##VIDEO ID:7-6RnQ1ZOk0## e e e and welcome to the December 17th select Board hearing uh Morin would you lead us in the pledge please yes please please join me PL to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you and if we can have an approval of the minutes from December 3rd please motion Mr chairman to approve of minutes of December 3rd 2024 thank you is there a second second second any discussion hearing none all in favor I I oppose none thank you at this time we have new public business anyone in the audience Mr Lucy you had your hand up first good evening I come down tonight whatever um I don't usually need my microphone uh to discuss what's been the topic of this meeting over the past several months the tone and tenor of the comments being made in this room outside inside this room from that side of the desk and this side of the microphone and I want to bring you back to May May 21st you were first chosen as the chairman of this board of Selectmen back in May one of the first things you started with in this year's agenda was buckle up your seat bels because we're going for a ride that was interpreted as a threat to anyone that disagreed with you in this town anyone right people felt targeted people have since reacted to that targeting I'll jump forward now to October 15th the night of Chris Anderson's uh discussion that night the room was full of gasoline and I think the board did a fairly good job that night keeping the Flames from erupting until one person lit a match that person is someone who's actually appointed by this board a person you do have some control and influence over since then that same Committee Member I won't mention any names has attended many along with other people attending that same committee with very inflammatory remarks very insulting remarks nothing's been done of course on November 7th some very unfortunate remarks were made regard to towards you which I had nothing to do with but yet on no November 19th during your closing comments you decided to mention emails that I had sent you in the past which I had to go back and make sure I did and I did from time to time I do email you and I do tell you to resign and I typically give you a reason I won't repeat them tonight but they have to do with your performance and never to do with your family but yet that night you referenced an email that you claimed to have been sent by me so I checked again I never said that was sent by you go back and watch dcat I know what I said yes you I watched it several times before I came down here and got out of my house I hate being in this room because of behavior that came from you that's why I'm upset tonight go back and watch the tape go back and what you said you read my email address you said the several emails came from me they did not if you want to clarify those comments tonight please do I would gladly accept an apology but in the meantime besides castigating members of the public and trying to control discussion that goes on outside this room or from this side of the room towards the board you need to start controlling what starts from that side of the room going this way but if you want to issue an apology tonight I would gladly hear it because I've had interactions with Town Hall members town government members for several years without daring to enter this this room because this is the tone I get when I come down here because I am disgusted with the behavior of many members of this government and not all ask your fellow board members if they've had productive meetings with me ask your fellow Town employees if they've had productive meetings with me over the past several years the answer would invariably be yes culminating with the result of last meetings properly setting a classification Factor ask your penal board members how many hours I spent with them educating teaching without anyone raising their voice until you drag me back into this damn room which I hate being in so if you want to apologize tonight go right ahead I won't be here for it because I'm leaving now because I can't take being in your presence thank you good night anyone else with new public business Bill Bates so a tough act to follow but uh uh Bill batestown meeting member and I'm joined by Corey Katherine Ryan also a town meeting member from uh Precinct 4 um each board member uh the clerk and the town manager were given a copy of of our little presentation um what we're concerned about is um there we have site some crosswalks in the town of danvas that are very very dangerous we love the sidewalk the crosswalks near the rail trails that have the new uh random rapid flash beacons the rrfbs um and I understand that they were funded some of it was grant money uh but they work and I think they're Lifesavers um as town meeting members we respectfully ask you to appropriate funds for a random rapid flash Beacon to be placed at burle a and Maple Street that's Route 62 we understand that they cost approximately 8 to 10,000 and we'd like to see these also uh other dangerous crosswalks throughout the town looked at this issue was presented to the transportation advisory committee on December 11th of this year although there seemed to be sufficient support uh the Commissioners pointed out that they do not have a budget for this or any other issue and I want to mention too that there were a number of um Neighbors from burle AV and Maple Street um that attended that traffic advisory committee meeting uh selectman Bean being the representative has heard this presentation once before um but we would appreciate the select board's help uh to advocate for the funds and we plan on advocating for the funds at a future committee finance committee hearing and town meeting these beacons like I say can really make a difference um in my testimony to the um committe the traffic advisory committee I shared an incident I'm a I'm a new um crossing guard for the town of danamas at this intersection of Maple and Burley and that's where the neighbors approached me and said what can we do um and I had a a middle school student who was on a bicycle and I was attempting to cross him I have my big red sign I stopped the westbound traffic on 62 I got to the middle of the road and I could not stop the eastbound guy he was flying he slowed down dramatically pulled to the right and actually hit the students front tire of the bike scared the heck out of all of us he pulled over we got the student to the other side he was fine the bike wasn't damaged but it just tells you that we need to do something these things and I understand the town of North andova has a roadway now that is covered with them it's not just at rail Trails all the way down Route 127 I believe it is they've now put these rapid flash beacons in and we think they're Lifesavers um and we ask for your support to help us budget them are probably going to wherever it goes DPW budget whatever and then we have also asked the um committee to develop criteria the transportation committee develop criteria of which uh crosswalks are the most dangerous did I miss any you go I don't think so no just I'm a parent of young children at Great Oak School and kids from um from all the different schools in the area use that crosswalk but particularly it's right at the corner of beaver Park Road which runs right down to Great Oak School so lots and lots of Elementary School families who are close enough to walk to school but um often don't simply because that intersection Crossing 62 at that area is so incredibly dangerous so more cars on the road you know we all know there's more traffic than there's ever been and there's not much we can do about that other than try to slow them down and protect our kids so um the folks who joined us at the Transportation Commission meeting were almost all they were all um Great Oak Elementary parents and so I'm I'm here representing them thank you uh we can't really make a decision on this at this time um I'm well aware of other places in town that there's been requests for um traffic signals crosswalk changes um I'll rely on the Damas traffic Commissioners to come to us with a recommendation in the near future before we get to budget time and we'll ask the M Town manager and finance committee uh Finance director all one person to see we have some funds where we can allocate perhaps some traffic signals in some places um not just this one there are others as well but thank you for bringing it to our attention thank you very much for your time thank you stre really is he here belill Brad street Bill barad Street Town me have Precinct one and to piggy back on the trouble getting across the roads I happen to like the ladder effect the lines with cross lines that look like a ladder more noticeable than just single lines maybe I know this might not be the time to be painting but I think it should have been done that way or maybe it can be put on the agenda for the next time this painting of the crosswalks obviously when you not just the school kids but a senior adults try to cross a road and I don't know we got Targets on us and the people like to uh see just how close they can get either passing you or stopping just yeah just just a a change slight change in the crosswalks in the painting of them thank you the flashing lights would be nice but start with the just the painting The crosswalks a little bit thank you thank you anyone else with new public business yes in the back there evening hello Lauren Steves um Hood Terrace I was unable to be at the last select board meeting but I was able to watch it and I just wanted a little bit of clarity on the process for selecting the next H manager I know that the offer would went out to the recruitment firm about a month ago um and then there was talk about Dan and Moren are creating a subcommittee to do the private interviews is that did I understand that correctly pretty much yes the uh firm that we've hired is developing a marketing piece that will be used to send out to potential candidates or candidates that are sending in their resume talking about the town and promoting it um as chair I appointed a subcommittee Morin and myself to work with other folks that are yet to be named to review the applications when they do come in which most likely will be in February okay so has this subcommittee or was this subcommittee also have to go in front of the board to be approved or this board will get the names and approve them okay at at a public meeting or okay um January 7th okay perfect that was that was all the clarification I wanted thank you you're welcome anyone else okay the board will welcome two new appointees of the Council on Aging Mr manager uh thank you we have two I apologize Mr Henry I'm going to put you on the spot or C the candidates here we have one sure yes so we have two candidates for appointment uh I'll go in the order of my packet the first would be Moren lvy if you'd like to step forward if you want to um just introduce yourself say a few words and welcome okay and I'm not going to get hurt okay hi my name is Morin larvey um I'm really pleased to um have been uh chosen for one of these spots um I'm a lifelong resident of the town of Danvers um many years ago I did a talent pool thing for the town and I think that probably crashed right into covid so I never heard anything and um I'm really looking forward to this I know the town does an exceptional job with its seniors and I'm hoping I can do what I can do to make that even better thank you thank you any comments questions from the board members David may I just come yep that I see Morin's uh father Len Sherry was a great friend of mine a great contributor to the town of danvas and um it's nice to see Moren here willing to do this I'd like to comment I know Marin laravie too and uh she she's involved in the community her boys her husband um I think she'd be a great great person to to help with this thank you for volunteering okay Mr Henry the second candidate and the second candidate is Bianca kenon so if you could come up and tell us a little about yourself as well thank you good evening everyone I'm Bianca konz we live on Hobart Street and uh very pleased to be joining the Council on Aging and be working with the team there uh I have a background in community health and public health um and really looking forward to just be a contributor where I can how I can I love the town love being here um and I'm pleased to meet you all and Happy to take any questions or comments hello Bianca maren sold us our house I know I know Bianca too and uh they recently moved here and I think she'd be a great candidate also okay anyone else uh well thanks uh Bianca and Morin for bringing your expertise and I I always pride myself into living in derse where people take their volunteerism very seriously so that's really a good thing and um as someone once said nobody can do everything but everyone can do something so welcome thank you I'll support it okay so these are Town manager appointees so just they came in to introduce thems as we like to know who's serving on our board and commissions and thank you for coming tonight and you're welcome to stay for the next Main Event if you like bye thank you yeah the board will hear an update from the manager of the Beverly Regional Airport welcome gentlemen introduce yourself for the folks at home course uh make sure got that uh good evening my name is Gabriel Hanahan I am the airport manager at Beverly Regional Airport this uh I'm Kyle ralik I'm the chair of the airport commission so I've been in the position of U Airport Manager for just over a year and a half now um I came on in June of 2023 and I came on I took that first 6 months uh mostly as an observational status just to see what the airport was doing correctly what the airport was uh maybe falling short on policy changes I want to implement so uh over the past year you know starting January 1 is when a lot of those um changes uh I started you know uh start running with some changes that I thought would be beneficial to the airport so I really appreciate this time to give kind of a year and review update um on issues concerning beverl uh one thing that we did do I noticed that our fee structure was uh lacking um so in late 2023 I along with the support of the airport commission increased all of our airport user fees uh we went from being one of the cheaper airports for aircraft operators to fly in and out of to now we middle of the pack if not a little bit on the high side so uh people if they choose to operate their aircraft in and out of the airport they're uh paying their fair share for the usage of that infrastructure uh we also implemented a jet fuel tax on top of those fees uh Landing fees and fuel Flowage fees operators of jet aircraft are paying an additional tax that tax is about 20 cents per gallon it is a local option state tax um but it again it's just another fee that uh jet operators using beerly airport are uh are paying and then uh kind of the main thing I want to focus on as I know it's a hot button issue is noise uh I know that Beverly airport has uh had its fair share of um imposing