##VIDEO ID:vlyhw4SkJ3I## okay okay um we will start the meeting uh we were a little late today because of some technical difficulties um let's start with the uh Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence I pledge alance to the of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all we'll start out with open form and this is for anybody who isn't on the agenda has three minutes to come up and address the uh board is there anybody out there for open form today anybody online for open form there there's not okay so we'll foro open form review and approve of the minutes we second we have a motion and a second motion by Rosemary seconded by barrows all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries review and approve the agenda we have one item on the agenda I think 6.1 which is a public hearing which I don't think is ready to do today so we would like to foro with the public hearing unless there is somebody here just to address that I would let them come up and address or anybody online to address that if not we will foro that I think we will uh wait for public comment and we will uh schedule another public hearing after that is that correct okay thank you that's the only only amendment I see just to clarify for go means you removed it removed it yeah okay motion Chang second motion by Rosemary seconded by uh coring all in favor signify by saying I I poose same sign motion carries um consent agenda motion second okay Ro motion by franzine and second by barrows all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carried now we'll go to the public hearing uh on 6.2 which is for the uh petition to vacate part of Maple Drive an Elm Drive and unorganized territory you need a motion to go Mr chair I'll make the motion to open the public hearing regarding the vacation of part of Maple Drive second motion made and seconded is that one all in favor signify by saying I yes I all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carried we're open we're at a public hearing who is going to be addressing that anyone in the audience is there anybody in the audience wants to address that that the lead petitioner was supposed to be here but I Mr Ron yes okay would you like to come yeah would you like to come up and address what uh what the hearing is for check check um good morning um good morning I have uh been a name and address I'm sorry my name is Bill Ron um uh I live in afon Minnesota uh and have recreational property on North Long Lake um that property was purchased by my father-in-law about 1960 um and we have been I have been personally uh using that during the summer I was a teacher uh been personally using that during the summer since about 1980 um during that time 1992 the next door neighbors vacated the portion to the west of me uh so basically that 20ft cartway uh ends at the end of my property so it goes through my property um my wife passed away in April so I'm preparing to sell the property and there are actually two lots separated by the cartway and and I would like to make it one contiguous lot okay thanks for your consideration thank you Mr chair I would call for public comment if there's three times if there's anybody out there and if not you can close it three times um anybody would want to comment on this hearing is there anybody online or here that would want to comment on this hearing there is no one online and there's no one on line and anybody on one more time right anybody here want to comment on this uh public uh hearing if none I make a Mr chair I'll make the motion to close the public hearing second motion by Barrow second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carried now six point okay so I Mr chair I would second that but I do have a question is the County engineer going to speak to this and I would like to hear from the county engineer sure thank you good morning Mr chair and Commissioners um this actually is become an administrative process run by the administr administrator's office the highway department Land Services Department the attorney's office all get to comment and we have submitted our comments on that from the and I can speak for the highway department our comment it is not a current road it's not projected to be used as a public Road in the future and this also is very similar to other um processes people have come forward to vacate these these small portions of Sugar Bush Trail I believe it's called to make their property contigous so this is something that's happened quite often over the years and there is no public interest from the highway department in it being a public road now or in the future perfect thank you Mr chair there were um comments from or there were some comments from the attorney's office and from Land Services that were in your packet nothing to not say that this can be done so I think it just as he addressed it's pretty much an administrative thing because of some of the lots that were done and plotted back years ago that have pretty much become non-existent today so looking for a motion you you've got a we have a motion oh I have a motion okay frine inquiring okay motion made in second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carried I'm could you who made him seconded that I had Steve franzine and Coring okay got a little offbeat today with starting 20 minutes late um Community Services good morning chair ly and Commissioners um I'm back uh I had been before you on August 27th for the determination of Need for voice uh program of direct care and treatment and at that time you did approve um the location the move um this is a needs determination that has to go into DHS uh they were requesting