##VIDEO ID:8963W4yB-Po## e e e e adequate notice of this was provided in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 okay we have everybody here so let's have a sound meditation thank you salute from commission lo I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all I think commissioner recognize fire prevention mon this month I'm just I'm just sometime uh we yeah we can do that in a moment let's just wait till the vote commissioner Al here commissioner Lo present commissioner Sor excused commissioner Maran here commissioner Taylor deputy director Romero here director s here um actually commissioner I why don't you make that announcement now uh yeah just to let you know this uh we like to salute that this is fire vention month the whole month and uh just make sure that people understand that and your local fire department and EMS and uh is the the heartbeat of this community many is the heartbeat of the community so uh so I just wanted to point that out to the commission that we fly recognize it thank you commissioner we owe Our Lives to our First Responders in many many ways do I have a motion and second to open public comment on resolutions only second all in paper public comment resolutions only take your name [Applause] andone anybody online motion is close second all in favor resolution 2024 606 resolution awarding fair and open contract for providing video recording services for Cumberland County Commissioner meetings RFP 24-36 do I have a motion and second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner commission Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 607 resolution of the board of County commissioners of the county of Cumberland state of New Jersey consenting to a financing by the Cumberland County Improvement Authority in connection with the issuance of not to exceed $3 million City General obligation lease revenue bonds on behalf of the city of bridon pursuant to njsa 40 37 A- 56 do I have a motion in second so moved second commissioner I just have a question here that maybe the business min Mr Johnson can answer why why do we always have to side off on this that you they they have to find answer for the ccia the the the count the br's putting up the money they're doing or thing why are we involved this is this is not the only one so I'm not putting out BR but there are others can can can you repeat I'm sorry I can't I can't hear sorry why are we why are we guaranteed uh this money why are we why are we I'm not just merching dear Fields come in front of us why are we always have to be behind these bonds be the city brid guarantees to pay VI CCI is doing the bond which we do we're not doing anything with it right why do we have to be the manner the manner in which it's being handled with the ccia basically funding the construction being paid rent over a number of years and then ultimately The Entity for which the building was constructed for coming to own the building in that process the county has to sign off on it so we're to say we we we have no problem with that's what we're basically say it's it's right we're saying we have no problem with it it's very similar to what we did with downtown in regard to the construction of their sewer project but if there's a building that's being built here by another public entity in the county of Cumberland and we're going through the ccia the process that we do where they build the building and they and they rent the building to the building owner and then ultimately the building owner takes full possession of the building at the end of the payoff of the bonds uh we need we need to sign we're not obligating ourselves any financially but but the ccia has to get our permission to with that dat that is correct that is correct and remember between us and any obligation we have we have the School Board of Upper Deerfield the township Committee of Upper Deerfield the ccia and we're just saying we're okay with all this but I'm not worried about brid just that why we have to be why does it even have to come to front so thanks thanks for the answer it's statutory to tell you the truth fa all right okay thanks you're welcome thank you commissioner Alber yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director Soo yes resolution 202468 resolution declaring a 2004 Ford F250 pickup truck in 1998 for Crown Victoria as Surplus and unneeded property and authorizing the sale of the vehicles where is as is to Fairfield Township do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director SEO yes resolution 2024 609 resolution amending resolution 2023 644 exercising second and final option to renew contract provid for providing testing services for the Cumberland County Engineers office and the Cumberland County cooperative contract purchasing system identifier number 181 CC ccps bid number 21-32 do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Marsh yes commissioner Taylor yes director director C yes resolution 20 24610 resolution recognizing and declaring October 19th 2024 out of the darkness for prevent Suicide Prevention do I have a motion and second so moves second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo absolutely yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo absolutely resolution 2024 611 resolution appointing member to the county Insurance Fund commission do I have a motion and second so move second commissioner alre yes commissioner L yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director yes director SEO do we know this Kim C congratulations resolution 202462 resolution appointing member of the mental health and addictions