##VIDEO ID:C2F0iH3Puk4## one is it's really nice to see our County Administrator up here at the DS thank you nice seeing you back the other thing is last week we had a meeting and we had some technical difficulties and it was kind of we sat here I think for about a half an hour waiting for everything to kind of come online um in talking to um Deb she says the only things we have to really make sure by Statute is that we have to have an agenda we have to have a quum and we have to have a recorder of the meeting so if it happens again I think we will we will go ahead with the meeting instead of waiting a half an hour and having everybody here waiting a half an hour so I want to apologize for that happening okay um we'll go right to the agenda number one is the proposed cannabis ordinance discussion with Chris Pence the only thing Mr chair could I comment on that yes you may the only thing is is you know the way the world is now there's a lot of people that want to engage with the County Board and you know via either we don't do uh uh shoot we do Microsoft teams but we don't do um what's the other one zoom zoom we don't do Zoom but so I guess I'm a little concerned that if we start and there's somebody that wants to engage in something that's on the agenda that that concerns me but well it it would concern me also but how long do you want to wait well I guess I I mean a half an hour 15 minutes uh an hour we're going to do our best to make sure that we don't have those issues yeah in the future right I see some head nods from Our IT staff out there to make sure December then I don't have to worry about it have yeah that's right then I don't have to worry about it but that was my concern is sitting here for a half an hour with staff sitting here for half an hour and and we haven't you know got the meeting started that was just my concern and I understand yours because of the transparency I want to have to we don't I don't want to have to make a motion and override you no well but uh well we do that if that if that comes to that time yeah well okay I just want to make sure everybody that if they can't be here okay all right that's all my comment oh we made it to 902 so we're good yet thank you Chris for your patience all right well good morning uh what we have before you today is an update based on some of our conversation we had at the last uh Comm the whole meeting to talk about the um commercial cannabis use ordinance uh just want to be clear I did note that uh I I listed it as article 17 the proposed location in the land use ordinance would be Article 15 uh that was just a typo on my part but um so the ordinance itself now um is really lined up in in way that you look at it from a section on Administration which covers articles uh Parts 17 um through 176 and or excuse me so 174 then we get into the registration of the Cannabis ordinance which is section 17.2 and then uh we get down into the uh the rest of it which would be the actual um section where we deal with uh how we want to handle that from a county standpoint of location so um really what I did is is taking took the feedback uh that um that we received last um you know last month we're just focusing on just the Cannabis itself and not that low uh low potency is not going to be something that we're focusing on here and then the other piece too just to be clear was that um I know if we can scroll down to uh article 10 I think which might be the next we had talked about where do we want these uses to be uh within the county um I think we' be look let's go down to page um page 13 here we go and so these are the you know we're looking at you know cultivation manufacturing retail and wholesale and I know at the at the meeting um last month we had talked about those just being permitted uses and I've done some research and done some looking at what other counties are proposing and and they're proposing those to be you know either conditional use permits or an interim use permit so that at least the neighborhood gets notification of the proposed use and that way people can come in and have provide comment and feedback if they have any concerns or issues with that and so that would be my recommendation that we would you know um possibly you know move from a uh you know just a permitted use to a conditional use uh instead I wasn't sure what the what the board felt on that or if there was any um concerns about using a conditional use permit process versus a straight permitted process is that one thing that you're talking about then would be the notification right there's no other impacts that you would see no I don't believe so and what this would allow the Planning Commission to do would be to have an opportunity to review the property and to place what they think are reasonable conditions on to potentially mitigate any you know sort of impacts that might be you know happening uh depending CU right now the the basic what you have before you today is U really putting these um uses in the commercial parts of the county um and then uh and so it would not be something we would be seeing in the residential parts of the county wouldn't be you know um in the stoland district in those it would be just in those um in those areas where we have commercial and uh commercial zonings so and I think having as a conditional use permit you know while we're still have that commercial there still is going to be you know um we notify within a quarter mile for a conditional use permit and so there are still folks that have residential uses that are in that area that I think would appreciate at least a notification to be able to come in and provide comment if they have any questions or concerns about the use so under the permitting process we we can't put conditions on it but under the cup we can if we want to with a permanent process we can put conditions on but it has to be very clear in the ordinance what the conditions are with the with the conditional use perit process the Planning Commission has a little more a little bit more flexibility to look at um site specific conditions to place on that versus just a u more of a blanket ordinance that just kind of is a one siiz fits-all a condition us kind let you tailor it to each individual um property that would be um proposed for a conditional ement for one of these cannabis uses okay question Chris would that um mean that under conditional use that would be public hearing also correct okay that's I just wanted to clarify that there would be a public hearing before it would go before the Planning Commission Board of adjustment it wouldn't come to the County Board it would be before the Planning Commission and the board of adjustment yes okay so you're asking the County Board whether or not that you want it to be just um if you want it to be a conditional use permit or or just or permitt so can you give me an example of and they're all going to they all have to be in commercial property correct Okay so what other businesses would you that are going to be in a commercial District or commiss commercial property that that you would require that they have a conditional use print is there any other ones that you would yeah like commercial storage facilities uh those businesses that want when people want to build those larger um uh pole style buildings that we've seen coming up particular on 371 um over by like heartley Lake that development from a couple years ago um that would be conditional use permit um certain things like animal breeding would be a conditional use permit uh extractive use would be a conditioning is permitted in the commercial later and heavy industrial um let's see um a waste facility something similar to like a transfer station for like Solid Waste would require that um an event center um hotel motel bed and breakfast um d uh excuse me um like a resort um a business commercial retail so there there are definitely some uses that are in the commercial District that do require conditional use permit so what what would be the like I've always said I like examples of right so what would be an example of why we would have to have a conditionally what kind of conditions would you put on it then if it's it's in commercial property like right so maybe maybe the board would feel that there would be a need to increase the buffering between maybe it's a a commercial piece of property but it always has to end commercial end somewhere to a to a residential piece maybe they think well maybe we think there needs to be increased setbacks to this property line or maybe there needs to be more buffering on this to this property line U maybe there's concerns about um lighting and so they want to make sure there's a very clear condition on lighting so that we don't have light pollution causing to the neighboring properties um there could be concerns about um odor and making sure that there's certain um you know cuz not every not every canab ordinance is going to have an order problem and so we don't want to put a blanket ordinance that says everybody has to have something in place for that but certain uses will and depending on its location it could have a you know a negative impact on you know to neighboring properties and that so it's those sorts of things that it's just more looking at it from a site specific versus just having kind of a blanket um set of rules that apply to every parcel and I I I think it makes more sense to look at it from a conditional useit standpoint so we can tailor that to that specific property and I think you know um Just Having learned a little bit from the you know that commercial storage building you know process we've had in the past that was a permited use and all a sudden these buildings started popping up in the neighborhood and people were wondering why they weren't notified about it so um I think just from the standpoint of letting the the neighborhood know about these certain uses through that process plus we mail a notice out and it also gets published in the newspaper so people have the opportunity to be aware of what's going on um in their Community as well do you I'm I'm I'm somebody that does likes less red tape and less regulations um do you feel like if it's a conditional use that it would be more red tape and more conditions or more I don't know if I'm saying conditions or but more regulation on that person or is it just giving the tools to the Planning Commission just in case site specific yeah that they well I think it's a great question because I think it comes out there's I think it's two sides of the same coin one is that it gives the county flexibility to put conditions on place that are reasonable to mitigate any potential impacts to adjoining property owners but it also gives the land owner some certainty because once you get a conditional use permit that is recorded on the deed of the property and that transfers with the property down the road so once you get a conditional use permit that's a Perpetual approval to for that use on that property and so it does I I personally feel that it gives um certainty to the owner to know that I now have this conditional use permit in place it's recorded on my deed and I know my conditions are I know what I need to do to be