noise uh on our neighboring communities especially Danvers and our abiding neighborhoods um and so when I came on to the job it was made very clear to me that that was top issue one the top priorities and that was expected that I figure something out out um so in late 2023 uh the noise abatement subcommittee of the airport commission drafted a new noise abatement procedure document and uh they issued that document and I'm happy to say that that wasn't just a piece of paper that went out and then nothing happened uh it went out and there was action behind it to uh to make sure that our tenants and users of the airport were made aware of it um so that included starting January 1st of this year tracking each and every noise complaint we received before that there was no system that was tracking those noise complaints um so what was happening was residents our neighbors were filing noise complaints whether through the website calling the airport emailing a general airport email there wasn't any followup happening because there was no one tracking where those complaints were coming from and who they need to be addressed with starting January 1st we changed that um and started tracking each and every noise complaint re we received so that's given us a lot of very valuable information um so from January 1st until today uh we've received a total of 3041 Communications about noise uh of aircraft coming in or out of Beverly Regional Airport those 341 noise complaints came from 33 unique addresses um so 64 of those complaints and 19 unique addresses are Danver residents um so that's kind of the overarching view of uh what the past year has looked like on the noise complaints we've received I've noticed on the month to month since implementing this new noise abatement program implementing the tracking and then following up both with the complainant and uh whoever uh caused the complaint to happen the aircraft operator we also Al follow up with them uh make them aware I've noticed the month-to-month numbers have greatly decreased whereas at the beginning of the year I was getting 50 60 some months even 70 complaints to this past month I only received three um and so there's a noticeable decrease in month-to-month complaints that I'm receiving although I think that tells a story I think um I mean I blood me with noise complaints I I want to know about everything happening on the ground um so I I don't know if that's necessarily something I want to hang my hat on what I I do want to hang my hat on is uh very noticeable is the change in tone of some of these complaints you know at the beginning um it people were very angry and rightfully so because they weren't being listened to um and now with this tracking with this commission now that we're starting to reach out to Residents now that we're starting to actually follow up on the complaints there's a very noticeable change in tone in that there's now conversation happening Bridges being built um were far from perfect there's still issues there there's still Kinks that need to be smoothed out but I think I'm most proud of this work that we're doing on noise uh in that sense and that we're actually now starting to have conversations um it's not just uh residents yelling at uh an abyss and not getting anything back um so I love to see that the other thing that I've noticed is um the change in who is causing the complaints uh whereas at the beginning of the year when we first implemented all of this uh as some of you might know we have two flight schools on the Airfield um 90% of the complaints we received were from those flight schools through our efforts and reaching out then to the flight schools and making recommendations on how to change some of their flight patterns that they're doing the number of times they're doing takeoffs and landings before going to another Airport um and having conversations with both of the flight schools now the nature of most complaints I'm receiving are for other aircraft um uh operations such as transient aircraft coming in and out from uh surrounding airports um so uh that was great to see that not only uh are we it's great to see that we have a complete buyin from the flight SC schools who are are I mean most of the traffic out of Beverly are the flight schools um and so that's really promising uh again not perfect I know that there's still issues out there um commissioner retalic and I this summer went uh boots on the ground went door Todo uh in neighborhood uh just talk to the residents just to put face to name kind of get an idea of the problems be there in the neighborhood as the planes flew over uh that was really insightful as well so we want to continue doing that um we we think that we're on the right path as as far as noise goes um unless chairman ralik has anything to add we'd be happy to entertain questions about anything I've discussed or anything else related to the airport well thank you for coming tonight Gab R um you've kind of scratched the surface of what we're concerned with if I may back in May our town meeting voted to request an Environmental Protection Plan report to assess current and future modifications at the airport that was followed up in July I think 16th with a letter from representative Currin to secretary Teo of the environmental energy Department requesting the same environmental impacts study similar to what they're doing at Bedford now I understand bedford's project is much larger than the projects that um Beverly or wor or any other local airports but still we feel that it's very important that we have a environmental impact study done so we know what to expect in the future you haven't volunteered to do that the city was sent a letter mayor K was sent a letter requesting that to be done I don't know that there was a response but that's still hanging out there um without any action and we want to know what's going on out there I understand the new hanger is not on Wetlands it's a buffer zone uh I understand all that but still a 40,000 foot square foot hanger in danvas is problematic you went through all the regulations and got the mission permission to do that but what are you going to do in the future what do we have to know about because that lease sale on that land back in whenever it was was not made plain or public to this community I never heard about it until April when some of the requests were filed you you your predecessors I'll say not just you have done things not behind the scenes but not out in the open as well do you care a comment on that yeah so um in regards to projects that we're pursuing uh for the airport I mean the major one uh that is on the horizon fiscal year 2027 is a complete reconstruction of our main Runway at the airport um as part of that uh before we can even break ground on that before we can start bringing Asphalt in and uh getting the reconstructed have to go through a series of um other projects so we're currently undergoing an aeronautical study uh that looks at the immediately surrounding airspace of where this where of the airport we're doing it for uh both runways um to ensure that there's obstacle proper obstacle clearance um for the runways and we're also undergoing an environmental assessment on the uh the environment um impacts of that Runway project and um the permitting uh needed for that um so that's the environmental assessment eir and enf all happening concurrently um that's our current project that we're uh funding and working towards completion before we can even go and break ground on uh on the runway questions Morin well you know this is the first time that I feel that you're communicating with the neighbors and to take their complaints to talk to them to meet with them that's what we would like and uh you know you said the complaints have decreased that's good um I like that we want to be transparent with everything um I'm still concerned with what chairman Bennett said about the environmental study um you know that's something that we want that was asked and we would like to see that but I like both of you coming here and uh talking with the neighbors that that's the best um the noise you know the touch and goes I mean I've been to some of the airport meetings before with Aaron uh when it was at the airport um and that that's that's big but I we we never heard anything any positive feedback with regards to the flight schools and you're saying that this is good you're having good conversations with them very good checking their flight patterns because that was a concern with the neighbors too yeah you know continuously going over the same you know let's change it up you know I mean we've got some pilots in the room here that I know and you know they they they know exactly what's going on too um but I think it's good that you're here and communicating with us coming before us um the master plan um the runway you know the environmental issues the fuel the haard materials so that's something that we want to keep involved with you know keep us the breast of what's going on yeah but that I feel good that you're communicating but thank you thank you for coming thank you thank you Morin d uh yes thank you Mr chairman uh I do have quite a few questions um the first you spoke of uh paying more and the Jet fees are also increasing Y what were you trying to say like how does that benefit the inverse in any way or does it I I think it you're not finding I as say it they the fees weren't implemented to necessarily um sty or decrease operations but I think before we were very very cheap that people would you know fly into Beverly because it was the cheapest option um now I think that some of the fees um increasing has kind of leveled the playing field a little bit where no one feels like they're getting a free ride coming to Beverly and I think so indirectly Danvers and surrounding communities might see that being a benefit so if I understand why we were so cheap that everybody wanted to fly here now we are more expensive that can decrease the traffic that's how the invers will benefit is that yeah is that more or less yeah okay but it just means also that Beverly airport is getting more money yeah um then you also spoke of the tracking of the noise complaint uh what does that look like um you spoke of 341 noise complaints 64 addresses and you track and you follow up does that mean you call the people back and yeah call email yeah and get an idea of um one just that was the neighborly thing to do um and two so I can get it helps me to get a little bit more detail behind what the flight operation was so I can then go and pinpoint it to a specific operation and then contact that operator okay and follow up with them um and make recommendations let them know hey we got this complaint I watch the flight track you weree a little low maybe next time you come into bever um something else I've noticed a a decrease on is um complaints regarding flights late at night um I think that was something that was happening relatively frequently um and I was getting numerous complaints about that it's been several months since I've gotten one about late night flights that's another I think good example of when uh I'm able to get that information from a resident and then go pinpoint that operation speak with the pilot and remind them of our our noise abatement uh document and the the listed recommended curfew in there okay thank you um full disclosure I'm not an a pilot I don't know anything about airport uh when I saw that this was on the agenda today I kind of did some research spoke to some folks and even prior to that I think we met at the airport once with the secretary correct and it just appears to me that and I don't know anything about prior Commissioners but you all seem a little more responsive than what we've had before however uh it seems that there's a there's a trust gap between our community and Beverly of course and the manager and the commission and I don't know how we close that Gap um you spoke of M the the the study you're doing to change the runways well this is what I'm hearing the community you're trying to make the runways bigger to get bigger planes so that the airport makes money how because there's that trust Gap MH is that what's happening uh no that that's not so um I I Echo those sentiments 100% And you know from the day I began I've noticed those gaps and that's been the hill I feel like I've been climbing and trying to overcome so I certainly feel the same way you do about that trust Gap I think that was um I agree with everything there as far as the runway um so the main thing happening is just a total reconstruction of the remaining Runway that's there they say lifespan of Runway 20 to 25 years we hit that lifespan like 15 years ago um they've put lots of Band-Aids on it to kind of bridge the gap but it's now to the point where the FAA it's like wants to see a new Runway there um just it's reach its lifespan while doing that they're also going to pave 300 ft on either end um this pavement on either end um it's just Paving the safety area um this extra pavement can be used for takeoff and roll out but it can't be used for direct Landing um so aircraft will when they come into land their wheels will be touching down at the same place as they are today um but they'll start their takeoff rooll 300t earlier than they are today um the FAA is doing this not to attract larger aircraft here they're doing this because they see that these aircraft are already here and have been here and they want that increased safety margin they want that increased that and 600t increase in takeoff distance um so it's not a case and it's a perfectly reasonable way to think about it to look at and say oh it's a a field of dreams if they build it they will come um rather it's it's that they're already here and the FAA whose top priority is safety is wanting to see those safety margins increased especially on takeoff okay I I like to repeat things just to make sure that I understand so what I'm translating what what you're saying is you're not trying to get bigger airplanes to the airport you're just increasing the safety margin for the planes to take off and land correct the FAA is all about the term that goes around is Right sizing so the FAA um when they're choosing projects to fund or directing Airport to pursue certain projects they are looking at what is actually happening at the airport at that moment if I try to go to the FAA or mot or other you know funding body and say I have some data here that shows in 10 years I'll have these big aircraft coming in I want funding for a project now for that I would essenti be laughed out of their office um they would say I we don't care what that projection says we care about what's happening on the ground at Beverly right now um and so it's the demand is what really can the demand that's there is what drives the projects at the airport and where the funding is going I think and how do we reassure our residents that that's what's happening and that we won't be be seeing people take it like bigger planes and fast like is that something that you put in the