##VIDEO ID:l549zBgIlTw## rep will now come to order first item of business on the agenda is the approval of the June 20th 20 June 204 and August 15 2024 next and if you remember correctly you have me go back and listen to um the June minutes because of uh discrepancy discrepancy on something that the thought said but the minutes correct okay yes I do remember that I move that we accept speak tonight I move that we uh approve the minutes for June 20th 2024 and August 15 202 [Music] second okay has been motion and second that we approve the minutes for June 20th 2024 and August 15 2024 all in favor say i n [Music] at this time we will start with our new business um discussion only FL comp plan Amendment for 2011 North Summit Street Fire Station actually put the zoning change in there too together okay discuss both them okay thank you and we will also discuss zoning changes for 2011 North Summit Street fire station so all this going to be very short any tonight realize that uh because we really can't talk about these items these items are are Quasi judicial in nature the applicant happens to be the city in this particular case uh but because we uh do not have proper notice uh for this item this is qu judicial both of these require public hearings uh we have not issued proper notice uh under land on the code and for statutes uh notice is provided to the uh surrounding Property Owners within uh 300 ft and the notice has to be issued 10 calendar days uh before the meeting uh that was not done and so uh we can't afford and have meeting uh in addition while I can talk about I can describe the item to you as to what it is any discussion either Pro or con or testimony we can't hear that tonight that has to be next month at the notice public hearing uh so but just so you understand what these two items are both they're both related one is a change to the Future land use map the other is a change to the zoning map currently this property is designated as commercial and it's zoned uh General commercial one so uh this request is to change it to uh change land use to uh public facilities and buildings and then public facility Zone uh so that's what you'll be hearing next month uh the reason for the change will be described in full but it's important to understand right now that both zoning categories allow the use there there's there's a reason why we're going to public facilities versus keeping it as gc1 all that will be described next month but in terms of whether the use is allowed the city ultimately is planning up putting up a new building that new building would be allowed under the current zoning it's also going to be allowed under the proposed zoning so whether the building goes up or not uh it will not be impacted by the underlying zoning what the zoning is going to impact is just how the build goes up and that's all I can really say about it so I have a question if things are the same under both zonings why are we changing we're going to be changing it because there are use is allowed under both the future land use and the zoning the existing zoning allows it the proposed zoning allows it it's different though are the requirements in the zoning district and because the requirements are different in the zoning district is more advantageous to the applicant which in this case happens to be the city for the new Zone that was a good political answer because it didn't mean much to me can you dumb it down a little bit I mean I mean what is it Financial re the city no no no it literally has to do with the that the requirements of the zoning districts are different right things like setbacks right we have a zoning book that's filled with different zoning categories there are multiple different single family zoning categories right there's an sr1 and there sr1a what's the difference there are lot Siz difference is there are uh subat differences and [Music] so so so is this the situation so that they can go ahead and build a new building I mean the let me let me explain this and all I can actually do at this point is repeat it the the use that they want to do is at an ambulance station to an ex existing fire station okay the current zoning allows it the proposed zoning will allow the difference is the requirements in those two districts right the the the district that we're proposing to change it to which is public facilities has is been designed for public buildings so you that's the purpose of it but in terms of the use the use is allowed in either situation and that's little I can say this point mark from your earlier comments I assume you will give definition of the differences at our next meeting the the definitions will be you know very very I thought Is this different from what's in our pack it's kind of spelled out in the pack is that work or are we going to receive something different uh for the definition yeah the STA report will be the same I might supplement it with with you know actually present showing you the zoning cul okay thank you all right uh so that's really all we can talk about for these first it uh next item on here was is a variance request again that variance request will be next month the applicant who was here earlier actually she she has gone home already because again this is cannot be discussed it's not it's called judicial it and uh has to be appropriately noticed so we can't uh discuss that item and you're speaking at 195 CH talking about 195 CH thank you so uh so next month you will have uh the uh comprehensive plan Amendment and rezoning uh for 2011 North summit which is the fire station you will have the 195 Chestnut variance request you will also have an item that is for a compliment resoning for a