##VIDEO ID:yRNtOJiculU## okay um it's 9:00 I'd like to call the uh August 13th County Crowing County Board of Commissioners together for the regular meeting please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence myed Al to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible it's 9:00 I'd like to call the uh August 13th County Crowing County Board of Commissioners together for the regular meeting please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence we have open form is there anybody here who would like to speak whether you're written in or on the agenda is there anybody that has son [Music] okay anybody here seeing none we will go on to review and approve of minutes for the regular board meeting on 7:23 motion to approve second we have a motion by franzine second by coring is there any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign motion carries hearing none I motion carries I'll get this right one of these days um then we'll go on to review and approve the agenda any additions or deletions to the agenda nothing motion to approve the agenda for today second motion by coring seconded by franzine any discussion hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries consent agenda Mr chair I got a question on 5.6 if we could get a little uh county road 133 an explanation of what's good morning Mr chair and Commissioners good morning my name is Daria grman and I am an engineer with the highway department and I'm also the project manager for the ins slope repair that's going on on County Road 133 um so it's going to be roughly 170 foot long project um by Sunset Lake it's on the south side and so that slope is basically falling in um so what we are proposing to do is a trench um probably 10 ft into the water do a 1ft trench fill it back in with Boulders and then from there bring the slope so that we can get a 1 to three slope which is more manageable than the slope That's Falling in um right now so uh we don't plan on doing any pavement um repair and so it'll just be the insult repair so there won't be pavement improvements or nope so okay so you you don't have to tear up the pavement that's there for this fix correct okay perfect all right that's it okay thank you yep thank you um I had one on uh I think it was 510 or uh 511 and it was in regards to um I know we do a a a grant for let's say $1,000 or something like that per entity and I see we're changing that a little bit the the only question I have is in in those is that a if it's in a jurisdiction or something is there anything where the where the jurisdiction has some skin in the game you know let's say the city I'll just use the city of Jenkins as example let's say we ask for that and we have uh $500 worth of stuff to to send down and and it's approved by the Land Services to do that then the city gets that $500 the city didn't have any skin in the game at all it isn't like the city picks up half and the county uh Land Services picks up the other half good morning uh chair Commissioners uh that's correct up to $1,000 uh we would reimburse uh that City okay so with no match there's no match I just I just I just think about that maybe in situation like that because we are cleaning up that jurisdiction or that jurisdiction is looking at getting cleaned up that they should have some skin in the game and those instead of it all being on the county because it is also their jurisdiction that was just the only comment I really had on that okay I just wanted to bring it up I I didn't know how the other board members feel on that uh Mr chair all I can say is it was discusted solid waste and they the committee recommended to leave it as is has been in the past okay okay that was the only question I had for that okay any other questions for consent if not motion to approve we have a motion do we have a second second motion by franzine second by hog all in favor signify by saying I I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries Community Services good morning Mr chair Commissioners good morning morning I am bringing forward today some funding requests from the blade opioid Coalition the Coalition met on July 26th to discuss the funding requests that are listed in the RBA um and I will start with the $88,000 requested by the Brainard fire department that is is for um a pulse Point subscription pulse point is an app um that's designed to as it says here be a force multiplier when it comes to someone in need of CPR uh everyone who signed up for um pulse Point gets a notification if there's a need for CPR somewhere in their location um and then folks can come to the scene if they need to um brainer fire department uses this um but a number of agencies including the Sheriff's Office are involved in um in this uh subscription as well so um all of Crowing County First Responders are a part of this they would like to use it not only for the CPR notification but to push out opioid education so education on opioid overdoses for example um and so it's $4,000 per year and this would fund two years of the system or the subscription we would look at paying out though the full 8,000 at one time so we don't have to keep track of the of the 4,000 each year that's the first one any questions on this one so would that would that if they have an app it' be like on their phone or whatever and they would beep them and and tell them that there's somebody requiring it or just yeah someone in need of CPR that's nearby um the chief did show um what it looks like and it's um it's a regular app with a map and then there's a a pinged location that they would respond to that's that mhm okay Mr chair Cara have they did they have any discussion about how they would pay for that subscription going forward after these two years so normally they're able to get grant funding and or donations um and so utilizing the dollars for the next two years will help them potentially build that fund and fund for donations for uh ongoing expenses so they've used it in the past though correct through mainly donation funding and grants so they've had that opportunity to build the fund previously yep and with any donation it um you know sometimes it runs a little drier than others so Chief was hoping that we could help them out to to fund this for a couple years and this is used throughout the county yep so are all the you know you say it's a force multiplier does that mean all the other fire departments are utilizing this also that's my understanding fire departments uh ambulance Personnel uh law enforcement all sorts of all First Responders thank you yep all First Responders and when you say First Responders are we talking about the people that are out there that are trained as First Responders not that's correct that it it just doesn't go to anybody it just goes to the First Responders those that are trained to be able to react or respond to a call it comes in it's uh matter of fact it goes got to come to the microphone yeah you need to come to the mic Sor it's a uh it's it's all it's for all first responder so anybody that's uh a first responder is on this gets this app and they get it downloaded to their uh phone it's uh um it's interesting I'm in I'm in dispatch and um I get the not notification on my phone before it even goes out to anybody so I get it immediately so Mr are you done um go ahead I'll see if I want so Mr chair so this isn't necessarily to do with it o with an overdose this is if somebody needs CPR or so it could be um potentially currently it's only for CPR uh related which can be tied to overdoses because they would need CPR but mainly they would like to um provide opioid education through this app as well so that's how it it ties in mainly is that educational piece so Mr chair so you you think that it goes by the rules that we I mean we can't be Paving roads with opioid dollars this isn't too far astray from that you don't think nope and um so we have a discussion um of all the professionals on the Coalition and the Coalition decided that it's uh in line with the work that we're trying to do um in terms of supporting First Responders Mr chair uh director do you said all First Responders so that's every fire department that's yep ambulance all those trained as First Responders so if we if we uh do the 8,000 for brainer are we just opening up for a flood of other applications for well like commissioner coring that's a very good question commissioner h I I always have a lot questions um so Brainard fire department hosts the