in compliance with the county I think it provides certainty um I think a lot of of what we run into a lot of times is um when people get they they'll call the office let's say and say you know or we'll call somebody and and say you I built a deck and somebody said they need to get a permit for it well who' you talk to I I don't remember I talked to somebody and with this it provides that you know that regulatory certainty to know I know now that I've got a permit these are the conditions I have to follow and if I do that then I can operate my business legally and I don't have to worry about down the road about any certain you know opportunities where things might change or be modified it provides that certainty I think what do you think Mr chair I think Stephanie has something Stephanie yes Stephanie good morning good morning Commissioners yes so one thing I would note um in conjunction ition with what Chris is saying is that the Cannabis permits are not transferable so if a new owner were to purchase one of those pieces of property they would have to go through this through the process again um but when we're talking about other businesses what Chris is talking about is accurate but I just wanted to clarify that with the Cannabis those permits that we um approve um are for that person or owner solely for that business not for that property then as Chris was saying and but that is a great segue into my next conversation I wanted to have and so I appreciate that right now all we have in our ordinance is a conditional use permit process and with that that is a Perpetual um once and yes sir Perpetual as long as it's continued use if they stop using that for what what do we have in our ordinance if we don't have anything in ours so so if it was a a beautician shop and it was conditional use and The Beautician is gone and closed for a year they can here in the county they can come back and do that okay I'm familiar with ones where if it stops the use for a period of time our doesn't we don't limit that but what I what I would propose and and uh U would be to add a um interim use permit to the ordinance which would allow us s to put sunsets on certain applications like this and to put timing on there which you're not allowed to do with a conditional use permit so um that would be an area that I would um would like to propose that we would amend the ordinance as well would be to add that and so that these then would become a instead of being a conditional use permit they would be an interim use permit and they would only be for the person that purchased the property that owns it at that time and then when the next person would own would purchase the property they would and they want to continue running that business they would have to come back in and reapply for that permit is that only going to be for cannabis or is that going to be for other businesses no I think that would be for some other businesses we have such as um you know things like um extractive use mining gravel pits that sort of a thing I think the inter permit would be the right vehicle for that um component versus just the straight condition I don't think we change everything to an to a conditional use permit or I mean ex me from a conditional to an interim use permit but I think there are certain uses that it really applies to okay thank you Mr chair yes just a couple of things if you remember we've talked about this before your Authority with regard to regulation of Canabis is just this time place manner basically that's what you get the opportunity to weigh in on versus ocm or the office of cannabis management is the one who determines who gets the license and the permit you get to decide where will it be what are the hours of operation what are the surrounding areas or what are the things that we think this is compatible for it to be located in these types of locations I think the conditional use process or the interim use process as as Chris is laying out gives the Planning Commission gives you as the county the most flexibility in making those Det terminations and because it's not a necessarily one- siiz fits-all because we do have several different types of cannabis licenses instead of saying well we can do a permitted use for a retail facility here but we're going to do a conditional use for a manufacturing or cultivation or whatever it might be if you keep them as all being conditional use or interim use situations you have the ability to highlight what's going to be the best option for the location where this is going to be recommended so a question so if this board is kind of a hypothetical so let's say this board was all as conservative as I am and and and I and we all said we don't we don't like cannabis and we don't want any cannabis facilities in in our community or in our County we can't we don't have no say in that you do not have a say in that you have to allow at least one license for every 12,500 folks if you do not put any type of Regulation if we don't adopt an ordinance or if we don't amend our land use ordinance to put some type of parameters around cannabis there's no regulation that says where it could be it could be opened up wherever it might want to be for whatever hours with whatever type of signage they would want you don't get the authority to say yes or no to having it you get the authority to say where will it be how long will it be open what's the time place and manner of operation that it can occur but you do not have the authority to approve or deny applications it's really similar to like an adult use ordinance where we have to we have to allow those adult uses even if we don't want them in the county we don't we have to allow them somewhere and so this is what this is trying to limit in scope to what to where we would want these uses to be allowed I guess I'm okay with the conditional use I I guess kind of makes sense to me uh to to be able to have the Planning Commission because I think it's s site specific I mean it just depends on where the where it's going to be I mean if it's if there's a a whole bunch of commercial buildings on either side I don't think it really matters but if but if it's like right next to a residential neighborhood it kind of reminds me of this stupid stupid stupid uh methodone Clinic down here uh you know there's houses a little ways away but there's some there's some scary people down I think there's some scary people down there but I don't know how that ever got in our community but um but I think the conditional use uh process makes sense to me and I I'll support that so just um real quick from a timeline perspective just what kind of where we might be heading down the path I think the idea would be to come back to you in the October Comm be the whole meeting with the ordinance um tidied up a little bit and get everything put together we'll have a couple other changes to the ordinance in addition to that because there's a couple things we have to update because of the comp plan as far as consolidating commercial zoning into one district and our industrial into one district and eliminating like the residential 20 which is no longer a district any longer um the interim use permit we had talked about you know those components um and then we would bring that back to you make sure that this is that we're still got the ordinance that that you were looking for we then start our 30-day comment period at that point uh look to um come back after the during that comment period come back and give you an update in the November Comm be the whole meeting and then go to the um um the Planning Commission um for a public Hearing in November and then we come back to the county board for final revie at that my guest would probably at that first meeting in first or second meeting in no or in December so we'd have it in place by January 1 which is be the time frame that we need so sounds good sounds good any other questions for me any other questions from the board no thank you thank you good morning Commissioners morning how are you guys today management system do you mind if I stand here I need the clicker though so yeah are you willing to all right thumbs up means move forward okay thumbs down means I'm going to sit down okay um Commissioners I'm here today to represent the Sheriff's Office and all of our partner PDS in bringing to you a brief overview of the RMS project that we've got going on at the Sheriff's Office uh I would like to preface um what I'm going to say by letting you know I've created a short PowerPoint to try to bring everybody up to speed not just those of you that have bits and pieces of it but also the individuals that are watching so that we're all on the same page if you could indulge me and let me get through the PowerPoint and save any questions that you have until the end that would be really great I have the entire steering committee here um so any one of us can answer any questions that you have at that point I promise to keep it brief the other thing to let you know of is last time we met at the budget committee meeting I told you we were currently negotiating contracts we are still in negotiations on those contracts so we be talking about the financial piece today we do have time scheduled for next month where we will come back to you and get into the nitty-gritty of how we expect to pay for the system um what we've got planned what we've been able to pull together we'll go through all of that in great detail um I'll talk to I'll work with the County Administrator on where is the best time and place to have that conversation with you can I interrupt you just one quick second just FYI the the the budget that she's talking about about is part of the 2024 2025 Capital CIP plan that's already been reviewed and approved so it's all within the scope the budget the negotiations the planning that they're doing is within dollars that you have already budgeted approved and allocated for that purpose so even though we're not talking about the dollars today the dollars are there they know what that parameter is and it's within that scope of that process thank you Debbie that's a very good point I appreciate that are you guys good with what I've laid out okay can't talk until you're done you can you can but I might respectfully ask if you could hold that thought that'll be a okay Paul all right so this is just going to be a brief overview and Courtney if you could move us forward um I just want to and some of what I'm going to be saying is repeating what I told you at the last meeting but I want to make sure everybody's on the same page so when we talk about the RMS project RMS stands for records management system within the RMS they're Tex technically is a a a portion of it that is the RMS but when we refer to it in this context we're talking about the entire system so we are talking about um CAD mobile we're talking about our records our civil and our jail records this system interfaces with the state and by extension with the federal government also and so it's a very if you want to go forward Courtney in brief it is the primary system that we use for the Crowing County Sheriff's Office and all nine of our partnering PDS it is a shared system that um it