property that is located on uh Central Avenue uh the applicant currently has uh multif family zoning and they want to apply for Central business district zoning which is the new zoning category that is on uh that was created in in the land on C so uh they're applying for that early so that brings me to the next thing I just want to talk about and I'm just going to talk about it briefly because this again is not an agenda item but uh next month I'll will be uh showing you uh the zoning maps for the uh Central business district resoning is uh you guys have seen these proposed maps for four as part of the process we're going to adjust them somewhat first of all as you may have heard from this meeting there's going to be some direct change somebody wants to go ahead early with that zoning and so uh we're going to adjust those Maps I want to present those adjustments to you because I want to uh proceed forward with basically doing a mass resoning so what's going to happen next month there is somebody who doesn't want to wait for that Mastery zoning they want to go out ahead of that because they're anxious to take advantage of that new zoning so we will bring that forward but we are going to bring uh for those Maps because I want to issue uh notices of a a general public meeting that will occur where I will present to all the property owners that are potentially going to have their property reone so I'll have a public meeting most likely here and then the notice that was sent out will also make them aware that there'll be other subsequent opportunities because after we have this sort of neighborhood informational meeting and we'll talk about at the next meeting but those date should be uh discussing this with you guys and so there'll be a a general neighborhood meeting where everybody will receive notice of changes to their property and it will also indicate with the dates of the Planning and Zoning commission meetings will be and the subsequent uh City commission meetings ideally we would like to be able to do that with uh one notice that would be the most efficient way to do it hopefully we'll able to do that we we'll go through a public you know a general public meeting process the planning board and City commission uh without having to you know make alterations and you know change that schedule I I don't know you know whether that will be the case but that is what we will be attempting to do so next month you'll get to see uh new maps for that Central business district and some of the other zoning map series that are associated with indland and with that that concludes everything that I need to discuss at this Mee not on Central business district um is it optional to get their zone change on their businesses is it an optional thing or is it my recommendation to the plane zoning commission and to the city commission is that they allow people to opt out that's what I got I just wanted to clear that up my next question is was it necessary to me well it was necessary the the notices were sent out so uh you know we didn't know how many people were going to show up tonight uh this you know it probably would have been at least for for three of you to show up and why think we could because we notified a meeting I mean we could have oh oh I see I I understand thank you I didn't have time to cancel it so we sure we notified thank you may I ask a question Mr chairperson am I allowed oh you're m chairperson i Amor that's okay you um real simple request give your um name and your address please my name is Charles P irman Jr I'm from uh 121 MGR Lake Road known as CES City but it's not but I represent Holy Comforter church at 223 North Sumit Street my only question is um in the packet next month is it possible to include from the Land Development code the description of gc1 setback requirements Heights and everything else and PF so that we can see them side by side yeah thank you very much I appreciate I have a question for you yes sir did a great job as an inspector on my house thank you anyhow um the property that's been kind of derel next to me the one they put the new roof on but they haven't worked on it in seven months I don't work for the county anymore I'm retired I just thought you might have some general information I would call code enforcement yeah that's your best bet Miss Miss Pam here in crescen Cy is excellent if you call and talk to her she'll take care of she's a great person thank yes sir okay um so that means that we don't have anything else I have some questions um and some thoughts okay each each month or each four months we all meet and review what's on the agenda and sometimes there's some opposition people will note why they're opposed to this I think would also be beneficial if we're voting yay why why do you feel that this change or this restructuring is going to benefit the city I I I think it would be you know for all of us it would bring be more cohesive for all of us to kind of get an idea of where everybody's spots are on things like that you feel that that would work I understand and if and if you're if you have no thoughts you can just be neutral on it let it float by but I think I'd like to hear why you think this is a good thing for the community centr pass pass one anything no Sage from McDonald's [Music] well I mean like because we have um things implemented and in place and it's our job to our decisions are to line up with um the things that have been implemented in place for the city so the signage all of that um has been put in place not saying that it can't be changed but but that is what we Tred to basically make our decisions they start making them line up with um the guidelines that some that we