##VIDEO ID:BjuYtr5BC28## okay um I'd like to uh call the meeting to order please Sheriff yes yes yes may I call the meeting to order yes please call the meeting to order of the croing County Board of Commissioners regular meeting um let's stand for the uh Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence I pled allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the first thing we have on our agenda is open form I see I have uh open form here from Mark Olen good morning I'm Mark Olson 12336 Thompson Road as you know the head of CWC community service car Terry is also a Briner city councilman mayor bedo expressed concerns in early July regarding Terry's use of public resources when she sent a city department head an email from her County email paid for with our tax dollar the council room was packed with the people apparently were against an ordinance related to outdoor camping and community service director Terry said she looked forward to seeing them back for the next meeting to speak a data request was made we've learned that one of Terry's employees initiated and took part in a couple 2hour meetings with the same people who spoke during the public hearing on the out or camping ordinance your employee met on Friday July 19th and scheduled another meeting one week later both during her work hours the emails show a strategy of how to pick the right people who should talk to the council and how many people should attend so not as to bore the council and lose their support the Community member who spoke against the ordinance were finally referred to by Terry as my people your employee an employee working in Terry's Department was paid for 8 hours of pay for each of the two days where she attended two meetings coordinated activism and we the people paid for this with our tax dollars so Ponder this if the County Board were trying to pass an ordinance and your employees were being paid to Rally Community Support against your efforts would you tolerate this there's no difference between that scenario and what happened down the block a few weeks ago the question to you people are are you going to allow my tax dollars to support activism when your department had allows her employees to work on her behalf for pay do you approve these use of County resources like computers emails staff time to be used to bolster activism and use the control of the outcome of local governments laws and ordinances We the People demand that you elected officials respond to these questions and take appropriate action while using public resources including being paid by Public's money your employees have no authority to make or modify policies of government beyond that of ordinary citizens if you don't understand why it's very simple because it's wrong Miss Erikson I understand that the County board members have received the data requests as I reference is that correct thank you thank you Mark um we'll go on to re review and approve minutes of the 813 regular board meeting we have a motion by franzine second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I I motion hearing none motion carries uh review and approve of the agenda no changes or Corrections motion to approve second motion by coring seconded by franzine all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries consent agenda approve second motion by franzine second by barels all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries Community Services you guys are moving so quick this morning good morning Tammy lck uh Crowing County Community Services Adult Services manager um bring before you today a request for um a determination of need which is required by DHS when um a facility or a licensed facility um either moves increases capacity or decreases capacity I have brought this before you before um back in 16 and in 2019 for direct care and treatments um Employment Services their request or our request they requested of us sorry um to decrease their onsite capacity so they would be moving from 40 to 8 for their on-site capacity over the past 6 years the program has focused its efforts on community involvement which means that they're either doing employment or integration related work out in the community and not on a like on-site facility and so they are planning um to end their lease at their current facility and um which is 2,962 square ft and they are looking at a property at 611 Oak Street with approximately 1,00 658 squ ft um with this change they are requesting to the state that they can move their or to us that they can um change their capacity from 40 to 8 um and they really don't anticipate that there's any problems with this they serve right now they're um they're serving around 17 individuals and they can continue to serve um you know a higher capacity with those Community placements that they're doing and they typically don't have any more than eight in their facility at any given time so what my request to you today is that um you would allow this um that you would approve this and then allow my signature on their um needs determination that we need to set into DHS questions Mr chair yes so as you know over the years I don't I don't really like letters you know that um just kind of want to rehash it a little bit because you know what we're doing is we're lending all the CI citizens of Crowing County lending their voice on these letters what happens if we don't do a letter of recommendation or need I guess is what you're calling it what happens if we decide we're not going to do that then I can find out I you know it's an application so we're really not writing a letter it's a determination of need application that DHS um requires they may move on it you know um in all our different areas of services there's some that we are still doing this and then some were not and so this is one of those areas where I'm not exactly sure why DHS is continuing to ask us to to be a part of this um with our treatment providers I think those are some of the ones I've brought to you in the past and you were um that you had question they are no longer they're supposed to just notify us that they're planning to set up a treatment program but they don't have to get our blessing or you know approval um and but they are supposed to still notify us when those things are happening Mr chair may I just add a clarifying comment please I think in this particular instance the the form that Tammy is referencing is specific to if they're reducing or closing a program so I think it is a notification from you that you have been made aware that they are putting a reduction potentially a reduction if you would that would have some impact on the community so that's why they are requiring you