##VIDEO ID:OCaG7nDXQuo## e e e e e e like to bring this meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 indication cementation please also in memory of Jack sereny uh who was a previous Freeholder and a hell of a gentleman to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all commissioner Al here commissioner Lo commissioner Sor commissioner Maran here commissioner Taylor present deputy director rero director SEO here do I have a motion in second to accept and dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last public meeting second all in favor and correspondence dated August 2nd 2024 the township of Blairstown notified the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners passage of a resolution 20247 at a meeting held on July 24th 2024 urging State leaders to support online legal notices correspondence dated August 14 2024 Atlantic City Electric gave notice of filing of public hearings in the matter of provision of basic generation services for the period beginning June 1st 2025 BPU docket number ER 24319 1 in correspondence dated August 22nd 2024 the county of Sussex notified the Cumberland County Board of County commissioners of a resolution adopted at a meeting held on August 21st 2024 urging State leaders to pass legislation to authorize all local governments and School Board to electronically published legal notice in correspondence dated July 22nd 2024 the Mercer County Board of County Commissioners advised the cumland County Board of Commissioners of resolution 2024 supporting Senate Bill 2346 and assembly Bill 2258 creating a Cod Red Alert pilot program to shelter at RIS individuals during extreme heat and air quality events in correspondence dated September 19th 2024 Ethan arol president of the mville public library Board of Trustees advised the Board of Commissioners of the role of Gary bascos in the ccia performed on behalf of the Melville public libr libraries renovation and expansion plans to assist the library and a solar energy resource in 2025 do I have a motion and second to open public comment on resolutions only second all in favor public comment please resolutions only good evening Commissioners good evening public unfortunately the prosecutor couldn't be here today um she's not uh feeling well and she asked that I attend and make a few comments my name is Tracy Swan and I'm the public safety reform strategist part of the community Justice unit which is part of the prosecutor's office it's a little dark in here so I'll need my reading glasses um as you can see on your agenda tonight there are several resolutions dealing with the work of our community Justice unit specifically there are extensions of five federal grants to accept that have been secured and managed by the community Justice unit they are connect and protect which we call embed CC Inc stop School violence children exposed to violence and cup which we call Freedom plus collectively these grants have brought in $3.16 eight million to the county and I'd like to tell you about one of these projects um now and another one during the second public com comment section so our embed project which stands for Effective mental and Behavioral Health Emergency diversion it's a mouthful focuses on individuals with mental illness or co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder who come into contact with the police uh whether this be on scene or at the station and the idea is to divert them from arrests and potential incarceration the project consists of three main components first includes embedding a social worker in the milville police department to work with these individuals two it delivers countywide training for law enforcement on Crisis Intervention mental health first aid and deescalation so that police can better handle individuals in need and third it provides 247 countywide on call crisis response to assist at police incident scenes which we fulfill through our arriv together co-responder project that you heard about at the August uh commissioner meeting embed is a federal bureau of Justice Grant in the amount of nearly $550,000 and we're going into our fourth year with this uh project and I'd like to share with you some specific details about the embedding the social worker in the milville police department strategy component that is part of that project um so we call this person a resource coach and there are an INSP they are an Inspira employee we partner with inspir on this and that person's been embedded in the milville police department since the beginning of 2024 um so from January to the end of August there have been 73 referrals of individuals in need who are experiencing chronic very severe mental health issues a majority of them are unemployed and a majority of them are homeless nearly 54% of those referred individuals have actually engaged with this resource coach to receive services and so when you're talking about the severely mentally ill population this is a percentage to be very proud of um and this speaks to two two reasons why one there's this incredible amount of trust between the community and the milville police department they show up at the department looking for help and the police are able to refer them to This research coach and the ability of the research coach to be able to effectively engage with these individuals and actually follow through and get them the help that they're looking for so they see that hey if I ask for this I'm actually going to get it I'm going to come back for more I'm going to tell my other um homeless friends to go and receive help as well um so six have been formally connected to and are engaging in mental health treatment M you have one minute thank you four for substance abuse treatment two for employment services 15 for housing which is amazing considering that there's a dir of of housing options for the homeless in Cumberland County six for therapy or counseling services and two for financial aid services so we couldn't implement the strategy without mville Police Department or inspir and we're also partnering with a Rowan Professor to conduct an evaluation on this particular strategy um and we'll have more to report on in a few months but we're especially interested in seeing if working with these individuals reduces the police calls for service for those individuals and then allows them to be able to spend their time on other urgent matters in the community thank you thank you Mr thank you m I just I was just thinking in the um since we have such a nice pack crowd today we got sold out in this um why don't we keep the department heads and any departments uh last so we can allow the public no no no no no it was it was just a it was an afterthought and this way the public can get their chance to speak and um you know bring because it's about it's public no you know notification so please let's talk about the public first so anybody from the public please rise and state your name and where you're from and you have five minutes good evening commission William Beck I live in mville New Jersey I'm also with the carel and County Library commission so I see on your agenda this evening you have resolution 2024-the creation of specifications and advertising of requests for proposals for design line of a county lanch a County Library branch building in Mars River Township uh I'm just here to encourage a yes vote on this I think this will be fantastic for the people of Mars River Township and the southeast part of the county um that's pretty much it I'm just here I give my support for it prepared remarks thank you everybody thank you anyone else for public comment on resolutions only close second in favor director is there already well now we're we'll just do Department that was public we're going to just are there any any department heads need to speak to any issues at this point in time that they' like to bring to our attention Okay now we can move on R to consent agenda please stand when voting on resolutions all matters listed under agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the board of County Commissioners will be enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any commissioner board member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of fund do I have a motion and second to vote by consent agenda on resolutions 2024 538 through 2024 570 second commissioner Al um I I just have some I there's some things here and I talk to you about this director the especially 530 just the idea of this U uh 5 5 what number Sor 550 5 the this I've asked the this is on Workforce Development money I have no problem with that voted for it but there was a report thank you very much I give you thank you um there was a study done on this virgin with the uh uh can we get a copy of that study Workforce Development virgin with the uh with the our cats bus system um that would be uh somebody in the cast Department Mr Sor or somebody else maybe uh Mrs dardo has that right thinking forward I I really appreciate it that every commissioner it also should be forward it too so I again so I'll vote for everything but I think we should hear that report yeah this is 550 it's 550 and it's the the access having Workforce Development the commission would like access to um the report and if you want to maybe give a little summary so for the transportation so that actually we're the Workforce Development board itself um the uh the um I'm sorry the report that you are requesting is from the employment and training side of the house which is a separate division than U my department however I can certainly bring that back I know Jamie is listening um as we speak so we will make sure that um the entire board would like a copy of it is that yeah that would be absolutely absolutely we'll make that available thank you thanks all right go ahead so is that it commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Soro yes Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes do I have a motion in second to adopt