e e e [Music] good evening everyone and welcome to around South Jersey my special guest is Jim Soro Cumberland County commissioner Jim good to see you how are you great day it's a great day it's good seeing you too it really is I had the honor of having dinner with Jim last night and 40 other people yes at the uh Panther Road Panther Road Hall well you know it's interesting too Jim um I've been invited by Nick Cela to go and just of course seeing you and all my friends and it's interesting my cousin Harry Curley who's the former mayor of Vin was there and he's got to be his late 80s he looked good I thought you know oh no he he he comes in a lot of times he comes in and helps prepare oh yeah he's big on that salad that you like he he helps prepare the salad a lot of times he'll come in and help uh set up the tables so no he um he he contributes a lot he contributes a lot another person is my cousin of course it's Harry's son-in-law is Joey barufi Joey B I love Joey I don't know Joey if I told you this time I'm sitting Joey B is where you are and I'm here and I'm talking about all the people that I like in the bua area you know jalios and perellas and all this kind of stuff he Taps my hand goes Jimmy well they all have in common I said they're all Italian I love them well you know what though seriously when I think about the people I mean you know certainly you and I have been friends for years and I think the world of you but Anthony fucci I mean you go WR down uh Paul Spinelli I mean I don't care who it is in Violin they are really good people and you know I Jim have you been to Italy yes I have well then you know my wife yes I mean I've been there and it's like my goodness they treat you Roy you know just wonderful people I mean I remember going into a Tratoria or whatever it was it was almost like going in their house and they couldn't have been nicer everybody I met in Italy was so nice you know so you got good ancestors too well you when you think about it vland when I was growing up I I grew up on Cherry Street near the Boulevard okay that whole area was all Italian yeah I mean literally I can name all the people that went from the boulevard all the way to West Avenue that's all it was was Italian and at one time there was really two races in in in vient major and that was the Italians and the Jews the Jewish people were there oh yeah you know that's a good point you make too Jim I was doing a show recently with u the fellow new Brandon who does mville memories with me we're talking about that and milville never had the Jewish community that vand had in fact milville synagogue closed years ago and you know so I mean vinand has and I've been I'm sure you have to the synagogue there on Park Avenue and vinand it's nice facility and uh and it was interesting too because a lot of the Jewish people were successful business people you know very successful in fact there's a there there's a number of synagogues in Violin there was another one I don't know if it's I think it's still on on Grave Street oh okay I think it's between 3rd and 4th uh on the uh on the South Side you know there and you have another uh well you you did say Park Avenue yes right that's the main one I but um no it and a lot of the Italians and and the Jewish people they mixed yeah it was a lot of marriages between the two cultures you know yeah that's a very good point so it it it it flourished there it really did yeah it really um you know and even to this day vinin still has as we talked about the your key people in government and people that are involved well I mean last night you know at the group there were 40 people there Jim and probably 30 were Italians pretty much yeah we we allow you know yeah well you let me in for a while appreciate that it's good you know there are great there there are a great bunch of people uh the guys there um most of them are from East fin yeah uh and a lot of them are farmers but you have business people that are that that come there and it it's a great atmosphere um they all prepare they they help prepare the food there there's always a group of uhuh the same people that that cook but they have great dinners yes they do great camaraderie you sit down and and it's great to just sit there have something really nice to eat and just talk to other people is and no problems you know that's another thing you would think you know 40 I'm not going to say it was light but that's we we've had them 80 85 people okay never had a problem we we've just never had a problem everybody gets along very well yeah you know I well I thank Nick celda for inviting me and of course sat with Nick and uh Bill picis who's the mayor of Woodbine mayor pick yeah mayor pick mayor pick he's been mayor forever Jim yes years I was going to say yeah it's got to be in the 30s that he's been down there in Woodbine well i' say that's that man's done a job in woodwin when I go through there on the way to seah is and stuff you see I mean even the intersections are P or with pavers I mean it's like unbelievable but you were a mayor for in milville for a lot of years the longest ever for milville which was 12 years as the mayor yeah but uh yeah it but Bill is just you they love him down there of course I don't think he has too much competition either as well so because he's done such a good job nobody runs speaking of competition last couple weeks ago I had mayor fucci on we do mon show right so we're talking about the election coming up and we won't go to the other part of this story but anyway I said to him you know