e e e e close to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 first we're going to have invocation s meditation but also uh I was remiss last meeting we lost a another Public Works gentleman um big Albert Albert senior Alvarado and um he's missed tremendously matter of fact um I almost thought he was still here when I went to ask about about a question the other day so but again if we can take that moment silence for his family and also so for uh uh the rest of this world that seem to be in turmoil in Israel and also Ukraine Commissioners s CH please leg Al to the flag the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all commissioner Al here commissioner Lo president commissioner Sor here commissioner Maran here commissioner Taylor pres deputy director Romero excused excused director SEO here I just want to make a comment on the bud section real quick real quick um another 45 minutes again yeah uh so the first one is the ordinance for the cat bank so a traditional ordinance if we look like a bond ordinance for example uh when you guys adopt we then have to advertise and then 20 days thereafter it becomes effective so with the cat bank it's not a traditional ordinance in that way becomes effective immediately and all this really is doing is allowing us under a certain set of laws to be able to bank anything that we don't use um another set of laws that automatically does it that's all that that does uh the budget we presented at the a month ago at this point um it has been posted on our website along with the presentation since then and publicly advertised I just want to comment on a couple things so as part of the process we send it up to the state division local government services they then do their review just going through a checklist to make sure everything uh is as it should be as a as according to their estate document there were just two changes to the original document which was um there's a section for what is uh accumulated absences so like accumulated sick time vacation time comp time that our employees earn and have as of December 31st that way they know like okay if everyone just retired as of uh January 1st the next day what is that going to cost the county so they changed that form so that's different in the budget that's attached and then there is also um a CH minor minor change as far as one of the cap calculations again it's way too specific but I just wanted to point out that the document that is attached is slightly modified from the original but that's as part of the usual process it's nothing uh to be uh concerned about um it doesn't affect the budget otherwise no no no it's it's just compliance stuff uh so State approved it and then we have our Capital ordinance uh which the detail of what those improvements are were provided and also presented and then one thing I want to comment on we have the ordinance for down Township tonight I understand that they introduced theirs last night uh and then they're going to be at our um April 23rd meeting that way when we have the public hearing they can do like a little presentation to summarize it and then be able to answer any questions of the public at that time um aside from that the Health Board they adopted their budget we do a resolution just uh affirming the amount that's going to be raised by taxation which has not changed since last year and then we submit that to the County Board of Taxation to strike the rate uh when the tax bills go out in August that's it I just wanted to provide that in advance of uh any discussion and any um VES or anything like thank you Mr ordinance 2024-25 a Col 2-17 so that the ordinance may be read by title only do I have a motion and second make the motion that the ordinance be read on Final reading by title only who was the it was a motion I second Voice vote all favor I ordinance 20241 approving c bank for the 24 County budget do I have a motion and second to open public hearing on ordinance second good voice all in favor I anybody for that's like to step on a public hearing anybody motion close second voice call in paper do I have a motion in second that ordinance 20241 be finally adopted so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes the ordinance published here with has finally finally adopted on April 9th 2024 and is effective immediately upon passage public hearing on budget and tax resolution do I have a motion and second open public hearing on 2024 County budget and tax resolution second commissioner alre yes commissioner Lo yes Comm Maran yes commissioner Soro yes commission Taylor yes director Soo yes public comment anyone come up speak state your name address sh size anything else you want motion to close motion close second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Sor commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 20242 resolution adopting the 2024 County budget authorizing $13,700 th000 to be raised by taxation in support of the county budget do I have a motion and second to approve resolution 20242 38 resolution adopting the 2024 County budget authorizing $113,700 th000 to be raised by taxation in support of the county budget so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Taylor yes director C yes director M yes you may just real quick uh I I want to commend you and our Administration you guys did a great job with came to this budget uh seriously Second To None uh we were looking for something you were able to uh make it happen and that was of course we wanted to make sure that there was no tax increase this year so God bless you and you did a great job good job guys ordinance 2024 D2 Bond ordinance 20242 providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the county of Cumberland New Jersey appropriating $6,400 