##VIDEO ID:rTAM0TEAYQE## e e e e e e e e e e behind tonight won't be much longer and we'll get started and we'll get things new for you just to play with us for just a few more minutes thank you it's your map was right on it e still te e e e e happy is year e e e e e e e e e adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance to with two chapter 231 Public Law 1975 good evening everyone my name is Kevin County Administrator I'd like to welcome everyone to this year's uh 2025 reorganization meeting of the commissioners um be a lot of swearing new members as well this evening and new positions to be held um I would first like to ask all of the elected officials that are in the room to please rise and be noticed [Applause] please thank you very much everyone thank you U what I'd like to do is to welcome you this evening special occasion um ceremonial but we do it the right way every year um we'll have we'll have the certifications we'll have a number of different um number of different members being sworn back in and committee seats and the aison ships will be addressed tonight as well um what I'd like to do next is to have everyone stand so we can so we can salute the flag I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Pastor Casio would you please come up and give the invitation okay uh good evening we want to uh congratulate the commissioner and the county clerks who are going to be swor in tonight thank you for the initation for us to be part of the invocation and benediction for us truly it is an honor and a privilege we're not only praying here for you tonight but every night I believe God will sustain you let me read a scripture before we get into the prayer in 1 Timothy 2: 1 through uh 3 says the following therefore I exalt first of all the supplication prayers intercession and giving thanks be made for all men for kings and for all who are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and reverence for this is a good and acceptable sight of God our savior can I pray please bow your heads Heavenly Father we come before your presence asking for your guidance for the board of uh Commissioners and the county clerk that you will give them wisdom and that you will be able that they will be able to work in harmony to fulfill the goals for our community in the name of Jesus we pray amen and amen be blessed we are now going to have the certification of election of County Clerk Celeste Riley by Deputy County Clerk Sandra Albridge good evening everyone I present to you the certificate of election the board of County canvassers of Cumberland County New Jersey the said board does determine that an election held in the said County on the fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 Celeste M Riley was duly elected as county clerk in the county of Cumberland in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand this 25th day of November ad. 2024 Russell Cree chairman of the board of canvassers and attested by sandre Oldbridge acting County Clerk for Celeste iley county clerk in the state of New Jersey County of Cumberland I Andra Albridge Deputy Clerk of the county of Cumberland do hereby certify that the forging is a true and correct statement of the board of county canvers in relation to the said election in testimony whereof I have here on to set my hand an official seal this 25th day of November 2024 sandre Oldbridge acting County Clerk for Celeste M Riley County Clerk County Clerk Celeste Riley's oath of office by The Honorable John belli New Jersey state senator Third District let me just say for for one minute thank you very much Happy New Year number one thank you for having the confidence in me to be your county C for another term and I appreciate that you all came out here to show your support um and this is my grandson Jano that's my granddaughter Charlotte that's my grandson Patrick my son inan I also want to say one more thing um Steve Sween president is here he came to support and I do truly appreciate it and one of the people that I first ran with Albert Kelly mayor now of the great city of bridon is here also so we started [Applause] together Happy New Year to everyone it is an honor to be part of this ceremony and this process that we go through and privileg behalf Americans to do CEST Riley I celest Riley do Solly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith in Allegiance and I will bear true faith in allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of County Clerk of the office of County Clerk to the Great County of Cumberland to the great for the Great County of according to the best of my ab ability according to the best of my ability help to help me [Applause] can I get this is my daughter Catherine and my son-in-law Sam he's Uncle Sam [Applause] you we're now going to have the certification of election of Commissioners Antonio Romero and Commissioners Robert altino by Deputy clerk s Deputy County Clerk Sandra Albridge okay I present to you the CER certificate of election board of County caners of Cumberland County New Jersey the said board does determine that an election held in the said County on the fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 Robert a Tino and Antonio Romero were duly elected as County Commissioners in the county of and witness whereof I have here to set my hand this 25th day of November ad 2024 Russell Cree chairman of the board of canvases attested by Sandra Oldbridge acting County Clerk for Celeste iley county clerk in the state of New Jersey County of Cumberland I sandre Albridge Deputy Clerk of the county of Cumberland do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct