##VIDEO ID:As_xFJd7WDU## Deb you ready okay good morning everybody um I'd like to start the cing County Board of Commissioners regular meeting to order we will stand for the pledge and a moment of silence I pled Al to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice [Music] all roll call commissioner coring here commissioner ly here commissioner barels here commissioner franzine here commissioner hog here all members are present thank you uh open form is there anybody here for open form today I do not have anything in front of me nobody online for open form nope okay we will go on to review and approve the minutes so moved motion by franzine second second by barrows commissioner oh that's right roll call I keep forgetting commissioner Cory I commissioner franzine I commissioner barels I commissioner hog I commissioner Ley I um Number Four review and approve the agenda no changes or additions Mo to approve motion by franzine second by hog all in favor roll call commissioner franzine I commissioner barels I commissioner hog I commissioner coring I commissioner luy I motion carried consent agenda Mr chair if there's no discussion I would make the motion to approve the consent agenda second motion by barrows second by franzine roll call commissioner barrows hi commissioner hold hi commissioner coring I commissioner franzine hi commissioner lekey I motion carried uh public hearing not quite ready wow you got to wait three we got to wait three minutes I was moving too fast Mr chair if we want to move to number seven sure Community Services the Region 5 State crisis Grant contract good morning chair and Commissioners Tammy lck Community Services Adult Services me manager um I brought or I'm bringing before you today um the request to ask for your approval of the state crisis Grant contract between the state of Minnesota um the Department of Human Services and the behavioral health administration Division and kering County on behalf of Region 5 plus Adult and Children's crisis response Grant um this is a two-year Grant so uh the last time I was before you was around two years ago um and so it's it's our state Grant um you can see the amount there we have 2,521 647 for 25 um and 26 and I don't know if you have questions this is the grant that serves the six Cy so it's aen Cass crowing um Morrison Todd and wadina County and um just I ran a couple of stats um before I came um and uh up from beginning of the year to now so through third quarter I shouldn't say through now um the um crisis line along with the Hope line which is a partnership between um Northern Pines and the crisis line they've received 2,639 calls uh we've had 1600 right around 1600 MCO mobile crisis Outreach screenings um I thought another thing that you may be interested in is um right around 60% of these calls are Crowing County um the breakdown for our kids is we have we had 206 calls for youth 0 to 17 605 18 to 64 and 33 33 screenings for those over 65 um we try um throughout the region to have the response time be within 45 minutes and they've been able to meet that over 50% of the time so it's not not always they do try to get on the line with the individuals and or maybe somebody that's with them sometimes when they're in a hospital or a safe setting that can also be helpful um in keeping the person safe until the mobile crisis team arrives and then one other piece that people don't always know is that our crisis um Grant also includes crisis stabilization services so after they meet with the individual they do offer follow-up services to the family or the individuals and we had an acceptance rate this year of right around 68% of those have been accepting that follow up at least maybe like one visit after um their Crisis episode are there any questions any questions from the board oh Mr chair if there are no questions or discussion I would make the motion to approve the state crisis Grant contract between the state of Minnesota through its Department of Human Services I'm not going to read the whole thing so I've made the motion thank you second motion by Barrow second by franzine roll call commissioner hog hi commissioner Cory I commissioner franzine I commissioner barrows I commissioner Ley I motion carried thank you very much thank you D thank you Jack Tammy Land Services oh wait now we're do public hearing got one minute so good morning Mr chair and Commissioners so Land Services is here before you today to talk about our 2025 Harvest plan um we've been to a committee the whole meeting and uh talked about it as well and we're here today seeking um the public hearing and then hopefully approval afterwards so annually the County Board has asked to approve the Harvest plan following the public hearing today a one-year Harvest plan is derived from the forest resources plan and consists of a pool of forest stands which are considered for a Timber Harvest uh before any timber is offered for sale a detailed examination is completed by staff and um anything that is not ready or unsuitable for Harvest is deferred and a reinvent is completed uh the Harvest plan consists of a number of timbered Acres that we're uh planning to treat in 2025 the county administrator's office has notified those that are interested um with the Harvest plan information and then we have had the Harvest plan posted for the better part of a month at the uh Land Services office and the Briner Public Library um so you see up here today on the screen this is the uh this is the goals we're shooting for for 2025 as I mentioned this is based off of our forest resources plan and a model that has been done on our existing inventory of tax forfeited lands and then if if you would like to scroll one more there is a there is a map as well that shows the proposed areas that we're going to look into for 2025 so Mr chair if there's uh no questions I I'll make the motion to go into the public hearing at what time is it 80 908 n or 908 sorry just loake second we have a motion and a second is this a roll call also isn't it commissioner coring I commissioner franzine I commissioner barels I commissioner hog I commissioner ly I we are in public hearing is there anybody here to speak to our our uh County Harvest plan do that three times correct is there anybody here or online that would like to speak to our County Harvest plan is there anybody here online who would like to speak to our Harvest County Harvest plan I have none Mr chair hearing none I would make the motion to close the public hearing second motion by Barrow second by franzine roll call commissioner franzine I commissioner Barrows I commissioner hog I commissioner coring I commissioner ly I public hearing closed no i' be looking for a motion to approve