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $680,000 bonds or notes of the county to finance part of the C costs thereof we are in compliance with njsa 4A colon 2-17 so that the ordinance may be read by title only do I have a motion and second that the ordinance may be read on Final reading by title only move second all in favor Bond ordinance 20124 D2 providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the county of Cumberland New Jersey appropriating $6,400 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $6,800 th000 bonds or notes of the county to finance part of the cost thereof do I have a motion and second to open public hearing on the ordinance second all in favor public hearing anyone speak up motion to close second do I have a motion and second that ordance 202 24-2 be finally adopted so move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director Soo yes the bond ordinance the summary terms of which are included here in has finally finally adopted by the county of Cumberland in the county of Cumberland state of New Jersey on April 9th 2024 and the 20-day period of limitation within which sues action of proceeding questioning the validity of such Bond ordinance can be commenced as provided in the local Bond Law has begun to run from the date of the first publication of this statement copies of the full Bond ordinance are available at no cost during regular business hours at the clerk of the board's office for members of the General Public to request the same ordinance 20243 Bond ordinance 20243 of the county of Cumberland providing the funding of sewer improvements on behalf of the township of down in the county of Cumberland pursuant to the sheriff service agreement appropriating 33,6 74,2 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 33,6 74200 bonds or notes at the county of Cumberland New Jersey to finance the cost thereof and authorizing the execution of certain documents related there too do I have a motion in second that the ordinance be read on first reading by title only I'll make the motion second all in favor just like to make one comment to this this is such a Monumental moment for the county uh it is something that is needed for such a long period of time and probably will make Cumberland County its Economic Development and maybe its future move in such a positive direction that um I think all the county will definitely appreciate and not just the people that live down over into the bore area and down the lower parts of the of the county it's got a major future for the county so that's why I director director may I sure um I would have to obstain based on my residence from downtown sh thank you commission director just to Echo your words this this is a took 12 or 13 years to get here and but they opened so many doors for other townships to consider the the same idea of bringing sewer water which is a basic a basic thing that we just expect and at our County residents have lived with it for forever till even possibility of down is doing this we're behind it people uh there other agencies are B over backwards to help them so it's just this is just the the be the tip of the iceberg that there'll be other areas that we hopefully will uh are looking at this to make this happen Economic Development appreciate that thank you okay B ordinance 20243 of the county of cumland providing for the funding of sewer improvements on behalf of the township of down in the county of Cumberland pursuant to a shared service agreement appropriating 33 milon $74,200 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $ 33,6 74,2 bonds or notes of the county of Cumberland New Jersey to finance the cost thereof and authorizing execution of certain documents related th to do I have a motion and second that moves the ordinance on first reading move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor obain director Soo yes notice is hereby given that the bond ordinance 20243 was introduced and approved by the board of County commissioners of the county of Cumberland on first reading on April 9th 2024 it will further it will be further considered for p final passage after a public hearing thereon at a meeting of the board of County Commissioners to be held at the Cumberland County Administration Building 164 West braw Street and bridon New Jersey on Tuesday April 23rd 2024 at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time at which time and place comments objections to bond ordinance 20243 may be presented by members of the public during the week prior to and including the date of such meeting copies of said B ordinance will be available to the general public who shall request the same at the office of the clerk of the board of County Commissioners 164 West Broad Street bridon New Jersey do I have a motion and second to open public comment on resolutions only sh move Sor all in favor other comment anyone like to get up and speak motion close second all in favor resolution 2024-25 resolution approving the 2024 Cumberland County Board of Health budget appropriating 4,217 459 and authorizing $350,000 to be raised by taxation by the Cumberland County Health Board do I have a motion and second second commissioner Au yes commissioner luds yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director Soo yes resolution 20242 40 resolution recognizing April 14th through April 20th 2024 as National Public Safety telecommunicators week and honoring Cumberland County public safety telecommunicators for their dedication and service to our community do I have a motion and second second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director CA yes resolution 20242 41 resolution authorizing a memorandum of agreement between Cumberland County Superior offic Officers Association Fraternal Order police local 194 and the