to fill out the paperwork they don't have an address without an address they can't get the assistance that they need so thankfully um with Kitty Miller and she runs the South puam you know our South puon Christian Center um I've been in discussion with her and we did find um that we have for any of you that know this that we have with the swany river area is it's the health education center we have um tamama Robinson and she is at the library every Wednesday from 10:00 to 3:00 and she is such a delight and she's non-judgmental she's just a breath of fresh air but she is there to assist residents and those that are homeless and those that are not not homeless but still need an advocate she's there to help them fill out all their government paperwork that they need and that's very much needed in our community she's also working with we're working with Kitty she went Tuesday and she sat there at the Christian service center she's new to this um but she sat there and she was very successful on Tuesday and we're looking to how we can come up with address some sort of a box that they can have so that they can actually get some mail and have an address that they can be able to use so she's doing some research for us on that you know we always going to have that um always have the homelessness but you know I think anything that we can do and I think for all of the volunteers and I know myself it really when you sit down and you talk to a lot of them they all have great stories they have incredible stories so I have a request for any for any services that are available like the time at the library and at the Christian service center if we could put printed copies of that information on our doors so that people who don't have a phone can see it and obviously just that somewhere else that would be great um and as commissioner Banks mentioned um if is a very distressing bill in the legislature it's House Bill 1365 I don't know the number of the Senate Bill they're both moving and the governor has endorsed it and it does prohibit public camping and sleeping and it also puts some at this point some liability on municipalities so we had to stay informed about that it does we don't enforce it it's very distressing and I'm afraid that that's going to I'm afraid it's going to cause a lot of difficulty we had this discussion this morning in our mayor and we're seeing a little bit more traffic here a lot of it's probably because St Augustine I don't know how many of you have been down to seven lately but a lot of that area um they're developing and so they're finding that a lot of people that have been over there now are kind of migrating this way and um you know so it's it's definitely um the bill is in process um I was very concerned because the way it was originally written there was considerable responsibility placed on every municipality um now there have been exemptions for um what what is it not or disadv economically disadvantaged counties sorry I'm losing I'm trying to economic disadvantage um so there's some exemptions for some financial responsibilities apparently there's still the liability and I think here for years we have seen people moving from larger um urban areas to rural areas um just to camp and to hope for a better place to stay so I think it's going to continue to be somebody from the audience wants to know what the count was you want to tell us how many that she got well the the different teams input data into tablets that data those tablets were taken um to Gainesville to be tabulated I just asked people uh the different teams how many they thought they counted um this data has to be duplicated but I will tell you on one day in in the city of Crescent City volunteers made contact with 70 people in Crescent City alone I don't know that this will be the final numbers um they also counted Mona Park in the satuma area and a little bit outside of town I don't know that's how many they thought they contact us what the official numbers will be available sometime in April you okay with that we're going to move on to our [Music] um we have it looks like we have some corrections from commissioner v um some of these are um I don't know if everyone's had a chance to look those [Music] over so before we go into any discussion we have a motion I minutes dire second okay we have a proper Motion in a second and there was something I forgot to write down and I don't know if if this is needed um but in the listing of the Commissioners and staff who are present um the clerk is not listed um but the clerk doesn't sign the minutes should the clerk include herself in the staff I mean did I miss it no it's not in there I never put myself in there but now that she is but now that I have my MC I should be put myself in right but I just noticed she's not here but she is here yeah on the corrections on page two you had this question about the AIT yes and am I not correct in assuming that we just had the presentation of the city it was given to us but we didn't have I thought we did it was the we voted on the full separ we'll have to go back check we have to go back and if not then we definitely to I thought that we did all we did both them but if not then we have to we're have to so that's not that's not a revision unless the clerk checks it right I had some some typos just a few typos I didn't get and some a lot of them you did you did get so there's any more discussion we currently have a motion in a second all in favor please say I nay so okay with that I'm going to go ahead and we're going to open up public comment this is on topics that are not already listed on the agenda and they will be heard at this time the speakers were limited to three minutes um I've got looks like we've got to start with uh Pete aaman please come forward State your uh name and your address if you if you [Music] please my name is Pete aan 278 Union Camp Road and my issue tonight is uh truth and advertising and I noticed on the web page we've got a great description of present city which I'm going to read and I will add my proposed edit at the end very short we are uncomplicated but hardly Unforgettable there is a Serenity and peacefulness here that is like no other it is the ripples of water and cranes flying along the shore here comes the edit you ready ready yes okay okay it is the thunder of Outlaw drag BS speeding on the keeping residents and visitors alike from fishing canoeing and kaying during a long anticipated Memorial Day Weekend scaring the vus out of preachers humans walking eagles flying or manity swimming with noise so loud the city noise ordinance will be rescinded well that's the edit that might wife consider truth and advertis part of protection okay our next speaker is Dan Dodge good evening Commissioners I'm D Dodge uh 218 South Main Street uh it's a pleasure to be with you again and U I want to bring up two things um that how proud We Are that at the last Commission meeting that uh uh the commission uh voted to move forward uh in doing something about Animal Control uh which is of course has been a a large issue we know the complications of it so um we're looking forward to hearing uh when the workshop meeting May take place because pardon it's it was scheduled at the last meeting for the 19th February 19th oh it's the 19th oh great thank you well done uh and then the other is the middle school property um and after consideration the commission abandoned the idea of possibly putting a city hall um next to the fire station uh but instead looking at the Miller school property and um my question tonight is and thank you to that my question tonight has there been any movement AC progress in in working towards that actually today um uh Charles has been working on that and he's trying to he's looking at different options so it's quite possible to have to have a workshop oh great we'll look forward to that thank you very much thank you um Miss Holland I have it looks like you might have scratched out public comment you just want number nine okay M wolf hi you know me as Flair but my name is Andrea wolf 325 North Frank Street um I just wanted to um propose an idea for maybe something for the Youth of our community um I'm the admin of Crescent City Florida moms group and we have over 400 members um and I know most of the moms in our group they travel out of our town for events because there's not much here for the kids and I'm just um speaking on behalf of the group we'd like to see maybe some updated playground equipment at Lake Silla I know there's Rusty nail was poking out of the rock wall there um maybe like a biohazard bin on the side of the bathroom up High where the kids can't reach cuz I found the needle myself in the sand bear um I don't know if we could do something like a splash park or roller rink or you know anything but we have a lot of Youth in our town and there's not anything to keep them preoccupied here I mean I think that would even help with the drug usage you know I mean if there's a better Outlet children into the community good to see that fames thank you for yes um a request like that ideas maybe if um Andre could put it in W and send it to all of us so and with any anything else that she might have [Music] she brought very good point our young people in pres City they don't have no activity at all we need some leaders some leaders to step up some of the younger people to step up and and formulate something to the young people be arrested we got a lot of just St CAU not not getting involved okay we spent [Music] over1 put lights out there in the park out there grass growing up in it in the baseball field going new kickball they have little football league and N that step over CH so we need to help us some citizens to spin here some of this I think uh today I think today's world the kids interests in what they want to do is very very much different um you know traveling around a lot of the old softball baseball type Fields have been converted now to soccer field uh kids really seem to be any socer I think for for parents sacer is much cheaper okay than even baseball or football to to manage um I'm not going to say it's any safer uh but it's certainly safer than football and um so so I think you know the splash parks Parks I think are a great idea but then again I I read things on that as far as um you know the the water being contaminated all kinds of different things problems with that but but but I think that we have to open our box of thinking on how and what children do today uh to come up and formulate what we need to to move forward Virginia delada Oakwood I own Quest City pennel and I have a suggestion we have a UF extension in East paraka and what about developing a 4in club and they will have a lot of resources for you uh elementary middle and high school and it it is all free they have all the um resources uh coloring books videos um Etc and I would wel welcome any children to come to the kennel and pet all the kittens and cats and dogs that we have as well thank you and 4 is I know they have a pretty strong 4 up in E black yes okay anybody else if you'd like to come forward I I don't have a something filled out for you but please by all means step forward that's because I thought of something while you were making an just after the fact NY Tator on Summit I just wanted to say that on Wednesday February 14th the library is hosting discussion group for one book one putam uh the book this year is a land remembered by Patrick Smith uh it's about old Florida um it's at noon time at the library it's interesting people come you don't have to read the book just come and and talk and listen about it and everything I just wanted to mention that was next Wednesday as well oh thank you I don't know if any of you probably especially Floridians you've read a land remember you know you should you should read it so with that anybody else yes [Music] sir George M 100 lore Drive Cesc City uh I was really kind of surprised it were not any financials for for the month and I'm sure you're working on that hopefully next month we have some financials but it's in the city Charter and somebody needs to be help as possible and there's some people you can probably bring in to help put that together but it just really needs to be two pieces of paper that 100 pieces of paper papers just an income statement showing on a monthly basis that the city has more money coming in than going out and a balance sheet shows assets versus liabilities and uh some of us remember I think there's three people I know that been around here a long time remember 20 plus years ago the city was on the branch of ins soleny for whatever reasons and they got a new city manager and uh they corrected it overnight by doubling all the utilities which was not fair to the taxpayers at all so if you can't you can't measure it you can't manage it and before the commission makes any final decisions uh you really need to know where you stand financially thank you so I hope next month and subsequent months they follow the city Charter and make somebody in administration uh responsible and tell them that their job depends upon it I know that's pretty harsh but uh in real world that's the way it works okay and and I I'll take um I'll take blame for that that there's no financial report I'm take blame there's no financial report but I will take blame I should have announced that I have it in my notes um Charles when he left um of course everybody knows that we're in the process of trying to get a a new Finance Financial director and um we all know also please um if you've been following our meetings that we are very solvent that we don't have an issue there but he said when he left that um the financial report would be ready month he's working with the with the CPA on that right now um and it would be ready next month and I I failed to say that I I apologize with that do we have any other anybody else coming forward okay then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to turn it over I'm going close public comment and I'm going to turn it over to um welcome good evening everyone good evening after I get done with this presentation Colonel Wells is going to give our yearly report this is going to be pretty fast so once again we had a pretty good month U moving into our first event here was a theft that was on North Summit Street someone took the if you remember the white lights that were hanging on the fence out here somebody decided to take the stream of white lights so unfortunately we did have video of this the video Clarity was poor we couldn't tell who it was just we could tell it was a person so so other than that that's all we have on the Christmas Bo any questions didn't they take a whole tree no man took lights they were along the fence the only on took there was a lengthy discussion by the pastor on social media so the traffic crash we had one here right here Summit in central vehicle turn Central Avenue and turn the pass another vehicle that was traveling on Summit Street they collided um no injuries in that that were reported in that one any questions on traffic crashes North or South so from what I understand the vehicle was turning left right here turning left to Central and the the vehicle was coming north here's the information you asked for commissioner L the uh six Monon comparisons month to month as you can see the actual total calls for service were 134 with 39 of those being traffic stops eight suspicious persons vehicles and eight of those eight of those reports eight reports were generated City here the totals look like we're down about 200% going from three total crimes to one so to win get off good start and that's all I have if you don't have any questions I'll turn it over to col Wells thank you Commission [Music] questions Captain switched me out to different presentation this will be an annual presentation it'll also I'll get through it quickly and then entertain any questions that we have as we have completed year 2023 believe it or not and and this is the rep this is actually information that goes to Tallahasse correct yes this will be what we'll report um on behalf of the city of CES City to um Tass through um what is new this year with the FBI's Chang we were actually one of the agencies selected to experiment with it in 2022 but in 2023 all the agencies are required it's changed the format it's called Myers now people us to call it UCR for Uniform Crime reporting it's now called ners which is National incident based reporting system so uh that's what you will see here it didn't change a lot but I can kind of as we go through explain to you a couple things that sorry I didn't bring my glasses so no you are M very good put on the left side C this one here okay Advance very good well again uh Commissioners Madam mayor opportunity to be here tonight is uh is is a good one to have and it's honored to be here I want to uh you know Begin by you're going to see some pretty uh pretty beneficial things here and some pretty um uh good numbers that I think the city of Crescent City but I've also given you some information on the county as a total I think you should be aware of what's going on there as well um this is uh solely due to a phenomenal team of men and women that serve the sheriff's office every day um of course specifically you guys are most familiar with down here our district Commander captain usri and our Deputy District Commander Lieutenant mugh behind me um they are doing a phenomenal job here and they have one thing that know to other leaders in CR City in county has it's a contract law enforcement so uh good good good job on them and all the guys that work down here so I'm going to begin by giving you some countywide numbers I think that we want to make sure that all of our citizens arew this some of our citizens here may not live inside the city and it's also just good to give you a um an overall perspective so this is what countywide numbers look like from 22 to 23 um our only increase was homicide course that looks horrible 300% but we understand the county went from one to four um over the uh over the year sex crimes the county went from 12 to 9 so that's sodomies sexual batteries any type of forceable sex crime from 12 to 9 uh 25% reduction robbery from 4 to3 that's uh taking by for threat of force violence four to3 down 25% for entire putam County aggravated assault to 37 from 74 down about half domestic violence 284 to 186 down 34.5% that is not a specific reported ners requested that is domestic numbers show up in either batteries or assaults that's just a a classification it is something we focus very heavily on at the sheriff's all this so I'm always sure to share what our domestic violence is doing year after year burglary for the entire County went down one um one 9% however um burglary over the last uh five years or so has continued a steady decrease it was down about 61% um there were times when single we we have three districts in the county there were years I'm sure that Captain us can remember when he and I were the district commander of Central District where we had that many burglar in one District um in a year so uh it's it's certainly a significant decrease f is down to 263 from 276 vehicle theft down um from 101 in 2022 to 60 in 2023 total violent crime down 41.8% total nonviolent down 11.2 for a total reduction for puam County uh as an its entirety 16.01 now I need to make a clarification I say putham County entirety those are for the unincorporated areas or any municipality that we contract law enforcement for or they don't have a police department so we report for president city as a contracted which to the FBI is the same as you having a police department an example of one that does not have one this municipality would be Kon par so just just how that works so you'll