##VIDEO ID:-kDerea-6ik## e all right I'd like to call the meeting to order and in roll call I just want to make sure we're missing Charles and Natalie and that's it all right let's do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag to flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all now I can't understand why because it's so beautiful outside but but we have nobody from the community here tonight so we don't have to do number three um and let me take a vote for the meetings all right let me take a um I'd like to take a vote for the um minutes for last month I'll make that motion okay motion by can second thank you okay all in favor hi I'm unable to vote jully because I wasn't here okay one OB stain um any oppos perfect it's um motion to approve the minutes has been approved um the trustees report my report actually is going to come under it's going to come under old business so I'll just bring it up and talk to you then about what's going on um with the tuition reimbursement and treasures report to you so unfortunately I forgot the folder at home my my backup job was failed so I apologize um but we'll have it for the next meeting the first time I didn't bother bringing mine because I thought h two other people have it okay um so we'll we can get Julie the information to put in the minutes and we'll just go over it again next month next month yeah next month okay and um director's report all right so you have seen my director's report of course um before I'll take any comments or anything about it um the additions I have this month uh so we just got approved for our first state aid allotment award um so that was for are you ready to write Julie it's a number I'm going to give you a number 366,000 [Music] 86694 so um they they give us the state aidid and two dispersements so this is the first dispersement and we get another one in the spring so they'll be about around the same amount of money of each one so they did um in the state get a 14% increase in the amount of state aid they are allowed to give out this year um increase in that budget line so we did get like I miss nice little extra money which is nice so yay it's always nice yay more money so that was the first state a award um for the year that we've gotten um and the other so this is this is just like one of those one of those times of year I guess so um Jan Kent is one of our staff who used to be an assistant librarian worked for years and years for us she retired then she came back as a pig and so she's been working as a pig for a long time uh but she's been struggling with a lot of health issues um and what has happened over time is that she'll have some health issues she'll kind of be like I should resign and then we kind of convince her just take some time off and come back and so she this has happened probably like five times since I've been there um so she just did like let us know again that she has like a lot of health issues and she's struggling and she feels like that she should resign um and this time I kind of said like look you know you feel like it's time she's grandma too and new grandma and stuff too so she uh it looks like she will probably resigning from her page job so we'll post that but it hasn't happened yet but that is um looks like that is going to be happening as well but you know she needs to take care of her health um since this keeps happening so we want to make sure that she is well um and those were my two spare things so to people have any comments or questions about anything that was in my report um I did just about the the budget and um if you could just explain a little bit more about yes I explain I know yeah she she did too I'm like I'm like I didn't mean to be confusing um but I was so that's okay so that was just the document so the document I shared with you is the notes that I brought and shared with um so at the budget meeting was our interim Town manager and also the finance director Rodney Conley um and Nick naven who's the assistant Treasurer and Giuliani vitini from HR were in the meeting with me so what I kind of shared in this document of my budget notes so these so the state required there's certain calculations to be made to determine our but what we should minimally be getting to be able to have state aid and so basically you're taking the last three years of your budget you're averaging those together and then you're timesing it times 1.025 so you're wanting this um increase every year that you should be getting so I was giving um so this is what I had sent to them so the one of the things that happened was that every year we also get appropriated money for the tech warrant but they weirdly don't well I shouldn't say it's weird but like just the way they do it in this town they don't put that in with our total budget amount but they should or we should we should be accounting for it previous directors should have always been accounting that we also have Tech warrant money um so I had started doing that reporting that to the state which should be getting reported um so so what the my sheet that I have in the packet shows is that um that's what our the first part is like if we didn't have the tech warrant factored in that was the number because when I'm talking the budget committee they don't factor in the tech warrant so they are not looking at that it's kind it's a separate thing so I wanted to give them that number that they had to come to which was the 1,622 130 was the number that they needed to give me and then with me counting the tech warrant the total needed to come up to 1,631 696 so that's the minimum that we need to have in our budget to be able to qualify for