county of Cumberland for four years effective January 1st 2023 through December 31st 2026 I have a motion and second can I make a comment before we vote absolutely go ahead and I I want to thank the Administration okay with all these contracts that are being settled again the people that we look to are you and we really appreciate what you've done you have been very successful in all these things thank you I'd like to say one more other thing too if it wasn't for the commission to have the intestinal fortitude to push these contracts forward with the help of the administration and give it positive outlook for these unions and these contracts I think that's something that's very important for us working as a group and working as a county and bringing all the unions together and realizing that they're working for the county and they're doing a great job and they're going to go forward and again bring this County together so thank you commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 2024-25 resolution awarding fair and open contract for providing Communications C Appraisal Services for the counties of Cumberland and Salem RFP number 24-14 do I have a motion and second second question on it the director surely can we get a uh clarification please on this particular uh resolution uh the amount of money that we're spending I understand that there's a split but if you can just say that for the public what it is and director if you would want to do something afterwards no I I think Ridgeway uh would be the perfect person to give the clarification on the appraisals absolutely and what's happening yeah so the scope of the appraisals as part of the middle mile Grant application and included Communications Towers uh as an in kind match so what that means is that there is property that is available um that the Cy's uh both s and Cumberland own that they are going to contribute towards the project and benefit of the project in some way so there has to be some sort of value assigned to that uh Federal Regulations uh require that it has to be conducted by the independent appr tra so there is uh it's it's there's two different methods that they can go about it they can look at what the actual market value of the tower is or they can look at the rental value of the tower uh so if there's space on it what you can uh reasonably expect to least that space from so the appraisals will take care of both those Avenues and those will both be submitted to ntia for approval um as far as where the costs uh are funded through it's anticipated that um 70% is covered by the feds through the middle mile program at which the 30% is then split almost 50/50 between Cumberland and Salem it's actually 5545 but just say 6040 make it easy so that of that it comes out of in other words the whole money is not just coming from us it is actually game split would you want to put that clarification in the resolution uh we can if you wish sure if I may so it is kind of in there in so in the certification of funds it identifies different accounts um so they don't say it I must miss it I apologize no it's not obvious so like one account will say like S01 that's a Salem account say C do do you want to make it more clear commissioner no if he has it and and S designate Salem I just wanted to make sure that people knew that cand is not paying for the whole deal it's just that you know we're we're passing a resolution cuz we're the lead agency that's I wanted that is correct clarify and it's a necessary evil at this point in time to have those appraisals to create What contributions will we be able to make um with the middle mile Project Director I this like make a point that we're we're doing this because the the the person is now our our L on I guess is interpreting a certain way but it it it's been clear this is the a is a discretionary or not discretionary well it's his determination this is the way it should be done and I think that was made clear that uh that that may go higher we're doing this because we're asked to do it we're going to go through the motions we're going to spend this money but in the end it may be determined that way we did it the first time is the is the correct way it's just the way he's interpreting and uh but that's for high UPS to determin if that's above our above our right now so we're doing our due diligence but it's not getting V doing both both the highest and and basically the the least to the clarification was just strictly for what we spend that's very good thank you thank you commissioner alright yes commissioner Lots yes commissioner SAR commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director Soo yes resolution 202 24-24 authoriz authorizing payment of bills do I have a motion in second make the motion second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes these are Under the consent agenda resolutions resolution ID number 1 1554 resolution authorizing purchase from New Jersey state contract vendor for renewal of Microsoft Office 365 related software and support for the Department of Information Technology ID number 15058 resolution approving budget amendment Disaster Response crisis counseling grant program $30,000 1 1560 resolution declaring 2014 Chevy Tahoe K 1500 bin number 1 gnsk 2 e0 xer 141 689 mileage is 10 18,8 815 Mi asset number 8559 used by the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office as Surplus and unneeded property and authorizing sale to the city of bridon fire department 1 1564 resolution approving budget amendment sfy 2024 alter alternative responses to reduce inst instances of violence and escalation together Grant program $150,000 1566 resolution approving budget amendment Wick Seniors Farmers Market nutrition program 2024 $3,235 15070 resolution authorizing the Cumberland