see your number separately again here's those historical views I kind of alluded to some of that where we were from 22 to to uh 20 uh three um as we look at some of these things these historical views as how much they had fallen um from 2016 to last year so that doesn't include black correct does not include the city limits um we don't have their numbers yet when the final report goes in um when they submit their numbers it takes the state usually about six months to produce those um and to approve our numbers um we were held up a little bit last year because the state pulled us for review because of the significant drops so they wanted to verify records files um a lot of things and so they then confirm those drops but we had such a significant drop from 20 the last couple years of 22 that we were uh audited on ours so um which is something we totally happens all the time so anyway just you can kind of see the historical there when you see the total crime since 2016 is down 52.2% in the county um and nonviolent crime viol cries dropped as well the county as a whole um in [Music] 2016 for every 100,000 people there was 3,114 crimes of course you know that's a natural figure we don't even have 100,000 in puton County but that's the the FBI ratio and then in 2022 um there was 168 crimes for every 100,000 which is your crime rate for um the county and so the crime rate itself is down 48.3% so you're 48.3% less likely to be victim of crime now than you were in 2016 so here's how we compare to some of the surrounding counties we are 16.7 six sorry 17.6% lower than the State of Florida as a whole this is the county um we are 6.7% lower than Belia County's primary 13.2% lower than Bradford's 21.8% lower than Maran 49.9% lower than alacha but we still remain higher um than three of our continuous counties being clay Flagler and St John's if our Trend holds for both counties we see what we see this year as we've seen in the last five years rep putting them in clay will drop lower than clay this year so we'll just have to see how those Trends hold again it'll be six months before we know that so I also uh wanted to talk about some of the significant requirements inside the sheriff's office um over the uh over the last year just to um are some of the significant achievements just kind of let you know what your sheriff's office has been up to and I'll breath through these 100% of all Florida model jail inspections have resulted in exp exceptional ratings with no findings so we are a Florida model jail we were nationally recognized as past year for our trauma informed investigation and interview procedures um and a couple of our folks traveled to Chicago to speak to um uh other law enforcement agencies from across the country about how we're doing this we were again nationally recognized um for school safety programs and protocols we traveled to New Orleans um to speak to other law enforcement agencies about our successes in school safety we received a Statewide award for excellence and risk management re awarded re accreditation through the state body re accredit law enforcement accreditation in FL is not required it's optional we do we do um subject ourselves to that scrutiny and we were rewarded this year with the accreditation with Excel your status um we were awarded by the Florida Coalition against domestic violence for excellence in domestic violence investigation advocacy National recognition for excellence and sexual violence investigations uh multiple Deputy sheriffs and detectives for organizations across the state have been recognized for excellence and Duty um we were recognized by the United States Army as a preferred employer for service men and women dep parting the Army this past year uh the US Department of Justice identified our crime control strategy you probably heard Captain us mention the word stratified to you a few times that's a very unique for thinking crime control strategy that encompasses all those Crime Control strategies you've ever heard of community Orient policing um status based intelligence Le policing all of those combined in one is stratified there's only a few and across the state of Fara that are practicing it so this year we submitted to the Department of Justice one of their opinion on it as um what the success was looking like and they deemed it as one of the most Innovative and promising strategies recently developed and didn't really expect it gave us a quarter million dollar to further its development and share it with other agencies and we are now assisting Clay County and adopting this policy so we were uh these these may not seem like much but that one from the Army and this one I'm taking to mention are probably the most important to me we were recognized as a patriotic employer of by the United States Coast Guard and United States Army and that is them telling us that we are excellent in supporting our members while and their families while they are deployed um and then finally recently I had an opportunity with uh major C who's our director of Corrections to testify in front of the Jacksonville city council about the successful inmate programs that go on out our jail as ja Jacksonville JSO is looking at changing the way they think about corrections so uh just a minute to brag I appreciate the indulg I want to brag on our folks for that I can't help it so let me tell you what we're looking at what we expect to finish this year um so uh we are uh critical incident stress management and mental Wellness programs are are increasing significantly inside the agency as we realize that um this job takes a toll on our folks and in order for them to continue to do the great job they do to continue to be great moms and dads and brothers and sisters we have to make sure that we take care of them and adopting that philosophy is it's okay not to be okay and the the death you see and the horrible way people treat children and the way people victimize each other over the years it takes a toll um I tell our folks all the time that um listen it's it's okay and you know we take care of ourselves physically and uh we got to take care of ourselves here um there's one call um that I not going to details on there one call I had several years ago that I still dream about and and that's just one call anyway um we have also converted and will continue to develop a full-time training section so instead of now a peace mealing our training together for our deputies we have a whole section in the sheriff's office that is dedicated to nothing but training to keep our deputies trained um we are partnering with Florida safe which is a fentanyl opioid interdiction programs throughout the State of Florida we were selected and approved to be a partner for them in that obviously we talk about robust inmate for the store the programs so again I don't want to take a lot of time but I want to kind of share a little information on this it is well known I know commission Deo and I've had some conversations about this the overwhelming majority of the folks that are inside the puton county jail are not there because they criminals at heart and evil they're there because of circumstances they're there because of sub use disorder um they're there because of mental health issues they're there because um they had to make a decision because they couldn't pay a traffic fine so their licensees when they had decide whether or not feed your children or drive on a suspended license so what we are learning is that um it cost a lot of money it cost them sometimes depending upon their Healthcare anywhere from 75 to20 $300 a day per in and when you consider we have an average daily inmate population about 350 time 365 it's multi-millions of dollars for taxpayers so if whatever reason because an inmate finds a job gets a driver's license back find sobriety um comes to terms with their mental health um learns to be a better parent whatever the case is um we can keep them out of the jail is what we're trying to do so we've uh laun some very robust programs there and those are long-term projects we've got multiple Community partner employers to include the city of faka city of sorry County of puam karco products back Automotive Group who are all working with us to tell us what they need out of employees and they're hiring them right out of jail um when they leave and go to work for them we are also launching with the new animal control facility we partner with the University of Florida and that is an inmate program for veterinary technicians where they will all be trained to do veterinary technician work they'll do it inside the animal control facility while they're an inmate and then we're working with veterinarians and others across this area PARTA to hire them when they leave totally Switching gears we've been very proud We hosted our fifth pal State boxing tournament this year so for the fifth year straight po boxers from all over the State of Florida Virgin Islands Puerto Rico and the Bahamas have all traveled here to participate in that I'll take this as an opportunity just to remind everybody as we talk about our youth that the largest Police Athletic League program that we manage is right here in prestent city as matter of fact I think both of yall I'm sorry both of all them were at the gym with the kids prior to coming here we have all kind of programs that go on there if you're interested in place Athletics um we even provide transportation um so if you're interested in that just reach out to any one of us we can get in the right direction on that we continue to work on um Advanced Crisis Intervention and deescalation programs uh these are programs that teach our Deputy shares um how to interact with the community that are in crisis intervention so that we can deescalate it not escalate it um and then this year we've added a preference on that is dealing with veterans who have crisis um issues I'll take another opportunity I want everybody to be aware of this so the State of Florida passed a law this year that allows law enforcement agencies to maintain special persons Registries and these are Registries for anybody that voluntarily wants to be on that registry or someone that they are the parent of or have power of attorney of to put them in a registry with us when they do they are entered into a computerated dispatch system it gives the deputy sheriff a flag when he's responding or dealing with that person this person is in the registry he or she can then read the registry and it'll tell us anything we need to know these are triggers this will make the person act out this calms them down this is where they live this is what they're dealing with so that you know we know that children with autism sometimes loud noises Bright Lights um any of that kind of stuff can be triggered but sometimes things like stuffed animals and things like that are Comm so the deputy will know hey flashing blue license Sirens a trigger here if I raise my voice to this person that's a trigger here so that's one of the things that is rolling out for our deputies now and they will have that information so that they'll be better equipped to calm that situation and not inadvertently aggravated um when they arrive on scene with the overall goal is making sure that we never use vce on somebody as a manifestation in your mental illness um mental health protocols detect same same thing we're talking about there um mental health is issue it's an issue it's an issue it is the single biggest issue facing law enforcement today so we're using co-respondents to respond in the field with us um especially for our juveniles that are experiencing mental health issues engaging things like veteran support and other programs here's the biggest long-term project our guys will stand up and down stand up and cheer about um is we are within months of launching the newest generation available in the world 800 mahart training system in h County right now our Deputy chair is specifically in the southern portion of the county has significant radio deficit there are times they are unable to communicate with commun with our communication Center at all so all that will be gone shortly it's rolling out um as we speak there's Towers being built Towers being reinforced um equipment starting to arrive in the county and we should be on 800 megaherz system I'm saying June at the latest um body camera roll out is completely done all Deputy Shariff in uniform from the rank of Sergeants and down and including ones in our schools are in body cameras um we have realized that what we're seeing with growth is traffic crash escalating everything that's going down traffic crashes and traffic homicides are not so we launched our first full-time traffic enforcement unit this year we're going to continue to grow that and then wrapping this thought up with some of the money that the Department of Justice awarded is we formed a fulltime crime suppression unit that's a unit that reacts off of intelligence um that is analyzed to tell them where crime is likely to pop up where we're seeing it and those units are specifically deployed with problem solving techniques into unit so that's what's going on Shar solice as a whole so let's talk about what's going on in cres city or maybe more accurately what's not going on in Crescent City and what's not going on in Cresent city is much crime so um here's how you guys look this is a a comparison from 2019 through 2023 um so start with homicide always talk about that um obviously you've had three over those those years but you haven't had any since 2021 so zero homicides in 2023 sex crimes you haven't had one I don't know how long but I know for at least the last five years there's not been a forceable sex crime in cres City robbery um there's been four over the fiveyear period you had two last year down to zero this year it's a little hard to see but if you can see that line that's running in there that's what's called a trend line so that shows you what you're trend is doing in those crimes obviously no trend line there but there's there's Rob little next time I'll I'll I'll take a lesson learned because I'm still trainable I'll change the color of that train that is tough to see but the no robberies in cust City this year aggravated battery that's a steep downward trend line from 8 and 2019 to one in 2023 and by the way that one was the shooting at the kangaroo which is wrapped up saw suspect been arrested in that and um and dealing with that through the court system now trying to look at adjudication as an adult that was a juvenile he has been arrested that he he has been arrested out of the county um the maybe I put an empty slide I don't know what I was intended with it but this is the next crime that's mentioned on ners are your burglaries this is enter remaining in a structure um with the intent to commit a crime therein generally the crime they're in is death so you have three of those in 2023 that is uh the taking of things you know obviously what the is it also includes though Florida statute calls taking something out of the inside of a vehicle a vehicle burglary the federal government says that's not a burglary that's a theft so if it was something that somebody entered a vehicle stole a purch or something like that that will be reported here because these are how we reported exactly to the federal government side so this would include death from Vehicles out of the beted of trucks or any of that type of stuff this is the hickle theft so this is actually how many cars were stolen um so there well how many what the federal government calls cars were stolen which was two in 2023 the federal government says anything that is motorized that can transport a person so if they steal your Rod lawn or I got to take a vehicle on that so um because that's what the FED Federal side calls that is a vehicle theft is anything even if it's not street legal if it is intended to be able to move a person around under power it's a vehicle that would be those motorized bicycles motorized bicycles it's under motor power yeah so motorized bicycles um any of that type of stuff uh side by side scooters golf carts anything along those lines will fall in to vehicle death so your total profit crime as we wrap up um you had 19 property crimes last year that would be like I said that's the thefts the burglaries those things um combined um that's a strong trend line down you had 30 in 2022 vient crime you had one which is that aggravated assault um I'm sorry AG battery that would beated battery um where the person was shot and um down to one so you can see your trend line there if not I'll be happy to provide copy to this to you overall crime you had 20 20 of anything that the federal government would consider a reportable crime last year that does not include some things such as our deputies are on patrol they do a traffic stop and take drugs off the street that's that would be a crime but it's not reportable it doesn't go in that an also generated somebody that's arrested for driving on suspended license other things that go in there but those type of crimes du IRS those are not the FBI does not want that information that's not what's considered reportable crime and they do not contribute to your crime rate so so here is your crime rate small cities are figured different there's what's called a small town rule so it changes how the computation is done instead of it being per every 100,000 it's done per 5,000 and for small cities are obviously always higher um as you can see the state average is 47.7 because there's not enough people to spread the crime across um that's us average the state average is 39 roughly 39 and Crescent City is riding at 11.9 in 2023 so um that's really right even in your highest Mark year which was in 19 that I've done the study on you were still below that current state and uh national average from but you are significantly what I would consider a safe place what so far to drive the office every day my wife killing me for getting her this far away from work I move down here so traffic crashes are holding they will likely probably bounce and continue as traffic counts continue we're seeing traffic counts continue everywhere else sorry recent traffic count for the corner intersection of 19 to 100 not it's not in Crescent City saw that traffic count as part of some construction of the W that's going on there it's at 38% four years 38% more cars coming through that intersection this is your total law enforcement activity over the year just so you know these are activities these are everything from traffic stops to welfare checks to calls for service to anything that your deputies are doing and in last year your deputies did 2427 law enforcement related activities in Crescent City um and again that could be because somebody called in and said can you check on my house when I'm on vacation that could be a followup investigation where there's a detective down here following up on calls but we did 2427 activities last year we did 890 traffic stops in less than two square miles last year um so that's how that looks you see the trend line on that moving 890 traffic stops um sorry are just stops like it doesn't necessarily mean that there was acket WR or something like that or oh no I did not and I would I cage that data I didn't I didn't um research the data as to what action they took this is where a deputy initiated a traffic s they may have made an arrest gave them written warning for the ticket or any of that kind of stuff this was where they um use a a signal code which is 1050 which is a code for traffic stops that's all the 1050s that were initiated inside um the city limits now I will tell you there's likely more here's why because if they spot the violation in Crescent City but it crosses the county line before