CL please callot order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 Senator Byron and Bear open public meeting act can we have medication so meditation for all please commissioner Marshon could you please lead us in a second the United States of [Music] America Justice for allice commissioner Aliss here Comm Maran you hear me yes and clear and clear all here she's excused yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes do I have a motion and second to accept and dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last public meeting do you have a motion and second second in favor all we have any Communications no do I have a motion and second to open public comment but on resolutions only I'll make the motion second all in favor okay anybody would like to make a uh public comment on resolutions please feel free to 5 minutes state your name where you're located and your shoze good evening I'm Nancy Ridgeway from Upper Deerfield and Fairfield Township on a resolution 2024 107 it's a resolution appointing members to the cing County Utilities Authority and I'm not going to read the mees but one is from Bron and one is from from up the Deerfield Township and my question is one of the members from hopwell is not getting reappointed and that means that there will only be one member on this board from Hell Township I realized that uh the city of Bridgton is the biggest user and Upper Deerfield is the next larges user and um hope well doesn't uses much and Fairfield Township uses very little and uh is that the reason you're going to have three members from upfield Township one the Utilities Authority if I recall basically so so what I'm what I'm getting at is that if there is another person that you think that me be interested um in the future we'd be more than happy to take uh that's what we I'm sure was put out there by The ccua Who was interested in the board well I would think you would try to make it uniform when one is leaving from one Township that you would replace it with someone from that people have to show interest Mr I hope that's probably what I think would be the best thing if we could put that out there and people are interested that'll be be more than happy to entertain it but it's the board them at the UA that's needs to take look at I don't think so but that's your opinion thank you oh um is Mrs Pon from hoko I'm just thinking yes she on the board right yes she is and she will now be the only member okay okay thank you and there was two and I would have thought that you would have looked a little bit better for someone well maybe we get like I said maybe we get somebody of Interest well I hope you're keeping the politics director just just to op that i' rather have qualified people from the area it's not there's no U idea that they have to be for a certain but in this case have to be a certain area they got to be from but as long as they're qualified and they're sitting on that board and they can make a decision if you're an Upper Deerfield you're close to well hell's close to BR Bron's close to Fairfield they're all right around each other the same system so as long as they're qualified that that's really what you really C looking for okay anybody El any opinions on it okay I Sandy ASO Upper Deerfield but I thought when the board was expand the CCA board was expanded that there was a i to call it an arrangement or or whatever it was that there was going to be so many people from each dist uh user area correct it's a good point so I I don't I haven't seen that list but I was understanding that there was a list so maybe if we could get a copy of that we could see where the where the board members that would be the updated bylaws I think that we're talking about yes and I believe that your proposed appointments can work with them but we can certainly distribute it right CU I know the names of so far that we got was just from the user area that was the main cont main contention correct Mrs they user [Music] area anyone else there he is De HW up Deerfield um on the same subject that I I found over the years that the ccua um when they had their own choices had a habit of making really really bad choices and I hope that it being chosen the way it is here it will change it I thought the makeup of that board was just absolutely terrible um presently or um over the last up until maybe the last year year and a half okay you know um it it was like a small circus are you more satisfied with it now I haven't been here for a while okay honestly so I don't know where it is now but I know to to walk in there was pitiful I thought I just swor Todd bur um last week was was there and like I said Mr Pon I thought she was from Hope thank you for that and um so we we're slowly putting on people we think that have umic the qualifications to um do the right thing and of course you probably were um aware of what was try to be occur to the UA years a couple years back MH and that was stopped and put to rest so I think that's moving in the right direction okay so let's see how let's give people a chance and then of course as time goes on um again if there's interest in those areas people want to apply for those uh you know and see us but it's get it's hard to get anybody that's any interest in anything anymore maybe that was why it was was okay thank you there committee members are PID yeah they S I can't get people to pay pay people to work and got it better than way so all right anybody else on that that's any subjects very good want to I'll make the motion second all in favor when voting on resolutions all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the board of County Commissioners will be en enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any commissioner board member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter if any items requiring expenditures are support any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds do I have a motion in second to vote by consent agenda on resolutions 2024 57 through 202 24-85 I'll make the motion second all fav sorry commissioner Al yes commission LS yes commissioner Maron yes commissioner Saro yes deputy director Romero yes director salab yes do I have a motion in second to adopt resolutions 2024 57 through 2024 d85 by consent sove second second commissioner Al yes commissioner luds yes commissioner marshan yes Comm Saro yes deputy director rero yes director solo yes resolution 2024-25 700 MHz digital trunk radio system pre-qualified per RFQ number 19-50 as needed architectural and Engineering Services do I have a motion and second Mo so second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner yeah M Maran before I vote just wanted to talk about this one briefly if you look at this is a change order there's been a number of change orders in the past this was originally budgeted for $350,000 we're now well over $850,000 so I'm I'm not trying to hold up a project I'm certainly not trying uh to say that I don't believe in the underlying project I'm just concerned regarding uh how far out of budget this has become when we sit up here and and we look at something like this it's hard to look at now I know this specific change ORD for 80 some thousand and there was past change orders which had amounted to the other um I guess we're about a half a million dollars over what was budgeted for but when I see something like this it does give me pause and it does give me trouble now looking into this and speaking with a few people I've learned that essentially in order to have this project come to a conclusion or services that we need to have so for those reasons and those reasons alone I will vote Yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24-87 resolution authorizing extension of the 2024 temporary budget and approving additional temporary budget Appropriations in the amount of $443 and $443,900 do I have a motion and a second second commissioner Al before