good evening everybody I'd like to start off with the Sal meditation please if you're online please could you yourself thank you I Al to the flag of the United States of America stand andice commissioner Al here commissioner Lo Comm Sor here Maran here commissioner Taylor present deputy director here director SEO here Ordinance 20244 do I have a motion in second that the ordinance be read on first reading by title L motion second all in favor ordinance 20244 amending and supplementing ordinance 20232 authorizing continuation of the New Jersey County option Hospital Fe program for the county of Cumberland motion dri first second roll call Comm Al yes Saro yes Comm Maran yes Comm Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes the ordinance the summary terms of which are included here in was introduced and passed upon first reading at a meeting of the government body of the county of Cumberland state of New Jersey on May 14th 2024 it will be considered for final passage after public hearing thereon at a meeting of the board of County Commissioners to be held at the County Administration Building 164 West Broad Street richon New Jersey 08302 on June 11th 20124 at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time at which time in place comments and objections to the ordinance 202 24-4 may be presented by members of the public during the week prior to and up to including the date of such meeting copies of the full ordinance will be available at no cost during regular business hours at the clerk of the board's office at 164 West Broad Street Brick New Jersey for the members of the general public who shall request the same public comment on resolutions only motion to open public comment second all in favor okay anybody resolutions only public comment 5 minutes motion to close second all in favor I we're going to start resolutions 2024 294 resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of a grant agreement for the state fiscal year 2024 alternative responses to reduce instances of violence and escalation to together grant program resolution 2024 we're going to vote on these do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner alright uh before I vote I just just a question that uh is the prosecutor here right there or all line director are you there just just one real quick comment is that this uh system is designed to that it's a it's a team effort and just the recent incident in billville that it was questioned that the police this happened in their City Hall the police arrived and it was a person that had some mental issues um I don't know the whole incident but it just the arriv team arrived late after the in was basically done and it's just a question that if the systems suppos to work the way it's described that it's a team effort and I just make a comment that if if this is for a future if we go to more incidents like this I I have issues with that if we're going to push this and I do appreciate ADV been their trading rooms uh uh at least speaking at their trading roomes that it's a good program but is the question about arrival or is it about theam so well if it's a late arrival then has question program to make sure it's clarify the person's come from the same place the officers were coming from the same building so it's if you're going to be there for mental help that they got to be there for mental help to help the officers deal with it so that's all just kind of telling you um they do have any prosecutor in the in the room now Mr Shapiro prosecutors as well is she way I already made the com it's all you don't want to answer well did you hear that Mr Superior just I just wanted to point out that this program is designed that it's a teamwork it's a bental health police uh working together uh when there's an issue there was an issue just recently in the city hall of bville uh I guess I'm I don't know whole circumstances but it was a mental health issue with the person police rushed there it was made comment that the arrive the people the counselors or whoever they were supposed to work with the police officers arrived after the incident was done even though they came from the same building so there's a time they have to ear their pay that was the time to earn their pay and I'll relay it to you that it should be stressed in these things that it's a team not okay you hear what I'm saying so to the board I'm also saying it too that in the future you so thank you okay yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes Mr Taylor yes deputy director Amero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024-25 resolution approving budget amendment State fiscal year 2024 alternative responses to reduce instances of violence and escalation together grant program $150,000 do I have a motion and second so move second Commission Al yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director CA yes resolution 2024-25 resolution authorizing the submission of a project proposal to the New Jersey Transit for NJ jrc's grant program do I have a motion in second so move second question on it I John does this have uh anything to do with cats you could impact cats and therefore I believe you're going to say that you probably thank you that's question I have a good question so I think we discussed this a little bit Mr Bridgeway joh I think there's a if we get this there's a matching aspect to this okay so the county if we do get this grant we would have to match what's being given in the Grant I think it's around 26,00 de sure thank you well I have a question does this expand our transportation at all does it expand uh the system at all I I see all the variables here U uh uh computer access uh jobs uh create education all the areas that does it expand the system at all help Jamie Gomez is on the line address than I could okay sorry Mr com are you on the line I am okay can you speak to this please I can this is these are funds that are um that are used to support the existing operations it's not for expansion thank you thanks okay well can I director just make C on for that that it's great we continue to do what we're