have arrived somewhere special or they're passing through somewhere special maybe they'll stop on the way back home that kind of thing we don't know what their that first impression might leave but Disney you feel like you've arrived somewhere is a different example you know than we're dealing with with with our budget and our needs but wild flowers require very very little maintenance uh in some of these median spaces you know they don't I'm not saying plant whole medians in in Wild fers NE wild flers necessarily but in some areas it's it's at least that much less grass too you throw the seeds out and it grows so I mean that's basically it if they're thick enough you don't have to worry about weeds to speak up whatever by the time weeds do come up above the flowers it's time to mow it down and start again you know so something like that would be very helpful coming in um we have four entry sites I think Kobe you and I talked about those other day coming into the city you know that should be colorful they should be inviting they should get people's attention as they inter our down because it's that impression that we get so that's just one area of beautification of course our lakeyard is the gym and downtown is the gym and and it draws people and it's going to continue to draw people so I think that's our Focus to me um utilities um like Mr Valley's talking about there is some cross over here there's a lot of trees in town that are on city right away that will at some point if we have a storm and that's just inevitable at some point Point down the road they'll knock out a considerable amount of our power um and people depend on that power their lives literally depend on it uh so at least our main feeds in town probably should be fairly clear and I'm a tree person but we can plant trees and they they'll they'll be here eventually you know for somebody to enjoy but for now um part of that responsibility I think is keeping our power lines uh and getting back up live after a storm as quickly as possible I think eliminating some of the tree hazards would would help do that it's they're done properly it can add to the you know beauty of of our town but but butchering these trees like happens by the power company sometimes is not beautiful at all um so there's a smart way and responsible way to do it but I think we need to pursue that for sure so you are going to bring something back in regards to what we can do yeah so everything I'm talking about here tonight once we go through this this stuff we'll try I incorporate what I can into the budget L this doesn't cost M all this is put into a routine maintenance and so um It Go in the budget and the budget you know for us is our guide post for next year it should tell a story it tells the citizens what they can expect next year and so we'll take these things and put them in there and so that's the that's the point in this is to to understand what the council deems to be important to them individually as a collective because you may all agree that parks are the number one or number one priority for all of you and streets we just need to have streets that get people up and down the road right and so that's what we're looking for because I'm going to start taking money and moving it to what all you you feel is most appropriate has everybody ever heard of um when someone passes away funeral homes have an option where people can buy a Grove trees I do that for almost anybody that we run into have we ever reached out to our local funeral homes to say is that something because they say they find those trees aren't necessarily planted right here they might be planted all around the country where there's a need and I'm just wondering should we ask to say hey can we partner with you all if that's the case because I know I bought a couple dozen Groves of trees I have no clue where they go to to be planted but if we're talking about that maybe they can work with our be tree and beautification folks to get trees planted in our area uh and I don't know how they do it because I always pay for like a plaque for the person who has their family or in their memory of and I think that would be kind of nice I've seen that around the lakeyard lake recently these little markers mile markers that the um women's group apparently put out in honor of certain people but that might be a freeway toobe to get some free resources I don't know if they're willing to do it or if that's a national program or how that works but nice that that could be here for where we could recognize our own local citizens okay we also I've approached the um tree board have a meeting the end this month about a USDA Grant you talked about and so I've asked them to identify some uses for that which you know is education which last Council me we all talked about water RS and so the grant can't be used for removal but it can be used for replacement and so the match on it you we think that we can use the um money that City already spends on M free maintenance and removal RightWay maintenance for the match on so I'm got with them getting with them and seeing what they would like to see from that Grant and also um you know what they want to see in this upcoming budget year right um do they have ideas they have plans they've been talking about for years do they want to see funded and so it's one thing to give them a set of money and don't give them no Direction but they'll give us a direction I give them a set of money we can get things done so I will hear M from now just wanted to to kind of combine two thoughts here so Mr harison mentioned about you know kind of crossing the threshold coming into Panama City and being able to realize that you're arrived somewhere and that's that's something that that I've mentioned several times before is I want people to know that they've gotten to defenc Springs but you kind of touched on it there a minute ago and that is that it's not just manicur medians it's a holistic approach right so so you kind of mentioned this just a second ago when you said something about Paving in streets so it's it's not just beautification it's are the roads taken care of you know like I um went to the dump this weekend and so I went down Twin Lake Drive and started dodging potholes and then realized by the time I got to the end of it I was like holy cow that was a lot of potes I dodged so um you know it's it's a holistic approach to to our city it's not just do we do we do we mow Highway 90 and 331 call it a day it's are we taking care of the city as a whole agree we get off here too I want to invite cim I know she's been out for a while didn't I see cam you want to weigh in on this because we're going to move on to something different just a minute go ahead Tony um we've talked about it a couple times but it we never really taken it very far is cleaning up the sign coming into town um I believe it's basically rotted um and falling apart so that's a that's a simple you know fix whether we just upgrade that one or just clean it up I don't I think it's Beyond cleaning up I think the the last time we discussed it I think was when mcnight was here because he had asked about it and I believe clay what we were told by fot was once that sign comes down it's never going back up because it wasn't permitted in that location to begin with are we talking uh I 10 right at right on 331 there's one there in the middle of the median four yeah yeah we can say there's some down a little bit further too I think where they have all the there's some on the side manufactured homes or whatever clear down to that almost to the hospital area I notic on the side of the road yeah but this is the more the most prominent one type of sign so we'll have to just uh inject it with a um you know some uh Bond yeah Bondo so in speaking to the state um we can put a sign in the right away we just now have to follow the new rules FD rules for signs and which could we don't know that cost yet but we're getting the fdot to see and we're gonna find other examples of cities that have met their requirements and see what that costs let's just not do it like free Port there's a pretty L they got a fountain anchor I got all kinds no no no no the one the ones right there at Al's head they're about two foot off the ground that might be well they've got their internal rules too got follow your own rules yeah that wasn't that was someone someone didn't understand perspective someone look at the scale yeah yeah yeah there were certain monies available to do certain signs and they got it done for the exact amount of money that in the great unfortunately bab Mo was not done to life-size proportions yes we will be given the state and see with that what requirements are and then see what it cost put replace those SS Kim we were certainly wanting to hear from the public uh on some of these issues and welcome back good see thank you thank you it's good to be out in the world um Don't Judge Me by my appearance however uh so from a beautification standpoint you guys know I I have a passion for that of of trying to make our city is as pretty as possible um as an inviting as possible to the residents uh as well as the visitors we've uh something that I I think we've beat our drum on for several years is having the employees and in that the parks department to do the work that needs to be done that seems to be the challenge and I know it's challenging finding good help um and I don't know if we've done any kind of salary study um in the recent history that we could refer to for these kinds of jobs I I I know it's you know working for for you know municipalities is sometimes not as lucrative as other areas but if there's something that we could do to be a little bit more competitive there additionally trying to get some kind of training some arborous training for the guys I mean you can't get mad at them for you know crate murdering if they don't know how to not crate murder so uh you know being able to to have regular training and somebody in charge that can say yes this needs this and that needs that and whether it's plants or trees or whatever um but those were some of the things that I know our board has identified is just getting the bodies uh there to to actually do the work and and including that in the budget I know that was in our um our master plan last year was to add two additional staff members so we would request that you guys would consider uh getting some competitive salaries and and a couple of Staff members in to help take care of all our our beautiful town and that's it thank you very much thank you good to see you out and [Laughter] about okay anything else on the topic all right um next we can we'll go to Parks so um Florence Park is our main project right now we're moving through that and we've um mared out where the solar bench is going to go staff of the next week or two are going is going to get the pad ready and get that poured and then we'll get the bench put in and put together so there's been a lot of discussion on the different aspects of the park everyone loves it from what we can see and we would like to see it continue to be don't add stuff added and be completed so we can talk about some of the aspects of that park and if there's any other ones in the city that anybody feels needs to be addressed this year or like to see something different I'm we're here to hear that so so one thing that we definitely do need and we've received comment back on it is a shade uh but that that we knew we needed shade uh they are fabric structures basically you've seen the the triangle ones they're very simple one you attach multiple poles but we need shade for the kids there is a little bit of shade for parents on the south side of the park the old where the Dome was the the I don't know what you call it but where the Dome was you have some shade and some benches and there's some benches uh along the uh the east side as well well uh because we have some shade trees over there The Pavilion will provide some shade closer to the little kids and that's why it's going over there it was the idea was to get it on a side of the park so you can get more access to the whole thing with shade the um other thing there is make sure we have enough trash receptacles but the big one that we've been talking about for a while is we need a bathroom we need a bathroom every Park should have a bathroom um that's going to create long-term maintenance and that's going to create a short-term cost but you know we need to have facilities if it's big enough to have parking we should probably have a bathroom if it's not big enough to have parking and and it's only serving a very small part of the neighborhood maybe it doesn't need a bathroom but once you got parking spots you know especially if some of these have eight 10 even more parking spots on one of them um we probably need a bathroom if you if you expect that many people to be parking you need a bathroom if everyone's just walking there then no but um I think Florence is one that's a good candidate because of the accessibility portion um and probably the the tennis courts especially if we had the pickle ball I think you're you're definitely going to want that there as well but uh I think it should be a single stall uh facility unisex so you everyone are those close enough together that you consolidate no because really what we're trying to do is um especially with lawen Park it's supposed to be accessible for for people who have disabilities yeah uh and little kids they can't wait I mean you got to go yeah and and the tennis courts are just far enough away that I wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone having to Walker go yeah so um I think those are far enough away from each other that unfortunately it wouldn't but um that's okay if we can come up with a module that's a I mean we might even be able to do a pre-built kind of thing but we need to we need to figure out one thing that we can just build over and over again that can fit anywhere in the city um it's a number that's locked in once it's built once you know exactly how much cost you have some normal increases but nothing nothing crazy you shouldn't be shocked when you get a new number yeah and I think you're looking at those