they or the city limit before they make the stop the stop is always loged where the deputy physically is at now so that we can get back up there so some of these violations there may be additional violations that occurred in the city but we got the vehicle stopped outside so vice versa yeah what's that or vice versa yeah absolutely correct there could be some that are coming in that direction so you know good point commissioner it may even itself out um anyway questions on the uh year actually let me let me ask you for one Indulgence here I want to I want to clarify something here here um that it has come up several times and I can't think of a better way to clarify this so there there's been some question over either whether it was um on some miscommunication when this whole thing started going down the road or whether however it came about uh with the sheriff's office going down the road or providing your law enforcement when we talked about dedicated Deputy sheriffs inside the city limits the intent was always that there would always be a deputy sheriff who's assigned inside the city limits it was never the intent nor would I ever agree to saying that those are the same Deputy sheriffs day in day out month in month out year in year out here's why they don't get any experience they won't be good Deputy sheriffs there's just not enough for them to do they work not if they get a sex crime tomorrow if we were operating that procedure none of your Deputy shares would have ever even been to one so what we do is we roll them in and out um there's always one dedicated here that they can serve down here it's that the district Commander's discretion he may assign them to Crescent City for a month he may ass sign them for three months and then he rolls them to another South District zone and then he rolls them back in that gets them experience so if you have a sex crime that occur or your business gets robbed would you like that deut sh that's got that experience in that so that's exactly why I don't agree of putting them down here it's the same situation that all small police departments have because they don't have the capability to be well-rounded and handle things because they simply don't get them additionally that those deputy sheriff's assigned in a particular situation like that where they never get this experience have no career Mobility they will never get promoted they will never become detectives they will never be able to move anywhere because you can't become a detective if you've never worked a crime or if you worked two crimes in the last year so in order to provide keep our deputy sheriff well rounded keep our funneling into promoted ranks to keep our funnels running into um criminal investigation Fe drug BCE units crime suppression tra all those places they've got to be well-rounded and it's a better service to the city so what I guarantee you is there is one or two dedicated Deputy shares in Crescent City every day it may not be the same one for months and months and months at a time but it's the same Core Group because they all come out of the East District yes ma'am yes can I just share something um I understand this is the first time that the sheriff's department has had a contract with the city um but there was I think the concept of what the service would be has evolved and I clearly remember and it is on tape and I know that many people who come to these meetings clearly remember that we were told we would have a Cadre of identifiable Deputy you even came one me meeting and said we would be meeting those deputies when we all had them on board and you even talked about the fact that this would give the opportunity perhaps for community policing so I understand the point um that you decided that professionally it's not a good idea to dedicate specific people here but when we've renewed contract or discussed contract um I've talked to a couple of other cities that have a contract with the sheriff and they have a modified Arrangement where there are certain deputies to stay for a certain period of time I don't know if you're able to do that but it I think that um although it's an evolving concept you specifically talked about dedicated officers being the same people and I understand if that isn't a good idea but there's a reason that people got that impression that that's was going to happen so you do have like I say you do have the same group of folks that that are are here constantly um not the same five all the time and that was never the intent it can't work that one to be quite honest with you I wouldn't get a defy share to agree to do that no I I understand the point but we need to have some clarification on that and I think people would like to know maybe who are the deputies who are in South County or whatever I mean I think this I don't want to delor the point now but I think this Merit some further discussion so so everybody's clear I mean absolutely so you know the district Commander will probably be able to give you some specific information he may have some Deputy shairs you know that that like the like work in the city that frequent it more than others but it's that same core group of South puam deputies that just rotate in and out between the inside of the city limit and then the immediate out outside of the city limits so it's never was however we it got if I own that I own it I'm first one to take ownership but it was never the intent that you would only ever see five deputies we have offered lots of opportunities to meet those deputies in trunk Retreats and that's your core groups that are there doing that um whatever you know you'd like to facilitate to become more familiar I'm proud of these guys I'm proud to show them off as you can see and I'll show them off to you um and they are doing a good job with it it's just could never have been the right way to go to have them the same five now do we ever have some that want to work it more than others this is their their gig they they like it slower they they whatever the case is there may very well be those guys that work at more frequently I've just never laid down the law that they have got to stay because say now I don't want them changing day in and day out you're going to have them for for a period of time um but they will change frequently to get them the experience they need to serve the citizens and to give them the opportunities they need to advance their career but again happy for you to meet all of them you know the entire the entire East District um is uh 20 Deputy sharff so four four P well actually said odd number it's 21 Deputy sharff because you've got that one extra that fills for Crescent City so there's 21 Deputy shares in each district um and then four sergeants one lieutenant and one captain in the East district and the East district is from the Memorial Bridge to Dela County it's I just wanted to say I mean obviously the proof is here the numbers I think that you guys are doing a great job I I feel safe I see you all the time on the roads I don't know how many times I ever saw a police a police officer by my house but I see Sheriff's officers all the time and anytime I've called you guys responded so I think you guys are doing a great job and I appreciate it well I appreciate that sir and I tell our guys every day there's a CO that get TI of here and for me um we will never be perfect but if we strive every day to be perfect we can be excellent so your input is appreciated we will continue to do what we need to do I think the contract is um is uh beneficial um to not only the citizens of Crescent City but also the citizens of the immediate surrounding area and um question [Music] iiss I think just the physically location even down there in the school when it come out the school and come up on 17 that going be a greater plus right I think basically would we w't covered and and we seem to have that with schools you know I Rise about like ay myself there's there's you're right sir there's many he does he does and I and I hear I hear I hear talk that they're more scared of you than they are of us so you see that car com they know what you dri but you're right in that office is here in the city because that office serves us as as the captain for the entire each District's office so it's constantly drawing those depy sheriffs out of as far north as d Creek it may not draw the one out of East P but it constantly draws the you know the one from dun Creek and down so the ones that handle the Waka area and that type of stuff so and it's just it's just a nice place for them to have and so it's a great meeting location it's everything and it's I'm really glad that we're going to be able to regardless of what happens with the school to keep that inside the city limits and maybe look at once we feel we're pretty permanent somewhere looking at options to expand that like putting um a civilian clerk in it for a few days of the week to allow the southern putam people a closed place to come get police reports do any of that kind of stuff they need so um hopefully that'll that'll all continue to work out for us just want to say that Pro ping I mean basically look at the charts um I think we should share those because everybody here s tonight but I think we should get out here and let everybody sing thank you good J than about the presentation yes so um I was just responding to the one point but um had some questions about your whole report um the Kelly figures that you presented earlier that gave us the context um that was one thing I was going to ask you about but we don't have a copy of that as far I know you want this page here is what you ask me for five or six first part of the presentation it wasn't even completed and verified when I set the packet so I'll be happy to resend it the entire thing okay and you answered my question about um how the shooting at the Circle P was classified um one question I had when I looked at the um five years was um I know there have been at least two major inter agency um drug task force or drug operations do you feel like um those operations have anything to do with reducing crime the area so to to response to your question yes and if specific information I know this part of the question but I'll offer to you if you specifically want information too on drug enforcement drug cases easy to get for you I can get you that information I will tell you that um I feel relatively confident that both of those which were both state federal and local um investigations one of them focused south of the city limits um and that was large that was the uh the methamphetamine across the Mexican border into Texas into Atlanta into Southern puon County and Okala so absolutely I think that anytime we can enforce those large drug operations it will reduce um the crime in in the immediate area I don't know that I can stand here in front of you and tell you that I can Ty definitely give you the AR you know the proof and that that it does that it has an effect on Crescent City um but again I don't see how it couldn't because we always see drops in certain types of crimes after even search warrants we'll see drops in certain crimes in those areas most specifically those property crimes of theft and burgy will generally decrease um in a area where there's been heavy narcotics enforcement because a lot of the users of those narcotics again are not criminal evil people they are victims of substance use disorder and they use those crimes to feed that dis to help that disorder hope that helps you a little bit but well I was hoping that it would contribute I know yall were very involved in those two inter agency operations and then one question I had this is going back into the past we had some really high figures for bures and what in 2019 and 2020 in the city um and I do not remember I know there was one year and maybe it was um crossed over from 19 into 2020 but there was a particular juvenile at the time who was breaking into businesses all up and down 17 on Central Avenue and also committing crimes outside the city right was that 2019 or 20 do you recall it was ask that one I recall your time I won't be able to put it into a year for you as we've seen historically usually there is one person when one person goes on a Crown Street it it elevates our our our numbers drastically and that is exactly what this was I can name you the two names in those two years of exactly who that was who committed all those crimes well I remember because I contacted the state attorney's office and so did the former mayor because unfortunately there was a coordin between the local police and the sheriff and the person initially was in danger of not being prosecuted in the right manner because they didn't have the um critical mass of crimes or whatever but I also remember because people had you know was very traumatic for people across the city but that was both 2019 and 2020 yeah one of the challenges we've had I've explain to you guys before is we know who did it but we can't prove it so and when we always see when we get that one person when we get that person incarcerated or get them on the right path those numbers drop drastically and that speaks for itself um that young man was arrested on December 6 of 20 of 20120 you had a huge in 2020 yes and that's where it was and he was arrested the day the Saturday that you took over by midday he was arrested um and he had hit quite a few at that time and he was also um I believe it was Christmas you remember it was Christmas I chased him I chased him one foot out of a stolen car across the parking lot of domino pizza and black so that's where a lot of that2 when he it just kind of it went down there and I think everybody realized too is that they were being you know the you're here there's a presence you know and I can tell you what I would just some the other success here is is the fact that that once we get any kind of burglary at all um all unsolved felony crimes and some misdemeanors depending upon what we want to do with them um the deputy sheriff's responsibility under our crime control strategy is to go to the scene collect every piece of physical evidence he or she can do the best investigation they can do a neighborhood canas check with all the neighbors write a great report collect physical evidence I don't mention that and so that's where it stops the deputy share but then the next business day morning it's on the desk of a detective that has required followup so everyone that need because the burg is are fing always not only is that your depy that gets it but your property crimes detect us or this area of the county get it afterwards and that's where you'll see a lot of these followup sols down the road to see those detectives and and Commissioners I'm going to say this and then I need to close cles out need need to move on thank you very much for this presentation um to the Commissioners and to our audience when you see them out and about you see them parked in their cars our deputies parked in in their cars introduce yourself you know I was just unless you feel guilty about something you know a lot of people if they feel guilty about something they're like oh but introduce yourself because they're very open to they're very personable and um I do that often you know just walk andelle you know yeah that was one of the challenges I was going to I was going to give you guys and to the audience is when you see these guys we see bad stuff every day and to have somebody pull up beside you and say hey thank you what's your name there's only 16 of them well 17 there's 17 of them I promise you it won't take you very long you'll get to know you'll go a name on the face and um I'll CH I would challenge you to do that and they'll remember that they remember that abolutely okay good that is everybody everybody Mo on okay thank you thank you thank you thank you okay we're going to move on to our next item which is going to I'm gonna ask um Jenny oood and Diane Kelly if you would please come forward um I have um met with both Jenny and Diane several times and they wanted to come forward and share with us what they're hoping to accomplish and they're working with the county on this as well so I'm going to go ahead and turn that turn that over to you and then we'll take it once we're done first of all I want to thank for this great opportunity to talk to the mayor and the commissioner and plus the public I do want to mention um that we will provide the homeless if they have pets free vaccinations and Pet Food just make sure that you let us know and we will be glad to do that we we have already done two pets that um are here behind TD Bank and right and so please get the word out that we will be glad to provide free vaccinations to those animals and even if they wanted microchips we could also do that as cats included as well um I wanted to start off with um Arc Animal Rescue we had to we're not profit at the south end of puam County but we serve the entire Community um just to give you an idea of one of our biggest accomplished we started exactly a year ago low cost vaccine clinics we only do it twice a month sometimes three and we vaccinated 540 animals and uh this has been a tremendous service for p pet owners some um individuals have five or six pets and it becomes extremely expensive we also provide uh food cat food and dog food to the South Christian Food Bank um in fact uh my car is loaded and I'm planning to deliver that food tomorrow but we are here um because of spay and Neer and it is a tremendous problem in County and I just want to share some statistics that Diane our wonderful grant writer has uh research and and I will be glad to forward this presentation to you via email if you wanted to share it with any any of the public um one um female who has not been stayed can produce 67,000 puppies in six years in seven years one hat uh can produce 370,000 kittens and plus the offsprings as well so we have this great opportunity with um USDA to get a grant for a spay and neuter trailer fully equipped it would be housed at Crescent City Kel which I own and I am sorry I didn't introduce myself so I am the President proud president of Arc Animal Rescue and I could not do this with the amazing team that I have that works every day with these animals between Thanksgiving and and New Year's I had 26 puppies at the cam I am down to 13 and three newborns the cat room is now the nurs room again um the the problem is cost individuals really want to do the best for their animals but they just can't afford it and so we are proposing for the cities and that includes Cent City we met with the mayor of Waka and the mayor of um pomola park with our commissioner Bill Pickins this morning in regards to getting the funding because the grant only G gives us 75% the uh we got three proposals and uh the average is $150,000 for a mobile spay neuter and that means that we will be also moving this trailer to the palaka area as well as interlocking it will not only be in South partner cuz this is a county issue some of you are on Facebook every day our animal lovers and you see the amount of animals that are being dumped neglected the stories that I could tell you are horrendous and I focus on Happy Endings that's the only way I could do this 247 and it is a 247 uh job because animals are always in need and we are the voice for them they speak through us through their eyes and their body language and it's incredible and I'm not talking only about pit pools I have gotten great parames German Shepherd I had one a a plumber that found her on on the road out side of the road in pomola park she's at the age where they're done breeding her she is a $5,000 German Shepherd and and somebody just dumped her on the side of the boat no microchip no col so this is a critical problem as well