information so they host it all for all of the First Responders in the county okay Mr chair so car each agency does not have their own licensing situation the the amount that we're talking about here would cover the pulse Point subscription for the brainer fire department to support it for all of crowing County's First Responders yep so includes everybody yep good thank you okay number two $100,000 to the Crowing County Sheriff's Office to help fund the jail medical program initially the jail had brought forward um funding the entire medical program with around 280,000 the Coalition had a discussion around that um it it would be a one-time funding source and so it's probably not the best use of opioid dollars to fund the budget for one year um in addition um there are dollars that are allocated ated for jail funding as opposed to funding some other maybe nonprofits or programs that might not have funding related to opioid specifically um and then you can see we have other sheriff's office um requests in here as well and so we're trying to be mindful of um of how much we allocate to ensure we still have some this money has to last us for 18 years so and we're not quite sure how much we're going to be getting uh ongoing so um if you have questions I assume the the sheriff can answer on on that piece Mr chair go ahead Mr chair so just just another question to have you on the record that you feel that you're you're telling us now that you feel like this falls into the parameters of what we're supposed to be spending the opioid dollars are just in case some auditor comes in and looks at it and says no that wasn't the intent so I just want you to be on record of of saying that you believe that this is Falls in that basket so two things to your question commissioner the opioid Coalition believes it falls under the basket I do not believe it's a good use of opioid dollars but I am not the overall Keeper of the opioid dollars the Coalition makes those decisions um I think it's a it's money going towards the the budget for a one-time use and I don't think that's a that's a good use so so do I personally agree with it no does the Coalition think it is a good use of dollars yes so then Mr chair so to put the sheriff on the spot what does the sheriff think I think we have the uh Coalition in place to make those decisions and I think it's a good use of of the money to be used for um what's outlined there in front of you so the C Coalition made the decision that it's a it's a good use and I agree 100% with that okay Mr chair um don't go away [Music] [Laughter] Sheriff so what I'm looking at and what I struggle with is that we've had a medical program in the jail for a long time in 23 the one company goes bankrupt and we had started picking that up we had a relationship with enena and so we've always funded that under the levy and so I'm wondering why all of a sudden we would need an additional $100,000 for to support this program if you could just explain that to me um for the 100,000 for the ja medical initially the request I wasn't at that meeting I'm sorry about that initially the request came in to fund the full jail Medical program um the 280,000 got to get up to the mic initially the request came in to fund the full jail program of 280,000 and since the jail health program is mandated and we have to cover that regardless and we have covered it regardless over the years the Coalition felt that and 280,000 is a pretty big chunk of change when we're talking about our opioid dollars so the Coalition decided that we could P potentially fund up to $100,000 for the jail medical and not the full 280,000 so my my question though is Sheriff in 23 we would have been doing our 24 budget current year and those expenses would have been built into that Levy at that point and now we're being asked for another $100,000 or 280,000 doesn't matter which number you want to use in addition to what was already in the budget I don't understand that and so it would be for the 2025 budget to help um offset some of the jail medical expenses so as you know we're in the middle of working through our budget um for Crowing County overall and this would help to offset some of the jail medical expenses wouldn't that be a discussion held at the smt level as part of the levy negotiation that takes place it could be if that's what you would direct us to do um but because it's through the opioid Coalition just like um these other requests it was brought forward that way and um Chief Deputy Bradley had brought it forward as a consideration and I bring all um considerations to the Coalition regardless of who and where it's from so I understand that and I'm not questioning it I'm just questioning why when we already have a budget and we all we know we have to supply that medical program over there why all of a sudden we would look at this pot of money the Opia dollarss as a resource to fund something that we've always funded through our Levy process that's my my position I think maybe what I'm hearing is there was looking at some creative ways to help offset some of the reduced Revenue that we were seeing in the jail obviously we had some reduced expenses that were already incurred with closing of the two pods there for 2025 the sheriff's office has been looking to try to find find ways to help either boost revenues or reduce expenses is this a way to reduce expense and boost Revenue you could look at it that way it's an off Levy funding source that would be there my concern is I also share what commissioner barrows is saying is this is a one-time infusion that would happen for 2025 in 2026 you're going to be back to the situation where you have to fill that gap of that $100,000 now already as well so it is a Band-Aid fix and I think it would be something that should be looked at in Con in context of the full budget proposal that's being brought to the county board for them to consider and I think it is definitely something that you could agree to fund this $100,000 for 2025 that does help offset some of that issue gives the Sheriff's Office opportunity to maybe dig up some additional revenues which I know that the sheriff has some other processes in place that would replace some of that lost Revenue so it could be a stop Gap measure that you're looking at to help fill that need for one year you have some options to look at it I think it's very important you recognize it is a onetime spend for an ongoing expense so when that funding would go away in 2025 if the sheriff hasn't found additional revenues to fill that expense you now have basically 200,000 on Levy that you have to fund for 2026 so just having those parameters in place to recognize what that would be so Mr chair oh go ahead and and then just expound on that I guess where I'm coming from is you know the the opioid settlement dollars the way I understand it and tell I could be wrong but I thought that was meant to be for prevention you know ads you know whatever it be to try to help people to you know get into recovery or whatever have you and this I you know with all due respect to the opioid group I don't even know who that is but I um I I just don't think this falls into that basket to me I don't know it does doesn't make if you well if you come during if you come during Med pass out everybody is standing in line for for Med heads so I think it does fall under that and these people are addicts or they're or they're possibly atcts right if you you you come during Med pass out and you see how many people are in in line it's the whole cell BL block the whole pod and commissioner you you are right in that um it is the opioid dollars are for prevention there's really four buckets so it's the um it's the prevention it's the assisting training it's to help with um kids and families who might be struggling with opioids um as well as adults and it's that whole treatment piece to help fund so um and there aren't a lot of um really restrictive rules on the ways in which we fund different programs or the programs that we do fund um for the jail I think um obviously the jail medical program is not only statutorily required but it it's also um they're really trying to do some things in the the jail that really help with folks who are facing addiction and substance misuse um but where I struggle with it is because it's a one-time funding source for an ongoing budgeted need that's where I don't think that it's the best use of opioid dollars so this is of course another one of my