right is there anybody make a motion for our plan I'll make that motion okay motion by Fran Zine second second by hog roll call commissioner barels hi commissioner hog hi commissioner coring hi commissioner ly I oh commissioner franzine hi oops motion carried thank you thank you thank you Tom thanks Tom uh Land Services good morning um first and we have the agenda is the final plat of the bakery Event Center this uh was before you at the meeting uh couple weeks ago for the plary plat and this is now just coming forward the final plat there's no new roads in this and so this is a pretty simple uh simple plat this is located um on Church Road uh down in Long Lake Township and uh unless there's any questions I'd recommend approv of the final plat is submitted Mr chair if there are no questions I would make the motion to approve the plat of the baker Event Center consisting of three total Lots consisting of three individual lots for the plat of Bakery Event Center authorizing the county chair to sign second motion by barel second by hog on roll call commissioner hog hi commissioner coring no commissioner franzine hi commissioner barels I commissioner ly I motion carried thank you so moving on um next up we have a uh request to enter into a Cooperative agreement with the DNR for a fishing peer extension at our Li little Emily Lake Park um I think you've all have been there but we have a fishing pier located on little Emily Lake as part of the park and we are proposing to enter in a Cooperative agreement with the DNR to add a 20ft piece onto that Pier to push it farther into the lake as an enhancement to the um existing Pier as part of the agreement the DNR has that they would pay for the cost of the extension along with delivery and then Land Services would pay for the installation of that Pier that includes in bringing it in in the spring taking it out in the fall that Pier stays in um year round because of the size of the lake correct okay I would make the motion to uh move into agreement with the DNR second motion by hog second by France Zine all in favor roll call commissioner coring hi commissioner franzine hi commissioner barrows hi commissioner hog hi commissioner Ley I motion carried thank you okay all right U Mr chair the last time we have in the agenda um 8.3 would be the crowing of her comprehensive watershed management plan I'd like to point out and thank uh commissioner ly for being part of that process and being part of the policy committee um the the uh ch comprehensive Watership management plan is getting near completion and it is going to the Board of Water and S resources for final approval on January 6th of 2025 in your packet you've got a resolution that would adopt the crowing River comprehensive wat management plan as the comprehensive local Water Management plan uh within the CR Watershed from 2025 to 2035 and so by adopting uh this plan what it does is it updates the the local water plan to be replaced by the watershed management plan um Teresa if you could go to the go to this map here there it is so just as a reminder uh when you look at it from uh from our P from the count we've got five watersheds we've got the pine I can find it here well yeah there we go we got the pine and then Mississippi brainer the rum Mississippi River SEL and the croing river this is the one river water that we're working on right now is here in the croing river um we have a a completed plan in the Pine River Mississippi River brainer and the rum Mississippi river sartel is in the process of starting the the process to a develop a plan there um we've elected to not participate in that just because of the small part of uh of the county that it covers for for us um and then if you go on to the next slide so it's a big Watershed um it starts all the way up in Clear Water County comu Becker hubard and wadina Cass and then there's a bit of it that comes over here actually in Todd County by Staples and then from when you from when the croing river starts to where it ends it actually has a Confluence at the uh croing River State Park and so we're we're at the bottom of the Watershed but it's got a lot of important resources here for us and related to um Lake Edward round North Long Hubert Gull in that area so that's the part of the Watershed that it covers um just to give you a couple um ideas of of what's being um discussed if you could go down to this page here teres one yep that'll work um and so there's there's goals for this for um agricultural Land Management um land protection straand management um con connectivity related to fish passage and um culverts drinking water protection forest and plant Health nutrient reduction and then um building in resiliency for um we're trying to uh just overall make the Watershed more when we see these larger rain events and that just to build a resilient Watershed what's I think what's what's really important about this Watershed is that um there's a lot of uh it's a big drinking water source for for us and for those folks that are Downstream and so um I'd like to point out and thank Melissa bar and her team from Soil and Water they did they've done a lot of the um line share of the work on this and and um really doing um getting the plan where it's at working with the other partners within the Watershed um so I'd like to thank them for all their effort and time putting into this um I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have for me but I'd recommend approval the resolution as submitted Melissa's it just came in the room would you like to speak to it at all Melissa before we ask questions or I'll ask questions of you okay after you ran up the three flights for yeah right if I did that they'd have to drag me in the room uh Mr chair members thank you um it's been uh it's a big Watershed so it's been a good process between all the partners to kind of get where we are today and I also recommend the plan for approval um I'm just to add a little comment I've been on two of the watersheds in croing County right now the little Pine which is pretty much all evolving Lakes for me getting on this Watershed and you know you're looking at the gull and and that area you know in croing County but the the diversity of this Watershed right I mean the agriculture you get to Hubbert you got the irrigation you've got you've also got tribal lands you've got wild rice it's it to me it was it just blew me away of how much how diverse we are in in a 100 miles of croing County well there's a reason I think this Watershed was towards the end of the process from a Statewide perspective just because I think we had to practice a little bit on some other watersheds so that we came to these more complex ones we had a you