doing and we have a good system it works but it we it's not not good enough and it would be maybe beho us to look at other areas to to increase our system we have an area that are we have people that can that do not have vehicles they rid areas that are R and actually in the last meeting we are investigating uh especially um transportation on the west side of the county to extend on what you're just I really appreciate director if I right now they just got done having a Rucker so okay and they're going through it with a f2th come and they want to implement a number of these different things so at this point in time we really can't be talking about thank you well okay that's fine but the point is that we are that we should be addressing you're tell me we are starting to address it also commissioner Sor said that so Okay Go Okay commission yes commissioner Maran yes commission Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 d2972 as older Americans mon in Cumberland County I have a motion in second motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director Soo absolutely only 65 this week here you're stay that's right yes resolution 2024 d2988 for 5 years with abil increases uh do we have any update on the wood school or the consolidation that speak to sure so I we did get our Consultants review act and I submitted it to the board so if it was the board's wish to move on it we would uh look to try to get some a a bid to put the thing together but it's not going to happen in the term that that lease agree but it's 5 years that's a 5e lease right if I saw it's not a 5 officee yes 17 this this 1460 doesn't have 5 years buil into it I saw five years of numbers increases every year I got to go back and look at it's a one year extension remember so if this this is one year then even if we so what's planned for the year after we going to I I thought I saw five years of dou it increases over a little over $100 a month each year said it's only 198 this ends May 14th so one year extension the originales we're to extend for one year is that correct okay so all right so what's the schedule behind here what is the schedule you'll have the right to extend the lease from you okay so we can own meaning it's a onee extend so all right so what all right so we have time to play do this all right I'll yes yes M Maron yes M Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24-29 resolution authorized in settlement in the matter of a displ filed by jesuses state of New Jersey office of administrative law oel docket number c SV 0810 d222 s and Civil Service appeal 2024 74 do I have a motion and second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner SAR yes commiss Maran yes commission Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes and I just want to say that uh this is another settlement that we have worked through the county has done a good good job along with the new attorneys that we brought on and again um we are solving these matters very quickly and coming to an end and this is something that will help the county over a round period of time so thank you resolution 20243 resolution authorizing a license agreement between Cumberland County and Verizon New Jersey Incorporated rep placement and maintenance of aerial and underground cables and equipment in Verizon rights right of way do I have a motion second so move second commissioner albre this comment I thank this commit these two next two we're going to do it's it's a step at the right for the middle while it's one of the steps that have to be taken so yes commissioner s yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Amo yes director SEO yes and I'd like to point out that this resolution and the following there's no cost to the county to continue what we're doing at this point in time and want to repeat there's no cost for the county at this point in time resolution 202 24-31 resolu solution authorizing an infrastructure license agreement between Cumberland County and Atlantic City Electric company for placement and maintenance of aerial and underground cables and equipment in Atlantic City Electric company's right of we do I have a motion in second second commissioner Albert yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24-302 resolution authorizing application and Grant agreement with the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization for a subregional transport planning Grant do I have a motion and second we'll make the motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner sorrow AB commission Maran yes commission Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24-33 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract to provide 66,000 early voting postcards for the Cumberland County Board of Elections do I have a motion in second I'll make the motion second I just for question we're not happy about it question before we do anything else can I make a question before that second or no second second and be comments yes I would I'll just to get comments okay okay this is a primary correct it's not us against them it's them against them us against them whatever you want to call it right am I correct all right I don't see a postcard changing anything and spending the first question I had is is this mandatory so to my knowledge and I think I saw Elizabeth here um we actually had a conversation about this and this was voted on by your Board of Elections it's not just seek to County Board of Elections right in order to uh try to deal with L is that a fair representation thank okay so it's not the question is is it mandatory and the answer was no it was voted on by okay so if this is not mandatory and we just got done passing a no increase on our taxes right the next question is do we have this kind of money in there or is it Grant a that's and I had a yes it is grant money it's reimbursed by the early voting Grant okay I had a conversation with Mr Ridgeway about this earlier today he informed me at that time that it is grant money only problem I guess it would say is we're paying for it now and I guess we'll get the grant money when we