two locations now correct so we've um we I looked I went into the city own building there on uh the building is relatively empty staff does use it we do have stuff there so there could be the possibility of retrofitting that building to add a bathroom and put an exterior door Ada accessibility or I we can create a standalone but I think it probably be cost effective to use the existing structure build out but um and then additionally to that the pickle ball courts we work with Liberty Partners on that to start prepare an application for it we'll see what that looks like and U everyone should have seen s plan it had parking it had sidewalks it had a bathroom and two courts um and then that would connect with the tennis courts and staff could do the crosswalk the appropriate crosswalk across there and so um there was some talk about the you know because of the connection of those two the street from South 11 to Plateau is pretty rough um that may be a candidate for repaving this year resurfacing um and additionally maybe sidewalk on the will technically be the southwest side of Clay Street that small stretch there so those are some other options that we could explore if that's something the council wants to see a complete you know there three within very close radius of one another Al just for background I've also received complaints and I've I actually noticed it as well uh it it's just pitch black by the bo count building um the way it faces in people park it I mean black black I mean it's dark you cannot see at night uh and in the winter you know they're there at 4 and 5 o'clock and it's pitch black so you know lighting or improving the lighting there is I think is important for safety uh you got kids running out of the building going out to get in their cars and it's just hard to see um I like the idea of that building possibly using this bathroom and I know we brought that up before if we do that we might want to talk about whether the part with the garage door becomes a just a screened in portion of the building and we actually open it up a little bit um and make it a pavilion that could be part of the park and and actually increase the number of activities are available because now you you might you might allow that for public use or you might rent it I'm not sure I think it I think it should be first come first serve but we just have to figure that out but again the structure is there we'd save the bathroom costs really about opening it up making sure that it's not U interior structurally when you do that because you will open up the diaphragm so you got to be careful with racking um but that's a that's a great way to utilize something we already have and not build something new it will have some cost but it's it's not the same as coming in and building something so that that one makes a lot of sense and water FS too anything additional on that particular one or any others in the city for um I I would look at it any additions that we're doing too I would get with the chief make sure we're covering the public safety side of this as well I know um a lot of times we don't like uh surveillance being a topic of things but it it protects the assets that we're putting in place and the lives that are there playing as well um as long we can do it responsibly in the public earn the public trust with it I think we need to to think ahead there it'll save a ton of maintenance cost as well as people um comingling and Gathering doing uh nefarious things when we're wanting this to all be positive fous yeah um if I we did I did have a conversation with some parents out there who had found some materials speak yeah so that is a concern and so I actually had that conversation with them exactly and I wasn't sure uh how would it be monitored I mean is it em motion can it go straight to you can it be tied to your so so like right now I can pull up we care every camera out there and we can monitor here we can put it in dispatch on the wall one of the TVs we got we can we can do a lot of things with that so that was desired that was a request and it definitely week here we were having a lot of problems with vandalism and I was thinking we were talking about using the existing structure and everything um keep in mind some people are fire bugs and want to set the bathrooms on fire for whatever reason um I know that's happen at Pat Co all the time or two and stuff like that so if we build or we use existing structure let's make sure we if it does catch fire on this end it's not going to spread but that's the fire chief they can tell you more about that one so um stuff like that definitely is if we're going to do that we need be thinking the whole picture what kind of signs have they got on We Care Park to to give warning to the public that they're being uh they're under surveillance I don't know that they really have any now I'm just going to tell you when I had my business I had an office complex and I had several problems break-ins and things getting stolen and I put the cameras up but I also went out and I put white black and red signs on every corner of my building and saying warning uh surveillance cameras 24 hours and I never ever had another problem yeah prevention prevention like that will definitely go go a long way with signage and stuff like that too but um it's one thing that you know once they realize yeah they're just signs and they're not actually anything to it but yeah I will say that the camera systems and signage probably would help out tremendously all of our parks and I've said that for a few years now so yep that's all I got y I think signs because I know back when when I worked with Todd I met the cheriff department we had surveill certain places where there was continued damage but I didn't ever see any warning signs you know think it play a large role yeah I I've got I've got mixed mixed feelings on that I when I was at the Sheriff's Office and and worked with you on a couple of projects we worked on a project down in Freeport with that sports complex being vandalized uh and then I worked on a camera project for um Morrison Springs um I I can't point to any specific instances where it was like yep because that camera was down there we solved we solved a ISM crime down there I I agree that the mere presence of them sometimes and and the signage to go along with them is is certainly a deterrence um but I also on the other side of it we never really solved any crimes and half the time uh as Josh probably can attest you've then got to invest in making sure that that camera system is up and operational and they come some headaches with that that was the problem with Morrison Springs more than anything was the connection was so poor down there that by the time you got the alert they were long gone um so I I like I said I have mixed feelings about it I don't want us to go hog wild with cameras everywhere because to me that's not the answer um but at the same time I certainly see some benefit in it providing some deterrence um but for example the one in Freeport we put we put them up and we put them way up high on the poles um and they they quickly figured out that the camera because they could see them they quickly figured out that the cameras were pointed in a certain direction so then they just moved their Behavior yeah you opposite of of wherever the camera was pointing it was very very frustrating because then I would get the county bucket truck and go back out there and point them in that direction and then they would just move to a different area of the park so um just just be aware of that that we're not going crazy on surveillance systems because it it doesn't truly solve any crime but it's certainly a deterrent people will certainly vandalized bathrooms the Little League Park is constantly vandalized or it was I don't know if it's leveled off any at all but they were they would find a way in from outside the building through the gable vent or somewhere climb through the rafters drop down into the restrooms that's just loving a restroom but I don't know in this area it would be locked I'm sure after hours or something but still people love to vandalize restaurants and video cameras are are can discourage some and they they won't discourage all but um the respon time there would be a lot lot faster you know and that Park is being utilized I drive by there multiple times a day um and it's rare since it opened that there's nobody at the park uh Even In the Heat of the day I've seen people out there but so it is going to be used more and more I do believe um fortunately this is one area I've got a lot of expertise on here recently but I I've got a lot of the same concerns that councilman beer bone does the cost is is the biggest thing in the maintenance of the equipment um they've come a long ways now to where you don't have to put the same system in at each place it's like what use purpose or what use case do I want to um solve with this or what what problem is it trying to solve with this specific use case I don't think the particulars are appropriate in the open Forum I think it's something we need to discuss in private and executive session but I do think that you can minimize colon still accomplish the same thing um with the cameras and the surveillance now one thing Mr Harrison's talking about with the vandalism I've seen tremendous progress with what um uh Lieutenant Wendell with the sheriff's office has been doing and they've been working with the public on the murals for the the walls in areas where they found that people were vandalizing or Turing up bathrooms there was one place in South Walton specifically that I recall to where kids were taking couches chairs anything they could and really piling them up in a bathroom for some reason and tearing the sinks off the walls the dryers off the walls and um when they started the murals people started taking ownership into this is my Park and really reporting anything out of the way so the kids were finally telling on the people that were actually doing the damage so um I think that maybe those kind of measures that you could get public engagement and that they would actually develop buying and ownership on the parks and keeping them clean and beautiful I I would like to take that one step further so as as we were I was listening to everybody's comments I think that we should we should have several different programs I think a mural program something that we will show Community ownership is is an excellent idea but and of course I know the chief's going to smile from ear to ear when I say this but you know I'm willing to have a conversation about additional monies for the chief if he's going to come up with a you know targeted Patrol type program that will address some of this vandalism because I I can remember being recently elected and um we had just got our grant and invested heavily in a couple of parks and within a matter of less than 30 days they had vandalized the cameras and once the cameras were knocked out then they vandalized the park and these were parks that we had just received a grant and put over $100,000 worth of equipment into um the the bathrooms over at Lake Stanley from what I understand get van vandalized on a regular basis so are there are there patterns that the chief can look at that we can then turn around and say okay we need to have some directed Patrols in these areas because we're receiving a lot of vandalism in this area so to me that those are the kind of conversations whether it's mural programs or whether it's targeted patrols you know with it you maybe we give him some extra overtime money to to be able to Surge in those areas when that vandalism is going on to me I think that's that's the way I would like to see us go yeah okay all right um I'm find out which one I want to do here let's take a turn so we will be selling Old City Hall in this fiscal year um I've had this been brought up I think it's appropriate for everyone to kind of talk about let's let's discuss the money that's going to be coming from that sale um the sale price was 1.875 Million um the initial once we receive it this fiscal year I believe it would be appropriate to put that to the side don't put it in a general fund and let us budget that for next year based off what this Council would like to use the money or not use the money so is there any thoughts or ideas for that for that sum that we should be receiving this fiscal year I tell you one thing I was hoping we could do uh it's deark a little of it and of course it it may be a lot more than I'm thinking but you know I would really love to see there be a really good access into this facility uh I'm thinking going west out of here toward the post office B area uh you know with a nice decent driveway you know most of you that come in here in any regularity in that driveway over there you might have to wait for somebody else to get out for you to come in vice versa and the uh we have we have access you know as far as handicap coming into the back that could continue to work you know what I'm not trying to see is a is is a driveway and we may utilize part of the big parking lot we got out here that's fenced in especially when our meetings get bigger but uh if that driveway were to come in from off of that road right there we can have a ramp that comes from the side street out there right to the front of our building right up to the platform uh and give access handicap access and so that way you have all your public coming in the front of this building and you also you still use utilize this parking lot there's nothing wrong with it and uh but I I would think the handicap come in off the side over there people coming in and out of here would have no problems uh there's still a lot of confusion how to get in here uh people Park all over this place to try to get to the front of door and I just think that that would make it extremely obvious look be a lot more attractive but uh I don't know what the numbers would be for something like that I'd like to take that one step further and and see the build the red brick building up there renovated and yeah maybe right here yes that is exactly what I would like yeah I'd like to move our council chambers up there and have that because from