##VIDEO ID:MTodS2kLyL4## e e e e was provided in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 okay like to call foration please before I forget I just want to wish everybody a very safe Thanksgiving this this year all right um let's see who who's going to be commissioner wants them to do this pledge about commissioner to the flag of the United States of America stand naice commissioner Al commissioner Lo commissioner sisser commissioner Taylor pres deputy director Romero here director Soo here to Motion in SEC and second to accept and dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last public meeting all in favor correspondence dated October 22nd 2024 the Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners notified the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners of a resolution adopted at a meeting on October 15 2024 urging state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting proposed protecting against climate change threat and res environments and Landscape roles in correspondence dated October 23rd 2024 South thy gas notified the County commissioners of a noce filing and public Hearing in the matter of the petition of South Jersey Gas Company to revise levels of its societal benefits Clause charges and its Transportation initiation Clause charge vpu docket number gr22 gr2 47549 in an email dated October 28th 2024 the County Board of County Commissioners notified the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners of resolution 20248 39 adopted at a meeting on October 24th 2024 urging state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting proposed protecting against climate change threat and resilient environments and Landscape rules in correspondence dated November 12 2024 Atlantic City Electric notified the kerland County commissioners of a notice of filing and and public hearings in the matter of combined and consolidated application of Atlantic City Electric Company to adjust the level of its writer rggi rate associated with the Legacy solar renewable energy certificate financing program BPU docket number er2 47534 we have a presentation we have a presentation okay thank you for the opportunity to come speak to this evening to present our Cumberland County local Road Safety plan my name is Jennifer marand you I'm the executive director of the South Jersey Transportation plan organization um commissioner Taylor serves as a leaon on our board to on your from your board to our organization our agency is responsible for Regional Transportation Planning um in our four County regions so including Cumberland County also are serving Atlantic Kate May and Salem counties we essentially serve as a technical resource to our County Partners and provide access to federal funds that otherwise would not have available if not for um the existence of the no so tonight I have with me our consultant team Dave with GPI um to provide an overview of our countywide localad safety plan the plan itself focuses on eliminating fatalities and serious injury crashes on your county and Municipal roadway system the plan incorporates what's called a safe system approach so I won't go into the details but that's really the foundation of the plan um it's based upon six principles again I won't um go into all of those but two of them I want to sort of call to your attention and I think that we can all sort of agree upon um death and serious injuries are absolutely unacceptable and humans make mistakes so that essentially serves as foundation of the plan as you're going through da won't touch upon them but it's like I said it's one of the core um factors of being Incorporated so we at SJP are really excited about being able to present this plan to you we are one of the npos there's three npos that cover the state of New Jersey we are the smallest and yet we're able to provide each of our four counties the opportunity to complete and be involved in our countywide plan um the plan is really meant not to be a plan that's sitting on the shelf it's meant to be implemented so you'll hear Dave talk about a year three implementation effort that will will keep on for one more year after the two years that we've just accomplished um and you'll see um a lot of priority locations and different things that Dave will talk about um but what I would challenge you all to do is to really take safety you know to Heart right so each of us have our own responsibility you want to get home safely I want to get home safely if we all make that our goal we can you know essentially eliminate R fatality so with that as a background I'll let Dave kind of give you the the details of the planor thank you Jennifer good evening everyone uh so we hope to get you copies of the plan uh the next day or so this is going to be kind of the big picture this is the highlights of the plan um before you have a chance to read the the plan so our what we would like to do is we would like to ask the the Commissioners uh for resolution of support uh for the plan as well as the goal uh of 50% reduction in fatalities and serious injuries by 2050 so again what is a local Road Safety plan it's an action plan this action plan has is over the next five years a horizon of the next 5 years U with looking to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on County Municipal roads not State highways focuses on the County Municipal roads and those uh strategies to reduce fatalities and serious injuries are infrastructure as well as uh Behavioral or non-infrastructure types of strategies and Jennifer mentioned the safe system approach which aligns uh a little bit with the it's Al also known often as the four e education enforcement emergency response and engineering and then uh we have Equity as another uh lens on all of that uh as we move forward I wanted to mention it's important to understand that this plan uh why is it important because the recommendations coming out of this plan and this plan is is built to be eligible uh as a us do Safe Streets for all action plan so that program through the USD us do provides funding for implementation grants which are like design and construction type of Grants as well as supplemental planning grants but in order to apply you have to have an eligible action plan so this local Road Safety plan will meet all those requirements requirements that are and I'm just not going to read all these to you but it's number one is leadership commitment and goal setting planning structure safety analysis engagement and collaboration Equity is considered policy and process changes so policy documents and guidance that the counties and municipalities have are there ways to strengthen them in terms of uh a safety Focus uh strategy and project selection and then progress and transparency so those are the eight key components of the plan that that are required by usdot we have a steering committee that has been along the way all the way through Doug Whitaker is here tonight thank Doug for chairing the committee and made our an effort to uh involve uh all the municipalities we could we could get to be involved in the development of this plan um so certainly appreciate the representation we have from municipalities so we started this back in uh fall of 2022 and as part of that uh we've had multiple steering committee meetings but we also had three different stakeholder workshops along the way I want to thank director slay he's been came out to at least two of them um and been an active participant in those workshops as we went through the process uh of developing this plan so uh those are very fruitful uh as we move forward and here we are tonight with uh the County Commissioners meeting and hopefully we can have the plan approved uh move forward with implementation next month mentioned that we're looking for a resolution to support a goal so the US do action plan requirements require that a a goal be set and adopted by elected officials for reducing fatalities and serious injuries and this was discussed with the steering committee and we looked at different Alternatives and the steering committee landed on this goal of a 50% reduction in fatal Serious injury crashes by 20 so the the local Road Safety plan is focused on where it can do the most good uh and where how we did that is we looked at um the crash attributes that are happening on Cumberland County's County Municipal roads in this chart if you can read the bottom there are different attributes that are associated with crashes and these come from uh the Dot's uh crash reports that Municipal and state police file when when there's a crash and they identify these different characteristics for crashes so you can see Lane departure aggressive driver Etc older driver a crash may have more than one attribute so uh you know these these crashes are not separate they may be counted more than one time but when you look at this data for Cumberland County uh we discussed it with the steering committee and the steering committee decided on Lane departure pedestrians and bicyclist intersections and aggressive drivers as the emphasis areas for the plan and certainly may ask why not drowsy and distracted driving and the reason that was not selected is because many of the many of the counter measures that relate to aggressive drivers will also apply to drowsy and distracted so this so the steering committee recommended these four emphasis areas we try to keep them to a excuse me