dumb questions am I on the opioid Coalition okay that's what I thought I so you don't know who's on it yet Paul yeah so so now I can see that I I need to I get the emails and I I guess I didn't even know I was on there but I uh um I can see that I have to bring my strong personality there great to to weigh in and and be the voice of reason I or at least an a voice on the other side trying to be kinder and gentler I know Rosemary doesn't like that but uh well and you and I would have been on the same side commissioner because this is one that I don't IES this does this have to have action today you can allocate today or you can approve potential allocation the money is paid through the opioid funding which Community Services holds we can pause on it until we have a communication with smt around the budget if You' if you'd prefer I I will say that the the Coalition meets regularly and they're all they're really invested into it I'm not on that committee myself uh but I know that they spent a great deal amount of time on at this at these meetings discussing this stuff so I think it uh um you know to be respectful to them and their time uh that's what they're bringing forward so I I one more thing and then I'm done on this issue is is uh if we vote on it today I'm probably going to be a no uh but if we I I just don't think the stew is cooked on this yet I think if you go back come back and give me some more reasons why I probably could get there but um um I'm not convinced today so I somehow I think it needs to have a little more cooking of the St that make sense y absolutely uh Mr chair one quick question when you say Med pass passing up meds what what question what are those meds for are they uh related to opioid names of them I don't know the names of the specific meds but um everything uh related to substances the jail has implemented a new medical assist medical assistance therapy M mat program um in which they're trying to help folks with addiction issues um to get stabilized and then out into the community and then we help um get them into treatment through community services so there are all sorts of different meds it could even be a caminan if they have a headache so it it's everything not all of it's related to opioid no no sir okay should I I have just a couple couple things now I remember when I took the tour through the jail and was talking to the doctor the doctor was talking about the software that would have been nice to have there in order to connect to the to the clinic cuz we didn't have that type of software and I didn't know if this was part of that or not if nope that was an additional 100,000 that you approved at the the last time I brought opioid funding um opioid funding request that is for an electronic medical records system in the jail um Troy was having discussions with asentia we were finding that that program was very specific they had found a potential other program that St Louis county is using that could do something similar and I have not been a part of that discussion recently um do you know any updates go ahead sir no yeah we're still we're looking at this other program that'll do everything that we need it to do and that it'll be able to speak to uh Folks at enta so that wasn't part of this 100,000 no okay it wasn't um the other one I have is are we the final say on that or is there some overseer that'll come in and say boy you know what I really didn't like that we're going to cross that off and then we have to scramble to find that 100,000 um so the state allocates our portion of the federal opioid dollars um with the outline of um the requirements in which to spend the funding I can send that to you guys again um it's a memorandum of understanding through the uh attorney general um I do not believe anyone will come forward saying you couldn't spend your $100,000 this way they're really leaving it up to the community we will need to report on how we spend the money obviously but uh I don't see anyone coming back for dollars related to that we can tie it into um opioid funding and trying to help uh prevent substance misuse treat substance misuse and then get them out into the community with treatment yeah I'm okay to pass it I just don't want somebody coming in afterwards and say oh well we're going to cross that off and you got to added that back to your y AB no that that the other program the other EMR stuff um medical records will be it'll be a lot cheaper than the 200,000 that uh they were going to charge us and it's got a bunch of stuff that we'll never use so any other questions yes more questions okay on the same one nope going to move on to the next item yes oh okay okay which is the which you might as well stay here too uh stay there three yeah so $928 a37 to the jail for replacement of two medication P pass carts and one mood medication pass cart that mood is the substance misuse program that I uh had just mentioned so that's a more of a specialized cart that they would take around and their U medication pass carts need replacing as well so realizing you're not on the you know I'm inclined to take these items from the sheriff's department and even perhaps The Bridges of Hope because we talk about a year round shelter I don't know and you can speak to this carab since you're a city council member over there But be sure and wear your county hat while you're here since the mayor has an issue with that have they approved a year round shelter the city of brard right no sir okay so I'm inclined to table those items until we get somebody from the Coalition that can come here and talk more in detail and how they identified the um opiate issue as being the one that drives these numbers that would be where so instead of sheriff going over these others respecting that you aren't on that commission that uh we look at these and get more information regarding them the first one I don't have a problem with with the Brainard fire department and a subscription but I think we need people here who can talk more definitively about why or how the relationship is or is with the Opia dollars so I can explain the discussion that we had um in the Coalition meetings but I am not the one bringing those requests forward if that's what you're well I would back up so similar to the $100,000 when I look at Med carts um they potentially wear out but that would be part again of our ongoing budget to fund that program and so using Opia dollars it's oneof they're going to wear out again and then what happens at that point and I when I look at um the mou medication passcard I'm not familiar with that one so I don't know what kind of cart that is but if it's a replacement we're in the same boat again that it's or if we're buying a new one you know that's never been in existence before yeah that's a that's a different discussion that I would have but ongoing expenses to me don't relate to Opia dollars in some of these cases theud program is new in the jail and so that would be this um medication passcard is new specific to that program um the other two carts are The Replacements okay so then um I'm going to just express myself on the next item which is the 19,39 for the lated team the Secure Storage the drobo I'm assuming that's an acronym M for uh storage drive for the phone dumps and Sheriff you probably can answer this one and I'm being respectful I mean yep so we've had that all along I would assume or have we not uh well we've had a couple we've had a couple of different phone um options that we use to dump phones and one phone uh dump will be or one uh like cell bright will be the main one at this time because they did all the updates and then the other one's not as good and then they do a new update that uh than is better than the sellbrite one so they're just uh they're different uh um programs and we're looking for funding for those for those cell uh like cell bright and those for this one droel okay and and part of that 19,000 is 14,000 for insurance for the lated program which I would assume we've always had Insurance on our lated program no no we um we actually dent and uh we we just started that and that's one of the uh the things that we were trying to fix and trying to get more organized on this uh for the lated team uh for us to get insurance we have to have insurance on um you know for the lated team so and that's the five could you tell me what the lated team is that's the Lakes area drug investigative division so we have a number of different uh operatives