##VIDEO ID:HKufgn_4TQI## call to order and we will start with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we'll start out with open form I see we have two people here for open form uh Doug Kar uh concerning uh secure elections I've been hearing from my Democrat counterparts from Democrats around around the M state of Minnesota there's a concern that the Dominion machines will be hacked by different entities um do we have a backup plan for paper ballots or anything like that that's that's kind of my concern if if things do do go kittywampus and uh we start hearing about election interference um just wondering paper backup do we have it thank you you want me to respond if you would like to Mr chair Mr kerna as you well know Minnesota uses paper backup paper ballots we have used paper ballots we always use paper ballots the only thing the machines do is tabulate the vote of the paper ballot the ballots are the paper ballots in case of for whatever reason we need to have a [Music] backup thank you uh next we have a gentleman by the name of Tim prinson that would like to come and speak to us sure one for everybody so I can give her oh yeah y Mr chair and Commissioners thank you very much uh for having me here today I appreciate you allowing me to speak in your open Forum um here today uh guarding community support for a project in the city of ironon uh it's on June Lake um it sits with inside um the Cuna country wreck area it's a 60 acre parcel that's currently landlocked um and so there's no um access from a state uh city or county road the closest County Road is County Road 128 um the parcel in the upper leftand corner is outlined in the blue shaded area um the parcel outlined in red is an undivided interest parcel that we would also um get interest in the yellow the highlighted yellow road is an existing road that Services the wreck area it's called overburden Road um we're here today to Garner Community Support um to enlist the uh the DNR to assist in in easement uh on overburn road or another access point um into that landlock parcel um we have um a you know a specific plan for the parcel that's covered in the project Vision section of the placem that we've handed out um that entails really uh an extension of what the wreck area is about today um silent Sports mountain biking paddle boarding Nordic skiing Etc um the purpose or the goal would be to create um uh overnight U sleeping cabins for people using the wreck area uh as it sits today there's about 400,000 visitors uh coming to the wreck area and a very limited amount of over night options for them um so with that if there's any questions that you have I know I have a limited uh time to go over it um is do you have any questions or uh Tim and normally we'll just allow the three minutes but I know this is in Doug's District okay and I and I would like to kind of if it's okay I would like to kind of hand it off to him because I'm not as familiar with it as Doug would be if there's some questions that'd be great that'd be great and I'm happy to take as much time as you'll allow thank you Mr chair uh Tim was before the uh advisory Council for the wreck area oh July July uh and and presented this exact plan um a little more detail as far as the cabin type you know the the actual uh buildings and it and it it's ideal for the wreck area uh the issue as far as easements been been uh something for years uh we've had an issue with the DNR trying to get legal uh easement for this property so uh as Tim mentioned he's he's uh going around Gathering uh as much support as he can that will include the uh advisory Council for the r area and and others the city of Iron's been very supportive of this project as well um so um with that I mean we'll I guess we want to bring it to our attention and and uh um I know that uh there might be a couple that would sign on for a letter of support from the board um but we'll we'll deal with that after the meeting so um it's a it's a perfect fit for the rec area and unfortunately it's run into a little opposition so uh we're trying to take I think a a second run at this thing and gather the support that's needed so yeah we are very fortunate to get the support of the city of irton um back in uh back in July so um and what we're offering the DNR is a public private partnership where we would give up our interest and the 124th parcel um and then that would give them instant access to about 40 acres of land that they could develop and do what they wish um we also give them the right of first um option to purchase the property if we ever decide to sell the property um that has been a assembling block for them in the past and so there's a path to DNR ownership in the future if they so um if they so choose to do that and then obviously there's the economic de velopment that comes with the project um which would be substantial um especially compared to where the value of the property sits today so um thank you very much for your time and I would only add that uh Senator Roode has been uh uh very helpful in trying to you know pull this together as well and and uh we thank her for that uh I I'm hoping we can get something accomplished for for your project here so do you have any words uh former Senator Roode to speak as long as we're kind of opening this one up a little bit um thank you for allowing me to speak um this is you know I've been working on the the rec center since the year 2000 when we first had visions of what it could be we never thought we would have the success of the public um um government um entities and support and this is really fulfills a vision of what we thought we could accomplish um that we have a private entity coming in and and making lodging um without asking for any help um from the government they're doing it on their own um it's really a a significant parcel and the fact that they're going to give the um the piece and the red line to the DNR um and give up their rights to that so that they could have access I think really is a is a great piece and we have gotten some great support we've been meeting with Mayors and the Chamber and um all sorts of folks in over in that area and um we have great support so we think this is really what um the rec Senator The Envision that we had many years ago um progressing so thank you thank you any other questions from the board thank you for your presentation sir appreciate it thank you yep we'll go on to uh item three review and approve the minutes motion to approve we have a motion do we have a second second motion by franzine second by barrows all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carried uh review and approve the agenda no changes Mr chair okay motion to approve second motion by coring second by