for do I have a motion and second so moov second commissioner Al yes commissioner load yes and as with you I just would like to also thank Ashley Campbell for her willingness to Ser thank you Ashley for your willingness to serve on the board we very much appreciate your time and your service and your attention to this very important matter in Cumberland County Commissioner Maran once again I would like to thank her as well um I'm on that board I appreciate the time and the commitment that she's taking really uh really do appreciate that not everyone's willing to do it so my answer is yes commissioner Taylor yes deput director rero yes director solo yes these are for the consent agenda for October 22nd resolution I should say ID number 15437 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing truck repair services for the Cumberland County Public Works Department bid number 23-35 ID number 15438 resolution exercising option to renew contract for Prov snow removal services and Associated equipment for the county of Cumberland bid number 22-4 ID number 15439 resolution exercising option to renew contract for providing and delivering various traffic signal equipment and sign materials to the Cumberland County Engineers office and the Cumberland County cooperative contract purchasing system identifier number 181 CC ccps bid number 23-36 ID number 15458 resolution approving budget amendment 2024 area plan Grant $3,925 462 resolution amending resolution 2015- 443 authorizing Sheriff Services agreement with the Ruckers Cooperative Extension part of Ruckers State the State University of New Jersey ID 15463 resolution granting final approval of the barber Farm application to cell development easement ID dor dor that maybe commissioner wose can answer this that the EG Department with with the egg board looks at these these applications that sell development rights did they have do they pop like the they U where they're located at the that they they're provide with other farmlands next to them and you're creating a club or do they did they take anything they do all that there are lots of conversations that come on but I'd like to bring up Matt to kind of talk about the the specific one okay right so there's two of them so correct so in in both examples um we have specific project areas that are approved each year and the Farms have to be targeted within those project areas to be preserved um and the criteria we use for that is there proximity to existing preserved Farmland um the uh the quality of the soils um the quop material that's grown uh the size there's a variety of criteria that is established through the board it does the there's a reason why I'm asking this question uh does does dep part we have an act board that does all that with our planning department what about the or the state that do deals directly with property and preserve does the dep the board look at this look at this pres preservation yeah so typically um they will uh see the a basic since we're not contributing any funding to it and since they already have our comprehensive Farmland preservation plan up there um we may receive like a map or two it's not anything formalized um if we have an issue uh with a particular application then the cadb can weigh in but that doesn't necessarily mean that the state would say no to that acquisition they just ask us do we have RightWay needs do we have serious concerns regarding the application all right okay let's that we'll get the vote on the what I don't know if you if you maybe want to just as a side note there's also been changes to the Farmland preservation model I don't know if that also might your question um sort of to make it more um appealing uh for Farms to go into Farmland preservation there's a would you like to be briefed on it maybe and there's a reason why bringing this up that uh the commissioner Lo and and I don't who else is on the EG board that I I bringing this up because in the planning board meeting uh there there's a uh some a property that's asked for getting State preserve which is right next to an area we're concentrating on economic development wise and I made an issue I just pointed it out that that this seems inappropriate for what we're thinking maybe it's just me I'm thinking that uh Economic Development wise at milville and uh and I want to make and I was told because we're not contributing money we really should don't sorry about I won't say lack have a no say but it's something we should have put or at least have the a Board review it that that it fits a club of air which you just bet soil's right that it fits a certain area it just I don't want to be specific but I later I can talk to you I just thought that that uh we should have more control because we're trying to develop a certain area that we focus on with dab Avenue the sewer project the airport and and U something came up in front of the planning department planning board that I thought was we should add our two cents into it and the state state will take every piece of land we have and and make it preserve and allow us to move away if they could this is another uh I thought another step that our master plan doesn't reflect our our ideas don't reflect or haven't been updated and uh so that's why I asked the origin so where these farmay applications came from which you describe and I appreciate that um so I I'm just pointing out that there is an issue out there and I want to make sure you're aware of it I'm be very vague on purpose um but I can get more details later that we we we have a vision of what this County should all right I said it good okay