for safety how many of you walk your dogs here um down the sidewalk and then God forbid there's three dogs that were trying they're trying to catch and and attacks you or a child okay or as you and statistically um an unneutered dog will be attacking and it has the highest uh or the third excuse me highest rate in Florida in the count in the nation is Florida number three dog BS okay so we as a community have to think to as a group of what we can do um it it is pet responsibility and I am also an educator and I am happy to say that I will be presenting an educational program for elementary middle and high school next week to the school board uh and I think that's where we need to also start is the importance of pet responsibility and I'm not only talking about dogs and cats I'm talking about uh farm animals roosters chickens goats etc etc so we are proposing that the um city of queston City I'm sorry the city of queston City yes uh provides us some type of funding they will need to decide that but we also want uh public uh comments and then I'm going to turn over uh the rest of the presentation to miss Diane thank you excuse me my name is Diane Kelly and as Jenny mentioned I do the voluntary Grant work for uh for the rescue and uh some of the grants we we've gotten pet Colo you may have seen that advertised free vaccines uh pet finders also has funded us for some playground equipment for the penel to help enrichment so we're doing a lot of work to improve services to the community at a low cost and uh with that not only the vaccinations but spay neuter is absolutely vital you know we have heard that many are very interested in potentially looking at some type of uh way to instill accountability for pet owners to do the right thing and take care of their animals to have stay and neuter but one of the things that is near and dear to my heart and certainly Jenny's is accountability of course but before anybody's really held accountable just like I've learned in business and I'm sure you all can appreciate and know too that you have to enable people to be successful and right now people in putam County with 26% impoverished our pres city is in the same boat and many of them like Jenny said they most of them want to take good care of their animals but frankly they just can't um so we need to progress uh to a Spain capability low cost this trailer is fully equipped it does have the anesthesia equipment it has all the pins it has all the lighting um all the veter other Veterinary equipment and it's not just uh to help us with spay can evolve to help with other services as well many people have a difficult time if your dog gets injured in the stitches and they can commercial Veterinary expenses um so we want to evolve to be able to do that as well when you have a fully equipped capability like this you could do that but that's not going to be in step one we want to get this facility set up so putam County presentent city as a key utilizer because J's located here and the traffic by the way of folks in this ZIP code 32112 uh is very heavy as it relates to the clinic so we're excited and it will expand Beyond certainly Cresent City now for clarity sake what we're asking for from this group in your package and what you've already seen is um a resolution to support um uh requesting the support of putam County we have met with the board of uh County Commissioners recently we are asking them for $25,000 um not to write a check right away but to commit we're asking for commitments so we're asking for a commitment from them and we worked with Michelle she was gracious enough to try to help us with this and and work with you all and get Jenny and I on the agenda so we could put this resolution forward because if we have confirmation from you all that yes this is a need in our community we support puton County uh contributing to this this helps us with securing the grant the grant has not been approved uh however we it's an iterative process we've had several discussions um with the USDA and we are cautiously optimistic they they do have separate and increased funding for putam County which is great they want to help improve putam County because of the level of uh underserved individuals so I think we're positioned we believe we're positioned well uh but we don't have a yes yet but what we do have a responsibility Jenny and I to do is to let's say the USDA says yes Jenny we will authorize this grant for this 75% is what they typically fund then we have a gap and as with any Grant uh work when you have somebody who's willing to fund a certain percentage you typically have to come at some point if you're going to be granted the money they're going to want to know okay if we give you this how do we know you can fund the balance so that's why we went to putam County now we have as Jenny mentioned a great meeting this morning with Michelle the other two Mayors and in the meeting this morning we asked if all three would also commit to not only the support of the county but also from the municipalities uh not much money where and this is a capital only investment so we're asking for 5 to 7,000 from Waka from Crescent City and from uh kimona Park and we're asking for 25,000 from U County right so with that coupled with the USDA money we should be able to fund a wonderful capability for for certainly our community so that's what we're really here to ask for is the support of the resolution and then also based on a very productive meeting this morning uh some I don't want to say nominal support because it's all beauties in the eye Beholder right it's it's all uh you know everybody's perspective but we are asking for a few dollars committed by Crescent City as well because the citizens here are going to be significant beneficiaries just as an FYI and I'm sure many of you know this because you've experienced it uh going to a commercial veterinaria they do beautiful work and they provide more extensive Services when you go have your dogs fair and they typically do a pre blood work they do a lot more with that than what we will be providing necessarily but we provide what's necessary for a reasonably healthy to get Spay Now I I have my bill with me I paid three over over $400 for 110 pound dog to get neutered I'm not complaining about it I love my vet I love my dog but it's a lot of money I'm fortunate I could pay it but so many people and Jenny tells me these stories all the time it's gut-wrenching they say I love my dog I can't do it I cannot afford it and jimy tells me that she talks to people who say I can't even afford gas to get out of town and go get my dog's so it it's a very difficult situation and then coupled with that we hear about the horror stories of the demand on uh count on animal control or animal services um and certainly animals on the street wandering cats and all that good stuff not good it's not really good but you know what I mean but the point is we just got to be something and uh lastly or one of the last things is Jenny also is planning on providing a service to the community cats um and the show been telling us a while back about a you know interesting work that was done in her area and I'm sure others have seen it where if you bring the community cats to get Spade M it's amazing how quickly the utiliz how much it drops in terms of all these W cats so we expect to be able to serve that as well we'll lessen the demand on Animal Control we've seen that in Jacksonville they have first close normal homeless pets when they introduce that it took about a year but they saw a notable demand reduction in what came into the Humane Society and animal control in Jacksonville we expect to see the same here we expect to see more I don't walk more than one dog at a time and I don't and that's not because I don't have more than one dog I do but I'm afraid to I I I took my tell my husband my sister gets on my case for walking my dog at night she goes aren't you afraid I said no the only thing I'm afraid of is another dog um I'm not afraid of people I mean maybe I should be she says I should be but I'm afraid of another dog attacking my dog I've been attacked before I went up in the ER a while back from a dog that attacked me in my rotweiler a long time ago and I broke I with my neighbors help try to break up the fight mon ER but U but the dog survived which is great but anyway it's a tough situation and we're just asking for some help it is a capital investment is a one-time expense we will pay for the ongoing maintenance limit for the medications for the supplies care yes and the vet the vet expenses so that's what we're asking for and one last thing I also want to mention that we do take cats to flower cats uh have a wonderful board member who um the owners leave them at the kennel and she takes them at 6 o'clock in the morning and then brings them back to the kenel because like Diane said some individuals don't even have money for gas or they cannot take the day off and we're proud to say we're probably doing about 40 cats a month and that's going to be increasing we're we're getting another vet and so hopefully we can do maybe 50 to 60 cats um I have we have I I keep on saying I it's we have so many other ideas um coordination with the police department TNR program the educational component uh with our children um looking at breeders uh dog fighting rooster fighting our list is endless but like my husband says and I try to do this one baby step at a time and I remember Rick when he um opened our First Coast it was a baby step they were in a tiny tiny little building and now that you go there it's like walking into a Home Depot it is a warehouse um they have uh Wellness uh checks they coordinate with animal services it does work and we here in puam County need this desperately uh not only for pet and Animal Welfare but for the safety of our residents and and Community okay thank you both thank you to mention we're not asking like puam County asked are you asking us to write a check no we're not we're asking for a commitment contingent upon our security BR okay thank you and Charles um has said that that 5,000 is doable that was the concern you know no I know that um that in talking to the Mayors uh today um this did come up that quite possibly that the county can't do the entire 25% um we were hoping that they could but possibly they're not going to be able to and if not then they would be looking to us to help with this service um and so that is before us I know the other two Mayors are taking those back to their to their communities and going to talk to their commissions as well you meet with on the 13th correct yes with the County Commission yes you have something commissioner well I'd like to move resolution 20243 that um says the city commission supports um animal rescue Consortium efforts to establish an affordable Spate and clinic in B County so I'd like to move the resolution that's what's on agenda agenda and I also have a question a second I get a second we have a motion in a second so let's have some discussion commissioner Bon did you have something I know you've been involved with this too well I have been involved in um and believe me I'm not going after this resolution but I think that we're a premature since our discussion on anal control and all the different things that the city uh needs to do is not until February 19th um I the resolution is good uh but but all I'm saying is I think that this is some of the discussion tonight in this evening about the city's commitment and all those things that they kind of added on to this resolution is is very much premature um that's really what I wanted to say um well and I agree with commissioner Burton there's on the agenda there's nothing about funding and I well I've done some quick figures and we don't have f i it's just not on the agenda about funny um obviously our city is th concerned about this had a workshop had a request for another Workshop um in I to um the resolution which that's directed to I believe the County Commission um I understand as Grant application do we also need to authorize a specific letter of support to USDA to present with your Grant application look I'm sorry that's why really this resolution because they asked me the mayor to write the letter and I told them I could not write the letter as the mayor without commission and so we decided that the resolution go with their application the resolution covers everything cing no I Know ites cover we're all saying no it doesn't say anyway so that that's my only question the resolution will cover all the basis for now for your application and then um absolutely to express to the County Commission um that we are support of the [Music] gr we have any other um discussion on this okay so and I guess what we will see is with the um with the county um when they do whatever they decide that they're going to do and then then you'll have a better opportunity to come back and and with the other request okay that that that's acceptable that's acceptable did you say when the count is going to meet on the 13 then we going to meet have Workshop here on the 19th just for clarity the 25,000 with a county is not intended to cover the full Gap it's if we were able to get five to seven for each of the the resolution I just want to make sure I clarify we have some I do want to say before we take a vote on this um and I know we've got some people in the audience that probably come just for this so if um anybody would like to speak on this um you're welcome to come forward if not we're going to go ahead and take a vote on this okay no one coming forward car will you do a roll call for us please yes commission by commission Liss bank so moved and um I'm probably should read the read the resolution um just so that for everybody in in the audience the resolution of the commission of the city of Cresent City Florida supporting the animal rescue Consortium Park efforts to establish an affordable spay in NE Clinic whereas one of the most impactful Animal Control initiative individuals in the community can take is to ensure dogs and cats are Spade Neuer to prevent overpopulation and whereas sping and neutering can dramatically reduce these numbers and to help prevent numbers of unwanted dogs and cats from wandering our streets causing harm to other animals and people crowding animal shelters and being eaned and whereas while spaying and neutering are encouraged owners that do not spay and neuter their animals sight affordability is the number one reason for not doing so and whereas according to the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association access to lowcost Bay programs is essential to decreasing cat and dog overpopulation and shelter um Youth anation and whereas the local animal rescue consorti has taken the initiative to do something about the overpopulation of dogs cats in our County and is actively seeking a grant through the United States Department of Agriculture USDA to establish an affordable freestanding mobile Spay and Neuter Clinic and whereas ARS proposed affordable Spay and Neuter Clinic will serve all of putam County and provide affordability to those wanting to be responsible pet owners but simply cannot afford spaying Neu Services now now therefore be it resolved and affirmed by the city Commission of the city of prent city that we support arc's efforts to obtain this grant for an affordable clinic for our County and encourage our puam County Commission to support 's efforts by funding the 25% match required by the USDA Grant approved and adopted by the city of City Commission of the city of President City on the sath day of february2 thank you both thank you for your hard work um thank you and any of you a lot of you have gone um out to prent City kennel and you see what they do there yes and the work that they do and and it's it's amazing and um I have only one question how's mate doing good he's a cutie well Nate actually um with Belinda likes Belinda the two of them I think Belinda that's the only dog that she likes snake for are you all voting I'm sorry get EXC um I I will say that on the 19 I am going to go ahead and share with this that unfortunately it is a workshop um I I will I will not be in attendance unfortunately my um I have a significant birthday that week and my daughter planned a trip and thank you very much proced thing um and I just want to make sure with our CL that everything is being broadcast properly at 45 minutes since the meeting looked down turn off my phone I had an email from a resident that said they couldn't get broadcast and then um I showed that to Karen she said it was being broadcast or that was corrected it was corrected um and it was 5 minutes into the meeting um when I got the email um and I actually read the email was probably about 10 minutes later something happened with with YouTube so I had to go back in and click on the meeting but it is live and Charles has been watching it okay and then so if it's not live on YouTube does that mean that it's not being recorded it just happened I don't know what happened to it okay so probably the first first other words if someone wants to watch it later there when thank you so we're gonna move oniss do you think we can get through this next we're going to get through this so we're going to take a five minute recess we'll be back in five minutes to move on to this is our commission this is our second reading Mr picks if you want to yes an ordinance of the city of Preston City Florida amending article two sorry chapter 2 article four of the code of ordinances providing for regulations pertaining code enforcement within the city limits of the city of City providing for the use of special magistrate board code enforcement board establishing the qualifications of set magistrate board code enforcement board members establishing the duties and Powers enforcement procedures conduct appearing administrative finds Lans and appeals providing for conflicting ordinances providing for separability and providing for Effective Le okay I'll make a motion to approve the second final reading of 2023 we have a motion and I believe commissioner laor came in second on that so we have Motion in a second commission we have any discussion open up for public comment um um I don't think I voted for this on first reading um you did not I don't think I think we need to step back and take a broader look at what we are doing here um most cities favor volunteer boards who contribute and the people most of the people on this board have been contributing for a long time um we've had a long history of well at least in the past three years we've had a history of conflict in the community between the commission and the public the public and the commission different factions in the public um and I think that we need I think we need need to remember that boards are a way to be inclusive they're a way to allow others to participate in government and the qualifications to do that participation should be that you want to do the job and you're able to do the job not whether um you had a certain person sign in your yard during a campaign or or whatnot um so inclusiveness setting an example of the Comm um is a way to reduce division in the community and and not increase it um this commission unfortunately this is the third time we've made an effort to eliminate a board I I do appreciate the fact that this gives us the option to hire a special magistr um a year or two ago the the commission as a whole was not happy with recommendations from the tree board and there was a threat to eliminate the tree board I mean the way that a commission is really supposed to handle boards and recommendations from boards is if they make a recommendation you don't like then the commission has last word so um from my observation really