statement of the board of County canvassers in relation to the said election and testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand an official seal this 25th day of November 2024 sandre Oldbridge acting County Clerk for Celeste Amy County Clerk commissioner Robert Tino's oath of office by The Honorable Albert Kelly mayor city of Bron [Music] your hand hi Robert osino hi Robert oo you solemnly swear you solemly swear that I support the Constitution of the United States I support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of people that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of county commissioner perform all the duties of the county commissioner for the county of Cumberland for the county of Cumberland according to the best of my ability the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] ladies and gentlemen I present to you our newest [Applause] commissioner thank speech speech again like said I thank you for the trust you put in me and I will work very hard to make this County a better County and represent everybody in this County thank [Applause] you commissioner Antonio Romero's oath of office by The Honorable Michael elesta Jr New Jersey state senator First District [Music] [Applause] Tony please place your left hand on the Bible my friend and your right hand in the air left hand on the Bible yep there we go and please repeat after me and I'll stand to the side so you can get nice pictures okay but please repeat after me I Antonio Romero I Antonio Romero do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and Allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of county commissioner County Commissioner for the county of Cumberland for the county of ACC according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] I just want a few words uh very proud to be here today uh being the second time Hispanic commissioner whoever stepped in this Arena elected I'm very proud of my wife who's put up with me for numerous years in in campaigning for others and my campaign for my kids who still behind behind me that I took time away from playing pick ball and and being around me uh you know and most of all for all the all the Departments that were under me that did a great job for this County and I'm very proud of them uh so I'm very happy to be here to me you are number one Sil you I love you and we don't forget get you know we three three more years and my community most of all the Spanish Community who's backed me up for many years and I appreciate you and I love you by the way I didn't cry so you guys want me dinner I think I heard a little crack [Applause] do I have nominations for director of The Board of Commissioners for the year 2025 I'd like to nominate commiss do I have a second second do I have a motion to do I have any more nominations do I have a motion to close nomination motion close second all in favor roll call for for commissioner Soro commissioner alre yes commissioner Romero yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Taylor yes commissioner altino yes commissioner Maran yes director Sor yes motion carries I want to thank we're now going to have the director's oath of office by The Honorable Michael alesta Jr New Jersey state senator First District should switch sides there you Jam please place your left hand on the Bible and your right hand in the air and repeat after I James sorrow I James Sor do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of of the office of director director of the board of County commissioners of the board of County Commissioners for the county of C for the county of C according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations director everybody really appreciate you coming out tonight I know we have busy lives but I do appreciate this is my second time being a director I told you the year that I was director before there's too many people in here that weren't even born yet and that was 2002 but I will promise you this that we will work very very hard for you and move the county in in in a positive direction thank you very much one more thing I have to thank my wife [Music] [Applause] how many years we're together in 2025 remember this will be 50 years that we're together one thing I want to say to you and this is very important to me no matter what I ever did even this last round coming to to run for County Commissioner in 23 I asked her I said do you have a problem with this and she looked at me and she said I always have your back I always want you to know that so thank you so [Applause] much oh always love Tony Romera um we need a nomination for deputy director do I have a nomination I'd like to nominate for deputy director Arthur Mar I'd like to second that okay we have a nomination for AR Mar we have a second are there any further nominations seeing none a motion to close Mo close second all in favor I call Commission yes commissioner Romero yes commissioner yes commissioner Taylor yes commissioner yes deputy director Mar yes yes carut director's oath of office by The Honorable Michael alesta Jr New Jersy state senator first dist place your left hand on the B your right hand in the air and please repeat after me I Arthur marshan I Arthur Maran do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constition of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of deputy director deputy director of the the board of County commissioners of the board of County Commissioners for the county of K for the county of K according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go congratulations de director [Applause] conat [Applause] conat so I'm gonna