have voted on we set in workshops and decided on those items so when um residents uh companies come before us so we look at our packets before and have Mark them ask them questions to see what is um you know he give us his opinion about it and then it's how jobs to make the best decision for the city as a whole okay I um I like the idea and so it just compliments why we're voting yes or know so I I think it would be nice if we choose to make com as well as staff ium Brad you're talking about us and staff right yeah I think it would bece us and staff that you're asking I think remember about the signs well I think I think it's important to understand do you remember back to the Planning Commission training that we did right certain actions you you have different standards of review there are legislative acts there are qu a Judicial acts and there are administrative actions or ministerial actions and so when you are making those decisions you have to think differently you have to consider each item differently so for example signage signage is uh administrative or ministerial in terms of the decision making process you're applying an existing rule to a plan before you it meets the rule or doesn't your thoughts as to whether you like the sign or whether you think the the ere erecting the sign would not be good for the city is actually irrelevant to whether it meets the rule or not now if you have rules that allow signs that you think you know are not good for the city will then you agree at some point in the future to change the regulation but when you're looking at that sign that makes you think aha you know we need to change this rule if it meets that rule you still have to [Music] approve I understand EXP but we could also say when voted yes as a metal of requirements um there could be Improvement in this rule which should be discussed that'll like take yes yes yeah or it's a great rule or I mean that's how we'll know you know what to change what to change it be because of our experience right with you know applications and applying rules to various pie property and we'll decide when I say we I really mean you and the council I'm just giving advice I make suggestions you make decisions or ultimately the city commission makes decisions but but ultimately that's how we're going to know that something's not working okay that that's all good I understand that but what I'm looking for is what if we'll use the sign as a source of subject here uh what if somebody introduces a variance regarding the Sun and everybody says sure yeah yeah I think it would be beneficial to know why the variance know why they voted yes for the variance well that's so so that's different than so again that's a different decision process it'll be a quasi judicial process right so when you're making a quasi judicial a decision you you're not just looking you're not necessarily looking at the rule you're looking at a set of criteria that have been adopted and you're comparing the application and the uh the testimony that's being presented you know by the applicant and perhaps somebody who's in opposition as to whether that criteria has been met and then you understand that but I think you're missing my point my point is I would like to hear from these people that vote yay for the variant because it's it's not a rule you know they're not following rules with that with that I would just like to hear why they feel that this variance you know is going to benefit or add or whatever to to the community I mean we hear when people don't want something you know they're oppositional to it I mean I feel like we do that and and this is just and I correct make my if I'm wrong when I since I joined the planet inment I feel like we've gone through different um when we were you know doing the Land Development we went through different um phases of it and so along the way we had new members to join and so some of the things when you start because we went through all the different decision making processes and things of that nature so when we have new members that come along if it's information that they weren't a part of and we're now you know voting on something we may understand what those rules or you know because we sat through those meetings and we read the information we discussed it we talked about it we kind of hashed it out and so when we were talking about the sign and I remember reading in the minutes where you were like well I don't want that sign and then you were stressing well we're not here to vote on the sign we're here to vote on what was in front of us and so it's just understanding the process of what we what our purp is as far as the agenda is concerned because I feel like we went through everything when we talked about um the different zoning you know we spent a lot of time you know hashing things out but our our committee has changed too you know so you know when I first started out it was some of us that walked through certain parts of it and so maybe I had an understanding of something that maybe when you came along you know we you may not been a part of that decision but that kind of divides us because you're saying well I'm I'm The Keeper of the knowledge here no I'm not you weren't privy to this knowledge because you came on board later right well I'm not saying that you're not that I'm the keeper so maybe the issue might be how do you go back and you know review that information so that you're also aware of that as well so I don't know if that's that's just something that I I thought of when I sat up here and talked about different things yeah what what I'm what I'm trying to get across is I I would just like to hear a person's clment as to why