we've not had any complaints from the public about the code for that I recall um they've done their job and as colon well said we may not be always perfect but you're always trying um we've never offered them any training um but we've really never had any complaints from the public and um I just I don't really like the flavor um of this and how this all came about and and I think that we should take a step back and just think about what boards do for us and being inclusive and letting those boards continue thank you Commissioners any further discussion with that um I have two speakers that have um uh we have Miss Mor and Cooper not on that oh you're on which one did you want to speak didn't I write number nine yeah you did that's that was the one for art no it says codling issue business item oh coding okay so under 10 business mine says nine I don't sorry okay I apologize didn't want to speak to this and the same the same with you miss Holland yes on that okay do we have any other speakers on this okay see um I have a proper Motion in a second um Bobby I do want to ask you that with that um do we need to also do include in that a motion in that motion to request to put out an RFQ on this uh I mean if it gets approved then pleasure of the commission at that point we could do it at that point okay so right now let's go ahead and do a roll call if you would on the current motion that we have to accept this second reading commission b i commissions I Lori IO n i so and passed um so commission that's that's I'm going to put that to you if you wanted to if anybody wants to do a motion to put out an RFQ to see what is available yeah I it's it would be under the, so I don't think it's requ I direct Charles to there's the guy that does the county and also interlock isting I think he does I'm not sure about that but he he did say he was interested if the city decided to go in that direction so we can entertain a motion to have Charles option that should been on the agenda as agenda well we had to do the first things first you know first [Music] things can direct can direct um I move that we go ahead and direct our city manager to I guess put out the to find special magistrate and bring back okay we have a proper Motion in a second you pull on that one too please commission Lor hi commissioner hion hi I okay with that we're going to move on to the lean reduction so we have a code lean issue for 1014 and 1016 Clemens and 720 Bay Lane so Miss Taylor if you would come forward and give us an overview on this please good evening mayor I have a basic question I really don't understand this is a memo by the city manager he just says he wants this on the agenda um he says the issue is brought before the code enforcement board and no action was taken um actually I don't think that's correct I looked at the materials it said the code board declined to remove the um the link on the Bay Street violation they didn't take no action they declined but as well the city manager says I believe this is because there appears to be a number of actions the various owners could take to resolve the issue none of which they are willing to take so Mr belet is requesting this to be on the city commission agenda if the private property owners are not what to take action could Mr gullet please explain what why the city is being asked to act on a private um I'm gonna yes but at this point I'm gonna let Miss Taylor give us an overview of it and then we'll ask Mr to speak she said I mean but why I'm gonna ask I'm gonna ask Miss Taylor to because okay she said she has 39 slides there were 50 pages here we don't need that can you just give us a brief a brief summary and then we can ask our question slight exaggeration on my part I talk to commissioner um yeah [Music] to this is aan reduction for 72 Bay Street there are two lanes on this property which are clouding the title of the 1014 and 1016 P's Lane and the property owner of P's Lane wants to sell her property and because of these two meetings on 720 Bay Street is clouding the title so she uh I guess as Mr gullet to represent her um there's a variety of um this is just an overview you don't want to see all that it's a picture of the junk vehicle that was the violation on now um so basically basically let me see if we can okay um it's it's it's our understanding or my understanding is that there are leans against a property on Bay Street correct that both these women own but the property on Clemens is the one that is being sold or attempted to be sold and there are no leans on that property however let's go from there if you would because the leans on Bay Street which are significant how that impacts clents the case on um 17- 057 the find are $50,900 39 days of noncompliance um you can there's a variety of Remedies you can um accept the payoff and release our Williams from the L you can require that the property be in compliance before lean induction is considered uh follow a partial release of lean without any payment require full payment you choose to take no action uh Miss Williams could take her name off the property at said 720 Bay Street which would believe her property on Clemens or she could get a permit for the property at 720 Bay for the violations that were there still violation um I don't know if Atty Pickins has any other suggestions that they could do why don't we um ask actually I have one question so the the uncorrected violation on the property on Bank 720 bank that was failure to get a permit for construction right what kind of construction was it it was a roof okay and I uh interior work okay so in other words um there could be significant Corrections potentially needed for could okay we don't know but there could be significant um Corrections that might be needed before the permit could actually be issued they can issue a permit but the inspections may require some correction that's kind of what it meant yeah you're not your permit's not clear I mean we wouldn't it wouldn't be considered in compliance until they both had the permit and had the inspection is that not correct and any corrective actions that's okay that was question commiss yeah I just have one question how much is the I don't know how much the county would uh charge for a permit Miss Diane Williams um I saw she pumped down like 78 bucks or something at some point she did never never really filled out the forms or right and that was before that was so you're not sure what that would be I don't know how much I think roof permit cost probably $80 I don't know and also depend on cost of the Improvement like a [Music] percent commissioner Bank okay Mr go thank you for coming tonight and sitting through this absolutely good evening I'll do the formal JJ G title uh 117 wor Summit hopefully soon 234 nor Summit but if I may Madam mayor and Commissioners have something that may help us along pretty quickly so while that that's being handed down I know there talk of a you know not like number three up there by the way but um I know there's talk about permit and work and whatnot but again while us being Pastor around I just want to let you know that the background of a very quick background of the parties that play of course my client is is Miss arita Smith who's been a pres C resident she's built this house in 1993 her parents originally bought this property in 1950 so for 71 years his family's been here she's been living in this house for 31 years parents got divorced and her and just so I'm not became anyone her co-owner um in this property who's been accused and found guilty of some some issues relating to instances like this but she came on the picture unbeknown everyone married her father who's 31 years her senior and unbeknown the whole family when this happened back in in 2004 so there's some familial issues um and once a lean attaches to a property any subsequent action by the owners will not remove the lean so by Miss AR is simply just divest herself of her one half interest will not remove the lean of the Cod enforcement HS however what we just filed and I think looks like today is what's on very front of you which is a notice of homestad T statute 222 um and that'll be served and there's nothing bad about it but that'll be served to um attorney Pickins and and Mr rud in the next few days by certified Mel but I know these are duplex so the back of Page Three is why we file this mid of Homestead and I believe it should be highlighted for everyone but so just to make sure we understand I'm bifurcate the issues of the house on 720 with the status of the lean for Miss ARA on on Clemens Len so under 162 which is where our code come from it cannot attach it cannot be foreclosed excuse me I correct myself it cannot be foreclosed on Homestead Property so the lean which is attaching to Clemens for violations at 720 by law is prohibited from being foreclosed or foreclosing out the property owned clets so the city and um of course that's really for turn of Pickin to verify thatc has no remedy to forcl on CLS to make sure Bas gets taken care of so what we're asking is on the very back of of what you have the last two pages we're asking for a partial lease and we have went ahead and just take a liberty and draft it um what a partial lease would look like and what's important to me on the partial lease is um next to the last paragraph which is be very very back is and the way we work Smith it is we wanted make sure that we only are releasing clment and furthermore that you we're ask again where we have a drafted is that nothing is going to be deemed to acknowledge compliance with or release any of the orders dealing with B stre so this just separates Clemens from B Street and um in the reason why we're asking for the release even though we filed the noes of Homestead under 222 BAS basically we cannot act on any property under the notice for 45 days however and this hurts my case quite a bit the Clemens Lan has two pieces of property arguably only one is protected by Homestead because it's within the municipalities three limits of C City and it can only be a quarter of an acre for constitutional protection from for sale so we have part of our property and Clemens is questionably protected and we would have to obtain a Judicial order from a judge to State the entirety of both parts of this protected homest um on a side note with the code board in December I don't think they refuse to um offer a a I don't think they refuse to release the lean I believe they refuse to make recommendation more so than refuse to release the property just refuse to make a recommendation um now I know if if the city does allow this 31y year resident to sell her house that she built in 1993 from the parents are proper her parents have given her I I know it will take some time from attorney Pickins to review and approve um and actually construct a partial release which my client actually willing to pay that as an adame cost any questions commissioner um I do so the mem from our city manager says that this item is on the agenda because the owner of 1014 and 1016 CL Lane is trying to sell the property so is there an offer for sale on the property affirmative and what we actually have to do by law is list that contract in that notice and that is um on the second page of it we have the terms of the contract okay so okay it's my understanding that we can't for close on a homestead property but it's also my understanding that the way the city gets paid from leans on Homestead Property is when the property is sold so the issue with that is that is correct if the violations are for the Homestead Property which this is not but when did okay one of them is one so the violations exist on 720 right so if the violations were on 720 which they are and if 720 was my client's Homestead Property then yes that is enforceable to where you can come in and force the sell or Force the te down however this is cross attaching so the violations on 720 there's no violations on Clint so by Statute just attaches any own in home county okay has this is this a new Declaration of Homestead yes yes the St okay does this property it's been homestad since 1993 okay do she has homestead exemption on it since 1993 when she built this house okay I I don't really understand even why we're here because um it seems like it's a legal issue it is so which can be simply fixed by just the city saying listen we know there's familiar issues Clemens we don't care about the the lean of the property in Clemens we want BAS fixed and we have been retained to file a partition action on Bay Street um which will be forthcoming okay but commissioner no we're here we're here today because like he said you do have a buyer yeah we have some can't do anything with this it's very similar to it's very similar to the property we dealt with down here on the old dry cleaners and remember he owned the property out on like short okay except it didn't involve Homestead no so my my question really is shouldn't this have gone to the City attorney instead of coming here no CU I can't I can't release it he we have to release it he can't do that okay but I would have preferred that this whole thing be reviewed by our City attorney so that we would have a recommendation from the city attorney that we're supposed to release the lane I mean do we have to release the lane Bobby or is it just invalid no we if we didn't file something within 45 days and it would just be inid we would have to take some type of legal action to try to get the surc court to determine that it was a homeate status if we wanted to take that position to try to keep the lean on the property could you speak up please sorry I forgot what was the question the question is do is the city required do we legally have to remove this Lan or is it invalid no we don't legally have to remove it but they file this when we get served if we don't do something I think it's within 45 days to file a declaratory judgment in the Circuit Court to have it try to determine that it's not Homestead um then it's it it's going to fall off and not attached to the property that they're trying to S can I say something yes maybe I'm just simple minded here you know this seems to be um something that's just kind of like blown everything out of water this whole it seems to me like what I what I read okay is um The Joint property on is $142,700 on this property okay the property market value according to our tax fees okay our tax property taxes for that particular property okay is uh 20 $2,190 that's the joint property that she owns with Diane Williams that 750 the one right next to the church that burn the one that she she's trying to sell is both properties together are worth about 108 th000 $19,000 why does she want to even hang on to this she only owes she only owns about $1,995 uh worth on this house what what why is she just got to hang on to that why can't she just let it go so we're going through a lot of yeah if we want a little bit insight into that that so proper so we have two separate distinct properties yes there was an action filed by Miss ARA against both properties to set aside Deeds to undo influence one was found to be so and that deed was set aside which happened to be Clemens B Street uh because of the secret wedding the the court would not set aside that deed because marriage would Trump undo influence or that case um so we have from Miss ARA's point of view property in the family for 70 years and you know someone three decades younger than her father came in swooped in had a secret wedding and now is trying to take half so this is what okay that's your I mean that's your answer to this there's there's old there and there's issues There's issues between the two parties okay so that's I just need to know yes her mom and dad's property for 70 years okay so I understand market value but what is actually what's the sale price on the house that I can't can't disclose that and top is bad and bad it toare that house make it Li and pass Mak in the prob so I will tell you one thing um and this was spoke about in December and then I met with with Miss AR in my office I believe it was in January but I made sure I let her know I said Miss ARA I don't really even want to talk to the city with about this on Clemens Lane if we don't have something started on Bay stre I don't want to just say hey I don't care about clens because that is not true I want you know I want her to be able to sell her 30-year-old house but I also want Bay Street for the community to be cleaned up so that's why I wanted to let you know that she has you know there's been retainer made to start clearing up through a partition action and force to sell a Bas let me ask you this is getting personal I don't really know the two people involved very well but again you're looking at a a piece of property that really is not worth a lot of money as she maybe buy out still that's the that's the partition actually yeah that's okay so yes yeah absolutely it will have a link um the a partition action so what the courts will do through the partition is in essence one of two things they'll um the first thing we'll have done is you you said a value of the property irrespective of lead against it but then if one co-owner doesn't agree to sell it for half of what that value is then they for a public s just like a full closure option and then some third party will come in but these two co-owners are FL out not to make a deal with each other so um what is you you have a recation okay question so Bobby we just got handed this and I just got it on Tuesday so I don't have so has this been we just received it back from Virginia we just received it back from Virginia and the clerks filed it this morning and again this isn't you know any derogatory action against the city this is just we're declaring this to the Homestead Property so we don't want so I'm going to make a recommendation our attorney hasn't really had a chance to review this um attorney pick do you feel at this point in time we should probably table this and if we have to have a special meeting we can have a special meeting and give you the time that you need to look at it and give us our options based On's just been present to yeah that's commission I need a motion table this consideration lat dat okay a motion in a second I have two residents that did want to speak to this do you still want to speak to this yes yes okay so I'm gonna start with Miss Cooper I'll start with you thank you Mr do my name is Morin Cooper 34 North Prospect Street just for a little background this case came before the code board on December 5th fth they asked us to give a lean reduction we normally would do that had the property been in compliance but we were told the property was not in compliance at that time and we voted not to have a lean reduction it was unanimous vote so then on January 30th Pam sends an email to the Commissioners and the manager saying that it was heard by the code board and no action was taken that is not correct action was taken we voted not to reduce the next day Mr rud sent an email to you on the 31st repeating that the issue was brought before the code board and no action was taken I I take offense at that I mean action was taken we did what we were supposed to do and just so you know the purpose of a code lean it attaches to the property owner and it cross attaches to what other other property so if you're going to allow someone to for whatever million reasons that they have release a piece of property you better look out because you're going to have to do it for everybody else that's all I have to say thank you Miss she pretty much covered one of the things I wanted to say Michelle Holland 1110 North Summit Street um chapter 162 for statutes provides that once the certified copy of the code lean is recorded in the public records