know we had our methodology you know really ironed out as far as um getting everything laid out and so I think Mariah ruer with Houston engineering who worked on other plans for us did a great job of of you know orchestrating and trying to you know get everybody um in the right spots to give the right information so that you put a plan together so yeah it is it is a complex Watershed probably one of the most complex in the state and I was able to reach out and meet with a bunch of other Commissioners from those different counties to see what their issues are versus what our issues are and and we're all here to to to make it better and and and putting those tools in place to make that happen this is what the watersheds are for so right okay well I'll make the motion to adopt the crowing River comprehensive watershed management plan second motion by franzine second by barrows roll call commissioner franzine hi commissioner barrows hi commissioner hog hi commissioner coring I commissioner Ley I motion carried thank you thank you look forward to seeing see all finished thank you uh we are here now with the uh County sheriff and uh department and the RMS update and I think that's this lady coming up here Commissioners are you okay if I stand rather than sit it's up to you it's whatever works best for you uh just break this tree you broke it I broke it yeah just pull it up just pull pull the bottom of it up Tina and it'll just good now can you hear okay yep I'm Tina Elder I'm the administrative manager of the Crowing County Sheriff's Office I'm here representing all of law enforcement and a collaborative effort that we've had with the RMS program uh Commissioners we had come to you before to talk about this um RMS project that we're going to be uh rolling out or hopefully rolling out we're here today to ask for your approval but I've presented at the Cal meeting that we had in uh September we've talked at the budget meeting so for some of you guys the information that I'm going to provide today is redundant and you've already seen it but if you would indulge me I'd like to start a little bit further back for anybody that may be watching that isn't aware of what this project is and what it is that we're trying to accomplish Tes if you'd be so kind as to pull up the PowerPoint so we're here today to request the approval of the RMS project for the croing county sheriff's office for anyone who is watching what our RMS is RMS stands for the records management system it is the primary system that is used by all of law enforcement within croing County we share our current system with ourselves the Sheriff's Office and all of our partnering PDS and I'm fortunate enough today to have all of the chief of police from all those agencies here in the audience supporting this project it is the system that we use for dispatching our CAD for if you call in to dispatch and get a dispatcher they put your information into the system it gets out to the mobiles and into the car so that the individuals in the field know what they need to know in order to provide a response information that they collect is then put into um the system and we have our records team or civil process teams that are processing that we partner with the county attorney's office or our city prosecutors it's the backbone of everything that we do in order to provide the service that we're trusted with providing so um the current system that we have we've had since 2007 2007 technology-wise is a long time there may be a few people that still have their TVs from that time frame um I know that I tend to keep mine forever and ever but technology if you pay attention to it it's changing faster than anything and so for us to have gotten 17 plus years out of our existing system is pretty dang amazing two years ago we received a letter indicating that the individual that had bought out our company um we've gone through two buyouts three buyouts excuse me the last buyout uh they've been promising that there is going to be no end of life to our current system but we had received a letter uh two years ago indicating that there was a potential that they were now play with the idea of giving it an end of life and we could just enter into their other software at a premium price and we um realized that we needed to start looking for something different they've since recanted it so we don't have an end of life on the current system but we have been doing our homework and we have been searching for something new um so that was in late 2022 and in 2023 we've been working the process and 2024 we have done workshops with the users that have um been using the existing system to try to create Synergy we Comm we com um assembled a steering committee of Representatives to take the lead in reviewing what needs to be done on this project and to ensure that it keeps moving on task we have um did our homework by inviting people to come in and show us the systems that they had you could imagine after 15 years or 17 years of having the the same system it was important for us to know what current technology could do for us so we invited vendors to come in and show us their products and we hosted I think it was eight or six to eight different vendors that came in and uh did full day presentations for us and in the meantime we've been putting out placeholders on our Capital Improvement plan letting you guys know that this project was coming at some point in 2024 you guys approved funding for this project and we have additional funding in the 2025 cips and we have never forgotten that you guys have been in the background supporting us and we appreciate those funds so we in 2024 began the RFP process the first quarter we posted our FP four vendors submitted final proposals to us the proposal were reviewed scored and processed through the steering committee and then in the end 365 Labs was the company that was selected as their vendor of choice 365 Labs was quite a surprise to us they when they came into the space they asked if they could have some time to talk to us they were a company we hadn't heard about a number of the companies we dealt with are companies that have been recycling through the state of Minnesota and so everybody had heard bits and pieces of what they had to offer and we invited them to the table and we reviewed their products 365 heard about what was happening and they asked if they could please have a moment of our time to talk about what they had I was reluctant because they weren't known in the state of Minnesota and so I was reluctant to spend too much time on uh reviewing it but I asked the steering committee they said sure we'll give them a half hour 45 minutes that was passed on to the company they