represents the shared system that we have in place today which is LG and we've had that since 2007 the project is not a surprise it may be the first time some people have heard about this project but it's been in the laying in wait for many many years now we've been on our existing system for over 17 years and I think anybody that thinks about technology recognizes that's a long time not to have made a change whether it's a change because of personal preference that you prefer a different software package or a change by um necessity we have managed to stay on the same system for 17 years we've lasted through at least three different corporate buyouts and each buyout causes some uncertainty as companies determine whether or not this is going to be the product that they're going to support or whether or not they're going to um purchase it table it and then put pressure on you to go to one of their other systems we have manage to continue to participate in conversations that have kept the existing system relevant it is not being actively worked on to the extent it needs to be to be the system of the future but it has continued to meet our needs to the best of um what we've absolutely needed to have happen because each of those buyouts has had its challenges we have had had a placeholder on our cips uh at the sheriff's office for many many years you guys have seen it we put it out there we push it back we push it back we push it back however in 2023 the decision was made we couldn't really afford to push it back any further and so we started the planning process so what was that planning process what did we do well we held multiple workshops at the Sheriff's Office where we invited in end users and we divided invited in decision makers that we're working with the system the people that use the system rely on the system on a regular basis and we work through um mornings and afternoons of trying to get some Synergy around what is it that we have that's working really well where is the system lacking and then also um do we agree are we all on the same page that we need to move forward over the years there's been conversation that this system that so and so is using is really great or this system serves so and so really well and so we had fractions of people wanting to go and pursue different vendors we needed to have the Synergy of agreeing that the best use of tax dollars was going to be to find a system that could serve all of us and that we couldn't be pitting ourselves against each other um right after we got that done we also developed the steering committee the steering committee concept was what we had in 2007 when we went with LG 20 in 2007 is when we deployed but for 2 years prior to that we had a committee of people that got together on a regular basis and were defining that testing systems and making recommendations we did that this time and so once again and I'm going to get it right this time we actually have the sheriff two of our Chiefs the chief of Brainard and the chief of Baxter our it manager and myself serve on that steering committee um by putting the steering committee in place especially since three of us have experienced with the prior transition back in the early um 2000s we felt we could get away with not using a consultant and you guys have approved bills for multiple consultants over the years you know they're not cheap so we're once again trying to be good um fiscally responsible in regards to the money that you've given us and then with the uh support of the County Administrator we began vendor demonstrations because we quickly learned early on and it's been so long since we went shopping for a system we weren't even sure what technology was going to offer to us and so we started inviting some of the people that have been pursuing us for years as far as getting our business we invited them to come in we saw six vendors they came in each for a day each on site and showed us what their systems were capable of doing next one in the meantime we knew that funding was going to be necessary so instead of pushing back back our CIP funding we requested funding for 24 and 25 you guys were um kind enough to approve that funding and we appreciate that support after we knew what the vendors had provided or what uh technology was out there we began drafting our RFP we wanted to make sure that we followed all the official rules that we needed in order to award a contract like this we published that RFP in the first quarter of 2024 everyone on the steering committee reviewed all of the proposals that were sent back there were four of them total that came back we scored them independently then we met together and discussed it in the end a company called 365 Labs is the one that prevailed 365 Labs is a company out of New Orleans it is new to Minnesota and it is in the words of one of my peers from the steering committee um basically Head and Shoulders Above the Rest it's the Cadillac that we all wish that we could own but we weren't exactly sure if we could afford but some of the things that 365 has to offer is that is an app-based solution something new to us to have all the different apps that you can choose from they offer real time um updates on the case File information by utilizing the F cell phone that officers are already creating in their pockets it is built um has built in system redundancy one of the things these guys anticipate excuse me I'm going to get some water one of the excuse me one of the things that these guys anticipate is that they've got they're operating off of four or five servers throughout the country and so anytime they need to update the system or anytime there's a tragedy if there's a hurricane that comes through the southern part of the United States everything flips to a different server we will no longer experience any downtime in law enforcement and from a law enforcement perspective that is huge I've talked to you guys in the past many of you in the past regarding the need for redundancy in law enforcement that if we have a server room that goes out we can't go down we need to be uh able to respond this system has that builtin as part of the overall um package and then finally one of our goals was to make sure that the things that we liked about our existing setup that we weren't going backwards that we weren't going to lose some of the functionality that we've had for the last 20 years the system allows for all of the current functionality plus some additional functionality two that I chose to highlight is records management our existing system doesn't give us any way to purge records the way we need to and then also um expungements and ceiling you guys were just talking about cannabis one of the things that Minnesota passed was the right to have records sealed or expunged in regards to Prior cannabis violations right now we're doing the best we can Based On A system that doesn't have anything set up for that in the future it'll be a check box something that we can do relatively easy so costing this new system was the problem remember I said the first response was well it looks like that Cadillac we all wish we could own Cadillac have price tags we we want to make sure that we're being good stewards of the money so we weren't exactly sure how we were going to be able to afford it so we got into the nitty-gritty with the vendor and we said hey you're our vendor of choice we need to understand how your system works we need to make sure that there are no surprises so we started digging into all the different apps that are offered trying to decide what was necessary what was luxury and where we need to land as far as the finances on it are concerned I do have that information and we will be 100% transparent with you before anything is a done deal but um one of the things that we were startled by when we started this was that SAS arrangement I think I mentioned that to you before it's software as a service we anticipated having to put a whole lot of money into the implementation of this and then having an annual fee that we would have to pay The Upfront cost on this system is not nearly as high as what we anticipated but the SAS the annual subscription to the software is significantly more than we anticipated so we've had to as a team and with the help of the county ad administrator adopt to or adapt to the new way of um billing that's not new to the world it's just new to us because we haven't shopped for software in this capacity for this much time we also had to as I mentioned uh we had to make sure that we had the necessary components identified so that we didn't think that we had it all accounted for and then we were nickel and dimed later on down the road we had to um look at existing systems is there something that this new system is going to do for us that can replace other systems besides LG and so we've got a list of other systems that as those contracts expire we would be able to remove those systems because we no longer need it um for the purposes that it was purchased for and then we had to and this is what got everyone's attention and the last time I was here the cost sharing beside behind it we needed to identify it's not just the county in this it's the county in 9 PDS what is going to be the expectation on everyone's shoulder and everyone's budgets then finally we had learned about and I mentioned this briefly last time too sourcewell had some incredible opportunities regarding funding and I know every time I say that Paul you look over at Steve and you guys have that moment um but we are super grateful for what sourcewell has been able to be uh to put out there as a possibility to be quite Frank had that funding not come through 2024 2025 might not be the right time for us but because we were able to apply for those grants that each of the PDS are going to use to offset their annual expense what was once something that was a dream is starting to become more of a reality so where we are right now is that we're working contracts we have two different contracts that we need to be uh working together on as a team first with the vendor and I can share this with you because we have shared it with the vendor and they are aware of it 50% discount was the minimum we were willing to accept for being first in state because they have not been in the state of Minnesota they need a sponsor so to speak so that they can work with the BCA and get their system approved at the state level and then become marketable within the state we told them we needed to have a minimum of a 50% discount to make that worth our while to do we told them that we want a 10-year contract for the length of the contract that firste discount applies and so we wanted to capitalize that we don't want to be back here in 3 years saying uh we screwed up can we get a different system so we wanted to have a 10-year contract in place that allowed for the discounts for that entire time throughout the the length of the contract we want to limit our annual increases they had originally proposed gosh 5% and cost of what was that terminology they used Debbie CPI it was it was more than we were willing to do so we pushed back on that and said no we're looking for to be limited to three % a