##VIDEO ID:0A3irhAaxUU## e e e e e e e good evening welcome to Danver Conservation Commission meeting for November the 14th 2024 uh we as a commission operate under the Massachusetts General Law chapter 131 section 40 the wetlands protection act and chapter 26 of the town of danver's General bylaws the Wetland protection bylaw after each applicant presents his or her request and the board has had time to ask questions and discuss project will'll accept questions from the audience because this is a public meeting is required by law that you give your name and address before you speak although we may disagree on the issues raised all persons present during this meeting are expected to be civil to all other meeting attendees this includes members of the commission staff abutters concerned citizens property owners and project applicants we also request that you can find your questions to the project and only as it pertains to the wetlands act we cannot handle nor do we have jurisdiction over other matters such as noise or traffic all problems not related to the wetlands protection act in the town of danver's wetlands protection bylaw must be taken up with the other appropriate boards our first order of business is a roll call Peter Wilson is present Lorraine dreek Jonathan Gars present Mary hate Michael Spain yeah so with three members present we do have a quorum uh the first order of business is a request for certif certificate of compliance for 181 Newbury Street D file number 14147 the applicant is international cars LTD hello I'm Caitlyn white from hanok Associates um I also have an engineer on the call C Katherine Cruz um we are here on behalf of um ICL and in request for a complete certificate of compliance um the order of conditions was issued back in October of 2023 for the Redevelopment of an existing Car Sales and Service facility within Riverfront area to Beaver Brook um it's along the or No Yes along the base um and then bordering Vegeta Wetlands um since then the facility has been constructed as specified with no deviations um the no Disturbed markers have been installed along the east side of the site and the site is stable um a site walk has been performed um do you guys have any questions uh more so for staff someone has visited the site yep we were there on November 7th and there there were several areas mostly around this Inlet for lack of a better word going up from 95 and that's all yep everything looks good and um Kaitlin put the plard up that were required too so okay um no I go down up and down Route One I've been watching the progress on there for the past year and it's it's good to see it's they have lots of cars now don't they yes all of a sudden they're they went from nothing there to hundreds of cars yeah uh okay any other questions uh Jonathan any questions no questions just is the site clean yes I mean no debris no looks great it's really nice s it looks it looks good there um okay if someone can make a motion we U issue a certificate of compliance and just make note whoever makes the motion that there are three read them you don't have to read the whole things but just they were in the certificate of they were in the order of conditions they just have to agree to stay with those yeah I'll make a motion issuing a certificate of compliance for 181 Newbery Street D file number 14-1 407 with conditions in perpetuity as noted in the order of conditions um all Stone water best management practices shall be maintained um uh as uh an operation and maintenance schedule submitted U with staff correct yep yeah uh catch basins inspected in clean on a semiannual basis and uh I'm summarizing a little here and the applicants owners and their successes in asses shall maintain all covets collection bases basins traps retention and detention ponds Outlet structures and other elements of Drainage Systems unless put into an easement to the town of Damas what does that mean unless it becomes like unless we take it over all right that's what I thought uh but that's not the case right now nope yeah so they're obligated uh to avoid blockage and siltation which might cause failure of the system Andor detrimental impacts to onsite or offsite resource areas and shall maintain the Integrity of veget vegetative cover on the site do you agree with all that yes the applicant is aware and agrees that's a motion I second the motion all in favor I I thank you thank you I'll get you the paperwork tomorrow next up is a request for certificate of compliance for 11 tibits AV D file number 14-13 35 uh the applicants are Michael and Karen hubard and good evening I'm Bob Griffin I'm here on behalf of Michael and Karen hubard and um the next item on the agenda is also for this address as well perhaps we should do them together you can discuss them together we'll have to vote on each one separately so anyways um 11 tbit is on the right hand side as you drive down from doie Avenue uh this was a house reconstruction project and uh the commission issued its order I think 2019 uh it's uh been up in and they've been living in the house for a couple years now they did a really uh nice job the yards and great shape sight stable and it looks it looks wonderful they were very faithful to the plan with one minor exception the uh approved plan included a shed and uh the hubbers decided not to install that particular shed so that was the only change from the approved plan uh in in regards to the uh Pier project that was uh the commission issued or approved in order conditions for the pier uh in 2020 uh that was constructed in 2022 again faithful to the approved plan there was one minor deviation uh that took that occurred during the permitting process you may recall that the commission required a 22-in separation between the bottom of the float and the mud uh for the hubard project and um and then I think you know maybe a month or two later it it's 30 Ines started be becoming the standard and uh so when we went to the chapter 91 uh application we uh adopted that 30-in standard and so the the plan as constructed uh or the pier and Float as constructed abided by the 30in separation so a little greater than was required in the order conditions but consistent with the recent approvals in Danvers and be happy to address any questions um Bob when was the work actually completed so I I think the uh 2022 yeah for both the peer and the house Y and any reason for waiting this long to come back uh so Mr HT asked us to uh you know do the COC in 2022 and um we said hey um you didn't finish your shed oh yeah I think I'll get to that so we held off because the order was still valid and uh he was thinking that he was going