##VIDEO ID:UzRXpihKEg4## flag United States stand Nation God indivisible with liy andice all attendance here this evening tonight we also have present some special guests uh from the county county clerk Joe jell is here tonight and Atlanta County Commissioner James Martino for be part of our program tonight also we have with us tonight father Ariel Hernandez father is pastor of our Lady Blessed Sacrament Parish here in buer burrow um he's my inspirational leader not only mine but many people who follows the word of the Lord and lives by example we're very H happy to have you here tonight father in your busy schedule you're very busy person but he's here to do the invocation and to have a blessing to start this reorganization off so father thank you mayor Jo you all also are my inspiration too and all of you remember of the cons so thank you for your kind and beautiful work so let us start with the blessing in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit am amen we thank the Lord for this new year that we just started and we thank you tonight God for this your servant our mayor our city manager our city staff our city council members I give thanks for the way of service they have chosen to take up on behalf of all of us here we all come to this room tonight as complex human beings carrying our burdens carrying joy and hope trusting that you alone can hold us together as God in your love and in your peace we entrust this meeting the organization of this year each member and each person who are here we ask you for your blessing your protection your health physically mentally and spiritually and to grant us a successful year ahead in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen thank you Father okay this reorganization meeting is being held tonight January 2nd 2025 in compliance with you public meetings act and notices of this meeting have been provided via the email to the Press Atlantic City The Daily Journal on November 9th 2024 as well as been posted on the municipal bulletin board here at the burough Hall before I start the meeting tonight I also want to say um and give a thank you to my wife's uh cousin Jim Quinn from Quinn broadcasting uh we have him here tonight one of his workers are here tonight to tap the meeting first time ever in the history of un bur that we're getting our meeting tape live and will be on the rest of the month uh on Quinn broadcast channel it's being sponsored by Allen Associates who's our insurance provider tonight so throughout the year we're going to try to get our meetings televised they'll be run x amount of times a month to uh reach out to the public even more if they can't make it here they could see it tap uh for the month of whenever the meeting is so again I want to thank Jim publicly for making that happen tonight and uh we'll go into the meeting the purpose of the meeting number one is to induct into office two Council persons for a three-year term each second to make all necessary appointments and thirdly to organize the Affairs of the bur bua and to handle and improve any related matters of business for the year 2025 at this time I would like to call alany County Commissioner James bertino who minister of office to council woman elect Patricia andad before we get started just what we're to you know just real quick I just want to say um for you guys here um Good Government doesn't happen by accident good government that provide services for the people start with good people from the community steping up to represent you and bring what you want for your community but to the Forefront you have a great commissioner Council mayor councel here that I've Had The Good Fortune to serve with for quite a few years they do a Fant fantastic job for you I'm glad to have him helping me help you here in being bar not for that P you ready let's get the work left hand in the Bible raise your right hand okay and repeat after me I IO do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will I will bear true Faith true Faith to alance to the and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help you God so help me go I do further solemnly swear I do furly solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of counsel of the office of counsel according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations going to make you officials congratulations okay next I'm going to ask County Clerk Jud jell to administer the youth office councilman elect Richard third times a charm third round with this the first time was extremely short days three times one year three one year only person I've ever had to do that for so congratulations I state your name I rich do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the cons of the United St the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the government and to the government established in the United States governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me go so help me God wait a minute we're almost there we're rolling out I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and jce and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of counsel of the office of counsel for the third time for the third time to the best of my ability so help me me guys [Applause] congratulations always a pleasure to come to bua a lot of relationships for many many years and that's the joke that uh three times in one year godess now you won't have to see me for another three years here don't worry got okay who will Council have as its president for 2025 I nominate Doug Adams I roll call vote [Laughter] please next for the office a b solicitor I nominate Richard Setta a second nomination and move for the adoption of resolution 1-25 confirming disappointment roll call vote ji yes Alvarez yes Adams yes yes yes yes next for the office of assistant bough solicitor I nominate alen gyber I second to nomination and moved uh for the adoption of resolution 2-25 confir appointment roll call vote ji yes Alvarez yes Adams yesil yes and yes St yes next for the office of bur auditor I nominate Nancy SAA from Ford scotton Associates LLC I second nomination the adop resolu confir roll call Vote Yes Al Adams yesil yes and yes yes next for the office of engineer I nominate Mark Blasio from the Blasio Associates I second the nomination for the ad of resolution2 confirming roll call Vote Yes alare Yes Adams yes