Francine all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries did I screw up again no I wasn't quick enough okay I consent agenda motion to approve second motion by um franzine second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion carries um we are public hearing we have a chair I would move to uh move into the move into the public hearing petition to amend order establishing the Ruth Lake lid budget amendment second Mr chair just a moment are are we Gary are we removing this are we move it next right oh sorry sorry I was a little slow on the uptake I wasn't fast enough either commissioner baros I will remove or I will withdraw my uh then thank you the land services department has asked to move this public hearing to the next County board meeting on November 12th sorry November 12th County board meeting Gary do you want to talk a little bit or Jessica can one of you talk a little bit about why what the reasoning is yes good morning Mr chair Commissioners uh the reason we are moving this public hearing is to November 12th is to allow time to send out a notification to all the property owners we just need that extra a little bit of time okay so that didn't get done yet and that's that's why we have to correct y it has been mailed now but this will just give us that extra time so would proper procedure be to motion proced be to reschedule the public hearing from today until 9:05 on November 12th okay do I have a motion for that I'll make that motion second motion by Rosemary either one either one second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I motion carried Land Services good morning commissioner our chair Commissioners uh today for your consideration we have a preliminary plat of brainer International Raceway luxury garages uh consist of 12 Lots um this preliminary plat was before the Planning Commission on September 19th uh with a unanimous um approval to recommend um uh recommend approval to you and um I'm here for any questions Mr chair if I if I might I just have one question for clarification Gary yep and that we call in the international I'm sorry yep International Raceway luxury garages but they're really going to be a place where somebody can live for a short period of time is that correct uh that is correct there will be four uh three four plexes that um they could stay at yeah so my concern and what I'm want to express here is that similar to the storage units that were built where the old uh movie theater was is there any confusion in what we're proposing here so could they say the same thing that it's a luxury garage just using that term because I know there's a more extensive term used in the um verbiage that's on here but I don't want any confusion that we're approving these storage units to be livable units yeah thank you uh Mr chair commissioner barrows I don't believe there is any confusion these um titles or names of these plats you know the owners you know make up what they want we don't have a lot of say and uh maybe you should call it something different um this was a original plat uh there were going to be uh 12 total luxury garages there's I believe two two of them built currently and this is kind of a replat where it's making them into four um I say individual units instead of one larger one uh but the other side of 371 those I wouldn't uh consider luxury like these um two different two different builds I guess so my concern though is that some developer could come in and say I want to build luxury garages and it would include a living space each individual plat comes with its own set of conditions and requirements and so if somebody wants to build a luxury garage we say what is your definition of luxury and if it's living quarters if it's in a storage area that currently uh wouldn't be allowed okay uh Mr chair yes can you just go back a couple sorry I was just scrolling oh okay can you just go back to the picture of the of the existing ones that are there I don't know if anybody's ever I went to a little reception one time to one of these and they had some very well-known race race car drivers and they had their they actually bought their cars and the cars were there uh and there there they are right there and and then up above your right Steve it was living quarters and and then the balcony looked right over the drag track track y so I don't know I don't I don't see an issue with this this is somebody could call it a luxury garage they could call it a barn dominium they could call it a Shou you know um so I I think there's a lot of people that are building these big buildings and you know it has a lot of garage space insulated everything in floor heat and then living quarters in them so but if it's an individual lot and owned is it is it who who owns is it individual Lots or at these will be individual Lots so I don't know I don't see any issue with it Mr chair yes Gary we don't put the names of the plats the developer or whomever is submitting the request for platting is the one who comes up with the name of the plat that is correct so the plat name is brainer International Raceway luxury garages not something that we have put on there that is something that the developer is naming their plat similar to town of Brainard or whatever it might be with the name of the plat when they bring It Forward for consideration Paul's barndominiums or something if you wanted to name a plat that you certainly could okay no more questions okay entertain a motion to approve like the motion motion by hog or which one ahead okay mot motion by hog second by Francine all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries okay County Sheriff do we have anything that you would like to bring up to us to report on you have any questions Mr chair um I see we have our County engineer is there anything you would like to bring up okay I just but I do have I see Gary Griffin sitting here oh Gary you're here and I know I'm jumping over County Administrator right now but as long as we got him here if that's oh count oh County attorney yes let's get him here County attorney good morning everyone I don't have anything for today Mr chair but I'd be happy to answer any questions someone might have of them any questions from the board for attorney hearing none thank you you have a good day everybody thank you I better go through the right order here County Administrator do you have anything for us today Mr chair senior management team did not have a meeting yesterday so I have nothing to report today additional business now I'm going to bring Gary up to talk about the story stormw and what's happening with that if you're okay doing that Gary I'm okay with what you need good morning again uh if if if you haven't heard star stonewort has