he was talking about his election and running and all and I said mayor who in the heck in a right mind would run against you I mean he's done such a great job I don't see anybody having a shot of beating him you know and I I I don't even think he has any comp he doesn't now he told me I I talked to him the other night and he said no one filed I mean right officially filed so which is good because I'm glad to see that I mean he's as you know Jim what a great job he's done as Council and he just uh really has well what's great with they they have a team yeah that's that's that's the thing I mean don't get me wrong May fucci is doing a great job um but you also have to look at his team the team that he put together okay they work well together yeah they do and it's very important that that they work as a team you know that's very very difficult especi and you know being you've been in politics for a lot of years and even though you get a group of people that are all will say from the same party all right you know a lot of times you'll have tough time working through some problems yeah you know you get a person that's not a team player all right so so you have those situations uh what you have um that's unique with them is that they have a team that was put together by him and they work as a team and when you work as a team like that what happens you get things done okay you get a lot of things done and that's what's happening in Bon and that's what was missing for a number of years a whole complete team and you got you got to give him credit for it but you also give credit to the to the council people yeah that's a very good point and you know what speaking of team I mean Bob Dickinson is super and Keith Petroski I admire him so much I mean they were there well Keith was there I don't know Bobby was there before the mayor got there but he's got good support in city hall as well yes and I guess from there I want to flip over to the county County Commissioners and Jim you you've been there and the minority you know quite a while there yes it was only one year that I was in the majority with that's right when you were director when I was director right what year was that Jeff 2002 okay that was when Jeff trout was on right well it was Jeff it was me Jeff trout uh Hal Johnson was there but then he went on to become a Supreme Court Judge okay and if you remember Doug artino was appointed right and then uh we had Mar guo okay they were the four that's what constituted us being a majority got and I was I was director at the time and it only lasted a year uh let's face back then it was it was tough well back then it was what it is now for the switch has come and I mean to Senator Testa credit and all of you guys and GS who've worked hard campaigned hard Joe uh condo and I talked about you know you and all the people were running heal you all campaign and folks I was I often say and I love joy brao almost as much as you he's great guy and he was the only Republican left in the county now there are 10 elected positions Jim and the other six are County Commissioners and you have the uh County Clerk the county surrogate and the county sheriff well currently right now when Joe was on it was Joe and nine Democrats he was the only Republican at that time now it's completely flipped the other way Celeste Riley is the only Democrat and you have nine Republicans that is correct amazing to all of your credit to be able to flip this County from being a blue County to a red County and you know as we mentioned Senator Testa and all of the and to his credit he knew to get people like you to run art Marshawn I'm very impressed with him Sandy Taylor great lady you know and uh of course Tory L's very very good at what she does and uh you got Doug Alber the director CIO and uh Tony Romero so I mean you know you've got your people that are all there all seven of you and I see a camaraderie but I also see a a willingness to get things done and some of the things I wanted to talk about tonight Jim was some of the things that I would like to touch upon that if you don't mind um you know we talk about you know the teamwork the uh we have individuals but but we're working as a team and I I will tell you this that um one of the the people that were very key into this was was Senator Testa Michael Testa you know he's he's Senator but he's also our chairman yes right okay and uh he he kind of pulled everything together and I don't think we would have gotten this far without him seriously no I agree with you Jim I think he deserves a lot of he really does his strategy his advice um telling us which direction he think that we would be more advantageous to take yeah okay uh the other thing about the the senator is he he he doesn't tell us what to do okay he'll suggest he might highly suggest but but what I'm saying he he doesn't say that you have to vote this way and I think that's very important that people must know uh he he he allows us to be us okay and we go back to that teamwork all right uh we have a uh one of the things I like to stress is that this will be the second year in a row we did not raise taxes very impressive J very impressive and it's not that easy no I've been there I know what you mean you know I I didn't want to I don't want to get into this Us and Them you know well there is no them no but I'm saying no but with the politics but when uh we've had to solve a number of lawsuits okay oh that I know especially from the jail well we're not even we we didn't solve that one yet and there's quite a bit of