they Ved yet if they say you know I like to look at the guy's face you know I I would just like to hear you know because we hear the negative you know Dan will VCH for that you know he opposes things but I'd like to hear the positive side you know I mean you in other words I'm I'm voting on this variance because because I feel that it will presumably you're voting in the variant if you're voting in favor of the variant it's because you made the determination as criteria but I'd like to hear what that determination well that's what he's saying I think it's going it's based off of the criteria it's not what I'm feeling it's like if it meets the criteria but if it's it's a variance it doesn't meet criteria VAR it doesn't meet the code but there's criteria for granting the variance right so that's built into our landed on the code and it's built into every landed on the code the reason for that is because you know a broad applicational rules just doesn't make sense in every individual case right you try to create the best of rules you can you you hope that you know that it will work successfully in I'm not arguing the vast majority arguing against the rules okay you know the rules are there what's been set down for guidelines is there okay if if you're if somebody comes in and wants to change the interpretation or change those rules then that that's other than a variance what would you call that changing the rules I would call the code Amendment a variance I would ask is not you know is not a change to the code you're providing hardship relief to an individual property owner based on the peculiar circumstances of their piece of property and how those circumstances interact with the criteria that has been set forth in the land on a code that allows you to VAR the rules I understand what I'm talking about well I do and to simplify it I would just recommend right if uh if uh if we have that situation if you want to ask me why I voted I'll be happy to give you response I think that's the best way to handle it how do you feel Mark yeah I presumably when you're looking at a variance you're looking look at somebody's individ you know you're looking at a fence whether you approve it or not there doesn't have Citywide implications normally but there there there might be a you know that you felt unbalance you know this was the best decision based on the criteria and you provided some relief for somebody and so you know the rules that generally apply to you know everybody offenses and this particular circumstance should be vared you know and it may not because because you think it has any you know really large implications very any more questions or concerns so I just have a question yes our concern I asked Charles about it what what is going on with that property [Music] know I think it's 315 or 55 55 Street what property are you it's the it's the once condemned property that someone bought resold and put a new roof on it and then they started gutting it about probably six seven months ago and they haven't done a thing to it you said it was in the county under what what that some kind of it's a Pam question okay it would be a Pam question that's Pam Tor the um okay because it might be under the County Code Enforcement yeah it might be under so we don't have much communication with the count is that right um in terms of terms of anything that that's going on sometimes know building permits I'd like to see who's appointed for building permits I'd like to see you can go on the county on the county site it's all public knowledge and you can put in right you can put in an address on the building department site all right and give you update on what's going on on that property itself huh I'll just call yeah yeah update on but you can you can call in question property if you want to on the building department site if you pull a if you pull you know I mean can see it all on that all on that one side and I suggest we continue this discussion one we meet as the historic preservation board because we discussed some of those issues at that board previously and that's next okay would you like a motion yes I would like the a motion that we adjourn the November 241st 2024 Planning and Zoning commission meeting all in favor [Music] all thank you all thank you good seeing you all [Music] when you say the copy of the application they made a bunch of different applications close that are you I don't I don't know okay yes you're you know potentially effect yes oh great when I [Music] first open you ready [Music] she's not here tonight she she could make she's all right okay so we can just proceed okay all right at this time you're welcome to stay what are you gonna do oh this is a hisor preservation board meeting we really don't have anything I was going to say do you have anything on your agenda yes approval the minutes the last meeting that's about it okay exciting okay so at this time we will open the historical preservation board um meeting for November 21st [Music] 2024 first of business is the approval of the August 17 [Music] minutes I make a motion for approval second the motion and second that of the approval of the August 17 20124 histor preservation board meeting Mets All In favor [Music] five next item is public comments business items mad chairman U may I uh discuss the uh rest of the agenda and make some recommendations um yes yes so um when we meet we go through these and there really isn't anything so I I'm recommending for instance that number one responsibilities we cut it out we eliminate goals uh recommendations um pending and that we put in new business old business and other business in the places of responsibility goals recommendations