did their presentation for us and they were the first company that held exactly to the timeline they were given they impressed everybody from the start we had subsequent conversations and we eventually did see a full day presentation where they came to the state of Minnesota they sat in croan county and they answered all our questions about the software that they had some of the things that we like about the software is that it is application based or app-based solution it has um the opportunity to give us real-time ill Intel to our officers out in the field we'll be able to use not only our laptops that we have but also the cell phones that they all carry one huge thing that they offer that is very important to us and you've heard us talk about it in the past is the redundancy of the system this is going to be a PL cloud-based product that will be hosted and manag by the vendor we won't see any system downtime and all the conversations that we've had about what if a tornado takes out Lander or excuse me takes out Central Services what are we going to do how are we going to be able to continue to support these guys that I have with me today we won't have to worry about that anymore because that plan is built into this system they have five servers throughout the United States the uh software just goes to wherever you're getting the best response time and if something took out one of those areas the other areas would be utilized we would be able to continue to function even if we saw tragedy here in Crowing County and then there was increased functionality one of the things our current system is lacking is retention management this system has a super slick easy way for us to manage our records and also expunging and sealing when the state decided to approve the use of um cannabis within the state we were ordered to go and seal or expunge a number of Records out there it's been a very laborious process for us to get through with this system had this system been in place it wouldn't have been nearly as challenging I've got a quote at the bottom of this that I failed to highlight last time I presented it and that is a quote that I took from their website themselves they say their product is built for the next 20 years not 20 years ago they are constantly changing building evolving their software in order to stay current teres if we could go to the next slide thank you so costing the new system you can imagine as soon as we saw it and um started to consider what world might be like if we were to use that new system the costing was what we were concerned about and so as soon as we got the pricing it was quite a bit different than what we were expecting costing when we did letg 20 years ago we put a lot of upfront costs and then we had our annual expenses that we needed to pay software today is less on the front end and more annually through what they refer to as a SAS um I had it written down when I did this presentation before I don't have it today Jason SAS stands for subscription soft software as a service software as a service so SAS agreement was something that was new to us we had the money post um put away for covering a higher front-end and a lower um annual agreement so we had to involve the County Administrator and we had to put our thinking caps on figuring out how we could do it we also had to make sure that we were only requesting the components of the system that were necessary for what we're doing it's kind of like car shopping when you go out and fall in love with that car that you look at and then you look at your pocketbook you have to figure out what it is about that car that you love so much that you're willing to exhaust your savings on it and so what we did was We did an extensive study and look at everything they had to offer and piece out what it is that we actually need and what it is that we would just want and then we did the cost comparison based on that uh we considered where we overlap with existing systems and are there some systems that can drop aside as this new system gets in place and we have those identified and then of course the cost sharing and once again I want to make sure that you recognize that we have all these Chiefs here we had to look to see what was it that we could do as a county and what our partnering agencies could do in each their jurisdictions also and this is probably what helped seal the deal for us and made this dream obtainable is that we applied for a grant that came through Chief exad over in Baxter was aware of some funding that sourcewell was providing he got the information in regards to that and we were able to apply for a grant uh that was awarded to us in September that gave us an additional quarter of a million dollars to put towards this project once we realized it was possible we started working on contracts we set the goal from the steering committee standpoint that we wanted to see a 50% discount for being first in state and allowing um and working with the vendor to help them get approved to to provide services in the state of Minnesota we wanted to have at least a 10-year agreement we want a system that's going to stick around and last we don't like going through this trition we don't like having to worry about it we like the stability so we wanted to make sure whatever we came up with was something that was going to be stable we wanted to limit our annual increases we had heard early on from the vendor that they were used to doing oh gosh see this is why I have backup CPI or CIP or CPI CPI plus 5% every year and we knew that that was not going to fly in regards to the levy that we're all tasked with doing every year so we wanted to limit those annual increases we wanted to ensure that we had a timeline for implementation and that that annual fee did not kick in until the software was here and working and had been implemented and then we wanted to take some of the extra money that we have up front and we wanted to be able to put that into prepaying a couple years in advance to give us all time to get our levies to a point that we could take the increase we also know that we need to do contracts with all of our St stakeholders and we will be setting expectations within that the 10year agreement and we knew that any of these contracts we needed to have the approval of the County Attorney and then also involve the County Administrator so we've been negotiating now for a couple months and everybody's probably wondering okay wow that's what you wanted but what did you actually end up getting and if you look at the list that I have up there it's not any different Commissioners I talked to you just two weeks ago at the um budget committee meeting and I let you know what our