to build the shed but at the end of the day the shed was not built and so we just uh it's it's time to close it out and the original was issued in 2019 19 right yeah and there was a covid tolling issue as well so you know all that kind of stuff but anyways mhm okay uh and staff has been out to to visit the site um oober 22nd no concerns with anything it looks fantastic over there this was the I think the first house down there that was demolished and a new one built I don't know it seems like that whole neighborhood has been demolished and rebuilt I've been on the board it has it's going right around the block yeah okay yeah it looks good down there and here is all what we agreed to y y okay that's all I have for questions Jonathan any questions no questions now just uh for staff what so is the shed by right uh they could have a shed by right anyway um every every shed that comes in goes through zoning review and then if it is within um concom jurisdiction we could issue a minor project permit depending on the stat for the shed so I'm saying they could come back and still have a shed I guess yeah they would still have to go through us and then they wouldn't have to go through this process as much it would be depending on the location minor yeah yeah most likely it would be a minor project permit all right all right thank you that's all um okay if we're comfortable with it let's give them a certificate so someone can make a motion this is just for the first article we'll have do separate yeah I'll make a motion for the first uh first one I make a motion to issue certificate of compliance for 11 tibits AV D number 14- 1335 I'll second all in favor all right all right second Johnson sounds good I'll keep going uh I'll also make a motion to issue certificate of compliance for 11 Tibbits AV D number 14-1 342 second all in favor I all okay thank you all very much thank you good evening uh next up is an amendment request for Summer Street D file number 14-14 one9 the applicant is town of danver's engineering department hi Steve good evening everyone how you doing uh thank you for having me tonight um just for the record it's Stephen King Stephen King Town engineer Department of Public Works um we hear you before you tonight to request an amendment to our order of conditions D file number 141 14-14 one9 uh Summer Street covert replacement uh this project was uh back we've been under construction since the beginning of October uh was publicly publicly advertised over the course of uh the summer um it's been a FastTrack project we've been trying to get this done as quickly as possible it's one of our projects that we have slotted for arer uh funding that we've been using which uh ends at end of this calendar year um so we've actually we've been working on the project for the past four or five weeks um Renee hunter from my office has been on the site every day along with arcadis Team uh William Casey was also on the on the uh meeting tonight and um his resident Engineers as well have also been on the site um to date we have we've replaced the uh the covert it was an existing 42 in by 36 inch Arch corrugated pipe uh completely deteriorated caused a sinkhole on the sidewalk you can see in the picture there there's the cones there um so that opened up uh last summer and we've been actually working to trying to get this pipe replaced uh today we've replaced the pipe with two new 24in um ads highdensity polyethylene um corated pipes we installed a new new head wall we cast that in place um for the downstream head wall and replac this Upstream section here with a new manual um as the Interceptor part from the brook that comes in from Strawberry Hill do you want to go next picture so is this an amendment request for something that's already done no no I'm building up to that story okay uh as you hear here here's the here's a project site um so it's a small site but it had a big impact on the town um um we've had to close down Summer Street for several weeks um in order to get this project accomplished to go across the street um so obviously if anybody's been in town they've noticed there's been a lot of detours this is just one of the many detours that we've had set up that's not an easy detour it is not an easy detour no next picture uh so here's the site um as you can see it's it's a budding one Lima Street get around and we have actually two sections that we want to come before the board the commission tonight um while we were actually removing the old corrugated art CMP pipe um we determined that the catch Bas and connection here just north of the covert was um was not actually connected to the C bation across the street it actually tied directly into the drain so when we removed the existing drain we also removed a good section of that pipe which was also corrugated metal pipe um so almost completely disintegrated at the same time when we obviously constructing the new head walls um um we saw an advancement of erosion underneath the bank on the on the rear side of one Lima Street um we think that is partly and due because of the exting r there's actually rip wrap on the Northern side of the bank already um so part of the replacement part of this amendment is one to ask for an additional footage of rip wrap to extend beyond where the head wall is where the project was permitted 50 ft and then also make a new connection into the uh existing catch Bas connect them and then run a new replace the existing alall pipe which you can barely see right here with a new uh new alall pipe so basically same in place but in order to make the elevations work uh we have to replace that pipe uh we can't because of the existing utilities out there um we've had to circum navigate uh two water mains a sewer main two gas Mains it's everything's in that little corner next slide uh so here's the approximate location where we like to extend out the rip wrap uh there's a picture on the left side you can kind of see the undermining of the bank along the rear of one Lima street through here kind of covered with leaves um this would be the section where we're actually going to extend it out so this was permanent the rip wrap in this area we're going to take it and just bring it along the back side of here end exactly where the rip wrap ends on the Northern side of the bank then we'd also be connecting this existing drain pipe to this catch Basin and then L falling it replacing the EXA alall pipe exactly where it is right here okay this is the next slide on the uh on the Chain so where these are Old Brick uh catch basins there's no sumps so we're going to change one out to a gutter Inlet we're going to put a new 4ot 4ot