get it correct so we're getting refunded yeah correct correct I I'll like to make a comment about it that the the biggest thing here is that it's going to be a a I believe rural pretty I don't is that a local is that a local printer is that a out count that's the one of New York this one this is our contract vent does the ballot printing that would be nice that something like this could be printed cuz it's not it's nothing major it's just a early voting postcard would be it' be it would be nice to see that put it locally not set out to our be I think the vast majority of the cost coage I believe that's 13,000 well that's what I wanted to speak to Mr Rand and is that right now with the 21,000 okay when the general election comes into play what types of monies are aail are available to you then as far as grant money the same amount the same amount be the same amount of people that the post guards go to most likely the same what was the justification of sending an additional postcard as opposed to a u mail or just for the practice ballots or sample ballots so we send out sample ballots that do have the actual um early voting locations printed on there but early voting starts before um the ballots have to mandator be mailed out so early voting starts at on May 29th this year and the last for 5 days so this is the precursor to the S about yes exactly exactly so was it a to just in just promote early voting for this Comm okay it's something that it's intended to do also for the general election so that we can boost the lines at are we obligated in the future years are we obligated no okay no all right thank you very much commissioner Al yes commissioner Soro commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director [Music] Romero yes director SEO I'm me gu for now until see how this works I understand for this year um because there's such confusion during the elections at this point in time um but I'd like to take a hard look at this meting if you if you can please in the future so we don't if we're going to spend Grand money on something like that maybe we can do it in another place just that works better the grant money also includes for Publications and for any advertising that has to do of early voting specifically so it's just early voting so it's just early voting that's the only reason why we can get the grant money for this all right Very Yes resolution 202 24-34 resolution authorizing payment of bills do I have a motion in second second second commissioner Al yes Mr Soro yes Mr Maran yes Mr Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes ID number 14954 resolution awarding a contract for providing in school youth industry focused training internship program services for Kate May County Kate May County ID number 14955 resolution awarding the contract for providing at of school youth industry focused occupational Training internship program services for Salem County and Kate May County by means of the cumland Cumberland Salem Kate May Workforce Development and authorizing read advertising for requests for additional proposals 1 15007 resolution accepting Grant award for the njsl capital projects fund Community Center digital connect in the amount of $3 million excuse me are we allowed to ask questions as we [Music] go can um well not just let me know yeah let me see something I figured it was that let's you want to do let's do in between you to do problem we ask question is do what it's asked right not at the end what we have that's you said we can ask the question just make a note you problem 1 1550 resolution awarding a contract for providing out of school youth industry focus training and an internship program services in Cumberland County by means of the Cumberland Salem K Workforce Development board RFP number 24-13 and by and authorizing re advertisement for request for additional proposals 1512 Z resolution granting approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Human Services for S sfy 25 jail medication assisted treatment re-entry initiative 15132 resolution authorizing renewal of the annual plan for the cumberly county Alliance to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse for fiscal year 2025 15133 resolution authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and to execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs live CWA Administration Grant 15134 resolution authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and to execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Universal service fund Administration Grant 15135 resolution approving budget amendment like he CWA Administration Grant $ 8,86 15136 resolution approving budget amendment Universal Services fund CWA Administration Grant 5 $5,399 15137 resolution authorizing Grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of military and Veterans Affairs for transportation services for veterans 15138 resolution approving budget amendment FAL year 2025 veteran transportation system $115,000 15140 resolution authorizing purchase from the New Jersey state contract vendor for inmate resident telephone control service for the cumland county department of corre in accordance with State contract number 1 NJ cp-8831 15141 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing grant writing and related consultant services for the county of Cumberland RFP 23-7 resubmission 15142 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for Network preventative maintenance level one Astra support on-site infrastructure response standard Astro dispatch service for the emergency 911 Communication Center 15143 resolution authorizing purchase of emergency mitigation services and keep them back and wipe under EC EC NJ finish wa she asked you to finish it you just finished that sorry thank you resolution authorizing purchase of emergency mitigation services in hea avac and W under esj 2223 23 for the C County Department of Corrections 145 enabling resolution authorizing the filing of vending plan for 2023 recycling enhancement Act tax fund entitlement pursuant to public all 20 2027 c311 at set here and after the ACT 15146 