State age state aid so that was just kind of like I was kind of trying to show them these are the two different numbers because they would they really care about the operating budget um and are looking at that first number and not the second number when I'm meeting with them um so as long as there was $10,000 in the tech warrant that would get us to the right number that we needed um and the tech warrant has been like this past year was a $155,000 that would gets appropriated for the library so it's not a worry that we wouldn't get there um but and meeting with them uh they have our budget not including the tech warrant to be um 1,6 like 42,000 so we're nicely over where we need to be but that's mostly it's mostly salaries there were some increases in um the noble budget line this year which are just kind of normal increases for and that's like tech support it's for um the databases that we get like the databases you know they just increase every year the companies charge a little more every year so they kind of factor in about a 5% increase um for that and um what else is in there and then just like the membership frees so all everything went up a little bit so they accounted for that in our budget and then the salaries um and the salary increases so we should be even without the tech warrant safely over the minimum number that we need to be at um so does that answer questions yes I was I was afraid that we were under so no we're not yeah we're not under I thought the same thing no no yeah yeah so we're fine so yeah this was just like the sheet I shared with them so I didn't so I didn't see their numbers until I got in there and I don't have their number sheet yet from that so so we should be good yes Julie yes um due to the fact that employees have been Union yep is there any difference were there raises involved or yes so part of the Union contract uh that was greed B for the three-year contract was that they're getting 2 and a half% every year um for the next three years now they also um one of the things that also got agreed to was for the town to do a compensation and class survey for Library staff which has not been done I don't know last time it was done but a long time ago I guess um so that is due to be done soon um obviously I'm not involved in it but the then so depending if that whatever number comes out of that comp and class survey like they have you know comparable towns that they use um if that shows that they need to have more of AR raise to get to that um and the town likes to have salaries be at a 75th percentile aage coverage so as long as they're at that place you so they'll so they will um once they get to do the study then they'll reimburse or um do back pay for them from July 1st if there's anything that needs to be rectified thank you yeah you're welcome any other questions I'm glad I have all the answers right now so it's good no nothing nothing nothing okay great yeah you're welcome we'll move on to Old business and that's the tuition reimbursement scholarship policy I guess it's just the time of year it's been really hard getting people together to meet there's just a lot of other stuff going on I guess during the holiday season so we're going to try and get together before our next meeting in January but we're kind of tbling it till after New Year's um so we'll be visit that again January or February I'll let you know if we get to meet we're going to try um so for new business amendment to collection could I just ask a question um sure on the tuition reimbursement schol policy is that going to be is there a committee or is there there's a subte meeting to discuss it we yeah do we we had we had a subcommittee meet we we created a subcommittee we've met once we talked last meeting and then we do have to meet again to revise what we been doing so that will come back after we to the it yes for full appr we like it or we don't like it right yeah thank you yep you're welcome okay so for under new business a the amendment to collection development policy yes so at the end of the packet I put the collection development policy or most of it um again so just the very last page is all that matters so I was um I've attended lately uh couple of different meetings that are focusing on intellectual freedom and on Shoring up our library policies to make sure that we really are covering ourselves um in all ways shape and forms and so one of the things that was recommended that I when I looked at our policy again I was like I'm pretty sure that's not in there I'm like well we should add it so the very last line that I just put in um says once a title has gone through the reconsideration process then the item may not be reconsidered again for a period of three years from the date of the decision um and that's just to prevent so this happened in Reading recently was a book was uh challenged and then two weeks later it was challenged again and so you know you already made a decision on it you don't need to keep doing it um so so they said like to choose a number that was anywhere between two and five years um to say that you're not going to reconsider something constantly um over and over again and that helps present some of these groups that a lot of the challenges are coming from organized groups and so they understand that they have to go through a process and that they need to be okay we've challenged it now we're going to challenge it again now we're going to challenge it again they like try to like wear down um so this is to prevent that process from happening so I'm sorry I don't see that it's the very last your very not that not the one I gave you in your packet oh just flip that