##VIDEO ID:WL8uLYCtxoo## e e e to the flag Stoll call attendance this regular meeting of January 13 2025 being Appliance of the open public meetings act and notices of this meeting have been provided via the email to the Press of at City The Daily Journal on November 9th 2024 as well as been posted on the bolon board at the burrow Hall under my report this evening I just have a couple items I'd like to report the first item is that we this evening met for the first time to report to the newsletter I think you got or Memo from The Bu connection Brewery Company LLC uh this was sent to me on January 2nd from the Department of State of New Jersey attorney general's office regarding uh an application for a limited Ry license that's being approved right off of wheat Road on 112 wheat Road and at this site they'll be able to actually Brew the Mt and the bars of uh beer and they have specific um limitations as to consumption on premises per gallon uh going to hold per person the multi it covers everything I spoke to the young they're hoping by next month to be able to get on board with their business here in buun which is a very positive thing adding another business to BU um next I just like to report speaking of businesses uh to council a grand opening will be taking place on January 25th at the taste of birth um We R we have been present this evening and that grand opening will be for ribon cutting at 3M on Saturday January 25th um maritzio Pizzeria whichc right next to it we'll be having some um type of food available U and a tent form outside so uh we're looking forward to uh going to that Affair and welcoming that business to buur they had a soft opening in December um which I attended and uh they really fixed the place up really nice um and I wish them all the best moving forward lastly I have uh just to report to council that we will have a special meeting on January 27th at 6m to honor past mayors that serve before my time that who already has not been recognized the first mayor and the longest standing mayor are already recognized behind me but we're going to be doing a bua mayor's corner on the left side to my left uh all the families have been contacted p just about the May it just we ran out of time we wanted to do it tonight but we've been very busy since the first of the year so I spoke to all the families gave them a little bit more time to get themelves together we needed so we should have that up and ready in two weeks there for all so that should be a real nice meeting and um other than that we are going to be meeting my last thing report I was contacted by the bua softball baseball Le to have a new president this year along with Mr Jason Myers who requested a meeting how we could work for in a Cooperative Spirit between the mayor and Council and our respective departments and their uh League officials so I have councilwoman and since the recreation and public building and grounds they will attend that meeting with me on Wednesday afternoon with the league officials last year they did a lot of work this is a volunteer organization we worked with them the best we can so we're going to work in the Cooperative Spirit moving forward for the 2025 year that concludes my report at this time I will go to the public comment an opportunity for anyone from the public with a limit of five minutes per speaker please refer to the statement below at this time I ask for a motion to open the public portion of the meeting motion Adams second roll call vote yes yes okay this time anyone wishing to address the mayor and Council please step forward to the mic and state your name for the record briber I just want to know if there's any update on the route 40 Central Avenue Kimberly Lane drainage issue I know they were out there last week checking some pipes and whatnot I didn't know if there was anything that you told uh since that time I I know they have some Target uh areas that they're looking for by the summer to get completed I think some of theary work that you're seeing now at a start um but they're telling me we'll be seeing more people out here and by 2025 Brian I don't have that file with me right if I had it but we can go over that too uh sometime they're having certain areas and Target dates they're assuring Me by 2025 this summer would be completed I forgot what phase that is right and then from there they're going to go on to the next phase did they talk to you about any issues with the fting cheing after the that's what I heard and they were out they got giant machine I guess R aers something through it video so I didn't know if they were actually me a current status report at this time probably at the end of the month by the next meeting I will you know call the office and try to get a current status sounds good thank you anyone else from the public would you address the mayor counil okay see none I motion to close public heing second V yes yes okay next we have ordinance number 763 this saon ordinance appropriating 3,500,000 and authoriz the insurance up to three Milli $500,000 in bonds and notes bar unit for construction of various Capital Improvements the sanitary system and for the roadway reconstruction of the ver unit in count is there a motion SE second by Adams and just to let Council know this Bond ordinance relates to the ibank something we talked about