or requesting of you to sign off on the application form versus sending a letter of support Mr chair yes so then another question so on the the if I can explain this properly so on the letter of need so when you when you have something like this do you make sure that um there is isn't other vendors that are providing this same type of thing and we're not I just don't want us to be picking winners and losers oh I like these people so I'm going to give them a letter of need from the county but there's a couple other providers over here and I'm not going to give them do you follow what I'm saying with that I mean I want to make sure that's not happening how do you determine whether or not this is the only one that you should be sending a letter of need so our other day you know our other day services our employment services would be required to do the same thing with their programs if they were moving or decreasing or requesting any kind of increase so I would be bringing any request forward to you of those providers that are out in our community and and this particular you know um application that I'm bringing forward I you know it I don't believe that there would be any impact because there's really not any change in what they're doing from their service capacity um there is a movement from their backer location to Brainard and they're they're notifying us of that but Mr chair so what I'm saying if there's somebody new a new uh company came to town and they wanted to they came rolling in and they said hey I'd like to have a letter of need so then do we would we just grant that or how I would bring that before you to make that decision and we would explain to you what providers I think we've done that in the past as well what providers we currently have in our community and what the numbers that they're serving and we' make some determination um whether or not we could utilize another provider I think we've done that when we've done the day service programs for um individuals mhm and I think the last one that I may have brought to you was one that was over in the Crosby area and I think what we talked about was that we didn't have a day service like that in the Crosby area and so you know that was our request that I brought forward at that time I I still don't like all these letters because it just I I think when we're lending our voice it's it's not our voice it's the all the citizens of croing County and we're making that decision to lend that voice that's a big decision and I'm just I just I just don't like it but I'm not going to die on this hill I'm just making my point that I just don't I don't know that I think it's the right thing to do and it would be interesting to see if DHS says if we don't do a letter if they say okay fine yeah anyway that's that's all Tammy when I ran through read through this all it looked like to me was that they're moving from one location to the other they're moving from a larger square footage to a smaller square footage which would mean that they they would have they they right now they're looking at what 40 and they're looking at just having the eight I think that they're already taken care of so they're just moving to a smaller location doing the same thing they're doing correct am I missing something there no um they correct um they are based on also the numbers they've been serving on site they're just I I think acknowledging that here as well so for the past 6 years they're not they're not even close to serving up around 40 overall even so they're just I think clarifying that um eight for their capacity on site so they still can serve more in the community and then the movement to the new location okay thank you any other questions from the board I always have concerns Mr chair but I will uh my only concern would be there's a determination of need by DHS I don't have a lot of faith in DHS in saying that we're going to go from 40 to 8 because I saw that in the mental health world where they reduced from 96 beds out here for example down to uh what was it 48 beds to start with and then they reduced that to 32 beds I could go on and on and on and I won't but their determination and I'm sure this has you know been vetted out by other people also I I just get concerned that that we want to jump off the cliff and drop down to eight or I mean to 17 is what they're serving um I I just get concerned about that the fact that they're going to a facility where because really this is just a quick Gathering point and then they go out to their work sites and that so it's not a place where there's actual treatment going on there might be some orientation for some of these clients at times but there's not going to be Hands-On um training and that going on so I I don't have an issue with that I just have an issue that we start to drop the numbers down to something that won't address the issue at the level it should in the future so but again to commissioner corin's point I'm not going to get all worked up about this one yeah I have the same concerns as commissioner barrows you know 40 individuals down to 20% of them ate that seems like it's a a big reduction and I agree that the Department of Human Services hasn't always known what's going on in our area so I wish we didn't have to sign this and but they're going to do what they're going to do whether we whether we participate or not so is it necessary for us to give them an approval or not as you were saying earlier does it really matter not really request that we do this and like I was telling you that there's certain areas that they've made adjustments and now where they're only required providers are only required to notify us I think this again is just some there's been some change in whether or not and I do think it is important that you know what is being created in our community in our County so you know I I I don't know that I would just want to have a treatment provider opening up their door and we didn't have any knowledge but again that's just a direction that um that we're that we're going I mean you know when we think anyway um so you don't have to sign this I will take it back to DHS if you would prefer not to um I can do that I would like to go to administrator the the form or the application form that is before you does have an area where you can provide some comments and feedback as far as what your concerns or your comments might be along with this and I think it is in interest of the County Board to share their concerns I don't think it hurts to say yes we recognize the fact that this does not seem like it's impacting the services that are going to be provided but we do have concerns about reducing capacity from being able to serve 