yes next for the office of bond Council I nominate Joel M fedman from fedman Daniels the law office I second a nomination move for the adoption of resolution 5 25 confirming roll call vote ji Alvarez Adams yes yes at this time I want to ask Atlanta County Commissioner James patino to administer the Office of the President of the council the solicitor assistant solicitor the engineer and the bond Council I guess ready all right I st do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the contition States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey St and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States United States and in this state this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God God I do further solemnly swear F swear that I will impartially that I willar justly perform justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office and state your office according to the best of my ability ACC to the of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations get signed up e okay as matter I appoint the following to the L use Board of G Class two William nay class four Ronald Francis class four Jenna Bary T Rico alternate three Pete Elias and alter number four Albert cisano Jr I will be serving as the class one LAN use appointment for one year as a member of the land use board class three I nominate douas Adams I second the nomination roll call vote J yes Alvarez Adams yes yes ask atanta County Clerk Joe jell to ad Minister the offices to L Bo appointees [Music] all on fire now think the lightning hit the other night I State you name to solemnly swear swear that I will support I will support the Constitution of the United States Conti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theit of the state of New that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the government establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do furtherly swear I do further s that I will partially I will partially and justly andly perform all the duties perform all the duties according to the best of my ability ability so help me God congratulations [Applause] [Music] that's at this time for the office of director Public Safety I nominate douas I second nomination call vote alare as members of the Recreation Commission I appoint the following member Christina Sacramento and member William n as mayor as members of the municipal Authority I nominate the following Jerry marinac as a member of the housing Authority I nominate the following commissioner Janine bti commissioner phys Jill Bary to fill the unexpired term of Betty Tesa commissioner Cheryl Peters to fill the unexpired term of Sharon heon I second the nomination roll call vote ji yes alz yes Adams yes bararia yes andelora yes step yes this time I like to commissioner pertino again Comm Minister the office the director of Public Safety Housing Authority appointments recreational commission appointments and Municipal Utilities Authority appointed guys your right hand repeat after me I stay your knees you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New jerseyy and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States states and that this state this state under the authority of the people theth of people so help God help God I do further solemnly swear I do further swear that I will impartially I will and justly perform perform all the duties of all the duties of office and stated perfect according to the best of my ability my abil so help me God congratulations [Applause] okay at this time is there any other bu business to come before the B Council I move for the adoption of resolution 6-25 confirming appointment made this I second the motion roll call Vote Yes Alvarez Adams yes yes and yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 7-25 authorizing the tax collector conduct a tax lean sale second roll call vote ji yesz yes Adams Baria yes and yes yes I'm for the adoption of resolution 8-25 setting the interest and the penalty to be charged by the tax collector on delinquent taxes of Municipal charges in setting for the sir charge to be made upon the Redemption of tax title I second the motion roll call vote J yes Alvarez Adams yes Baria yes Andel yes St yes I move for the adoption of resolution 925 authorizing the tax assessor to file the tax appeals second motion roll call Vote janaz Yes Alvarez yes Adams yes yes yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 10-25 a warning a contract to the Aubrey group for Grant Management Services second Mo call Vote Yes Alvarez yes Adams yesil yes and yesh yes I move for the adoption of resolution 11-25 granting permission for the burough of unit to participate in the New Jersey state contract purchasing program administered by the department of the treasury division of purchase and Property Services I second motion roll call Vote jzi Yes yes Alvarez Adams velia and yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 12.25 awarding contract to BCS Consulting for computer LT Services second roll call Vote Yes Alvarez Adams yesil yes yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 13 25 adopting the temporary budget for year 2025 roll call Vote jvi Yes Alvarez yes Adams yes barcelia yes Andel yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 14-25 adopting a cash management plan for the year 2025 I second it roll call vote yes Alvarez yes Adams yes yes yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 12-25 authorizing the official depository authorized signatures oh I'm sorry I second the roll call Vote janaz Yes Alvarez Adams yes barcelia yes and yes that yes I move for the adoption of resolution 16-25 confirming the buau of Unis civil rights policy with respect to all employees volunteers independent contractors and the members of the public that come into contact with Municipal Employees officials andol I second Mo roll call vote ji y Alvarez yes Adams yes yes yes step yes I move for the adoption of resolution 17-25 governing body certification of compliance with the United States people employment opportunity commission enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records and employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I second Mo call vote yes alare Adams yesil yes yes yes I move for the adoption of resolution 18-25 appointing Sabrina andus as a full-time emergency medical technician