in in place what were they new business old I me you can probably just stick new business old business and regular meeting yeah as opposed to having the ceg yes yeah but there there's a few that I I want to talk about but the wa were Brad business old business and other business whatever that may be um so so should say old business first yeah and then new business business yes yeah so one thing that we've asked for in the past is to be notified uh so we have an understanding of the inventory condemned buildings and that is something that of course uh the county needs to provide to us but they're contracted out to take care of that so when we meet we should have uh we we should have report listing The Condemned buildings and especially any new buildings that have been condemned so who will be responsible for getting that information city manager don't he need to be here um he's in there discussing other stuff um either yeah well Michael will take care of it and he may delegate pan or requiring the county to give us a report it's been my experience when you call up there they'll say well what's the and they'll give you that information and then they don't in other words they don't tend to volunteer like like you said a list or or additions to the cond buildings I can appreciate that however we are part of city government yeah I mean I and they are contracted by the city so I would tell if it's anything like luch County you're talking some the coun that's all going to be able to do so you're going have talk to supervisor or somebody that can run a crystal report or something in their system that's going to allow them to generate the report that you're looking for some of the C is not going to be able to generate that report but in regards to to us they should they should generate it for or me right that's but I think that's his level to somebody that's a supervis somebody [Music] coun and then with that that will help us to identify what we may want to consider work yes yeah the the house a good idea yes that has been backing for numerous owners and and a horrible condition is a fine example uh so and um yeah today we don't know the progress what we know is Brad's bringing to our attention is that nothing's been done for six months so it's still and they put a new roof on it so structurally it's it must still be in a condemned condition I believe it is when I called the county the to the roof they said a homeowner has the right to put a new roof on his home and I said well what if the underpinning or the structure of the home is you know Ro that it's more than 100 and something years old um what if you know what if terites and they said doesn't matter they can put yes I was getting to say I wonder I think that's what he said at one point as long as they are doing something that's what for yeah they're getting inspections they have permits and they're getting inspections it's going to it's going to prolong how how it works out yeah time frame and most of the time when it's like that that's the first thing um you are advised to do okay I would put a new roof on it even though it's in the condition that's the um first thing they say put a new on so hey you're attempting to protect yeah so I know it might sound crazy but that's so once we have that list then what just well for instance then uh let's use S Presta as an example uh again with no activity we could then request uh if there have been any building PR requested or out if it's been simply stagnant with no activity at all and then um what is the time frame that if they take no action it's U it's considered depending being condemned for instance so it keeps us in tune with what's happening in our city as a historic uh board that's how I see it okay [Music] um the M school is a um is an ongoing project of course we have the blue orbon committee for it um and uh I can give an update on that uh so I think that should stay I think that historic district should stay because um the is it's being reassessed and it's been 30 years Karen since it's been done yeah since they did the inventory what houses qualified so so now they're going to do it and it's going to include mid-century houses um and um up until 7 1974 so that that's probably going to put out of the 220 approximately homes that are listed now it's probably going to greatly increase that number um and so um the city has put out a a bid for companies to do the survey and um the deadline for that is uh prior to the next commission meeting surve to to do an inventory of included in the hist district houses that should be included as important in the historic district and it would be the 40s 50s 60s up to the mid 70s okay and when you say midcentury has nothing to do with architecture it's just when the house was built when the house was built yeah yeah and so in the January meeting if if they had bids is then they would issue a contract to have that work done and um it must be uh it should be completed by June because that's when the funding is available so what is it that we were waiting on as a committee um because when um the CG okay Mr okay and what is the CLG um it's like we we're not an official historic board right until we get that like you're you're official board but you but you're not an official City certified local government is that what it is that's what exactly loal government is that which means it gives us what something that we we we weren't able to do as [Music] a um it you it put you on the National Historic preservation act put you under that the act of 1966 well right now you're not people can do whatever they want to their historic houses and unless we are a CLG we we still can't tell them what to