master plan how how does that work or is it just trust us this is what we saying we're going to do I mean this right here is the best method and form I think to get that across and we you know try to do this in various ways whether it's um through our airport commission meetings every month um coming before you tonight giving the update um I I know uh Mr Henry has hosted nights at the senior center kind open Town Hall um type events that's another great way and we hope to continue doing events like that um so that's essentially what we're we're trying to do now and I think that is one of going back to your uh first comment say that is one of the biggest trust gaps that we're still trying to navigate and and get across okay and what's the truth to the fact that moving it 300 ft closer to Residents they getting more fuel they getting more so yeah so the 300 ft um is going in the direction of Cherry Hill so there's no um residence right on that end of the runway on the other end um the that 300 feet is going to uh towards one home in winam um but there's sizable field in between the airport property and that home uh something else I would point out um is that with these aircraft getting that extra 300 ft at the beginning of their takeoff roll they're going to be leaving the ground earlier the earlier they leave the ground the higher they'll be as they're overflying uh any structures below granted 300 ft is not a lot but it's still a little bit of extra altitude that they can gain between Wheels leaving the ground and flying outside of airport property okay and then um sorry Mr chairman I said I had a lot of questions uh so when how do I put this um because we get a lot of complaints about the airport uh I don't AB the airport so I can only rely on my fellow residents and can you point to and you may or may not now can you point to any policy that the airport have implemented you spoke of of speaking to the flight schools and things like that but in terms of expansion because of the resident concerns or is that not is that not even the authority of the commission like who decides this expansion is it the commission is it the FAA because it's not even clear to me that some of the complaints are getting to the right place places expansion as in New ER development new hanger development new Runway uh the 300 ft on both sides so the new Runway the runway project is an FAA funded mot is also putting funding into it as well so it's not you it's not the commission so you couldn't stop that that's the requirement from the FAA um yeah at this point we wouldn't stop that no um because again the yeah the primary concern is the safety and the safety of the pavement itself on the current Runway um as far as hanger development that is a that's private Enterprise a company X looking at Beverly and saying oh we this would be a great location for a hanger to house our aircraft um they initiate that process then the commission they would go before the commission get a land lease um and then after that go through whatever processes they need to go through to start the vertical build of the hanger okay okay um I'm I'm good for now Mr chairman I have a couple more but I I'll wait for my other fellow Michael uh thank you Mr chairman uh I'm glad to hear about your communication as impr proven would you say that you're returning every email every call you're 100% right now or I I wouldn't get say it's 100% um I sure there's some that I I I miss or don't return or could probably be quicker at returning um but I I do try to get to and return as as many as I can are you the sole person making the return calls and emails yes yeah and we've have some residents that um I I guess I should qualify that on our website if you go and put in a complaint on The Beverly Airport website that comes directly to my email um some residents prefer to call my office call my cell phone or contact one of our commissioners um so it it depends on the method that the complaint is coming in the majority of them them though do come in through our website and those are coming solely to me um on the environmental impact report uh it's really imperative that we get information back the the lead that comes out of the uh emissions is it's horrendous for little kids um you know we can suffer through it somewhat but a little kid can have the rest of his life affected uh with a learning disability and whatnot so I'm hoping that uh that information comes through quicker and even with that said I'm not sure what can be done um am I correct in saying that cleaner fuels are not ready yet correct yeah so the FAA uh has given a deadline of 2030 for unlet a Aviation gasoline to be um mandatory for anyone flying uh an aircraft that need we're talking mostly Propel or aircraft um so the deadline is 2030 I believe there are currently four uh companies that are working through trying to refine and create a fuel that's suitable um there's no uh approved unledded Aviation gasoline currently on the market I know there's a couple companies that are coming really close um the issue is that aircraft need to have the 100 octane um and it's they're finding that to be the challenge getting it up to the 100 octane once that is complete once a company has manufactured and found the solution to this problem then it goes into a regulatory uh aircraft are such a specialized uh piece of Machinery that to change the type of fuel that a particular aircraft or particular aircraft model would have to use it would have to get a whole uh go through a whole new certification process to be certified to use that fuel um so that is to say the FAA isn't going to receive this unlet Fuel and say great put it out to Market they're going to go to each and every aircraft model that could that needs to use that fuel and test it on that model and then issue certificates so that's why there's that 2030 deadline um personally personal note if I may uh this is an issue that I take very seriously uh the 2030 deadline I wish was a 2023 deadline I'd love to see this done yesterday I have two very young kids at home I want them to be able to come to the airport and come to work with me and not have to worry about lead poisoning in the back of my mind I uh I own a house that happens to sit right under the flight path of Laurence cport um I want to have the insurance that the aircraft flying over my own home are safe to have my children running and playing outside so I am very empathetic to the the uh the concerns very passionate about the need to get an unleaded alternative out there unfortunately the product just hasn't been found yet uh on the Damas side we're pumping fuel for planes correct uh yes so there's uh pumping about 100,000 gallons a month um I apologize I should have had those numbers here I think on uh yearly they're pumping I think the gallons pumped is like 800,000 a year um I I'll have to verify that number and I'd be happy to get back to you on the exact number so with that said does that the airport have on site any safety equipment as far as if we have a big leak if the tank cracks in half is it going to flow right into the wetlands and then right down into the neighborhoods or do we have products right there on site to start coordinate it off and stop the flow so the fuel is um is all owned and operated by the FBO the fix based operator there I know they have equipment I couldn't tell you the exact equipment that they have um they're required to have cleanup hasmat quick response equipment I just at this moment can't tell you the exact details of what they do have is that something that you can get on find out of course bring bring us up to speed let us uh publish it um certainly I I just you can see it happening something happens and then right down right out right into the backyards of the people on Burley Street and yeah whatnot um which should be a real problem um the fee increases are great uh planes are expensive um wish we had a mechanism to get some of that money so that we could at least pay when we send fire trucks and police up there uh shouldn't be on the taxpayer you know I don't know what the answer is there I guess that we have to go to the state for that if if I'm I understand it correctly for that change um I guess I'll uh in the hanger I I know it's mostly going to be storage right the new hanger MH um correct but that would increase uh the use of the airport as well am I correct so that new hanger again it kind of goes back to um the you don't see the if we build it they will come mentality so much in airport development so this hanger is for aircraft that are currently using Beverly airport they just want the aircraft now to be housed at befly airport what's going on now is these aircraft fly into beerly drop off their passengers and then take off empty and go to Bedford or Norwood a surrounding uh airport to house the aircraft and when their client is ready to fly out again they take off from that airport empty land at Beverly pick them up and then go off to their ultimate destination um so these are aircraft that are already at Beverly already using the airport this just gives them a place to house it uh and thus cutting out those empty legs in between and they' be making repairs on planes in the Hang or too uh no there's no maintenance and that it's just storage okay um okay I think that's all I have right this second thank you thank you thank you David thank you Mr chairman I think you're being here tonight um illustrates engagement with this town with the issue as it pertains to the citizens who've been complaining and kind of suffering for a long time so I hope you will come back of to know that the that you're being here I think is important I also think that the points raised by my colleagues uh members Bernard the Joko and bean I hope that you will take that respond respond the the um the excellent questions that were just asked by uh Mr Bean and especially the uh concept of reimbursement to the town for extra Municipal expenses this town has enormous responsibility for the airport for uh Northshore Community College for Essex Aggie for St John's Prep and for all other kinds of nontaxed properties in this town which is a cost which is it's never been tallied it is enormous um I think that our property values in uh danvas it's something like five or six billion dollars worth of property that we care for and um so I'm going to not ask just you but other we don't get a whole lot of uh uh cooperation from those entities that are Exempted by uh the Massachusetts statutes and we're not going to get a whole lot of cooperation from the legislature in amending those exemptions because Harvard and MIT and Boston College and all those universities for example um enjoy the same exemptions and their power of lobbying and controlling the legisl is beyond me for sure but I think that the points raised tonight by my colleagues I hope that you will specifically enumerate our responses to them certainly the other question I wanted to ask and I'm not joking about this can't some form of Muffler be put on a motorcycle and a piper cup so that in my old age I am not driven nuts by the sounds that they make I uh I don't live in a flight I live across the street so I'm not in a flight path um but every now and then if I'm outside I hear those things and when I'm just down in the YMCA parking lot sometimes it's like no wonder my taxpayer friends come in here screaming it's infuriating and uh I always think why can't you put a muffler on those things and they put them on cars and trucks you may not have an answer but I hope you'll put the that on your bullet points so if there is no answer you'll at least be embarrassed in stating that there is no answer and that I'm crazy I would do the same you're not in charge of motorcycles or I would ask the same of you for those I I live on 62 in Beverly and it anything before I die I'd love to have a law that limits the loudness cuz my kids try to go to bed and for some reason at my house they just love to gun it and I I love the summer but I dread the summer in the same instant and it's I go up to Gloucester a lot in the afternoon when I can I have a dog and she and I like to walk along the boulevard there and routinely the motorcyclist by and just on that little straight away they gun it and gun it and gun it and I tell the other people along the boulevard these are people they have they have a unfinished toilet training program I guess that they're on their way to do their toilet training that never really happened um so uh thank you for being here tonight and this has been very informative for me thank you and congratulations to my uh colleagues who are much more informed as as I am I get most of my uh uh my information from my good colleagues my taxpayer who come in here and scream at us when I really wish they'd be screaming at you thank you thank you Dan oh you're welcome before we go to the audience a few ground rules uh wait to be recognized before speaking direct your questions through the chair and once you've spoken let everybody else have a chance to speak before you take a second bite to the Apple so that I'll open it up for questions from the audience anyone on the left side I would just like to say to I I you know am very close with Gabe on a daily basis doing all the noise abatement stuff commissioner Henry was chair of the noise abatement subcommittee uh I took over chair as the noise abatement subcommittee and we put that out to all the public and let anybody make adjustments and suggestions Mr zubri made many suggestions we brought him in on our Zoom meetings and had him firsthand go point for Point as to what he wanted done on that so we we definitely over the past year have been very integrated with the community as best as we can and it's noticeable we appreciate that we want to do a lot more and also we've had meetings with uh Mr kahill uh and he asked the same questions you do about expansion and he wants to know you know what what the plan is and what the cap is is well he has to report to his constituents as well so yes or no we're all on the same all on the same boat trying to work to the same thing and have an answer for everybody and and try to live amicably so thank you appreciate that over here on the left please my name is Ed penino um for the last probably 15 years I we've been of course everybody in Damas is concerned about the uh the airport and the this this noise and things that are going on but the biggest thing everything that I'm hearing here tonight about restructuring redoing runways and things of that sort that's only to make the runways thicker to handle more weight for bigger aircraft um I just heard 300 ft is just a small amount for a safety well 15 years ago I heard the same thing about we're going to expand it was 150 ft on each Runway which was done and that brought in bigger Jets this 300 ft let's put it in Lam's terms it it equates to 100 yards a football field that's what we're dealing with here it's only going to bring in bigger Jets bigger risk to this town for an accident these bigger aircraft have to get up to speeds of