just one second will this be the plan that you give us because I'm just having a tough time reading it that's that's I'm asking it will be in it right it will be in absolutely presentation slides will also be on the website yes we can post them on the website yeah okay so on the infrastructure side what we did is we looked it's a combination to develop the infrastructure priorities It's a combination of data analysis data driven approach as well as stakeholder engagement and on the data side we looked at uh what are the the crash uh numbers for across the County Municipal roads crashes in total and then we also looked at the Fatal uh the Fatal and serious injury crashes which are known as the high Injury Network so we looked at those areas where are they happening discussed those with the steering committee we also looked at something called the the systemic analysis which is another way look at uh the crash data so historically you look at where the crash is happening but the systemic treatment looks is a more Pro proactive way so we what you do is you see rare crashes happening and what are the roadway characteristics where they're happening and where are there similar roadway uh segments Etc with those characteristics which may not have a history but they may be a risk uh so we looked at those as well and where are those where do those things line line up so we came up with a scoring system to try to score everything together between the hotpots and the systemic analysis and discussed it with the steering committee to come up with what are the priority locations and those were discussed in the steering committee we also discussed them at the workshops as well so these are the locations and let me just um put out there that these are not defined projects they have not been scoped out these are really locations that have risen to the top based on the data analysis and the discussions with the committee so the first one is Orchard Road and vinand from Sherman Avenue to Elm Road next is sharp Street and milville from Columbia Avenue to High Street our third location is North Laurel Street and Bridgton from North North Street to south of Laurel Heights Drive maze Landing Road Mars River Township Union Road to dearwood Avenue Main Road in city of Vinland from south of Linda Lane to East Landis Avenue and east of North South Spring Road priority location six is roadstown Road tattletown Jericho Road and sto Creek and then we also in our Sy systemic look we identified 34 segments uh in the county which would be good locations to install wider Edge lines 6in Edge lines so historically uh Edge lines are 4 in fhwa research has shown that a wider Edge line is more visible and actually uh correlates with reduced crashes so we've identified 304 segments where installing wider Edge lines would be helpful also identified 172 locations uh stop controlled intersections where supplemental warning messages or payment markings uh would be valuable as well we've those are listed those locations will be listed in the plan we have them as well in the appendix so on the behavioral side we discussed these um with with the committee and the workshops and I'm not going to go through every bullet but the strategies you know are these four major areas awareness using uh social media raising awareness of safety uh raising awareness through other kinds of public programs education through schools and enforcement so these were some of the the actions on the right are some of the items that were identified as actions that were seen to be implementable over the next few years and as part of the implementation process we would work on seeing what could be done in there you know what's already being done maybe there there's some work that's being done already in school districts or towns Etc and what could be best practices that could be applied on a broader scale so what happens next uh provided the the the County Commissioners approve the plan we hope to begin implementation as I said and this two-year plan development process one we'll move into the implementation side we will be on Bo board as as Jennifer said over the next year uh to assist the uh the counties and the municipalities on the implementation side whether it's application development or uh actions for uh non-infrastructure strategies and we understand that the prioritization of the of the locations in that plan are subject to Resource availability and the priorities of the counties and the municipalities so we expect the steering committee will remain in place and we will you know ensure that we continue to communicate with the stakeholders so again we are looking for a resolution of support for the plan as well as uh support resolution supporting the goal and that's our presentation any questions did did any law enforcement as part of the committee is there yes police we did have law enforcement yeah at the bottom okay yeah hey do you um get involved with helping the counties um acquire funds as well we will assist with applications so um two we talked about the Safe Streets for for all program which is a competitive through USD we're going to assist with that application process the other program that I didn't mention is through the SJP it's the highway safety Improvement program local safety program it's also known as so that's another um another opportunity to apply for for implementation grants so there's two they're both federal funds but they they're two different programs right is administer if you're familiar with the car count B pest Safety Action Plan um there are four locations that are being Advanced from that plan into design assistance there are two locations in milville one in bridon and two in bridet two in milville one in viol one in violin and then the other two locations in VI were actually funded through and a safe streets for all grant that the city acquired for two portions of Chestnut Avenue okay very good Doug is very familiar with our local safy he's familiar with everything he quite a bit he's been very proactive in some of the actions that we had out have had in the past say six months and we've um resolved well not resolved but put some Band-Aids on some of those problems out so but thank you appreciate it any else any questions okay thank you dve all right thank you thank you do I have a motion and second to open open public comment to resolutions only some move second all in favor I anybody for public comments is there unhooking themselves got one hold on one second sir going good y thank you okay thank you again for your time much appreciated state your name where you're from shoe size de helicopter Deerfield uh I see resolution uh 695 for U uh Triad where there increase of 94% for something and I I just can't bom 94.6% can somebody explain that please is that the bu this sub project solution is yeah no I'm just I'm just that that yeah all right we will answer that question a bit what's the second question sir that was it that was it 695 thanks thank you anyone else for public comment motion to close second all in favor can I jump up again how about if you just walk someone give us one second we do have to re fa you're back on was that what I needed yeah um this settlement that we're talking about or working on or is approved can somebody give us a story on that and can somebody tell me if in fact the lawyers this resolution I think I know you were speaking which resolution are you speaking I couldn't the number I'm pretty sure I know which one you want thanks Mom 7 720 okay I believe we're just we deserve an answer to what's going on there 7 thank you thank you sir I have 720 7 19 I know okay thanks lot okay anyone else for public comment again motion to close second all in favor okay dor I do have something on the tri un somebody no I was just going to readable I was just going to say uh my information is that we uh need the increase to do Grant work for two separate small cities uh Grant housing rehab and Ada improvements at airpls so it was did you guys hear that did you guys hear that those were additional grants both yeah additional grants for both Ada improvements and small housing rehab that be okay very good but reading that reading that gives me the idea that they give you they gave you a cost or a price or a quo and then they're increasing in 94% because we inre we increased the grants that they were applying for the the scope of work changed material I think is the point I mean he not wrong you view that way looks like it's crazy the amount of increase but what is entailing was it much more additional to the other previous grants they do a lot of work for the county I wonder if there's a an opportunity for somebody to find another organization that might do it less expensive we we we looked around we actually that we did look around what last year the year before just to see if there was another organization we we couldn't find one that do the county as well as this Triad did and that's why we keep bringing it back it did actually it did uh as much as they the team brought to the table was more than the other entity could bring to the table so so they they cover more areas and In fairness to them the uh opportunities they came out weren't known about when we started down this road so that's what this yeah they bring things to our attention as well which we appreciate okay thank you thank you all right as far as 719 which is um litigation