whole packet over on your yep not that packet y flip the where the yep your very last page on turn that whole thing over that one in your right hand yep and just go to the last page and just the highlighted thought it was yep no it's not that one we'll talk about that one next Julie a question have there been any recent challenges here at the library no at our library no um but I I'm hopeful that it's because we have such robust policies that it will deter people from doing so but um there has definitely been and I I get um like during this past election season like I get I am an unenrolled person in in in any party and so I get emails from everybody and I was getting some emails especially right after the election actually well maybe before two um from a group that's not necessarily aligned with any party but like they were just basically talking about going into libraries and taking back the collections and you know cancelling diverse programming and so interesting that I'm like oh they don't know I'm a librarian you know when I got it um but there's there's obviously some organized groups who are looking to you know prevent certain kinds of programming prevent certain kinds of materials Etc and and you know I'm just getting randomly getting these emails right so um so it's definitely good time to make sure that we are covering all of our bases so I so I've randomly picked three years as like a number so I don't know if anybody has any feelings about the number of years for you know before you can reconsider an item um or not just like two to five was given as a as a example that um from the program the um webinar oh a hour but it was a conversation thing that I was in so I don't know if anybody has any feelings about adding this to The Collection development policy if we want to just accept it as written if we want to change the year leaving it leaving it up to discussion Julie yeah I I think it's a good compromise it's pretty much halfway through yeah and I absolutely we need to have this statement yeah I was like oh we don't have that we need to fix this right away in my opinion we absolutely need to include that statement sure any other discussion thoughts I just wouldn't even care if it was longer but by then it's almost obsolete because there'll be new books proba that's I figured so I think three I mean the interesting thing is like a lot of the I mean a lot of older titles are still getting challenged um so you know but it it and it's you know like no one wants to like I don't want to have on my desk like a challenge and then like you know a month later have the same exact thing to do over and over again and you or or have it you know have to come to you guys you know eventually and like oh we didn't we just talk about this one it's like yeah it's it's a waste of our time right too um so this just kind of prevents that I have a question sure are these groups that are U making contact with you are they into Banning materials and banning books is that what we're talking about yes so the short answers to that is yes they're they're into preventing certain materials being in the library or people being to access certain materials um they're also same thing for like programs as well like they don't want to see certain programming so they're you know working to make that be a reality that those can't happen in a public space which of course is the opposite of what we do right we we're trying to have intellectual freedom and let people have everything like you don't have to you don't want to read the book don't read it that's easy but should be available but yes that's what these groups are doing I I'm fine with three I mean I think like like Donna I would be fine with five but since there hasn't been a challenge recently I don't I don't know it makes that big a difference but or five the three the three seems good because it's it's a it's a like a term for each of us like we were three years on this board so it kind of aligns with that a little bit I didn't even think of that not that it you know it's arbitrary but it at least like if someone wants to challenge it in years they might have a few different people if that's really what they want to pursue um but also it's three I don't sorry no well I have a further question yeah go ahead how much power do these groups have to ban programs and information and books Etc well that's a that's a really interesting question reie so uh Massachusetts very sadly is home to rather large number of hate groups um that have been designated hate groups and so the the trick like and one of the things we put in in the policy as well is that it has to be a danver's resident who protests anything like this um so the the power that they have is is of numbers and organization so they create playbooks to how do so we're going to go to you know these five libraries and if they all have this book we're g to you know ask that they get rid of you know this book and so they'll maybe within their organization they have you know somebody who lives in PEB somebody who lives in Danver somebody who lives in reading and so they'll have these people go find the process and fill out the forms and and protest so they'll do these steps where they'll try to go through now the power is with us right so like it's going to those these forms are so that they're going to come to us I'm going to look at it you know and if need be it's going to come to the trustees and you're going to decide what to do about that material right like it's not their choice but you know depending who the person is and if you know there are multiple requests or you know how it goes you know maybe there is pressure