to move to a new space on 611 Street which you did approve um the the item that was a part of the um of the request was to move their onsite capacity from 40 individuals to eight individuals and this um there's kind of two reasons for this one they are not serving this many this this number of individuals um in the community or onsite and then the second piece of this is that the location that they're moving to the on-site capacity is the eight and that is why they are requesting to um reduce that to eight at that time you had two different questions that I wanted to address today one was do we lose capacity when we do this and so we did pose that question to DHS and we do not we will retain the 32 spots for another day treatment or um Day program if one were to um request to be developed in our County and then the second question was around um if we were not to approve this does what does DHS do uh DHS indic ated that they would um follow the lead agency which is carwing County's um recommendation on this and that it would be the right of the organization that put forward the um so it be right of direct care and treatment voice to um submit an appeal and then they'd bring that appeal back to us so it would be my recommendation um that the board would approve and allow voice to um reduce their capacity their onsite capacity down to 8 and be able to move to this new location and with that I would request your um permission for me to sign the needs determination application as um it is presented Mr chair as the maker of the motion on 827 I would make a motion to reconsider that motion and um change the on-site capacity from 40 to 8 to come into compliance with DHS and to authorize Tammy to sign the agreement motion by barrows do we have a second I'll second seconded by hog all in favor signify by saying I I I poose same sign hearing none so just to clarify so technically we we should if we're going to reconsider we should that should be a vote to reconsider and then then we should have the change is really what should happen I mean I think we run Lo here but that's technically what should happen so if now now it's on the table to reconsider it so you want to make your motion so on the table would be the recommended action that was in the packet which was the action at the last board meeting that didn't get approved this is a fun day I'm sorry so Mr chair I will make uh the motion to uh take the recommendation that the uh Community Services have is provided regarding the capacity at 611 Oak Street for The Voice organization is that how we want to do this or do you want me to read the whole board action I don't think you need to read it so that's a motion that's about the other motion that you made that was not to be considered just to bring it up to the table consider the vote okay okay so we have a motion do we still have a second we have a second with hog now all in favor signify by saying I I I uphold same sign hearing none motion carries thank you thank you Tammy okay now we're on to 72 and I guess I didn't introduce my myself earlier so I'll do that now uh Tammy lck Adult Services manager community services and Morgan Altos Adult Services Supervisor with adult protection our um coordinated Community response workers and Men choices so uh this morning we come before you to bring forward a proclamation for vulnerable adult abuse awareness prevention um for September um I'm going to I won't read it all but I'll just highlight a few pieces um people who are elderly or have disabilities have contributed to the general welfare of croing County by helping to preserve Customs convictions and traditions of many people from diverse backgrounds these residents are vital and integral members of our society and their wisdom and experience has enriched Our Lives elder abuse can take many forms including physical emotional and sexual abuse as well as self- neglect and financial exploitation abuse of vulnerable populations is widespread problem affecting hundreds hundreds of thousands of people across our country suspected abuse was reported 674 times to adult citizens of croing County who are elderly or have disabilities in 2023 um abuse happens to men and women of all income levels all cultural and ethnic groups whether they are in good health or incapacitate incapacitated in some way in your neighborhoods and in rural areas many of the cases investigated by our adult protective team involve self- neglect and financial exploitation it is our duty as Citizens to reach out to people in need we would request the board's um consideration and approval of this Proclamation for September of 2024 to recognize vulnerable vulnerable adult abuse awareness and prevention so we'd like that and then we do have some sharing that we'd like to do for the month of September um I don't know if you'd like us to do that first okay Morgan's going so maybe just a question so is there I know that in the past for the last 12 years we we I don't know that we've a lot of times that we've done proclamations or letters of support and you know that and so I'm just wondering is this something that DHS is requiring us to to do or they asking us to do this where is this all what I mean obviously it's a great thing but where is it coming from just you know I think for us um we have um members of our adult protection team here our multi-disciplinary team from the community um and I think we had started a couple of years ago doing um an awareness month in the month of September um and then we do some events to really um help our community understand adult protection um matters and what that is you know many times people come up at um some