I vote on this I had just had a question I had many questions Mr Ridgeway uh the budget what is the exact time what is the budget going to be proposed I mean we're doing partial stuff um you you explained it to me was kind of happy what's going on what's the Ty fre spoiled my treasures report don't before give so this is just adding grants in right now just says grants come in the state only allows us to mechis call something an emergency temporary even though it's not really an emergency just adding something in between the temporary and the adopted budget so it does raise red flags when you see emergency but it's I can't control that language as for the budget process uh we met once with finance committee we need to schedule a second meeting um if we're really aggressive could introduce the February meeting more realistically probably didn't introduce it the Mark meeting are we going to get more um resolutions like this or you think that or we're going to wait till March when it's introduced all this stuff uh as grants come in if there's any that absolutely need to be added in because of the start date of the grant period uh yes um but until we get to the actual introduction of the budget we may just extend the temporary budget a month at that time but not until that point now we've already approved sped the buddy for a quarter basically right okay so that so that should be more sped they just absorb right so this the temporary budget is really just the first 3 months of the year that way it gets you to when they would the state expects us to have our budgeted okay thank you oh yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 20248 resolution authorized and purchase from Omnia Partners Cooperative contract vendor for the purchase of medical and cical supplies for the Rand medicine building on the rowand College of South Jersey campus do I have a motion and second move second commissioner Albert question why why are we buying stuff for turle this building we don't ow the build all the buildings going to be paid by Road operate by Road why are we buying equipment Stu well there was a lease agreement entered into a couple years ago that said that we [Music] would thanks that agreement okay commissioner Rober yes director wait direct director yes Mr Sor I did not hear the answer to commissioner Al's question can you just say that a little bit L yeah sure yeah sorry and so there was a lease agreement entered into back in I'm recollecting 2021 uh where the county essentially was going to uh construct this building and Supply the furniture equipment uh which includes medical equipment uh to then be occupied in lease by R University so short answer is we entered into a lease agreement to purchase that involves us purchasing this for them too then occupying use director I just wish I could enter into this types of agreement uh we get we're going to get paid Mr rid we're going to get paid back for all this right this is a part of of the agre they're going to P US 20 years we're going to Pieces right so they going to be leasing it from us um so over time we're going to recoup the money that we're outlaying now okay thank you commissioner L yes commissioner staro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 20249 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersy State contract vendor for Aon body camera licenses and required storage for the Department of Corrections do I have a motion and second I'll make the motion second commissioner Albert yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro y commissioner Maran yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 20249 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for annual gold login for the county libraries database catalog motion second I'll make the motion second commissioner Albert yes commissioner luds commissioner Soro yes Comm Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 20249 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for providing library and educational goods and services do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director Amero yes director Soo yes resolution 2024-25 d39 do I have a motion in second so moves second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24-9 3 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for Library materials and books for the Cumberland County Library do I have a motion in second I'll make the motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution [Music] 224-9439 yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director rra yes director Soo yes resolution 202495 resolution amending 2022 416 resolution authorizing application to to and Grant agreement with New Jersey Transit and the US Department of Transportation for grant funding under the federal Transit section 5311 from January 1st 2023 to December 31st 2023 do I have a motion in second so moved second commissioner Aubrey yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro commissioner Maran yes deputy director Amo yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24-96 resolution authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for Expert Medical consultants for the Cumberland County Department of Corrections do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Albert uh just a question beforeand the the uh the directors here the are these are they going to be over top of the of the uh medical care that I've try to Forever the name of it that uh if we have at the jail think be over talk director the what I asked the question that the uh the GF I what the D GFC are they going to be over top these doctors over top their think I understand your question probably I'm best situated just because it's part of theor so they're going to be reporting right to the court and the Department of Justice about the performance of Medical Care in the building so while they're not part of the Matrix of people performing Services they are going to be reporting about what services are performed in the building are they going to oversee that and the reason why job is to report not just report not the so um are they going to rep are they going to report to us that if there's an issue of deficiency are they going to say something to us before they go to the court the intention is to establish a working collaborative relationship so that we go to court as little as possible so of course we want that conversation early uh and often so that we can make corrections as they need and director the reason why I bring it up is this the GFC they were they many deficiencies caused many losses cuz they there was uh their job performance is lacking and they were I I consider responsible this goes back but two three years four years so uh this is so I of no no it's not necessary but what Mr Carr is saying is is is good but I it's nice to see that we have someone that you'll be over top and say something to us that we can correct and get on top of them before there's an issue before there's a follow commission alre I think you've seen the progress that we' made yeah absolutely exactly and this is just another layer of keeping us basically U informed and out of out of the jail house the sense okay thank you Mr car yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commiss Marshon yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 20249 resolution authorizing amendment to Shared service agreement exercising option to Ren shared services with agreement with the city of bridon do I have a motion second commissioner Al it I I have a question on this this van and trailer goes back to 2018 uh most of our leases and most of our shared service agreements last that long the uh it's legal to have them last this that long but as to the utility in this particular instance I'm totally unfamiliar with this TR well the question I have director is that I don't buy the Le did because we we're actually encourage shared service but