somewhere I'm not exactly sure but probably somewhere 130 150 miles an hour if something goes wrong 3/4s of the way down that Runway that aircraft's not stopping bigger Jets more speed more weight bigger risk for this town you get high schools neighborhoods thickly settled 15 years we've been trying to bring this to the town's attention that something needs to stop put brakes on it um again uh one of the LA one of the other meetings I attended I asked for the airport to submit to danvas to the town what class jets are we uh is the Max that this airport has right now weight passengers classification now once they put this thicker Runway 300 more feet a football field more for Runway you are definitely going to get bigger Jets bigger classification more noise more pollution it's going to be like a mini Logan Airport I'm just raising the awareness we we we're playing with fire here you got a high school at the almost at the end of one run way and again these neighborhoods um I think that the Biv airport should be supplying this town in writing with forms what is the classification of aircraft right now that the maximum size weight and passengers after they redo that Runway what is the classification going to change to that's what we all need to know because it will change um so again it's awareness we're dealing with a huge safety risk here you really have to be cognizant of that kids neighborhoods everything sound pollution I've been listening to this for 15 years and um they keep expanding bigger hangers bigger Runway bigger planes so in a nutshell we I'd like to get a document submitted to the town with classifications so it can open your eyes but I also would like to see another document with that Runway again in the added length what that classific classification is going to jump to because it will so that's about all I have to say just wanted to bring that to the Forefront um that's it thank you w you're welcome thank you yes sir would you like us to resp opport to well there's a direct question I'll refer it to you if I want at the end you can summarize my name is Steve blumer I'm I'm a lifetime resident of danvas I live at 22 Lane Road the FAA says with regard to hanger size and increased hanger size increased hanger size is directly proportional to increased traffic 40,000 square ft can hold between seven and eight jets that are the size that are currently using Beverly danvas airport if you go online to flight level engineering and read what they have to say about Beverly they are heavily advertising increased traffic there so the story that goes with a 40,000 foot hanger for only two Jets to have a comfortable home is a story if you go to the flight level Aviation website and read how they are advertising for increased International International flights you'll get some idea of their plans you don't put up a 40,000 square foot hanger that can hold between seven and eight for only two you can't get your money back on two but you can get it on increasing traffic when it comes to noise it's not noise that these Jets generate it's low frequency vibration 2,000 cycles per second and lower it's lower than a bige drum when it hits the jetb blast it comes out 45° from the angle of these engines hits the houses on Tain and on Burley Street the whole house shakes you don't hear it the whole house shakes how long until that jet is 1.5 miles away 1.5 miles away it's still shaking the house from jet back blast so we are going to have a threat that's coming as soon as that 40,000 foot hanger is allowed to be built increased jet traffic right now we have plenty of noise complaints from small propeller driven planes it's nothing by comparison to the pollution one jet engine puts out the same pollution as 1,00 cars you we're going to have between seven and eight more Jets taking off and that's the biggest problem when the jet takes off it's the force of the 40 to 60,000 horsepower engines in these things that shakes the houses no amount of trees no amount of high fences no amount of foliage holds the 200 cycles per second driven with the horsepower of 60,000 horsepower goes right through so that's what it's coming thank you Tony Tony Benton Court uh 15 orb Circle Town meet member PR 5 is sorry if I uh go to the board and give you this you can take a look at this okay then I'll talk okay is that a promise this is off the master plant okay and this is the runways okay and okay dam is all again all those houses okay this is all Dam okay it's all damis okay all damis B's over here the the blue line is damis yeah yeah okay so you can see this okay look at all these houses okay I me walk around this talk to love neighbors and stuff okay okay we have a lot of problems here okay we've had problems now they just they just they just admitted to you that uh for the last 19 years they've been lying to us my God isn't that terrible that they've been telling us they've been doing stuff and they did nothing so we have to make these people accountable okay this is really upsets me really bad okay because the board I know is starting to listen to us okay we have to get control of this okay this airport wants to expand okay right now there's Jets coming in out of there and they're taking out all hours of the night okay 2 3 in the morning four in the morning okay you hear them okay I'm being honest with you okay noise from these planes they've gotten better no question about it they've worked with us a little bit but they sneaky Okay the reason being it's coming back already a little bit okay I got a radio at home I'm always listening to the radio see what's going on I call him if I call him he takes care of his stuff no problem whatsoever okay but our residents need okay need restitution here okay we get nothing from this goddamn airport okay nothing except aggravation okay that's what gets me upset okay on top of it I go to all the meetings okay I've been going there for 19 years okay I've been coming here crying to you folks okay yeah yeah yeah baloney I haven't been lying I've been telling you the truth all along okay it's about time we do something now okay another thing last meeting I went to okay you're not going to believe this okay about uh I think goes back to about uh let me see maybe 13 years ago I think God was on a board back then okay uh damis fire department went over there and did a Rec re reation okay they lit a car on fire okay with damis winam and Beverly okay and uh they they spray the foam on it okay and and the foam gets into the thing right now they have a lot of problems with Beast over there and then believe it or not okay these idiots okay wanted to send a bill to the de damis for the foam that we sprayed on the goddamn Runway okay do you realize that that's what they talking about these people are crazy we go over there all the time we've had the fire trucks over there right now with experiment doing stuff over there okay and I can't believe that we are sitting here what's going on here we should have the mayor of Beverly here okay telling us what's going on at that airport and we got to get to the bottom of this and take care of it okay there's no question about it we have a problem there and we have to get this problem corrected okay like we got Mr Hen he's already resigned we forget about these the Reps what we got Reps for they do nothing okay what do we got $1,800 well we would have it we' we' have right now about $180,000 in a bank if we have the stupid reps okay the Reps All We Do helped them out okay you if you watch the Reps they actually help them so basically we we let go the $1800 a year okay right whatever it is I don't care what it is okay and we got two reps that do nothing okay except help them the Reps actually help them so we're actually giving more money to to screw us doesn't make sense man okay I know I'm upset over this but it's really bad we have to get serious here and they should be here every three months telling us what's going on cuz we have to get this under control okay we have to okay there's no way I walked around the neighborhood all the people are pissed off okay and there's notot a lot more people here cuz a lot of people this bad time of year they couldn't show up okay but let me tell you something everybody says there's a little bit of difference but these people I'm telling you will come back to and give us noise like nothing in no time at all okay it's ridiculous okay I'm sorry that got carried away but that's what I'm trying to say thank you Tony anybody over here mark I hope I'm not as emotional as you are but you are committed so thank you Tony for your explanation I just want to sum this thing up because what you've heard tonight is some great things noise is not the only issue at the airport expansion is the main issue we have a football size head anger being planned or being built authorized on Old Burley Street on 191 Old Burley Street that's the property that's it's related to football size this is where Steve was talking about the two planes that they're saying are going to be housed in there no way that hanger is big enough for a at least six or eight planes we have been dealing with this issue since the master plan was announced back in 2020 I believe 2021 we've sent a letter to Seth Molton because the federal government is really In Cahoots with this whole thing because FAA seems to be funding the expansion and the increase in traffic because they like larger airports and one of the items in the master plan is that Beverly airport is a uh airport related to Logan that if there's an overflow they will accept it so that's that's the kind of building that's been going on the Commissioners right now there are two negotiated Commissioners that we have the ability to assign to Beverly airport two Commissioners what can they do there are nine altogether seven at sometimes but usually nine seven out of the nine are Beverly residents and Beverly appointed Commissioners they look out for bever Danvers has no foot to stand on at that meeting and those meetings Tony has been very instrumental in getting me out there but I've been filming the meetings and you have the ability to look at what transpires during those meetings it's all business very little community relations the public comment is the only opportunity that anyone from Danvers has to say to the Commissioners and the Commissioners take that similar to what sometimes happens here but they put it into the round file never to be seen again there have been comments made in regard to the environmental issues there are several issues and I've copied some of you on that uh the opportunity to speak and comment in regard to what's going on in this meeting is non-existent because you get shut down because you are Danvers and not Beverly so that's that's my biggest issue but the thing is that hfield is going through the same type of an expansion and they have had the environmental agency in the state stopped them from expanding because they have to redo the environmental impact report this is what has been proposed by our town meeting at my expense of getting to a uh warrant article placed to the town meeting the letter was sent out by our town manager no response it's just sitting there on somebody's desk there are reports that are being conducted on the special projects Runway expansion um Hangar expansion Runway or taxiways being rerouted to make more room for hangers that's exactly what's going on that Master Plan plan consists of 273 pages and it's three different options and I I've provided most of the comments to you as Selectmen but I've also discussed those with the Commissioners they don't want to hear anything so that's my my problem and I know that I've been Vigilant about this thing for the last five six years and Tony has been on and we've had petitions and all kinds of uh documentation sent outs to our government agencies and our governor governments in Beverly daners and winham with no response so don't get succumbed by the promises that have been made yes there have been positive actions on the noise but that's not what the problem is the Jets are still flying over and and as you know I live almost in Middleton and the Jets go out there Monday morning they come back on Friday night then sometimes they leave on Saturday and that's the flight path from Northwest so all I want to do is bring you up to reality I mean yes this was a good presentation however danver's residents deserve better that's all I have thank you thank you Mark go ah now good evening uh G TR um just for a matter of context uh I know some of the people here uh and people know that I was served on the bevia Port Commission for five years just under five years prior to becoming select board member so I have some working knowledge of what goes on over there granted it's dated but some of the information doesn't stale doesn't go stale um and I also happen to live and the reason I joined the B airport commission is I live on uh fellow street I am in direct path over 927 every flight that comes off of 927 goes over my house I am higher sea level than the Beverly airport right now with all the leaves off the tree I'm looking down on the Tower and the lights they're still they're still powering up to get over and the point of demarcation is the Old Hunt Hospital sign site where they would that is the point that they powered down because that gives them enough Glide path to get back if there was an engine problem so I every plane that comes off number 27 goes over my house um 1634 obviously goes a different the different route um and that's why I became involved and I was not a proponent of the airport when I first started I had the same questions many people had the master plan then 25 years ago had issues I spent many hours at Tony's house listening to his concerns okay I have the I have the podium I know okay I'll take it so I think the point the issue one of the points that can come out of this is understanding who has what authority to do what we look at the airport often having sat there where you are now often you get accused or uh blamed or asked to do things that you don't have the authority to do and I think it's important one of the things that I think might come out of this and I would recommend it to the commission and to the to the to the airport manager is maybe a frequently asked questions about who can do what what can the town of damus do what can you do as representative of the town of damus SAS has Authority it has Authority for building permits it has Authority for fire and police safety it has Authority for electrical inspections environmental impact studies that are required by anybody else who wants to build in this town those are the authorities of Danver the town of Danvers what does the what does the airport um commission have and they may not like the way I categorize this they're responsible for the land and buildings on on the ground they're responsible for the ground they are landlords they are landlords uh in charge of that they are not responsible for the aircraft and styles the flight patterns as a matter of fact I'm reading right from