do unless they're part of that so say so let's say if your house is built in 1920 and they consider it a historic house you can still do whatever you want to it as long as you're not a part of that CLG you have the option to be a part of that and once you a part of that then nobody can touch your house you can't touch your house unless it's built from 1920 like change the windows have to be the same the thing has to be you know what I mean that kind of thing the architecture has to be done it has to go with what was built in 1920 and then I also remember something being said about you know like we were trying to identify homes that could potentially like we didn't have the ability to do that the um who who does that that was the historic presid no the pinland Peninsula hisorical Society the society has those this this house matters yes that's that's a little different yeah basically Bas off that okay so if you have a sign in the house and says this house matters you know it matters because it's part of their the historic just recognizing house but the um the CLG uh will give us the city more of an opportunity to put in some ordinances or guidelines right I remember it was something around that and with that it will give U it'll give the property owner an opportunity to to the same meet with the city and discuss U improvements I mean in any good government it's a give and take know I I don't I personally don't think it's always cut dry but um but until then right now they can do whatever they want to their house but until we become a CG then if they wanted to make improvements then they would no they can still do that's the that's the thing they have to want to be part of nobody can tell you what you can and cannot do to your house but if you become a part of if you become a part of then they can tell you that we can't do that what's the advantage of I think because when you become if you are part of the CLG you have more options with grants U historical grants funding is and funding the funding is there for you but if you're not part of the C you can't those grants aren't available to do at all that's that's the whole difference um I have no idea I think it's still somewhere out there I'm not sure I'll ask Christina tomorrow about it could you let it give us an update yeah thank [Music] you so 10 I think architectural sight guidelines that we can take that out and and bring it back when as made it yes yeah after we get our CG or so forth and land use and Zoning Maps uh that's what that's already been done that's exactly right yeah yeah new historical recomend recommendations and nominations my question here is whether we should we should eliminate it um or should we we can eliminate it because those are going to go when you get the CLG then you can start making recommendations you know what I mean well and we do have the historical society that could make recommendations to us yeah so we eliminate six no five I mean five and again city codes Land Development codes this the same thing they um when there's an issue obviously they're bring up the codes so we can make decisions as need it it's why you can almost stick with old business new business and other business right you know what I mean just got most of it crossed off now you know my a however [Music] it's well I know but I'm doing something it now well time served um but we all need to keep these these items in mind because they're they're going to be more important um and I as we grow more people come into our community and I know that even for me you know when I have to go through you know because I may not have the expertise of you know building and codes or whatever so when I go through you know for me I I have to run reference and and just try to make sure I understand what it is that's in my package so if you look to my packet you going to see a lot of handwriting and highlighting because if there's terminology that I'm not familiar with then I have to run reference and I look it up and try to you know see what it means so that I have an understanding so if I have questions then I'll mark questions to ask and this is just how I learn so if they answer the question during any presentation then I don't answer the question because they've answered it for me you know what I'm saying so I mean that's you know for me so I can have an idea of what we are discussing so that I can try to make an informed decision or if I'm giving a comment then it's truly something that I have a question about or maybe you guys might answer the question in the process so it's a lot to learn um for me you know yeah I I've been here but in the last couple years we didn't have all we didn't we didn't have asked me for minutes um back in 19 18 I was like oh this is going to be easy do like three meetings okay which on you need you know what I mean it's just it was crazy that the difference yeah a couple years we had nothing like this we got to go and I didn't mean to say that we have a keeper of the knowledge but in my brain when I listened to the question that you all were asking I was like man we we went through all of those different things and so unfortunately when people come and join it different time you like I missed a lot of things and when I first came I was like I don't know what it is that they you know that they had that background knowledge on so just learning the process is like how can I go back and you know and try to bring myself up to SN so that I am knowledable you know so for me it's just it look like this you know research on you're going on the website and you just trying to to kind of have an understanding and so I wasn't trying to say you you know your question wasn't