money that's involved in all of this but we we just solved uh uh or uh we just got done another lawsuit we just settled another lawsuit okay that's done um one of the the other things that we've done we've settled seven I believe seven it might be only six but six or seven uh Union contracts that haven't been touched in about 78 years oh my goodness okay that some of these were were just out there and I I think the message that we got out to uh our people that work for the county we're doing our best yeah okay to make it work um there were places where we would cut here in order to uh bring salaries up over here because you know and I know and a lot of people out there know that uh we're U we have state laws that we have to attend to which means you can only raise things uh items 2 and a half% right okay I believe that's the figure to do that sometimes what you do is you cut this and then you take some of this money and bring it over here so you might be able to raise something 0.25 more it doesn't sound like a lot but it's it's there but you can raise a 0.25% more over here because you cut over here right gotta and that's what we tried to do in all our negotiations uh does everybody think that you know our salaries are where they should be I'm going to admit no you know and I know sure for over the years uh it's been tough in kland County okay uh we work hard at it but I I think we gave him fair contracts I really do and I I hope they believe that also well they signed them that's good and I don't think there's any kind of animosity in any of this uh with you know after after them signing it so we have that going for us and and and we're working very hard I think we have I might be wrong again I think we have one more uhhuh one more contract that we have to settle and again we're doing the best we can we want to try to get them uh what they need to live in this County uh we want people to come to this County we want businesses to come to this County and the only way we can do that is if we treat our employees properly and I think you can acknowledge that so we're working on that that there's a lot of things that uh we're working on where we really are well we're talking to uh County Commissioner Jim SAR we'll be back to talk more with commissioner Soro right after these messages more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves and making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw with you and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at Mintz we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com in South Jersey we do things our own way we say things out loud face things head on and never back down and that's how we fight cancer with the most advanced Diagnostics Leading Edge technology and a team of doctors who know how to treat your cancer and most importantly we do it right here at the Frank and Edith Scarpa Cancer Center Vinland and the Leading Edge Cancer Center Mica Hill Mary did you know baby boy New Life Church in milville New Jersey precense Mary Did You Know join us Good Friday March 29th at 700 p.m. or Easter Sunday March 31st at 11:00 a.m. for our original musical screenplay of the Cross of Christ admission is free bring the whole family and enjoy the story of [Music] Jesus welcome back to around South Jersey my special guest is County Commissioner Jim Soro and Jim one of the things that I've been so impressed that you guys have done are doing is the county fairgrounds for you know the thing that I know you guys want to see is more Parks this is the only County from what I hear when I watch the meetings that doesn't have a county park we we we are the only county that does not have a a a Recreation Commission a park system okay okay right and um we're working very hard um besides other projects that we can get into but we're working very hard to create create this park system now right now we just passed uh last night in fact and Tuesday night uh uh Tuesday night uh for monies to be spent on the fairground that's great um I believe the uh the our portion is 1.5 million okay okay we're getting grant money of a little over $900,000 that's great okay and uh what we're going to do is we we have we have a plan that we was uh shown Tuesday night and that plan uh is what we want immediate which is like for one to three years okay okay right then uh things that need to be done further down you know 3 to five uh 3 to 7 then 7 to 10 well with this money what we're looking at like what we want to do right away is one the the electrical system okay we need to we need to bring it up to date I think right now it's at 700 amps we want to bring it to I think 1,00 amps or it might be 800 amps now we want to bring that up because of course today you're going to use a lot more electricity what especially when you're going to do events yes like right now we were just talking off the air we really don't use we don't utilize that it sits yeah one week exactly the fairground just sit well we we want to change that that's great we want people be using that year that's wonderful you're looking at the the electrical we're going to do some fencing we're going to take care of do you remember the big red building that's there uh for the 4 yes okay well what we want to do is we're going to make improvements to that building so this way if anything happens again like the pandemic we have a drivethru for the health department in order to give them vaccination okay W so that's we to do that um a PA system Park I mean it doesn't have a PA system yeah you certainly