40 individuals down to 16 or eight or whatever that amount was that that number of folks that are there I think you can make those comments known this if you don't approve it without knowing what the impact is as Tammy said I think the state would probably you're not impacting the state here you would be impacting the service provider their lease is up at the end of November their current landlord has decided not to renew their lease so they have to find someplace else to go I'm sure part of what they're looking at is what is the size of the facility that we need to serve the folks that we are working with this is not a residential facility this is a day program so it's not losing bed capacity what you'd be looking at is how many people can they service on site in that building at that time not the ones that they are serving and putting in other locations or or taking to other locations for that purpose but how many people could be in that one location at one time I think it would be wise for you to direct Tammy to include some of your comments in the application if you so choose to do so Mr chair um if there are no other comments I would make the motion to uh accept the recommended board action with the caveat that the board members have the right to add some concerns to that document I'll second motion by Barrow seconded by hog all in favor signify Mr chair what comments would you like to have delineated in there so from my perspective it's about whether or not it's necessary to change from 40 to eight but that they can still serve their they're saying they have 17 that they actually serve they could still serve that number at the new location so to me it's the location they're more concerned about the number of people I don't see a a reason to change that number from 40 to 17 is it or what are they asking for eight eight then uh I don't see a need for that and that would be my comment and it would be based on what has happened in the mental health Arena would you like to change um might be adding more but we could just take that out we don't have to go down to the we could just keep it at 40 that's what it is keep it at 40 and they still could move to this location I don't think that there's anything that says they can't as a maker of the motion that would address my concerns so I would say that I would agree with that is that the new recommendation I can make that recommendation or we could go to yeah you know my only concern with this is that I'm not sure with the what the capacity of the new location is because they are red in their square footage um so I might just be adding you know I think Employment Services have moved from these facility based employment programs down to you know more where they are out in the community and I think that's what they were trying to acknowledge here and so is there a number that we feel comfortable with that we would prefer to put in this request um and recognizing that they are reducing so maybe we should be looking at that square footage maybe I would recommend 20 in this new square footage Mr chair Tammy then my concern is is this is there any need for those numbers to be in there at all because as I'm looking at it now they can serve 40 or they currently could serve 40 they serve 17 and they want to drop to a license that's eight would serving 17 be a violation of that license then no because it was only for Onsite which again I think is so confusing because his historically in these employment settings so productive Alternatives Direct Care and treatment they served you know very high numbers on these in these site-based employment programs and that has all moved to community where they're out in community integrated you know at Job locations and not doing the site-based work and I think that's what's being requested here so thank you for supporting my position because you could have any number there you could have 40 you could have 100 you could have whatever because they're going to basically serve eight people in that physical setting correct correct so there there's no real limit on the number they can serve it's just the number limit on the number they can have in the facility at any one time correct and that was confusing to me as well when they brought the request forward but yes that's my that's the um so I'm going to withdraw my motion and I'm going to make a new motion okay Mr chair to you have to have the second you have to have the second withdraw too don't you oh withdraw thank you I'll magnanimous of you did we check with [Laughter] Don so my recommendation or my motion is to accept the recommendation removing the portion that says that they'll go from 40 to 8 that we leave it at the 40 because it doesn't make a bit of difference and I'll second that okay motion made by barl seconded by hog all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries thank you thank you Tammy thank you for that Tammy know okay good morning Mr chair and Commissioners morning I'm back today in front of you to talk about the blade opioid Coalition uh funding request uh we laid this over from the last board meeting to discuss here to get some further Insight uh from the Sheriff's Office on their requests couple things that I would like to note um the $200,000 request for Bridges of Hope uh we are pausing that Jana could not make this meeting Janna shogran the director of bridges of hope uh she couldn't make this meeting today and she wants to meet with her board mid-september to talk further on this so we're we're tabling the 200,000 and um won't need to discuss that today the second thing that I'll draw your attention to is for the um medication pass pass carts that total is $928 a37 we're waiting for approval from the Minnesota Department of Health to be able to pay for those Med carts out of the covid funding pool of Mone that we have we try and use the least restrictive dollars first for any funding that we have this apply this could potentially apply to um the use of covid dollars and so we're waiting for approval to be able to pay for those so while that's in here still for consideration we're um potentially pausing that to pay out of a different pot of money can you talk a little bit Cara R what where the co the co dollars that you're referring to so uh you might remember during the pandemic mdh allocated uh quite a lot of covid dollars to uh do a number of things which included um assisting with covid vaccinations um setting up temporary covid vaccination sites uh that type of thing we still have um a pot of money related to covid vaccinations and um Co Administration overall um to pay or to use up right so we're utiliz we're looking at how we can utilize those dollars to