their website the FAA is the sole Authority for US Air space and BV cannot reroute flights um and the FAA controls alone have the authority to direct aircraft so you can't ask the commission to send them off this Runway or that run way you can ask the commission it says here I'll briefly in 1990 Congress enacted the aircraft noising capacity that prohibits airports from restricting flights during the time of day frequency aircraft type or location and consequentially bvy is an open access airport and cannot discriminate against any aircraft Federal airspace is just like the Federal Highway System it is control it is an important part of the federal infrastructure it is not a whim it is not a um it is not a hobbyist airport it's an important part of the Federal Aviation uh oversight no different than danamas police can't tell semi-trucks not to run at 3 in the morning Beverly airport legitimately doesn't have the authority to tell an aircraft not to land or take off so one of the things I think would be important is understanding who has what Authority there was a minor discussion here about taxation we've been through it and many of us know it the taxation level set at Beverly airport was set in the 19 in 1940s when the Navy gave it back and they set a rate that is a state legislated rate that is something Joan and and and Sally have tried to initiate action on but it's no different than the reservoir it's no different than St John's Prep it's no different than the Essex Tech there are State limitations about what the taxation can be understanding who is responsible for what helps people go to the right people when they have a complaint if the complaint is about touch and goes the Beverly airport commission is trying to work in a collaborative Manner and requesting certain things happen but do they have the authority they don't have the authority to stop certain flights you also have the mass Aeronautics in there working in hand in hand the FAA but this is a this is a municipal entity and just like our water and sewer just like our electric they are self-sustaining they gather these fees to pay for $1 million in payroll to pay for plowing the runways keeping it safe all the maintenance that goes along with owning the airport um one question that I had actually is the 300t buffer through you Mr chairman is that only on 1634 but or is it all on I'm seeing you say it's not on 927 so there's no fumes closer to Damas residence or closer to Henderson Drive which has no residence anyhow it's only on 1634 thank you that that was something that when the discussion came up it was important to know fuel storage we heard about fuel storage and questions about that that's all mandated by the state it's no different than any gas station in town States sets the policies the federal government sets the policies the the the FBO fixed Bas operation has to follow those policies and you wouldn't expect them to to do any more than because Damas asked Damas doesn't have any authority over that um couple of things the new hanger Steve talked about the new hanger and there's a little bit of difference in there this was being built by a private person for their two planes for the services they provide and in fact those two planes will produ will reduce operations in half by 50% and here's how and it's not just in bevly you if the concern is about operations and the pollution they cause that plane is leaving another airport where it does have a hanger that's one trip out to fly into Beverly that's two pick up a passenger fly out of Beverly that's three go to the destination that's four then out of the destination bring it back to Beverly then from Beverly out back to their hanger space if it's housed it goes from eight operations to four you are actually cutting their operations in half reducing pollution reducing flight reducing noise um just a couple more points I I for context um we do get two Commissioners and we are the minority we will never be the majority but your choice is do you want to have any voice on that board versus the 6,000 or so that we get in taxation that's an option that the town manager sent a letter every year which do you prefer ,000 or two voices I prefer to have two voices on that board at Le they may not be the majority vote they may not be the deciding vote but it's important to have a voice there representing damers who can then come back to town hall or to other places um to to the citizens and explain what's going on I think knowing who has the authority is the way to effectively uh make change and even we you've asked about en the environmental impact study that's a study that Mark had requested on Tom meeting floor it's a study that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and have they if they do do if they were to even decide to do it what is the outcome the outcome is it will identify that there may or may not be lad particulates and even if that does do that the airport commission cannot affect that change that's a federal change so knowing that they what they can and cannot do what they can try to do and ask politely to do they can work with their uh uh their their the the the airport um uh flight schools they can put a good Nava policy out that says please limit your touch and goes but the the fact of the matter is they can't they have no authority to stop touching go so please understand what their Authority is and also weigh that against the economic benefits of that airport people treat it like this is just a hobbyist location with some large shits and you talked about risks I agree risks however we're talking about 100 I'm talking about $100 million aircraft these jets are extremely expensive no pilot is going to endanger their passengers themselves or their aircraft to try to get squeeze in uh uh if they're oversized they know what the the length they need the runway to be they know what's safe they know the weather conditions they know the lighting they know better than anybody what is aot what what provides for a safe operation they're going to do it and just speaking of the economic impact the airport brings in over according to uh and you can go on their website it links to the Massachusetts um impact study over $34 million in benefit to the region every year I will tell you that my employer metronic is the single largest employer in damers with over 900 employees that's in the back of your uh annual audit book you can go and look at your last one and see that met iic uh comes to is in Bev in is is in Cherry Hill because the airport's there Executives can get in and out easily same with abiomed SE same with uh cell signaling and most of the corporations on that on Cherry Hill so there is an in Impact that does benefit the town this is your Municipal Organization no different than our Water and Electric they don't give money back and I've asked this before I hope I'm still correct they don't don't send money back to the city of Beverly they are self- sustaining and if they don't make the money in the tax fuels they have to come up with some other way to do it to pay their people to keep the airport safe and clear uh during storms so um I wanted to add some context because yes we've been hearing complaints for years when I was on that side when I was on the airport commissioner and there are valuable complaints there there's value to that um but there's also value to knowing who can solve the issue and look to the people who can solve the issue not just use the commission as the focal point or the punching bag thank you thank you anyone else that hasn't spoken yet Tony you get the second bite a colletive does Ghana live in Damas or bevle that's what I want to know first excuse me does Ghana live in Damas or bevle that's no I'm just curious that's all all right here all right what I'd like to do here really we we have a problem we have a big problem okay you know that I'm a town meetting member of P 5 talk to people all the time okay we I want if it's possible to get a selectman workshop okay so we can get down to the nuts and bolts of this stuff okay you stop and think here he keeps telling you they're making all kinds of money what's going to happen if we have to give a a reduction to all the people that live in this area because of all the noise from the airport you look at all those houses you see that thing I gave you look at all those houses that are there okay what's going to happen if we have to give a reduction okay for all the noise that going to come from the airport I don't think so town of d is going to have to accept it okay so if I got to get $1,000 so take a look how many houses are there okay another thing too do you know how many houses have sold in PR 5 I mean I shouldn't be doing the work but I wish someone would do it okay pron 5 is the most houses sold in that area why because that stupid airport okay let me get my cram of thought here because I don't want to I'm just trying to be calm and Collective and be a nice boy okay cuz you know how it is but we have a problem okay there's no question in my mind only we know we have a problem I know that but we can't keep pushing it down the road it has to stop I've been doing this for I think 19 years I've lived in that house for 30 years okay I've been coming here and they just explained to you and they just told you they lied to us you're not offering any new information I appreciate concerns and now on the information also uh if I'm not mistaken also I believe we are the ones that hold the the the foam truck for that airport okay at the jambus fire station if I'm not mistaken okay we should have our heads examined have that foam for these people okay and we get nothing for it okay on top of it like I told you they wanted to charge us okay they want to send us a bill okay for what we did over there we went over there to help them out okay that's why that's why I want to select from his Workshop so we can sit down I want to bring some people we have a real good conversation what's going on here get to the bottom of this cuz we have to okay the B airport is not doing anything good for us okay as far as I'm concerned thank you Tony Gabe do you want to summarize and answer any respond to anything uh yeah just a couple things um let me gather all so real quick just to respond to that last comment made by Mr Bon cord about the posos issue um he brought that up in his first comments and then just um kind of closed out with that uh so there was an in 2009 a firefighter training exercise on the airfield on the dverse side of the Airfield um the foam was released and thus now we have posos uh on the Airfield um so the highest reading that we've gotten on the amount of contaminant within this area on the Airfield in the Danver side is 66 parts per trillion um of posos contaminant it that number would have to be 40 million parts per trillion before the state would say that it was a serious issue um and posing any risk to um W drinking water supply within Danvers um we're still you going through the motions to mitigate it to track it to get it delineated um all that's to say that I personally have never advocated ated that Dan first foot the bill for that uh that was a suggestion that was it was a question to me um from one of the Commissioners at pre two meetings ago and then at the previous meeting in response to that commissioner I clarified that this is the airport's sole responsibility and not something that the that I that the town of Danvers ought to be responsible for though town of Danvers hasn't been found responsible for it um so the costs to mitigate that are going to remain an airport cost um as long as as far as I'm concerned um so I want to clear that up give some um maybe some Solace as much as I can to Mr beton court that um that posos issue is solely airport responsibility and funded um to clean up that issue um I also wanted to touch on the aircraft category the um that was brought up excuse me I I forgot your name I'm awful with names okay wonderful thank you Mr Pino um so uh the current so the FAA characterizes um the they called the critical aircraft it's the largest aircraft that is regularly using the airport um our current critical aircraft the categorization is a C2 aircraft um that comes from approach speed and wings span and height of the tail goes into some calculation that the FAA does excuse me um and spits out the critical aircraft at Beverly airport is C2 that doesn't mean that a bigger aircraft might not show up here and there but it means that you know regularly regularly being 500ish operations per year um or more the biggest aircraft we're going to see is that C2 aircraft the our Airport layout plan which is a appendix of the master plan on the first page it kind of shows these critical aircraft what it currently is and what It ultimately will be I'll have to go and double check on what the ultimate is but I believe the ultimate shows that it remains a c to aircraft uh the critical aircraft thus the again this project and not just this project but the next 10 20 30 years of projects at the airport which comprise the ultimate airport plan um don't move the needle on the critical aircraft category that the airport is kind of being built for so I wanted to clarify that as well I think that's all I had there was something that was mentioned that the board um through the chair might have a question want more um detail on I'm more than happy to take more questions what we're looking for if you will um some of the questions that you will get back to us on is question that Mr Bean had is about the amount of gas pumped per year in danvas more details on the safety equipment that's on the airport you talk about your C2 when the runway is completed some 3 four years what type of planes do you expect besides C2 and how often if you could give that some thought y will you come back in the fall I yeah I'd be happy to okay I know we had some problem in September because our meeting was a conflict for you because we had elections on Tuesday so I appreciate that and other things have happened in the meantime correct I think I was in the hospital uh with a newborn at that time so that was we understand that that's great so but yes I'd be happy to come back in the fall um to Mr beton courts request for a meeting with the select board this board does have the right and ability AB ility to pass a resolution opposing the expansion of hangers and planes in danvas I know how effective that would be it's something I need to do a little research on through the town manager through our Town Council um that might be something we can do I'm going to leave it with private jets subit 10 times more pollutants than commercial planes per passenger so all these big jets create a lot more pollution that's a fact and Mr Bill has you have a question sir okay go ahead again Bill Brad street town meeting member I come to meetings I listen one of the things I like to ask our state is that we need to be the town needs to be proactive not reactive and it sounds to me like what's happening tonight is it's reactive and as I believe some of the speakers have