need that well we we plan to do that great okay water founds in certain areas up upgrade the uh the facilities you know the uh the the men's room the Ladies Room upgrade all of that um so we have a plan uh and people can go on to the website by the way that's another thing we've greatly improved the website uh uh Stanfield and his his group is just doing a great job uh and they made a big in two months in two months they've made a big difference on our website now it's not done okay but you can see the big major changes and I think if you go on the website you can actually see the uh the master plan for uh the fairgrounds that's great so they can go on that of course they can go on when when um you show the meetings yes right if if they tune in to that Tuesday night meeting they'll be able to see the whole presentation so make sure that you you turn into Quinn broadcasting on on the meeting of yeah and you can just go folks to Quinn broadcasting Facebook page or Quinn broadcasting YouTube channel and watch it again and again R do it as well and you know Jim speaking of that first of all I'm so happy to the Republicans credit that you guys are transparent and and every meeting folks every single meeting that the County Commissioners have that are public meetings are shown on channel 22 and on Facebook and YouTube and all that stuff and even a work sessions yes exactly the work sessions the regular sessions the whole thing and the other interesting thing is that here's an example uh Jim you know when we were there before and I was in milville as mayor of milville we'd have three newspapers that came the Atlantic City Press BR evening news and the Daily Journal right now there are no newspapers and this was interesting unfortunately for the city of milville Lisa orndorf resigned yes as the mayor you if you didn't have Facebook you wouldn't know you would never know no and it finally hit the paper a couple days later I guess they read Facebook and made a story on it and stuff I don't get the paper delivered I do read it online but I mean it's amazing that there's and again thank God that we're able to partner up and we could show the the meetings and everybody can go back and check it again and I mean and you're wide open to whatever anybody wants to ask it's like you know well do you remember I I know you do but when I first got on the uh then it was Freehold aort okay the meetings were 4:00 in the afternoon remember that's right yeah the work session was pushed to make that 6:00 because the average working person could not even go to these these meetings I forgot about that and um now you know again they're still at 6 but now you can we we have zoom yes okay we a person can call in and talk and ask questions they did that the other night the other night right exactly we want as much accessibility to the citizens of Cumberland County as as much as possible we want you to get involved we want you to be there if you possibly can personally but if you can't you can still interact with the Commissioners okay through this technology so I I I really believe that we're moving forward with this we want to make sure everything we do I mean of course you know that you have closed sessions you can't discuss things in from closed sessions and you know it has to do with either contracts attorneys purchasing you know that type of stuff so those things can't get out uh so those are the things that you can't be totally transparent and everybody understands why with that but everything else I mean you know we we talk you people can ask questions yeah we're there okay we're we're very open and um that's again we go back to the team right we work as a team and um well you know who else I I just enjoy so much is your Treasurer Jeff oh our CFO yeah Bridgeway what a great sens he such a good guy and and to do that type of business and still have a sense of humor is really that's serious stuff and he gets you to smile you know that's the other thing we the the administration team oh Hal Johnson you don't get any better than him he's what you served with him a super guy yeah and and and they're there yeah okay yeah and U and you mentioned Stanfield Stanfield okay Paige is ISR okay and um you know uh it just goes right down the line uh the purchasing agent the Woody uh I'm trying to think people you know but the thing is we again they work as a team they what I love about them is that they keep us informed yeah okay in other words very few times do I ever get something where oh what happened there uh uh I I didn't get that yeah we know as soon as they know we know and I'll tell you what that makes it so much easier to to be on on the on the commission uh because you're not blindsided yeah and that's so important that you're not blindsided you're all working together you know the big thing about that we we try to make sure all the Commissioners do is you know we have a protocol examp example let's say you're in charge of public works right well you know citizen might call me mhm and say you know I have this pothole here this this is broken can you take care of it well instead of me just calling right the dep Department you know the department head of Public Works sure and say hey can you get this done no what do I do I call you because you're the liaison okay and I call you so this way you're not blindsided so this way down the road somebody call hey Jim Quinn did did you you know such and such uh no that's not a good feeling no you're right okay you know what I'm saying so what what do you do you work as a team