pay for things we're also looking at utilizing some of that money um to pay for the jail health program too so we're we're trying to be really creative and how we can support the efforts across the county not just uh within community services I don't have all of that information with me today um but can bring that forward uh in a future meeting but what I'd like to focus on is the uh requests for the opioid Coalition um which yeah yes sir how big of a pot of money are you talking when you say a pot of money that doesn't give me a number so I believe it's around $400,000 that's still in the for Community Services to utilize but we put a plan forth to mdh to you out to use up those dollars um on a variety of things so jail Health uh um medication carts um overtime for our staff um basic time associated with any sort of covid related activities to pay for Staffing time so for example um I can claim this time that I'm talking with you about Co dollars towards the co pot of money to pay for my salary for example we um members of the leadership team submit our hours that um qualify for covid dollars uh to Patrick who over in our shop manages all of that submits all of that to the covid grant so I don't have the exact amount in front of you nor do I have the exact plan in front of you I can bring that back at a later date um but just know that we're looking to utilize those dollars as well to help with some of these jail related costs okay thank you so um I'm not sure where the sheriff wants to start but we talked about last time the $1,394 the lated team 5,000 for their Dro Secure Storage drive and $4,399 for the lated team overall um there was the $100,000 to help with uh funding the jail medical program um and like I said then the medication carts which um I still appreciate approval for funding but we may not need to utilize opioid dollars to do so so if you have questions then the sheriff's office is here too if I recall we did did we approved the $88,000 one that was approved right yep for the fire department yep and go ahead Paul here so you're asking for that list of things that you just that's what the request is today yep so you had asked for additional information in relation to the ongoing costs and um we didn't have the right people in the room to be able to explain that and we have those right people today who can answer any additional questions you might have about the requests and again I'm bringing forward the requests on behalf of the opioid Coalition I may not agree with all of them as we talked about at the last meeting commissioner um but this is what the Coalition approved Mr chair I understand the $100,000 one but could somebody explain the other related ones and what that's for and how how you think that relates to the opioid dollars the uh specific 19,39 that's being asked for for our related team is direct uh use in the opioid the the fight against opioid abuse our lated team realistically that's what they've been doing for the past year I've talked about this before in regards to the outbreak of the opioid issue within croan County uh this team's main job is fighting opioid crimes within Crowing County so I felt the connection between the opioid dollar and what our lated team does was a direct reflection of that and so those dollars that were being used to pay for equipment and um insurance for that team was uh I felt was appropriate for the use of opioid dollars that's the 19 Mr chair that's a 19,39 that is correct and then the other ones um that's a combination of the $5,000 and the $144,000 it is okay okay and then the other one was the 100,000 I understand what that's for correct and then what what else was there that's it right pardon me the med carts in the jail and but you were some you were talking about that coming out of the covid money is that for sure or no it's not for sure yet we're still waiting to hear from mdh if they approve the use of our Co dollars for that expense um if they approve it then we will utilize those Co dollars if they don't then we would need to use the opioid dollars I'm Mr chair yes I'm okay I'm okay with the1 19,39 but I am not okay with the $100,000 for the uh the uh medical program because it's something that we have to do anyway and that should be in the budget I think and then just putting you on notice I'm not going to support not doing it now but I'm not going to support the $200,000 for the um Bridges of Hope coming coming out of there I don't I don't think that's the proper use of the opioid dollars that's my thoughts on that but I will support the 19,39 and I'm ready to make a motion unless somebody else has comments or if the sheriff wants to make an make his argument I I or the chief Deputy I don't know if you're going to convince me but you can you can certainly try Mr chair Commissioners I would like to uh see your support with that $100,000 obviously this is a way of trying to reduce our Levy impact in croing County I understand your concern in regards to we have to pay uh for the medical services that we get from asentia uh obviously next year there's the bill is $260,000 for our medical support for next year for 2026 uh this gets us to that point it helps reduce that amount it's a direct reflection of what we're doing to try to re rehabilitate our inmates in the jail uh I believe it's at appropriate use for the funds to try to offset some of those this year uh it will reduce our Levy impact on the Sheriff Department for this year and in next year in 2026 let's say it's it's $260,000 um I'm hoping that maybe there's some uh covid dollars maybe that'll be available then uh there maybe coia dollars that will handle this this year for 2025 uh those are unknowns but obviously uh we only have a month to try to lower where we currently are in that Levy so I'm trying to think of creative ways that we can get to that number and like Cara talked about uh the opioid dollars have limited use and I believe that this fits within that category of being able to use those dollars effectively here in croan County because that's what we talked about before it's that treatment program in the jail that's part of this and that's why I believe that $100,000 is a good use of those dollars um so I realistically I'm hoping that what Cara just brought up in regards to the co money is a available and can um use to uh pay for these expenses but it's one of those things it's um I believe the opioid dollars is a is a good fit for what we need to use it for I think that this specifically as example of treatment that is described in what we use opio dollar for any other questions Mr chair do the administrator when do those dollarss have to be spent is it 26 the co dollars Co dollars