not if they want to have it since 2018 now it's 2023 maybe they should look to purchase a utility trailer I don't our Public Works person is here can you describe what is being leased to them with of the I wasn't here in 2018 I'm notar with the trailer it's an open utility trailer that apparently was destroyed and they replaced if I understand correctly new one okay well it's never been within my never looked after it we've never done anything with it it was in an accident while brid had it and then they replaced it using the insurance funds okay that's that's why we okay okay I director I'm just that I don't mind Shar that's what we do but it's share share is use it give it back it's not a fiveyear commitment to this this uh then I tell you what I'd like to do then if you don't mind um why don't you look further into this trailer van and find out some of the um uh situ the situation with this trailer and and look into the lease how how long would we do with this for Mr car how long would we do with this for I got all right sorry I think this is because of a new trailer that was my understanding no I think the lease term ended but then we found out that they had replaced the trailer during the term of the lease oh right okay yeah um but since there's a motion on the floor and there's questions perhaps what you want to do is have the motion withdrawn and uh look to table this for long enough to do more due diligence because there are I I would like to make a motion to to director first director okay continue no we had up here too so okay Jim go ahead since this is a brand newa because I don't I don't see any purpose going on all you're doing help the city I think that we can just move forward with it that's my opinion um and only because it's brain they had to replace it so no money came out of their pocket came out of the insurance company we get a new trailer and releas so I think it's a it's a good situation okay that's and that's the reason why I asked what was the condition because I heard it was an accident I did not know that it was replaced I thought we were actually Leasing a damage trailer 6 and2 by 12T trip and it's a 2024 it's brand new only because they got an accident we wouldn't know about it if right and it's for a oneyear ter D I don't have a problem with the onee term but I would like this will R do one year but I don't want to continue if they want the trailer buy from us and and they can have it so let's let's make that there's also a van yeah all right let's let's uh commissioner Char we understand your feeling why don't we just take a little consensus on what we want to do here we want to table well I I made the motion table because I would like to look into it second yeah well there was wait there was a motion I would have tow my motion if that's what you care to do okay do we care to do that no I'm not so inclined to do that okay I I do agree with commissioner Soro and I do think that it's a one-ear lease and I'm okay with that and I think that I do appreciate the sh service agreement and if we can assist the city of britchen however at the end of that leas because it's from 2018 we can offer that if they would like to purchase it then okay so we have two Commissioners that would not like to remove it commission commissioner leave it okay so at the end of that lease period perhaps we can offer 230 2024 yeah be 5 months so in 5 months move forward with right now and at the end of that time period we can reate and see if they like toase it law yes commissioner Sor commissioner Maran yes deputy director rero yes director Soo yes resolution 20249864 by our County Ed of the Year yes okay so we always have to approve the county Ed side we have to allow them to do that sure you're authorizing him to take an act on behalf of the county do we take any responsibility of the condition of these dams and we just report so you have an outside engineer report we accept the report and then we submit that to the state and it's so the our engineer sides off on an outside report that but this is an accurate representation okay thank you and as to responsibility it's no more or less right meaning you have responsibility especially on roads or on Dan three up Frontage on the lake or a road crossing the Dan commissioner yes commissioner yes commissioner sorrow question before I say um we are we going to have access the meaning the Commissioners have access to reports absolutely yes okay are have access to reports before they sign most definitely you can't stop them from signing them if you pass this resolution directing him to sign but you can read yes but can we say before they sign well it's we're doing it tonight so you're about to authorize yeah I guess it's some point to trust your professionals yeah this is got to go through the D and everything else Comm we're not this we're not doing this because the engineer wants to do it it's because the D requires it to be clear commissioner marsan yes deputy director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 202499 resolution amending resolution 20238 57 a resolution declaring Surplus and unneeded property and authorizing transfer of titles to the city of mville for 2006 Chevy Impala 11746 miles B number 2 FZ 6 ml BB9 yab 17290 asset number 7338 and a 2009 Chevy Silverado utility truck 19851 mil B number 1 gbhc 44k 1 9f 179 287 asset number 7958 do I have a motion in second I'll make second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner Saro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director Soo yes resolution 20241 100 resolution authorizing the C County Board of vocational education to submit a Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Education for securing our children's future Bond act Career and Technical educ ation program expansion Grant do I have a motion in second so move second commiss Al I just before V there a lot of I had a lot of questions on this and I'm just going to State I got my questions answered but the I was very concerned uh with this that we were building another building on the our college campus uh and this program of adult education which I'm very supportive of many members here are very supportive of adult education the the trades The Vocational trades uh this uh if we do this we're actually going to build off to our CCT Tech U our U it also will include uh it will actually be a program which will add more spaces for our kids and and U our high school kids to trade uh do the trades which is uh may I may I with that a little bit it's not just the trades it's actually manufacturing well I was here so that the first part of that is well is the trades it's going to be welding uh the HVAC this is going to create spots of that also uh um uh Plumbing electrical additional spaces almost 25 more slots per year and the as the Director mentioned the advanced manufactory is a pathway to uh the advanced manufacturing uh which I which I uh commissioner Lo's kind of fored me that we've been reaching out to the Private Industry which I like to allow them to get involved with this that the kids would actually get trading at their at their U place of business uh leading adults adults too so it's actually so it's all coping it's the beginning not the beginning kind of the couple steps of getting this together that we will actually have a healthy program of trade program in in C County uh it's a $10 million uh a little over 10 Bay we have to batch a 25% batch but uh it's a really a good step in the right direction for uh helping our kids get into the trades which is dearly needed U but I do mention one thing we're on top of in in the state New Jersey is the trades couple County leads has more trades that any other County and state of New Jersey so this is adds to that helps us improve our position so my vote is yes Comm LS my vote is absolutely yes um this is a great development that you know we granted this funds um to move forward