cost estimates were and where we were at in our negotiations at that point in time since that happened we were able to get an additional 5% off in first in state we were also able to contain the cost the presentation materials I gave you were just a straight 5% we were able to get that down to 3% and so there will be a contained growth of no more than 3% from year to year and overall in the pricing that we did using quick math We Believe those two concessions are going to equate to approximately a half a million dollars over the course of this contract nice work Tina hey it takes a team so thank you next one um so costing and contract review earlier this month we met as I just mentioned at the committee meeting as promised we have also met with County attorney Don Ryan and County Administrator Debbie Erikson both have provided their input regarding the contractual language and I'm still working back and forth with the vendor to get those changes made I did get a Redline copy late yesterday afternoon incorporating the changes that have been discussed I just haven't had a chance to read through it to make sure that it looks good as soon as we have that available we will advance that final document to you for your approval uh Debbie had said that if I can get it all worked out this week and if you guys are agreeable then we will advance it around for your signatures if we cannot Our intention is then to put it on your consent calendar for December 17th so that you can s sign off on it at that point in time is that correct Debbie yes if if everything is in the redlined agreement as Tina outlined that's what she's going to be asking for you today is to approve that agreement if as she's reviewing it it does not meet all those criteria that has been listed here it would come back to you for approval on the 17th so just to finalize things and to bring It full circle if we do get your approval on the contract and we get that signed I'd like to say that means the Project's over but really it means it just begins because we've got a lot of development we've got a lot of interfaces that need to be built we've got to continue to work with our partners on making sure that all the city councils are signed on we have their informal approval but we want to formalize it just like we're asking you to formalize it today we also then would be uh working on drafting those supplemental agreements we'll be connecting 365 Labs with the state of Minnesota so they can start doing the work they need to do for interface and approval within the state we're going to resume conversations that we've put on the sideline one of the visions that they have is not just having this be a system that serves all of us in law enforcement but also um folding into that our fire responders and also possibly our ambulance and other First Responders fire is next on the priority list so we'll start those Communications and then also we have all this data in the system that we've had for 17 years we need to have in-depth conversations regarding what do we do with that are we going to put it in a standalone system where we just have access to it but we don't um we don't carry it into the new system or are we going to try and carry it into the new system those are all conversations that have yet to be had um we will be participating in system setup with the vendor there will be um testing of interfaces that need to occur again and you can tell what's on my mind two things that are next on my list the um Legacy data CU I duplicated it here so obviously I had it on my mind that day and then also making sure fire hasn't been forgotten cheap Holmes has been on the sidelines through this whole process just chewing at the bit waiting to get involved he very much would like to be part of a shared system with law enforcement and we of course see a lot of opportunity and benefit for that to happen too um Chief Holmes has access to a lot of his own funding so I'm not I'm not trying to expand the scope here but if we can partner with him to make it more efficient for the citizens of croing County and for the First Responders that rely on those systems that's what our goal is you have any questions of me or anyone that's here today Mr chair I do have a couple questions so Tino you must have vetted out there references when you looked at this system because it's used elsewhere in the country correct right right and those all came back I personally haven't but I know that the sheriff had talked to some people in fact we were even able to get a hold of a contract where they had contracted with the state of Texas a couple agencies in Texas and everything I've heard has been good um I haven't personally talked to anybody else but the steering committee has um contacts throughout the state and throughout the country the sheriff has gone to national conferences and he's had nothing but good things to to say about it if you'd like something more formal than that I'd be happy to make some phone calls this week before you do consent I would assume that those references were contacted and didn't come back negative yes I would assume so too if anybody would have heard anything bad about it they would have come to me and told me that okay if I assume that it's not okay if you assume that right right right I will I will make some phone calls so that I can give you that firsthand Assurance the second thing was I asked the question at our last meeting about that 10year span that contract and I have an answer for you excited uh what the commissioner had asked was whether or not this was 10 years from the state of or from the point of implementation and and forgive me I forgot to put that into the um slide presentation so we're expecting that there's going to be a two-year roll out that it'll take two years for them to get everything approved in the state of Minnesota so we're looking at a go live date with this system of January 1st 2027 if they get it done sooner they have an incentive because the they can't charge us the annual fee till they have it done but we won't accept it sooner unless it absolutely is ready what commissioner had ask was are our 10-year contracts starting from the day they start implementation or is it starting from the day that we actually have it in here and the answer is it starts from the day we have it in here so we got a two-year implementation period and whenever that's uh first day of go live is 10 years from that is what we're Contracting for excellent appreciate that the other thing is is that that cost that Cost Containment is not going to be paid on any years that we prepay so by prepaying 2 years in advance we won't see that first 3% increase until that third year so that's a