are separate from the arpa dollars they are not the same the co the arpa dollars are the ones that need to be spent by the end of 2026 okay the pool of money that Cara is talking about is a separate pool of funds that came for public health to utilize or for Community Services to utilize for some of these different Avenues they are not specific or tied to the arpa dollar restrictions there is a timeline in which we need to spend them I don't recall off the top of my head what it is I've texted my um Gina to see if she can help me with that date but she hasn't responded yet yeah I I did the same thing there is a timeline though y um I just don't but it's not tied with the same thing of the arpa on so I know that is the same right Mr chair if I made just one comment on the $100,000 and unless you are all feeling strongly that you know that you want to approve that today I would ask that you might want to just consider that to be something that we look at as part of the budget when we make our final budget discussion we know that it is something that's currently listed in our operating budget that we are working through that process yet when we come before you on September 10th at the next September 12th at the next budget committee meeting I would like us to have an opportunity to talk about that at that point in con Junction with the full budget rather than just as that's one separate item at this point it is something that we can certainly look at as part of that budget process and bring you a couple of different recommendations or a couple different ways that you could look at it I do appreciate the fact that the sheriff's office is looking for ways to help offset what that Levy increase is going to be for 2025 but I know that there are concerns about the fact that this is an ongoing cost and the opioid dollars are not going to last forever so how can we best UTI ize what that funding availability is for us at this point so if you are comfortable with putting a pin in that one at this point for us to look at it in conjunction with the full budget process you could certainly take action on the other item that you have listed there and then we can certainly look at that as part of the budget process so Mr chair I have dates if that matters now pardon me I have dates so the the monies associated with Co vaccinations must be spent by June of 2025 and the monies related to covid recovery um must be spent by March of 2026 uh Mr chair uh with with the arpa doar de there there was some guidelines to start what what is allowable in these uh opioid dollars is there anything that that would tell us Mr Mr chair yes and no yes is there are some that's a clear answer I know and it's it's like money government answers that we're dealing with yes there is there there is some maybe recommendations or some framework that is put in place that says here are some ways in which you might choose to spend those dollars in your community but the Coalition is responsible for making some recommendations of looking at what are those guidelines and how would you want to apply them I think it deals around um treatment recovery prevention um broad categories that can be interpreted in many many different ways of how you would choose to spend those dollars commissioner hog I had emailed the group the um memorandum of agreement that the uh State Attorney General had sent out to uh the counties as well as um the Colorado opioid blueprint that we um formed our blueprint off of I'm still waiting for the updated blueprint to that reflects our list of members uh to send that out to you but I can resend all of those documents if you'd like me to well I I don't know that I need to see all of them I just curious if there are some guidelines and if this would fit into it it it would it would fit um Loosely uh well I think that's up to the the the elected people to decide whether or not they think it fits in there at least that's what I think so so may I ask another question sure uh so count to the County Administrator so what you're saying is the $100,000 you're saying are you saying just can we leave that in play as we continue to go through the budget process is that what you're saying Mr chair commissioner coring yes all right I guess I'm I I I don't know that anybody's going to be able to convince me to put that in there but I I will let the budget process play out so if that's what you think and right now it is not in the budget so the recommendation that usat budget committee last week did not include $100,000 of opioid funding for jail Health that was not included in that at that point in time well administrator so we would have to make uh an action in order to actually put that in there so right now it is not in there correct and it's not played in there is not in play at this point okay okay are you ready to make your motion Paul yeah I I would move that the County Board accept the uh the funding of the 9,288 37 No 19 the 19,000 19,39 we that we approve the uh spending of those um opioid dollarss that's sufficient and the and the you were right commissioner if you could approve the 9,288 uh 37 for the medication carts but we may not need to utilize those dollars if we get approval from mdh I I'm not going to include that in my motion okay so your motion is for the 19,39 309 okay do we have a second second motion made in second it all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carried thank you next we have Land Services good morning good morning good morning I have a couple items for your consideration this morning um the first item on the agenda 7.1 is the final plat of ol's Landing uh we were here um at the last meeting getting the prelimary plat approve for that and they've achieved and uh completed all the items needed for a final plat and so we are uh here today um requesting approval of the final plat for on Landing I'd be happy to answer any questions whose district is that in is it Dougs Dougs okay I have a questioned I'll make a motion to approve I'll second that motion by Doug seconded by coring all in favor of signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries thank you we are now on to the final review of the croan county comprehensive plan form the time frame per of 2024 to 2040 uh this was a process that we started back in the summer of 2023 with Community input we had uh if you look at the at the request for board action we summarized all the different opportunities we had to get public input uh we had numerous workshops with the County Board and the Planning Commission uh we were had workshops at the Comm the whole meetings in February March April May and June and August of 2024 uh we had a public comment period uh this