resolutions 2024 538 through 2024 570 by consent do I have a motion second I don't I 533 I don't see I don't see it on my new [Music] 533 had to do forain I see3 what you talking about I think all right okay yes commission Alor okay yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolutions 2024-the for 2024 overlay program city of bridon and Boland in townships of commercial dear field down Fairfield and Upper Deerfield Cumberland County New Jersey bid number 24-34 do I have a motion and second so second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24- 572 resolution awarding contract for specifications for 2024 drainage improvements various municipalities kland County New Jersey bid number 24-35 do I have a motion and second second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 573 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for apx all bands portable radios and Associated accessories minur six pagers with accessories and apx 900 700 megahertz radios and accessories and apx 6000 radios with accessories for various County First Responders do I have a motion at second second commissioner albre yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 574 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract V for purchase of 2 2025 Chevy Tahoe police patrol package 4x4 for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes and I'm very happy to see that's from a local dealer resolution 2024 5745 resolution authorizing purchase from the New Jersey state contract vender for upfitting of 2 2025 Chevrolet Taho Tahoe police patrol package 4x4 for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner alre yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 576 resolution approving change order number three to contract for the Rowan medicine building do I have a motion in second so mov have questions on all right I'm trying to figure out how somebody's got to justify this for because it has to do with electricity okay in the building of the facility 54485 can somebody help me out with this so I'll mean I I went through a lot of the the actual line I just I just drives me crazy that we going be responsible for this this is the absolute final change order closes out the project uh so there's three separate entities that are occupying the building uh the last two I believe have just started moving in this month the first one had moved in back in ribbon cutting I think in spring summer so as they're going through they're finding some things about like okay well we need cat 6 run from this location to this location cuz we're going to have desks here we're going to have a nursing station here so this is just clean up as far as they get in there and then they start making these final requests so well this is what we how we would really want this laid out putting it for the for the three units in so this this like the third part of it that you say the third part there's this like another entity of who did that cuz it's risen it's one entity there's cares and then uh for get the last one but the the leas with rone University had three tenants when did they start paying for the so they start paying the second that they move the COO was issued so all the meters should have been turned over to them I think in June so this is so it's not like an electric bill it's the final details of where they're whatever wires whatever it's mostly data that they're running um and then there's a couple other U like doing frosting on some glass panes uh and then just kind of restructuring the layout a bit but then this this this is the fin all the retainers will then be paid out to the contractor and then this is done I just guess what what fascinates me is that you know all the bidding I've done on jobs you go by the print I mean nobody figured this out beforehand that the people come County have to pay uh this kind of money for ex well when the bid was originally designed virtual wasn't yet a partner um so R University was part of been trying to design the building based on what they had in bler and then virtual came in I want to say January of last year and then there was some modifications that need to be made to what met their needs to which included networking to okay I just had to get there's some lines too that weren't complimentary to each other or something to yeah please oh sure so it is the project that the Improvement Authority worked on with the county um the change order is is kind of unusual because the Project's $890,000 under budget the change order is not really an addition it's an addition to the work that was completed at the time before virtual switched over it was initially inspir and then virtual so when they came in they changed the systems uh so the total project is about $900,000 under budget even with this change order so it just just so happened that the people changed the partners changed overall projects on the budget we got this done there was a modification made so we only way we could do this is by change order because we already changed the contract to come down to to the 800,000 so then we got to bump it back up so technically it it is a change order but it's still you change the color of the drapes you just well it's more than that just inspir and inspir and virtu a Virtua uh they don't use the same system so I think I remember that actually please you know when when you see a resolution like this you know you got to wonder where or why this is happening so I'm glad you gave the explanation yeah so what we do every every time there's a change we send information to Jeff Hal and the crew and we copi our two liaz on So we try and keep everybody in Loop but a lot of moving Parts but I just wanted to make sure everybody knew thank you thank you commissioner alre yes Commission Lo yes Comm Soro yes Comm Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024571970 yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 578 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for data development for migration to Motorola Flex Cad and RMS Software System for the 911 Communication Center do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes um is Gabe scarp on the phone yes he is Gabe are you there I'm here um I know that um we've been spending money on this on the program for some time now how what's the progress on the um Flex system uh I have to defer that to m b she she's in charge of that project uh is going available or no I am I'm one all right yeah if you just want to fill this in a little bit on on your progress I would really appreciate it absolutely um as you know this Prim has been um going for three years now but we are in the end stages and we are looking at a go live date of January this is the last piece to put in place um the sheriff's department and as well as 911 have been actively work working to get to the finish line and it is finally in sight so we're hoping for um like I said a January go live perfect sounds great thank you you're welcome resolution 2024 d579 resolution amending resolution 2020-2 196 and 2023 694 in order to accept a grant extension of one additional year for the fiscal year 2020 preventing School violence stop School violence program I have a motion in second second I have a question Miss swab was M swab sorry when you were talking do we can we get uh uh information like you pointed out a lot of the different programs I'm just going to generalize all so to say that you've had feedback that you you got youve uh I'm thinking the mental health but all these programs that that the prosecutor's office is working on who how they AFF or who what they think cuz sometimes you don't know what you've changed but the ort an idea of how successful overtime these have been because these are extensions a lot of them uh of what what what the program does and who would who it uh benefits you mentioned uh the bill Police Department the one program but a lot of stuff you guys are doing countywide yes and so so we have a better understanding go forward you know it's great every year to get the grants but sometimes I'm not knocking any these programs but maybe if they're not working what do we do differently press report yeah well I hope I'm alluding to that on progress report but an idea of who we're affecting what we're changing if if it's actually money worth program instead of going a different direction and try a different tag in other words can you show us results absolutely I think the school districts all do provide you with data showing that incidences of violence have gone down correct well on the stop School violence Grant in particular the one that you're about to vote on that Grant has been it's it's a grant of like $210,000 it's been working specifically to map all of the public school buildings in the case of a active shooter incident and it also has um allowed for training between School uh personnel and law enforcement if there is a critical incident in the school how to handle it what to do areas of communication where parents can meet their children things like that so um we certainly can we would love to do a presentation for all Commissioners on our programs over at the community Justice unit because we have a lot and we I come from a background of data and evaluation so there's no project we work on that isn't collecting data and showing that we're making a difference here's the reason why we ask there's so many times that we I mean literally hundreds of grants that we okay right and many times we never even know what the results are or whether they're even working I Pro you know most likely they are working but the board I I've never gotten any kind of result and I think it it it would be great for us to know you know what direction we're going in sure and and then doing that you know do we make a change absolutely this is the reason we're asking completely open to and I'm going to say the prosecutor I mentioned this two weeks ago that the uh or that the program they have that they insert