we'll share some of the events that are happening but they'll come up and be like what's adult protection you know and so they so we're really just we have made setember um a month that we are trying to recognize and that is why we brought the proclamation forward there are other members um sorry other adult um protection teams across the state that have also done similar proclamations and we thought that we wanted to bring this forward to you for the month of September to give recognition to this um to this need in our community and um create awareness as well as the prevention efforts that are going on do you want to share the some of the events Morgan sure yes so um in the month of September so we've done this uh fundraiser for the last three years this is our third year and each year we've had different Community Partners um supporting our work with adult protection this year we have Cub Food and Brainard and Baxter uh working with us from September 9th to September 23rd uh during that time they'll be sell selling um donation cards in increments of a dollar or $5 uh as in addition to Cub we have schafers food in niswa they've participated for the for the last three years as well and they will do it for the entire month of September um this year we also partnered with Rafer pizza and brainer who will also be selling our donation cards um in addition to this fundraiser we are doing three different mandated reporter trainings with different Community Partners um last week we did it with the Essentia Health and their um social work department this week we're scheduled with crmc and their social work department um and next week we were invited to uh give a presentation to the state veteran service officer conference that's being hosted at madens um so we're pretty excited to have such a captivated a audience um to share this message and really get um awareness for vulnerable people in our community our multidisiplinary team meets monthly and um they're all in full support of the work that we do we work with enforcement our Hospital staff veterans um we've got a few Community Banks that um participate in this meeting as well um to just really make sure that we are addressing the needs of the the reports that we get from all angles um in 2023 as Tammy mentioned we had 674 reports um as of the end of July this year we are at 513 and we hit our highest number of reports in the month of July um ever in Crowing County and we've got 85 reports um to give some context a few years ago we were sitting around 30 to 40 reports the month last year we were averaging around 60 so to see 85 um you can definitely tell that uh one our population is aging and those um individuals are needing assistance and um we're also just getting that awareness and um education out there so that people make reports and um look out for their neighbors too so Mr chair you know my personal opinion is is that this is an important issue that we our team provides out there that it's a when we're talking about vulnerable adults and in this case it's a lot of seniors that are incapable of taking care of themselves watching over themselves they easily taken advantage of I personally think that uh this is a an opportunity that we need to take to help inform the community as a whole you speak at certain events those are are smaller events but I think coming from the County Board it makes a big statement across the county to this issue so with that if there's no other questions I'll make the motion to approve the resolution that's attached unless you want me to read it as September as the vulnerable adult abuse awareness and prevention month in croing County and I'll second that we have a motion from barels a second from hog all in favor signify saying I I I oppose same sign I didn't hear did you say yes a or a yes oh I didn't I didn't okay all in favor signify saying I oppose same sign motion carries thank you thank you thank you thank you to the team too for what you do we appreciate it very much tough job Land Services good morning I have one item for uh your consideration this morning we had the final plat of Woodshire this is a uh plat that has 10 individual Lots in one out lot uh this is located in section 18 of Lake Edward Township this was before the U Planning Commission back on September 21st of 2023 and then the plary plat was approved by the board here on October 10th of 2023 they do have one year to come forward with a final plat and that is what you have before you today uh is the final plat of Woodshire um you can see up here on the screen it's located um off of K Road 13 and the Clark Lake Dam Road is uh will be on the south and the west side of Clark Lake you can see the Lots as they lay out here and then the road that's put there this is again uh just a final plat and uh meets all ordinance requirements and I would recommend approval [Music] just missing it um the comment that we had had received from Lake Edward was that they had uh there were no concerns um from from the township it's end up it was built up the road will be built up to the township specs for the for maintenance is that a motion yes I'll second that motion motion by franzine second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I poose same sign hearing none motion carries thank you thank you County sheriff who's coming up here to speak on this good morning Clayton good morning Clayton bar Crowing County Emergency Management it's always a pleasure uh Mr chair Commissioners to uh kind of give you an update as far as where we're at with Emergency Management uh several different projects going on the there had been a coule requests as far as where we're