summer from June 4th to July 5th we received 82 comments we made some alterations to the plan based on that uh we had a public hearing before the Planning Commission on July 18th and then uh we were at the last committ the whole meeting uh last week with these final details and so what you have before you today looking for approval of um the resolution that you see in your packet uh what that resolution will do is that um because of the way that the statute reads for for a um comprehensive plan uh for a county we need to adopt an ordinance to establish and adopt the county comprehensive plan so that is in your packet so that would be part of the resolution would be to uh um to adopt that comprehensive plan and that ordinance and then the second part of the comprehensive plan of the of the resolution excuse me would be to um adopt the future land use map in the plan as the current land use map effective upon publication and then the third component of the resolution would be that um if the land use districts have changed um and a citizen has concerns over that they would be able to come and make an application to Land Services at no cost to have that um looked at by the Planning Commission by the County Board ultimately for those situations um where there's disagreement over how the map was changed uh this is something that was done when we did the last map review in 2011 and we had um a handful of folks come in and want to have a closer look at their partiel before it was changed um and so that would be for a a time frame of 12 months um from approval of the plan um I do want to point out one thing that was brought to my attention um I thought we had it fixed but on page 11 of the plan there's a a little green box it talks about land features uh and I think something happened or maybe got cut off by the forest area so um I think we can improve the plan say just knowing that we're going to get those accurate numbers on page uh page 11 I think commissioner Barrow's brought that up to um Gary and uh and I thought we had that fixed but I think it was a carryover Maybe from um uh from a previous draft that we had so we just need to get that green box fixed which is a pretty it's just it's just updating the numbers is all we're looking to do so um I would like to point out and thank um our cont our consultant that we had Bolton and mink we had Robin Kaufman and Dylan Edwards and Moria um henin helping us with this they were really um important in helping to to put this together and to help guide the development of the plan and so I think um and I also would like to thank U you know working with Matt and Tim over at the highway department and uh helping be part of the committee internally to just you know Shepherd this through the process I think it was a really um I learned a lot to be honest through the whole thing about uh parts of the county I wasn't always familiar with so it was a great process um and unless there's any questions for me I would recommend approval of the resolution as submitted just the question if I may yeah uh have I told you no yet Chris who wrote up there's a lot of whereases and whereases and whereases who who who wrote this up I did you did okay okay yep um one question is you know the last plan was you know for 20 years you know it was what it was 20 yeah it was basically 2004 to 2024 is there anything you know with the way things have moved in the last 20 years if we wait another 20 years before we do a comp plan is there anything planning at all I know it probably isn't put in here to take a look at it in 5 years or 10 years to see how where we're at is there an ongoing or do we just take it put it throw it in the drawer do our ordinances and carry on Mr chair there's there's no there's nothing set in the comp plan at all about a required reviews um and so that would be at the discretion of the countyard board to decide hey we think it's time to do a review um my thought would be that we would take this and and you know and uh you know run with it for a couple years to see how it's How it applies and how it's working and if we think we need to come back for some reviews over some specific items we sure could um but uh I think that uh we have a pretty solid plan at this point and U I think the goal is to be more intentional about using it referring to it and making sure that it you know is the you know that guide book that's kind of guiding the decisions as we go for forward and so that's you know the premise behind this and if if if we get to a point of where you know we're looking for more guidance in certain areas there's no reason why you can't do update the comprehensive plan to reflect that but at this point um I you know there's no set time frame for uh because I I I don't think you want to get so prescripted that you have to do something even if maybe you don't even really think it needs to be done at that point so that's why we kind of it's more of a discretion at the County Board to choose that an observation from the outside knowing being involved in comp plans for other or organization other local units of government it it seems like we get to a point where you know like in this one here it went out so far and so much had happened in the county that it almost became that comp plan was almost a hindrance because it has was based on such old information that it was making you do a lot of other things that you had to change that maybe should have been directed in the plan that was the only thing I want to no I I agree that Mr chair I agree with that and um I think that you know we just think I think the the plan from at least my perspective is is just to be more active with the plan and to make sure that we're using it and making sure it applies to the guidance and how we want the growth of the county to be between now and 2040 and if something comes up that just isn't working we'll have the discussion and see if there's any changes that need to be made okay thank you that's all I had anybody else on the board have any other comments or Mr chair I will just again say what I said the other day which I think Bolton and M and Chris you and your team did a super job on this and and the other staff that have been included around the organization uh it's 100% better than what I saw when I first came on the board the last one so with that I would make the motion to approve the resolution adopting the 2024 through 2040 croing County comprehensive plan and adopting the future land use map in the plan as the new land use map ordinance number 2401 second motion by Barrow second by Francine all in favor signify by saying I I I I hearing all oppose same sign hearing non motion carries thank Youk you