the lean bleeds it bleeds over over and attaches to any other real property owned by The Violator if the city determines that it will be generous and give the Violator a partial release of lean what is the consideration love and affection it's going to the freak what I don't understand maybe Mr gullet can explain to me is is he saying because it's now going to be declared as a domicile and Homestead that that bleeding doesn't occur is that what happens by law yes okay that's what I wanted to know because I did not see that in the C thank you okay thank you with that I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna close out public comment on this Commissioners you have a motion before us we have a motion before us to table this please all in favor please say i n okay so table let's go on to um the decision on this ccng claim I am G to allow I'm not allow that no problem allow you to speak now I know you been want to speak this entire night so now is your opportunity go ahead back in September last year one of our high pressure above ground piping assemblies Dr by a car and closer back in September of last year one of our high pressure assemblies in Satsuma was out on County Road 309 and folklore was hit by a driver car don't know if they lost control something ran out front whatever but they destroyed I don't know if you all have the picture of it they destroyed the barricade around it destroyed the farm tap itself which reduces the high pressure the low pressure to feed that street it also took out a power pole by CL electric which was about 3 ft away from us it didn't actually fall but it snapped it and it was very dangerous so because of that we had to wait for cl electric to fix their pole for safety reasons for our employees but also that P was to fall into our structure causing the release of gas there was power line there could have called the fire so was off for safety reasons but anyway the situation was taken care of we lost 11 customers on that street it's a 3/4 in Long 2 in gas R itself so we had to B it down get pressure off of it so um the bottom line was I I figured out the cost of everything and I came up with a figure of $2,135 I presented to the insurance company itself they delayed I mean I didn't hear anything really from late January but they finally acknowledged that they received all my information in as you see in your packet this is what we received back of them the uh owner of the car that did the damage had a 10,000 cap so between the damage power po are damage the other vehicle that was involved uh it didn't leave a whole lot of money but out of the $235 they were offering us $1,162 48 which is about $950 less than what I have filed the uh money that they are offering though will cover all the cost of Parts it'll cover all the gas that we lost and we will cover some of the labor but it won't cover all the labor so I discussed with Mr Pickins and he advised me that for that little bit of money it's going to cost us more money to get that so at least we're getting something out of it only going to get about 56 cents is can the the other on there 60% is that isic the the claim offer that they got it since the play Electric we got it was 25% of it we got the 11% and that other person I'm sure I mean I haven't had any discussions about anything else other than just our you need a motion from us accepting this I talked with Charles he wanted be [Music] so that is my legal recommendation is that it would make the most sense for the city to at least recoup some of the money um versus the unknown of WW suain and judgment and whatever we can do with that I will say that if you if we accept this we cannot SE other $900 because it's it's in there that will any other move that we go ahead and accept the uh the plane payout for for [Music] $1,648 okay so we have a motion Commissioners second that okay we have any further discussion Commissioners do you have any questions I have any question yes so do we assume that the insured is basically judgment proof because of the low value of policy that they had I I don't know if for sure but with that policy I would assume minim I don't have any inside information I haven't looked into it but I would assume based on the policy that they do not have a ton of assets okay and do we have deadline says 10 we have to respond within 10 days so okay that's what it is days if we have any add there's any additional damages um and it's not guaranteed because it says we prefer that all parties be in agreement so we don't know what the other parties um what they're agreeing to but for us so we currently have a motion in front of us in a second one question so Mr Frank um we're basically self-insured for things like this I mean um we don't have our own insurance that would cover but it's just we're self-insured right okay that's whole thank youen if you would please commissioner Deo hi commissioner Lor hi commissioner Bank [Music] hi thank you thank you very much okay on the next um item on our agenda is the approval of the leavs to the Pam County Sheriff's Office and if you will um remember we discussed this I believe at the last meeting and this is the property um that is currently being occupied by title at 17 yes I just what you told me I thought that the copy that went out to the commission was the cleaned up copy I guess the one of the track changes went out those were the changes that were suggested by the general counil for the sheriff's office but I don't have any legal objection to any of the claims that they or any of the Chang okay the needs to Chang address I I saw that it says one North Prospect Street so Commissioners I mean have you had a chance to go through the lease to read through the lease and do you have any comments on it well I have some questions go ahead let Miss commissioner Burton she has one question you yes commissioner Burton yeah I just noticed that the list was for one year and our contract for the sheriff is for three and since the lease is saying that the not charging EV um they P for everything else um I don't see why our not sa for 3 years um [Music] yes I don't they I always when I'm bright say I always try to get in there month to month to protect see if something goes wrong they suggested so I had it as mon month um and then they suggested a year I don't have any I mean that contract will be up for Renewal I think it's yeah should be be inch [Music] April I's on that table a question as a question obviously don't really have a contract for years for the next years I'm sorry could you speak into your mic um is that what I'm hearing we're currently under contract with them until until it renews and I believe it should be renewing it should possibly be renewing [Music] April April April yeah um but right now we had it with um we had it with Mr gullet we had it with him from last month so okay okay so this one's a year do we have any other comments commissioner D well I have question okay go ahead so those are somebody from the sheriff's office because I think they're from the sheriff's office um one of my questions was answered by um the updated copy the original lease that we got didn't say Sheriff's Office substation this Le says the sheriff's not the substation um so my question is how many officers or Vehicles would be there at one time um what is is there anything in here about parking spaces I know Colonel Wells talked to us about it um but does it say anything in the least about how many parking spaces or what would be occupied in terms of parking it is we discussed yeah we discussed last majority would be pared in the back and I believe has two parking spots I think right they two parking spot who else uses that where the county [Music] employes to add parking to it because if you want to add parking to it where do you where do you want to what do you you have language you add helpful to add parking because the sheriff's office has a lot of equipment and I think we need to make sure that no one else is excluded that I mean that's used also as public parking it's used as parking during election it just it doesn't say anything about parking as far as I can tell depending on what's going on it could vary um so you may have one car there you may have five cars or I may have an operational briefing there and you'll have 25 or 30 cars there so we'll have to judge that accordingly I don't know howan at a minimum I would say at a minimum of two because I'm going to have probably one spare car is going to stay down here all the time and then you know you never know when it's like I said before officers kind of migrate together and they kind of stick because guys in C City they kind of there four cars yeah and so my so to me I think the least should address the parking situation um because there are okay so what language would you what what what is your concern about parking my concern about parking is there's nothing specified here it's not up to me to propose the language I mean I know but but you have a concern so what is your concern because there is ample parking in that back I think that probably ini when Thea in that that that parking in the back was included as part of the planning was to have that amount of parking back there for whatever reason you needed it for so yeah there's plenty of parking okay but so so you but you still have a concern we're trying to get that your concern I do have a concern because there it needs to make sure that there's sufficient parking for the other County employees that come to work every day okay so that's your concern to make sure that there's sufficient parking for County absolutely and then I have have more questions okay um so this is a substation and there's a great value to Crescent City and having the officers in town but there's also a financial burden on CES City we were rening that property for $7,000 a year our budget is not unlimited our costs keep going up the legislature right now has bills um a float that could reduce our revenues and increase our cost so I'm not under I'm just I'm not understanding why prent city is funding the substation when it serves the entire South County also us well I know it does but okay I'm asking really the Sheriff's Office on a desk I can answer that it's only supposed to man one person but I can promise you you will see a whole lot more than that there it's not serving the county it's serving president City it's giving that option for president City to have those guys in our location here and you have more than that as example this morning we had about a 40 45 second response time from the office here to president Lake nursing Hand Center where they saved the life this morning so you get more for than just out of that building when you're talking about the cost of $7,000 that's about two of the new handheld radios that we're fixing to put on our Deputy so in in retrospect um giving the guys a place to go you're you got get a better bank for your bu okay and what is the total budget of the sheriff's office I'm not sure of that well I don't know of that I mean I think that we already know that from the services and we've been told this numerous times from the colonel the services that are provided to us that we we definitely have we definitely have got um a a a very good opportunity here for the Sheriff's Office and I just know from Pearson what they have to pay B County for two for 12 hours um and so that was um my understanding with this is this just was something to to help you were going to pick up the utilities we would take care of this it's one year in a year we can look at it yeah and see where we are in one year um and the other thing too is you know the city just recently uh We've made the decision that we want to keep the Miller school and one of the things that is happening right now in middle middle school is there ending it and I think it's supposed to be empty by the end of March if I'm not mistaken I think that was one of the dates that they ate well the sheriff's got to move somewhere and we want the sheriff in the city and I think that this for a year is a good alternative plan to have them move into this particular area so you know it's it's kind of a give and a take here um and while we figure out how we're going to keep the middle school that that's a whole another subject and it's going to take a while um you know we have to you know hey we have to share the burden a little bit well in the visibility I think the visibility will be um significant we have a lot of people that don't realize because they don't for whatever reason don't have to drive down South Prospect that we have a substation there I think the visibility will will help out tremendously also not just that but I'm if I'm not mistaken in in renewing the tra contract whenever it's being red um that would if we had to pay rent that would probably be included in the contract as well any you know I was I was originally kind of against this because I thought you guys need to about the Middle School keep an eye of it eye on it and it doesn't cost anything to be down there and you guys got that air conditioner fix um but you know after talking about this month and this month I mean it's a it's a great opportunity I think for all of us I think it makes a lot of sense it makes I I don't want to lose the money but really in the whole scheme of things $7,200 is not a huge amount for considering we get out of this contract and the money that we save compared to running Department currently um I know it's you know we we are going to have Revenue this year because gullet is still there um and I think about when G moves across the street which I hope we consume you just have house need to um but that's just going be an empty place and uh $600 rent was a really good deal and plus it was a police department before that's what I remembered as so the biggest the biggest issue with um with the the high school the school over there it's a maintenance nightmare the air conditioner we just put in our less was 13,000 in change so it is a very costly thing over there and and it doesn't really make it's not really conducive to the to being a police station really it's needs to something else but this is used to be a police station it still I think has do has evidence it does so I mean it just it just makes sense to me um I just did we have a motion no I need a motion I that we approve the lease with those Corrections that we have pointed out like the address and a few other things IED okay we have a motion in a second I do have a few I do have a few notations but it says um Mr pick on two terms of the lease terms of the lease shall be for one year and they've they've marked out commencing on it needs to be commencing on so we have that date in there also this lease may be terminated early by written Mutual consent of both parties there's no notice um I don't know if that was um if you go down to AA it says to pay the rent so there needs to be some language in there um it says to pay your rent in every installment of it when it comes due to use the premises and accable so um you need to probably look at that because we stated earlier there will not be rent [Music] free I I was wondering about that normally with Le you have to have for for one for at least $1 is that would you do for $1 I don't know okay it's not necessary okay and then it looks like there's a special air conditioning equipment was that part of something that Mr dullet had where that's being removed that's going to be on um when you look at 8 um 88 accepting movable Furniture equipment supplies inventory and special air conditioning equipment installed by thec so that might be I think have to do I know that least one I remember reading forck any special that that's okay okay thank you um$ cover resp do we have any other questions on this comments I really think that's a good deal we got people can Vis see on two sides in the front and back so me a lot that we have that I know down there almost every time I go by there you got three four call and I let away they out there to winess early in the morning sometime it be five don't whe be training I see it be l in the morning time so it really is a plus to christas City we look at please if we look at the whole picture we looking at part of the picture we look at the whole picture what we getting from the chef office is great I know I know that they supped to do certain things we regard because we are in count but they got more focus on us now and the highway patrol stops in there and facility did that used the bathroom and different things so it just a great plus just a great plus I don't know about you I really jion so just some clarification um the point you raised about when does the lease begin so when exactly I mean what is the coordination here when is title going to move right now he said the end of February I don't know that's happen that's the question I've had um we're waiting and wife was telling me as I was driving down here today I said I need some Hard dates we're waiting for the reskin to be coordinated with the security access people to know that date but what I can do is um firming up some dates and I will I can get that out okay all I'm concerned about is that we don't agree to lease the property for a date that begins before our current tenant is out so however we need to do that seems like that needs to be coordinated I think they would you would take care of that I mean at that point in time you and their General and then the Sheriff's Office General Council last when you would yeah I would say they would commence on whatever when Mr out whatever okay and and just so you know Co um I also talk with general counsel of the sheriff as well so there's also some additional coordination going on between the leses okay well that's good to know I just want to make sure that nobody's gonna you know come in with a dolly and hustle you out the door so that's working you are working on the building the yellow building the house I see them working every day thank you for do okay so we currently have this lease in front of us um and I have a motion in a second Karen would you do a roll call on it please commissioner Bon hi hi Lori hi I I so thought putting that in your hands okay we're going to move on to the um uh approval of commissioner Lor's legal fees I believe at the last meeting um Mr Vicks you said this was going to be an ongoing yeah I have reviewed bill and I find that it's reasonable to so I don't think there's any legal reasoning would prevent the city moving forward with reimbursing what has been okay I will go ahead and say that I've filled out form a and given it to the city clerk and I will obain okay I'd like to make a motion okay so I move that on the recommendation of the City attorney that the fees that he has reviewed the invoice and that the fees seem reasonable um that the city commission are repaying or reimbursing reimb that reimburse commissioner ly for the legal fees um laid out in invoice 24676 dated February 5th 2024 from the krismer group in Tallahasse Florida in the amount of $35 okay want get a second a second okay we have a proper motion and a second commissioner do we have any further discussion car none all in favor please um Karen go ahead and do a j commission Deo hi commissioner hi hi hi okay so approved now we're going to move on to the special event permit for 2024 Crescent City catfish Festival finally I know there's a lot of people that are here that are here to to discuss this um I can I mean we've got the memo from the city manager in here um he talks about um the process I believe are you Rodney I'm Rodney hi Rodney welcome and thank you for sitting through this meeting today oh it's been an education before you before you before you get before we get going I will say that um in