that we feel to oh maybe maybe we do need to get rid of that back or or not and I I mean it's e easier for us to keep things in a public library like School libraries if they get hit with this it's much more difficult um but in public libraries because we have wide collections for the entire public it's a little harder but that doesn't mean that they're not going to try um and there was a somebody who was running for some position I forget what Massachusetts it was maybe a couple years ago and they were coming to public libraries and taking a book that has some content that's you know more adult content in it and they were reading it out loud in like the lobbies of libraries to try to illustrate that it was material that shouldn't exist in in the library now of course it's material that was meant for a certain audience and you know but their their point was to be like oh well children shouldn't be able to see this well it's not meant for children and you know whatever so so people that's like another way that sometimes people or groups will try to apply the pressure um to say this is this is material that shouldn't be available um so it's it's the they but they have a list of Tricks right of things to try and to do and libraries you know usually trust in the goodness mostly of people um and that they're not going to try to do this kind of thing and so this is why we need to have strong policies in place to prevent the Bad actors okay so this one out with the package for the for tonight's meeting um did everyone get a chance to read it because I'd like to vote on it and I know over the course of the last couple months we've talked about different parts of this but it's done now yeah mean and the policy is the exact same except for just adding this one line at the end so I didn't change anything else it was just let's like cover this one base that we didn't cover so can I get someone to make a motion I will okay I'll second it second by Jess all right all in favor hi hi any opposed okay motion carries all right thank you very much welcome um and so that will bring us to the next item of the agenda which um and I not expecting any vote because this I think needs um us to like look and I did present this to um some of my library staff as well to kind of look through and so the programming policy so just the same as the collection development policy uh this is a programming policy so it's doing the exact same thing as we do with materials but for programming so I looked at I cannot tell you how many policies and I sort of pulled together what I thought was the best of the best of it it really does have the kitchen sink in it as well I really put everything in it but for the most part the only stuff that we really need to look at is the first two pages um the rest of it like then there's a form a reconsideration form like we have the with collection development form reconsideration and then the rest of it is all stuff that's just from Ala so it's not anything I wrote It's just things that are appendices um so really the policy is the first two pages um so if you don't mind like just glancing through it we don't have to like get deeply into it um tonight but I do want to just have any thoughts if you have any immediate thoughts about it let me know um and then I would just ask you know when we reconvene again in January um I maybe they'll there might be a tweak or two if my staff comes back with anything um as well but if you feel like there's something in here that needs to either be explained better or struck out or um anything like that then you know we I feel like this one's a little iier than it is with materials um just because programming has a little bit of a wild card element in that any given presenter could say anything in a program and they could end up offending somebody um and there has been some recent programming in the state not at not in daners where there has been PE groups or people who have felt you know hurt or offended um by by the program and so we want to make sure again that we're just covering our um library and our staff um with what we are presenting and that we're also doing kind of this is also gives us an outline of like kind of a due diligence for the staff um as well for what we are trying to do um and if someone comes to us and says why are you having this program you know we have a policy that we can show and say like this is why we have it so I did actually just um did I do this just today I did according to my staff's feedback I just had did add a line today that one the one thing that they had of concern um immediately was just to make sure that we put in a statement which I did add today um that says that we do support in our programming um equality diversity inclusion and um that we believe in the human dignity of all persons especially those in marginalized communities so to make sure that we're putting supports in for any of our marginalized communities um in case people do push back about some of the programming that we have um and it is even though we are believers in intellectual Freedom that we do it is and that technically things like hate speech are in the First Amendment are covered by the First Amendment how ever we can we are as a public institution are allowed to make strong statements to say of what we are in support of and so that we can have a statement like in there um to say that we do support that um those kind of things when we're doing our programming as well and not the opposite and we don't have to have any comments if we don't want to now but if anyone if people just want to take a minute you know look chair uh if I may uh about the fourth