deep sump catch Basin on the Western Southern side uh and then I'll follow the pipe uh to the rip wrap bank that's existing today so this this right here is different than what you had proposed yes we thought we thought this was actually the way it was connected before we started the job we actually found out that this drain pipe from this catch Bas actually tied directly into the uh the covert so when we remove the covert we actually remov the old pipe and there's nothing we can do to try and connect that pipe back in right now because there's too many Utilities in the way and we would have enough slope um and the pipes corrugated metal so it's going to rot away within the next few years so is it taking a different route the pipe is it going in a different direction the covert or the proposed new drain pipe uh the drain pipe the drain pipe would be going in this direction it's still going to be flowing to the same outfall spot instead of going down to the pipe and out here yeah it's going go right across this catch Basin actually you will collect sediment with the new sump and then discharge so that work hasn't been done yet then that work has none of this work has been done yet no I noticed the the rip wrap wall hasn't been done the rip wrap was done we only did the permitted part of the project for the rip wrap we haven't done the extension piece yet and what would the timing be if we approve it uh immediately yeah still have some of the equipment on site um the contractor de did demobilize uh to another project but they are um we've actually been working with them to try and get this project uh this this section of the project completed as soon as they upon the return and obviously upon approval of the Conservation Commission um so just on the next slide so here's just another section so we're going to here's what we determined and delineated on our previous uh permitting um there's going to be disturbance to some of the bank would be restored with rip wrap again we'd have all the environmental controls in place uh catch bation inserts would stay in place s fence uh bulk back flow control although it's been pretty dry I don't think it's rain in the past 30 days so I don't assume too much flow to come through that cover pipe uh any bypass pumping that's necessary um again but looking at the 14-day forecast 7 to4 we don't see any rain that's really going to affect the project if we were to get approved how quickly will the work be done um so we we probably expect uh 3 4 days like another week's worth of work to complete all the utility piping um um and then we have the contractor doing a little bit of Lumin seed obviously when they have to go into the bank to pull back out their equipment they have to reum seed that area uh then we have sep subcontractor come in to do the the final like grass restoration and sod work overall it overall we probably think maybe 5 to 10 days worth of work depending on when they start and the obviously the holidays are coming up with Thanksgiving and that was it I'll take any questions if you have any I don't think I have any other questions Mike yeah um so this is done with outside contractors right and you oversee it Steve correct yeah yeah so the to me the existence the existing system has failed so I see this as necessary work um and I'm I'm for it you know yeah there that happens a lot you get into something and you think it's going it's one thing and then you go oh it's worse than I thought you're got to come back it's pretty much been that with every cob we've replaced in the past couple years past couple years every every project in my house is it looks like um we have William Casey is here through teams he has his hand raised um I don't if you want to unmute yourself I just want to make a just a small correction there um we're planning for a two- foot sump on that manhole um just mainly because it gets uh ground water gets very high in there and there's a lot of utilities and utility pole that we're a little bit concerned about undermining so that twoot sump is consistent with the uh Upstream of the new drainage uh color that installed as well that's thank you for the correction Steve could you just clarify I didn't get most of that um so Bill correct to me it's actually going to be a twoot sump for the new catch Basin that's going to be located here um that's because of the existing utility depth there not able to get a full four 4 foot Su in um but still would be acting as the same the same design point that we're that originally was covered with this with it going into this pipe and that sump okay uh Jonathan any questions uh yeah no questions uh no this is a a public hearing again now right is there any public comment questions none uh okay move to close the public hearing yes please uh I make a motion to close the public hearing is there a second oh yeah I second motion all in favor I I and I make a motion to issue an amended order of conditions for D file number 14-1 1419 with the special conditions as discussed and as presented tonight I second the motion all in favor I I thank you okay look forward to more detours we're going to try and Lim with them thank you thank you um okay uh old and new business we have uh two sets of minutes and I think U we could vote on them together but I think Mike you had a question or did you get that question I got an answer I was wanted to just confirm that we gave uh the applicant on doav till June 30th to get the floats out of the mud flats yes that's correct we had ended up adding a month more or less yes yep so June okay that was it yeah okay anything else John any questions on the minutes no not really all right someone make a motion we can accept both of those yeah I'll make a motion that we accept the minutes from September 26 2024 a second the motion all in favor all and I also make a motion that we accept the minutes from October 24th 2024 second the motion all in favor I all okay is there anything else Emily um next meeting is December 12th we have an noi on the agenda um possibly a COC just waiting on one final piece of that um the cut off for that is November 25th so may may not have something else come in between now and then but definitely it for the year right that's it last one is on December 12 last one I thought we left it we might decide on the day of Christmas yeah right okay just how we had left at the last meeting so yeah that that's that'll be Emily's call if she's if she's swamped with all kinds of applications have to get back here yeah Merry Christmas to you okay uh someone can make a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second all in favor all all okay thank you