effective January 1 2025 a second motion roll call those yes Alvarez yes Adams yes barcelia yes and yes yes okay at this time I will now recommend the standing committees for the 2025 year planning sing inspections chairman Richard janaz members Frank theano and myself Finance Tax Collector and assessor chairman George Alvarez Doug Adams and myself Public Safety street lights chairman Doug Adams George Alvarez and myself Recreation councilwoman Marina barula member Patricia andelora and buildings and grounds and improvements councilwoman Patricia andelora Marina baroya and myself and roads of recycling chairman Frank Toano Richard javoni and myself personnel and economic uh development will be myself as the chair with the councilman uh president on that committee and any department head that will be dealing with that area special events coordinator will be councilwoman Marina baruya motion to approve second roll call vote J yes Alvarez Adam and yes def yes okay at this time we have remarks um what I'm going to do is I'm going to um just make some of my remarks and give a state of the burrow address and then go to each council person uh for their comment again I would like to congratulate uh Pat and of javoni on the return to burough Council both are hardworking dedicated public servants that truly care for the health and well-being of this community also I would like to congratulate all the appointees this evening that took the oath of office I am sure you will do a great job and your respective positions thanks again to father our pastor for giving of his busy schedule and his time this evening you truly were a blessing father to have it be here to go through this ceremony again I'd like to give thanks to Joe jell and Jimmy bertino for always being there for buo these two guys are truly amazing Representatives not only in the county level they're involved in Municipal level the state level on up they had their hands in everything whenever I dial that phone or I push that button both of them within a minute to two minutes I get a response from un bar so again gentlemen thank you for all you do um so at this time I just like to give a reflection of the Year 2024 uh it was my return after an 8year absence I have to say this time is different but it's better I have to say maybe because I'm getting older and I'm getting to appreciate more things but uh it's it's been a heck of a ride this past year and I'm proud to say some of the items I'm going to review just as bull points it won't take long uh it's what not I did but it's what we did we are a team this is not about Joe Bary this may be my administration because I'm the mayor but I couldn't do it without these six people so I want to give kudos a credit to them and give the public just some highlights of 2024 that I feel a worth knowledge again we responded to a public safety uh Improvement down Central Avenue and 20 manholes that were covered that were about over a year and a half residents were you know getting their cars uh and in not too good of shape so that was a big one and we got that done early we also secured $1.3 million in funding for Road reconstruction we've received a letter from L County Executive Dennis Le lson committed to a drainage Improvement and total reconstruction of rooster road we also changed health insurance carriers for our employees to provide taxpayers major savings we created the buur fire department this year to serve our residents and to protect them the best we can the New Jersey Department of Transportation committed early in the year to a major drainage project along Route 40 Central Avenue and Kimberly Lane the concept development phase anticipates completion in the summer 2025 the department anticipates construction and the year 2027 and it's taking time because we have a lot of utility permits and final design that needs to be done I have to say on a happy new from Atlanta County they are working in a Cooperative spirit with this project and we tend to have their help throughout this whole project the old Mor morelli's building on Central Avenue was demolished and the site was cleaned up and leveled this was with done with all cdbg Mone grant money from Atlanta County again uh special Don and I want to thank Atlanta County the USDA Rural Development housing program this year or last year presented a variety of programs available to assist local residents councilwoman Andora has been working with them helping individual families qualified for various uh grant money also most recently in December we passed our first host Community agreement for the operation of a class one cannabis cultivation facility and one for class 4 retail sales again that was passed in December completion of one of our develops developments Liberty Village on the boulevard for 55 and older the last was done this past summer and now that's full of 44 homes completed we also entered into a three-year interlocal agreement with Lena County for the use of the Le fail Center which provides senior citizens and the Office of Aging Services for the Western end County we locked that in last month which was very good we also entered into an interlocal agreement with the BB muua to seek funding from the I Bank of New Jersey for sur line replacement and reconstruction of Summer Road in landersville and also West Avenue in minola this is from the New Jersey infrastructure Bank we're eligible hopefully for $3 million Forgiveness Loan so all that work uh were being told and we're hoping that we will have a Forgiveness Loan about $3 million which is a huge huge um thing in un bur for the taxpayers so that is a little capsule of 2024 2025 the following we want to continue to work with Aubrey Associates and our grant advisers to pursue grants that will benefit the burrow in particular a major lighting and pole upgrade in mlan park it's desperately needed and that's going to be on the radar for 2025 completion of the cdbg ab building improvements at the Lou Vil Center in Bur Hall the preconstruction was awarded and this work is starting very shortly complete uh capital projects also at the burrow molini Park bathrooms tennis courts will hopefully come to coition in 2025 we are also going to pursue our quest for landfill CL osure with the D and Pils for the year 2025 we're going to utilize for the first time ever in our budget a 2% gross profit from