matter for the ccj um at this point s would you like to make a statement on this or you want me to make this statement I'm happy to say what I can and that's just that it is a matter in litigation the county has been represented well represented in my opinion um and it is on their recommendation that you were trying to bring this to a close and when I say that um I realize it's a it's a profound matter um I say that to a board that wasn't here when this came about um but it's got to get dealt with and if you uh try it to verdict no judge or jury can impose terms and with the terms comes the ability to have a reasonable tax free for the future this particular settlement was the least expensive of what was IED To Us by Council if this went to trial could cost the county a lot more we were as this board here was given the task to fix a problem that was came before us any other matters that come out of this and we can't speak to that because there may be additional litigation for Rue uh on the cost that we have here so at this point this is the best bet for the county unfortunately it's a very expensive mistake that was incurred by previous administrations again unfortunately our county has not learned that sometimes doing the same thing over and over again leads to insanity and this board is trying to fix the problems that was created several years back that's all I got to say anybody else I just like to add to the director we we inherited this which he said and we looked at the and we we were being sued and we this is actually a settlement and it's and it's a less than they were asking for but we still and at the bottom line is we were pay as you guys know the legal fees to defend ourselves so it was the best course actions the director said that we chose to finally added this to this point so very good thank you thank you commissioner okay when voting on resolutions while matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the board of County Commissioners will be enact one second director you want you want to a standing think he trying to get your attention St oh sorry oh Stan I'm sorry Department yes I'm sorry yes my ape sorry my apologies thank you um I just want to take this opportunity for um my time to thank everybody this is my last meeting and I've been here for the past five years I've missed two of these meetings that's including the work group session um I'd be remissed if I didn't say my thank yous and this board has been uh wonderful to to work with um when commissioner Albert was the director uh I bent your ear I bent your ear I bent all of your ears you listened and that was important I had a great team that I worked with John car Paige Kim somebody couldn't ask for a better group couldn't ask for a better group that listened and let me speak my mind and sometimes John would say oh here he comes but then he did say I'm GNA miss him now that he's gone it was an amazing outstanding run and the biggest group that I want to thank two one the jail my time over there was very rewarding being the director the warden whatever it was that we made up at that time working in there showed me a new light for the county and some of the workers that we have here I've been fortunate to work with every department head every almost every person in the county and you two were here my first meeting on October 22nd 2019 and remember what you said why do we need a ceso you didn't say that and we talked afterward and I said watch wait give a time and see what happens and that time has made this department the IT department one of the best it departments in the state of New Jersey since I've been here with what I would call a work family was outstanding not just with what everybody saw on the outside but what I saw from the work on the inside from all of them and for me the hardest thing I had to do was first was tell Hal Johnson who I considered a mentor while I was while I was working under him tell him that I was going to leave and the second hardest thing was sitting down with my group and telling them and it was very emotional for me because I consider them my family just as I consider everybody else here but working with them and it's truly been rewarding and I can't thank you all enough Kim you're going to miss those calls where I just keep bugging you um but it's been great it's been wonderful I thank you enough director for all the support you've given me for for everything for the the the hairbrain ideas that I come up with that really turned out to be good um I can't thank you all enough and to the citizens NY thanks for keeping me straight right and then if you didn't get that seat I was going to make sure that you got it don't worry all right thank you thank you all thank you all have a wonderful [Applause] night I just want to say it was a pleasure working with you these last three years it's been an honor you're a gentlemen you do the job and we're you're going to be certainly missed by everybody here um but you're not going far cuz I'm going to been year year now all right because I'm sure we're going to have questions in the future and I'm sure the new commission will have questions as well and they're going to come after you I'll make sure I they give them your personal cell phone number thank you all right your okay anybody else director uh just stand uh just say what he started uh stand through ideas out and looked always looked to be proactive and making us better uh and what he says that we're were one of the best of the state it it's they they looked at us they looked at the C County when they were playing at things because he was him and his staff were so proactive on stuff and uh at a leader pulled all the other resources of the county together instead of one individual out in the middle of nowhere all working together uh solving a problem that they face I I can't remember if we've ever had any major incident in this County you hear it all over every other city and some information we're we've been lucky because we've had stand at his staff at his and the other people in throughout the county working together to keep us protected on the that and elsewhere so um so I well I don't know where you're going but I miss you so hopefully uh then your staff will pick up as usual but uh only because the VOR you did so I thank you thank you for what you've done thank you director thank you okay when voting on resolutions all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the board of County Commissioners will be enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any commissioner board member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds do I have a motion and second to vote by consent consent agenda on resolutions 2024 675 through 2024 715 second commissioner Alber yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Soro commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes do I have a motion in second to adopt resolution 2024 G 675 through 20247 715 by consent move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director salab yes resolution 2024 d716 resolution awarding contract for providing as required electrical installation and repair services for the county of Cumberland and the Cumberland County cooperative contract purchasing system identifier number 181 CC ccps bit number 24- 42 24-42 do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 717 resolution amending resolution Al yes commissioner Lo commissioner Soro commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director SEO yes resolution 2024 718 resolution approving budget budget amendment Community peer recovery centers Grant $375,000 do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner sorrow yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 719 resolution authorizing and approving settlement in the litigation matter of ccj Energy Partners LLC versus Cumberland County docket number C- l-71 13-20 do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 720 resolution author ising purchase from the New Jersey state contract vendor for three power Edge r760 X's tailor made service for the C County Department of Corrections do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner luk yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 721 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for providing retiree Medicare Advantage plan for the county of Cumberland do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 722 resolution exercising second and final option to renew contract for providing cleaning services for the Carland County division of Social Services office bid number 2265 do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner Al yes Comm Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 723 resolution exercising second option to renew contract for providing temperature control and HVAC maintenance services for the Cumberland County buildings bid number 21-34 do I have a motion second second commissioner Albert yes commissioner L commissioner SAR commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 724 resolution exercising second and final option to renew contract for providing juvenile crisis shelter bed services for the kland County Human Services advisory Council RFP number 2264 do I have a motion to second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner tayor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 d 725 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing drug and alcohol treatment services for Cumberland County alcohol and drug abuse Services office RP number 2361 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 726 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for preventative maintenance and sections of fixed site generators do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 724 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing a probation enrichment and transportation program with life skills component component for the Cumberland County Youth Services advisory Council RFP number 23- 59 resubmission to I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner sorrow yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner tayor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 728 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing various youth services for the cumland County Youth Serv Services advisory Council RFP number 24-10 do I have a motion second move second commissioner alre yes commissioner LS yes commissioner yes commissioner Mar yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 729 resolution exercising first option to renew contract for providing various youth services for the cumland County Youth Services advisory Council RFP number 24-10 resubmission do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner Au yes commissioner loads commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 730 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for the purchase and installation of a 4ot high clf V with top rail vinyl coded for the county department of Planning and Development do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al D director a couple questions on this the I guess Matton this reading this is like the first to of kind of is this the little park the little area that we cleaned up correct what what is the game plan to for this park down that I had not heard and I apologize I had not spoken to about it but so go ahead there we have a local Recreation Improvement Grant um that will fund the replacement of the fence so currently there's a waste high fence around the property that will be replaced with this fence um and then uh the grant also provides for playground equipment purchase which is further down on the agenda I see is it you say 4 foot I mean uh how high is how tall is the fence down you said way high so same so uh so you're get rid of this the the metal fence and put this thing in can people see through this fence can they so it's inviting MH okay so I'm trying to picture a vital fence it's open so all right uh so it'll be it's an inviting Park they can get in uh is one area going to be cut off there was one area so it's basically split into two um we will have a half a soccer field on the um Southern portion with the netting behind it and then the northern portion will have the playground equipment and some benches and um believe that's it maybe a couple of uh a swing a small swing set we were able to it's not a very big lot to to do playground equipment and also half a soccer it's not even half it's a not even a quarter might not right right it's going be a goal a goal with the netting and behind it to capture the balls okay all right yes thank you thank you commissioner LS yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 731 resolution authorizing purchase of a playground equipment and wood fiber safety servicing material for the Gile Street playground project under bid number escn J 24651 for the Cumberland County Department of Planning and Development contract number 65 MCS ccps Co-op membership Educational Services Commission of New Jersey New Jersey approval Co-op number 65 MC ccps do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS my vote is absolutely yes I think this is great measure that this board is supporting to further recreation in the county commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo absolutely resolution 2024 732 resolution authorizing application to an acceptance of the fiscal year 23 Justice assistant grant program for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General for the cumberton County prosecutor's office do I have a motion and second make the motion Mo second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner s commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 733 resolution approving budget amendment sfy 2025 adult literacy in literacy Innovations program $445,000 do I have a motion in second second commissioner albre yes and it's this is a uh a g where we this board has tried to work toward these uh programs these literacy uh programs not just with a library building a library but this stuff uh throw it in it's U it's what our goal was to actually get us from the low 21 and move ourselves up so it's another program it's an extension program also for um adults as well as trads it's a it's a very good program that's coming up hopefully we can utilize it commissioner Al yes commissioner loads my vote is yes and and I would like to kind of reiterate the same thing you know we do talk about the need to increase literacy rates here in County um we talk about libraries which are great and they community centers but you do absolutely need these programs in place to actually do that and have that effect and so I'm glad that we are bringing this in the more services the better there are so many people at need for them commissioner s yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director yes resolution 2024 just 734 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for providing medication assisted treatment services for the Cumberland County Department of Corrections do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner s commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2020 bo- 735 resolution authorizing the receipt of federal funds made available to the kland County Department of Human Services Division of homel is through the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management agency under the eem emergency food and shelter National board program do I have a motion second I'll make the motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Saro commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Amo director Soo yes resolution 2024 gu 736 resolution approving budget amendment homeless FMA emergency food and shelter program $1,877 do I have a motion second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner sor commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director C yes resolution 2024 737 resolution approving 2025 titles and annual salaries for employees not affiliated with a collective bargaining unit in accordance with civil service regulations njac 4 Aon 3-4 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Albert yes commissioner dos yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 738 resolution authorizing the execution of a grant agreement and acceptance of funds for the FY 25 County re-entry coordinators program do I have a motion second move second commissioner alre yes commissioner L yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor deputy director rero director SEO yes resolution 2024 739 resolution approving budget amendment fiscal year 2025 County reent coordinators program $100,000 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 740 resolution approving change order number one to contract for providing temperature control and ageback maintenance services for Cumberland County buildings bid number 21-34 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo commissioner s commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero director Soo yes resolution 2024 741 resolution resending resolution 2024 642 approving change order number one to contract for providing Security Guard Services County division social services at kland County Library in various locations as needed bid number 2239 do I have a motion and second so so moved second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS commissioner Sor commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero contractor SEO yes resolution 2024 742 resolution approving change order number one to contract for providing Security Guard Services for the Cumberland County Department of Social Services the Cumberland County Library and various locations as needed bid number 2239 do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 743 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for providing an employee prescription drug program for the county of Cumberland do I have a motion in second second commissioner Au yes commissioner Lo commissioner Sor got get insurance commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director yes director C I went again the same business so yes resolution 2024 744 resolution authorizing County of Cumberland to renew its membership in the Cumberland County insurance commission do I have a motion and second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner L commissioner Sor commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 745 resolution authorizing a memorandum of agreement between C County Police benevol Association local 396a and the county of Cumberland Cumberland County prosecutor's office for 3 years effective January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 do I have a motion second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Sor before I go just