thanks thank you commissioner ID 15464 resolution granting final approval of the tailor Farm application to cell development easement 15467 resolution approving change order number two to contract for 2022 guide rail program various municipalities Cumberland County New Jersey bid number 22-37 15468 resolution amending resolutions 2023 649 and 2023 650 exercising first and final option to renew contracts for providing serber living pass through through payments Transportation coordination Andor programs activities for family members affected by someone else's opiate use RFP number 2246 15469 resolution amending resolution adopted August 11th 19660 designating certain County Roads as three streets 15470 resolution approving change order number one to contract for providing Community Support Services older Americans act services for the elderly and disabled for the 2022 d224 area plan contract RFP number 21-50 15471 resolution approving change order number three to contract for providing Community Support Services older Americans act services for the elderly and disabled for the 2022-2023 area plan contract RFP number 21-50 resolution authorizing the cumber 15475 resolution authorizing the Cumberland County Administrator to continue an opt out program for eligible County employees who choose to wave health insurance coverage 15476 resolution authorizing Grant agreement with a New Jersey Department transportation for 2024 Federal Road program fap 2024 Cumberland county- 0000001 15477 resolution approving budget amendment 2024 Federal Road program city of bridon and Township of Powell $2 2,300,000 there was an addition to um the consent agenda um it should be on your guys D it's res it's ID 15478 resolution supporting operation green light for veterans in declaring October 22nd 2024 through November 11 2024 green light for Veterans for Resolutions that we don't have final final on director just we just so you know we we keep out of hot water we should really promote this cuz there's an email went out to the director of V Affairs this morning so we St this a show we really really support this and at the South Jersey Commissioner meeting yesterday I announced that um to everybody that all the Commissioners all the counties should start promoting operations nice 209 resolution correcting resolution 20241 196 resolution authorizing Grant application to the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General for a subgrant under the ffy 23 stock violence against women act 15210 resolution approving budget amendment ffy 2023 stop violence against women grant program 15334 resolution awarding contract for providing 9 interpreter and translation transcription services for the county of Cumberland resubmission pending 15385 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for call Works phone system endpoint protection pending 15416 resolution awarding fair and open contract we don't have anything on that right now 15445 resolution awarding fair and Open professional service contract for survey services for engineering and planning department RFQ 24-38 pending 15 454 resolution awarding a contract for providing various services to the compy you muted to unmute yourself press star six continue resolution awarding a contractor providing various youth services for the Cumberland County Services advisory Council RFP 24-31 resubmission pending 15460 resolution approving change order number one to contract for credible messenger youth an gang identification RFP number 22- 52 resubmission 15466 resolution authorizing purchase of two reconfigured icon brand arches for for County Fairgrounds under bid number e cnj 24- 25-01 contract number 65 mcees ccps 15472 resolution authorizing purchase and installation of video surveillance equipment for the Cumberland County Fairgrounds under bid number ESC NJ 17 18-21 for the cam County Planning Department contract number 65 MC ccps that's all for now do I have a motion a second permission ask a question is this the time we can yeah that's fine there's so so few let's do that um I mean I can wait if you'd like but um I just Matt would you come up and talk about um resolution 15462 exactly with that agreement 15462 could you just direct me to which resolution that is um number five five number five is the shared services agreement with recers oh um that is the update to that's the update to the um salaries for the agricultural agents okay that's all that is that's all that is okay it's nothing to deal with anything okay thank you Matt mat why you're up there just kidding sorry uh two more questions so I [Music] know I think that was we're waiting for some quotes coming we know when to expect them I assume for next meeting one this week and maybe one the following week so we should have everything by the time the next meeting is scheduled thank you m director uh just just ask you that u u the board of election would like to would like to sit down with you and the business regarding regarding information you talked about uh to make sure you have a clear picture what they're asking for I said they had they had approached me about a month or so ago so they do have to clarify more okay well they asked if they could do that sure okay um um let's let's since we've gone this route uh let's make anyone else have comments and resolutions okay so then let's make a vote M pleas vote go for a vote for the consent that's for next oh I'm sorry guys got me off my schedule all right okay do we have anybody on do but it seems to be muted all right now I think it's back all right well then uh nowas do I have a motion and second for