previously um the three million doll Forgiveness Loan that has been worked Upon Our Administration our administrator our solicitor our engineer our finance office have been diligent that we will be U hopefully qualifying for this Forgiveness Loan but in the meantime there are certain dates and criteria that need to be met by June 30th of this year so the money has to be put out up front Okay we're look working along with our BB muua and interlocal agreements they are helping to share the cost for this uh project so we're taking a lead we're the lead person on this and this is why I'm asking tonight for consideration to adopt this on first reading so at this time like to have a v next we have resolution 24-25 this a resolution the bur un County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing a loan application to the New Jersey dep Department enal protection the New Jersey infrastructure Bank to fund improvements that the bur's sanitary Source system and roadway restoration projects motion Adams second this resolution uh goes along with the ordinance that we just passed Mr solicitor any additional comment to that I know you drew up the uh coordinance and resolution is anything I missed on that so this basically is a resolution moralizing our efforts to go out for the money to get that money eligible for return once the Project's finished any questions yes all part yes do they have agement yes agreement was just a couple we allowed changes to the agreement based as everything ready okay any other questions hearing call V yes resolution passed next we go to correspondence an application for Taste of birth LLC request laor of Licensing conditions for the grand opening for smoking area on January 25th 2025 I'll the first council president yes after after talking to the representative of states of birth and then going over with our solicitor we find that legally we can't pass a resolution to change an ordinance correct the only way to change an ordinance is with Anin essentially mayor we had a public hearing it2 the public of their right to be heard they public Hearing in that hearing and in that discussions there was a Prohibition on not used smoked or other consumed on the premises of any kind of this business so because it's an ordinance and it was adopted and public hearing and the right public to express their opinion you can't theref change by resolution the ordinance itself that prohibited the ingestion cannabis on the premises so in order to that have happened what we may want to consider in the future I don't think there's any licenses out there except for that one but um we could put a an in the ordinance for an allowance for a one day license so to speak but at this point because because the public in other words for example this was we were to say that cannabis could be smoked outside or on the property public could have come and objected to it so we can't then amend that by a resolution so unfortunately it can't be done okay so okay do uh I have a motion make a make a motion to deny the application for requesting requesting is there a second okay point question question is if they want to go forward into doing a later date can we make exception to that rule we change the to maybe they could do it in February or March or some other time that's again that's up to counil yes extion conern conerns and again I think the solic was very clear since it's the Lawan the ordinance is the law the land this governing body has the capability though to to make accepts to that and there's a process in doing so so unfortunately you can't you be for this you know ribbon cutting right at this time at this time at this ribbon cutting but for future consideration of future events like you're bringing up coun it can be res we only have one lied ret bus so the application would come in from a licensed retail business correct correct that's the formality we use say we put in for one day how long will it take for that process to happen we could probably next coun meeting and an ordinance two readings publicar conceivably by early February yes okay counil any other questions on the motion okay roll call vote res V again it wased a lot ofar we move forward in the future stand by to see if the grand opening will be on the same yes it he thank all right uh I already read the correspondence that was sent to me you were briefed on the connection Brewery Company a motion to follow correspondence second call vote Jam yes yes okay next on the agenda is consent agenda consent agenda includes items of business which are not controversial do not require individual discussion the motion proving to consent agenda is moved second and voted upon one item at a time by the B Council if any discussion is requested on a consent agenda item and it is removed from the consent agenda to the regular agenda so I have the following resolutions resolution 19-25 this is a resolution of the bur buo authorizing a continue disclosure agent services and independent register Municipal advisor of records with the Phoenix advisor LLC next I have resolution 20-25 this a resolution appointing maryan Caruso as a municipal clerk for the bough of unit next I have resolution 21-25 this is a resolution appointing Pamela Johnston as Deputy municipal cler the bur of unit next I have resolution 22-25 this is a resolution the St