congratulations to the administration everybody that was involved in it work very work out very well I think everybody appreciates what you've done and also to the unions for helping out also thank you yes and commissioner Maran Echo commission Sor statement yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo um the answer is yes of course but I just want to say that um the administration worked very hard on this we worked together we sat down with the prosecutor's office came to a very good agreement and again saving a lot of positions that may have fled into other counties and unfortunately um we're having that situation over and over again because we are a lower paying County and this is another Victory I'd say for the county in itself to start giving salaries out to people who are qualified that deserve to stay in this County and not fly out of here so they can go into other cities or areas where they can find higher paying jobs this is our our our goal is to create cuming County to be the best that we can be for the RS that we have and that's the typical Balancing Act yes again resolution 2024 746 resolution authorizing application to and Grant contract with this New Jersey Department of Comm Community Affairs for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities B Ada improvements at the kland county fairgrounds do I have a motion second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner lo my vote is yes and I'm happy that this is another step forward in our County Park system when I came on board uh last year that was uh a goal of ours and it was starting with the county fairgrounds and this is just another step in that multiphase project to get that going um and beginning to establish our County Park system and it starts right here so yes commissioner s commissioner Maran commissioner t yes deputy director director C yes resolution 2024 747 resolution identifying the cdbg fair housing officer for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application with the Ada improvements at the Carland County do a motion second move second commissioner Al I just want to I remiss because the next ones are all related is that this is actually we this this facility the fair GRS is actually if people been out there for the fair or different events it's you can see it takeing shape and and I've get more comments how how it looks and how it's improved over time so and I I compliment uh commissioner load to be on top of this because this is actually our is is our is our anchor is our our shining star in the system we're developing so this so all these these ones coming up so so yes commissioner loads yes commissioner commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 748 resolution adopting a Grant Management plan for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application for ADA Compliant improvements at the crumland county fairgrounds do I have a motion and second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner s commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor deputy director Romo director SEO yes resolution 2024 749 resolution adopting a citizen participation plan for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application for the Ada improvements at the cumland county fairgrounds do I have a motion at second second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner s commissioner Mar yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 750 resolution committing to the competitive Contracting procurement process pursu to the njsa 4 a Col 114.1 through 40a col 114.5 for certain Professional Services contingent of upon fiscal year 2025 small cities Grant award from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the ada8 compliance at the county fairgrounds do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lou commissioner Sor commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero director Soo yes resolution 20247 one resolution authorizing application to and Grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund for Homeowner septic repair program do I have a motion in second second commissioner alre director just a comment on this these what I consider these next couple ones are necessary and needed and and I'll vote for but it's a bandaid if we don't pursue sewer system throughout this County we're missing the boat ratables depend upon it our our our uh our industrial base our commercial base depends on our housing depends on it are are we're losing our housing uh U stock because the septic systems are too hard too much money to replace so I I asked this board that we should be pursuing sewer every which way we can there was actually money put aside for that it's I don't know where it's pursued but uh we should be getting back on uh on the southern part of the county and the western part of the county need need a sewer system to go through as much as we can do because the costs are only going to go higher and again I say these These are bad dates and it doesn't solve the problem in the long run and U and so I hope this this board would commit to doing that in the future so thank you thank you commissioner say probably this board is um in agreement with you um on the on the the long one and you know it's a very hard long uh road to Hope as far as getting this done so but we are we are looking at options so thank you very much commissioner commissioner Albert yes commissioner L yes commissioner sorrow just to make a point we we are having meetings and we are moving forward thank you yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Amo yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 752 resolution adop op in a Grant Management plan for the fiscal year small 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application for housing Rehabilitation fund homeowner septic repair program do I have a motion in second move commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director SEO yes resolution 2024 753 resolution adopting a citizen particip participation plan for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application for housing Rehabilitation fund homeowner septic repair program do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner L commissioner commiss Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 754 resolution committee to the competitive Contracting for procur process pursuant to njsa 4 a Col 114.1 through 4 a Col 11- 4.5 for certain Professional Services contingent upon fiscal year 2025 small cities Grant award from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a homeowner septic program do I have a motion in second second commissioner alre yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Amo yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 755 resolution identifying the cdbg fair housing officer for the fiscal year 2025 small cities program public facilities fund application for housing Rehabilitation fund homeowner septic repair program do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes Comm commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 756 resolution authorizing assignment of the matter of a complaint made by an employee of the County Department of Correction do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner s commissioner Mar yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 757 resolution authorizing signment of the matter of a complaint made by an employee of the County Department of Corrections do I have a motion and second second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner s commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 758 resolution authorizing settlement in the matter of a disciplinary appeal filed by Tabitha Roman do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes another um matter taken care of so that's again something we've taken care of this year resolution 2024 759 resolution authorizing Grant application to an acceptance of the New Jersey Division of mental health and Addiction Services Alliance to prevent substance substance abuse disorder County Grant do I have a motion second some move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo commissioner commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 760 resolution approving budget amendment Alliance to prevent substance use disorder dmh County Grant $155,000 do I have a motion and second commissioner Alber yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director solo yes resolution 2024 761 resolution authorizing agreement between Cumberland County and True North Church for providing church services for the county department of corrections do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Au yes commissioner LS yes commissioner commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director of course sh yes director SEO yes do I have a motion and second accept the treasur report as provided move second all in favor do I have a motion in second for authorizing payment of salary or wages we'll make the motion second favor do I have a motion second to open public comment on you favor okay anybody for public comment on new business own come on state your name where you're from oh Sho size Robin patri um I'm little right Robin theatri vand um here to basically send off our boss um and to let you guys know how much he is impacted our department um good leaders are hard to find right we all know that we've all heard the