what I understand that used to be the Old Timber office and so we could in in the the theme of an Old Timber office we could uh renovate that and and kind of pay homage to to what it used to be and it be a very beautiful open Chambers that we could then host large meetings in um but to go along with what you're saying mayor come up with like a a re redesigned site plan because I'm sure that Portico that covers the the little um deposit box thing was obviously that's probably not original so maybe taking that off and then reconfiguring like you said the drive and the access there to to uh better accommodate this is an actual City Hall I think is is the right way to go and on that before I give it to you Tom uh you know I spoke with Ed mclin that he he was he did everything that choko wanted him to he was a man of multi talents but uh you know he's he's worked in that building and he's been down to the original subfloor into the original I guess wood ceiling that's up above the ceiling there he said it's absolutely gorgeous he said you know you could peel that back to its original floor and it's original ceiling and he said you will have a masterpiece over there so I think it uh I think it'd be something we could be real proud of I haven't spent a tremendous amount of money don't knows better than the rest of us but uh anyway I think uh I'm with you I I think we ought to if we're going to keep it let's use it go ahead oh what I've never been in this building so what is it actually in that building up there I mean are we utilizing it be right now and so it's empty but it does have the vault in it so we use the Vault for um historical records and Cemetery records and then other than that storage at the moment yeah it's it's completely amb CH chopped up Cho used it for off what I thought I remember paying my bills there but um if I'm not mistaken I remember Mr Barker saying it too needs a new roof so is it I mean is our records getting no no they're not um maybe get to this but that that's one of the questions I'm gonna once you get done I when you talk about it's a city does the city want to keep it a historical building or is it just historical building I can put a new roof on because that's that's a totally different expense when we talk about keeping things in historical materials and do regular materials so Council you go there well I'll phrase it this way so that's the first thing I want to do with that building is have it be council chambers and and offices and support staff over there um and I agree with that completely and wholeheartedly I do believe it should be maintained at historic uh for multiple reasons including that I think we should be able to pursue grants for that that takes me to my point of of these particular funds um I want that bad but there's something that we really need and that's we need to take care of our our fire and get a fire station that actually is safe and habitable and usable we can't even buy we can't even put a truck in there that would uh take care of a fire if it broke out at the at the courthouse can't take care of it our trucks not allow our truck that can take care of a three story building um and as larger things come in south of it 10 that's going to become an issue we need to have a fire station that one is safe for the people in it it should be um we can discuss whether or not it's on land that we own or lease we have a very long-term lease I think that'd be safe however um the land that we are currently on is not ours it's state land I what I would suggest is 1.8 is not going to build a fire station even on the land if we had it it's not going to do it um but what I would say is for both of these projects we set aside a significant amount for match money and that the remainder stay in terms of as Debt Service to this this facility that we have now and and costs associated with this facility because that's always been the intention of the council to use the funds from that to support this now what we have now is a low interest loan that we couldn't get now so you don't totally give up on the original plan but let's face it we you know just paying it back doesn't totally make Financial sense and I would refer to a financial adviser to you know give us some guidance in terms of specific amounts to set aside because some of the money we could earn now probably help with that Debt Service itself so I think we need to set as a significant match that we can pursue grants I think KOB is going to be talking about like an $800,000 increase in the fire department budget but that's not a real increase it's a set aside for the fire engine in case we get the grant well there you go I mean that amount could do that but long term I think it should also be available for Grants because I'm really into turning $50 into you know $500,000 and you can laugh but we've done it we've done it multiple times so I I really want the stuff up there for lots of reasons um but we have to take care of finishing the Marshall's offices and building and the fire department we we either have to be serious about taking care of them or we don't have it I mean because having it in poor condition doesn't benefit them or the community and we have to we have to be buying equipment I mean they have they can't all be labor there has to be equipment that's part of their budget right um one other first of all I I like moveing City Hall next door but just out of curiosity Kobe what would you use a space for if this was freed up just this room yeah right now we wouldn't have a use I mean it is a good meeting space because this divider does work this is a usable divider we just never use it now because of the TV but I mean eventually as the city continues to grow it probably may be repurposed in office spaces so that building you know if we did rehab that building you could create off ADD office spaces to the back of the council chambers and in departments could expand into there or we can move departments out of here into there ones that are more appropriate and I was just curious what other assets do we have that needs new roofs I remember Mr Barker saying we've got so many buildings that need new roofs I would like an inventory of what those are where are they how are they how much approximately I mean I don't need a study to reasonably tell me that it's going to cost X number of dollars to put up I think the majority of them um speaking with Jacobs a while back and we're we get with Kyle here in a couple weeks is a lot of the lift stations in the Welles a lot of their roofs are are the number of them they're smaller buildings that um we have maintained for a while and so that's that's more likely the majority of what you're going to see I'm sure there are a few other facilities that we'll get with staff that we use on a daily basis but I know a number of those need some attention are there any other building buildings like I know we already did the um the one where we vote I forget the name the Civic Center yeah uh but are there other building buildings that we Armory which one Armory yeah I I my only comment is on the lift stations we have Enterprise funds that should be able to fund those roof Replacements and and when we're talking in the context of this 1.875 million dollar that's technically from my perspective my opinion is more general fund money so I would like to see that invested into other public buildings whether it's the fire department police department City Hall council chambers or you know Armory Hall Brotherhood I know that there's some issues with the hall Brotherhood I mean that that building that building's going to be in just a continual state of repair I think for the next 50 years it feels like but um you know that to me we we've got to and I agree the city's been very successful in in taking making $5 and turning it into 5,000 so having having the match money certainly helps helps us get further up the ranking list for sure are we any closer to having that fixed asset list of the Auditors that y'all were working on that because a lot of these things that were that I'm thinking that are on that are going to be on that list I can you a fix would you just email all of us so that we have the list because that way then maybe the next time we all get together we'll have a at least y'all will know if somebody's talking about something on that list that we can well is that is that and and I don't disagree with that but I know you've talked about it numerous times councilman Valley of of having not just a fixed asset list but but something that's more akin to like a an inventory or a master plan type of thing of this is just so I know in general terms speaking sure assets what we own because I really don't know I've never really seen a true other than what might be on the CIP list I have no clue what we really own or don't own all I know is generally how much we paid for them historically speaking because they're in the audited financials but right never a list so it's just going to be it's just going to be a list with some sort of value attached to it versus it should be very specific the Auditors the I want the details that the auditors are asking us for that so in general it gets rolled up like in a more generic types but she's got every hammer in every nail that equaled 5,000 or more on that list so five Police radios that you know that the and body cameras and all that everything that she owns that meets that threshold of well yeah I mean I I've dealt with you know fix asset inventory list in the past in in the IT world so I understand that part of it but what I think what I'm getting at is there there truly needs to we need to take that list and expound upon that list of the Sho Hollow Brotherhood as an example will be listed on there and it will have a dollar figure attached but we won't know what's the roof condition what's the condition of the HVAC system what's the condition of the plumbing you know and I think this I think goes to more to what if we're going to make a decision being asked right how do what do we want to use this corre so and I don't know to speak logically but I would like a list like something to give us a head start to say I think what I'm saying is that that that's a beginning place but I think we need to expound on that list agree with further with further details I agree but I don't even know where to start like if I could just get a generic list then I would think oh this is priority to the people that have been coming to me and here I didn't even realize or it'll just help us I think as a team prioritize whatever's on that list that's we we have that list so we'll have it and we'll have it in our email so we'll watch for that but I'm confident uh based on what Kobe's been saying to the council and saying during meetings that he's thinking about it in the way that that I've been concerned that we weren't thinking about it and that is how much does it cost to maintain the Hall of Brotherhood I know what we've spent on it that's not what it cost to maintain because it's not being maintained I me I got windows I can push out like l the finger so we've got issues that are long-term costs long-term replacement costs and we can identify those and the reason I want that is because our budget isn't really a budget until you can budget for your future costs in advance and knowing that I have a roof replacement in 10 years and I have to set aside 15 grand a year or 20 or 30 grand a year is how we get to a real real long-term budget and once those numbers are in place the Hardware's the first time but as we get that in place it just becomes an update of the list and everything gets a lot easier over time but we got to get to that point because we're not we're not there and I agree we need it we need that the first thing is always get the fixed asset list uh and then then you have to determine the replacement value but I know he's got the people now that are capable of doing that so I feel comfortable that we're on the right track we're not there yet but we're heading in the right direction I feel good about that correct so I'm going to be uh reaching out to the WWF trust who's also working here with another organization in town have a historical architect on staff I'm going ask if you might come out and look at the building see what that looks like um and if you know it's recommended that we get a bigger assessment of the building envelope then we can see what that cost and see what that is um it's my opinion that theall Brotherhood whoever the money that it earns should go back into the building and so this year it's dollar for dollar it's rental fee should go back into maintaining that building and so um that that's what we're looking for here this money really um is I if the council wants me to put it into our general operations and maintaining facility we can do that I think this is a great opportunity to pick one or two or three major items that the city has identified the council's identifi for the last few years they wanted to see done and let us go ahead and get to get them knocked out and Sh BL could be one of them going back to the fire department if we can I Chief Sheffield gave me a tour that one day um and it it is it is bad it's it it needs to be upgraded or a new facility built or or something and I think everybody that's been in there realizes that link of the truck is a is a sure enough a problem um and Chief and I talked about this and and you guys are aware of it probably more so than I but the the state evidently won't let us expand that building on the footprint it's on because the property's owned by state is that correct so so when I took over that I've heard that same thing thing if everyone's heard the same thing so we reached out to the lady at D who is over all state lands when it comes to leases um the state is willing to allow us to alter that building or the property as long as we're adding value to State Property they don't have a problem with it we have to provide them what we like to do and get their blessing but they are more than willing to do that okay so we could possibly expand that building assuming the skeleton of it is okay the inside is not we know that theiving quarters for the men is is not good um so