year timeline for the implementation needs to be outlined we know that they have a lot to do before it's even viable for us here in the state of Minnesota we want that actually called out exact when we can expect different Milestones to be met we do not want to be paying for the first year subscription rate until the system is actually viable for us to use and we want to have penalties if they go beyond the date that we're expecting them to go live and then the final thing that we asked for is we wanted to have one to three years prepaid and that's what we need to discuss with you the second contract that need we need to work on are the contracts that we're going to have with each of the individual agencies that's something we did with letg it was really basic back then cuz we were all new to it it basically said we're going to charge you on an annual basis and this is the amount we're going to charge you um and we need you to maintain your systems and keep them up we're going to do the same type of contract with the individual municipalities but we are going to ask them to commit to the 10-year agreement as well if we're going to be committed as a county to a contract that lasts 10 years we want to make sure the partners that are in it with us are also willing to commit for 10 years so if we have a PD that decides that they no longer want to have a PD the city at least knows that they've they've agreed to help carry this project through to whatever timeline we're at oh one one final thing on that last slide we have been working with the County Administrator we will continue to work with the County Administrator the County Attorney is aware of the project and he will um review and sign off on any contracts to before we bring them forward so next steps and this is the last part and then I'm opening it up for questions um we're going to have ongoing discussion with you folks here at the County Board we'll keep you apprised of the status of negotiations we want to have that sit down where we're around a table and we're just hashing through what we're planning on doing with the costing and the funding and then we of course uh would like to get your input on the proposed agreements with our part partnering agencies then once we have all that done we've crossed our tees dotted our eyes we'll look to execute the contracts with your permission and then our implementation the vendor has already told us that they anticipate needing 18 to 24 months to get up to speed so that they are um qualified to be running and operating in the state of Minnesota so we have a potential live date of January 2027 so the last slide is a big thank thank you for your time today and then opening it up for questions again I have Chief Jim exad here Chief John Davis the sheriff and then Jason from it any one of us are willing to answer any questions that you have in regards to the project so I have a question so let's say commissioner hog and myself and you are were're sitting over at oakw having their delicious chicken dinner on Wednesday cool and a couple people come up and they say gosh you're going to spend a million dollars on this how do you explain to them why you need it what it's going to do what what does it do how do you explain how do I if I'm out and about how do I explain it to these people of why we're spending that amount of money you want the elevator speech for it yeah I guess I mean what is it do if if I'm a deputy and I'm in an accident do I have some kind of ability to just give do my report verbally and then it just gets uploaded into this system or what what is this the system starts the moment you call into 911 it's the system that the dispatchers are taking your information and entering the information into it's giving them feedback regarding who's available to take that call who are the appropriate parties that should be sent and they're collecting the basic information that information is flying out to the field where those guys are responding to the call you picked up your your phone they now with this new system and the guys will remember the details on the the field side of it more than I will but you can take that phone and you can take pictures of um the accidents that are occurring and have that automatically feed into the reports that we need or you can can't you scan the plates and have that automatically run the state returns for you instead of having to enter it in um they can now dictate on their phones with this system they'll be able to dictate notes on the phone and have that automatically feed into the case File information which takes less time on their part to come back into the office and have to type up their reports they'll still have to type up reports but Gathering that information will be so much easier for them than what we currently have today likewise once they're done with their part when it goes to records and Records is working with our prosecutors they will have a simplified way of getting that information together and sent off to Don's office offer off to the city prosecutors the jail with the booking side of it gets to do everything that they do today and then hopefully we'll have some additional features and I apologize I don't have them all I have them all written down in a big binder back there but basically anytime you interface with us in any capacity at all we're relying on this system to provide the best service possible to you well I would just one other thing I would just just reiterate and I think you're doing it on this is it is so important sheriff and Chief Deputy that you uh work with the County Board whether it's uh you know whatever I don't care what you're doing we're in charge of your purse strings I've said this before if you want to sue us I say go right ahead I can explain it out in the country but I'm just saying that I don't care what it is if you're having a another sheriff station up in Emily or whatever it is at least let us know what's going on and I I think in the past you've really done a good job and I I hope that continues that you let us know what's going on so that we're not getting sued or any anything that's happening you know does that make sense yep absolutely that's why we're here today too is I give you 35,00 foot view sure okay and just to reassure you Paul from the steering committee's point of view as far as this project was concerned we never expected to do anything different that was always part of the plan that was why it got a little bit ahead uh when we were talking to the city councils is because we recognize City councils also need to have that um understanding of what the project is about and what it is that they're being asked to approve we have no intention of blindsiding you nor do we want to leave you out of the convers ation we value your input and I just one other thing I know this in my commissioner District I don't think there's any concerns but I know that I've talked to commissioner hog and he commissioner hog Doug you had a concern about the cost that it would cost for Deerwood uh you know and cuz it's a tiny tiny little town I kind of question whether or not um you know if you go down to Florida all these little towns everybody doesn't have a police Chief and a police department it's all part of the sheriff's department to me which makes total sense I know that'll upset some small little like kayuna you know I mean what do they got Chief and how many people I know that that'll UPS I'm not going to be driving up there anytime soon but I'm just saying that that I just think trying to consolidate some of this stuff would save the taxpayers money down and you know like Garr that's a City Fort Ripley is a city but they don't have a police chief or a police department so we we handle that don't we and they're not paying us no so same thing with Emily you know I mean do they really need a a police department up in Emily I don't I don't think so so I'm just going to say this anyways I'm off the track no that's okay that's okay um all the taxpayers are going to share in the expense of this for sure and that's one reason I mean I'm a taxpayer I could easily flip around my hat and go from Sheriff's Office to Baxter um resident and I don't want to see my taxes go up any more than anybody else does so I completely understand that we are doing everything we can to be as fiscally responsible as we can in regards to this when we bring the costing back to you one of the things that you'll notice is there are certain parts of the expense that we are going to bear at the county level because you're right we're all citizens right everybody's getting the same service there are things that are tied directly to whether or not that agency exists and so because we're committing to a contract that's going to acknowledge them as existing then we want to make sure that they understand that this expense tied to this project is just is tied to your agency and the number of employees that you have at that agency and that's how we've decided where to do that cost sharing in regards to whether or not it's prohibitive or not it is more than what the existing system is however um two things to keep in mind one if any one of us went and tried to get a system by ourselves it would be astronomical so they're already saving money by being able to hop on the system we have there's a huge huge benefit for us all to be sharing information and that is if Doug gets stopped in kayuna and he's given a warning and then he gets stopped over and cross like and he's given a warning by the time he hits Baxter and Baxter says hey you've been warned twice now we're not going to warn you anymore sharing that information helps us to be more efficient where we're at so whether or not somebody should or shouldn't have a PD representing their jurisdiction is the decisions for them to make we're just trying to be fiscally responsible and how do we work most efficiently together and do it at the least amount of money for the taxpayers you know how does it how does does it work with your state Partners I guess how how would it work with like the highway patrol and are they are they have access to this too or how does that how does that you know they don't when we went with LG ironically enough Eric was the sheriff at that time and Eric did invite them to come to the table and be part of that conversation uh it was the first time we had even talked about doing a shared system at that point in time the state troopers decided to go a different Direction and do their own thing we haven't had conversations with them in regards to this system but what we have had conversations on is that this system is so robust and capable of doing so many different things that it could bring in fire so Chief Holmes over at brainer fire department has been participating in our meetings and is very interested as has been uh chip and I'm sorry I would probably hack his last name up Liller yeah you guys all know um they've been participating one of the things that the sheriff would like to see us accomplish and the steering committee um has on their radar is that we first and foremost wanted to serve law enforcement and make sure that we didn't take on so much that it just grew out of