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract to provide arcj software maintenance annual renewal for the planning department for the period of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 as per 40 aing 11-5 1 DD proprietary software 15149 resolution of the county of Cumberland New Jersey determining the form and other details of its note relating to the construction financing program of the New Jersey environmental infrastructure ibank to be issued in the principal amount of up to 33,6 74,2 and for providing the issuance and sale of such note to the New Jersey environmental infrastructure ibag and authorizing the sale and authorizing execution and delivery of such note by the county of kland in favor of the New Jersey Environmental infrastructure ibank all pursuant to the New Jersey environmental infrastructure ibank construction financing program1 50 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement with the city of Bron for the hands in gr 15153 resolution approving budget amendment fiscal year 2024 local Freight impact fund $1,500,000 15154 resolution approving budget amendment money Island Access concept development project $150,000 15156 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for providing voting machine programming testing and support services for primary 2024 election 15157 resolution accepting Grant award from the New Jersey office of National Drug control policy passed through the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General for the 2024 Liberty Mid Atlantic H H high density drug traffic Grant 15158 resolution approving budget amendment 24 high density drug traffic area Liberty midatlantic Grant $80,000 15159 resolution authorizing Amendment to the shared service agreement between the Cumberland County Salem County glester County and the Cumberland County Improvement Authority concerning design work related to the regional jail facility site 15160 resolution cancelling expired contracts for May 2024 material services and supplies resolution authorizing purchases from State contract vendors that was 15161 15163 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for renewal of monthly elevator inspection maintenance repair and testing 15164 resolution authorizing participation of a Grant County participation of Cumberland County as a designated negotiating entity in the state development and Redevelopment plan cross acceptance process 15167 resolution authorizing approval to submit an application for the OJ DP fisal year 24 enhancing school capacity to address youth violence Grant 15168 resolution authorizing approval to submit a Grant application for the bja fiscal year 24 stop School violence program 15172 resolution authorizing execution of memorandum of understanding between the Cumberland County Department of Corrections and the Social Security Administration 15165 resolution authorizing Shir service agreement between cumland County and the cumland County Board of Health provision of covid-19 health education social support coordination and information and health screenings and preventative care education 15173 resolution amending resolution 20246 designating regular monthly meetings resolution 15174 resolution authorizing increase of monetary cealing for legal expenses in the litigation matter of brown Clark at all versus Charles Warren US District Court docket number1 20- cv- 7907 1517 5 resolution authorize increase of monetary cealing for legal expenses in accordance with njac 5 30- 5.3 through njac 5 30- 5.5 for workers compensation matter of Barbara eard versus the county of Cumberland 15177 resolution authorizing an Intercounty agreement for the regional Rehabilitation and re-entry Center of Salem and Gloucester Cumberland do you want to ask questions now or just go into the other resolutions let's finish okay let's just finish these ones are still pending 15109 resolution awarding a contract for various youth services for the Cumberland County Youth Services advisory RFP number 24-10 that's pending 15128 resolution awarding contract for specifications for the replacement of structure 06 vo- 058 East chestna Avenue over Panther Branch city of Vining County of kland New Jersey bid number 24-17 pending 15155 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for equipment back truck repair information pending 15162 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for 7 foot ornamental steel fence okay I want to make any statements um to start with the mar Just State the resolution number and then we can 15143 just get a little bit more clarity on that is that an emergency situation or um no it's not it's actually um right now with the HVAC system is uh Chuck is not here I bite me to the issue please the Chuck Avo director for Department of Corrections um that's really a uh surface mold remediation effort we had some areas due to poor ventilation that we're addressing separately so that's we already have funding to address that but we found some mobile issues nothing's Airborne but we needed to get it so this is the surface cleaning for that so we had it tested by Ram environmental and this is what they recommended needed to be done so it's really something that we really can't not it's emergent because it was not yeah exactly because it it needs to be addressed so is this a company we're hired or is this equipment we're purchasing is no it's a company that we've hired and is this just after this is done it's done right a one time as long as we get the ventil resolved and you know we don't end up in this situation again my understanding it's not the first time the jail has wound up in this situation so that's why why that's why they put in for the repairs and so and the fix fixes on the last meeting this is one of the issues from the old system so the veneration system is big a big issue that's why you're looking to repair all the vents and all the HVAC even the windows everything is you know a mold issue at this point in time yeah so I we had already worked with uh Finance with Jeff and we've already identified funds to address the ventilation issue so