saying um Stan has been a great leader um really recognized throughout the state and now nationally um he's begun the cyber security Cumberland County cyber security intelligence group um which we've started here commissioner Saro has attended one of our meetings it has brought together other uh Department of Information Technology leaders throughout the county Banks um medical field schools all together we share information um it has only strengthened this County um and that is due to Stanfield um we're going to miss him I mean talk about losing good people um we're losing him to the Department of Homeland Security think about that he's a great asset to this County and we are going to miss him tremendously he has transformed our department um and our loss is federal government's gain I guess we are losing a giant both literally and figuratively um you should be able to get through the door so just to let you guys know we're very sad we're very sad at Department of Information Technology but we do eagerly welcome his replacement and we hope to see that soon appreciate how you feel thank you anyone else have a comment state your name Sarah and where you from j s I've been here with the K County it department for over 22 years I've seen it Grow from using dialup modems to what it is today and the rate at which it's grown under Stan's leadership has been staggering it has been my honor and privilege to learn from him for him to be a mentor and to know him as a person um he's a great man um he will be missed so just have to say that very good thank you anyone else Stan stop slipping them $20 at a time good evening my name is uh Dean Kimber I'm the CEO of Arc International we're over on 601 Wade Boulevard you might know us some of you might know us as Durand glass we've been a staple in the community for about 40 years we have about a th people working for us and we put about $50 million in payroll into the into the county why I'm here tonight we've been working with Senator or I'm sorry Congressman van Drew on looking for support and a resolution to go to the IRS we are asking the IRS to help us with our ERC credit right now it's about $3.8 million that we're hoping to get back from them it went on hold we are hoping that with your support and his support that we can prioritize this through the IRS to get this money for us the reason that we're doing this at this point is we melt about 200 to 300 tons of glass every day and we make about a million glass vessels every day so if you've been if you have a candle at your home that is in a glass jar we probably have made that if you've been to Texas Roadhouse you've drank from our glasses if you've bought glasses from Target you're getting our glasses so we have a very large impact and we're melting as I said 200 tons of glass a day in these very large furnaces we were planning on doing a rebuild of one of them in January I'm familiar and part of our furnace had a significant problem in it and we shut it down early so it prevented us from building the inventories that we were hoping to build and it prevented us from starting the work as promptly as we could so our downtime on that furnace is extended so we are now facing a very significant fiscal challenge it is jeopardizing potentially our long-term viability within within the county so we are looking for your help and your support as we continue to go forward I know that he was looking at drafting I believe a resolution support for us and for you to sign so that we could submit that also to the IRS for that support and I just wanted to mention that to you we didn't make it on the agenda I thought we were going to be there but we weren't today so I wanted to at least pass that along so that you're aware of the challenges that we're facing thank I'm very familiar with your company uh Bruce KY I know well and I've actually I'm supplier to Duran glass for years I'm in the steel industry okay so uh John Hing said if you remember John okay back in the day um so we your your PL is well taken uh we understand that there's jobs on the on the line as well um and I know you're through that rebuild right now if I'm not mistaken I've already been prised by and what we're really concerned about is you know right now we're at about 800 people within the community uh get their livelihood from us seasonality we can bring that up to over a thousand we have about 300 mortgages in the community about 400 renters in the community so we have a very significant impact on the community so if we were to unfortunately not be able to make our way through this it would have a significant impact taking $50 million of payroll out of the community and that's what we're really and that's something we don't want to see and whatever we can do that's viable we will talk with the solicitor and we'll make uh we'll observe it the situation and we'll take it in hand and we'll talk with the congressman as well yes um I if we got if we received anything from the congressman I haven't seen it I have not seen anything so what I'm saying to you is that uh you were making you made the statement that he wrote something for us if they if he did I'm sorry to say I didn't receive it so if you could talk to him or we could talk to him and find out exactly what he had in mind absolutely we'll follow up on that I saw an email that came from the office that's about it okay there was no there was no actual a letter of recommendation if if that if we can get that that would help us out absolutely would so director second what is the EAC credit if I got there what what's the credit what are you asking the ERC the employee retention credit is was a program put together by the federal government to help support organizations that kept their employees um on the payroll through the worst of Co and so we jumped through a lot of Hoops to do everything that we could to keep as many people employed within the community because we knew the impact that would have and we kept them through and uh that had a very significantly negative impact for us but we we felt that it was the right thing to do so when the credit started coming forward we were able to submit one for about 3.8 million now that may seem like a lot of money but when we look at the impact of just the furnace we're rebuilding it will cost us over $20 million to rebuild that furnace so the 3.8 is a bit of a drop in the bucket but it's critical for us you've been waiting for how long for them to act I'm sorry yeah how long you've been waiting for them to act are we about 15 months nov we submitted in November of 23 okay I'm sorry November of 23 so about a year how long has the furnace been down I'm sorry how long has the furnace been down so the furnace went down on um October 6th first start okay and so it'll it'll be starting back up in February and part of the challenge was is just the timing of getting people here we were planning on doing it right around the 1st of January and because uh it went down earlier it was very difficult to get those skilled laborers in to help us and these jobs are relying upon that bonose yeah absolutely can you get us information instead of way maybe for the cars can you get us information that that what you need from us absolutely okay this way maybe shortens some time he may be busy or is staffed and we we have we could act or at least uh get our part together absolutely we will do that immediately okay great thank you I would just like to say uh I really appreciate you coming out tonight I'm a daughter of a gentleman who worked in a glass house my grandfather worked in a glass house and I know what you do is vital to our community so thank you so much for bringing us bringing this to our attention absolutely and we know that there's not necessarily a lot that you can do with every bit of support we want to have there for because we care so much about our employees want make sure that we can stay of stfe this community thank you anybody else republ how you doing my name is Esau Martin I live over in the city 32 Eagle Street um right off of Grove um your county Ro so um at Gateway I am in charge of the southeast Gateway vitalization um I'm the coordinator so I am trying to combat the graffiti that's been going on recently in the city um especially in my Corridor which is uh 2 mile radius um the parameters are wter Street Shaker Lane um Southeast Avenue and Route 49 um so I see graffiti on a couple things that I would like to paint over one of those things are the two white brick barriers on groc Street I do have pictures if you would like to see them um they are red with graffiti at the very the bottom I don't know if this part um right after the Taco Bell um on grocery there's two white barriers on both sides of grocery as it starts um and they're little with graffiti I wanted to paint over them put some sort of M on them but I need your permission because groc street is a County Road and I ran into a roadblock for that so I'm trying to Brick by Brick cover up what they're doing these vandals are doing to our city um and that's just one area that I have um got grant money for and I'm focused on if you guys give me the permission I can start immediately okay so I don't know if I wait now okay we had something proposal yeah yeah I I sent an email to someone I called I'm not sure of her name I apologize for not being prepared um but I will send that to whomever needs to see that email or got