that are on there from other agencies as well so they're under this special licensing so this would be the first time first time we would have insurance though yes yeah well this is going to be the this is going to be the uh was this the first year or second year I think it's second year so if it's the second year then it's already been built into the budget that we passed last year for the 24 year correct uh was it um I'm not sure if it was or not it I guess it would have been yeah so so um I'm going to make a motion yeah yeah to table all of these items except number one Mr chair I do have um Dan exad on uh teams and he has his hand up so I'm assuming he wants to say something if he's more than welcome to are you going to withdraw your motion once you make that motion we can't talk about it anymore all right I'll withdraw for the time being go ahead Dan good good morning Commissioners I just wanted to speak to uh the insurance piece of it um that portion actually has been funded through our forfeiture our related forfeiture piece uh for the past two years and we're looking to for 2025 fund it through this opioid funding piece of it just for the fact that the lated dollars are primarily are the are all funded through through the forfeiture piece of it which is right now running a little it's than what it has been in the past so this piece would would uh help out tremendously so Mr chair so Dan what would what is the amount that's in that account um it's I'll just ballpark it it's probably right around 40,000 right now and the follow-up question then is if you would receive the 14,309 what would you be using those other dollars for instead of paying for insurance it would be additional operating expenses okay so anything else Dan no not not at this time all right I'm going to make my motion oh I'm sorry just I just want to say that this this has to go back and I actually would like it to go also on these items that commissioner Barrow talked about back back to uh the senior management team because Debbie this is more uh I should say County Administrator this is this is this is a bigger issue because this creates more of a problem in the budget in the future uh down the road and so I think it needs to be flushed out more at Senior Management and flushed out more uh if it meets in line with the opioid um settlement yeah so so I'm ready do you have now item number five doesn't deal with our budget but um $200,000 for Bridges of Hope to assist in the the shelter and remaining open all year if the city of Brainard hasn't discussed this I think that's premature so Mr chair if I might make my motion at this time and if there's no other discussion I would make the motion to approve item number one which is the $88,000 per year for two years for the Brainard fire department for the pulse Point subscription and table for further discussion items 2 3 four and five to a time I would second that is that a Time certain is it the next board meeting until the next board meeting okay yes I would second that motion okay we have a motion in a second I would ask for any more discussion but I think we I don't think it's necessary it's not debatable yep and uh all in favor signify by saying I I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries Mr chair question for clarification yes so at the next board meeting would you like me to bring the um the uhou with from the state attorney general so you can review that and see if it's in line as as you guys deem it to be that's what we go by in the Coalition meeting and so you were saying you wanted to ensure that it was in line with the opioid funding rules you I'll send it to you guys yes yeah email it to us if we get it at the meeting it's too late so we'd have time to read it yeah that be and Mr chair and so Chief Deputy Bradley should be here to address some of the sheriff's department concerns and somebody from Bridges to talk and maybe I don't want you wearing your city hat so somebody from the city should be here to I don't know if it would be uh to the administrator Royals or someone else to talk about the bridges or Janna from Bridges it probably would be better with Jana um I don't we the city as far as I know has not been approached to amend the conditional use permit okay uh for a year around shelter I think Bridges was waiting more to hear more about a potential funding source um to see about remaining open uh throughout the course of the year and then I will just add um I can add you all onto the opioid uh Coalition meeting invite and if need be we can make it a a public meeting um and anyone who wants to attend Ken um during those meetings we have set up kind of our game plan of how we're going to proceed with uh funding different programs and dollars uh we have significant discussion around uh each of the funding requests as well as what's going right what isn't um within the community and then also we're working on developing a um dashboard uh for the public so they can see where the dollars are being uh allocated as well so that's a work in progress too so I'll include you all on the invite uh here to for thank you thank you thank you thank you so much um on to uh Community Ser no Land Services Chris good morning Mr chair Commissioners I have two items for your consideration this morning uh item 7.1 is the prary plat of Barbo Road Estates the uh is the uh is the property owner of the plary plat is titled barau Road Town Homes this is located in section 26 of the first assessment District um if we can maybe go down to that survey that would there we go so this was an out lot that was platted as part of the plat of uh out uh the bar rot a States a few years ago off of barau Road this is off of Piper Lane and uh So the plan was when that was platted was that this outlaw a would then become would be platted um down the road and so we have received that uh application now and so the plary plat of barbal Road Town Homes is a total of 15 Lots consisting of 14 lots for Town Homes uh for creating seven duplexes with one out lot and uh and what you'll see up here this is located on parcel number 9 9 26746 uh and so if they were to um come in plat this as you see in the neighborhood where they've got uh 2.5 acre zoning uh they would be able to get approximately seven Lots in here and what they're proposing to do is to put duplexes uh because a duplex is a permitted use on a lot of record that meets the 2.5 acre zoning requirement and so the request is to be able to Plat uh these 14 Lots out there and then have the common open space have an out lot so this will have a a home Association you'll see the blocks towards the back here are the septic systems proposed for each one of the units uh this was considered by the Planning Commission Board of adjustment their meeting on July 18th of 2024 and uh based on the finding of fact that was submitted uh that night the application the staff report the onsite conducted on July 2nd along with public testimony the board recommended approval of the plary pl of Barbo town homes with 15 total Lots unless there's any questions for me I would recommend approval as well Mr chair yes uh Chris just just so I can wrap my head around where this is at Barbie road is that the road that's right before if you're going north on 371 it's right before crowing power and to the left correct and then just go down and then I would run right into this right correct yeah I have a I do have a um a map that um shows the approximate location of this um I don't if you want to put that is this from your email or from the email yeah just to give you an idea of where it's located this is on that one correct organized okay yeah unorganized yep so uh down you've got con 77 here 371 as you head north this is Barbo here you can see Piper Piper uh Lane is that one coming down here to the South and so we're talking the The Plaid the the pie this is Outlaw a that is to the to the west of the the blue thing is where where you're at correct okay can you bring that other map back the one of them that you had there that showed the town homes and then it shows those little those little four blocks that are behind each of the Town Homes what are those those are the locations of the septic systems so there's each each each of these has an alternate and a primary so these units here this would be their septic and then uh so each each of the Town Homes the duplex would have it would share a septic system so that's why I was just wondering so they're