benefit to all of us we will be extending that out to our partnering uh PDS and so the current cost model that I have and it's been changing quite a bit in the last week or two but the current cost model that I have is giving them a grace period of four years where there is no increase to the rate and that gives them even more time to uh address it within their levies and something else for the citizens and I know you guys guys have heard but I don't know that the citizens have heard there in addition to the quarter of a million that we receive from sourcewell for the implementation cost tied to this project there's also additional funding for law enforcement that has $20,000 annually that can be given out to each um law enforcement agency for whatever service that they would like and every Chief here has committed to using that funding to offset their expense within this project everyone has completed their paperwork everybody was approved for that and so when they received their first invoice in 2025 they actually will have 20,000 of that already covered which means that they will see a very minimal increase compared to what they've been paying all along Mr chair yes about hatina uh excellent presentation only thing that jumped out about halfway through uh you mentioned quick math and I'm just wondering if that's something similar to attorney math commissioner Corin I think you were the only one here when I referred to somebody's out building as an out house and I said they had an alarm on their ouse and you called me on that too so thank you for keeping me honest um I think it's a little bit better than the attorney's MTH not nearly as accurate not nearly I don't I don't want to send uh put the attorney under the bus but I sat with him last week and watched him do a little bit of math and I can guarantee it's better than that I was hoping you'd say that but I would just say Tina what an excellent job I mean you uh you uh certainly you know this is has to be approved by the County Board and you mentioned that and uh and the County Administrator so you know I will say that you've done an excellent do job on the presentation I certainly uh liked it so thank you commissioner Corin thank you I appreciate that any other questions sure uh don as far as the contracts is that pretty standard Fair the type of contract you're looking at looking over for us Tina and I spent three hours last week one day um just reviewing that's the second time I I had seen it and so as far as I'm concerned with the modifications the contracts fine okay um you also mentioned fire and ambulance you know I know all the Chiefs here that are unbelievable to see all the Chiefs here isn't it yeah it is pretty awesome supporting the supporting what we're doing and uh um when you talked about fire and ambulance are they going to be a partner to is there going to be a fee for them or is there some type where they're going to re reimburse for that or how is we're just starting the conversations we know fire for sure we want to add on to this project Tim Holmes and I'm sorry what's chip chip Miller Liller l Miller l Miller chip l Miller chip l Miller have been attending several of the presentations that we've seen they've been sitting in the background very patiently uh just wanting to have the opportunity to get on board I know the sheriff is committed towards that um my understanding is they have their own funding sources and so anything that is required in order to bring them on board they will be paying for themselves it would just be a matter of having the support of the sheriff's office that we're willing to work with them that we're willing to share those records and whatever else we have to do to bridge the gaps between our system and what they get access to um there's going to be some rules in regards to what we get to see as law enforcement and what people in fire have the right to see so there's some firewalls that need to be put in place but that would be on the vendor to solve those problems for us and just on us to test and ensure that they are there one of the things when I when you first made the presentation I was thinking like what is this price tag going to look like but then hearing that we've held a placeholder in our in our budget for I don't know how many years so so the sticker shock won't be we've already planned for it we've planned for it through cips there's still a little bit of sticker shock on the actual Levy itself but I one of the exercises that I did at the direction of um Debbie Ericson and then also it originally came from Jory and Nancy when we met with them months ago was well we understand Debbie had suggested that we take advantage of putting money aside within a um Reserve account so to speak and that we pay ahead pay ourselves ahead set it aside take advantage of this time that we're already paid forward and then as payments come due issue those checks out so that we're always staying ahead of it so I did that exercise with the initial numbers I did that exercise again since the budget meeting with the new numbers and by following that plan all the way through we end up at the end of this contract having just over $1.1 million set aside which is excellent seed money for whoever's here at the time whether they need to consider a new system or whether they want to continue to work with this system but it also gives us ample time to ensure that any hit on the levy is gradual and it doesn't um it doesn't hit the pocketbooks of the citizens that we're serving thank you anything else from the board at all Deb you want to weigh in on anything or Don any of your Chiefs out there want to stand up to the podium and say anything or in regards to what we're doing boy they're rushing up there yeah I noticed that they get here early so they can take that back row it's un known in law enforcement I want to myself and probably everybody else would you come up the mic and speak please this is like an interrogation we like to know who you are come up here speaking for myself uh Jake Meer chief of Cross Lake L we really appreciate the hard work in all the hours that Tina and the rest of the steering committee has put in to this um it's very much needed in the county and it's going to help us out a lot so thank you Tina thank you thank you thank you Chief and just a reminder to everybody um I take the lead and I'm standing here today but it is a team effort and everybody has been involved I've had um ongoing support from the um from the sheriff and the chief Deputy we've also had um the chief of police from Brainard and Baxter Jim and John um Jim exad and John Davis that have been attending every single meeting and participating and giving um their