people into the uh that they're working with the police department I you know I attended some of the those Opening Ceremonies but asking some of the police departments did is this really something that they they worthwhile and they said it absolutely has because it's relieved them of the some of the pressure and uh because someone else is handling it and but uh so I so to me that kind of changed all right this is I see where this is going and and and you guys are expanding uh which is great so all absolutely no problem thank you continue commissioner alre yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Saro commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director SEO yes resolution 2024 580 resolution amending resolutions 2020-21 and 2023 57 in order to accept a grant extension of one additional year for the fiscal year 2020 strategies to support children exposed to violence grant program do I have a motion in second move second commissioner alre yes commissioner Lo yes s commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 581 resolution approving budget amendment sfy 2025 snap admin funding $52,750 resolution 2024 582 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for 18 HP Elite 1 G9 allinone computers with 18 HP Care Pack Active Care Hardware support extended warranty for three years for the division of employment and training do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 583 resolution authorizing approval to submit a Grant application to exe and to execute a grant agreement with the state of New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Family development sfy 2025 snap admin funding Grant do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 20245 84 resolution authorizing application and continuation of the shared service agreement with the city of vinand the city of milville and the City of bridon for the fiscal year 2024 Edward burn Memorial Justice assistance grant do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 585 resolution resending resolution 2024 774 authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for division of Social Services phone system support in accordance with New Jersey state contract one NJ cp-8821 d586 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for AIA telephone upgrade including proprietary software hardware and Professional Services for the division of Social Services do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes I just I hope that I'm that this is this is the take care of software our fod system that's dying so uh that's out of date and I I don't know if uh uh F wants to say something but uh this is a necessary thing that we have to invest in speak specific to Social Services well I saw the social services but down the road yeah there's three resolutions all related to the same thing okay just this the people that will would you like to speak to that at all no just you know it's an old system needs to be okay very good placed thank you commissioner loads yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24- 587 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for the phone system support for the division of Social Services do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24-58 resolution canceling expired contracts for September 202 for covering materials services and supplies do I have a motion in second second commissioner alre yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 589 resolution authorizing purchases from State contract vendors do I have a motion and second second commissioner alre yes commissioner L yes commissioner Sor commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24- 590 resolution authorizing Cumberland County by and through its Department of Human Services to submit a renewal application for the children's system of care funded South Jersey initiative contract number 25 n JFR do I have a motion and second second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 591 resolution approving change order number one to contract for providing various Medical Laboratory Testing Services for the county of Cumberland RFP number 22-01 do I have a motion in second Some Mo second director ahead this U did we this is a big we're just extended a contract and they've gone up 119% 120% % they've gone up and do we go out Farm it out to see if anybody else is interested this isad it was originally done through an RP process this change order as a result of Co testing well do that much we're still doing this is still out of the out of the T is it still out of the jail the and we still have to do this because of the of the lawsuit stuff that we settled every employee is we corre okay but there did I read that on that when it would take place but this is largely because the testing up to this point too so if we had a contract for x amount and we've been doing Co testing over and above what we expected this covers what we burned up cheaper test is that you're asking but we did we did go out to see if any other company was interested in before we're do with this next uh This was done I thought I it's the second second final time yeah so that was the last time that we did a solicitation and if memory serves these guys were the only on that were interested so I think there was also a question of uh lomy services at the time too as part of the contract and not a lot of lab testing companies were interested in providing that are we still doing that is that still part of the contract yeah cuz it's not just it's a multitude of other things too just it seems a okay I'm not happy about it but not Happ either so it's Mak two of us so I think there's another six okay well but is there an alternative you don't think there's an alternative this time I don't think there's an alternative situation what's what's that what's that isn't it I mean this is mandated we don't have a choice that I mean as far as bidding I guess is what you're talking about though I'm not say we don't do it I just say that we look around is it possible before we do it we the pressure has to be the contract ends in a couple months anyway like I think early in 2025 so you'll be getting that ready to go back out anyway with no more or no we forced to do great news is the suspension of the PCR testing that was discussed yeah I I get it I'm just saying that do we look for is there other companies to can do it I'm not I'm not saying we don't do it yeah I think he's just talking about rebidding it right okay is also speaking another strain of Co coming out and just problem okay thank you thanks D commissioner Au yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 592 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for provision and installation of a public address three Zone sound system at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds do I have a motion in second second question please something like this why is it a non-parent open contract so I mean the sound system we would think that we would be able to get a couple people is there a reason why are we locked in is is there something that was started providing yeah they're providing the hardware U matar may be able to answer this better than I but uh here he comes yeah as far as the purchasing compliance because it's not fa because we had didn't do a public solicitation for it so anything under 404,000 you just get a couple quotes and you're able to do it this way and we and we did we did get I just would like to know so we did get we did get two quotes this was the lowest quote okay and stay below the 44,000 yes got it all right thank you direct just some people they probably can read did this is that there are there is no PA system relatively out there uh this will actually be able to if you're where the horses are where they're the Rigg they can hear the PA all the way to the other side so now really you can actually have a general doubt so it's be it's a matter of public safy public another no Arsenal is a local vendor as well oh no know it's also part of our en entire rebuild of the fair grounds too so which the fenses have gone in we're looking I mean there's things are shaping up so this is really in the interest of public safy oh absolutely that's a good good continue commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Mar yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero director SEO yes resolution 2024 593 resolution memorializing and ratifying acceptance and execution of a grant agreement Amendment for the small City cdbg dcb2 grant program from the of Cumberland do I have a motion in second second commissioner alre yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner SAR commissioner marshan yes Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 594 resolution approving B budget amendment small City cdbg-dr alre yes commissioner L yes commissioner sorrow yesion Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 595 resolution authorizing the purchase of special equipment pursuant to bid waiver from state of New Jersey attorney general per njsa 4 4 aing 11-5 1G do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner L commissioner SAR commissioner Maran commissioner Taylor yes deputy director director Soo yes resolution 2024 596 resolution authorizing creation of spe specifications and advertising of request for proposals for design of a County Library branch building in Mars River Township block 266 Lot 36 do I have a motion in second I make the motion director I just want to say Mr Beck raised to this that I am very happy that this is get this is just getting it out to bid we do have a deadline this board has recognized that there's a deadline and uh and the idea is there's other things that work here but the this putting a library down there is going to open we've kind of worked on and we've said it that uh L literacy is a problem with this County this is directly their job is to attack literacy the problem of literacy or literacy in this in this County and this