with this project we bring a school of manufacturing to CCT Tech um it would work in partnership with office Mill which is already existing on the CCT Tech property um and it would allowed it would serve as another program at cumland County Technical High School which I know we've received criticism in the past it was an Academy school and not a votek school and this just adds again to their roster and the curriculum in the technical trades as far as manufacturing um I believe we have almost 200 applications of students who want to get into this program so there's definitely a need and an interest and it goes it will be used during the day for our students and it will be used in the evenings for our adult education programs so I am more than happy to so yes I'm very excited for this project commissioner Soro um I have one of the questions that's not now commissioner Al made the statement if I heard it correct all right they were going to build on to the correct they're building an additional building uh sort of adjacent to where they're building the school Bic medicine currently um so it it is on CCT Tech property will be will be it's on property but it's going to there'll be no real connection other than a Viaduct that will be um closed off at certain times no I'm okay my question is I know this sound greedy but it is what it is um yeah you're looking at10 million and you're going to try to build a building no that there is that's only commissioner sorry I don't mean to interrupt but that's only a portion of the budget for this building that is not the completed part of that budget that is only a part there one component there are many other components um and actually we're very fortunate to be able to find this grant fund these Grant funds to put towards this project let go ahead I was trying to figure out where it says uh up to a maximum of $40 million I'm asking why are we allowed to go more than the 10 million I did ask that question uh there's it's only there's only 15 man left in that Grant there's been three rounds this is the third round we did apply for the first two rounds that's that's why we're eligible and there's only 15 left and our the person at spearheading says she didn't want she didn't want to be too greeny that's why she already put it for 10 million and allowed the other districts were eligible to to V for the other five million it doesn't mean we're going to get it but that's what she thought and I thought that was the logic was good so leaves that they can do up 5 million to the rest of the state commissioner Sor we relate to we relate to the game on applying for that Grant last minute um it's actually due I believe february8 correct so that's before our next meeting we're lucky to be able to get in on this round um and and hopefully get this it is the third and final round so this is it so I want yeah so that's why have a good question thank you for asking thank you commissioner i v yes commissioner marar I can't agree with commissioner law anymore I'm very excited by this this is a great opportunity and I'm more than happy to vote Yes deputy director Romero definely yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 d101 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement between Cumberland County and the Cumberland County Board of Health for use of the Red Barn at the Cumberland County fairs do I have a mtion second so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes as the Le onto the Department of Health I know that our um staff and everyone at the Department of Health is very excited about this opportunity to partner and have a place that they can utilize um and have all those facilities that they require should we have another emergency situation so yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deputy director rero yes director yes resolution 204-12 resolution authorizing transfer for conveyance of coverland County Sheriff's Office narcotics detection K9 known as te Alex Cheno do I have a motion in second make the motion some second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yeah commission Marsh yes deputy director Romero yes director yes resolution 202 24-13 resolution authorizing from shared service agreement between cumland County and the cumland County Board of Health for an employee to be placed with the cumland County Department of Public Works mosquito commission do I have a motion in second so move second second Mr Al the question is are they shorthanded is that why they need a health person there or we've never had one there so the the need came when you did a shared service agreement to try to educate and assist the so this is help them get on board so they can help us with the work perfect thank you yes commissioner L yes commissioner Saro commissioner marshan yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24-104 resolution authorizing shared service agreement with down Township to provide assistance concerning concerning storm damage ition second I'll make the motion I would like to Second it but um is it possible to have somebody speak on this that's in the audience or I um Motion in a second and then there'll be discussion and if you want to give way on discussion to somebody to talk if they can make your points better than you can that's what you're looking to do just see what we're doing with this but that's it okay sorry actually I don't know if G is the the actually I had to call some residents that the they had they well actually I talked the game originally that that both EDS of the island uh were wiped out the bulkheads or the edges were wiped out inter there's a motion and there no second not sure did I second no you made the motion you wanted the second right and I was just all right discussion I'm sorry disc just just together I call for residents we also SC why don't we just make the vote and then we'll have we'll call up uh Neil because you're familiar with the actions we took there um I've had several calls with the Mayors over over the period of time during the storm but let's get the people who are there on in on the scene so I think that'd be a best betep so before we V can I ask a question yes okay um according to the uh the resolution if I read it correctly this one and the next one when it comes to La Township and we're doing Shar service do we already have a scheduled in place on how we charge and how much we charge per hour because the Tes are to keep uh uh paying us back reimbursing us we already have something in place for this your service agreement is already written so actual expenses can you hear me and it's designed what I'm saying is supposed to be it's designed to facilitate question do we have a schedule on how we charge we uh it would be actual expenses right right it's it's based on actual so that if whatever work we're doing have to be tracked as far as fully time any materials or supplies to use and it would have to be built on actual on all invoices if substantially to be suppli the question is what we charge per hour per employee kind of depends on the employee where they're to facilitate reimbursement in the event FEMA covers this event right FEMA needs an agreement to back it up and then we calculate actual expenses so we're just charging exactly what we pay the employees is my is that my question that's my question looking to get reimbursed yes the answer is yes so whatever whatever expenses are incurred by us it would be reimbursed yes so there's a there's a track record of so we get how the rate of pay depends on the employee and the job and the task and all those things shared service we okay commissioner Al uh yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yeah commissioner Maran yes deputy director Romero yes director cam yes resolution 2024 105 resolution authorizing shared service agreement with Lawrence Township concerning Cedar Lake Dam do I have a motion in second the motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner luds yes commissioner Soro y commission Maran yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes resolution [Music] 224-1676 New Jersey Law division Cumberland County docket number c l0000 81721 do I have a motion and second so mes second commissioner Alber yes commissioner L yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes deput director Romero yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 107 resolution appointing members of the cumland County Utilities of Authority do I have a motion in second can I interject before we get going on this just because this was a topic of discussion and I did receive Outreach and maybe somebody here can correct me if I'm if I'm getting incorrect information but I'm hearing Bren H hanen should be reflected as oakwell and Dean Del should be represented as mil there might have been an error in the resolution just I have a question is isn't it required that they the CCA within their services area that's where board members have to come from that's the bylaws we discussed yes okay well bill is not in the ccua service area yeah it's it's not a requirement for every board member and I promised to circulate the bylaws tomorrow I just don't have so so some some members could be from the service area and other the service area needs to be represented is the way I write so we have one service one member for that service area that suffices that we can have someone from anywhere else in the county that's accurate uhuh okay do I have a motion in second s second commissioner Albert no commissioner loads yes commissioner sorrow yes commissioner marshan yes deputy director rero yes director SEO yes good evening didn't began the month of December with a balance of 34,44 7,337 68 we had cash receipts for the month of 10,549 676 31 dispersements of1 18, 888245611 14,960 38 itemized lifts of Investments are attached cumulativity toing 61 m961 6165 so I was planning to talk a little bit about the 2024 budget but somebody has a question um so right now finance office we're just going through our end ofe tax filing so W2s 1099s uh 1095s with human resources uh we're also in the process of trying to uh file our annual debt statement our annual financial statement which are statutory forms uh that submitted to the New Jersey Division of local government services and as you know we're working on the 2024 budget with finance committee and hope to have something to introduce at either the February or March meeting there's a lot of moving pieces with that scheduling School Board of estimates meetings uh making sure that uh if there's any Capital ordinance that is drafted in time making sure that we have all of the tax rable information and then any additional uh disclosure items that the state requires on the budget so for example what the state uh provides uh for from the division of uh family development uh so they they provide something for us and then we have to show it as an in out in the budget because they like to show to the public hey the states contributing money and the public is benefiting it I don't think you need it on there but I'm getting off topic uh so that's kind of just an update where we're at treasur report there's a financial um uh revenue and expenditure listing as of the end of December that was supplied in the board packets we ended the uh year with a balance of fund balance which is also known as surplus of 22,600 th000 roughly um so the motion in second uh you guys can accept and file the Treasures report as described and provided do I have a motion in second I make motion second all in favor do I have a motion second authorize the payment of all salaries and wages I'll make the motion second all in favor do I have a motion in second to open public comment for new business second the public [Music] comments Sano Upper Deerfield Township on resolution 22492 about the security um does the the sheriff's department provide security for the county um buildings and offices uh so was that one related to rst uh so yes yeah the sheriff's office is in our social services building uh this one also Services the library so the need for the change order for that one because they were um I additionally authorized hours so as opposed to the original bid there was a certain schedule there were some hours that were authorized uh in excess of that so that's what the change order was for the librar POR but the sheriff does have officer Presence at the division social servic building so we have the sheriff's and and this company providing security and AR are the wages normally slightly lower for uh security officers coming from this agency rather than our Sheriff's officers fores right Sheriff's depart this actually is beneficial if we don't need that level of security but this was just a discrepancy in a few hours as you said on uh 2024 94 is that a a new hire or a promotion the director that's that's a new replaces the former former sh who was now the it's a park position on uh 2024 107 the ccua one uh you you're right delaquil I think is from milville and honestly I felt a little uncomfortable with Mr Silo's reaction to Mr Carr's statement that it's open to County uh people as well I I find it um difficult to be objective uh with if you're not from the users group being on that board I I don't think that it's right that people that aren't of of the user group should be on that board I I think they they don't have the objectivity that they need um we were that board was that utility was under attack a couple years ago and I'd hate to see a repeat of anything close to that and I think bringing in people that are not users of the system leave us exposed to that type of uh so I hope you limit if not eliminate people on that board that are not users of the system that's fair fair thew the bylaws that Mr car was going to bring to our attention he will um again extract any of the uh the due diligence and then the uh verbiage of that particular VW and see what that represents because it it's stated in the sense where there's somebody from the outer portions of the county other than the users um and stated that way um we'll see what we can do to adhere to the wishes of the users um if necessary but again I'm say stating that again it's like anything else in the job market I don't care what you pay these people get them to work and to actually volunteer I think commissioner Quint Ser sometime from mity Authority I do recall that again I'm not historically I can't come back I can only look at what we have that's why I'm offering you that CU right in cons as Treasurer and not a not a board member though he wasn't a voting a voting member director during this the bestest that that had to be cleaned up all those members were from the air the service are I don't know what that was saying that every member was a member of the the four areas that they're supposed to and the same members there was there was some other members there I'm saying some members there that evidently um uh were not in favor and were trying to U bring the UA uh to monetization and um bringing the proper people in actually kept that facility from being monetized so I think we're making the smart decisions and the people who are volunteering we are vetting them best we can where they're located we try to look at where they're located in that area and and I don't know where everyone is located I don't make pay attention to that until somebody tells me that's something out of line well M director the Mr delaquil who's for Bill actually was a Brit's water sewer person so he was very well versed on on objection my objections the what M Asad is saying but you can't get a probably more qualified person to I don't have an issue with Mr delaquil I agree with you on that but so well for now for now and when you when you start opening it up and expanding it that's when you his resum came came to me going to