opinions and their advice and then Jason's been attending also so that we have that it presence so that we're not putting any surprises on it either that they're well aware of what it is that we're looking to do and can plan accordingly is this project push ex dead to retire is that what what the impetus was wore him out two two times Jim is one of the initial um people that worked with me with LG so Jim and I both served on the steering committee at that point in time and so this is twice that we've been through this project I was disappointed to hear that he's retiring and I did say at the budget committee meeting and I will say again publicly we um the employees and the citizens of Crowing County owe a debt of gratitude to Chief exad for all that he has done he has been an excellent consistent partner on not just this but multiple projects throughout the years and um his last day I believe is December 10th so he will be um retiring into the public and become uh one of the citizens that we're serving which he already is but he'll be taking on a different capacity but if we ever need to bring him back to do some Consulting I'm sure that he's he may not have his gun so he won't be a gun to hire but I'm sure he would be open to the possibility got he's got that retire disability that just goes side to side um if there isn't anything else I would entertain a motion I would make the motion to support moving forward with the imple implementation of the new RMS with the final contract reviewed and approved by County attorney to be provided when available second motion by barels second by hog roll call commissioner barels hi commissioner hog hi commissioner coring I commissioner franzine I commissioner l i motion carried thank you Commissioners we appreciate it and um commissioner hog we would be remiss if we didn't point out that you also will be retiring off of this thank you for all your years of service and for the partnership that we've enjoyed with you as law enforcement you're welcome thank you thank you gentlemen Tina I'll get a second for them to clean up before we well they can hang around I don't know I don't know if we want them here don't to me County attorney I've already spoke more today than I do at most meetings so I don't have anything for you today certainly can answer any questions you may have any questions from the board for our County attorney we will go on to County Administrator Mr chair County board members I have a couple of items before you today the first is senior management team report from yesterday's meeting we had our first look at the engagement survey results that was recently taken in October and um you will be seeing those results at your personnel committee meeting coming up next week overall our initial scores that we see everything kind of trended in a positive direction so that's always a nice little thing to see as well uh we also had a very interesting conversation around the use of artificial intelligence in interviews is one of the things that we're currently seeing um the IT department has recently been conducting interviews for a couple of vacancies and in their first round of interviews they were doing interviews via teams by Microsoft teams virtual interviews what they discovered in about three or four of the different interviews was it seemed like the candidate had some pretty well-versed and well scripted answers and there's apparently a process going on where folks will open an artificial intelligence type of software in their meeting and be able to pick up the questions that are being asked from the interviewers and then giving good answers that they might want to put forward for that particular purpose so we discussed it at the senior management team level to make sure that all of our departments if they are choosing to do virtual interviews are aware of it and also making sure that we're not offering any job offers until we've at least had a final interview in person with folks that we can make sure that the information that they are sharing is truly something that they are bringing forward themselves and not that's coming out of chat GPT Jason said it was very interesting that one of the ways that they figured out how this was kind of being done they could kind of see some eye movements happening with a few folks but one of the questions they asked was tell us about a time that you went above and beyond the Call of Duty well Call of Duty is quite a popular video game and the terms Call of Duty came up with answers for That interview candidate that was slightly different than what they would have expected and they did that a couple of times and got the same reaction from them so it was something that kind of triggered and highlighted for it and upon further research it was definitely something that is a trend that they're seeing across the country also so just asking our departments to be aware of that when they are doing some of that we've talked about artificial intelligence and how there are a lot of good uses that we think we can probably take advantage of with AI but there's also some challenges and also some pratfalls that we want to be aware of as well so keeping our our eyes open in that regard is always important um and then finally we also talked about the fact that this was our last smt meeting of 2024 the next meeting occurs during the AMC conference where several of us will be gone and then the final meeting that would have been in December is the week of Christmas and now with vacations and folks out of the office this was our last smt meeting of the year and we're going to start 2025 off um kind of revamping our smt a little bit and doing a little bit of work with the consultant to help us figure out what our new identity is as we move forward so we're looking forward to that as well um the next item I have before you is is to adopt the 2025 County Board calendar you all have a copy of the calendar in your packet and there are a couple of these are the standing meetings if you will that will be adopted as your official County board meeting dates or committee dates coming in 2025 you have your County board meetings on the 2 and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 9:00 a.m. with the exceptions of the January meeting moving that January 14th meeting to January 7th as the statutory requirement is there the November 11th meeting would be moving to November 12th in observance of Veterans Day and the meeting that would be normally on December 9th will be moved to December 16th to start at 5:00 p.m. due to the truth and Taxation meeting requirements for that particular meeting and then finally the December 23rd meeting would be moved to December 30th to capture that