this is not just a library building this is a lot a just a reach out an extension to everything that the county does and it's planned and that was actually what the commissioner wanted was see a board formed that had a vision of what is going to be we met and it was actually a uh a great meeting we were all kind of around we were all on the same page uh uh County officials could go down there meet with uh residents down there because there'll be offices there'll be almost like a uh visitor bath I'll say bathrooms that people I'll say bathrooms so they can wash their hands or before they take a trip back to open up a lot of our historic sites it's really going to be something special and I just want to mention that our library puts over puts over uh has I say I'll do it by the month 30 days of programming every month and that when you're doing programs 30 uh 30 pro programs every month or 30 days you're really putting it out and this buil is going to be extension that to bring to bring down to commercial more of Township or even say down as a stretch or Southern milville uh it's it's really uh I'm I'm very pleased that we're moving forward with this so you yeah thank you so right so I say so yes it's a yes okay thank you all right I'll take my five minutes on that commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 597 resolution approving change order number two to contract for purchase of radio communication equipment and accessories under State contract a 8399 T 0109 computer aided dispatch and record system for the Cumberland County Office of Emergency Management do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 598 resolution authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and to execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for sfy 2025 adult literacy Innovations Initiative Program do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 599 resolution authorizing a memorandum of agreement between Cumberland County policeman's benevola Association local 396 and the county of Cumberland Cumberland County prosecutor's office for 3 years effective January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2026 do I have a motion in second no second director just to make a comment so people know this has been a commitment to this from this board that we are looking at all our unions and working with them that we may not be able to do everything at one time but we've actually raised raised wages way that the uh done try to do better for all our unions to put them in a better spot it's not perfect yet but we're working on it and this is another one of those Union uh contracts so thank you and it's a yes so commissioner Lou yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romo director Soo yes and I'm just going to comment real quick just say with the administration's um assistance and guidance um along with working with the prosecutor's off office um this has come to tuition and we want to thank you very much for again working with us um this is contract number six or seven that we seven that we finalized over the course of just that approximately oh not even year so we're trying to bring people up to standards in today's living uh um as far as salaries are concerned so they don't lose additional employees into other counties so this is very important and um you know it's good to have a living wage in this area so again thank you for everybody for your assistance and your help with it with this contract resolution 2024 600 resolution authorizing increase of monetary sealing for legal expenses in litigation matter of Crystal Brown versus Cumberland County at all docket number c ml 4382 one do I have a motion and second some move second question is it getting close Y in any way it is no I'm I know that that sounds cynical it is solicitor you know being being said I mean are we getting close with this it's getting close to tr y this ain't over then NOP okay thank you commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO reluctantly yes resolution 2024 601 resolution resending resolutions 2022 799 and 2023 795 resolution awarding a contract for providing various Social Services for the homeless for the county of Cumberland Cumberland County Department of Human Services RFP number 2263 do I have a motion second so second commissioner Al yes commissioner LOE yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202462 resolution exercising second and final option to renew contract for comprehensive credible messenger youth anti-gang identification notification and mentoring program for the Cumberland County prosecutor's office RFP number 22- 52 resubmission do I have a motion second so move second commissioner Al no commissioner Lo yes commissioner sorrow yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 603 resolution resending resolution 202 24-48 authorizing a sherff Services agreement with Cumberland County Board of vocational education for video reporting services do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes I just would like to make a comment um that everyone know that CCT Tech is still working with our broadcasting studio so the students still have all the opportunities that they need um but unfortunately we were not able to broadcast throughout the entire County using that service and we wanted to continue to have transparency at our meetings and make sure that all the public meetings were broadcast throughout the entire County my vote is yes commissioner Soro did yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes and another thing which was of concern brought to my attention by the superintendent of CCT Tech is that a lot of times that in the evening kids wouldn't have the ability to get to the particular recordings so that became a logistical problem for them as well but we are still going to continue to do the best we can to with continue the CCT Tech and also with the broadcasting so thank you director is it also that the quid broadcasting is going to work and should help with that they are yes so our Quinn broadcasting thank you to Quinn broadcasting actually for the efforts that you've made to partner with TCT Tech and to work with our students we appreciate that resolution 2024 604 resolution amending resolution 202 24-6 designating regular monthly meetings do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner Al no commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes deputy director Romero director SEO yes there you go this is your final yeah I hope I don't get through this without breaking down [Laughter] see all right but congratulations is also yes right yes so Mr Ridgeway has become a father okay over thought I knew you had it in you yeah all right all right let make it your best treasury P I'll take it slow all right we began the month of August with a balance of 12, 263,000 $ 28698 cash receipts $51 m396 I'm sorry $396,900 31 ending the month 4,366 45734 itemized list of Investments are attach patch totals are 53 m997 18 18705 that is a little bit less than your prior Treasures report because in anticipation of the taxes coming due and uh when our bond sale was we had to move some money out of our money markets to cover our expenses now that the bond sale is done we'll probably move some back into the money markets for interest earnings um attached to your Treasures report is a budget comparison to last year as of August 31st uh sometimes the report could be a little misleading because of the timing of when we actually pay bills so if you have technology due at the beginning of the year it'll distort your total percentage used I'm expecting that uh at the end of the year we should close returning about 10 million in Surplus which is the amount that we used this year for the budget um so breaking even is good in my opinion I'd like to see it higher but it's not a deficit so um one thing on that since this is my last uh meeting I just want to say that you it's no secret we all are aware of the juvenile housing issue that we're having so in all likelihood in November when you are able to do a budget transfer you're going to have to budget transfer somebody's in to cover the housing and we're I think all aware of what Essex County is doing and them closing their doors and yeah so the costs are going to go up and trying to scramble to find places you're going to need a budget transfer for that um I've already got that my marker board in case you need to go and see what those transfers are um but other than that it's been a pleasure working for Cumberland County it's residents and the other department and division heads and of course the commissioner board um I know everyone puts up with my snarky sense of humor right or is it just that dry that no one can tell I'm not sure either it's just the rich white thing right so with a motion second you accept the file the tras service report as read or summarized in some way second second all in favor thank you Mr Bri good job you deserve you deserve to be a great job appreciate it do I have a motion and second for authorizing payment of all salaries and wages I'll all in favor do I have a motion in second to open public comment on new business so move all in favor okay new business public comment anybody interested ah let's have take in the back [Music] first who's on De all right Sandy ASO Upper Deerfield Township um May someone share the uh exact notice from the the library about the the the letter that you received from the library can that be read from the beginning yeah the the whole letter yeah the whole letter we'll get that get that all right thank you any else thank you hi good evening I'm Lisa Killian Smith executive director for resources for Independent Living 601 Bridgeton Avenue bridon um we just um acquired yesterday in fact the new the old CCT Tech um high school property um I wanted to come and thank all of you personally and the authority who's been absolutely wonderful um Jerry Velasquez and his team have been amazing