control but now that we've done that we have a good handle on what we would need we're looking to see is there a possibility to dove in the fire departments is there a possibility to bring in other First Responders so that all First Responders regardless of discipline that they're representing can utilize this same system instead of having their own separate systems so when Doug gets two warnings in Cross Lake in kayuna then when he gets to the highway patrol they won't know that he's had two warnings then unfortunately they won't but we don't tell people those Secrets you're off the hook for now okay did earlier in the presentation did you say there was nine cities or nine Partners in this MH and how Emily for example that doesn't have a PD are em is not counted it's not it is not counted so what what are the nine do we know whater n okay would you like him to repeat that backwards so like ironon for example they they're in with the deer contract but they have no fiscal responsibility for using that system when they're on patrol and iron Jim X dead backer PD that kind of goes to what um Tina was speaking to about the last the other contract as we move forward now in the event that there's an agency that would fold in the next 10 years just because of downsizing we're anticipating that at this point so like for example Emily I believe you still receive some Public Safety funding potentially from them I'm not sure but anyway there if if a city is currently ironon funding the city of Deerwood for police services if all of that goes sideways in the next 10 years what we hope to capture in that contract the memorandum of understanding or agreement that we create with each of those nine entities now is what happens if they go away so that funding source would be stable for the next 10 years for the county I don't know if that's exactly where you were going but it is I guess uh I know the sheriff's visited a few cities and shared a ball park I believe is that what is that based on the uh it sounds like you're still negotiating some of the terms the cost for each entity yeah right right how do how do you determine that so do you have it is it um if Tina can grabb it we it's a formula that we came up with based did we go with officers or did we use give me just a second we what we did was we had the quote from the vendor and there are certain parts of that quote that are agency there's certain parts that are per officer there's certain parts that are per primary agency and then secondary agency what I did was I created a spreadsheet that identified all of the tangibles that we knew were directly tied to that entity not the expenses that we would have if that entity wasn't around but those expenses we only have because that entity is there we summarize that and that's what we presented to the chief of police for Budget planning purposes and that is what the sheriff has been going to meetings talking to City councils about we also thanks to Chief exad and thanks to sourcewell were able to find uh funding for them through the sourcewell dollars and each one of those entities applied for a grant that will give them $220,000 to offset their expense and in most cases that means agencies won't be going up much from what they did with LG and in a few cases they'll be paying less okay just a question U because of the size of the different agencies out there is their cost then prated you talked about it being how many officers they have do they look at what population they serve when you're looking at the different apartments and their cost the fees that were tied to the agency size they did not but the areas where they were tied to the number of um officers that they had they did so we had to provide all that information to them as part of the RFP process and the getting the grants and we'll go into that in more detail what he's referring into that I can go grab I can't go grab it right here cuz I don't have it here and I don't really want to get that granular with you today um we're already past our 15 minutes but I did want to uh let you know that that'll be part of what you'll see when we actually break it down how we got to the dollars that we got to and why and that's before the decisions are made absolutely absolutely we don't have authority to sign these contracts until you guys okay it so you don't get too okay something blindsided you have to see the details behind it I do have a couple questions if you don't mind um it it's you showed up there first in the state you know that kind of concerns me a little bit if they're the first that's the first time this software has been used in this state that company it is but they are throughout the United States and multiple other jurisdictions and they have a really good reputation the uh first in state is something that at first we weren't really excited about either because quite honestly when we went with LG we were one of the first in state with LG it was brand new software they were still building it after we went live with it and we know what's involved in that so this software is fully built they just have to build the interfaces with the state of Minnesota and the and the other thing that comes into you know if everything's up everything's running everything's working fine everybody's happy what is what is the backup of that system goes down you know I mean if that system goes Offline that we're going to be on you know it doesn't go offline that's what's so beautiful about it unless you're talking about if it goes out of business is that what you're talking about no no no it just goes offline all of a sudden we can't get into the server because it's a cloud system as you're talking about so none of it's actually tangible right here right it will not go offline because they have multiple servers throughout the United States and they have backup plans it rotates I can call Jason up he gets very excited about that that's the one thing he was already excited when I was talking about it you know when you look at a big picture even with our system being in housed internally here there's still a lot of variables to hit that system you got to have internet connection you got to have firewalls you have to have state of Minnesota traffic and you have to be able to get into our our buildings where this system it's spread throughout the United States and basically all those officers need is that internet connection in their squad car to hit their servers there's a lot less um I guess Hoops to jump through to access their system than it is the access our existing you feel good about it I feel great about the software um very redundant it's spread out throughout the United States it's basically I I had a checklist of items that were must haves for me and they met all my boxes so okay okay thank you Mr chair yes we'll do it on paper that's the final answer and that's what we've been doing for the last 17 years on occasion it does go down completely y we really believe there's a 99.9 something per chance that this won't but to answer your first question that's what we would do we still have keys to get into the jail we still have paper that's how we would get by I just always look at the what if yep okay thank you the other feature that this vendor has built in is that if we do lose internet connection everyone can continue to do what they're doing and it uploads as soon as we reconnect so they have a lot of safeguards built into it and that is exciting for us because nobody wants to go back to paper so in the old the system we're using currently we there's a lot of data stored in that system currently correct a ton yes a ton how does that data migrate over to this system or does it we are still discussing that as an admin team it's not part of the initial project because the conversion of data is a whole another Beast you not only have to have the existing vendor be willing to do it which they have said they're willing but you have to have excuse me the new vendor is willing you have to have the exist vendor who we haven't even really started having conversations with yet about the exit strategy but these guys need to be equally willing to let them into their software to identify where data is stored to convert it over the sheriff is a huge proponent of wanting to convert data over we have to make decisions regarding whether or not that's going to be fiscally responsible and whether or not we um we have the ability to bring it over and rely on it to the extent that we would like one question if if it's if the data that's there is in that old system whose data is it is it the data is always ours the system that we use to access it is not and so when we converted before we had CIS Brainard had CIS and we went to letg we did not have the ability at that point in time to convert the data in we ended up having that data brought out and put into an access database and became available to us to look up as needed and then as we age out of that information we're able to put that aside okay that's all I had so my final question believe it or not the most important question okay is how much is Jenkins going to have to pay Jenkins yeah we Jenkins does not have a police department we contract city of Jenkins I do know contracts with the city of peat so if peat's online then then they will have to modify their contract I'm sure be funny sorry oh I didn't know I thought that was a I thought that was a you know a an important question you needed answer that was meant to P so so I'll work with the County Administrator we'll get on another meeting and we'll figure out what's the best venue to be able to give you all those numbers and to let you um peruse them at at your leisure so if you don't have any other questions I thank you for your time and your ongoing support we really do appreciate it Ena thank you a lot of work Tom are we going to talk about trees yes yes we are good morning good morning sir here today to talk about our 2025 Harvest plan so annually Land Services comes here and talks about our Harvest plan our Harvest plan is a one-year plan that uh we derive from our forest resources plan and it just talks about what we're going to Har harvest in the upcoming year so for a little bit of background um our 2024 Harvest plan is complete in 2024 we set up um 1,338 Acres of that about 30% of that is a thinning and then for 2025 we're at uh 1,424 acres and about 35% 35% of that is a thinning and so we come here and annually we talk about this and we provide a map for the Commissioners as well to look these are our proposed Harvest areas um we say proposed because we do send staff out there to review these areas ensure that our inventory is accurate and then they prepare a detailed appraisal for the sale of the Timber um the following year in 2025 and so today we're here today just to talk about this Harvest plan um and pending any comments or questions we have today um we will come back next week and ask the board to set a public hearing and uh post the proper notifications and talk about a harvest plan with the public so just a question so H Tom how's the the price of this product is it staying steady is it down is it up or you know so that we're if if we're looking at