you you uh you call that liaison you inform them and you tell the person say look give me your name and phone number I will contact so and so they will call you because they're the liaison to that department that's the way it should be run okay and and that's the way we're working we're getting there okay mistakes are made but that's what we're working for and when you do that now it's a team now it's a nucleus now you're moving forward do you have Public Works Jim I do yes I do me uh and I just want to say Tony Romero okay along with the director he's like the alternate but he's the alternate to almost everything you know just Soo but uh no we we we're we're working on that it was funny Jim and I have talked in the past about public works and this man is good he knows his stuff I didn't know anything and Jim and I were K ha the Public Works back a while five six years ago whatever it was but I was so impressed with his knowledge and the one person we did mention and you had very high regards for him as did I I hired him was Jack feldis oh yeah you know and just last week I had his grandson on the show his grandson was a runner up for Mr milville and got Grandpa's personality just a super young man but you know that's again the people how lucky we are you know when you have a department head like you said that's the key that they're the people that you need to do the things that have to be done and keep you informed you know another mville guy that came in John nup oh my God I okay I love John okay John and I I met John back in the uh early 2000s when I I was on the board in 2001 and two and we met he was the engineer for milville yeah and we we got along great we just in my opinion we just hit it off we're able to work together we were always in sync with one another and when we had the opportunity to steal him well he was happy to leave because I was there and I left too and came over to you guys cuz milville at that time that city government was horrible the worst year I spent my life was the one before I became a county commissioner and John left before I did and I was so happy for him and then I got to see him when I became a pre-order but yeah that was just not he came over and he he really straightened out Public Works he really did he came in straightened it all out got it all cleaned up uh he he was a tremendous asset I can't say enough about John N he's great guy and um I I'm getting to work with him a little bit now so it that's right yeah he's with John ruga now we had uh fact Paul Spinelli just said glad you got Jim on he's a straightforward and a great friend this is his yes see and then I got to tell you now I want to see if you know who this guy is this person is watch watchingg he's the former mayor of Mount Dora Florida but a former violer do you happen to know who that whoa Mount dor it's beautiful Town folks I got to tell you and I was down visiting with him and his lovely wife Judy and we were you know many times have been down to see him well it's got to go back a little ways yeah well he I think he ran for mayor one time without a slate and Bill beond was one of his best friends I'm trying to think fireworks fireworks oh uh Jerome yeah that's it Nick Jerome Nick's watching Nick so good to have you with us where you at Nick how you doing buddy and I tell you what he did a Fant what a beautiful Town M Doris Jimmy if you ever get down there with Sue you got to go up and visit and I'm sure Nick would love to see in that can Judy and uh he just did a fabulous job it's right on the lake door and all that they had the sea planes too in that town beautiful downtown and Nick and Judy took me around and we went to wonderful restaurant in the Waterfront and all that kind of stuff and uh so he I imagine it was about eight years or so he was the mayor of Mount door and uh just a great guy really is and still is and all and I'm glad that he's watching us so you never know where you are you know you got people from everywhere I did want to mention Mary messic me messaged you basically and she wants and she had a good point let talk about Recreation Department I don't know which who you have but the milville person uh is really the young lady I'm trying to think think of her name in a minute uh she was just talking about her being maybe helpful uh Samantha Cruz I don't Samantha but she was like the mayor's rightand person and she does a lot of the recreation and the the events third Fridays and those type and uh that fourth Friday on the riverfront and things like that so think what she was say well she may want to pick her brain you know as to people that have tell her to give me a call on a very serious matter I'm on the Recreation Commission good okay the committee not a commission I'm on the recreation committee um Victoria loads is on uh on the fairgrounds she's working right gotta yeah very much in in she's very much involved with the fairgrounds and again you know we were talking about the a Recreation Commission and the fairgrounds but getting back to that my idea is to have uh three different Parks oh that's right Jim yeah in um yeah in in Cumberland County uh what I'm looking at is we were talking about the old hansy country club now that's stunts uh right now it's in the hands of the Green Acres and uh technically what we're supposed to happen was when they got it uh they were supposed to maintain it so we can still have the trails in order to get around in the park it was supposed to be turned into a park I would like to get that back oh what a great place to