been found in Two Lakes now in croing County one with was middle Cullen the other is Rush Lake uh one of the lakes on the 14 Chain of Lakes um a white fish chain uh today and tomorrow they're going to start trying to um pull and treat the um Starry Stone wart in Rush Lake um there that uh Lake Association uh is trying to be very aggressive and seeing if they can contain and stop the spread of that um neat little thing is we have two staff members there tomorrow assisting with the um uh pulling um helping out uh trying to um take care of that problem so I think it's a um great way to be proactive and not have this thing hopefully get worse and uh not only spread in that chain but other lakes in our in our County so we're to come with that but that's that's what's going on currently uh Mr Ley commissioner Ley from what I understand the the story storm versus some of the other ones whether the Zebra muscles or whether the Eurasian mil foil this is a very aggressive or a very fast growing yeah uh yes it's it's very fast growing uh the the big difference between like EUR Asian water mil foil uh which is an invasive in Star stwart is a star um can form a mat uh and it really chokes out an area of the lake and it for boat in fishing uh any Recreation star ston wart um is really nasty to deal with and it's very um it has these little um bulbs and they float around and it just spreads kind of like you know Wildfire wood so uh very concerning that we have that um and it's it's a great opportunity to see if we can help in any way we can prevent it and we've have some DNR um experts if I remember right there was a seminar that was done yeah so uh we also were part of a a meeting last week um folks like uh Dr Phelps from Maser a few other um folks from the DNR some divers that actually have went down and and looked at the bottom of the lake a lot of AIS experts were on the call trying to brainstorm and come up with a plan that might be effective to um not have Rush Lake turn into what lake coronis did um southern part of the county okay thank you right so Mr chair since we're under other business I have a couple things that I would like to sure bring up the I met with the East Central Regional juvenile center which is we contract with them for one bed in for for coring County that were guaranteed at all times of the year um just to let you know that we will have a rate increase we've asked them to do a better job of assessing that so that we can have it as part of our regular budget process coming after the fact and asking for a basically it's a $112,000 increase over the course of the year for that contract um didn't bode well with a lot of the members of this joint Powers uh just a quick fact last year we used 433 beds when we contract for 244 so for Crowing County you know that we have a great need for that we need to have that guaranteed bed it's important to us so I just wanted to bring that to you to let you know that uh we hadm and that we approved that increase it's about a $51 per DM increase that we um will absorb and again that amounts to about $12,300 I think a year or so not significant but should be part of our budget process the second thing is tonight there's a domestic violence meeting that I program at the Lyman P white Pavilion and recognizing the women that have been killed in the last year due to domestic violence I'd like to invite everyone to join us there for that ceremony would it begins at 6:30 and and uh so hope to see you there other than that I don't have anything else okay thank you anything else from the board before we go into Mr chair just a thing just something I uh I was asked to speak at the camp Lake Association meeting um was just looking at my calendar I believe it was on September 28th they did have a list of questions that they emailed me and believe it or not I didn't have the answer to all those questions so I asked I wish Gary was here Gary uh answered all the questions and actually Gary volunteered to come to that meeting on uh Saturday on his 25th wedding anniversary by the way um and came there at 4:30 and we spoke to I spoke and then Gary spoke to the group and we answered every single question that they had and they were just really really apprecia of myself Gary and Crowing County so just wanted to report that thank you thank you if there isn't anything else then let's go into a uh closed meeting if there's nothing else I'll make the motion to go into the closed meeting to discuss election emergency plan pursu pursuant to MS13 d05 subdivision 3D second we have a motion in second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carried we are in a closed meeting we'll take a little bit of time for we'll take a little bit of time to get set up for we take a little bit of time okay okay we are now back an open session Jory all right Commissioners uh what we discussed in the Clos session was crowing County's election emergency plan in accordance with Minnesota statute 204b 181 uh the confidential election emergency plan helps uh election workers identify uh situations that may arise and how they should act in case of emergency it also is a plan that discloses election uh judge information should something uh need to take place that a election official need to be uh summoned and also some Communications that go out if there is an emergency and what I'm asking for today is that you approve uh the croing County Emergency election plan I'll make that motion motion by franzine seconded by I will second that and then I have a comment I would just like coring you want to do that in their discussion part right but I are we in discussion now well we have a motion in a second so that would be so that you discuss now you can right I would just just want to go further on this and just point out the fact that what we're doing today is putting together a plan that's required by the state of Minnesota and if you look at what happened with hurricane Helen and in North Carolina if we ever had God forbid if we ever had something happen here either a fire to a town hall or a tornado go through this plan kind of walks you through what we need to do and that's what we're doing today and it has a whole bunch of stuff in there if there's a a bomb scare or or anything like that it just kind of or if there's somebody that's angry there or disrupting the uh election process this is the plan that we need to have so just wanted to further that a little bit thank you Mr chair yep thank you commissioner all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries thank you Mr chair if there's nothing else I would make the motion to adjourn second motion by Barrel second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carried we are adjourned thank you