the approved cannabis licensed businesses to assist in our local budget this is a first we also will be reviewing and analyzing proposals from the Atlantic County Utilities Authority regarding cost savings for trash pickup services work with the Department of Community Affairs regarding a proposed new apportable housing obligations for our municipality is also in the works for round four for the years 2025 to the year 2035 we're also going to explore and pursue avenues for the burrow to grow in a consistent and stable manner lastly we'll continue to have open lines of communication with all levels of government that can assist and helping puner burough become a better place in particular we have a close and good relationship with Congressman Jeff B Drew's office also our legislators and District Four have been assisting on some major projects to move the county forward and least last but not least our County officials who are here this evening are there to work from us all the way from the executive's office commissioners cler office Tokyo Joe with the Sheriff's Office Mr CIO and the surrogate's office these are all people that are responsive to buun burrow on any call next a huge thank you to all of our dedicated employees in Bur Hall their hard work and sacrifices are deeply appreciated finally to my burough Council I am coming on almost 30 years now since I got back I'll be completing 30 years in municipal government this year I can't believe how time is flying but I must say that this Council has been the most dedicated and hardworking group of people that I've ever served with we truly are a team and we're all here for the right purpose and that's for the people I thank all of you who have attended this meeting tonight uh I wish you all the best of a happy prosperous and healthy New Year year uh and that concludes my address after like I said I thought I was done giving these addresses but uh I worked on it last couple days i' I've been reflecting and and looking over and you know the things that we did as a unit as a body then we're teams it's not me it's us and what we got through this year was amazing because I look back on my previous years from 1980s 90s and uh this group of people up here are just just amazing again I want to give kudos to them one more time before we go on this meeting um so now again the few elected people like to go for some comments Pat again we serve together you're the senior you're the senior person and Pat and I work together for many years prior to this9 years yeah so uh that would you like to say a few words yeah first of all father Ariel thank him for sharing tonight and of course my faith um thank you to my family and friends for supporting me sometimes they really think I'm crazy doing this they they say why don't you get a hobby I said I guess this is it why don't you travel leave me alone I'll do it travels in the burrow yeah I love this community I'm working to move ahead with the mar and our team we really had a rough year but we made it through but speaking of rough years um three years ago when I was sworn in um it was there were only three people here because of Co we didn't have a a get together at all because I didn't think it was a good idea and um it was my my daughter Gina Daddy and Pam SW SW said right Pam remember that yes okay and uh it it was uh good but it's much nicer now to see everybody's face and just stay healthy uh I never gave up after the four days being sworn in that time I had two buildings flooded out the first week I was soring in it was like yeah and it all had to be remodeled shifted the the employees from we we fixed the back building the senior building sent them to Hamington thank you Hamington and um the nutrition site was over there and then we repaired the building back there completely remodeled everything kitchen had to be restored and then we moved the employees from here the eight of them back there and then we had to remodel this building but I made it through it I could have gave up but I didn't because I love the barel and but over the time I have learned a lot about generators hbac roofs and of course all the personalities that we deal with and I thank everybody for sharing that with me and a happy 2025 [Applause] I follow no I can't but I want to thank everybody people in the burrow for voting me in number one the people that came friends family to support me I appreciate everything I I enjoy working with everybody here in on Council It's been a a pleasure I should have stopped in one year but I could do it so good that I had to do it for three more that's all I have to say I I'm super excited I want to congratulate all the appointees uh they're good people they're going to make a difference uh this team that we have up here it's been really great um Mr Mayor you're a great leader honestly you're a great leader and I thank you um our County officials have always been there our employees are super strong uh we do have really good employees that have been around a long time growing those roots already you know but thanks to them and thanks to everybody and looking forward to a great prous here thank you thanks president uh Public Safety I did s something out u in an email but I publicly want to thank our police chief who is here tonight our fire chief kenar Bagley our EMS Chief Ronda CA our uh OEM coordinator where's he at here he Jerry's back there uh animal control uh Public Safety is a big department and it's it's the most costly and um it's it's the one that receives the most complaints if things don't work out right but I have a good group of people all those Chiefs work um work well with me and us um and I want to also go on what George says about the mayor this is a guy that is not selfish and puts in more time than he should but he loves it and the burrow really has an excellent leader here because of the time that he has to put into this job and that title um thank you um thank you but then and then on the other hand you know he thanks members of council and him and I had convers ations uh about this where each one of us were assigned some new some new titles which bachum took um some old titles which George has been chairman of Finance for a long time you know and right down the line and it seems like every single one of us can specialize as department heads of our titles it's he got really lucky