that that's a possibility of looking into budget wise or new whatever the council decides in what direction but I'm just that sounded like it was just a closed door you know with the state but that's that's good to hear that maybe we can have another option so I'm I'm again I'm wholeheartedly in support of of making sure that that our Public Safety people have uh livable workable facilities for them that that that's the fire department that's the police department um for my tenure on the council we have we have beat this horse until there's nothing but dust left and and uh early on Chief Hurley worked very hard to get the uh Health Department property cleared by the county at no cost to us because the intention was to build you know I was pushing for a a combined facility fire and police on on that one you know go go vertical with it fire department on the first floor on the back so they can come out they can access um and then have Police Department you know second third however many floors we need uh to accommodate everybody unfortunately it's it's kind of gone no nowhere you know and and I know for a fact mayor you can refresh my memory on this but we've got what at least two different plans of fire and police departments that are sitting on a shelf around here collecting dust that that date back years and years before my time so you know if if taking some of this 1.8 million and making it designated match money if that's what is the Catalyst to finally get it um but it seems like we always say hey we want to do this but then nothing ever happens or we we get a we get a price quote and it's so far in the stratosphere that we we kind of give up until someone brings it up again and yeah let's do it again and then oh it's going to be $20 million oh never mind I I don't know what to do other than maybe take some of this money and see see what we can do with you know with a grant I don't know quick question may yeah what what locations were proposed for the prior two designs that were made that you said are lying around well there was uh I believe I believe it was at the location that to just referring to U they had um they've had police they've had fire they had City Hall uh this was all back in 2009 um I probably have some of the now there are Renditions you know they were not really detailed drawings but there would Renditions and they would kind of give a little bit of a detail of what it was made out of and square footage and this that and the other uh so it was it was only for the Health Department property though not the current station here's what I ask there's a current Grant that's that the sheriff's applying for but they have to have it permit ready so you have to be all in on all the design work all the planning all the Civil everything and that's the only way to qualify for the grant well there's lots of grants that are like that they either have to be at 50% or you have to be you know the quote unquote shovel ready projects of of you know yesterday year that we used to hear about all the time well that's still the thing um having the match is Big because they want to know you're serious but that match can be on the design side you know the property out here actually next to the Marshall's office facing you know Baldwin isn't is actually a pretty good spot you have pretty good access I know there's some concerns about the proximity of the railroad tracks but know you don't have to go that way I mean you can go you know East West or or north to back around so you know the the concern out there was access during heavy traffic hours especially on Saturdays when you get the big backups uh because you got no one like being on that CR of that Hill yeah that was always a complaint and that was a PD and fire yeah but if we could again if if we're if we're serious about we need to commit to a location and start applying for Grants with purpose and again there's a match now so if I would like to see a list of of uh potential grant opportunities be brought forward what is the possibility of the both Chiefs sharing the space right next door I mean there's plenty of space right next door to put a a firehouse that's I was talking about facing Baldwin yeah oh okay I'm thinking you when you said railroad track so no Bal on next to next to the Marshall Goa there's sufficient already paved there's already sewer water power everything's there see You' eliminate a million dollars of infrastructure cost just with the proximity of everything that's already there I mean the the new stuff is coming on I mean it's yeah it's so that is to four million the station yeah but Chief sh here but I know I know the CH that the chief had concerns about uh the proximity to the rail uh we do have a light over here and we could add a light over here but he had some concerns about that you but the current location if the state allow it is fine we we could offer up two locations like hey tell us tell us what grants opportunities are available there might even some be something that's tied to the state where if you have a joint application it'll move you up the process pastor we might benefit from it being over there I don't know always we can we're and I'm ask Chief shf if you would please uh just comment on on on some of your opinions here we're gonna we're going to get deep in the Weeds on a lot of stuff tonight I thought we were kind of coming here to sort of lightly present something to the council so that we can take it further down the road we we're not G but anyway Chief while you're here if you would share with us pros and cons of what we talked about the two locations here where you're at and I know that there's been Property Owners South by 10 that would love to see you out there so if you don't mind commenting on it's as far as the police department which it is a good location uh the two issues that BS me that we have an operat is 54,000 pounds continue going over that railroad track we're going to mess up our undercarriage the frame of the engine it'll take a little time to do it but it's going to happen going down any Steep Hill trying to stop 54,000 pounds you going to crystallize the braks on that so that's another problem but you know that's one of my concerns the state is trying to put a uh a light on 83 and a verdict that's what they said they was going to put one in if we stay in that location in case we get a run we can get on 83 that would help us out moving up to the health department it' be the same is where we are now so that that's that's my two concerns well on that building you're in now U to bring it up to to the standards that you guys need to be how much how many more Square feet or is it going to have need some taller stalls basically the front of the station has an awning it's probably about 10t a little bit 10 feet that if you actually bring the front wall out that would solve the problem of putting a bigger engine in in that building now what if you get something that's tall enough to take care of a five story building what are you going to put that truck in right now we don't have anything but I'm saying we're going to get some fivestory buildings here true um bringing that the wall out where we are right now to the ACT front where the awning is sticking out yeah that would cover that oh it would okay it would okay how long if we got something cheap I mean because we got to think long term like this has got to last for how many years so we really got to project what really is what's going to happen in fiac building wise and all of that thing so that we make sure that whatever we get you so you you want to start you you want to plan for around 50 years you want to get at least 50 years out that station so what's going to happen here in 50 years that's what what you need to look at and and the benefits of what you're going to get out of it and chief you told me but I don't remember how old is that building already I let the mayor what would you ask and it was still I can't associate a date with it right now I've seen some really old pictures no it's old it's old than that I work that oh 60s or 50 the fire station burned down in was it the late early 70s early 70s the police was already out there at that time yeah I was married with a kid and that happened and but I don't know how long it was from that time to the time they actually got moved in there it was probably late 70s MH U and there will be a need I mean we're talking about one station we really need to be talking about two um if and when it will it's a matter of if there's any delays if there's a hiccup in the economy things might stall but um eventually there will have to be something south of town just for pure access yeah so there will have to be eventually two stations is it 10 years is it 15 years uh if things go as they are now it' be less than 15 years it probably be less than 10 years yeah you're right so how are we going to pay for two stations how are we going to do it is there a special assessment that people would be willing to do when the time comes I'm not even sure that we have a tax entity or a tax uh that's even available there's nothing available there's nothing else that we can jump into is there you'd have to look at msbu or mstu type of scenario that would be the more efficient method that impact but there is there anything that we could go that the public could approve is there is kind of a tiff situation what what is available I mean it's not true tax to be an MSB okay or something of that nature and those yeah I mean that the effect of it is similar but it would have to go to the people they' have to specify it for a specific amount of time a referendum B be something the council could do if you so choose well again we have to take care of the people who are taking care of us if we're going to have them doing the job either we're doing it or we're not so we have to pay for it because right now all the ad all the Ador all of it the 5.5 that we pay it's only covering fire it all goes to that that's the that's the budget that's what we're getting out of alarm everything else is coming out out of water or other fees is there any consult consultant or anything that's expert on fire and maybe building as well construction that we might could U confer to and I'm not talking about a big longlisted study but someone who is familiar with what you guys do and the type of structure it creates and see does that will that building facilitate where you want to go and I'm talking about for the for one of your fire stations that's the current building yeah I would have to look into that as for as a new building um it was a company came that we had multiple conversations um with uh at that time it was um city manager Roberts and he gave plans for a station that can be built and they're out of Tallahasse so mayor okay go so any any architect or any firm can do that there are some that have more specialized in that but I would caution a lot of those you're shopping you to sell you the design and then you're pay for the design and if you change locations you're yes all out the window yeah so it'll be cautious yeah well and that's you know we got but you got to have a little information to make that decision go ahead Tom so what I've heard you name unanimously is we all we all want better for our fire and police departments um I from what I've heard from the conversation I I think the path forward would be that we we take some concrete steps to to decide on a location number one and then number two we get it shovel ready so we do all of the engineering all the plans all the permitting get everything ready and we we again set aside that match money and then at that point we should be sitting on go for any sort of Grant or appropriation to come in and make it happen at that point whether that's the current location and and rehabbing it and expanding it whether that's the Health Department location uh or whether that's you know another location I Chief I remember you saying about if we place it here you've then got to go across the tracks and that somewhat limits your access to 331 and and and 90 whereas at least on 83 You' got some direct access there so and I understand the concern about being on the hill however we we own all that property in between so we can easily put a put a road at the backside of that Health Department property that would connect them to the existing roads that they already use that they could then go out 90 or they could go out 83 as as necessary the only thing I've seen that was negative about 83 was basically the fair but we deal with that you know once a year anyway and Forest the traffic you know we deal with it all Sumer along so well to your point I think that we should invest as a city in one of those preemption systems on maybe some of the key intersections to where you have some sort of device in your truck that allows you to preempt the signal and basically turn the signal green for whatever Direction you're headed in I think I think we should look at having that at some of the key intersections or maybe even working with I don't know if there's dollars at the TP level that could help with those install those preemption systems they are working on the um integrated signaling system so everything will start talking to each other so it would it would facilitate what you're talking about uh but again my concern is well the fair is one but just Saturdays I mean Saturday yeah but on a Saturday they could easily go out behind the Armory and then run up I don't remember what that what that street is off the top of my head that runs there that you they can take straight out to 0 so to me as long as they can connect it there that's fine it's just a quarter mile is going to cost you a million bucks it's 10th Street 10th Street right but if if we're building on the the Health Department property you're only having to cross the back side of that Armory it's not like you're you're having to build a new road you know looking at you basically looking at one block basically yeah I mean yeah but yeah that's better uh but there will be again the more the more you're Paving the more you're doing the more it's going to cost whereas the the current location there's no you save all that money you put it