this memo they have asked um the city to pay for the $2500 towards the dumpsters um I have spoken to waste and waste has agreed to um take care of that we just have to coordinate you'll have to coordinate with Charles when he gets back where those need to go yes so we can take that um out of this but they will be um a sponsor that's fantastic and we'll make sure that they get good representation there thank you very much yeah is that by filling up the dumpsters well the actually believe it or not the the most of that will be from uh the Swamp Cabbage yeah um because the when they tear that stuff up it creates Mr pick here I spoke to commissioner Pi about it as well you know as far as you know was just really how many we done KN yeah and he did say that it does take up quite a few of the um it does takes up a lot of room in a dumpster it does it does it's it's it's a big mess but you know it's delicious too that's what so the community has been asking for this to come back we know you have a fouryear Hiatus um to get rested and get ready rest what's rested but we have heard from the community um numerous times that they are excited about this to come back so do you want to talk about a little bit well I I'm just uh happy that the city is um uh it going to be able to enjoy it the residents are going to be able to enjoy it that South put itself is going to be able to enjoy it you know one of the things that uh we get asked a lot is you know what has what does the festival do I believe that it creates a lot of excitement in our community and also um over the course of uh the festival uh this will be the 42nd Festival um over the course of that time it's raised over a million dollars uh you know and that that number is that's a base number in just uh scholarships for our our local high school seniors and that and untold amounts of other donations that that we've been able to make just from the proceeds of that event so one of the things that um I think was in that application as well I don't I know I spoke with Charles about it but I don't know if that made it on the application was the fact that because we're asking for that special permit for that day um years and years ago we ran into a problem of you know people were popping up on the sidewalks here and there trying to sell other items other food items that's the only way the festival can be viable is if we sell all the food items in the park so anything outside of the park that's not um directly correlated with the catfish Festival in the Rotary Club at Crescent City we would just ask they you refrain from issuing other permits that day I just like to say that as a pished scholar myself for two years I received scholarship in high school so I mean not only is this the best thing that ever happens in pres City but it does really do a lot of good and I know that there's about 20 people in my graduating class I have scholarships ucational schools or college universities and it really does a lot of great it does a lot of good I'm a so yeah I'd like to recognize we came with support today we've got everybody raise your handar yeah we came with a lot of support just just to know that I'm glad that we're going to do it again um you know we were kind of on the fence we didn't know if we actually had the manpower to pull it off you know um it really involves hundreds of volunteers that that want to do good in the community and that's our whole goal is to be a humanitarian organization that does wonderful things for local communities and worldwide I think the one welcome back home yeah yeah we're trying and you know the world stopped and it was hard to get back Jo again um we unfortunately our our just like every other organization we we uh fell to attrition but uh we're building back up um and this is just going to be the one day event it's only going to be a Saturday uh traditionally it had been a Friday as well but due to the fact that we're just starting up and we want to make sure that uh is this going to be viable are we still going to see the crowds that we do we are going to advertise um in our community and outside of our community as well to try and invite some people to prent City it's a beautiful part and we want to share that with them it's a beautiful experience here so just bringing attention and focus back into our community and then using that for Goodwill uh and using the funds that we have because the whole theme of the event is Dollars for Scholars and then we also help the youth in the community as well through other activities May I'm Sor I just want to tell him that we did book you for the whole weekend so when um you can get your dumpsters put in um that you do have Friday Saturday clean up on Sunday so that whole weekend is yours at evil Li so that's probably something I should touch on um it takes a lot to set it up so we'll probably start as early as Thursday just trying to move equipment towards that area and get it into the park um so you you'll see activity throughout that week in the park and we're not going to put anything in there that we think is going to be like some going to grow legs or walk off or anything I don't think we have a you know Sheriff's Department we don't have anything to worry about but you know that's that's really the case no one can take this because it's larger equipment um and then really on Friday we you should see a little bit more activity in the park and then 10:00 a.m. on Saturday we'll be up and running and ready to go it's 10 to five yeah it's 10 to 5 we we kind of have a we want to try and sell us hopefully we are out of food by 5:00 there's always a you know a little bit of a straggle time there but we may be trying to clean things out of that um well past 5 o'clock that morning uh into that afternoon and evening just trying to minimize what we have to do when we come back Sunday with a with freshness you know and typically you know uh no good goes unpunished so it'll probably rain on us on uh at one of those times yeah okay thanks just two quick points I'd like to make car Watson uh one is the for those of you who may be new is the just want to remind the economic impact that cfish has on our community I me with the all the people that come in the visitors people come from out the area they they they buy gas they buy groceries they say that the uh the different lodging places we have and so it really has will does bring tax revenue into our city which is a major benefit uh the second is that uh kind of goes back to it takes a village to make what makes catfish work are the volunteers and U the the in fact it takes about a 100 an average of 100 volunteers to make this work and we we've got the high school and the community involved uh in volunteering we're going to be launching our volunteer program at the high school next week uh this year we'll be uh introducing a a new volunteer sign up app for both the students as well as the community and so we're we're really excited about that and certainly would like to make that opportunity volunteer to all you guys and everyone you as well finally uh as we move towards diversity uh what we have done a story Ally is Friday night we've had a Hispanic b and a fairly good Hispanic turnout what we've done since we are just making it a one day event is we have them coming on Saturday afternoon I think it's poter music uh it's not that's not confirmed but we have uh that that's what's going to happen hopefully you know we've got to do those teas and cross eyes but it's going to be uh about 3 3:00 or so so they'll finish out the rest of Cl so we're really excited about that as well okay thank you commissioner you have some questions um I do um I have a long history of the cish festival I am a rotarian um and also my house is directly across from the catfish festival and this has been my family's house for I don't know over 80 years now and um so I was very familiar with the catfish Festival when it started um first of all I had some questions for the city manager and he deferred them all to um rotary okay so my question is um what are the arrangements for parking is there going to be a shuttle this year because it is a one day typically on the two-day event we have done a shuttle system um parking uh is around the community um they can park in when they Park in the local areas that are available to them um however we don't have a shuttle as of this point you have the parking you can do parking here sure um there there's going to be a car show I think up toward the front but you're going to have the across the street there there will be parking available and and traditionally people have parked all around the uh Miller school as well so that that does give quite a bit of parking and I will say this if if they want there is the lot that I don't know what the fence looks like today you know uh a few years back it it had a gate in it where the adult education building was I'm not sure if that's still adult education but where it was there was a gate where you could actually Park folks in that field as well um we're we're a couple months out I would like to see some someone in the community if they want to charge for parking back there the the school board wants to open that up or they want to let that be used you can actually Park one year I think that they parked about 140 cars just on that um grassy area the old play Big Playfield area um through so throughout Miller um the the whole compound of that school I mean you you could park somewhere around 200 the bottom line is there are no specific arrangements for parking no at this time okay and then so um you've not asked the city or um the sheriff to close 17 or anything like that you're not having those arrangements we are having a parade they are having parade yes okay no I mean in Prior years 17 has been closed to incoming traff yeah that's actually on the first page of the application okay which is not very legible which page so the it's on the application the special event page it said the parade routes on us7 talking about the I'm talking about prior years 17 the city has been closed in ining traffic 17 actually I don't recall closing except for the par well I I do because I know people like to walk in and I know people who've been turned away and said they did not come to the Cal because there was no information about a detour I know people who grew up in cresc City who didn't come to the cath Festival because the road was closed so okay the parade have you taken care of the parade as far as the closing of the road for the parade and where will the parade take place uh I must let Maryann speak to that um parade will launch at 11 o' what we were told by the city manager is that the city would make the arrangements with do for the road closure okay okay so that's fine um because I have more questions um one of the issues um with catfish has been the traffic on Main Street and the side streets and closed okay I'm finished okay okay I'm very familiar with this and I've been over it with the sheriff's department and city manager my question is who is in charge of closing Main Street how will people know which way the direction is going are you folks in charge of closing the streets the road Club is not going to be in charge of clo in the street um what the conversation that I had with Charles when we had a meeting was that in order to get the permit together um I I suggested and I think that he said that he would bring it to you guys as well is that we make uh Main Street one way now which way you want to make that is completely up to you my concern I will Express this to the commission Main Street has supposedly been one weight in the past there's no directional sign there's no there's no one watching it um the last time Main Street was supposedly one way I had to go over and physically find the sheriff's deputies and the other issue is and this is very important you can R away the street but several things happen and I've written this up and turned it into the city manager before and probably to my fellow reran um people come early and park on Main Street and block the road and go up to the trucks and ask to buy food can that be prohibited I I would not recommend that and that's not something want to happen that that happens as well people in rotary volunteers people come back there in double Park so basically no one can get through on Main Street and it's a mess so you're saying I should address this with the city manager well I I would make I would just have one thing to say I mean when we're getting things started before the actual start date of the event at 10 a.m. in the morning there will be our vehicles maybe close to that but if we W when we if it's available to be one we and when I talked with Charles he said that there are signs that the city has that are directional signs and they they have done this in the past with other events no actually they so they have never done this in the past with any other event where they so the city has never put a ropes on Soul Food Festival and we probably will have to do this again and we addressed this last time and then we put the barricades do you recall that Mr Evans where we have the barricades right there on Main Street so we have the barricade so we're gonna have to U you're going to have to probably work with Charles and and just make sure that we have and we've got plenty of time to make sure that to take care of her concerns that we have directional signs so that people know um you know and it's something that I mean we could even look at that it's only those people that actually live you know right there on Main Street that okay so my concern to the commission and Rodney is if a rotary members or volunteers trailer is basically Jack KN on Main Street then the street is closed emergency vehicles can't back there the fire hydrant is at the corner um the streets been blocked before so we just need to make sure that for everyone's safety the road is not blocked um okay so we did parking idea vendors Point contact for emergencies so is it so you're saying rotary is not responsible for arranging for law enforcement that's something will we are we are going to have uh um we're going to try and get two Sheriff's officers there one for the fact that we will have a um uh at the funeral home there we'll have what we call like a rotary bank I guess we call it where we're going to have we have collection of money we don't want to leave too much money in the park at any time so we'll have we're we're hoping to to contract with the Sheriff's Office to have two officers said and one located in that bank area and then one in park as well okay and then a couple of other things that have come up in the past um in 2017 a heavy vehicle was parked on the right away on our side of the street it caused damage um to a water man it cut off the water to our house the city probably cost them thousands of dollars um that was when Patrick Kennedy was the city manager why you allow that I don't know it was um Stuart's RB so it's just I guess I'll take that up with Charles um the other concern I have and keep in mind these are are safety concerns and one of rotary applications is is it the truth is it fair is it beneficial to all concerns so um I'm just very concerned that the safety of the neighbors is taken into consideration as well um a new Focus area of rotary is the environment and an issue that I've raised for a number of years and you mentioned inviting people in to enjoy the beauty of the park um in 2019 there was a review by Advanced Tree Care Inc um master arborus who indicated that severe soil compassion was occurring around the Heritage oak trees in the park and recommended several things to prevent further damage I've shared this report with the city commission I've shared this report with Ry it recommends two primary things one is mulching the complete tree protection Zone around the oak trees to minimize the effect of heavy foot traffic and also the equipment that's brought in and as well making sure that the cookers um have some kind of covering over the top so that the Heat doesn't go up and damage the oat Tre lims have y'all given any consideration to that issue yes yeah we we um we definitely all of our cookers are covered they have roofs on them um they have for several years probably uh since 2014 um we uh we also uh take we have moved um did you guys get a copy of the area map yes okay well it seems to show cookers right on top right where they've always been if you where it says food in in the back um yes that's moved down quite a bit so most of your where the playground you can see the the image where the playground would be so you have a tree that's um right in that area that's going to be probably the last tree you know there is this um for lack of a better term I know it's not supposed to be but there is an area there where Vehicles can go into the park there's two posts that are set up there where you can for set up and that's pretty much from that area down is where all the food's going to be there's I'm just trying to go off memory here there may or may not be a tree really associated with that but we have moved everything far away from any of as far as we possibly can within reason away from any of the trees and the and to go back to your point about U Main Street the dumpsters those two rollway dumpsters they will be parked close not on the corner but in in a shorter distance to Cyprus which runs the uh to the Main Street um so they're going to impact someone trying to make that corner or see that they're going to people are going to see that I can't take my car through a dumpster I can only go in the other road now we we are going to have some loading and unloading and that's never to be um you know I don't know how we could get rid of that because we have to get it every fesal has that yeah you got and we're taking we're taking very we're taking special care to try and do everything that we can to avoid um causing anything in the park now we do put up PO we do put up theal it has to be done because you you have people where you know if you're setting up a food Booth you want to have lanes that they can go in okay my that is my hands on um they're under the tree roots are under the drip line of the trees and I have seen in the last catch stressful um the posts were the post holes were dug with gas powered ERS the tree roots are on the top 2 feet of the ground so if there was a tree word there the gas powered buer was going right through it nobody would even know so my recommendation to the is that we not allow the digging of post holes um I'm sure that there's other ways to make Lanes um certainly not as many pistols left seen deck in the past and um I'm I'm very concerned that you're not planning on doing any mulching because that is recommended to prevent the root contraction that is caused when you drive heavy vehicles and put PN I'm gonna we we I know you've got that's a big concern of yours yes um but have one more one more question one more question and then I need to the commission go ahead okay so my well this is to the commission I'm not sure why the festival is asking to weigh the noise ordance um I've never seen a catfish Festival where I mean if you wave the noise ordinance if you play music that loud people won't be able to hear each other talk we're going to have bands there and we're going to and I I don't know what the noise deciel is from that band I couldn't tell from the different bands I I couldn't speak on that um but it is Amplified music coming out of the park and then also we have a PA system set up with we're going to have an announcer for the parade as the parade goes by so um I don't know what that decibel level is um I would think that it's not going to be anything that's going to be overly offensive