there's already an existing water supply plan in your uh comp plan now we took it and we looked at with the water spot is then changed all the time Horizons so that we now match the plan so instead of projecting stuff from you know some date five years in the past we're now projecting five days forward that's what we've done we made uh no other changes to it other than changing you know dates tables uh and some information and we've you know now change recom change in one policy but the city's warock plan will now go from 2024 to 2025 that's it we have ch motion AEF question on page 63 you have a chart uh T2 city of C water supply service and population you have it the same from 2025 to 2045 we we've hold the the population projections that are used in the regional water supply Planet oh I see okay so they're they're they don't have to be consistent with the cities they don't have to be consistent as the city and if we were to make the consistent the city we'd be getting a comment and having to explain why we did I understand I thought that might have been the case yeah thank you I have questions F questions any public comments motion this a motion a second AC second it has been Motion in second the administrative request for large scale comprehensive plan updating the water supply facilties water plan and amend amending policy D 2.3.2 and the public facilities elment all in favor I I just have one question for Mark before weour um the uh air scream people put I think they put forth uh a very good vegetation trees and shrs Andes and all that so it's def going to look better than it does now I'm not too happy with ch fence in the water but um when we approved these site plans for landscaping how do we know that they they're compliant and do what they say is there anybody that goes up and respects the land that says okay putting you know 60 trees and maybe they was just put what happens is when they when they get through the building process they you know one of the last things they install is the uh landscaping and the count the building department turns that over to the city and uh Charles has called somebody has called me and the person has been a landscape architect goes out with the original approv plans and counts their bushes now I I will tell you if the plan says 68 bushes they put 67 I'm not going to hold up to C for that but if it says uh you know if it says 68 and they only give you you know 59 we we we've help not here in this city but in other cities hold you know and if they're short on a tree you know that will we will insist on you know so it says 13 trees I give us 13 trees we literally do count all the bushes and okay one one other question question you know um right now we're going to a dille and I I just planted over 60 comes in my property and we haven't had any substantial range so you have to get out there and water those things every day so if I were doing a site plan for Windam who's going to be watering all the they're going to have an irrigation system they permanent syst it's requ I I'd like to make a comment uh we uh Mark we all love spending time with you uh how and with that though we all read the material I think you can cut your presentations for have Che yeah there are certain things that and I can cut them down there are certain things that I'm trying to get on the record in the event of presentation if as you know you might have no I don't spend as much time on site plan approval in terms of going through the detail and I certainly could go through a tremendous amount of detail but the reason particularly with the school board items the the C plan Amendment doesn't become effective till there's a challenge period right there are some people who have some issues ues with the school report so what I'm trying to do is put substantial competent evidence in the record so that if somebody does Challenge and I am in deposition I have a very good and lengthy explanation for approval if it was a little bit lower Stakes no I go school but um just consider it on the others you know because it's it's really I think for all of us it's not necessary it may be beneficial to the audience but yeah and this is just a thought for me you know I'm just doin the plan zone so when I came on the things that we went over and these gentlemen came on after so some of the questions that they're having are things that we went over when we were you know working on that Land Development code and we talked about trees and things of that nature so just knowing what our purpose is when we get to the meeting as to I me they're good questions but I hear you keep going back and saying so I don't know if there's something that we can do to rectify that you know just being a to go back because good question we talk about the Heritage Treats but we went over those things like you can't just cut down um you know historical tree or something like that it's a process that we went through already so if they then go back and read that you know information prior to and that make those questions are valid but if we're here to approve the site plan it's just I kep say that's a good question but what we're here to do is this on today so I don't know if there's something you know that can be known for them to go back and you know maybe contact you all prior to whatever to um be able to answer those questions and I'm happy to have people contact me directly ask questions at a time cave you know Charles P all my it up mayor all right you very thank you there's nothing else the meeting for the June 20th 2024 planon commission is I make a motion I you