we're not revisiting this next year okay thank you has Tak a proactive stance on Main trying to handle things before they become an issue to amen thank you I'll second that motion director that's the the issue okay okay okay so resolution on 15150 shared services with the city of Bron for the kanding zoo we give $30,000 I'm wondering if uh we can't put in their budget next year to up that to 50 I think you know as a county the whole County use utilizes that zoo and it's a gem and and we need to do we can to okay didn't we um bump up that s is it the same number same remember okay it's the same number this year how long have we been giving them the 30,000 as long as you're as long [Music] you're take that consideration is that been since 2002 okay all right so we have to take that is there a spe any specification of how that money can be spent is there any anything we put any any strings on that buddy at all just that it gets ear Mar for the benefit of the just the zoo in general no no uh fixing it's more is it hiring it's nothing that specific no just um just just so you know that the city of Bron passed a uh open space they've actually collect extra money they've never done u u actually I was leaning towards maybe even looking not to this because it's for richon the what I I was weighing 50,000 or zero but it's uh yeah it should be looked at as long as I think it should be kind of make sure we know where it's going that's all I ask and along with their own commitment which they just did the open space body uh could make this do something special with the law run has plenty of space to expand so so I agree with you let's look at the appropriation yeah this is something we discussed last year you discussed and we wanted to know more where this money's going yeah just here's 30,000 we want to know a little bit about where where is it being spent you know in the in the zoo and we haven't seen anything come back and say hey this is the way we spend it so it looks like it's being they've been happy with 30,000 up to now because we don't see the needs where this money is being spent so I recommend that we know we we get some type of report back that where are we spending this money is it in food is in promotion where where's it going you know I don't see a problem going up to 50 but as a as a commissional board get a report once a at least once a year where it went I'll request it for what was spent for 2023 and then regular reports for 2024 sure good I have a good report of the Bri C good perfect perfect thank you thank any any else you that was it I don't have anything right now okay commiss s most of my stuff is definitions or acronyms just I just like to know what I'm voting on one of those things um njsl is that the New Jersey State library is that correct yes okay now we going into the LI i h e a c okay CWI know but help me out with that one um there's a couple this is resolution 15133 okay um and it's a gr I mean it's not it's a grand application but I just like to know what that stands for yeah I used to have it memorized I know it's low income assistance program there you go so it's a okay give her a nippel all right nextcell um let's see the department of commity Affairs Universal service fund anybody what is a universal service fund so that and the LI he Grant are both go towards social services and so the CWA is for the county Welfare agency so they help offset the administration of any snap prog okay it's good I'm glad you said that because I thought it was a union does he got a ni on this one too yeah there you go um keep going we hold on one more okay local Freight impact f um I know it has nothing to do with a train so or or or or what do you call it the tror trailer just help me out there's any transportation roadway projects got look at that Federal we rolling today man okay um that's it they were just definitions there was the gym Sor show be back on at 11:00 Mr yes I have here funny coms the U bear with me here I got to read my handri so the uh your hand yeah just uh this U hold on talk about that make a comment on the 261 15159 which is uh the county jail this these agreement is coming it's a good thing that we're we're trying to solve our jail issue and this is the design get the approved Authority involved and really get going on that so the uh here's the here's the major issue I got uh I'll leave that for a second here also the 22 which is 15154 Buddy Island that that was a result that buddy Island Access concept development project that was a that was a result of local County and state officials working together to to look at this roadway that $40 million of or orer industry is uh on the line for this one road CU they have a tie tie for the boat to get get to the uh Refrigeration units if that road is washed out they have trouble getting there that that Harvest is lost and we all got there they were caught at the state was shock they responded so it's a great start still the tie frv is a lot but it's to raise that road bed so we don't have this issue in the future U all right here here's the big issue um look at the commission to do this this is uh 15164 this is the U it's a simple request the participation of cou counties and designated negotiating at the in the state development every R development plan fost acceptance process this is the is the basis of everything the state the state does uh comes from the state plan all the h um U focusing on this all their their mandates come from this state plan and I attended the ccia meeting they had and dur that the state official the state planning official was there and the matter what the bottom line I play kind of Devil's Advocate with it the bottom line is that they have an image of what CN county is that doesn't necessarily reflect what reflect what we believe and we going to send a team in there that should I I think should be more broad they're supposed to go to each Township and City to see what their wants are and I think that that committee that which is what is asking to be represented should be more have bigger than just the our administrative officials because I