endof year items that need to occur Committee of the whole meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 9: am with the exception of moving that December 16th to December 23rd due to the budget meeting having to be on the 16th Personnel committee meetings will be held on the 1 and third Mondays of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the administrator's conference room with the exceptions of cancelling the meetings that fall on a holiday of January 20th February 17th and September 1st budget committees will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the administrator's conference room the enra the Nation resource advisory committee will be held quarterly on the first Wednesday at 9:30 in the oak room with the exception of moving January 1st to January 8th we also have the transportation advisory committee meetings held quarterly beginning in March on the first Tuesday either at 1: p.m. on March 4th or 9:00 a.m. on the other three dates in the highway department conference room County Board of appeal and Equalization will be held June 16th at 2:00 in the county boardroom and finally we added the solid waste committee meetings as all five of you have indicated interest in serving on the solid waste committee those meetings would be held quarterly beginning in January on the 3rd Friday at 9:00 a.m. in the Oak Room at the Land Services building so if there are no changes questions or additions the calendar that's put before you we' be asking you to adopt the County Board calendar for 2025 Mr chair if there's no uh questions or concerns I would make the motion to adopt the 2025 meeting calendar second motion by Barrow seconded by coring all in favor commissioner hog I commissioner coring I commissioner franzine I commissioner barrows hi commissioner ly I motion carried and Mr chair I have one other item we have quter por attorney contracts as you may recall cro county is obligated by law to supply legal counsel for parents in chips cases child in need of Protective Services or in tpr cases which are termination of parental rights cases um we have currently have three contracted attorneys who rotate the court administration office rotates who is assigned to provide that chips work in those tpr cases we found out recently that one of our contracted attorneys is beginning employment with the county attorney's office on Monday on Monday you Stolle them yep as such stol them she yes she was stolen by the county attorney for this purpose and as such uh Marina can no longer provide us with those services that are uh that we contract for so I have had some conversation with Conrad craes who had does some other work for us is not able to do the chips work but has a new attorney starting in his firm Cody Schmidt who has indicated he would be willing to take on Marina's cases as well as her rotation and uh at the same rate that we were paying for Marina as well so I have two asks before you two contracts because this contract runs through December 31st first I would like to approve a contract for the full year of January 1st through December 30th 31st of 2025 with Cody Schmidt at the rate of $70,000 per year and then secondly a one month contract from December 2nd To December 31st at 112th of that rate to pick up the remainder of Marina's cases for 2024 and you'd like those done separately do it as one motion would be we could do it at one motion okay Mr chair I would make the motion to approve the recommended board action I don't want to read that whole thing for the court appointed attorney for the court appointed attorney for chips motion made by uh barel second by hog roll call commissioner coring I commissioner franzine I commissioner barels I commissioner hog commissioner ly I motion carried Mr chair that's all I have today but I'm happy to answer any questions if anyone has them for me anybody have any more business we brought in front of us yeah I I think uh it was a couple months ago when when Tim Bray was here and discussed um a um supporting a safety study for highways 6 and 11 County Road 11 um Rob I I talked to Tim last Friday and he had a little update on that would you care to share that with sure good morning thanks for the question yeah in your consent agenda today was the resolution of support for city of Cross Lake applying for some safety funds for a trail project it's the highway safety Improvement program and we also utilize that program so as commissioner hog said we've been studying a four intersections with the state in this year and we are going to apply for that same pot of money jointly with the state for the County Road 11 and trunk Highway 6 intersection north of Crosby um the funding on that is a 90% Federal 10% match the unique unique part about this one is if the money were awarded it's in 2028 and minda that due to their processes and policies could not deliver that project by 2028 so the county would take the lead do the design to deliver the project similar to what we did in Crosby last year so um our folks are excited about the possibility of delivering another safety Improvement project so just uh I guess for your information we will be applying for that and we typically find out in the spring of 2025 if we were successful so excellent Rob also in that that 6 and 11 there south of that what is that 30 or 32 the one that goes Milford mine one way and then it goes the other way out to the end of the 30 is that 30 yeah is that also included in that 611 not in this funding application it's one of the intersection we're reviewing over the year uh we had a lot of talks with mot late last week there's only enough funding in this Federal program for one of the locations okay so we looked at crash severity rates and things like that uh 11 row is a little higher than 30 it 30 yep 30 is still on our list of a potential Improvement but 11 is the one that we're applying for this year yeah I know that has some enhanced signaling on it or something like that or did have I don't know if that's just changed we just changed that we took it off the County Road 30 portion it's still on Highway 6 those have uh you know those were kind of the hot item 10 years ago and research have proven they're not a safety enhancement so they're not used anymore they don't take away from safety but it's not the solution okay that's all I had anything else thanks Rob thank you Mr chair I would like to say uh to everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and if there is nothing else I'll make the motion to adjourn we have a motion do we have a second motion by barels seconded by hog commissioner franzine hi commissioner barels I commissioner h I commissioner coring I commissioner lekey I we are adjourned