said the town needs to take the Reigns and be proactive please I know I ask you to tell me you're working on it but please be proactive thank you thank you Bill Gabe is up yes d I don't know if we okay sure at the microphone I'm Christine Saunders from 57 Burley street right in Damas and my question is uh how is How is Channel 7 comes in and out twice a day are they are they doing anything to process uh different times they traffic that's it they're the traffic helicopter and they fly in and out is when there is an emergency on 128 they also come out and do the news on on what's going on if there's a shutdown or an emergency somewhere that is a good thing to keep the people informed I've been myself in dvas 45 years I've been on one side of town and now I'm over on the airport side I just right now my children are grown and is only me so I I said maybe I should say something about that helicopter but it is a good thing that that is happening because it informs the public as to what's going on I mean you can see them they come in and out and they and they come all hours they do mostly the traffic but I like having it there because if there's an emergency they're there and other in the police department it has been great when it's been different things in town happening at the high school and that's what I worried because I said now it's between you're off the traffic but you're still in News 7 or News 5 or what whoever's flying there so we know publicly what is happening because it will hit the news we knew about the murder over there behind the high school we learned about something on the trails we've learned about different things and it's good to be informed it is good to be informed of what's going on we also have a lot of if there's still noise there's a lot of um noise driving the wildlife toward my backyard and that's another problem that I'm having raccoons I'm having coyotes and there is a timber wolf there you know so something's driving these animals out because they have no wild Wetlands at all to be in so and I at one point I I heard there or I got information that there were foxes in the area and because of the elementary school you know you're able to have the the animal officer and the police come in and what they doing is they're feeding the foxes further down in the field behind Cherry Hill Office Park which is good cuz it's keeping them over there but is there more of them that's the thing it's you know there's a little news things and it's also on the Damas police um log the the internet so they do report small things but if it's going to be a danger to the children going up at 7 in the morning or coming back at 3: we seeing while I'm seeing wildlife and they they walk right down the middle of Burly Street Deer moose all kinds of animals are out and people walk at 5:00 a.m. in our development and they could be in danger so as far as really the airport is good for information I will say that but that is good that's all I have to say good thank you did you moose in danas not yet tonight okay last last comment I hope what I heard tonight is that there is proactive action that can take place and what you just mentioned recently just a few minutes ago is that somebody needs to stand up and defend the residents of danvas that are being affected by the expansion of the airport and a resolution by the bord of Elman would be a wonderful idea because this will be the optimum time to send some kind of a message that Danvers does count in this organization right now we have two members and we should probably renegotiate that as well so I do encourage and I will write one for you if you want for a resolution to curtail I would never prevent you from writing anything but we'll have our town counil review it let you won't let me write it no you can write it that's too bad see I got I get the whole book here on on Beverly airport thank you Mark okay folks Gabe Gabe and Rick thanks again for coming uh we'll see you in the fall chairman I had a couple follow-ups for the commissioner and oh sure yes um and this might be a curve ball but I I forgot to ask earlier when I was in Rivier mport soundproof my house and gave me a they gave me a room I for I forgot what they call it I have no idea how it happened I someone there were residents that were complaining about noise because I was on the Logan Airport path and then someone showed up one day and start assessing things and it was done perfectly like in my master bedroom zero noise Beverly is not that big of an airport and don't but is Beverly part of mass port no so correct uh Beverly is not part of massport um so what that was or what that is it's an ongoing program as I understand it it's actually from the FAA um grant funding from the FAA that goes to massport to then a soundproof neighbors homes that is not applicable to beerly airport um and now I wish I had my chart with me my map to show The Contours but the FAA uh classifies noise at airports um on what's called DNL day night average uh so it's you're decb uh but they don't look at a single event on decibel they don't look at a jet taking off and say oh that was 90 DB therefore you're going to get you know there there's a noise issue here they look at the day night average of where those decb are on average for a given spot if that DNL is 60 5 or higher and a house Falls within it the FAA says we will fund we'll give funds to the airport to go and soundproof that home Beverly airport 65 DNL Contour doesn't leave airport property so there's no homes that fall within Beverly's DNL Contour so therefore the FAA says there's we're not applicable to that is the 65 only applicable with a c C2 aircraft or if you were to get a bigger one a bigger aircraft could uh push that Contour out yes and that's what's happening in Boston uh particularly and rever um on their runways 22 is the runway identifier and Boston that um all those neighborhoods behind there are kind of Fallen within Boston's uh 65 DNL Contour um for us though the stays within the airport fence line okay so if you made expansion and start getting bigger aircraft you running the risk of reaching that 65 and then we could all get our house sound proof uh correct if your house Falls within it you could yeah yes um correct and that's something I uh it's a lot more difficult to talk about it um than to have the visual I that's something else I would be more than happy to follow up with and make sure that uh the board gets that visual diagram showing where the Contour is um to you Mr chairman uh they've been talked tonight also about um the two Commissioners the two members that we have on the commission I I will request that maybe in one of our future meetings I think the manager is going to update us on that later under to his um information uh in sense of do we keep it or do we get the taxation we'll hear from the manager later okay so if I have a comment about that do I wait at that time or do I that would be appropriate okay and the last question that I have for you uh is I you understand the FAA controls the is not within your jurisdictions and there were I know the the noise are going down but also it's still my understanding that most flight take off on the Denver side because of the wind and and because of safety and things like that do you have a process in place that allows you to make recommendation to flight school or people taking of that if if it's calm they could they could split like do you have anything like that or do you just yeah so we have um a calm winds Runway so when the winds are calm it's expected um of course not mandatory exactly but it's strongly recommended and expected that traffic will be on this calm winds Runway our calm wind winds Runway is uh Runway six uh which if you take off of you fly directly over Cherry Hill um so we try to make that the main Runway as best we can and as the wind will allow do you think do you think they actually do that or or do you have a way to yeah I I think they do that I to be frank about it there have been times that I've made a phone call to the air traffic control tower and pressed them on that that I've looked out my window and noticed that the winds were calm or favoring 16 um and they're still sending traffic out on the way that's affects Danvers um so you know that's something that I think we're getting better at I think that for the most part it's adhered to but there have been times I've had to step in and strongly recommend they change uh the way they're doing something on a particular day okay thank thank you very much uh I mean great uh presentation thank you for coming it like I said before it sounds to me that you're more responsive I'm hoping something that I like to say that we are accountability Partners in this process of course between our resident and the airport to kind of give the residents some relief and whatever this board will do in that regard I I I'll be fully support and just understand we're coming into this with good faith we are hoping that you you do the same of course thank you can can I say something I liked what D said about the com when talking about the commin track I mean um Runway do you can you track it for us and give us some data I mean you say it's suggested but do you have data that you could give to this spard on what you've suggested you know ratio stand like the number on the breakdown yes uh yeah that's I could probably get some uh does that mean admittedly it'd probably be pretty rough but I could get you a pretty Gooding to weather but if it's suggested that way and they're not utilizing it what Authority do you have to impose it to them again it know comes back to I can strongly recommend strongly recommend strongly recommend strongly strongly recommend which I do but um yeah and unfortunately for you know in my position really the moment that the wheels leave the ground my authority ceases like adna says yeah yeah and it is more convenient just to let you know for the flight school on the dver side and the Jets it's more convenient for them to use six it's a shorter taxi way they it's it's much easier to get to so it's it is I mean as a pilot it's preferable when I would do my training when it was when one six I was excited because I didn't have to cross over and go to the other side of the airport so it is an easier commute to take one six Mike thank you very much um question on your uh the gauge that you were talking about to measure the uh ability if a house is going to get insulated or or not um is that an old school measurement is it is it newer the last noise study that was done at Beverly airport I believe was 2022 or 2021 um so it's a few years old um the operations and that time are very comparable to what they are currently um so I I wouldn't expect it's changed much if at all I'm just saying that when you say that the it just gets makes it out to the uh perimeter of the airport just sounds funny like 20 more feet it would hit a house and there's no place get insulated in some nice Windows right so there's some places that doesn't even reach the fence line um some places that it does leave the line but it's you know in uninhabited area um the closest residents that there are to these Contours actually aren't related to the runways it's where the uh helicopters are doing their operations in and out of that still doesn't leave airport property but that's the closest that the Contour come to any homes is that information posted yes it is yep so that uh you can find on our website I will follow up and I can get all of your contact information and send an email out with that diagram thank you very much yeah of course okay thank you may I have oh David you don't want to be left out I know thank you is jet fuel Leed or UNL it is unlet jet jet fuel chemically is nearly identical to kous oh okay and my second question is in in Lay terms what is a C2 plane of the plane you're talking about correct yes thank you so C2 um so the C part comes from approach speed so how fast the airplane what's it look like uh C2 airra the most typical C2 over there would be a a midsized uh like Cessna Citation a jet yes it's a jet it's a how many seats how many engines uh depend how many passengers two engines depends on the configur I mean these Jets configuration I'd say 9 to 11 seats um but you can configure that to fit um two seats you can configure it to fit 15 seats um but a midsize you're probably looking at like nine seats I'd say would be aage like how long is it and what does it weigh and what's its wingspan uh I I don't have the exact specifications on ballpark typical ballpark on the I I don't know the speci didn't get that information and send it to us with everything else okay sure I just was sitting here in here in C2 C2 I know what C2 is so I think you do a great job next time maybe a few more pictures and uh of course some stuff up on the wall no yeah and I could scare some people um and then maybe no of course I I apologize I um I noted um yeah I yes I wasn't expecting to be talking about C2 aircraft but I'm happy that we were the other one that brought SC I know I know okay David thank you and also the invitation is always open second Monday of every month 6 pm at the East Side uh all residents everyone is welcome we've begged to like Sally cerns Senator lovelyy any complaints that anybody has if they can funnel them to us somehow email on the website um um just so because we've been collecting data for almost a year January will be a year of collecting noise complaint data um and that's the only way we can make progresses if we know what the complaints are where they're coming from what the planes are what the operators are and that just helps us do a better job so thank you we'll see you in the fall all right thank you thanks and pizza and Cookie Monsters at those meetings and you might get more people ah yeah Tony do you want this back do you want this back Tony and folks we'll take a five minute recess e e e e e e e e e e e back danas uh next item on the agenda is the town clerk will present information on vote by mail and in-person early voting for the May 6 2025 annual Town election Madam Clerk thank you um in your packet you received a draft copy of the uh Town election important deta dates to remember um next meeting I've invited the registar voters to come uh where we'll solicit feedback from the public on vote by mail uh we'll also have a conversation about inperson early voting for the annual Town election um I want to encourage anybody who is interested in running for any open seats to reach out to myself or to Stephanie in my office we're happy to sit with you um go over the um timeline for elections what the requirements would be um getting nomination papers um this document is available online uh we'll update it final once we um take a few votes at the next meeting on in person early and vote by mail and uh the oh I wanted to say the town meeting handbook is also available on the town's website under the town meeting section so if anybody's looking for information on um how town meeting Works what the requirements are all of that you can find