think it needs to reflect a little bit how we feel that way this County should go in the future the know things have been done practice for some time and unfortunately I think it's still that that freight train is still moving in that direction and not necessarily the commission is not in agreement sometimes with what the authority Andor or the plan or the plan development board has that we see for the for the county agree we're in agreeing with you that's fine and this is our part to actually make do action on that that we can't send a team in there that I I don't know if it reflects what we would like I I don't want to sit there and go and I I'll give you an example Ben stman was uh was there in the meeting nobody was saying anything I'm off the ref field pulled pulled the state official try to get them to see us this is important Joe all right continue try and get to the point I think I'm trying to make the whole point is that we should have a broader team that we have to reflect what we do we're going to pack that's I looking for I said it thank you but but you want to understand the reasoning maybe they understand the reasoning behind it the and the idea is that we bring that we have to go to these talers to make sure their PS are put into the state plan to make sure that it's not just a footnote and that's how was described a footnote in the state plan is the way they're going to do it not incorporate what K County would like 203 actually probably 30 40 years ago was involved with Planning Development with the county and the state planning process at that time was just beginning we this the I comment that the the planning department was very aggressive very uh they did their homework they did a lot of things and they created nodes at that time that areas that we believe should grow cederville uh leeburg that the area that particular area should grow and outside of that is where you would ctail it well that's disappeared that's not even in the plan the the service areas aren't even more from Township anymore if we don't fight or or Le stay our P of this now it just becomes that's what it is now the last thing is is that we're 21 out of 21 20th Health outcomes now but if we don't if we don't want to start if we don't want to make an issue this where are we going to go we we can't move they boxes in so please I'm urge you the commission don't put this I want to pull it off the cassette agenda or whatever you pull off the agenda yeah to to ponder an idea that they're a good team we have good planners not knocking them but I think this board should have some some um um put into it so when they go to townships okay all right hold on a second I have a question this is just authorizing that us to be a participant it's not just said nothing about us making it's cre listen to me we didn't create the team yet it's just saying that we are going to so there's no reason to pull it what it does is if we vote for it that's going to force us to make sure we do it so my my statement is what we do is we have here we're authorizing participation okay in a negotiation there's nothing in it that says about who's going to be there so if we pass this that means you know what Commissioners you better get off your asses and do something about it and get the people about to put this off away all we're doing is kicking the can down the road I want to pull not off the agenda I want to pull it off the this this uh consent agenda so we debate this or at least talk about it so you're right you're absolutely correct but I don't want to put Kick the Can down the road I want to make sure we put our people in place so I want off the consent us through cuz it is actually given that's right we can do that we can do that the planning department the planting board it was told that there we would have representation be our administrators we we can do that commissioner I'll back in the discuss this at the next at the next meeting since we'll pull it off all right so let's pull that off uh the next it's 5164 5 okay anything else that's it okay Mr R is not here and I have a couple that I'll I'll say because of the constraints we'll talk about them at the next the next meeting um there's one I have to abstain to but other than that uh we can move on director we are we going to have this is a work session okay all right just want to make sure because that was just I'm saying move on okay so now um let's yes yes I have a motion and second to open public comment on new business only second all in favor okay new business Chuck you guys something you want to say sir good evening commission my name is William Beck I live in milville and I presently serve as a Cumberland County Library commissioner where I have served since December 2023 and to which this board appointed me in November on the agenda for the upcoming May 28th meeting is resolution 5007 titled resolution accepting Grant award for the njsl New Jersey State Library Capital project fund Community Center digital connect in the amount of $3 million I'm here to voice my support for this resolution's passage the purpose of this resolution is to secure approval and funding for the construction and establishment of a branch library for the Cumberland County Library our Target location is on new 4 7 on noris rer Township the $3 million in funding for this project if approved is a state Grant sent by way of the New Jersey State library and as a portion of the American Rescue act signed into law in March 2021 during the covid-19 pandemic which was allocated for the purposes of economic stimulus and infrastructure investment and deciding my support for this resolution I find this County Branch Library would increase access access to information and information Discovery increase access to technology and internet services for our lowincome neighbors encourage reading literacy and lifelong learning serve as a meeting and social space with a very low barrier to entry serve as a place for our neighbors to obtain important Social Services occupy and utilize a place presently abandoned on Route 47 promote economic Mobility by democra