for inspectors involved in large nonresidential and non- Retail construction projects in the bur unit to be approved on a Case by case basis next I have a resolution 23-25 this is a resolution to amend transfer appropriation balance transfers resolution next we have resolution 25-2 this is a resolution committing to dca's fourth round affordable housing present need and perspective need numbers next is resolution 26-25 this is a resolution authorizing the execution of an amended Professional Services agreement with Tiffany a cavelo pplc galile New Jersey for the preparation of the fourth round housing element and plan and file any monitoring reports next I have resolution 27-25 this a resolution authorizing the execution of an amended professional service agreement with Tiffany a cell pplc Gallow New Jersey for the preparation of the fourth element fair housing by any monitoring reports okay so looks like we have D on that so what we'll do is just move the first they're not dou mayor first one is a $5,000 is for $5,000 the second one is the amendment for to Contin allance ofes us to comp gotcha so the first one covers the 5,000 that would be paid for the services and the second one is toal am know at the time what our obligations were however we need to C forms compl and filed and so she form that needed to be completed fil and it was until the end of October we actually knew and all the municipalities knew what DCA required of them by way ofir share housing Nowa DCA usly into that just a little bit the numbers that DCA the that will cover us for 10 years the next thing will have to happen is I have to file a complaint in in courts to have the numbers declared valid because what DCA does is they give you number and this resolution says okay we took youred number acknowledge it and accept it got so that's why there's two of them all right thank you yeah and we did have a meeting with Tiffany the solicitor council president myself that she really gave us a full explanation of how you know these units work and you know whether or not we should be accepting this and moving forward with it but um it's something to state of New Jersey again there's a lot of challenges right now uh she feels that the number that we have looks like an okay number at this point in time so we should move on comply with the laws that you know at hand and um move forward thank you for that clarification Mr list next we have bills paid is listed and following the clerk's report minutes of the workshop and regular meeting on December 16th 2024 and minutes of the reorganization meeting of January 2nd 2025 motion for second Vain and that be that one resolution okay okay just one okay next we have the solic support Mr K um just just to follow up what I was saying expain she do I will at that coune anything else no sir thank you next we'll go to the engineers you mayoring gr applications the 2025 Municipal aid program was awarded the bur was awarded 183k in grant money uh the door projects that we see out front there the the frames for burrow Hall were damaged um Capri is getting made in approximately 3 weeks time so pushing them to the front of production um but they are being made now um the resurfacing of the tennis courts will occur in the springtime the Reconstruction of Petry and Friendship Road will be repaved as early as March the Reconstruction of East summer road is tied in with the ibank grant um we did finally get uh subtraction with an online login that we needed to begin the application which we've already started um so upon authorization we we should already have the application ready to go and get that uploaded um regarding the restroom building at Bruno molini Park the grant deadline was extended thankfully and we will rid that project this spring um we are pursuing the closure of the landfill our office is working with uh two two entities the New Jersey Pinelands and the njd p on the necessary steps for closure Min States our office is working with Council to push for final Paving ofo Drive okay thank you any questions for the yes is that no not yet um can we PVE it before we we can't PVE it yeah we can't PVE it no right now that they can't well that's an independent project where the developer has to pay that there's money set aside for those improvements uh we did receive a letter uh a couple weeks ago that I forwarded to the engineer for review and also to Mr tenis Miss Lister who's currently reviewing that letter and looking to give coun hopefully some Direction by the next meeting or some um update as to what can get resolved and agreed upon but uh some of what council and myself pushed forward last year some of the drainage work and most of it was done uh which was Major but there's still like four other items that need to be complete and um this is the ongoing you know negotiation or whatever you want to call it they have some interpretation we now are bringing to our solicitor to give a final of rolling on and we'll know more next meeting okay okay good question thank you thank you okay this time any unfinished business to come before May councel any new business to come before mayor and Council okay the next meeting will be a special meeting honoring the four mayors of un at 6m the regular meting will take place on January 27th 2024 at 6 p.m. need a motion tojn motion ads all say I