having people that are conc concerned and you know take it personally to do their best for their departments you know for public buildings for the road department for recreation for uh Public Safety Finance uh permits and inspections every one of us work hard and the harder we work the more we cooperate the more we're going to get done we've done so much in I came on in the middle of 22 and it I just couldn't imagine Maryann came in in the middle of 22 as our administrator uh Pam was here alone in the middle of 22 and we just hit the ground running and we haven't stopped so thank you to the clerk's office thank you to Mariam Rick came on oh boy our solicitor came on in the middle of 22 also um and I had his number in speed dial like five times a day he changed it twice good I am I you found them um but you know I have to just keep saying to the public that you really don't know um how good our municipality has it with the people that are up here right now and how hard we all work we see what each other do we don't step on each other's toes we we we stay on our own lane we help each other when we need help we call each other when we need help and it gets the job done there's no bickering no fighting no um no stuff um so I'm just I'm proud to be up here especially with with you know the total of these six other people up here came Nicole came in Nicole is uh our newest in the clerk's office and um between the clerk's office the administrator uh we just we're just so lucky to have everybody that works you know there's no lumps here that's can I say lumps but thank you [Applause] everybody I would like to congratulate and for another great three years um it's been a pleasure working with everyone up here I can say we are a team and it's great to work with everyone here and everyone that was sworn in uh we have a lot of volunteers that go unnoticed and trust me you are noticed and we thank you for everything that you do every day thank [Applause] you like to congratulations happy and looking forward to working with you guys another year I also would like to U before we go into ending the meeting recognize Mike molinsky Mike is our solicitor of M sport Mike's here support we appreciate that another P from him uh okay public portion is an opportunity for anyone to comment with a limit of five minutes per speaker read the statement I need motion to open a public portion of the meeting motion second by Alvarez roll call Vote juzi Yes Alvarez yes Adams yes yes yes okay anyone wishing to address the mayor and councel please step for for the record St your name okay seeing none I need a motion to close the public hearing motion and second Alvarez roll vote Al yes Adams yesel yes yes yes okay the first Council meetings of the Year 2025 will be held on January 13th 2025 6 pm at a special meeting and January 13 2025 at the 6:30 regular meeting uh before I go to the benediction I just want to mention on that first meeting which is a workshop meeting or special meeting uh Council has this about six times a year now we put in workshops or special meetings this one on the 13th will be pretty special uh we're going to be honoring all the former mayors uh that U we up here before myself and we're going to be making a mayor's Ball dating back to the early 60s uh was something that uh this body decided to do at a recognition to the gentleman that served in that capacity the families were contacted and there will be portraits that are being made as we speak and we're going to be doing a theme on this side of the wall uh two of them are up already the one was the first May ever was build um in 1949 and also Dan mucho was the longest running there at the time for 16 years but you're working on that I just passed it uh but this was was up here well actually when I came on as a young councilman in 87 there were only a couple forits with those two gentlemen uh then we had judge capazo as our first judge for buer burrow and then I believe after that we added on we added I Jai was the longest one in councilman for years uh Jo sandor was our first police chief again D served for 16 consecutive years and Bruno molini was one of the founding fathers of un bar and also our first council president he now only served in that position he went off to serve atena County as a Freeholder and did many great things for many people and they actually named the park after him he died at an early age and they paid homage to Mr molini and then most recently out of that group last month Council had and myself had the privilege to put up Frank raso's picture any buddies from bu burrow knew knew Frank raso he was really a great guy served in the police department for many years Mar corn veteran and just a great guy Frankie Liv for bua his family was here last month and we we had the pleasure to honor him and they put his portrait up so again we're rich in culture and history here in this town we're small you know we're not big towns big cities this is what makes bua so special and unique and I again want to thank everyone out there for coming this evening it was really a a real nice ceremony so my pastoral leader had a lead to say that so I'm going to be I'm not a pastor I'm not a deacon but I I do worship and I'm going to conclude with the benediction so if you will just uh bow your heads we ask dear Lord that you bless our community un bar and all the members that serve on this governing body all the employes all the employees and all the people who are here tonight and throughout the world you give your blessings for peace Harmony worship and homage to you because without you we have nothing so I ask this in the dear lord's name through Jesus Christ amen amen Allan Associates is a family-owned and operated Full Service Agency managing a broad base of clients in the New Jersey area Allan Associates has been a leader in health benefits and financial services including Health prescription life insurance pension 401K plans and estate planning with more than 60 years of experience and a staff of highly trained and dedicated professionals Allen Associates is noted for its ability to build strong long-term relationships with our clients and the communities we serve give them a call today at 856 692 2250 Allen Associates your complete health and Financial Services vient New Jersey this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market