this was a long deal um I think it took us probably 18 months to put it together um but it was a lot of persistence a lot of work his team and he have been absolutely amazing through this I don't think that we could have gotten through this without um Jerry and his team they've I cannot even tell you how much that they have helped us um so we're very excited um we are in the building we've been working in the building for several months now if you've driven by we it's all new Landscaping new parking lot we're doing a lot of Renovations in the building um we work with people with disabilities um we're currently downtown vinand um in a 10,000 square ft so moving into almost 122,000 Square ft I mean we have room for activities now um so um we're just very thankful um to all of you and to Jerry um and his team and I I felt like that needed to be said and I wanted to come here personally to be able to thank you we do have contracts with Cumberland County through um The Office on Aging Barbara nahan is she's been extremely generous to us over the years we run your Adult Protective Services for Cumberland County um protecting its most vulnerable population so um we do case management we run day programming um so we're very excited um we will of course invite you to our open house we are starting with one wi opening and the center portion of the building um but we have some really exciting things company coming like a free grocery store for the residents of Cumberland County um a lot of case management more mental health counseling that is desperately needed everywhere um so so thank you on behalf of my organization I we I want to thank you and Jerry and The Authority so you have a wonderful employee um in the authority and all of their team I cannot express to you how much they've been how good they've been to us [Applause] awes de Hulk dfield um I I asked a question about the your your resolution 601 it's the one uh resending the contract for casaa and there's no information here is what you're going to replace that organization with can you let us know or should I know anyway Melissa I think Melissa's on the L y I'm here I can only hear part of what de said what you want to know about cost prop he asking resolution 601 and um as to why we were resending our agreement with them and if we were replacing it okay okay sure so yes Catholic Charities is our we still have that service so this contract cancelled uh the agreement that we had with c c to Al provided for uh homeless prevention assistance such as backr back utility as far as we know cost of profit no longer operating so we had to cancel it because if we don't cancel that contract we lose that money there's $114,000 set aside in the budget so if we didn't formalize formally cancel the budget we would lose that money so canceling the contract is just a way to free up the money so we moved it over to Catholic Charities and also we also need to put more money into the homeless shelter because we all know how bad the homeless problem is so that's why that was done thank you Mr that's what I needed thank you thank you sir you appreciate it okay anyone else you have the arm wrestle Mr anyone online anybody on the phone want to talk good evening everyone and welcome to all my supporters here this evening vote for Nancy um I'm Nancy Ridgeway from Upper Deerfield and Fairfield townships I believe it was yesterday or the day before that I read that the final permit came in for the South Avenue bridge yay uh I heard this morning that it took several permits not just a permit and uh we would like to know uh when will it be going out for bid and the other question is it's been several months since we've had an update on broadband so does anybody have an update on broadband thank you thank you motion to close oh wait and if there's somebody online too that' be last good evening my name is Albert Kelly mayor of the great city of Briton and I appreciate the opportunity coming before you with two issues one would be something I appreciate you acknowledging the passing of Mr Jack sereny uh the former commissioner Freeholder former councilman city of Briton and I would like to work with you or have you someone to appoint to work with the city of Briton to find uh a permanent Memorial that we can name after Mr Mr sereny uh Jack and I go way back High School uh working he was original member of my board at at the Gateway at that time was Tri County and as I said before he was a member of the city council so I think he deserves some some type of uh permanent recognition uh for the service to our County and to our city secondly I like to I'm aware that my term as a member of the cing county Improvement Authority is coming to an end I would like to ask the board to extend my membership to the board I've been a member of the Cy County Improvement Authority for over 35 years I'm happy to say I've never missed a meeting in 35 years so I'm committed to the authority I'm committed to what the authority has done and is doing under Mr Jerry's The Last Quest I think we are an asset to the community and to the county or the great things that we're doing uh on behalf of the county if you have never been to the landfill I would urge you to go take a look and to travel to the Landfield is something that you would be very proud of and I believe we had the most Progressive Ive and the finest landfill in the state of New Jersey we received recognition and Kudos from many state organizations concerning our landfill and the work that that is being done there under Mr Jerry vasb as I said I've been on on the Authority for over 35 years I've been there under four different four different executive directors and they all had their talents they all had their strong points but Mr Vasquez is someone who has been very uh been an asset to the county and has done great things not only in the landfill but uh economic impact since he's been on the uh the executive director we've had an economic impact of $1 billion from n from 2015 to the present 1 billion some projects that we're working on now with Northeast pre-cast uh T trout national uh facility in which uh comes with a $2 million between both of them 2 million 20 no excuse me $200 million private investment one of the things uh we're proud of at the authority is that we're self- sustaining we do not we have not we do not ask for for funding from uh the county we self- sustaining and matter of fact we give money back to the county uh own the authority in the county that does that we've I believe we've given about we do about $800,000 a year back to the the county for the county budget I think that's uh something that we can all be I'm proud of we all can be proud of because uh we're not a very wealthy County we're not a poor County either but we're not a very wealthy County every every dollar counts and so I'm asking you to for a reappointment another fiveyear reappointment to the authority so that I continue to work with Mr Velasquez and and the staff that he's has assembled there and continue to do the great work just like we heard about the uh the the old votech building great things are being done there we're going to be proud of have cutting the ribbon there for the things that are coming uh for our young people 30 seconds mayor 30 seconds okay again uh and we talked about the r and Medicine building this this evening that was another project by so again I ask you to for a reappointment I ask you to uh continue to work with the authority so that we can do uh find continue to find work that has begun and will continue to do to make you proud to make you proud of what we're doing thank you very much thank you mayor Kelly is there anyone on online you would like to speak in public nobody okay one more so in immediate response to director alri and and um I'm sorry commissioner Al commissioner soro's request for results of what's going on I'd like to tell you about another project that we have that's receiving Federal funding and that's called Freedom plus um so Freedom Plus even though there's more light on here I'm getting old Freedom plus focuses on diverting individuals struggling with substance use disorders away from the criminal justice system and towards recovery so this is at the superior court level and we're able to offer this opportunity to individuals who have Superior Court drug seeking offenses there's a variety of them that um qualify and if they take advantage of this program and they uh we partner with uh Department of Human Services and the cap Recovery Center and first step and if they participate in the program receive the treatment follow the recovery plan then these are individuals who will not be incarcerated and not in our County Jail um so it is we're going into our fourth year of this project as well it's a grant in the amount of $900,000 and we recently celebrated now this may seem like a small number but these are individuals who are in the throws of serious addiction um celebrated five successful completion of the program um and uh We've offered it to over 160 individuals at that Superior Court level so if all 160 individuals took advantage of this this should be 160 less individuals in the county jail um your support in action um at the overdose vigil a couple weeks ago the Commissioners were there um is greatly appreciated and by championing this uh initiative Freedom plus you invest in compassionate recovery support that empowers individuals ultimately leading to healthier communities and reduced recidivism so we thank you for your support of both the overdose vigil and freedom plus so Freedom plus is building a safer community in Cumberland by directly contributing to a decrease in crime and a more effective justice system thank you Mr this is Melissa can I add on to what Tracy just commented on the go ahead Miss thank you so yes even though um the numbers might sound low and they are low we have to remember the chronic nature of this illness that manifests in so many ways in a