public comment second all in favor all public comment please a new business by Miss state your name can't hear on the team but I can hear on the YouTube channel can't hear on teams but can hear on the YouTube channel you can't hear us Mera so thanks having problems with the teams I think it was said it was there's some kind of problem with the audio through teams we're trying to work on it okay uh Sandy ASO Upper Deerfield Township I just wanted to take a minute out to read the um correspondent from the milville public library that was on the last agenda uh this is from mville Public Library mville New Jersey to Kimberly C body clerk to the board and public information officer Dear Miss kaspar thanks to Jal Vasquez MVA public libraries multi-year multi-million dollar renovation and expansion has proceeded as smoothly as possible from prepping and evaluating I can team I okay Melissa we're going to hang up and then we're going to call back in from prepping and evaluating three bidding sessions to closing out the punch list the milville public library has benefited from the Authority's influence and expertise what our Board of Trustees lack and welcome to the audio conferencing Center please enter a conference ID followed by pound if you're the meeting organizer press star now what our Board of Trustees lacked in construction expertise was provided by Jerry's assigning two veteran Architects Moore aen and Brian nordan they worked with our assigned Architects the contractor and the board to allow for a cooperative and productive atmosphere The Authority staff acted as Library board Clerks of The Works following Mor's retirement Brian nordan picked up the Baton to serve the library's best interest through Jerry's efforts the library is in line to realize solar energy resources which will be available in 2025 to assist us with operating expenses the role played by The Authority has been absolutely crucial especially Jerry's abil ility to connect our needs with available resources respectfully submitted on behalf of the library board and Community I am Ethan orov Board of Trustees president thank you thank you Miss I apologize for all those interruptions now you know what it's like to be a high school teacher that was a very nice letter from M library thank you yeah should have been read last week we read a summary of it last than for going to living cing that was very nice of you to take the time out good afternoon Nancy rway from upperfield Fairfield townships oh I don't know if it was the end of last year or the beginning of this year uh we had a resolution and we were hiring firm to look into the Wood School in mville whether that would be valuable for us to acquire and use the [Music] building a few months ago I asked for an update and he said that it was being been to and our Public Works people have looked at the building and I haven't heard anything else since until Wednesday now can you tell me why the mville Board of Education would go to the CCI and ask the ccia if they would be interested in the wood School Noel I believe that contract that we put out was for it was over $100,000 and if I recall correctly it was for $130,000 and if you need the minutes from the CCA board meeting I believe that uh Jerry said that he could have done that service for you at the time we were requesting it so I'm a little confused are we going to get the building are we not going to get the building is ccia going to get the building will not get the building what happened to other the money that we paid out to have this building looked into I don't know if we paid the contractor all the money but we did pay our Public Works people so somebody give me an update and tell me what's going on all sigure is going to be transparent thank you thank you anyone else motion to close second all in favor we do not have executiv session tonight we do [Applause] have do we have any updates on the wood school on the wood school yeah so what happened uh was it was evaluated for our use there was an estimate as to the cost it is my understanding that this board is not interested in expending that much money in regard to the woods SCH ironically at about the time we expressed our interest in the woods Jerry contacted the milville Board of Education to the best of my knowledge and said that he had an alternative use for the building that he wanted to use it for or that he would propose to use it for at about the same time that we were looking into using the building and perhaps getting the building for a dollar uh he may now be exercising since the county does not appear to be showing interest in the building um he may now be exercising his idea in regard to the use of that bill but it's my understanding I believe that this particular board is not interested in paying I think it was $18.7 Million to renovate wood school and to use it for the purposes that we were proposing to use it for and we're looking into other Alternatives as to consolidating county offices across the street possibly possibly the lot that has the $2 million concrete pad on it that's upate maybe again that's something this board has to consider there's all kinds of ideas and Concepts and there's more to be coming in the future the city of brickton Board of Education would like to purchase the concrete pth for pennies over doll but that's the status right now thank you for the update appreciate a little bit of transparency just a little tigh do I have a motion to close motion to close second you can motion to close second second all in favor [Music] this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market