County Department of Human Services and division of employment and training to provide youth service programs funded by the Juvenile Justice Commission 1 1579 resolution approving budget amendment Federal Finance Financial participation in home Support Services $ 51,67002 7,500 1 1586 resolution authorizing execution of fiduciary Investment Management agreement for the Cumberland County Deferred Compensation Plan administered by Nationwide Retirement Solutions Incorporated 1 1587 resolution amending resolution 202 24-22 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract per minute track system per quote q- 29569 for the county of Cumberland 1 1588 resolution authorizing purchase of 2 2023 Chevrolet Express 2500 cargo bands with with accessories for the Office of Aging and disabled under bid number e cnj 23 24-11 contract number 65 mcees ccps 1 15007 resolution accepting Grant award for the njsl SL capital projects funds Community Center digital connect in the amount of $3 million 1543 resolution authorizing submission and acceptance of child advocacy Grant development grants Treatment Services programs technology and Capital Improvements for the C Cumberland County prosecutor's office 1 1544 resolution approving budget amendment County Innovation program $4,355 15057 resolution authorizing application and acceptance of funding from the state of New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of mental health and Addiction Services Disaster Response crisis counseling grant program 1 1563 resolution authorizing acceptance and execution of a grant agreement for the state fiscal year 2024 alternative responses to reduced instances of violence and escalation together grant program 1 1567 resolution authorizing approval to accept Grant award from the New Jersey Department of Health for the senior Farmers Market nutrition program 1 1584 resolution approving budget amendment and change in title and text 2024 re retired and Senior volunteer program $77,500 1 1589 resolution authorizing the award of non-fair and open contract for annual maintenance agreement and software license renewal for Board of Elections proprietary software and Equipment 1 1592 resolution cancelling expired contracts for April 2024 covering materials services and supplies 1 1593 resolution authorizing increase of monetary ceiling for providing legal services for civil commitments and representation of the county of Cumberland and the county ad adjusters U office 1 1594 resolution authorizing purchases from the state contract vendors 1 1595 resolution authorizing and approving class settlement in litigation matter of brown Clark at all versus Charles Warren US District Court docket number 1 20- cv- 7907 1 1596 resolution correcting resolution 2024 d221 resolution authorizing Grant application to the New Jersey office of attorney general for the subgrant under the ffy 23 victims of crime act grant program 1 1597 resolution authorizing amendment to 2024 subgrant to the Margaret Winchester enrichment center for the Blind and Visually Impaired through the Cumberland County Office on Aging and disabled 1 1599 resolution approving budget amendment State Health state health insurance program Grant $38,000 151 00 resolution amending resolution 2024 109 authorizing approval to submit a Grant application and to execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce for fiscal year 2024 wioa summer youth work experience program 15103 resolution approving budget amendment fiscal year 2024 wioa summer youth work experience program $387,500 15104 resolution reassigning defense of Cumberland County in the matter of Crystal Bret vers Cumberland County docket number C- l-4 38-21 15105 resolution amending resolution adopted August 11th 1960 designating certain County Roads as through streets 15106 resolution authorizing the submission of a proposal to Salem County division of Workforce Development to provide One-Stop Career Services to wioa Title 1 B adult dislocated worker and youth services 1517 resolution authorizing contract agreement with the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of disability services for the fiscal year 2025 renewal funding under the personal assistance service program 15110 resolution in support of Gateway Community Action Partnerships application to the US Department of Health and Human Service Administration for children and families for fun fing to continue to the Early Head Start Child Care partnership services and authorizing a letter of support 15112 resolution declaring various vehicles and Equipment as Surplus and unneeded property and authorizing disposition of the property via gov deals online auction or public auction 15113 resolution declaring a military mobile ramp identifiers dt1 D w25 kyq 606 3001 NSN 399001 055 9104 color yellow as Surplus and unneeded property and authorizing transfer to the Cumberland County Improvement Authority as eways for recycling pursuant to a shared service agreement 15114 resolution authorizing a shared service agreement between the county of Cumberland and the county of Hudson with respect to the housing of cumberlin County adult inmates at the Hudson County Correctional Facility we go to the other resolutions now can we make director can we make any comments on these before we go wait till the end I'd like to wait till the end because there's only a few left of the other of the others that's there's only got eight 1494 resolution awarding a contract for electric and Natural Gas Energy consultation for the county of Cumberland and the Cumberland County cooperative contract pricing system identifier number 181 CC ccps RFP number 24-5 it's still pending 14954 resolution awarding contract for providing in school youth industry focused training internship program services