person's life especially people who are on the severe end of the substance use disorder they also have um criminal thinking and behaviors and things like that very hard for them to break but I also want to compare it to when drug court first came into Carland County in I think it was 2002 their first graduating class had one ours had three so and you know now they call drug court recovery court and it's a very robust Nationwide program so we we can't despise Small Beginnings and a lot of people again The Chronic nature a lot of people's mindset they would just rather to go due time so but we can't give up we have to PL just have to keep going and these are very worthwhile programs and we're grateful for the opportunity to serve the community thank you thank you for what you're doing Miss we appreciate it good evening how is everyone my name is Laray Smith I'm the chair of the Cumberland County regular Democratic party for commercial Township I'm a board member of the commercial Township Board of Education as well as Le liazon for the milville high school as as ending District I'm an employee with milville public charter school as a kindergarten teacher and I am the product of the original Tri County Community Action Program under the direction of Mr Albert Kelly Mr herb de Mayo God rest and soul was the participant of the grant writing and Jerry Velasquez was in charge of the homeownership program and economic development I came up through this town graduate of bridon high school class president Tri County was the first job that I had out of college and those gentlemen put their heart and soul into this community to build Gateway C agency one of the largest largest phenomenal programs that there is so right now I am asking and not even begging but I'm just saying you want to talk about living legends they are living legendss for Cumberland County they have supported this organization for many a years nonpartisan they attend everything that they can nonpartisan so I indulge all of you to consider appointing them and keeping Mr Velasquez in the position that they are because their track record is phenomenal and they're known all over not just the state of New Jersey all over the world so I do add please consider before you decide to do anything that would be harmful to Cumberland County because we in Cumberland County need to continue the leadership that's currently in place thank you thank [Applause] you Commissioners I did not come here tonight intending to speak but since it's 10 years since I retired from the county did your name it Don orbridge um retiree uh since it's been 10 years since I retired and I saw my good friend Albert Kelly get up and uh discuss his tenure with the Improvement Authority um I just felt that the need to get it up and support Albert and also support Jerry Velasquez Albert's a tremendous individual I've known him since high school and I continue to be his friend and wish him well thank you [Applause] good evening Jody Hara Upper Deerfield Township um I know I've spoken before about the Improvement Authority I came here tonight CU I've been sitting in the audience and I've been listening to everything and I know most of you personally I've um served the public as the deputy County Administrator and I feel like I need to stand up here and look at all of you guys in the eyes and say do what's best for the taxpayers of Cumberland County and I know that when I worked at the county I would say it all the time right and politics or whatever it is it's our taxpayers money that pays the salaries of all of you and I just feel that people need to be accountable people need to do their jobs whether you like the people or not it doesn't matter at the end of the day right and the projects that are done through the county and how they get done and the expediency and the cost savings those are the things that we care about so I know that um the Improvement Authority has a meeting this week um and I'm sure there's more to come and I'm sure that we'll have um responses and more people out here coming up to speak in support of Jerry for the job that he's done for the 10 years I did bring um a group of people out tonight for Albert Celly and the reason why I did that is because Albert's been a Cornerstone of the western side of Cumberland County for many years and I just want to bring up these points I had a lot of conversation with many people I actually had um breakast with Pastor Morgan this morning and we talked about these highlights of what Albert Kelly has done for the western side of Cumberland County he's been the longest serving Improvement Authority board member he said for 35 years we thought maybe it was a little longer maybe for 38 years he's been the longest serving black elected public official in Cumberland County and that matters at the end of the day when you look at the western side of Cumberland County and you look at the diversity that we have he represents a core part of what our county is about he's been the mayor of one of the three cities and it would be disrespectful to him and his community to not reappoint him he has served diligently and Faithfully in his position with the Improvement Authority and I have to tell you as a deputy County Administrator there I was also the public information officer so anytime there was a fire an emergency see whatever it was I would go and there was always one person always there Albert Kelly is that correct mayor yes and he wasn't just there just to be there he was like in action there was one uh fire that I attended and we had to logistically move people to hotels from the senior center and we couldn't figure out how to transport them and Albert Kelly said if I have to put them in the car one by one I would do that he and I were there I don't know what time it was at night had to be close to 10 or 11: seniors outside were no place to go whatever they had on robes pajamas and he and I could not get certain people to react to us to provide busing or Transportation so I looked at him I said well if you're going to put them in your car I guess I'll put them in my car and that's just the way that we are and I I wanted to share that simple story with you because there's thousands of those sto stories and it's those people that make the community what it is and so I ask you to take the politics out of certain situations and just do the job and do what's best for the taxpayers at Cumberland County thank [Applause] you motion close [Music] second all favor commission reports um ask for an update on the get some information on that if you'd like I want to respond to Mr sure so that's not the County engineer indicated to me that Army Corp has not given us the approval yet I didn't think they did okay as of September 10th the Moa has gone out and has not been responded to correct so this is the Army Corp on South Avenue Culver right we are waiting for back and we've been waiting that for months and months and months I think it's very very important that people know all right this is not being stopped by the Board of Commissioners we have been at at the mercy of the DP historics and now the the Army Corps of engineer and I think I had a conversation with our director of Public Works I said I want to get a phone number because I want to choose somebody out over there at the Army Corp of Engineers this is totally unacceptable and absurd and there's nothing we can we can't do anything with this uh with with South Avenue until we get this and I I just believe it's unacceptable I mean but there our hands are tied I mean do you do you fix it and then get fined no I that's what I'm saying has been calling and advocating and pushing what we're actually waiting for is for the New Jersey Historical Society to notify the United States Corp of engineer that they have no concerns about the two little posts that are near the Culver and we were told we did not have to worry about that but when they came and did site work for the federal government they said what are those and when they were told they said we want the Historical Society to sign off on this and we've been waiting for the Historical Society for a very long time to send the information to the Army Corps of Engineers who has told us that's all they need to make this work director is it also true that we we budgeted the buddy we set side Bud the pl New Jersey do money and that's one of the reasons why we have to wait for all the approval we've also got a company online ready to do it so we we we've done everything we possibly can except we have to get permission to do it and and and when that is we can they get roll to do it so we're we're set we've done everything we can do at this point so it's it's a shap and we we have made calls everywhere that we could make we call regularly to ask about it we call regularly to elected public officials seeking their assistance which they give to us readly and we all doing everything we can I want to add director we this this commission previous commission voted to bypass that so we would not be stuck we our traffic does move uh and it would be nice that the Culver done but we have bypassed it to make sure the AR traffic can move for the south from the Briton to the southern part of done we can do we done everything that so the traffic does move I drive through it probably every every other day drive through that because and we we committed we're doing this but we have to follow the procedures as far as Broadband um it's still in the making it's uh at this point we're awaiting the environmental report essentially yeah so yeah Engineers were worried Mar or April they've been analyzing po data with like AC electric Verizon V electric they're going through the environmental assessment process which also includes like historical impacts um but uh one very important piece is that we're going to have to RFP for somebody to operate maintain and ultimately administer everything that goes along with that that's biggest thing coming