paragraph down on the draft policy it says uh talks about due to space limitations are due to the nature of the program ATT tents at pram may be limited registration for program may be done on the library's website calendar of events or by calling on visiting the library and keeping Mass Jus General Law chapter 78 section 7 names of registrants are confidential then it goes on to say program presenters may ask attendees to voluntarily provide their names at the time of the program seems like we're saying the confidential and then somebody's going to ask who they are well and that's and I'll say that this this does happen um so it's confidential so if they're if you you know whatever 50 people register for a program and the presenter is like how many people registered I'm going to say oh there's 50 and they're like can I have the names I'm like no you can't have the names but if they're holding the program and they say oh if you want to sign up for my you know list that's a voluntary Thing by the the attendees and they want to then they can do that so there's an option so it's basically just giving the option that if people want to give their names to a presenter they are but we're not we the library are not going to give out names so we'll protect the the privacy but if people want to give up their privacy at the program then that's their option that explanation uh makes it a little different than than saying that program presenters may ask attendees to volunteer Prov the names at the time of the program all right so I'll reward it so that saying This Confidential it says voluntarily though the presenter may ask attend to voluntarily provide their names at the time of the program so it's just caveat that you may be asked your name by the program presenter but you don't have to give it right and do do I feel do I mean like so Mike obviously you was interpreting that differently it says it's confidential and then just saying that they can voluntarily ask so maybe we can just um present as may ask attendees to voluntarily provide their names the time of the program when you're saying it's conf poal then you're asking their name so we can just change that sentence yeah that some presenters may ask it's entirely up to the attendee if they want to do that it's not a requirement yeah I'll I'll I'll figure out a way to re that a little bit well yeah that is what voluntarily yeah one person at a time okay Mike were you done to the director's point I get that part like okay with you know are you in my program that type deal but the way this is worded it's completely different than that and Cory did you have I I think the word voluntarily indicates very clearly that it was not required and that you would be giving it to the program presenter not the library like for the program presenter to do what they will with it I feel free to rework it I think I can probably rework it to be a little clearer than that is so not it it doesn't it won't say that all program presenters may ask just reward it so yeah I'll yeah I'll reward it that's that you thank you thank you for that Mike that's it's good to okay any other any other comments I just I I have two sort of yeah yeah no I mean this is this is why we're here so just I know that there's some things that I might not know fully but do and I know that these presenters aren't going to be alone with minors but is there any Corey forms that have to be filled out by the presenters of children programs we do not the library doesn't do cories because we don't ever leave them alone with children so um yeah yeah we don't do it okay and then um are there is there anything in here that about like trigger warnings or anything like that would be have to be said by the you know the the title or anything like that if it it so that legally the library is not responsible for anything that would come out of a program if there's something that could be identified as a trigger that's hard right CU I mean so many things could be no I understand it's but like there's like clear trigger ones that are usually spelled out but I that's a good question um I I mean to say like I looked at a lot of policy and I didn't see anything like with trigger warnings in it but let me let me look into that and not not saying you know there there's so many different programs that are out there and some be bement and stuff like that and I didn't know if there's anything that there's any trigger stuff that could come I mean because we've certainly had programs like that but I don't think we've ever been you know like it always seems kind of obvious what true I just you know there's I mean and certainly the description is usually cuz I mean we do have a description right it's not just a name right you know um like they we had that death cafe like like what's that but you look at the description and you know someone from the funeral home who talking about right um talking about grief Sor I cannot hear you um I don't think her mic is working um press the button I tried oh press um no I was just saying that if there was trigger warnings for any programs um in case and and there's so many different varieties coming through the library which is great I just want to make sure that there if there are any things that could be a trigger warning right they do have and that might be something that's a procedural wouldn't be in the policy but it could be procedural okay right um like that we would make sure that if there's something that we felt is a trig that needs a trigger warning that we put it into the yeah I just didn't know legally what the does about you know certain stuff like that either that's a good question