grant funding yes I already have my own money yeah you already have your own money you just want permission to do yes cuz it's on a county road if you can get it to public works department yeah so it's so thank you so wait get thank you so much I appreciate that thank you thank you for doing that thank you for for coming prepared and finding the funding to improve the community we appreciate that I hate graffiti thank you so much and do I I'm sorry I do have another question do you have a plan for what you want to put there so I I have a steering committee for the southeast Gateway revitalization plan and they thought it wise to put like uh Autumn Leaves of a different color and let the kids put their hands on it it may be a bit d dangerous because those uh sidewalks there there is no sidewalk really there um so we would use extra precaution to make sure the kids are not In Harm's Way when they do do that um but that was what they came up with okay so I know we do uh support a lot of projects like this through the culture and Heritage committee um where people do come and they they're requesting grant funding to do the mural projects but the location all that is sort of part of it um and that there's the whole culture and recre culture and Heritage committee um that approves the designs and all of that so um I just want to make sure you know we we see what's going on there but you know we we appreciate your effort thank you and I do have the sketches so I will send I have a mural list that sketches in the email okay it might create a uh a roadblock situation if they're going to be doing that process so that's going to get again me a talk about that okay all right yeah just I'll email and you guys just let me know yes you got thank you thank you for coming appreciate it okay okay here we go get ready never know what she's going to say I'm Nancy richway from Upper Deerfield and Fairfield townships about that way I think stand here going to be this Mr Fields I don't know what I'm going to do if I come in here and I don't see you I hope you keep in touch though and I hope all the employees throughout the county has learned about the cyber security that Mr Fields have has taught us I'm sure he's been all over the county and explained to everyone how important the security is on the computer systems so don't forget people I'm I'm going to be watching um on November the 7th The Office on Aging and disabled presented a fall fesal Symposium 144 citizens registered I attended and ser and I surveyed a lot of the guests no one had a negative response most people felt that the Newfield National Bank gave a very good presentation along with County Emergency Management planning for emergencies in the county that take place one of the things that they told citizens to do is put your medication and your medical information on the outside of your refrigerator so if you're passed out on the floor the emergency management comes in your house they see your medical history and our County Council John cor he explained how important financial planning is and one thing he said that stuck with me was he said you need to talk to your family about your last wishes if your final wishes is to be buried and someone in your family comes first and says oh we got to cremate them you can't put them back together and I thought that was a really good statement there were s there were 37 vendors with information of their services the cat's bus provided transportation for those in need a delicious lunch was provided and the employees and Volunteers Of The Office on Aging done an excellent job making sure all the needs for the citizens and attendance were were provided for it was a wonderful social and informational event and hopefully it will be sponsored again thank you Office on Aging I really enjoyed myself happy holidays anyone else in public motion to close second all in favor commission reports all right um commissioner Marsha report thank you director so I think we probably all experienced a dramatic increase in our utility bills and we probably felt that pretty harshly in the summer it's my understanding that there is going to be there's a proposed 8% additional increase to utilities so with that being said the New Jersey uh Board of Public Utilities if you want to be heard I would suggest calling them and expressing your thoughts on an additional 8% increase to utility charg one to PR Note S you're going to be missed buddy um you are great your job but I really enjoyed St as a person we had a number of great conversations all centered around our favorite sports team and our complaints about the plays that they call and St the good news is it seems like listening to us in the running the ball so I'm very happy about that last but not least obviously Thanksgiving is in a couple days and I just want to wish everybody a happy and healthy Thanksgiving I hope you get to spend plenty of time with friends and family and enjoy great meal thank you here's your T Stan I would just like to wish you the best you will be sorely missed I've really enjoyed the short period of time I've had working with you and I'd like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving thank you commissioner director deputy director deputy director um you know uh wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving um Stan I guess you're the main ingredient for the day I mean everybody's talking about Stan you're you know I I'll miss your football talk every you know every every time we see each other and especially rolling your eyes to me every time I'm up here and I look at you and I look at the crowd he always rolls his eyes to me and and I want to laugh sometimes and I want to laugh sometimes and and that that's a great feeling to have uh a person that you know is not just sitting out there looking at you is uh he's actually looking at you in a way of expressing himself to you that you know there's more than just sitting up here looking at you is uh you know I really appreciate the friendship you have given me you know in the in the time that we've been here thank you your we won last week thank you director yeah just want to that we this commission that I noticed to go back and forth but we got to let from the mor River Township putting out again that the state of New Jersey is going after property um in their in their area and they right now they have 66% of their land is owed by the government it's tough to have a good rable base if they continue to take some of the best land available U and make more rules that have that that overlap so I I asked this commission we take a stand just I I notic some of the comments I don't really understand the comments we're not really all you want to say is that the state should uh respect the townships uh they're going to make rules and then go take the land that they leave open they have a problem and I I'll point out that southern state if it does go back to the township is Reserve Land it's also U they made uh and they did that because they needed to more more uh preserve farmway on a prison on a uh a prison they did it so it's it's captive land already um so so I wish this commission would take a stand on that and that just doesn't affect Mar Township it's commercial it's down Township it's it's all the townships that they that the the state if they want a piece of land they go after it um so it's it's a big issue and I found out it's not just here it's also K Bay it's also a county the state's doing it everywhere it just affects us a lot more of our b um lately been working on the U part of the problems we've talked numerous times about the homeless issue um um I was told I don't know if I said this before that uh the county does two out of three uh there's a bottle out there that the that the state of Missour is doing and we do two of three that they're doing it's a successful mod to get homeless off the street handle metal issues drug addiction I just let you know that it's hopefully going to we we get the third leg or the third part of the stool and I would like the commission when we do that or we get to that part to review it and and look at it as a plan to actually attack the problem another one of those lists that we're on um homeless is not just homelessness it's medal and uh drug addiction so um I can read my hand right here I I'll say a bandwagon here but he deserves it uh yeah st came when I was director uh had ideas that uh I like people to have ideas and U he saw it had a vision of what needs to be done and and I said what's the problem but then he impl that it and he did the just he made it a a a model for the state that they saw and I guess that's why he's not he's going because they see that he took the initiative and God everything together I I can't be more pleased and and uh and I I love it when couple County we were're that we're doing we're ahead of the game we're tops we're we're not behind we're doing what we lead and stand definitely LED um so you know so U I really appreciate him and I wish him luck wherever he's going I apologize I don't know um but I wish him luck because they'll make us proud because he came from couple cers here so it's really nice so Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and uh thank you Mr Sor three things uh one our clerk brought something up last night that I didn't know about I think you should repeat it how transparent we are they said five out of