thank you thanks Chris County Sheriff front center good morning Commissioners good morning Sheriff yeah thanks uh we've had a uh a really good summer and I I want to share one story with you that uh happened this last week law enforcement was dispatched to a call where the individual was out of control he was in complete psychosis really and uh he ended up getting arrested and uh brought to our facility uh once at the facility we learned that he had ingested some U mushrooms shrooms or psychedelic mushrooms and uh so we thought uh that it'd be a good idea to take them to the hospital which we did and uh he was later cleared brought back to the jail and um one of our uh jailers uh while we were booking him in trying to get him through the booking process um realized that there was something going on with this guy that was outside of what he recognized as somebody just being under the influence of uh of drugs and uh he really advocated for this guy uh to bring him back to the hospital and uh we ended up bringing them back to the hospital and they found that this uh individual had a brain bleed and that could have been he ended up getting flown out and that could have been a very uh dire situation for him and it just goes to show you and I I it seems like I'm always praising the guys that are working um at this agency and they everybody does a great job but this is another you know direct reflect of you know our retention process cuz um you know this guy this Jailer has been around for a long time he's had a lot of experience with uh uh dealing with people he's not a doctor he's not an expert in that but he really uh he pulled the stops out on this one and we just are really thankful for the good work that he's done as well so uh also we got the Labor Day weekend coming up so we have some uh that'll be a busy time for us and we are full staff for that so uh we'll be going after those are driving fast and Taking Chances although we do need the revenue so keep that up if you're a speeder we appreciate that um we also yeah I'll yield and take any questions if you have any any questions from the board for the sheriff I do appreciate giving us that little nugget that uh you're not hard hard and fast on the 299 um after that the 100 ,000 one so I appreciate that we'll keep working at it thank you Sheriff we have the County Attorney present tough act to follow but I don't have anything for you today um but happy to answer any questions any questions I I guess I the only just a comment I I I was just looking over there at dawn and I'm thinking the way my head is and the way Don's head is I think it's going to be people are going to wonder if we're Twins or something I I hope not I don't know that that's going to happen but possibly and please don't expect any of us to adopt that same do thank you uh County Administrator Mr chair the senior management team did not meet yesterday we had uh we're still working through some of that budget process and we will continue to work through that as well uh the other item I have on the agenda today is an appointment to the county HRA we did receive a resignation from Michael Morford who represented District 2 on the county HRA board so the recommendation before you today is to appoint Tyler Gardner to replace Michael Morford as the district 2 representative on the Crowing County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for a term expiring 1231 2028 and for to authorize a certificate of appreciation be prepared for Mr morford's service to Crowing County that is a board appointment right correct um I'll just give you a little history of of Tyler Tyler is currently the mayor of the uh city of peat Lakes he is a HomeTown peat Lakes resident um when Michael had given his name in as it was in my district I had looked around for people to serve um and pead lakes has an HRA and they've had an HRA for quite a while but it's more of a um more of a building management type company it hasn't really been a full H like we think of an HRA and so Tyler asked if he could uh join that partially because uh um as of now they are actually funding part of our HRA trust fund where they hadn't for years before so I think he'll be a great asset uh to the board the U they also have a fair amount of challenges up in that in the uh peat Lakes Breezy Point area as far as with uh housing residential housing and they've been searching on that I think it'll be a great appointment for the board so um that's all I had so I wait for the board to make a motion can I ask a question before we make a motion sure uh I I was quoting to somebody that well I think I was talking to uh um Mike Oly and uh once you're appointed it's a 5e appointment and even if the commissioner County Commissioner changes they can't remove that person until the 5-year term is completed is that correct Mr chair that is correct for the HRA appointment the HRA is a little bit different it has its own special statutes that H are governed by so unlike other committee appointments where if the commissioner changes and they would like to appoint somebody else to represent from their district for other County committees that is at your purveyance to be able to do so with the HRA that 5year appointment has to be completed unless that person chooses to leave I found that out when I when I became commissioner because they said you can have your own appointments and then except for this one except for the h right yeah so Mr chair I would make the motion to appoint Tyler Gardner to the Crowing County HRA Board second motion by Barrow second by Francine all favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries Mr chair that's all I have for agenda items but happy to answer any questions you may have do you want the certificate of appreciation too that wasn't part of your motion that will be part of the motion okay say that the appreciation sent out to Michael yes okay I guess we should have listened to the lawyer first if if there isn't any buiness I would oh you have a question yeah no I don't have a question just comment uh well a couple of things I have a comment but but first i'm just wondering not to put you on the spot but I'd like to do that but uh I don't know if the uh our great County engineer has anything to say it's my understanding I was I heard from uh somebody that a friend of mine who works at Anderson Brothers and he said well we just finished up the roundabout in Cross Lake I don't know if you have any comments on that I I did talk to you yesterday I think you're we're going to it's going to be open on Thursday if I'm not correct and I was just wondering if you want us to get that ribbon and a big the big scissors or anything I you can see