having the three uh parks that would be the park for the Fairfield bridon that area por the Western portion and talking to a number of people there's grant money out there okay to purchase and to uh develop the park oh that's super so that's one thing I want to do then of course develop the the fairgrounds right then you know across the street there's land that the county owns yes I do know that now one portion is landlocked and I I believe we're in uh conversation with the the individuals with the Jewish right Cemetery Cemetery exactly to be able to get access to it right so we're working on that um then we want to get and if you know where the 4 is on Morton Avenue okay um we want to build that up too it's like a mini Park the the land that we own there uhhuh and that'll be in conjunction with the uh uh what do you call it the fairgrounds right then the other idea is to have one that's closer to the vine and mil area pick it pick a central location between V where we were last night in that area there you go so you know do that and have another park there Park system so we would have three separate Parks going from 9 to three that's that's the idea okay uh how's it going to work out we really don't know um I'd be more than happy to sit down with the the woman that was involed with Samantha I'd really love to be able to sit down and and pick her right now seriously just have her give me a call uh and well Mary will I'm sure Mary make sure it's thatth that calls commissioner sorrow and uh yeah do I I would really love to speak with her we all would because we we look we have very very intelligent people in uh kland County we do and you know we have seven people on the board and I I a lot of we're all we all have our own Niche sure okay absolutely yeah but it doesn't mean we have all the answers yeah gotcha so what we need is we need individuals to come out and help us with these ideas so uh if business people want to get involved that'd be great uh well speaking of that Jim um get this com it's um Carol uh who has the thing at the airp I I guess she's at the airport Carol Johnson Olive has mcitc heavy equipment and Landscaping okay uh school and she has students and she said her well here it is she's got it up now her students would love to help wherever they can and you know help out and of course they're just learning but she has a school yeah she does y MH oh that's great God bless you Carol that's an awesome thing you know the trades that's that's very very important she's had it for quite a long time oh okay yeah and I've talked with her and you know she like you say it's been at last I knew she was out to the airport you know where their school was and she'd get some State funding and you know that type of thing so again it's funny Jim when you think about it they could sort of be like interns for Contracting going out and working with the contractors and they have the abilities to do those things as well we're talking with Jim Soro Cumberland County Commissioner about all the great things happening in Cumberland County we'll be back with Jim right after these messages imagine living without pain for over 35 years doctors BB and Doyle have helped thousands of people find relief from all types of pain milville Chiropractic Center has four doctors on staff specializing in Hands-On or light touch drug-free pain relief methods the examination x-rays therapies and 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like a family our friendly kind and compassionate staff is committed to helping you get through this most difficult time in your time of need trust to Marco Lisi funeral home [Music] vinand we're all looking for God all the signs point to there is really a god we try to find him in all kinds of ways in all kinds of places and through all kinds of things but there's only one way to find him that's by personal experience with him come visit us this Sunday we can introduce you to him New Life Church milville New Jersey more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves I'm making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw with them and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is [Music] possible welcome back to round South Jersey Commissioner Jim Soro is our guest and Jim a couple of things that are major things going on in Cumberland County uh certainly the jail situation uh tell us what's happening and where we are with the county well well you know that we had that what we call the jail debacle okay we were absolutely I was around when that was happening we we were supposed to build a jail and I actually voted for it because I thought it was necessary at the time our CFO explained to me I had sat down with him uh cuz I'm very Hands-On uh that the amount of money that we were paying for to maintain the jail and fix everything it would be cheaper to actually build the jail and pay for it w so this is this is the reason why I I voted for it then I I left the board and everything just went to hell um yeah if You' have stayed it would have been okay and you know what you advised me to do it and I should have listened to you because I'm Back Where I Belong I I really do feel that I I belong on the Board of Commissioners um right now what we're doing is we're we're sitting down and we're talking with uh Salem that's they have a jail county and Gloucester County yes right now what we want to do is put additions onto the Salem County Jail super and this is this is going to be a partnership okay not a shared service there's a big difference this is