right in the building yeah but then that that building's not ours even though it is a 100e lease yeah it's a pretty good and maybe maybe financially that's what we have to do but yeah if the state is no way no how going to turn it over to us as far as that property which they probably won't um then we're looking in the right direction and and to me I know we have a lot of other items to cover but this is important to our growth we we know I mean he's just got he won't have enough places to park trucks um or trucks big enough as we go so if it's been talked about for years and it has I'm sure um let's figure out a path to do it and this that sounds like a good place to use this this money and and let's let's get it moving I me that's what we're here for just one more thing that it's a reasonable kind of concept to me what happens with we're doing all this building and let's say we get you a new uh Firehouse what about fire hydrants do we have to invest or keep that in mind so that if we with all this expansion how are we taking care of that now with all these new neighborhoods and stuff like where's the fire development and then the fire department they um do testing on fire hydrants once a year annually but I mean as far as so these new neighborhoods that were annexing in all these they all have these already should be the development order the development order what they do so planning those are already because I I didn't even think to look on those little Maps okay where's the little fire hydronet to see but I will now so I see them on the if you're talking about annexations you're not gonna see them on the planning Maps but in the actual uh engineering plans and stuff they will have them on there if they're required for the development I just signed on a um license today for one and that developer is required to put in a number of fire hydrants as part of the development do you know do you ever look at those yes I look at the plans I look at the plans and they have the hydrance on it and I go ahead and make sure it's enough at a certain distance thank you for educating me thank you so so planning and public works and and the chief is part of your pre-application or development or they meet before they even start the project so two quick thanks Chief two quick notes out of that um state land Harvest and field fire department does sit on the larger Harvest and field parcel um this is something that Council wishes me to ask them I can do it um initially you know I went in and asked two things one can we alter the building can we buy the building or can we alter it um they weren't willing to sell any portion of the land they went back talked about it came back said they might be willing to entertain the city purchasing an entire Harvest and field I think that's a bigger expenditure than what we were looking for right now but it's there and um I can go down there and see what that looks like maybe Liberty Partners can help us out with that there was an example I think last year in state legislature of don't the state give Park two cities so there's an opportunity there I believe if they don't want to sell it to us you know first thing think why yeah and that really concerns me you know we're not California but you know California's had to cash in on a lot of stuff because they have overblown it majorly you know I hope we never go there but if we did you know our two properties down there might be interpreted so I believe there's potential opportunity there we can talk about that later as they get they get legisl um so as the conversation it seems like um we want to pursue want to look at a couple different options uh the red brick building out here the fire department the current fire department I don't I mean we can look and see if a new structure is going feasible with that money into the timeline or do we go about you know identifying a parcel getting it site ready and then read addressing this next year is that is that is that step one and then get step two um and then the possibility of the tall Brotherhood see where that lands out with the Grant and where we get to that process and then the PD um if if the chief has some stuff left in his building he like to do we can see what that is for those funds so stretch those funds out and hit a couple major um projects so that that's what I got from that conversation am I leaving anything out does anything take something off sounds good you got a lot of work do Tim all right so now we will go to um downtown we can talk about downtown that plays into medication we've talked about downtown for years now we've talked about the pursuit of that um I have spoke with Mr Irving and the CRA it's my opinion I believe I I've said this to some of the council members and him and I have discussed this um if the council was so willing to you know what is it that we want to see downtown what are some of the things I spoke to Main Street have a master plan they went through that process um I've talked to them about it see what it is they want to continue they want to plan they don't want to plan um is that something the council wants to discuss and talk about the future of downtown and how how they see it going and is there a way to lay that out for other organizations to take the lead forward yes I would we've got a lot there I mean there's already the master plan's there so you've got guidance main streets there so they can provide the additional guidance on the ground we know that the alleys are creating problems for our businesses and we know we have a solution for that so that's an easy one lighting Curbing and striping of uh crosswalks and and walk areas they're too wide they're the curbs are in the wrong place um and the addition of parking I think I think we've been talking about it pretty recently so I I feel comfortable with the things that we've been discussing as a starting point and I will say Crest View right now right now this moment is probably moved a block over from where I saw them last week where they've raised the road they raised the entire road we can't even move curbing they've raised the entire Road in their downtown a foot to get it level with the businesses so they don't have an ADA issue in their businesses downtown and as part of that they redid All the Curbing and they did exactly what we're talking about they moved it pinched it at the intersection so it's safe to cross they've got curbing which actually can help control the storm water they've cleaned up their storm water that was under there uh they've done all the things that we're talking about now there's a grant that their Main Street and their collaborated on um I don't know what opportunities are there for us but the answer for me is yes yes and yes what about the plumbing or infrastructure that needs to be repaired at the same time where we don't so speaking to Rachel I spoke Josh and couple council members so staff is finalizing duberry is finalizing the updated cost for the sewer line Replacements we've talked about for years now um obviously there may be some some work to be done on the north south roads as possible streets uh the major concern right now is bald but there are many aspects of those plans and things that we can be doing on fifth sixth seventh eightth nth and 10th Street up and down through the Alleyways they can they're going to takeing themselves two or three years they're going to take time they're gonna take money in planning and so I'm I've already spoke to Rachel Josh we're willing to work together to figure that out that plan but um I think bald is something we can we can push that back um they can they can work on that at a later date we can start on these Street skates we can start on underground utilities R highways right now okay I'm I'm in I'm in support of of all of that I'm in support of uh I I would like to see whether it's through the CRA through Main Street through US addressing you know the existing curbing a lot of the existing curbing if you try to park down there under any of those trees on on Balwin the curbing over years from from what I'm assuming is the root systems is all not not matching it's all jacked up um so fixing the curbing fixing the street Scapes I would love to see undergrounding of utilities on on those Alleyways um you know clear clear markings and and painting I think there's some there's some immediate basic things we could do I know that just a couple years ago some of the stuff was painted down there that the lines were striped but that that wears off rather quickly so coming through every three or four years and restriping everything I think is the first step but uh based on the conversation we had a couple weeks ago about parking I think we just need to build some parking down there you know I think that was the the advice that we got was just do it and see who see who screams odds Art's not going to be anybody so that I think there's plenty of green grass areas right now where we could easily cut it out lay some asphalt and make some new parking spaces you know I'm bow as it comes West I said one time we were thinking about building you know City Hall about right next to a mer Merit whatever it is and uh the there was enough room for parking on one side or the other but not both and but the only way to done that is to shift ball in a few feet in other words Center Line had to move probably six or seven maybe more feet and you can actually have line you know 45 degree angle parking not 45 whatever the angle is down one side of the other uh as it was it was you would be encroaching on the on the street on either side but you could have used one of them and not get into the railroad right away uh and so that I don't know um is that all asphalt is that used to be concrete that street as it gets on past 11 B yeah it's right now I'm saying from like 10th Street going west all the way to the overpass I think you could see old curving on that side that's closest to the U the railroad track and I think even Chris straw and mentioned that they gone out there and kind of dug it up and there's some remnants of where they used to have some concrete well there's there's concrete curbing that goes to the bridge and then once we past the bridge we don't know what's there we haven't dug anything up but I will say this um I wouldn't get too worried about getting into the Weeds on that part because I got really good news it's 2425 budget 2425 or 25 I can't remember I gave it to y'all there's $6 million allocated to redesigning through the state thanks to cooperation with the county so that's part of that multi multi-use Trail remember when we do the multiuse trail it's it's doing everything we want to do on Bald one so it helps us do the design so we don't have to come up with the $6 millionar that they're going to spend it that's design money design that's not even the execution money and what how why is that multi-use you think well they're going to they're going to tell us what it can be so that's there that's money for surveys beyond what we would have that we'd agreed to with CRA that we're using as match money for reconnecting communities again that's part of that turning 75,000 into six7 almost $7 million now so we're doing pretty good on that one so that's part of that the multiuse on live o is going to be one thing that's going to be at least five foot six foot wide sidewalk same as the bike trail on on 30A uh that's going across the reconnecting will take care of the north south on the railroad tracks and the East West is live O City and County Properties to the West towards the airport and then Baldwin uh heading east but it'll be enough to take care of all the Baldwin all the way to the end both directions that'll design and then we can provide the input in terms of how we'd like to see parking happen there uh and how we'd like to see The Crossings happen there okay I will work with Main Street and CRA because I know that they have both their Master plans have downtown Incorporated we'll talk about that see what's I can work over next couple months collaborative effort um you going to a different topic next I um before we go there can I just throw something out there because I want everybody to think about this on the council and I don't want to talk about it tonight I just want to kind of throw it out there and put it for thought but you know the CRA gets 95% but I was reading the statute today and we can go as low as funding that it's 50% and I want to throw that out there because I think with all these projects and stuff we're doing I'd like to see us get that extra money and not put it in the hands of the CRA some of this might help with what we're discussing and all these opportunities that are before us so whenever we have our next budget meetings or whatever or when we're actually sitting down to take votes we all think about that because I want to have that discussion just to and I've been looking at it as well um extensively and I've the hesitation that I've had is this we're also going to be giving out the County's money when we do that I understand that so we will be losing a back we don't have to go and we don't have to go clear to the bottom well anything that we claw back will be a loss because right now we're subsidizing the county sheriff and the County police with every dime that goes out into our adalum that's County adalum but when we have when we have that CRA that's taking that yeah it's squeezing us but if it's staying here it's also a clawback that we have on County funds that will be gone if we do that so I've I've been looking at both sides of that and I I was actually looking at a slightly different solution uh but uh that's the hesitation and again if they if they're able to perform I would I would keep it they're just now getting to the point that they have enough funding to move forward if they can keep it and they can do some good projects I would support keeping as is if they can't uh then I would I would definitely claw back and percentage or or map base both things that I've looked down yeah I tell you everybody just really needs to get educated you might you might uh have communication with other cities that have had similar situations to see what was the way they what did they