six which is not true it's actually six out of six I emailed them and asked okay tell them to straighten that out I did I but it has to do with uh you want remote monitoring uh the meeting time is happens after regular business hours uh video of the meeting is available within 24 hours audio is available within 24 hours there's remote participation available and the meeting um the meeting agenda is available before the meeting online and the one thing they didn't mark us on was that there is remote participation available that was the only point we missed um and that tied us with Atlanta County however they missed that point we do have it so we are the only one that scored a perfect six on the Kate May Harold's government transparency rating so that makes us number one in South Jersey that's how damn good we are that's the one thing I wouldn't bring up any uh second if you ever get get a chance uh and I hadn't been out there in in a number of years and that is the shelter out on uh ma Landing Road um Jill Lombardo and her staff doing amazing and I literally mean this an amazing job for what they had it's just unbelievable how many people how many lives they touch and I sincerely mean this it is just phenomenal I I probably spent I don't know two two and a half hours with her just going through all all the different aspects um the big Warehouse that they have um the people are so dedicated to getting uh the food out to individuals I don't know how many thousands of turkeys were giv out 10,000 10,000 uh uh this past week um it's it just if you ever get a chance you have to go out there and and and SE and and you'll be surprised uh the buildings are when I first went out there was again that was at least 15 years ago the buildings were not in the greatest uh position condition um they're they're really nice I mean they really are nice right now they really fixed them up and she has done a spectacular job I just you know want to get to to her and if you get a chance please go out there and see last thing St I never really thought you were that good I don't you supposed [Music] to you're a great guy we're going to miss you I am pissed though I'm not supposed to use that word but I am that you're leaving okay and you didn't even tell me we discussed that had to here a different way but really I wish you the best you have to do what's good for you and your family and that's always important family comes first family always comes first so God bless you I hope you have a great Thanksgiving you and your family and I wish you the best of luck I hope everything goes well for you thank St you are the main event tonight because you are the main event right um and you know I'm just mad at us uh that we've been talking about you so much for the last couple years because because you know that that made you a pretty a hot commodity for everybody else but I have to say it's just you have been something that we have been so proud of here in Cumberland County and you know consistently so and so thank you for being a beacon of Pride for all of us here in Cumberland County and the work that you've done uh that's been a tough thing here in cumberly County over the years we know that um but you have consistently been a point of Pride so thank you for doing that thank you for being an excellent leader um and showing our staff and our County and our our Administration and all of our departments um how to lead and how to lead with Integrity we really appreciate that and you can come back now okay you can say it was just a joke right um I I we're going to be sad to see you go I would like to um I I want to thank uh Ace Glass for coming in tonight Duran glass I'm G to call you Durant sorry um but thank you for coming and bring this to our attention uh it absolutely is an would have an incredible negative impact on our community uh if if we were to lose you God forbid um but before that I want to say what an incredible impact you have already had in keeping people employed and keeping the doors open uh in our terrible crisis time of Co so thank you for doing that uh I'm mentioning Integrity a lot today but it I mean that really is fantastic that we have two shining examples of integrity thank you for keeping the doors open thank you for keeping employees going uh and food on the table and mortgages and rents paid in that terrible time and I would ask this board that we support whatever Congressman Banger's efforts are to help you get those credits back and get that small drop in the bucket but it's every drop you're going to need to get back to where you need to be with productivity so I would ask our board to support that when that comes across our desk for sure thank you um I also want to say I am the leis on to culture and Heritage and you know we do approve a lot of Grants here uh in the meetings but culture and Heritage does their own set of Grants and we um just uh approved our 26 Grants to support various Arts uh murals acting theater all kinds of stuff um we supported 26 Grants across the county uh festivals everything um $298,000 was spent that's not all County money uh this board we give $330,000 that we contribute and then there are matching funds that come in from the state um the state is as they're cutting everything is probably going to be cutting these funds as well um and so that's a conversation that I'd like to have with this board at some point that perhaps um in the years to come that we look at increasing that funding because there are so many groups that do benefit uh from supporting the Arts here in Cumberland County and that after all is what gives life its Bloom are the Arts here in cumberlin county and it's something really important to a lot of people families individuals and as an educator I'd be remiss if I didn't say my students and I wanted to end on a high note but you stole my thunder a little bit with our transparency uh I have to say it's a pretty exciting thing that that you know we came in here I know I did and I think a lot of my colleagues here did as well uh we had things that were important to us to fight for um drug and alcohol support mental health support um improving Recreation improving education uh and improving transparency in government that was something that you know we were really banging the doors down on and to be number one in South Jersey when we're always told that you know we're Cumberland County's been 21 out of 21 and Mo just eak it up to 20 out of 21 but man to be number one in this category of transparency in South Jersey is pretty impressive so congratulations to the administration for making this happen I know it's not easy getting the phones going and you know posting everything on the website and sometimes it acts up so I just want to thank you for helping us to be number one in transparency and South Jersey thank you guys and have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you commissioner I'm going to say most my comments for next mon but first of all I want to thank you for taking the initiative as a citizen to start taking care of your own Community that's very very rewarding to us to see that we have constituents here that want to take care of the community you should be commended for that and I'm sure M commissioner Lo will be of assistance to you possibly uh in the and we'll do what we can for you um Ark International they you out they in the first Crystal stemware my wife book many years ago or that's 40 30 40 years ago um you know I understand I used to work in mville for 25 years right across the street from me I was sales manager Kane steel we supplied you for years and we still actually do business with as another of um I would have to recuse myself from anything but I will have the Commissioners take a look at and again we'll look at what the the congressman is offering and want present it to the solicitor make sure that it's all you know Hy d as um you are a staple in the community uh you've been around a long time and we'll do what we can to help support you because to lose I think the number was about 150 employees that are is that correct about 150 employees at AR not dur Durant is about 800 with ar correct correct all in yeah I'm pretty familiar with your company so we're about 800 this time of year okay and your French own them remember right sort of actually uh we we are actually now American owned but our holding compan is based out of CU that's where our largest facilities at very very nice people I've met them over the years you're a good company and we we hate the lusion we're not we'll do what we can um and again we'll we'll present this to the solicitor to see what we can do um but as far as anything else is concerned I'll hold I'll hold that on my other comments for the next month um I want to thank everybody here all our department heads I want everybody to get out of here have a very safe Thanksgiving all right enjoy their meals enjoy your family don't talk politics because you see what happens real quick um and unless you don't like them then you can be saying but more importantly I just really am honored to serve these last three years and I will keep my um my my comments for December so thank you very much for coming and I think we could probably ask said we have any reason for an executive session no executive session so then at that point Mo to there you go I have to go this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market for