be my comment to you exactly and came to me and he looked very qualified and we made we made that adjustment now again you know you can look into certain things in any which way you want to look into it um but I think the decisions that we're making are in favor of the UA not to hurt it so that's fine I and I hope it continues I'm just saying that with that flexibility comes abuse sometimes and I just don't want to see it happen not this PO but maybe you're right possibly the future I don't plan on living forever excuse me I don't plan on living Forever on the uh 2024 uh 100 on the um the votch we're obligating oursel to cost overruns as well I mean I I realize it's a grant and we have to pay a large portion but we're we're obligating ourselves to cost overruns as well um how what is the checks and balances on those overruns because that is definitely an area ripe for abuse direct so if we can keep a an eye on that well of course like you like you did with the Broadband I mean thank you director and well assess me you know and I which is kind of a moment that that building that Behavioral Science building came uh $800,000 under budget so and so I credit this commission for doing its due diligence to make sure that and also our staff being on top of that I I'm kind of proud of that that so if that's our track record uh I hope that continues and I I'll and I press that we will do that so thank you just had to make me do it good evening I'm Nancy richway from upper Dearfield and Fairfield townships I really enjoyed the dialogue this evening on this board thank you there was some pretty good dialogue uh we going to be transparent as it was stated last year this board tell us yes okay and as you can see we're having those conversations right out here so okay I'm happy about that so what's going on with the school in noville are we buying it I to get the update it's in the hands of a engineer to come up with what it looks like pricewise to put the building back into use and once we get that back the board will have to make some decisions whether that looks like a smart idea or not we haven't got that back yet that's how about any of the studies that we paid for last year we paid for awful lot of studies last year is there any updates on some of the studies that we paid for like the park system and [Music] broadband and everything else that we PID studies let's go to let's go to the park system that's the first subject matter did Matt want to speak to that please just as an update so as you recall um the we took over completion of the fairgrounds plan and uh rough draft is plan to be released to the Review Committee which has been established by commissioner LS this week um that Review Committee will review it um and then we will release it more openly once we have a second draft uh that's where we are with Park planning at this point and also Mr R to speak to your point about transparency that was my effort in making sure that all of the Committees that were involved in that project or were affected by it had some kind of inut to it as well correct the Review Committee is compli members of the 4 advisory commission the Recreation Commission and the fair Association in addition to miss LS we've also p a person to start being uh put the park stuff our rules together so we can actually start marketing some of our our our parks to the Parks have the stand on its own so we actually started review or solicitors review rules uh that what been put together it's not final yet right right okay so that's some of the things been done so any updates on the Broadband a mdle more yeah premature at this time okay the only other thing I'd like to say is I'm going to hold judgment for another month or two about com Commissioners attending their meetings that they're supposed to but miss rich white is watching okay I'll be keeping score thank you um anybody else for public comment um I can I a comment why don't we C the public comment commission well there was somebody in the public that I was going to ask if they would speak Sor um Mr s i noticed that you're here would you mind giving us a little bit of an update on what's happening with in downtown CH oh sure I'm sorry didn't me to put you on the spot but we don't always have you I was actually in the in the neighborhood earlier and I've been trying to get to um to as many county commissioner board meetings um as I can and was in hun County last week and it's a very special thing to have you here I appreciate it um for those of you who may not know I'm Jane Aela I'm the uh state director for New Jersey rural development it's a mission area under the USDA and we make investments in rural areas and obviously uh much of Cumberland County um is considered role for many of our programs and to the commissioner's point um in down Township we've made a very significant investment in um in the Township's uh interest in providing sewer system uh for its residents um and it was referred to the earlier in the agenda about the uh the most recent storm as a result of this storm muting as a result of this storm in previous storms residents there in those in that Community have um either failing or failed septic systems um many residents in Carland County um experienc this as well commissioner Sor can you mute [Music] please can you mute please I'm hearing every wrinkle of your paper and everything else here thank you um and as through our our uh water and uh waste disposal program we've provided some significant resources to downtown um for their ability to create create a uh a sewer system in foris skew and and Gandy Beach um to date USDA New Jersey World developments um investment has been 15 million um 13 million of that has been in Grant funds um the the goal here is for there to be a um a treatment facility in foris skew followed by um the sewer system to the individual residents there in foris skew and then in the second phase uh to the residents of Gandy Beach um we are in the process now of um finalizing the funding for the phase 2 which is the Gandy Beach portion of the project but in the meantime um we are expecting for for um the county um to um pass a resolution in future uh board meetings to uh to you know uh take on the uh the project along with USDA of rural development uh as well as our partners in our financing the New Jersey um uh infastructure Bank um and the Department of Environmental Protection um so all of us working together um are are working to provide uh that Community the the resources it needs in order to stand up a a Ser system um as many of you are probably aware there's a um there's a a great need um one for individual homeowners to continue to be able to own their home um and and need this uh need the septic system uh need the uh the sewer system to replace their failing septic system but also um which is to the mission of USDA World development um is to be able to allow that Community to grow and Thrive and exist um there were many communities along the Del Bay um over the years that um that you know have have um experienced um you know residential flight um and New Jersey World development is really committed to uh helping residents along the bay be able to live that quality of Life many of them work in um in local jobs particularly in the shellfish industry um so it's also important for us to be able to um ensure that there's water quality in that bay where we derive uh shellfish industry and so it's protect those jobs um many of those jobs are you know a generational um uh workers uh and and residents and and as we know and and appreciate um those are jobs and those are incomes when um when those folks spend money they spend it locally so continues to grow our economic uh development uh activity in that region and so that's part of our uh our mission um and and an explanation for um for our investment to date so thank you commissioner for the opportunity to thank you U Mr Sela