learn from it um because you know as the city grows um and these property values increase so does our responsibility other than what the CRA does I appreciate what CRA does they don't do everything we do and uh and so we're going to give up pretty much all our money uh kind of you know going to shortfall us from being able to do just normal maintenance that we would do with some of those tax dollars so either you and of course I don't think CRA can do uh everything that we can do I think there's some sort of boundary there or whatever but that's why I want to get really educated on it to see what can the C do and if they can uh if they can accommodate fine let's let them do it but if they can't then we need to put some money back so that we can do it and that's what I and that's why I'm bringing it up there because there are certain things that the CRA cannot do that is the government's responsibility and they cannot meet those needs and I just think we're at a critical fiscal place where you know it's better in our pockets at the moment so that we can move some of this stuff forward even if we just foro for one year or whatever well that's not it's a balancing act I understand but it's it's going to be a balancing act but well they were charged with I'm sorry go ahead yeah it's just priorities on what's on their list versus what's on our list and I think just hearing what's on our list is and again they they were charged with blight remediation and we intentionally didn't put the council in charge of it because we wanted to keep the politics out of it so it was really just the merits of the projects and they've just now got to the point where the funding is there and I'm I'm I'll say this if they don't step up and start doing more and then seeing more yeah we'll cut back uh but I think uh now they've just finally gotten the plan they've just finally got the funds I'd say at least one more year is in order I would like to also I dug up the old when I first moved to town Jay Evans was in charge of Main Street and then there was some uh uh a three-year $100,000 investment from the city that would go to Main Street um and it was only meant for three years and then they would apply for the grants and do this and that and get money and start earning their own way but I know that this is year seven and we're still providing at least $33,000 a year that I'd like to see back in our pockets also um and again these are just foods for thought because I know we're always looking where can we save money what can we do and these entities need to you know be able to survive on their own they're made they're not made for us to fund them year after year in my opinion so if we can just kind of keep that in our thoughts too so for the next time that we meet maybe we can bring that I will say I'm not in favor of defunding Main Street I think that the increase in values that we' seen downtown haven't been because of the CR they've been because of Main Street and those values unfortunately we're not seeing the benefit of those but Main Street has revitalized the downtown it's been invaluable and let me let me express it in a different term the South everything south of it 10 everything everything is only worth $68 million 48 I'm sorry $48 million 27 of actual taxed um and that's over 3,000 Acres main main street most valuable property downtown per acre is $6.8 million there's 10 blocks downtown that's $68 million 48 South 68 just in 10 blocks downtown and it was dead five years ago dead wasn't worth it so when we see value and our community is an asset our roads are an asset our buildings are an asset our people our businesses they're all assets and when I see the value of that asset increase in that focused area um I see that there's value and I I pay I stand up and I pay attention to why that value is being created and I say we got our money back and more I agree m i mean the city of defc doesn't market downtown it's not we don't have the manpower to Market downtown and and bring businesses we'd love for them to come we talk to people when we have an opportunity about moving here but Main Street plays a role uh in revitalizing downtown and preserving the the buildings and there is blight down there that needs to be address and that is an area the CRA could can help with um but I'm not in favor of the of of of defunding Main Street at all right now they're they're kind of their their hands are kind of tired right now they're events they're drawing people people feel a pulse downtown for the first time well ever in in my lifetime other than the shopping it used to be there when when you know I was a teenager and that and and you could go to town you could shop you go to Dime Store you could do all those things but as far as events and and life and and restaurants and all those things it's there and it's there because of Main Street um and Reynolds Henderson has invested heavily in downtown we all know that but he was also part of of Main Street um for for a time as well so I mean it's a it's a good it's a good value to to our town and and they're doing things that right now they're kind of handcuffed as far as the streetscape um Farmers Market Pavilion all those things that have been discussed for a long time they're handcuffed because they don't do those things the city does and and that that includes the water mains and Sewer repairs that are needed to downtown before before a lot of the stuff can be done but not all of it I agree with you the North South Streets uh that work can begin to start improving the downtown look but um it it has a way to go and there and there there is a there is a plan but we need to support an organization that I can tell you from experience on on that board and so can Mr Valley their concern is about survival of those businesses and I don't know that the city has the capacity to be concerned with the daily operations and profitability of downtown businesses but Main Street does or even the legal ability to that's right Main Street does that for us and so I think they're vital to us and they're successful all over this country um in in doing just that so I don't know how long I'm not saying it definitely and and I can tell you and that's what I was just gonna say it's like I wonder how long do you guys anticipate that we should continue to fund them because it's been seven years now and I understand I agree that there benefits to what they're doing it's not that I'm just trying to say cut them off at their knees my concern is I'd like to see I've been going out with some of the residents to see um you know the sewer and my the sewer and the water and the upgrades and we keep adding people to our uh you know annexing this neighborhood in and annexing this neighborhood in and yet on uh between 1 and third Street we've got a serious problem over there where none of our a majority of the houses that are there are not even hooked up to our sewer line and it's like how are we ever going to come over to keep adding people new neighborhoods or new this or you know new developments but when are we going to address the people that we currently have that live within the city limits are I you I understand that a lot a lot of those jobs are are our big Capital Outlet things and and and Tim helps us with obtaining those kind of money for those projects but $33,000 in my view is a small price to pay for how much money do they bring in a lot more than that bring in and I'll have to do a public records and you know what you might be right and maybe I'm just got a I'll have to see what there but bringing to who to the to the downtown the businesses and to the avalor and value of the community unfortunately the increase we're seeing is going to the C right now otherwise you'd be just directly going to us but right now it's being shared so there's a negative there but no the business value the sales tax value uh you can basically compare it to nothing five years ago I believe the council woman was asking the question is how much money are they bringing in for their revenue not the revenue sources yeah I mean well that's because we've got the Eva you know all these guys are overlapping and I'm just saying I just you you know we're providing to the Eda we're providing to the CRA we're providing to Main Street and we're providing and you know when you add all those numbers together it does add up to a chunk of change that I would like to see stay within the city coffers let's kind of do some of these more important emergency type items and then you know in a couple years when we're back flush or we've got not as many issues then you know okay we're going to need to keep moving um we'll be here to midnight well I was head of nonprofits anyway so we can those are the legacies um so one of the things that I've talked to everyone about is and we talked about last year there was some discussion back and forth amongst the council that the rate the amount we did get nonprofit last year was reduced a little bit and so is that something the council wants to continue to do do we want to you know do nonprofit funding outside those three Legacy organizations because if we do then myself and Danielle we have to begin that process of getting applications out people submitting and getting that prepared for you off to review and approve so is that something the council wants to continue to do this year I know my opinion is not going to be the most favorable but again I'd like to pull that a little bit back as well because I think the city needs to make some you know last year I was looking at some of the applications and and I I'm not opposed to giving it if we had it I just don't think we have it to give and I mean looking at some of those applications last year some of those nonprofits were making almost $1 and a half million dollars a year in Revenue bringing them you know and to me to give to a charity that can make raise that kind of money I just think we've got other issues that we need to deal with it's our priorities and you know we're not in the that's not the business that we're in and my my opinion so I'd like to see us not give that money away this year it it's a tough topic because nobody ever wants to talk about it but that is something that I've spoken to a few people about this go around and and it was because last year was my first year uh being involved in the budget process and dealing with that and I didn't have as much grief with it but when you start thinking about these things afterwards you're like that's not my money and and that's tax dollars from the community so then it gets difficult to where you're saying why should I be able to choose this one over that one and why should I even be able to give it up at all to be honest with you um one of the things I do anyway is just freely give whenever it's time to donate the Charities that out of my pocket but that's not something that I'm taking from somebody else and giving away their money so this year it's going to be harder for me because people are getting it's getting tougher and tougher on people that are out here and especially if you start looking at some of the wages in the community so for me it it's just one of those it's going to be tough this year so um I have in years past I've been very very vocal about uh our nonprofit support um as a board member of a organization that used to receive uh grants from the city I know exactly how critical that money can be um it's difficult to look at those um IRS forms and um tax statements or um balance sheets and say yep that's easy you know this one this one we can give to and this one we can't give to uh I use example and and councilman Crystal and I kind of discussed this publicly I think one year as an example uh the theater had saved up has been consistently saving up we have a process where after each um after each event they take a certain amount of the the profit and they designate that into the building fund so over the years that the building fund has grown and so it's easy to look at the balance sheet of the theater and go oh well you're sitting on50 ,000 why do you need our $5,000 well as of two weeks ago that $50,000 is gone because we've had to do structural repairs to the theater roof and so that $50,000 is now absolutely gone because we just paid it out to contractors to get going on that so all it takes is one project and all of a sudden the the money that you've saved up over the last five or six years is disappeared so it's difficult to look at those financial statements and make a judgment call so I I agree um but I I want to express my unwavering support for the ones that I consider contractual obligations so that would be the senior center you we provide funding to them Main Street and the Eda those those three I I have unwavering support for continuing those contractual obligations to fund those organizations or assist in funding those organizations as far as the Grant application process goes um after five years I'm willing to say that I'm I'm willing to to forego that that Grant application process um it it's more and more difficult every year I agree to to look at those financial statements especially when you have entities like Boy Scouts of America or the boys and girls club that you're correct are bringing in millions upon millions of dollars every year and they're asking us for $5,000 it it just it's difficult and and those organizations are fantastic organizations please don't misunderstand me but it but the same time $5,000 to the def ANL League or $5,000 to the wton county Athletic League that does um pwe football and all the other sports at Harvest and field that $5,000 is is is huge to them that that helps them offset the cost of uniforms I know exactly what that goes to because I've had conversations with the presidents of those of those leagues and I know that that money is is truly being used to help our community so those are difficult uh difficult decisions but I I I think the the three contractual obligations need to stay and then maybe we don't do the other Grant based application which I think we capped at $30,000 last year so maybe we pull that back this year and and that funding that you were talking about by the way is outside of that whatever