doing this I mean are we going to are we going to have consistent Revenue coming in or or do you know what the price is or yeah it's that is a good question and so prices fluctuate sometimes day daily sometimes they you know monthly depending on a lot of factors um things are fairly consistent right now um I would say that if anything it's a little bit of a dip but historically we've been fairly steady with the revenues that we generate off our TF land um one of the things that we have strived for is a sustainable Harvest year over year year after year um one to generate a consistent revenue for the county two to provide those Forest Products to those loggers that you know work for in in Crowing County and then for the Mills as well so um you know I'm we're fairly confident that it's going to continue to stay steady but sometimes we just we don't know um really depends on the economy sometimes Tom didn't uh we do something different last year in 2024 the way we bid that put those out on bids and and and we're going to do that same thing in 2025 I think because I think we you feel I remember if I remember hearing it right that we felt we did better as far as the county that way by the way we sent out the bids or bid had people submit bids for the timber yeah so in the past we used to do an oral auction where we'd invite everybody to come into the building um you know in 2024 we moved to a sealed bid and it's not something we haven't done before um we did a sealed bid during Co times um yeah I I think I think we did um a little bit better very comparable with an oral auction um it's a lot easier on staff it you know it gives an opportunity for the loggers to submit a bid and they don't have to drive from you know from wherever they are to come and meet that day maybe they have other obligations they have a month to review the tract and then submit their bid to us and then we open them um at a later date and our act our auction actually is um next Friday not this Friday but the 27th so we are soliciting for bids right now and um we'll see how this auction goes but yes to answer question 20 25 will most likely stay the same I had a call from somebody that was in my district and they were concerned about a a cutting that was done I think it was Oak that was done and they called me up I don't know if it was in Doug's District it was right on the border there and and they were concerned and they had mentioned that oh nobody sent us a letter and I think you went through the homework and actually found that we had sent them a letter yes up uh up in the adne lake area correct yep so anytime that um we do a Timber Harvest that ad joins another ownership whether that's state federal tribal private um we do send them a letter you know with a map of the Timber sale saying hey here's your property um details our process on how we establish our management lines and then gives them an opportunity to comment to us about any concerns they have or any maybe any cultural resources or significant features that maybe we didn't find um but also our public hearing is another opportunity for people to come in we you know we publish the map then come in and and chat as well and and remember the fact that the DNR also has property out there they also go out and manage in our in our area and I had a few phone calls lately from that in the district I serve so okay I didn't have any other questions or comments anybody else so um if it's okay we'll um uh next week on consent we'll have uh hopefully an action to approve setting the public hearing date um and believe it or not I think that date uh if you if approved by the board will be November 26th so it's a little ways out there but um gives the count administrator's office time to get the posting completed and published in Land Services in the Brainard Library for inspection so good thank you thank you have a good day thanks Tom just go there you can go up there good morning good morning it looks like you're out of time you've already gone past thank you for giving us the time we've been kind of hoping to come and um speak to you a little bit about what been going on with um Miss men choices and Disability Services um on our um I think on the agenda it also mentioned adult protection we were here last week to talk about our adult protection work and the Proclamation was signed um at board and so we are not planning to spend um time today on adult protection unless you have specific questions of us um so good morning chair uh luy and fellow Commissioners Tammy luck Adult Services manager over at Community Services um I'd like to introduce Trish egad she's our disability services supervisor and she also supervises our social workers that are currently working in the jail and then Morgan Altos and Morgan um supervises the men choices assessors the assessment team adult protection and then the two social workers that we have out in the community working alongside law enforcement I also want to give um notice to um the staff we have behind us um I just want to make just let you know as we walk through this today I want you to hear that these are the people that are really helping us work through the challenges we've been facing with men choices and disability case management so um thank you guys for being here so um so men choices assessment I think you know but um our men choices assessment is the assessment that is done to assist in determining need um and whether people meet criteria for waivered services this can include PCA which is going to be renamed or is being renamed cfss another acronym in our world and then the waivered services for our under 65 population as well as our over 65 long-term care waiver participants um so and as I said today we're going to just speak primarily to men choices assessment and Disability Services you can who's got the room you one Courtney so the next slide um so the Imp points that we wanted to come and talk to you about today were some postco requirements so during covid we had the ability to complete our men choices assessments remotely and following um the public health emergency or really it was last year we needed to step back to doing face-to-face assessments again and that has been obviously a change for us going back to face to face um in pretty much with all of our assessments there are few accept to that where we can do remote but it's really based off of the person's Choice um and all new assessments have to be done face to face um the the new assessment tool so DHS put forward a new assessment tool they call 2.0 um and um it was supposed to be faster and um that is not what our team has been finding first off we're learning it so that's been difficult but the other thing listening to the Sheriff's Office talk um about programs is the program that we moved to um did not bring over any of the information so we've had to frontload all of the data on the people we've been providing assessments for out in the community did they have an update of their software or something or what we actually moved to a different software and Morgan will talk a little bit more about that here shortly um Community First services and supports this is launching in October of this year and we are preparing for that um this is going to increase the number of people requiring um sorry this isn't going to increase the number of people requiring assessments what it will do is it will take our PCA assessments and we have to touch the assessment um more frequently than we've had to do in the past so we're going to have to touch it a couple of times um in this new process that's happening in October increasing individuals that are accessing the services um we've kind of been H I guess kind of holding at 30 people seeking new assessments per month that's kind of tends to be our number but our reassessments because our case management assessments um are going up we have to do those reassessments annually for those that are on Services we are PRI prioritizing those individuals who are on Services because we have to prioritize in some way and so we're trying to keep people that are on services on Services which then has created this new um initial assessments we have had a wait time now um that we have never experienced before this year uh other counties across the state were facing this already last year but we had um been able to maintain our 20 days um which is the expectation of DHS um and what is out there in in policy um and um so for the first time we are now facing that Morgan and Trish are going to walk us through um the rest of our slides they um are obviously very close to this work and they know a lot more than I do when it comes to explaining these things so I'll let them take it from here thank you Tammy good morning everybody good morning Morgan um I think the word Co postco stick out to everybody and we've been hearing it over and over and over again but I'm here to say it again um we are living in the postco world with our men's assessments and trying to transition back um a couple things that have really impacted us postco is uh actually travel time um I think that's why there's that little car there right like we were doing some virtual assessments we were allowed to do assessments between the years of 2020 and 2023 over the phone on a team's call um there were certainly still individuals that were opting to do something face to face but I would say a majority of our assessments were um in that virtual environment right so we didn't have to travel um our assessment team does cover the entire County of crowing so we we cover any assessment that is requested in our jurisdiction that means that we're going all the way up to Emily if somebody in Emily is wanting a face tof face assessment in their home um that can add a lot of time for our assessors and we're we're definitely feeling the impacts of that um the state did recognize that during covid when there was some flexibility with virtual assessments that was helpful however we definitely still see the value and know there's value in doing things face to face um so the the limitations for those virtual assessments um are strict they're really only for individuals that are being reassessed so already receiving service already having kind of ongoing contact from case managers um anything that's initial brand new somebody that has not been on Services before we're we're in um that face to face I think that's um I'm a I'm a big proponent of analogies so here's my analogy for today um Min choices 1.0 and this can be vice versa so if you're an Apple fan and you were forced to go to an Android or you're an Android fan and forced to go to uh Apple um you know that that's not a very comfortable transition and there's definitely changes between the two of them that's where we're sitting with men choices right now so with Min choices 1.0 our staff were familiar with it we were working the camera we were using the text messages we were doing all the things on an Android phone and it worked really well for us and the state made a change to go to Rev choices it's like upgrading to an Apple for an Android User we can still use the camera we can still text but things look different they function differently