for Kate May County RFP number 24-3 that's still pending 14955 resolution awarding a contract for providing out of school youth industry focused oper occupational Training internship program for services for Salem County and May County pending 14969 resolution awarding contract for providing specifications for roof replacement at 220 number La North Laurel Street 800 East Commerce Street bridon New Jersey bid number 24-8 pending resolution 1 15005 resolution awarding contract for providing paper goods and miscellaneous joral items bid number 24-11 pending 14 1 15 46 resolution awarding contract for preventative maintenance and repair for security door system at the Cumberland County Department of Corrections bid number 24-12 1 1556 resolution awarding a contract for area plan 20222 2024 summer camp assistance RFP 24-15 pending resolution authorizing partnership with Rowan University resiliency Grant with it with NASA okay um let's go into comment from the Commissioners at this point just uh just back to the vehicles the uh you do we know if Department of Aging has they're getting two new vehicles are there two vehicles they're giving up two vs they buy two new vs and they have two old vs yeah retire the ones I have no idea Department of Aging believe she's on F I'll follow up a bar but I thought we the resu we gave those up huh I knew there was one but that was vehicle a while ago that was the B right that was the online Who's online I'm on the line oh okay this is bar hell barara how are you hi yeah we do have two vehicles we are going to be uh removing um we haven't removed them yet because in past last year we had an ISS where by the time the purchase order was issued the uh vendor had already sold the vehicle to another person so we're waiting before we take anything off the road to make sure we are getting these to Van no problem director just the the board of election has asked for vehicles so if this happens and they do buy the vehicle they do get them they consider what would be the vehicle to be used for the board of election they what you know text they have text to go around during election time that they okay B if I say that right or that so they have text that they drive they drive their own Vehicles we have our own text now as opposed to like six people right we always had our own tax so they've asked uh to consider during budget time the idea of having vehicles this might be a good way to get the vehicles for what they need so the Vans when you first started with the uh the new machines did you have out you had outside contractors then in the very beginning we almost have our own Tex even even prior toi so they have people that drive around their own Vehicles they also have uh they have you know with the machines go down they need equipment so the Vans may be good they might not need both of them but at least maybe one so we can consider that we consider and and what we're going to plan on getting rid of are not Vans they're um they're old Ford Escapes too small for our purposes with everything that we have to supply for Meals on Wheels okay all right we'll uh we'll take that consideration thank that may work even better for so good U uh just wanted the coment to talk about the administration uh this is the the settlement of the brown matter it's actually really you know how important this is to the county to to and I want to compliment you because it was not easy and it finded the right Law Firm doing the right thing do meet all the meetings going through the judge it was a a very tough call but at the end this is actually a three sent or two sent but how Vass of this was is impressive and actually helps the county put us a good footing that we know what we have to do what we have to put aside it's not not good but at least we know what we got to do and gets us for future and they gets it off the books and be done with it it's solidified class action so this is a real it's like I said it's only two sentences but it's a major major deal so I compl you on that so thank you and I want again same same here they really do good job and that's going to save the county a lot of money guys director on the on five 15110 Gateway Community Partnership has it ever been bid out to other companies at all to to to handle this we've got to probably send uh well just if we could ask I appreciate that purchasing you question yeah just if if this is being bid out to other companies that may be interested in doing this for future right uh then I guess the security doors I'm glad we're doing something with that we're not let up State broke so thanks okay any other Commissioners um I do have a question I guess for stand maybe about clarification um on resolution 1 1554 that's the one where you're on a shopping screen what is it yeah so that's split between us and dos okay and it's so that you could have your accounts your email um it's for teams it's for our Azure portal it's for all of our licenses um it's necess it's a necessity that's just for the administration and for the whole County the whole entire the whole County yeah yeah and there's also new equipment being purchased as well that's is that for me or would that be somebody else I don't know it's all on the same which one I don't think there's any equipment on there shouldn't be I thought it was all licensing it's all software licensing the one that's [Music] 210,000 yeah that is software okay yeah it should be all software on that and that's all typical yeah they're all different license we we do this every year with um with uh our vendor and with Microsoft and it's to make sure that we maintain consistency across the board with all licensing not just for our accounts but it also is for our um servers it's for not to get too tack but we have SQL servers that we