I don't know and and if there's like a something that says that like the library is not responsible for the content of well it does say that in there somewhere yeah yeah okay like looked at so many times now it's all just a blur but but uh yeah does it does say there in there somewhere that yeah we are not responsible for oh yes so that we Library sponsorship does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants and program topics um yeah we say that I knew we definitely would saying that yeah we discussed that previously like absolutely absolutely is not our we can't control all the content that is happening not and and you know for the most part this is not a pro again like kind of like the same with materials mostly it's not a problem but we want to make sure that we covered if there is a problem um so that's that's where this is at um so so if there's other any other comments for now do you expect any any problem when it comes to you're talking about the uh the the paragraph below about nature and success of program and it talks about age limits do you expect any issues with some say well I really want to attend and well so I'll say if we have any problems with programs that's that's the most likely thing that will happen because we do sometimes have um and we did actually in 2023 um have like some issues where a couple of adults that didn't have children wanted to come into a story time you know for preschoolers and we were like no because that's just kind of creepy um like why you want to be in there um and so that's like where something like this comes into play where we can say hey this is meant for this age group and for you know if you're an adult you need to be with a child like that's you know for this that's intention of this program not I'm just going to sit in there you know pour it um so that that is that was actually uh our children's over and Amy did look she said thank you for putting that in there when she was looking at that that's nice to hear that somebody's you know takes responsibility you don't belong here I I I guess what I'm looking at is is like uh if you have a uh you know a age for children you know like uh teens and then older older teens like uh you know uh I'm 17 years old and and I want to um attend something this is it Geared for like a a 13-year-old that talks about demand meal is a 17y old is going to be you know he or she may have interests that are in a program where they may have other interests that might disrupt the program you know right yeah no and that is always um a consideration when we're doing team programming and I'll say overall most of the time with Team programs it tends to be that middle school age that really comes to the programming because they still have time to do it they don't have jobs they're not all on you know teams or doing activities as much so they're more likely to be the ones who are coming so it's less likely to see a 17-year-old but um I mean everything usually gets advertised with the age range you know so some things will be advertised like oh this is for kids in sixth grade to nth grade you know whatever yeah so covers it yeah yeah yeah we try we try to do that and some things will be more broad but we usually don't have you know the older kids usually don't come to it anyway so it's usually not a problem anyhow um but yeah we do try to work that out um usually big the bigger problem is usually with kids who are like fourth graders who want to go to the team programs because they're interested in the topic but they're you know the teens don't want fourth graders with them in the program so um and that's when you start saying like well is there a way to have this content for a younger age group to make them happy um we need the Taylor Swift content for the younger exactly how how young how young young younger like younger than the tween ones that they had like yes yeah yeah first second third grade eat that up all right that's good we can Tailor Swift it out all the swifties all the swifties my household is a Harry Styles's household so we we do like Taylor too but you know we're we're about Harry he's our he's our man so any other comments regarding the policy draft so yeah so please just you know look at that some more and like in next month I'll I'll make some changes um I'll look into trigger warnings I think that's a good point no thank you for bringing it up I'm glad you did well this is like why we talk about it right because I said like that'll probably be a procedural thing because I think that would be a smart thing that I can have staff when they're planning a program be like is there something in this that you know we should note in the description as this we talk about blah and maybe that's a maybe that's a problem death might be if there like if you you say no you can't talk about anything that does do like they do deviate from what they're talking about right right obviously not to do that yeah yes and and so like you know I I can't even think of a time when that's happened um usually when there's a problem which again we put in here too is that sometimes it's an attendee of a program who objects to Something in the content and then they become disruptive because they want to say no this is you know so so and I've Heard lots of stories of that happening and that's happened not here to me but like to some other places that's happened um that I've been where there's been a disruptive person and we did put that in there if you're disrupted we can tell you to go um because it happens it happens sometimes people tend just to be a disruptor right that happens to all right so I'll make some changes uh the