bad but it was just an observation how can we if we get a new member and they're asking that question you know it's tough when you have a member I mean you have I I I'm in charge of seven boys and I see it all the time and the only thing I can suggest um to anybody please if you have a question don't hesitate to email me my door's always open I'm walking in MH you don't know how many times the tree got member had walked by and just said oh I'm hopping in I have a question yeah you know what I mean and just it's always open my emails constantly going even when I'm on vacation I take this laptop with me so I can access emails yeah so I'm constant here if I don't know the question if I don't know the answer I'm gonna find out so initially that was hard I'm like okay I can't talk to we talk to each other to well socially socially yeah exactly so if there's ever a question don't ever hesitate to ask I do in my office this afternoon asking question so I have no problem answer and if I don't have an answer for you I'm gonna find out and if we need to communicate to theard we just go through Karen okay and I send out a general question or whatever so I have a question for clarity here um if if we're going to get a monthly report on um condem condemn buildings is that under the Historical Society or is it under Planning and Zoning well um well you're both on you're on the same board so I know but which which in other words where would we discuss that on historical I would I would believe it would be on the historical only because you're not planning or zoning anything so so my next question is you think in in order for us to keep our pulse our finger on the pulse of the community I think it' be advantageous to know not only condemn buildings but um present uh State of Affairs for remodel you know is it ongoing and new permits you know so we we so we have some idea what's going on I mean the only way I find out if there's something being built in the community is I Happ to drive fire you talk about personal homes or [Music] we don't have much in the way of business main person well I think that is um Pam's job um yeah but I mean I a monthly report Brad yeah Pam does she gets out a monthly report with the commission meetings a monthly report is in the packet so the question is Brad do you want that report for this committee yeah I'd like to see that I mean she it tells you who's going up in front of the you know who she CED and all that stuff yeah you just want that would keep us up today so if they're wanting to build a home like we see homes coming up those permits don't come through us no it's only letter of approval come through the come to the office but they don't come to you they don't need to unless they're resoning unless they need a VAR because their home is too big for their property or but not usually um when they come in they bring in a site plan but you're saying there's already a report generated with that information but it's not given to us it's given correct for for code enforcement okay so if I decide to go and build a house right now okay is that what you're asking that you want us to know so is that do Pam get that information every month of who's building a why do we need to know who's building a house yes be advantageous for us to know how the community is growing I I I disagree I think it's good because there were architect I'm sorry go ahead um simply because I'm I'm yes and I remember sitting on board and we had a group when they wanted to be able to decide how many people can live in your house yes but and I had I'm say that is not our business that you know what I'm saying that is not what we do well that could be a zoning because you got four but right and but I don't think that's planning in zon because at that time we were in a recession when when they were talking about this so you have the money to put your children in a house but if all of mine needed to come home and stay in my house that is it was but I'm just saying that is what they were saying and I'm like that's none of our concern we we we don't however there are architectural standards CED within the city for new construction I don't think there's anything residential though I mean there's there's zoning like you can't put a mobile home in certain places and stuff like that but I don't believe there's any architectural standards for residential I was told today there was I don't know who who told you that yeah because I've never seen architectural [Music] stands like well all the years sawen can you explore that what see if there AR Sanders yeah I mean what do you want me to call um to to build buildings with businesses I believe that there is commercial commercial architect because they I don't believe resal at all yeah you'll just check and let us know so only so that that's sit down though that there are four commercial so it would be nice for us to to know any new building commcial building the only new building that's coming up is McDonald's well I know I know it's not basic but it's come before you no matter if there's a new new construction new construction for business it's going to come before you and if there's new buildings if there's a new building house bu you know it's to come for you because it's got to go you yeah they EAS now yeah so there's there's different sets of codes there's a Land Development code which talks about the commercial architecture that thing and then there's the um the regular codes which is like 1027 you know on we went over or with the Boating and all that and the zoning part of it which talks about like the size setbacks and those kind of things and I can show you Dan on our website um I can Mark you