sharing septic they're not each of them having their own septic and well they're doing some common septic and well absolutely absolutely yep I'll make the motion to approve a second that motion we have a motion seconded all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries thank you next time we have on the agenda is another plary PL uh this the title The plat is olden's landing the uh um propo the owner of the property MD Investments LLC this is located in section 30 of Center township it's on Bass Lake which is a recreational development Lake and what they're proposing to do is with ol's Landing is to create seven Lots um and this is a uh replat from the homestead plat that was uh established in 2000 the parcel numbers in question on this are 533 00527 5 33528 and 533 0529 and so these are the lots in question here um if I can find my pointer there we go there it is these are the lots that are here the old if we can go down to the two I think it's two slides down teres and then Yep this if you could zoom in on that where says the homestead and we one more there we go thank you very much so this is off of uh off of Homestead Road this is Rebel Road over here this is just uh little South and a little east of uh of Lake Edward uh and so this was platted back in 2000 you see the Lots here and and what was unique about this is that they planted these Lots here without Lake access and they platted this lot here coming down and then had this dog leg over like this and so um the replanted this gives um shortens make puts the Lots together and gives uh the Lots all access to Bass Lake so if we go back to the original the new plat up top there we [Music] go so now you can see with the way that this has been reorganized that you've got these are the lots now that have Lake access here then you have lot seven and six um where you can see the lot lines here they do not have but these are lots that do so it just straightened out the uh um getting everybody you know appropriate um Lake access compared to the way that it was before so it's just a really a just a replat of the uh of that plat from 2000 and this was considered by the Planning Commission on July 18th of 2024 uh they discussed all the findings of fact the application that was submitted staff report the onsite of July 2nd public testimony and all information that received on the survey and recommend approval of the plary pl of Landing with seven Lots uh if there's any questions be Happ to answer them otherwise I would recommend approval question uh bass is this the lake that they call Turkey bass I mean I don't want to that's a good question um I I I think this is this also go as long as turkey bass as well I think I've heard it called turkey bass I don't know if that people call it that so the one right past claing on correct it's it's on it be on the east side of CLA correct it's going to be on the it's on kind of on the South the south side I think why it was called turkey bass is because there used to be a lot of turkey barns correct one time there there still are some of the remnants there on that side of uh over on that side of the lake so yeah okay Mr chair Chris do all of these lots have a building area that will honor the setbacks that we normally have absolutely and the septic systems AB right yep so there shouldn't be a need for variances on these Lots no no there will not be okay uh I was just going to go ahead and make a motion for approval okay go ahead motion for approval we have a motion by hold I would second that motion seconded by coring all in favor of signif by saying I I I pull same sign motion carries thank you thank you uh next we have have Cony engineer good morning Mr chair and Commissioners I have one item for you but before I get to that I'd like to take the opportunity to recognize somebody that's helped us over the last three years in the crowd you see Jonathan and drezen Jonathan is a NDSU student studying civil engineering and he's helped us out over the last three Summers and this is his last week with us he'll be going back as a senior to NDSU starting next week and I just want to publicly recognize him for his contributions and kind of list off some of the things that he's helped us accomplish over the last three years as you know we built a lot of things uh a lot of roundabouts and stuff and he's participated in all of those in each one of your districts and I'll just quickly read off um some of them uh the county road 45 Bridge rehab down in your District commissioner coring the beaverdam Road roundabout at Wise Road in County Road 5 that was in 22 in 23 he began to help us out on conter road 115 on the south side and was very instrumental uh in working with us there the round about in 3 and 11 south of Cross Lake he was very helpful there and then in Doug's District the 21031 roundabout by um the new grocery store and then in this year he's been working hard to help us finish up uh the rest of County Road 15 in nashway he worked hard on the three and four roundabout in Lake Edward Township that just opened up and he right up to his last day he will continue to help us in Cross Lake in that 3 and66 roundabout so he's helped us out a lot and he's gained a lot of valuable experience working out uh on the road building this project and I think that will serve him well as the transitions from being a student into you know full-time position and unfortunately we don't have an opening for him but I want you to always keep us in mind Jonathan um because it just never know when we have an opening so I want to again just public publicly thank you thank you very much and good luck in your senior year app and question Jonathan do you find that uh you're working here with the the county helped you I mean when you go up to class you can sit there and S and say Hey you know I was on the road this is how it's done this is how it's not done tell the professors how it's supposed to be done right yeah sometime well I have family up in Fargo so go bison you know Mr chair I I might say he's still got a week left so he's not telling us the truth so we'd like you to come back when you're fully done and then you can tell us how it is to work [Laughter] for and and thank you for sir your service for us and if I could say something uh if you ever get offered a job from sourcewell let us know and we'll we'll take you over here we'll create a job for you oh boy so we're under search for our next uh civil engineering seasonal worker he's been back through the last three years and the last two years I believe you've been by yourself and so we've had a good run of having multiple years and that's the value that he can come and hit the ground running or he's been able to come hit the ground running the last two years and so we're on the search for that next person that will take your spot so we'll be advertising for that maybe in January of of next year uh the item that I have for you is to award a contract for intersection Lighting in accordance with we've were very focused on providing safe roadways and particularly in rural intersections and we have for years been installing rural Ral intersection lighting to provide um not only the the light but also to to indicate to uh drivers that their the environment is changing so we I have identified 18 sites where we are going to install overhead rural intersection lighting and there's a list there in your packet it spans again every district and um we have been successful receiving Federal funding to do this it's Federal safety Improvement dollars and that funds these installations up to 90% if you recall back to the last board meeting this is the item that was pulled from the agenda because we had opened bids and it and the bids we received are about 75% over the engineers estimate and what we wanted to do is before um asking you to award the bid and then agree that the county pay the difference we wanted an opportunity to go back and seek the additional Federal funding to get it back up to 90% of the actual bid and we um we were successful in doing that over the last two weeks we were able to find another $162,000 which funds the new bid item up to 90% And so the County's portion only went up 26,000 so we were able able to I'm happy to report we were able to do that in that little delay and pulling it off the agenda we were able to find that money so today I'm asking for the U the board action as a recommendation to authorize entering into a contract between design