I mean it's just going to be live music well then okay I live there I experience this frequently um if the sound is done right there's no reason to WEP the noise ordinance because it would be too loud for people trying to enjoy themselves eating I would respect respectively say that please wave the noise ordance I don't want to be in the middle of this festival and then have to be shut down we're willing to work with the city in every way that we possibly can we're just trying to bring the catfish Festival back um I'm willing we're willing to do everything that we possibly can to ensure that the park is is there for quite some time and healthy and um you know beyond that um I do have one other thing about the part because I actually looked this up and I thought that you guys would find this interesting some of you people may know this some may not but uh there was a 1995 US State Department of the Interior National Park Service uh report and it's the National Registry of historic places so this is you can look this up online it's page eight of 17 and it actually lists Evaline Park um so of course this is 1995 it says Evaline Park is the oldest surviving intact Park in cressent city and there's a photo attached to it the land in this park was donated to the City by Cornelia lion a prominent winter resident on November 16th 1918 Park was named for Lion's daughter who apparently died at a young age it was officially dedicated in 1922 so this is a thing to really consider and became the center for outdoor social activities in Crescent City I can't think of anything that's more of an outdoor social activity than a festival so that being said we're willing to work with the city and do everything that we possibly can to continue the festival success in the future and the current current plan okay I'm thank Sirion please uh we might not get it just right the first time but let's get a rotary opportunity to try to set up we got quite a ways out in front we can't solve all the problem tonight we got other minutes we need to you've been very helpful uh we got a good understanding it ain't something new just started we might have toet some yes sir but it going come out we all in and make it come yes sir i't a m I'm part of it we'd love to have you yeah I would like to entertain a motion ENT I'd like to move that we approve the special events permit for C festival 2024 I sir okay we have a motion in a second we have any further discussion yes commissioner we do and my comment is um yes that was a center of social activities but it was a different day in time um you did not have Amplified music at that time um for social events people were not driving Vehicles into the park and they weren't doing things that damaged the trees I am very disappointed that even though these issues have been brought to rotary's attention for years that no has ever come by to talk to any of the neighbors is it fair to all concerns I don't think it's that big deal to make sure that you keep the Noise Within limits that is not blasting the neighbors out of their houses we have people living around this Park part of br's responsibility to the community is to everybody and is to everyone's safety and I will remind you that there is death Associated because of poor traffic management around the park [Music] so not any rotary meetings in the last month when we've been planning this she could have been there and she could have taken part in it been working very hard on bring back that we like in city and you just seem to stand in the way of everything I currently have no we're done no point of order he has made a very personal remark he has no idea what Communications I have made with members of rhor other than him and I would like for that personal I'm sorry I haven't seen you in the last I called a question let's take the vote so we currently have a proper Motion in front of us Rodney you have taken and listened to her con concerns so that we know that safety of course and I know you'll be working with Captain us and you'll be working also with Chief highi yes on this um so yeah and that's one thing we will have a eight station there and we'll do whatever we can we've been very fortunate that we've been a safe uh venue for a very long time and we continue make it that way Karen will you call do a roll call for us please commission hi commissioner hi commissioner Lori hi commission hi and I would like to say she's not done with the V Myers thank you so and I would like to say one thing I can't wait to move on for the art lover um and to all of you that have been I will say this um I'm excited about what's happening between February with our soul food festival and with the catfish Festival we're going to have some outstanding food in Crescent City in the next couple of months and so everybody please partake thank you all for your for your assistance um bringing this back just a particular point I have communicated my concerns with safety issues and environmental issues with rotary prior years and this year I have not been invited to any planning meetings I have not once has anyone come to speak to any neighbors in planning this I'm very disappointed well I'm moving on we're gonna move on at this point to our special event permit for the second annual presentent city arts Ro and this is I believe Christina here and Mary who wants to this is going to be our second annual art scroll um with a downtown partnership do you want to talk about it Lake Street member of partnership and this is our second annual um ar ar strol and uh we're uh have artists currently uh painting uh banners that are going to be hum on um 15 light poles down Central and um this is going to be the art strr is going to be the reveal for um that project and um the we are requesting a um alcohol permit um no we're not okay that's okay so um we are going to be located on private property so um we um we don't need the um alcohol permit um permission for that um but um but we do um need your uh permission as people will be strolling down um the street looking at the banners and um and the artwork that's going to be set up so you'll need the open container consumption yes we'll need to L that that's what you're going need to yes okay commissioner do we have any questions um I would just like to CL I would just like to clarify the event itself will be held um from Summit to prospect uh Artisans and vendors and food trucks will be lined on the um outer the central a perimeter of Market Square um the partnership's doing a fundraiser uh they'll be selling alcohol on private on private property um as part of the whole event flow um so they're asking to just um again wave that open container permit so that the patrons can stroll down Central and view the banners and The Artisans that will be on my understanding they will not be allowed to cross over with an open container across 17 commission we have any questions I do so there will be a monitor there but should we um be specific in the block for which we are summ to prospect is where the venders and The Artisans will be staged however the banners um there's 15 of them and there's more lamp posts in that area there so they will lightly stretch down um Central pass Prospect the the banners that are going on the light okay what I'm saying I don't see anything I just have two pages I have a drawing okay what I'm saying is when you want us to wave the open container rule correct just for the period of the event yes okay but for um Central Avenue from Summit how far I mean what I'm saying is should we specify the length of sure if we could go to Park Street I think that would be um perfect um even though we're only going to have vendors to prospect we do want to encourage people to view the art that's hanging on the lamp post that's the whole point our last poll is at park is on par [Music] Street no no I think it just I be down my main concern is that they not cross that it's clearly prohibited to cross the highway I don't really care how far down they go to me I mean would you like them to go to the water or are we worried about people falling in no we don't want that so you you just want from Summit I would take it all the way because people will wander down to three bananas down to there so I think that yes okay so commission improve the art stroll simp stroll event I think just need I was going to to clarify to allow open containers from Summit to park or summ to Lake Street on Central Avenue so we have a a proper Motion in a second we have any other discussion on this okay the banners that are coming in are phenomenal I'm looking forward to this I think this is great thank you for all that you've done with this um everyone Ken would you do a roll call for us please commissioner de hi commissioner Lor hi commissioner Banks hi commission Burton right I okay so through thank you thank you both very much um and with that so we're going to move on to our next one and that's the results from the RFP that um the continuing grant writing services we um have asked Charles to do this and he has five that he's received went ahead and put this in the um in the in the packet so that we have time to really look through them I don't know if any of you have but they vary in their pricing their structuring the projects that they've done um but he just wanted us to have an opportunity to look through those and um come up with any concerns or questions that we might have and also the direction so that when we bring this up in March kind of the direction we decide that that that we want to go with this as far as grant writing because you can see that the amount of money that that some of them require um especially on a retainer and it's the question of you know um do we put them on a retainer or do they do they actually look at what we need in the community and then they go look for that do we tell them so there's so read through it that's what he put it in here for is for every just to REO it and have an opportunity to ABB it and um before this comes back before us have worksh probably we probably will have a workshop I would imagine that's G to probably I see that going in that direction is a workshop mayor do you want to schedule a workshop tonight or if that's the pleasure of a commission if they want to schedule a workshop um we can have a question um when Charles did RFP he made a list of areas that he wanted well a list of areas subject areas um I have not had time this week but it occurs to me that it might be helpful if we all looked at those list of subject areas because you just mentioned you know how would we do this do we know what we want um do disa around the community um I think it's somewhat our responsibility to figure out where we want to look Grant so I I would ask if Charles could us sign that RFP and look at the list of areas so we can also discuss that um Karen would you make a note of that to have Charles send that back out to or send it out to everyone that RP um so do we want to go ahead and make and schedule a workshop well the city manager not here I mean that's obviously it's got to be for you can do it also on the 19th when you meet on the 19th um you can do it that point time no I didn't say do that you can on the 19th um all of you have read through so we're gonna move on from thatone good with that so all of you have had an opportunity to also read through uh the city manager's report [Music] um add to the 19th no discuss no you're going to discuss a date be clear we're gonna discuss a date on the 19th okay um then I'm going to go to if nobody has any questions on the city manager report I'm going to go to and you did see where the contract um I I do want to bring something up and that's on this business Recruitment and Retention he gave you a list of the businesses I know we've been there's been some concern back and forth um I think that was very telling if you read through the businesses that have opened those that are coming those that have closed um one of them have closed he has copy FS printed more and actually moved and he's got that up here where it had moved um another thing on here is and we didn't do this and we probably shouldn't and I would at March when he is here possibly bring them in um Paca Daily News their Readers Choice Awards our uh Chief Jason hille he was recognized as a first in the first responder category um along with Matt PO he received honorable mention we have Rose Delaney and Mike Tucker of Crescent City Junior Senior High School um Rose was chosen as for teacher and and honorable mention for school principal was Mike Tucker so we want to give all of them and also um the rotary uh was a winner along with other rotary clubs in the county for their civic organization and Community Support they give so appat to everybody and and hopefully when Charles gets back and we can schedule it with um Chief Highfield you know Karen finished her Masters um in Municipal Clark course which we found out she certified CL but she did complet her master's situation or a certification like two months ago and I don't think we've given her the proper thank you thank you for doing that for br really worked hard and be self you know self do it all on your own keep yourself thank you that was a lot I'm very self disciplined to do thank you self it's called No Life yeah so congratulations to you as well with that we're gonna go to um City attorney P do you have anything for us at this time and we haven't heard anything back from the Aquarian still nothing uh they she's yes I guess I can't rep on that she's been requesting uh we went back and forth she wanted to know what the damages were the penalties were uh then she wanted to know when we hired the CPA firm to clean up what Clarion did and then actually today on my way here she made a public records request for any contract that we signed with any other clal people from the day the Clarion quit or terminated the contract um till now so that's the most recent but I haven't had there's been no demand their offer or anything that okay and from the um also from I I meant to say this is that this was part of our last agenda was on the zerox copy copier um we decided to go stay with zerox at this time oh I have no idea about that we decided say we have to say with zerox because as we wrote I mean as we approved it it was as long as there was a penalty and they did say there would be a penalty so with that um I'm going to turn it over City commissioners do you have any business that you want to bring forward commissioner Burton no commissioner Bank no commissioner Lori uh commissioner de um I have a couple of items um first of all um Tuesday before this last one I was in tasse for the legislative days and somewhere in this packet is a report I saw that my activities app thank that's one day that I was not at Rotary and I was not at Rotary before last I'm not speaking to you I'm speaking to the commission so please give us your report on your legislative visit well my report on the legislative visit is in the packet for anybody who wants to see it but with Commissioners from Paca Lake City and star league of City staff North FL League of cities director we visited officers of senators and representatives for p and other counties in Northeast Florida um to explain our concerns with several bills affecting local government including our AVM tax revenue which could potentially go down in our expenses which could potentially go up because of sovereign immunity and restrictions um on fees that were allowed to be charged by our City Municipal Utilities um I met with the chief legislative aid for Senator Hudson regarding our city legislative appropriation requests and received the status of some of them some of them made it some of them didn't apparently according um to the staff I talked to the fire station did not make a senate side on the Senate side what about on the house side no it's it's done like process he said it had no it did not make it on the house side the main things that he found for us um were the water projects and um it's very important in future years that when we put those requests in particularly since representative Kane isn't you know he's um Turned out there'll be a new represent um and there'll be a new Senator Senator Hudson's turned out um that we follow up with staff when we make those reports um I did meet with legis um with the legislative Aid to representative Payne along with some U Pam County folks and I also met individually with representative Payne regarding a resolution and support of funding for wide Solutions I attended committee meeting with ways and means on Wednesday morning and put a card in in opposition hille six and L so and um I I paid for my room and transportation myself um so that's what I did um also U Back on November 17th the city applied for a tree Grant from the Florida Department of Agriculture which yall have authorized the city to apply for tree grants um Charles and I worked on that I did about 60% of the work Charles did the professional part um I found out today that we did not get that Grant um that Mr little with the Department of Agriculture said that it was a strong application um but he sent me the list of who got funded it was mainly larger municipalities and counties and Florida State University um they just they didn't have enough money um and there was a lot of requests so apparently um there is a very similar tree Grant available with a due date of April 18th of this year and it seems very much like the one that we submitted before so if the city manager is willing um I don't know I would like to apply you can bring that back and for um if there's no match I don't know what the issue is and these grants are not easy to do so I would like us to reapply because he said we had a strong Grant is it with the same is it with um it's us flid us that one was with Florida Department of Agriculture this one is also fora Department okay so um so and it looks very similar so I would like us could you Reiss the grant that you've already prepared um um I haven't had time to look at the specific requirements okay um but I think that what we did before could be used and improved on I want to ask Diane Kelly can she help with treat grants okay I'm wrer so is that something we would need to bring back for approval in March I bring it back for approv okay unless a commissioner unless we have a commissioner here that um wants to make a motion Bobby can they make a motion somebody want to make a motion we go for the I would put the Tre GR in just automatically you don't need a motion I don't believe well she needs an approval because they're going to have to reissue it so I would say to air on the side of caution that we somebody makes a motion and and can I get a motion please I'll make a motion for second okay we have a motion in a second that they reapply in April with Dax um all in favor please say I name okay so that it okay so we have a motion to adjourn I have a second no let me see yes sir we reimburse time [Music] going I apprciate that the problem is I also I'm signed up for so many trainings um that I think my money will be gone but Theiss well actually um I would appreciate that sentiment and maybe we could discuss that when we look at how the expend I personally think that at some point commission needs to sit down and say that what they're giving us for training stuff is not enough and V in a different by the way um somebody circulated Karen circulated the YouTube video that shows what happen Okay well I highly encourage you folks um to look at the YouTube video of for the league of cities that what went on in Tallahasse it turn out that I'm narrating part of that okay I currently have a motion in a second to adjourn all in favor please say I okay so MO thank you all for sticking around