we gave to these nonprofits I mean the main street that we pay is outside of that number and so is the Eda outside of that number and and you know the senior center that's part of our those folks are the part of our community Y and I get it but and it's they're not really like the nonprofit We would have that responsibility as a government to maybe fund a portion of that uh the senior center so that one I get I'm totally for it but you know I'm I'm with what Mr scor says I just you know I give to Charities all the time out of the goodness of my own heart out of my pocket which is you know my freedom to do so I just don't think us at the Das should be doing it and I just would like to see it doesn't the County uh fund all three of those as well yes yes partially yeah to thought uh I I tend to agree it's been um trying to pick and choose between uh different good causes is a it seems absurd and then we end up just well let's just do 500 me it's just it it becomes a tra it's just we need we need to do better and I think we can uh I think we can do things for a lot of those just in terms of just providing Services um you know Scouts you know improve the facility you know we got everything around there that's part of our obligation better lighting you know things like that and that's true of a lot of those entities uh Melinda Henderson representing for defunc I understand your dilemma we received when we were just starting off $2500 from that $2500 we mounted a um a play at the shiaka theater that was about a person in our own Community um that won multiple national awards but was not well known we had people from all over the southeast come from that and say I never knew this town was here from that uh we also received from that same $2500 we allocated $500 to The Visitor Center and we supplied that Supply the paint we supplied the labor um The Sewing the the material and everything else to get that thing uh into presentable Order each year when we've applied we've tried to specify something that would benefit the city uh however the criteria have been youth in the last few years um from that $2,500 we were able to give back to the city $4,600 for the Chago building thank you it's tough it's tough there's no doubt about it so so the the three um organizations that we fund contractually those will come before the council at a meeting so those who require formal votes those that'll be happening um but it seems clay do we need any we need to bring formal action it seems as though city council is not going to do this you're hear enough correction right now you all have enough Direction the budget for it so they're going to prepare a budget without that in and if it's not in there and you approve the budget there's nobody to approve Grant I agree okay all right that my last we got two quick two last items um the city has for the last couple years talked about the comprehensive plan and the land vment codee um needing some updates that's kind of maybe some things are outdated and so is that something we've identified with planning the potential cost of that what that might look like over a two-year period And so as long as council's okay with it we're GNA put it in there I'm going to see how it plays out if we can we will the council doesn't feel that's a priority then I'll take it out but I think it's something we're going to put in play with and see see where we shake out to but I know that's been discussed from my tenure here and updating LDC no I'm I'm in support of it having chair that committee that has touched on some of that there there's so much in the LDC that needs to be revamped so I'm in support of that is that a big chunk of change Toby is that why so speaking to Chris so yeah speaking to Chris Wallace he is done prior prior employment and he can R from 75 to $125,000 and so we were looking at over two-year period 50 this year 50 next year that's online to work with that that company to get through it and begin and so twoyear period and break it break the cost up so what's it going put the book together forus it be a top bottom it'll be a top to bottom reite of your Land Development Cod the ultimate goal frankly I think you're probably about only halfway there in this money based local government the only question is how much of the work that's being done at the county could help to accelerate some of it but that'll depend that'll that'll still vary almost none let me say that I I encourage don't fall into the fallacy of what a county government's doing or vice versa what a city government's doing being able to dictate what happens in the county while the Florida comprensive plan statutes are similar the processes of what you can do as a city are very different than what the county can do in Florida constitutional prohibitions that differ between cities and counties so just the mere ordinance advertising discrepancies change so time L process fast tracking processes all those change um you would hope that you have some consistency between the two but because the countyy is working through it now if you ever wanted to have your own consultant look at where things can mirror have your own consultant do just and also understand remember you have a county that's trying to write a Land Development code in a comprehensive plan that governs the entire camp south Balton and the unincorporate area between here PX are wildly different so but I I do I will say this I've looked at this going back through four city planners we have a very inqu I cannot stress enough the need to update this because when the growth's on top of you you start trying to change it Midstream are your news collect the only thing I would like to add to it Kobe is that we maybe look at um what our fee schedule is and if if there's any fees that we can use to recoup some of the cost I mean if we're if we're not doing the nonprofits to me that's that's money that could be shifted over to help to help offset this if we're spending 50 a year you know or more um but are there other planning type fees that the developers are paying that we could look at maybe adjusting to help offset some of this year over year correct so um Speaking of Chris Wallace and Daniel we've talked about this Chris is um surveying some other local communities to see what they charge for review of plans such of that nature uh we feel it' be appropriate to at least become be par with Freeport Paxton within the county to have either consistent rates of the county and so we're going to see what that is and at least bring it to that minimum so the developers are paying you know at least a hefty portion for their review fees and their way through the process how how does that work because don't we uh send every like I know that our planning division does a preliminary piece but for example I put up a new garage well I had to start here but that was just my starting point when I went to the county I had to then go through a whole bunch of other processes that's the building department the building process we do contract out our building department services to the county we could have our own building department here we just don't but is that part of this comprehensive overall plan this will be land use Florida as the Florida building code we don't get to play around with it we don't get to change the building code around one way or the other this is your future land use map your zoning map your categories and your processes okay so nothing to do with the building side or there's not going to be any overlap or anything no that that's up to the State of Florida that's the state of florid thank you right go I agree I think we should do both I see favor all right we'll move forward that um one quick note um the council has again I know my tenure here carry over of certain line items grants particular Grant match um you I wanted to build upon it every year if you don't spend it let's build upon it let's save It Up's do we're going to do that this year we're going to carry it over it's going to be specified when you roll into the next year roll over and you'll see if we don't spend any of that Grant match this year you see 120,000 next year you had 60 Carri it every now got 120 is there certain line items you're goingon to see that year this year that's gonna have that carry over yeah um the last item that I have mayor before we get to the public and this is something you brought up earlier today so the election is coming up so we'll be preparing for that but in that U the council also has the ability to review the salaries of the city council members and the mayor and so I believe that's conversation that the mayor wanted to to go over and see if see what the council think you know this is something that's kind of new because we only did it four years ago but uh the way it's always been is every budget year we decided you know what are you going to give the council if anything you know usually it was a small small raise to the council and uh and then four years ago we decided to uh project for a full four years in other words uh what we do this budget will dictate what two council members and the mayor will be making all the way up till 20 29 correct so uh so you factor in course typically way back then we would do like 3% course we know inflation's been a lot more than that but I think 3% might be fair compounded annually for four years and so uh that's what I would think that would be fair to consider for everybody's salary and then the next go around usually they fall right in line with whatever the increase was but there four years I'm talking about the other three Council but that can be voted in um two years from now we can vote in a different you know for the the council three councilmen coming up in 20127 correct so uh this would be only for the 2025 and again whatever you state will be their salary till 2029 can I ask a historical question you and Clay might be the only two historically around that we back that far but why is it that no one at the Das receives uh health care benefits I was shocked to learn yeah you get a salary but not Health Care like the other employees get is that was that a choice from a while ago or I I'll go back as far as I can with it there was a period of time where elected class officials were not subject coverage under our policy without extreme change in price and this goes back 16 17 years probably um ultimately it changed I do believe it is more available to elected officials now um but it has been incredibly common that cities across Florida do not always see their elected officials until last fight dozen 10 to 12 years you've seen a lot more of BRP expanded it I think 14 years ago and they did so um they receive their their health care cost more than if they were making $30,000 C get beer expens well I know I was looking at what we would have p500 a when you start looking at that number 12 adds up well and that's why I'm thinking okay he's talking about maybe an increase in that but you know maybe that's something that should be looked at as well because it needs to let me say this it really does it should and I want to make sure y'all understand this it's not just salary that's set it is specifically compensation to include salary and benefits as set fourth and seasoning your budget so your benefits would include all other compensation so if you want to said it it's good for the whole term so now nobody who was elected in you were elected right but if you want to do it you need to do it and you probably need to do it we're going through our negotiation with our current Healthcare to understand what that looks like and that's why I'm bringing it up because that's coming up really close isn't it and if you're going to make such you know a change like that or bring something like that up actually change was made four years ago but we didn't include we did not include any other benefits and that's a price tag on the yeah and it's probably worth asking it's it was it used to just be an almost all all the time exclusion because you're deemed a part-time yeah but now it's more accepted you are a part-time employee but as an elected class and that big change really started when the when F FRS started recognizing elected class for dual retirement purposes and I think that was 08 I think it was 07 legislation ballparks when they really reclass that yeah well I'm certainly I was not trying to get into any other the benefits but I did we do have to talk about salary so just wanted to make yall aware the way it's set up now if that's something the council thinks they need some more time to think about we can bring that up at a regular council meeting take how we do that if that's something I don't want to do off C that's up can you price it for us can you and Danielle put a first together I mean let's just ask our current provider what it would have been if the electric offici RFP out and you're fixing to have a recommendation from HR and bring forward a new well there you go we'll just talk to them as part of that Julie can we ask that once we get this brought part as part of negotiation thank you I'm not I'm not interested in anything if it's anywhere near that kind of price point it's come down I'll say this it's come down but even if it was 7,000 a year I maybe considera if Ian but yeah five five to 800 is more I think what we're seeing I don't remember what is right now se800 much I'm covered through my my existing job so I have no need for I'm not but I still wouldn't do it if it was 30 or 28 or 14 or or even 10 I would rather see that money go to the entities that we've already identified as needing it yeah okay we'll take a look at that and bring it back not only easy put fig together for the next meeting if You' like to okay um and on top of that when councilman brought it up I don't know if the council wishes to discuss options or um possibilities for employees this year I can tell you what my plan was on that my plan is to work with Miss McDaniel over the next coming months as we tie the budget together see what those things are we track the obligated to go through that um along with employes and then see see what we come up with what we can work out bring back but I'm open to any suggestions from Council on what they