Iz in access to educational resources serve as a place to preserve the local culture and it would employ people in low stress environment providing people in our communities both an onramp to employment in the private sector and offramp before retirement and an income in which to live furthermore I add that a Branch County Library would be accessible to everybody in the southeast part of the county without any statutory limitations on what municipality someone in our County calls home just as you can imagine a college degree or career certification as an investment in oneself one can consider the implementation of this County Branch Library as an investment in the community and the future quality of life for our citizens I think you will find this project agrees with the point and purpose of the American Rescue plan in is consistent with good governing and as a moral use of public funds I ask that you vote yes thank you we thank you for your Cas we appreciate you anyone else good evening I'm Nancy Ridgeway from upper derfield and Fairfield Township I agree with what the gentleman said about the library I don't know why you pulled it off of the last agenda but I'm glad to see it's back on for two weeks from today um I have a question are we leasing the cement pad that the jail was going to be built on are we leasing that land or are we just paying the bond I know we're paying Mr the land is own by the ccia correct technically the land is by the ccia and we would be leasing the jail had been built we are paying the money on the bond but the Le agreement for the property is no longer in effect it's still in effect the lease is still in effect yeah so we are paying for a CIT pad well I asked a question because at the last ccia meeting uh there was a resolution that they're going to investigate the uh CIT if it's buildable or not how much deterioration has been and you've been talking tonight about leasing buildings and red doing the wood school we need space we're leasing ground with a cement pad and we're not doing anything on it will where are you questions this is what the fifth month of the year five months pending delation but we're going to build a jail in s County interesting thank you good evening uh Commissioners comedian good evening audience uh my name is John fuka I'm the executive director of life worth living I'm here tonight with a I think I got a bruised I don't know I feel overwhelmed to be honest um right now as we speak in the and one of y'all said it earlier um we rank the lowest ranking in the too many categories tonight I'm standing in front of y'all in this meeting and I should be on my way to pick John to pick up pizza as we serve our kids down at the arm Center we do a team Tuesday here in the city of brickton from 6:00 to 8:00 it's the only night of recreation that we have open w in the city of brickton to serve 6,321 students here a alternative for violence um is our team Tuesday that's what we get to offer um stand in front of y'all some of y'all going see these when yall go outside this is our Stop the Violence enough is enough flyer we are printing these at Bron print I'm the owner of that company it's amazing that we sending $21,000 out of voter registration and my print come you can't get that contract I want I want to see why that's the case but that's another story for another day these flyers are being circulated throughout the county on these fers we got six 16 different versions of this because over 57 I know 57 people that have been murdered and I'm 47 years old so that's the work that we do at life Earth living our goal is to prevent that from happening the corner of this flyer is my nephew who lost his life and my cousin on the right hand corner this kid at the bottom Maran uh Town 14y old was murdered last year in mville I got six of his friends down at our program six of them are a part of our program called CC in which stands for Cy County identified notified care we got a contract with the County prosecutor's office to identify the 50 most atrisk kids in our County and we work with them but we have limited resources we have limited opportunities like I said we got two hours in Bron yesterday we lost our access to Daniels den and violent Victor uh jimz run that program um and we trying to bring these kids out of the out of the streets cuz there's not enough opportunities here I'm standing in front of y'all tonight I'm going to wrap this up soon we we got awarded uh a million doll ear mark from the federal government uh life worth living the prosecutor's office the SP Hospital United advy group and Gateway we put in an application to use the fair grounds for the summer camp which cost the county nothing we actually got a check already prepared to pay the county $155,000 to host to host the camp the last two weeks of August unfortunately that the application been sitting on somebody desk for the last 6 weeks uh we trying to figure it out why but uh we made a couple phone calls and we was told her it was going to be changed until today we got a phone call the can got kicked down the road the perbal can got kicked down the road we got a call from the mville fire chief who gave us a long list of things to get done that will possibly never get done with the timeline that we have to get our camp promoted but that's just another thing that happened here in South Jersey and I'm wondering why so I want this body I want this body in this room and think about the hardships that some people have when I leave here I'm going go to my house a really drive I don't live in a rough neighborhood my kids don't live in a rough neighborhood I made it but other kids don't make it other kids is don't live in good neighborhoods we have an opportunity to do something that's never been done here before me and my staff is on the phone now with Viv a fox who we got the sign on to come to that camp telling her we still don't got a location we on the phone with Steve Harvey because we want our kids to see people we finally got some money to get people here to encourage our kids but we got to deal with all the Red Sea I'm standing