little changes and I'll bring it back in January and if you think of anything else in between now and then or look at it between now and then you shoot me an email um if you note something or we can we'll talk about it more in in January too I'll have be having my staff F tune it some more as well then so that is that thank you so much for your um time and care and that too thanks and then yeah moving on to moving on okay we're going to go on to a library Union and that was Mike wanted that in the agenda so Mike what did you want to talk about yes uh Madam chair um I I take uh great interest in in uh uh learning more about the uh uh Library employees being organized which is their right and uh we hear that they've organized but we don't hear anything more than that so I thought some information tonight or might be flowing to the trustees who are overall responsible for the library itself and the and working with the director but um are they do we know are they ask me they're ask me what they are in um so they're Unit B so they have their own unit I have a copy of the contract if you want to glance at it um you want to pass that over to him just another one of my questions so it I literally just got a final copy of it um because I I asked for it so it was still getting like redlined and things for quite a long time um but yeah so it's an asme and uh Unit B so they have their own that it uh uh well thank you very much that was going to be one of my U other questions but um the the negotiation took place between who so it was so there was two members of the library staff um and then I don't NE need to know yeah I tell you I won't tell you their names are they are they uh most unions um have have like a steward type thing in other words right yeah so so there was you know the asy rep of course and then um two members from somebody from the town yep like the who represents for the union yes yep so rep um and then two of the uh Library staff members go kind of like co- co- stewarding I guess if you want to call it that um so they were there at the negotiations and then um I of course was at I was at the negotiations as a listener I guess more than anything else um and then um the assistant Town manager J breaker was at those negotiations and then usually uh also someone from HR usually Philip hippolite and then also um Rodney Conley to deal with because the financial pieces came into it as well so those were those were the people who were usually there at the negotiations so the negotiation took place with you and and ask me and who else so the assistant Town manager and the finance director and usually and usually someone from HR okay um I I I mean being a former Union employee myself uh and being at one time obviously uh deeply involved in this but now that I see this it's something that we should probably all have a copy of and I just because it does mention everything that they're entitled to here right yep and if it does become an issue and comes before the board we want to be educated on it well I mean the issues technically shouldn't come come before the board right because the board isn't in charge of any employee relations um because now this is like especially with this contract is like it's between it's between them and the town right so um so that's you know that's it shouldn't come before the board except as basic you know information right about the union but but uh yeah no I just think it would be a good idea for us to uh I beware I mean it's it's a public document so of course you are welcome to have copies of it if everybody wants it I'll make copies for the next meeting up to you sure sure yeah it's fine why don't we for all of us what what why don't we maybe the next meeting all of us have a copy yeah sure can it be emailed yeah I'll see where it is guess like I'm like I guess I got emailed to me so I must have it somewhere I it actually should be on the we the town's website as well too so need to waste a lot of paper yeah it's true I can I can email it I can email it Hefty document it is a heavy it's got 30 something Pages or something yeah yeah it's a lot it is a lot um and there's well Mike did you have any other questions or does any question I think that uh that thank you very much and uh I'd be looking forward to hopefully getting a copy of this but it looks like it's copied from every other Union and town yeah it's it's it's um this was a cut and faac uh yeah it's it's predominantly you know the same as pretty much most every other contract in town and with like a few a few changes so um and then in 3 years they can make more and again doesn't fall under our purview if things come to the board we'll have the background information as well if there was an incident that would require us to act on it part timers are not included part timers are included so yep so who's included is um not the pages like it might be easier to say who is not included but the full-time and part-time staff are all included except for the pages me uh the assistant director uh the archist is that everybody wait oh and the bookkeeper that's who isn't that's who's not covered by the union but everybody all the other positions are covered by the union so the full-time and part-time interesting uh thank you very much yeah you're welcome of course happy to give information anybody have any other request questions about the union before we belong all right okay does anyone have any other issues they wanted to bring up if not I'll take a motion for adjournment I make a motion that we adjourn okay I wish everyone a very merry Christmas thank you I'll second all approve any OPP motion carries have a happy holiday y