right through on how to look well we'll do that I'll come in physically yeah because chapters and real easy to read I made it easy for everybody to be able to if you want I can show you sure I come in and visit after the holiday and and uh yeah I mean it's h development code and Bam my own thoughts that be improved huh my own thought is that they can be improved the land developmente no the architectural oh requirements commercial buildings commercial right really it needs to be improved in residential well I agree with that but uh it appears that's a timing issue that uh that it would be more efficient to wait for the uh new survey of historical structures because it brings in you know 25 more years of architectural design and then that's the time that you look at residential architectural but in 2018 they they did a historic preservation orance and I believe that the historic preservation orance has some architectural Insight on historic buildings residential residential I believe now that I think about it but I'll look into it and I'll make sure on the land Dev 2018 or the historical okay um the changes that to there anything [Music] left public comments those three um in public com keep the middle school on there yeah let's keep the middle school because that's progressing that's a b proit yes yeah anything else that we should keep so we're only keeping former middle school right now right did we take off well let's put a historic district as well let's keep that that's an ongoing thing right now yes inventory of condem properties correct about responsibility goals recommendations city codes new historical recommendation nominations that's going to come back at a later date yeah he as needed and and of course Penning will come back with a number five so we're keeping former Middle School historic district number six number eight number nine we're keeping an add a new business old business other business okay all right good job D thank you would you like an update on the sure so anyways the committee has uh made great progress and um and I I think I report earlier um the the school district had had an appraising them and one of our committee members uh bra who had a long career in in real estate um uh contacted someone to have it reviewed it came back uh with a much lesser value substantially yes and so um then we also uh had the title company col um they're working on title search and and they've come up with a number of unusual conditions and we're talking about all three lines um which further you know uh has an impact on on the value um so and they um we've also had them requested that they review review it again with the new information we have um on um some of the work that the committee has done in researching deeds and and and other unusual conditions um so the bottom line is the value uh is is realistically much less which makes it much more doable um the the next is of course and we've been in conversations with the school district um and they've been very supportive they love the idea of Crescent City taking over the property let's face it with the schools they are building they've got they've got quite a bit of work to do um and um so and it's interesting because originally the property was a Gilbert school and then it appears that it was gifted I think to the city and uh and so forth of I'm not going to go into a lot of detail um so so it's been all positive uh the fourth step is funding because it's it it's our charge to to make it so it's affordable what's affordable that doesn't cost what we like doesn't cost anything so that's our goal and that could be a lot of the funding can be done by grants but as we all know you know that could take multiple years um and um and the the finally those buildings are built like bunkers they're solid as can be and uh it's a it's amazing so uh so it's it's very very excited so our goal is to get all three lots for the city does that include the lot that has that little lock home yes the five five acres yeah yes that goes down to the lake so that's one of the three that's one of the three and that lot is particularly interested because the shorefront drops drastically and there's a retention pond in front of it it goes basically the length of the shore wasn't that the old house that burnt down there was a house there burnt down yeah a big old hisor always was a and then there's another larger retention one on that side and those attention ponds are for the school structures so it complicates it all um which in the long you know the short of it is it's ideal for for the city to take it [Music] over that so it sounds like it's mov moving along it's very positive good excent and then you look at the you look at the uh possibilities you know I mean uh the gymnasium is a great event venue whether it's a wedding it's a show a conference yeah the auditorium is there as wellum and [Music] aori a production company that would be perfect to least it out um so the goal is for to [Music] make yes or at least for here yeah because it cost $100,000 to keep it to for the up on but it's 90,000 Square fet structure I think it's massive ESP you have the cafeteria well that would make a great restaurant and you could also put in a uh the restaurant could have a catering division um and now with home Industries baking bread and other things that are growing um you could put in a a kitchen space that you could rent out for instance so [Music] um and there there are many more ideas for it so that's that's the update sounds good to thank [Music] you pleas exited great so yeah those has been there for a long time yes any more [Music] concern St preservation for meeting will be nice to see everyone