electric and Crowing County for the amount of 468,000 277 for uh the project to install these 18 of these lights at 18 locations so a question Mr chair so I just had a vision when you were saying we found I I almost visualized like somebody was dusting and and they said oh my Lord here's $160,000 so where where did you find that money I mean it certainly wasn't while you were dusting or no that's a that's a great question commissioner Cory of course Paul um so there's a larger pot of Federal Highway Safety Improvement project dollars real that's allocated throughout the state and so one when those projects are identified and those Partners around the state are having bid lettings some are over the estimate and some are under the estimate and so fortunately in another District or another part of the state um they had been allocated more Federal funding than the actual bids came in it's the exact opposite so when that happens we have an opportunity to work with our state aid engineer and our team that manages the federal funds to look if there's any of that around the state and so I don't know exactly where it was which project it was but uh they had extra Federal money for this program and we just talked to our partners at minda they found that $162,000 for us that was previously allocated to another project and brought it to us and so that's just a a testament to the strong relationship we have with menot and how they can really help us out those was $162,000 that it would have been a tough decision for to ask you to award a bid that came in 75% over what the engineer's estimate was so well I I commend you that was great I'm going to actually send the sheriff clang down to henpen county to get the extra money that the Commissioners are going to pay themselves to bring that up here to uh to help us with our budget so we're going to make sure that they don't $188,000 a year that's absolutely ridiculous I never heard table huh they pulled it off the table oh they did yeah oh than so just to just to get back on track here a little bit um you you still show on this estimate that I have in front of me you still show it being 85% over with design the one am I looking at the wrong one that one there no that's always going to be the same that was the actual uh um it it's still over the estimate the the bid award was um well the awards today but we opened the bids over two weeks ago so it's still over the engineers estimate but we're able to Now find that other we're able to find the money that we we can afford that bid that was 75 or 85% over and and all these lights will be led will they be uh what they call light pollution because they're going to be out in rural areas they're going to light the intersection but not light the whole night sky they're going to be the the standard lights that we use and they are we they'll be drawing attention to these intersections and signaling to the drivers that the environment is changing so um they are LED yes the cost do we have an idea what the cost of operation of those lights cuz I think we did have a meeting once where we talked about the county picking up those power costs last year do we know what those costs are going to be for the ongoing power for these lights in those intersections uh commissioner Loki um we will be paying this in accordance with the direction that I received from the county board about paying the the cost of electricity for these intersections throughout uh we will um on average it's about $17 a month per light okay so it's a hefty um bill but it's worth it to the tradeoff for that to provide the safety for the residents and our guests of Coran county is is certainly a good trade-off in my opinion yeah just want to know there was some cost you know there is some cost ongoing for the county and regards to lighting there's a cost but there's also a benefit as well okay that's all I had okay Mr chair if there is no other discussion I would make the motion to authorize entering into a contract between design electric and Crowing County followed by the amount of 400 motion by Barrow second by coring all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose same sign hearing none motion carries thank you thank you County Sheriff I think we have up next you might as well just camped up up here you know all right exactly well good uh good morning I guess already um we've had uh very active busy summer and if you guys are out and about today or on your way home you want to stop by we're doing some training down at the fairgrounds uh some some taser training some firearms training so if you want to stop in there and see the guys say hi to them and see what we do down there for our training that'd be that that'd be okay after our earlier discussion you'd like to take the taser to us yeah yes exactly what I'm hearing it's it's called a surprise it's come on down yeah no thanks I'll bring I'll bring I'll bring my Taser along yeah we we've actually it's been a good summer so far we haven't had a lot of um you know fatalities or uh as like yes um and uh so it's been it's been good that way we've uh also been very active in our with our drug enforcement guys uh making some good uh good bus and good seizures and uh taking some guys off the street so that's been good um I've been on the road talking about our record management system uh that we're looking at doing we're vetting out as a couple of different systems we've kind of narrowed it down to maybe uh one in particular and uh we got some uh uh some demos that are going to be coming up here in the next uh couple of months things have really changed we've had this uh Records management system for the last 17 years it's uh really outdated itself and we're looking at uh uh updating and going to this new records management system that'll be pretty very very different and very beneficial to not only us but to you as well as having that dashboard that 35,000 foot view of what's going on just you know from the night before to several days before so so Mr chair a question on that subject commissioner hog and I had a discussion uh commissioner hog was talking to some of his city council people over in dearwood that you went and talked to them and I don't know Doug I don't want to put words in your mouth but I mean I think we kind of want to know I mean it was I think commissioner H said it like $155,000 for uh the city of dearwood that's a lot of money to that tiny little town can you just explain how that works yeah so um currently they're they're all roughly pay paying around like uh 3,000 bucks $3 to $4,000 and uh it's going to go up uh quite significantly um this new system you got to remember we paid like 1 2 million for this thing back 177 years ago and now you fast forward 17 years we can't even get the same system for that that amount of money in today so our um our yearly maintenance contract with the current system that we have is right around 255,000 uh this one is going to be 500,000 a year so half a million dollars just to for the maintenance contract alone on this so I my point uh to going to the councils and uh is to let them know that hey we need to start preparing for it we're not going to have the same luxury of having you know paying only $3,000 a year on a main maintenance contract that's going to be going up and I wanted to give them a heads up on it it'll probably be you know a you know two years out that we have some uh initiative uh uh funding or grant funding for these uh different agencies that they've already applied for and uh actually they are already going to receive that so in real reality for them it's it's not going to cost anything but I don't know how long that's going to last that grant funding stuff uh so I want them to be thinking about that to be putting money aside to be so that they can pay for that Mr chair may I just add one thing um at your last budget committee meeting the proposal and the funding and the project that sheriff cang is talking about was on the agenda for discussion for you to get an update on the funding of that and those collaborative efforts that are going on um unfortunately with some staff illness that day we weren't able to cover that particular item with you but it will be on your agenda for the August 22nd budget committee where you will hear an update of that program of that proposal and some of the funding sources that will be looked at there okay so are you done yes yes okay so another question if I may Mr chair so I read in