a partnership we are going to be part of that doing that we'll be able to uh move our inmates to them we I want you to try to wrap your head around this this number one cent of our tax per month is going towards our inmates Jimmy one point was one cent which is $800,000 a month a month yeah no I remember it was millions of dollarss that will cost to run the jail okay so just that alone okay we we need to do this right uh because we believe we'll save money so you had that situation where we're we're in negotiations now and I I really feel good about it I really do good uh I went over there and um I uh talked with the individuals there was a team of us and I got to go through the the whole place they run it good that's good they do a good job over there so I feel very confident I feel my Ben Lor's the director yes yeah good guy so we're there we went there and now we're working on we had to get uh some D things squared away because we're where we considering putting on the addition and um so we're working on that and I I really think that things are going to work out well with this I I got I got a great feeling with this and it's it's important for us and then later on after we do that section then another thing I was I was talking to other individuals and that is our U Juvenile Detention we really don't have one right we've sh we send our children out yes okay and I don't care for that okay because you're send them a good distance away I I would like to try to keep them back in the area Okay um Jim the last time I looked there there weren't many none was very few thank God I mean that's a wonderful thing that was oh no no I I I thought you meant the very few juvenile detentions no but what I yeah but I'm saying the number of clients that we had from County it's starting to get larger okay cuz not i' heard it was like a dozen and I was talking to the uh commissioner over in Atlanta Camp oh okay rizley right joh I like John yes I do I I like John a lot I got a lot of respect for John I'm on a couple committees with him yeah I was um we were talking then we were at the uh Southern New Jersey uh County Commissioners meeting uhhuh okay it was Monday and we see that the problem is not going to lessen it'll it's going to increase yeah and this is something that we have to work at and I actually said to all the people at that meeting I would like to see a forum with the counties yeah the southern counties okay and see how we can solve this problem because idea county is not the only one that has this problem okay so uh again you're looking at we have a lot of intelligent people there let's get together put a form together and decide how we're going to uh solve this problem we can solve this problem we just have to put our mind to it what happens over the years you when you when you find a a Band-Aid you keep putting Band-Aids on and you kick the problem down the road okay I don't want to do that anymore no I want to step forward we we acknowledge we have a problem let's decide how we're going to cure well I love the way you're going with it Jim I think that partnership you know that you're talking about with Salem County is great I had some beautiful woman contact put on here she said Lauren's wedding was at Mount Dora and we took and we took the Auto Train meaning that's his beautiful wife just said that then she and thank you sue she also mentioned that the County website has a link for QBC to watch the meeting so you can go to the County website there's Sue's thing Lawrence wedding was in Mount door and we took the Auto Train that was that's that's our niece oh okay so you were in Mount door you you forgot how beautiful no I just couldn't figure out who the mayor was no that's right but the no um yeah our our niece got married and uh I I was very honored her her father passed Sue's brother passed away okay and she had asked me to fill in and walk her down the aisle yeah fantastic truly great honor great kid yeah great kid she married a great guy he's he's a fireman and does she live in Florida yeah oh in Mount dor no she lives uh just outside of Tampa okay I believe yeah right so she's well she picked a good place for the wedding yes she did yes she did very beautiful area now before we wrap up Jim I know one of the things that I'm so happy to hear and it seems like the county commission's moving forward is the sewer plant oh in down to everybody wastewater treatment plant down at for SCU and gandy's Beach I am really really excited about this we are real close we are very very close in getting this together I think we need one more piece of the puzzle for funding um you have a situation down there where the septic systems are failing yeah which means that there's a certain amount of pollution to the Bay area bashore area right yes doing that that means you have problems with the oyster industry down there they can't they can't grow in that area yes good point so you have a problem with uh of course employment yeah and the last thing we need is people to be become unemployed um doing this project you're you're you're going to solve one an environmental problem two you're going to save an industry yes which is multi-million dollar industry for South Jersey made Port honors many years ago Millions upon Millions even today okay is is is in that industry you're looking at businesses down there that would go out of business will be able to stay in business great possibility of them expanding yes new businesses coming down uh more employment in that area expansion of everything in the area