certainly for that update and I know that you have worked so very hard on making sure that this project continues to be successful and move forward do you have any anticipation of what kind of contribution you're going to need to complete this project from the county well so the first phase is uh is financed um it's a project of just about 24 million um and the second phase will be another 9 million um we expect uh working with Congressman van Drew has um in this current budget knam wood that Congress passes a budget um has a uh what's called a congressional discretionary uh Congressional directed spending it's for $4 million Grant funds for second phase um that leaves an additional 5 million um and the township is working on securing the rest of that um funding as well either through the um uh New Jersey Department of uh Environmental Protection the uh infrastructure bank or coming through to uh roal development for an additional source of funds the county is the partner um so the funds that we have loaned the the township are a direct loan to them and the rest is is going to be uh coming through uh the county um you're going to serve as the as the primary uh borrower and then your agreement will be with the township and its residents and um I should also mention um besides the direct funding that we've provided for the uh for the construction we also are going to be able to assist the residents in two additional ways um one is you're standing up a new utility um and we have a uh a technical service provider under contract with us and and we have prioritized down Township to receive the the guidance from that technical assistance provider to help the utility um with its billing practices its statements its um uh reporting requirements all the things that will make a a utility process run run efficiently effectively and make it cost effective for for the town to maintain um and then the second is um it's uh we have a program through our home repair loan uh home repair program that will allow the um individual residents to come to us uh dependent upon their income and their age they may qualify for up to $10,000 worth of Grant funds or a 1% loan and those funds would be able to assist them in one the closing of a septic system which is a considerable um cost um as well as the hookups to the system and that's a a really important part of component of this project because I've been following this project since its Inception um when mayor Campbell kind of started that ball rolling years ago and that was a really big concern with the residents is that they would not be able to afford many of them live paycheck to paycheck month to month they would not be able to afford the hookup so that is a really integral part of this project so I appreciate that thank you yeah you're welcome I I just want to credit this the for also she's been very U involved with other parts of this County trying to get uh similar uh sewer water uh provided to them and uh actually has helped us organize meetings with the D and to figure out figure out what they can provide for these commercial Township Fairfield large Township even actually after discuss it Shiloh hope well uh uh sto Creek those areas Mar also that um so we actually are in the process the technical assistance is being uh brought I figure out who filled out the paperwork working through the CDC so actually you've been a great asset for that also it's it's percol but it's it has to go but uh so I really appreciate that every every time you at different meetings you said hey how can we help what does we can do but throw I this so we really I really appreciate that so thank you well you're welcome I was uh I was in bridon earlier today and I gave a presentation in front of the uh the Chamber of Commerce uh and I explained that over the last 3 years um since uh president Biden was uh elected and I'm a I'm a political appointee I'm um the president's um choice for for this position in the in the three years we have provided about $494 million um back in taxpayer funds into the state of New Jersey just through my programs Alone um but only 21 million of that has come into cumland County so I'm really anxious to be able to um encourage kland County towns residents and businesses to to come to us use our program program so that we can make I'm a vinent resident uh born and raised uh went to vient high school rers University um so kland county is home to me and so I would really love to see that 21 million start going further north um and encourage uh again um you know the the communities in kland County to to come to us for for assistance um that's why we're here and uh want to be able to support uh Ro way of life um my family were farmers and so it's very important to me to be able to assist um assist this area so thank you than just want to say also that right now in gy Beach work is actually being uh done now it's it'll be starting very shortly I all the Bard bade repair uh for GES Beach was already improved and also has been rewarded uh to South State but again Southern New Jersey col County uh company that is going to be using quite a bit of work down there and this is all something that's going to feed um a lot of the oyster industry shellfish Industries down there very important and gy Beach the road into ganny's beach is on our radar big time right now because of the wash out um in fact Neil if you want to speak to that I would really appreciate that what you've done so not to take any fan away from you but I know you're on the spot so if you want to shine in any questions be Happ Need You Again by the way and and I appreciate that and Mr you asked about transparency and and just updates on different reports and projects and so that's why I want to take that opportunity to call Mr Sala up thank you uh just an update so so far to date we have so basically just to give you an overview but what happened during the storm was the seaw wall collapsed on the West and East Side on Cove Road it's called um so to dat we have rebuilt the sea wall with what we call it generic term rip wrap it's large Stone smaller than a boulder but it goes from 2 in up to 12 in so we've rebuilt that to about a height of 4 4 ft above the road so that should be able to withstand any anything similar to the storm that just came through and then tomorrow we're starting to put back what are called bin blocks which are large concrete basically Legos concrete Legos that you just stack together we'll begin that tomorrow and then we did another repair on the west end of the down I don't know if you're familiar there's a little C sack on the west end where the road heaved up um and basic so we put back U all that today we finished that so up to dat we got about 500 tons of rip WP that rebuilt that wall 100 man hours five trucks an excavator our big loader so we put in the week and a half we put a lot of work in down there and this is something that you know um from my understanding it's been very difficult for the townships to get any cooperation from the county in the past and um so it's nice to hear that our people are out there working hard doing a great job and uh you know we're C sh Services yes we'll have to be re reimbursed for some of these pro programs but again also you know we're looking for some disaster relief and whatever we can get back from the state or the federal government believe me we'll go after it because it's necessary because there's a lot of infrastructure that needs to be developed as well so I want to thank you again thank Youk Mr car to speak anything else about that or you good anybody else and then we're going to uh bring the uh close second all in favor reports I pretty much just gave mind but but anybody else or Aran look I'll make it short and sweet um as M richway did point out I like the dialogue that we have and to let everyone know we have plenty of dialogue between ourselves on this commission