our great brainer dispatch which I do read periodically um there there was uh there was a story that was quite troubling to me about uh some of our great deputies were down at the wild rice Depot and there was a guy down there that they had to tackle him and and he tried to get a hold of their gun could you just tell about that because I think these liberal judges are are just slapping these people on the hand and I mean this guy was if he'd Got a Hold am I reading that wrong did I read it wrong can you just explain what happened down there yeah the we we had a um this guy has uh some uh he's struggling with some mental health stuff he's a he's a um he was in the military and and served over in Iraq and okay he's a young young guy he's a he's you know when he's on his meds and uh he's not mixing it with other addictions that he has um he's actually he's a good dude okay uh but in this case um he he wasn't on his medications he was doing using um marijuana and uh he was totally out of control and yeah he did try to grab one of the uh one of our deputies guns and um actually it was a call that came into the wild rice Depot that this guy was acting strangely and uh uh behaving inappropriately so our officers went down there and we had dealings with him before so we knew that it was going to be a fight with him which it was mhm so I I just yeah obviously I I I see that he that the guy needs some help you know but that could have been that could when I read that article I just thought this could have turned out really really bad if you got a hold of that right I don't know I just I don't know I just a week to stabilize once we had him in custody pardon me it took a week to stabilize him with his meds oh wow uh before and he wouldn't take them in the beginning and he thought we were trying to poison him and all sorts of different things but we finally were able to talk him into taking him well thank God it turned out the way it did you know but I just I just um I look at what he was sentenced and it just I don't know I obviously we need to try to help that gentleman but um well I don't know could have been bad I don't know yeah we uh we're we're working we we we've had so many mental health calls uh of late I mean we go through these things twice a week and we look at the the the calls of something like that or or we talk about the mental health calls and the mental health calls always outweigh all the other calls that we have um and we're really thankful for our embedded social workers Sher Whitworth and Tera kowalik uh they do a great job we're actually going to be assigning one Deputy uh to that co-response team uh so that U um they can utilize each other for uh co-responding so getting that person the right help that they need um and having a one goto person not just for the sheriff's office but for the whole County so other agencies will be able to contact that deputy and say hey I got this guy and we keep having these calls with them and stuff so they can hopefully get these people the help that they need need quicker uh and will be able to respond to their needs quicker so Mr chair can can I ask commissioner barrows would you accept the question sure because you worked in mental health I I guess it's you know I've never worked in it so I don't know but this is a great example of somebody that's if somebody's on their meds they're great they're great people they're everything's perfect but I know this from a personal incident for me uh with some family that somebody goes I I feel fine I don't need any medication and then they quit taking the medications they go they really take a nose dive MH law enforcemen or somebody's called out there you get them get them back on their medication they're good again goes aways then they go uh I feel great I don't need any medication what do you do I mean is just is that just the cycle that continually happens I don't know I don't know how you could ever fix that it certainly depends and thank you for the question that's a great question commissioner Cory thank you depends on how chronically ill they are yeah and but your point is well taken it is a revolving door situation and it's a couple different things that can impact individuals um first of all those medications have side effect so you think of they go outside they can get sunburn in a matter of minutes um a lot of it is you know a lot of those medications are predicated on making an individual just lethargic so you don't have any energy you're laying around you're eating you're gaining weight you know there's nothing to cause you to want to get out of bed in the morning um if you've ever tasted some of those drugs you would see why they wouldn't want to take some of them um more in the liquid form then in the pill form but and then there's the cost that goes with it too so sometimes if they're you know self-paying that just that will eliminate them from taking their meds they just don't have the money to do it and they do deteriorate just like you said and it becomes a dangerous situation when you go out there and handle them um you know the sheriff's department the police departments were always the ones who brought them to the state hospital they handle them initially and usually those individuals don't like uniforms and they don't like guns because it's a threat to them and and they're hearing voices they're hearing things a lot of them that um aren't real and cause them to act out but it is and they seem to have sometimes strength that the normal person wouldn't have correct so it's a challenge for Public Safety to have to deal with these individuals and they're but to have them in jail is simply wrong and the protocol when they come in generally was that you if they weren't willing to take the meds you know if you prompted them and they weren't going to take them you then went for a doctor's order to do a shot and then you went to liquids and then you went to Pills and to the Sheriff's point it takes a week to get them stabilized so you're going to deal with all these behaviors in the in the cell blocks now that used to be out here at the state hospital right and with individuals that aren't experiencing that and the deputies that are are trying to handle the whole situation over there it's just not a good situation and you know the state walked away from the old State hospitals and that has proven to be a terrible direction to go so thank you for the question and the support you know their support network is very limited as well they don't have the support that to help them stay focused and on on those meds but those um th those calls take a great deal of time from us and uh it's not something that you can just handle and and go on to the next one I mean they're they're labor intensive calls with those folks so which is understandable you always hope commissioner coring that in the in the DHS approach that you not only get them stabilized but you start to help them educate them in hope that they will not quit taking their medications um but that has a small return on effort also but it you know that is part of what DHS does it isn't just sticking a needle in them and getting them stabilized and putting them out and that's the approach that we're using now with our jails is we get them stabilized we push them back out in the community they deteriorate and the officers have to go and handle that situation again so it's we have been doing some good work in there in the jail though and doing follow-ups with these folks once they get out of jail you know the average stay for somebody in our jail is like 20 days and so it's not a long time it's generally like 14 days or 10 days and they're in and out of the jail very very quickly so um once we get them stabilized then we try to follow up with them when they're out to call them up and say hey don't forget about your doctor's appointment and so uh that's one of that's one of the things that uh Anna Sherry and and Tara do uh and by just calling them up and confirming hey make sure you make your appointment and and staying in touch with them so that's been again that's although it's labor intensive that's that might be the only support network that they have that's right that's right right okay so thank you yeah thank you very much appreciate it Sher thank you Sheriff County attorney good morning everyone I don't have anything for you today um but I certainly can answer any questions anybody on oops I Mr chair I do have just a question Don