that it's it's a no on that um Mr chair and commissioner coring and the rest of the Commissioners um yes the roundabout in Cross Lake the 3 and66 roundabout we've been working up for a number of years through the planning process um is going to be open on Thursday and that's just a reminder that's phase one we have two phases and we did that specifically to lessen the impact to businesses in that area so the roundabout will be open Thursday that means that RL rson the contractor will qualify for the $40,000 construction incentive that we assigned to this project phase two will start the Tuesday right after Labor Day so it was very int itional that uh the full Road be open without detours throughout the Labor Day weekend because it's such an important time for Cross Lake um so yes you're right it's it's going to be we're really happy ourl arson has done a very good job and has been very responsive to um our needs and the business owner needs up there and uh it's been really good partnership so far and the next phase will be a little more um is as far as back roads and stuff like that it'll be a little harder on that one but are they going to try to keep one lane open or try to keep a lane open there yes we've been in contact with our contractor about phase two and within that Community that's been the most um concerning portion of this project this goes if you're familiar with the area from Swan Drive up to where the very popular ice cream shop is and there's not a very good detour um phase one we were able to use some in town roads um to accomplish you know getting traffic around here it's a much longer official detour that takes them all the way into ideal Township and um to the west side of Cross Lake and so there's concerns about removing traffic in front of these very businesses that rely on we also have a school there cor there's a school and um we're very they'll be starting that'll be starting so we have to get buses in there so um this will be the most challenging of the two you think that the roundabout in building that and uh would be the most challenging but uh phase two will be because how we're dealing with traffic not only the tourist traffic for the end of the season but now School traffic and all that comes with that yeah I I think I was fairly Lucky in phase one I did not receive one phone call I don't know if I'll be that lucky in phase two I would I don't think it's luck I think I just we we had an excellent team up there and we done an excellent job of communicating and hats off to our project manager Steve sosine who's been that's the comment I get is how well he is communicating and and the businesses really appreciate that and the visitors really appreciate that okay thank you okay I have a if I may have a comment sure okay I will say that I I really kind of have a heavy heart today or I've had a heavy heart since and I hope you don't get mad at me but uh since uh August um 13th the primary um commissioner hog didn't make it through the primary and I think I'm more upset and and uh than he is I and sad you know I just I know it's just been my I probably should wait until this the last meeting of the year but I just feel like I want to tell you now that I uh I think you've done an excellent job I we've done so much here at this County compared to the other 87 counties I I just yes I'm very biased but Doug was a part of uh all of this stuff when we combined the auditor treasure we went for special legislation the legislature had to let us do that Debbie went along with it me that she was the auditor and um and I'll tell you what it was the right thing to do and we were able to shed lots of employees because we combined everything somebody didn't have to go downstairs to the recorder's office then come up to the and pay up at the auditor's office and then go back down there and when Doug first got here I I'm just spitballing but I think the county had about 40 in between 40 and $50 million in debt now we have absolutely no debt whatsoever and the board has seen fit uh along with commissioner hog that we be a pay as you go County and out of the 87 counties obviously I don't know how many are that way but I I think that's really something to be said for that we just had the the ribbon cutting uh ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Milford mine and I will say that the Milford mine would not be what it is the park would not be what it is today without commissioner hog and the same thing if you go ever if anybody ever gets up to the new Emily Park I said this yesterday where when we first went up there I I really thought this is a stupid idea and but it was Doug's idea to move forward with this and I've served with him so long that I thought you know what if he thinks it's a good idea it must be a good idea now if you go up there and you see that facility it is it is it's it's going to be huge for people up there they're really going to love it you know after after the uh the Tuesday August 13th election you know Doug could have been all pissed off and and say I'm not going to go to any more meetings but I talked to him and he went to Riverton that night because Riverton is wanting to put in a a hydrant so he was there still trying to help his community and I applaud you and I think I think it's going to be it's a sad I think it's sad that that um 12% of the people showed up to vote and I think that's really what it was but um I I uh it's been my honor to serve with you and and um I just I I think you've been an excellent commissioner your your style is different than mine you know mine is mean and and loud and you know and yours is more trying to talk to people you know and and um which I talk to people maybe kind of loud sometime you know when it's Dawn or something but but uh but I just want to say that I think you're an excellent County Commissioner and I I think that I think a mistake was made up there and but I guess that's the way it goes I've lost lots of Elections but um anyway I hope you go to breakfast with me this morning AB we're done is that is that what this was all about is for you you for you guys to go to breakfast today you I I hope he's not mad you still can't buy him breakfast you still can't buy him breakfast I I appreciate the words Paul and and this board has done some outstanding work and the next board will as well so uh we we've we've taken the county and we got the ship steered the right direction and I think uh we all played a part in that so um I appreciate it you're a good man it's been it's been an hon thank you Mr chair Mr chair if there are no other remarks I would make the motion to adjourn second motion made in second of all in favor signify saying I I I