like to see going forward I'm all about better Insurance lower premiums for them and for them to get pay raises that's s on nutshell I want to make their quality of life better as they're making the quality of life better for our citizens family rate was the one that was shocking and Y extremely difficult to swallow we only had one person that ever took it I think and that was the city manager because he made enough to pay it yeah and that was always my surprise because I I feel like we've missed out on good employees potential good employees because our family rate was was so astronomical um however look uh I think that was one year a couple years ago where I I kind of dug into who's taking it and to your point there was literally only like two people that were using family plan which then makes it incredibly expensive because there's nobody taking it so it's a chicken and egg I i' I've asked even last year like can we can we pay more premiums to to get it down for the employees but again I think we're we're relatively a small group especially when you look at the number of people totally consuming it that that's actually what's surprising to me the amount of people that don't have our insurance at all was surprising to me you know out of 100 plus employees it wasn't I don't even think it was 50 and to look at what whatever we decide on for them that it's even usable around here that the doctors are going to take their insurance that the hospitals are going to honor it that they're not going to be pillaged for for us choosing some other policy to so it's kind of a balancing scale really it's like what is in your best interest to choose from correct so we we did receive five bids back um on the healthcare RP which was three more than last time so that's very good um and so we we're putting that together yall will re receive next couple days the all the information all the bids and then a summary of sheet of that and see the see the benefits see the plans take a look at it and the intention is to have that on the first meeting in July so you'll have plenty of time to review those and we'll have time toie and see how that what that's going to look like for the city I definitely like him employe feedback too continue to that and also to comment made earlier about citizen survey um we are creating finalizing an employee survey that'll be going out here in the next couple weeks get some feedback see internally what we're what we're hearing um and then we're working on a citizen survey to send out hopefully in in the bills and utility bills and get some some more feedback and it'll be basic this year um but moving forward I think it's something that could be a very useful tool that a lot of municipalities use Mr Mayor one thing I've I've spoken to uh Kobe about in recent conversations was trying to obtain the feedback from our citizens the ones who vote Us in who elect us into office the ones who live with the impacts of what we decide on up here not necessarily people from outside of defenc Springs but I want to know what the people that live in defenc Springs City Limits think about the city and and where we're moving with things and and that's some of what he's touching on there with the community feedback is to determine what is it that our citizens actually want and to have something concrete from just our citizens some process to where we know it's the people who are inside of the city and not from the outou surrounding areas on this community priorities did you have any feedback or you just opening it up this is open just open it up okay all right well those that were noted on what we're doing today we wanted to hear from the community and if had some priorities that you have that you'd like to present to the council i' like you to come and state your name and and share those with us at this time if you if you'd like sorry I wasn't really as as prepared as I wanted to be uh I didn't want to forget mentioning the dog park um that is something that we are actively working on we have a a committee that's working now to bring back uh some different things that might be good for us to look at so of course we're going to seek uh funding elsewhere other than through the city for what we can uh but we may need some assistance there so wanted to bring that up um secondly in terms what have you done so far you did get a survey done well we have we have the survey the the boundary survey done by land engineer in there is a dog park um task force that we've created I'm hoping we'll be able to hear back from them at this following meeting uh so that's but I've also been kind of out of it for the last month so y'all may be telling me some things that I don't know about um but um but that that I want to make sure is on on the radar for our budget um and then um this is me personally citizen no no board member I would I would love for us to investigate getting uh ground lighting around the sidewalks at Lake defunc um just a a safety issue um we've we've got a lot of people walking biking um all hours of the day and and and into the evening and and I've I've heard from several people me included that it just it it feels a little scary and I think that we could like the path um you know in a way that you can feel like you're not completely in the dark uh and and then from the uh back to the board uh the sort of unifying our downtown in a consistent like Todd you were talking about um you know it's the whole picture it's the big picture it's the little things um you know the the burgundy Planters I don't know where those came from or who came up with them or or or who decided where they were going to be placed but uh having some consistency having the same benches the same Planters having plenty of garbage receptacles and please please please include more for garbage re receptacles uh around our Park areas um in including Lake defunc and I'll hush now thank you very much thank Youk you yes ma'am Mr Valley was talking about the tax situation and I know you've heard that from me this from me before but I would like to see more people annexed in and I know it has to come from them but we have to sell ourselves and I'd like to share you with you one way that we can share ourselves uh sell ourselves not very many days ago I had um reason to call the police department for a well check they were there within very very few minutes then about an hour or two later I had reason to call the ambulance and the fire department was there within one or two minutes and if that's not something something to be proud of and that we can sell to those people who use our utilities but don't come in our city I don't know what is thank you very much I agree C got a lot on the plate I would like y'all to put this down you have a 9y- old citizen that's on the East end of town that was that say a 90 year old citizen that's on the East end of town yep have not had sewage since you've been here I have six houses personally don't have sewage and there are six more and we within a half a city block from the $4,000 that the city help spend from best Weston to the sewage plan 4 million excuse me also it's not being used the pressure man I asked U Newber and I talked to Jacob about the situation and from the area they can put grinder pumps down at caral Loop and pick up to the Second Street to each line not only that I talked to our lawyer way back that the ceas now Clayton aism and he made a statement to me I never forgot eventually City got to put sewage there you put on new hous at Pine W you got one over here on O Street that hadn't come on you put new houses on Davies you got new blocks coming on but the people here don't even have sewage I think we missing out on the opportunity and I don't know why you put new houses on and neglect those that been here all the time they paying the water bill they can pay the sewage Bill not only that I've been working with the state representatives and some other community Representatives try to help the city along I'm not happy right now at all Kobe got his hands full and I think for the you sharing your time with me and other counsilman but also I have a responsibility as a citizen this man come into a job that lacks of a Workforce I want to make one suggestion the Lo for bread is not the same price it was two months ago I'm a taxpaying uh citizen your employee need a raise I did say your employees of the city need to raise also I say we need to work with the state representatives from this area and with the prison system because the inmate sit out there can be vetted can be vetted to help the citizen uh excuse me my time is left but I'm going on yeah okay around Lake yard shouldn't be one leaf on the ground but now we can use our taxpaying dollar to feed them to house them medical dental and everything but we're not using our rights to exercise them around the community that they need be piding back to community for what they did I not see and punish them a lot of them want to get out and get out of the community and I know they have to be better because I used to work with them but we lacking a grand opportunity I'm not getting paid for what I do because I have a commitment not to just sit on My Toot to do nothing we always put here for a reason not just to draw a Sal from the city or wherever entity you working in we have a more and spiritual Duty I always see that always see it and what I'm telling you is that we are wasting opportunity to get inmate crew mes and help this man out a lot of people are not going to work right now because government getting too many checks but I guarantee you your check you paying for that prison out there I guarantee you that you paying for food stamps have you ever thought about this we pay a lot of taxpaying I paid $8,000 down at the County office on my land you notice people live in Oakdale spring East we call it 20th Street you ever thinking about this they never pay no taxes you know why cuz you all paying it they living off all I'm not saying that they can't live off a system but they ought to pay something if nothing 50 Cent a square foot in the complex they living in or 20 cent they ought to contribute something back to the community they don't even some place pay the water bill and sewage and we over there we can't even get sewage we got a hole and fell over there State just abandon it I lost over $3,000 wor material in my building can't do nothing with it until they fix the hole it's over 20 ft deep and causing you trouble over on berdick and other places we got some problems and if you don't address the problem is it like of Sword it's going to fester and get bigger and bigger and bigger I would like to make a request tonight please I'd like to make a request is it possible that y'all can get sew to those 12 houses is it possible that you can work with the DC and the warden and the state representative to get more work Crews to help this man he got major problems his here going to be great as M for us over and I'm serious ain't no black thing ain't no white thing it's a people thing it's Community thing I'm telling you we should not have nothing happened around Lake yard or all our beautification we got all we got over 2200 prisoners up there and I see it all the time they ain't up there for singing too loud in Sunday school I know they caught the hand with the cookie jar somewhere or the candy jar but all I'm asking is is it possible is it possible it's possible when you put on all them new homes out here two and 300 and you bypass in 9 year old lady right down below me no s can't even take a a hot shower every night I se run over cost $600 a pump it it's four houses there bar there three behind them and I got six up we on separ WE to which I know we all got problem but the line up there that that state built the hold and caved in it's going down the burdi going down the sewage plant filling up with dirt it need to be address there three things I'm a question address the sewage address the hole Andress the inmate I'm not asking you to pay for anything I'm asking you to address it do something with it I know you can I know if it was your mama your Grandmama you would I know you would I'm just on a request and asking can you do something with it please is it possible the book tell me all things AP through Jesus Christ who strengthen me but as I leave to y'all y'all got a more than a spiritual responsibility as Ken Rogers say you got to know when to hold it you got to know when to but you got no when to walk away or run and I ain't doing NE one right now I I appreciate time thank you you you thank you yes sir anyone else I was just going to come up and make a little bit of announcement yri Matthews Walton County Eda um there was some conversation regarding the three contract ual obligations for funding um one thing I just wanted to make sure that everybody in the public knows and the council knows on Friday this 21st of uh June we're going to be having an open house it'll be taking place from 9 to 11: and we would welcome the entire community and yourselves to come participate and uh and see about some of the really big wins we've had over this last year and um see some of the new Direction at the Eda so I just want to make that on the record here for everybody to uh to come on out will you tell them the address please so everybody listening can hear great Point thank you so much we're at 9008 uh us990 uh so we're at the uh shiaka Center um by northw Florida State College in the main building we are actually on the west face there's two double doors on the north end of that West face there's a parking lot in between that building and a two-story building which is used for uh The Works facility thank you is that helpful got a little little specific there thank you all great job thank you sir yes anyone else any public comments all right now we're going to close the floor for comments and uh with is any other business speak now forever holding peace I just want to say Kobe thank you you've been really stepping up to the plate and really knocking it out of the ball park and thank you for everything you're doing you're just a forward thinker you always on the ball you're juggling a lot so just thank you keep up the good work all right we call us me journe