at with our state decoration from our June tornado reached out to the state to see where we're at with that and it was basically told that with all the flooding that came after the tornado the state was pretty busy along with the F uh decoration so hopefully was in the next couple weeks we'll hear back something on that obviously the governor's been busy as well so hopefully the next couple weeks we'll hear something back uh on that we also submitted a armor equipment grant for 424,000 we haven't heard anything back on that those grants were supposed to be awarded back in August but they'd gotten a lot of uh requests um on that and hopefully here within first couple weeks of September we'll hear back on that we more than likely won't get the full Grant amount but we are actually hoping to get the uh bidirectional amplifier for Breezy Point for armor Network to uh kind of fill in that dead spot up there so fingers crossed that uh that gets approved and we get some somebody uh funding for that September is also National preparedness uh month and I know Darcy put out a press release to the public on that just wanting to get communities and the families start talking as far as what preparedness looks like uh out there uh within the community and starting that dialogue starting that conversation with family members the next week is also the association of Minnesota emergency managers will be meeting up in Breezy Point uh for a three-day conference so that'll be first part of the week and then on Friday we'll have our fulls scale airport exercise out at the Brainard airport as well so that's going to be on Friday so that'll be a busy day for us the uh also been working with uh FEMA National exercise program to do a full or initially it was going to be a full scale exercise but we scaled it back to a tabletop exercise for 2025 basically a severe weather Windstorm exercise and F will be coming out and kind of walking us through that process for a tabletop exercise um that'll be September of 2025 with the hopes of BR that September 2026 doing a fulls scale exercise in breey point for a severe weather or Windstorm uh event um cro county is also in the process of updating our Hazard mitigation plan and that's a 5-year FEMA requirement so we just started that process you may have also seen us on our our County website for uh public comments so we're looking for the community to provide input as far as hazards that they see within the community and uh kind of we be working through that process uh a huge part of Hazard mitigation is obviously uh fires uh and today we also like to talk about our uh Community Wildfire protection plan and we're crusing the board to uh to adopt that but the true champions of that uh that plan that Community Wildfire protection plan is Cross Lake Fire Chief uh Tim Liller and brainer fire chief Tim Holmes so I'll ask them to come up and kind of talk a little bit more about the uh Community Wildfire protection plan good morning Mr chair and Commissioners uh thanks for having us here today I'm just going to do a little overview of how we came across and built this community Wildfire protection plan back in May of 2023 uh Crosslake fire department was selected to participate in the International Association of Fire Chiefs Community Wildfire protection plan assistance program through this program the Wildfire program staff assisted Cross Lake Fire and brainer fire in developing the Crowing County Community Wildfire protection plan the development of the Crowing County community community Wildfire protection plan is a crucial initiative aimed at safeguarding the County's residence infrastructure and natural resources from the threat of wildfires the process involved engaging local community members and stakeholders as well as conducting a final evaluation of the cwpp additionally we received a grant funding to support the implementation of a community engagement day which was held in Cross Lake on June 29th and we had great turnout for that event in August of 2023 the Cross Lake Fire dep Department applied for the fire department Exchange program and was one of six fire departments selected Nationwide to participate so myself and chief Holmes convened in Lake Tahoe in October 23 to discuss various Wildland fire challenges broaden our knowledge base and develop innovative solutions to enhance our practices and procedures this exchange covered key strategies such as mitigation suppression response partnership Outreach and education and back in November of 20123 we held a fire a wildfire tabletop exercise with County Partners including the County Sheriff's Office Area fire departments local law enforcement agencies North ambulance branded airport city officials utility companies the American Red Cross and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources it was a great event great turnout and it showed how much we needed to create this plan uh moving forward in the future this has been over a two-year long project I think in your memo I put a year long but we actually started it in 2022 and we have worked diligently diligently to develop the croan county commun community Wildfire protection plan we now wish to share this plan with the Commissioners and seek its adoption in the croin county natural hazards mitigation plan this plan will be a dynamic document subject to updates and revisions as need is to ensure continued re relevance and Effectiveness each and every year we'll look it over and see if we need to add anything else so thank you for the cons your consideration appreciate your time it's a long document I don't know if you're were able to read through it all but it took