that document online I also have copies in my office if anybody is interested in that um so for the next meeting on the 7th we will hold uh we'll solicit feedback from the public on vote by mail and then I'll ask for some votes at that time and if anybody has any questions at this point um but the majority of the election votes will all take place at the next meeting on the S all right thanks for the update any questions nope hearing none thank you the board will finalize budget goals for fiscal year 2026 Mr Town manager thank you through you Mr chairman um we had provided a draft of this last month um we gotten some feedback so in front of you tonight is the draft goals and objectives I know the agenda item does say to finalize but generally what the board does is obviously provide any edits or comments you have but then generally we refer that to the school committee and Library Board of Trustees to see if they have any input as well um the long-term and strategic objectives other than a couple slight adjustments these stay pretty static year-over-year again being that they're long-term in nature what we started doing three years ago is updating the year specific budget goals so for FY 26 uh We've identified three specific goals one is to maintain current Staffing and service levels while the town transitions to a new town manager uh the second is to ensure the damis police department has the appropriate funding in place to be fully staffed and three is to provide Danver public schools with resources to continue making progress in areas such as special excuse me as such as special education these are in addition to our general goals of providing a balanced budget but these are three that we've identified at a staff level and we're happy to take any comments or suggestions Mike oh thank you Mr chairman um uh to the town manager um I understand we'll be hiring at least one HR staff is that a a goal um so I'm not ready to jump into that okay too soon right now but part of that um we have a vacancy right now um in the Dei office and seeing what the long-term and short-term nature of fulfilling that role as well as the um need to provide staff resources to Human Resources we have a more developed plan as we get into the budget season and uh just I have an idea a thought here I don't know if it's a a person or be a consultant or if it's even exists in the world yet but um what I'm learning on the traffic board and uh which ties into to Bill bat's uh uh presentation tonight is um we could be leaving uh grant money uh on the table uh in all different areas I don't know that we are know that there's lots of grants that come through the town so I didn't know if it's a something we should think about getting one person that would be in charge of researching our grants and uh whatnot uh I know that they come with anchors tied to them so it's not necessarily that every Grant we're going to want to get but KN that they're there and we've talked about in the past about a central unfortunately a lot of these we have the staff and the knowledge to apply for Grant so again if there's a grant that you're aware of that we're not of please let us know cuz obviously we look for every Grand opportunity we could but terms of Staffing to supply the information to procure one of those grants the staff we have in place right now is pretty good at a identifying the grants and B providing the necessary paperwork because that's really where the work is not necessarily uh identifying a grant but the voluminous paperwork that goes into submitting and from Public Safety to Public Works uh to land use we've been very successful in having staff that's knowledgeable enough to put those documents together yeah and my comment does relate to the electronic signs and whatnot and how CU I when I go to the meetings uh Aaron reminds us all the time we have no budget on that board and uh I mean that's just what it is but if there's any way to increase money that if there's free money out there you know if if we're not missing it I have one to talk about in my manager update a little bit so and uh my last comment was um I think we have to investigate you know how to hire more police officers because just my opinion I'm sure we could use three or four people um and that's just my opinion thank you thank you David thank you Dan um did just follow up on the slight discussion about grants um I'm on the board down at the YMCA and the CEO down there is I put it over there because I was swearing earlier tonight yeah pull it close um for example down at the YMCA the CEO there is an absolute genius on finding monies and making grants I also have a cousin he works for that um some huge think tank that does business with the government and his specialty is writing grants and I've often thought should the town engage either an agency or an organization or like we get Consultants or other things we might be missing out on millions of dollars worth of available Grant Monies um because we don't know about them now if Rodney just said we have people working on that um I don't know because so one of the things through you Mr chairman that the state actually launched a few months ago is they have a monthly webinar where they go through state and federal grants to bring it to municipality's attention and we have our assistant Finance director Nick naen has been sitting in on those calls monthly as well so so we are attending to it absolutely yeah good luck thank you Bill do you have something pertinent Brad stre tell me you remember a Precinct one bear in mind at least it's been my experience there's nothing that's free if we get a grant it's going to come with strings and we might not like the strings that are going to be following all of this money that we could use if we could get it but get it without strings which I don't think is going to happen thank you David will you all set thank you Dan Moren I'm gonna add to that too because I've suggested numerous times about a grant writer you know I mean I know that um there's been some retired teachers um in in the damis school systems that were really good at obtaining a lot of Grants granted bill you know we don't want the strings attached but and Rodney I can appreciate you know uh through you Mr Chia that we do have staff to do it but if we had someone even on a part-time or per DM or quarterly basis something um someone that just really just I mean the town staff does a wonderful job but they they're probably doing 10 different things if we had someone just focus on one thing there might be more opportunity to find these so um I'm for that are we commenting on these well I think we're talking about the budget goal okay all right so my budget for the fiscal year 2026 budget goals on number one when it says um maintain current Staffing and service levels while the town transitions to a new town manager I just wanted to add maybe maintain current Staffing in all service levels um while the town transitions to a town to a new town manager while maintaining great customer service in all areas for the residents you know kind of tweak it a little bit and then number two I had ensure that ensure the which I agree ensure the Damas police department has the appro funding in place to be fully staffed and I wanted to add in in the fire department as well I think police and fire should be fully staffed that would be my suggestion it's only suggest I think we can add fire to that just as well I mean that that makes sense and I do like number three naturally we want to uh provide Damas public schools with the resources to continue making progress in areas such as special education I mean that that is definitely a priority but I'm good that those are my few changes that I wanted to suggest okay so you brought up one so that's one I was going to discuss as well so I look at this and I was I wrote it maintain current Staffing comma service and hold fees at current levels while the town transitions to a new town manager my goal is to maintain um a reasonable budget we're not not filling any major Staffing positions till we have a new manager and I think we should hold our fees at current levels for this current year and I think Dan through you we S I had suggested that too that some of those vacancies that you know when Steve was here um I had made the suggestion that we didn't want anything really filled until the new town manager came and something he can't say anything because every every position a different role different reason but the major ones major ones correct but some of that didn't happen but whatever you know we try I think because think of it this way you have a new town manager like even with Steve going to Lexington right he we would he wouldn't want his people to fill he'd want to make his own team yeah but the budget it says maintain current Staffing okay but you said comma service y and he's at current levels while the town transitions to a new town manager might you have a problem with that no David do you have a problem with that excuse me he said no okay D yeah well I am I commenting or you asking if I have a problem with it well I made a a recommendation anyone in favor or not where I actually had I see you got a lot of writing there go ahead yes I do um part of my naivity I just want to understand what we talking about uh the first one I don't quite understand what that means uh or what it translates to maintain current Staffing and service level while the town transitions to a new town manager what time frame are we talking about do we hire a new town manager okay if we had one in April or May this is budget 26 correct which starts when July 1 do you Mr chairman just to point a clarification the budget must be submitted and balanced on March 1st okay it doesn't go in effect till July 1st but the budget is submitted to se select board March 1st and submitted to fincom on April 1st okay so so this means that this has to be what we have as a goal by March 1 for okay that clarifies it and the the behind the first goal was essentially saying that we're not going to propose significant new position significant service expansion without the new town manager being able to weigh in on what direction they'd like that to go okay that's yeah okay that was my second question we are saying that existing positions will stay you are not new positions is that my understanding correct okay but if there's a vacancy because it's I'm just picturing it's hard to offer the same Services if we keep having vacants I mean you could have two or three other people resign tomorrow from one Department we don't want to be in a situation where there's nothing we can do because this is what we saying we can't hire anyone I'm having a problem with that maintain so somebody leaves and you replace them so that's that's maintaining that Staffing level but that depends on what scenario we can't predict okay but there's still that possibility that if the needs arises we could fill positions that are needed to to continue to offer the services that we want to offer to the residents we have recommendation from the manager yeah we continue to fill all non-management positions as they become vacant for we need need to provide services to the community any management level positions we have either we are leaving vacant right now and if there was a management position that was critical enough that we needed to make a permanent appointment we would discuss it with the board ahead of time perfect I I like that thank you um number two ensure the Danver police department has the appropriate funding in place to be fully staffed uh and I know select board member being also said we should add a couple of more officers I think we asked the manager and the police chief to work out the details and come back to us yeah but it's my understanding that the current number of officers is not even fully full yet like we we have vacancies is that true that's correct y so just adding the number is not solving the actual problem so and that that's a concern I have and Again full disclosure I think we have the best police department in the world I interact with them all the time three years ago when they had their national accreditation I was part of it and they spoke so highly of our department that we were invited to laata to speak to their city council about some of the good things that we do however I'm concerned that we singling out the police in this goal and I agree with with select board member we can introduce fire but it's more than that there's no issue in my mind in this town that we can police our way out of so I would say instead of singling out the police in our budget goal we talk about supporting Public Safety and Emergency Services because that could include fire that could include DPW that could in include Community engagement in some of these issues that we have we so we don't want to just say we're going to hire more officers because I don't know how we police our way out of anything I think the community coming together will be the way to go so if we want to support public services and emergency services that is a little more broad than just the police that that would be my suggestion and I don't know how you draft it y Mike I just want to tell you the my thinking on that wasn't um it is only about the fact that a lot of the people working at the police department have to work a bunch of overtimes as soon as um somebody is sick or if we lose somebody or whatever the situation is so you have people working 16 hours and then 16 hours and 16 hours I'm just looking at as the mechanical part of it we're not going to police ourselves out of anything just maintaining a level of uh the of getting the quality that we need out of a person for8 hours instead of having them at 16 they're not as you know they're tired people get tired it was just that that's how I was thinking it wasn't a huge thing yeah and I totally agree with that but talking about Public Safety as a general think I remember I think it was Mr bit who was talking about do we really need an officer to direct traffic if we having constructions we might have citizen volunteers or someone else like we can look at things like that to alleviate the burden from our offices so they can focus on policing and community policing instead of being on the RO during constructions so by by having those priority where whatever we doing is involving the community I think will serve us better than just involving one Department within the town that that would be my suggestion um and for the school one um I I'm I'm totally in favor of um and thank you all right I'm losing my voice here so if I may number one maintain current staffing service and hold fees at current levels while the town transitions to a new town manager number two ensure the public and Emergency Services have the appropriate funding in place to be fully staffed three Mr chairman does that ensure the public safety and Emergency Services ensure that the public Emergency Services the public safety Public safy Safety and emergency services and Emergency Services okay right