forward well with that said director so what's the time frame of getting the environmental what do they give us with before the end of the year yeah the the draft report is due to NTI before December 31st it's since it's like 91% aerial it should shouldn't be more than a desk review um so the engineers are confident they'll have it thund is it's n right the the N is that to the organization who's the organization it's it's NTI and then n which is kind more the comp they are okay with this time frame they are well aware of it okay so they're they're good so okay we have close session commissioner reports first please I actually did you want to go first please mine is just short and sweet um I I want to thank the Department of Human Services and the prosecutor's office as well for all of the in initiatives that have been going forward it didn't just start tonight um but it's been going and going and um Recovery Services Addiction Services mental health services is something very near and dear to my heart and it is a huge need that is plaguing Cumberland County and the more services the better the more Outreach the better the more that we can do the better um this is infiltrating our schools our children um our prisons are being overrun with this um but it's affecting our family and that's really where our concern is and that's the heart of the matter and the more services that we can provide the better so I just want to say thank you I know that this commissioner board and myself are very proud to support those programs um the other thing I want to do is thank everybody who came out tonight to speak about the partnership with ccia and the county um we have had a a relationship for a long time there have been a lot of great projects that have gone out um I want to thank uh everyone that came out to speak about mayor Kelly um and mayor Kelly you have been um quite an impressive mayor here in the city of bridon I worked here as an educator for eight years and um i' always touched me when you came in on the beginning of the school year and you know high-fived all of our kids and you know things like that matter when our students feel seen and I know you saw them and that always mattered to me and it always resonated with me because that's how I educate and I see that you represent that as well in the community because for me in that classro it's about those four walls it's about what's outside of those four walls that we have to show our kids so that mattered when we had people from outside of those four walls come in and reach out to our kids so thank you for doing that um and also I just want to recognize Jack Cy again I don't think that we can recognize him enough for what he did um in the city of Bron and as well as on this County Board um I respected him as a peer um and as a friend and he was somebody who in the words of Jody Gata tonight said you know put politics aside and do what's right and he was somebody that I always believed that did that um and I was proud to call him friend and I I think he was proud to call me friend as well I'll speak for him on on his behalf um but he taught me a lot and I will tell you that um I do intend to continue to govern and to lead in his in his honor and his memory and in his legacy and his reflection in that way so thank you for doing that and I think the idea of recognizing him in the future um whether it be at the county level or the city level um would certainly be be appropriate because of the Legacy that he leaves behind so thank you for that suggestion thank you um commissioner Marshall sure so I think maybe about a month ago I mentioned that there was hope well day that was coming up so that went off about uh not last Saturday Saturday before and I just wanted to thank everyone who came out it was a wonderful event we had a perfect day beautiful weather many uh family friends were out there it was just a beautiful event I've been attending it for for a while now and every year it just gets bigger and better more people out there more vendors it it's was very incredible so I just wanted to thank everyone who came out I wanted to thank Hopewell the administration over there the mayor and the deputy mayor and the entire board for throwing a just a great event so that's all I have thank you thank you commissioner Taylor yes I have a couple things I'd like to talk about tonight one is there's a fundraiser at the kahanic zoo this Saturday 5K run one mile walk walk most of us in this room have visited the zoo it's a um important part of kin County so if you you know don't tend to run or do the walk if you can just stop by and make a donation I know um you know everybody at the zoo would be very Happ happy and thankful for that um I also would like to say that um I serve on the board for Gateway for uh Al Kelly he's a tremendous leader have the utmost respect for him and I just you know want to publicly make that statement I uh attended a meeting in commercial Township this month D was there it was a great meeting with the citizens um a lot of people came out they had little booths and the goal was to find out who had flooding in their property what areas of the Town were experiencing flooding so um they're trying to come up with the a plan to um hopefully get some funding nothing is nothing is finalized yet but that's in the works I also attended the Board of Health meeting and um it was very interesting to me because where I live I have a septic tank and there's a I think some communication that is not going out to the general public there's several type of septic tanks that you can get the one type is an 18inch Mound and it it um it cost you a couple hundred dollars every year to have it certified it aesthetically it looks very nice but I think what's not getting out to the general public is after three years these septic tanks have to be drained every year and uh you know the paperwork has to be done to be certified so now the homeowner is going to pay 13 upward 1300 $1600 so I think think when people are shopping for septic tanks they really should do some homework I think uh the director was there he also heard the same thing's a couple things I I can clarify later yep and um and I just wanted to touch base on the East Point Lighthouse East Point Lighthouse is still at the top of um you know our list of uh um things that we're trying to work together to come to a a resolution and help the lighthouse to reop that's pretty much it okay very good thank you commission K commissioner well I'm going to pick it back on uh Victoria commissioner Lords uh you know everything she said uh about s Mr sansy and our Kelly uh you know I I I really feel the same way too um I also like to uh add uh our thoughts Department Department promoted 17 people this month which is a great help to moving ahead and uh and getting people to do the job that they work very hard to accomplish and I commodate the do department on that and and uh and our we're moving right along with our Public Works uh they they're doing a great job uh uh you know keeping we don't see that much mosquitoes right now but the are killing us and there's nothing we could do we having a lot of we deers are we you know are being found because of the uh man of Nets and there's nothing we could do because uh then we'd be hurting our Hawks and our Eagles and everything else so you know other than that I you know I'm very proud of the work that's being done in the county and um just keep up the good work thank you commission director thany director um okay commissioner all right well we already talked jump at bits the library board I've already kind of explained that we went over that I'm very happy about that uh the Board of Elections been is busy and it's a that board is this is their time and it's tirus tirus they tily work to get things right and move they are they have and then being very detailed about what's going on you know early voting not early voting but mail and balloting voting is started but just so people know October 26th and November 3rd there's early voting which you can actually go to a machine it's Bret Senior Center and I'll give it you just look it up you can find addresses the M Women's Club and the City of ir pal is hosted that and I urge people to vote they want to vote in the street it's very easy it makes things uh counts go well please vote early uh and and if not election day so and just so you know things they've asked for are uh they're getting the vehicles they need there's some uh uh they talked about U there's there's a lot of new rules put in place and every time they turn around there's another new rule another new thing they have to adapt and this board adapts to that and and people uh just kick in there do their job so it's I'm very impressed with that board every time I sit down and talk with them the I had an opportunity to be on the radio with the 4 Club M Pearl dra blank of the last day she was representing as the Outreach person for 4 and uh I'm not native to 4 I've learned a lot over time uh and CH went there and explained what how and it's very open and it gives a it's a nice formal uh informal and formal way of people getting involved in triy to True methods of uh of of learning responsibility public speaking things they do every day uh that kids go from shy uh don't know what don't know everything or you know very insecure to all of a sudden they're Dynamic and with the few years they speak they're they're leading their their groups saw it over and over again every time you see a dinner you see these kids were just kids and now they're uh 17year old is that they're leading and and they'll be leaders in the future what ke think coming up Saturday October 5th is the fairground is going to be used it's a fundraiser swap me car show uh it's for the 4 benefits to 4 uh think about it uh phone number just so people have 856 451 2800 extension 3 we want to be a part part of that there's many other events they're doing also when I won't go into