a while to put it all together thank you I think Steve did he read it twice ws and forwards so may I ask a question yes I was so so this isn't this isn't in doing this request for board action what this is is adopting this plan like a uh and putting it into our book that if a wildfire or something breaks out this is kind of our document planning this isn't like where we're going to apply for some grants or something like that and it isn't authorizing any money it's just a planning document correct correct it's just the plan that's going to go into the hazard mitigation plan however with the county adopting this and putting it in our plan it creates opportunities for federal grants for mitigation for the highway department The Soil and Water everybody everybody can apply for Grants there's uh I think it was the 2003 um restoration act that there's a lot of funding out there that we can apply for now that once this is adopted in in our um croing County emergency or Hazard mitigation plan we can apply for certain grants that are going to help benefit helping us get through our plan of creating divisible spaces um helping with uh making our rideway rways a little bit wider cleaning them up so that helps prevent Wildfire spread so may I ask another question so uh so when you have this plan or whether it's some other plan you and I I don't want to come across like I'm trying to come across is a smart alec I'm not trying to do that but um how how do you implement that I mean you don't have like in your pickup truck you're you're riding around and God forbid a tornado goes through and you're sitting there and you and you go well I don't know what to do I'm going to grab the the the book and I'm going to page through and and I mean can you just kind of go into what what it really what the documents mean does that make sense AB I don't think you write around and and don't make a move without looking in the book to see what to do right right so this is a I would say a 30,000 foot view of the Wildfire protection plan for the county so it just gives us some key guidelines some strategies on how we can um not necessarily respond to incidents but educate before they become an incident um there's also some um areas in the plan that are identified where we'd like like to do projects to further um the safety of those neighborhoods for example some roads maybe dead end roads very narrow so we've identified a few of those in the plan that we would like to um get the funding that Chief ler mentioned to help the um County Roads or the Township roads to um strengthen those communities to make them safer so this isn't a plan for if we go to Wildfire a this is exactly what we're going to do this is a larger strategic plan for the county as we um work on education and mitigation and things like that before we um have to respond to an incident so just an example then if you're if you're saying that Mr chair so an example is it's if you know there's some cabins that are down probably down some pretty narrow roads and if something fire or something happens and you get called out there that you might not even be able to access that is that kind of what you're getting right some of those are are specifically identified in the plan as as areas that we have the the highest concern also in the plan there's there's maps that identify um higher risk areas as well as deadend streets so what we did is we correlated those two maps together and focused on those areas specifically okay vation yeah and and those mitigation would also strengthen the evacuation of those areas if we needed to I don't know may I ask something else something else trying to remember the years but um probably about 30 I don't know if anybody remembers like 34 or 35 years ago there was a there was a huge forest fire up in Motley does anybody remember that I mean it was the door nursery I remember that one and it jumped the fire jumped the four lane Highway sure and I was like 16 years old and and um a friend of mine who was 18 Roger do said he's passed away now but uh uh they were looking for people to fight the fire and uh I told my mom I says I'm going up to Motley to fight fire and she said no you're not you should have let me know we're taking paid on call applications right now could used you believe it or not I didn't I didn't go and fight the fire up in Molly but Roger did and he got his picture on the front page of the paper he was you know shoveling doing some shoveling so yeah so there you know when somebody thinks oh there can't be Force fires around here there was a huge one up by Motley it blew through there yeah and some of the largest natural disasters in the state of Minnesota have actually been wildfires in in the history so um one thing I'd like to bring up is you know with all the storms we've had with the ice damage we've had we have a lot of fuel sitting out in the woods you know I mean just sitting out there and I know maybe does this address any of that or identify it and and is then a process of you know if it's on our land you know if it's on County Land I mean it kind of becomes our our property clean up is there how does this plan do that do you identify those areas and then what do you do to mediate those areas I think there's a number of different things we can do to to mediate those obviously like you mentioned if it's on County Land we can start working through different programs whether it's logging or things like that but also we can work with private land owners um and work with them on different programs to maybe help them for instance get their debris to the road Edge and then get some grant money to clean that up and I think