which means when you look at government what are we uh they just look at us well all you care about is money okay let's say we did only care about money tax ratables so what happens is when you build an area like that okay and you build it up and make it whole again okay and people are are moving into the area what does that do it lessens the tax burden on the rest of the county yes so this is something that's a beginning uh I want to throw out a big kudos to Jane Aela yes she's withal she has been working diligently on this project God bless her she's doing a great job she's there uh she's solving problems as she's going along the the mayor down there uh Mike Rothman Rothman Mike Rothman is doing a great job their whole Council or commission Bob Campbell we got to give him a lot of credit cuz he he did y um our board uh we're working as hard as we can I I believe that all all of us really really want to see this work we really do that's super but you know we have to make sure that the funding is there yeah okay the last thing we want to do is get in the middle of a project and die all right so we're doing our due diligence the mayor down there is doing an awesome job him and his commission just doing an unbelievable job making it work Jane is doing a great job our director he's in the Forefront making making a difference as Joe Soo uh I mean this this all again teamwork that's what it is it's all teamwork which Jim the other thing Cil who owns the hotel and I am so happy to be a part of this the Commissioners are so happy to be a part of this uh we're moving forward on it uh I am excited about this it we we need to get it done we need to get this done and again I can't say enough about Jean Aela she is just a an unbelievable individual she's doing a great job she really is yeah she's great so that that's I mean we have a lot of other things are going on in the county uh but they are the major ones the park systems the jail the the the water treatment plant the wastewater treatment plant um you know this board has has taken on a lot they really have major things too you know yeah they're all major uh projects the jail the sews system and the parks I mean you know so it's uh and we're still doing business as usual besides help the taxes and we held the taxes that's that's and you negotiated of the contracts which is contracts are negotiated less than three months Jim my gosh no no no no no no it started last year it did start last year okay that's right you guys were in charge last year we were in charge last year we had we had control last year Doug was the director so uh this year here is just a continuation and we we we took it up Notch you know this guy Steve malleta he's great great guy isn't he though yeah and his brother his whole the whole family M family yeah and they're in Lawrence Township yes yes that's that's a NE you want to talk about hardworking people they are one oh they are aren't they they're hardworking people man they really you know that that that you got to give them I got to give them a lot of credit the first time I met him he's big boy and he's him and his brother that they work with a lot of heavy equipment they really do they really and um they're out there every day they're out there every day and I I got a lot of respect for that yeah okay he has great family uh all of them I I think it was Joe's birthday yes it was on Facebook I saw that yeah yeah so happy birthday Joe just want to toss that one out there and thanks for uh texting in Stephen uh Carol Olive Johnson said you can make slings for posts or ships rather ports for oyster shells and you can make slings slings ship okay yep okay yeah that's interesting yeah we need we need all all the ideas you can possibly give us we're we're willing to work at it one of the things that we we we tried to do uh this year is um take on what we can handle yeah you got a lot on your plate that's for sure so and and I mean this sincerely what happens is sometimes when you start throwing a too much things don't get done yeah so uh we're almost there at the max but we'll still take on projects but I'd like to see certain certain projects at least get started right okay a lot of this stuff is in the planning stage so um and it's a lot of hard work because you have a lot of meetings uh for these things I mean there's a meeting almost every week with the jail there's a meeting almost every week with we didn't even talk about the middle mile there's a there's meetings uh a ton of meetings for the wastewater treatment plan yeah um so uh then you have deals with the ccua the LSA all of this has to be brought into uh fluish so it it it's it's we're working on it and I I'm very very very proud to be on this commission really well I'm proud of you Jim and all you've done and and certainly the commission's working really well together and I thank you for coming in and being with us tonight oh I'd love doing it I love doing it thank you so much I appreciate it and you are such a great host you make people feel calm and I'm not a person that's always calm yeah you've been a great friend Dante L is one of the best my man Jim he's talking about you being one of the best Commissioners around Dante thank you so much Dante appr D I know who he is yeah around anyway folks thank you so much for joining us my guest has been commissioner Jim Soro and I want to thank Ryan narowski for producing the show tonight and we'll take care see you soon have a nice night bye-bye this is has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market