that um I want to I want to U uh the planning board has been very active and I just want to tell tell this board here that I've I've stressed to them and I'm been very U key that I believe the mville airport is a part of the the county could be an economic engine for this County if it's dusted off and really rolling and you mentioned Trout the national you mentioned other uh areas I think and we've also looked at the historic district shrinking down a little bit bit so we can expand on to it and make the airport even better um I with that I've expressed uh to the planning board that there's land around that area that they look to farm land preservation and I don't believe we should be uh tricky our areas that we could have Economic Development so I've said it to them um I think if the other Commissioners have a difference of opinion I like to hear it because it's something I I would to be able to hit the ground running and we're talking about sewer and water uh all that part of it it goes into a growth and hopefully and as we just had the approvement authority have their um their uh big event to it was highlighted at the airport which was very well tended and just I I was very impressed that they had that it was at the airport it's been at the at the college for a number of years I I thought it was perfect Vue to have and show off something um I do want to point out I'm glad commissioner Taylor mentioned East Point Lighthouse uh we pondered we're pondered different scenarios different things that can help them uh and we're we're working on to this day and I just want to make sure that uh understand that um I also want to say Jack Cy I actually had a chance to serve with him on this board and I was um U one one of s and um but one day I just uh when it came to push come to sh when there a group that was not treated very well Jack Ste forward and and stood up and said his said which it impressed me uh because he took the took uh some shots for that and uh he he took it a stride uh he was very open when I had discussions with him and I really appreciate CU that group The I'm very happy that they're uh with that group and what they've done since that and they've actually led the way I believe with a lot of our Union contracts as far as the attitude and how we do things uh is because of the PBA 231 and how Jack stood up for them when they when someone needed stand up for him and I I really appreciate that and I and I'll say one last thing with that is that I had many conversations I had many conversations with him through as many people know I have ideas I throw out there and never really had a conversation till I remember I was out way out green witch in Historic Society and I threw I was just throwing something out and and Jack stood there as the light it got darker and darker just listened and listen listen I go you can go I mean I but he just he just wanted to hear and I really appreciated that time the the idea him taking the time to listen to that and there the ideas that I'm throwing and he goes yeah he said don't you know I like to hear more it was really it meant a lot to me when he did that and uh it was it was that's how I got to know him that that's how I got to know him because he he was open to listen so um there are other things but I I'll let that go for that thank you commissioner thanks commiss sorrow progress I'm sure you want to cut this short but just have I've had a ton of meetings with either the administration the director w director uh I work with closely uh director of Public Works Kevin smato uh we've been doing a lot of work on different roads and intersections that uh we have to attend to uh equipment is unbelievable how we have to um either fix or get new equipment that's uh been neglected over the uh the last number of years uh so we're actually bringing uh Public Works back up to where it should be uh that all being said I just have to say something again about Jack I mean Jack the first time I met Jack was when I was fer Director in 2002 and I H Jack because somebody highly recommended him and they said that I that they needed him on their team for for it to work so that's what we did we hired Jack and Jack did a Stella job uh when I was director uh unfortunately I lost that election but uh I couldn't I didn't work with Jack but I've always seen him I always saw him on on many uh different uh projects that he was on and also events award ceremonies heed was always there and I always had a tremendous amount of respect for for Jack he was uh he in my opinion he had a quiet demeanor you couldn't walk on him but he he wasn't uh outgoing to where you know he was uh obnoxious to put that way he just was a very gracious man so I was at his viewing and uh it was it was nice it was nice to see that's it that's it yeah thank you commissioner I'm going to make it real sure for everybody I'm sure want to get home um I'm going to Pig you back off of with all the commissioner said about Jack I met him my first year actually before my first year when I was running and man have integrity and just a gentleman so um with that the mayor I am going to look into some type of memorial for him and um I can't make any promises but I'll try and see if I get allocate some funds to see what we can do for that um there's a fishing tournament this weekend of 28 and a camp in El Park Danny Aina who's a professional fisherman will be holding that tournament there for kids um take your kids over the county will be there um the sheriff's department will be there and it's it's becoming in the big this is I think their second year now I camp in park and there'll be nice prizes and things of that nature and just good time that for parents to get get a hold with their children and take about fishing because last year I took my grandson the first time fishing ever he was six at the time and caugh his first little you know it was nothing like his little Sunny whatever it was but youed should see the smile on his face and that's what made it all worthwhile so I'm hope to be there with him tomorrow on Saturday um I also had the opportunity to play golf um on a fundraiser for the h show and um Jill Ardo I don't know if you're on Jill but she did one heck of a job of raising funds for that shelter and she just just does a wonderful job and um that hopefully everything goes through with with uh uh Mr Vasco is that is everything cleared now with the new addition everything's ready to go they haven't put anybody in it yet have they a license was while yeah I heard there was some kind of a license well waiting for the license it's okay I knew there's something I'm waiting for which is great news and that's another what 40 additional people six six six six unit six six six un it's about yeah six family units six family units right um also um the Board of Health they speak about what commissioner tayor was speaking of septic system is what they call an ATU system it's mechanical and gravity fed and that's where the issues become uh they're a little sticky with the codes you have a 2008 code 2012 code that not necessarily are contradictory but create a little bit of mess of a problem the Board of Health is working on repairing that issue and the last thing again these are all the same issues you hear again as the East Point Lighthouse um I have been working diligently with the DP with the Senator's office with the congressman's office um online with the mayor Wen um to continue trying to find a way how to approach a reopening the East party louse um there's been some other approach approaches which we're looking at and but right now it's to Prem much short but believe me it's not something that we want to see go by the wayside um the geot tube is starting to a road and this is a concern to me so we we need to try and get these things done as quickly as possible and last but not least I'm going to leave the Public Works director uh off off the hook for today but um there's a lot of work they're doing is they're getting out there they're putting a lot of stop signs out there trying to um basically uh direct traffic in a sense where they they slow the hell down and don't kill people and I really am upset with way people drive and what's going on I just hear it time and time again some people have said to me I've never seen in in an area where it's so flat where people see so many times they're getting in accidents where there's line of sight so it's really disappointing to see how people driveing we're doing our best to put out road signs to put out stop signs and to also improve the road systems and that's just something that we're working on um hopefully the monies can get there into our cfers so we can move on further and that's really all I've got at this point in time so I just want to say ladies and gentlemen thank you and also is there a reason for an executive there is but um before we go we just want to make sure that everybody knows that the public notice was sent and we have a meeting October 1st not October 8 you want make an announcement please say say a little louder our October 8th meeting has been moved to October 1st public notice this went out we just want to make sure everybody knows we have it's just a scheduling issue so can you ask the answer there is a short executive session please with no action anticipated to be taken AC thank you sir Okay resolution 2024 605 resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey senator Byron and Bear open Public's meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-12 matters relating to litigation negotiations and the attorney client privilege matters relating toloy relationship do I have a motion and second commissioner alre yes commissioner LS yes commissioner s Mr Maran yes Mr Taylor yes commissioner Romero yes director C yeso yes this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on concast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quin media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market