have the appropriate funding in place to be fully staffed those are the changes any other comments all in favor of the hold on Mr chairman I I I wasn't talking about just the St on the it was ures support for Public Safety and Emergency Services not just to be fully not uh I'm not sure how to say it uh it's not just about Staffing one Department it's about us no we're ensuring that the public service and Emergency Services have the appropriate funding in place to be fully staffed appropriate funding what do you want to change the the focus still comes down to just the Staffing I I would like us to M maybe it's not maybe it's not Staffing a department maybe it's maybe it's having a program within the community where we're promoting Public Safety and and things like that well when you read through the entire document the first three are distinct budget goals fitting in with our long-term goals customer focused high quality affordable education Recreation cultural service maintain enhanced Community infrastructure Capital Equipment public facilities enure long-term fiscal stability through Professional Management appropriate policies maintain strengthen Public Safety land use community services so this goes on to I think say what you're looking for but in more details okay okay the first three up bullet points if you will the rest spills out the long-term goals Rodney would you comment on that yeah through you Mr chair the these three top goals are just specifically about when we're formulating the FY 26 budget okay so and the budget resources we're allocating so what we discussing tonight is it a draft like I was see it again before we adopt it or this is it yeah no we'll bring it back after we get input from school committee and Library Board of Trustees as well okay thank you absolutely they'll be change it and we'll send it off to them with these Corrections okay thank you and if I might just say one thing if the kid down yeah um the I the way I take the number two is that we're really just talking about those um um a departments that are the 24 hours whereas like DP W is not 24 hours we have to have staff um and we have to have overnight staff that would have to come out for an emergency it's public emergeny staff exactly that's not all-encompassing right it doesn't um I don't know if thats at any right Bill Bates thank you so much real quick the board had mentioned um how important it might be for a downtown police officer an officer that actually walks the beat again would this be the time that you guys would no at budget season they're going to the police will come what their they feel their needs are okay and a budget spelling out we'll spend the budget on X Y and Z okay I that's in March and so that's when we'll do it okay thank you excuse me Mr chairman through you didn't um Chief level he was going to come back in January to get well that's that's the update in January that's not the budget here no but just an update to like Bill b well you're done Bill Brad street you had your hand up no you're done working on you're working on okay so we're all set with these goals yes okay all right thank you Rodney thank you the manager will report to the board on various items of interest thank you through you Mr chairman so exciting Grant news which I didn't realize it would be such a Hot Topic tonight but we do have some good Grant news to report um so over the past couple years um the director of Natural Resources Chris Sanborn has been discussing a project on doing some work at the crane River Marina replacing the access Pier the gang way float modifications um it's a substantial project um we couldn't fit it in as a waren article last year and it wouldn't be likely that we could fit it in this year however we did receive information on a potential Grant opportunity we pursued through the seport county Grant um offered by the state The cport Economic Council um and they it's chaired by the lieutenant governor and this week they awarded us that Grant um it'll be for $350,000 it requires an $80,000 match um we attended a meeting at the state house we received the award it was attended by myself assistant Town manager Jen breaker um director of Natural Resources Chris sandborn we were also joined by our state representative Sally C um they were very excited for the project happy to award us and we'll have for further information on timeline on when the project is expected to start continue and be completed but uh very great news this week for a much needed project thank you thank you you also received information early this afternoon in an email about special town meeting um we're currently scheduled for a potential special town meeting on February 3rd the current plan would be to hold warrant review at the next select board meeting on January 7th including a vote to close the warrant the following day there's very preliminary drafts available on the planning section of the website I emailed you the link but for anyone watching at home that's under the planning section of the website with a link to some support supporting documents again it's mostly zoning and land use related um but more information to come on that but assuming those dates work for the board we'll start disseminating that information we have a meeting this week Aaron Henry and myself with the town moderator to review it with her as well and then we'll work to schedule some time with a finance committee meeting as well and then lastly we'll be doing some overnight work on Maple Street um Sunday December 22nd um this is the excavation and installation of the new Lighting conduits on Maple Street um there's potential for another night or two between now and final installation but the goal is to have these lights up and running sometime in January we'll make sure to post the information on social media as well and push it out to all our channels but we wanted to put that on your radar as well and then lastly uh we did discuss the airpo appointment so Mr Henry has a draft on sort of the role and responsibility of that commissioner seat that we'll bring to the board in the new year as well as a discussion on the overall goal of the seats on the commission as well I'm not sure Mr chairman if there's anything specific in addition you wanted on that item but our plan would be to bring something in January we did have a number of applications the last time we did this research are those folks still interested or are we going to advertise for additional and new applications we can certainly advertise we also can still reach out to those previous candidates and see if they're still interested in serving absolutely okay anything you want to add to that D yeah to to that point before we go with the advertisement I I do think we are I was hoping we can have a discussion as to do we even keep the two Commissioners uh I I I I'm yet to see a single and I may be wrong I I've been looking I don't see many policies that were impacted by the presence of the commissioner on the board I I think two out of nine yeah they may raise some voice they may raise some concerns but the commission is going to do what they're going to do and without with or without our two Representatives without with and I do think that we can still ask the commissioner to come and do a presentation with the representative we can have a someone be appointed as a leon to the commission just to listening and report back uh but then at least we will have taxation as minimal as it is it might pay for two fire TRS to go up there if it's $7,000 we take the money and then we work to the legislature to see how that can be changed but I do think I haven't seen no nothing against the Commissioners I I think they're awesome I think they're doing a great job they're doing the best they can but I think our advocacy from within is almost tying their hand because yes they're representing derse but they also have to express a certain level of cooperation within the commission for the best interest of the airport so it's a little conflicted if we don't have a commissioner there then we only going there for dous advocacy work we are not we don't have the airport interest on mine whatever interaction we having with the airport is not necessarily confrontational but it CE to advocate for the invers so again what so if I may ask the manager to ask Aaron to finalize that document he's working on and get us a copy sooner rather than later so we can review it and give it some thought and in January 7th um approve that or approve no Commissioners by vote but at least we'll have a document from Aaron and his experience and expert teas on what we're going to ask the Commissioners to do in that time we can decide which Fork on the road to take with a vote and we'll put that behind us okay sounds good so you can read that Christmas Eve no that is that reasonable Rodney yep I'll make sense to me good thanks anybody else anything else no okay um on the schedule Mr chairman Mr gney said uh we have at the next meeting the Warren article uh and I know it's on the consent calendar I just want to clarify you say we vote to close it the next day we'll vote that day what day to close it yeah we'll vote to take closing on a future date oh okay not the next day well the recommendation would be on the 7th you take a vote closing it effective the eth the next day okay okay so it's not that we have another meeting on the 8th you would not need to come on the 8th no you would yeah you just no the reason I'm asking and I was going to point that out during conent calendar I I'll actually be in Europe on the 7th so I might I might join from the screen I going to be a busy agenda yes so I fine it will be 6 hours different so it probably 3:00 a.m. there but I'll be on the screen no 6 not cuz we'll be 6:30 here it'll be 3:30 wherever you are it's 6 hours so whatever midnight the afternoon or ahead it's it's ahead I'm sorry to hear that okay all right on the consent calendar is there a motion please um I'll make a motion to approve the consent calendar as presented is there a second second discussion hearing none all in favor hi hi thank you correspondent select board new business Mike do you want to start yes um just to reiterate the communications that I'm hearing around town as far as other board meetings whatnot um we have to think outside the box I don't know use more social media wave of magic wand we just try to get uh information out there so people can make uh so they can be involved um I think the more people involved the better um in a lot of different areas there um and then I'm going to uh I'm going to say thank you to Kathy and the staff and Rodney for the Christmas party the other night at the um um Barry Tavern and thank you to Joe the owner there uh the food was awesome and uh I want to just say Merry Christmas and God bless everybody that's it thank you David David is not here oh sorry Lain huh um through you Mr chairman just a quick question for the town manager Rodney just excuse me David has a medical I don't know if he wants me to say this nine o'clock he needs to take some meds that's all right that's why he left that's fine yeah he's fine so um through you uh just a quick question Rodney um can you let us know um what was there an outage there was a serious outage on endot Street on Sunday right and my the only concern that I had is you know um damus electric does a wonderful job job um I was just wondering if um I don't know if residents could be in um like a call to say don't go there because I understood that like Market Basket was shut down like people that were going food shopping couldn't use you know I don't know about you but I use Apple pay um so I'd have a grocery full of cots and wouldn't be able to pay for it but um maybe moving forward if something like that happens we I don't know if we have communication where um somebody puts a a website or or a call like the town manager for voting you know if we could alert resident you know power was out um just a suggestion generally we try to do it in Social with social media it's the easiest method but I can I know it's yeah I have a cousin who had a power outage and I was getting the minute by minute detail they were very nervous but then anyway we can work on making sure that we're communicating it in rapid response on social media well that would be great and I wanted to thank Kathy and yourself and and um all and the people for the the town party that was really fun um you know it's nice to see have the business people come I I'd like to see more business people come to our Our Town party um I know Kathy does a good job in her staff trying to get the word out there and I think it's on the was it on the website does it on it doesn't go on the website maybe we could look at doing something like that but it was a fantastic event um I wanted to congratulate Falcon Fest for doing their tree lighting and the parade that was wonderful the kids and the parade was spectacular um and I wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy hanuka and um spend time with the people that you love and enjoy the holidays thank you thank you D yeah thank you and you're right I mean kudos to Falcon Fest that was an amazing Christmas tree lighting I was there with my niece-in-law and my nephew they they had a blast I had fun too with the little lighting so it was a really good Community event great turnout um Kudos also to the Historical Society for the parade of trees I was there twice unfortunately I didn't win any but it was it was just great Community event as well uh the library also had a program uh like where different people were reading to the kids they had jazz music playing in the in in the room next door so kudos to the library for for organizing that event um thanks KY for the Christmas party I won three raffle tickets I think I had the biggest price there um and again to my fellow residents please let's find a way to cool it uh we're all into this together we're going to get to it but only if we do it together and finally last last but not least I just want to say happy early birthday to our chairman uh I don't know how it feels like to turn 30 but I know he's his birthday is coming up so happy birthday thank you very much appreciate it quick story my second daughter my wife and I turned 30 about the same time she said boy you people are old I never let her forget that now that she's 50 David closing comments good night everyone thank you thank you I do have one um correspondence I received a letter from uh the Headmaster at the St John's Prep with a copy of a check made out for $2500 Friends of the damis rail trail also one for friends of intercart Park Inc and these are made gifts to the friends so not we don't have to vote to accept the gift but we want to thank the prep for the the continued support of the rail trail in indart park if you see a well first happy holidays to everybody out there look forward to seeing you on the 30th for manora lighting is that correct 6 o' yes thank you and happy holidays to all and if you see a vet please say thank you good night dvas thank you for