make this short and sweet thank you everyone for coming out tonight on this on this cold night I special thank you of course to my wife Angela and my parents for coming out here tonight what I can promise everyone is I will do my absolute best in mying role I really appreciate this board putting the faith behind me I you promise everyone I believe my absolute best for the good people of kland County thank [Applause] you need to con supp commissioner Al commissioner Romo commissioner LS yes commissioner Taylor yes commissioner altino Comm deputy director Mar yes director s yes do I have a motion in second to open public comment fa anyone from the public that wish to step forward have any comment on the resolutions since there are no one motion to close [Music] agenda please resolution 20251 resolution adopting the 2025 temporary budget for the county of resolution 20252 resolution adopting the cash management plan of the county of Cumberland New Jersey resolution 20253 resolution imposing interest on delinquent taxes resolution 20254 resolution designating committees resolution 20255 resolution establishing the 2025 board board county Theon and member assignments resolution 2025 6 resolution designating regular monthly meetings resolution 20257 resolution designating official newspapers and authorizing and directing the clerk to subscribe to the official newspapers resu Council resolution 20259 resolution appointing Commissioners Sandra Taylor robt to the office oning advisory Council resolution 20210 resolution service resol victy Services advisory counil resolution 20252 resolution appointing Commissioner James Sor and commissioner Antonio ver the Au of Workforce Development and the S Workforce Development board resolution 20253 resolution commissioner ant Romero and commissioner Victor the to the countyal technical center resolution 20254 resolution appointing Commissioner James S and commissioner arur Mar as members of the County Vocational School Board ESAT resolution 20255 resolution appointing Commissioner James S and commissioner R the exha to the Cumberland County veterans commission resolution 20256 resolution appointed Commissioner James S and commissioner Arthur Mar the ASO to the C County Utilities Authority resolution 20257 resolutions Appo commissioner Victoria LS and commissioner Antonio Romero ason to the tourism advisory Council resolution 20258 resolution designating commissioner s Taylor as the county of voting member on the policy Board of the South Jersey Transportation Planning organization and commissioner Antonio Romero as alternate resolution 20259 resolution appointing commissioner Arthur marshan is representative to the South Jersey Economic Development district and Commissioner James Soro is alternate resolution 202-20 resolution appointing commissioner Sandra Taylor and Commissioner James Sor as members of the Recreation Commission resolution 202-21 resolution appointed Commissioner James saon commissioner Antonio R's kazon to the Cumberland County Department of Public Works resolution 20252 resolution appointing Commissioner James sarum commissioner Sandra Taylor as members of the Cumberland County planning board resolution 2025-the and Commissioner James SAR as members of the the Cumberland County Mental Health and addictions board resolution 20252 resolution appointing commissioner Douglas a alre and commissioner Arthur Maran is representatives of the Cumberland County Library commission resolution 2025 26 resolution appointing commissioner Antonio Ramirez liaison to the children's inter agency coordinating Council and commissioner Robert Tino as alternate liaison resolution 202527 resolution appointing Commissioner James Soro commissioner Arthur marshan and commissioner Sandra Taylor as Comm commers of the Cumberland County Insurance Commission resolution 202528 resolution appointing Commissioner James Saro and commissioner Arthur marshan is liaison to the Cumberland County Improvement Authority resolution 2025 29 resolution appointing commissioner Antonio Romero and commissioner Robert Tino liaison to the Cumberland County Human Services advisory Council resolution 20253 resolution appointing commissioner Victoria LS and commissioner Robert Tino as members to the human relations Commission resolution 2025 31 resolution appointing commissioner Sandra Taylor as liaison to the Cumberland County Historical Society and commissioner Arthur marshan is alternate resolution 2025 34 resolution appointing Commissioner James Saro and commissioner Arthur marshan is members of the Cumberland County Economic Development board resolution 225-3524 resolution appointing Commissioner James sard commissioner Arthur and Arthur marshan is members of the Rowan College of South Jersey Board of estimates resolution 2025 37 resolution appointing commissioner Arthur marshan and commissioner Victoria loads as cazon Stan College of South Jersey resolution 202- 38 resolution appointing commissioner Douglas a alre as the aison to the cultural and Heritage commission and commissioner Robert altino as alternate resolution 2025 39 resolution appointing commissioner Douglas alre and commissioner Sandra Taylor as kazon of the Cumberland County Social Services resolution 20254 resolution appointing commissioner Victoria roads as liaison to the agriculture development board and commissioner Antonio Romero's alternate resolution 2025 41 resolution appointing commissioner Antonio Romer and commissioner Victoria loads as members of the Cumberland County Board of Health resolution 202- 42 resolution appointing commissioner Sandra Taylor and commissioner Antonio romz leaon to the