outside of these meetings I'm proud to work with the members on this commission I look forward to the the rest of this year and the rest of my term here but so far the communication has been great and all questions have been answered not only by Commissioners I may have but the administrative staff so I do appreciate all that and I look forward to continuing working with everyone thank you yeah the the uh two things that Liber board met had we T I've talked the past about the uh Grant we received which we got the 29th of December we received uh that waterer Township is a static uh they're working to uh finalize a property which we have to do shortly uh just to point out to the public how diverse this library is going to be is what it's going to provide we've talked about a to provide toilet uh uh Laboratories so people that are down there at our Bay and are coming back to sure can stop and take advantage clean uh good to B it sounds so simple but it's not so simple uh and we also talked about offices that are are we could bring Services the County Services down there that they can have a place to sit out and come right to the township people that uh to provide and it could be anything from crac services to uh to uh pick uh veteran services that they actually can go down there to Do It um there we've talked to Al well groups having meetings also have East Point Lous having a room and what I was talking to East Point Lous people about the what we talked about the library providing a place where they can display and talk about the history but first thing this this is what makes this great they brought L Port Elizabeth historical uh said needs a place to display their building is kind of shuttered I said well I think I think that's perfect that can be done and this is will have programs for kids uh help the literacy and the uh County with a more Township and Commercial Township help them maybe increase our position there for the long term uh I'm sure our director has many ideas more than I'm sharing here but I'm very excited about this and uh uh and it could be a start of many other things including our middle mile heading down there along with the end B having a place a destination Point uh having a government building down there and and I dist this to you as a long term if just by having the ability there if other businesses open up around it because it has communication it has activity has people in and out uh it could turn a lot of things uh really move things in the right direction more Township which it already is that's great leadership already so including commercial um had the 4 uh meeting uh good discussions usual their numbers are are up they uh they have a full agenda of activities um I think they're close to 500 I should quote was 4 to 500 kids uh which is not as high as they I guess is where they were up from what they were yeah it's down near 200 so so this is really good news and actually the prosecutors here I've been wanting to call you because of of of the pro the idea of getting into the schools the 4 AG Club they would love to be part of that process and then we do maybe not build the community center but use our community centers are every Community our schools uh I would love to start that process with the director's permission to start L schools that be interested in that so the 4 could be an asset to that process um it even H more commissioner Rose mentioned that the uh they did mention that uh they're asked to be on the board to be help look at the look at the U um the parks um and there was an idea just that I to stir this out to the board I would love to have discussion with it that someone suggested that um that the C County and it's in the works down there there are the park opportunities and um one of those Park opportunities I thr it to the Commissioners here is that there's a park called Cedar do that is is a u right on the morsh River or the manano uh River and it should be maybe it's an idea of looking at additional Parks Sy is throughout the county it's a star of uh it Mor Township is real uh key on it also the city of milville um it's just that here's where it starts ideas start flowing because we're putting it out what we want to do they're also St to think of other areas that would be great assets that this County provide good Recreation good uh Outdoors uh outdoor opportunities for our people so it's just an idea and the discussion is just started and it's not just one-sided uh so I throw that out and I hope I'm not forgetting anything that uh I think you hit about just about everything other things but I'll people time well it's committee it's commission reports commission the public did ask about transparency so commissioner Al is just trying to give to people what they want you and I do really I I I can't I don't mean to harp on that comment that you made but I think it is really important because you know we all go around and we campaign we go all over this County we talk to people in every sort of corner and Avenue um and we ask them you know what what's on your mind was concerning you and there's two things that always really come out uh from all those conversations and I'm pretty sure everybody out there would agree and it's you know transparency they want to know what their government is doing how they're spending their money and what's going on and they want jobs but we hear those things all the time they want to have a better quality of life here and I think that we hit on two really important things tonight um I'm really glad that we got the update um from Mrs Sela uh my my efforts with creating our subcommittee um for what's going on with the County Parks and with the recreation funds to make sure that it kind of meets the needs of everybody and they have a really good open dialogue about what they need and that we don't just make decisions that are one-sided we really want to hear from everyone and the other thing is jobs and I think that I don't think I know that the manufacturing school is a really important component to creating those jobs and also maintaining the jobs that we already have here we do have a lot of Industry we do have a lot of manufacturing here um you know my heart is with agriculture but the other part of Cumberland County that buil Cumberland county is manufacturing and we all know we always tell those stories oh when you know this Factory left or that one left you know everybody left and we lost all this money we lost we lost all these things know everything that was so great um and those people are coming back they are here we have the violent industrial park is at its Max Capacity um we have manufacturing exploding here in comberland county and we want to make sure that those people stay here and the way to make them stay here is to make sure that they have the workforce that can actually work for them that understands the training that has the expertise that they demand in order to continue to stay here so this is an incredibly important part of that and just sort of reacting to what we were told by the public that they really want to see here in Cumberland County so I'm excited about this first phase of the manufacturing project and to see really what this um offers and kind of maybe brings back cumland County a little bit to their Glory Days that we all talk about thank you thank you commissioner mayor thank you enough for say no I don't have anything to a commissioner s commissioner s you want to unmute commissioner you there yeah that's progress okay you want to speak to uh you want to speak to the public yeah progress I think I think we kind of covered about almost every aspect we can cover so we'll just move on thank you okay all right close the commissioner reports do we have reason for executive session [Music] sir do I entertain a motion forj make the motion all favor [Music] 74 [Music] this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market