there's just a this opens up a lot of possibilities that maybe we don't even know all of them at this point but um we're one of maybe three or four counties maybe five counties in the entire state that have a community wildare protection plan so I feel that we're really looking like towards the future of what we can do for the county and and this is just that first step I have no more questions I would move the request for board action to for the County Board of Commissioners in croing County to adopt the community Wildfire protection plan second we have a motion by coring a seconded by barels All In favor signify by saying I I I pull same sign hearing none motion carried thank you for brief presentent maybe we should have a res maybe we need a resolution on this too well I don't know or do we have to bring it back up to get it re resoluted or something like I'll have to read the book again okay I'm glad you're here Paul where's Deb she's online um I'm right here oh there uh oh keep an eye on you keeping an eye on us thank you Deb uh County attorney would be next good morning Commissioners uh I don't have anything this morning but if there are any questions I'd be more than happy to share thank you any questions from the board nope no thank you Stephany um now County Administrator good morning everyone good morning I have asked carat Terry to provide the senior management team report for you today I was unable to attend yesterday's meeting so I believe she is there to give you an update on that here I am good morning Commissioners um good morning senior management team report we met yesterday we discussed the continuous quality improvement or CI um Team update we have a new cohort of green belt that will be going through the training um also the group is looking for new projects while we have some in the pipeline we can always use more uh we talked about the status of the 2025 preliminary budget I will not steal NY Thunder but let's just say we were very pleased with the results in our smt meeting um third we talked about the atlas Student volunteer program Jory introduced us to that program basically a group of um students or individuals through um various high schools in the community um looking for that are developmentally or physically disabled looking for experiences within the community to develop their life skills so we learned about some projects that they could potentially help with across the county uh we did discuss our lead program and had to whittle down our big list down to 16 participants um from uh individuals in the county who we uh want to grow as Leaders so we'll be sending out Communications to those staff uh who will get to participate in that we also talked about the pulse survey for our staff which is the smaller version the employee engagement survey that will launch on October 16th and close on the 30th and then uh discussed benefit open enrollment it's almost that time of year again with open enrollment being October 28th through November 8th um and I stand for any questions I have none is there any questions from the board thank you thank you any additional business that we have for our I would say Mr chair it looks like uh our great County Administrator has remodeled and looks very modern your house looks very modern there in North Brainard until I move my head and get the little uh looks like it's about glitch behind you yeah that historic home looks a little different online Mr chair I I have one item that I would like to two items I'd like to bring up first of all congratulations to Joey freck over in the uh the facilities Department he will become the manager on November 8th when John leaves us so congratulations to him I have a few days of note here that I would like to bring up to the board first one is the 12th which is are you okay day so I ask all of you are you okay wait till the 12th right it's also National encouragement day so I would encourage you to be okay today or on the 12th today is the 10th National sober day is on the 14th National wife Appreciation Day anybody here struggle with that one because if you do you have a real big issue that's on the 15th and Constitution day is the 17th other than that I do have a report that I could make on the my attendance at the central Minnesota emergency services joint power hours board meeting if you'd like and one on the airport commission if you would like or I can submit those for your review and attach them to the next meeting minutes or agenda sorry will a board on that one do you want him to whatever he's got an election certificate he can do whatever he wants to do I'll attach it to the next meeting so if that uh if there's no one else Mr as long as you pointing out dates I just a date popped into my head actually September 14th which is coming up would have been my beloved dad's 94th birthday coming up on he's been gone for 10 years on September 14th it would have been his birthday so happy Heavenly birthday to my dad well I I'm going to do one then and I know my uh my spouse probably won't appreciate it but I'm sure my mother-in-law will uh my mother-in-law Donna Weber today is it's her birthday okay yeah so I just wanted to acknowledge that so as long as we keep doing that tomorrow tomorrow is 9:11 and we should never forget that day so um I'm apologize for not bringing that one up earlier but um it's interesting when you go look at the calendar events and they don't doesn't appear on all of those so um again let's not forget that date so correct and Mr chair if there's nothing else I would make the motion to adjourn second motion made in second on all favor signify by saying I I I I we are adjourned