cumland County Board of Elections resolution 2025 43 resolution appointing commissioner Victoria Lo and commissioner Robert altino as liaison to the board of agriculture resolution 2025 44 resolution appointing member to the county Insurance Fund commission do I have a motion as second to vote by consent agenda on resolutions 20251 through 2025 44issue considered the future yes commissioner Romero commissioner Romo yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Taylor yes commissioner Tino yes deputy director marshan yes director Soro yes do I have a motion in second to adopt resolutions 2025 1 through 202- 44 by consent so second commissioner Alber yes commissioner Romero yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Taylor yes commissioner atino deputy director Maran yes director s yes I guess I'm to have comments from um first of all good evening ladies and gentlemen honorable Public Work servants public Commissioners and all elected officials present here this evening as your new commission director I'm happy to be here now in 2025 and I believe that I'm exactly where I need to be let me Begin by reporting on several noteworthy projects and initiatives it has been a year of many challenges for this cand County Board of Commissioners we've had to address numerous problems and challenges and I'm very proud to report that we've had been very successful in solving many of them we have also brainstorm some innovative ideas for instance the idea of creating a public park system starting with comping County Fairground renovation project estimated to cost $2.5 million to make improvements to our Fairground so it can be used year round to expand our public park system further we plan to meet with the D and Green Acres officials for the acquisition of other open spaces there are several other projects and initiated by this board that need to be completed this coming year we promis to collaborate with local Municipal governments to make a difference in the lives of all the citizens of kland County we're continuing to monitor the forew Gandy Beach wastewater treatment plant expansion when completed this project will unlock a multitude of opportunities for the ification and expansion it will add Recreation opportunities and will improve the environment of the other Jersey Shore it is my belief it will also increase Economic Development and employment opportunities in our County we are continued to make improvements to County Roads and have tackled several emergency projects throughout the county like dangerous intersections and Roads that have collapsed to help prevent accidents and to keep our citizens safe furthermore this board has been instrumental in negotiating and resolving seven lawsuits and have successfully negotiated over seven Union contracts that have been neglected over the years by previous administrations as we begin the New Year I'm confident that this will this board will continue our momentum and will try to complete every initiative on our chist I'm happy and humbled to be back as your director and pledged to work with every Department in the camp County and our dedicated Workforce with the common goal of serving the people of kland County now that was the original end of my speech what have OCD and H whatever other uh alphabet we have um back in 2002 when I was director myself and another Freeholder we used to call ourselves Freeholder at the time time uh started an Initiative for a County transportation system it didn't work out only because I lost election I couldn't continue but a lot of the ideas that I had back then I want to initiate this year with the help of this pool I think this is something that we need and we've even had uh New Jersey Transit okay recommend advise us to separate and have our own Department of Transportation now is it a big initiative yes it is can it be done yes it can I've talked with a number of different organizations the hospital is one of them how we can coordinate and jdot how we can coordinate we have individuals our County that can't get from one area to the other because they can't afford cars they don't know how to drive all right and they need to get to work so that's one of the initiatives I would like to be working on this year and this was running through my head as I was giving this speech here and I forgot to write it down but I don't want to forget about telling everyone about it this is something that is very important and I really really do believe we create this new Department of Transportation it's really going to help the people of cand County and isn't that what it's all about helping the citizens of cin County so I appreciate everyone coming here and I hope you have a great night may God bless you all thank [Applause] you and now we're going to have the benediction by Pastor Casio congratulations to all um as pastor of rock of Salvation uh we're here to serve any anything that you may need we're here to serve you let us pray Heavenly Father we just thank you we thank you once again for this opportunity you've given us Lord and we thank you for these many women Lord that you have put in their heart to serve our community Lord our County Lord so we just pray once again Lord that you would guide them give them wisdom that you will give them your peace that surpasses all understanding Lord and we pray for your traveling Mercy as we leave this place in Jesus name we pray amen and amen be blessed have a good evening do I have a motion to adjourn some move all in favor 652 this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quin media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market e