in front of y'all as an African American business owner as an executive director I got 53 people that work for me and they all live in Cumberland County they going to all get paid this week they going to all spend their money here but for whatever reason we pull our applications in we get we get the short of the state we just took 21 kids up to the US senator debate called from our program called beyond the block 21 kids that never got involve in Civic engagement they are now now they are leaders they down at the armer right now get job training cuz we we going to supply 30 jobs this summer we supplied 30 jobs last summer we out here doing the work I want to wrap up by saying this this year life worth living has been granted $2.8 million in Grants and grant funding 95% of our money go to employee employees pay we are working with $148,000 of that money come from our County the rest come from the state and the federal government the only thing we want to do is improve Cumberland County but it seemed like every step of the way we got people fighting us I want yall to support what we doing thanks thank you thank you Liz Cy downtown foru uh I'm here tonight to support the library extension and I I'd like to give you a little insight into how I even got involved in this because I'm not a book reader so it's going to be an interesting story but I have been uh through the green team that I work with in down Township we've been going into our school and our school has no librarian the books that are in the school are at least 10 to 15 years old so for a library extension that may be able to help the school system out because they're not going to have a budget for a librarian but they may have a library extension closer to where they live now if this goes through I think that that service that you could do for the Outreach areas of this community is important the school budgets are not going to change they are not going to have Librarians but maybe they can get to a a smaller Outreach Center with a library so I ask this that you support this thank you thank you anyone else ters director want to close public at this point presentation is a presentation is a presentation thank you is this a presentation I was just going to make he's one of your I know but I'm saying have to close the public I know but what I'm asking are you making a presentation or are you just speaking for yourself probably a presentation okay now now motion to close but I'll let you decide now all favor I just Chuck Abino again from the Department of Corrections I just wanted to publicly acknowledge that last week was uh correction officer actually better put correction staff week um it's a week set aside there's other professions that are recognized during the same week I think nurses week is the same week but it was correction staff and I wanted to publicly acknowledge my staff and the efforts that they shouldn't say my staff the Department of Correction staff and the effort that they give and the service that they give to the county um I know they some of the unions were present and thanked you the commissioner for the contract that you gave them and I wanted to just publicly acknowledge them for the effort that they give day in and day out uh I think they deserve that recognition um unfortunately even though they're a part of law enforcement I think more times than not they're kind of Forgotten because they're out of sight um they don't interact as much with the public but they do a great service for this County and uh I just wanted to acknowledge them publicly before this thank you [Applause] we are have executive session resolution 202 24-35 resolution of providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Senate byon and bear of a public meeting Act njsa 10 4-12 matters relating to collective bargaining agreements matters relating to the purchase lease or acquisition of real property or the investment of public funds matters relating to litigation negotiations attorney client privilege matters relating to employment relationships do I have a motion in second um is that can we have discussion on other stuff besides that or not CU there you know this is a work session just the agenda well are we going to have any open public meeting have list what you're going to I got that so so really there will be no exchange ideas except what that says at all so it should be done here I know about it it's on your agenda okay know about director the you asked me to put together some of the things that we've been talking about I don't know I thought either now or well I preferred that be come to us on Thursday like I asked on the email U we had some conversation I would like to have it so everybody could review it just just throw the ideas out we're not voting on it tonight but it needs to be thrown out that's why I thought we're you know so I didn't hear I see Thursday I is that exactly I stand look at at ebals all day so it's just set out almost week and a half ago um another executive session it's not anticipated there be any action taken out so so I can't thr idas out at all as as this is the work session for the board no sir all right I remember that that's real good so now director so the bottom line is that we've gone through an a Jed that has been dictated we have uh there's things we haven't talked about which I've thrown out the wood school and personally thrown out the idea the crest Crest Avenue idea that we should do something also threw out the idea of a veterans program and also an economic development thing but we're not going to hear those ideas excuse me talking to the director please right yeah we can we can discuss those in those two items in executive session because it involves the real estate and or some type of proper contracts yes all right no problem else anybody else okay so Move Motion second robbert yes commiss load I'm sorry commissioner sorrow yes commission yes commission Taylor yes deputy director R yes director yes this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams it's programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market