run that we have to pay licenses for RDP servers so there's a whole plethora of of different licenses on there but it's it's for it's split budget wise between us and do um and actually we saved $100,000 on it this year with when we meet with our vendor we go over it and we go over it one step at a time and we were able to see that there were licenses that we were better served using somewhere else and then some of the licenses we really didn't need and that was on the Dos level so they actually got a very good deal theirs was $100,000 cheaper but it's all County money you kind of answered my question then so as it compares to last year this is actually savings then it is um it's a significant savings but it's only because we determine that they're not using those licenses anymore anything from Microsoft when we can when we can save money I take it as a win I appreciate you taking the time to go through and see exactly what we needed and what we didn't it was just a big number so I wanted to make sure the public had clarification yeah it's not just my department we sat down with them um us dos uh their it Department we all sat together with rep from Microsoft and our rep from CDW to go over it we do it every year just to make sure that and we put it on the schedule now because we want to make sure that we get it approved ahead of time so that there's no laps in service so if we put it on in May then if it got approved the end of the month the way nobody's rushing to put it all back together I know sometimes school districts can be in that position so thank you good questions good question just be clear so every year that's what we would do then you would sit down go through them see if is we don't need anymore or perhaps be something additional might need yes so we can knock another $100,000 off for next year your lifts ears I wish Microsoft will find a way I will say that yeah software pack software seems to be the way they make money these days that's for sure and in there it's not just the software too it's it's an addition like I said there's a lot of Licensing for some of our servers that we have um I want to get into that here but there's a there's a lot of Licensing when it comes to Microsoft yeah thank you y they promise appr thank you very much um my other question is on resolution um 15007 the um $3 million grant for the C project in Mars River um I I know I'm very excited about this project and I think it's a fantastic opportunity and I want to see that it's done well I know that we the county is responsible for funding the operations for this project after it is completed um I know that the library you gave us some clarification at one of the last meetings you've already budgeted for this a little bit to some extent um I know Mars River has also already budgeted um is it possible to have a little bit more of a specific clarified Budget moving forward with this project um commissioner Mr Ridgeway actually put a estimated budget together from 2026 s if I'm not mistaken through to about 30 or it might have about 30 um and again it was estimated and where everything is coming from yes yes yeah it's hard to really pinpoint CU it really is an estimate because at that point we'll have the ew wall toall contract that ends at the end of December 2025 so the Librarians and many Library Staffing in there that is under that agreement the the salary structure could be completely different than what are so basically it's it's basically pring over the cost of what we do now with the C library and then putting that PR in then well I know Mar River had people in mind I the library had people in mind so I you know and I spoke to the mayor on that effect uh just yesterday and um so we're going to Hash these things out and and talk more about it uh in the near future so it's it's it's an excellent program excellent project it's a fantastic project I think it's going to be a huge Mo tomor I'm very happy to see it happen I'm glad that we were able to get this kind of a grant um I just want to make sure that we move forward with it responsibly we plan ahead just it's not just boot for forev it be bo for whole southern part of the county so and and as as a whole County so so really I'm in a meeting that's Mom calling guys I have to answer when Mom I have to answer when Mom calls I don't know she's 86 years old I got to be careful thank you I'm going to put that on Sal I think that's my last question thank you questions any any other Commissioners um I I have something on resolution 5110 because I sit on the board for Gateway I don't think it would be appropriate if I you know voted on that so I would have to abstain on that resolution that'll be that'll be two weeks from now that's not just want to notate that you can make the notail um commissioner no no addition nothing anyone else okay commiss comments let's bring that to a close public comment you public comment yeah does anybody else have anything on no we all good um do I have a motion of second to open public comment on new business only new business anyone like to speak favor any like to speak on new business state your name address anything else move the close motion to close there you go all favor there's your second right there right all favor would you have executive session reason fortive session there is no anticipated action okay to go got to read it first read resolution uh resolution 2024 d244 resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey senator byon and Bear open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4 12 matters relating to litigation negotiations and client attorney privilege matters relating to the employment relationship now do I have a motion on second second all favor this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market