and we're still working through the Kinks of it um it's been I am optimistic and so I'm not going to say a rough transition but it's been a challenging transition because of the changes that have came with the program um DHS is constantly evolving this new program we're giving feedback we're able to tell them you know this is working this isn't working we really need to see a change in here um but the changes that come with DHS are sometimes slow not at the speed that we need them to be at and we're we're going in to revise whether um we like it or not so the 1.0 system sun sets September 30th and we don't have access to it anymore um Tammy did mention that as a part of kind of transitioning into revise we've been kind of through this transition through the last two years uh we've had had to take all of the people that were in that 1.0 and upload their data into the new system pieces of it have been able to transition smoothly but a lot of it is leg work on our staff to copy and paste figure out which section in 1.0 it should go into revised and it's been time consuming it's continually improving like I said um we're kind of we're finding our footing obviously because it's sunsetting our staff have been in the system for a full year now so we're starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel that the assessments we did last September there's three or four or five that have everything uploaded and it feels really good um but it definitely took us the full year to get there and we're we're not fully there yet so that's been very good and just to talk a little bit in regards to what Tammy shared about our the new programming Community First services and supports it's replacing PCA um it's the new analogy or acronym of cfss um it is requiring us to do a couple extra steps the steps you see in kind of the pinkish purple are the added steps for a lead agency and so the new newest addition is the Consultation Services so it's a whole another partner that has been developed by DHS to kind of play in this flow and so we'll be communicating we'll have additional people in this team to um create cfss supports for the individuals and so it just kind of creates a another loop another additional piece of the work we'll be touching the case um more PCA we would do the assessment complete the support plan enter the service agreement and that person was good for a year this will be we'll do the assessment we'll refer to Consultation Services a plan will be developed it'll come back to us we have to approve the plan and then if hopefully everything's good to go we we approved the service span and then we're good for that amount of time until the next reassessment however if they have a change in their plan if there's anything that needs to be adjusted it comes back to us again then it has to go out to the consultation agency comes back to us we have to approve and then we have to enter again so hopefully it's only a one-time touch I mean one additional Extra Touch but we know there'll be cases that we'll be doing a few extra touches on too so it's just a new program we're continuing to learn I think as the point of the states continuing to learn through the process too we're doing weekly trainings right now and we have two weeks until it launches so we're uh we'll continue to update you as we learn more on cfss too um one thing I just want to mention with cfss is that when the state originally brought it Forward lead agencies weren't going to have the role these extra steps that we we currently are going to face um but CMS actually gave the direction that the program cannot launch without having lead agency involvement and lead lead AG gencies approving the plans so um at one point we weren't going to have to face these purple boxes but um CMS really wanted our our involvement and our level of approval within the the service delivery so and right now PCA is state funded whereas cfss will be portion of state and federal funding so there's some benefits there too potentially so that's just the the guidelines were CMS that in front of us so we have to follow those two can you tell me the acronym that CMS or what one you were telling me about yes it's it's the federal Center for Medicaid Medicaid services Services sure we need our our acrian dictionary in front of us okay thank you yes and then this is just a quick just a GU a a chart to show the increase of our disability waiver case management um cases um when I started tracking data in early 2015 we had um right around 380 cases and as of the end of August we have 520 cases so we've definitely seen growth within our um waiver Services case management we greatly appreciate you um authorized an additional case manager for our team in mid late 22 that person actually joined our team in mid 23 and we've definitely needed it throughout uh 24 so just that just shows a a a brief snapshot of the the growth within our waiver uh supports quick question for you would you attribute the increase in case loow to the older generation we are all um primarily the majority of our cases are 65 and and younger and younger okay yep all the over 65 go to our LTC Partners our Long-Term Care Partners okay TR a quick question on that if someone has a if someone is receiving services from another County and then they move to County does that case transfer to Crowing County or does it stay in the county where it originated that's a it's not an easy answer there's excluded time services so there's certain supports so if an individual from another County came to crowing and lived in a group home that's excluded time so that would remain with the county of origination however if they came into our County and were receiving some um Independent Living supports or food supports or different things like that um that that case would transfer for an example um right now we're getting cases that are scheduled to transfer to us in O November and right now we have eight transfer cases coming in so um we have a lot of people wanting to live in croing County so the growth that you're seeing is coming from existing residents who are now looking for services or or looking for uh assistance and then plus migration that is happening and moving in in Crowing County as well so we're seeing that's where some of that is driven versus the Aging population as such that would be ping some of our other areas but not in particular this particular one y and these are areas that are supported either by the state or federal to help support some of these people so as long as that support comes with it for us yes if the support was coming 100% to cover the cost of what was of the service that's being offered so we're doing now if you look at those numbers from 2020 um is that January of 2020 with 452 cases to August of 24 with 520 with the increase of Staff of one person from 2020 through 2024 and an increase of over a 100 almost 100 cases in that period of time and while there is probably funding that is covering the majority of this the workload is not necessarily being fully covered because of other things that are there okay thank you and then um yeah this just shows a little bit um with disability case management we are I think kind of fortunate is we do get to track our revenue and um we have I like I would say there could be an increase in our our Revenue rates uh they haven't been changed in many many many years but we are able to bring in some um decent looking dollars for the work that our disability case managers do so I just wanted to show a graph of of the changes of Revenue that we have brought in since 2019 so if you have any questions on that that's to all right stepping into some of our our wait time so as Tammy mentioned earlier if you are a resident of croing County and anybody that is a resident has a right to asking for requesting them in choices assessment um you are supposed to be getting your assessment within 20 days of requesting it um the state a year ago that 20 days didn't in it included weekends um so the 20 days went pretty quickly um they did make a change so that weekends and holidays aren't included in that so it's 20 business days now um croing County since the month of May 24 has been sitting between 45 and 60 days waiting for an assessment um we prioritize within those individuals that are waiting um if they're discharging from a hospital setting they need services to maintain their health safety or or um you know worse things could happen um we're trying to meet those needs definitely working with um having a cbhh in our community we want to make sure that those individuals are getting assessed when they need it um so we're we're really trying to prioritize within that weight list um a few other things we've tried to kind of help maintain this list uh this summer we had two of our caseids on the disability team and our men choices team reclass ified to a social worker um those two positions are just actually getting theyve they both received their certificates in September which is fantastic so we can start to tap them a little bit within our assessment work and they will do some of those more urgent ones maybe once the team has received their case load for the month and we need somebody to step in um that's when we're going to be utilizing those individuals we've worked to rearrange some of the months so if you look at the months of May and September and you came and talked to them in choice assessment team you're going to feel their stress level because those are uh historically months that our team is experiencing higher numbers of Assessments um obviously there's months like February where that number is a little lower um with rearranging some of these assessments we're trying to make the months a little bit more Equitable so that the staff um have we kind of know how to plan for the month-to-month changes did you go back back to that for yeah that one there so so are we not getting these done in that 20 days I mean according to that we are behind we are behind is there a penalty for that um when it comes to the audit we'll probably be dinged on that but um we've been very fortunate in Crowing County to not H we've been able to meet that up until this year um counties in the Metro are sitting further out than we are um that's just the reality of of men Choice's work right now there's there's counties that are sitting more like 6 months um if we continue on the path we're at right now we're we're likely to hit that as well um and the state is trying to take some some steps in um supporting the work and changing some timelines around to help navigate away from it but right now we are not meeting the state requirements within the 20 days and people are waiting longer the result of that is there are people that are waiting for services that are wait that are not getting those services that is correct that they that you would maybe qualify whatever that is that you're qualifying for they're waiting to get those services so in that meantime they're in kind of AO yep um and we we're trying our best to communicate that out to people that are calling and requesting assessments so they are aware that it's going to be a longer time than typical or what we would like