just on the conversation that we were just having do you do you feel like um I don't know I don't mean to put you on the spot but I since when yeah I know well I'm trying to be polite thank you but you know I I know each case is different but but somehow I feel like like some of this stuff is people are getting a slap on the hand you know on on on some things judges are just do judges here's my question is do judges go along with your recommendations most of the time or or do they reduce it down to even something even lesser well to that can answer that two different ways when you say reduce it on to even lesser um that could be the level of the offense from a felony to say a gross misdemeanor or it could be reducing the amount of jail time or the severity of the sentence in regards to reducing the level of severity of the charge most of the times the bench doesn't do that unless it's an open-ended agreement that might go there uh in regards to dispositions the court normally go with what is worked out if there's an agreed upon disposition if there's not and it's left to the Court's discretion I would say uh most most of the time that they would listen to the prosecution side over the defense but not all the time and sometimes they do um in the exercise of their independent discretion um exercise something that we may not agree with but obviously we respect that because that's the system and that's their Authority okay I'm uh Mr chair I'm in the process of watching Netflix on uh net suits on Netflix I don't know if you ever watched suits it's a lawyer it's a lawyer program and I don't know if it's anything like what you're doing or what lawyers do but it sure seems like a lot of deal making you know I would I would love to have a photographic memory so that everything I saw I would always remember everything and never have to go back and Rel look at stuff but the older I get the more I realize that's not the case yeah and is there anything else for the county attorney no no there's not okay thank you all right have a good everyone y thanks County Administrator Mr chair Commissioners we had a senior management team meeting on Monday um a couple of things that we talked about was our it manager was present and reviewed our cyber training statistics with us as far as those folks who are completing their annual cyber security training and the semiannual training that we have we have a couple of different training programs that we're asking folks to complete and I'm happy to report there's only about four or five folks countywide who have not completed that training yet at this point in time so we've really done a great job of getting all of our staff to be aware of completing that training we also looked at our statistics for those who are most likely to click on those fishing test emails that are coming through that is an ongoing process that will continue and we know that there are Bad actors out there who are trying to find any way that they can to try to infiltrate into different organizations so encouraging everyone to continue to review with scrutiny when those emails come in before clicking on or opening any of those attachments that training will continue to be ongoing as well um while we still had Jason in the room we took advantage to also discuss looking at some of our new policies that we're putting in place namely the shutdown policy that we've started to implement following the proud strike um situation that we had a couple of weeks ago if all of our PCS would have been offline at the time that that was pushed out we would not have had anybody who got the blue screen of death so we're looking at some ways to make sure that we can ensure all of our computers are getting shut down on a timely basis and looking at some discussions around our software application inventory audit to see if there are any of those services that we're currently purchasing that maybe the cost of the software is outweighing the service or the value that we are getting from those systems so like even in our personal lives I think somebody had mentioned that you often subscribe to multiple levels of Netflix if you're watching Suits or if you have different services that you're not using we want to take that scrub view to all of our systems as well couple of other things that we talked about at smt yesterday we did look at our lead program which is our high potential leaders that we see within our organization to try to reinvigorate that program a little bit it's kind of been on a high atus since the last cohort went through in 2019 um with covid and then with standing everything back up again to be getting us back to the position of where we are we think it's time now to really reinvigorate that program so we're taking a look at who are those leaders within our departments that we should identify to go through that process and also do we need to make some tweaks to the different modules that we had within that this is a completely staff-driven staff presented training for the most part we have very little where we actually have one session where we do some outside Consulting around our insights profiles but for the most part we're using our senior management team members our other staff folks who have gone through this training before to give those presentations and freshen that information up a little bit as we look to reignite that yet this fall and then finally we did also continue our discussion on the 2025 budget you will be seeing a recommendation from Senior Management at your budget committee meeting next Thursday on the 22nd so we'll continue to work through that process as we get to that piece as well my second item that I have on the agenda today is to uh take action with regard to you as the town Board of unorganized territory of first assessment we have received a petition to vacate part of Maple Drive that is now known as Elm Drive in the Ojibwa Park Community plat this is bounded on the West and East by the West and East lot lines of lot 22 this is a deadend road that is basically vac ending in a person's property and they've now petitioned to vacate the road that has not been used anyway it's just one of those platted Road situations we did receive petition signatures have been verified staff comments have been received and the petition was accepted by the county administrator's office on August 8th you as the County Board must Now set a date to hold a public hearing with regard to this vacation petition and we are recommending that the public hearing date be set for September 10th at 9:15 a.m. so the action that we have before you is that acting as the town board for unorganized territory to schedule a public hearing for September 10th 2024 at 9:15 a.m. am for the petition to vacate part of Maple Drive Elm Drive in unorganized territory first assessment District Mr chair would move the request for board action to set the public hearing for a petition to vacate Maple Drive known as Elm Drive second we have a motion from coring seconded by franzine all in favor signify by saying I I I I'll oppose same sign motion carries Mr chair that's the last I had on my report but I'm happy to answer any questions if anyone has any Mr chair just a comment on the report I'm happy to report that I have finished my training uh as it relates to it the it manager was after me to finish the training I have completed it and believe it or not uh it only took me one try to complete it so I'm very proud of that well uh it was on emails in case uh Renee Richardson sends me a trick email I will know not to open it up and uh so so I'm happy to report on that well thank you commissioner coring I mean if if we need to get a little award for you we could get one made up I'm sure thees would be more than happy to do that us do it without announcing it Mr chair if there's nothing else I would make the motion to adjourn Mr chair if I could interrupt for one second I had my hand up there oh oh I didn't see you I just wanted to brag a little bit because part of that report was the top 20 clickers in croan County getting caught by the IT department only one Department had a zero percentage uh attendance on that list and happened to be the county attorney's office so I just thought I should give my people Kudos we need another we need another plaque then don't need a plaque just want brag thank you thank you okay with with that I make a motion to adjourn second motion made in seconded all in favor signify by saying I I I