to see it um we're again within those priorities like if we are having somebody that's in their home and desperately needing an assisted living setting or a 247 setting um we're going to prioritize that differently than somebody that um maybe is looking for inhome supports it's it's not a fun game to play when you're taking over people's need it would be really wouldn't be fun at all from from my just thinking about no I'm I know you need it but you're not going to get it until we get to hear yeah and I think that that is you know another piece that our assessment team takes the brunt of um once they finally do get that assessment the individuals are frustrated they're not receiving the time the the service in the time that they were expecting or the time that maybe they personally needed it to happen um so our assessment team is really talking with the individuals and trying to explain that and trying to get services in place as quickly as we can once we have gotten that assessment completed but um it's definitely our our consumers that are feeling the brunt of this and our assessors that are trying to support them through it how long how long does it take typically to do an this assessment that you're talking about and then is it like how many pages is it do you go out there with something like this and then you just go through the the assessment is on a worksheet or or is it on an iPad or how long does it take it's a computer-based program so the Revis Min traces is the assessment tool that we use um if you asked every single question within the assessment I want to say we actually counted it it's between 800 and 900 questions if you printed it out it'd be a lot of pages um there's plenty of drop downs if you answer one question then you get additional ones uh if you look at the assessment interview time an assessment interview can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours um when you're doing the paperwork that goes along with it we say a case usually can be processed between 8 hours and 16 hours that's a really big uh gamut of case time um but with a new system it it is taking more of that 16 hours and um the the reassessments that already have data and have are on Services obviously go a little bit quicker than somebody that needs a brand new assessment so I would say a good solid average number would be 12 hours per case um we look to our assessment team to complete at least 10 assessments per month um our reassesses complete 15 and that's obviously taking into account you know that they're going to meetings that they have other responsibilities within their workload as well but um the last kind of bullet point on this is that we are tapping other areas when we are just facing a September or a May um we're looking to our disability case managers to help pick up some reassessments um we did in 2001 I'm really testing myself um we did move our reassessments away from case management so they weren't responsible for doing that anymore we've seen the revenue um benefits from doing so um so when we have to go backwards a little bit and tap our disability Partners it it's not ideal but that's that's how we're meeting the need right now that occurred in 2021 2021 2021 thank you all right going to the next slide um that weight time so I I pulled some numbers as of January 29th so um when we're looking at our weight list I usually assign out the next month around the last part part of the the the current month so in July I assigned out um I went in and there was 45 indiv individuals on our wait list on July 29th after we were assigning out those um individuals there was 22 left and those dated back to 6 26 so you can kind of see that the timeline is um much longer during the summer months we've made progress um so as of September 6th we had 35 individuals on the wait list we've moved from that 45 so slowly but surely these little changes that we're trying to implement are are are helping um but we're definitely trying to be very cognizant of it and um working with our consumers so that they're aware of where we're at too and so as these are coming as as you're going through these months some are coming offline some are coming online and they're still but they're still over that 20 days right yep I would say that majority of the ones that are um counted in well all the ones in this number our initial assessments so this isn't looking at any of our reassessments we're meeting those needs those are the priority these are people that are coming in looking for service but their need is still there yes y thank you so now we would take questions I just wanted to say before we do that though um thank you for you guys for um telling talking to the board about this today um we really wanted to just make sure you were aware and you know um as you um are hearing from citizens and constituents um and just being really familiar with this so that you know if you are getting a call we'd also welcome you to give us a call if you're hearing from somebody and they're um um you know upset about this weit time like like we said it's um we gave the team permission you know last spring to say we know we're going over that 20 days and um the summer when we had some conversations with them they talked about how difficult it is though now to come into these situations when we are running late and we're running behind and you know they're the ones that have to you know tell the individuals why they had to wait um and like the team said we're trying to do a lot of different things creatively to address this we're also working legislatively um it was passed last year to allow an initial assessment is only good for 60 days now um starting next August so I don't know why it's taking so long but next August um the assessment will actually be good for 300 65 days which would be very helpful because sometimes not all the things are in place to help a person maybe they're not out of the cbh yet so their assessment will be good for more than 60 days or maybe if they're in going to go into long-term care maybe some of their assets haven't been spent down so they're not eligible so this assessment that they get initially unless there's any significant changes would be good for 365 days the other thing that um I know that we've been working on at Maxa you may hear about it at AMC is that we are trying so as we said to you we're trying to prioritize those people that are currently on waivered services so they don't fall off we are asking the state to consider letting individuals have a choice about whether or not they need to have a brand you know to have a reassessment every year if there hasn't been any significant changes could they wave that and that would allow for their services to continue unless there's been any significant changes which they would call if there were we would be notified and then we'd go out and do a new assessment so we are um asking for that um to just give the initial assessments those people that are needing to get on to Services priority other questions so Mr chair I don't have a question but to your point we were at the AMC fall conference last week and in general government this was a hot topic that was discussed and the problems across the state that all the agencies are experiencing and so it's not a small problem that exists out there and HS is not a good partner in trying to help solve it even though it'll take both parties to get it resolved but it's the clients that are suffering out there that so it's recognized and I I want you to know that we will be working hard on that thank you thank you anything else from the board thank you for presentation thank you so much thank you very much for the work you guys do yes that's a frustrating job yeah I'm kidding get good morning Commissioners good morning good morning before you today for a request from the land service department for uh change in the fleet policy for the forestry vehicles and Equipment um this pertains to section 3 item H vehicle classification currently Land Services Falls underneath the uh non-emergency response vehicles in the policy um they're wanting to make a change and move over to off Highway use vehicle and Equipment um what this would affect would be two of their forestry vehicles uh to change that from a 10-year 175,000 Mi policy for to a 7-year 100,000 Mi policy change the allterrain vehicles ATVs this would affect three of them move them from a a 10-year or or mechanical uh issues to a 5-year dependent on mechanical and then there would be one one off highway vehicle side by side move that to a 7-year or dependent on mechanical that currently is Falls underneath the ATV the 10e or dependent on mechanical and then there's three snowmobiles that would that moves from 10 years or dependent on mechanical to a 5year dependent on mechanical um some of the reasonings for this change these changes are uh due to the nature and location of the forest management and Recreation work that they do um try to help with overall CIP planning um the forestry work forestry work often involves the use of vehicles in extreme environments um just the the condition of the vehicles um from what we've seen in the past uh some of these vehicles get beat up pretty pretty good um they get wore out um going on these off-roads um there's some some stuff that wears out a little faster in these types of vehicles so they're wanting to move make a move to uh the replacement policy to move it up from a 10 year to a seven and five year on these pieces of equipment for the ones we have right now Joel will that put all of those Vehicles into a replacement mode to come up on a CIP yes yeah we currently have them set up on on the CIP list already I mean are they are you looking at replacing those now up to 202 we have two that have been moved up to 2025 right now yes yep and those are move up if this change is made that's that commission how many more will move up if this change is made but it it pertains to these two okay just those two those two vehicles yep the rest of there stay on on the the 10year or 175 replacement policy um it's just affecting these two particular vehicles that they have in for forestry okay didn't thinking maybe it was going to be a whole new Fleet coming out there NOP no NOP it's it's just for the two just for the um forestry vehicles and and Equipment yes yeah and to quote uh former administrator H we're planning our work and working our plan and we're here today to um more closely follow what we've historically been doing so we can plan our work better and Achieve our goals then Services made some changes over the years that has up their rotation I think that that due to what they do out in the field now um they've changed quite a few things so yeah I don't have any real questions on anything for it but thank you for bringing it to our attention so would this then be on consent for agenda on agenda for the next board meeting you're all comfortable with that yep okay perfect thank you I don't know if Paul is back there to ask Paul I I I can read the tea leaves it's all good you read the tea leaves up here okay read the tea leaves thank Youk thank you for time commissioner you're welcome thank you anything else for